#redstart art
bellebirdsart · 11 months
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Male and female Redstarts. So friendly in Taiwan
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birdstudies · 1 year
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May 6, 2023 - Luzon Redstart (Phoenicurus bicolor) Found on the island of Luzon in the northern Philippines, these Old World flycatchers live along fast-flowing mountain streams and rivers in forests or scrub. They eat invertebrates, foraging on the ground and taking prey from the edge of the water, rocks, or capturing it in flight. Little is known about their breeding behavior, though one of their nests was observed on a rocky bank, reused from the previous year, and they have been reported to lay clutches of two to four eggs.
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hyperiionvii · 3 days
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bird sketches
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triruntu · 7 months
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#531, a black redstart.
Requests for birds are open, updates happen on Thursdays. [project tag] | [kofi] Find me on: [twitter]
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yoshi-ori · 10 months
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(based on this tweet)
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vincentwilliaw · 1 year
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birds! 🪶
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pseudoquack · 9 months
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Kind of messy depiction of a redstart (watercolour, ink, and coloured pencil), including poorly disguised ink splatters that I'm pretending are a feature
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chalkandwater · 10 months
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Black redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros) being very dramatic.
Wattens, Austria
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fujyn234 · 1 year
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nature watching Dec 18 2022
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fidelitospix · 10 months
Bird Stories: Acute (Redstart)
Temporary Link Have a Great Day!
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cosmicb1rd · 1 year
Birds I Spotted (and identified) in Poland🇵🇱 Part 1
Black-headed gull: Met these guys while on a boat trip thingy. They were swarming it because many passengers had food, they were flying around and sitting on the roof. One of them had messy face spots and it looked constantly irritated (artistic rendition first from the right)
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Black redstart: They're small and fast, yet I struggled more with identifying the middle-sized Fieldfare
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Stork: You drive a couple hours from the city and you see them everywhere. Flying around, searching for food in ponds, nesting on poles. This nest has been in this area since I've been little, and this year three baby storks could be seen in it :D (excuse the poor quality)
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They were my favourite to draw out of these three, if it isn't clear
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frank095 · 1 year
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American Redstart Bird Portrait Watercolor Painting
This watercolor painting of a american redstart bird is a stunning example of the incredible potential of artificial intelligence in the world of art. With lifelike textures and vibrant colors, the painting captures the beauty and essence of the subject with breathtaking realism and precision, making it a true masterpiece. -------------------------------------------------------------------- GET THIS ARTWORK ON MERCH AND AS PRINTS! ►On Society6 HERE ►On ArtStation HERE ►On ArtPal HERE ►On Imaginekind HERE You can also find my AI prompts on PromptBase HERE -------------------------------------------------------------------- I BELIEVE ART SHOULD BE SHARED FREELY.  Unless I'm working with clients or projects, I want all my creations to be freely available for digital download and personal use. If you wish to personally support me, I appreciate every donation with PAYPAL HERE. Unless specified, all my creations are made using artificial intelligence with MidJourney. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL REQUESTS, FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME! 🙂 ►Instagram ►YouTube ►PayPal Donations -------------------------------------------------------------------- USEFUL LINKS TO FIND ME: ►OpenSea (NFTs) ►DeviantArt ►Behance ►ArtStation ►ArtPal ►Imaginekind
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Oc: Redstart 
Just a really fast techno-organic guy who likes to fly into stars and has an obsession with silver jewelry.
Also, just in case anyone didn’t know, a redstart is a species of North America bird
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barry-kent-mackay · 2 years
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Painted Redstart.  Many years ago a Painted Redstart, the first ever to appear in Canada, showed up near where I lived with my mother, an expert in caring for small, insectivorous birds.  It was in October, a blizzard was coming and in a desperate search for food the little bird entered an apple shed, looking for fruit flies.  He was captured. 
One problem.  To release him would be to condemn him to death.  So after all the obligatory photos were taken to document this great rarity, we were called and my mom and I drove over, not really believing that we would see so exotic and unexpected a bird.  But there he was. 
We took him in and he lived out the rest of his life with us, given freedom of the apartment we then lived in, and we raised fruit flies and root maggots (for which we had to get a government permit).  We would put them in a jar in the fridge which would slow their metabolism and then put the jar out for Jesus (Hay-soos…I chose it because I had just returned from Costa Rica where I had lived with a family whose smallest child had that name…no religious connotation) as we called him would snap them up, sometimes plunging into the jar, or hovering to pick them off the ceiling. 
He learned to go into this cage at night, but he did have one problem.  We also had a imprinted, beautiful male Baltimore Oriole named Rory, who also had freedom of the apartment, and Rory became fixated on Hay-soos…an affection not shared.  Hay-soos would hid in my mom’s bedroom at times, to get away from Rory.  Rory never hurt him, just liked to be near where he was. 
Of course I did some sketches and here is what survives.  I loved him very much…he would often sit and sing, and was active, intelligent, and a delight to share space with.
art may be used for non-commercial purposes with attribution
prints and original art for sale on Fine Art America
support barry kent mackay on ko-fi
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outofangband · 4 months
Birds of Thargelion
After this I just have Maglor’s Gap and that will complete my series on birds in the Fëanorian realms pre Amon Ereb!
Flora, fauna, geography and environment of Arda Masterlist
Thargelion was the realm of Caranthir, located in the north east of Beleriand just north of Ossiriand and bordered by the Ered Luin, the eastern stretch of mountains that divided Beleriand from the rest of Middle Earth
As always this is not a definitive list! Please feel free to ask more or give me a more specific category!
Around Lake Helevorn and the rivers: Red-breasted merganser, mute swan, white tailed dipper, whooper swan, smew, little grebe, red throated loon, common crane, mallard, common white eye, northern shovler, green winged teal, corn crake, spotted crake, black winged stilt
Mountains: bearded vulture, water pipit, golden eagle, kestrel, peregrine falcon, Rock ptarmigan, common siskin, alpine accentor, northern wheatear, ring ouzel, white tailed eagle, chough, spotted nutcracker, Citril finch, griffon vulture, common redstart, common raven, wallcreeper, common jay, boreal owl, white winged snowfinch, crag martin, common redstart, black redstart
Foothills and forests: black grouse, wood grouse, goshawk, grey white fronted goose, hazel grouse, little bunting, meadow pipit, tree sparrow, hedge warbler, Bohemian waxwing, common kestrel, long eared owl, little owl, marsh tit, coal tit, mourning dove, rock pigeon, woodchat strike
World building notes
-Like most of the Noldor in Eastern Beleriand, many of Caranthir’s scouts keep birds of prey. In Thargelion these are primarily peregrine falcons and kestrels. Hunting with birds was less common however.
--There are populations of Green Elves who live in Thargelion, primarily in the mountains and near the border of Ossiriand. Though they also do not use birds for hunting, certain species are kept as companions or messengers.
-Chicken breeding as an art and science developed during the Watchful Peace. Chickens in Thargelion are appraised for long plumage and colorful feathers. Their eggs are eaten but they are not often used for meat.
-Chickens, peacocks and quails were kept by the Noldor of Thargelion, techniques of raising and breeding them were learned from Sindar and Silvan cultures of Eastern Beleriand. Indeed the Noldor of Thargelion were one of the only Noldor populations to keep quails.
-Bearded vultures appear on the crests of some of Caranthir’s lords and were even kept by a few of them
-Feathers of various mountain birds especially eagles and ouzel appear in wood carvings as an architectural motif during the Watchful Peace in Thargelion
-Out of all the Fëanorian realms, water birds appear most often in art and other cultural references in Thargelion as Lake Helevorn and its wildlife are a central facet of life there especially in times of peace. Wading birds like crakes, cranes and stilts are especially Valued.
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iv-vi-art · 13 days
"ℐ𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓈 ℊℯ𝓉𝓉𝒾𝓃ℊ 𝓁𝒾ℊ𝒽𝓉..."
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It was getting light. I couldn't sleep all night - the first loss of a pet in my life, Isolde's budgie, turned out to be very difficult for a 10-year-old child. I couldn't get her out of my head and switch to thinking about the upcoming 3 months of rest and entertainment. The cloudy sky was alarmingly white, and I was trying to figure out if it still made sense to sleep at all. Suddenly, somewhere very close by, a bird began to sing. The simple repetitive motif and the sound of the morning rain calmed me down. Slowly, the bird's song became more and more distant. I fell asleep. While we were drawing the commissions, memories from childhood surfaced, we really wanted to quickly embody the idea in art. The bird in the picture is a male common redstart.
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