#pr nightmares
cameliacambell · 5 months
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Chapters: 1/9 Fandom: Formula 1 RPF Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pierre Gasly/Charles Leclerc Characters: Charles Leclerc, Pierre Gasly, Arthur Leclerc, Charles Leclerc's Family, Pierre Gasly's Family, charles leclerc friends, Kika Cerqueira Gomes, (mentioned) Summary:
Charles and Pierre embark on a snowy winter getaway, where a scandal leads to them faking a romantic relationship for sponsorships and fans. With a history of childhood friendships, they must navigate the tricky terrain of a fake relationship, balancing reality and pretense in a winter wonderland.
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homosexualslug · 2 years
big power move for the try guys' social media manager to quit his job last week before he had to deal with any of this (x)
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Interviewer: if you could kiss anyone in the world who would it be?
Neil : my beautiful husband andrew minyard
Interviewer: that doesn’t count. You do that anyway.
Neil, not hesitating: Your Mom
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egophiliac · 6 months
man, it's a good thing they stopped doing the episode 7 SSRs, because I'm really low on keys and gems right now and --
#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 chapter 6 spoilers#IT'S MY BOY#MY BEAUTIFUL ELECTRIC BOY#LOOK AT HIM! HE'S A BIG BRAVE KNIGHT!!!!!!!#but in a good way or a bad way. IS IT IN A GOOD WAY OR A BAD WAY TWST?!#'armor of the eternal night' that's not ominous at all NOPE#malleus is nightmare moon confirmed#wait. wait. hold on. armor of the eternal KNIGHT. ha ha i'm sorry i'm losing my mind a little#me zooming in to the banner as if that's going to tell me anything new: is that a crocodile mask. is he wearing baul's mask.#they did the half mask thing in lilia's card too so i think it's just to show his face in the card art. but it could also be a Thing.#I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING#god this is cerberus ortho all over again. what could it possibly MEAN#someone on the twst pr team really loves seeing us lose our goddamn minds huh#okay okay okay i'm cool i'm good i'm calm#let me just arrange my red thread on my corkboard here#unified exams end on the 11th so we're looking at >2 weeks here#eeeeek#sorry jamil your kelkkarotu card looks lovely but we'll have to catch up later#(do love that they straight-up were like 'kelkkarotu rerun featuring jamil as sir not appearing in this story')#man i'm so glad my horrible shrieky son is getting a big fancy story card#i hope this means silver gets one too#i hope this means EVERYONE gets one too#YOU GET A FANCY STORY SSR! AND YOU GET A FANCY STORY SSR!#DECADENTLY-ILLUSTRATED PLOT TWISTS FOR EVERYONE
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buckxtommy · 1 month
i still cannot stop thinking about oliver "your hands are SO big" stark.. we're one bucktommy makeout scene away from him going "i knew lou was a big guy but i didn't realize how big 😅 i'm not small by any means but he towers over me😊 [turns pink] he's a really strong man too, yknow– we had to, um in the script it said tommy picks buck up and i didn't think he could actually do it 😮‍💨😁 so yeah. a very buff guy 😃😌"
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 80
 So Dan knows that there’s heroes that have gone back in time, he’s aware of that fact. But he doesn’t exactly care and has more important things to worry about. Like the fact that Danny and Ellie are now three years old, right when he’s moving, though maybe that’s a blessing in disguise seeing as the GIW are searching for them in Amity. 
  But still, he has more important things to worry about than the speedster vibrating five feet away from him. Like making sure Ellie and Danny are alright to visit (ugh) Peepaw Clocky while he goes to work. 
  Ms. Mercy is not messing around, which he appreciates in a workspace, but he has to wait for another opening in the daycare before he can bring his, as far as everyone else is aware, siblings who he got emergency custody of. 
  What with how Jazz is interning in Gotham, they figured Metropolis would be safer. Now if the speedster would stop following him, he would really appreciate it. He’s literally just an intern under Ms Mercy as an assistant, not even one of the scientists, and it’s not like his timeline of the end of the world exists anymore! 
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justanotherdrfan · 1 year
Not Alpine posting the ‘live’ on their feed! 😂
Clearly PR didn’t do their job and ‘proof check’ the live before posting it for the masses to watch and rewatch the chaos that kept unravelling.
For instance:
Poor Jack, just desperately trying to stay on task and having to deal with ‘the children’ giggling and clackling away 
Esteban and Pierre, playing with filters and not listening to the questions
Not Pierre playing with the filters and then using an alpha Tauri boarder filter and then realising it and taking it off 
Not Esteban, and Pierre, swearing, and not realising children are watching
When asked if they prefer dogs or cats and Pierre smirking (and clearly on demon time) casually saying ‘doggie’ for Esteban to then remember their are indeed children watching
Jack being the youngest, but trying to be the mature one
Pierre not getting Jack’s Aussie dry humour and playing up more
Pierre and Esteban trying to make Jack join the dark side of the chaos
Jack internally losing his shit with the chaos
Jack not having a clue what the boys are saying for a good 5 minutes while the speak French and hoping to god it can’t get any worst
Pierre clearly bored and wanting more chaos and asking George and Lando to join not remembering it’s a ALPINE live!
And just being a PR chaotic nightmare in general!
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ban-joey · 4 months
i do think it's really indicative of the industry that it's yet another pathetic paranoid windbag of a white dude that ends up lucky enough to be in charge of a website managed by the most busted code imaginable that's absolutely hemorrhaging funds every day and has already been dinged by the aclu once. like at this point i genuinely wonder if these people have any concept of social media/website management outside of the parasitic tech bro
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dear-ao3 · 3 months
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hedgehogcryptid · 13 days
AU where the family insist on bringing Jason's identity back to life thinking that being in the public eye will make it more difficult for him to crime lord. Except every time they do he just very convincingly fakes his death (because fuck them. If they don't actually want him in the family then he's not giving it to them). It gets to the point that the public is convinced something is very wrong with the Waynes, who have tearfully welcomed their dead son/brother back to the living five times in a row. The three leading theories are:
- they're cloning him and the clones eventually kill themselves when they find out
- they're gaslighting/brainwashing body doubles to believe they are a dead guy (who then kill themselves when they remember their actual lives)
- the family falls for it every time a half convincing conman approaches them saying he's the dead kid, and they kill him when they find out the deception, making it look like a suicide to avoid further investigation.
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monurey · 9 days
Rewatching F1 races & interviews from the early 2010’s and I gotta say,,,, they don’t make twinks like this anymore 😔
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beepborpdoodledorp · 1 year
ok so body horror, cults, political corruption, multiple instances of genocide, at least two characters who struggle with alcoholism (which in and of itself is a censorship nightmare), Red Velvet saying the word ‘hell’ in numerous voice lines and a copious amount of other not-very-nice shit is allowed but actually saying the word ‘murder’ isn’t. ok cookie run 
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trollzz · 6 months
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can a gay son and a thot daughter realy find love on this bitch of an earth
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ingravinoveritas · 7 months
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Have you seen his latest tweet? He’s having one of his moments and is blocking people left and right. I got myself blocked for commenting on a comment… TF is this poop? 😒
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@phantomstars24 Okay, so...I have seen what's been going on on Twitter with Michael and there is...obviously a lot going on. Let me first put up the screenshots of his other tweets, which followed the initial one in @ourtubahero-blog's screenshot (the first one is most recent):
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I think there are a few things (well, a lot of things) that are getting missed in all this, specifically the context for why Michael wrote the original tweet in the first place. It appears that it was meant to be a reaction to this incident, which just occurred today in the UK:
The wording of Michael's tweet was not clear, and I also don't think anyone outside of the UK would readily know what he was reacting to, so straightaway this seemed to lead to a lot of misunderstanding. A large portion of the criticism of that tweet stemmed from people thinking Michael was taking a neutral stance on the situation in Gaza/Israel, which is what then led to him making a clarifying tweet in that regard. For my part, I did not interpret Michael's original tweet as neutral, but rather that he is and does stand with innocent people of every stripe, and wishes for there to be no more bloodshed or further loss of life.
Michael's subsequent tweets only seem to have compounded the problem, as they appear to have been made out of an emotional response on his part, which is not a good thing when it comes across as defensive. Emotions are running incredibly high right now, and sadly that is the time when misunderstandings are most likely to occur. In the interest of clarity, in his second tweet, Michael did not say that he had no time to do research, but rather that he "has no time for people telling him to do research." What I took this to mean is that he already has done research and thought very carefully about this entire situation, and therefore felt slighted at people implying that he had not.
The problem inherent in all of this, however, is that this is an extremely difficult subject to have nuanced conversation about, particularly on social media and especially on Twitter. This then leads us to the issue of blocking. I think what Michael was attempting to say (again, badly worded) in his tweet about blocking people was that he was blocking people due to what he perceived as personal attacks. This would explain people being blocked for saying apparently innocuous things, as Michael was on the defensive and does not really have that button in his brain telling him to stop or back off once he gets going.
It goes without saying that Michael seemingly blocking people indiscriminately is definitely not a good look (though it is not without precedent, as I remember well him doing the exact same thing four years ago, albeit under different circumstances). But what is also not acceptable is people sending him death threats, or tweets such as this falsely accusing him of horrific things. In this instance, it is more than understandable that he would have a strong reaction to being dogpiled and block someone, because no one should have to accept threats to their person on their own social media page.
I think what is also happening is that a lot of fans (not either of you who sent in these asks, for the record) are correlating online activism to activism in real life. Michael has always been about walking the walk and not just talking the talk, to where we know he donated almost all of his money to the Homeless World Cup in 2019. He is also a UNICEF UK ambassador and has visited Lebanon, Chad, and Guatemala to meet and help refugee children. All this to say that we have no idea what he has done outside of social media to assist refugees and victims, or if/how much he has donated to Palestinian charities or other relief funds for victims and their families. And for my part, I would rather Michael be clumsy with his wording on social media (again, not defending the indiscriminate blocking) and taking tangible action in real life than engaging in performative Internet activism that ultimately goes nowhere.
(Also, I cannot help but facepalm at people asking Anna to weigh in, under the assumption that a) She would even care about this; and b) She has any influence whatsoever on Michael's behavior, which it is abundantly clear she does not or else he would have stopped flirting with David years ago. I just really hope people do not tag her or expect her to have the ability to somehow "rein him in," because they will be very disappointed...)
So yes, I think what made Michael make a statement tonight after all this time was the above-mentioned MP. I think his intentions were likely good and that his heart was in the right place--as are all of ours, in wanting to protect innocent civilians and stop the horrific violence that is happening. But I also think that if Michael wasn't prepared to handle certain types of criticism, then it probably would have been better for him to say nothing at all, or at least certainly to not escalate things by continuously tweeting. I am also sorry for the fans who were hurt by his actions, because I know fans who have been there before, and it really sucks.
I am hopeful, however, that we can all step back and breathe once emotions are no longer so heightened and try to find a way to listen to each other and engage meaningfully. Because it is truly disheartening to see how things escalated so quickly tonight, and I want to believe that we as a fandom and as human beings can do so much better. I suppose only time will tell...
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onlyvalid · 29 days
me going to the las vegas facility to find out what's going on
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Happier than ever huh?
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