#pain in the ass to figure out but i think its my fav bit of the lineart
nuudoodles · 5 months
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lil toe beans
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mango-jpeg · 3 months
st elmo's fire and drop the knife notes
(i wasn't sure at first if i would make these posts again this year (like.. get a new bit bro) but ultimately i do think they're helpful for me so i'll stick w it for now)
i don’t remember much about persona 3 from playing it 15 years ago. basically all i remember is 1) being obsessed with akihiko 2) sobbing like a baby when i finished it @ 2 am 3) the crackly, fuzzy quality of my old tube tv
anyway i also don't remember writing much of st elmo's fire bc i was so inside it the whole time. i did think more about structure for both fics, i think that's something i'm going to focus on more this year
sidenote: i read chuck palahniuk's consider this in jan which was a great read on its own and also gave me lots to think about re: writing, and influenced me/my thinking for both of these fics
additional sidenote: coming to terms w the fact that the style of writing i enjoy most + would like to imitate works best in first person but i do not want to write or read first person fanfiction
for the first time i wrote drafts/outlines of almost every scene in my notes app then wrote them out fully in docs, which it turns out is a good way to do things
past tense? again?? who am i.
st elmo’s fire wrote from feb 6-7? to feb 25
this is maybe the most for me and only me thing i’ve written. i’ve wanted to write an awkward morning after pill scene for so long
looked up their personas bc i was curious about their mythology and obviously seized on the st elmo’s fire thing
(i thought it'd be cool to include a bit of magic in a fic that otherwise ignores all the canon magic)
this fic was my way of reaching back thru time to my horrible teenage self + saying you’re gonna be ok kid
I Have Some Questions for You, Rebecca Makkai
Me Talk Pretty One Day, David Sedaris
Heartburn, Nora Ephron
listening: st elmo’s fire (approx 40 times a day), hold it in
fav early bit i wrote: the whole paragraph about shinji’s boobs a fav late addition:
Inside the air was dry and charged; Akihiko was sure if he touched Shinji he’d spark. He felt the kind of calm certainty he usually felt only before matches, when he knew the result would be in his favour.
drop the knife wrote from feb 21 to mar 10
i have sequel disease. once i've written the long 'figuring out the characters' fic i neeeed to write another one. i think it's getting worse actually, i think i might have trilogy disease (write one long standalone and immediately want to write 2 related works)
the kind of cooking i do is soup. if i had things my way this is the only food we'd eat. this made writing the recipes a huge pain in the ass bc i do not think shinji is a 'throw everything into a pot and let it figure itself out' kind of cook
took the key lime pie recipe straight out of the last chapter of heartburn. idk if this is really the ‘right’ dessert but it’s the kind of food i’d actually make and i wanted to include one heartburn recipe
i thought writing aki instead of akihiko for the whole fic would be annoying and then switching between the two became a way of reflecting shinji's attempt at putting distance between them ie. thinks 'aki' in the abstract, and when his guard is low. idk how much that comes thru in reading but i made the attempt
Heartburn, Nora Ephron (i reread chapters for 3 weeks. i loved everything about this book. i’m codependent on it now.)
Wallflower at the Orgy, Nora Ephron
Tokyo Ueno Station, Yu Miri
Slaughterhouse Five, Kurt Vonnegut
listening: sore, knife, i got heaven
fav early bit:
Aki looked at him. He was within arm’s reach and his face was soft in a way it rarely was, his eyes large in the dark. Shinjiro wanted him in ways he’d given up on long ago, wanted him bloody and beneath him, wanted him laughing and leaning in to close the distance.
late addition:
Aki was like one of those dogs bred to rip prey out of their burrows or drag sleds across the tundra; being forced to stay inside was torturous, he needed something he could sink his teeth into.
took me ages to come up with a title, i didn’t even have a working one. found the poem oxygen when i went searching and i liked the phrase drop the knife bc knives are used in cooking (lol) + implies being disarmed + the poem has the sort of half of my soul vibe these guys have goin on
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sukirichi · 3 years
total opposites
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You and Toge swap bodies after encountering a fairytale curse, and similar to its origin, it also takes a fairytale method to break it.
REQUEST. body swap au + best friends to lovers
CONTENT/WARNINGS. slight crack fic, some cursing, implications of nsfw but nothing explicit, just Toge being a not-so closet pervert, usual best friend bickering, reader is fem bodied, unedited story (I should stop saying this, everyone knows I don’t edit my stuff)
NOTES. I enjoyed writing this, tysm for the request anon, this was really cute! definitely this is shooting up in one of my fav works ever (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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You stretched your arms overhead, feeling great after sleeping in. It wasn’t common of you to sleep this late, but you and Toge had gone stargazing the night before. A smile made its way to your face as you reminisced him reciting rice ball ingredients, signing that he was telling poetry to ‘match the mood’ until you’d both fallen asleep on the soft blanket atop a hill.
You don’t remember how you made it back to your room, but figured that Toge had carried you back home before the sun rose. Making a mental note to thank your best friend later, you yawned as you padded out to your room, hands rubbing in circles at your stomach.
Hopefully breakfast would be amazing today.
The door next to you opened, revealing your younger classmate, and you frowned, because wasn’t Kugisaki your next door neighbour? Well, whatever, he, Yuuji, and Kugisaki might’ve taken advantage of the rare, peaceful weekend that they probably had a movie marathon the night before.
“Morning, Megumi!” you greeted, coughing a bit when you sounded off, throat a little horse and itchy. At the sound of your voice, Megumi stilled in his tracks, eyes wide at you. His comical expression had you barking in laughter, shooting finger guns his way as you wiggled your eyebrows. “Ey, be a good dog and bark for me, will you?”
Semi-visible sonic waves drifted like waves after one another out your mouth. Megumi scowled before he froze the next second, ears perked up and backside wagging in replacement of a tail. “Woof woof!”
“What the hell?” you reeled back in slight disgust, your underclassman’s cheeks burning red. Then, your lips grazed against a soft cloth, making you look down.
You blinked back once. Twice. You were definitely...built different today. Curiously, you tugged at the zipper peaking out from your black collar, the familiar zhoop sound of the zipper burned into your memory after hearing your best friend do it countless times before.
In front of you, Megumi screeched – the most noise he’d made ever since you met him – his jaw dropped open while you – or rather Toge stood at the end of the hallway, his hands squeezing at your breasts that were still under last night’s pyjamas. You blinked back once. Then twice, steam pouring from your nose when Toge, in your body, pointed at his body. 
“Oh, oh!” your scream bounced off the hallways hard enough that Panda slammed his door open, about to tell everyone to shut up when your voice let out a high-pitched scream.
“What are you doing in my body?!”
Looking down at where Toge was pointing, you were greeted by the sight of his dark uniform and sock clad feet, your chest replaced with hard muscles instead of the soft flesh. You turned to Toge with a stupefied look that mirrored his, both of you falling on the ground with fists pounding on the hardwood floor.
“I’m a fucking girl!” he cried out, whether out of happiness or frustration, it was hard to tell.
Meanwhile, you zipped his collar back up, tugging at his off-white hair as you forced yourself to remember his limited vocabulary. “BONITO FLAKES!”
Now you understood Toge’s frustration of being a cursed speech user. 
“Bonito Flakes” definitely did not hold the same fury as “FUCK” did.
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“You and I need to set down some boundaries,” you signed to him, brows pulled together. Toge seemed to be enjoying this sudden body swap a lot more than you did since he hadn’t stopped posing in the mirror the moment you pushed him back to your room, locking it shut to get some privacy. “You are not, under any circumstances, allowed to shower, do you understand?”
Toge scowled at your words, sassy as ever with his hands placed on his hips, buttocks jutted out. You hated, absolutely hated that he used your body this way because this time you couldn’t even laugh – not when seeing your body felt this awkward.
“You would really rather me stink?”
“You can’t undress too! Ever! Or if you will, your eyes better be closed. No peeking too!”
“Y/N, you and I grew up together. I’ve already seen everything,” he rolled his eyes, earning him a hard slap from the arm. Considering he was a lot more muscular than you were, your hit came a lot harder. “Ow!” he protested, rubbing the sore spot that ached, only to laugh at the sounds emitting from his lips. “Wow, I have to admit that this is really fun though. I’m actually talking,” he announced, “Hey, say salmon for me.”
“Bonito flakes!” you shook your head, “The moment Principal Yaga is back, we’re going to talk to him, okay? I don’t want to be stuck in your body any longer!”
“Please, you’re lucky you get to feel me up,” he winked at you, taking your (his) hands to flatten it on his stomach. “Come on, come on, feel my abs!” Whack. “Would you please stop slapping me? Your body is a lot more delicate than mine and my hands are – stop slapping me!”
Feeling bad for your friend and not wanting to abuse your body too much, you raised your hands in surrender with a roll of your eyes. “I can’t take you seriously with that voice. You’re too cute.”
“Complimenting ourselves now, aren’t we?” he scoffed, “Well, whatever, you are cute, especially when you’re angry. Such a shame I can’t see you do that right now because my handsome face is looking back at me.”
“I won’t hesitate to choke you, my friend.”
“You wouldn’t. You adore your body too much,” contrary to his words, Toge pulled a defensive stance. You threw a pillow at him, to which he easily dodged, clutching at the hem of your pyjamas afterwards. “Speaking of bodies, I really need to pee.”
“Hold it!”
“Are you insane? I’m not holding it, you’re going to kill us both!”
“Fine, I’ll take you to the rest room then,” you tugged at the hood of your shirt, pushing him inside the communal female restroom. Toge stood in the middle shock still, evidently flustered at the stalls and lack of urinals. You flicked a finger on his forehead, finger pointed to a stall. “Go pee. That’s my body – I need to make sure you’re not going to do anything weird with it.”
“I thought you trusted me, friend. Why would you think I’d touch you that way?”
You gave him an ‘are you serious?’ look. “You jack off every fucking night, Toge. I can hear you even from the next hallway. Plus, you’re a horny teenage male, who’s to say you wouldn’t be curious and try to see what female masturbation feels like?”
His eyes lit up at the idea, fist coming down to bounce at the palm of his hand as he nodded. “That’s actually a good idea—”
“Don’t you even dare.”
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“What?!” you and Toge both exclaimed. He faced you with utter horror written on his face and you gasped, slapping both palms over your lips.
“It is true,” Principal Yaga affirmed with a grim look on his face. He’d recently got back to fetch your troublesome Gojo-Sensei who’d been caught starting a ruckus in Roponggi while women flocked around him, leading to your principal to haul his ass back to the school grounds. “Some curses are manifested through daily objects, and sometimes even through nature. That shooting star you saw was an example of that.”
“But is kissing really necessary?” Toge queried with a wary gaze sent your way.
“It’s a fairytale curse. It can only be broken through a true love’s kiss.”
“But sir, Toge and I have never dated anyone before. How can we miraculously fall in love with someone to break this curse overnight?”
“It doesn’t have to happen overnight. Sometimes, a simple crush will do,” Principal Yaga sighed, scratching his bald head with his face pulled deep in thought. “Y/N, you have a crush on Gojo-Sensei right? I’m going to kill him if he actually kisses you – and knowing that damn brat he might if you ask him – but I think a kiss on the cheek will suffice. For now, you both just have to...broaden your relationships. Maybe go out on dates.”
“I don’t mind that. In fact, I’m going to have the time of my life,” Toge cheered, his mood dampening once he saw you stiffen. “But my body is...”
Knowing full well that he’d get insecure over his lack of speech again, you glared at him hard enough that your best friend straightened up, lips puckered out in a pout as if you hadn’t just caught him talking badly about himself again when you’ve told him countless times he was perfectly fine the way he was.
It made you sigh, feeling slightly bad that until now he still couldn’t see himself the way you saw him – not that you’d ever vocalize this; Toge would never shut up (in the best way he could) if he had the slightest idea what went inside your head.
“You’re lucky you have a pretty face. Otherwise, it’s going to be impossible for anyone to like you,” you teased instead, somewhat flustered at your indirect compliment.
Toge merely scoffed at you, his gaze burning and hard, contrasting the teasing little shit grin he wore. “Oh, please, if I wasn’t the cursed speech user, I would’ve banged—”
“Kids!” Principal Yaga threw his dolls at you hard, the both of you clutching at your heads in pain. How were those dolls as heavy as rocks? “Take your bickering back to your rooms please. No more of this mess and noise. It’s late.”
You frowned at the old man, face pleading as you signed, “Principal Yaga, can’t we really do anything else? Aren’t there any techniques to undo this?”
You and Toge knew that combination so well – pitch black eyes, jaw clenched, lips pursed and palms interlaced under his chin – one that meant his words were final and irrevocable. None of you could argue or suggest more solutions the moment the words left his lips like an ultimate decree. “The technique is the kiss. Now leave.”
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You and Toge tried, you both really did. 
But following Principal Yaga’s suggestion of dating others had turned out to be a complete fail – even with your normal body and Toge’s physical charisma. 
It simply didn’t work; not when Megumi ran away from you every time you tried to get him to kiss you with your arms wide open, and Toge wasn’t helping either by pushing Gojo-Sensei away from you every time the cheeky eyed teacher announced his willingness to help.
Eventually, you and your best friend had retired in his room, the scent of him coated all over his pillows and his shirt that you wore. That felt comforting, at least, and you buried yourself in the crook of your body’s neck, bodies tangled with one another.
Who knew dating could be so tiring?
A wave of irritation flashed over you from today’s events, knowing full well that this could’ve been avoided long ago. Scowling, you cuddled Toge closer, lightly flicking your fingers on your body’s chest. “This is your damn fault, Toge.”
“You were the one who asked me to stargaze with you.”
“You don’t always have to say no to everything I ask of you, you know.”
“You’re really dumber than I thought if you think I could easily say no to you,” he snorted above you, his chin resting atop your head. “I don’t have a lot of weakness because I’m a strong sorcerer—” another flick, a harsher one this time around. “Okay, okay, I’m just kidding! But I mean it though – you’re my best friend and my weakness. Of course I’d do anything to make you happy, even if it’s something as stupid as stargazing.”
“Hey!” you made a sound of protest in your throat, looking back at him with a frown. “It wasn’t stupid, it was romantic.”
Hell yeah, it was romantic indeed – your heart still skipped a beat every time you remembered Toge’s starry eyes matching the night sky’s beauty, the words salmon and mustard leaf surprisingly sexy every time it came from him. It was stupid – so fucking stupid – that you groaned into his chest to hide your flushed face.
“Yeah, I suppose it was.”
The room fell silent, your syncopated breathing soothing during this stressful times. Taking advantage of your voice, Toge began to hum, singing the songs you both had always listened to in the privacy of your room during lazy days. It brought a smile to your face as you clutched to him tighter, heart pounding in your chest as you gazed up at him, tapping his chin to get his attention. “Toge, can I say something weird?”
“Please, nothing you say surprises me anymore. Shoot.”
Your mouth began to dry as you cleared your throat in an attempt to hide your awkwardness, gaze pointedly averted from his prying ones. “You and I...we’ve known each other for a long time and we love each other. As best friends, of course.”
“Sheesh, friendzone much?”
“Would you please shut up and listen to me seriously for once?” you huffed, making him snicker, but nodded at you anyway to continue. “As I was saying – why don’t we kiss? It could be true love’s kiss.”
Toge didn’t speak for a good minute, the pregnant pause filling in the gap filled with tension. You taped his cheek, waving his hand in front of his eyes when he dazed out. When his gaze focussed back on you, Toge was surprisingly calm – although beneath that composed exterior, his mind had simply short-circuited. “If this is your way to get to make out with me, I’m going to sock you in the face.”
“Toge, I’m serious! Let’s kiss!”
“I don’t want to!” he shook his head indignantly, hiding his face by hugging you close to his chest instead.
“Why not? Don’t you want to swap back to your original body? Both of us haven’t showered in two days and I’m sick of the way you smell. You’re lucky I love you though, otherwise I’m going to cry. Come on, Toge, what’s holding you back?” you tried to fight back from his grip, but he’d surprised you both when he only squeezed you tighter, both your erratic heart rates matching the other.
“I said no.”
“Toge, it’s just a damn kiss, what’re you so afraid of?”
“I’m afraid that if we don’t swap back, then that means you don’t love me the way I love you!” he finally admitted, breathing hard before continuing. “Principal Yaga said it must be a kiss between lovers and not just platonic friends okay?” you attempted to scramble away from his arms again, and this time he let you, though he’d closed his eyes, cheek squished on the pillows as he murmured, “I don’t want you to reject me... even though I messed up already.”
“Wait,” you snapped your fingers to make him open his eyes, hesitant as you signed, “You...you love me that way?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Why not?”
“Because my face is staring back at me and it’s fucking awkward – I wanted to see your face when I confessed!” he sat up with a frustrated groan, childishly kicking off the sheets of the bed as he clutched his head in his hands. “I had everything planned, okay? Nobara and Yuuji helped me think of everything because Megumi is shit when it comes to love. Listen, I was going to ask you on a candlelit date and then maybe kiss the life out of you – if you feel the same way—”
“Kiss me.” The body he possessed a victim of his own powers, Toge was left with no choice but to grab your face before his mouth pressed against yours, fingers entangled into the other’s hair. You were smiling into the kiss the whole time, barely able to recognize when Toge had shifted your bodies until you were under him, his hands running down your sides lovingly the whole time. 
Pulling away to get some air, you opened your eyes, unsurprised when Toge laid above you, his strong arms planted beside your head.
Both of you were breathing hard from the passionate kiss filled with so much sexual tension and longing, your tongue darting out to swipe at his taste on your lips. The laughter that bubbled out of you was pure, wholesome and swollen like your heart. “I love you too, idiot.”
“Salmon!” Toge peppered your cheeks with kisses, pulling out more gleeful laughter from you, his playful and loving attacks more of a gift than a punishment. Once you’d recovered from your happiness – although really, who could recover after that? – Toge unzipped his collar, his smile nothing but wicked when he commanded, “Kiss me again.”
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dilftaroooo · 3 years
hi! can you please write a nsfw oneshot for dio brando x fem! reader ? to be a little specific; can you add a boss/assistant dynamic & corruption kink? tysm ( ◠‿◠ )❣️
mmm corruption kink. thats absolutely my fav, anon 🤤. i'll be more than happy to write it for you. enjoy!
(business office au)
you gotta earn it. (boss!dio x secretary!reader)
word count: //1.7k+//
synopsis: you want that raise? then show mr.brando what it is you're willing to give up to him. it's only fair.
tw/tags: dubcon, nipple play, corruption kink, size difference (not heavily mentioned though), business attire, afab reader, cute virgin reader.
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Those words left you speechless; stiff in your spot as you looked into piercing, yellow, eyes. He said it in such a nonchalant manner, you don't think he even took a double take on your question. You spent so much effort to muster up the courage to ask your boss the question that you dread to be answered - but not in this way. He must have made a mistake.
"'No'...?" You echoed.
Dio leaned back in his seat, eye contact never faltering as he crossed his legs, burgundy colored dress pants ruffled at the movement. He tilted his head in a mocking manner as one well groomed eyebrow raised upwards.
"Oh dear. Perhaps my beloved secretary has gone deaf? I shall repeat myself once more: 'No' meaning, 'No, I will not offer you a raise.'"
Your fist clenched as you try to fight back the tears of humiliation and neglect. Why? Why did he refuse you? You worked so hard for him and you knew he knew that. So why won't he give you this raise? Leave it to Dio to crumble up your acts of valor and throw them into a fiery pit.
Trying to regain your composure, you speak up,
"But, sir, Why? I've done so much for you these past couple years; schedule your meetings, review your records and documents, compose orientations for newcomers. I even make sure to make your coffee each morning - a long black with two shots of expresso."
Your eyes were becoming wet. You were on brink of breaking down and crying right in front of your boss. You don't even think he was the slightest bit convinced by your retort. All he did was observe you with a wicked smirk plastered on his face. There was no change in his features but, reluctantly, you resume.
"Please, Mr.Brando. Please give me this raise. I-I'll try to do better for you! Just tell me what it is I need to do. Please, I'll do anything, Mr.Brando."
Dio stiffened. It was that keyword that gained his attention: 'anything'.
"'Anything', you say?" You nod and a flash of his white teeth glimmered from the building's colorless light on the ceiling. His chuckle was deep. "Think before spouting careless words such as that, my little mouse." The small squeak emerges from his office chair as he gets up, approaching your meek figure and you cower at his nearness. His fingers gently grasped your hair and you notice how well kept they were - manicured with a clear polish and decorated with gold rings. You didn't miss the Rolex watch wrapped around his wrist.
"Such pretty hair," He lightly plays with your mane before tightening his grip and hoisting your head up, forcing you to look directly at him. "You don't mind if I tug on it do you, love?" He adores the wince you let out, eyes scrunched close with pain.
"Ouch! Mr.Brando, Please stop-"
"Oh but you said you would do anything for me, remember? So I'm allowed to use you however I please. You want a raise, don't you?" Your face burns when his lips feather against the skin of your cheek. You heave out a low sigh at his deed. Dio deliberately consumes your reaction - savoring it like the smoothest red wine.
"Have you ever been fucked before, dear?" The amorous question made you whine. This was just too dirty. You shake your head for an answer.
"N-No, sir."
"Really? You've never been touched before? No one has ever pounded that filthy, little, pussy of yours? Tsk, tsk, tsk - What a shame. Looks like I have to change that." He lets go of your scalp but your head never moves, eyes still on his frame as you process his words.
"Wait, Mr.Brando, please. I've never- oh!" You were put to an abrupt stop when he picked you up from under your arms and legs before setting you down on his desk. It messy with scattered documents he found frivolous and purposeless, there were much more important matters at hand.
Tearing off your white dress shirt and bra in a blink of an eye, he gave your mounds a carnivorous stare, gulping at your nipples swell at his glance. He wasted no time kneading them. You let out a moan from his heated touch. It was foreign to you.
"What a lewd sound you made just now, Y/n. You like this, right? I barely even started." His fingers teased your stiff buds, pinching and pulling at them.
"Ngh- No, Mr.Brando..."
His touches were blunt and straightforward, they were rough as he assailed your fragile body. He was fervent to take it to the next step. He lifts your legs up to take off your pencil skirt.
He lets out a delighted sigh beyond seeing your choice of underwear. "Lacy panties? Was my little mouse expecting this? Getting all dressed up for your boss. You're such a nasty fucking girl."
"That's not true! I was in a rush to-"
"Excuses, excuses. That's all I hear from you. Shut up and take your panties off. I want to see how wet your cunt is." You obeyed under his stern tone - slowly stripping off your red-laced panties. You still had your legs closed, ashamed to show him your untouched flower but Dio pried them open by your knees. Your heady scent instantly fills his nose and he takes this time to observe your pussy, you were soaked - vagina pulsating, waiting for anything to be plunged inside, trimmed hairs placed on your pubic area, clit swollen with excitement. It was remarkable.
"Look at you, throbbing so greedily." He puts two thickset fingers in your sopping pussy without warning." An invevitable moan escaped your lips when he applied pressure to your g-spot.
"M-Mr.Brando - mmmm - that spot, you're hitting that-"
"Quiet, little mouse. As much as I love to hear you scream did you forget the setting we're in right now? I hate the idea of someone seeing this pretty pussy other than me." You pitch your voice down an octave - not too fond of the idea of being caught by your coworkers (especially by Jonathan).
His digits rapidly thrash inside you, bodily fluids flew everywhere. "You're making such a mess all over me. So sloppy. I have no doubt that this is what my little mouse wanted. Your grip is so firm around me." Your small hand cover your painted lips. You didn't want anyone to hear you but Dio was making it all too hard, he was hitting all of the right spots within you.
Pulling his fingers out, he unzips his flyer and sought out for his cock. His length was huge, you were unsure if you should even continue. His member intimidated you. Dio knew you were on edge, he softly coos at your expression.
"Aw, don't worry, sweetheart. You'll only feel a slight pinch." Aiming his shaft to your entrance, you recoil once he plummets inside of you, tip kissing your womb. What you felt was more than a pinch. it was easily comparable to being stabbed in your nether regions. Tears flowed from your eyes.
"Pull out! Please, it huuurts!" Your cries were ignored as Dio continued slamming into you like no tomorrow. He covered your mouth with his large hand, muffling your wails.
"Ah- You feel that? My cock jabbing at your womb?" His thrust slow down so you can feel every inch of him - veins feeling more prominent than before. "That's how deep I go inside of you. This tiny body of yours can't handle a cock like mine. Ha! And would you look at that, I can even see your stomach bulging from my dick. How filthy."
He traced his fingers along the bulge forming near your abdomen. He rams in you relentlessly. You gripped the sleeves of his business suit, wrinkling them while doing so. Dio was fired up by the calls of his name leaving your lips, making him go at a, almost inhuman, pace.
Vulgar slaps of skin filled the room and you were both close to coming. Dio's hot breaths reached your ear and his thrusts losses its initial tempo.
"You're a few inches away from getting that raise, sweetheart. Just let me fill you with my seed." He bites the crevice of your neck - his teeth were sharp.
"Mr.Brando-! I'm gonna come...Agh- Mr.Brando... D-Dio!" Said man met his high after his name was yelped - relieved to let himself go, his cum spurts deep in your walls. You came shortly after by the feeling of him filling you up. Both of you sigh.
He hoists himself up off of you to put his dick back in his pants and fix his attire. You grimace at the slimy fluids now sticking between your legs. Dio scoffed. "Consider yourself lucky, little mouse. You finally got that raise you so desparately wanted. What's wrong with a little cum in you, hm?"
A bit irritated, you get dressed as well, getting ready to leave his office. But before you can exit, he turns you around to face him, eyebrow lifted in question.
"Leaving now? Have you forgotten what to say?" You assume he wanted some form of gratitude from you for giving you a raise.
"Thank you, Di-
"Hmmm? Did I fuck you so dense you forgot who I am to you?" You blush at his smile.
"T-Thank you, Mr.Brando."
"Good girl. Run along now." He slaps your ass before you leave.
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"Dio, why do you smell like sweat? The only thing you do is sign papers and present at meetings." Jonathan frowned at Dio's pungent scent. The man chortled at Jonathan's exasperation. If only he knew what happened behind closed doors.
"Don't worry about it, JoJo. A little boy like you wouldn't understand."
"We're the same age, Dio."
"Oh yeah. You're right. You have such the resemblance of a child that I must've forgotten." Dio teases. The both head to the parking lot of their company to call to it a night. Jonathan clenched his teeth.
"I do not! Just what in the hell were you doing in your office? Working out?"
Dio roared out a large laugh at the word akin to what you and him did earlier today.
"Yeah.. you can call it that."
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this fic belongs to @dilftaroooo
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pynkhues · 3 years
Please recommend some of your fav Rio fics!
Of course, anon! Since you asked for Rio fics, I'm going to guess you meant Rio POV fics? If not, I'm sorry, haha, because that's what I've collated, but I hope you give these a shot regardless! They're all fics I think are pretty great. ;-)
Below a cut, because this got long.
But when he does reappear at the store—she still doesn't hear him coming, she needs to work on that—she's wearing a fuckin' dress, and he's glad she hasn't seen him yet because he can't stop himself from grinning.
Maybe it ain't for him, but given the fact that he doesn't think he's seen her legs since he came back—aside from that one night at the bar when she was definitely feeling herself—it seems like this is an intentional break in the pattern. Either way, he fuckin' loves the idea that she's been dressing up all week, not sure if he's coming but wanting to be ready if he does.
Now Use Both Hands by ms_scarlet / @mego42 6k words. Explicit. Beth x Rio. S3 canon divergence.
Ooooof, this fic causes me physical pain, but I love it a whole lot. Meg really captures Beth and Rio at their most acidic, their most sharp edged, while also managing to balance that with the feelings they desperately don’t want to have. It’s a bit magic, and the fact that she follows this up with another fave, Listening Through the Air Shaft is *chef’s kiss*.
- - - -
When he wakes, he's in a hospital bed, mouth dry as bone and he can taste blood, stale and metallic, on his tongue. The pain in his chest has been dulled by the drugs, but it still lingers, a persistent ache that spikes with every breath.
By all rights, he's a dead man walking.
Ten hours, they had him in surgery. From the look of his chart, he'd flatlined twice, and he can feel the consequences of that, see it in the bruises on his chest, the exhaustion lining the faces of his family. He'd woken to a little hand in his, Pop's cheeks damp with tears, and shit, it'd been close. Too close.
Bury a Friend by @ejunkiet >1k words. Mature. Beth x Rio S3 canon divergence.
Pivoting from 3.01, this fic is a wonderful, quiet character study that looks at Rio in the aftermath of the shooting before he explodes back into Beth’s life. It pulses with emotion and with the promise of catharsis, and it’s just a really special little fic. The Rio voice is terrific too.
- - - -
He finally gets what he needs one day when Elizabeth’s wearing this tight black sweater with a keyhole that shows off just enough to make Rio’s jaw rock. It’s so out of the ordinary, so unlike her ugly li’l sweaters or her surburban mama button-ups, he does a double take, head whippin’ around so fast that she catches it immediately. Then she catches where his gaze lands, where it keeps landin’ through their whole stilted, irritated conversation, and he sees her chest pinken til he can count her freckles. He sucks his lower lip into his mouth, and her lips fall open just the smallest bit, and then she looks up at him.
Eyes locked on each other, Rio takes a step closer. Elizabeth doesn’t back away.
I Will Collect You and Capture You by @foxmagpie 17k words. Explicit. Beth x Rio S3 canon divergence.
I feel like I've recced this fic 1,200 times at this point, haha, but it really is one of my favourite fics in the fandom. It has this sort of grip on you as a reader that almost embodies Beth's grip on Rio in the story, and the way it builds and builds and releases only to build and build again is really delicious, affecting writing.
- - - -
“Com’n her and her lady friends were shakin’”
“Shakin’ about the lemon on the fuckin’ granite, sure.”
They chuckled as the car rolled on, the suburbs slipping away with the sun.
“Think they’ll pay up?”
There was a groan as Rio shifted in his seat, flexing his fingers along the dash.
“Neighborhood like this? Everybody knows someone who knows someone with a trust fund.”
Mick’s lighter flickered, followed by long, rasping inhale. “And a boat.”
Smoke swirled lazily through the open window up into the purple sky.
“And a boat.” Echoed Rio.
Drivin' through the Suburbs by gangfriend / @00gangfriend00 5k words. Teen+. Mick + Rio friendship, Beth x Rio. Canon compliant.
It takes a lot to make me laugh out loud in a fic, but this one does multiple times. It's just insanely fun, and captures Rio and Mick at their most boyish in a way I find utterly charming. It's really, really delightful.
- - - -
She’s got her crimes wrapped up and categorized in folders with labels and post-its. Wrapped up in gift paper with a big blue bow on it. And she’ll probably ask Turner do you want freshly baked cookies or some shit when they go raiding her kitchen.
Rio should really get it under control. Her, get her under control.
She opens the door and slumps onto the front seat, her eyes set angrily on him. Nineteen voicemails and she’s still got things to say: he sees it in the twitch of her hand, the restless, frustrated pattern. Any minute now she’s going to settle on new words to voice her complaints like he’s here to listen. Like he’s got the time— like he cares. Like he’d better.
It’s a Work Thing by isoldewas >1k words. Mature. Beth x Rio. 2.12 canon divergent.
I'm a bit of a sucker for a good canon divergent fic, and this one pivots the car break up in 2.12 in a smutty way that just works unfairly well. It's such a great little fic that really settles well into Rio's headspace during the messiness of s2, and I love it.
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They settle in their respective places and Rio takes the opportunity to give Elizabeth the same once over that asshole did. Her ass really does look great in those pants and she could fill out any shirt. Her eyes linger over him too, tracing his skin, the bar tattoos peeking out from under his t-shirt that she’s seen a million times but she devours at every opportunity. Then her eyes meet his and she gives him that small, crooked lil’ smile.
He’s not one for religion, but every so often he takes his mom to Spanish mass. All the viejitos and pious Catholic types think he’s a banger but his ma’s still excited to show him off. He sits with her in the pew and when the priest asks for the congregation to give thanks to God, he says a prayer for the riches that have come to him, the health and brilliance of his son, the vitality of the other little ones in his life now, and Elizabeth. And when he thinks of her in those moments, he sees her in his mind’s eye with this exact look on her face.
A Bit of a Stretch by @septiembrre 5k words. Teen+. Beth x Rio. Established relationship.
Beth and Rio do a yoga class together! There’s such a lived-in feel to this fic that it feels impossible not to fall a bit in love with it – their relationship is explored in a way that feels true to who the characters are, while sanding down the edges to create something that feels sweet in the way they usually aren’t in canon. It's a great fic, but more than that, it really just works in a way that's a lot more complicated than it looks, and it’s all the more charming for it.
- - - -
He’s happy to keep kissing her like this. To savour it. Realises she’s undone the last few buttons of his shirt at some point as she shoves it down his shoulders. Doesn’t have a second to think about his ugly scars pressed to her skin. Can just feel her little hot palms snaking up his back and grippin’ him tight. Refusing to let any light between them as they kiss for what feels like hours.
He realises these are the lips he’s been tasting. Searching for in other women when his night’s got too unbearably quiet, hunting for an echo of the thing he really wanted. Comin’ up short every damn time. Sweet and soft and lethal. Unique to her.
It’s longing in a way he’s never felt. This is the taste of it.
As Good as This by @riosnecktattoo 5k words. Explicit. Beth x Rio. 4.05 canon divergence.
Okay, I know I just said how much I loved canon divergence fics, but it bears repeating – I love canon divergence fics, haha. This is such a great alternate take on how the wire scene in 4.05 goes down, and it simmers with tension from the opening line. The way it escalates as Rio navigates this newest betrayal works really well too, and it results in a pretty sexy and surprisingly emotional sequence. Magic!
- - - -
“Do we have a deal?” She asks.
When he turns to look at her she’s smiling, and that’s when he realizes he’s absolutely fucked. He’d just fucked himself out of almost a quarter of a million dollars. He lets his eyes drop down her body, licks his lips and nods.
“I choose the place,” he says and turns on his side to face her. “You owe me half - with interest,” he says and slides a hand into her hair. She’s damp, the sweat slowly cooling.
“That’s not what - “ she opens her mouth to protest and he takes that opportunity to slide his mouth across hers and lick into her mouth.
Long Nights by zetuslapetus / @querenaxx 2k words. Explicit. Beth x Rio. S3 canon divergence.
Rio and Beth bone while negotiating a deal! What's not to love, haha. This has such a fun checks and balances feel to it which just makes me want to peel my skin off, it's so good. It's exactly the way I like my Beth and Rio - hot and snarky and constantly trying to get a leg over the other, literally and figuratively. It's the best.
- - - -
He should go out and find someone to fuck. Maybe text one of his hookups. See if Jen’s working. He has options.
He knows what he should do.
But it turns out fucking other people is a worse hell than the one they create when they’re together.
And now that he’s yielded to this wicked ecstasy, he knows he’ll do anything to keep sitting in the fire with her.
To Sit in Hell with You by @daydreamstew 2k words. Beth x Rio. Explicit. s4 canon divergence.
Canon-divergent from 4.06 – Beth and Rio keep hooking up after the time at his grandma’s place. It’s fun and sexy while also keeping the complicated push-pull and lack of communication at the heart of them. Deeelightful.
- - - -
“Does it make it easier?” Maddie asks him once they’re spent, maybe emboldened because he has already brought her into their bed. Which may be unfair, because Lee had been in their bed from the beginning.
“What?” He seems lost in his thoughts, his arm behind his head. In a few minutes he’ll get up and get ready to get back to the factory. Like always, she’ll be looking for her keys so she won’t be late for work.
“Getting it out of your system before you see her.”
Rio glances at her. “I don’t always see you when I see her.”
It’s so rare for him to explicitly mention this woman, however tenuously, and Maddie waits for more. Rio’s gotten like this about a few women in his life but it doesn’t happen often.
Sure am Using You by aniara 2k words. Explicit. Rio x OC, Rio x Beth.
It's not for everyone, but I absolutely love fics that feature characters with other people in ways that tell you something about the characters' feelings about somebody else. In this fic, Rio's fucking one of his childhood friends, but it's all about Beth really, and the way both Rio and the OC negotiate that is really compelling writing, and feels so in character for Rio. I really love it.
- - - -
Rio dreams of her that night, again. It’s irritatingly pedestrian – Elizabeth’s kissing him deep and then, ah, suddenly his gun’s in her hand and she shoots him, with a double encore. It’s always variations on the same futile theme. When he wakes it’s not that he’s freaked, unaware of reality or his whereabouts. But he’s been soaked in anger for so long. He can’t think straight, not on her. It’s honestly terrifying. Cos stubbornly keeping his head on right is – that’s him. Maybe her entire raison d’etre is destroying every single one of his attributes though.
He ain’t sure if his subconscious is desperately screaming that he’s made the wrong move, letting her live. Or if it’s the total opposite. Could be fucking neither. It’s not – it’s not getting any easier. And that main reason for not biting the bullet, that he’d be mad as hell for being mad as hell at himself over killing her, it's not smelling any less idiotic.
Climbing up the Walls by s_t_c_s / @sothischickshe 8k words. Explicit. Beth x Rio. S3 canon divergence.
Another canon divergence from 2.13 and an interpretation of how s3 could've gone, and another one I really love. There's a throughline of chaotic frustration to this fic that rings true to Rio's character for me, and the way that that reverberates through his moments not just with Beth, but alone and with other women, feels really textured and interesting and real. It's pretty great.
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kalinawtokilig · 3 years
S/O with a Charming/Sharp Tongue
Get ready I’m getting all mystic and biblical;
“There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing...” (Proverbs 12:18) 
But we’re gonna use that to SWORD TO THRUST INTO PPL
Pair(s) : Hinata Shouyou x Reader, Goshiki Tsutomu x Reader, Yachi Hitoka x Reader, Koganegawa Kanji x Reader, Haiba Lev x Reader
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Hinata Shouyou x Reader
((Clementine babes,, *cue puppy eyes*))
It wasn’t much of a surprise tbh
Okay it kinda was 
It’s just,,, Hinata can match anyone’s wavelength, y’know??
This babe thinks you’re so frickin cool,,, throwing spats on someone who decides to make the first move to insult you,,, bruh you are literally throwing out clever insults that can make Tsukishima impressed
At first, he was intimidated by you, and was a bit biased, having heard you had the same mannerisms as Saltyshima
He still tried his best to befriend you,, 
And it worked! 
Being paired into a group project, he introduced himself as bubbly and kind as possible 
and damn,, ya heart melted,,, 
You became friends as you both bonded over which type of meat buns taste good after a study 
and you being a sharp, s m o o t h, muthafuca, you said
“If we’re talking meat buns, how bout I take you on another study date? Pork buns, right, Hinata-kun?” 
This boy had to process what you said and became a total pomegranate 
“ : 0 “
“Alright, cutie, c’mon if you get this question right, maybe we can get outta here and get snacks :3c “ 
You’re gonna kill him
and i think we all know he’s okay with that
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Goshiki Tsutomu x Reader
((Omgahhh this babie,,, He is one of my fav first years in HQ,,, I do not pimp,,, I simp))) 
You’re actually a second year whilst this bowl cut bahbie is a first year
When Shiratorizawa lost to Karasuno, it was a defeat that reigned with rumors of how the volleyball team isn’t as great as everyone thought they were
Goshiki was greatly affected by this
He feels he failed his Senpais and felt more of a disappointment rather than a failure
You being a tutor of his, you guys would occasionally converse about tips on self-care or he explains with the cutest expression when he talks proudly of perfecting a spike
he seemed normal, but you can obviously tell he was not okay
Tsutomi-bae was trying to hold his tears in while the students that accompanied the library talked about the defeat of Shiratorizawa
Having enough of this trash talk, you sternly declared each one of them, even seeing a few second-years from Shirabu’s class. Setting them straight and saying that if they can take on the freak duo that happened to attempt to take down not only Dateko, Seijoh, and Shiratorizawa, then they might as well try to come back to school, defeated as well  
 You say at least Tsutomu was able to play against them, playing proudly as the upcoming ace and knowing at least some of their tactics
Sitting down with a huff, you nonchalantly continue to tutor him
He sits there, starry eyes wide, mouth agape, and a pink flush on his face to the tips of his ears
Tilting your head, cutely, I daresay, you ask him if he’s alright
“Y-Yes! Thank you, (Y/N)-senpai!” 
Humming, you smile slyly, “You are really such a cute kohai, Tsumtomu-chan.” 
Congrats, you killed someone
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Yachi Hitoka x Reader
You were a second-year in Nishinoya’s class
You were actually good friends with the libero 
as he was short tempered and ready to throw punches
you were ready to assertively borderline aggressive hurl insults on those who hurt your precious friends
unfortunately, while in a spat against other students, Nishinoya almost foaming at the mouth with Tanaka holding him back, you were snarkily talking the students down into their place
It was their defeat after Seijoh and it hit a sensitive topic to them
Yachi had been bringing paperwork to the teacher’s office and nearly BOLTED when she heard you talk with such confidence with provocation and underlying threat 
when you were finished putting those maggots in their place, your pissed off glare landed on Yachi’s
Oh,,, she’s shaking,,, terrified,,, 
Hurry to leave, she quickly turned around but rammed into the wall, packets falling to the ground
she scurriedly tries to pick them all up,, Babygirl almost shits herself when you tower over her
“P-Please don’t-”
You crouched down to her and she’s sweating bullets, seeing that your hand it outstretching until-
“I’m sorry about that, I didn’t mean to glare, you just so happen to be in my line of sight.” You apologized, helping up pick up the papers
Glancing up, you smile as kindly and less threatening as possible, “I didn’t mean to scare an angel like you, I really am sorry about that.” 
Yachi tries not to combust at the compliment you’ve thrown at her
Getting up, she nods her head in thanks and you ask, “You’re Yachi, right? Noya says another student joined the club, Yachi, he told me. He was right,”
“About what?”
“Managers, specifically you, really do bless the eyes of a person like me.”
Stop killing ppl you sadist
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Koganegawa Kanji x Reader
((I have a thing for blondes,,,, Not atsumu tho, I’ll peg the sh-))
this babie, can just be frustratingly cute
its not that he’s stupid, it’s cause he does more action than thinking
when he does think, it’s on the court and it’s in full hard drive
You usually get into petty spats with Futakuchi cause he’s being too hard on Kogane
“It’s not my fault you have such an obvious crush on him, (Y/N) <3”
“It’s not my fault that you have no one to worry about you the way I do for him Futakuchi-kun </3″
People often mistake why you would for,,, a bubble headed blone himbo like him
“Why do you go for people that are toxic and continue to go back to them when they obviously want your convenience :) ?”
Kogane literally needs to carry you to prevent further provocation
Lots of people don’t get WHY him
And you tell others to worry about their own bitter, single, loveless lives rather than your better and healthy relationship
You are salty and jab at them when they so much as talk negative about your boyfie
Kogane really appreciates you for stepping up for him, but he worries for how far you’d go for him
“Do you...need me to murder someone, baby?” 
“Oh, then you got your answer sweetcheeks ;D”
You, my friend, need to stop
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Haiba Lev x Reader
((Silver-grey haired babes HIT DIFFERENT))
Being in manager of Nekoma is like,,, chaotic but in a way you NEED to prevent Kenma from strangling Kuroo for taking his Nintendoswitch and Yaku yeeting a ball at Lev’s tall ass
Until YOU wanted to yeet a ball at your boyfie’s tall ass
He finally was able to spike a ball. 
but you caught it 
with your face
and blood seeped outta your nose
Kuroo: This is my part no one els- Kenma: Shut up 
Fiery anger. 
Yaku is the one restraining you from going on an all out roast, covering your mouth and holding your shoulders
“Yes, yes, (Y/N), Lev is an idiot.” 
“I agree, he can be a pain in the ass, but YOU’RE the one dating him”
Lev is so sorry. he is so sorry, so so-
“Lev, give me a towel..”
“Yes love.”
While Coach Nekomata calls a break, he chuckles at the young couple, that being you and Lev
Kenma cringes
As he cradles you with his larger figure, a hand resting on your head to lay on his shoulder
“You’ve improved on your spike, bae.” 
“I did?!”
“Yeah, next time aim for Kuroo’s unnatural bedhead, maybe if you hit it, it’ll turn back to normal.”
“Oi, oi (Y/N), watch it. Rudolph.”
Lev freezes when your eyes smile with confidence, and he restrains you
Kenma : “nice pokemon reference”
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twinvictim · 3 years
your opinions on each of the post team silent games and a rating out of 10. hand 'em over
Uh really long post oops. for reference, my rating for the first 4 sh's are as follows
Sh1: 9/10 Sh2: 7/10 Sh3: 9/10 Sh4: 9.5/10
Silent Hill 0/Origins
overall score: 7/10
Alot of the games issues can of course be attributed to it being a psp game, and while i won't excuse everything bc of that, j have to be honest and say I think it had so much potential as a (very) late ps2 game. Not to mention, the game ON THE PSP functions as it should. (The ps2 port does fucking not tho..oops) ans you'll see that this is...a rarity post team silent.
The story has alot of potential, Travis as a character is interesting and sympathetic and j think his dynamic with alessa js super fascinating to dig into, both of them being abused children and there was alot of intrigue regarding his powers, the game feels like a smaller more watered down she, and for that I can't fault it too much. The weapons system isn't my favorite but the combat itself is reminiscent of 1 and 2 and I really like a good chunk of the monster design, there was clearly thought and care put into it, nurses and strughtjackets/lying figures be dammed. The unlockables are pretty cool though and alot of the environments look pretty cool for a psp game, hell i LOVE the theater level its super unique, I would love to see it in (actually functional) better graphics. I also think the puzzles are pretty solid, not hair pulling like sh1 even if they're not quite as clever as say sh3.
My biggest criticisms come from the reuse of sh1 characters (just alessa and Travis would've been fine, maybe dahlia and some more org characters would've been better) the bad ending being straight up bad writing. Not to mention they did the sh3 thing of "kill too many monsters and get the bad ending" which is...stupid. The foreshadowing of the butcher being? He's just kinda there, I like the lead up but it would be more interesting if the butcher represented something from those years between Travis' father dying and him being an adult. And while there's more replayability imo than sh2, it doesn't have difficulty sliders and that makes it kinda hard to come back to quite as often. Not to mention unlike sh1, 3or sh4 there's not as much horror focus and random events.
Overall, solid game its fun to play, very silent Hill and if you're willing to look past a few continuity errors and accept its a little different and slightly derrivitive at the same time, I like to say I had alot of fun with it and still do. (Maybe I just like Travis alot...idk)
Silent Hill: Homecoming
Overall score: 6/10
Once again most of the issues here are gonna be corporate fuck ups, but I'm also not gonna beat around the bush, this game isn't like...good. its bad actually. "But you gave it a 6/10?" Yeah bc its not NEARLY as bad as some other games I've.. experienced.
The negatives here are, many and vast, so let's run them down. Firstly the games performance is janky on console (ps3 at least) and abysmal/unplayable on PC, what with framerate issues that are detrimental to game play on pc and make the third boss impossible. That said on console it is completable and not even too terrible...usually. Scarletts boss fight however is terribly unbalanced and broken on all skews so :/. The combat is...functional but not anyone's favorite, it's difficult to use any actually strong weapon and you can pretty much strong arm ur ways through shit with just the knife (except scarletts first form..don't try it, it won't work) for some people this will be borening (not my opinion but w/e). Most of The puzzles...leave alot to be desired. I hate sliding block puzzles. Also no run button? At all?? No easy mode? Ok... also what is this.. wheel design for the inventory...im accidentally using my serum..what is serum also? And why is the item pickup noise like...bass boosted.
The character models look awful most of the time, and comically unfinished other times, some human models are just grotesque, (judge halloway, Adam shepherd, mayor Bartlett. .you get it) and yes...there are sexy nurses. Bc of course there are. (Whole ass out???) They did straight up have some terrible endings for this game (ph ending for one, the way you get the ufo? Hell the ufo ending is kinda boring. I like the in water ending here too but. Yeah.) the story has some, problems. To say the least.
However, while the performance is bad its not the worst I've played (on the ps3 once again..unplayable on pc) and I hardly noticed the framerate when I was just running around, I personally found the combat kinda fun, between trying to dodge accurately and still attack and not use all my health items (bc those and ammo are actually rare! Unlike some games...) it is kind of a challenge and reminds me of a much worse sh4. And hey, the health items both heal an understandable amount of health that i can easily read with a bar (unlike 1-3) and they're not a complete joke (unlike sh4...) i find the exploration really fun and sure the characters look shit but the environments are Fucking great. The church is one of my fav sections, short as jt might be and yes it stole the confessional scene but its pretty well written and acted I think. The monster design is pretty fucking rad too honestly, I like the schism, siam, I like the DESIGN of the needlers even if they make me so mad to fight, and hey the nurses and ph don't show up that much to be too aggregious. The boss monsters are also fantastic design wise, very unsettling and the boss rooms are interesting as well.
The story has problems but it also has alot of potential, the concept of people sacrificing ther children for silent Hill and being overcome by their own pain and guilt is pretty fucking cool, and alex is a good character they did a good job of giving him personality, ppl bitch about him being a soldier but a) he's not and b) soldiers are people too, and a sh game that could tackle toxic masculinity, be critical of the military, and also tackle abusive religeious parents is pretty intriguing, not to mentions themes of brotherly love that's complicated bc of how they clearly favored Josh . Sure, it misses the mark, but I like taking the potential and thinking about it bc its compelling to me. And like I said, i like alex alot.
Overall, bad game yes, but not the worst as it has enough good for me to honestly really enjoy it, besides it is pretty funny when it is bad. Don't play the pc port tho
Silent Hill Shattered Memories
Overall Score: 8/10
Unpopular opinion im sure but honestly? I find this game ALMOST on par with the team silent games. Its really that good, yes its a wii game, so this is my score taking into account the motion controls BTW.
For the good, man where do i start. Its BEAUTIFUL for a wii game and esp for a post team silent game, the graphics are nice and Constsitent, the environments are pretty and it has a pretty nice cold color pallet to contrast the warmer tones the series tends to skew towards. The acting and intrgrige are all on point and the WRITING is fantastic, its one of those games you play the first time not knowing the twist and play the second time picking up more and more clues and things that strengthen that twist so much more. Like sh2 its a simple story told in such a clever and interesting way that you'll probably be too invested to put it down, I beat it in one sitting in 6 hours bc i was so engrossed in the narrative. And the Puzzles man! The puzzles are phenomenal and fun to accomplish and there's even a little bit of variety in a few places on repeat playthroughs. The level of detail in this game is insane really, the things that change with the different psychology answers are pretty cool too and tho it all plays out relatively the same its still fun to see the different things you can get to happen. The gimmicks like the phone as an object, taking pictures, sneaking and zooming in, they're not too intrusive as to take away from the exploration or other game play but not completely useless and have some pretty fun Easter eggs too. The game plays sort of like a worse outlast with good puzzles and for that I do have to commend it. Oh and the fucking MUSIC is INCREDIBLE idk something ab this soundtrack has alot of heart put into it clearly.
Now, it's not perfect. The thing is, it is a WORSE outlast type game, in the running and hiding sense but well, the hiding is completely useless, its a run away game, which is ok, but I understand that people aren't gonna be a big fan of that when silent Hill has always balanced combat ad puzzles and exploration. The running segments are..aggravating, mostly bc its hard to figure out where to go, not to mention using motion controls that don't like to work half the time to fight the monsters off of you. Also, the monsters are not scarey in the slightest and the raw shock scream is actually enragaging if you've died one to many times, there's also...not really any penalty for dying. And once you're out for these running segments,there's no danger, no monsters, nothing to hide from despite having a hiding mechanic. Its not really a horror game more of a psycological thriller and I understand that the fact that its not horror can be disappointing. The psychology things might be a bit overhyped And yeah fine, the wii foreplay scene...well yeah its weird but it IS also funny as fuck.
That said, there's still alot thats good and alot thas unfair criticism lobbed at this game. Harry didn't have much of a personality in sh1 bc he's a ps1 character and sm really fleshed him out well, not to mention giving cybil some nice characterization, and they did some interesting things with dahlia and kaufmann. And Lisa.. well I'm gonna be honest I never found Lisa all that interesting in sh1..so it doesn't bother me that she's the way she is in this game. I know people hate the "horny" aspect of it but to be completely fair, YOU choose to make the game that way, don't answer in a sexual manner or look at boobs or anything else and you won't have an overly sexual game, its...literally that easy. Its given as an option for the play id they want to go for what is arguably another joke ending. (You cannot tell me sleeze and sirens is meant to be a real serious ending to the game. Cmon) and you can complain about the innacuuracies if you want but its a spin off, a retelling of the original game. Its not canon, and it didn't change the original game. It just took the ideas presented there and made them more human and lest fantastical, there's some supernatural elements but it takes a backseat to the human moments. And its honestly really cool.
Overall, great game, i reccomend it if you don't mind some slight jank with the motion controls and honestly? Look up directions on where to go for the running segments and you'll have a pretty good time overall.
Silent Hill Downpour
Overall score (so far): 7.5/10 *to be noted i haven't finished actually playing it yet but I know the basic plot and some of the details so I doubt it'll change
And so for the final silent Hill Game, I have to say, i don't think it deserves NEARLY the hatred it gets, there's alot about it that i find really cool and even fun and I think its a solid entry, a little better than origins in some parts and its downsides are both unfortunate and once again, mostly Konami's fault . That said, I'm also not gonna kid and say its a good game, just that I like it alot and we should be nicer to the last silent Hill game were probably ever gonna get.
Downpour has a pretty good, original story overall, there's alot to it, alot of intricacies and intrigue to it that honestly make it a pretty sold silent Hill game. Its different enough from the others to stand out but not super far removed from its themes and messages. I like that it doesn't try and lean into the cult aspect and tries to do something else with it, it doesn't try to explain silent Hill, but just use it to torment the characters, as it should be. There's tragedy ad human feelings here and some of them aren't the most...sensitive but they are pretty reasonable reactions id say. Playing as someone who's odds are stacked against him from the beginning as he's a prisoner is a cool way to open the game, someone convicted and you must discover if he is a good person or not. Themes of revenge explored more than in sh3 which is pretty cool. The environments look pretty nice, and i like the look of the otherworld, once again being unique with its cooler color pallet, but without the ice so it really feels like its own thing. The EXPLORATION is awesome with an actual open world which I think works well, there's alot to do in town (unlike sh1 and 0 on limiting hardware and 2 which just pretends you can explore to town but you cant) there's alot for cool little stories and sidequests to do, my favorite so far being the cinema (which has a section of ACTUAL fixed cameras like old Resident evils which is smth SH has never done and its super fucking cool!) And all the sidequess help strengthen murphy as a cheacter and argue for his innocence or complexites. The weapons system is pretty cool, picking up items and attacking with whatever you might find, finding cool Easter eggs with exploration and having fun noticing things. And it does honestly have the strongest side characters outside of SM. The puzzles are pretty solid and fun to figure out with some cool mechanics and the seperate difficulties is a great thing to bring back (actually done well like sh3) I also kind of like the method of triggering the night world/rain/monsters, and silent Hill really feels likes its constantly punishing Murphy, as it should. The music might not be Akira but its still pretty damn good, and fuck yall I like the Korn song, and you CAN press start and skip it yknow. (Thx tomm hewlit)
The negtitives tho, well they are there. For one it has the worst performance of any sh game outside of pc homecoming and like...the hd collection, the framerate like to shit itself alot lmao, its not usually detrimental bc I've played re2r with similar framerates but, yeah its not great. Not to mention while the models look better than hc they don't animate well or often at all, and the game has trouble loading in the models as fast as they should. The sound mixing could use...some work too, poor murph sounds like he's eating the mic. While I find the games exploration really fun, murphy also has the issue of not running very fast so it can be a little annoying to get back to a place you want to be when you can't run that fast, not to mention the loading times. The monster design is def the worst in the series, maybe on par w SM. Which is disappointing bc there's some pretty good moments here and there, but not nearly enough to make it scary and there's so much you can do with monsters with this premise. Also, the running sections in the otherworld are better than SM ad even more engaging than the brief ones in 2 and 3, but still, I'd prefer to do puzzles or fight a boss or smth. I will also say, the endings are, iffy while the main 2 endings are really good and Anne's bad ending as well as the joke ending are great, murphys bad endings are weird and ooc for the muphy you come to know in the game (even more so than Origins) plus, idk that the writers knew all that much about prison andbprison culture, nobody in a real prison would be mad ab Murphy killing a pedo (there's some racist implications here and there too which is. Unfortunate and disappointing. I like Howard and Robbie but they are a bit tropey, esp Howard) that said Anne is a compelling albeit unlikable character and thas pretty cool to see pulled off.
Overall, while it has downsides, I don't think Downpour is worthy of all the scorn it gets, this can have problems and you can point them out without disregarding the good parts and while it is unfortunate it doesn't run better and have some extras and didn't handle some things great, I still think its worth a playthrough, esp if you go out of your way to do the sidequests.
Bonus round
Book of memories is not a game I intend to play bc I don't wanna get a vita and can't imagine I'm missing much. It doesn't look bad pwr say but I'm not interested tbh
Fuck PT. :)
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imaginethathaikyuu · 4 years
How did I find your blog? I was looking for soft Kuroo content on google. And your soft birthday hc’s for him came up. And that’s also how I found tumblr
What was the first story of yours that I read? That Kuroo piece ^
Roughly, how long have I been following this blog? Well I found that piece shortly after it was posted so…. Around the beginning of December 2019 I think. Got a tumblr a few months later and you were the first person I followed (had you in my bookmarks bar before that! (still have you in my bookmarks bar and when I share my screen in classes there are occasionally questions. I ignore them))
What’s something I’ve noticed about you personality wise? You’re really clever and funny. But you’re also sweet. But because you’re clever you have no hesitation in setting up and enforcing your boundaries, and I really admire that strength and confidence.
Have we ever interacted, either by PM, ask, or in the comments? What was my perception of you? YES!!! PM, SOOOOO many asks, comments, and you sent me an ask. And reblogged it. And I cried. A lot. My perception: you’re lovely and I want to h*ld your h*nd ….please.
What’s my favorite story of yours? Oh how to choose. Firstly, I’m a nb, biracial, bisexual. Honey, I’ve never made a choice in my life. But let’s try here. Anything you’ve written for Tsukki. Literally all of it is gold. Fight me. I was going to write “especially [piece title]” but I LITERALLY CANNOT CHOOSE ONE. Your Bokuto nightmare piece. Your Kuroo angsty fight. Your Tendou dealing with S/O with parents who yell piece. Your Kinktobers. Your Futakuchi and Mattsun pieces. And your Terushima pieces. Ugh. I CANNOT CHOOSE. OH AND YOUR STREAMER KENMA!!!!!! OKay just… all of it. I can’t choose. I tried, and I failed, and I’m willing to admit failure.
What’s a story I’d love to see you write? I don’t want to say this… because it hurts me… but I just KNOW you’d write brilliant angst. Some of my fav pieces of yours are pained beginnings with happy endings. That fight with Tsukki after a bad day at work. The pieces I mentioned above (nightmare pieces and fighting pieces and angsty home life ha.. ha.ha.ha.). That Oikawa one where the reader wakes up in bed without him and thinks he left. You write these gorgeous atmospheres and descriptive, visceral feelings, and if you chose to use it for evil…. You could get evil shit done. You’re SO powerful. So I want to read it… but also…. I don’t. I’d love to see you write ABO like you mentioned a while back or just see you explore a cutesy soulmate AU or something. I think you’d be really good at writing an AU where you hear what the other person’s listening too. I feel like you’d be so good at making me feel something for someone who was in another city. (think this would be cute with Tsukki cos he’s headphones boy, OR terushima because I like the dynamic of someone flirty, who clearly cares about looks, falling for someone he can’t see) ANYWAY….
Favorite pairing you write for?/fav reader insert? Tsukishima x reader. It’s my fav self-ship. (but also Mattsun, Bokuto, Oikawa, Tanaka, and Akaashi because you write them SO WELL!!!!)
Have any of your stories helped me through a hard time? Of course. Your self-harm piece came at a time I needed it. Iwaizumi’s in particular saved my life. But also your Tendou dealing with S/O parents who fight… came right when I needed it. Also starting college… was hard.. And reading and rereading your fluff really pulled me through it.
Have any of your stories hit closer to home? YES (see above).
Do I genuinely like your blog, it’s aesthetic or posts? It’s overall feel? It’s content? Yes. The aesthetic is, ngl, a wee bit basic. But I kinda love that. And the feel? It feels like home. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Your blog is my safe space. So, yes, I love. It’s content? YES. OF COURSE. Your personality probably could have kept me here even if your content was kinda shit, but I follow you RELIGIOUSLY because of your content. So yes. I adore.
Is English my first language? Kinda??? I grew up in a trilingual household so I kinda learned three languages at the same time while growing up. But no, I don’t need to translate it in my head. Because English was one of the three.
Anything I want to share? Yes. Please keep being kind to yourself, caring for your mental health, enforcing your boundaries, loving Akaashi, and just generally being you. You’re so lovely as you are, and I hope you continue grow, but never change. Also I’m sorry about all your work stuff…. It literally makes me feel sick. And I hope you find a job where that’s not tolerated, or that your work finds a better way of protecting it’s employees. I know you know this, but none of it is your fault. I just hope things improve. AND I love you… a lot. And I’m so proud of you hitting 9K and you deserve so many more followers because your pieces are just... GORGEOUS. I can’t wait until I’m at Barnes and Noble in a few years and I can pick up a hardback copy of your debut novel. I’m so excited to say “I knew Em Akaashi (which is your legal name as far as I’m concerned) before she was so popular among the masses.”
so ive been trying to figure out the correct and worthy way to reply to this ask since the moment i got it......because its so fucking sweet and kind and amazing and pure and perfect and i just dont know how to use WORDS to explain the way it makes me feel so.......i will just reply in bullet points in regards to every question u answered to make it a lil easier :D
- the fact that u found my blog on google ....... like this may be odd and a very specific thing but before i made this blog i always hoped that 1 day my fanfic would pop up in google searches bc thats ALWAYS how i found fics when i was reading them religiously and i felt so much ENVY!!!!! LIKE I WANTED TO BE THERE I WANTED MY FICS TO B POPULAR ENOUGH TO POP UP ON GOOGLE.....that may sound very selfish but its true......so thats just very cool to me... :]
- u’ve been here for so long omg 🥺🥺🥺🥺 if anyone in ur classes ever asks jus promo my blog like its nbd 
- thats so sweet what 🥺🥺🥺 i try my best to advocate for myself and be confident for myself.....ive spent far too much of my time being silently uncomfortable because i was afraid of pushing someone’s buttons seeming rude.....but NO MORE!!!! i know what upsets me, i know my triggers, i know what i dislike experiencing, and im never gonna let myself be anxious or uncomfortable for someone else’s sake, esp if theyre being rude 2 me. i would say its less strength and confidence and moreso me attempting to take control of my anxiety in the places i can (aka on the Internet) bc i am SICK OF ANXIETY ATTACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
- BBY no dont CRY!!!! im racking my brain trying to think of who u are i wanna know so bad so i can thank u personally for being the kindest person in the world n so i can send u more asks >:(........MY HAND IS URS TO HOLD!!!!! dont tell akaashi tho 
- OMG my TSUKKI pieces.....hes so hard to write why ;-; thank u so much im so glad u enjoy my works<3333
- NOT ANGST NOT LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!! pained beginnings to happy endings are my specialty.....IMAGINE me writing a sad ending like i CANT!!!!!!!!! ive only done it a few times and it is so Difficult.....YALL ARE SO LUCKY IM NOT EVIL!!!!!! ive had this idea for an angsty akaashi fic that i think about and write in my head every night before falling asleep and it Hurts and i wanna write it but i also can’t make myself :D ABO would be very fun but i genuinely do not know how to explore the concept while making it feel like it’s Written By Me.....u know what i mean? same with soulmate aus, i really dislike writing them because theyre just boring to me like they all feel the same everything’s been done for them.....which is FINE!!! but i write enough cliche stuff as it is HAHA, a long distance type soulmate au could be fun and interesting but ldr’s trigger me bc of a past relationship so </3 but hey maybe someone else could use the idea!!!!!
- gotta love tsukishima <3
- im rlly glad my writing could be there for you friend, one of the biggest reasons i write fanfic (and write the kind of fics i write) is bc i know firsthand how much reading sweet stories abt ur comfort characters can help u through the shittiest times - i just wanna offer ppl some support and happy feelings and love cuz sometimes fanfic is the only time we can find those things (and theres nothing shameful abt that either if anyone bullies u for reading fanfic i will fight them)
- I KNOW MY LAYOUT IS LAZY AND BASIC AS FUCK AND THAT IS BECAUSE I DO NOT GIVE A SHIT LMAOOOO so im glad u think its ok...... like i dont have the patience to create a fancy ass layout that actually works are u KIDDING ME??????? I COULD LITERALLY NEVER plus i kinda like that its just the basic kinda ugly boring default layout like it makes it simple and easy and i feel like it brings focus to the only thing on this blog that i care about which is my writing, i rlly only care about the content here and not aesthetics jdbljdabsdk that blue background will be there til i Die......i adore u more btw 
- WHOA trilingual what the hell ur so cool tell me more 
- you have my word, friend, that i will continue to do all of that so long as you do the same. take care of yourself, be kind to yourself - i know u can do it, ur so kind to others and u deserve to be kind to urself, too so this is the part that genuinely brought me to tears because *sappy dumb shit ahead* ok look ever since i can remember the one and only thing ive wanted to do with my life is become an author ...... dreams of book covers with my name written on them and words in pages written by me and fanart of my characters and going into my local bookstore n seeing my book there....these thoughts all haunt my fucking brain because i want it SO BAD!!!!!!!! so bad that it makes me CRY!!!!!!!! ive never wanted something more and just!!!!!!!!!!!! idk how much u meant that part but holy fuck!!!!!! i hope so bad that one day i can send u a free copy of my book as a thank u for being the person u are. u have all my love friend, every last bit of it <333333333
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tfw-no-tennis · 3 years
mtmte liveblog issue 17
and we’re back!
phew I had to take a hiatus to work on other projects but now that those are done I'm baaaack
god I'm SO fucking excited for this arc, I fucking love it 
OH NO TAILGATE...I almost forgot...this poor little dude
REMAIN IN LIGHT BABEYYYYY!!! I fucking love that title, talking heads is probably my favorite band Ever, and that album is one of my favorites, so when I first saw it here I was super excited lol. it’s such a good title, both for the album and for this arc
tailgate goes right to cyclonus ;_; hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
also...I just love the way milne draws cyclonus, he’s the perfect mix of terrifying and handsome, and also goth
ohhhhh I forgot about the framing device used here, with rodimus in jail later on in this arc, narrating retrospectively 
cybercrosis, add that to this list of amusing robo-puns, as a play on (I'm assuming) necrosis, aka tissue death
oof, ratchet saying that tailgate ‘lived a full life,’ which is fucking brutal because we as the readers know that isn't true :( 
tg is right tho, it seems v uncommon for tfs to die of old age. that's some shit luck right there, espec bc tg is basically a baby who was asleep for 6 million years 
ratchet talking abt pharma and looking at his hands...I See That
ratchets bedside manner leaves a bit to be desired hvbhjdsubfjsd jesus dude
and then there's cyclonus, whos also pretty terrible at being tactful
AUGHHHH and then cyclonus, like the emotionally repressed icon he is, goes and claws his own face up in grief rather than express any emotion to tailgate :( I'm in physical pain thanks
rodimus is like, wait...informing my crew about my actions? lmao? uhh what quest...oh yeah we’re on a quest. yeaaaah whatever man
the portal helllllll yessssssss
poor tg drinking away his impending death
oh man, chromedomes weird fucked up skeleton arm
rodimus hhvbhjaudsfbjaskdf he’s like yeahhhh I'm not even gonna pretend to indulge in democracy, we are GOING thru that giant ass space portal whether you fools like it or not
luna 1!!!!!! they found the missing moon BY ACCIDENT, fucking iconic 
still cant believe rodimus’s office is HOT PINK with a FLAME DECAL around the door. unreal
awww I love percy 
rodimus, in a shocking show of maturity, admits that rung was correct to be harsh with him about the whole overlord thing 
the squad gettin together ayyyy
rodimus reminding us all that this ISNT just a party ship full of frat boys, people have DIED
when you see tg and realize that that was cyclonus’s request ;_; 
aughhh and cyc saying ‘never hope. hope is a lie.’ that kills me man aughhhh
like, cyclonus clearly doesn't want to deal with the emotions he’s feeling over tg dying so he’s trying to make sure that tg accepts death and doesn't hope for a cure, bc that would hurt cyclonus MORE, and he’s already unused to all these ‘emotions’ n shit
I'm sorry but the MARBs just look so fuckin dorky bvhjakbdfhsf beep beep here comes the dweeb squad!!! lmaoooo
cd being like ‘can’t we just drive’ and perceptor is right there like :| LMAOOOO 
also I love cd saying ‘sometimes I wonder why we even have alt modes’ bc I feel like that's such a witty dig at the fact that in this series about robots that transform into cars, we rarely get to seem them actually DO that
its especially interesting when you consider how important functionism is in this story - alt modes are super important in that context, but we still rarely get to see them. hell, we literally NEVER saw megatrons alt mode, which is still crazy to me
ohhhh man I love that panel where the whole moon lights up, that's just amazing
congratulations, rodimus! it’s....a shitton of babies!
also broooo I ufcking love the fact that you barely even notice that rung ALSO hopped down onto the moon at the same time as rodimus...brilliant
god now I need to go find that ‘am i pragnent?’ video lmaooo
why....why did you have to use the word ‘fertilized,’ jro. why....
cold construction lore time!
do I wanna do my big biology speech here? I'm trying to figure out where it would go best...I think ill save it for later in this arc
god I fucking love brainstorm. his entire little speech about how he ‘went to marches’ for cold construction rights and whatnot is so funny with the added context that he’s an MTO and wasn't even around for that
skids, don't just sit in the spooky oil reservoir, alone, after you just went thru a mysterious portal, you should be more genre savvy than that 
what am I saying, this is the guy who wants his memories back even though he’s been told multiple times that it’ll probably traumatize him to death
brainstorm with the 0.1%er spark [eyes emoji]
I love percy just being horrified at the lack of proper scientific conduct from brainstorm like, all the time
I see the cons have their own edgy, weaponed-up version of the MARBs
I love him aughhh I'm so excited for the stuff w/him this arc
also I totally forgot that you’re supposed to see him introduce himself as ‘ambus’ and be like whoa wait is that dominus????? or someone adjacent to him????
skids vs legislators: part 2!
DR THOT HIMSELF.....back and immediately making a hand pun, with his chainsaw arm displayed in full glory....amazing
cant believe jro named this one ‘the fecund moon,’ which forced me to google what ‘fecund’ means, which led me to go ‘oh good lord jro WHY’ lmao 
I do love that we don't see the ‘part 1 of 5′ til the end - that's a great small reveal that hey, we’re in an arc now!
so there's the end of issue one of remain in light! aughh, I'm so fucking excited for this arc. my first two readthrus this was one of my favorite arcs (my other fav being the time travel arc), and I'm excited to see if its still at the top for me 
I feel like the first time I read thru I like this arc a lot cause I actually understood most of it hbvhadjkfbaksjf unlike all the previous stuff, where I was a bit more confused - at this point I at least had a decent grasp on the characters and relationships, so that helped a lot
also apparently one of the songs of this issue is ‘heaven’ by talking heads which AUghhH that song makes me wanna float in the ocean and look at the stars. idk. also I find it a little ironic that that song isn't off the album remain in light lol
either way I love this issue, strong start to the arc with lots of intrigue and worldbuilding, and clearly some incoming status quo changes...cant wait!!
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devnicolee · 5 years
A Seat on the Throne
A/N: October is finally over and things are calming down - thank God! So here is the one thing I was actually able to write over the last three weeks. Just some fluff and smut from my favs.
Warnings: Smut
Word Count: 3,875
"I have a surprise for you," M’Baku said, his thick and strong arms tightening around his wife’s waist as they enjoyed a lazy Saturday in bed. The rest of the world had been completely lost to the newlyweds as they spent their first week of marriage completely enthralled in each other. Zarah shifted from her spot, sprawled across him, to prop herself up on his chest and place a soft kiss on his lips. 
"Is the surprise in this bed? Because I am not sure my legs work," she laughed, her body sore and lethargic from the never-ending endurance of her new husband. She loved it, appreciated that he worshiped her and her body as he did but that didn’t mean that it was not physically strenuous. She had severely underestimated the stamina and sexual appetite of her Chief since their engagement. There were no breaks and little warning - when he wanted her, he wanted her and no meeting, person or issue would stand in his way when he wanted to whisk her off to his chambers for round after round. Aside from the soreness occupying her body, she had no real complaints though. Her appetite for him was never truly satisfied either and she knew they were making up for lost time. 
"Then I shall carry you, wife," he responded, face scrunched up with confusion as if the answer was obvious.
She could not contain the smile that spread across her face nor the way her eyes lit up at the word "wife." She loved the way it sounded on his lips: perfect, loving and passionate. Of course, M’Baku had taken note of that over the last week, observing that bright smile every time as if she was still surprised she was his wife. Her smile brightened his days and he quickly realized he could not go long without seeing one so he continued to say it just to witness her joy over and over again.
"My husband is so thoughtful," she whispered as she pulled him into a deep kiss. His hands gripped her butt causing a sultry moan to escape her lips. Her hands journeyed down his body to make contact with her favorite part of him to wake him again, her current soreness forgotten and desire jumpstarting inside her. 
His hand enclosed hers to stop her as it wrapped around his length. "No no no, after. If you do that, I will make sure you cannot leave this bed all day usana."
Zarah pouted pitifully. "Fine. What is this surprise? It must be big if it is more important to you than making love to me."
"Nothing is more important than that. Do not worry - that is all yours until the end of my days," he said as he slid from beneath her and stood by the bed, pressing his lips to her temple.
M'Baku pulled on a pair of loose pants before ambling over to his closet. He threw her a sweater from her side. She simply stared at it, one eyebrow raised with an amused scowl on her face. A short but intense staring battle ensued until M’Baku caved, reached into his pile of sweaters and tossed one of his. He acted as if he disliked her commandeering his clothes all the time but he secretly loved it. It was such a small thing, but watching her saunter around their chambers or the Lodge in his oversized clothes made his pride grow tenfold. One, she simply looked incredibly sexy in them and usually made him want to nestle himself between her plush things; and two, it was a silent reminder to him and everyone that saw her that she was his and only his. He waited for her to pull it over her nude body before he swept her up into his arms bridal style and started to walk out of their room.
"Wait, M’Baku - you aren’t going to give me a chance to grab my panties?" She asked, laughing as she tightened her grip around his neck.
"You do not need those. No one can tell."
He carried her to the throne room and gently placed her on her feet. She walked away from him, toward the front of the room, looking back at him with childlike amazement. "You did this?"
"Of course. And in time for your first council meeting as chieftess Monday." Where M’Baku’s throne chair usually sat, there were now two: his chair, now set off center, and an equally-sized new one to it’s right.
"When did you find the time? You are always busy."
"I always make time for the things that matter. And my queen is the only thing that matters."
Silence fell over the two as she stood at the base of the small set of stairs leading to the throne. She just stared at the chair for a few minutes. It was beautiful: somehow both simple and opulent, matching the aura and ornate nature of his - signaling that she was not just some prop on his arm. She was a ruler with the same authority and leadership as him. She stayed where she was, almost feeling as though the chair was too grand for her to sit in, as though she would be trespassing if she broke the figurative curtain between her and the chieftess’s throne. Two hands gripped her hips to pull her into a warm chest. 
"I know it may take some getting used to my love, but you are chieftess now. This room is as much your domain as it is mine. Go." He commanded gently. It was not a real command, void of any dominance or urgency. It was more of a reminder, a reminder that she was not trespassing, that she belonged and had a claim to the space. His hand gave her a firm pat on the ass that propelled her forward and up the three short steps to stand in front of her throne chair.
Her fingertips lightly grazed the symbols and words carved deep into the wood along the sides, which read Chieftess Zarah, hand carved by the man that now stood quietly behind her watching her soak up the physical representation of her new role, her new life. 
"Why don’t you sit?"
She turned and sat down, the wood cold against her bare bottom and thighs. She knew she had observed the expansive throne room from this vantage point more than a million times and if someone had asked, she would not have been able to properly articulate this feeling. But it felt like she was seeing this room for the first time, as if being chieftess afforded her new eyes to see her world with. 
Before this moment, the role of chieftess was merely an abstract thought. So tightly wrapped in the cocoon of M’Baku’s love, so enthralled by the idea of being his wife that she had not really contemplated the role that came alongside loving and marrying this man nor the responsibility of it. Or rather, selfishly, she avoided thinking about it to put off the current spiral of self doubt she was on. And in that moment, sitting on this throne, the abstract stopped being such and became reality. When she looked out at this room now, all she saw were the countless Jabari that now looked at her, alongside her husband, to lead them to new heights, to advocate for their needs and to protect them from anyone who would seek to destroy them. She never cared much for power, never wanted leadership beyond the role she had in the labs, never thought she was suited for it. But here she was: the most powerful woman in Jabariland, one of the most powerful women in all Wakanda. The weight of it, the implications, the anxieties all crashing down on her at once like a small avalanche.
M’Baku, noticing the playfulness in her expressions and tone had died out, took a step forward.
"Usana… what is it? Does your throne not please you? I can make a different one," he said quietly, voice smaller and lacking its usual commanding tone  at the perception that his gift was not well received. 
"No! No. It is perfect and beautiful. You are perfect and so thoughtful and I appreciate it. It is just…" She turned away from him and stared out of the window before whispering, "This just makes it all so real. I don’t know what I am doing, M'Baku. I d-don’t… I do not know how to be chieftess o-o-or lead. I don’t want to embarrass you." She felt a weight lift off her at admitting that. She usually didn’t offer much vulnerability to him, keeping her feelings locked inside but this weed had been growing since their engagement and just because she ignored it, did not mean it was not there. She always considered herself a behind-the-scenes person, and chieftess was anything but. 
M’Baku sighed and stepped forward, kneeling before her and taking her hand into his, the other rubbed patterns into her exposed thigh.
"Do you remember my challenge day?"
Zarah stilled, M’Baku rarely mentioned the time surrounding his appointment to chief, the pain of his father’s death eclipsing the joy of accepting his birthright.
"Of course. Watching you accept the mantle was one of the proudest days of my life." 
"Do you remember what you told me? Before I walked onto the cliff?"
She tilted her head and smiled as she looked into his eyes, "I said you would be the greatest chief our tribe has seen in years. And right I was."
"Always a genius. That night, you found me in here away from all the celebrations staring out the window at the mountains."
"Yes, I believe I teased you for escaping your own party early and you said that a chief can do as they liked. You stood right over there," she pointed to the corner behind them. "And I remember I stood just staring at you for a few minutes before I announced myself. I felt foolish but I was caught in the radiance of your pride, your confidence, you... I don't know, you just looked content. I will never forget seeing you like that."
He nodded, the smile of his face dropping a little bit as he bowed his head. "What I never told you was that I was terrified. That pride and confidence you saw? I did not feel any of it. I remember how I felt when you told me you thought I would be a great chief. It propelled me to fight and win that challenge to take the mantle. And then I stood in this room, the newly crowned chief of Jabariland, and that confidence that bellowed inside me deflated. ‘The greatest Chief?’ How? How could I when I knew nothing? When my guide, my role model was gone to be with Hanuman, leaving me to figure it out alone? I just wanted to be the leader he was and I had no concept of what that meant. I was overwhelmed, scared, and convinced I would destroy this tribe. And I stood over there and I prayed Hanuman would send me a guide, or something to help me figure it out, keep my feet on the ground, and the wisdom and empathy of a leader in heart."
"And did he? Send something?" Her fingers playing absentmindedly in his beard. 
"No. He showed me that night that he had already sent someone. A quiet, sensitive genius who spent her days in a corner in a lab; a woman who dedicated her being to improving the lives of her people; a Jabari with a warrior’s heart who possessed a strong and vibrant vision for the future of her tribe; a woman whose empathy and compassion for others is as limitless as Hanuman’s glory; a lovable but insecure wallflower who held all the qualities of a leader but lacked the confidence to use her voice. That night, Hanuman reminded me that, apparently hiding in the shadows spying on me,” he admonished jokingly, gently tapping her on the nose, “was everything I needed to be the Chief I, and my baba, wanted me to be."
Zarah bowed her head, face heating up and tears welling in her eyes at his words. She never considered herself chieftess material. However, knowing he saw all those things in her years ago planted flowers in the soil of her heart where weeds of insecurity had grown freely for years. That’s what he had done all her life though, pushed her see the flowers among the weeds, the beauty when she only recognized the ugliness. He held her head in his hands to keep her eyes set on him.
"You have been ruling Jabariland since I became Chief, Za. You have been guiding me, uplifting me, offering sound and wise counsel, prioritizing our people and their needs. You have always had the heart and compassion of a chieftess and the mind of a ruler. What you need now is the confidence, the belief in the radiance and light in you. I see it, this tribe sees it - we are all blessed to be raptured and blinded by it. It is a gift ordained by Hanuman. You just need to see it too. How you become a chieftess is by simply being you, in all your perfection. And when you do that, you could never today nor any day that the sun rises over these mountains embarrass me. I meant what I said when I put those bracelets on your arm," he whispered, touching the delicate golden bracelet representing her role as chieftess on her wrist. "You will be the greatest chieftess our tribe has ever seen. All those tales you read about our history, young women will read of you and bask in your glory. There will be moments of doubt, moments when you don’t know if you made the right choice. I have them too. But that is the burden leadership all who hold our position carry. That is why we are here as husband and wife, as partners - to support and uplift each other always."
He stood up and stepped back from her. 
"Chieftess Zarah," he barked as he stood before her. She sat up straight, a new ease and confidence slowly seeping into her as she remembered she was not alone in this. She had him, his love and support, and she knew that was enough to carry her through any moments of doubt or hesitation. "What is your first command my Queen?"
She simply stared at him for a few minutes. "I want you." She couldn’t tell if it was seeing him submit to her in this way, his bare broad shoulders and sculpted chest that always did something to her or his confidence in her abilities to lead. But she felt empowered, confident and sexy as she sat before her throne room for the first time. And the only thought oscillating through her mind was him worshipping her body right here.
"Then me you shall have." He stalked toward her, dropping to his knees before his queen before he opened her legs and draped them over the arms of her chair. He licked his lips before he kissed her inner thighs, nipping at them and pulling small moans from her. His hands did the work of Hanuman as he kneaded them, working her up without even touching her where she craved it most.
"Do not tease your queen," she commanded, lust overpowering her. She craved him, needed him and she could not wait much longer. However, her logical mind quickly remembered why her words would soon come back to haunt her. The small smirk on his face and glint in his eyes confirmed those suspicions. M’Baku poured his whole soul into foreplay, citing that Zarah was one of his favorite meals and the man could always eat, even when she was ready to tap out and halfway to the ancestral mountains.
"As you wish, my love," He muttered before sucking gently on her love bud. Her legs immediately tried to clamp shut as she shouted his name in a throaty moan. One hand held her hips down into the chair while one of his fingers slowly pumped in and out of her wet slit, slowly stroking her silky walls and curling into her g-spot. He licked, sucked... basically wrote poetry in her honor while she gripped the arms of the chair. The only sounds filling the throne room were the indecent noises of his tongue and the moans and groans of his chieftess.
"That feels so good. Don’t stop, please don’t stop." Zarah felt ecstasy building as he worshipped her. She surrendered control very quickly, begging and pleading for more. He was her king and her pleasure was his. It did not take long for moans to turn into shouts of pleasure as the waves of her orgasm crashed upon her.
"Cum for me, usana."
M’Baku loved to watch her come undone, wild and uninhibited - the opposite of her usual behavior. He was amazed at just how wild she had become in bed throughout their short courtship, heart full at how much she trusted him to allow him to push her limits and try new things. However, there were some limits she was previously unwilling to cross and making love in public was one of those limits. This had always been his fantasy, his throne being the ideal spot to have her but the fear of being caught always stopped their intense make out sessions in the throne room or his office before anything could actually take place. For M’Baku, there was no fear. He was chief and if he wanted to fuck his wife into oblivion in every room throughout the Lodge, who would stop him? But he never pushed the idea on her, wanting her to be fully comfortable before trying it out. 
But now Zarah was too wrapped in her own lust, the fantasy becoming hers as well, to fret over the consequences of their actions. This moment, a moment of carefree, reckless behavior from his wife, was a true rarity so M’Baku gave this session is all, determined to make her remember how he made her feel in this room.
He could go for another round feasting on her nectar but even he could not wait. He extracted his face from between her legs and lined his member up with her. Her womanhood was basically weeping at this point, aching to be filled to the brim by him. However, she could hold off for just one moment.
Zarah pushed against his chest before he pushed into her to still him. "That’s not how I want you." She motioned for him to pick her up and tightened her legs around his waist. He started to sit down on her throne before remembering it was made for her small stature and wouldn’t fit his expansive body. She giggled as he quickly transitioned to his chair and pulled his pants off before allowing her to settle on top of him.
She reached beneath him to line his length with her opening and sank down on him. A mix of a moan and wince escaped her at the glorious feeling and stretch of being filled by him again and her body’s gentle reminder that her walls were still spent from their sessions the night prior.
She started to roll her hips, grinding into him. She smiled at his moans and that she was bringing this regal giant, her king, to his knees, that she was in control of their pleasure.
His head fell back as she did the work of Hanuman on top of him.
"Eyes on me my king," she whispered into his ear, biting into his earlobe as she spoke. "Keep them on me."
She lifted his sweater off her body so they were both bare to the other and braced her hands on his shoulders, keeping intense eye contact with him as she lifted off his dick and slowly slid back down. Riding her husband was physically exhausting but her favorite position to have him. He loved it as well, being able to see her in all her glory. He let her control the pace, alternating rhythms and slow grinding to bring them both to their peaks.
As her climax built inside her, she found it difficult to maintain her own directive. Every time his length slid back into her, sending waves of pleasure through her body and causing her own pleasure to build up in her, her eyes wanted to flutter closed. And she found herself unable to do so when M’Baku lips began sucking on her exposed nipples. His tongue rolled over the sensitive bud of her left breast before pulling it between his lips and sucking gently. His tongue slid across the valley of her chest to bring equal pleasure to the right, biting the supple skin of her breasts as he went.
"Fuck... M’Bak- M’Baku... you... a-aren’t playing fair," she panted out. Her plan was failing, as he stimulated every part of her body. His mouth sucking her breasts, his callous hands alternating between massaging her thighs and random hard spanks to her ass. she was losing stamina and control of her ministrations above him as her mind was overtaken by pleasure.
"And you think you play fair mnandi?" He growled in her ear, hand gripping her hair with a fist. She could never understand how he managed to speak full sentences of dominance and authority or poetic words of love and adoration to her, while she could barely formulate a thought. "Teasing me as you do? Sitting in council meeting after meeting and do you know what I thought of? All the positions I wanted to have you and things I wanted to do to you on this throne. I daydreamed to the sounds of my queen’s moans filling this room." He was now meeting her with thrusts of his own beneath her, her limbs going weak as an orgasm racked through her body.
"I love you… That feels so good. Don’t stop, don’t stop."
Zarah yelped as she found herself on her back, with M’Baku atop of her and her legs on his shoulders as he pounded into her at a relentless pace.
"M’Ba.. baby, please. It is too much," she cried out as his finger found her clit and rubbed gentle circles.
"You have one more. Give it to me my queen. Cum for your king," he commanded. And a king’s commands were always followed. As if her body was truly under his spell, she came undone, shouting incoherent words of praise and love. At the same time, he reached his peak and released inside her. Stars spun around her head as she tried to float back down to Earth. When her mind registered the feelings coursing through her body again, she felt him pick her back up and place her in his lap.
He helped her put her sweater back on as he said, “Did that satisfy my queen?”
Zarah chuckled quietly and rolled her eyes, knowing he knew the answer to that. M’Baku never had an off day, never missed a beat with her pleasure and he knew it. 
“Yes, your queen is thoroughly satisfied. Thank you.” They kissed deeply before he picked her up and carried her back to their chambers to rest.
Tag List: @destinio1 @muse-of-mbaku @jellybean531 @dawva @afrolatinpami
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takerfoxx · 5 years
Coming to Terms with Homura Akemi, My (Formerly) Least Favorite PMMM Character
Or, How I Learned to Stop Whinging and Love the Emo Meguca!
I have a…complicated history with my favorite anime’s main character (and yes, Homura is the main character. Madoka might be the title character and the show’s POV protagonist, but like most things in this series, that was a clever ruse, and it’s really more about Homura’s journey than Madoka’s). The first time I watched the show, I walked away feeling kind of ambivalent toward her, even mildly hostile. And that’s weird, right? I mean, just look at her! Look how her character arc plays out! She was practically grown in a lab to be my favorite! And you know what? In pretty much any other series she would have been my favorite, no doubt. She would have been a first pick Fav of the Day, the starring character in whatever fanfic I wrote about it, etc. But since the show she premiered in is anything but traditional, the way I eventually came to love each character turned out to be a little…unorthodox.
Now, I’ve gone over most of this before, so sing along if you know the words. My first time watching Puella Magi Madoka Magica went a little something like this:
Episode 1: Blue funny, Pink cute, Yellow badass, Purple mysterious.
Episode 2: Blue favorite, Pink alright, Yellow probably evil, Purple mysterious.
Episode 3: Yellow’s not evil after all, and now is the dead. My bad.
Episode 4: Pink getting all fucked up, SOMEONE SAVE BLUE!
Episode 5: Hate Red for attacking Blue. Kick her ass, Purple!
Episode 6: Still hate Red.
Episode 7: FUCK YOU, BUNNYCAT! Red’s not so bad after all. But someone save Blue!
Episode 8: Aw, hell no, Purple! You don’t threaten Blue like that! You go, Red! You’re pretty cool after…oh shit. BLUE, NO!
Episode 10-12: Stuff is still happening with the plot, but I no longer care. My heart has been shattered, all light has gone from the world. My babies are gone. If only they had more time together, if only there was someplace they could reunite, really get to know one another, and go on adventures together…huh.
So yeah, that’s the story of how I fully got on board the KyoSaya train. Obviously, writing Resonance Days only solidified that, and coming across A Happy Dream by angel0wonder, AKA the potato lady AKA @smxmuffinpeddling (wazzup?!?!), pretty much cemented it as my top reigning OTP.
Now, obviously I got invested in the whole story as time went by. Subsequent rewatchings of the show, mainly through convincing people to watch it blind so I can laugh at them when they get to certain scenes (don’t hate, y’all did it too!) and taking part in online discussions really got me into the show as a whole instead of just being confined in my little KyoSaya bubble. But coming to love the other characters for their own merits took some time.
Mami was next. I’ll be honest, I just didn’t care all that much for her during my first watching, mainly due to believing that she would turn out to be evil for the first couple of episodes (I blame Disney and their recent trend of turning almost every kindly mentor/confidante figure into the bad guy lately), and me being more surprised that I was wrong when she died instead of being shocked that she was killed. Again, had nothing against her, that was just my reaction the first time around. However, she was included in Resonance Days because it felt like the logical thing to do, and she turned out to be so much fun to write for that I really came to love and care for her character in general, and her relationship with Charlotte ended up becoming one of my favorite parts of that story.
Madoka honestly took more time. I think the main reason I wasn’t all that invested in her is that she was pretty passive in the series proper while my attention was more on the more proactive side characters. And again, this wasn’t a bad thing! In fact, it was a clever bit of deliberate storytelling, as it’s revealed that she originally was a proactive main-character type, only to unintentionally get relegated to her observer role by the butterfly effect caused by Homura’s time loops. But anyway, the thing that made me turn the corner on Madoka actually also ended up being fanfiction, but not one of my own. Specifically, I came across a popular, yet also somewhat controversial, fic called Persephone’s Waltz (and wazzup, @erinptah!), in which Homura decides to just stop beating around the bush and lock Madoka up in a basement until Walpurgisnacht had passed. And as weird as it sounds, making Madoka a prisoner actually gave her more agency, as the fic really went into detail about the psychological effects of being a kidnapping victim, from the strange rituals to the escape attempts to coping strategies to Stockholm Syndrome to bouts of depression and so on and so forth, all the while never deviating from her core character. It really got me rooting for Madoka and, by extension, invested in her character in canon as well.
That just left Homura.
By then, I had gotten over being a little sore at her for trying to kill Sayaka that one time, and I was interested in where her actions would take the plot. I just wasn’t interested in her, per se, as I hadn’t had an icebreaker moment like I had with the other characters.
And then The Rebellion Story happened.
The Rebellion Story: PMMM’s End of Evangelion
Puella Magi Madoka Magica is often compared its nearly two decade-old predecessor, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and not without reason. Like Evangelion, it took a genre mainly known to be fun and kid-friendly (giant mechs for Evangelion and magical girls for PMMM) and turned it on its head, resulting in a brutal and twisted deconstruction that would end up altering the direction that genre would take for years to come. The key difference is that Evangelion’s brilliance was in many ways an accident, with the bizarre places it went being largely informed both by its troubled production and its showrunner’s personal demons staying bottled up through the early part of the show but letting them loose later on, whereas PMMM was meticulously constructed from top to bottom to become the hand-grenade to the genre that it would become. But in the end, the effects were the same. They even both had a follow-up movie that was not originally supposed to happen that ended up being highly divisive among fans due to the shots they took at the fandom that had sprung up around the original series, even if The Rebellion Story wasn’t nearly as spiteful as End of Evangelion was.
Now, I’ve already gone into at length about how PMMM brutally dissects and deconstructs the Magical Girl genre, and it did it so thoroughly that the genre itself was totally wrenched in a new direction, much like Evangelion did to the Giant Mecha genre. But after you’ve completely taken apart the genre in your first season, where exactly do you go? How do you continue when your work is seemingly done?
The answer: deconstruct yourself.
Much as Puella Magi Madoka Magica went after the Magical Girl genre, The Rebellion Story went after the fandom that had sprung up in the original show’s wake. The first third of the movie gives the fans what they claimed they wanted: a traditional Magical Girl reimagining of PMMM where everyone is alive and working together, everyone is mentally and emotionally healthy, the two fan-favorite ships are just a kiss away from being canon, Kyubey is now a cute and silent mascot that helps out instead constantly manipulating everyone around him, and even the most popular witch is back as a benevolent secondary mascot in a happy friendship with the character she had killed. We see Madoka and the Moemura version of Homura being adorable together, we see Kyoko and Sayaka goofing off, we see Mami cuddling with Charlotte with nary a head-chomp in sight, we see everyone being just being friends and protecting the city from weird but essentially non-threatening monsters. It is basically the summation of a hundred fanfics that had been posted between the end of the show and the release of the movie.
But this is still PMMM, and something is not quite right.
We all know what happens next. Homura starts subconsciously noticing that something is off, she gradually becomes Terminator Homura as she investigates the situation and regains her memories, and the perfect happy world is exposed for the farce that it is. Things collapse, and the truth is revealed: Homura had become a witch that had been trapped inside her own soul gem, those close to her had been lured in to complete the illusion, and of course it is all Kyubey’s fault. Because this is PMMM, and Homura doesn’t get to be happy.
But the movie doesn’t stop with that reveal. Once we learn the truth, it changes targets. It stops deconstructing the fans, and instead goes after something else.
It starts to deconstruct Homura Akemi, its own main character.
Despite her promise to continue fighting on in Madoka’s name to protect the slightly more kind world her beloved had created, Homura had found herself unable to cope without Madoka. Her mission had failed, and without that stabilizing force, despair had slowly crept in, corrupting her from within, to the point where (I believe at least) she had been fighting not to honor Madoka, but in hopes that she would fall in battle and be carried off by her goddess. She had been fighting not in hopes of building a better world, but as a way to seek release from her pain. She had been miserable in Madoka’s new world, even moreso than she had been during her time loops.
And because she had been foolish enough to tell the truth to Kyubey, the little rat had taken the opportunity to use her to set a trap. Madoka had been pulled out of Heaven right into the Incubators’ clutches, and it was all her fault.
Is it any wonder that she had been unwilling to accept Madoka’s salvation during the climatic battle? Is it any wonder that her own labyrinth had featured her own familiars dragging her away to her own execution? Homura hated herself. She hated what she had become, she hated what she had allowed to happen, she hated that she had failed so utterly and completely.
In fact, I’d say that this movie shows something about Homura that I don’t think a lot of people will appreciate me pointing out, and that is as much as Homura was single-mindedly devoted to Madoka, she never really came to know her. I mean, how could she? She only knew Madoka over the course of a few of a few infatuated weeks the first time around, which she then repeated over and over and over again, becoming increasingly traumatized over time. I don’t doubt that her devotion to Madoka is real, but The Rebellion Story does seem to suggest that after a while she was fixated on Madoka as an ideal rather than Madoka as an actual person, something to be protected and possessed rather than as a living, breathing person with her own autonomy.
Now, am I saying that Homura is a bad person and that anyone who felt inspired by her resilience and devotion is wrong? Of course not. Am I saying that anyone that ships MadoHomu is bad, promoting toxic relationships, etc.? Hell no! What I’m saying is that due to everything she’s been forced to endure and fight again, she is a very mentally unhealthy individual, one who is in desperate need of help. And if an actual relationship between her and Madoka is going to realistically work, well, first something  drastic will have to happen to upset her new system and give Madoka her power back, but Homura is also going to need tons of therapy.
As I said before, Homura’s decision to rip Madoka out of the Law of Cycles and turn herself into Homucifer has been pretty controversial, with many people claiming that it betrayed her characterization. To those people, I would say that they never really knew the real Homura Akemi. The show set up an idealized version of Homura, and people had that ideal imprinted in their mind. And I can’t really blame them for that. The show ended on a big, optimistic moment with Homura making a big speech about how she was going to keep fighting in Madoka’s name. It’s all very stirring, and I can’t fault anyone who would feel betrayed by their Homura acting against that promise.
But as a sadistic bastard in another dark show that is now also very controversial once said, “If you think this story has a happy ending, then you clearly haven’t been paying attention.”
Homura Akemi Did Everything Wrong, and It’s Okay to Admit That
Even though The Rebellion Story got me interested in seeing where the whole Homucifer vs. Godoka thing would go, I still wasn’t all that invested in Homura as a person. I was entrenched too deep in my KyoSaya world, and everything outside of that was just so much plot. Most of my focus was on Resonance Days, which just didn’t involve her at all.
It took years, but three things finally cracked me out of that shell. The first was writing Walpurgis Nights, of course. Granted, Homulilly was more of a Moemura than Homucifer, but that story really made me dive deep into her innate insecurities, to explore her struggles with self-loathing and her reliance on Madoka for any kind of validation.
The second was watching through a few blind reactions to the series, seeing how other people reacted to her character and the things that they picked up that I had missed. One thing in particular stood out to me: during Homura and Madoka’s first meeting in episode ten, Homura is actually shocked when Madoka casually addresses her by her first name, as no one ever called her by her first name.
And the third might get me some hate, but it was through coming across this little video:
Now, like many things I’ve discussed in this post, this video has been pretty polarizing, with some people outright hating it and labeling it as slanderous character bashing. The clickbaity title certainly doesn’t help, and I can’t say I agree with all of its points. But the video really isn’t the character-bashing piece that it might seem like. Rather, it’s as much a deconstruction of a character that has been heavily idealized by the fandom, pointing out the many mistakes and, while it certainly was not her fault, how she was driven more by a personal need for validation rather than selfless love.
That’s when it all clicked for me, all the little pieces coming together.
Despite how badass she appears to be, despite how unwavering her adoration for Madoka is, Homura Akemi is someone who was broken from the beginning, who was re-broken again and again, who never seemed to make the right choice, who was never allowed to have what she wanted, who was never allowed to win, until she finally snapped and ripped apart the carefully-laid plans and systems that seemed to be set against her.
Homura Akemi did everything wrong, and that is fascinating!
Consider: when we first meet her, she is a young girl who has known nothing but neglect, who has been shuffled around by an uncaring system her entire life, who is physically weak due to a heart condition, who is terrified by any kind of attention and is genuinely perturbed just by being called by her first name.
Of all the tragic backstories in the series, hers is easily the worst. Mami and Kyoko’s characterizations are both defined by having a single horrific event in their respective pasts that took everything away from them, events that shattered their worlds and which they blamed themselves for. But at the very least they had something before the cruel hand of fate reached into their lives. Homura never had anything! Her family is so completely out of the picture to not even warrant a mention! Her heart condition leaves her constantly balanced on the precipice of death and frequently leaves her weak and in pain. She’s never had a real friend, never had anyone close, never had anything that made her feel good about being herself. So when the Arch of Victory witch ensnares her with suicidal thoughts, it doesn’t really have to try very hard.
And then Madoka came into her life. A cheerful, outgoing girl who showed her kindness, one who called her by her name and said that it was pretty. Someone who came to her during the scariest moment in Homura’s life like a guardian angel and saved her. Someone who was everything Homura had ever wanted: kind, humble, encouraging, non-judgmental, loving, powerful, protecting, and the list goes on.
Is there any wonder that Homura became infatuated with her? Not one bit.
But then something terrible happened. Madoka and Mami were faced with the horror of Walpurgisnacht, and it killed them. Finally Homura had someone in her life that made her feel good about being herself, and that person was stolen from her. She had to watch Madoka fail. She had to watch Madoka die. And she just stood by and did nothing.
And it is then that Homura made her first mistake. Kyubey being the opportunistic manipulator that he is, he took advantage of her vulnerable state in order to add another soul to his quota. And of course Homura accepted; who could blame her?
But consider this: Homura could have wished for Madoka to be resurrected. Walpurgisnacht had been defeated; it was no longer a threat! Then the two of them (or three, had Mami been brought back as well) would have been together, fighting side-by-side! I mean, it would have eventually ended in tears anyway, but Homura had no way of knowing that. As far as she knew, she was in a traditional magical girl story that just so happened to have a bad end, one that she could have fixed.
Instead, she wished to be sent back in time to redo her first meeting with Madoka, only this time as a Puella Magi. That way, she could help Madoka and Mami prepare for Walpurgisnacht! She could protect Madoka!
It wasn’t enough just to have her dearest (and only) friend back in her life. Homura wanted to switch the roles. She wanted to protect Madoka like Madoka had protected her. She wanted a reason to keep existing, a mission, a way to prove her worthiness, because she still hated herself and needed something to validate her existence.
But it wasn’t that kind of show. She didn’t have all the information. How could she have known that Kyubey was being deceptive? How could she have known of the truth about witches? How could she have known that her time-looping would make Walpurgisnacht stronger? How could she have known that each loop would alter the timestream, entangling both Sayaka and Kyoko in its web?
Still, she kept trying. She made herself stronger and stronger in hopes that she would be able to stop Walpurgisnacht in time. She tried to warn everyone about Kyubey and the witches only to be disbelieved. She watched the others die around her again and again. She watched Madoka either die or succumb to despair and become a witch herself.
And then it happened.
That all-important timeline, where everything in her changed.
The one where she and Madoka finally successfully defeated Walpurgisnacht, but lost everything else. The one where they laid side-by-side in the ruins and the rain, as their cracked soul gems grew darker and the darker. The one where Homura resigned herself to becoming a witch.
The one where Madoka sacrificed her final grief seed, Sayaka’s grief seed, in order to save Homura. The one where she made Homura promise to go back and prevent her from making a contract in the first place. And the one where Madoka died again, not in battle against a witch, but by Homura’s own hand.
Something inside Homura broke that day, something that was never repaired and never will be. It was then that Homura shed the last remnants of the frightened, insecure girl she had been and became the Terminator-esque warrior that we were first introduced to. Her missions was clear then: stop Madoka from making a contract and defeat Walpurgisnacht by any means necessary. Nothing else mattered.
But despite all her resets, despite all her preparations, despite (supposedly) finally having all the information, Homura still kept failing! No matter what she did, Madoka always made a contract and became Kriemhild Gretchen. And Walpurgisnacht just seemed to be getting stronger.
Finally, in the timeline that encompasses the show proper, Homura learned the reason why. She was doomed from the start. Her own resetting of time was only building Madoka’s karmic destiny, increasing the power of both Walpurgisnacht and Kriemhild Gretchen. The more she went back, the more the universe itself stacked the deck against her, and now it was all but impossible. And what was worse, she had done it to herself.
Just look at her in that second to last episode, when she’s lying there bloodied and broken, when she’s about to go back yet again but stops herself. Just look at her face as her soul gem darkens as literal years of despair seep out of the defenses she had built up around herself. She knew that it was hopeless, she knew that both she and Madoka were doomed, she knew that she was seconds from finally becoming a witch after all of her efforts were for naught, and it terrified her.
But then, just as all seemed lost, Madoka herself appeared to save her, but did so through the last thing Homura wanted her to do. She took all of that karmic destiny Homura had burdened her with and made a witch that shook the very foundations of reality. Witches were removed from the equation, and Puella Magi who had succumbed to despair were simply allowed to pass peacefully instead of becoming monsters. The contract system and the advancements wasn’t removed, and the girls’ wishes weren’t negated. But the cruelest aspect of it was.
And all it cost was Madoka’s existence.
Yes, Homura was saved. Yes, Madoka was spared of dying or turning into Kriemhild Gretchen. But the person that Homura had devoted her entire existence to protecting was gone, and by her own hand. Only Homura herself was left to remember her.
Can you imagine how that must have felt, to be forced to soldier on while bearing the weight of that knowledge, to know that you had ultimately failed in your mission and had to go on without the only person that had ever meant anything to you? Sure, there was that whole “always be with you in spirit” thing, but that is a poor comfort to someone like Homura. Yes, the show ends on an optimistic note, with Homura promising to fight on in Madoka’s name, but it’s often been said that the only thing that give a story a happy ending is where you end it. And while I’m sure that many fans would have loved to believe that Homura had done just that, had fought the Wraiths to the bitter end until she was welcomed into Madoka’s arms, the sad fact of the matter is that reality is rarely ever so simple.
In The Rebellion Story we learn how true that is. Without her mission, Homura was unable to keep herself together, and despair did finally overtake her. But instead of peacefully disappearing and being taken by her love, she had made the fatal mistake of confessing to Kyubey of all people the truth about the way things were.
Now, why would she do that? Why tell Kyubey about the witches and how Madoka had changed things? Did she not suspect that he might do something with that knowledge?
Personally, I think she did. Maybe not consciously, but I feel that deep down inside, she hated what the world had become, not because the Law of Cycles had removed a significant portion of the pain, but because Madoka had to erase herself in order to create it. Yes, deleting witches was a net positive, but it wasn’t the positive Homura had been fighting to achieve. Madoka had made her promise to keep her from making a wish, and Homura had to execute her right after. So I do think that she told Kyubey the truth because part of her was kind of hoping he would intervene somehow and bring Madoka back.
And he did, and he did so though screwing Homura over. Again.
Within the labyrinth contained within her own soul gem, Homura build the world she had always wanted to exist. The endless loops had been washed away, and she and Madoka were fighting together in a joyful magical girl show. She worked so hard to build a place that would make her happy, but in the end she had been unable to accept even her own gift, in part because she subconsciously knew that something was off, but also because she had conditioned to be suspicious anything that seems like it would be working in her favor.
Learning the truth broke Homura yet again. She had done this. She had been the one to admit the truth to Kyubey, and he had used that knowledge to ensnare Madoka once more. Her love was again trapped by Incubators, and it was all her fault. Is there any wonder that while everyone was fighting to rescue her from herself, she was screaming for them to stop while her own familiars executed her over and over again?
Homura’s decision to rip Madoka out of the Law of Cycles and again rewrite reality is a controversial one, and I get that. But when you put aside the cool, determined badass that she presents herself as and look at the whole of her journey then it only makes sense. She was sick of it all. Sick of being manipulated by the Incubators and their contracts, sick of having her desires denied by the Law of Cycles, sick of being held back by her own inadequacies. She was sick of losing, and that was going to end.
The movie is called The Rebellion Story, and that title couldn’t have been more accurate. Because at the end, Homura rebelled against everything: against the Incubators, against Madoka, against herself, against a world that seemed set against her from the beginning. She forcibly seized control, dominating Kyubey and his ilk, ripping Madoka from the Law of Cycles and reprogramming her to be sweet and docile, and even erasing Madoka and Sayaka’s friendship so that Sayaka wouldn’t interfere. In the end, she finally won.
And she still hated herself. Even after overcoming everything and embracing her status as the world’s new Devil, we see her own familiars throwing trash at her.
And that is the Homura I came to love. The icy, mysterious warrior that she was presented as just didn’t do anything for me. But the broken girl who seemed to have the entire world set against her, that had what little happiness she had stolen from her time and time again, that made mistake after mistake as she tried to fight against the unfairness of everything and constantly made things worse, that finally said “Fuck it” and forced the world to bend under her will but still wasn’t happy at the end it all? Well, just look at the stories I’ve written, the kinds of stories I gush about. That is a story I can sink my teeth into. That is a character worth investing in, because she is just so damned fascinating!
Now, I’m not going to say that she’s my favorite character now, but her story is the one I’m the most interested in. And when we finally get that long-awaited follow-up, I’m definitely going to be swooning over any and all KyoSaya interactions and watching what happens to Mami and Madoka with rapt attention, but the bulk of my investment will be in Homura’s story, because in a very strange way, her story feels the most human.
Now I just wonder how many people I’ve managed to piss off.
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gods-at-gunpoint · 5 years
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howdy everyone! first monthly update for drgag, but first, thank you all so much for the support thusfar! im crying guys
lets get into it ! 
november’s been a bit of a hectic month due to the end of my schools semester rounding the corner along with the general chaotic energy of this time of the year, but without further ado!
main takeaways from this month of work has been
-loads of sprites! except. i realized pretty late in the process that i was making them in a very inefficient way and taking like. way longer on each one than i needed to because of this . like 
for anyone making fangans as well its really a learning process and mass producing sprites and shit is a PROCESS. but i feel like the easiest way ive found to make different poses nd shit quicker is to like. LABEL my folders . when i make eyes that i know are gonna change i go in and make a folder where ill put all that. and then when it comes to bodies which i didnt think too hard about at first, especially when it comes to arms... like the best thing i think thats streamlined has been to just draw the whole ass torso and render it and THEN add arms to that, rather than drawing the arms and coloring the arms on the same damn layer as everything else... whereas you have to select the arms and then make a new layer and go BACK and recolor the torso bc u fucked up like... yeah.... 
ive mostly worked on kimiko and itsuki so far because i just love conveying their personalities a lot through their sprites, gonna post a few of my favs-
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crackheads. i also made emi sprites but my clip studio file got corrupted? i have to fix that shit msldfkjdf add this to my to do list siri please smflksdf ...ok moving on
-splash art coming along slowly but steadily... will get there eventually its kinda just farther down on my list of priorities rn lol heres a kimiko wip tho
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-writing!!! i revised . i HARDCORE revised how i decided to open the game like. shit. fuck. i just had a thought while i was watching nichijou one day and shit i just. damn. i dont wanna say anything bc im like so fucking excited about it but basically it calls for about 30 more scene cgs that i had not prior planned so ive been. grinding so much to try and get those illustrated mkanhuyfysoif but yeah!! i rewrote the whole ass introduction to the prologue god bless . the prologues all done written now but ofc im probs gonna go over it like 60 more times lmao
in other parts of writing i finished about half of the first and third trials, and most of chapter 1′s writing overall... we rlly out here gettin that bread bruh
with writing i guess the biggest thing is like. i have a fuckton of gaps where i just need to put like. the In Between shit mlksdfjiusdf lmao but yeahg. we out here
-programming shit!!! god i . worked on implementing UI into unity and holy shit it was all on fire my pain is immeasurable im not a fucking compsci major fmlkjasuhf98asdofp my compsci major friend was looking over my shoulder the whole time and shaking his head njhysuadgf8sduoifjkdsf but like. basically i figured how to put some basic text box shit up in unity but ive mostly just been grinding away at practicing related C# shit in order to get my life together. also ive been throwing around a lot of UI ideas like 
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i dont fucking know. i think im gonna have the whole student handbook on the side of it with shortcuts? at least the transcript, save, load, etc commands on the right side of it... also im thinking of making it much more minimalist than how the DR dialogue boxes are usually bc usually theyre like. largely flashy but yknow i . i dont know i just really like how minimalistic UI looks but i may or may not change my mind on this. god skdfjlsdkf
-here have whatever the fuck this is 
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god okay this got lengthy real quick so imma scuttl away now until next time... thanks yall again for your support!!!! i have some breaks from school soon so hopefully i can like. get a lot more stuff done especially w my sprite epiphanies lmao mlsfkjsdf
art up there without text:
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d8 night )
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ellana-ravenwood · 5 years
“Are the Wayne kids single ?” - Batsis x Batfam
So...I am a shameless people watcher (don’t judge haha). I get a lot of inspiration from sitting somewhere for hours and just looking at strangers going on about their lives ^^'. Sometimes catching conversations and such and man, many people are borderline obsessed with knowing who their fav’ celebrity is dating and all that. Which made me think : “Mm, wonder if the members of the Batfam, who are definitely celebrities in their world, ever have problems with people borderline obsessing about their love life ? And how do they handle it ?” so um...I wrote about that. And here it is. Hope you’ll like it :  
PS : Since I don’t appear in the Tumblr searches anymore, reblogging my stories is the only way for other people than you guys who are following me to see them...so if you feel like helping out :D.  My master list blog : @ella-ravenwood-archives
“(Y/N), we don’t have to if you don’t want to, you know.” 
“What ? What are you talking about ? Don’t be stupid, of course I want to. One of them will pick up on it at some point anyway, and then believe me, it’ll be much worse. It’s always better if it comes from us.”  
You wince at the tone of your own voice. 
You didn’t mean to sound so cold and a bit condescending, especially since you understood that he was just trying to help you, understanding that you were under a lot of stress and pressure.
Conner Kent. Your boyfriend. He has been yours for a while now, which was what this all thing was about in the first place. 
Growing up as a “Wayne” brought it’s fair share of advantages, and disadvantages.  
The good points were very obvious. No one needed to think much about the “Why being a Wayne is great ?” thing. Everyone knew the answer to that. Money, fame, doors opening for you easily etc etc.
The bad points though...Many people never realized there even were unpleasant sides of being a Wayne, the good points overshadowing this darker facet of your life. But what most people thought was a blessing, could be a real pain in the ass sometimes ! 
Having money brought its lot of “vulture” that wanted to be friend with you just because of this. Having a good network meant that people always assumed everything you ever earned through hard work was just handed to you. And being famous...
Oh, the fame was probably one of the biggest drawback of being a Wayne. Because being often in the spotlight meant that people could get absolutely obsessed with your every move. 
You were lucky enough to have a father who always managed to shield you (and your siblings) from all this when you were a kid...But now. 
Now you were an adult, and you couldn’t always rely on your dad to save you from paparazzi and such. Plus it came with the territory of being a Wayne. Your father prepared you long enough for that. 
He knew he wouldn’t always be able to protect you from the public eye. He knew that, just because you were his kid, at some point, you’d have to appear at events filled with journalists and photographers. 
And though he was able to bargain when you were a child to only have pictures he previously approved published (plus the law was on his side, as pictures of children appearing in magazines had specific rules to follow, and he had amazing lawyers)...Now that you were an adult, you had to fend for yourself. 
Otherwise, rumors would start. Bad rumors. Hurtful ones. 
Your dad taught you long ago that to keep the little privacy you had while famous, you had to give a little first. Or things could turn sour. He could talk from experience, he had some scandals in his youth (one of them being suddenly becoming a single dad while in his early twenties, while being back in Gotham for less than a year after his mysterious disappearance when he was 16, and always refusing to talk about who was your mother um um.This sprout some pretty terrible rumors in its days...But that’s another story).
The trick was to give away enough so that people would be satisfied, without actually saying much. It was important to give them something to chew on. They’d just write something about you anyway, just because of who your family was so...Hinting on things cheekily and with humor came a long way. 
Like for example, what your dad always did in regards of women and his relationships. He build himself a “womanizer” persona and always played the part perfectly, so questions about a potential “Mrs Wayne” died down a while ago. 
Nowadays, he just  had to smile charmingly, wink and say “A gentleman never tells” to any question about his current supposed “conquest”, and everyone would be satisfied. 
And oh there were so many pictures and videos of you, standing behind him as he uses his charms to swoon everyone, and rolling your eyes at the all thing. 
In fact, Tim pointed out to you a while ago an instagram account someone made called “(Y/N) Wayne’s sassy eye roll”. It was filled with videos of you rolling your eyes in public (mainly at something your brothers or father did). This account had over two millions followers when he showed it to you, and probably gained more since then. Which wasn’t really surprising. 
Actually, this little dynamic you had with your dad, him (faking) being an extroverted flirty man, and you shaking your head whenever he did that...people loved it. And more than once, you got out of a delicate question someone asked because your dad used his charm and you acted embarrassed and “so done with it” that it made people laugh and move on, without even needing an answer ! 
Implying things without ever confirming them was key in a lot of situations. And using humor and quick come backs was too. 
When people were being rudely intrusive, and asked questions about your personal life, it was easy to shut them down. To answer with wit and sarcasm, and make them want to stop asking you this kind of questions. Plus the public LOVED a good little drama and to see rude ones being put back in their place.
Most of your “fans” were rooting for you, and wanted to know things about you because they somehow felt like you were their friends. Many of them saw you grow up by your father’s side. Your family always been a loved one in Gotham. So...If someone was being an ass to you, of course they’d yell “YAAS QUEEN !!” and talk about how well you answered, not caring about the actual question anymore even if they were curious. 
Yes. Dealing with rude scandal journalists was easy. 
But sometimes, oh sometimes...Sometimes you fell on a nice reporter who didn’t think what they did was wrong in any way, and who was just genuinely curious. Who just wanted to give actual infos to their followers. 
After all, you were a “celebrity” just for being born a “Wayne”. And though you never asked for this fame, it came with some sort of contract that you kinda had to talk about your private life from times to times. 
Which was your biggest problem currently. You weren’t really sure how to go about...All this. 
You’ve always been good for getting away from questions about your love life, by feeding journalists little anecdotes about your relationship with your dad, or funny stories involving your siblings. By deflecting their questions to give them some other hindsight about your life. 
Plus your use of social media, especially Instagram and Snapchat, also helped you get away with a lot. You showed enough, so that people wouldn’t be too curious. 
But you knew that a day would arise that you’d need to actually spill the tea...”Were the Wayne kids single, or not ?”
Go figure why, but this question : “Are the Wayne kids single ?”, was always only aimed at you. No one ever asked your brothers. You wondered if it was because you were the only girl, and people just instantly assume you liked talking about “love” and shit ? Damn gender cliches. 
Maybe it was the reason. But clearly, they were wrong. 
“Love and shit”. Just the way you were thinking about it could give every answer needed. For a long time, you didn’t care much about relationships. 
Even more so since, you being a Wayne, it was difficult to meet guys you could trust for being genuinely interested in you, and not just your name. Plus you simply never felt the need to be with someone to be happy. It didn’t came first on your priority list. 
It actually never even was, on your priority list. 
You were busy with so many other things, you never thought you really needed to have someone involved in that way in your life. 
Plus, maybe, just maybe, the fact your father and mother had a complicated on/off relationship kinda made you afraid of any kind of romantic commitment. 
Batman and Catwoman’s mouse and cat chase was infamous. You didn’t want to ever feel the way they did and still do. You saw more than once, how miserable they could get because of all that. Of course, they had just as much happy moments but...Meh. You’d rather just avoid it. 
Which is why you always seemed to know how to avoid questions about your love life ! You decided long ago that you wouldn’t go the “helpless flirt” way your dad took, and rather borrow the “funny self-deprecating jokes” road. 
You’d just brush off any rumors concerning you and a potential love interest with this kind of humor, and then talk about something else involving your family life. 
And that was it. Easy. Plus anyway, there really wasn’t that much to talk about. 
You were single. You were glad to be single. You didn’t want to get involved with anyone. End of story (and you knew this wouldn’t satisfy anyone’s curiosity which is why you often retorted to deflecting things). 
It was all rather simple and straightforward. 
That was your mindset. Until you met Conner. 
Things changed after that. And though you went through quite a lot of misunderstanding (I wrote stories about this, you can check them out on my master list on the DC one under “Conner” @ella-ravenwood-archives​), in the end, things were great between you two ! 
Actually getting rather...Serious. Which is what got you in that particular mood you were today. What made you somewhat snap at your beloved boyfriend. 
You knew. You just knew that the info would come out eventually. And not knowing when or how was getting you on edge. 
It’s not that you didn’t want to present Conner as your “official” boyfriend. Not that you were ashamed of him or unsure about your relationship. It’s just...getting this kind of thing in the open wasn’t easy. 
You were dreading all the questions about how you met (you couldn’t possibly talk about the truth, and the Young Justice, and coming up with a believable story you could both say was weirdly incredibly stressful), how things were going, wether or not you thought about marriage, living together...kids ! 
This was a step in your privacy you weren’t sure you wanted anyone to cross. And yet...Yet it HAD to be made public ! Because god forbid one of those rude scandal journalists find the truth before you talked about it. 
You could be sure it would bring its lot of rumors and unpleasant things like that. You didn’t want anyone to talk ill about you and Conner dating !! You knew it could really have a bad effect on your relationship...
You witnessed your oldest brother, Dick, and his first fall out with his first girlfriend, Barbara, because the public pressure was too much. Now of course they had other issues and after a lot of things happening managed to work things out and were back together for good (they went through too much together not to), but you didn’t want to go through any of that ! You spend enough nights trying to cheer your older brother up after his break-up, and listening to how things got awful once people started to talk about them...
You already went through so much, with Conner. Convincing your families to accept your relationship was tough for many reasons. You definitely didn’t need some noisy people to speculate about why you didn’t go public or anything...
Which is why you needed to do it now. By yourself. But you just didn’t really know how to...go on about all of that ! 
“(Y/N), we don’t have to if you don’t want to, you know.”
“What ? What are you talking about ? Don’t be stupid, of course I want to. One of them will pick up on it at some point anyway, and then believe me, it’ll be much worse. It’s always better if it comes from us.”  
You wince at the tone of your own voice.
You didn’t mean to sound so cold and a bit condescending, especially since you understood that he was just trying to help you, understanding that you were under a lot of stress and pressure.
You turn to him and smile apologetically, before adding :
“Besides, I think it’s finally time I show you off.” 
Oh it was so easy to make Conner blush. Any compliments coming from you and his cheeks would get that cute rosy tint. You were about to reach for his cheek and caress it lovingly, to complete your not-so-subtile “I’m sorry I was just being an ass” excuse when, as often, your fun and enjoyment at witnessing your boyfriend being so sweet was cut short by...one of your sibling, of course (they always seemed to be around when such moments happened...well today you were visiting the family home, so obviously they’d be there, but still). 
“Tt. There’s not much to show off really !” 
Your youngest brother starts, sneering at Conner. 
Your boyfriend got accustomed to this kind of behavior a while ago now, and only answered with a smirk which Damian thought was absolutely infuriating ! But he didn’t dare say or do much more, because you were now glaring at him and he just knew you too well to risk any other words. Before you could scold him however, your other younger brother, Tim, said : 
“Well, technically speaking, there IS a lot to show. Conner is a, and I’m quoting dad talking about him to one of the Justice League about wether or not he should be one of its new member : “big and able strong man”...bit redundant really. Now, if we speak about conversation and brain...”
Tim snickered, aware of what not finishing his sentence implied, and exchanged a knowing look with Damian. The high-five they gave each others a few seconds after almost stopped you from saying anything. After all, it was so rare to see him bond like that...You just wished it wasn’t in this circumstance. Which made you say : 
“First of all, Conner is a very intelligent man, Mister I-thought-fish-fingers-could-be-found-like-that-in-the-sea-and-were-actually-fingers. And second, he’s also a rather attractive one. So there’s a lot to show off, and you’re just being jealous.”
Damian made an exaggerated gagging sound at you calling your boyfriend “attractive”, but didn’t say anything else (your glare always had such an effect on him), but Tim exclaimed, outraged : 
“Hey ! I was kidding ok ? No need to bring out the jealousy card ! And about the fish fingers, I was seven and you and Jason kept telling me that I was right !” 
You smiled smugly at him, happy you managed to turn the tables on him, and...wow it feels nice. To joke around with your brothers, even if you’re not so sure they’re really joking when talking about your Conner. It was just nice to forget your stress a bit. Nice to think about something else. 
 You came to the realization you HAD to talk about your relationship publicly today, as you were coming home from the Kent farm with Conner and almost got caught by paparazzi. Thanks Gods for Wayne Manor’s high hedges and the fact that from behind and far away, your boyfriend could very well be one of your brother, what with his large frame and dark hair...
But this little event of you two almost getting caught made you realize that you had to go public. You had to introduce Conner to everyone. Because if you didn’t, the truth would eventually come out and it’d just be bad overall. A source of unwanted and easily avoidable troubles. 
You were talking about this all morning with your family, and they were definitely very supportive and agreed with you. You had to talk about it...
Which is why you spend most of your day stressing about it and trying to think about a strategy to bring the subject as smoothly as possible. And so, this little joking distraction was very welcome. 
Your dad’s chuckle finished to make you feel more at ease. It was very rare, to hear him laugh, and when he did, it always had a big soothing effect on you. Even if there was a possibility he was currently mocking you, you couldn’t care less. 
He laughed, and you liked when he was happy and carefree enough to do so. 
You turn to him and he smiles fondly at you. Raising you hadn’t really been the easiest thing for many reasons (none related to your personality or way of being, on the contrary...but that’s another story), and seeing you all grown up brought a special emotion to his heart. 
Seeing you stressed about introducing your relationship to the public made him feel so many different things. 
Nostalgia that you weren’t his little girl anymore. Pride that you grew up so well despite all the hardship you went through, and was such an amazing young woman. Sadness and guilt that it’s only because he was your dad that you had to go through all those troubles (and many more). Happiness because you seemed happy, albeit a bit stressed. Resentment, mainly towards Conner, because he was taking you away... 
His chuckle came from you shutting up Tim with that “fish fingers” comment (and because he was reminded of how cute it was, that arguably his smartest kid was also the most gullible one as a child...oh how you and Jason took advantage of that fact. You also managed to make him believe that the hay wrapped in white plastic in fields were actually giant marshmallows, and that those candy Tim particularly liked were plants), but also because seeing you so worked up over something he never thought you’d even think about much was entertaining. 
You often knew exactly what you wanted and how to achieve it. So the fact you were so unsure right now, about such a trivial thing as to introduce your boyfriend to the “World”...it was oddly funny to him. 
Hence the chuckle. And his next words : 
“I remember being nervous too, when I was about to announce that I was seriously dating your mother.” 
You smile at him and...Oh no. Of course. Of course you were going to turn the tables on him too and try to divert this whole issue : 
“Which time ?” 
Constantly joking about your parents on and off relationship (currently off) was your way to cope with the fact you’d never have quite conventional parents (well, as they said themselves : “they dress as animals at night”, obviously they couldn’t be “normal”). To compensate your fear of having their kind of painful yet exciting relationship (even if clearly, between you and Conner it was completely different  than between them). 
Your dad knew you weren’t quite mocking him, but just teasing. Which is what he wanted to achieve. If you teased him, it meant you were a bit less stressed. 
“When we got engaged. -short pause - The first time.” 
He answers your question, his face stoic even if you know he’s not taking all this too seriously (the fact he added “the first time” proof enough). You smirk and...it always impressed you very much, how your dad always seemed to know what to say to calm you down. 
After all, he was known to be a bit “challenged” when it came to express himself, or his feelings. But for some reasons, he just always know what to say to make his kids feel better. His magic didn’t work only on you, you knew for a fact that in moments of doubts, he always managed to cheer your brothers up to. To bring them back from dark thoughts. 
He knew what it felt like to be miserable, sad, lost and any negative feeling you could think of...And the mere thoughts of his children feeling any of that pained him so much that he always ended up letting his guard down, and letting his heart speak. 
It was always very effective. Like now. 
Even if very simple. Just a few words. You already felt better, more cool headed. Less nervous. More encline to think properly and not panic.
In fact, the way your dad just joked about his own nervousness (and knowing that he had to then announce that his engagements were off which was even worst...) made you see the entire situation in another light. 
You smiled widely at your dad, then at Conner. Ignored your two pouty little brothers who were still vexed about how you easily turned tables on them, and suddenly stood up to go get your phone. 
Conner looked at you, curious, as you came trotting back to him. Your dad, however, knew what this meant. He recognized the little spark in your eyes. He saw it enough to know instantly what it meant. 
You just had an amazing idea to solve your problem. 
Thanks to your dad joking around and therefor helping your mind be more at ease, you were able to foment a little plan as to how would be the best way to bring the news about you having a serious boyfriend. 
You didn’t want to directly come forward with him and say you guys were steady already. You knew that if you did, many people would wonder how long you got together. And the answer to that question would bring too much annoyances. 
If you said the truth, that you’ve been together for almost a year, then people would get vexed that you only just introduced him, even if technically, it was none of their business. They would wonder why they never saw him on any of your social media pages. 
They would talk about why you waited so long before introducing him, and even if your reason was to “make sure things were serious” which was valid, they’d find a way to twist your words, and you didn’t want Conner to think anything of it. You knew he wasn’t one to be easily manipulated, but if problems could be avoided...Then you should avoid them, right ? 
On the other hand, if you said “oh we just got together”, then people would annoyingly give your relationship an “end date” and talk about how you introduced him officially way too fast ! Again, he never even appeared on your instagram !
No. No. Rule number 1 of being famous : give a little info, just enough to satisfy people’s curiosity. Don’t give away too much at the same time, or things will go haywire. 
The biggest problem right now, was that people never even heard of Conner. How would they ? You met while at the Young Justice headquarters. You rarely had the time to go on “conventional” date and even so, you’d then go in places you were sure no one would recognize you (like in Smallville and such). 
You had to first ease him in. Talk about him a bit. Introduce him as a “friend”, before talking about “boyfriend”. So that people wouldn’t be shock. So that they’d slowly get accustomed to him. 
And how to do that ? Well, social media came in handy for sure. 
First, Conner started to appear in your “group pictures”. The one you would take with your brothers, to satisfy the “Wayne fix” people seemed to need. The caption on that first picture of you, Conner and your brothers was : “Hanging with those guys <3 #bestbrothersever #lookatthoseidiots #Waynefam″, as simple as that. 
You replied to a few comments of people wondering who “That dude on the left of Jason” was by replying a simple : “He’s a friend of my brother !” 
It was quite clever really. Bam. Conner was in as “your brother’s friend” (never mentioning which brother was smart, people just assumed it was Dick or Jason and that was it, even if technically, he was Tim’s bestie). And the fact you personally replied to some comments made you closer from the people who wanted to know all about you ! It was a win-win situation. 
Then slowly, he started to appear in your snapchat stories and such. Like “My brother’s friend is a dork”, filming him doing something silly with one of your sibling. 
And bit by bit, he took more space on your social medias. He went from an “unnamed man in your picture”, to “your brother’s friend”, to simply “Conner”. 
The first picture you posted of just you and him had so many comments from people saying things like : “I don’t know for y’all, but I ship them !” or “Oh they’d be a cute couple !” even before you’d hint at anything. 
Literally, this said first picture was of you and him in Metropolis’ streets, picture taken a little blurry on purpose, as if you’d just met by accident. 
The caption read : “Look who I ran into into in Metro-city ! #ConnerK #Thatdork #Mybrosfriend #coincidence”. It was simple, and enough for people to start kinda liking the idea of the two of you together. 
Of course by then, you’d really been together for literal months, but eh, no one but your families and close friends knew. The fact was, you guys dating was part of your “unknown world”. Part of your “superhero World”. You hung out together at the Young Justice headquarters at first. But now it was time for Conner to come and be part of your “Alter Ego” world. 
You posted another picture of you and Conner the same day you “accidentally” ran into each others in Metropolis, of him sitting next to you in a park, an ice cream in his hand, smiling charmingly at the camera. With a caption saying : “Thanks for showing me around dude ! Glad our path crossed #coincidence #Iwaslost #GladIranintohim #mybrothersfriendsarealsomyfriends #suchlonghashtags #ConnerK #icecreamtime #MetropolisSucks”. 
From that point on, it was easy to slowly ease into people’s mind that actually, they kinda like you two together. 
You denying any romantic relationship with him was another smart move. You’d sometimes say : “no he’s just a friend !” and such things whenever people shipped the hell out of you, which made people like and like even more the idea of you two dating. 
You got the inspiration from watching too many TV shows. You know, those incredible slow burn love stories ? Where the lead character has that perfect chemistry with another recurring character, and since their first scene together you’ve been wanting them to date ? But things drag and drag and problem keeps getting in their way and suddenly you would DIE for them ! You are rooting for them to get together soooo bad ! That once they finally do...You’re just incredibly happy, and since you feel like you just witnessed their relationship blossomed for the past three seasons, you don’t mind not having all the answers to your questions about them together, ya know ? 
On the contrary, you want things to keep unfold in front of you. 
Well, you basically applied that TV show trope you love so much to your own fake un-relationship. Posting more and more things with Conner. Cute “friendly” videos, and awesome pictures. 
Conner even started to use his own instagram page, that he never really used before. The message he wrote for you for your birthday, accompanied by a cute picture of you smiling at the camera made so many people write in caps lock “JUST GET TOGETHER ALREADY !”. 
Your plan was going perfectly well. Your father was actually very impressed and proud about how you decided to handle everything. From extremely nervous, to a neatly and skilled little plan coming perfectly together. 
In that way, you were a lot like him. Always had a plan. And multiple back up plans. Only most of the time, your initial plans would almost always work. 
Like father like daughter, right ? 
You were so damn proud of yourself. And so happy Conner understood. 
You were perfectly aware that your “plan” could be misinterpreted by him. After all, he could’ve been weirded out by all the “faking” you asked of him. But nope. He really wasn’t. 
You explained to him that you thought that easing things down would be the best and more problem free way to go. That acting as if you weren’t already together since a long time was a good idea. 
You explained all the rumors that could ensue if you just came out together now without saying anything (you could see such rumors every day in scandal magazines, as soon as a celebrity was hanging out with someone else !). 
And he understood. He agreed. Plus, he didn’t mind acting like your friend in public. So far, you both always kinda hid yourself wherever you went together.
So for Conner it was a great change of pace. Even if he definitely understood too why until now you wanted to keep your relationship hidden. You just wanted to be with him without any other worries, to be with him as if you were just a random person, not someone famous ! Plus he knew you were afraid to impose your fame on him, but now, you’ve been together long enough for him to accept that fact, for him to know he’ll eventually have to roll with it if he wanted to be with you...Oh and he wanted to.
He never thought you were ashamed of him, or not serious or anything. No. He understood why you wanted to hide things. He was totally on board. He was actually pretty sure he would have waited centuries for you to be ready ! And now that you were, that he was too, and moving forward with things...Well then he’d do whatever you want him to do. 
He was never into PDA anyway, and it was nice to be able to hang out with you in public without caring much if people took pictures or not. Because it was known that he was “just one of your brother’s friend” at first, so there was no mystery there ! People knew him now. And even started to point out how he appeared before in your brothers’ pictures anyway !
And then once you started to hang out more as friends yourselves, and all that...as your PUBLIC relationship started to bud...Well who cared if paparazzi took picture and titled their articles : “Are (Y/N) Wayne and Conner Kent dating ?!”
To be honest, it was quite a big help that Conner was “Clark Kent and Lois Lane’s kid”. It eased even more your fake backstory of how you met. It was notoriously known that Bruce Wayne was good friend with famed reporters Kent and Lane. So the fact their children knew each others...wasn’t really surprising ! 
It played perfectly in your little “he was just one of my brother’s friend. I never saw him as more than a play buddy for a long time...until that fateful Metropolis encounter !”. Oh Alfred’s acting class he used to give you as a child definitely came in handy ! 
“So, serious question...Are the Wayne kids single, or not ? There has been rumors lately !” 
You managed to pull a bashful smile that was completely fabricated but that everyone would think was genuine. You became quite good, at faking facial expression in public. “Thanks dad”. 
You knew exactly why, this time, they asked you this question. A few days earlier, you gave an anonymous tips to some paparazzi that “the famed (Y/N) Wayne and her rumored boyfriend Conner Kent had been spotted on Gotham’s docks, having a romantic promenade”. 
You let them take pictures of you quickly kissing Conner, as if you were actually afraid someone would catch you. You and Conner played the part perfectly, acting as if this was your first date or something. All shy and small touches. 
You planned for this event for months. It was the culminating point of everything. The time when finally, things would change. And you were so glad that the journalist to ask you this tonight, was one of the few you actually liked. With a charming smile you say : 
“Oh well you know I rarely talk about that, Miss Torres.” 
Gabriela Torres, a famous EW journalist smiles knowingly but insist. She would usually never do that, but there is some pretty incriminating pictures of you and a certain Metropolis boy... 
“A Metropolis boy you say ? No idea who you are mentioning.” 
You say coyly, and you know they’re falling right in your trap. For this little stunt of admitting you’re in a relationship, your brothers gave you permission to talk about their love life. Briefly. 
“I can tell you however that my brother Dick’s wedding to Barbara Gordon is starting to coming up nicely. That Jason is most definitely following in my dad’s footstep. That Tim is still with his high school sweetheart, Steph’ and um...Well, Damian is only fourteen ! I think he’s barely interested in any kind of romance right now. I’m sure he has crushes but...uh, you know.” 
They didn’t really know, but acted as if they did. Because you had a way with words, that just made people satisfied enough. Just like your dad. Plus, they weren’t really interested in your brothers right now, they knew you were just deflecting. 
Gabriela Torres asks once more about that “Metropolis boy”, but this time, she names him. 
“Isn’t there something going on between you and Conner Kent ?” 
You manage to fake being bashful once again. You turn away from the camera. Laugh a little bit nervously, and then turn back to the journalist and say : 
“Well, a proper lady never tells.” 
You then proceed to smile and wink in a very Bruce Wayne-way (again, like father, like daughter) and walk away. 
And you’ve done it. Gave them just enough so they’ll be satisfied, but not enough to truly invade your personal life. 
Conner’s officially in. 
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t feeling nervous at all when you brought your boyfriend to an official and formal event for the first time. 
And oh man Conner ? Conner was almost throwing up because of how nervous he was. But here you were, walking the red carpet under a hundred of camera flashes. And it was time. 
“(Y/N) Wayne isn’t single anymore, it’s official”. 
“Wow, well. This went better than expected ! They really like you Kon !” 
“Yeah ? I was afraid I messed things up a bit by being so nervous...” 
“Oh no, I think they loved that. It brings a certain quirk to you. And it shows you care about making a good impression...You can bet that tomorrow, people will be all over the papers about me being hitched ! And the next day, they’ll forget all about it because then they’ll focus on the fact that there’s, potentially, three Wayne kids that are still single...So all in all, very successful evening !” 
This was such a relief. Finally. Finally he was “officially” your boyfriend, and you’d never have to hide anymore. Awesome. Things really went smoothly ! People truly LOVED Conner. 
And you were all pretty sure it was thanks to your plan of easing things down. When you finally presented Conner as your boyfriend, people felt like they knew him too, after all those videos and pictures and such you posted. 
They had been shipping you two since “way before you guys started dating” (something people often said, and that amused you often, given the fact you celebrated your first year anniversary while you were still not “officially” together), and were glad to see you two making things official. The “I ship them so hard” comment were now replaced by “#relationshipgoals” and other “THE SHIP HAS SAILED !!” and such. 
Wow. Well. Why were you nervous in the first place ? 
And here you were again, nervous beyond all measure, unable to stop playing with the new piece of jewelry on your ring finger...
Conner asked you to marry him months ago, but it was only now that you had time to truly announce it to the World. Your family and friends already knew of course, but your “public alter ego” had to still come out clean about that. 
The day before the gala you were going to, Conner posted on HIS social medias (sounded more logical) a simple picture of the ring on your finger, your hand holding his, and a caption saying : “She said yes <3″. 
The post broke the internet. 
It became one of instagram’s most liked pictures. And people couldn’t wait for your official statement the next day at the gala...And here you were, nervous again even if you knew most people knew already and you just had to confirm things, to “give them the little infos so they could be satisfied”. 
“Wow, well. This went better than expected ! They really really like you Kon !” 
“Yeah well, I think I figured that out by now. I do receive the occasional hate online about “not being good enough for you” but I’m pretty sure all those accounts are Damian’s...” 
You snort, but start to genuinely laugh when your little brother gives a half-joking “Tt, not ALL of them”. 
You’re on your way home to your apartment, and as often during official galas like so, you’re in the family car as you all went to the event together. Of course. 
You, Jason and Dick didn’t live in the Manor anymore, but Alfred and your dad always made a point to pick you up so you’d all go as a family. It was important for them, but also for that public image you kept up all those years, of you guys being a very close family (which was true anyway). 
People LOVED when the entire Wayne family went somewhere. They always went completely crazy for pictures of all of you together, which unfortunately were rarer nowadays than they used to. Which made said picture all the more appreciated. 
You finish laughing at your brother’s (half) joke and Conner smiles as you lay your head on his chest, closing your eyes, exhausted after tonight’s emotions and commotion. 
There’s a small silence as Alfred drives the family limousine back to your apartment to drop you and Conner off first, as your home is closer to the city center than Dick’s and Jason’s. And definitely closer than Wayne Manor, where your dad, Tim and Damian will go back after dropping all of you off. 
It’s a comfortable silence. Everyone is very please about how the entire evening went. Your dad would never admit it, but he was really happy and proud that you were going to marry a man such as Conner Kent. 
The silence is broken by said man :
“I wonder what people’s reaction will be when we’ll tell them you’re pregnant...” 
Conner says, before he freezes and a horrified expression slowly creeps on his face. Did he just...Drop that bomb ? While you and him only discovered that fact the day before ? And didn’t say anything to your family yet ? Oh my god, you were going to be so mad at him ! 
But you were already asleep, comfortably nestled on his chest, and your boyfriend, future father of your child...Had to bear the glares your brothers laid on him, the furious shock in your father’s eyes. 
He had to ignore the gasp they all made, the way they refrained themselves from yelling because you were asleep and it was rare for you to get any of that, especially so peacefully. The way they “yelled” silent “WHAT ?!” and threw their hand in the air, the scene being utterly comic, as they tried to make as little noise as possible. 
The way your brothers weren’t sure wether they were happy or mad. The way your dad’s glass of water he had in his hand shattered as he gripped it. The way his expression went from “angry” to “wait, what, I’m going to be a grandfather ?” to finally land on “I’m happy ! But also, how dare you touch my daughter that way ?”. 
And all the while, you slept peacefully, not knowing that this novel piece of news that stressed you out was now out in the open to your family. You had just barely started to foment a plan about how to tell them ! 
For Conner, the ride back to your apartment was a very awkward one. And he blessed the fact that you didn’t wake up as you arrived home, meaning he didn’t have to witness your grumpy self awaking to your family asking you a thousand questions about your pregnancy ! 
He exited the car slowly, making sure to not wake you up, and mouthed a “I guess we’ll talk tomorrow...” to your brothers and father, smiling awkwardly at them, closing the car’s door. Worst timing EVER. And it was a bit surreal, to see their frustrated face realizing they’d really have to wait for tomorrow to ask for an explanation, as the door slowly closed on them. 
At least the good thing about all that, was the fact that you were deeply asleep and unaware of his mistake. That way, he had time to think of something to tell you, of a plan to break the news to you that he accidentally might have slip the fact that you were bearing his child to your family...
Sorry it took me a while to get that story out. I just got extremely busy with life lately...So. Yeah. I had ZERO time to write. Anyway, glad I could finally post this :). As usual, the initial idea I had changed quite a bit along the way, and I ended up focusing on Batsis/Conner more than on the Batsibling as a whole (don’t worry, there’ll be more bat siblings story related, and only them :)), but eh, that happens. I always end up getting carried away by the story.
Hope you liked it (???), don’t hesitate to leave a feedback and reblog, it’s always BEYOND appreciated (motivates to write more and all). Hope you weren’t disappointed or something and...yeah. That’s pretty much it *proud for once I didn’t comment on how insecure I am posting a story*.
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spidercakes · 4 years
Starker for 002 in the ask thing if you wouldn't mind dear author 💜 -StarkerBrain3000
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when of if I started shipping it.
Hard to pinpoint. I saw it probably just after Civil War for the first time, thought ‘hmm’ and then watched the massive backlash to it appear. Never paid much attention to it, though, mostly because starker didn’t sit in any of my inner circle of blogs I follow at the time, so most of it was peripheral and given the weird amount of hate Tony’s character got I already only followed hella select blogs in the MCU fandom.
I got way more into the ship about 3 months ago though. Went on a reading binge and then made this blog. I’m not sure why it happened to be when it was, but I’m already established as a fic writer elsewhere and felt a bit burnt out. This pairing has been like a nice vacation because I like producing content for it and this is a surprisingly interactive fandom? The most interactive I’ve ever dealt with anyway.
my thoughts:
Good lord people on this site take shipping and fiction in general way too seriously. Don’t get me wrong, I live and breath social justice- I have a gender studies degree- its a big part of my life. But antis seem to fundamentally misunderstand how fiction affects reality and how reality affects fiction. They remind me a lot of anti porn feminists in the 70′s claiming that porn made men violent towards women when that’s A- not definitively proven even now and B- you don’t watch an hour long porn flick and become a misogynist, you were already misogynistic and then the porn reaffirmed your shitty values, and the shitty treatment of women in the porn was because misogyny already existed in mainstream culture and was thus included in the porn. Which is generally how fiction affecting reality works- something preexisting in the culture is reinforced by mainstream media and then reabsorbed by the audience, which is why people can watch slashers without you know, turning into one.
And the fact that antis remind me of that particular group of feminists doesn’t leave me with a high opinion of them really. They lack a lot of critical thinking skills, don’t even seem to understand how fan fiction works also, and they also keep redefining the definition of pedophilia for... fuck knows what reason because it sure shit isn’t to help victims of actual CSA. They’re irritating at best and absolute hypocrites at worst- like who the hell says ‘save the children, kill yourself’ and thinks that’s actually acceptable?
As for the ship itself I’ve always preferred AUs, and this pairing is no exception though I’d never actually write it in canon. Canon sideways maybe, but it’d have to be pretty sideways for me to consider it. Plus I find it more fun to make my own sandbox to play in rather than the writers of the MCU’s box. I’ve already seen them in that setting, I want to play with them in new settings lol. That said I’ve not written much of this pairing before so its all new stuff and this particular fandom offers new tropes to play around with! That’s what had me most excited walking into the fandom, the way people toyed with the characters.
What makes me happy about them:
The unique dynamic they have- I’ve always been drawn to characters who have an interesting dynamic. Plus Tony Stark is one of my fav characters in anything anyway and I ship him with almost everyone (minus Pepper, no hate to Pepper!). I figure that’s why this ship came about too- Tony is interesting and well drawn out as a character, and I loved Tom Holland’s Spidey. He’s the best who’s had the character in my opinion so pairing them together was probably something inevitable. Other than that I like the way the fandom toys with their characters- not always in character, but still a lot of fun to read and imagine!
What makes me sad about them:
Well, half of them are dead, so...
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
Good god, daddy kink. Its not even that I find it annoying, its just that its a hell of a squick for me so its difficult to find something that doesn’t include that and surprise daddy kink is not where I’m at as a person. Granted most people warn for it, which I’m grateful for, but it does permeate the fandom in a way that makes it a pain in the ass to find something I want. And honestly that’s really only it, and its more of a personal preference (seriously, no hate to anyone who likes that- you’re clearly all in good company lol, its just not for me) than an actual annoyance.
things I look for in fanfic:
I’m really picky about how I like Tony written. I’ve been writing the character for years now and fell into my own habits with him, though I do get pretty consistent compliments on how I write him so I’ll assume I do an okay job. But the result is that I have a hard time when people write him in ways I don’t like or wouldn’t write myself. Sometimes its just random squicks that pop up in a story, or sometimes I outright dislike the way he’s written. That said I do find that the starker fandom does the things I hate with Tony’s characterization in fic much less. 
This, I think, is primarily due to the fact that he’s made the more dominant one in the relationship always (and people treating top/bottom like its a fucking dominance thing is something that annoys me in general mostly because its built on the misogynistic idea that being penetrated is being dominated but also because sex positions aren’t a fucking personality trait but I digress). As per my previous rant I don’t care for the idea of the ‘top’ being the dominating one based on that alone, but I do like that people writing Tony in that way reduces the amount of Wuss Tony fics in the fandom. Actually, I don’t think I’ve read a single one like that. Its my Number One I Hate That in other MCU pairings, making Tony some weak little waif in need of protecting. Though I gotta admit I don’t care for Peter in that position either- clearly he’s capable and able, please don’t turn him into the wuss. Bonus points if everyone thinks he’s soft but then oh no he’s actually dangerous shit lmao.
Still though, my pickiness over how the character is written can sometimes hinder my ability to enjoy a fic.
My kinks:
Bro finding an entire fandom who likes feminizing dudes if fucking mint. I have my issues with the term, but I do feel men get the ass end of the stick when it comes to aesthetics and the easiest solution is to stick them in aesthetically pleasing shit and if that’s women’s clothing and lingerie so be it lmao. I also like the kind of gender bending that goes on in that too, I find it subversive in a way that doesn’t need to be spoken aloud if I want to swing it that way, or flat out more pleasing to imagine. Seriously, men’s clothing is boring as fuck so skirts? I’m here for it. Though I wish there was more fem!Tony stuff in the starker fandom- its actually something I write a lot of when I write him in other pairings (particularly winteriron).
Other than that I’m a big fan of anything sensation play related. So ice play, things fucking about with heat, sometimes electric play stuff, taking away someone’s senses (blind folds, bondage, blocking out hearing in some way- that type of thing). Things like feathers are nice too. I’m also fond of gags, preference for ball gags or impromptu cleave gags. Theoretically soft dom stuff though I will never understand why bondage is considered not terribly kinky. I know a lot of people are into it but the idea of trusting someone enough to tie me up and actually listen if I decide I want out of it? I have too many trust issues to relate lmao. But it does make for a good bit of fiction as I’m sure some of you have noticed in my writing (given that I do love to write some kinky stuff). If you want something sex related specifically for whatever reason public sex gets my goat, not sure why because if I were a random passerby I’d be pretty fucking annoyed at the people in the bathroom but hey, whatever floats your boat on the page, right lmao.
I’ve thought about some more extreme things too, knife play and toying with things like fear being two of those things. But I’d have to have the right opportunity and context to work them in.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
Well, Tony is dead so. I would have preferred him with literally anyone but Pepper though. He literally had more romantic chemistry with Rhodey (who I do incidentally ship him with). But the MCU is  bunch of cowards so clearly they would never end up together. But they’d make a better pairing than him and Pepper, in my opinion.
Peter I’m fine with him being with MJ, I like them together on screen and I really like her character. If not her than Ned would also be a good pairing for him!
My happily ever after for them:
Well we gunna have to unkill some people but that’s what fanfic is for, right? Beyond that because I prefer AUs so much their happily ever after will depend entirely upon what universe I’ve imagined up for them :)
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nakamuranight · 4 years
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Pickle Juice, Boobs and Levi
It was the middle of May and that idiot eren still can’t transform. The guy needs to bite his thumbs, ha, it seems like there is no way he can appear less immature, from sucking ass in training camp to sucking thumbs. Levi as cold as ever and Hange as crazy as ever, everyone needed a break. It didn’t seem like it was actually gonna happen, but here they are,the preparations for the trip completed and only after 2 Levi vetoes and one mutiny in the VOTING COUNCIL of the survey corps. It seemed he was persuaded only after everyone agreed to bring their ODM gear along with them and a couple of training dummies they could use. THE LEVI SQUAD is finally out for a trip into the wild.
The forest was loud and obnoxious without meaning to,a huge swirl of action amidst the greenery latent to the ones that do not watch closely. The signs of crown shyness are obvious as the gaps between the tree leaves weaved like rivers and streams beautifully through the canopy. The sounds of the forest, the chirp of the crickets, the leaves rustling in the wind and the sounds of a large group of sweaty teens carrying a load of mechanical weapons as they grunted past along a levi-footprint-marked forest path.
“Are we there yet??”
The harmony of the forest had the misfortune to be broken by the most annoying drawl that could possible grace its leafy doorsteps, that of Eren jaeger and his self-centered Cheesy line spouting.
Levi had relented to come on the trip but not to put up with the kid.
“Don’t let the forest trick you.You are still heading to a world of pain and sweat, as you train your ass off, or bite your thumbs or whatever it is you do, for the whole week. I wouldn't be too excited if i were you, titan doppler.
They set up camp in a clearing marked on one edge by a stream and on the other three by the shady confines of the forest. It was the first day of the trip a.k.a training megacourse and everyone was already done with it. Forced awake to the sounds of Sasha, as she is tickled by Levi using his sword sheath, after having to hear her moan ~potato~ in her sleep the whole night was not a good experience. On top of that, her addiction to pickles was getting to the point of ridiculous. She has a whole stash of them with her and her pickle halitosis is insufferable and even made levi’s snake eye more along the lines of “disgust” as ever.(Sasha is my fav character, if all of this isnt making it clear).
As part of the first workout, everyone was divided into pairs: eren and mikasa, hange and sasha, levi and armin(realized i didn't introduce all the characters yet). Each pair had to hide a titan dummy in parts of the forest tied with their team flag. Survey corp green for Levi's team, hentai nose bleed red for Sasha's team and onyx black for Mikasa’s team. It's simple enough, each team had a defender and an attacker and the goal was to kill the titans of the other teams.
Levi’s zipping past the trees unafraid of depleting his fuel as he made every movement as graceful and efficient as possible, considering he is moving at breakneck speed and carrying blades.
He stops, clings to a tree bark with his sharpened blades, to scout the surroundings. He sighted a gleam of light, just for the briefest of seconds right in between a pair of oaks. He rushed forwards, circling around as he tried to get a better view.
It was the reflection off of Hange's specs that had made the light Levi saw. She seemed to be crouched down on the forest floor looking at something, observing more like as she was rapidly talking to herself in that creepy ritual-like voice she developed after not looking at people as beings with emotions but as things made up of blood and organs, made for her exploration and curiosity. Levi heard some strings of what she was saying out of context
“....beautiful, how those talons curve up like that….TENTACLES?!,how did these things...evolve”
Levi figured something scuttling across the ground must've caught her attention. This was too easy, or maybe it was because levi is just too fucken OP and his bowl presley short hair gorgeousness makes everything seem easy. He silently, not that it was required with all the noise Hangewas making.
“LOOK at that tiny lil sucker, ...impregnate them like that huh...might wanna try...cool tail man”
Levi shakes his head and walks up to the titan dummy. It was just too easy till now, he pulls back his blades and lays two deep gashes on its nape. Levi jerks, it sounded wrong. He looks back at the cut, just to get a big amount of some sticky substance sprayed on his face. His senses were on fire and his first thought was that it’s kerosene or something flammable, but then his eyes started burning and his thoughts went to it being some potent acid, he had seen the work of acid many times as it dissolves organic matter like a hot knife on butter. He stood still for a while ashe imagined a familiar taste erupting on his tongue and he got a picture of sasha going *haaaaa* in the morning as she fixed herself in the mirror. He was going crazy. He started running around, trying to wipe it off his face.
By then, he was making enough noise to even break Hange out of her bubble. She seemed to be running towards him, she first glanced at the flag still tied around the dummy and then to levi. She knew he wouldn't just cut it without taking the trophy, and figured from his erratic actions( he was rolling across on the floor now) that something was wrong. Amidst the confusion Levi’s ODM gear started whirring and he flew straight at hange. He couldn't see anything and had no way of knowing.Hange braced herself for impact, Levi was coming towards her too fast. He crashed into her with a loud thump.
It was dark for a while, Levi sprawled across his face pressed against something. It felt a bit squishy, did his face melt off?! He gave it a test jab and grope. He jolted upright when he heard a response moan and realization swept through him and set his face on fire with embarrassment . Now looking at Hange laying on the floor, he couldn't believe he had just been groping her boobs. He had never joined the guys in cheering “oppai” when they drank, he never found boobs interesting. He thought darkly, even for Hange they are just slabs of flesh,really really soft and bouncy flesh he added. He wondered if he was just imagining it, but he felt an inclination towards them now. Their soft lushness, nothing but phantom memories on his skin now still held his mind in its vice.
Hange was out cold but she seemed to be fine, she will be fine but a few bruises in the morning.
Then it struck him, that odd taste that still lingered on his tongue. He sped off into the forest, furious at having not realized sooner. Now he was to exact punishment. He reeked of pickle juice.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Might make a spin off hot spring/bath scene like all manga artists when they run out of content but still need to fan serve. Why do u think Ii appropriately mentioned a river there
Next up: The pickle war. Levi and sasha battle in a contest of numerous pickle related games.
Its my first time writing anything at all so i would love some criticism.
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
Death In Phazes - Phic Phight
Prompt by: @heyheyitsstillgay
Prompt: "Y'know, when you mentioned that ghosts actually have their own leagues of non-contact sport, this really wasn't what I had in mind."
Summary: Suffering IS the joke and sports equals suffering.
Warning: violence, vomiting, mild frequent electrocution, gross-out humour, and this is basically a crackfic. also, note: I know nothing about sports. Also on my AO3 at GothMoth
“Ugh, I hate dodgeball!” Danny groans as he walks out of the boys' locker room, all the while rubbing what will surely be a few new bruises. “Dash always thrashes me with the hardest balls he can find!” Tucker chuckles “what can I say, you're his fav. Who knows maybe he wants to thrash you in other ways” Tucker rapidly raises and lowers his eyebrows in an exaggerated fashion. “Dude, pass.” Danny says with a full body shiver.  “What’s worse is that last ball landed square on my rib that had just finally mended itself back together.” Off to the side, some nameless Asian student mutters “What the fuck...??”
“Please tell me you’re talking about food, not your actual ribs Danny” Sam sighs as she comes up from behind, joining the two boys. “oH yEs SaM, i ToTaLy PaCkEd SpArE rIbS iNtO mY sHiRt FoR eXtRa PaDdInG” Danny replies while smacking both his hands over his ribs making a loud slap and crack sound. “Shit ok that was dumb” poking his chest “yup, look, alrighty then. Definitely broken...again” he groans and tilts his head backwards exaggeratedly. “Oh for Plasmius sake Danny” Sam sighs. “Heh heh well, this time your joke broke you” Tucker attempts to joke but fails miserably, earning deadpan stares from his only friends. “Oh come on” Tucker sighs quietly. Danny looks straight at Tucker and says “well I sure could use some actual spare ribs right now”. “Great idea -“ Tucker starts but is cut off by Sam as she slaps the back of her hand into Tucker's chest. “Dear Plasmius no, we are not replacing Danny’s rib with one from a poor defenceless lamb”. looking to Sam, “Well it would be already dead so I think I could get more use out of it than the dead lamb could” Danny then makes a mock pained expression and pretends to fall to the ground and sprawls out in mock pain. “I mEaN lOoK aT mE! i’M pOoR! i’M bRoKeN! i’M-“ Sam leans down and slaps a hand over his mouth. “If you say defenceless I will steal the Plasmius Maximus and make it so that you ARE defenceless” straightening up Sam walks off chuckling lightly. “But I am still getting a plate of spare ribs right!?” Tuck shouts as he follows her leaving Danny to slowly heave himself up. As one Asian boy, who has still failed to leave the damn gym, simply looks on with mild horror and confusion. “No seriously, what the fuck”
Tucker lightly pats his now full stomach as Sam shakes her head in disgust. When out of nowhere Danny whacks Tucker’s stomach in a pretend show of mockingly using his full strength, nearly making Tucker vomit. “And that’s for ignoring my suffering and pain” Danny chuckles as he begins to sit back down in their booth after having dumps out their trash. “Hack, dude, Hack, screw you. Must my, Hack, poor ribs suffer too?” Tucker, trying to recover from the choking/coughing fit. “Your ribs deserve all the suffering that lamb felt” Sam glares. “I wouldn’t call safe and comfy in my tummy suffering” Tucker jokes and then promptly belches. Then out of nowhere, literally it came through a damn ghost portal, an ectoball comes flying smack dab into Danny’s face; exploding into a gooey mess. “Whpfwh?! Hghsonlevshrshngmmphddgallowph?!?!!!” comes Danny's muffled cry. “Care to try that again buddy” Tucker snickers as Danny aggressively wipes off the ectoplasm and then shakes his hands dry. “I said” air-quoting “Wtf the fuck why?! Does the ghost zone love thrashing me at dodgeball now too?!?!!!”. Suddenly a pale ginger boy’s hands slam onto the table, with squinted eyes he says “I fucking hope so...I fucking hope so” he then walks away backwards while glaring. “It probably says a lot that we didn’t even flinch from that” Sam sighs. Danny Chuckling, “our fight or flight response is buried so deep not even Pariah could summon up its skeleton”. Suddenly Danny’s ghost sense goes off as Skulker slips through the portal, as all the people but the trio just flees. “Does his name really mean so little to you ghost child!”. Danny just rolls his eyes, slides limply under the table and then dashes out the bottom as Phantom. “Oh relax whelp, I’m just here to invite you to our Death Phazers tournament. So I can thrash you publicly” Skulker dismissively waves at Danny’s fighting stance. Prompting Danny to straighten out, cross his arms and cock his head. “Excuse me, no wait don’t excuse me cause you’re a dick.” Sam shakes her head as Skulker just sighs. Sam continuing “but since when was there even tournaments for ghosts?”. Danny butts in, “Better yet why do you want to do the-“ air-quoting “thrashing” end air-quoting “at some game rather than here and now” Danny chuckles as he shakes his head. “You goin soft on me Skulkie” . Skulker groans and holds the bridge of his nose as he responds “don’t get your hopes up, I wouldn’t dream of it whelp. You will be mine.”
“So...” Sam says
“Oh for the love of —“ shaking his head Skulker whips out a paper invite and continues “be there, get pummelled” Skulker blasts off straight through the ceiling but Danny just straight up jumps sideways through the window, shattering it to pieces as he whips out his thermos; successfully capturing the hunter. “Oh come on” is faintly heard from the soup container. “Dude, do you just like get off on making sure there’s always some property damage during all ghost encounters or something?” Tucker just stares disappointedly at Danny who has landed gracelessly on the ground not even bothering to float. “Kinkshamer no kink shaming” Danny chuckles as he stands and cracks his back. Hopping through the broken window while simultaneously changing forms, he lands squarely back in his seat. “Ok, a Dora the Explorer reference is painful even for you” Sam sighs. “Hey now, they’re making a live action of that shit so it’s topical” is Danny’s best attempt at making himself not look any lamer. Grabbing the invite he shakes it off with a quick flick of his wrist. Opening it up he reads it out loud, cause it’s not like anyone is around to hear this bullshit.
“Phang Phucking Phantom,
Your halfa ass is invited to play some sweet rounds in the Death Phazers tournament.
This invite says some rounds because your half-life will be pounded out of you brutally”
“Oh, my Plasmius! Does it seriously say that!” Sam wheezes as she grabs the invite away. Waving his hand around Danny shrugs “I was paraphrasing”. “Does it even say what Death Phazers is?” Tucker asks with a raised eyebrow. Sam glares at Danny “yes it damn well does, if Danny had bothered to read that part out” Danny simply shrugs. “I’m gonna go to this shit regardless of what it is”. “Dude, I think you’ve officially murdered any remaining remnants of your self-preservation” Tucker chuckles. “Tuck pal, I brutally eviscerated that long ago” Danny emphasises the word "eviscerated" for added affect. “Ignoring your questionable state of mind, I’m frankly shocked ghost have any kind of sports. Even more so that this sport is explicitly non-contact”. Tucker just stares at Sam “Plasmius really? They invited Mr-I-hate-all-sports-McGee over here to play, sports?”. Danny leans back and chuckles “guess they figure they’re more likely to beat my ass when there are rules in play”. Pointing at Danny, “Which your hero syndrome ass won’t break of course” Tucker says with a shake of his head. “Dude, You’d think with superpowers you bend the rules a bit more”. Sam points at Tuck “who’s to say there ARE rules Tuck? It’s ghost sports”. “Uh, Sam I’m pretty sure you can’t have non-contact sports without rules. Otherwise, it would instantly become all contact, all the time” Danny replies as he flicks the corner of the invite, still in Sams left hand. “Especially with ghosts involved”. Tucker's second phone goes off loudly playing Spooky Scary Skeletons. It takes him a hot minute to actually find the phone. “Well shit guys it be late and the rents be a callin”. “I wonder why any of our parents even bother at this point. It’s a straight miracle when we actually make it home near on time” Danny sighs, shoving his hands in his pockets as he gets up. “Whelp I guess I’ll see you at my house later for” shaking his head “of all things, sports” Danny flicks he’s toes off the ground shooting himself straight up and phasing through the roof. Sighing as she turns to head out the doors, Sam mutters “at least he didn’t break that too”. One Asian boy sticks his head out of the bathroom and takes in the glass covered nasty burger with a puddle of ectoplasm on the floor “wha-what the fuck...”.
— cut to Danny’s lab —
“Well now, I guess this hunk of my dad’s junk is all set for ghostly adventures...Tuck?”...”Tuck!”.....”TUCK YOU SALTED FUCK!”. Tucker bangs his head on the underside of the Specter Speeder. “Dude, yeah shits ready to rumble”, rubbing the back of his head he mutters “I’ll show you salted”. Sam and Danny join him in the Speeder after Danny opens the portal. “The positive of this is I don’t have to hold back” Danny chuckles as he waves around his invite while Sam sits into the driver's seat. “Yeah kinda hard for you to straight murder a ghost with your pure teenage boy strength” Sam rolls her eyes. “EcUsE yOu! I aM ThE dEfInItIoN oF sTrEnGtH!” Danny shouts while flinging his arms around in the air, walking quickly in a little circle. He stops suddenly completely still and just deadpans “though really if I genuinely threw a dodgeball Dash would lose his head, literally”. “Yeah yeah man, we know. Freaky powerful half ghost man, that’s what you are” Tucker waves at him dismissively from the shotgun seat. Danny mutters indescribable things as he slaps his chin onto the dashboard with his legs still standing upright. Sam intentionally guns it so he flys backwards, crashing into the back wall. “Why, oh why, must love hurt” Danny sighs as he rolls on the floor.
“Hey Danny where are the directions?”
“Heh you’ll have to make up and kiss me for em’” Danny says chuckling as he quickly stuffs the invite into his mouth before either of them notice.
“Hey Tuck-“
“He’s your freaking love bird for Plasmius sake”
“And who’s the one driving?”
“You know I can!”
“Only if you can wrestle the controls from me” Sam smirks as she knows she’s won, she doesn’t notice Danny also smirking. “The things I do...” Tuck sighs as he gets up and walks over to stare down at Danny; still sprawled out on the floor with a shit eating grin. Danny wiggles his eyebrows up and down. Tucker sighs again, shrugs and applies some lip balm because might as well. But what Danny doesn’t know.....Tucker makes quick work of the kiss, promptly finding and giving an unpleasant surprise. “Dude! Salt limp balm? Who even makes that? And why do you have that” Danny cries as he wipes his lips off. Tucker gags and hacks out the wadded up invite dripping with saliva. “I’m the one who should be yelling dude! What? And why? Was this even in your mouth? That’s like the worst place to store anything!”. “Unless there’s kissing involved” Danny finger guns at Tucker as he sits up. Tucker just glares at him. “Salted limp balm is good for eye stabbing, burns real good” Tucker tries to sound threatening but that’s lost on Danny. Tucker sits back in his place as Danny walks up placing one hand on each headrest. Tucker shakes out the slimy invitation and folds it out. Sam takes one look at it and just shakes her head as she steers the Speeder into the right direction.
The rest of the trip is mostly silent if you exclude the sounds of Danny physically slamming himself into different Speeder walls out of sheer boredom. Eventually, they arrive at the, frankly, absurd over the top colosseum. “Wow Danny this place is almost more over the top than your need for constant action” Sam jeers. “What can I say the portal gave me a solid dose of adrenaline addiction with a side of pain”. Sam chuckles, “Well Mr.Junkie you should have OD’d two weeks after your portal induced first dose”. “WeLl ExCuSe Me FoR sAvInG yOuR lIfE” Danny drags out his words while slowly moving his head past Sam’s head. “Eh, rather die by ghost than the heat death of the universe” Sam smirks and shrugs. Sighing as he goes to step out the Speeder Danny can’t help but agree “don’t we all, don’t we all...”
Approaching the massive doors Tucker goes to push it open but just fails miserably, he doesn’t stop trying though. “For Plasmius sake” Sam whips the balled up invite at the wall causing the doors to open and Tucker to fall on his face. “And why couldn’t you mention the invite worked as a key earlier?” Tucker groans as he stands. “Your pain brings me joy” Sam chuckles. “I find it quite delicious myself”. The trio snaps their heads up to the voice of Spectra, seeing her rubbing her right fingers up the side of her face while smiling. “Let me guess the tournament is going to just be a clusterfuck of my enemies wanting to maim me?” Danny says through a smirk as he floats lightly off the ground. “You wouldn’t be wrong about that whelp” Skulker cackles as he steps out next to Spectra. The two step to the side and spread their arms out egging the trio to enter. “Welcome, whelp, to the game room”
The trio steps inside to the view of 8 large square arenas each surrounded by large walls; positioned in a circle around a larger circular arena that’s akin to a tennis court but round. With rows and rows of seats surrounding the 8 squares and center circle, in a large ring slowly ascending to create the colosseum aesthetic. Each of the 8 areas is split into four smaller squares by glowing ectoplasmic grids as tall as the walls; while the centre arena only has two opposing sections. “Alright, I have no clue what Sport This is supposed to be” Sam says, somewhat in awe. “Why would we ever suffer the indignity of playing a human sport?” Desiree mutters from down by one of the arenas. “Eh can’t really object there” Danny shrugs. “Still being a piss baby about your ribs?” Tucker teasingly jabs at Danny. “If the ghost child lost a rib I’ll gladly take it” Skulker interjects a little too hopefully. “How bout no” Danny finger guns at Skulker as Skulker visibly deflates. Sam turns to Spectra “So anyway what exactly is this shit. What qualifies as a non-contact sport to your ghostly asses?”.
“BEWARE MY BOXY EXPLANATIONS!” Is heard as The Box Ghost is literally flung at the trio by Ember. Danny catches his face in his right hand. Letting go of The Box Ghosts face “boxy buddy you don’t look like the physical activity type”. “We’re ghosts, who cares” groans Skulker. “I CAME WITH EXPLANATIONS SO MY EXPLANATION YOU WILL SUFFER, BEWARE!”. “He’s doing the explanation just so we can suffer” Sam groans arms crossed much to the amusement of both Skulker and Spectra. “FOUR PLAYERS COMPLETE PER ARENA EACH TAKING THEIR OWN PLACE IN THEIR OWN MARKED SQUARE. PLAYERS CAN’T LEAVE THEIR OWN SQUARE.”. “Yeah, that sounds pretty non-contact to me” Sam shrugs. The Box Ghost continues completely ignoring her, “EVERY PLAYER CREATES ECTOBALLS, THROUGH THE DEATH PHAZER CHEST PLATE AND BLASTS THEM OFF AROUND THE FOUR SQUARE ARENA. EACH PLAYERS ECTOBALLS HAVE THEIR OWN COLOUR! USING THE DEATH PHAZER GLOVES EACH PLAYER CREATES AN ECTONET AND USES THE NET TO TRY AND CATCH ANY ECTOBALLS THAT COME THEIR WAY!” The Box Ghost looks pretty pleased with himself even as Sam interrupts again. “So I’m guessing you gain points by catching the balls”. Tucker cuts in chuckling “why are all sports about playing with balls” Sam immediately slugs him in the shoulder. “BEWARE YOUR INCORRECT ASSUMPTIONS! FOR THE AIM OF THIS GAME IS TO DESTROY OTHER PLAYERS NETS!”. “Ahh sweet sweet destruction, my adrenaline junkie senses are tingling” Danny grins. Skulker just sighs “why are you like this” he mutters into his hand. As Desiree floats up and hands Danny his chest plate and gloves; both of which are green. As Danny is strapping the chest plate on he begrudgingly asks “so why do we need chest shit to make these ectoballs and how do I wreck these fools nets”. “I’m actually being paid attention to” The Box Ghost mutters to himself, while Skulker mutters about being called a fool, before The Box Ghost continues “THESE ECTOBALLS ARE NO NORMAL ECTOBALLS, THEY’RE CREATED BY THE CHEST PIECE AND WILL HAVE A STRENGTH LEVEL ASSIGNED TO THEM BASED ON THE PLAYERS LEVEL OF SUFFERING IN THEIR LIFE! THE MORE SUFFERING THEY’VE ENDURED THE STRONGER THE ECTOBALL”. Grinning, “Hooray for suffering” Sam chuckles darkly. “Hey now, for once my life of suffering is giving me a leg up” Danny jokingly scolds. “THE GLOVES CREATE YOUR NET AND ITS STRENGTH IS BASED ON YOUR LEVEL OF DETERMINATION!”. “Hey look at that Danny, hero complex for the win” Tucker snickers as he jabs Danny in the arm. Danny flicks a bunch of snow at him in retaliation then goes to put on the gloves. “IF A ECTOBALL IS STRONGER THAN A PLAYERS NET THEN IT WILL BE HARDER TO CATCH AND HARDER TOO FLING. AS THE STRONGER A ECTOBALL IS COMPARED TO THE PLAYERS NET THE HEAVIER IT WILL FEEL". Danny physically pauses “Wait, fling? We’re throwing stuff with the nets as well as catching or something”. “EXACTLY! CATCH THE ECTOBALLS AND THEN FLING THEM AT OTHER PLAYERS. YOU CAN CATCH MULTIPLE ECTOBALLS IN YOUR NET AT A TIME BUT THEIR STRENGTH WILL COMPOUND! IF AN ECTOBALL OR BUNCH OF ECTOBALLS IS DRASTICALLY STRONGER THAN THE PLAYERS NET, THE NET AND ECTOBALLS WILL BE DESTROYED!". Skulker jumps in “covering them in ectoplasm and pain!”, his words filled with glee. “Pain, of course. Can’t have sports without pain.” Danny rolls his eyes as Skulker smiles deviously. “THE NET WILL ALSO BE DESTROYED IF YOU FAIL TO HOLD ON TO BOTH ENDS OF THE NET, ONE IN EACH HAND!”. “So I’m guessing you don’t want to just hold onto balls” Tucker groans “well there goes a sneaky game plan”.“Tucker, there never was a game plan” Danny sighs. “THAT'S NOT ALL!-“. interrupting “Of course it’s not” sighs Sam. “If that was all then freakishly determined ghosts would have too great an advantage child” Skulker scolds. “Wow, is this Skulker, THEE Skulker; actually caring about fair?” Danny jokes while tilting his head to the side. Earning nothing but a glare from Skulker. “as I was saying. THE SECOND AN ECTOBALL TOUCHES YOUR NET YOU WILL BE ABLE TO FEEL THE PAIN OF THAT GHOSTS DEATH!”. With raised eyes, “Wow that surprisingly fucked up, I’m not sure what I expected though” Danny says mildly impressed though Sam looks rather concerned. “EACH PLAYER IS LIMITED TO 3 NETS BUT HAS UNLIMITED ECTOBALLS! HOWEVER! ECTOBALLS HAVE A 3 SECOND CHARGE UP TIME BEFORE THEY CAN BE BLASTED AND YOU CAN’T CHARGE THEM UP WHILE MOVING!” Tucker still trying to come up with sneaky plans “couldn’t you just dodge balls rather than catch balls?”. “Ha! As if it would that simple!” Skulker laughs. “But I thought you weren’t smart enough for anything that wasn’t simple?” Danny sarcastically quips, earning another glare. “I will end you ghost child”. “Good luck with that” the trio say, in unison.“FAILING TO CATCH A ECTOBAll WILL RESULT IN ELECTROCUTION!”. “Plasmius fuck” Danny breathes. Sam slightly pales, growing ever more concerned “isn’t that, like, overboard?”. “Sam, overboard is practically ghostly motto” Danny shakes his head and jabs his thumb backwards pointing at Spectra “I mean look at miss dominos over there”. Tucker interjects before Spectra can move to mutilate Danny, “so how the heck are you supposed to win this?”. “This is the best moment of my life. JUST BE THE LAST GHOST STANDING! ONCE A PLAYERS THIRD NET IS DESTROYED THEY ARE ELIMINATED FROM THE GAME!”. “Well that’s straight forward” Danny looks out at the 9 different arenas “I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that there will be 8 groups of four competing and the winner of each group will move on”. Sam continues the guess “meaning 32 players who then become 8. And then 2, whom I’m guessing fight it out in the centre ring or something?”. “PRECISELY!”. “But you will never make it that far whelp!” Skulker gloats. “Oh I don’t know Skulker. I pretty much define suffering” Danny says with a smirk.
As Spectra and Skulker walk away to set up their own gear, Skulker in red and Spectra in purple. She mutters, feeling slightly less confident “Hmmm, he isn’t wrong and while normally I’d eat that up. This might give the child some edge”. “Well no matter! The ghost child has no experience and we have a plan” Skulker grins viciously.
Meanwhile with the trio, who are now ignoring the Box Ghosts screams of “BEWARE!”. “You know they’re definitely going to gang up on you.” Sam says with a sigh. “YoU dOn’T sAy SaM? gEe I wOuLd HaVe NeVeR gUeSsEd? A rOoM fUlL oF mY eNeMiEs AnD tHeY wAnT tO gAnG uP oN mE? tHe ShAmE!” Danny says unnaturally wide-eyed and with his mouth left open in a manic smile. As Tucker is doubled over in laughter “Nicholas Cage much?!”. Danny snaps his head over to Tucker and screeches “BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!”. “Oh no” Sam knee jerk responds and then face palms at the unintentional reference. “Eyyyyyy” Tuck grins while doing finger guns. The trio, Box Ghost in tow, descend down to the entrance to the arenas. Even The Box Ghost doesn’t notice the Asian boy staring agape from around a pillar “ok? what the fuck and how the fuck did I even get here?!”
Danny gives himself one final pat down. “No hidden ecto weapons that I always some how manage to forget I had on me, check. Death Phazer stuff on, check. Questionable lack of self preservation and basic common sense, check.” Shaking his head Tucker gives Danny a smack on the shoulder. “Me and Sam will be in the stands, duh.”. “Dude, if they let you and Sam compete I would literally shit out ramen noddles and worms right here and now”. “And that’s our que to leave” Sam states as she just nopes right out of that conversation. To Tucker, as she drags him up a few steps, “let’s just not give the ghosts a chance to take him up on that”. “Do you think a video of that would go viral?”. “Oh sweet Plasmius, Tucker” Sam exhaustedly sighs.
“So whelp, I hope you’d see this coming but we’re in the same arena.”. “CoLoUr Me SuRpRiSeD!” Danny chuckles sarcastically as he sharply tilts his head at a 90-degree angle. “Arena 3 it is for the lot of us” Aragon says with an air of command though he’s largely ignored. “I’ll be there also” Kitty sighs, looking like she couldn’t even be paid to care. “So...I’m guessing this is all just for shits and giggles, to get that sweet sweet ectoplasm following. With a side of pain, obviously” Danny wonders out loud. “I’m starting to think you like being pounded, whelp” Skulker eyes him cautiously but Danny’s mind goes to dirty places. “Don’t you know Skulker? I’m the king of poundtown” Danny says with a smirk and sarcasm. Kitty, who has been absentmindedly filling her nails stops and chokes on her own saliva, eyes wide. Aragon starts up “since when were you a king?!”. Skulker, more used to Danny’s shit than any other, only sighs in defeat. All the while Danny bends over laughing. In Danny’s laughter, he notices that the stands are filling up pretty nicely with people, ecto people but still people. “You’d think for something so popular I would have heard of it before”. “They’re here for your pain and to witness your crushing defeat, ghost child”. “Wow, my pain is like the Kim Kardashian of the ghost zone. 14 seasons strong I bet.” Stopping he puts a finger to his lips “maybe there’s reality television in my future”. “Not gonna lie, I’d watch that” Kitty says as she blows a bubblegum bubble and it pops loudly. “Of course you would, utter heathens like you and the man with the loud machine take joy in mindless pursuits” Aragon dismisses her resulting in Kitty flat out punching him. Aragon, unused to such disobedience doesn’t see it coming. Mean while from Danny “Oh My GoD!” Danny does the sassy hand wave “I am not mindless you half baked tit”. “Watching a teenager get brutally beaten down, violently assaulted, and threatened by his parents daily. All the while dealing with massive levels of utter constant crisis; sounds like a fun time to me”. Is heard as Danny whips around to face the source of the new voice “of course you’d watch that, you already do. On a side note, since when did you get here frootloop?”. “Actually yeah, what’s he doing here?” Kitty spits laced with venom. “Well I certainly didn’t invite him” Skulker grumbles. “Now Skulker I’m deeply wounded” Vlad says dryly with a hand on his chest. “Uh, did y’all miss the whole, he would watch because he already does, bit?” Danny questions with a quirked brow. “He’s here cause he saw the invite or over heard the conversation through a Vladcam” Danny finishes. “I’m pretty sure the heathens thought you were making one of those “quip” things” Aragon supplies. “Wait, you were actually serious about that?” Kitty asks and at Danny’s shrug and nod she looks disgusted. “And I thought he couldn’t get any creepier”. “I’m pretty sure his creep factor knows no bounds”. “You know Daniel, you really shouldn’t spout your slander where the offending person can actually hear you...or hit you”  and with a flick of his wrist Vlad shoots an ectoblast at Danny, or tries to anyway. Prompting Kitty to look pretty damn smug about Vlads confused facial expression. “Can’t do that here, old man”. And like a bat out of Hell summoned by attempted rule breaking Walker steps in front of Vlad “its the rules, now I suggest you either get gone or take a seat. Last I checked you ain’t on the battle roster”. Vlad just glares at him like a defeated child and stomps off, shoulders around his ears. Muttering about how the rules shouldn’t apply to him. He sits down in one of the highest rows of seats, and does the most over acted show of not carrying about anything that’s going on, that Danny has ever seen. Sitting there cross-legged inspecting his hand with his head turned away.
“I’m honoured to know the only halfa you wanna bring to the ball game is me” Danny chuckles.“That was weak Phantom, at least most your jokes make sense. What even was that” Kitty shakes her head. Danny just stares at her and starts enthusiastically singing Take Me Out To The Ball Game. “Would you stop with that inane prattle!” Aragon fumes as Skulker mutters about how Danny is a literal child. Aragon throws his hands up and stalks off to arena 3 and sits grumpily on the ground. Danny chuckles “Wow, seems like Dora has humbled him a bit”. “I wouldn’t know, I care about prey, whelp. And none in Dora’s kingdom are worthy targets”. “So I’m more valuable than kings and queens. I’m just tickled pink” Danny pauses and chuckles to himself “or I guess green”. Sighing “yes, ghost child, yes. I hope your quips in game are better than this” Skulker walks over to arena as well. Kitty does a two finger wave as she spins on her heels heading over to the arena. Danny just shrugs, turns to his friends and does a double thumbs up as he floats backwards to the arena himself.
Up in the stands, Sam shakes her head seeing Skulkers disappointed face and Danny’s I-can’t-take-anything-seriously-for-the-life-of-me goofy smile. “I swear he’s trying to make them hate him”. “Naw, they love it. Did you see how they reacted to Vlad?” Tucker says, without even looking up from his PDA. “Oh, I bet Danny loved that! I guess even the ghosts can tell Vlad is a slime ball”. “Indeed, it takes no more than 5 minutes to discover that fact” comes from a lady hailing from Dora’s kingdom. Tucker whips his head around and strikes a pose, saying with a sultry voice “well hello there M’lady”, his sudden voice crack doesn’t help him though as the lady just giggles. Sam shakes her head but upon noticing that shits finally going down, she whacks Tucker. “Pay attention you womanizing half-wit”. “Hey now the one who’s half anything is Danny”. “You’re a half-wit, Danny’s just...special”. “Oh yeah? And I guess you’d know all about unique and special”. “You damn well know it”. “That better not be the only reason you like my best friend though” Tucker says in a rare moment of seriousness. Though playing with some gaming system distractedly with one hand. “I’m not shallow like that witch you always fawn over” Sam says slightly shocked at Tucker's accusation. “So even if he de-ghosted himself over some totally out of character desire for normalcy and maybe some meteor shit-“ Sam cuts him off. “That would be absurd Tuck, now lets get back to the actual point of this shit instead of your weird fever dreams”. Tucker just shrugs as the two look to the 9 arenas, focusing on what appears to be the third one. Skulker is in the left inside square, grinning evilly while adjusting his gloves. Aragon, still sitting on the ground with a facial expression that screams I’m-above-this-shit, is in the right inside square. Kitty is waving at the stands from the right outside square, soaking up the lime light, as she spits out her gum at the wall. Danny appears to be playing...hopscotch? In the left outside square; with his back to Sam and Tucker. “Wow, I think if he tried any harder to look like he doesn’t care he’d hurt himself” Tucker chuckles.
Danny, being the dumbass he is, winds up tripping over his own feet. But this time he remembers he can float. So instead of falling on his ass he just sorta does this floaty air back flip. Skulker just stares at him and sighs. “Wow, slick moves there Danny” Kitty giggles with a hand hovering in front of her mouth. Amusement twinkling in her eyes. “I’m the smoothest and you know it”. “Yeah, last I checked you only had one chest hair, very smooth” Skulker jeers. Danny’s rebuttal is cut off, thankfully cause really these two could go on forever, by the 3-minute warning horn. A horn which sounded oddly like a horse being slapped mid neigh; Danny can’t help but chuckle at this. “Well whelp, looks like it’s game time. You gonna die, figuratively of course.”. “So I’ll only half lose then since you can only half kill me” Danny shrugs as he then settles into a fighting stance. Legs bent, right foot positioned behind himself; lifting both hands up as he flicks his wrists creating his net. Holding the two ends of it, one in each hand, he checks out the grid-like 1-foot wide band. “Die whelp” Skulker sneers as he to flicks out his own net as Aragon stands up to follow suit. Though he still looks uncaring. “Gladly” Danny grins menacingly which earns a very confused but also concerned look from both Skulker and Kitty. As everyone charges up their chest plates. “You’ve got problems kid” Kitty mutters as she swings around her net; which expands as gravity grabs at the centre of it. All three full ghosts are clearly facing Danny, which is clearly expected by literally everyone as no one seems even slightly confused or surprised. Danny himself just smirks and says “well this is how the cookie crumbles” then shouting wrestling announcer style “SO LET’S GET READY TO CRUMBLE!” As the starting horn goes off, which just sounds like an angrier version of the previous horn.
Danny just barely manages to get off his first ectoball before two from Skulker, one from Kitty and one from Aragon all come be-lining for him at once. Stopping momentarily to mocking look to an imaginary camera; he shrugs with his shoulders and arms while pulling a face, as all four ectoballs crash into his side full force. Mean while his own ectoball just narrowly misses capture by Skulker. While Skulker gets a quick zap Danny goes flying into the back wall shoulder first, Danny doesn’t even make an attempt to soften the impact. He is also promptly electrocuted four fold. Sam just sighs and rubs her face while Tucker seems slightly shocked. Danny, picking himself up quickly, “well that was quite the shocking turn of events” as another two more come his way; one red and one blue. Fully expecting this and not wasting time trying to charge up an ectoball of his own, he jumps to the side and flings out his net managing to snare Skulkers but getting quickly electrocuted again for missing Aragon’s. “Well slap me and call me cake, I actually caught one”. Up in the stands, multiple people uncertainty and questionably call him “cake?”. Danny grins as he gets smacked in the face by another red ectoball, falling on his back and receiving another zap “well I am utterly delicious” he giggles quickly before flinging himself back up onto his feet and launching up in the air to catch two blue ectoballs. “More like delirious, you aren’t meant to be enjoying this” Skulker grunts as he shoots out two more ectoballs, in rapid succession. Danny summersaulting forwards while floating in the air, he uses the momentum of his spin to fling both blue ectoballs right back to sender. “Sorry I can’t afford return stamps!”. “What does that even mean you fool!” Aragon shouts as he just barely catches his own ectoballs. Danny shoots out to the far left corner just narrowly catching the red ectoballs and snaps his hands apart causing the tension in the net to spring both also at Aragon, who was not so lucky this time due to it taking him a while to fling his own two ectoballs from his net at Kitty.
In that time Kitty manages to shoot out two more ectoballs but this time aimed at Skulker. Skulker, not being so naive as to assume everyone would go after Danny full time, expected some his way but not quite so early on; thus catching him off guard. One socks him clean in the head and the other just happens to hit into his net. While Kitty swipes her net behind the blue ectoballs and swings her net around effectively redirecting the ectoballs at Danny. Skulker, seeking revenge, shoots out an ectoball in Kitty’s direction. Aragon sees a chance to maybe take out one of her nets and manages to get out two shoots at her himself. Danny takes what will likely be an uncommon reprieve, to charge up another ectoball of his own but aiming for Aragon rather than Kitty. Kitty manages to catch all of them but falls to the ground in the process, unfortunately for her the combined suffering levels of the ectoballs is too great and her net is destroyed almost instantly. Covering her in ectoplasm. “Ha! The only time losing my kingdom has ever done me any favours!” Aragon sneers. But his gloating is swiftly cut off as both a green and a red ectoball go straight into his net with so much force that it yanks his arm so hard that he goes flying into the wall. As both Kitty and Aragon get up there’s a slight pause of surprise by everyone at the sight that Aragon’s net has also been destroyed, from only two ectoballs. Skulker breaks the four-second long pause by firing another ectoball in Danny’s direction, his face wearing a slightly more concerned expression than before. “Suck on those fish sticks! You backwards medieval tit!” Danny quips as jumps up sticking his legs to either side as he swings the net down between his legs catching Skulkers ectoball. Only to be slammed in the side by two blue ones. As he goes sailing to the right he inadvertently flings the red ectoball right back at Skulker. “Wow, I’m makin so many returns I ought to be a damn mailman.” He mutters as he lands backwards on his shoulders and neck, legs going over his head; while receiving yet another quick zap. Mean while up in the stands, Tucker snickering mutters, “Aragon likes fish dicks”. Sam just sighs.
Danny carries through with the landing by turning it into a roll, righting himself quick enough to catch a purple ectoball. Spinning the net quickly he shoots it at Skulker. Catching the purple ectoball himself Skulker quickly comments “you catch on fast, I do so love seeing that in fine prey. Makes the hunt that much more fun”. What then proceeds is basically a rapid pace game of pass-the-(ecto)ball, as the purple ectoball is caught and throw back and forth between the two. “I’d think you'd want your pelts minus scorch marks and preferably not looking like over cooked bacon!”. Mean while Kitty is ruthlessly going after Aragon, managing to get off many purple shoots at him since it turns out Aragon is pretty god damn slow. “You better step up the pace old man!” Kitty jeers. Ducking to avoid another blast and getting immediately zapped “women ought to be silent, wench!” Aragon shouts. This comment draws both Danny’s and Skulker’s attention away from each other causing the purple blast to lay limp in Danny’s net. Speaking simultaneously “dragon dick-“ “Oh how dare-“ “women can-“ “Ember’s voice would crush-“ “WELL I THINK YOU SHOULD-“ “YOU ARE BUT A PUNNY-“ “AND VOMIT UP YOUR OWN HAIR!” Danny shouts stopping Skulkers shouting, as he just turns and looks at Danny “not that I really object but, what?”. Sam, meanwhile, is laughing her ass off as are plenty other women; especially those from Dora’s kingdom. Even back down in the arena Kitty has fallen on her ass laughing, causing her to accidentally drop her net; destroying it. “I don’t even care” she chuckles as she wipes away some tears from her eyes with both hands just before firing an ectoball straight at Aragon. “Eat ectoplasm, sexist pig”. Danny and Skulker just stare as, a now pissed off, Aragon tries to catch her ectoball. In a rare occasion of cooperation, Danny and Skulker nod to each other and both shoot out ectoballs at Aragon; straight up brutalizing his face. Aragon doesn’t catch shit.
Skulker wastes no time in going after Danny again, who’s now an easy target since he’s standing right next to Skulker. But Danny’s quick to the draw and promptly swings his net down onto Skulkers' head. But since the ectoball is still inside Danny’s net it doesn’t explode on impact; remaining painfully, for Skulker anyways, solid. Danny uses Skulkers ow-my-god-damn-head time to jump back to a safer distance and starts to make another ectoball. Meanwhile, Kitty has made a new net and has taken it upon herself to just unload ectoballs at Aragon’s net pulverizing it and destroying it. At the exact moment his net is utterly destroyed, Danny shoots off his ectoball slamming it into Aragon’s side just as he’s staggering back up. Skulker, now recovered, shoots another ectoball at Danny. Knocking out Danny’s feet but Danny chooses to stay in touch with gravity letting the pull of his face towards the ground launch the purple ectoball he still has in his net straight at Skulkers' face. With his face in the dirt, he mutters “it’s a pretty handy thing that ghosts can’t get concussions”. Up in the stands, Vlad rubs his temples and mutters “Yeah well I assure you they can get headaches...” sighing and angling his head down, hands on his forehead “all this flashing glowing light is so unnecessary”. A ghostly heavy set woman in front of him snaps her head around and roars “THEN BY ALL MEANS HAVE A SEIZURE AND DIE”. Making Vlad jerk his head back up as the women turns back around. “Fantastic, now it’s worse” he grumbles to himself.
“You know, I’m kinda surprised none of them are reacting much to that, you know. Feeling each other’s death thing” Tucker says into his right hand which is rested on the armrest. “Well Danny’s been through some shit, hell we probably don’t know everything he’s experienced. And the ghosties well, they’ve done this before so nothing new”. Sam shrugs though shivers at all the possibilities of things Danny’s been through without anyone with him. Tucker just looks to her then to Danny in the arena, who has swung to the left just barely staying on his tippy toes, Tucker softly says “Dan”. “Yeah, Dan” Sam looks out at the arena herself now. Two red, two purple and one blue ectoball all converging on Danny at once, looking a bit like a solid line. Danny kicks off the ground with his left toes bringing his right knee up to his chest, he swings his net over to the left and then swings it down and to the right catching each ectoball. He remains floating in the air though he clearly can feel the weight of all the ectoballs. His body also shivers as it’s racked fivefold by death experiences. Danny, putting both his hands together rapidly swings around the net with 5 ectoballs inside and then launches them all straight at Skulker. Though being free from the weight causes Danny to stumble forwards in the air, he does manage to stay floating, however. “Ok, I know the whelp has determination in spades but this is just plain ridiculous!” Skulker shouts as he futilely tries to catch all the ectoballs. Managing to only get 3/5 and he promptly grunts from the weight and 3 fold death pain.
With Kitty and Aragon both currently wrapped up in each other, Danny shakes himself off then takes the time to charge up and shoot out another of his own ectoballs. Managing to fire it off just as Skulker finally swings off the 3 ectoballs he actually caught, straight at Aragon. Moving quickly he manages to also catch Danny’s green ectoball and his net instantly vaporises “Oh come on!” Skulker cries. Aragon, unfortunately for him, manages to catch all three flung by Skulker, as well as one from Kitty. Destroying his net as well. However, he like everyone else is too stunned by Danny’s instant death ectoball to even notice Aragon’s destroyed net. Even Danny is taken aback and the crowd starts making ridiculous “Ooooo” and “ahh” and “what the sweet fuck” sounds. No one in arena 3 does anything for a while as the three ghosts just stare at Danny. Danny eventually breaks the moment by giving an awkward but exaggerated shrug “as I said, I’m pretty much the definition of suffering”. He then slowly finger guns at Skulker, who snaps his mouth shut and fixes his face into a grumpy expression; as he flicks his wrist making a new net. The elimination bell sounding is what stuns Aragon out of his shocker stupor. Causing him to look down into his hands, finally realizing his lack of net; groaning as the elimination bell re-sounds. “Now see that one, that one sounds like a giggling horse” Danny mutters as he points to where the sound came from, while Aragon walks out of the arena.
         Lives | Kills
Danny:   3   -   2
Skulker: 2   -   3
Aragon: 0   -   1
Kitty:     1   -   3
Up in the stands, Sam and Tucker are less surprised and less excited than the rest of the crowd. “It’s almost depressing seeing Danny’s suffering getting so blatantly confirmed” Sam mutters. Tucker watching the arena as Danny does a barrel roll to catch 2 red ectoballs and as Kitty tries going after Skulker with hurried vigour. “I could swear Kitty is intentionally avoiding firing at Danny know.” Raising an eyebrow he continues “think she’s trying to avoid getting one of Danny’s apparent insta-death balls”. “Well did you see that shit? Tuck, there is not a chance in hell Kitty has more determination than Skulker and Danny’s suffering completely crushed that.” Shaking her head. “She’s better off avoiding and just taking the electric shock” she finishes though still feeling slightly numb. “Oh, and you think Aragon would have faired any better?” Tucker asks sarcastically, putting an arm on his left armrest leaning toward Sam. “The best, hell the only, shot they’ve got is to make sure Danny doesn’t have time TO fire”. Looking down to the sight of Skulker shooting off as many ectoballs as possible at Danny, while also skillfully catching and flinging the ectoballs from Kitty. “Clearly that’s Skulkers plan and poor Danny’s getting shocked so much he’d set a Christmas tree on fire”. Rolling her eyes “don’t give him any ideas on how to defile Christmas”.
Back down in the arena, Danny staggers back up from the ground only to get smashed by two red ectoballs into the wall. Reeling from yet another shock “you’d think I’mma Hot Dog someone is trying to cook in and new and interesting way at this point”. Quickly catching two purple ectoballs and flinging then at Skulker just before crashing on his left side onto the ground. Only to be slammed in the chest by yet another red ectoball “that someone being SKULKER!” he yelps angrily. “Me thrashing you! That’s the way it should be whelp!” Skulker cheers grinning madly. As Skulker raises his net above his head to go catch the red ectoballs being flung back at him, a purple one plunks into the net. Offsetting his balance causing him to miss the catch and get shocked. Bending over forwards, the midsection of his net laying limp on the ground purple ectoball inside, Skulker turns to her and incredulously says “really?”. Kitty just shrugs and swirls her hair in her right-hand pointer finger.
In this time Danny shoots off another ectoball straight into Skulkers net, the force of which pulls the net in between Skulker's leg’s dragging his arms with it, flipping Skulker head over heels. His net is yet again destroyed. “Wow Skulkie, I was kidding when I thought you were going soft on me but now you’re head over heels for me?” Danny strikes a mock sexy pose. “What’s next? Love letters”. “All you get from me is death threats whelp” Skulker cries from the ground. “With you, violence is love” Danny rebuttals. From the crowd, after getting eliminated herself, Ember mutters “oh can it, dipstick.”
Back down in the arena, Danny goes into a sick slow-mo weightless mid-air backflip while using his pointer finger to pull down his left eye and stuck out his tongue. Holding onto each end of his net with his middle and ring fingers as a red ectoball sails over his stomach almost knocking his chin. He flings both his hands over his head, tossing the net out around the ectoball; catching it. Returning to gravity he finishes the flip landing on his feet; swinging his upper body, arms and net from left to right as he catches a purple ectoball. He then finishes his sick move by allowing gravity to fling the net behind him and then springing it forward, flinging both Skulker’s ectoball and Kitty’s ectoball straight at Kitty. Who’s to busy catching a red ectoball to notice the two Danny has flung before they crash straight into her head. Skulker decides to take the shot, squares his shoulders and rapid fires at Kitty’s net, hitting four in; which is quickly joined by one green ectoball. Net destroyed, Kitty just looks down at where her net was. “Well shit”. The elimination airhorn sounds as Kitty walks off, flipping off Skulker over her shoulder. With her left hand, which isn’t preoccupied with insulting Skulker, she digs into her pocket to fetch a fresh piece of gum.
         Lives | Kills
Danny:   3   -   4
Skulker: 1   -   4
Aragon: 0   -   1
Kitty:     0   -   4
Squaring himself, Skulker makes a snapping sound with his net. Danny just rolls his eyes and starts making mock scary “boo” noises. While jumping from foot to foot waving his hands next to his head, holding his net ends in his pinkies. Up in the stands, Tucker just shakes his head “Skulker has got to be straight pissed by now.” Sam smirks “well Danny’s got him twice now and no one has gotten Danny even though Skulker has been bombarding him”. Her eyes follow Danny as he does a cartwheel to the right, catching two new ectoballs from Skuller on the upswing. Going with the pull of the ectoball Danny flips backwards bringing his hands together and landing on his feet. Shooting his hands out forwards and apart, springing the two ectoballs back at Skulker. One of which collides with a new red ectoball. The collision blocks Danny’s sight causing him to get his right foot knocked out by an ectoball. “If Vlad pulled that Danny’d make some joke about cheese wheels” Tucker chuckles.
Back down in the arena, instead of getting up Danny lays still hoping to have a chance to charge up. A red ectoball sails right over his face and earns him a quick zap, which he does stay still through. His stillness is rewarded, as he flings himself up and spins around; he doesn’t fire off right away though. Opting to instead wait for Skulker to shoot at him again, which he does near instantly. Diving to the right he flings the net out and over the two ectoballs. Spinning in a circle he releases them back at Skulker, shooting off his own ectoball at the same time. Skulker just decides fuck it and tries to avoid Danny’s shot. However, it impacts his arm hard enough to tear it clean off. Danny stops short “Well isn’t that just the sauce” as a time-out bell sounds. “You're just going to have to hold off your doom, child” Skulker says as he walks to collect his arm. “What, you making me your lady in waiting now?” Looking at Skulkers removed limb. “Pretty sure Mr.robo hands has an unfair advantage here since your hand is still freaking holding the net end!” Danny glares accusingly. After Skulker gets his arm fixed up, he simply smirks “I always have an unfair advantage over you whelp”. “Then why’s your ass gettin baked like a toenail and piss Creme brûlée”. Up in the stands, a slightly hidden Asian boy chokes on his spit “what the fuck? And I still don’t know how the fuck I got here”.
Skulker just stares at him “your mind defiles your body with sin, child”. As he shoots at Danny again. Danny, far too amused by his own comment, steps forward to go after the ectoball but steps straight on his net-ripping it out of his hands. Looking down at the ground “Oh, well shit” Danny mutters, floating slightly above the ground, arms limp. Skulker facepalms and mutters “you have got to be kidding me”. Then looking at Danny “you will be the death of yourself one day”. Only to be promptly smashed by a green ectoball, slamming him into the ground and earning a shock. “Been there, done that.” Danny rolls his hand “inevitability and all that”. Skulker is getting up while looking highly confused just as a green ectoball lazily rolls onto his net. Glaring down at his final destroyed net he mutters “ok this is just sad”.  The game over horn sounds, sounding like an angry sigh.
Up in the stands, Sam and Tucker share a look “did he seriously make that reference?”. “Yup and that was easily the lamest win I’ve ever seen”. Shaking their heads they watch as Danny two-finger salutes Skulker with a mocking grin as he walks off goofily. Skulker goes and sits down with Ember in a huff, Ember is glaring at him with disappointment.
         Lives | Kills
Danny:   2   -   6 — WINNER
Skulker: 0   -   4
Aragon: 0   -   1
Kitty:     0   -   4
As Danny is toying with his gloves awaiting in the waiting zone, to see who his next opposition will be, he hears an all to familiar voice. “YOUR BATTLE HAS ONLY JUST BEGUN! FOR NOW YOU MUST FACE THE FEARSOME BOX GHOST! BEWARE!” The Box Ghost exclaims as both he and Johnny’s shadow come flying up to Danny. Danny, under his breath, “after this I’m going to be relieved of every piece of misplaced aggression I’ve ever held in my half corpse”. Shadow merely grins and bares it’s fangs, though the effect is diminished by the red chest piece and gloves. “Wow boxy, you like really won something” Danny claps him on the shoulder feeling oddly proud, then making a quizzical face “......how?” Danny asks completely earnestly and confused, eyeing The Box Ghosts blue equipment.
Meanwhile, Tucker and Sam, up in the stands, are still in shock from the utter beat down The Box Ghost dished out. Not too mention realizing that Danny is utterly OP in his suffering. Even Vlad seems rather startled, only by Danny though; he couldn’t give an ounce of cheesy shit about The Box Ghost. Muttering to himself “ok I know the little badger goes through a lot but this seems a little ridiculous”.
Back down to Danny and his ghostly adversaries, The Box Ghost doesn’t even waste time pretending to be offended; he’s used to it. “WHY SHOULD I, THE GREAT BOX GHOST, TELL YOU MY HORRIFYING SECRETS!”. “Doesn’t this buster show up in amity park like every day? That’s got to be a show of determination” Poindexter states as he walks up, wearing green gear matching Danny’s. “You too? I mean at least I get you. You go through tons of utter bullshit in that nightmare school of a lair”. “Buddy, that’s why I enjoy this game thing. The one place where my misery gives me a step up” Poindexter shrugs “Not that you would know anything about suffering; bullies, the both of you” he finishes while shooting a glare up at Vlad in the stands. “Dude, I’ve told you. You’re wrong about that.” noticing Point Dexter’s colours “and which one of us is getting green because if we’re doing callsies then I call green”. “Not from what I’ve seen buster, and you’re not bullying me out of green. You want it, earn it fairly”. “For Plasmius sake” Danny sighs as he tilts his head back exaggeratedly.
Up in the stands, Vlad is caught off guard hearing his name used as a swear blasted over the speakers. A couple of ghosts within earshot of him chuckle, as he mutters petty nothings under his breath.
Back down, two ghosts walk to their respective spots in arena 6 as Poindexter and Danny rock, paper, scissor it out for the green equipment. Up in the stands, Sam and Tucker shake their heads, knowing Danny’s atrocious luck with this particular game of luck. In, what is to them, predictable fashion; Danny loses. Begrudgingly Danny goes to put on the purple gear as Poindexter walks off smugly to the arena. Danny, all decked out, heads over to the arena. He retains the same left outer spot he did before, “purple is clearly not my colour, I look like a mouldy flower”. Next to him in the right outer square, Poindexter fidgets with his fingers as his net sparks to life. His confidence with it is just barely platable through his naturally nervous disposition. In the left inside square, The Box Ghost does his damnest to make his net look as square as possible, which is impossible since it’s a rectangle and just gets limp, bending down in the centre, when The Box Ghost tries to reduce its width. Shadow stationed in the right inside square looks Danny up and down, and laughs; clearly agreeing that purple doesn’t suit Danny. Danny sticks his tongue out at Shadow “Oh bleh, go eat someone’s socks”. The warning horn sounds though Danny doesn’t even bother taking a fighting stance this times opting just to smirks at his opponent soon coming shock. He does, however, whip out his net and charge up an ectoball. Lazily bouncing from foot to foot and watching as Poindexter glares at him. The starting horn blares out as all three ghosts predictably turn on Danny. Who instantly shoots out his purple ectoball straight at Shadows net. Being utterly unaware of the previous carnage, Shadow confusedly just lets it go into his net.
“HOW DID YOU WIN WITH MOVES LIKE THAT!” Box Ghost shouts as he enthusiastically fires at Danny, thrusting his whole body forwards in the process. Danny goes into a slide on the ground as he swings his net from right to left catching both the green and blue ectoballs. Using his momentum he flings his legs to the left and up, swinging his net over his shoulder as he spins around in the air to face Poindexter as he pelts both straight at him. Shadow shoots off two red ectoballs as it makes a new net. No one other than it noticing the nets destruction. Danny lands with one hand and both feet on the ground in a crouch, swivelling his head over to the incoming red ectoballs, holding himself still just long enough to charge up again before snapping his hands out in front of his chest, catching the ectoballs and flying backwards into the back wall. Quickly turning he flings both also at Poindexter and then fires an ectoball as well. Poindexter, knowing himself to not be all the determined opts to go for catching Danny’s one ectoball rather than the two originally from Shadow. Still falsely believing Danny faces little to no suffering, as he smirks and wraps his net around the green ectoball. This time even The Box Ghost notices the instant net destruction.
“Oh fiddlesticks?! What kind of possible suffering could a bully go through?” Poindexter judgingly cries as he balls his now empty fists up. “Buddy, the government has their own special murder squad just for little ol’ me, my ex literally tortured me and has made it her mission to kill me, I’m the favourite target for actual school bullies, Oh and my parents enthusiastically want to dissect me” Danny rolls his wrist a bunch while speaking as The Box Ghost just nods. “And let’s not get started on all the sweet succulent horse shit my ghostly foes want to do to me” He says with a shrug as he floats up into the air, his whole body spinning slightly to the right.  
Up in the stands, Vlad looks dejected, muttering “he didn’t even acknowledge me”.
“Well my suffering is infamous though out school! There is no chance you have the determination to wield such suffering buster!” Poindexter frustratedly yells. As he shoots at Danny, who doesn’t even bother moving, just letting the ectoball slam into his side. The Box Ghost’s blue ectoball slams into Shadows head, as Danny over exaggeratedly flops around on the ground. Then he suddenly springs up catching a green ectoball earning a glare from Poindexter. “Inconceivable! You must be cheating you bully!” Poindexter shouts floating angerly off the ground. As Shadow manages to get two ectoballs into The Box Ghost’s net in such a manner that it stretches into a circle. The Box Ghost drops his net in horror “HOW DARE YOU TAINT MY LOVELY CORNERS WITH CIRCULAR ABOMINATIONS”. Clearly more bothered by the roundness than the destroyed net. Meanwhile, Danny mockingly jeers “I’ve already said hi to Walker-” Danny jumps to the side catching a red ectoball and rolling with it. “-thanks to Vlad’s self-important dismissal-” Danny whips the ecto ball at Poindexter’s face “-of the rules. He may want my ever so sexy halfa ass in a cell-”
Up in the stands Tucker coughs into his hand “kinky”.
“-but he’ll vouch that I ain’t no cheat.” Danny finishes as Poindexter erratically manages to catch the ectoball. Danny is caught off guard by a blue ectoball hitting his left ear, flipping heels over head; landing hard on his right cheek. From the ground noticing Poindexter’s fuming expression, he mutters “Dex, your blood pressure is going to off you”. Poindexter floats over and, as close as he can, point blank shoots Danny in the face. But then gets promptly slammed by both a blue and a red ecto ball, flying into the back wall; with a second red ectoball ramming his gut. Quickly composing himself he fires at Shadow with, still pissy at Danny, aggression. Danny chuckles as Shadow is utterly overwhelmed by Poindexter‘s suffering levels, net destroyed. “Poindexter sure is my brother in suffer ain’t he” Danny mutters, amused. Shadow angrily goes after Poindexter in retaliation, growling all the while as he puffs out his chest and shoots away. Poindexter vainly flails around catching and flinging the ectoballs in random directions as fast as he can. “He looks like a bean pole monkey having a seizure” Danny chuckles as he pulls his legs up to his chin just avoiding a blue ectoball and slinging his net out to catch 2 red ones. Flinging his net towards the wall he just barely manages to catch the blue ectoball before it hits the wall. Pulling the net back as hard as he can, he lets it careen past him flinging the 3 ectoballs at Poindexter. At that moment Poindexter winds up with too many ectoballs in his net, destroying it. As Shadow cackles victoriously hands to its chest as a purple ectoball flys into his net at breakneck speeds. Simultaneously ripping it out of Shadows hands and destroying it. Shadow looks at his empty hands and angrily screeches as the elimination horn sounds.
                        Lives | Kills
Danny:                  3   -   3
Poindexter:         1   -   1
Johnny’s Shadow: 0   -   2
The Box Ghost:     2   -   0
“Honestly, I don’t know how Shadow made it that far” Sam mutters. “Eh, everyone has dumb luck sometimes. Especially when Shadows around.” Tucker shrugs.
Back down Danny, floating in the air, grins “now I’m for sure without a shadow of a doubt” just as he has to throw up his net to catch two blue ectoballs, from the side a green one slams inside the net as well. Danny grunts with the effort but manages to toss the net over his head and send all 3 ectoballs hurtling down at Poindexter. Poindexter just dives out of the way sprawling his hands forwards as he lands in a heap on the dirt. The Box Ghost takes a chance on a cheap shot and fires away at Poindexter who cries incredulously. Danny takes the time to charge up another ectoball and fires it, again aiming straight for a net; this time The Box Ghost’s. “Hey Boxy! Express delivery! One spherical monstrosity of suffering coming right up!” The Box Ghost Springs his net up to block his face still managing to snag the purple ectoball, the weight of which yanks his net to the ground but doesn’t destroy it. “HA! YOUR CIRCULAR SUFFERING IS NO MATCH FOR MY NET OF BOX SHAPED DOOM!” The Box Ghost goes to swing his net and the ectoball but finds he can’t lift it up at all. He quietly mutters “oh ”. Poindexter, grunting, takes the opportunity to shoot a green ectoball lazily into The Box Ghosts Net. All three just sort of watch as the ectoball slowly sails into the net and the net instantly disintegrates. Poindexter smirking to himself fails to take note of the purple ectoball now coming straight for him, getting slammed into the dirt...again. “Careful now, you’ll give yourself a stomach ache if you keep eating the dirt like that”, Danny finger guns at the coughing Poindexter. “Bullies” Poindexter mutters.
“Dude, how many times do I have to tell you. You got shit backwards”. Danny sighs. “Oh yeah, buster? Name one time you’ve ever been the victim” Poindexter challenges. “Well, this mornin Dash-” Danny steps to the side still facing the downed Poindexter, avoiding a blue ectoball. Ignoring the zap he continues “-made me eat three expired puddings. 10 minutes later threw a baseball bat-” sitting down to avoid another blue ectoball. “-at my head. 5 minutes after that I got shoved into a locker for the-” scooting backwards to avoid another blue ectoball “-insult of not being bothered enough by the bat. When I got out he dumped-” Danny gets whacked in the side by a blue ectoball and just rolls with it. “-ketchup on-” he stops and turns to The Box Ghost “dude we are having a moment here”. The Box Ghost visibly deflates “aw”. “-my head...”. Danny continues. The crowd watch as Danny continues on with his tales of today’s bullying escapades with a mixture of confusion, humour and concern. While Vlad just mutters about how Danny could just kill Dash if he wanted. “What the heck?” Poindexter stares at Danny, who doesn’t even seem like he cares. “Either that’s a fabrication mister or I’m made of swiss cheese”. Danny breaks the moment by chuckling “watch out Vlad might try to eat you”.
Up in the stands, Vlad mutters “I’m not some throwaway boogie monster you can use to scare people Daniel”.
Poindexter lifts his chest off the ground and shoots straight into Danny’s net, yanking him back. The Box Ghost then unleashes a hail storm of stockpiled ectoballs, tired of being ignored. Suddenly the entire arena is under siege by an absurd amount of blue ectoballs bouncing, crashing and being flung all around the arena. Eventually burying Poindexter under a pile destroying his net. The mass of 20 odd ectoballs explode into a gooey mess at the same time as the elimination horns goes off. Danny floats on his back holding his sides, his own net having also been destroyed in the onslaught of blue hellfire, as he laughs loudly. “It’s like someone attempted to put you into a Jell-O treat!”. “You look pretty blue too, buster” Poindexter points out as he takes in Danny’s blue goo covered form. As Poindexter struggles to stand out of the mass of blue and flicks off bits of it; splattering the walls. Looking around as Poindexter walks off Danny mutters “Wow, it’s like one of those overpriced expressionist paintings.” Smirking he adds “also made out of Jell-O”.  
                         Lives | Kills
Danny:                   2   -   4
Poindexter:            0   -   3
Johnny’s Shadow: 0   -   1 1/2
The Box Ghost:     1   -   3 1/2
Tucker grumbles “ok now I’m hungry”. Sam sighing, pulling out a sandwich and hands it to him. Tucker, noting that it does actually have meat in it “ aw, I knew you loved me”. Sam just leans over to him and chuckles “well with that kiss of passion I thought Danny was the love of your life. I can’t have that now can I” Sam snickers. Meanwhile the ghost in earshot all start whispering to each other. “Think the halfa is dating the boy?”, “no it’s got to be the girl”, “but didn’t she say he kissed him”, “that clearly must be jealousy” and so on. All these whisperings slowly creating some new hot gossip about one young halfa. Vlad spits out some of his drink when he overhears someone relatively near him whisper “so apparently the halfa has two human lovers”. Vlad begins low-key chocking as the other ghost whispers back “naw more like three, I heard from that tech guy that the halfa duplicates himself and that the halves are very fond of each other”. “Why haven’t I thought of that, dating myself sounds so much easier...” the two ghosts trail off amongst themselves as Vlad is left reeling. Meanwhile, one Asian boy mutters the most confused and upset “what the fuck” yet, adding “ Paulina’s gonna be so pissed when I tell her about this”.
Danny slides to the left sending up plumes of dirt as he avoids yet another blue ectoball, receiving yet another jolt. “I’m pretty sure my hair looks forever like a lightning bolt struck me” he mutters as he cuts off his slide, jumping back to catch two ectoballs; rolling he hugs them to his chest. Righting himself he springs his hands and the ectoballs off his chest, sending them back at The Box Ghost. Who dives to catch them, managing to slam his face straight into the left wall, with a loud thunk. Danny shoots off a purple ectoball as The Box Ghost launches himself at it, pouncing like a cat around it. Jerking his chest up he fires two stored up ectoballs at Danny, as he then struggles to heave up the purple ectoball. Whipping it back at Danny just in time for him to catch his own two return shots. The purple ectoballs flies straight into Danny’s net, looking like an odd form of aggressive trading. It knocks Danny back a bit but he heft’s his own ectoball with far more ease than The Box Ghost did, though it’s clear it still pulls him down. He yanks his net backwards and then full force swings into forwards sending the ectoball blasting off at The Box Ghost.
“Well at least he can carry his own suffering or whatever” Tuck says with an overacted full-body shrug, grinning all the while. As The Box Ghost uses his net, with the two blue ectoballs inside like a baseball bat and hits the purple ectoball away; exploding against the far right wall. The swing pulls him along though causing him to flip in the air a bit. Danny takes this time to build up yet another ectoball and just as The Box Ghost turns Danny releases it. Hands behind his head he thrusts out his chest while winking. The Ghost wildly flings the blue ectoballs in Danny’s general direction as he moves to catch the purple one. Unfortunately for him the purple one collided with the blues ones in such a way and with such force all three slam right into The Box Ghost’s net. As it explodes from the suffering weight, Danny shouts “FINISHING MOVE! WINKY FACE!” As wind from the blast blows dirt and ectoplasm, as well as his hair, past him. Quickly assessing his dirt and ectoplasm covered form, “So now what” Danny asks, cranking his head to the side. Looking to The Box Ghost as the final elimination horn goes off.
                        Lives | Kills
Danny:                   2   -   5
Point Dexter:         0   -   3
Johnny’s Shadow: 0   -   1 1/2
The Box Ghost:     0   -   3 1/2
The Box Ghost looks ecstatic at the informational request. “YOU MUST NOW FACE THE FEARSOME OTHER FINALISTS! WEARING EITHER WHITE OR BLACK EQUIPMENT!”. Danny chuckles to himself “heh, both those are my colours...” raising an eyebrow at The Box Ghost as The Box Ghost turns to leave “you don’t by chance know who the other finalist is?”. The Box Ghost doesn’t even turn around as he shouts “YOU WILL NEVER KNOW! MWAHAHAHAHA!”. Danny chuckles to himself as he walks out and up towards the centre arena, whipping off all the gunk with a sideline towel. On his way to the arena, Desiree hands him black equipment, which he trades for his purple ones and the soiled towel. “Ah, much more flattering” Danny gives his chest a quick smack, as Desiree holds up the towel with both awe and disgust. Then Danny looks around the circular arena, snapping his head over to the other side as footsteps sound. A black fedora is the first thing he sees. “Oh WoW, jUsT wOw, I’m AbOuT tO Be FaCe-FuCkEd By ThE lAw” Danny flings his head back, curving his back and smacking the backs of his hands on the ground. Maintaining the position Danny turns sideways eyeing Walker, who looks highly unimpressed. Sighing “let me guess, AgAiNsT tHe RuLeS!” Danny mockingly imitates with sarcasm, as he flings his arms straight up. While Walker crosses his arms and glares.
“How did your spineless waste of ectoplasmic space even get here”, Walker says with a frown. “You want spineless eh?”. Danny twists himself in circles making a donut. Then utilizing questionable incomplete duplication tactics, he turns himself into a recreation of the Ursa Major constellation. At least half the crowd makes gagging sounds, a couple even vomits, one Asian boy visibly recoils exclaiming “What the ever loving fuck!”. Elsewhere in the stands, Vlad mutters, barely suppressing a shiver “remind me to never encourage him to do that or call him spineless, ever”.
Back down, Danny is now playing jump rope with his net, looking all too pleased with himself. Walker looks at him with a disgusted grimace, “that display certainly broke both the laws of decency and reality, this is the end for you punk!”. Walker stands tall as he pulls out his own net, slowly separating his hands; clearly finding no humour in the child’s antics. “I wouldn’t be doing my job if it didn’t” Danny cheekily replies, just as the warning horn blares overhead. Signalling for Danny to actually give an ounce of a shit now, he settles into a runners position. “So Mr.Walkman, do you think your embodiment of law can beat this hot bod of childish tomfoolery?”. “At least you know you’re childish” Walker grits out. “I’m 16, I’m allowed to be. Besides what’s the point of powers if you don’t dick around some?” Danny chuckles as he shakes any possible kinks out his shoulders. Just as the starting horn cries out. Immediately Danny shoots off a ball and sprints to the left jumping his net around Walkers white ectoball. Landing on one foot he spins forwards launching the ectoball back at Walker. Doing a semi-weightless backflip he snatches up the second white ectoball sent his way, as Walker took the time to charge up before sending Danny’s black ectoball back at him. Danny slides back a bit by the force after catching his own ectoball aswell.
Walker, shaking off the effects of Danny’s death experience “remind me to employ more electricity based discipline tools” then remembering the sheer weight of Danny’s ectoball, he smirks at Danny. “I’m glad to feel that you suffer so much. You deserve no rest, filthy criminal” Walker grins as he goes to the side catching the returned white ectoball. He then heaves up his net; slinging it over his shoulder. Flying up he yanks down the net sending the contents flying down at Danny. “Don’t get to cocky copper, you account for very little of it. Heck, the mosquitoes bother me more!” Danny spins to the left throwing out his net in the process. Springing out the white and black ectoballs just in time to engulf the new white ectoball, he continues with his spin sending it quickly back at Walker with even more velocity. “I guess I’ll have to ensure you lick my boots a little more often then!” Walker bellows. The two go back and forth like this for a while, the ectoballs speed picking up more and more. Eventually looking like a high-speed ping-pong game out of hell.
Vlad looking down extends a hand, palm up, at the battle. “Now this, this is just plain wrong.”. Just as Walker losses the ping-pong game of doom, getting pelted hard enough straight in the net that it yanks him clean off his feet. As dust crumbles off the back wall Danny coughs while steadying himself, shaking a bit. Breathlessly, “now that’s what I call pounding the pavement”. “The wall isn’t made out of pavement, nothing here is. That would be against the rules.” Walker slowly rights himself and forms a new net, having been unable to hold onto the previous one in the onslaught of pure speed.
Danny fires off ectoball after ectoball as Walker just holds himself still, net behind his back, taking the onslaught. Danny grins knowing the strict piece of ectoplasm is up to something sneaky. His gut is proven right when Walker shoots off four well-aimed white ectoballs landing around Danny’s ectonet pulling the ectonet back past Danny, engulfing him and pinning him to the wall. Walker then blasts two square at Danny’s stomach. “I swear you just want to see me suffer” Danny mutters while coughing as his net is destroyed by the combination of 6 ectoballs. Walker smirks and simply says “always a pleasure, ghost boy”. Danny barely has enough time to lash out a new net before another ectoball slams into his chest. He rolls and wraps his net around the ectoball, twisting the net up. This results in the ectoball gaining a hard right curve as he flings it out. Walker looks highly unimpressed at the fact that Danny has clearly learned what he’s doing. “Or maybe not” Walker mutters as the net doesn’t fully untwist yanking the net along with the balls, coming cleanly out of Danny’s hands.  
Up in the stands, Tucker shakes his head in shock “man! Danny could totally cream everyone in, like, every sport! If he actually tried that is”. Sam nods in agreement adding “though with this display he would reveal himself in seconds and possibly destroy the school simultaneously.” Tucker just shrugs “I could do with school-based destruction and I doubt Dash would ever bully any of us again.”. Sam just looks at him disappointed but unsurprised “have the two of you learned nothing...”. Looking back down she catches the sight of Danny’s new net, 2 white and 1 black ectoball inside, wrapping around his leg with such force that he goes spinning wildly across the entire length of his side of the arena. All the while getting zapped by all the white ectoballs he is completely and utterly missing. Eventually, he lands face down in the dirt as his legs then go over his head, flipping him one last time.  
After Danny flings out his nets contents in a random direction and catches two white ectoballs, Danny turns and instantly vomits straight into the net, splashing all over the two ectoballs. Smirking evilly “Today Walkman, you are the janitor” he chuckles darkly as he springs his hands apart launching the vomit-soaked ectoballs at Walkers face. “I consider this a direct crime against me, you monster!” Walker cries as the ectoballs slam into his face, getting a little of the mess in his mouth. One Asian boy this time does vomit while saying “what the fuck, what the fuck, there is no merciful god”. While both Tucker and Sam laugh so hard they hurt themselves, with Tucker accidentally smashing his forehead on the seat in front of him.
Walker is still so wrapped up in utter disgust that he doesn’t notice Danny catching two more white ectoballs, flinging them at Walker followed by a new black ectoball. Walker with his hands on his face wiping away vomit, gets his hands ripped down his face as 3 ectoballs impact his net; slamming to the ground. Walker doesn’t let go however prompting Danny to mutter “stupid determined bastard” at the ground. Walker strugglingly flings his net up and out at Danny. Who jumps up at an angle catching it, all but his toes completely stiff. Spinning the net around Danny again flings the ectoballs with a right spin (this time not sending the net with the ectoballs), adding a new black ectoball into the mix heading straight at Walker. “That trick won’t work twice!...” Walker trails off as it does, in fact, work twice. The ectoballs all landing in his net, destroying it. Walker simply turns on his heels and walks off, patting away bits of dirt. While Danny shouts “what! Not even gonna dignify me with a response?!”, which is heard clearly over the grand elimination horn.
Finals:  Lives | Kills
Danny:      1   -    4 — WINNER
Walker:     0   -    1
Danny does a little merry jig as he descends the steps, at the same time people begin getting up from the stands, either leaving the Coliseum or going up to different competitors. Sam and Tucker, on their way down to Danny, excitedly flip off Walker as they pass him. Both of whom are wearing giddy open-mouthed grins as Walker just scowls at them.
Off to the side of the waiting area Skulker, Desiree and Ember shake their heads and mutter amongst themselves.
“ I can’t believe that, whelp!”
“Me neither and I was never even in the arena with the dipstick!”
“I say be glad for that, that child is a menace”. Desiree tosses Danny’s finals towel at Ember, smirking as Ember gags.
The two friends now walking up to Danny as he unceremoniously dumps his black equipment on the side. “so what wonderful life lesson did we learn today?” Sam jokes. “That my suffering IS the joke?” Danny chuckles with a raised eyebrow. Tucker laughs “well clearly that’s your best joke yet!”. “And I don’t even have to try for that joke, how slick am I?” Danny exaggeratedly rests a hand on his chest as he puffs it out. “Danny, I think it’s more than that. I mean did you hear the crowd?” Sam asks with a raised an eyebrow at him. While Tucker animatedly jumps around Danny like a puppy. “Yeah, dude! They cheered and shit every time you did, well, anything!”. “Or anytime something was done to you” Sam mutters. Danny rubs the back of his neck bashfully, “well I am The halfa...well the one that matters anyway” Danny grins goofily.“Yeah, I saw he was here, noticed he even walked up to you.” Sam gives Danny a questioning look. “Yeah, the other ghosts were all pretty displeased about him being there actually. Was kinda shocked by that.” Shrugging he adds, “you’d think they’d all like or respect him. Being the first and all”. “Don’t forget that he’s one of the few that actually beats your ass regularly”. Sam pinches her nose, “Tucker, phrasing, oh my Plasmius”. Danny makes a disgusted face when he gets what Sam means “I would rather forget that, and I think that shit just ain’t enough for the ghosts.”. “Glad to see they have some standards at least” Sam chuckles. “I don’t know about standards. Vlad’s a pretty damn low bar.” Danny puts his hands behind his head as they board the Speeder. Everyone but Danny sitting down, Tucker shakes his head and mutters, “I still can’t believe The Box Ghost of all ghosts overwhelmed both you and another ghost simultaneously”. “I think we made The Box Ghost entire afterlife today, actually.” Danny chuckles. Turning the Speeder around the trio shoot off back home. Unaware of the Asian stowaway softly muttering “What the fuck... just please, oh please, let me go anywhere normal”.
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