#please? 👉👈🥺
redflagsandbanners · 1 year
hii so just wanted to let u know im rereading now the halftime air was sweet perfume on ao3 rn and i was planning on finishing it before coming here to bathe you in praises about it bc honestly i cannot go more than a couple of days without remembering some scene of phrase from it even after almost a year of having read it for the first time? i swear even as i write my own stuff sometimes i think about your fics and how you shape the sensations of the scenes using the temperature and the light, to convey the feeling of the scene, the memories, everything man. so i just couldnt wait to come yell at u so yeah youre writing is just /that/ amazing fr dude
also i could not get that image of the fruity four plus will and mike just staring at the vine in chapter 11 so i drew it (im shit at drawing but the scene just begged to be drawn i swear) but i cant show it on anon (which is prob for the best lol) but yeah your fic is amazing (+ your other fics too i mean (that kinda music just soothes the soul) I reminisce about the days of old is just SUCH A GOOD ONE SHOT) so yeah thanks for existing hope life treats you well and just know u have a fan somewhere in this lovely green earth who is absolutely obssesed w the way u write
(also im so curious about how the fic ends. im not asking for more chapters bc i know how it can be sometimes w writing but like, if you have any notes or ideas of where the fic was going to go in the following chapters or anything i would love to hear about it if u wanna talk about it) (also sorry for the long message)
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I'm losing it what do you mean you drew it I'm literally dropping on a knee and giving you my eternal devotion. Letting you know the fic is not forgotten as my brain likes to taunt me about it and I DO have an entire fucking plan for it up until the battle. The ending? No idea. Do they win, do they lose, I honestly don't know. This fic has a habit of doing whatever it wants. The only thing missing is motivation but messages like this jesus christ do they help. Have a wonderful day as you just made mine. Hope Ronance praises us with some content soon <3
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apollo’s confidence in court: oh my god i’m the worst lawyer ever my client is going to go to JAIL because i can’t even do my JOB
apollo’s confidence outside of court: i’m the only smart one here, i’m the most normal guy in the world and NO ONE is doing it like i am, investigations are EASY, klavier gavin wants me carnally
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soggy-wet-catgirl · 9 months
i need to figure out how to grow horns. for the purpose of nasty, sweaty transgender sex.
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lavendervirgos · 27 days
I'll try to be as quiet as possible while you ruin me. Covering my mouth or burying my face in your neck, only for you to pull me back by my hair, pulling my hand away and whispering in my ear: "I want to hear you, my love. I wanna make you scream."
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burythecarnival · 10 months
if someone could eat me out & finger me until i melt into the bed then pet my head as i lie on their chest until i fall asleep, that would be v fucking neato.
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fanaticalthings · 2 years
Just thinking about how Jason had a bit of a rough childhood and considering the state his parents were in, I feel like he probably wasn't held much?
So can you imagine Jason getting carried by Bruce for the first time and absolutely loving it, but he's too afraid to show how much he actually enjoys it, which gives Bruce the impression he shouldn't do it often, until Jason has to shyly ask B to pick him up like how a 5yo would be asked to be carried by their parent like:
[Jason lightly tugging on Bruce's shirt]
Bruce, looking down at him: What is it, Jay? Do you need something?
and it's just Jason hesitantly raising his arms up hoping Bruce will get the message sjoajdiididjns
and ofc Bruce is absolutely elated that his son loves to be held by him and squeezes him extra tightly when he picks him up
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honeysuckle-teaa · 25 days
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Hello everyone I am once again begging for your attention 🥺🩷
My links
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notsolonelyygirl · 2 months
is there a polite way to say “please fuck me like a little slut”?
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sepiamestus · 3 months
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red string of fate
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soggy-wet-catgirl · 8 months
when you reblog my posts you're kissing me on the forehead. btw
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iwtv merch idea: a heart shaped locket, one half of which contains a picture of bailey's claudia and the other one contains a picture of delainey's cladia 💔💔
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vincentmatthews · 1 year
♡~OC Asks~♡
{Please specify which OC the question is targeted to, for people who may have more than one. Thank you and have fun💕}
{Safe questions}
🦋What is their favorite season?
☕️What is their favorite coffee/tea?
🍓What is their favorite fruit?
🍿Favorite show/movie?
🧁What's their dream date place?
🎀Do they have something they collect? {Stamps, rocks, stickers, etc}
🐾Do they have a pet? What are they, and what's their name?
🌿Do they like camping or road trips?
🍋Do you have a song that you associate with them?
🥞What breakfast dish instantly reminds them of home or being a kid?
🍕What's their guilty pleasure food?
🥝Do they have a food allergy or food they hate?
🍉What is their favorite summer food?
🎄Favorite holiday?
🎃What would their Halloween outfit be?
🎁What is something they keep like: a souvenir, a keepsake, or a family heirloom; that means a lot to them? Why is it so important to them?
🧸Do they have a stuffed animal or item they've kept from when they were a kid?
🍷What is their drink of choice? Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic?
🔪Say they were put in a classic 80s slasher/horror setting, who would they be? {Example: The killer. The dude who dies first. Etc.}
🍄Say it's their love interests' birthday, how would they celebrate it?
🎟Say they go to a fair/carnival, what fair treat would they get to eat, and what attraction would they like the most?
🌊What is a phobia of theirs?
🐁Do they find a creature cute, that normal people don't? Such as spiders, rats, snakes, sharks, etc?
🦴Have they ever broken a bone or had any sort of major injuries before? If so, what was their ailment?
🍰What is their favorite dessert?
♥️Favorite color?
🎈If they could travel anywhere, where would they go?
🌻Favorite flower?
🦝What do they smell like?
🍞What smell reminds them of home or better days?
🧿Do they have a superstition or belief? Such as "black cats bring bad luck", belief in ghosts, tarot, crystals, meditation, etc.
🥰Tell me about a time they'd get romantic with someone {keep it pg-13 please}
💫What do they wish on shooting stars? What is their one wish they want to come true?
🪴Free Space for your own question~♡
🔮Random Question chosen by the poster~♡
{Spicy Questions}
🌶Where have they almost been caught having sex? And what were they almost caught doing?
🩵Do they bite or leave hickies on their partner? And do they leave them where people can see it? Or do they hide them and press on the marks when they're in public?
🍇What is their sexuality? And what is their "type"?
🍼Do they have kids? Or are they willing to have any?
🍾What's the the kinkiest thing they've done while drunk at a party?
🍪What is their dirty name for their partner?
🥀Do they have a favorite position?
🧨If they could screw anyone without any consequences, who would they choose?
🎉Say it's their love interests' birthday, how would they celebrate it~?
🌽Have they ever done a dirty video before? Either alone, or with others? If so, has anyone ever "found" it?
🥑What are some of their random kinks/fetishes?
🥥How vocal are they, during sex?
🍐Say they wanted to look sexy for their partner, what sort of outfit would they wear?
🍑How did they react to having their "first time?" And was their partner understanding if they were nervous?
🥧Have they ever had a one-night stand when they were drunk?
🐹What "pet" names do they like being used for them? {Babe, Kitten, Puppy, Mutt, etc.}
🐺Tell me about their first time trying bondage~♡
🔥Do they get turned on by strange things, such as fire, chaos, blood, etc?
🧀Are people with piercings and tattoos a +1 on them being attracted to them?
🐧Do they have a safe word? What is it?
💉Have they done drugs before? Which ones? And are they addicted to anything?
🌹Tell me about a time they'd get romantic with someone {you can add the kink here}
💋Do they kiss first? And do they bite their lips if they're mischievous or aroused? And do they bite their partner's lips when they try and pull away?
🍀Free Space for your own question~♡
🎲Random Question chosen by the poster~♡
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hippolotamus · 9 days
I found this post on IG (go show the original creator some love) and promptly had Thoughts™️
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honeysuckle-teaa · 2 days
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Showing off my arch since it's been a while 🥰
My links
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artemis-pendragon · 7 months
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Jackles do the funniest thing ever challenge
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gotchibam · 7 months
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Just wanted to announce that I've finally set up my print shop at INPRNT! ✨
Only a few pieces are up for now but hopefully I'll be able to expand it more in the future!
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