#pumpkin cream cold foam recipe
simmeringstarfruit · 9 months
Pumpkin Cream Cold Foam Coffee
Homemade seasonal pumpkin cream cold foam coffee! This creamy foamy topping is perfect for iced or hot coffee during the autumn months. A variation on the classic creamy drink, this Starbucks copycat pumpkin cream cold foam cold brew recipe features strong flavours of vanilla and pumpkin spice, making it a delicious coffee beverage for fall. Jump to Recipe Printable Recipe Pumpkin cream cold…
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rereadanon · 8 months
Oops, I already messed this up! Here is me being chaotically late to our shiny new tag game, thanks to @deedala! And thanks to pals @mickeysgaymom @crossmydna @transmickey @metalheadmickey @gallawitchxx and @heymrspatel for the tags, it feels like a greatly needed hug!
Name: Anna
Age: 38 😱
Favorite color: Black or dark purple
What emoji best describes your current mood? 🥴 but if I think about it hard it’s also 😖😡😵‍💫👀🤡
What season is it where you are right now? Finally fall, finally less sweating
Were you up before or after the sun this morning? Both, thanks kid!
Are you currently in possession of a pumpkin? Yes, five small ones. Tomorrow is the big haul day!
Do you prefer to carve or paint your jack-o-lanterns? MUST have a carved pumpkin for Halloween!
Do you have a favorite pumpkin-spice flavored treat? Probably the Starbucks cold brew with pumpkin cold foam thingy. I get it without the vanilla, I don’t like sweet coffee unless it’s ice cream. The cold foam adds the perfect amount of sweetness!
What’s your favorite season and what’s your favorite pie that you associate with it? It’s a tie between summer and fall- summer is my mom’s family’s lemon ice box pie and fall is again my mom’s family’s mini lemon tarts ( the recipe calls for butter “the size of an egg”). 🥧🥧
We’re having a pot-luck, what are you going to bring? Pre- made margarita mix, both alcoholic and non, from my favorite margarita place. Extra chips for @gallawitchxx’s cowboy caviar. Fanfic related stickers to share with my pocket friends!!
It’s chilly outside and you need a hot drink in your hands, what are you drinking? Just hot coffee with some whole milk splashed in.
Will you be wearing a costume for Halloween? Is it ready? We are doing a family theme this year and as plus size person, my only choices that were quick and easy were Sexy Princess Peach or Toad, so Toad it is!
Finally, what’s something you’ve made or done recently that you’re proud of? Passed another college course and started the next. I’m doing school much slower than I imagined I would or like to, but hey, I’m doing it!
I’m not going to tag anyone, because I think everyone has been tagged and I am a day late. But imagine me hugging you!
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rangertessadarling · 1 year
RA characters Starbucks orders
Will - would definitely be a seasonal drink person, unashamedly. Pumpkin spice lattes, peppermint mochas, give them all to him. He's also one of those people who gets "extra caramel drizzle" even when a drink does not actually come with caramel drizzle. He also can't remember which drink size is which, even though he's a regular costumer. He's very embarrassed, but at this point, he's too scared to ask.
Horace - Only goes to Starbucks with friends and then only gets what his friends get. He's getting and enjoying the peppermint mocha with Will. But if he does go on his own, he'll get an iced macchiato or a mocha latte. But always with flavor. His fav is hazelnut.
Cassandra - Loves all their sweet drinks. Only gets their sweet drinks. She's obsessed with their caramel frappuccinos because, yes, she's aware that they're nothing but sugar. But they taste like "actual nectar from the gods, so who tf cares?" She also always gets the extra free cup of whipped cream, not because she has a dog, but because she wants the extra cream in her drink.
Halt - One of those people to ask for a medium black coffee. Sometimes he'll spice it up and say "an americano" and sometimes even a "cappuccino" if he's feeling extra un-loathing that day. He only buys the coffee to bring some form of happiness to his miserable day, but ends up leaving Starbucks all the unhappier because he just spent 7 dollars on an americano... we're all Halt, honestly.
Alyss - Loves her basic white-girl drinks, and doesn't care about your opinions. But also, she'll do what it takes to survive and if that means getting a triple shot and getting it black. So be it. A vanilla latte is her go-to. She doesn't like the fall drinks, but she loves the holiday ones and gets the caramel brûlée latte multiple times a week when it's seasonal. Also always gets a venti.
Gilan - The dude is lactose intolerant and still gets dairy milk. "With extra sweet cream cold foam" is his favorite phrase because he requests it with everything. He kinda loves everything at Starbucks except for their fruit drinks. He just doesn't see the point of going to a coffee shop and not getting coffee. He's been known to have the occasional matcha, however. Even though he just complains about it tasting like milk. Because that's what it's made with, my friend. Milk. He gets so violently ill from Starbucks but gives zero shits about it.
Jenny - Ignores Gilan's scrutiny and gets her fruit drinks with pride. She loves her mango dragonfruit refreshers and tries copying the recipes herself. Never really nails it. She's honestly not a huge Starbucks person because she just makes better coffee at home anyway. Everyone agrees with her. If given the choice, they'll all go to Jenny's instead.
Crowley - He, unlike Gilan, is not lactose intolerant, but also unlike Gilan, he refuses to get regular milk. "It tastes better with oat milk!" he says. No it doesn't. Stop lying to yourself. He only gets hot drinks; ice waters down the coffee too much for his taste. Lovesss his lattes. Enjoys the obscure latte syrups; lavender is his fav. Is also known to get a cake pop every time he's there.
Maddie - Just enjoys the experience of going to Starbucks, but hates actually being there. Hates their coffee and all their drinks. But their food is good. She saves the cups from there just to fill them up with coffee from home, to make it feel like she went to Starbucks and got coffee she likes; because she hates the fact that she hates it. Whenever Cassandra goes alone, she brings back cake pops for her and Uncle Crowley.
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thetwistedcryptid · 8 months
What would your boys get if they ever go to a starbucks? (this popped in my brain while wishing i had a double shot can from the gas station)
hmm.. that's an interesting one! you didn't say which of my characters, so i just picked a few of them Taranis: Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino .. maybe with some extra chocolate syrup sometimes .. he has such a strong sweet tooth, but wouldn't ever admit it. has probably bribed or threatened the baristas to never mention his order to anyone.
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Bowie: Frozen Pineapple Passionfruit Lemonade Starbucks Refresher. mega fruit lover in the house!! def something he would drink after working on his families farm, or after a lot of harmonica playing at his dorms hidden 'tavern'. sweet boi likes sweet treats! probs trys to get/mimic the recipe to make it for his friends.
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Cailean: Iced Peach Green Tea Lemonade - with extra lemon. very refreshing after a streak of pranks on his dorm mates, or for soothing his dry throat after light music club rehearsals. best mix of sour and sweet for him.
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Bomani: Iced Matcha Tea Latte with Oleato Golden Foam ... not sure how to explain this one, but just trust me on this. (am i just saying it cuz of the vibes? cuz its green like seaweed and hes a merman? who knows..)
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Hikaru: Emperor's Clouds & Mist (hot tea/green tea) sometimes keeping it simple is the way to go! he just really likes tea.. has probably tried all the types starbucks has like some kinda tea-type food critique but with only compliments and genuine reviews, no negativity here folks. always gives decent tips, even if he doesn't end up liking his order.
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Oisín: some simple hot chocolate with LOTS of whipped cream, and a little cinnamon sprinkled on top :3 caffeine makes him a little sleepy but mainly doesn't have much of an effect (plain caffeine tastes icky to him, too). so he goes for the sweeter hot stuff.
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Wyborne: Pumpkin cream cold brew .. with LOTS of expresso shots. like, as many as the workers are legally allowed to give him - whatever number that is to where it won't kill him but still keep him awake for 3 weeks straight without seeing god. he's a busy boy ('i dont have a problem, you do' - said him)
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Fǔzhù: Iced Royal English Breakfast Tea Latte - he would drink like maybe 3 a day if he had the time to go out and get them. but, his schedule is usually too packed for even short trips like that. so its a rare, but nice, treat for him.
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Sweet Cold Foam Recipes
Strawberry Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Foam Recipe
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1 tbsp Strawberry SkinnyMixes
1 tsp sugarfree vanilla syrup 
130ml milk 
Mix 1 tbsp Strawberry SkinnyMixes and 1 tsp vanilla syrup in a container.
Add 130ml of milk and stir well.
Use a frother or blender to create a creamy foam.
Spoon the strawberry-vanilla sweet cream cold foam over your favorite iced beverage.
Why you’ll love it: This delightful concoction offers a perfect balance of sweet strawberry and smooth vanilla, turning your everyday coffee into a gourmet treat. Say goodbye to ordinary and hello to extraordinary sips!
Pumpkin Spice Sweet Cream Cold Foam Recipe
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Craving fall flavors? Elevate your coffee experience with this Pumpkin Spice Sweet Cream Cold Foam! 
1 tbsp pumpkin spice syrup
1 tsp vanilla syrup 
130ml milk
Mix 1 tbsp pumpkin spice syrup and 1 tsp vanilla syrup in a container.
Add 130ml of milk and stir well.
Use a frother or blender to create a luscious pumpkin-spiced foam.
Spoon the pumpkin spice sweet cream cold foam over your favorite iced beverage.
Why you’ll love it: Embrace the cozy essence of autumn with each sip. The aromatic blend of pumpkin spice and vanilla will warm your senses, making your coffee break a comforting ritual.
Explore more sugar-free syrups at SkinnyMixes and unleash your creativity in crafting delicious, guilt-free beverages!
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favouritefallfeelings · 7 months
Fall drinks!
I'm sure there are a lot of people that could say that the warm drinks and beverages of the fall season are certainley the best part about the wonderful time. In my opinion, I can most definitley agree and admit that I have been to Starbucks one too many times this fall. Which brings me to my main blog topic today, the best drinks of this season, whether they are from a coffee shop or can be easily made to enjoy at home.
Starting off strong, a tried and true cold season favourite, hot chocolate. I'm sure many of you have at least had one warm cup of hot chocolate in your lifetime, it definitley makes the perfect drink to warm up and enjoy anytime and anywhere. Of course the original milk chocolate cocoa is always good, I wanted to think of different variations of the drink to either add more seasonal ingrideinets such as pumpkin or just new ways to take it to the next level.
Pumpkin white hot chocolate:
This simple recipe is an easy way to bring those cozy fall flavours into this classic warm drink. To a saucepan, you add 3 cups of whole milk, 1 cup of canned pumpkin puree, 1 and a 1 /2 teaspoons of pumpkin pie spice and 1 teaspooon of vanilla extract. After a few minutes on low heat, the mixture is ready to be taken off the stove and you can add 4 ounces of your favourite white chocolate bar, stirring until it's fully melted. This recipe is a perfect way to end a cold fall day and warm up while drinking. It doesn't take long and I'd argue it's even better than a regular cup of hot chocolate.
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Salted caramel hot chocolate:
Another simple way to turn your regular hot chocolate into something new and delicious, this one with an added salted caramel flavour. This recipe is divided into two parts, the caramel sauce and the drink itself. Starting with the sauce, stirring in 2/3 cup of heavy cream, 1/2 cup of granulated sugar, 1/2 cup of light brown sugar, 1/2 cup of salted butter and 1 and a 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla extract on medium heat. Letting the mixture bubble up for 2-3 minutes and then taking it off heat for it to thicken. Now for the drink, combine 3/4 cup of the caramel sauce, 2 cups of heavy cream, 4 cups of milk, 2 cups of milk chocolate chips into a crockpot. This should be set on a low temperature for 2-3 hours, once finished mix in 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and a pinch of coarse sea salt. This recipe takes longer then most, but I can say it's a fan favourite in my house. I tried this out and everyone loved it, we even had leftover caramel sauce to top off the whipped cream on the drink, a 10/10 in my opinion.
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Next I want to talk about my recommendations from Starbucks, specifically their fall drink menu. Without a doubt, my all time favourite drink of the Starbucks fall menu is their 'Iced Pumpkin Cream Chai Tea Latte'. I admit it sounds a little bit complicated but it really is simple. With a chai tea base (I like to subsitute the whole milk for oat milk) and a pumpkin flavoured cold foam on top, arguabley the best part about the drink. Another of my favourites is the classic 'Pumpkin Spice Latte', it's a classic, it's not fall without having at least one of these during the season. I will have to admit that I prefer Tim Horton's a little more than Starbucks, but never the less, you can't go wrong with this one. Lastly, another great use for the seasonal pumpkin cold foam would be to top off a cold brew with it! I get this on the days I need some extra energy. A 'Pumpkin Spice Cold Brew' is such an easy way to make a regular drink perfectly right for the fall season!
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I would definitley consider myself a beverage enthusiast, the fall being obviously my favourite time of the year for these comforting and delicious drinks.
Recipe credits:
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So here are Starbucks recipes my Hannibal Kinnie Bf swears by as a barista
Venti London fog iced tea with one scoop of matcha
Venti Strawberry açaí refresher with three pumps of pumpkin sauce (sounds gross but I tried it today and it’s pretty good)
Venti iced Matcha latte with four pumps raspberry
Venti iced caramel macchiato with three pumps of brown sugar syrup and two pumps of cinnamon dolce
Venti Pink drink with strawberry purée and four pumps hazelnut syrup and mocha drizzle (he calls it a chocolate covered strawberry)
Venti Vanilla bean cream Frappuccino six pump raspberry line the cup with mocha add mocha drizzle add cookie crumble
Grande chocolate cream cold brew line the cup with caramel
Grande matcha tea Frappuccino three pumps caramel syrup add caramel drizzle
Grande brown sugar oatmilk shaken espresso three pumps vanilla two pumps cinnamon dolce add salted caramel cold foam
Grande pink drink add peach juice no strawberry inclusions add strawberry purée
Grande passion tango tea add lemonade add strawberry inclusions
Grande iced white mocha three blonde shots no whip add chocolate cream add mocha drizzle
Grande chai tea latte two scoops vanilla bean powder stirred
Tall nitro brew add salted cold foam
Quad shot in a Trenta cup add ice add half and half two pumps white mocha one pump dark caramel
Blonde Quad shot in a trenta cup add ice add oatmilk four pumps cinnamon dolce add whip add cinnamon topping
And most cursed of all
Seven blonde shots in a trenta cup no ice three scoops vanilla bean powder add almond milk add sweet cream cold foam add caramel drizzle
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ishmoh1 · 4 months
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ginger-bread-cow · 9 months
i hate starbucks, (the corporation), so here's the recipe for vanilla sweet cream/pumpkin spice sweet cream. (source: I worked at starbies for a year and a half)
4 pumps of vanilla syrup (roughly a tablespoon)
about 200 ML Heavy Cream
About 100 ML 2% Milk
To make it pumpkin flavored, add 2 pumps of your pumpkin spice sauce (roughly 2 tablespoons)
whisk/stir well. This makes a single "serving", just size it up if you want to make more. Starbucks only keeps it for 48 hours. Adjust the ammount of 2% by how thick you want it.
You can use a frother to make it cold foam.
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veryeasyrecipes · 2 years
Fall is here and so are pumpkin flavored drinks! I am usually not a fan of the pumpkin spice latte, but this pumpkin cold foam drink has been my go-to. It is the perfect coffee with just enough pumpkin, not too sweet and not too bitter. For this recipe you will need:
🥛 2 tbs heavy cream
🥛 1 tbs milk
🥄1/4 tsp pumpkin spice
🤎2 tsp brown sugar (add more if you like it sweeter)
🎃 1 tbs pumpkin puree
🍨 splash of vanilla
Combine all the ingredients and froth until it becomes a thick consistency. Pour it over your latte and enjoy!
© 2022, Paola Bermudo (Song by: Lupe Fiasco)
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foodies22 · 2 years
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aurumacadicus · 3 years
Copycat Pumpkin Spice Syrup
Ingredients: 3/4c dark brown sugar (light brown should work as well, I just happened to have the same sugar on hand) 1/4c pumpkin puree (make sure it is pumpkin puree and not pumpkin pie filling!) 3/4c water 2tsp pumpkin pie spice (I used store-bought, but you can make your own)
Mix all ingredients together in a pan.
Turn heat onto high until the mixture comes to a rolling boil, then turn down to medium low heat, stirring all the while.
Cook until syrup is reduced by half. The syrup will be finished cooking when it takes on a glossy, almost oily sheen.
(Optional) Strain the syrup into the container you will be storing it in.
Let syrup cool, then cover and put in the refrigerator. The syrup will keep like this for two weeks.
Recipe for Pumpkin Cold Foam
Ingredients: 1oz heavy whipping cream 1-1/2oz 2% milk (but any light-fat milk should work) 1/2oz pumpkin spice syrup (I upped it to 1oz because I love the flavor tho)
Mix ingredients together.
Using milk frother or hand mixer, froth until it forms soft peaks, about 25 to 35 seconds.
If you don’t have a milk frother or hand mixer, you can put it in a jar, put the lid on, and shake it until it firms up into soft peaks.
Be careful not to over-mix; you want a firm foam, not whipped cream! (Although pumpkin spice whipped cream is also delicious, so maybe you do want it.)
When pouring your coffee, leave about a 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch of room for your foam. (Or more if you’re like me and want All The Foam.)
Once fall actually hits, it’ll be nearly impossible to get pureed pumpkin unless you make it yourself (at least in my experience). Since it goes such a long way, I suggest getting a can now and freezing the part you don’t use until you next make more. I got a 15oz can and used less than a quarter of it.
This recipe is easy to double!
Not as sweet as Starbuck’s syrup, but honestly, still delicious. I just use a little more syrup. This could be because what we’re making is a syrup, but what Starbucks uses is a sauce, so theirs is a little thicker/more bodied.
Commenters on the OP said if you want more sweetness/that orange coloring, you can add sweetened condensed milk to the mix. Personally not going to do this because I get enough dairy from the cold foam and I do not want to add to my stomach’s troubles lmao. Also not sure when and how much you would actually do this? I’d personally go with after cooking it and cooling a little so I could add it to my personal taste.
I said straining was optional but a lot of commenters said they didn’t strain it and didn’t like the pumpkin chunks in the bottom of their lattes. Personal preference I guess!
If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask!
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whippywhippyshake · 3 years
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Okay here's my vegan pumpkin spice "latte" recipe, 'cause who the hell will leave blanket during autumn to get some? This mug is approx. 5 dl (half a liter).
1. For this mug, I make one cup of coffee, about half of the mug. A cup of chai or spicy no-caf tea is a great choice as well.
Make good, strong-ish coffee. I put 3 tablespoons of ground coffee per cup. The nice and tasty-tasty kind. If it's the evening, I use a bag of spice infusion.
2. To your mug, measure the pumpkin spice. I have a sugary me-made version, so I tend to put in 1-1,5 teaspoons. Without sugar, I'd add 0,5-0,75 teaspoons of pumpkin spice and some syrup.
3. Pour in the coffee (or tea) and mix so that the sugar melts.
4. Add oat milk until the cup is kinda full. Warm a bit in the microwave if the oat milk makes it too cold for your taste. Mix with a spoon, chopstick, skewer or whatever.
5. Add vegan whip and garnish. I use a vegan spray creme I'm addicted to after being an opinionated and prejudiced ass about it. It's good. Still, in this cup, the amount was maybe a tad too much. It's a fine line of wanting all the whipped cream and feeling physically ill afterwards. Sometimes it is kinda the goal tho.
For garnish, I sprinkle some of the pumpkin spice on top. Sometimes I add a small gingerbread. Tiny little fudgeballs might taste awesome as well. You can vary this from very minimal (maybe with plant milk foam?) to very very extra.
My pumpkin spice recipe is in the honing, for it still tastes a little bit too nutmeggy to me. When I master it, I'll share it. It consists of cinnamon, ginger, cloves, allspice, nutmeg and sugar, however.
It's not Starbucks, but it's nice and cozy and warming and easy and not costly. Great for consuming under blankets.
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linlincoffee · 3 years
The Names of Different Coffee Drinks
Coffee drinks have many different names that come from many sources. Coffee houses have 64 drink selections they agree have the same basic recipe. Some of these drinks have different names or have a number of variations. A good barista is one who knows how to make them all.
Affogato is Italian for drowned. This can be a drink or served as a dessert a drink or dessert with espresso that may also incorporate caramel sauce or chocolate sauce.
The Baltimore is an equal mix of decaffeinated and caffeinated brewed coffee while the Black Eye is dripped coffee with a double shot of espresso creating a strong taste.
The Black Tie is a traditional Thai Iced Tea, which is a spicy and sweet mixture of chilled black tea, orange blossom water, star anise, crushed tamarind, sugar and condensed milk or cream, with a double shot of espresso.
The Breven is made with steamed half and half cream while the Caffè Americano or simply Americano is prepared by adding hot water to espresso, giving a similar strength, but different flavor from regular drip coffee. The strength of an Americano varies with the number of shots of espresso added. Variations include the Long Black, Lungo and Red eye.
The European Café au Lait is a continental tradition known by different names, but is the most popular drink in European coffee houses. It is made using strong or bold coffee as well as espresso that is mixed with scalded milk in a 1 to 1 ratio.
Cafe Bombon was made popular in Valencia, Spain and modified to suit European tastes and many parts of Asia such as Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore. The basic European recipe uses espresso served with sweetened condensed milk in a 1 to 1 ratio. The Asian version uses coffee and sweetened condensed milk at the same ratio. For visual effect, a glass is used, to create two separate bands of contrasting color.
In America, the Caffe Latte is a portion of espresso and steamed milk, generally in a 2 to 1 ratio of milk to espresso, with a little foam on top. This beverage was popularized by large coffee chains such as Starbucks.
The Cafe Medici starts with a double shot of espresso extracted using a double filter basket in a portafilter that is poured over chocolate syrup and orange or lemon peel, which is usually topped with whipped cream. This drink originated at Seattle's historic Last Exit on Brooklyn coffeehouse.
A Cafe Melange is a black coffee mixed or covered with whipped cream. This drink is most popular in Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands.
A Cafe Miel has a shot of espresso, steamed milk, cinnamon, and honey. Miel is honey in Spanish.
Coffee milk is similar to chocolate milk; but coffee syrup is used instead. It is the official state drink of Rhode Island in the United States.
A Cafe mocha or Mocha is a variant of a caffe latte, but a portion of chocolate is added, typically in the form of chocolate syrup. When bought from a vending system, instant chocolate powder is used. Mochas can contain dark or milk chocolate.
Moccaccino is a term used in some regions of Europe and the Middle East to describe caffe latte with cocoa or chocolate. In the U.S., it usually refers to a cappuccino made with chocolate.
Cafe Zorro is a double espresso added to hot water in a 1 to 1 ratio.
Ca phe sua da is a unique Vietnamese coffee recipe that means iced milk coffee. Mix black coffee with about a quarter to a half as much sweetened condensed milk, pour over ice. Phe sua nong means hot milk coffee, which excludes ice. In Spain, a similar drink is called Cafe del Tiempo, hot, or Cafe con Hielo, ice.
Cappuccino is a coffee-based drink prepared with espresso, hot milk, and steamed milk foam. It is served in a porcelain cup, which has far better heat retention. The foam on top of the cappuccino acts as an insulator to help retain the heat, allowing it to stay hotter longer.
The Caramel Machiatto or C-Mac is a vanilla latte with foam and gooey caramel drizzled on top, while Chai Latte notes that the steamed milk of a normal cafè latte is being flavored with a spiced tea concentrate.
A Chocolate Dalmatian is a white chocolate mocha topped with java chip and chocolate chip while Cinnamon Spice Mocha is mixed cinnamon syrup, topped with foam and cinnamon powder.
A Cortado, Pingo or Garoto is an espresso with a small amount of warm milk to reduce the acidity. The ratio of milk or steamed milk to coffee is between 1 to 1 to 1 to 2. Milk is added after the espresso is made.
Decaf is a beverage made with decaffeinated beans while a Dirty Chai is Chai tea made with a single shot of espresso.
An Eggnog Latte is a seasonal blend of steamed 2% milk and eggnog, espresso and a pinch of nutmeg. In Germany, the Eiskaffee, ice cream coffee consists of chilled coffee, milk, sweetener, vanilla ice cream, and sometimes whipped cream.
An Espresso Romano is a shot of espresso with a small rind of lemon and sugar added.
A Flat White is prepared by pouring creamy steamed milk from the bottom of the jug over a single shot of espresso creating a lighter froth. This drink originated in New Zealand and Australia.
Frappuccino is the name and registered trademark of Starbucks blended ice beverage and bottled coffee beverage that may different flavors.
Galao is a hot drink from Portugal made of espresso and foamed milk. It is made in a tall glass with about one quarter coffee, three-quarters foamed milk.
Guillermo was originally made with one or two shots of hot espresso, poured over slices of lime or on ice; sometimes served with a touch of milk.
Another seasonal blend, a Gingerbread Latte consists of steamed milk, espresso, gingerbread syrup, topped with a pinched of nutmeg, cinnamon and vanilla powder.
Greek frappé coffee is a foam-covered iced coffee drink made from spray-dried instant coffee. It is a very popular Greek summer drink.
A Green Eye, also known as Triple Death, is dripped coffee with a triple shot of espresso.
Half-caf is made with half and half parts caffeinated beans and decaffeinated beans. Iced coffee varieties include Farmers Union Iced Coffee and Toddy coffee.
South Indian Coffee, also known as Madras Filter Coffee or Kaapi is a sweet milky coffee made from dark roasted coffee beans and chicory. It is especially popular in the southern states of India.
Instant coffee is a beverage derived from dehydrated brewed coffee beans that come in powder or granules. Some brands include Chock full o'Nuts, Japanese canned coffee, Moccona and Nescafe.
Irish coffee is coffee combined with whiskey and cream, often further sweetened with sugar.
Kopi susu is found in Malaysian Borneo and Indonesia. Kopi susu means coffee milk and is served in a glass of cooled mixed black Arabica coffee including grounds with about a quarter to a half a glass of sweetened condensed milk. Kopi Turbruk uses sugar instead of sweetened condensed milk.
Libbylou is a hot espresso made with equal parts mocha and white mocha topped with espresso and steamed half and half. It is served plain without a topping,
Liqueur coffee, is brewed coffee with a shot of liqueur and usually served in a warmed glass. Sugar is required in the coffee mixture to help the cream float. There are 17 varieties; each uses a different liqueur.
Macchiato is an espresso with a dash of foamed milk that is put directly into the espresso cup first; espresso is dispensed into the cup. Cocoa is then sprinkled over the drink.
Mary Turner Coffee is a soft amount of milk, 3 sweeteners, and the rest coffee. It's an evening drink.
Mazagran is a long cold coffee beverage from Portugal and served in a tall glass. It is made with at least strong coffee, usually espresso, lemon and ice. Sometimes sugar, rum or water is added or a fast version uses previously sweetened espresso in a cup with ice cubes and a slice of lemon.
Mochasippi is prepared by baristas in coffee houses in southern states. Similar to the Mocha, but a Mochasippi contains actual shots of espresso rather than a powdered instant coffee.
Pumpkin Spice Latte is a Fall seasonal blend of steamed milk, espresso, sugar, vanilla extract, pumpkin pie spice, topped with foam and a pinch of pumpkin pie spice.
Pocillo is a shot or small portion of unsweetened coffee, now usually made either using an espresso machine or a moka maker, but traditionally made using a cloth drip and served in cups made for the purpose in Latin America.
Raspberry Mocha is a regular mocha with raspberry flavoring.
Red Eye is a dripped coffee with a single shot of espresso while a Red Tie is a traditional Thai Iced Tea, a spicy and sweet mixture of chilled black tea, orange blossom water, star anise, crushed tamarind, sugar and condensed milk or cream along with a single shot of espresso.
A Red Tux is a Zebra Mocha with raspberry flavoring.
Regular Coffee in New York City, a regular coffee with cream and sugar. A variant phrasing is coffee regular.
Ristretto is a very short shot of espresso coffee. All strengths of flavors are usually attributed to espresso in general, but are more pronounced in Ristretto.
Skinny Latte is a reduced calorie latte made with steamed non-fat milk and artificial sweeteners, such as Splenda or Equal. A Soy Latte is a latte made with steamed soy milk.
A Torpedo is made by placing the froth from steamed milk in cup with espresso coffee falling though the froth. The torpedo creates a very clean and distinct flavor for those who prefer a stronger taste of espresso than through conventional cappuccino.
Triple C's combines Cinnamon Dolce Latte with caramel syrup and chocolate syrup.
Turkish coffee is made by immersing the coffee grounds in water that is hot but not boiling long enough to dissolve the flavorsome compound. In Turkey, sweetness used is from a pinch to two teaspoons. Pouring that creates the most foam is considered the best cup.
Vienna coffee is the name of a popular traditional cream based coffee beverage. Made by preparing two shots of strong black espresso in a coffee cup, it is infused with whipped cream until the cup is full; then topped with more cream and chocolate sprinklings.
White Chocolate Mocha or sometimes referred to as White Mocha and is a sweet mixture espresso, steamed milk, white chocolate syrup. This sugary drink is often topped with whipped cream.
Yuanyang, sometimes also called Ying Yong, is a popular beverage in Hong Kong. Made of a mixture of coffee and Hong Kong-style milk tea, it is served hot or cold. Yuanyang means pair of two unlike items as used in this drink.
Zebra Mocha, sometimes known as a Black Tux, is a mixture of regular mocha with a white chocolate mocha.
Local drinks add to the variety of coffee drinks covered here as do new creations whether by customers or by baristas themselves. If they become known around the world, they will join the list above.
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indycar-series · 4 years
indycar drivers as drinks people actually had the audacity to order at my starbucks (pt. 1)
(just so we’re clear this is based off people who have raced this season)
scott dixon: doesn’t want to order a drink, but asks if the merchandise cups are bpa approved (probably meant bpa free but i wasn’t about to question and was very confused)
josef newgarden: iced chai latte with vanilla and pumpkin cream cold foam.
colton herta: matcha green tea frapp with raspberry and java chips. (idk, there was a dance conference in town and too many of those girls ordered this drink.)
will power: black coffee, but then asks for cream and sugar and complains that you didn’t leave room (what do you think black coffee means anyways)
pato o’ward: iced caramel macchiato, which everything is normal and dandy, but then had the balls to ask for it to be stirred. (just order a vanilla latte with caramel drizzle next time smh)
graham rahal: orders a pour-over of a coffee i have to grab from the merchandise area, then proceeds to film me making the coffee. (yes, this actually happened)
takuma sato: orders two decaf frapps, then asks to remake them with no coffee because that’s what he thought decaf meant and they’re for his kids
simon pagenaud: caramel cloud macchiato with extra vanilla, caramel, and white mocha, and with two scoops vanilla powder.
alexander rossi: a caffe latte but made with heavy cream (please if you know what’s good for you never order this, a venti of this has 2000 calories and i wish i was joking)
felix rosenqvist: trenta water, but multiple times over the course of an hour to the point where i become concerned for his health.
ryan hunter-reay: golden ginger drink (not that bad on prinicple, but doesn’t come clean off the shaker easily)
fettuccine boy: mocha cookie crumble frapp, but tried to order it hot (can’t do that), then wanted extra java chips, no whip (at all), and light ice.
jack harvey: pink drink with light ice, which isn’t bad except for i have to make about 500 of these a day please pick something else.
rinus veekay: whatever seasonal frapp is on the menu board, in the biggest size it comes, and wants it with no coffee.
marcus ericsson: custom iced tea. not difficult, and i can sort of understand, but who wants to wait 5 minutes for tea to brew
conor daly: tried to get me to watch a tiktok vid with the drink recipe. didn’t want to order after i said i can’t watch the video.
alex palou: venti latte but with only one pump of syrup and one shot. mostly a vessel for the milk. (or as my coworker called it, a sad excuse for a latte)
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littlestgahena1301 · 5 years
3 recipes that uses sugar syrup, side recipe ideas for @Katsukitchen Zine!
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Hello everyone! Hopefully everyone is well and in joyous spirit! Its been a lovely week for me and right after Halloween I will be going back to college for my second half of this semester but not before letting you guys know that @katsukitchen zine is having their last week of sale and we are already more than halfway through the sales to unlock EXTRA content pdf and also a set of of poscards for those who bought the merch bundle set.
Now back to what I am here for, to give simple recipes that you can follow along with. The main ingridient things to use in this recipe is the cinnamon sugar syrup that are used in my other recipe which is the Rose flavoured shaved ice with tapioca pearls! Two of these also uses rose syrup so if you happen to have some of those left you can make these two drink and I will tell you how to layer them.
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For the cold version. You would want to pour your syrup on the bottom of the glass and coat them with as much syrup as you love. Put in some ice, about halfway up
Next, pour in your cold milk to cover the ice. You can use any kinds of milk you like. Even soy milk, which you can add some vanilla essence to make it even more delicious before you add it into the glass.
Have your favourite kind of tea ready and infused with some rose water, or you can just use rose tea but just incase if you dont have either rose water or rose tea, you can just add the rose syrup to the tea and it will give you 3 layers without the gradient but it will just be as impressive!
The trick to layering milk te is to have the most dense liquid at the bottom and the most watery one at the top. The ice also helps to slow down the layers from mixing. To make sure that the ice doesnt melt, make sure that the tea is in room temperature before you pour it in.
Now for the finishing touch, you would need to water down some of the red rose syrup to just enough to colour the water bright pink. This step is totally skippable since it is just for the aesthethics but it makes such a lovely colour to not do it! Take a spoon and then just drip the water at the top of the tea using a spoon to control the flow.
Put that on top of a coaster and there you have it, your first recipe! Feel free to mess around with the ratios. Some like more milk than tea while others the other way around! Onto the hot version.
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So we are basically using the same ingridients except this time we would want to mix the tea and rose syrup together later.
The first step is to pour down the cinnamon syrup like we did before and now before you pour down the milk, I would want you to warm the milk, not to boil, just warm the milk before we can froth it.
Frothing the milk would add a nice layer of foam on top of the milk. You dont need a special utensil for this, just two about similar sized cup that you can "pull" the milk from back and forth until you get the foam that you want. If you watched Indian pulled tea videos on youtube, you know exactly how it is.
You would need to raise the cup that you ARE pouring from high up from the cup that you are pouring into. Pouring while having cup high up will incorporate some air into the milk that will create that nice foam that you want. Pour it into the cup and then we can move on to pouring the tea.
Now compared to last time you would actually want the tea to be hot. After mixing in the rose syrup, you would need a spoon big enough to slow down the tea from mixing. Have the back of your spoon facimg up and have the edge pointing to the side of the cup. Slowly and gently pour the tea onto the backside so that it will drip down to the edge of the cup and went below the foam.
If your tea is not hot enough or the milk is not as cold compared to the tea, they will mix. You can cheat by making extra foam and adding the foam later after you added the tea. Especially since this is actually kind of dangerous as you might pour too much tea at once that it splashes onto you.
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Alright so the last recipe which is a pumpkin pudding recipe. If you have made custard pudding before, you can just do that and add some pumpkin puree and have some pumpkin spice into the mixture but since this is autumn and pumpkins are in season, I would make my own puree from scratch. You want to use canned puree? Go ahead, you can. And I would usually infuse my milk with some pumpkin spice and then take them out after its infused.
I have my own golden ratio for my pumpkin pudding and I rather have it very soft and decadent rather than having it a little bit on the stiff side. I would like to add the full recipe for my pumkin pudding into the extra content zine. Now its kinda like a work in progress. I have all my numbers down, I just want to rewrite it in Baku's word so it would feel like you have your own Bakugou in your kitchen that likes to remind you to eat your vegetables.
Add all your ingridients which is the milk, the eggs and the puree rogether into a blender and blend away. This might create a foam on top and you would actually want to get rid of the foam before you pour it in cause the foam would actually change the texture of the pudding and you dont want that. For the smaller foam, you would want to get rid of it with the back of the spoon, and also a bowl of water. Coat the back of the spoon with foam, not scooping up any mixture and then rinse it off with the water.
In this recipe would actually want to steam the mixture in a ramekin, making sure you butter the sides if you want to take it out later. But eating it in the ramekin is also an option. If you're lazy you can just do that. Buttering the sides would make it easier to clean. Up to you. Cover it up with aluminium foil and make sure you close it shut and tight. Even use a rubber band to close it up real good. You dont want water to sneak in there cause that will change the texture.
Next, you can steam it for around 25 to 30 minutes, depending on the size of the ramekin. And also have your steamer cover open slightly as you dont want the water to pool on top of the lip and the drip onto our foil cover. You can even have some clean cloth wrapped around your cover to absorb the moisture if you want to be extra careful.
Once done, bring to room temperature and cool it off for an hour before serving it up with cinnamon syrup and also whipped cream.
So there you have it! Three different recipes that uses cinnamon sugar syrup!
If you like these, please make sure to get and buy the Katsukitchen zine, the profits will go to a charity that feeds the poor and the unfortunate. In a way, you are feeding yourself and also some homeless people off the street! Its a labour from a lot of time and love and I definitely hope you check it out!
Peace out!
@zinefans @zine-scene @zineapps
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