#radical feminism discourse
queenboudicaa · 2 years
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littletissueghosts · 9 months
Transmasc Person: "I am a straight guy, since I am a guy who loves women."
Toxic Queer People™: "Ew, straight guys are all predators, since only non-queer people are straight! Anyways, discrimination against straight men isn't real, even when they're a minority."
Transmasc Person: "Okay, I am a lesbian, since even if I'm not a woman, I still have a connection to womanhood."
Toxic Queer People™: "Lesbian is woman-only! If you are in any way a man or not a woman, you are not a lesbian! Transmascs can never be lesbians or have a connection to womanhood/a lack of manhood! Stop invading the lesbian community!"
I dare you to make it make sense.
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hard--headed--woman · 3 months
deleting this post and putting this addition instead, because i realized that i have said many things wrong in that first post, that it was aggressive when it shouldn't have been (giving the impression that i was attacking goldstar lesbians which is absolutely not my intention - i am a goldstar myself and as my mutuals know i always defend goldstars and this word in itself), and that it just wasn't phrased well at all, which just made it sound like I meant something I didn't mean at all. i repeat ; my post was about lesbians facing abuse, severe homophobia and internalized homophobia, not about women who dated men in the past and now call themselves lesbians for whatever reason.
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shadycomputerpolice · 29 days
If you are straight, how do you cope with a desire for relationships?
My seperatist beliefs aside, the idea that humans will all find romantic love as long as we are open to it is delusional fairytale thinking. Even if all men and all women were good people, time, location, language, physical attraction and compatibility would still be barriers to finding love.
Think about it, the number of people we meet physically and virtually is limited
Of those people we meet, how many of them will we have meaningful interactions with?
Of those we have meaningful interactions with, how many will we like?
Of those we like, how many will like us back?
Of those that like us back, how many will we love?
Of those we love, how many will love us back?
Of those that love us, how many of them are we compatible with enough to develop a relationship with?
The above scenario would still apply in the heterosexual utopia that reformist hope to achieve.
Now in our current reality, we know most men are trash: if they are not rapist, porn watching scum, they make excuses for their rapist, porn watching scum brethen. As a heterosexual woman with basic self respect that people call "high standards", the number of potentially romantic partners is very low already, then add the natural elimination that happens even in the ideal situation then do the calculation.
As a straight seperatist, I "deal" with my desire for love and companionship by simply understanding that humans cannot control whether they find love. Before I accepted that men are a global menace and men are trash not just the ones I had the misfortune of interacting with, I had accepted that finding true love is about luck, pure dumb luck. The only thing you can do is to be a good person, live your life and have a robust social life to meet people who might like and hopefully they like you back and you both are compatible enough to form a loving relationship.
Romance should not be a life goal for anybody because you have no control over your ability to find love.
Listen as adults, we all need to understand and accept, there is a price to pay for the life we want. Living a life of freedom and self respect has a cost and living a life with "romance" has a cost. Whatever decision you make, you have to be willing to pay the price.
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nerdylilpeebee · 7 months
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@kthulhu42 blocked me after puking this out. Wanted to actually respond tho, so:
First, no one mentioned entering men's spaces. We were specifically talking about women's spaces, and the fact afabs (especially passing trans men) get harassed out of them.
Second, cool. Wasn't talking about males. I was talking about masculine women being harassed for being wrongfully clocked as a trans woman.
Thirdly, cool beans.
Fourthly, you seriously think butch women weren't getting dirty looks in the 80's? The literal decade where the "lesbians are all rapists coming to molest us in the changing room" hysteria was at it's fucking peak??? Tell me you know nothing of lesbian history without saying you know nothing of lesbian history. Cuz bitch, there were butch women being ASSAULTED for entering the bathroom back then. Shit was not all fine and dandy until people started being aware trans women existed. Get your head out of your ass.
Fifthly, if you're not wary in a public space just because there's not SUPPOSED to be males there, you are an idiot AND a misogynist.
Sixthly, yes that is completely unrealistic. Your whataboutism doesn't change that. You cannot keep trans women out without harming cis women. That has already been proven and continues to be proven with every masculine cis woman harassed out of the bathroom due to YOUR NARRATIVES. You ignoring them and trying to blame trans people for it happening is ridiculous.
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And no, Hun, as you can read in that post, my idea of feminism is not supporting something that actively harms women for not being skinny feminine dolls.
People would take you radfems more seriously if you stopped arguing against straw men and started arguing against what people are actually saying to you. Same for if you stopped acting like trans people are a cult, before turning around and blocking anyone who doesn't agree with you.
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It really boils down to this.
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BoJack Horseman, S3E8
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hadesoftheladies · 26 days
one thing the barbie discourse really highlighted for me was how men equate having humanity as being dominant, hence, whenever women are dominant and men subordinate, men insist that men are being persecuted, hurt, or oppressed.
that's why they think that matriarchy would be violent. that's why they're so offended and vitriolic when women dare to assert themselves in any way (or denounce femininity and subjugation). to be a human man is to be dominant. there can be no other definition. so if a man isn't dominant then he is suffering and his humanity is under attack.
women cannot suffer in subordination because that's what being a woman is. so if women are beaten, raped, humiliated, barred from education, women cannot feel injustice because to be woman is to be inhuman. like animals, we do not recognize or feel things like suffering. we do not crave things like dignity. so men haven't done anything wrong by subjugating us. not really. they can't do anything wrong because we don't have a developed sense of morality, so their morality cannot be applied or meaningful to us.
but what men fear isn't women dominating them, they fear men dominating them. because they know what dominance does to a man. it may complete him, but it also makes him dangerous to his competitors. that, and their entire world is male-centric. so when they view women in power, they view them not as women, but as women becoming men.
that's why barbies ignoring kens is egregious and the idea of matriarchy frightening. they cannot imagine it outside patriarchal and masculinist culture. they cannot believe that a woman would not want to rape or kill or pillage once in power. human, after all, means male, so if a woman became human, it would have to mean she thought, acted, dressed and behaved as men did.
they are too afraid to admit to what that would mean about themselves. if the woman, the animal, can feel and have a moral sense, if they can understand and experience suffering, then the humanity of the man is in question because as someone with a supposed moral sense and enlightenment, he has been the one oppressing them, cruelly cutting them down without thought (that is mind). he is the inhuman one. now the man must question god, he must question his integrity and sense of innocence and identity, he must begin to wonder if he or any man is truly even redeemable.
and then they'd have to face guilt. and with that guilt torment. and with that torment, they would see that the only way to begin to live with themselves is rebel against the system, side with women, and that would mean marking himself as woman, as animal, to other men.
as viable for the slaughter
for if he is rejecting dominance, he is rejecting male humanity, divinity and authority, he is forfeiting his right to be treated as human by other men.
and not many men in history have ever been willing or brave enough to do that. so instead, they insist that animals are bloody and violent and mindless (despite the fact that there are no animal-created human farms) and that women would be just as bad, just as wicked, once they had power, once they became human.
in other words, once they became men.
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womenaremypriority · 8 months
Saying “some people socially and medically transition and are seen as a woman or a man by those around them and should be treated as men or women” is one thing but this website is on a whole other level.  Everyone has a gender identity that we have no way to verify, exists solely in one’s head, but we must respect it, put it into law, and affirm it higher than the sex one is born as.  They use the word gender constantly and are essentially speaking a different language.  There are a million gender identities but yet none.  The confusion is the point, but anyone who is confused and calls it nonsense is a bigot.  Because they are so deeply into their religion, they see it an obvious.  But in reality, it is constructed inside their head.  I once identified as genderfluid, nonbinary and used neopronouns lol when I say it’s a religion I mean it.  Someone can have a sincere belief in something unprovable without being delusional- it’s called religion.  And the concept of a gender identity, especially one more important than sex, is one.  The concept, like any religion, is hard to define, constantly changing and at war with other people who believe in it.  No one can pinpoint how many rules there are or if there should be any in the first place.  Wearing different clothes than your sex is supposed to and messing around with the concept of what it means to be an ideal ‘man’ or ‘woman’ is perfect and always been a part of gay culture.  That’s not what this is.  The people on this website are playing pretend.  They think they’re messing with and rebelling against society like the gays of the 20th century but they’re not.  They’re playing a game- a game constructed in their own head, a game that posits someone’s internal sense of self is more important than psychical reality.  There sense of self is hinged on this, like most religious people.  Telling them “your god/gender identity” does not exist is taken to mean YOU don’t exist.  They, like any religion person, take people’s confusion and disagreement as an attack- they see themselves as the counter culture.  They think this is rebelling against the establishment, to use neopronouns, to say a lesbian is a ‘queer attraction to women’ or any other nonsensical meaning, to say you are catgender, to say you are a man or a woman.  They’re not doing anything to dispel the patriarchy or heterosexual domination.  They are playing a game.  They think the fact it’s a game means it’s revolutionary- it’s not.  They are prisoners arguing over what color to paint their wall.  I mean it when I say it plays so well with not doing anything to the powers that be that it might as well be a CIA plot.  It’s done nothing to actually change society, long or short term.  The only thing it has done is make us unable to describe ourselves, make communication clogged up and complicated, essentially meaningless and exhausting.  It’s enabled predators to say ‘lesbians can like men too!’ It’s confused and overwhelmed people into not talking about heteropartriachy because now there are a million new terms we have to think about, a million new ways we could say something wrong.  And instead of discoursing about anything meaningful, we are discoursing whether men can be lesbians or whether ‘autisticgender’ is ableist.  Our conversations are meaningless.  Because our words are meaningless.  When lesbian means nothing, when women means nothing, when gay means nothing, but yet we are still here… you have done nothing to help anyone.  You have only made conversation harder and done the work of our oppressor.  And sure a lot of this only exists online.  But this nebulous ‘gender identity’ is taken as fact, this concept of lesbian meaning ‘non men loving non men’ is put into serious conversations.  
Yet, they have the audacity to say radical feminists are doing the work of the patriarchy when that is what they are doing.  Who benefits when ‘men’ and ‘women’ are now reduced to a feeling in ones head, or some undefined social role or concept?  Who benefits when now, lesbian and gay men means basically nothing?  Who benefits when women is now something you can opt in or out of?  Who benefits from conversations about gender being a joke? Who benefits from this?  You think men aren’t benefiting?  You think it’s straight people who are being hurt when we struggle to define ‘lesbian’?  You think you’re fighting the system?  You’re doing its work.  
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queenboudicaa · 2 years
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I was looking through some terf accounts on twitter after seeing that tweet about the artificial womb for lambs and the replies thereto. After a while I got the point: the reason it distrubs them so greatly is because, for them, the essense of a woman is the ability to bear children: if there is such a thing as an artificial womb, then what has happened to woman? — here she is outside, a plastic bag on desk.
Now it can no longer be their natural, eternal truth that a woman is 'that thing which bears children', for we have a vat — an artificial, technological instrument — which can very well do just the same. Take this one thing away from them, and they lose everything. Their entire world is ruined. What is a woman anymore? What am I?
With all reactionaries it is always the same: they are in violent denial of something which is already the case. There never was such a thing as 'nature'; the womb has ever been a bag.
Temporarily ruined this account to autogenerate a terf block list. Now please, I ask that you move on: I don't care about radical feminism — this is a blog about using german idealism to theorize yuri manga.
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eightythreenme · 2 months
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wtf is this
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shadycomputerpolice · 8 months
What is a feminist issue?
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There has been a lot of talk about whether alcohol use among women is a feminist issue . The answer is yes, it is.
Feminism is concerned with improving the wellbeing of women and girls and alcohol negatively impacts women's and girls' physical, emotional, social, occupational and financial wellbeing so of course it is a feminist issue.
Sidenote: I am really concerned that feminist analysis has been reduced to whether or not women and girls are doing something to please males.
"Is this action for male validation?" is the beginning of feminist analysis but not the end.
The second and most important step is : "Is the action going to negatively impact my wellbeing and the wellbeing of other women and girls?"
So yes, you might not be doing something for male attention. However, does it negatively impact your wellbeing and the wellbeing of women and girls?
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soup-mother · 30 days
um actually you're nblw so the correct term is "political trixic"
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hadesoftheladies · 7 days
i love marxfems and socfems on the internet. i love them so much. but every time they show disdain for radfems i cringe (don't get me wrong i love it when they clapback at imperialist so-called feminists). when they start responding primarily in mao or lenin quotes i cringe. because when i read marxist/communist/socialist theory most of the time i think "yeah this is fantastic structural analysis of the capitalist system" but it's so clear to me that dedicating my life to abolishing capitalism would not solve the "root" issue. so many radical revolutionary women make feminist struggles secondary, almost non-issues "until capitalism is dealt with" which is exactly how their male counterparts think and i doubt that's a coincidence.
capitalism would not exist without patriarchy. all economies are social arrangements/agreements and the capitalist economy flourishes because of patriarchal society, philosophy and culture. it could not exist without it. kind of like how the feudal system worked because a lot of the serfs genuinely believed in the divine right/eternal power of the monarch.
all this to say, tackling capitalism is, of course, in a lot of ways, tackling patriarchal oppression, it is absolutely integral. tackling imperialism, too. but the bottom line that i hope every woman regardless of if they're a radfem, socfem, marxfem or whatever, grasps is that women's liberation will ONLY happen because of women.
no political party will save us from the tyranny of men. only women can and will liberate women. because when men say they want to be classless, they mean it only for men. they will not take the final step in eradicating class. only women have ever been willing to go that far.
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womenaremypriority · 7 months
This complete self own from Katy Montgomerie is so funny like. Our bodies are not ships. Womanhood is not a gift given to men who have had enough surgeries or hormones, or who have asked enough. You cannot replace your whole body without causing obvious, extreme damage. The thought experiment is about what moment one becomes the other- which is the problem! Gender critical people have with your ideology! Not only is it scientifically illiterate, it is offensive and harmful to say our bodies are a collection of parts and not a unified whole! And if your response is to say “well people don’t need surgeries to be trans, I agree it’s not a gift given at a certain point-“ congrats! You have proven why we say you believe in a supernatural essence! I don’t know how I’m supposed to see this as anything but a huge rebuttal to both transmedicalist and “transgender people don’t need to do anything to be trans/valid” crowd!
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queenboudicaa · 2 years
The Australian labour party doesn't know what a woman is
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