#sassy bitch rumple
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Some rumbelle gifs I made.
I did make more but they're too long for tumblr so I'll have to adjust them.
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gold-snek-hoe · 4 days
Some stuff from working with Marak as a pop culture deity
1. I have a Labyrinth tarot deck for him, and he gives pretty good advice, like:
● "Go ahead and reconnect with your old friend, but stop holding out hope he'll fall in love with you. What you have is special, and doesn't need to be something it isn't. Be grateful."
● "Maybe you wouldn't be so miserable if you cleaned your room."
● "Have you tried actually telling your mother how hurt you are by her actions?"
● "You're upset. Take a break and relax."
● "Your anxiety is talking again."
● "You're hurt and feeling insecure about your magical abilities, but you have to remember these things take time. Have patience."
● "Go and connect with your friends and spouse."
2. We communicate through music a lot. I put my playlist on shuffle and the first three songs are what he wants to say. I know he's around when I get a strong aura of sassy bitch in the song selection. Although sometimes he'll just be the biggest romantic ever. "I'll Be Your Mirror" by The Velvet Underground played in the coffee shop my spouse and I were celebrating my 26th birthday at. I cried. More recently, "Love Song" by The Cure (longtime favorite of mine) came on in the grocery store I was interviewing at, and I ended up getting the job.
3. He's chill about me being polyamorous, and with me having other fictional crushes. Even with my physical human lovers, Marak knows I'm his. Though, he doesn't much care for my attraction to Rumple from Ouat, but that's more because Rumple isn't trustworthy or honest.
4. On that note, he adores my human spouse. As he should. I have picture of my beloved hugging a replica of the "Annabelle" doll, and that about sums up their opinion on monsters.
5. He has his own playlist full of songs I think he'd like/songs I'd serenade him with, plus memes.
6. We had a conversation about gender and sexuality through the cards, and I learned he considers "King" to be part of his gender identity.
7. I've gotten the sense that he's doing what he can to keep my abuser away from me. The SOB is still married to my mom, so keeping him away also means keeping her away, but still. I didn't have to see him when I surprised my mom for Christmas, and he's not coming to my wedding. In both cases, there have been circumstancial changes that kept him quietly out of the picture without fuss. Huge boon for my PTSD.
8. Being married to him helped me accept that I'm otherkin. Which, by the way, he finds both fascinating and indescribably hot.
9. I've become a more confident version of myself with him, just as I have with my human spouse. They've both helped me grow into a more mature and healthy version of myself. I'm very lucky, and very grateful.
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is0gild · 3 years
Ice Cream and Fire Oven Pizza - Bonus Chapter 6
Pairing: Elsa x Lea/Axel || Side Pairing: Riku x OC
Summary: Modern AU. She's an introvert ball of nerves who works at Ice Palace, a mall food court ice cream shop. He's the outgoing, sassy goofball who works at the Pizza Planet across the way. Hilarity, snark, and fluffy romcom hijinks ensue.
Word Count: 9,761
Credit for super friggin’ cute and super friggin’ amazing cover art goes to the super friggin’ talented ky-jane here on tumblr!
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Ice chips.
A whole paper cup full of them.
This was my current mission. My purpose. My whole reason for existence in this one very specific moment in time.
For if every wholesome, family-friendly sitcom from the 90s were to be believed, ice chips were like crack to women in labor - they just couldn't get enough of the stuff.
Why? No one knows, least of all me… okay, maybe doctors knew but if they did, not a single one had yet to clear up that little mystery for me.
The why didn't really matter anyway. All that mattered is that Rayne wanted them. And what Rayne wanted, Rayne got.
Especially when she was about to shove a brand new tiny person through her body and out into the world any second now.
...at least, in theory anyway.
I thanked the attendant at the nurse station and turned with the freshly secured cup of ice chips in hand, heading down the hospital wing back in the direction of Rayne's room in the delivery ward. As I hurried along, I anxiously ran my free hand down my frazzled braid, grimacing at all the little wisps coming loose before shifting to smooth my fingers along my rumpled dress that I'd been wearing since yesterday. Turning one last corner, my eyes immediately went to Rayne's door-
-only to be brought up short by the sight of fluffy, squishy, huggable reindeer plushie nearly twice my size already waiting politely outside it.
Well there was something you don't see every day.
It only took me a second to spot the shoes poking out underneath that had to belong to whoever was holding the thing from behind where I couldn't see them. I squinted.
I knew those shoes.
With a tiny, tired smile, I put one foot forward once more and approached the giant stuffed caribou with a lightly teasing, "If you're looking for the North Pole, you're off by about a couple thousand miles, Prancer. Or is it Blitzen?"
"Har, har. You're an absolute riot," came a voice from the other side of the massive doll. Though I couldn't see the eye roll, I could distinctly hear it in his tone.
Shaking my head with a soft snort, I dug my phone out of my pocket to check the time. "...1 p.m. already? Can't believe she's been in labor for nearly twenty-one hours." Twenty-one extremely long, extremely sleepless hours for the mother-to-be, not to mention all her loved ones here to support her. Tucking the phone away once more, I told him, "Thanks again for covering my early shift, I really appreciate it. Hope it wasn't too hectic of a morning over at the Ice Palace."
"Hey, don't mention it," Kristoff poked his blonde head up just over the plushie's shoulder. "If it's a choice between the two of us, it's no contest: Rayne'd much rather have you here with her than me." He paused, eyeing the closed door leading into her hospital room with a tiny frown. "...so, still no baby, huh?"
"Still no baby," I sighed, then tipped my head to one side. "Care to explain the reindeer? I didn't even know we made Svens in this size."
"We don't," he shifted his hold on the thing for a better grip. "We got a small batch to try and sell as a test run last year, but no one was really buying 'em. Still had a couple stowed away in back just gathering dust, so got the okay from Frozone to steal one for welcoming the new little Hewley into the world."
A grin pulled at my lips, "How sweet. I'm sure Rayne will love it." I then quirked an eyebrow at him. "...why were you just standing outside with it anyway? You know you could have just walked on in, right?"
His gaze darted to the door once again, then back to me. "...is the yelling still happening?" he whispered with a nervous little wince.
Now it was my turn to roll my eyes as I deadpanned, "It's the beautiful blessed miracle of life, Kristoff. Rayne's allowed to yell as much as she wants. Now come on, there's already one baby on the way, we don't need you being a big old second one." With that, I reached for the door knob, pushed it open and made my way inside.
And straight into the madhouse that was Rayne's hospital room.
"You did this to me, you bastard! I'm gonna KILL you for this, you smug son of a bitch!"
Ah, and there was Rayne now, shrieking her head off.
To be fair, if you'd been in labor for nearly a full day now, you'd probably be shrieking your head off too.
"Yes, hon."
And that'd be Riku, the absolute picture of patience and composure as he smiled lovingly through the abuse, both verbal and physical as Rayne's death grip just had to be murder on his hand right now. But he was soldiering through it like a champ.
Huffing and puffing, Rayne spat, "Don't you 'yes hon' me with that stupid, sexy, annoying, beautiful, infuriatingly perfect little grin of yours, pal! When I'm through with you, you won't have anything to grin about!"
"Yes, hon," he chuckled softly, gently sweeping a few of her messy bangs out of her face before pressing a light kiss to her sweaty temple.
"Oh-ho, no! None of that!" she snarled, narrowing her eyes at him. "It's stuff like that that started this whole damn mess, jerkface!"
"Yes, hon."
We were all handling being included in this special moment in Rayne's life a bit differently, each doing what we could to keep her happy and distracted from the contractions. As could be seen, Riku was doing his part by being a flawless model husband/punching bag combo. Sora-
"What does every moogle need in the morning?"
Sora was trying to make her laugh.
"A kup-o coffee!"
...and was doing a rather poor job of it.
As Rayne stared blankly up at him, Sora gave a tiny sheepish laugh from where he stood at the foot of her hospital bed as he scratched the back of his head. "That one was a dud, huh? Okay, okay, how about this one? What do moogles use when they go shopping? ...Kupons!"
More crickets from Rayne. This time accompanied with an unamused little eye squint.
Undeterred, Sora smiled brightly and held up his hands, "Wait, wait, I gotta million of these! What did one cactuar say to the other? ...looking sharp! What does a cactuar wear to a business meeting? ...A cac-tie!" Why did the chocobo cross the road? ...he was going for a wark!"
His new rapid fire approach did not seem to be helping matters.
"Alright, no, hang on, I'm gonna get you with this one for sure! You ready? Okay… Knock knock."
Rayne's eye twitched. Patting her hand, Riku obliged his cousin with a sigh, "Who's there?"
Barely able to contain his glee now, Sora replied, "Interrupting chocobo."
"Interrupting ch-"
"BWARK!" Sora crowed in delight.
The expecting mother-to-be looked just about ready to hurl the beeping heart monitor at him.
"Look, Ray, look!" Kairi suddenly chimed in, swiftly coming to her boyfriend's rescue as she shoved her phone in Rayne's face. For her contribution in keeping Rayne's mind off the pain, Kairi had elected to sit in the bed with her to provide cuddles and hundreds upon hundreds of pictures of adorable baby animals. "Aren't these little piggy-wiggies the freaking cutest?"
Frowning at the screen, Rayne said flatly, "...they'd look even cuter in the form of crispy bacon on a bun slathered in barbecue."
Kairi gasped in horror, snatching her phone back to hug protectively to her chest, "Not the piggy-wiggies!"
"Sorry, Kai, but I'm starving and they won't let me eat a damn thing until this little bundle of joy gets the hell out of me," she grumbled back.
She pursed her lips to one side, swiping her thumb across the screen several times now, "Guess I'll skip these pics of baby cows and chicks and- you know what? No farm animals at all, how about that?"
Sora was now sidling up along one side of the bed opposite to Riku, both hands covering his face as he went.
Oh dear.
One could only assume this was leading up to his latest attempt to get a laugh out of her and I was almost dreading how the next couple seconds would unfold.
"No frowning. No sad face. Okay?" he muffled out from between fingers as he blindly inched closer to Rayne. "This birth runs on happy faces, so ya gotta look funny… like me!" He suddenly threw his hands out wide to reveal he was wearing a pair of gag glasses, complete with a comically large plastic nose and mustache. "I-"
Rayne yelped in surprise and socked him in the stomach.
Yup. That'd gone about as well as I'd expected.
And correction… it seemed the role of punching bag would now be played by Sora.
Quite literally.
Eyes growing round as she clasped both hands over her mouth, Rayne said, "Oh god, Sora, you okay? I'm so sorry, but you scared the everliving crap out of me!"
"No, no, it's fine," he wheezed out a chuckle, doubling over and clutching at his gut while Kairi shot him a sympathetic pout as she rubbed his shoulder. "You're bringing a new little life into the world, so you get a free pass!"
Smothering his snickers behind a hand, Riku shook his head at him, "Where did those ridiculous things even come from?"
"These?" Sora held up the gaudy spectacles. "Saw 'em in the hospital gift shop and thought everyone might get a kick outta them."
"Or at least a punch," Kairi teased, sticking her tongue out.
Kristoff and I hadn't been spotted yet. Sensing an opening as the rest of them devolved into light laughter, I was just about to insert myself into the conversation when-
"Beep beep, coming through! Move it or lose it!"
Jolting, I just barely jumped out of the way in time to narrowly avoid getting steamrolled by Anna as she suddenly came charging into the room. Her arms were stacked so high with hospital pillows that she couldn't really see past them, so I suspected she had no clue that she'd just beeped-beeped her own sister.
Yesterday when we'd been racing our way back to Twilight Town, I'd called Anna to make sure she'd heard the news that Rayne had gone into labor. Since we still had had several hours left on the road to go yet before we'd be back and I'd been worried about missing the birth, I'd wanted to make sure that Anna could at least be there in my stead. However I discovered I needn't have even asked, for my sister had already been burning rubber out of Arendelle to get to Twilight Town herself even before I'd called. Thankfully we'd arrived with time to spare - plenty of it, as it was turning out. And bonus, I'd been getting to personally witness Anna's own unique brand of pitching in... that is, by doing anything and everything in her power to make sure Rayne was as comfortable as humanly possible.
Which to Anna apparently meant stealing every last pillow in this medical institution to offer up as tribute to Rayne.
"Ta-da!" she chirped as she dumped the tiny mountain of cushions onto Rayne's bed with a big, delighted grin. "I'm back with a whole friggin' variety this time, so pick your poison! I got soft ones, firm ones, big ones, small ones, some as big as your- you know what? Do you wanna go with all of them? Let's go with all of them! Sound good? Good!" With that, she began gently but eagerly stuffing them one by one behind Rayne's head.
"Anna, sweetie… do you think we're maybe approaching the point of too many pillows here?" Rayne delicately asked, shifting her back slightly against the already substantial collection behind her that Anna had managed to amass in the past several hours.
She wrinkled her nose with a snerk, "What? Nonsense, there's no such thing as too many pillows! And I think you'll be singing a different tune once you get a load of this puppy here," she proudly held up and fluffed a particularly plush looking pillow. "This right here is the Holy Grail of hospital pillows! I earned this bad boy too! Had to throw down with some greedy, wrinkly old fart who was trying to horde all the good bedding for himself!"
"Let me get this straight… you beat up an elderly old man and stole his pillow?" Riku gave her a dull look.
"I didn't beat him up! Just… got in a bit of a tussle, that's all," she brushed off with a tiny shrug. At all the blank stares she received, she huffed, "What, he was crotchety and mean and fought dirty, kept whacking me with his cane! The old coot friggin' deserved it!" She turned her head away with a razz of her tongue before her face lit up once more. "Besides, nothing but the best for the soon-to-be mommy, isn't that right, Ray-Ray?" she cooed as she fondly tucked "the Holy Grail" of hospital pillows (which was the last of her latest haul from all her ransacking and pillaging) behind Rayne. Then she clapped her hands together, "Now! Be right back with more in a jiff!"
Before Anna could dash off again however, Rayne snagged her wrist with a hasty, "No!" As my sister glanced back at her, Rayne winced and lowly hissed her way through what looked to be another contraction before blowing out a relieved puff and exhaustedly chuckling, "The thought's appreciated, sweetpea, really, but try as you might, I just don't think we can quite cram the hospital's entire supply of pillows in this one teeny room."
"Ah-ah!" she interrupted her protest, holding up a finger. "Trust me, I'm good. 'Sides, if you keep going at this rate, soon there'll be no room left on the bed for me."
The corners of Anna's lips turned down in a tiny sulk. "I suppose you're right," she hung her head as her hands smoothed over Rayne's bedsheets, flattening any wrinkles. Then she froze mid-gesture, face brightening once again as she looked up with a delighted little intake of breath. "I can get you more blankets! So many blankets! All the blankets!"
"What?! Anna, no, I'm not even-"
But my sister had already blurred out of the room with nothing more than a quick, "Hi, Sis! Bye, Sis!" to me. She didn't even acknowledge Kristoff. Don't think she saw him behind the caribou.
"...cold," Rayne finished with a defeated sigh. Then she seemed to notice me for the first time. More specifically, what I was holding. She immediately perked up, "Ah, there she is! C'mere, oh Great Bringer of Ice! My Ice Babe, my Ice Queen, my Ice Goddess!" She stretched out her arms towards me, making grabby hands. "Gimme!"
Ah, my role in keeping Rayne happy.
Which if it hadn't been obvious already, that greeting should have just made it abundantly clear.
This was actually my first time being present for the birth of somebody's child. And if I was being totally honest here, I had to admit that the experience did make me a bit awkward and anxious. Gussy it up however you like, but the "miracle of childbirth" was some animal kingdom nonsense that I'd normally rather take no part in. It was all just so... er… messy. But this was an important day for Rayne and I wanted to be there for her. Which meant I just had to do what I did for all important things that made me awkward and anxious.
I let it go and did them anyway.
Taking in a breath to quell my jittery nerves, I braved a smile as I approached her bedside and held out the cup which she greedily snatched up. "Got it back here as quick as I could, hopefully it didn't have a chance to melt too much."
Popping a few frozen chips into her mouth, she closed her eyes with a contented hum. "Ahhhh, that's the stuff! You always treat me right, boo! Keep the good shit coming."
"D'aw," I grinned softly, reaching out to lightly pat her cheek, "you make me feel like I'm your drug dealer."
"Don't act like you don't like it," she crunched down on the ice with a cheeky little wink before digging a few more out of the cup to slip between her lips. Then she looked past me and went stock still. She blinked once. Then twice. Then, "...um?"
I glanced back to realize she just now seemed to be noticing the comically large, dopey reindeer in the room. How she hadn't spotted it sooner was beyond me. In any case, I cleared my throat and stage whispered, "Pssst… Kristoff!"
"Right." Taking that as his cue, he started jauntily bouncing forward with the thing, making it do a floppy little jig in the process. Remaining hidden behind the colossal doll the whole time, he adopted a deep, goofy voice to speak for the plushie, "Hello, my name is Sven and I'm gonna be your new lil gal's bestest friend! I'll make sure to give her all the snuggles and huggles and wub she'll ever need!"
For a second, Rayne's expression was unreadable as she just continued to stare at the thing's big, silly face. Then she burst into tears.
Fudge, was this a good crying or a bad crying?
With all the drastic mood swings she'd been experiencing since labor started, it could really go either way at this point.
Everyone began to scramble. Riku was murmuring softly to her as he caressed her cheek, Kairi was frantically trying to pull up what she was claiming to be an absolutely adorable picture of a dog and duck that were besties, and Sora was desperately shooting off lame, punny jokes so fast now that the punchlines were getting all jumbled and mashed together into pure gibberish. However it all turned out to be unnecessary as Rayne suddenly wailed, "Oh my god, I love him!"
Whew, okay, this was a good crying.
False alarm, people, stand down.
"Really?" Kristoff stuck his head up from behind the deer, flashing a lopsided smile.
She nodded her head vigorously, sniffling. "He's perfect for our baby girl! And good news! You've officially just been hired as our full-time nanny!"
He gave a bashful chuckle as he found a corner to deposit Sven in, "Shucks, you don't hafta-" But then he stiffened as her words really sunk in. "Wait, what?"
"Yup! Don't worry, I'll talk to the Ice Palace for you so they'll work your shifts around it. Ah, we're gonna have the happiest kid in the whole wide universe now that she's going to have her own talking, dancing, prancing reindeer to play with every day!" she clapped in glee.
"Every-" Kristoff spluttered and paled. "Now hang on, I never agreed to any of-"
"Da-dun da-dun! Candygram!" a new voice loudly sang out. We all turned to discover Lea now standing in the doorway, grinning like a madman with his arms loaded down with junk food. Way, way too much junk food.
"Good lord, where on earth did all that come from?" was the only greeting he got from me as both eyebrows shot up my forehead.
He shrugged, grin somehow defying all odds to stretch even wider. "Raided the nearest couple o' vending machines and picked the things clean. Hope all you boys and gals are famished cuz tonight we feast like Candyland kings! And you get a chocolate bar!" he tossed one to me, which I fumbled to catch before sensing Rayne's gaze narrowing on me and I hastily hid it behind my back. "And you get a chocolate bar!" This one went to Kristoff. "And you and you and you!" Sora, Kairi, Riku. "Annnnnd…" Lea stopped mid-throw to Rayne, smirking as he retracted his hand. "...not you cuz the Doc said that was a big fat no-no for you, Missy! Guess that just means more for me," he smugly singsonged as he made his way further into the room now.
Nostrils flaring, Rayne growled, "You are such an asshole, Red."
"One," he struck up a finger as he unceremoniously plopped down into a chair against the wall opposite of her, letting all the sweets pile up in his lap, "that's just part o' my roguish charm and you know it. Two, you said a naughty word." He tsked with a shake of his head as he began to peel the wrapper off a Snickers. "Now is that any way for a young lady who any second now is gonna be responsible for molding a young, impressionable mind of our future generation should be talking?"
"Fuck off," she spat out.
"That's more like it!" he laughed, toasting her with the candy bar before heartily taking a bite.
And this, my friends, is how Lea was doing his part to help distract her from the pain.
By being a royal pain in the butt himself.
Fighting fire with fire, as it were.
"Mm-mm-mm!" Lea hummed, putting on a show of enjoying his snack a little too much. "The way that chocolate just melts in your mouth and mingles with all that sweet caramel and peanuty goodness… golly, would I hate to be anyone who's not allowed to eat right now," he slyly broke off another piece between his teeth as he eyed Rayne.
She mutedly worked her jaw for a moment. Then in a dangerously low voice, she said, "Sorry, Elsa, but I'm sending your boyfriend to an early grave."
"Please don't. I'm actually rather fond of the little troublemaker," I snorted as I made my way over to him, quick to smother his mouth with my hand even as he opened it to spout off something else that would surely only tighten the proverbial noose even further around his neck.
I anticipated the little kiss he pressed to the inside of his palm. What I didn't anticipate, however, was him simply taking hold of my wrist and yanking my down into his lap (a rather awkward seat, mind you, considering I was sharing the space with all that candy) where he hugged me tightly, pinning my arms to my sides in the process so I could no longer silence him. Nuzzling his nose to my cheek, he then turned his head to regard Rayne once more as he chirped, "Just consider it incentive! Think about it: the sooner ya squeeze that kiddo out, the sooner ya get to throttle me! Now lessee here, where was I…"
Releasing his hold on me, he retrieved another bar from the heap, tore it open and chomped down. "Mmm… Almond Joy? More like Almond Nirvana! Seriously, this is too good. Raindrop, wanna bite?" he held it out towards her, giving it a little wiggle with an impish gleam to his eyes.
Pretty sure I could see a vein bulging on her forehead for a split second. Then she tried to lunge straight for him and it was only thanks to the combined efforts of Riku, Kairi, and Sora holding her back that she stayed put in her bed.
It seemed Lea was playing his part a little too well.
"Lemme at him, I'm going to murder him!" she snarled as she fought against all the hands restraining her.
"Ah-ah," Lea waggled a finger at her - a finger I hastily grabbed and forced him to lower in a futile attempt to keep him from antagonizing her further. "What did I just tell ya? Baby first, then murder."
Rayne's lips parted, a particularly nasty retort surely on the tip of her tongue, but then she sucked in a sharp breath through her teeth as it appeared another contraction wracked her body and she bellowed out wordlessly instead.
As if her howl was a summons, a new person suddenly came bustling into the room with a chipper yet soothing, "Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion."
Mind you, I was using the term "person" in the loosest sense of the word. Baymax here was actually a robot of some kind, though a rather odd one at that - I usually didn't picture robots as big, round, soft and inflatable. Then again, this was the first robot I'd ever met, so what did I know? It seemed it (he?) was some sort of prototype on loan to the hospital, making rounds in the role of a nurse as a sort of a test run to see how viable mass producing more like it (him?) might be.
The future is now, apparently.
"Yes, yes, so you keep saying every. Damn. Time that you come in here," Rayne panted out in reply to the bot, her grip firmly squeezing Riku's hand once more.
"On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?" Baymax asked amiably as he began to lift her blankets to check how far along she was while the rest of us discreetly averted our eyes.
She huffed out a bitter noise that may have been some crude approximation of a laugh. "Trust me, we left ten in the dust hours ago."
"Good news" Baymax announced, still in that mellow yet upbeat tone he seemed to be programmed to never deviate from as he settled her bedsheets back into place. "You are dilated enough now to begin the birthing process. I'll page Dr Finkelstein so we can get started right away."
"Oh thank fucking god!" Rayne cried out.
Baymax turned to address the rest of us, "If everyone besides the father-to-be could please vacate the room and give us privacy, it would be most appreciated. Thank you and have a nice day."
As the rest of us quickly filed out of the room into the hall, I could spot Anna turning a corner down the way, her arms bursting with blankets now as she sprinted at full speed. Her gaze widened slightly when it landed on us and as she skidded to a halt, she asked, "What's going on? What happened?"
"I did it!" Lea chuckled triumphantly as he handed her a Butterfingers, which she bemusedly accepted. "I shit you not, I actually did it! I managed to annoy that baby outta her!"
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"Huh. We really would make a cute lil anklebiter, wouldn't we?"
I blinked, taking my eyes off my phone screen to glance down at Lea instead. "...pardon?"
The two of us had laid claim to a row of chairs in the waiting room that were sans armrests and pushed together to form a makeshift bench of sorts. I was currently seated in one on the end with Lea sprawled out across the rest of them, using my lap to pillow his head. Looking up from his own phone, he showed me his screen. "Got curious and put our photos in one o' those 'what'll our baby look like' websites. Just lookit this adorable lil fucker."
I was greeted with the sight of a computer-generated yet still rather life-like picture of a little boy. He had short hair that was platinum blonde like mine, as well as my blue eyes, but favored Lea's more sharp angular facial features, especially in the nose. "He is rather cute," I grinned, one hand pocketing my mobile while the other gently stroked his wild hair. Nibbling on my bottom lip, I hesitated for a heartbeat. Then, "...what brought this up?"
Retracting his arm and turning his phone back towards himself so he could stare at the picture once more, he shrugged. "I dunno… Raindrop and Riku's lil squirt's gonna be here any minute… Mom made that comment 'bout the two of us making a kid…" He paused and shrugged again. "Hard not to get curious what with all that baby fever going round right now, I s'pose."
"You think about that kind of stuff?" I tipped my head to one side, my finger idly singling out one of his crimson spikes to fiddle with in particular. "You want children?"
"Well yeah," he laughed, tucking his phone away as he sat up, now only occupying the seat beside me. Grinning sheepishly as he rubbed at the nape of his neck, he added, "Not anytime soon, of course. But one day somewhere down the road with the right person? Definitely."
The corners of my eyes crinkled. There was absolutely zero doubt in my mind that Lea would make an amazing father some day. His words did sort of beg a certain kind of question however. One that I wasn't really sure I was ready to hear the answer to one way or another. Still, as I lowered my gaze to where my hands were fidgeting together in my lap, my face warmed as I couldn't seem to help but ask, "And do you… see me as the right person?"
Lea reached over, engulfing one of my hands in his and weaving our fingers together, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. I lifted my gaze to meet his and he smiled softly, "Maybe… yeah, I'd really… really like to think you could be." He used his free hand to tentatively sweep some of my bangs behind my ear, his palm lingering against my cheek. "...is that okay, El?" he murmured.
He was worried his answer might freak me out, make me feel pressured. And to be fair, it was the type of thing that probably normally would have. However, it wasn't a cold panic I felt seeping into my chest now, but rather a pleasant tingle, tiny but warm. I leaned into his hand, covering his fingers with my own as one corner of my lips turned up and I gave a small nod, maybe surprising us both a little bit as I whispered back, "Yeah, that's okay."
His grin stretched to the point of threatening to split his face in two. Then he leaned down to kiss me soundly, resting his forehead against mine after he drew back.
Personally, I'd never before really pictured children in my future. Not that I had seen myself not having any, but I hadn't particularly seen myself having them either. It just hadn't really been something I'd thought much about, to be honest. And it didn't help that like I said, the whole process of childbirth made me a bit squeamish. But now… thinking about the prospect of maybe one day having them with Lea…
...sounded like it might be nice.
But that was still years and years and years away, trust me.
Still… it was a pleasant possible future to think about.
A deep yawn suddenly overtook Lea and he gave a massive stretch before slouching further down into his seat, slinging an arm around my shoulders and tugging me into his side. "Yeesh, it's been almost two hours now, what is taking that kid so damn long? I've heard of showing up fashionably late, but baby girl is really pushing it."
His yawn was contagious for I found myself doing the same as I reached for his hand. Absently toying with his fingers, I hummed a tiny laugh, "Maybe she stopped to pick up a latte on her way here."
"Well then, that kiddo better come outta Raindrop with a cardboard to-go tray bearing enough coffee for everyone."
I smiled drowsily, but made no response. Seated across from us, I could see my sister cozied up with Kristoff in another pair of seats, quietly chatting and giggling. As for Sora and Kairi, they were off grabbing a bite in the cafeteria. We'd decided to go in shifts so that there would always be someone in the waiting room in case news came at long last. Lea and I had been the first pair to go, with Kairi and Sora being the last.
As the hospital speakers paged a Dr Sweet to report to surgery, Lea piped up again, "Ya know, a lil caffeine infusion might not be a bad idea. The hospital coffee here is shit, may as well be piss for all the good it does. Once the kid's made her grand debut at long last and we can finally split, I was originally thinking we'd head back to my place to catch some Z's. But how 'bout instead we swing by Lucky Cat for some quality bean juice so we can get a jumpstart on moving your stuff over?"
"Move my stuff?" My brow furrowed and I turned my head to look up at him. "...where's it going?"
Lea blinked owlishly at me. I blinked owlishly right back. "Didn't we…?" he began slowly, then groaned, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. "Shit, I haven't actually brought that up to you yet, have I? Maybe I really do need that nap." His hand shifted down to scratch at his cheek now, "But c'mon now, El, think… the kid's almost here."
"Uh-huh," I nodded.
"And she's gonna need a place to sleep," he went on.
"Of course." Obviously. I wasn't exactly sure where he was going with this.
He looked at me pointedly. "...in a nursery."
I quirked an eyebrow. "Right." Still lost here.
His eyelids drooped. "Babe... your room's the nursery."
I just stared back at him blankly, not saying anything at first as my brain took a minute to churn over his words.
A rather long minute.
Give me a break, I'd been awake for close to thirty-four hours straight now.
But finally it clicked.
I gasped, "I need to move out!"
"There it is," he snorted, his hand rubbing my back.
"Crud, in all this flurry of baby chaos, that part completely slipped my mind." I was on my feet in an instant, hands wringing my braid as I began pacing back and forth. "Fudge, I'm entirely unprepared for this! What am I going to do? Where am I going to go?" I stopped momentarily, looking at Lea. He opened his mouth to respond, but I was already furiously pacing once more, muttering, "Well, not entirely unprepared. I of course knew this was coming, already had some of my things packed, been on the hunt for a new apartment, I have, I really have! You know I have!" Again I paused. Again his lips parted. Again, I resumed my patrolling without giving him a chance to speak, "But there's nothing lined up yet! Gah, the baby wasn't supposed to be due for weeks, I was supposed to have more time! But now there is no more time and… and…" I came to a halt once again, face hardening and shoulders squaring as I tapped the side of my fist into my palm with a firm nod. "Time to revisit the whole living in a box idea!"
Did I mention the whole thirty-four hours without sleep thing?
"Woah now, hang on! No one's gonna be living in a box," Lea hopped up with a chuckle, hands going to my shoulders and giving them a squeeze. "Doubt the new happy family would kick ya out just like that and make you homeless, they'd work something out for ya while you looked for a new home." Now his eyes darted to the left as he softly cleared his throat, "There's... another option though that, ya know... I'd like to think is slightly more appealing to all parties involved…"
I cocked my head. "There is?"
"Yeah." He took both my hands in his, holding them to his chest as he beamed, "Move in with me!"
"Move in with…" I echoed slowly, trailing off as I stared up at him.
Processing… processing…
I gasped again, "Oh no! No, we shouldn't- That's isn't- I couldn't possibly do that!"
"Aw, why not?" he pouted.
"Moving in together is a big step, Lea! A huge decision! One we definitely shouldn't be making spur of the moment like this, not to mention when we're both delirious from lack of sleep! There's so much to consider, so much to think about!"
He used the hold he still had on my hands to pull me to him and wrap my arms around his waist, freeing up his own arms to hug me instead. "What's there to think about? You're already practically living with me anyhow, you stay over almost every night as it is. I'd love to have you there, Bruni and Marshmallow would love to have you there… it's three against one, El, you're outvoted."
I drooped my eyelids up at him. "The dog and salamander don't get votes."
"You'll hafta take that up with them once you're all moved in and settled," he pressed a quick peck to my forehead before flashing a cheeky grin. My expression remained unamused and he snerked, "C'mon, is it really such a big deal? We were just talking 'bout having kids. Compared to that, the idea of shacking up together seems like small potatoes!"
"Yes, theoretical kids in a theoretical future. Me moving in with you is very real and very right now. We haven't even been dating for five months yet, that's way too soon to be living together."
Lea shrugged, "And you were with your ex for five years before almost tying the knot with him and we all know how that ended. Who's to say what's too soon and what isn't? All we can do is what feels right, and this feels right… doesn't it?"
...it actually kind of did.
Damn him, it did.
It didn't help that those beautiful green puppy eyes of his were murder on my resolve.
But my stubbornness flared and I hastily looked away. I wasn't ready to relent just yet and I weakly scrambled to maintain my defense, "But… it's just too soon, Lea. It hasn't even been a year yet, we haven't even… celebrated all the big holidays yet!"
Even as I blurted it out, it sounded lame even to me.
But it was the best I could come up with, dammit!
His eyebrows reached for his hairline and he fought a tiny smile. "...so just to be clear here, it's important to you that we observe all the major holidays in a calendar year together before making any further life-changing decisions."
I hitched my chin with a lofty little sniff. "Yes. Yes it is."
This was the hill was I choosing to die on, apparently.
"Duly noted," he glanced towards the ceiling with a tiny shake of his head before settling his gaze on me once more, eyes crinkling. "Fine, let's not call it moving in together then, call it… a temporary solution."
"...temporary?" I turned my head slightly, giving him some dubious side-eye.
"Mm-hm! Face it, babydoll, even though we both know Raindrop and Riku will be more than happy to accommodate ya, it's still gonna be a tight squeeze with all four of you in that tiny ass apartment while you're searching for a place. Wouldn't it just be more convenient for everyone if temporarily," he reiterated for emphasis, "you stayed with me instead just until you've found your new home? You know there's more than enough space for you and your things at my digs."
I tucked in my bottom lip. Maybe it was the sleep deprivation talking, but darn it, he actually seemed to be making a lot of sense. Still, I hesitated. "...I don't know what to say."
His eyes lit up. Great. Now the big dork knew he was winning. Hugging me more tightly to him, he grinned, "That's simple: say yes."
I squinted up to him, pursing my lips to the left. Then to the right. Then, just as I was slowly opening my mouth to speak-
-a throat suddenly cleared nearby.
Like, really nearby.
Both Lea and I tensed before turning our heads to discover none other than Saïx standing not two inches away from us looking quite perturbed.
To be fair, Saïx usually looked perturbed. It just seemed to be his face's default setting. But this was more perturbed than usual.
Lea quirked an eyebrow at him, but grinned, "Hey, big guy! Ya mind? Kinda in the middle of something here."
"And I do so hate to interrupt, truly," he said flatly, his cold unblinking gaze locked on his brother, "but I fear we have a rather pressing matter to discuss that cannot wait."
His eyebrows knit together. "...which would be?"
Saïx's hard stare was unyielding. "Do you think there is quite possibly something you may have forgot back at our mother's house?"
Cocking his head, Lea seemed even more genuinely confused now. Clearly racking his brain for a couple seconds, he then shrugged with a small shake of his head, "Like what?"
"ME, you DOLT!" Saïx snarled, slugging Lea in the shoulder hard enough to force a pained grunt out of him.
I inhaled sharply through my nose, eyes widening.
There was no way we'd actually-
We couldn't have honestly-
We didn't-
...did we really?
I thought back to yesterday, though it was a struggle to remember a clear picture through the fog of grogginess. Had Saïx been in the car with us on the trip back? Had he not? Try as I might, I just simply could not remember one way or another. But I suppose it could be (and in fact was) completely possible, especially considering Lea had had Saïx's car keys and I had had his code to start the engine.
In our state of panic and rush to get out of there, had we really just totally spaced on the fact that we didn't have him with us?
"Oh gosh, Saïx, I'm so sorry we left you behind!" I bemoaned in horror.
Lea laughed, "Relax, El, don'tcha know that with me as your boyfriend, that makes everything my fault? You're off the hook, I'm the only one he's mad at."
"He's right, I don't blame you at all." Although Saïx was talking to me, his irked gaze never left Lea. "You're not the one who forgot your own brother."
No, I just simply forgot a whole person. For a whole car ride. In his own friggin' car.
Elsa, Queen of Memory Lapse.
"Bah, I didn't forget ya, I just… thought you were in the backseat the entire time being really quiet!"
That earned Lea another punch to the arm.
Giving an annoyed huff as he rubbed his knuckles, Saïx asked with a bit less bite to his tone now, "I presume since I find you all still here at the hospital, the child has yet to be born?" At our silent nods, he moved to the nearest set of empty chairs and sat down with a soft huff, crossing his arms.
Huh. Guess he was going to join us for sharing Rayne's and Riku's joy in this blessed event.
I gingerly took a seat next to him, Lea plopping down in the chair on my other side. As his arm wrapped around my shoulders, he piped up with a huge smile, "Got some good news that I think'll clear up that black rain cloud hanging over your head there, Mr Grumps McSourpuss: El's moving in with us!"
My back stiffened and I whipped my head around to narrow my eyes up at him, "I haven't said yes yet."
Saïx was eyeing me oddly from the corner of his peripheral. "...you mean you weren't already living with us?"
"There ya have it! Saïx's official stamp of approval! Now ya gotta say yes," Lea beamed, smoothing his hand up and down my arm.
My eyelids drooped. "...one, in what universe was that even remotely a stamp of approval? And two, no, I don't 'gotta' do anything, least of all say yes."
"But you will," he winked at me, pressing a kiss to my cheek. Then he was looking past me towards Saïx once more, a thoughtful frown twisting his lips. "Hey… since we jacked your wheels, how'd you even get back here?"
Saïx fixed him with a dull stare. Then he shifted his crossed arms more tightly against his chest, closed his eyes and hitched his chin. "...wouldn't you like to know."
Lea snerked. "I would in fact, thus why I asked."
"What's that inanely childish saying you do so love to spout of? ...that's for me to know and you to find out?"
"C'mon, man," he groaned out. "This is gonna bug the crap outta me now until ya tell me."
One corner of his lips cruelly curled up. "I know."
Apparently, Saïx was swift to enact his vengeance when the need arose.
A tiny scowl emerged on my boyfriend's face, but before he could shoot off whatever acerbic retort he undoubtedly already had locked and loaded, I stopped him with a touch to his arm as I said, "Lea." He glanced down at me and I nodded towards the far corner of the waiting room. "Look."
He followed my gaze to a familiar woman with silver hair pulled back into a ponytail made of several tiny braids and the same green eyes as Lea. Aranea apparently was not aware that we had just noticed her, for she was too busy inspecting the selection available over at the hospital's coffee station with her nose wrinkled.
"Ah," Lea breathed, gracing his brother with a mildly sour look. "That's how ya got back. Ya bummed a ride outta our old lady."
Saïx said nothing, just continued to stare stoically straight ahead.
Blowing out a breath that made his lips flap, Lea turned his eyes towards his mother once more. A heartbeat of hesitation. Then making a sound that was half growl, half sigh, Lea muttered. "Be right back. Ma and I have some unfinished business." I smiled softly as he planted a smooch to my temple and I gave his hand a quick squeeze before releasing it as he stood up.
I watched Aranea perk up as she spotted Lea approaching. They exchanged a few words that I was too far away to hear, her grinning the whole time, him ruffling his fingers through his hair as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Then it seemed they decided to find somewhere else to have their talk for they then walked out of the waiting room.
Off to a good start at least, it seemed. Letting go a tiny exhale of relief, I glanced over at the chairs across from us once more to where Anna sat as I considered possibly shifting over to a seat near her. But seeing as she was currently otherwise, er… occupied with, hrm… inspecting Kristoff's tonsils with her tongue, I decided against it.
Ugh, gross, I did not need to see that.
Instead, I turned my attention to Saïx. My lips parted and I took in a breath to say something, but then I hesitated and clamped my mouth shut, staring down at where I was fiddling with my fingers in my lap. Then I cleared my throat, looked over at him once more and tried again, "Would it... really be okay with you if… if I decided to move in?"
His eyes flicked over to me briefly without turning his head. Then releasing a nearly inaudible sigh through his nose, he stared straight forward once again. "I consider you among a small, select handful of people I can tolerate and would even go so far as to say enjoy the company of. If my asinine fool of a brother has against all odds actually managed to persuade you somehow into agreeing to move in with him, then by all means, your presence on a more permanent basis could only be a considerable improvement on our day-to-day lives around the apartment." He paused and for a second it seemed that was all he had to say on the subject. Then then added a bit more quietly, "Besides, you make my brother happy. Far be it from me to stand in the way of that, even if I wanted to."
A small smile tugged at my lips. "...he makes me happy too."
Saïx gave a low hmph at that, closing his eyes. "I would hope so. Otherwise, what would be the point?"
On that note, the conversation ended. As he seemed more than content to remain in a companionable silence, I reached over the seat Lea had vacated and towards the little table on the other side, plucking up one of the outdated magazines provided by the hospital from it and slowly began flipping through its pages.
A short while later, I heard a door opening and I glanced up to see that Lea and Aranea were walking back into the waiting room. Neither one looked like they wanted to murder each other, so I took that as a good sign. In fact, they almost, almost seemed somewhat chummy.
I set the periodical aside and both Saïx and I rose as they approached, which prompted a chuckle from Aranea, "No need to get up, I'm not staying. Just wanted to give my other knucklehead kid one last hug before hitting the road," she embraced Saïx, which he accepted as stony-faced as ever. Then she turned to me with a sly little smirk, "Plus I hear congrats are in order."
My eyes blinked. "...they are?"
"Course! You two lil lovebirds are gonna be living together soon, after all!"
I twitched, then shot Lea a flat look. "I haven't said yes yet."
He grinned, stepping closer to take my hand and bring it up to his lips. "Key word there: yet."
Oh-ho, he thought he was being cute. Even as I opened my mouth to prove just how wrong he was however, Aranea suddenly snagged me into a bone-crushing bear hug as she chirped, "Take care, shortcake!" She gave me one final squeeze before releasing me to rest a hand on my shoulder, "And if either of my boys give you any trouble, you gimme a call, I'll be only too happy to knock some sense into 'em!"
Smiling, I nodded, "Thanks, I'll be sure to do that. Have a safe trip back."
Lea received a hug from her as well and though he returned it stiffly, it was remarkably warmer than the one they'd shared yesterday in the foyer of her home. With that, she made her way towards the exit, waving goodbye to us over her shoulder before disappearing through the door.
"I take it you two are getting along now," I said to Lea as I settled into my chair once again.
He took a seat too, stretching his arm out along the backrest behind my head. As his fingers began to idly toy with my braid, he pursed his lips to one side in thought. Then, "Ya know how you and your folks 'get along' now?" he brought up his other hand to form air quotes. At my nod, he said, "Well, it's kinda like that. We're… gonna work on it."
I reached for his hands, lacing our fingers together as I told him gently, "I'm glad you decided to give her a chance."
"I think I am too," he admitted, albeit somewhat begrudgingly.
Just then, the same door Aranea had left through opened once more, Sora and Kairi being the ones to step through this time, laughing over something they'd been talking about. It seemed their timing was impeccable, for that was also when the double doors on the other side of the room parted and in walked a very familiar white, inflatable robot. All of us immediately zeroed in on him and were on our feet in an flash as he greeted us with, "Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthc-"
"Yeah, yeah, we know all that already, get to the good part, you giant balloon!" Anna hastily cut him off, rolling her eyes. "Do you actually have anything new to tell us? How's Ray-Ray doing?"
"The delivery was a success," Baymax announced, managing to sound almost pleased somehow despite there being no actual change in the mechanical tone of his voice. "Everyone is happy and healthy. The new family is ready to accept visitors and have welcomed you all back to their room."
There was a mixture of whoops and relieved sighs all around before all of us, Saïx included, followed the robot as he led the way past those doors and towards the maternity ward. Not a minute later found us all crowding back into their hospital room. I spotted Riku first at his wife's bedside, facing her so his back was to us. As for Rayne, she looked absolutely exhausted and like she'd been to hell and back twice, but she positively radiated pure joy and love for the little bundle I could now see her holding in her arms. As she looked up at our entrance, she proudly beamed and said, "Everyone… I'd like you to meet Aria."
"...and Cayde," Riku added, smirking as he turned around to reveal he was cradling a second baby.
"TWO?!" Lea gaped, wide-eyed gaze darting back and forth between them while the rest of us were too stunned to even speak.
"That's right! Two!" Rayne chirped in delight.
Sora was the next one to find his voice, only to blurt out, "Twins?!"
"No, we liked the first one so much, we decided to randomly steal a second one from one of the other cribs when no one was looking," Riku deadpanned before snorting with a shake of his head. "Of course they're twins, doofus."
"But you never said anything about twins," Anna was already adopting a baby voice as she approached Riku, wasting no time making funny faces at Cayde.
Gently rocking little Aria as Rayne watched her fondly, she said, "We didn't know. No one did, not until Cayde shocked us all by showing up hot on the heels of his big sis. Guess the doctors missed him during all those check-ups and sonograms somehow."
"How do they miss a whole other baby inside of you for months?!" Kristoff shook his head in disbelief.
"Who knows, but it's not unheard of. We're not the first couple this has ever happened to." Glancing over to Cayde, Rayne grinned as she reached out a fingertip to tickle the underside of one of his tiny feet. "...he was a surprise, that's for sure, but a happy one."
"I'll say!" Kairi giggled, stepping forward to gently squish Aria's cheeks as she cooed, "This just gives Auntie Kairi and Unkie Sora twice the niblings to wub, doesn't it? Doesn't it? Yes it does!"
"Speaking of which… Kristoff." The man in question stood up straighter as Rayne suddenly locked eyes with him and told him in no uncertain terms, "We're gonna need a second reindeer."
He dragged a hand down the side of his face and sighed. "...I'll talk to Frozone."
Rayne crinkled her nose as she hummed a soft laugh, then her eyes landed on me as I approached her bedside. "Oh, Elsa, there was something I… we," she amended, exchanging a glance and a tiny nod with her husband, "wanted to talk to you about… we'd absolutely love it if you'd be the twins' godmother."
The finger I was waggling at Aria froze as my gaze widened and snapped up to meet hers. "Who, me? Really?" By the look in both the new parents' eyes, they were serious. Dead serious. "Oh! Why, uh… yes. Yes of course! I'd be very honored," I smiled.
"And Sora," Riku chimed in now, causing his cousin to pause mid-sticking his tongue out and crossing his eyes at Cayde. "We were hoping you'd be their godfather."
Sora blinded us all with his signature huge, thousand-watt grin. "Absolutely! I'm gonna make the best godfather ever, you'll see! I- wait…" His brow furrowed and he gasped, whipping his head around towards me now with a slight look of panic. "Does… does that make us... god-married?"
"Yes. It does."
And who was it, one might wonder, to deliver that answer in full earnest and with a completely straight face?
That's right. Saïx.
Which is probably why Sora took him at his word and didn't even think to question it. Nostrils flaring and with a steely look of determination now, he informed Lea, "I promise to take good care of her."
Not missing a beat, Lea nodded firmly, "You better, lil man, otherwise I will end you."
I elbowed my boyfriend in the gut, forcing a wheeze out of him. As everyone else sniggered around us, I sighed, "No, Sora, that doesn't make us god-married, it doesn't make us god-anything."
"Oh good! Whew!"
At that point, conversation for the most part subsided in favor of everyone trying to squeeze in to fawn over the new babies. After a minute of this, I decided to take the opportunity to snag Lea (dragging him away from playing with Aria's "widdle toesy-wosies" - his words, not mine) and pull him off to one side of the room away from the others. They hardly even noticed us stepping away, so enamored were they all with the little ones.
I faced him, holding both his hands in mine as I took in a deep breath and released it before uttering a single word. "Yes."
His face immediately lit up, but he quickly schooled his expression and cleared his throat, asking casually, "Yes? Yes what?"
Ugh, he knew very damn well what, he just wanted to hear me say it. Rolling my eyes but unable to fight a small grin, I said, "Yes, I'll move in with you. It just makes sense, after all, now that they have twins, there's even less room for me in their apartment and-"
I didn't get to finish that sentence as he smiled fiercely and grabbed my face, planting a firm kiss to my lips before laughing as he hugged me, picked me up and spun me around.
"Temporarily," I insisted, arms instinctively latching around his neck to steady myself.
"Yeah, yeah, of course, temporarily," he agreed, putting me down while still grinning like an idiot.
I poked his chest a couple times, "I mean it. I'm going to keep looking for my own place and the second I find something, I'm moving right back out."
"Whatever ya say, babydoll!"
Funny thing is though…
...I never did end up actually moving out.
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Author's Note: MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Hope you all enjoyed the millions of teeny references I sprinkled in - my aesthetic, as I'm sure you're all aware at this point xP (My fave was something Lea said towards the very end, did you guys catch that it was a reference? I hope so :3) Regarding Sora's lil stand-up comedy act, I unfortunately cannot take credit for any of his material - I just googled a bunch of Final Fantasy jokes xD I can't even take credit for the cactuar jokes for even tho I couldn't find any ACTUAL cactuar jokes out there on the internet, I just googled cactus jokes instead xD And yes, there are IN FACT cactus jokes out there, and a LOT of them lawl! And woo, Lea and his mom made up… sort of! xD Sorry that happened off screen, part of it was I thought it wasn't a conversation that Elsa would really be present for, part of it was I didn't want to take focus off the main points of this chapter, and part of it was I was just too lazy to write it at this time xD Maybe I'll go back at a later date and write a Lea POV chapter for this lil chat with his mum, we'll see! But for now, at least we got a lil closure on that front! And aaaaahhhhh, our ice and fire bbies are taking a big step and moving in together, yaaaaaay! :3 I knew that was definitely a relationship milestone I wanted to cover in one of these bonus chapters and this just seemed like a fun way to bring it about xD
The next one-shot is set during Christmas time! Which I know, lil late, should have posted it today xD But I'd kinda locked myself into the baby chapter with the way the last chapter ended and the babies are born in September, so couldn't combine them into one chapter xD So consider next week's update just a bit of a belated Christmas present! And I'll say this about the next bonus chapter: It's gonna be pure crack xD Trust me, there will be no substance whatsoever, it's just mindless silliness and slightly scandalous and mildly salacious (but still 100% family friendly… ish... haha!). Basically, if PG horny hijinx doesn't interest you, you might wanna skip the next chapter xD You've been warned!
Thanks for reading, I super duper appreciate it! And an extra BIG thank you to those of you who’ve liked, reblogged, and followed so far, seeing those lil notifications always brings the biggest, goofiest smile to my face!
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A list of my favourite fictional grey characters (not in order) SPOILER ALERT!
Regina Mills (Once Upon A Time)
There is a reason why Regina is called «The Evil Queen» She was pure evil. A murderer, a kidnapper, a rapist, how could I like her? Well it wasnt before season 3 I started to like her. It took a lot of time. And I suppose I will never fully love her after she raped Graham for...years... and murdered people - children when she was a tiny bit frustrated. I would even say that she is irredeemable. And I thought her redemtion arc was unrealistic in the beginning, and for God’s sake, she should not have been crowned The Good Queen in season 7. But she tried to change so hard for Henry, she tried to redeem herself. Tried to be a good mother for a change. She saved multiple lives and souls. She didnt completely redeem herself, I must admit it. But she tried so hard and I feel like she deserves something from that. She eventually became a very good mother, even though it was a little late since Henry was already 12 when she became one. She was still a bitter bitch and blamed innocent people for unfortunate things that happened to her (Zelena, Mary Margaret, Emma) but by season 7, she became something more than that. She became half good. Grey. And even though she didnt completely redeem herself, she came close. Also, I love her sassy personality, she should be crowned The Sassy Queen, not The Good Queen.
Rumplestiltskin (Once Upon A Time)
The Dark One who after 7 seasons became one of the greatest heroes in OUAT. The man who was known as the village coward because he ran away from the Ogre War and was too afraid to fight for his wife became one of the bravest men. Like Regina, he was a murderer. He was super manipulative with all his deals and the «all magic comes with a price, dearie» thing. He manipulated people into getting themselves killed. Before he became The Dark One, he was a good man with a pure heart. But the power of the dagger took over him and his heart was all black. He was power sick. He always wanted power, but not for selfish reasons. He felt like he needed power to protect his son Bealfire/Neal and his wife Milah, but when he took that power, the darkness came over him and he, after time, became evil. It wasn’t before he met Belle French his heart showed a little bit of light. As he said, she was his light in an ocean of darkness. Their relationship was problematic and selfish in the beginning. He manipulated her into thinking he changed (which you know i detest *cough* James Potter) Rumple loved power more than he loved her, at least in season 4. He too often chose it over her, until season 6 when he started to properly redeem himself. His redemtion arc took over 300 years but it came in the end. His love for her changed A LOT. In the other seasons, his love was unhealthy and selfish. But in season 6 and 7, he changed a lot. This time it wasnt only for Belle, but Gideon too. They helped him let go of power and in season 7, he tried so hard to get rid of the dagger and the power so that he could live a normal life with his family. And after Belle died, he didn’t return to the dagger or the dark side. He helped the good side to defeat Drizella and the other villians in that season. He even became a father figure to Alice. And in the end he sacrificed himself to save Killian’s (Nook) life. And he got reunited with Belle. He is the most interesting character in OUAT, no doubt there.
Sawyer/James Ford (LOST)
Sawyer is without a doubt one of my fave characters from LOST (after Charlie and John) in his background, he was a thief and manipulated woman to believe he loved them, just to take all their money. (Maybe except Cassidy, since he fell in love with her later, but he still manipulated her AND got her pregnant) He’s a real asshole. Buuut - then he became an entirely different (and better) man. He meets Kate Austen and I feel like his love for her changes his character. In the beginning he was a bit of a perve with her (i mean, walking straight towards her completely naked...) he doesnt develope much in the 1 season, but later (beginning in the 3 season) he becomes quite selfless and protective. In season (was it 4? I dont quite remember) he falls in love again with Juliet Burke, and heeeeell, she was good for him. He also developes a nice relationship with Claire Littleton (platonic) he becomes protective of her. He attemts to comfort Hurley after Charlie’s death. In the rest of the seasons he is the born leader. He puts the team before himself (like when he sacrificed his chance to escape the Island) and in the paralell universe he is absolutely the best.
Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights)
Okay, no he’s not exactly a grey character since he’s a lot more dark than light, but I love him too much to not put him here. Differently from the other character I’ve mentioned above, Heathcliff doesnt have a redemtion. He died an awful person. He abused and manipulated a lot of people. Before he became this asshole, he was a much better person. He was an ass to those who deserved it (Hindley, That bitch deserved to die so young. Edward was a kind man, but I don’t like him, sooo... nevermind) The way he treated Isabella was sickening and awful, she had every right to leave him and take Linton away and hate him. I Don’t like Isabella, but she never deserved to be treated that way. His love for Cathy was unhealthy, but it was true and he would do so much for her. (They kinda remind me of Snily, so ofc I ship it) Heathcliff went through so much trauma in his life and never recovered. After Cathy died, he was practically dead too, then he killed himself years later. His life made me cry for days, especially the ending. He is such an interesting character with so many layers.
Ulrich Nielsen (Dark)
(Before I say anything, I haven’t finished the entire show yet, so this is gonna be short and probably not 100% correct)
To be honest, I don’t like Ulrich at all as a person. I look at him and I see a fully grown up man with no remorse for what he did to Regina as a teen. He cheated on his wife with a woman he didnt even love. He tried to murder a CHILD who hadnt done anything wrong (yet) because he thought he was going to kill his brother and son in the future (okay, i get why he did it. He was desperate to get Mikkel back and the whole time-tarvelig thing was extremely stressfull) BUT HE COULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING A LOT LESS HARMFULL TO PREVENT EVERYTHING TO HAPPEN. Despite this, i love him as a character. He is so interesting and there are times were I have to remind myself why i dont like him. He is brave and intelligent and... so fucking hot as a teen.
Hannah Kahnwald (Dark)
(Again, havent watched the whole show yet)
This girl is MESSED UP. When she was fourteen, she accused Ulrich of being a rapist, which is a very serious accusation and then blamed it on Regina who she knew was a victim of Ulrich and Katharina’s bullying. She is a home-wrecker, and when Katharina found out about Ulrich cheating on her with Hannah and confronted her, Hannah blamed it on Ulrich and said he pressed her and that she wanted it to end, but he refused or whatever, i dont 100% remember the conversation. But she was also a very good mother to Jonas and she was so sweet to Mikkel/Michael. She is a bitch, so much that its impossible to not like her.
Severus Snape (Harry Potter)
Saved the best one to last. The guy my whole account is about, ofc he’s on this list, and ofc this is gonna be the longest text.
This guy is a complete asshole. Always has been, always will be. He bullied Harry and Co (mostly Harry and Neville) he was a bitter and sarcastic bitch. He used to be a follower of Voldemort. Even in his youth he had a lot of flaws. We all know he became the bastard he was due to childhood trauma, mental illnesses and manipulation. I believe he had depression, grief and PTSD. At least in his 20’s he was suicidal, and I believe it remained like that til the day he died, because he had no one to help him or give him support. He turned to the dark side in an attemt to make his life better (as many members of gangs do) but he only stayed like that for two years, which is extremely impressive if you know what kind of person Voldemort is. As a 21 year old, Snape was a very different person from what he was as a 38 year old. If he was the way he was as a 38 yr old when Lily, James and Harry was in danger. First of all, he wouldnt start to try to save Lily by asking Voldemort, he would have went straight to Dumbledore, probably with his own brilliant plan on how to save them. Second, he wouldnt hesitate for a second to save James and Harry to. In canon, he needed to have a personal reason to save them, which was Lily’s feelings I believe. As a 38 yr old, he risked his life to save people he hated (Lupin) This is a great character developement. He went from being a selfish bitch, to become a selfless asshole. He was that kind of person who did anything in his power to protect someone, even if that person had nothing to do with winning the war and had nothing to gain himself.
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shesawriter39049 · 5 years
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Hoseoks’s kinda an entitled little shit
The OC is sassy AF...his mother would hate her..so she’s perfect!
He’s also smooth,and fine AF and he knows it...but so is she!
There’s not much of an age difference there both in there mid-late 20’s
Hoseok is first-generation Korean Amerian BTW New York-born and raised 
Jimin is Hoseok’s assistant so he will pop in and out of this
ABOUT- Hoseok is currently CEO of “Diamond Supply” a company within “Carbon Black INC“ which is a multi BILLION dollar company founded by Hoseok’s family and four others! The current CEO is Hoshi, which is not Hoseok’s father he’s actually the VP. Hoshi,doesn't have children and he needs to step down from his position. So over the next 6 months, there will be almost like an election period if you will, and the13 board members within the company will be tracking all four of the candidate's business and social stats with a fine-tooth comb. Prior to voting the next heir into his position as CEO of “Carbon Black Inc”!
That’s where Y/N comes in ...Hoseok has everything working in his favor expect the” Imagine” or at least the type that would appease there more “traditional” investors and board members. Y/N who works as a recruiter for Y.G.K. was initially hired to find him a “Sugar Baby” ! Someone to stand by his side and look pretty for the next 6 months to give him a more.”Settled down” image….Initially, that was the plan…..
WARNINGS: There’s just a lot of teasing and sexual tension in this one, light daddy kink reference, Hoseok is a whole dom,  it’s so clear there fucking next chapter lol…. 
Jimins Face alone already had you ready to barge in there before you wasted anymore of you clients time! Damn near throwing the phone at you , not even bothering to say hello in the process! You still couldn’t understand what the issue was, honestly, this was one of the simplest charts you’ve ever had, besides how obnoxiously specific the physical traits were ! It was 80% superficial, personality wise they didn't ask for much!  Just Someone who could take direction well,non-confrontational...submissive is actually what they noted ! Essentially a woman to say yes sir with no questions asked ,damn near wanting a puppet you could feed a script to! That’s exactly who she was ...basically a pretty cockatoo so why isn't this working?!
Yes, yes  you were eavesdropping on your clients “Interview”, and you had no shame,actually, this was Jimin’s idea he was just as annoyed by this shit as you where, the two of you had been going back and forth for damn near a month now! Practically besties at this point! Ariel, the girl currently sitting in Hoseok Jung’s office would be your fourth recruit. He’s rejected three! THREE! You've never had this happen...EVER..and you just can’t wrap your head around it, initially you thought he’d be your easiest client to place. He’s younger than most, richer than most..and more importantly finer than most, whoever landed this job wouldn't have to fake a damn thing! Yet, none of your picks worked..the last girl lasted 12 days...if the bitch would've just made it 2 more you would've gotten your bonus! Which meant you could have finally walked out of YSL, with your new crossbody you've been eyeing for the past 2 months! 
But no such luck, so here you were, sitting next to Jimin, eavesdropping praying for the best, honestly, things where going well..for all of, oh I don't know 5 minutes “Did she really just say her favorite Korean dish was sushi!?” Jimin’s eyes cut in your direction and you literally can’t even at this point. Placing your index and middle finger around the bridge of your nose because suddenly you had the worst headache of your life! “Lodrt” 
“Oh fuck meeeee” Whined from your lips in nothing but defeat, she couldn’t handle him if her life depended on it! Hoseok was far too quick, witty,sarcastic, charming from what you could tell, he didn't seem rude but you could tell he was very..intellectual...she wasn’t. She was young, nothing but arm candy, and he was eating her alive! Dropping your head down on the desk with a long sigh..already giving up, the feeling of Jimin’s hand soothing your shoulder as if he already knew...she was done! Back to the drawing board for the fifth time! 
It wasn’t even a full 10 second before you heard his door creek open, insitally shuffling behind a filing cabinet, as you didnt want to hurt her pride by letting her no you came! I mean, technically it’s not her fault, you don’t want your girls to fake something there not, the reason you get such high reviews is one of your main focus..outside of the aesthetic is the genuine compatibility! Clearly she and the other 3 girls didn't have it, but why couldn’t you read that prior to sending them? This is what you got paid to do, and your typically damn good at it, why wasn’t his chart giving you what you needed to properly satisfy him!?
“Fuck it…” Ripped from your throat as you sauntered into his office once you observed her step into the elevator, Jimin didn't even attempt to stop you. A smug smirk tugging on the corner of his lips as he awaited the results..the glint in his eyes indicating he already knew how this would play out! “Hoseok! We need to talk!” Blurted from your lips as you welcomed yourself into his office, as if you’ve known him for years, closing the door behind you, tossing your bag on his chasie. Hoseok didn't speak initially instead he just took his time,taking you in from head to toe, somewhat impressed actually. It’s not every day someone just barges into his office as if they own the place..now the real question is..who the hell are you?!
There was suddenly a look of nothing but pure mischief dancing along Hoseok's face as he observed you, only you were far too focused on your little spiel running through your head at the moment to notice! Swaying in his direction, in your oversized black blazer that you were currently wearing as a dress. Legs on full display as a pair of black strappy Giuseppe heels laced your feet, just enough cleavage peeking between the lapels to have him curious! Big vintage Chanel earrings dangle from your ears as you welcomed yourself to take a seat in front of his desk.The sweet, yet slightly husky scent of your perfume grace his nose, delicately crossing your legs, reclining into your seat.
“I’m sorry, would you prefer I call you Mr.Jung instead?” Cocking your head to the side slightly, the warm somewhat inviting tenor more than evident in our voice as you batted your lashes in his direction!, Still well aware of the power you possess in a situation like this and you weren’t afraid to use it in your favor! Hoseok was intrigued it didn't matter if it was solely physical, you had his undivided attention... and you planned to spend it wisely! 
A low chuckle rumpled in his chest as he took his own set, dusting his fingers through his dark mane of hair, that sat tousled on top of his head. Hoseok, had a slight undercut, which was lined to perfection..the top long enough where if he parted it to the middle you almost wouldn't know how nicely his sides where faded. The outline of his sideburns framed his disgustingly chiseled jaw to the Tee! A couple not so modest diamonds dusted his ears, fanning against his caramelized complexion. A burgundy paisley dress shirt, laid along his skin caressing every muscle on his body perfectly. Lips naturally pouty, forming almost a heart at their peak, sitting at the perfect shade of pink! 
“Hoseok, Mr.Jung is my father...and you are?” Brow quirked in curiosity, the base in his voice catching you off guard, so was his avid eye contact… but you were smoother than that, this wasn’t your first rodeo!
“I’m Y/N...the recruiter for Y.G.K-”
There was a dry scoff that left his lips at that, nothing subtle about the current disposition he had towards you and to be fair you couldn't blame him so you bit your tongue! “ I stopped in to see what the issue was, I've never had to place more than one girl...ever! Yet with you...she was my fourth..I just needed to see for myself where the disconnect was coming from…”
A low hum leaving his lips at that, appearing almost amused as he reclined in his seat  “And? Are you just here to waste more of my time or are you actually going to tell me what the issue is?” Flailing his hand in the air as if he’s already lost all patience for this conversation. The bite more than evident in his voice,clearly Hoseok’s a grade A smartass but again,in this situation you understood. So inteased of getting an attitude you took a deep breath..and answered the question nevertheless.
“Your charts the problem which is essentially my lifeline! I overheard part of the conversation with Ariel and your nothing like your stats, I'm assuming that’s probably your CEO persona... but not the person you are behind closed doors.  Which doesn't help me because my goal is to match you with someone who can handle the real you!” 
The low hum that fell from his lips almost had you hopeful, feeling as if he was starting to ease up a little and actually hear you out. You really where damn good at your job in this instance you were just fed bad information! “Hmm, I'm glad it took all of a month for us to realize this but yes, I agree with the fact that my “chart” as you like to call it was clearly total bullshit, and a waste of my time. You would have done better calling me instead of whatever generic Buzzfeed esque pick your match quiz you had us submit!” 
God he’s really, really, testing every negative ounce of patience running through your body, you could literally feel your jaw twitching “I wouldn’t say the questionnaire is the issue..more so the way it was filled out. It’s meant to be a tool to work in your favor, but you have to make it work” Pausing to lock your eyes with his, yet you knew what you were doing, you gaze was taunting, not angry, playfully challenging him at this point.  “I’m not here to argue, I'm here to sasifty…. so let me fix this.. I know your deal came with a specific deadline, If I’m not mistaken, we still have about a week left, that’s more than enough time for me to find you what you actually need!” 
An almost offensively loud groan left his lips at that, eyes rolling to the back of his head, the blatant disrespect had your nose scrunching into your face, brows furrowed “Excuse me? What do you mean “Mmmm”!?  I told you-” Now you were losing your patience..he’s officially pushed all of 2 of your buttons,and it took everything in you not to call him out of his name at this point! How dare he not take some accountability for the lack of effort he put into his personality chart even when you emphasize how important it is! Is he aware how much of YOUR times he;s wasted? The fact that you could’ve had these girls secured with other clients instead of also wasting there time!? No because all his spoiled ass can think about his himself! 
“Where the hell do you get off getting an attitude with me Y/N? None of this is my fault, I hired you because I didn't want to be involved,I have enough on my plate! We've been through damn near 20 pretty faces and-”
“Four! Hoseok, four!” The base suddenly hit your throat, you were starting to get defensive voice elevating ever so slightly “And again, did we not just establish that you, or your assistant or WHOEVER, screwed up your chart to begin with!? So how the hell-’
“Ohh so now we're playing the blame game? Reallll mature....Great save , oh I fucked up so let me blame my client, great customer service with that one!” The chuckle that left is throat was meant to sound taunting and it really fucking worked!
“It’s not the blame game, I’m just asking for a second chance to actually help you, you spoilt asshole! You just sat here and admitted you chart was total bullshit!” Abruptly rising from your chair, eyes narrowing in his direction, a second away from completely losing your shit  before you caught yourself! Yet, oddly enough so far he didn't even seem remotely fazed by your current disposition! 
“I have every right to be an asshole right now Y/N why the hell should I even trust you?! You knew going into this that ...we had a damn deadline and now we're damn near grazing it with the tip of our tongues…with zero results!” Now it was Hosoeks turn to loose his composure,voice dropping what felt like an entire octave suddenly rough and gritty the more he spoke. Which was actually really sexy but ...we’re going to try and ignore that for the time being! 
“What about that would make me want to even consider giving you another chance? Am I missing the part where you actually did what you were hired to do orrrr??”
“Oh for fucks sake, that's not my damn fault!” Yup, and there it goes again, all your self control ...Unintentionally stomping your foot against the floor as if you were almost having a temper tantrum.
“Awww, is baby whining now? Hmm? Is that your new tactic to try and get your way with me? ” Brow quirked in amusement, God you wanted to smack that smirk off his face. His tone was nothing short of condescending, though you found yourself more pissed at how good “Baby” sounds rolling off his tongue! Regardless of the context
“No I’m bitching which clearly you know a lot about since that’s all you've been doing since I got in here!!!” There was a sudden pause,a long one it was almost nauseating and it had you questioning if you'd finally crossed a line by saying that. You couldn't read the expression on his face right now, and that kinda scared you, so instead of just sitting in silence...
“ I place people based on the information I’m given, clearly we've never met so maybe if you actually put what you actually wanted we wouldn't have this damn issue to begin with! I gave you shallow and passive because that’s what you chart said you wanted.” Everything that radiated off your body was mounds calmer at this point, tone slightly tranquil “Your running out of time, and you need my help, I’m sorry we got off to a rocky start okay? Just... ...let.Me.Do.My.Job…”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to get you to do this entire time, do you think I want to sit here and play “ Are you smarter than a fifth grader” with these recruits? ! I didn't want to deal with this shit!I don't have time to deal with this shit!”  Throwing his solid gold pen across the desk, sliding back in his seat to hastily ruffle his fingers through his hair. To be honest it wasn’t Hoseok’s intentions to keep bantering back and forth like this, he was just stressed! He didn’t want to go this route to begin with so it’s not helping that it’s not flowing smoothly! 
“Great so it’s settled, you give me 48 hours and I'll find you perfect counterpart” Instantly turning around to head for your bag and see yourself out before the two of you were at each other's throats again. 
Stopping dead in your tracks, whipping your neck around so fast it almost looked painful!
 “What do you mean no!?” Why, why won’t he just let this go!?
“N.O. You CAN help but in a different way….” Rising from his seat slowly pouring himself a glass of Scotch which he inhaled before it even fully settled at the bottom of the glass. 
Brow arched in annoyance and curiosity 
“Clearly when this is left in your hands I get malibu barbie with an I.Q of negative six...so let me pick….”
“I- fuck, whatever, fine, I’ll send you my roster and-” Fine sure, why not...if that kept him happy and had you signing a contract and hopefully reciving your bouns for landing him a susscessful recruit then sure! Pick all damn day Hoseok! 
“I don't’ need it…”
“What?! I thought you wanted to pick?” 
“  I don’t want your damn roster, if you care so much about redeeming yourself and actually doing what I paid you to do...then give me your best player…”
“That was my plan but you just said you didn't want me to pick.” Geunilly confused at this point, the slight attitude wasn’t even intentional. 
“You can, as long as we're on the same page..”
“Which is what Hoseok? What?” Mentally exhausted was an understatement, if your pride wasn’t in the way you’d just leave...
“You.” The word left his lips so calmly it almost went over your head! 
“If you want the deal then the Y.G.K. recruit I want is you...or theres no deal…I don’t have time for these rookies you keep sending my way”  You screamed everything his mother would hate and he fucking loved it, it also didin’t hurt that you were fun to look at. You had one hell of a backbone, your whitty, determined,sassy ...everything he would've put on his chart if he actually made it himself! You haven’t taken your foot off his throat since you’ve walked in, Hosoek was always one for a good challenge, makes the word “Daddy” sound even better when it rolls off your tongue! 
“What!? I’m not even up for hire, I’m a recruiter Hoseok, not a damn sugar baby! You can’t just snap your fingers and think I’m hired” Arms crossed tight against your chest, though...the idea was far more tempting than you let on  you’ve damn sure missed this. 
“No disrespect, but for you to be a recruiter..that probably means you’d have to have some prior experience right? “ Brow quirked at the implied question that he already knew the answer to “I don’t care how rich someone is...there not just buying Snakeskin Hermes bags for any “average” woman now are they?!”Tone blatantly challenging you as his head flicked over to your bag that set on the leather chaise diagonal from him.
“Trust me baby, it didn't go over my head the way you finessed your way in here like you owned the place , you know what you have working for you and your damn good at using it in your favor! I’m not here to judge, I finesse millions out of people all damn day...weather it be with my skill or my charm, either way, I'm closing deals and that’s all that matters!” I wonder if Hoseok could also tell how weak your knees were getting the more he called you “Baby”! More importantly how caught off guard you were for him calling you out on your shit!
“I’m retired…” Fell from your lips, it was all you could think of your mind was frazzled right now, but it was a true statement, you had not been on that side of the fence in almost 2 years! 
“Yeah and so was Jay Z and yet we got a good 4 albums and a tour after that so what’s your point!?” 
“My point-”
“Name your price.”
“Your.Price.Y/N...Name.it...Tell daddy what you want” Smug, nothing but smug, Hoseok didn't even try to be discreet, he was living for his!
“$150K signing bonus off rip…” Thatta girl! Hosoek had you tripping over yourself for a moment, but the minute he said that he flipped a switch! 
You didin’t even know where that number came from..it was just like your body reacted on autopilot...he may be a total entitled smartass..but your not a damn fool. He’s right you got that bag because you are good at what you do, these sugardaddie’s aren't the only ones who know how to work there magic and get what they want. Your charm was deadly when need be, it takes a special kinda persona to finaness the “system” the way you do...or did I guess I should say! He wanted a price well...there ya go! 
The smirk that danced up his face was just as sexy as it was offensive “Right, so essentially what I just made on this deal I signed off on?” Cocking his head to the side slightly, tongue playing at the corner of his mouth “Done.” He was so nonchalant about this it was almost comical, you would have sworn you asked for a Big Mac or something! Tossing the contract aside as if it didn't mean shit, because it didn't you knew Hoseok's net worth! 
“I- you...what!? ” Did he really just agree that fast!? After you just yelled at him, and cussed him out!? 
Clearly he found your state of shock amusing a gritty chuckle rumbling in his chest as he poured himself another drink. “Don’t act surprised, you know you aren’t used to hearing the word no, which I can appreciate because neither am I!” 
“Why!? Why me, you don’t know shit about me, you could’ve easily had Ariel, or anybody else and none of them would have even cost you a fraction of that price!  Why are you so willing to pay me whatever the hell I want even after I failed to place someone else in the position?”Slowly sauntering over in his direction until you were so damn close to him your eyelashes could almost flutter against each other. “ And I dare you to tell me that your any different than any other man I've dealt with in you position. That your reasoning runs  ....deeper than you wanting to bend me over this damn desk” God, his lips were a problem, his damn jawline was a problem, why the hell did you get this close again!?
He didn’t respond right away, letting his eyes trace over every element on your face, and it took everything in you to pretend you knees weren’t caving in. Once his eyes landed on our lips, licking his in the process. Leaning forward, bracing his weight on the desk, hands resting on either side of you body as he hovered over you. Yet your stance never faltered he was challenging you ...AGAIN and There was no way in hell you’d show how consumed you were! Not when it was your decision to invade his personal space to begin with! The scent from his colgen filling your nose, having to physically remind yourself not to moan….. Hosoek knew exactly what he was doing, lips sitting slightly ajar, teasing you to arch up ever so slightly! You could damn near taste the liquor on his tongue...
“I’m a man, more importantly a man with damn good taste!  So yes, the idea of having you face down ass up sounds, sinfully appealing” Fuck your throat was dry as hell right now…”But no that’s not why I’m offering. Your not blind, clearly I dont need to pay for sex, I’m not some 60 year old man with a saggy ballsack so I’ll be frank with you! The contract has a deadline because so do I…” Now we're finally getting somewhere...
 “This was my families idea, hints all the confusion and my very short fuse, they want someone by my side as I embark on a new... Business venture. Clearly you can tell no one you’ve sent can even remotely stacks up to what I require in a partner, fake or not! I failed drama I don’t care how many cameras are in my face..I don’t act! Either I vibe with someone or I don’t..”
“We haven’t vibed Hoseok, we've argued! Since you think you can do my job better than I can...what's your rationale for pairing us together oh wise one!?” Nothing but sass dripped from your tongue at that...and he fucking loved it. The smirk that dance up hid lips said it all. A low hum fell from his lips as he leaned in, even closer, chest thumping so hard you questioned if he could even hear it. Fuck, you really wanted to grab him by the back of the neck and find out how good he tastes! 
“You tell me ...tell me what I need…” Something about his delivery had heat pooling between your thighs, voice getting dangerously low, and so where his eyes …”Since my charts fucked and your claiming that’s what screwed you up...tell me what I actually need…”
Clearing your throat slightly, trying to pull your shit together yet you didn't pull back from him, you didn't want to...you liked the intensity! If you were smart you’d disregard his question but, you felt like you needed to prove yourself….. 
“Someone to stimulate, and balance you out you mentally...” Purred from your lips earning a hum of approval, which , followed behind and confirmed every other bullet point …
“Someone well dressed..”
“Hmm…” - fuck he really needs to stop doing that
“ Cultured..”
“Mmm, keep going…” 
“Quick on her toes, Sar-”  A dramatic sigh leaving your chest at that, eyes rolling to the back of your head more times than  you could count once you realized what he was doing. Hoseok was having you describe yourself, because ideally, you were the type of woman you’d try and set him up with.
The level of smugness that danced along his lips proved he was proud of himself “And you were sayinggg???” Purposely Letting the last syllable roll off his tongue sing song like.
You should've realized this the minute you met him…. Hoseok only needed a “Sugar Baby” for the contrational purouses, the fact that once signed it’s the person's job is to be whatever he needs! That  type of control would allow his family to insure she's adding to whatever “Aesthetic” he needs for this business venture..it was purely about control! That’s the disconnect, his family wanted the pretty faced puppet that they can morph into whoever they wanted. And clearly that's the last quality Hoseok wants in a partner, even a fake one! Now it makes more sense why a man like him..would have even signed up for something like this! 
“I’m sayingggg...EVEN if I considered, and if I did it wouldn't have shit to do with you and everything to do with the money...there would be no contract because I’d get fired! I’m a recruiter Hoseok, I can’t use the information I get to look out for myself, that's the definition of conflict of interest. Once you find a girl we make a contract.. We get a monthly percentage of what you pay per outside of gifts and little bounces..there's no way they wouldn't know and-”
“So we cut Y.G.K out...“In all honesty, you haven't placed a girl yet, I’ll have Jimin write a very nice email, so it doesn't make you look bad. Will just say I’m going to try looking for love on my own or some bullshit! They’ve already made there fee to add me to the roster ...” Letting his gaze pry into yours only to snatch you by the throat “Then, me and you make our own contract...I’ll pay you directly...problem solved…” Hoseok was starting to work his own angle and you hated the knots forming in the pit of your stomach as he changed his entire vocal presentation. It was smoother, husker..slightly breathy..everything it needed to be to get you to say yes, but again you weren’t a rookie, you were still somewhat thinking clearly!
“No, not problem solved..what happens if pictures get out!? I’ve done my research, it’s a part of my job your Korea's resident bad boy..the press love to hate your ass over there! Yeah,granted I go to events that you’d probaly frequent and network or  whatever the fuck you wanna call it! But what happens if someone gets a pic of us in Malta or something!?” 
The slight shrug in arrgrence really didn't help … “See! You don’t stay with one person which is why I’m sure you got sucked into this..the minute were seen together more than twice it’s news! How the hell do I rationalize that!?” There was a sudden growl in your voice and you weren;t sure where it came from, maybe because you were slightly annoyed that the hustler side in you really wanted to say yes. Fuck rational, fuck how this would probaly all blow up...you missed getting paid to look cute! Maybe it was also because you really wanted him to bend you over and fuck the shit out of you on top of this desk…
“Then, will take it as it comes, I know that’s why you asked for a signing bonus..incase that happens and work finds out, or once this contracts over and we go our separate ways...so your not on your ass..your smart!”  A slight smile tugging on your lips because he’s right $150K is about three years pay...at Y.G.K before taxes ...enough where if something happens at least you wouldn't be royally fucked!
There was a beat of silence eyes searching his for all the answers...
“I’ll give you until midnight...if you think there's a recruit in your roster that can actually keep up, I’m open to it. But if not we will be respectfully parting ways with Y.G.K. it’s solely business.  I've actually already paid 2 other companies I just haven't used their services because I was trying to hold out for you...but were getting a little too close for comfort !” Pulling back from you painfully slow and it took everything in you not to chase after those pouty lips of his! 
Instinctively you reached up pulling him back by his silk tie “What are you actually looking for Hoseok?” You’d be lying if you said you weren’t intrigued, especially with the low growl slipped past his lips at the sudden tension pulling along his neck. An amused smirk forming yours “Hmm..someone likes pain I seee….” Tone blatantly flirtatious you licked your lips
“Hmm..someone likes to tease I see...” Mimicking your tone to a tee, you were so stupidly turned on and this was all your fault! The sudden shift wasn’t as discreet as you hoped either “Don’t play if you can't handle it baby…just because I’m younger than probably anyone you’ve delt with...that stll doesn't take the “Daddy” part out of the equation”  Oh fuck you! As if you ever even questioned that for a nanosecond!
“Answer. The.Question Mr. Jung…” Bounce back game sill on point, regardless of how your panties currently felt! 
“You just said it... everything that’s NOT on my chart. I don't want some young bright eyed, bushy tailed girl who will cry everytime I take her to Chanel...or someone I have to order for at every damn restaurant. That's not for me...I dont have the want to desire for that. Like I said I don't have an issue getting laid this contract was never sexual for me it’s a…”Aestheic” if you will…” He was clearly being very selective about how much he told you about this job...which only had you gears turning, creating your own scenarios as we speak.
“I personally didn't want “This” to begin with but if I have to do it, even if it’s only for 6 months..I want it to be with someone I can actually tolerate. “ At least you could respect his honesty…he’s not desperate, nor is he begging, he’s just simply saying he doesn't have problem paying for quality! Especially if it’s going to make his life easier, either way he’s entering a contract that’s going to cost him money, why not pay top dollar for the premium package then?!
“Someone to look good on my arm at events, but also be able to hold her own if a mic gets pointed in her face, someone to stand next to me at board meetings. Attend gallas, charity events, company parties and just look like the, supportive partner that all the other men within my brigade have. And of course the fun part...because none of that shit’s fun, so whoever she is, she deserves to be spoiled.Wined and dined, shopping sprees, spontaneous trips to London, Pars, Spain,  I live multi coastal so that’s always fun! All the perks your use too only I’m not expecting you to fuck me...if it happens... it happens ...”
A low hum leaving your lips at that, gazing up at him through your full set of lashes...“If you keep looking at me like you already want me to bend you over this desk, were going to have some problems…” 
“You sure I actually even really want that?” Trickling your fingers up his chest “As you said, clearly I’m damn good at my job…” A subtle wink flutter in his direction earning a slow nod that essentially read “Touche” 
“True, but your eyes have been pacing between my jawline and my lips the entire time you've been in here…” Reaching up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear and it took everything in you not to lean into the contact. “Now if you excuse me, I have a very tedious conference call to get ready for, get my personal email from Jimin on your way out. Send your picks to me directly and will go from there…”  Swiftly returning his gaze back to the stack of papers on his desk, it’s not even a full 20 seconds before his phone's ringing and Hoseok’s groaning!
“Mr. Zyang, how are you? How’s Linda?” Smiling from ear to ear as if the person on the other end could see him, charm on full blast! Shifting the bottom end of the phone away from his lips so he could whisper “I gotta go, get my number from Jimin, will talk tonight” His eyes were reading a little different right now, they were softer and you were turning into putty! 
A slight smile tugging on your lips as you swayed past him, you could feel his eyes burning straight through as you walked, grabbing your bag off the chaise. Not even giving him the satisfaction of looking back at him before you exited the room. You knew he was waiting for it too, just so damn sure you needed one last look at him, which honestly you did…
Feeling a little more than accomplished that you didn't cave like you thought you would, seeming to remind yourself that at the end of the day..this was solely business! A permanent smile engraved on your cheeks as you closed the door behind you.
“SOOOOOOOOOO!? You were in there long enough! What’s the game plan!?”
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anastasiaskarsgard · 4 years
Can you pick 3 Bill characters and describe their first big fight with their significant other? Please👯‍♂️💃🏽🦊🐨🐩
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Mark: what are you doing?
Mark: where are you?
Mark: you’re really gonna play games and ignore me? Fine. Game on.
2 hours later
Jen: you are so crazy baby! I was taking a nap and my phone died. What you doing?
Jen: Mark! My lover bear? Where is you?
Jen: ok you taught me my lesson, I miss you. Talk to me
Mark: ...
Jen: what’s that supposed to mean?
Mark: you need a new boyfriend girl. I just sucked your mans dick and he never said anything about you so just thought I’d give you a heads up. He In the bathroom so I’m gonna delete this message cuz I ain’t trying to have him beat my ass.
Jen felt as though she’d been slapped in the face. She didn’t know what to do. She felt angry, confused, helpless, but mostly she just felt sad. How could he? Everything had been going so great! She takes a nap and all of a sudden he’s getting his dick sucked.
Just then her phone dinged.
Mark: ugh. Sorry baby, I went over to Matt’s house and Lily was there, being a fucking brat.
Jen: fuck you, you fucking fuck! I hope it was worth it. I’ll NEVER touch you again so long as I live
Jen: I’m blocking your number and social media. Goodbye
Mark: wtf??????!!!!!!
Jen blocked his number in her phone, and then went on every app she had and blocked him there as well. Just as she was trying to figure out blocking him on Pinterest, the doorbell rang.
She tried to remember if she locked the door, but soon found the answer when she heard the door burst open, and heard someone marching up the stairs. Her bedroom door flew open revealing a very pissed off Mark.
She was a tad self conscious sitting there in her yoga pants, and his t shirt he’d left over there. Her face was all puffy and she had tears and boogers down her face. As soon as he realized this, his face grew confused and full of concern.
He stood there a moment, unsure of what to do. He’d been expecting another guy there or her just being a bitch, but he’d never have guessed he’d be met with such a pitiful sight.
“Baby,” he said softly, “why are you like this? What’s wrong baby girl?”
“I-I” she couldn’t get words out, so she hid her face in her pillow and cried. Body shaking from her hysterical crying, she felt a light touch on her shoulder, and she saw RED. Snapping her head up and meeting his concerned eyes, she screamed, “DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH ME! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO SO! YOU GAVE UP THAT RIGHT WHEN WHATEVER WHORE YOU WERE WITH PUT YOUR FUCKING NASTY DICK, IN HER DIRTY MOUTH!”
“You can’t even be honest. The girl texted me from your phone for fucks sake.” She wailed, throwing her phone at him.
Mark caught the phone, with the most befuddled look on his face. He looked down at the phone and read thru the messages. He pulled his phone out and looked at it, racking his brain how this happened. Then she could see it dawn on him. He was so easy to read and it made her more sad for some reason.
“Baby listen, I think my ex did this. Let me prove it, give me a chance. Please?” He pleaded.
Jen thought it over, but she knew she loved Mark and this actually was a perfect way to get rid of his ex completely. She made up her mind. “I believe you but there’s a condition.”
“Name it.”
“Block her on everything and never speak to her again.”
“Done.” He said as he started to go through his phone.
Henry Pearl
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All day she’d been moody. There really wasn’t any good reason for it either. In the beginning, he’d found her hissy fits and sassy attitude endearing, but it was starting to lose some of its charm. He still tried to let it slide, and just avoid her as much as possible, without seeming rude until she went too far.
“Baby, I’m gonna go run to the store. You need anything?” Henry called upstairs since she had refused to leave their room.
“A new boyfriend would be nice,” she yelled down to him.
That was it for Henry, and he flew up the stairs, and burst through the door, startling her so bad she dropped her phone. She looked down at the phone, and then shot an accusing glare at Henry. “You’re lucky it’s not broken.” She sneered.
“Or what? What the fuck is your problem?” Henry spit at her.
She looked stunned a moment, but quickly recovered and resumed her unpleasant glare, “someone is feeling touchy.”
“You can’t just treat me like shit all fucking day, for no god damn reason and expect me to just take it. I’m sick of it, and I don’t understand what you have to be mad about all the time.”
She rolled her eyes and walked into the bathroom.
Henry stood there a moment waiting for her to come back out, but when he heard the shower start he knew what he had to do.
Henry had been doing a lot of soul searching lately, and had come to the conclusion that he didn’t love his girlfriend. He had been impressed with her beauty and allowed her to treat him poorly because his low self esteem. She didn’t respect him, and at first he accepted it because he didn’t think he deserved any. He’d been so flattered, this gorgeous woman that men ogled over, found him appealing, he’d overlooked little things like respect and personality.
He grabbed his suitcase and began packing his things. She took forever to get ready, so he had time. He was now relieved he had been “stuck” with his apartment, when they wouldn’t allow him to break the lease last month. Luckily, he hadn’t moved much more than clothing and toiletries over. He’d leave them behind, rather than go in that bathroom, and see her naked and lose his resolve.
He got out a notebook and wrote her a note, so she was aware what was up. It said the following;
You’ll have to forgive me for not finding you a guy to replace me, but I’m sure you won’t have too much trouble. You’re one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen after all.
I just can’t fucking stand you.
I got my stuff. If there’s anything else, donate it or burn it. I don’t care. There’s nothing I own, worth hearing your mouth again over.
To his surprise she called several times, and even came pounding on his door. He finally opened it late one night, more for fear of her waking his neighbors, than actually wanting to see her.
When he opened the door, he was taken aback by how bad she looked. Her eyes were red and swollen with eye make up running. Her hair was in a messy bun that wasn’t messy on purpose. Her clothes were rumpled and most likely a few days old. She never went out looking less than immaculate, so her appearance was startling.
She looked up at him pitifully and sniffed her nose, as she wiped her nose with the back of her hand. “I’m gross. I miss you, but I’m gross.”
Henry looked at her for a moment, and couldn’t help but wrap her in his arms and kiss her hair, as he pulled her inside. He shooshed her, as she started to protest, claiming she was gross and ugly and she only wanted to see him one more time.
He looked down at her Tear stained face, and disheveled appearance and smiled warmly when their eyes met. “I don’t think you’ve ever looked as beautiful as you do right now.”
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“Babe! Where are my new sunglasses?” Mickey yells through their apartment.
“In the car in the glove box!” His girlfriend yells back.
“Ok thank you! Where are my cigarettes?” He added.
“On the counter.”
Mickey looks but can’t find them. “I don’t see them.”
She marches out and moves the car keys, which weren’t even hiding the cigs, “I swear you’re blind.”
He smiles sheepishly, and shrugs his shoulders. She rolls her eyes and goes back to the bedroom.
“Baby? Where’s my lighter?” Mickey asks after looking all over the counter, even moving stuff.
“Out on the balcony.”
“Ok.” Mickey responds as he goes out and smokes a cig. He comes back in and can’t find his keys. “Babe where did you put my keys?”
Mickey stands there stunned. He can’t believe she said that. Shock quickly turns to anger. “You know what? FUCK YOU! Give me my keys, so I can leave!”
“Find your own fucking keys and then I don’t care what you do!”
Mickey storms into bedroom. “You don’t care? You don’t care what I do now?”
“Nope” she states, popping the p, and turning her back to him.
“You sure you don’t care?” He growls in her ear, as he wraps his arms around her and grinds up against her.
In spite of herself, she releases a moan, “I thought you were leaving?” She whimpers.
“I’ll leave when I’m good and ready, but first I think I need to fuck you stupid...”
“Is that your excuse?”
Mickey stills and then picks her up and tosses her on the bed. “You sure got a bad mouth. Good thing I know just what to put in it.”
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scnsualitii · 4 years
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˙ ˖ ✧  did  you  see  violet  savage  checking  into  villa  20  ?  the  22  year  old  trust  fund  baby  checked  in  on  january  14th  ,  and  has  the  reputation  of  being  alluring  +  impatient  .  they  are  bisexual  and  have  listed  daddy  kink  +  rough  sex  as  their  top  turn  ons  — jennie  kim  , cis  female  ,  she  /  her 
full name: violet savage
dob / age: november 1st // twenty-two ( 22 )
pob: manhattan, ny
sexual orientation: bisexual
relationship status: single
kinks: daddy kink, marking, oral sex ( giving & receiving ), dirty talk, rough sex, hair pulling, lingerie
anti kinks: water sports, blood, scat, pet play, gore, extreme pain, age play
occupation: trust fund baby
3 favorite things: iced americano, rainy days, dancing
3 things he hates: people who preach about certain things in his life, being late, & small spaces
positive traits: ambitious, adroit, & sassy
negative traits: vain, entitled, & possessive
aesthetics: long baths with rose petals, red lipstick marks on stranger’s collars, black lace, heels clicking on marble floors, mischievous smiles, champagne spilling over the flute, winged eyeliner goddess, the blinding shutter of flashbulbs, legacy and expectations carried in small, un-calloused hands, slender shoulders peeking from behind the curtain of softly waving hair, instagram lover, good liar, lingering touches, a little territorial, perfectly manicured nails, strawberry chapstick to keep their partner wanting more, hickey adorning her skin, rose pedals scattered along their body, a fortune cinched in a diamond noose around a slender throat, the fragile neck of a champagne flute held precariously between manicured fingers, off the shoulder top, iced almond milk, honeycomb, silk dresses, dusty rose lipstick, photos taken in the golden hour, rumpled bedsheets, rain on windows, fairy lights, stars, & marionberries.
everyone  meet  the  hot  mess  violet savage  is  .
when  people  hear  the  name  savage  ,  they  instantly  think  of  fortune  and  big  parties  .  and  well  …  they  aren’t  wrong  because  they  are  known  for  the  hotels  they  own  and  also  having  their  own  line  of  perfumes
so  violet  was  born  in  a  family  who  comes  from  old  money,  and  to  say  that  she  is  used  to  get  everything  she  wants  would  be  an  understatement
growing  up  ,  it  was  enough  for  her  to  smile  prettily  and  well…  bat  her  cartoon  eyes  and  people  would  already  be  on  their  knees  for  her  (  more  or  less  )
because  her  mother  is  an  well-known  actress,  little  v  herself  took  a  few  roles  as  a  child,  playing  in  a  few  movies  and  tv  shows  here  and  there,  but  her  main  focus  was  her  modelling  career
however  ,  she  has  a  tiny  ,  little  secret  ,,,  johnathan  savage  ,  the  man  she  considers  father  ,  is  not  actually  her  father  .  after  marrying  him  ,  during  one  of  the  parties  they  threw  ,  violet’s  mother  got  drunk  enough  to  sleep  with  someone  else  .  and  so  ,  she  got  knocked  up  and  kept  the  baby  ,  otherwise  we  wouldn’t  be  talking  about  vi  in  the  first  place
no  one  knows  about  this  ,  not  even  violet  herself  is  supposed  to  know  ,  but  she  came  across  of  one  of  her  mother’s  journals  and  that’s  how  she  found  out  so  now  she’s  trying  to  deal  with  the  aftermath  of  finding  that  her  whole  life  can  be  destroyed  if  someone  finds  out  about  that
it  was  a  shock  for  her  ,  which  made  her  put  everything  on  hold  --- -  from  studies  to  work  and  to  take  a  long  vacation  ,  cue  her  presence  at  the  resort
if  you  need  a  character  parallel  for  vi  ,  think  blair  waldorf  but  more  nice  that  blair  was  ,  tbh  .  as  in  ,  she  would  never  stab  her  bestfriend  in  the  back  kind  of  nice  jhdbvjdvb
that  doesn’t  mean  she’s  an  angel,  no  .  she  can  be  pretty  manipulative  and  ruthless  when  she’s  provoked  ,  even  more  so  if  she  thinks  someone  wasn’t  fair  to  her  or  if  her  friends  are  being  mistreated
and  despite  the  spoiled  rich  bitch  attitude  she  has  ,  violet savage  would  do  anything  for  the  people  she  cares  about  ,  but  also  would  fuck  your  life  up  if  you  piss  her  off
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minhomas-tmr · 5 years
The Stars don’t know Shit, my Friend - Chapter 4
Warning: Angst if you sqint & Smutt
After the long massage that made him feel boneless afterwards, they lay there for a while, Thomas tucked against Minho, head resting under his chin. Minho had positioned them so Thomas was the little spoon, body completely bare when he took the shirt off without being prompted; greedy for Minho’s fingers on his skin. He must have dosed off at some point, because a faint sound of something rustling woke him up. Minho was awake and not only that, he was pressing soft kisses all over him. Thomas smiled lazily, until his sleep hazed mind registered the rough material against his skin. A blush coloured his cheeks immediately; Minho this entire time hadn’t removed a single piece of clothing. Thomas had never felt so exposed before but also unbelievably turned on, cock arching up begging to be touched. Like he could read his mind, Minho reached over his hip and began jacking it slowly. Thomas squirmed against him and gasped as his ass brushed against Minho’s pants again. “Minho…” Thomas whined. “Stop it.” “Really? ‘cause it seems like you want more.” He was right of course. Sometimes it felt like Minho knew his body better than he himself did, playing it like a finely tuned instrument. Denied for so long, Thomas couldn’t help bucking his hips into Minho’s fist around his cock but by doing that, he pushed his sore ass into the coarse fabric. The pleasure pain mix only heightened everything and in no time at all, Thomas shuddered as he came hard. It took longer than he thought to get his breathing even. Feeling wrung out, Thomas flopped on other his side so he was facing Minho, “You let me come,” he murmured surprised. “I said no fucking, nothing about not cumming,” Minho kissed his nose, nuzzling it with his own. Minho was always super cuddly after they did this. It was also the reason he’d been distant, confused at what was ‘aftercare’ and what was just them… He didn’t want to overstep, didn’t want Minho to think he was clingy. Lost it thought, Thomas didn’t realize Minho was talking to him until the Slytherin cupped his cheek, voice laced with worry. “Sorry, what was that?” Minho sighed loudly with relief. “What?” “You were under a lot longer than I thought. Kind of went in and out of it,” Minho sat against the wooden headboard, looking down at his fidgeting hands. “Was it too much?” Minho was nervous, Thomas realized. There was real worry there, a deep frown on Minho’s face. It was as endearing as it was unnecessary. Still he was careful in his actions, crawling up to straddle Minho’s lap, nothing remotely sensual about the movement. That wasn’t the goal afterall, comforting Minho was. Despite that, Minho’s shoulders remained tight and only then did Thomas realize he was shirtless too. Must have taken it off while the Ravenclaw was asleep. He took Minho’s arms just laying limply on either side and led the older boy to wrap them around Thomas’ waist. With his own hands, he made Minho look up before placing a light kiss on his lips, fingers moving to trail along the shoulders, adding some pressure to coax those tight muscles to relax which they did eventually. “It was wonderful, Minho. Hardest I’ve ever come,” he said while between words, peppered soft kisses on Minho’s cheek, then chin, along his jaw. Only when his kisses trailed to Minho’s collarbones, did the Slytherin speak. “Except that one time in the library…” Thomas straightened up, smiling wide at Minho, who returned it. There he was, that sassy fucker. “You were so good then too. And Pince was right there.” “Shut up,” Thomas mumbled cheeks colouring, remembering how hard it was to keep quiet because Minho had kept him on edge, knowing it’d be hell if they were found. Stiil, it held its position at top two in his wankbank. “If I’d known you had an exhibitionist kink, shit we missed out on so many opportunities,” Minho was smirking now. “We should revisit that.” “Since you’re feeling better now..” Thomas grumbled as he tried getting off Minho, but was stopped. “Hey. I’m sorry I couldn’t help it, you just look so cute when you blush. Stay, please.” —   Minho was surprised by Thomas’ surprise, like it was such a novel concept that Minho would want him around longer. Like he hadn’t been trying to get Thomas to stick around. Like he hadn’t— Stop it, he told himself and breathed out slowly as Thomas moved to grab the comfy pants at the end of the bed and did some weird—and unnecessary might he add—acrobatics to reach his shirt on the ground, before putting them both on. “You too,” Thomas said to him. Minho turned a questioning look on him until he noticed his own shirt in Thomas’ hands. “Why? You’re the one who’s leaving,” Minho fought not to cross his arms defensively, but a little of that bled into his tone.   “You want me to leave?” Thomas looked so uncertain in that moment, and Minho was just done. A humourless laugh bubbling in his throat, Minho said, “I always want you to stay, you idiot! You’re the one who packs up first. Always.” Thomas’ hesitant face at his words, morphed into confusion and then anger. Pointing an accusing finger at Minho, he stood, “Well, that’s your own fault!” “My fault?” Minho scoffed, also standing. “Yeah!! I mean maybe if you told me when aftercare stops and ‘just us’ starts, I wouldn’t feel like I was overstepping!” Thomas shot back. “And maybe every time you wanna ‘hang out’, that means you actually want to hang out!” “You’re kidding me, right? I asked you out to frikkin’ Hogsmeade, Thomas! You can’t be that oblivious and you had to know how I would feel tonight. Newt invited you for me! So I could kiss you in public, without you freaking out about it and then you go and kiss everyone else!” Minho’s shouting now, but he can’t seem to stop, all his frustrations pouring out at once. “All those people kissing you tonight, I was so fucking angry okay and I’m well aware that you are familiar with the word no. You use it enough with me. All. The. Damn. Time!”   “Oh.” “Really?” Minho snarked. “That’s all you have to say??” “How was I supposed to know, Minho?” Thomas’ tone turned softer. “You only made rules for when I got the itch, like you call it. To ask for it.” He dropped his gaze and stared at his hands, “I didn’t have that itch. I just wanted to see you. You, you. Not this you..” he gestured to the rumpled sheets on the bed. “Oh.” Now Minho was the one with one word answers. Thomas didn’t comment on it however, and kept talking in line with his earlier statement. “I’m not lying when I say I like it. I like the marks you leave because it’s like a comfort, you know? Like you're there..even when you're not there,” Thomas fingered the bruised wrists, and only then did Minho realize they were still present. Ties didn’t create deep indents like how ropes did, which meant Thomas tugged on them hard on purpose. Shit. “So what are you saying?” Minho asked softly as he approached Thomas. “I was angry too out there, you know? And you’re a possessive bastard, Minho, so yeah. I was doing it on purpose, ‘cause I knew that would be the only way you’d come to me.” “I thought that’s what you wanted. I mean, the only thing you wanted.” “Well, it’s not,” “So what now? Are we openly dating?” he paused, “Do you even want to date me?” Minho asked hesitant. Thomas huffed exasperatedly, which made Minho smile. “So?” “I’ve only come out to one friend, so no I don’t think I’m ready for coming out to the school. I’d like to tell my family before I come out to Teresa. I just know she’d be a bitch about it and owl them, making it into a bigger mess than it needs to. This is my life you know? I hardly think the world needs be informed about it.” “Okay,” Minho nodded. He was disappointed sure, but he didn’t want to pressure Thomas into doing something he was not ready for yet.   “I want to be your boyfriend though,” Thomas said shyly, looking up at him through his lashes. Minho couldn’t help himself, he tugged Thomas flush against him and captured his mouth to kiss him deeply. Parting from the early kisses Thomas easily gave up, Minho spoke, “Do you know what we’re going to do now?” “What?” Thomas rasped. God, he was so sexy. “We’re going to join the party and every damn time a girl tries to grab your attention, you’re going to say what to those people?” “No.” Thomas whispered smiling. “Count them okay?” “What are you going to do?” “I’ll be around,” Minho said mischievously. “Minho!!” Thomas whined, pouting cutely as Minho pulled him towards the wall they appeared from, pressing his palm against it. “Tell me!” “Let’s just say…we’ll be using that kink of yours,” is the only thing Minho offered, before pushing Thomas through the magicked wall.
A/N: More sexy times ahead!! Thinking I have maybe 2 more chapters to dole out? Hope you liked, cheers~nenz
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lvstiism · 4 years
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❛  jennie  kim  ,  21  ,  cisfemale  , she/her  ❜  was  that  katherine  ‘kitty’  song  i  just  saw  hurrying  across  the  quad  ?  you’d  think  they  would  know  what  happens  when  a  sophomore  is  late  to  class .  then  again ,  the  fashion  &  theatre  major  has  been  known  to  be  pretty  vain  .  maybe  being  so  ambitious  helps  keep  them  out  of  trouble  .  i  heard  that  they  are  bisexual  and  love  daddy  kink  +  dirty  talk  .
full name: katherine ‘kitty’ song
dob / age: november 1st // twenty-two ( 22 )
pob: manhattan, ny
sexual orientation: bisexual
relationship status: single
kinks: daddy kink, marking, oral sex ( giving & receiving ), dirty talk, rough sex, hair pulling, lingerie
anti kinks: water sports, blood, scat, pet play, gore, extreme pain, age play
occupation: student
3 favorite things: iced americano, rainy days, dancing
3 things he hates: people who preach about certain things in his life, being late, & small spaces
positive traits: ambitious, adroit, & sassy
negative traits: vain, entitled, & possessive
aesthetics: long baths with rose petals, red lipstick marks on stranger’s collars, black lace, heels clicking on marble floors, mischievous smiles, champagne spilling over the flute, winged eyeliner goddess, the blinding shutter of flashbulbs, legacy and expectations carried in small, un-calloused hands, slender shoulders peeking from behind the curtain of softly waving hair, instagram lover, good liar, lingering touches, a little territorial, perfectly manicured nails, strawberry chapstick to keep their partner wanting more, hickey adorning her skin, rose pedals scattered along their body, a fortune cinched in a diamond noose around a slender throat, the fragile neck of a champagne flute held precariously between manicured fingers, off the shoulder top, iced almond milk, honeycomb, silk dresses, dusty rose lipstick, photos taken in the golden hour, rumpled bedsheets, rain on windows, fairy lights, stars, & marionberries.
everyone  meet  the  hot  mess  katherine  ‘kitty’  song  is  .
when  people  hear  the  name  song  ,  they  instantly  think  of  fortune  and  big  parties  .  and  well  …  they  aren’t  wrong  because  they  are  known  for  the  hotels  they  own  and  also  having  their  own  line  of  perfumes
so  kitty  was  born  in  a  family  who  comes  from  old  money,  and  to  say  that  she  is  used  to  get  everything  she  wants  would  be  an  understatement
growing  up  ,  it  was  enough  for  her  to  smile  prettily  and  well…  bat  her  cartoon  eyes  and  people  would  already  be  on  their  knees  for  her  (  more  or  less  )
because  her  mother  is  an  well-known  actress,  little  kitty  herself  took  a  few  roles  as  a  child,  playing  in  a  few  movies  and  tv  shows  here  and  there,  but  her  main  focus  was  her  modelling  career  (  think  of  ella  gross  tbh  )
however  ,  she  has  a  tiny  ,  little  secret  ,,,  johnathan  song  ,  the  man  she  considers  father  ,  is  not  actually  her  father  .  after  marrying  him  ,  during  one  of  the  parties  they  threw  ,  kitty’s  mother  got  drunk  enough  to  sleep  with  someone  else  .  and  so  ,  she  got  knocked  up  and  kept  the  baby  ,  otherwise  we  wouldn’t  be  talking  about  katherine  in  the  first  place
no  one  knows  about  this  ,  not  even  kitty  is  supposed  to  know  ,  but  she  came  across  of  one  of  her  mother’s  journals  and  that’s  how  she  found  out  so  now  she’s  trying  to  deal  with  the  aftermath  of  finding  that  her  whole  life  can  be  destroyed  if  someone  finds  out  about  that
if  you  need  a  character  parallel  for  kitty  ,  think  blair  waldorf  but  more  nice  that  blair  was  ,  tbh  .  as  in  ,  she  would  never  stab  her  bestfriend  in  the  back  kind  of  nice  jhdbvjdvb
that  doesn’t  mean  she’s  an  angel,  no  .  she  can  be  pretty  manipulative  and  ruthless  when  she’s  provoked  ,  even  more  so  if  she  thinks  someone  wasn’t  fair  to  her  or  if  her  friends  are  being  mistreated
and  despite  the  spoiled  rich  bitch  attitude  she  has  ,  kitty  song  would  do  anything  for  the  people  she  cares  about  ,  but  also  would  fuck  your  life  up  if  you  piss  her  off
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My OUAT Rewatch -- S3E1 -- The Heart of the Truest Believer
Link to Rewatch Review and Ranking archive
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Ah yes, the introduction of Goldstiltskin.  You know – for any flaws that this season might have – THIS RIGHT HERE was worth all of them.  
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You sexy, sassy bastard.  The only bad thing about this episode … . 
I’ll be honest here – I went into this season hopeful.  I liked S1 and S2.  I really got active in fandom at the end of S2.  And I was not yet aware of what a couple of hack assholes Frick and Frack were, and the lengths they’d go to in order to fridge Belle over and fucking over again.
I mean – I GET why she wasn’t in this episode.  Doesn’t mean I have to LIKE IT.
I also get why Belle couldn’t go on the boat.  Because they wouldn’t have spent a whole week walking in circles if she had been there.  This would have been a one episode arc.  
But there was lots of good about this one:
Emma getting REAL with her doe-eyed parents
Regina and Snow fighting
The “filet the bitch!” line from Regina has always been a personal favorite of mine
Did I mention Goldstiltskin?
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Aside from the hotness that is Robert Carlyle, the other moment that gives me chills is this one:
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I have to admit – Robbie Kay was mesmerizing as Pan.  Amazing actor, perfect casting, and that ending there still blows me away.  
Other highlights:  
Neal and Mulan scenes were fantastic
Neal talking about Rumple marking his height on his cane – just murder me, why don’t you!
Robin Hood believing who Neal is immediately, being the Dark One’s son, because seriously – who’d admit to THAT if it wasn’t true?
So I bet you’re sitting here going … . . oh come ON, we know the bitching is coming!  You’ve got to have more to complain about than “no Belle,” to which I reply … 
Not really.
I mean – Hook waxing poetic about his supposed friendship with Baelfire was a reeking mess of retcon, PAINFULLY obvious when you watch the S2 finale the day before you watch this one, and don’t have 4 months to have forgotten the shit that Hook did to the kid.  So that was annoying.  But I’m annoyed by Hook in general, so this is really nothing new.  
This was a good episode.  There, I said it.
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Oh, also this – yeah, didn’t really care.  I know this wasn’t the ACTUAL story that she and Greg were meant for but – eh.  Bye.  
Points tally:
40 points to start
Only going to deduct 5 points for Belle not being in this one, and I’m not deducting any for Hook’s presence.  Yet.
Adding full 25 bonus points.  
Total points: 60
Follow #celtichearted OUAT ranking tag for more to come!
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The fact that belle has a book with a record of every magical item in the kingdom gives me. ✨️ideas.✨️
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Pft I married a man who makes deals. Fuck you.
Said in the same vein as someone whose husband was a mechanic lol.
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Belle don't even lie. When it comes to your baby you'd murder someone.
At least that's how I imagine I'll be.
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That mannequin is horrifying.
"YOu ThInK I HaVe ThIs bOoK bEcAuSE I LIKE iT?"
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Why do you defend him?
He kidnapped you and made you a servant.
Bitch she left on her own. She decides her fate.
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Good old belle, you always did have a soft spot for a monster.
Feeling called out with that one.
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There are loopholes everywhere belle.
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I really want to be that man for you. Just not today.
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Hell yeah belle!
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Beasts are better babes.
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theonceoverthinker · 5 years
OUAT 3X16 - It’s Not Easy Being Green
So, jealousy doesn’t transform Zelena into as much of a green eyed monster as it does a green DYED monster! XD
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Who’s ready for the next review? Hopefully you are, so let’s jump right to it!
Press Release
With Rumplestiltskin as her slave, Zelena challenges Regina to a fight to the death and shocks the Evil queen with the reveal of their familial connection, and the town lays Neal to rest. Meanwhile, back in the past in the land of Oz, a jealous Zelena asks the Wizard to send her to Fairy Tale Land after discovering that she has a sister, Regina, and that Rumplestiltskin is training her to become a powerful force to be reckoned with.
Main Thoughts - Characters/Stories/Themes and Their Effectiveness
Before we start, I have to say this: I hate the placement of this flashback. Zelena acts WAY too wicked and mean in the present segment for this flashback to give her the sympathy that the narrative is asking it to. She openly pokes Rumple over Neal’s death in such a cruel way (The entire segment happening right after Neal dies), goes after Regina, and is just the worst. I don’t know if they should’ve exchanged this flashback with the one from “Witch Hunt” or “Bleeding Through,” but the placement here makes the segment struggle to do what it wants to. It ends up hurting the present segment because there are characters who make jabs at Zelena being abandoned that are supposed to hurt, but don’t. Look, I feel for abandoned characters, but when I heard Rumple and Regina making jabs at Zelena in this episode about it, my response was “YOU TELL HER!”
I also feel like Zelena’s jealousy is just too much. The pacing for this segment just goes from 0 to 80 in a millisecond! And I get that OUAT characters are exaggerated and hammy and normally, I’m all for that. But this is supposed to be a humanizing character and a humanizing flashback and she has more in common here with Cruella and Bo Peep than with Regina or Rumple. The hamminess is supposed to come in their non-sympathetic moments, but with Zelena it’s all the time. Because of that, only the latter half of the scenes in the episode work. There’s no buildup to a crazy jealousy. She’s just already there, destroying the momentum of the segment. And I’m pretty sure this isn’t Rebecca Mader’s fault, but the writing itself. Zelena just spirals early on in the episode
“Put on a good face.” Narratively, I feel like this line never got the solid foundation that it needed. Zelena supposedly rejects the line, as it comes from an abusive situation, but it breeds a negative consequence for dismissing it. Now normally, the character is supposed to initially reject the advice, but be thrust into believing it through desperation, circumstances, and their changing worldview. Look at “We Are Both” for a good example of this. But here, Zelena does eventually follow through with this line after becoming evil, but the rejection of it is what causes her to turn green. There’s a lack of cohesion here.
“Because you couldn’t offer her the one thing she truly wanted -- the ability to become royalty.” This line automatically makes all of Zelena’s planning for naught. Like, even if she goes back in time, for as powerful as she is, Cora still won’t take her in because she’s not of royal blood. And Zelena knows this -- it’s spelled out explicitly in front of her, making her further pursuit of Cora’s love so...fruitless. By not listening to that line, Zelena comes off as kind of dense in her plan.
Now, is the segment bad? No. I think there are good elements to it. While Zelena goes way too far way too fast with her jealousy, some moments do work out really well. The Rumple/Zelena dynamic was spot on the entire time. And Rumple...just EVERYTHING Rumple works. I especially loves when he sees the slippers and he IMMEDIATELY changes to a snivelling suck up to try to get them. What a great acting moment!
I love Regina’s character arc throughout this episode. This is such an important episode for her as she realizes what she has in terms of support from her growing friendships and how she needs to both trust and be grateful for it. “She said I don’t always realize what I have right in front of me.” I like how this is another instance of the villain delivering the moral and it being something that connects to Zelena so well! Not only that, but everything she has to go through in terms of realizing that a big comfort in her life was a lie is utterly heartbreaking!
I also like Robin! He’s a great support character for Regina and while that will eventually be to his detriment, it’s great here!
Insights - Stream of Consciousness
-I just love Zelena’s mum! She just instantly loves Zelena and it’s honestly so cute! And her dad...wow, Zelena just can’t catch a break on the dad/father figure front, can she?
-”Stick to the road.” And she’s sassy too! HOW did we never get to see this woman again?! She’s utterly delightful!
-Fuck. Those moments from Killian dropping the soil onto the grave to the transition to Rumple in all kinds of pain. And the music. That fucking guts me. It really fucking guts me!
-You know, I feel like for as long as it was, I still skimped on my Neal’s death thoughts. As I watch this, I realize that Neal never really interacted with Snow, David, and Regina, the former two having named their KID after them and the latter being a co-parent to his son.
-I’m tearing up from how beautiful that funeral scene was. I love how the music and the shovels were the only sounds heard. It wasn’t drawn out or risked with a speech. It was just allowed to bask in its own sadness.
-”Was he really worth all the trouble?” “Every bit of it.” *Tears start welling again*
-”He was family. Something you know nothing about.” Normally, that would be the ultimate douche move for Rumple to say, seeing as he’s imprisoned and grieving, it just...feels right.
-”To see the one person to help me find a family that wants me!” Zelena, you absolutely SHOULD get out of that abusive home, but that’s a little dismissive of your adorable mum!
-”She’ll get more than a dart when I find her.” YESS! Emma, take that witch down!
-Robin, now that you’re exposed, you just love showing off that tattoo, don’t you? XD
-”So what?” Regina, you know that Henry is the only bright spot in your life. Let’s not kid ourselves.
-”My condolences.” You son of a bitch!
-”I don’t want a gift from you.” “But you shall have it.” ...Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that a reference to the “Pilot?” And if so, holy hell, my Snow/Regina/Cora theory is really freakin’ spot on! Oh my God, it is!
-”It’s the Wicked West.” ...Zeze, the fuck?
-I actually love this table scene of everyone coming together and theorizing what the fuck is up with Zelena!
-I LOVE Walsh’s Wizard voice. It’s so powerful, but ha a gentle softness to it too.
-Also, as we watch this episode, I have to say that Walsh wasn’t such a well designed character. In “New York City Serenade,” he’s a Hans-like villain who is supposed to be irredeemably bad. But in this flashback, the worst he does is lie. Not only that, the whole time he DOES lie, he’s kind, supportive, and takes Zelena’s feelings into account! He’s a bonafide sweetie!
-I’m pretty sure Rumple spent a hot second thinking Zelena was his kid. Okay, show of hands: Who thinks Cora and Rumple boned?
-Damn, paternity tests are REALLY easy in the Enchanted Forest! I now HC that Rumple played a part in sorting out the whole Lily debacle!
-”I don’t think a sleeping curse is good for the baby.” You’d be surprised, Snow!
-Wow! Look who has a personality, Robin! A nice bit of sass you’ve got there!
-This scene with Regina, Robin, and the letter is utterly magnificent! Lana’s acting here is just so great as she slowly paints this picture of how this letter was a comfort to her, only for that to be ruined by the realization that the first born described was not her. It’s a beautifully tragic sequence.
-”I foresaw that that curse could only be cast by Cora’s daughter.” Now WHEN did you see this? If it was after Cora broke things off with you, that would be one thing, but if it was before -- and narratively, before does make more sense -- that causes some trouble. Because if you saw this before you met Cora, and you were planning to run off with her and presumably have a kid, then it would be the Zelena problem all over again: You’d just have another magical child who can’t cast the curse because the thing they love most would be Rumple (That or Rumple would have no problem with killing Cora, the woman he loved, to enact the curse).
-I like how Zelena sort of made Rumple a better teacher by asking for something to reference!
-”Some spinsters took us in.” It’s weird. He kind of jumps to the royal “we” for like half of this speech for some reason. It’s a really weird writing choice.
-”The moment you decided to train me.” Look at Rumple’s face! He knows he went to far with being kind to her and fucked up!
-Emma! This stealth mission involves a lot of yelling! Maybe you should cut that out!
-I love how Rumple SO doesn’t want to deliver that message from Zelena, but still puts every bit of passion into it!
-”Like a GPS?” “Aye.” The beat between those two lines gets me every fucking time! XD
-”The more things you guys tell me about my dad, the less things make sense.” Welcome to OUAT, Henry!
-”I’m not an amateur. I’m the Savior.” What a badass line.
-I love how Regina’s first instinct is not to use magic, but slap a bitch! XD
-”You’re insane.” “Besides the point.” XD What an underrated quip!
-I kind of want to see some fanart of Rumple getting his sparkly little hands on those slippers!
-”My Miata.” Doc, I feel for you. I really do, but you KNEW there was gonna be a fight here. You could’ve moved your car. That’s on you, bro!
-Like seriously! #Walshdeservesbetter! The dude’s not a villain and I don’t like his portrayal in “New York City Serenade” retroactively as a result!
Arcs - How Are These Storylines Progressing?
The Wicked Witch - Okay, my issues aside, I think Zelena is still a great villain. Look at how everyone reacts when she enters a space! Everyone backs the fuck away, terrified and she gets to go on her funny rants because few have the balls to say anything about it. And the arc itself is moving at an engaging pace and has a good establishment of setting a narrative with questions that need to be answered while also setting the groundwork for those answers with Regina rising up to take on Zelena.
Neal’s Death - So, while Neal dying isn’t an arc, per se, I feel it is important to keep track of how the narrative handles Neal for the rest of the season. The after effects of a death can be just as earth shattering in a story as the death itself and it’s a show of how the writing team respects the character. And this episode thankfully, handles it nicely. Neal’s passing follows everyone throughout the episode and is a strong presence in everyone’s action, most notably Emma’s.
Killian’s Redemption - I love Killian’s role in this episode. He’s working hard to become a better person, quell Emma’s lust for revenge, and most importantly, help comfort Henry. He knows he majorly fucked things up with Bae and helping henry see the kind of person his father was is such a step in righting that wrong because he’s honoring Bae’s dying wish. I also like that for Henry’s sake, even if it goes against what he knows Emma wants, he argues that Henry needs to know his father. I think this shows how Killian’s redemption is more serious than it initially lets on and is more motivated than just by Emma.
Regina’s Redemption - Even though Regina know she can’t win, even when she feels so at a loss and helpless. she goes to fight for everyone! She grits her teeth, comes up with a plan, and ultimately wins more than she loses. This is Regina at her peak! She’s snarky, sarcastic, cool, smart, and she’s gonna kick your ass!
Favorite Dynamic
Henry and Killian. Once again, in an episode filled with sad moments and dark things, this dynamic was a well needed reprieve. Killian comes in, fulfilling both a character and a story purpose. The Henry/Killian subplot was just sweet and kind. Seeing Killian understand what Henry needs to hear about his father and delivering it in a way that keeps everyone’s dignity and respect intact was great. Also, I have to appreciate the difficult position that the characters are in here, and how the writing did a very genuine and natural job of improving Henry’s memory-influenced relationship with Neal.
Andrew Chambliss is once again on his own this time. And yeah...I felt like some of this was rocky and lacked cohesion over what over what we were supposed to feel.
7/10. The past segment of this episode is really flawed, but not to the full detriment of either the present segment or even itself. There are good qualities to it, especially when we hit the forest scene going forward, BUT there are some narrative issues that are more than just nitpicks and hinder whatever emotions the audience tries to attribute to Zelena. But enough about the bad. Let’s talk about the good. First, Regina’s just marvelous in this episode. Her struggle with dealing with Zelena is so good and angsty and how she performs during the witch fight is just awesome. Second, the Killian and Henry subplot was so touching. This isn’t an easy situation to write considering the unique positions of any of these characters, but what is written is just gorgeous. Finally, Rumple just rocks. He’s the highlight of the flashback and in the present, the whump is high and appropriately desolate and sad and I am here for this!
Flip My Ship - The Home of All Things “Shippy Goodness”
Swan Fire - Emma’s sadness and rage at losing Neal gives me fucking life and makes me weep like a lil bitch! She loved Neal so much. And he’s gone! Like, the fact that someone had to intervene shows how angry she had gotten and I like how the narrative plays up how hurt she was. And then Snow and David show up, and you see just how saddened she is at Neal’s passing.
Captain Swan - I think this is some of the most lowkey Captain Swan stuff, but it’s also really effective. Seeing Killian step in and stop Emma from focusing so hard on revenge is really touching after she introduced him to a new path. It’s also amazing how Killian’s not only willing to help Emma with Henry right now, BUT to actively help him grieve and you see how this is the kind of personality that Emma responds to more than anything. He focuses on her needs (“Nothing will happen to the boy while he’s in my charge.”).
Outlaw Queen - Okay, the entire scene at Granny’s is just plain adorable, from Regina and Tink “gossiping about boys” to Robin making sure Regina was okay to Robin just FUCKING FLAT OUT asking her on a date. And their banter and trust as the episode continues to progress is so delightful! It’s fucking cute, if you couldn’t tell my thoughts, and I’m happy that I’m falling for these two again! I also just love how Robin knows that Regina’s an utter powerhouse and while not being afraid, does respect both her power and consent.
Whoo-boy! This week has been intense for me wit OUAT stuff! Thank you so much for reading and to the fine folks at @watchingfairytales, as always! Love you all and I’ll see you next time!
Season 3 Total (152/220)
Writer’s Scores: Adam and Eddy (39/60) Kalinda Vazquez (26/40) Andrew Chambliss (34/50) Jane Espenson (20/30) David Goodman (20/40) Robert Hull (30/40) Christine Boylan (20/20)* Daniel Thomsen (20/30)
* Indicates that their work for the season is complete
Links to the rest of my rewatch will no longer be provided. They take posts with links outside of searches and I spend way too much time on these reviews to not give them that kind of exposure. Sorry for the inconvenience, but they still can be found on my page under Operation Rewatch.
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anarnianfox · 5 years
My favorite lines from the OUAT sassy recaps
by @thelonelybrilliance (I mean, I love every bit of it obviously, but I can’t just copy paste all of it)
this show is campy af (not a bad thing) and poorly written af (*sigh*)
GIRL. YOUr wedding hairdo? A choice.
This scene–where she lights herself a candle on a cupcake and makes a wish–is so lowkey and simply shot and yet it’s better than so much of the animation in which this show chooses to indulge.
If I was a pregnant lady I would not be wearing a gown with all sorts of tendrils and lace but your mileage may vary.
“OUR CHILD WILL BE THE SAVIOR” says Charming, who is a beacon of positivity?
Emma crashes her car. Very prettily, I might add! Her hair still looks good splayed over her dashboard!
Regina is more concerned with taking away the Fairytale book and looking angrily into a mirror, as the Lord Intended.
The residents, including Mary Margaret’s cute pixie cut, are very Shook by the Passage of Time. AS ARE WE ALL.
Then Regina and her cleavage hasten away
Henry demands that Emma walk him to school, which she does, tossing the apple from hand to hand and frowning majestically. She has very typically masculine mannerisms, which is a character detail that I love.
Hot Sheriff Graham shows up
Regina’s milquetoast dad
Regina is always side-eyeing people in a way that is about 18% TOO MUCH and so it’s always a little too knowing.
GIRL. Get thee to a therapist.
MR. GOLD, who is not, may I say, unattractive with his Scottish accent
It’s very romantic, I won’t lie and I’m not afraid to stan.
Cinderella’s fairy godmother gets poofed off the face of the earth bc Rumplestiltskin loves attention.
The glass slippers are more plexiglass than anything else but I like Rumple’s line that “every story needs a memorable detail.” Very meta.
Emma, as a single mom herself, has some badass sagacity to bestow.
Everyone looks like they’re going to a 1991 prom, but what are you going to do.
The trouble with Snow White, I have decided–post-bandit days–is that she always has to be Inspirational with a capital I, and I, a very dour person, find that vaguely grating.
“We sent one of Snow’s bluebirds,” Charming explains, somehow managing to keep a straight face.
His wife says “Good day, Miss Blanchard” like that is a normal way to say goodbye to someone in this, the year of our lord, 2000-something.
What’s even worse, though, is that Henry is being a TWERP and is like “we’re here to investigate!” and it’s like…nah fam, you’re here to get crushed to death more like
Aboveground, everyone else is either lounging around (Ruby/Red Riding Hood) or modeling their best pissed-off-face (Regina) or looking pretty inexcusably hot (Sheriff Graham)
Regina is showing a genuine emotion for once
And you know what? The townspeople, even Regina, experience genuine joy. FOR A SECOND, until Regina goes back to being a royal bitch, AS WE MIGHT HAVE EXPECTED.
Then we flash to David in Fairytale land, gallantly dueling a weird gladiator man while the costumes/lighting/general set-dressing make my eyes hurt.
There’s only one problem: the other half of the duel isn’t dead and he SPEARS PRINCE CHARMing throUgH THE CHESt
What are we to THINK?
King George is a potato of a man who is an insult to potatoes.
Mary Margaret has done her hair a different way and it’s cute. She’s also over-scrubbing a plate in her man-induced anxiety.
“Oh hai I gave your twin brother away” is what happens.
One of the best things about Rumple is that he also talks to himself while trying to threaten/make deals with other people and I appreciate it.
…and he says “We treasure your respect, King Midas, just as we respect your treasure,” which is…not a thing that anyone needed to write into a script.
David is like, SLOW A ROLL OR TWO, and King George literally RAGE HUGS HIM and promises, in a still-audible undertone, o KILL HIS ENTIRE FAMILY AND BURN HIS FARM TO THE GROUND unless he marries her, so that’s THAT.
I’m being too flippant in this moment. It is very good of the Shepherd Boi to save his mom and country like that. A pure son. <3
He’s hotly sad that she no longer likes him. He is WISTFUL and YEARNING and REMORSEFUL that he is banging the Evil Queen
She also says “She sought comfort with me.” Why is the writing in FTL so terrible?
The next morning, Emma comes downstairs from her loft bedroom (UNREAL, I WANT THIS APT SO BADLY) to find flowers. She promptly throws them in the trash (I would never do this, even if my worst enemy sent them–I love flowers and would merely gloat at said worst enemy’s uselessly expended cash).
“That wall of yours may keep out pain, but it also may keep out love.” -MM, spitting truth.
“I thought you were a wolf,” Graham says, and Gold is like, “Did I forget to shave?” which is sassy af, and then he says “There are no wolves in Storybrooke…not literal ones anyway,” which is also a good line, and basically Gold gets half the good lines on this show AND delivers them well. He plants a seed in Graham’s brain that dreams are memories from another life and then takes his shovel and his shady/sassy self away. #BestVillain
Graham goes to a bar in Fairytale Land where the barmaid has a braid the size of a LEG and where everyone is mean to him in a very OTT middle-school way despite being, you know, hardened countrymen.
Inside her terrible CGI palace, Regina is wearing one of her BEST DRESSES ever, it’s finally good.
Regina behaving seductively is REALLY ridiculous and over-the-top and it feels like there should be bad jazz playing in the background.
Snow isn’t an idiot. She figures out that he’s going to kill her, knocks him over in his lumpy armor, and takes off.
Emma, I don’t usually laugh out loud at text-form humor, but I always will with your sassy recaps.
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Im planning on rewatching Once Upon a Time, mostly to watch Emma and Hook fall in love again. Also just to help me realize when exactly I stopped liking certain characters and what has changed in the way i see things now with the series being basically completely over and it being a few years. I might make posts about it, I’m not sure. I’m going to on this, have the opinions i have now prior to rewatching. That will be under the cut because you might not care and some of it is reference for me.
Season 1:Its a great opening for the show. I really enjoyed Regina as the villain and her and Emma’s antagonistic dynamic was great. Emma learning about Henry and their blossoming relationship was the cutest and so great. I also loved the friendship between Emma and Mary Margaret. Had some great quotes. Loved the introduction to the characters and how they are connected to each other. I WILL NEVER GET OVER GRAHAM’S DEATH!!!! It hurt me so much and Regina’s reasoning for killing him was such bullshit. The curse breaking was pretty great. The duality between the Enchanted Forest stories and the Storybrooke ones was very well done and well balanced which i missed in later seasons.
Season 2: I loved this season mostly cause we meet Hook but also because it just continues the storyline nicely. Seeing everyone deal with the aftermath of the curse breaking was good. Emma and the Charmings awkwardly trying to figure out how to do the family thing was endearing. I still liked Regina’s character, the conflict she had in this season made sense and I liked it. Cora was very interesting in this season. Seeing Rumple’s actual reason for using the curse(finding his son) was nice. I got to see more Bae which I liked. Backstory and flashbacks were used well. Seeing Emma’s past was great. The addition of characters in this season felt organic and just fit really well. And Mulan is a queen, i love her so much. Emma being in the enchanted forest. Great set up for the next season and Neverland. I love Belle so seeing more of her was great. I also enjoy the development Hook has from his introduction til the end of this season and his willing to give up revenge to save Henry/help Emma. As much as I hate Neal, I think his addition to this season was necessary to Emma’s storyline as well as Rumple’s and even Hook’s to a degree. So even though he sucks, his character was able to show us different sides and dynamics of other characters that I thought was important. Even though I wish certain things involving him were handled in better ways.
Season 3: This is my favourite season. Both 3A and 3B are amazing. Neverland is great, Everyone trying to work together to save Henry is great. Sassy Hook and Sassy Regina, amazing. Emma taking charge is great. Hook’s belief in Emma. More of Hook’s backstory. That fucking kiss. Hook’s secret. Emma using her magic. Meeting Tink. “I hoping you were dead” Peter Pan was a cool villain. Regina and Rumple’s evil shit not meshing with the Charmings. Hook saving David. Neverland was kind of my life. I’m gonna say it is around the time that I start to have some issues with Snow. I also didnt love that both David and Snow were pushing Emma towards Neal but, I believe they likely didnt know the whole story. Rumple killing himself to kill Pan was fucking epic. Pan being in Henry’s body was a boss twist. Emma and Hook’s goodbye. Mulan being into women, yay!! Her heart being broken boo!!! Belle and Ariel teaming up was chill, I think this season had Belle’s hero flashback and that was great, but I honestly don’t remember when that happened. 3B was amazing. Hook believing Emma was his true love, him going to find her. Zelena was a good villain. Also the Cora flashback was fucking crazy. Neal was an idiot in this season but, whatever. Hook and Henry bonding. Hook’s regret for what he did to Belle and Ariel. Regina and Tink flashback was into it. Outlaw Queen loved. Liked that David and Snow had another baby, didnt like the name. Regina suddenly getting light magic was weird and not totally into. Loved Zelena/Regina showdowns though. The finale was the greatest thing ever. Like everything about it was great. “Someday I’ll stop chasing this woman” “I’d go to the end of the world for her, or time” “We both know i’m his type” Past!hook scene. When they kidnap Marion. When Emma deprived Hook of his dashing rescue. The ball!!! Watching Emma watch her parents meet. David and Hook’s talk. “You traded your ship for me?” “Aye” That fucking kiss!!! Rumple and Belle’s vows were amazing even though there wedding upset me. Like I was really pissed cause this mofo was lying to her again. Regina not getting to be happy w/ Robin sucked but, her bitching to Emma about it was trash. And i forget about how adorable Roland is.
Season 4: I like 4A like alot actually. I know a lot of people aren’t a fan of the frozen arc, but I like it. I love Elsa in this. She has a really great friendship with Emma and I like that their friendship isn't over complicated with connections to her family. Elsa also helps Emma accept her magic which I love and she understands that part of Emma in way no one else does. I kind of wish Elsa could have been on longer so Emma could continue to have her own friendships. I enjoy Emma trying to learn how to control her magic. I dont love Ingrid as a villain but I like her backstory well enough and I like how her involvement gives us a look into Emma’s past/childhood. Killian and Emma trying to have a relationship after the whole epic kiss thing is nice. There date is amazeballs. They are like really in love and become committed to making it work through this season and I love that. I’m not a huge fan of Snow through either half of this season, I felt like she was the person who saw the worst in Emma both presently and in the past. I find it really telling that in 4B we see that she is the one to see the vision of evil!Emma. I think this is the season I stop liking Regina cause her angst is kind of dumb and she’s very pity me about it. I love Belle at the end of 4A when she sends Rumple away, I think it is a very empowering moment where she stands up for herself and is able to stand up to her abuser. I like how 4A has a nice intro to Lily through the things we’ve seen of Emma’s past. 4B I liked significantly less then 4A. The season really putting Snowing in a bad light particularly Snow and I believe it definitely highlights the fact that David’s relationship with Emma is closer and healthier then the one Snow has with Emma. The fact that they gave Emma potential for darkness to another kid is super fucked up. I actually find this whole concept kind of dumb, like I don’t think it was a good storyline, it just dumb. Killian trying to make amends with Belle and succeeding til the point that they are friends is great. Rumple scheming to get Belle back is awful. I find Operation Mongoose pretty awful like I feel that Regina blaming the universe for her not getting a happy ending with Robin is dumb. I think that this idea that a villain can’t get a happy ending might be true when you are still a villain but it isn’t true if you are a reformed villain case in point being Killian his relationship with Emma is great this season and he is an actually villain who has and continued to have a really good redemption arc. So the fact that Regina isnt getting a happy ending and her line of thought is along the lines of the actual villains of this season proves she hasnt had a real redemption arc no matter what the characters in universe seem to believe. I do like Maleficent and Regina friendship. Cruella being a villain with no tragic backstory was refreshing. The introduction of the author was cool. Zelena pretending to be Marion was so fucked up and the fact that she got pregnant means that Robin was sexually assaulted(he consented to sleeping with Marion, not Zelena). I liked Lily being involved but I hate that she was never mentioned again. Henry become the author was pretty great. I really liked how the apprentice was all over this season leading to Merlin's involvement next season. Emma sacrifice herself was an intense moment.
Season 5A: I didnt like this season, I believe it was an okay idea but executed poorly. I loved Merlin and liked Camelot and evil!King Arthur was interesting. Violet and Henry were cute and I loved seeing Henry’s first relationship. Emma and Hook’s thoughts on a future together were nice. Getting to see Mulan and Ruby again was great. I thought Merida came out of nowhere and i didn’t think she had a reason to be there so, I didn't love her. Belle giving Rumple another chance upset me. Emma made grave errors in judgement but she did do everything for love, so I felt conflicted. Dark hook was sort of entertaining. Emma killing Killian was heartbreaking.Her threatening Gold was badass. Gold lying to Belle again was fucking annoying. Emma going to the underworld to save her mans was great.
Season 5B: I have issues with this Arc on many levels. One being I like greek mythology and because of that I hate when Hades is portrayed as like super evil when he’s really not, he’s stern and stubborn but not evil. He tends not to actually torture people there are other people in the underworld to do that and that only really happens in Tartarus where only the worst of the worst go and though he implements punishments he tends not to be the one who created them, that tends to be the gods that the people in Tartarus actually messed with. So they vastly misrepresented him and I was not a fan of that. And as cute as Zelena and Hades might have been Hades is married and is the only god who doesnt really cheat on his wife so I’m not overtly a fan of that. If we discard everything that is wrong about Hades and the underworld there are other issues I have with this season. Regina is just pretty awful in this season. She tries to force Robin to forgive Zelena as well as let her see his kid when this woman raped him. She also treats Emma like crap like she’s a super hypocrite, the way Regina treats Emma when Hook dies and the way she expects Emma to treat her after Robin dies is ridiculous. Robin’s death is also fucking awful. And Regina blaming Zelena pisses me off but whatever. I thought Liam was kind of dick. And Rumple was even more garbage then I expected. I loved getting to see Milah and I found the flashbacks really good. I enjoy that even with Rumple trying to cause Milah and Emma to hate each other they didn’t. I’m really pissed that Rumple made it impossible for Milah to move on. I wish there was more Milah. Seeing James was fun, like it was hilarious. Cruella and James as a couple was pretty great. Emma and Killian being confirmed true love was amazing. OTP of the gods!!! Emma’s family was very supportive of her. Ruby and Mulan being in an episode was nice and I liked that we had a true love kiss between two women but I would have loved for the first LGBTQ couple on the show to have Mulan be apart of it because I want her to have love so bad. Also I’d rather it be two characters I care about then One character I care about ,Ruby and a character that we barely know, Dorothy. Henry trying to destroy magic was dumb, I understand why he tried, it was just misguided though. He also needs to stop hero worshipping Neal. King Arthur running the underworld is boss. I don’t remember much from the finale other then the destroy magic thing and i know that Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was introduced.
Season 6: Wasnt great. I liked Emma and Hook moving in together and the wedding. The musical episode was good. Belle choosing to leave Rumple and having the support of her friends specifically Killian was very moving and empowering. It felt like she was finally done with Rumple which was great and why her getting back with Rumple at the end of the season was so heartbreaking for me. Hyde actually being the good one was cool. Regina using the serum was awful and stupid and I hated it, it was just her trying to take the easy way out of redemption. The wish universe was awful and truthfully nothing in it actually made sense like the timeline has to have totally change for Emma to have met Neal in a universe where the curse didn't occur. Wish!Robin ending up with the Evil half of Regina was ironic and hilarious. The flashbacks were used a lot to add unnecessary drama particular the Hook ones. I found the black fairy to be a let down in terms of villains, especially after basically having the evil queen as the villain. She was also basically Rumple and Regina as one villain but with a lot less character depth to make me care in anyway. Rumple being a saviour was awful and didn't make sense. Belle not getting to raise Gideon sucked. Gideon over all was annoying and I think the writers wanted me to sympathize with him and I just didn't. All the added characters happened way too fast and there was just a bunch of characters that were forgotten.
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darkerdeariegold · 3 years
16. What are some of your favorite scenes? 25. Thoughts on Jiminy Cricket? 27. Which was your favorite adaptation?
I really enjoy the Rumbelle wedding scene because of how beautiful it was. I also really like the ‘fillet the bitch’ scene in S3. Pretty much any scene where Rumple is a sassy asshole too. 
I don’t dislike him and think he had some good scenes. There was a RPer I did some threads with who played him and they were so much fun, so it’s a character I’d like to see more of in the RP world because expanding on that character would be really great.
Has to be Beauty and the Beast haha but aside from that it’s Little Red Riding Hood. I like the twist of the fact that Ruby’s the wolf and think they did that really well. Just a shame we didn’t get more of her character.
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rebelrosepetels · 4 years
Tumblr media
Bᴀsɪᴄ ɪɴғᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
♔ ɴᴀᴍᴇ — Roselyn Turpin-Mills
♔ ᴀɢᴇ — (Varies depending on SL )
♔ ᴘʀoғғᴇsɪᴏɴ — TBA
♔ ᴏʀɪɢɪɴ — Enchanted Forest
♔ ʀᴀɪsᴇᴅ— Enchanted Forest, Storybrooke, Maine, Wonderland
♔ sᴛᴀᴛᴜs — TBA
♔ sᴘᴇᴄɪᴇs — Half witch/ Half human
♔ ʀᴀᴄᴇ— Caucasian
ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ ɪɴғᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
♔ ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀ— Maggie Agatha O’Reily- Turpin
♔ ғᴀᴛʜᴇʀ— Edmund Turpin
♔ ғᴄ— Amanda Seyfried
♔ Sɪᴢᴇ & Sʜᴀᴘᴇ—
Slim but curvy, porcelain colored skin, 5’ 4” height, fit
♔ ᴇʏᴇs & ʜᴀɪʀ—
Big bright emeralds with long flowing blonde curly hair
♔ ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ—
Though naive Rose was a special child, She was more intelligent then most her age. Being a rebellious runaway caused Rose to enjoy mischief. She is known to be very sarcastic. If she trusts you which is very seldom she will be very caring and rather kind hearted. But if you break her trust, you will feel her wrath till the day you die. She is quite wise, but her actions and attitude covers a lot of that up. Rose is rather independent and enjoys reading. She has great confidence but can act arrogant and cold at times. Rose can be very flirtatious sometimes but that’s only her personality, she doesn’t mean anything by it. Usually Rose enjoys pressing people’s buttons and sometimes she presses the wrong buttons and finds herself in a trap she can’t escape. Way deep down Rose cares greatly and loves deeply but she rarely will show it unless you can dig under her extremely tough shell She is committed to fighting for what she wants till she can no longer fight. Rose is known to be a stubborn and rather hard headed girl, she always is trying to prove some one wrong and sometimes she actually enjoys arguing. She’s always longed to be free of the hell she lives but inside she has accepted the fact that she could never truly escape and that another reason why she is so rebellious and pretends to not care. She persists to keep her reputation, whether it’s a good or bad decision or not. She tends to prefer animals to humans and is used to being alone. She comes off as a bitch but she’s nothing of the sort.
♔ ᴇxᴛʀᴀ(ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏɴᴇ)—
Rose doesn’t have many friends and will be found in the library, A forest, or somewhere where she could be completely alone, and if she isn’t there , Rose will most likely be at Granny’s place sipping on a whiskey
Born into royality but raised completely opposite. She won’t talk about her past to just anyone and is very classy, and sassy. She tried to win approval from those she admires but often fails because she’s plucky and pushes people away too much.
♔ ʙᴀᴄᴋɢʀᴏᴜɴᴅ—
Before Rose was born her father made a deal with Rumplestiltskin to be given a potion that would get the woman of his dreams to fall in love with him, for a magic bean. However, instead of doing as he said, the man gave Rumple an ordinary bean. When he found out about this, he got his revenge by cursing the man’s wife, on the day she had her first child, she would become deathly ill and die. This curse proceeded to happen and instead of taking responsibility, he blamed Rose. As Rose grew older, her father would often times abuse her, he was always found with alcohol of any type and would drink till he would beat the girl.
Rose’s mother had been a witch and when Rose became older she began practicing her magic becoming more aware of it, she would often times heal her own wounds or use a spell to not look beaten. When she was thirteen, Rose had enough of her father and stabbed him in the chest with a knife.
This was when Rumple reappeared in her life, he guided her into using her magic more, teaching her how to draw the darkness out, however Rose resented him and tried to hide her magic.
That was when she ran away from her home and ended up in the forest where she met Cora Mills. Of course being naive, Rose didn’t know who Cora was but Cora saw potential in Rose, she sensed the blonde had magic and instead of turning her away, Cora took her under her wing. Seeing that Rose had blood on her attire, Cora had manipulated Rose into telling her what happened. Rose lived with Cora, becoming closer to Zelena than Regina till Cora forced Regina to become queen then the blonde left and tried to find her way to Wonderland where she could find her step-mother.
By trading her heart for a magic bean to Rumple, she managed to create a portal to Wonderland. Still young, the blonde was a bit rebellious and because of this, Cora saw Rose as a disappointment. By the time she returned back to the Enchanted Forest, Regina’s curse was in action causing the blonde to be taken to Storybrooke along with the others but because Regina didn’t know about Rose’s return she was sent back with all of her memory.
Eventually when Rose made it to Storybrooke, She worked at Granny’s and stayed on the down low side till Rumple approached her about her past. He made a deal with her that she would be able to go back home with her heart if she would kill the Savior when Henry brought her there. Instead of listening to him, Rose denied his request and when Emma came, she used her magic to cross the town line. However, still having her heart Rumple kept a hold on the blonde using her as his assistant for the shop once it was returned to normal, she agreed to it out of fear.
Once Emma found Storybrooke and the curse was lifted, the blonde asked Rumple to return her heart. Having his focus on other things he decided to let her free.
When Cora returned to Storybrooke, Rose was finally reunited with her, she explained that she was coming back for her heart and though Cora was heartless at the time, she understood because deep down she cared for Rose just as Rose did with Cora. While they were there, Cora convinced Rose to get close to Henry thinking that if she was close enough, then she would get through to Regina, however instead Emma and Rose ended up becoming best friends, this didn’t happen till after Cora’s death.
However when Rose had the chance to leave Storybrooke she did and moved to New York to attempt at a normal life. Realizing that wasn’t possible, the blonde returned back home.
When Emma visited The Underworld, she snuck a ride there to talk with her mother where she explained what happened with Emma even though Cora saw the entire thing. Managing to fix their unfinished business, Rose left once Emma had the portal open. When she left, Rose found a way to talk to Zelena who used her wand to allow Rose to have a way back to the Enchanted Forest where she felt safe.
♔ wᴇᴀᴋɴᴇss(s)— Family, her partner, chocolate, alcohol, weed, smokes…
♔ sᴛʀᴇɴɢᴛʜs— Mature, capable of handling just a bout anything, physical fightingAnd magical fighting, intelligent and drop dead gorgeously
♔ Fʟᴀᴡs—Stubborn, awkward, head strong, conceals way too much, rebellious, annoying, dramatic, hates everything, possessive
♔ ʙʀᴏᴡɴɪᴇ ᴘᴏɪɴᴛs— Really sweet when you get to know her, loyal till the end, will do anything to make sure someone is safe and happy, protective
♔ ᴇxᴛʀᴀ (ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ)—Easily annoyed, loves to poke and pester people. Jokes a lot, and pretends to be sexual but really she’s anything but! ( Unless you’re her partner) , where trouble lies so does Rose, can be irritating but eventually you get used to it, outspoken but silent, she tends to observethings from afar unless something sparks her interest. She loves to make deals, can be sly and manipulative at times, Rose pulls off that ‘I may look innocent but I’m not’ face extremely well, and in her school years she was lucky to not get thrown out. Claims to be heartless but had the biggest heart deep down and loves puns but won’t admit that to anyone. Comes off mean and rude but really she’s not, Rose doesn’t always know how to love properly either which was due to her past but she’s attempting to change her ways
Especially when her daughter came into her life, Belle became everything to Rose, her pride and joy and she would do anything to give her everything she deserves.
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