#read main stor-
toestalucia · 22 days
hi i finished what asks i wanted to send on akira so im making writing a few drafts here the current priority for some days. yippe zzzzzzzzzzzz
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roydeezed · 5 months
I love the way people misunderstand The Ones who walk away from Omelas in order to make points. Like the most common one is that how the story shows how suffering and pain isn't interesting. Don't romanticize your Pain! the cries go. And like sure, make whatever point you wanna make with cherrypicked words but the context of the story is that it's about the greatest and happiest place on earth, and it only exists because of the suffering of one child. It's a harrowing story that carves out your insides and nests in that hollow spot. And it's so affecting because of the contrast. Because of the difference in good and evil. What Mrs. Le Guin is saying is that happiness is as potent as it is because of the suffering that exists alongside it. It's a theme park next to the slums. Because of the contrast, evil is interesting. Evil is boring and banal only in isolation. So is happiness. We need the two extremes. The story is actually the opposite of what most people claim it is. But it's mainly for storytellers to tell interesting stories. If you want to take away a life lesson from it, go ahead. I'm not here to make value judgements on people. I couldn't care less. It's just interesting to see the way people warp stories though.
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pangolin-404 · 6 months
I think I will ramble a little bit about the Minotaur while the brainrot is fresh in my brain
It's a House of Leaves reference. All of it. In House of Leaves, every single mention of the Minotaur and its surrounding mythology is written in red and struck through. And, in House of Leaves, there are a lot of recurring labyrinth motifs. The book's a maze to read in of itself, with literally hundreds of footnotes, several different narrators/layers to the stor(y/ies) told, and text turned sideways, upside down, and generally formatted like the book wants to fistfight you for DARING to try to read it.
In House of Leaves, the Minotaur is at points an allegory for some maybe-real, maybe-not monster in the house in question. Maybe it was always there, maybe it was given life by the fear of it, maybe it was never real. But also, as one of the frame tales spins off into a rant about its mythology, the Minotaur of Greek mythology is treated as a misunderstood, mistreated character (specifically, it is proposed the Minotaur, "Mint," was a deformed child rejected and locked away). The Minotaur is cut down and slain, still, but it is a tragedy, and he is mourned by Minos while the ignorant people celebrate.
At some point the main character of the book even has a nightmare that he is the Minotaur, wandering dark damp halls, cut down in cold, drunken blood just as the Greek Minotaur was slain.
The Minotaur in Ultrakill is a discarded entity. It wanders the labyrinth, abandoned by its owner. It was dangerous, yes, powerful, as was Mint of House of Leaves. But it, too, was cut down by a blood-drunk entity. Its terminal entry is struck through in attempt to erase the Minotaur from history, as if it was a mistake.
The whole of 7-1 feels very House of Leaves-esque. It is a maze; at some points the halls are black. The labyrinth is intentionally crafted to punish those who try to escape it, just as the lonely house grows more hostile the further it is explored. The house on Ash Tree Lane would be proud. It's probably coincidence, but the square drops into darkness remind me of myhouse.wad.
There's deeper comparison to be dug up from that, I think. Seeing House of Leaves in Ultrakill made me really happy and I'll be thinking about this for a long while.
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priceof-freedom · 2 years
Drabble: Tenderness (Bradley Bradshaw x Reader)
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Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x F!Reader (Top Gun: Maverick)
Summary: A part of you still couldn’t believe that Bradley Bradshaw asked you out on a date.
Warnings: None
A/N: This is meant as a follow-up to my Rooster x Reader one-shot called “Impact”. It is also part of the larger TGM universe where my other fics exist, so please check those out if you haven’t!
Not beta-read, so errors are entirely my own.
Word Count: 622
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Since that day on the beach, you were in a constant state of disbelief.
Bradley Bradshaw asked you out on a date. And you agreed.
The events of that day on the beach kept replaying in your head. Granted, you were unconscious for a big chunk of it, but the moment you kept coming back to was between you and Bradley. There was something about the look on his face that stayed with you: he was determined and steadfast that you say yes. You did, but there was still a nagging feeling inside of you.
You were expecting to receive a text from him to cancel. Or worse, he would come to the Hard Deck and make some excuse to get out of it. Yet, neither of that happened. In fact, no text ever came nor did you see him at the bar. The day of your date arrived, and you were fully convinced that it was all just a joke.
So the plan for the evening instead was to stay in sweats, munch on popcorn, and find a new show to binge.
At about seven, just as you were about to get settled on the couch, a knock disrupted the silence of your apartment. When you opened the door, you were greeted with the sight of Bradley, dressed in another one of his Hawaiian shirts and dark pants, clutching a bouquet of flowers.
You gaped at him: it was like your brain short-circuited and you momentarily forgot how to speak.
Bradley took in your appearance and frowned. “You’re in sweats,” he said, in lieu of whatever greeting he had planned. It wasn’t a question nor an accusation; it was an observation made out of confusion.
“You got me flowers?” you said, that being the only response your fried brain could muster.
“Yeah, you gotta get a lady flowers on a first date.”
“A date?” you repeated foolishly.
“Yes, a date, the one you agreed to a couple of days ago.” The frown on his face deepened further, not fully understanding what was happening in front of him.
You felt yourself heating up and your hands flew to your face in embarrassment. “Oh god, I am so sorry.”
“Did— did you change your mind?”
The tone in his voice gave you pause; it sounded almost uncertain. Peeking through your fingers, you saw his handsome face still with that frown and lips pressed into a thin line. You felt a pang of guilt in the pit of your stomach.
“N—no! I thought you might have changed your mind,” you said, wringing your hands helplessly. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him anymore, shame overcoming your body.
A beat of silence passed and neither of you spoke. The air was quite thick with tension, and you were at a loss of what to do or say next.
Bradley, still quiet, stepped over the threshold of your apartment and closed the door behind him. He crossed what little remaining space there was between you, so close that you could already smell his cologne. With his free hand not holding the flowers, he nudged your chin up to look at him. The moment your eyes met his brown ones, you were taken aback by the tenderness on his features.
When he spoke, his voice was soft. “Do you still want to go on a date with me?”
There it was again: the determination on his face, but this time, mixed with a tender affection that threatened to make your knees weak. All you could do was nod.
The smile he gave you in response was so breathtaking that you could have literally melted into a puddle.
“Good. I promise to make it worth your while.”
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A/N: Thank you for reading! I really enjoyed writing these short drabbles. My ask box is definitely open for prompts for headcanons / blurbs! 
Please do leave a comment and reblog. 💖
Check out the other stories in this universe:
A one-shot featuring Bob and Doc!Reader, plus the follow-up smutty outtake
A fluffy drabble on Bob and Reader’s first date
A smutty drabble on Bob being called “lieutenant”
Currently, I do not run taglists. I might in the future. :)
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strobbylemonade · 1 year
happy maybe april fools day for you here's some shuffle units
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you can read an unnecessary amount about their stories here:
Future/Passed (l/n): During one of Toya's street performances, a familiar face passes by one day. To his surprise, Ichika asks him to form a band together, with Toya as the lead vocalist and Ichika as the lead guitarist. On the lookout for new members, he manages to convince the reclusive girl in his class, Nene, who happens to be the school marching band drummer, to join their band. Through one of their practices, they are approached by a composer and keyboardist, Kanade, who finds a sweet nostalgia in their music. Together, they slowly open up to each other and help each other through their personal struggles with music. FLY FLY HIGH (mmj): Failing yet another idol audition, Kohane sits with Minori as she practices for her next audition. Inspired by her determination and unwavering confidence, Kohane pushes herself to go out of her comfort zone and joins Minori in her journey to become an idol. Later, mistakenly stumbling onto their rooftop practice and in search for a new activity to take part in during high school, Saki all but begs to join them as well. Realising they're all very new to the idol world, Saki introduces them to her brother, a more seasoned singer and dancer than them. Tsukasa eventually joins their idol group as well, as he looks out for his (rapidly growing amount of) younger sister(s). VIVIDS!! (vbs): Moving on from her idol life, Haruka joins An in some of her live performances, and finds herself with a natural talent for street performance. Soon enough they begin to be seen as a duo, and grab the attention of Shiho when they perform in the live house she works at. Upon their offer, An also invites Mizuki to be their stylist, event organiser, and manager. With Mizuki's promos, Shiho's headstrong drive to go pro, An's determination to surpass RAD WEEKEND, and Haruka's professionalism, they quickly gain the attention of the performers along Vivid Street. Shhh:Secret Showtime (wxs): Rui finds out a video of his one man performance has gone viral, filmed by a user named "Enanan". Finding this as a way to make a name for herself, Ena approaches Rui after school one day and asks him to team up. She becomes the manager and assigns Rui the frontman, and begins her search for more talents. Along the way she finds Honami, a sweet girl with a love for the park Rui first went viral in, and strikes gold when an elegant, mysterious masked performer "Lucky Bunny" joins them. (SMILE:) (niigo): A week after the destruction of the Wonder Stage, Emu finds herself drawn to Mafuyu. Finding OWN's music and realising the two are one and the same, Emu becomes determined to write lyrics to bring a true smile to Mafuyu's face. Unbeknownst to them, Airi takes her own hand at editing after quitting her idol job. After finding out Ena's brother is an artist, she and Akito begin posting together as a duo. Emu reaches out to them anonymously online, and together they create (SMILE:). here's their units lined up before i talk about their sekais and music
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F/P: The SEKAI is collectively created through the memories of all four members. Together, they manifest the Gallery SEKAI. The Gallery SEKAI appears as a museum gallery, with long winding hallways and never-ending pathways. Images hang on the walls, some clear, some blurred, some distorted and some worn. The main foyer contains the band instruments, with its high cavernous ceiling creating a sense of smallness and wonder while providing echoing acoustics. They focus on acoustic, nostalgic, and calming songs. FFH: The SEKAI is collectively created through the ambition of all its members. Together, they manifest the Stage SEKAI. Different idol stages create the SEKAI, each with different functionality, size and purpose. The audience is filled with talking plushies holding glowsticks. They focus on pop songs but sometimes do punk, rock, and occasionally perform story-driven music concerts VIVIDS: The SEKAI is initially created by An, Haruka, and Mizuki. Together, they create the Street SEKAI. With a cafe at its core, the streets are covered in colourful graffiti and bright, colourful lights. They focus on EDM, hip-hop, and i'm very bad at describing music genres its just normal vbs music. Shh:SS: The SEKAI is created by Ena and Rui. Together, they make the Cyberspace SEKAI, a cyber-steampunk style wonderland filled with disjointed, floating stage spaces and impressive barebones machinery lined with LED wires. There are clear edges to the world and generally does not feel safe according to Honami and especially Shizuku — however, neither Ena nor Rui seem to mind. They focus on flashy, exciting, and loud music. :) : The SEKAI is created by Mafuyu, and partially by Emu. Since its creation, the SEKAI has transformed into the Empty Wonderland, a desolate SEKAI with a loop of overgrown pathways lined with apple trees, all leading back to a slightly raised stage in the centre. They focus on a variety of songs, with a range of genres and often very bittersweet lyrics.
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10piecechickennuggy · 7 months
Magic and Secrets, Chapter 5 - Sanji x Witch!OC
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WARNING: Mature content ahead!
DISCLAIMER: I do not own One Piece or the art featured above. This is a fan-created work featuring an original character.
Read Chapter 4 Here
Read Chapter 3 Here
Read Chapter 2 Here
Read Chapter 1 Here
“The boy’s dead? Then the arrangement is null and void.” Misericors spoke in a hushed yet excited tone. “Which means we can sell the brat off again!”
“Not quite, darling.” Praesentia chided her husband, pointing to the paper before her. “The contract clearly states here that should her betrothed perish, she is still to be delivered to the king as a concubine.”
A thirteen year old Vera held her breath as she pressed closer to the wall. She knew that eavesdropping on her mother and stepfather would warrant a painful thrashing, should she be caught. But the risk was necessary. When the letter bearing the seal of Germa’s monarchy, she knew it pertained to her arranged marriage. But her mother had snatched the parchment before she could even glimpse to whom it had been addressed.
Misericors grumbled under his breath, “At least we’ll be rid of her then. When does it say we should ship her off?”
“Tomorrow morning.”
At first, she tiptoed. Then, she walked. And once she knew her mother and stepfather were out of earshot, Vera broke into a full sprint. Her destination was unknown. She simply had to get away.
Sanji was dead. 
This whole time - through all the abuse and neglect she’d suffered at her parents’ hands - he’d been her light at the end of the dark tunnel. Her hope. Her salvation. 
It didn’t matter that they’d never officially met. She knew through letters and photos that he was the same as her. Abused and miserable. The promise of a happier life with a man who might be able to love her had kept her going. But now that hope was gone. 
Her stepfather had lectured Vera for countless hours on the importance of saving herself for her future husband. Besides her status, she knew that her virginity was the main selling point for the marriage. But giving that to the man who’d bought her contract? He was supposed to be her father in law, not her master! 
With tears streaming down her face, she crashed into another slave. 
“Lady Vera? Whatever is the matter, dear?” The woman crouched down so that her face was level with Vera’s. She held the younger girl’s face gently, thumbs wiping away fat teardrops. “Have the Lord or Lady of the house been cruel to you again?”
Through racking sobs, Vera informed her of the situation. “They’re sending me to Germa first thing tomorrow! I can’t do this, Laura!” She fell to her knees, taking the other female with her. “I don’t know what to do. I can’t give myself to him.”
Laura held the girl, silently cursing whichever gods existed for their injustice. “Vera, you need to escape.” She pulled back until the two women could make eye contact. “Run away and never look back.”
An hour later and the two women found themselves on a rocky beach, a tiny boat no bigger than a dinghy before them. Their descent from Mariejois had proven quite treacherous, being unable to take the bondolas. Instead, they’d climbed down the Red Line by hand with only moonlight to illuminate their way. 
Vera moved to board the microscopic vessel, ready to be free of this life . However, she found herself being spun around and pressed face first into a warm chest. Laura cradled the girl’s head against her, grip unyielding as she spoke a quiet prayer for the witch’s safety. “Take care of yourself, dear.”
The younger girl pulled back to make eye contact. Her gaze was wide with fear. “You’re not coming with me?”
Laura took a step back and shook her head. “If I left too, I’d only cause more grief for the other slaves.”
Vera’s lip quivered as her eyes grew watery once more. “Thank you, Laura. For everything.”
The older woman only smiled before she gently pushed Vera onto the boat. 
Vera admired the newly organized shelving. It had taken a while to figure out a storage solution for over 70,000 bullets. But as they sat now, neatly stacked in watertight boxes, they were quite aesthetic. She did wonder how to make use of them though. Perhaps during her next scuffle with the navy she’d also take some of their guns.
Taking in her surroundings, she felt pride well within her. It’d been months since she’d last visited the space, and as she spirited away more objects, the room had only grown in its chaos. But after hours - maybe days - of work, the place was nice and tidy once more. 
She didn’t know how long she’d been hidden away. Over the years of using her magic, she’d failed to take a clock. She couldn’t even look outside to estimate the time of day. The astral plane was a black void, the occasional distant star the only break in an otherwise endless sea of ink. But did that really matter now?
She’d made a fool of herself. In front of her friends, no less. The only friends she had. Not just that, but they now all knew she’d developed feelings for one of them. 
Damn that Trafalgar Law. Sure, she’d been less than discreet, but why did he have to be so perceptive? And why did he have to open his big mouth?
Vera wished she could punch him. But she knew that would only result in pain for her. He was a pirate and the user of the Ope Ope devil fruit. He could slice her into a million pieces and scatter them before she could blink. 
Falling onto the plush bed, she put her head into her hands. How much had he told them? And how much did he know? He was her captain’s ally, so she couldn’t retaliate openly. But she could talk to him.
She sat up, looking at her reflection. The mirror was still cracked, but she’d cleaned the dust off. The image that stared back looked shaken. Her hair was a mess and her eyes were hollow. Her stomach gurgled, reminding her that she’d not eaten since the incident on the beach.
She couldn’t starve herself. And she needed to shower. A heavy sigh escaped dry lips. Why was it always food?
The door to the girls dorm creaked as Vera opened it, causing the girl to flinch. Looking out across the deck, relief washed over her upon noticing the night sky. Hesitant steps brought her just outside the door, which she closed as quietly as she could manage. 
Once it had been firmly shut, she opened it once more to ensure that the portal had closed. Inside the dorm was a mess. The furniture was out of place and objects had been strewn everywhere. Vera couldn’t help the comparison to her pocket dimension before she’d cleaned.
Deep breaths could be heard through the darkness, signaling that both Nami and Robin were sleeping inside. She closed the door gently, this time making no noise. 
“Interesting trick.” 
Vera jumped, squeaking in fear before slapping both palms over her mouth. Turning around quite forcefully, her eyes met with a single emerald.
“Zoro!” She hissed in a mock whisper. Of course the swordsman was awake, taking his nighttime duty of guarding the ship seriously. Though the saké bottle in his left hand did contradict this.
The greenette crossed his arms, a frown taking over his features. “You’ve been gone for almost two days. Do you have any idea how worried everyone’s been?”
Vera’s eyes widened as she stilled in surprise. “They were worried about me?”
“Of course we were!” She tried to shush his rising volume, to no avail. “You’re part of this crew aren’t you?!”
“Vera? Are you really back?” The witch in question whipped around to meet with two groggy faces. Before she could react, slender arms wrapped around her form and brought her face first into a pair of large breasts. “Don’t you ever worry us like that again!” Nami’s voice was near hysterical.
Robin smiled from her place behind the ginger woman. “We’re glad you’re back.”
Roughly 15 minutes later and the entire crew had woken up to greet the girl, all expressing their concern and gratitude to have her returned to them. The group now sat at the dining table of the Sunny’s kitchen as Sanji prepared a late night meal for everyone.
“Where were you?” Law’s deep voice broke through the energetic chatter. 
Vera looked down, her visage reflected in the mug of tea she held. “I was in a secret room in the astral plane.” Her voice was quiet, sounding small in the large dining area.
“You can do that?” Luffy was the one who spoke, his eyes not leaving the meat Sanji had just plated. “That’s like the best way to win at hide and seek!”
Nami scoffed. “Or run away and make your nakama worried sick over you! You weren’t even in this plane of reality! What if something happened? How would we reach you?!” The others voiced their agreement
The hurt and concern in her friend’s voice felt akin to an older sister. Her heart wavered at the flood of emotions this realization brought on. They all truly cared for her.
Vera wiped her eyes, salty tears dampening the backs of her hands before they could fall. She then flicked her wrist and produced a key from seemingly nowhere, handing it to Nami. The navigator inspected the object, silver metal glinting under incandescent light bulbs.
“If you put that key into the lock of any door, it’ll make a portal to the room.” She paused to wipe away more water from her eyes. “Just please take good care not to lose it. The magic is in the key so it’ll work for anyone that tries using it.”
Nami smiled and added the key to a necklace she was wearing. Once the chain had been re-clasped, she patted her hand on the object which now rested over her heart. “Thank you, Vera. I promise to only use it if absolutely necessary.”
 Neatly plated dishes were then sat upon the table. Thin slices of meat layered atop one another in a spiral over a bed of rice. Dolloped to the side were circles of colorful sauces. Sanji took his seat to the left of the women, who sat together with Vera in the middle, and put out the cigarette he’d been smoking. 
“Wow, Sanji! This looks SUPER fancy!” Franky had already picked up his utensils, ready to dig in.
The cook smirked, looking at Vera from the corner of his eye before returning his gaze to the cyborg. “I figured the safe return of our newest crew member called for celebration.”
The crew ate and drank merrily, discussing their plans to leave the island at daybreak. They hadn’t set sail with Vera gone for fear they’d leave her behind, having no idea where she’d disappeared to. But now that she had returned and the log pose had reset, they were free to head out towards their next destination. 
They spoke enthusiastically, guessing what the next island would be like, each making impossible assumptions. Eventually, the group grew tired and one by one, they each excused themselves from the table. Vera had been among the last to leave, thoroughly enjoying everyone’s company and relishing in her newly acquired sense of belonging. She’d even offered to help Sanji with the dishes, though he politely refused. 
“You’ve had a long couple of days.” The blonde spoke with a smile, a lit cigarette hanging from his lips once again. “Go rest. I’ve got this.”
The witch gave her thanks before leaving the kitchen. Once outside, instead of making her way to the girls’ dorm she instead walked to one of the ship’s railings. Leaning against the smooth wooden banister, Vera brought her gaze to the night sky. The moon hung low, stars glittering in constellations she’d never bothered to learn. 
“Don’t think they’ve forgotten.” Law had spoken from beside her, leaning against the same banister and facing the girl. 
“Forgotten what?” Vera’s eyes narrowed at the man. She didn’t like him, and each of their interactions only served to cement the feeling.
The surgeon tsked, moving to face Sunny’s main mast, his back now resting against the railing. “What do you think? Everything that happened on the beach. You being in love with Blackleg-ya, all those scars you failed at hiding, and the slave mark.”
She instinctively clutched her arm, taking a step back from the man. Law didn’t move, only looking at her from the side. “I never said I was in love with him.”
Law frowned. “You didn’t say you weren’t either.”
“Why are you even here? Don’t you have your own ship and crew to travel with?” Vera’s tone had turned defensive. Her distaste for the man grew more evident with each word.
He smiled. It was a genuine smile that crinkled the corners of his golden eyes. When he spoke, his voice sounded amused. “Don’t try to change the subject.” He then moved to face her once more with his arms crossed over his chest, the jolly roger on his shirt now obscured. “I could remove them if you wish.”
At first, Vera said nothing. She didn’t trust this man, even if her captain did. Seeing her momentary distraction with her own thoughts, Law moved closer to the girl. “I am a surgeon. A little cosmetic procedure and it’d be like you were never a slave to begin with.”
His offer was tempting. She’d never have to worry about anyone seeing her branding again. She could wear whatever she wished without care. “You’re also a Worst Generation pirate captain. What would be in it for you?”
His smile didn’t falter. “Call it helping my allies. I just want to know the story.”
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plentyoffandoms · 2 years
Hey sweetheart, I feel a little needy, could you please do number 18 from the 'wonderland' masterlist with my beloved Cash Wheeler?
Cash Wheeler x f/Reader (18+)
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Main Masterlist ♡ AEW Masterlist ♡ WWE NXT Masterlist ♡ Your Body is a Wonderland Masterlist ♡ Cash Wheeler Masterlist
Warnings: Some swearing. Descriptive sexual acts. Minors do not read. Oral sex (M receiving) choking. unprotected sex.
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Gifs and photos do not belong to me.
I hope you like it. I am sorry it took so long to get out. Felt like my writing wasn't good at times, but I wanted this to be good for you.
#18. I have sex with you a lot in my head.
Daniel - Cash Wheeler ☆ David - Dax Harwood ☆
Cash Wheeler's POV:
I couldn't help but look at YN as she was talking with Max. She was having a nice conversation with him and he is trying to hit on her.
But my sweet YN would never think someone who ever hit on her. Whenever I point it out to her, she just slaps my chest in a playful manner and always says "They are just being friendly Daniel. They were not flirting with me."
Oh how wrong she was. She doesn't see the looks she gets whenever she enters a room. She doesn't know what has been said about her in the men's locker room.
David has had to stop me from getting into plenty of fights backstage, wanting to defend her honour.
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"Are you just going to glare at them or are you going to go and actually tell her how you feel?" Speaking of David. He has now joined me as I leaned against the wall.
"I'm in no mood for you today David."
"You never are but if you don't tell her how you feel, you are going to lose her."
I swung my drink back and ignored him. I decided to leave this nice little party that was thrown together.
But the only way out was near YN and Max. I squared my shoulders and held my head up high and marched way through the crowd of people.
Which parted as I came on through. People could tell I was in no mood so they just stepped aside.
"Daniel." I heard her say as I walked past them but I didn't stop. For once I didn't stop when she said my name.
I could hear the footsteps behind me. I can hear the sound of heels as she tried to catch up to me, but I was walking too fast.
"Daniel, please wait." YN called out once more, but I didn't. I hit the elevator button, hoping that it would be already on this floor.
But just as my luck would have it, it wasn't. YN finally cut up to me and she placed her hand on my arm, but I moved it back.
I knew she had a hurt look come over her face. "Daniel, please talk me. Why are you so upset?"
"Not like you will believe me YN." I spat out.
"Try me."
I went to open my mouth, my the elevator doors opened. I took one last look at YN and just shook my head and stepped onto the elevator.
The doors were closing but she snuck her arm through and they opened again. I didn't even acknowledge her as she got in the elevator next to me.
"Now that I have you alone, please answer my question."
"Max was flirting with you." She scoffed and rolled her beautiful eyes.
"I am being serious here YN! Why can't you ever see it when people flirt with you."
"Maybe because I only notice when one person does and that is all that matters to me Daniel."
"Who is it?" I demanded. I have to know who she likes.
"And you say I am blind when it comes to people flirting with me? It's you Daniel. Lord. God thing you are pretty because..."
I cut her off as I captured her lips in mine in a heated kiss. Our arms wrapping around one another, trying to grasp that this is truly happening.
"Daniel, Daniel are you even listening to me?" Fuck me, it was just another day dream. YN is looking at me with a concerned look as we rode the elevator up to our hotel rooms.
Which are conveniently located next to one another.
"Sorry, just got lost in the match for tomorrow."
"Oh okay. You were just so out of it." It was cute how concerned she is about me.
The two of us did leave the party together. I didn't storm past her and I never did kiss her. These are getting out of control. The thought of us having sex is driving me up the wall.
The elevator finally stopped at our floor and we got off. We said goodnight to one another and I waited for her to get in her room okay, just like every other time.
I can feel myself twitch in my pants and I knew this was going to be one long night.
I moaned YN's name as I laid in the hotel bed. My hand is gripped tight around my hard cock as I am stroking it, thinking about her mouth and hands on me.
"Shit, just like that baby. Taking me so well." I imagined her looking up at me as she choked on my cock.
I was so lost in my own thoughts about her that I didn't even hear her come in. We always give eachother the spare key card. It is what we have always done.
I heard a slight gasp but I thought I imagined it as I was too far gone. "Fuck YN." I flung my head back as I was so close.
So fucking close.
My wrist was moving faster as I got closer to finally finishing all over myself.
My eyes flung open when I felt a pair of lips wrap around the head of my cock and started to suck as I came.
I went to move away but YN placed her hands on my thighs and held me down, as she continued to swallow everything I had to give her.
With a loud pop, she finally lifted her head off of me as I sat there against the headboard panting and trying to wrap my head around what the hell just happened.
"YN." I chocked out her name and she placed a finger against my mouth to quiet me.
"How long have you been dreaming about me Daniel?"
I gulped and told her, "I have sex with you a lot in my head."
A slight "mmm" left her lips as she looked at me.
"Well, I also have sex with you a lot in my head." The moment she bit her lip I was done.
YN's mouth was hanging open as I pounded up into her. I am laying on my back and she is on top of me. My feet were planted firmly on the bed as I needed all my strength to fuck her.
My one hand was on gripping her hip and the other one was wrapped around her throat.
When she took my hand in hers and brought it up to her throat and begged me to choke her, I let out a sound I have never heard myself ever do.
"Fuck Daniel. So big." She gasped out after one hard thrust.
"Too big for you baby?" I started to slow down my thrusts until I was just at a normal pace.
She shook her head no at my question and she tried to bounce faster, but I slapped her thigh and gripped her throat a bit tighter.
"Did I say you can fucking move?"
"No." She whimpered. I stopped moving altogether and I just laid there with her pussy squeezing the life out of my cock.
I suddenly flipped us over and I am now pounding her into the mattress. Both of my hands are next to her head.
YN's mouth fell open in a silent scream as she came. I could hardly move as she was squeezing my cock so tight.
I fucked her through her orgasm and I knew I was at the end. I pulled out of her quickly and with a few strokes from my hand, I came all over her stomach and chest. Some even got her chin.
The two of her us were breathing heavy, trying to catch our breaths as we looked at one another.
I have no idea what the hell she is thinking, but I am still stunned this finally happened. I am hoping I didn't dream all of this.
So I gathered some of my cum from her stomach and she caught my wrist in her hand before I could even think of doing else.
YN brought my hand closer to her face as she looked at me as she wrapped her lips around my two fingers, moaning loudly at my taste.
I groaned as I tackled her to the bed for another round.
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blueberry-gills · 2 months
(The following is a screenshot of a forum.)
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Welcome to the Occulture Forums!
(Based off the cult-classic magazine). Please read our Rules and Regulations before contributing to a thread.
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Forums > Rumors > Ultra Wormholes
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April 2, 2024, 9:45 PM
Topic: Missing Kid Alola School Trip
[celadontoast:] What the title says. Anyone remember that case from 2023 with that kid on a field trip where he just went missing? I remember reading about it back then, but I don’t know if there was any follow up. Did they ever find out what happened to him? Here’s the main article about it I could find: https//www.hauolidaily.com/articles/student-still-missing-after-stor…
[>earlypidove:] oh yeah. I don’t think so? It’s a cold case now or something.
[>aerlaceventura8:] ^^^ Guy’s just presumed dead iirc. But yeah there was a bunch of media coverage for that, especially cause of the school trip thing and all.
[>toxicSTep!:] Why’s this under the UW tag?
[>>celadontoast:] Because that was the leading theory- the kid fell into one
[>clefairyfables_:] Feel really bad for his family. Doesn’t help that a lot of cases involving wormholes just...stay unsolved :( I don't think they'll ever get closure
[>>skip76:] its honestly really sad how ineffective the government is with shit like this. weve known about wormholes for like a decade now and they still cant do anything outside of say ‘oops the wormhole got him, nothing we can do’ like??? what about that recon squad they were talking with? professor burnet? hello?
[>>>toxicSTep!:] It’s more than that. Research like this takes time. It took us.... (Read more)
[>>>(View 17+ replies in this thread)]
[>xXdarkmattergengarXx:] Remind me to never go to Alola LOL. Honestly if that kid was going to that nepobaby school he probably deserved it
[>>loadeddiceenjoyer:] what does him going to bb have anything to do with this
[>>>xXdarkmattergengarXx:] How did you know I was talking about BB? Sounds like you’re one of those Blueberry Bitches yourself 💀
[>>>>loadeddiceenjoyer:] maybe its because i read the fucking article? it says right there what school he goes to. and even if i am one of those 'blueberry bitches' literally what does it matter. grow up. no one deserves this kind of shit
[>>>>Roaring_Moon_06 (Admin🛡):] A reminder that Occulture does not tolerate bullying or harsh language of any kind, especially when discussing a case involving a real person. Please keep it civil.
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kpopsexstories · 2 months
How I write my smut short stories #2: More insights
Last week I showed you my dashboard and how I plan, organize, draft and schedule all the k-pop smut stories I post on this blog.
Since then, I've really gone all-in to improve the dashboard I've built, and added some new cool features to it :D To be honest, this week I've spent more time on this than on writing – because it's so much fun to me to organize a project like this!
So, in this post I wanted to show you some of the additions I've made. This is nerdy, a bit weird, and probably not something anyone other than myself care about, but it is fun to me and some of the screenshots in this post will give you more insights into what is yet to come on the blog ;)
So, strap in and let's go! Maybe you'll see your bias?
Series Overview Pages
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I've redesigned the pages for each specific series that I'm running on the blog. Currently, those series are Most Memorable Sexual Experiences of NCT (as seen in the image above), Quick Fix Dirty Kpop Imagines and Mixed One-shots. Each of these have their own dedicated page to manage all the stories that belong to the series.
With the new design, this page gives me easy access in the top left to the work I need to continue doing (stories that I've yet to finish writing), which allows me to quickly see and jump into what story I should be working on right now. It also gives me more information that I previously needed to look up on Tumblr, without having to leave the dashboard. It's all there, on a single organized page! :)
More Story Details
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On the main dashboard I have a section that shows all published stories regardless of what series they are from. I've added more details and information that I can get from this section.
As you can see in the image above, published stories now also show things like "On Fire" which means that the story received more likes than most of my other stories on Tumblr, and "Quick Read" or "Longform" which has to do with the word count of the story.
Idols Database
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The biggest new addition to the dashboard is the "Idols" section.
The Idols section features an individual page for each member of the groups I've written about – or considered writing about. It currently includes more than just NCT, TXT, BTS and RIIZE, which are the only four groups I've ever published a story about. (I won't tell you which groups though).
From the main view of all the idols you can read quite a few things: the name and image of course, but also their age (which is automatically updated on their birthday), nationality (relevant to some stories) and how many stories I've published about the idol. I try to spread things out so I don't just write about my bias all the time.
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As seen above, I can click a menu to change how I view the idols. For example, I can get an alphabetical list or sort them by their age, or by how many likes they've received on average among any and all stories I've published about them. This is useful information to find out who you want to read about the most ;)
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The second image above shows the "By Total Word Count" view. I've set a goal to try to write 10,000 words about as many different members as possible, and the little circle to the right shows my progress for each member.
Idol Pages
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If I go to an individual idol I will see all the stories I've written about them. Here I can also view ideas that I've added as stories but not yet finished (or even started) writing, and scenes that I've written but later removed/deleted because I wasn't happy with them.
Notice the three buttons at the top: If I click them I create a new story on the dashboard that is assigned specifically to this member, so I don't need to manually create and assign a new story each time I have a new idea about a specific member.
Idol-specific Writing Prompts
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This is where things maybe get a bit weirder :P Remember the Random K-pop Smut Writing Prompt Generator I wrote about? I've incorporated it into the Idol pages. If I scroll down past my stories and ideas for the specific idol I'm viewing, I'm met by what you see in the image above.
Each time I refresh the page the prompts change. But, unlike in the actual writing prompt generator (which is a separate page from the dashboard), the idol/member stays fixed. This is great, because it means that if I know who I want to write about but not what I want to write about them, I can just go to the member and open their page :D
Several yet-to-be-announced Quick Fix stories that I've already written have started this way. While I don't follow the prompts by the letter and want to make each story feel like it was made for that member, I LOVE the prompt generator and how it inspires me!
So, that's a little more insight into how I work and run this blog. Am I going totally overboard with this setup? Absolutely! Am I ashamed of that? Definitely not! I love organizing projects and building dashboards like the one I've shown here, and this smut blog has given me a new project to do so around. I'm having a lot of fun with all of this :D
+ Read part #1 about my dashboard here.
+ Learn more about the K-pop smut writing prompts here.
And don't worry – lots more smut is on the way too!
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zahri-melitor · 1 year
No Man’s Land
I made it back through! As I said before, my last read through was over 15 years ago, so it was a lot of fun seeing what I remembered and what I didn’t. This really is one of the best Batbook events. The departmental level planning and plotting really stands out; there’s only a couple of times events are repeated between titles (most of the duplicates are actually in Azrael, now I think about it; particularly the Azrael-Catwoman storyline. Clearly they understood they couldn’t trust people to read Azrael) and the story flows with very few contradictions/out of order events/obviously skipped bits . The biggest overall ‘wait what?’ timeline issue is ‘how long was Tim actually IN No Man’s Land and how many times did he sneak back in after being rescued’, because the suggestion he was inside for 2-4 weeks before being airlifted out is hilarious given he then proceeded to spend over a month staking out Pettit and got back in for the Christmas Eve summons quite easily.
Highlights from my read: Bruce Wayne (as opposed to Batman) has some really good stories through Cataclysm-Aftershock-Road to NML. I adore when comics take the time to break out what Bruce can do as a Wayne compared to what he can do as Batman, and both are on show here.
Legends of the Dark Knight #125: the conversation here between Jim and Batman is something that’s been building for over 6 years, since Knightfall. And yeah, the payoff is worth it. They both used their words!
Being a big event, we got multiple 'day in a life' comics for outsider PoVs or minor characters, which are one of my favourite things. I'm a huge sucker for an outsider point of view. Lots of ordinary Gothamites just explaining why they stayed and what community means to them (and also that Gotham talks to you when you have bat rabies). I particularly adore the little red headed agent of Oracle's in SoTB #92 who is so EXASPERATED by Clark Kent ruining her stakeout. She's got a job to do! Stop ruining her report!
Among this is also some of THE defining Leslie characterisation in Chronicles #18, of why she's a doctor and her philosophy on care. Now, the way the story used Zsasz to frame it was irritating (please Leslie, O neg is in such short supply I PROMISE you there are half a dozen people in your hospital camp here right now who need it more than Zsasz), but what can you do. "I will provide treatment to everyone" doesn't have to mean "I'm using an invaluable resource on the least deserving/needy person in this hospital" but it does mean "everyone deserves my care and best effort".
Barbara is at her best, here. Not only does this run highlight her skills as an information broker, troubleshooter and dispatcher, but everyone finally starts turning up regularly to the Clocktower to hang out/have meetings! Early 2000s status quo behaviour has been ACHIEVED. The story would not have worked without her.
Just a BUNCH of Gotham Rogues have really good stories here. What Penguin contributes to the city's dynamics is just so very on display as he runs the entire city's black market. Two-Face's trial of Jim Gordon is some iconic storytelling. Ivy is mostly around via her physical absence - she only appears on page for Fruit of the Earth and in the Harley Quinn intro to set up the Harley & Ivy status quo - but she pins a lot of the territory warfare in place via holding Robinson Park, starts her road to redemption, FINALLY gets rid of those terrible 90s tights (ugh I dislike that costume) and honestly probably helped a lot of people survive NML. And uh Black Mask himself doesn't have the greatest storytelling but his HENCHES do. 
Harley finally gets her promotion to the main universe (and her intro doesn't suck). Joker is fine I guess...ok yes I do actually like Endgame and it's solid Joker storytelling, even as shooting Sarah Essen is the most cheap and lazy angst ever (And then! Jim and Bruce are there in front of Joker who is asking to be arrested after he hurts their family! Again! This story has never been told before oh wait it's the 10 year anniversary edition).
Every Bat vigilante (minus Steph) gets a lot of solid character work and stuff to do. Steph's stuck off in her pregnancy arc having Dixon Lectures On Ethics, but does get that Helena team up during Cataclysm at least. We get Cass and David Cain! JPV remains the saddest wet cat in Gotham and the universe causes terrible things to happen to him (seriously how did you end up getting blown up and in worse shape than HELENA for the finale)! Dick confirms he's back in the family full time and will come if Bruce asks! Tim and Dick have adorable sibling adventures together! There’s an entire Dick/Babs hurt/comfort storyline! Tim Having Parents is actually plot relevant and helps end No Man's Land (also his team up with Wally in Keystone is the funniest thing ever. Wally's like 'HOW DID YOU GET MY PHONE NUMBER...oh yeah you asked Dick')! Helena gets masses of page time even as the plot (and Bruce) does her dirty! Even the LANGSTROMS get page time and character changes (that scene where Man-Bat takes Barbara flying is just beautiful).
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dektortv · 10 months
KurayamiTale | Full Story
Links to all Posts of KurayamiTales Completed Story.
▪︎ Beginning - How everything started.
English [🇺🇲]
Português [🇧🇷]
▪︎ Canon Main Story - True Route
English [🇺🇲]
Português [🇧🇷]
▪︎ Side Main Story - Genocide Route
Still being written... will be even better possibly!
▪︎ Extras - 3 additional Stories continuing the AUs True Route
English [🇺🇲]
Português [🇧🇷]
◇ AU Artworks ◇
◇ KurayamiTale OST ◇
There is always the possibility of more Side Stories to come in the Future...
Im working on the possibility of a Fangame!
Please mention me if you do stuff KurayamiTale related, i love to see it!
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gswataru · 2 years
⌯ first and foremost, please bare with me because this intro might be a trip. secondly, i’m oli- (she/her) and i can’t pretend that both me, and ataru aren’t a mess cause it will show- constantly. so, i’ll apologize in advance!! pushing on, i’m here to introduce ataru. being honest, i’m still experimenting with her. but, i know for a fact she will be meddlesome since she’s far too curious for her own good. and irritating because lying when a question she doesn’t like is asked- will be a standard reflex. to most, she’ll read to be a little dry- and introverted so i’d imagine plotting can be a little difficult since she isn’t necessarily an exciting and extroverted muse. she’s quite literally always in her own little world. but you bet i’ll still try to push her onto anyone that’ll have her. // possible triggers; death, traumatic situations  
more canon details + stats + connections + timeline + aesthetics 
97′, sendai, japan; the epicenter of frequent festivals and honor in culture, ataru was born- but to save the dramatic build up her legacy beyond that was just kind of always... decided for her since she had a v meek mother that was prone to her anxiety and a an aggressive father that turned out to be too hot headed. enough to kill. so, in other words. ataru hinode, is the love child of a helicopter parent and a murder. but, you’ll never hear her elaborate on that. 
grew up quiet, and out of the way. it was just easier to listen and just obey. her mother always boiled in the heat of her fathers irritation. so, she just felt like she couldn’t be an obnoxious child or she’d be the same. it’s why most can get a v meek aura from her still. 
was homeschooled in the countryside (by her mother) after her mother moved them from the city- running from threats and harassment that happened for months after the crime. they lived there for years being the resident city folk that seemed a little arrogant for being too stingy with elaborating on themselves. (ataru never really talked regardless) but this phase in their lives only lasted around ten years.
one too many missing bodies found curled up in dumpsters sent them on the move again, landing them back in a less populated division in the city. they left before anything could be resolved due to her mothers paranoia, and that strangely triggered a hobby for ataru. around the age of fifteen, she’d gotten really interested in strange murder cases, or unexplained missing reports- and that fed her fixation for urban legends that she felt strangely lined up with deaths she’d researched online. 
that became her foundation for wanting to be a journalist in the midst of becoming more of a mom to her own mother, and working shifts to help make ends before she’d even really got to the age to do so. around this time in her life, she starts to realize the dependence they’ve had on another- and starts wanting to have a life of her own. 
eventually, with her cultivated talent for writing, studying and researching- bags an internship for a company called daylight intel at eighteen. most likely because of a cashed in favor because of her mother’s lifestyle for income. (daylgiht intel: an organization that works toward publishing articles that try to offer a unbiased perspective on events that happen in the world around us.) ataru works her way up for three years, and after much pestering and kissing ass is asked to participate in a international swap with a sister establishment they had launched in south korea. so, she’s been in the country for four years. this is why her korean is do proficient. (wasn’t always tho) 
spent most of her work life being a gopher and assistant. 
the reason’s she’s here in orchard is because she snuck her way here after finding a tip on her bosses desk about this place. she’s on leave, and not actually assigned to investigate here. no one knows that. (and she’d prefer it stay that way) 
intensions;  ataru’s main stance is to go back to her establishment with a solid story. not with a hypothesis or estimate. but, solid proof that something strange is happening on this island. but, you wouldn’t be wrong to assume that this stunt is more personal than it is for the greater good. the whole vibe of orchard is under the umbrella of mystery and urban legend form what she’s researched so, this is really to appease her curiosity while seeing this as a last chance at stroking her hurt pride with her company.
goals;  to get close with any, and everyone that has a story to tell about this place. no matter that be government officials or just lackies in the research lab. once she starts to know more about this island, i plan for her to start digging deeper into the organizations that are hidden in the shadows and starting to get her hands on more dire information that probably puts her in dangerous positions because- at this point she’ll go however far she has to.
getting to know the little stuff. 
ataru hinode; probably introduces herself as hino, or taru. depending on her comfortability with you. twenty five year old scorpio that stands about five feet and three inches tall. petite, and averagely athletic. does have asthma, and lots of bad sleeping and eating habits. but, what can you do? / is a huge fan of urban legends, and unexplained deaths and phenomenon's. 
socially, she can be cynical and manipulative when trying to get information. but also, very adaptable. she’s used to having to move around so much, and talking to others when she needs something is- more than easy. however, conversating with her just to chat may be a little rough for her at times since she often spaces out in thought, can sound a bit scatterbrained and just- may come across a bit dry to lots of extroverts. she’s a big reader, and probably could talk anyone’s head off about the occult if you let her. ataru can come across meek, because she does present that way but- when it comes down to it- she can be quite selfish and sly. depending, she can be deceiving and untruthful when asked about herself. although she may look harmless, trusting her too much with your secrets and for her to have you back? that may not go a long way. 
Someone Ataru has been pestering for information? I feel like she’s the type to try to get close with the folks that push the city, cause she thinks they know the most? 
Possible apartment roommates? I feel like she’d put out flyers on the internet for a roommate since she’s starting to realize she may be here awhile, and that her savings will be depleted really quickly. 
Eventually, I want her to desperately need and want a job to be able to make rent in the future, and that could lead to some ill-will with others trying to take advantage of her- or even just people willing to give her odd jobs for cash. (usually she wouldn’t go for anything too shady though? Just shady enough to get her in trouble here and there though, I’m open arms to chaos always) 
This is kind of more of a wanted connection? Someone from that village she and her mother settled in back in japan? More so, someone that she didn’t quite get along with for any reason.
Maybe someone she get horrible vibes from. She isn’t someone to know these things but she saw something go down with that person, and they way they handled it… made her uneasy. So now, she tried to stay clear of them- even when they sometimes end up crossing paths. 
Maybe someone that ataru is kind of smitten with? She’ll never admit to it, cause for one- she doesn’t plan on being here long. But, whenever she sees them around town- she stops to admire them for a bit.. Always kind of curious of them? (atleast she didn’t, but something tells me she won’t leave any time soon) 
I can imagine ataru can get a bit lonely? She’s by herself, while also trying to find herself in overworking and wanting some sort of validation in her career. I think it would be nice for her to have began to make some friends? Or maybe possibly, some friends that she knew when she first moved to korea when she was twenty one, up until she moved here few months ago. (now age 25) 
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markjosealcover18 · 2 months
Definition and Example:
TRUE NARRATIVES-A true narrative essay is a story based on actual events. You compose a true narrative essay about an incident that you experienced or observed. The purpose in telling the story is to express a point or observation.
TRUE TESTIMONIES-To give testimony is to bear witness and to provide evidence. To give testimony is also to draw the reader or listener into an individual point of view.
Example: " A Happy Day Turned Bad"
-INTRODUCTION: Based on the title, it seems to suggest a narrative that starts with a positive or joyful event but takes a negative turn at some point. As I read the story I find some interesting thing on the stor. Like (contrast) thee title sets up a clear between the initial happiness or positivity of the day and eventual negative turn of events, and alos the (themes) the story seems to explore the following like resilience, adversity, change or the unpredictability of life. Overall, "A Happy Day Turned Bad" suggests a narrative that combines elements of joy and sorrow, optimism and adversity. The title alone hints at a story that will challenge its characters and engage its readers in a journey of emotional highs and lows.
-SUMMARY: suggests a narrative that begins with a sense of joy or contentment but takes a negative turn at some point. The story likely follows the protagonist or main characters as they navigate unexpected challenges or obstacles that disrupt the initial happiness of the day. As the events unfold, the characters may face conflict, adversity, or unexpected twists that test their resilience and force them to confront difficult emotions or situations. The story may explore themes such as the unpredictability of life, the importance of resilience, or the complexities of human relationships. Overall, the summary hints at a narrative that combines elements of joy and sorrow, optimism and adversity. It sets up an intriguing premise that promises to engage readers in a journey of emotional highs and lows as the characters grapple with the unexpected challenges that arise throughout the story.
-EVALUATION: there is no evaluation provided so I made mine, as i read the story I see a lot of elements of the story. Like, just by the title its self shows the plot development. How, the " happy day turned bad" effectively captures the anticipation and excitement of joyous occasion, setting the stage foor the unexpected turn of events that shift the mood from happiness to despair, and there are more other tthings in this story like characterization, theme exploration and ect. ,
Overall, "A Happy Day Turned Bad" is a compelling and thought-provoking story that captivates the reader with its emotional depth, vivid imagery, and poignant exploration of resilience in the face of adversity. It is a testament to the power of storytelling to evoke empathy, provoke introspection, and inspire hope in the face of life's challenges.
-CONLUSION: My conclusion would likely involve some resolution to the conflict or challenge that arose during the course of the narrative. This resolution could take various forms, such as the protagonist finding a way to overcome adversity, learning a valuable lesson, or coming to terms with an unexpected turn of events. The conclusion may offer closure for the characters and provide insight or reflection for the reader.
Importantly, the conclusion of "A Happy Day Turned Bad" would aim to leave a lasting impression on the reader, prompting reflection on the themes explored in the story and offering a sense of resolution or closure to the narrative arc. If you have specific details about the story's conclusion, feel free to share them, and I can provide further insights or commentary.
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denimbex1986 · 8 months
'Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer is one of the filmmaker’s biggest successes. The movie is a box office hit, despite it getting stiff competition from Barbie. And the film is already being considered a strong contender in this year’s awards races. It seems everybody loves the film, and that includes the family of J. Robert Oppenheimer. The title character’s grandson loves the film, though he admits he could have done without one controversial scene.
It has to be a bit strange to be watching a biopic that includes your grandfather as its main character. Such was the case for Charles Oppenheimer, grandson of the character played by Cillian Murphy in Christopher Nolan’s new movie. The grandson tells Time that he actually met with Christopher Nolan on the set of the movie. But he was bracing himself for not liking the film, if for no other reason than he knew he would take it personally. Although in the end it seems he mostly liked the movie. He explained…
I was bracing myself for not feeling great about it, even though I talked to Chris Nolan and was very impressed by him. I saw him work on the set with an amazing intensity when I visited once or twice, and we had a great conversation. But I didn't know, am I going to love it? Am I going to hate it? I often have that reaction to biographies and pundits when they talk about my grandfather. I feel like they're missing something. And sometimes it really feels personal. Like when somebody wants to start a fight with you on the schoolyard, they'll talk about your family member. But during the movie, I found myself accepting and liking it. I thought it told a compelling story and I could just take it as art that was really engaging. I was really happy to have that reaction. I didn't expect it.
Of course, in a three-hour film that you know you’re going to take personally, there are going to be parts that you don’t like as much as others. For Charles Oppenheimer, there was one scene that he particularly didn’t care for. Early in the film is a scene where Oppenheimer poisons an apple in an apparent attempt to kill one of his teachers. He ultimately has regrets and prevents anything from happening, but the issue for Oppenheimer the younger is that there is significant doubt the incident ever happened. He continued…
The part I like the least is this poison apple reference, which was a problem in American Prometheus. If you read American Prometheus carefully enough, the authors say, 'We don't really know if it happened.' There's no record of him trying to kill somebody. That's a really serious accusation and it's historical revision. There's not a single enemy or friend of Robert Oppenheimer who heard that during his life and considered it to be true. American Prometheus got it from some references talking about a spring break trip, and all the original reporters of that story—there was only two maybe three—reported that they didn't know what Robert Oppenheimer was talking about. Unfortunately, American Prometheus summarizes that as Robert Oppenheimer tried to kill his teacher and then they [acknowledge that] maybe there's this doubt.
Certainly, the moment doesn’t necessarily paint J. Robert Oppenheimer in the best light, and nobody wants to see their family member that way. Oppenheimer is already a controversial figure for so many reasons. But as Charles Oppenheimer says, it’s far from confirmed that the event actually happened. For that reason the grandson says that if it had been up to him, he would not have included the scene at all, but he ultimately defers to the expert, saying…
I definitely would have removed the apple thing. But I can't imagine myself giving advice about movie stuff to Nolan. He's an expert, he's the artist, and he's a genius in this area.
All movies based on true stories distort reality in one way or another. Even with the potentially questionable scene, it appears that at least one member of J. Robert Oppenehimer’s family handled its subject matter well. Audiences certainly seem to agree based on the movie’s box office. The only question remaining is how the various awards will respond to Christopher Nolan and Oppenheimer.'
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philomathresearch · 1 year
What is Customer Research?
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Customer research helps brands identify potential or current customer segments, needs, and behaviors. It’s conducted as part of market research, user research, or design research and always focuses on researching customers of a specific brand or product to identify unmet customer needs and/or opportunities for business growth.
Customer research about simple demographics of an existing or potential customer group (like age, gender, and income level) is vital to understand a product’s target audience. However, research should also seek to understand various behaviors and motivators, which give insights about the product’s use and potential. The goal of customer research is to expose clear details about who is—or will be—using a product as well as the reasons behind their doing so and how they go about using it.
Customer research is essential to product development and marketing. It can be conducted through a variety of methods, including interviews, surveys, focus groups, desk research, and ethnographic field studies. By exploring customer feedback online, in reviews, forums, and on social media, businesses can get a better sense of what customers want and need from their products.
While customer research is valuable and often conducted as part of the design process, it’s also important for other departments within an organization to take part in this research as well. After all, by understanding the needs and wants of your target market, you’re able to better focus your marketing campaigns – and in turn, reach a larger audience more effectively. Additionally, conducting customer research as part of concept development can help identify opportunities for future products, services, or features – essentially giving you a head start on the competition. In any case, keeping the end users in clear sight long before the end of any design phase is an essential ingredient in ensuring the success of your company.
Types of Customer Research
When it comes to customer market research, there are four main categories it can be broken down into: primary, secondary, quantitative and qualitative. All four types are complementary and can be used together to gain a more comprehensive understanding of your customer. Keep reading for customer research examples and more information on which type would be best suited for your specific needs.
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1. Primary Customer Research
Primary research is defined as any type of research that you conduct directly with your target customers. The advantages of this type of research are that you can target it to groups or segments of your customers and specifically tailor the content to your research needs. This method is often used by businesses in the early stages of product development, as it allows them to get feedback and direction from their target market regarding what they want or need from a product or service.
Online surveys. Increasingly popular and relatively low cost, online surveys are widely used by retailers to capture insights from existing and potential customers. You can conduct them using your own customer database, or you can use third-party consumer survey panels that include your customers. If you use a consumer research panel, you will have to include a question to identify your shoppers.
Either way, online surveys are a great way to get feedback from your customers about their shopping experiences, what they like and don’t like about your products, and what they would like to see in the future.
Telephone interviews. While phone surveys provide faster feedback than mail surveys, their effectiveness will be limited by the number of available phone numbers. This is particularly true for cell phone numbers, which can’t be solicited without permission. Additionally, potential customers are often wary of being called and may give short answers.
Face-to-face surveys (often store exit interviews). Personal interviews conducted face-to-face (often as the customer exists the store) can be on the more expensive side, but they can also provide detailed insights from your customers. They require coordination with Store Operations, which might require more up-front time for planning.
Focus groups. Focus groups bring together a small group of consumers to discuss their opinions about products, brands, shopping and other relevant subjects. You might think of them as customer panel research. They’re a good way to get a sense of customer preferences and attitudes. However, because a focus group involves only a small number of customers, it can be challenging to apply the results to your entire customer base.
Customer quizzes. Another increasingly popular survey tactic is to place a short pop-up survey on your website. This can help confirm a hypothesis you have about your target market or help define a product issue. Remember to keep it short — pop-up surveys are most successful when you stick to one question.
2. Secondary Customer Research
Secondary research is a type of research that analyzes consumer attitudes, product and brand preferences, media consumption habits and demographic and lifestyle characteristics. It’s usually based on large research projects conducted on a national level, which means that the results can be applied to your customer base. Additionally, since the same research results can be purchased by several companies, the cost of performing secondary research can be less expensive. These reports are useful for tracking consumer trends and providing comparisons.
However, they don’t provide the same level of actionable insights on your customers as primary research, which is designed to find the “why” of a purchase and predict what could happen in the future.
3. Quantitative Customer Research
There are two main types of customer research: qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative research provides statistical information on your customers, such as their age, where they shop, and whether they are aware of your brand. The most common tool used for quantitative research today is online surveys. The goal is to reach enough customers to make the results statistically reliable so you can project them across your entire customer base and have confidence in the results.
A market research specialist is key for creating surveys that will garner the most helpful and accurate feedback from respondents. They can help with question wording, type of scales to use, length of the survey, and other important attributes. They can also aid in determining the number of surveys to deploy based on expected response. Having a market research specialist on your team will save you time and energy while also providing you with more reliable data!
4. Qualitative Customer Research
Qualitative research examines people’s feelings and attitudes towards your product or service, and what motivates them. Focus groups are the most common tool used for qualitative research – these are more-in-depth interviews that are open-ended and have a smaller number of participants than quantitative research. While the interviews provide in-depth information, the results should be used directionally since they aren’t broad enough to project across your entire customer base. However, they can be useful in identifying trends and specific issues that you can then address.
Utilizing a professional moderator for qualitative research is a wise decision. This person can help keep the conversation flowing and on track, as well as ensure that all participants have been heard and not dominated by a few people. Not only does this help maintain the conversation, but it also allows for different perspectives to be shared and recorded. Customer research helps brands identify potential or current customer segments, needs, and behaviors. We hope this blog post has helped you understand the importance of customer research and how it can be used by brands to improve products and services. If you have any other questions or concerns about customer research, please contact us anytime at www.philomathresearch.com. Thank you for reading, we are always excited when one of our posts can provide useful information on a topic like this
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softersinned-arc · 1 year
general statistics.
FULL NAME Astoria Ileana Cassandra Grim. NICKNAMES Stor, Stori, Storya.
DATE OF BIRTH 22 August 1993. PLACE OF BIRTH Venice, Italy. ASTROLOGICAL SIGNS Leo sun, Libra moon, Leo rising. GENDER Cisgender woman. PRONOUNS She/her/hers. SEXUALITY Bisexual. HEIGHT 5'3". HAIR COLOR Red. EYE COLOR Brown. TATTOOS Several (found here). SCARS Several (found here).
ETHNICITY Italian, Swedish, Irish. RELIGION Roman Catholic through childhood and early adulthood. Tentatively pagan.
POSITIVE TRAITS Adaptable, ambitious, clever, perceptive. NEGATIVE TRAITS Capricious, hedonistic, manipulative, selfish.
skills & abilities.
EDUCATION Trinity College Dublin for her bachelor's & master's degrees. Subject varies by verse. Generally well educated in history, theology, politics, and folklore across verses. CAREER Verse dependent. SPOKEN LANGUAGES Fluent in Italian, Swedish, Icelandic, and English, reading fluency in Latin and Irish, conversational skill in Irish, Japanese, Veneto.
PHYSICAL SKILL Self-defense (krav maga). Childhood and adolescent training in ballet. Lock-picking, pick-pocketing.
extended biographies.
      — modern.      — vampire.      — witch.
     — crime.      — dc.    — dragon age.      — dungeons & dragons / critical role.      — grishaverse.      — house of the dragon / game of thrones.      — the vampire diaries / the originals.      — writer.
* other verses and crossovers available, but not all will be as developed as those listed above.
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