#seagoat reads things
the-unforgotten · 1 year
I'm listening to the last graduate second book in the Scholomance series by Naomi Novik, and holy shit im loving it so much. novik is a top-notch writer I've previously read uprooted, so I knew, but it really shines in a series. all the characterization and world building is right up my alley.
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blacksunscorpio · 4 years
Lunae Plenae Aries
Full moon in Aries, tomorrow, October 1st stargazers. Perhaps you’ve been feeling the effects already. The moon will be conjunct Chiron meaning, on top of all the feels all that Martian energy brings, you’ll be feeling even more with the contact it’s making to the minor planet. Aries is fire and fire is life. It’s pure cardinal energy. In its purest form, said energy shoots from the hip, charges full steam ahead first and asks questions later. In addition, Mars retrograde in Aries is still going on forming a square to Saturn in Capricorn. It’s important to be gentle with yourself and others right now. The Sun is in Libra so do not forget to give yourself grace. Again, Chiron is in the mix but Chiron is a healer, teacher and mentor. Chiron is literally the coach of countless mythic heroes. Let his energy coach you and show you where old triggers are stemming from. This is very intense energy but this too shall pass.
What to expect during this lunation
Old wounds resurfacing
Compulsive tendencies
Spike in libido [horniness]
Feelings of restriction
Disagreements with Authority
Wanting to break free from old structures
Look specifically where Aries lands in your chart for indicators on where this energy will manifest the most. For further illustration:
How to Handle This Energy Through the Signs
The full moon is happening in your sign, Rams. Emotions will be more amplified for you. Try not to lose control, even though personal tension and disagreements in love, work, or family relationships can leave you feeling wiped out and even drained. Honor your needs, first so as to avoid feeling guilt and frustration over others. Share love of course but you can’t take care of others if you don’t look out for yourself, first. If you have to take a mental day, do so. Some solitude could be good for you. incorporate some quiet meditation, reading, catching up on projects you may have neglected. Hikes in nature. All this can help you combat the intensity you’ll be feeling.
Let go and live, Taurus.  Things from the past may be bothering you but they’re in the past for a reason. As a fixed sign, it may be hard for you to let go but what has happened has shaped and molded you for a reason. Private emotional tension is rising like bile for you- all stemming from the subconscious. This can cause you to feel like you’re butting heads with others- particularly those in positions of authority. Feel it but don’t let it over-take you. Work on your creative passions. Try and compose a new song, cook a new dish, bake something- get your hands dirty. Create a vision board to compartmentalize things.
Using your voice is something that comes naturally to you- jus take care to chose your words wisely. Some things are better left unsaid. Sometimes silence is better than having the last word. Though it may be hard and something that causes you discomfort, you’ll come out of this feeling reshaped and better moving forward. Take a little break from social media if you must- you may be more prone to feisty disagreements with people in circle: colleagues, friends, or even followers. Write your thoughts down in a journal or simply save them in a draft so you can review them later.
Full moon wants you to focus on completion, Cancer. Are there details you’ve been avoiding? Time to chop them up and hash them out [for yourself]. You have to complete things so you can fully move forward into the new. Aries is a fellow cardinal sign so it will be nudging you to embrace your natural vibe/modality. You’ll want to break free and start something without the restrictions of authority whom you may be combating now. Just remember you’re still a sensitive soul and confrontations can be draining. Take time to not give too much of your energy to others. Remember though you’re cardinal, you are water. Spend some time near [the element] if you can. Take a bath once you’re done completing things you’ve put off. Don’t engage in things that don’t concern you.
You need to trust your heart. You may be triggered in love or love may be in the air. Just remember, love isn’t always about another person but can completely be about YOU. Self love is a thing, you know. You need to embrace that. Don’t allow yourself to try to appease others too much during this lunation. People feel that because of your regal energy, you’re already full of it but you know where you struggle. Though you might find yourself the center of attention, the full moon is affecting your ego, personal beliefs or point of view- it could may rub others the wrong way. Don’t allow yourself to feel too insecure, and if you do, take some time to relax, do some throat chakra work which may be getting affected now. You’ll be thankful later.
Virgo, your attention to detail is finding a lot of balance now. Don’t lose momentum. You’re capable of everything, just keep your eye on the prize. Though right now, a few issues in the financial sector or even contract negotiations may be causing some unwelcome stress, don’t let these aggravations cause you to become ruthless with your words. Don’t let it effect your self-worth. You are pros at organizing and handling things with finesse, let your mercurial energy keep you on top of things and gathered so you don’t snap, lose focus, make simple mistakes and regret it later
Happy birthday, Libra! You may be feeling quite indecisive lately. Don’t let yourself live in that energy. You can be your own worst enemy at times with this. It can cause your personal relationships to suffer. Wanting to appease others and shutting yourself away can leave you feeling exhausted. That’s not what you need during your solar-return season. Take time to learn how to say NO with no explanations. Take time make your demands of others diplomatically but with firmness and emphasis. You’ll gain that respect you’re so longing for.
Fellow arachnids, the full moon is happening in our co-rulers domain. You’ll be drained, exhausted but finding others asking and making more demands of you and your time. Don’t pull out that stinger and lash out. Relax. Be fair. Don’t let others’ current behavior cause you to unfairly judge them/compare them to people who’ve hurt you in the past. Old Trauma’s may feel as fresh as when they first occurred. But not everyone is the same. If you don’t honor and release stressful or negative emotions, they’ll manifest in worse and more unsavory ways. Do some sacral chakra work. Mediate. Take a long bath- it’ll feel good with this cooler weather. If you have to, do some boxing or watch a good action film and live vicariously through the characters. This can help ground you and channel your energy through a healthier outlet. 
This lunation can cause you to be feistier than usual. You’re a fire sign just like Aries. Though you’re known for your blunt and unapologetic speech nature, it may be more powerful to keep your opinions to yourself. It will be for your highest good. You are in control of your thoughts and emotions, with that being said, don’t let others influence your inner voice. Jupiter is your ruler and he rules philosophy. Remember philosophy states, all is opinion, not fact. Embracing that sentiment can allow you to graduate to more maturity and wisdom. Perhaps schedule a local adventure. If you’ve felt cloistered during quarantine,  experiencing new places can give you a new and healthier take on things and life in general. You’ll have a healthy outlet to exert your energy and your explorative nature. 
You’re a hard working sign, Cap. Though your tenacity will be paying off, your home and emotional center could be draining or preoccupying you.  Some professional or career choices could be causing you stress or your family or relationships some conflict.heated exchanges or opinions you didn’t ask for could be coming from all sides. Honoring yourself, is imperative. Love yourself, first. As a work-oriented sign, you seagoats have a tendency to try and cope with your emotional state by burying yourself in it. We all have our ways of dealing but perhaps taking time off, having fun, or simply enjoying a quiet walk, glass of wine or a good night of [physical] pleasure might be useful to you. Connect with earth and don’t allow yourself to succumb to cherophobia.
The full moon wants you to build a solid foundation. You have a tendency towards scattered energy and eccentricity, which is fine sometimes but Aries energy could cause you to feel like things are haywire right now.  Your opinionated nature could cause you to come to blows unnecessarily. Hidden aggression may be brought to the surface. Old insecurities about your individuality can arise as well. This is never a fun feeling. Take some time to share what’s on your mind but articulate your thoughts in a private way. Journaling, talking to a close friend, a counselor or therapist. Chanting meditation or even reading can help you subconsciously compartmentalize your thoughts. 
Harsh realities may be hitting now But you are stronger than you [and others] typically give yourself credit for. Conversations surrounding your money, or thoughts of a new living could be dominating your thoughts. This lunation is making you realize your worth but also adding a tint of anger and saltiness to it as well. It’s okay to realize what you deserve without going overboard. Most of it stems from frustrations from the past [and people] not honoring you and your strengths or attempting to run rough-shod over you. If you haven’t learned to do this yet, just remember not setting boundaries allows others free reign to violate them. Take time to set hard lines if you haven’t. Take time to look at your budgets. Bills you need to pay. Projects to finish. Organization is key now so it may be time to get those heads out of the clouds and set some structure. When all is said and done, no one can ever say you didn’t have your shit together.
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Okay, One Other Thing
Since it’s not like anyone is gonna see this blog and know I lied. 
Capricorns are not cold and emotionless. The Capricorn symbol is not just the goat, it’s the seagoat. If the goat can climb to the highest peaks of the tallest mountains, then the fishtail allows us to swim to the deepest depths of the ocean. Like, deep deep. Like, no one is going to know what you’re feeling deep. 
Everything with Capricorn is intense, and that includes emotions too. But we keep it inside to appear strong and in control and so that nobody drowns in our depths. Especially when we’re barely keeping afloat. 
Same thing with intuition. Nobody thinks that Capricorns engage with something as abstract as intuition, but that’s how we know where to place the next foot. Where to lay the next brick. It may not always look like psychic visions and spirit guides (although it may). Sometimes it’s just an uncanny knack for reading the world and seeing the warning signs.
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eddie-rifff · 2 years
@yesterdaysanswers tagged me to do this thing!!!
Rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Favourite colour: lavender
Currently reading: a collection of Emily Dickinson poems!
Last song: Brief Candles by The Zombies
Last series: Barry! there was a Roxy Music song in one episode :)))
Last film: uhhh fuck. Terminator
Sweet, savoury or spicy: sweet :>
Currently working on: transcribing Vivaldi’s lute concerto in D major (what Peter Sinfield’s Song of the Seagoat is based off of!) to guitar tab, going well!
i dont wnat to tag 9 people. im tagging @calicojo @karvetu @keyed-up-allthetime and @jeffreyrhymansss and @richardwrights for good measure
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blueartstuff · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Capricorn, zodiac of the Seagoat Humanized
(secretly my zodiac)
Personality in tails (as in the characters personality not the actual zodiac) :
• direct
• introvert
• good friends with Virgos, Taurus, and cancer
• good at taking charge just prefers not to
• big daddy of the sea
• acts like a bitch when pissed off
•the fluffy things
• being sarcastic
• reading trash
• being feared
• Scorpio
• penguins
• being forced into situations
(stay tune next month for Aquarius)
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New Moon in Capricorn plus Solar Eclipse! 12/26/2019 or 12/25/2019 depending on where you are
Hi all, how were your holidays? I hope it all went great 😁 tonight's or today's new moon with eclipse is going to be in Capricorn (check the rising time for your timezone. Also, if you're gonna wait for the solar eclipse, it is mostly gonna be around West Asia going southeast. As for me, I'll be waiting for it to be at its peak, hopefully there would be a clear sky later)(update: it's effing cloudy 😢), and it's going to bring in energies that will not only help you move forward, but also help you energised and motivated. It's particularly strong because not only is it the moon phase for manifesting, with this solar eclipse, portals are gonna get opened, so more energies are gonna come in, so it's best to capitalize on that for the changes that we need, as well as want. And moving on to the new decade, in a week, Capricorn energies will only get stronger because of so many planets moving in to this sign. Might as well harness the power of the ever moving sea goat.
As a natal Capricorn moon myself, I could already feel the extra energies, it feels nice. So if you want to recharge, revitalize, reinvigorate your motivation, your personal strengths, and more so the willpower to get material stuff (because Cappy is an earth sign, which are all about the material realm and its rules and tangible things) now is the best time to harness the Capricorn energies (it IS Cardinal earth after all, and as you may or may not know, cardinal signs are movers, shakers, pushers, pioneers). Time to initiate stuff you want, and you can combine that with mutable energies from the full moon in Gemini's energies, so that you can achieve the fun, positive changes you want in your life. If you're also transmuting karma, low-vibes, having a subconscious healing or reboot, stuff that heals and nourishes your entire being, then please do keep at it. Cappy energies are here to help you push through despite the annoying feels. I don't know about others, but as I went through my karmic detox from the Gemini full moon up to this point, I felt through so much change, but I am doing my best to be excited about it. Especially the healing part. So if you're also on the same journey, I wish you well, because it's gonna be great! 😁
The stuff below is my personal reflection aka just ranting and raving lol feel free to skip below unless you want some weirdass insights 😈
Speaking of Capricorn, and it's friend Saturn, they both don't get great reps. I mean, when you think about either one or both of them, it's always the toiling, the suffering, the harshness, the having to endure hardships, working your ass off and nothing seems to change or improve, or the change is so minimal it's negligible. Basically it sucks. And believe you me, I also think of it too, despite having uber-strong Cappy energies in my own chart lol the irony of it all 😂. And this month we had full moon in Gemini too, so I guess I'm just too biased with the moons this month because I'm a Gemini sun with a Cappy moon, and boy oh boy is that an effed-up combo. Based on my experience, it's hard when you're readily excitable and super-dazzled by new stuff - the Gemmi side, but then you are also compelled to finish whatever the heck you left undone - the Cappy side. There's a guilt either way. I also complained a lot on having to learn things bit longer than others. I mean, as a Gemini I could safely say I'm OK with general concepts, the big picture, the overall composition. But as for the nitty gritty, for digesting the details, I'm a bit of a slow processor. I envy some Virgo peeps in this aspect. I mean, they're fellow Mercury peeps aka sign also ruled by Mercury but I guess their groundedness from being an earth sign gives them that edge. But it's something that I have come to terms with, and I just channel the bulldozing energies of Capricorn for whatever needs to happen for me in that aspect, instead of using Virgo energy (no offense to all Virgo peeps, I love you all but I'm not particularly chummy with those I have met in real life. They look nice from afar, and I could only love them from afar, without any interactions. Unless their moon or ascendants are of a sun sign I enjoy being friends with, like uhm, I dunno, Aquarius, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, sometimes Taurus, sometimes Sagittarius, or Libra, and weirdly some Capricorns, and if I failed to mention some other signs, yeah lol I don't even particularly enjoy fellow Geminis unless again, their moon or ascendants are in the signs I mentioned, cause that's a game changer. Lol nothing personal OK? *hugs*). Not because I dislike some Virgos (it's also the sign of my 12th house, the house of hidden enemies and secrets lol I am slowly disclosing my natal chart bit by bit lol zero regrets), but it's just that because I do have strong Capricorn in my natal chart, which took me about 2 years to process and integrate into my system, and finally found the answer as to why I can be too stubborn in certains aspects of my life, yeah, it's a hidden strength to count on. So despite me hating on having to bear the gifts of Saturn (through both Capricorn and the numerology of my name, uurrrrhgh), I guess it's something that I am doing my best to integrate and not reject anymore. Even if it's a bit harsh. So if you're also a lunar Capricorn and for some weird reason you resonate with my stuff, hugs and love to you.
We've come this far, and we can keep going. We're freakin seagoats, with SWAG 🐐 ♑🆒
If you're still here reading this, thank you. 😢😢😢
I hope this post served you well in this season, or in any other season if you read this at some point in the distant future. I pray you find the healing you seek, because you WILL.
Love and hugs,
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iconicdisquiet · 6 years
>ID: Set the barre.
-- iconicDisquiet [ID] is now trrolling unruffledVanquisher [UV]! --
ID: You simpering hypocrite.  ̄へ ̄ ID: You know, sometimes I think to myself: am I too harsh on Vadadear? Who is he, ultimately, but some kid of a seagoat, thrashing around in the shallows of life? Why, you might say to yourself, that's terrible, how could anything be so daft as to get stuck there? But ultimately, you can't exactly judge. All you can do is click your tongue and know that, eventually, it'll either asphyxiate, or figure it out. ID: But then you go and prove that, honestly, you absolutely warrant every cruel allegation towards your honesty, common decency, and common sense that I've ever given. ID: Out of all the doctors on the ship, you really go to Ullane. ID: The yellowblood. ID: Is your organisation so poor that they can't afford a higher mediculler, sweetheart? ID: Because frankly, I just don't buy it! UV: Careful. UV: You are sounding a bit casteist. ID: Well, heavens to betsy, we just can't be having that. It's not casteism, sweetheart, to say that the Empire might want someone a little higher to go looking at their little pet projects gear. ID: After all, they're the ones who say it's just not worth the time to go training lowbloods up for that sort of work~ UV: On top of just sounding like a pupa who had candy taken from them, spitting out accusations and hitting the ground. ID: You went and practically wept over me talking to your precious Nanako, and then you swing around and start hitting up my folks. ID: Why, were you just that keen for attention after a whole, long week? Couldn't abide not having my name in your inbox?  ̄へ ̄ ID: Congratulations, darling, you've got it. And all it took was making a fool of yourself, making a show of digging up the only mediculler on the station who just so happens to know me. UV: I was referred to Ullane. My apologies for not immediately realizing that it was, as you like to say, your Ullane and... Asking for another mediculler, I suppose. UV: To spare your delicate feelings. UV: Would you like to claim that I damaged myself on purpose to see her as well? UV: While you are busy hurling nonsense at me. ID: How in the world do you damage metal fronds in the first place? ID: Did you go and stick them in a blender? ヽ(`⌒´)ノ UV: I do not think that is any of your concern. ID: I don't actually care, mind. But you're the one bringing up the injury. ヾ(¯^ ̄๑) And it is awfully hard to break metal. ID: But your incompetence isn't my business, it's true! UV: Honestly Iconic. Do you have nothing better to do with your nights than to stir yourself in to a froth over Ullane treating someone? ID: I just don't know. You certainly didn't have anything better to do than clutch your pearls over my daring to talk to your battery. ID: I'm just amazed, that's all! UV: We both know why I did not want you trying to use Nanako, you can drop the coy act any time now. ID: Would you believe that I just don't have the faintest idea? UV: Any time you say 'would you believe' I know it is a lie. UV: So no. UV: However, if you could perhaps take a moment to realize that the universe does not, in fact, revolve aorund you, you might take a moment to realize that Ullane is a skilled mediculler with plenty of knowledge about biowire. UV: So perhaps you should not disparage her for her caste or think that she does not deserve higher profile clients because of it. ID: ID: Since when is stating the obvious disparaging? UV: You are quite hopeless, do you know that? UV: I went to Ullane because she was highly recommended. My apologies that I did not chose to see someone higher but without the same amount of skill. ID: Well, it's positively lovely to know that you're one of the few finfaces looking for skill over hue. Forgive me if I just didn't innately realise. ヽ(`⌒´)ノ ID: And I just don't think a basic general counts as high-profile, by the way. Don't get too up on yourself, now. ID: She's worked on far more prestigious folks. Or are you the one being disparaging, now? ╮(╯▽╰)╭ UV: 'It's not casteism, sweetheart, to say that the Empire might want someone a little higher to go looking at their little pet projects gear.' UV: You do a very poor job at backtracking. ID: It's not backtracking. I didn't realise you went out, looking for a mediculler yourself, that's all. ID: Aren't those sort of things usually assigned? ID: ID: You know what, never mind. ID: I don't actually care. ╮(╯▽╰)╭ UV: So you are admitting that you came in here assuming I had been assigned to Ullane. UV: But still decided to contact me, acting aghast, as if I had plotted it. ID: Oh, don't act as if you couldn't just request a new one. UV: Why would I have? Do you think I wished to spend all night turning my nose up at medicullers? ID: ID: Do you even read my text, or do you just look at all of the pink, let your eyes unfocus, and float around whatever thoughts you've got going in that empty pan of yours? ID: More ways to rail on my theatrics, maybe? ID: I'm not here to outline every step of your hypocriscy, Vadadear, even though I'm sure that'd just be a glorious use of your time. ID: More use than you usually get out of it, at least. UV: Honestly at this point, I was beginning to get used to not having to look at any of the pink. UV: And I am a bit occupied with much more important things than you having another fit. UV: Will you be going back to pretending I do not exist after this, then? ID: ID: Well, heavens, I just didn't know you were so keen on my attention that I can't go. What? A week or two without brightening your doorstep? ID: Maybe if you actually do something interesting, folks would pay more attention. ID: Just a tip~ ID: And what important things are you up to? ID: Smashing your fingers under ships again? ╮(╯▽╰)╭ UV: Darkening my doorstep. I was enjoying that you had sulked off to whatever sewer you usually crawl out of. UV: Perhaps you should return there. Since you are busy spewing garbage. UV: Confidential, Iconic. ID: Of course you were. That's why you went and answered the message, instead of your usual little exit strategy, isn't it? ฅ'ω'ฅ ID: And one night, you'll go ahead and learn a new word than just confidential. ID: But y'know what? ID: That's fine. I'm sure I don't even care to know~ And my point's been made, so I'll let you get back to - ID: - well, whatever it is you do, when you're not mangling your hands. UV: Mmm. UV: As long as you try to avoid getting shot at. UV: And your 'point' is as dull as your wit. As always.
-- unruffledVanquisher [UV] has stopped messaging iconicDisquiet [ID]!--
Well! That went better than you’d thought.
All things considered, even you know this is absurd. Stalking is not, despite all of Vadaya’s cruel jibes, actually a hobby of yours! Other people have never been interesting enough to warrant your attention, never mind enough to dedicate it to them. And you do know normal boundaries. In some circles, this sort of thing might be flattering. In most..
.. well. It’s essentially stalking.
You’ll just have to hope that Vadaya thinks of it as the former, that’s all, because you were halfway through this plan when the absurdity struck you, and it’s too late to back down now. Besides! He’d accused you of having no ambition, and having no motives. He’d said you were lazy, coasting on long-passed victories, and unable to emulate them before. He’d said a lot of things.. and everything you’ve pulled together tonight is a sign that he’s wrong, and you were right. He thought he knew you! He doesn’t know a single fucking thing about you, and you’ve got every plan to rub his nose in that fact. It’s not stalking. It’s showcasing your efforts, making him realise the sort of troll that he’s dealing with, even if you have to lead him to the water and drown him to make it set in.
It’s the sort of stunt that you might find endearing, if you were interested in someone pitch.
After you’d finished ripping them to pieces over it. But you’d like to see Vadaya try.
.. you’d really, really like to see him try.
The city of Civitrecce isn’t exactly your favorite place to be. It’s a huge, bustling metropolis filled to the brim with the sort of trolls that you’d like to sink your psi into: cullbait and mutants, highbloods with enough modifications that they could pass as either, hauling aliens behind them on chains and leashes. And the city itself isn’t much of a looker. Oh, there’s white sands as far as the eye can see off on the eastern edge, but that’s the problem with it. All of it’s got white somewhere, from the shining streets to the high-rises blocking out nearly every inch of the sky.
White, and red so bright that it makes you feel like you’re back in Temasek. But you’re not. More importantly, you’re not going to let yourself go and get spooked off of your mission over something as simple as architecture. It’d taken actual weeks of work to pull all of this together: first, in convincing Zhuang that the news of the Shepherd’s coolant implant had been stolen and was being sold was legitimate, and then in convincing him this was something that they could sell back to her, and then in pulling the information out of them after, in slow trickles as they’d sent off their messages, and waited for the responses.
The QPIN had always worked with the Imperial Education Program, long before you were hatched, and long before even the current Queenpin had emerged from the caverns. As one of the largest manufacturers of helming technology, and the largest producer of helms, they shared technology, employees, and most importantly, news. You’d heard the name enough when she and Raphae droned away in her office, more than any other business. You’d seen the name on enough technology, and on enough collars, scarred down to the bone with the name of what company’s ships the helming recruits would serve.
You’d known how Shepherd would take the news, as soon as she heard it. More importantly, you’d known what she’d ask! Your proctor had sat on the message for two, three nights before she’d thanked Zhuang for the notice, and then she’d asked them to take care of it. And why wouldn’t she? She didn’t know anything about this business, not really, but it wasn’t the sort of thing that she handled. She was a scientist and a businesswoman, not a keeper of soldiers.
And luckily, the QPIN turned out to have hooks in those as well.
You’ve never met a Scimitar prior to Vadaya and Rumisa. Oh, you’d read the pages and pages online on them, after you’d first met him, and then in the weeks after. Everything that can be accessed publicly! Everything that can be accessed privately, for those outside of the organisation, because even Raphae’s credentials won’t get you into another program’s personal servers. You’d called them glorified ruffianhilators, when you’d first met him, and really, you stand by that. There’s no point to them, and no reason for their sheer amount of pride; anything they do, then you’re certain you could manage it better.
Maybe not for some of the more headstrong ones, but.. well, you’re just not interested in using your psionics to their full potential. There’s nothing showy about the scale of work that your pan is geared towards. But that doesn’t mean you couldn’t, if you tried, and it doesn’t mean you don’t know what you’re capable of. You’d taken stress tests like the rest of your program, regularly enough to see how far you could be pushed. The body is full of small, vital parts, and places where the slightest tug of psi could set everything wrong.
So one of them can break walls with their scream. It’s not impressive.
And you refuse to be impressed by Zhuang’s pet Scimitar, no matter how much they prompt you. Tenienté Longhaul is a lieutenant general for the Imperial Psionic Corps, a tealblood with a combat history nearly as far as back as the first Ascension. He’s a speedster, a soldier, and a hundred different things that your contact had tried to press on you - but ultimately, the only thing that matters is he’s the one that assigns Vadaya’s missions.
Which is why you’re pacing along the brim of a roof, sipping on some pink and green powdered abomination of a drink as you watch the street. This is the most likely path for Vadaya to head to, you think. The laboratory is three streets over still, the sort of perfectly Modernist abomination that’s only unobstrusive in this hellhole of a city. It’s at the end of a dead end street, with the sea behind it and cliffs that crumble into a sheer drop, so you don’t expect he’ll go trying to climb it.
Especially not when you know the cliffs are wired with defenses for the institute honeycombed through them. He might still! If he does..
Vadaya’s interesting because he thinks he’s smarter than you: not just in books, but ways that actually count. He thinks he’s more competent, more agile, better in a thousand different ways. If he gets shot up trying to be clever, the only unfortunate part will be that you can’t watch it happen.
But it won’t happen. Already, you think you see a familiar set of horns cutting through the crowd, just as brisk as he’d been on Epiphany. And you could lunge down, introduce yourself properly, but.
.. you hate him. You hate this, because now that the moment’s come, your plan suddenly seems so much more ridiculous than it was in your head. What is this, one of Riccin’s musicals? You’ll show up at his mission, this time on purpose, and he’ll be infuriated, but impressed at your.. brass? Your confidence?
The fact that, for all of his showboating of the fact he’s an imperial soldier, that you can set yourself up as his equal just by pulling strings?
Of course he will. Vadaya’s yet to do anything that’ll surprise you, and you think - you hope - that you’re still on track. You’d be impressed! If he isn’t, then that isn’t your problem, is it? It’s his.
And in the meanwhile, you just need to remind yourself of what you tell your pupas: if you’re going to have cold feet, you might as well cut them off. So you drop off the roof as he passes under you, pose as neat as any lunge, and as you fall, you shoot off a message in your pan.
-- iconicDisquiet [ID] is now trolling unruffledVanquisher [UV]! -- 
ID: Hey there, stranger~
“Fancy seeing you here,” you call down, amused, and you don’t let your trepidation show. “Why, what a coincidence.”
-- iconicDisquiet [ID] has stopped messaging unruffledVanquisher [UV]!--
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sleepyfoodtruck · 3 years
back in the day (part 3)
swear to GOD i'm gonna link the other 2 fics lmao asdfg i just keep forgetting!!!
part 1
part 2
i think this is gonna be the last part of their "meet cute" (lmao), i'm gonna try and start writing about the actual mod during the weekend and stuff.
The school year had gone by in a blur, which was rather odd. Usually, Snowhill felt like the days just dragged on and on, it was annoying but she'd liked the predictability of it all.
Wake up at 6 AM. Go to school. Stay in class until 3 PM. Go home. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.
Sometimes they'd go on field trips, other times she'd volunteer to help with a school function (for a grade of course) or to stay a bit later to clean up the classroom. Her whole life had been like that and she'd liked it enough, sure it was a bit lonely at times, but everyone feels like that sometimes, right? Besides, it allowed her time to practice her spells and potion-making.
After Coral showed up, however, things took a rather harsh twist. Long gone were the days where she'd know exactly what would happen, her routine went through the window and splattered all over the pavement. No mercy from her "new bestie for life".
Wake up at 6 AM, call Coral so she'd wake up on time. Go to school and don't unpack anything yet, lest Coral crashes into the table again. Stay in class until 3 PM, skip a class or two with Coral if she's too bored. Go home? Absolutely not, Coral's hungry and she wants to beat the record for most french fries eaten in an hour; remember to carry a thermos with tea for her stomachache. Refuse to eat at home because you're full of french fries. Stay up until late talking with Coral through videochat. Sleep an hour or two. Repeat.
It...was a lot to get used to. She'd complain all the way about the numerous changes in her day because, honestly, how messed up is it that you gotta re-acommodate your whole day for only one person?
Truth was, she didn't mind it that much. It was a bit annoying at the beginning and it did take a while to get used to. Sometimes she'd forget to call Coral and, though her friend never got upset about it, she did feel awful and ended up apologizing a lot. Other times she'd be "too down in the dumps" (read: depressed) to even go to school. On those days, Coral would drop by her house around lunch time and hang out with her; sometimes she'd drag her outside, by the horns, just so she could "get some fresh air in your itty bitty lungs!!!".
She never had anyone take care of her like that. It was gross and disgusting and she didn't want it to stop. Her family was very supportive through it all, they'd come to accept her new friend with no issue. Or, rather than accept...
"That kid's way too skinny for her age!!" her mom, a centaur, huffed "Have you been giving her the lunches I've sent?"
"I have. She chows them down, last time she almosr swallowed the fork" Snowhill sat at the living room table, working on her History homework.
"Y'know how seamonsters are, they eat too much and gain almost no weight" her dad sat down next to her, petting her horns and getting to work on new spells "My coworker's like that, at least".
"I know that! But still, she makes me so nervous" she huffed again, her tail swishing in agitation "Oh! I know! Invite her over next week, I'll make casserole!"
"Don't you sass me! You gotta take care of her, she takes care of you!"
"We're classmates, she sits right next to me and she helps me with math, of course I gotta take care of her"
Her dad snorted, dropping his spell book "Oh sure, "classmates". You hear that? That's what they call it now?"
"What? But we're classmates!"
"Sure you are, dear" though she was facing the stove, Snowhill got the distinct impression her mother had that sardonic smile, the one she loathed, the one that said 'I know more than you about this but I refuse to tell you, however I will laugh at you by the time you find out'.
"B-But we are!!!!"
We're just classmates. Nothing more, nothing less.
Snowhill kept repeating that same sentence over and over. On her way to school, during classes, at lunch sharing her portion with Coral and on the subway back home.
She was absolutely sure of this fact. More than that, she was sure their relationship (whatever it was) was not what her parents were implying. She'd had crushes before, even a boyfriend and a girlfriend (kinda?), and this didn't feel anything like those two instances.
We're just classmates. Nothing more, nothing less.
Could they even be considered friends? Coral seemed to put more effort into their hypothetical friendship. She'd sit with her, help her with math and, recently, forced her to socialize with the rest of the class. She hated that last part though, it wasn't a lie that being lonely was just more comfortable for her.
We're just classmates. Nothing more, nothing less.
"What'cha thinkin' about?" speak of the devil.
Snowhill looked up from her knitting. She'd taken it up recently, her aunt and grandmother finally decided she was ready and had begun to train her; craftmanship spells were an ancient art in her family, and it was her turn to carry on the tradition.
Shrugging, she untangled a bit more yarn and continued knitting, the scarf slowly taking form "Nothing. Just trying to not miss any stitches"
"OOOOHHH!!! What're you making? Is this yarn?! It's such a pretty color too!!!" Coral grabbed the ball of yarn, twisting it between her claws and admiring the lush green color.
"It's supossed to be a scarf, granny said this was the easiest thing to start with"
The undine nodded, not answering as she was still too entertained playing with the yarn, her pupils ridiculously expanded.
"What the fuck, she looks like a cat?" Snowhill stared, perplexed "Why is that cute".
"Say!!" Coral stood, a bit dizzing from doing so too fast "Wanna come over this weekend? I found a super rad abandoned ship, I think you'd like it!!"
"Uh..." shit, shit, shit. How to turn her down without seeming like an asshole "I...have...goat things to do. This weekend. In my house. M-My goat house".
"Uh-huh" the undine crossed her arms, an amused smile on her face "your goat house?"
"Yup!!!! My goat house!!!!" she started knitting again, missing every single stitch.
"Where you do goat things. Because you're a goat?"
"Soooo...I'm sure you won't mind doing your goat things in the sea? Your mom said you'd be delighted!"
"...You arranged this with my mom..."
"Sure did!!! See you by the shore this Saturday, 12 PM sharp!!!"
The week passed by in a blur and, before she knew, it was already Saturday. That meant...Snowhill was gonna come by today!!! They'd hang out and check out the spooky abandoned ship, maybe she'd finally convince her to give sea food a try!!! Then, she could finally get her hands on her hair and braid a bunch of shells and small rocks all over it AND her horns. It promised to be a very, very exciting weekend!!!
...That is, if she'd just get in the water already.
"C'mon Snowy!!! The water's great, you've been standing there for fifteen minutes!!" Coral was lounging on a rock, her tail making small waves as it swished back and forth.
"Don't call me that" Snowhill gripped her sweater, a very tense expression on her face "I, uh, can't swim".
"Yes you can!! Your mom showed me pictures of you guys on the beach. She can swim, and she's half horse! You'll manage"
"The ocean scares me?"
"I'll be with ya, I'm the most dangerous thing in this part of the sea!!"
"My fur's gonna get wet?"
"I'll help you dry it later. C'moooon!!!"
The goat bit her lip, twisting the bottom of her very rumpled sweater. Coral sighed, she really didn't wanna pressure her and she did seem really uncomfortable. But, her mom said it was fine? If there was an issue, she would've been told, right?
Eventually, Snowhill sighed and began taking off her sweater "...Fine. B-But don't laugh. And...and don't tell anyone, or I'll curse you".
Excited, the undine perked up. She finally managed to tug her sweater off her horns and dropped it on the hot sand, twisting her hands and nervously looking around. As expected, she was incredibly hairy; as a goat, it was only natural. Coral still couldn't help but stare though, it hadn't occurred to her that it might be a problem and she might feel self-conscious about it; it looked so soft! She must spend hours brushing it.
Taking another deep breath, Snowhill slowly treaded into the water. Coral propped up on her elbows, a confused frown on her face; her friend had said she was a goat, so why--
"Why do you have fins?!"
She startled, a loud "BAAA" escaping her before she covered her mouth. Her very small but clearly visible ear-fins also dropped, she was mortified and her yelling wasn't helping.
"UGH. This is why I hate the ocean!!! My fur gets stiff and these stupid fins come out, and my tail hurts and--"
"YOU HAVE A TAIL?!" Coral dunked into the water, way too excited to completely process the full sentence.
Sure enough, there it was: an honest to god mermaid tail complete with very fragile-looking fins and scales. The tail was coated with a light layer of fur, she still had her goat legs somehow. In fact, it looked as if she had attached a mermaid tail to her waist. A bit weird, bu cool nontheless.
"This is SO COOL!!! I knew you weren't a goat, but I didn't think you were a seagoat!!!"
"Y-You knew?! Who told you?!"
"No one! But, c'mon gimme some credit here" Coral stopped swimming in circles, placing her hands on her hips and looking a bit annoyed "I've lived in the sea my whole life, I could smell it on you".
"...Oh..." to her credit, Snowhill seemed a bit embarrassed "S-Sorry"
"No biggie!" she grabbed her hand, still tiny and still fitting perfectly with her own "This'll make everything so much easier!! We just gotta swim for a bit, enjoy the view!"
At first, it went great! They went slowly for a bit, so that Snowhill could get used to actually swim in the ocean again. They passed by a few schools of fishes, collected pretty seashells and shiny rocks and even tried a few mollusks; despite claming they were "absolutely disgusting", Snowhill still ate them.
They'd been swimming for a good 30 minutes before Coral noticed something was wrong. She was babbling about the abandoned ship, how there were some doors that wouldn't open but could, most definetely, be broken if they rammed something against them. She was about to suggest using her friend's horns, turning around excitedly just to notice she was alone.
Well, not alone. But Snowhill was slowly skinking to the bottom of the ocean, very still and very much not breathing.
"SHIT!!! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Coral quickly swam to her, lifting her with ease and going back up to the surface as fas as she could "Please don't die on me!! Please, oh god, please don't die on me!!"
She reached the surface in record time, throwing Snowhill on the sand roughly. As she grabbed her shoulders to wake her up, she couldn't help but watch in fascination how the tail disappeared; it slowly faded away, merging with the back of her legs and further up her waist.
"Whoa...n-no, I gotta focus!!" once again, she began shaking her "C'mon sis, wake up! You can't die here, we still got a test on Monday!!"
But she wasn't waking up, she was too still. Touching her face, Coral noticed that her skin was cold; Snowhill ran like a furnace, her being cold couldn't be a good sign. Taking a deep breath, she placed her hands on the goat's chest.
"Please work, just focus and don't dehydrate her" she looked at her face one las time, then closed her eyes.
Everything was still for a moment. Then, focusing very hard on extracting the right amount of water, Coral lifted her hands. A small bubble began to form, its color murky; a bit of sand was also inside, as if the goat had managed to swallow it somehow. Very carefully, she dragged herself to the shore and dumped the bubble in the sea. Her tail hurt considerably (there were many rocks and they cut deep), but she crawled back to where Snowhill was.
A bit of color seemed to return to her face, though it was hard to tell since she was so pale. With shaky hands, she gently slapped her cheeks.
"S-Snowy? Can ya hear me?" nothing. She though for a moment, then leaned down and whispered in her ear "The teacher said the math test's gonna be on Monday"
"WHAT?!" the goat got up and promptyl smacked her horn on Coral's forehead.
"OW!!!!" "FUCK!!!!"
Coral rubbed the sore spot on her forehead, while Snowhill coughed up what little water was left in her lungs. Gingerly, the undine rubbed her friend's back, the coughing fit lasted forever and it sounded awful.
"Ya good?" still rubbing her back, she sat down propperly. Her tail was ridiculously sore.
"Y-Yeah, sorry" Snowhill's voice was raspy, she still seemed to be out of it, as she leaned into her friend's side as soon as she stopped coughing.
"Oh! Um, good! You give me quite a scare there" a bit flustered, Coral hugged her back "What happened? If you don't mind me asking"
She didn't say anything at first, staring off into the ocean and breathing a bit too loudly. The undine took a deep breath and hugged her a bit tighter, she was so tiny and she was shaking and it was her fault and--
"I should've told you before, that's on me" she spoke slow and ver low "Yeah, I'm a seagoat. But I haven't been to the ocean in years"
"You don't like it?"
"Uh, it's not that. My fins are too small and my gills are under my fur. I'm not supossed to be underwater for more than 20 minutes" she paused, took several deep breaths and then continued "Used to be about...6 hours, but I moved to the city and there wasn't much time to come back to the ocean. I guess my body forgot it can breath underwater"
"I'm really sorry" giving into temptation, Coral rested her head right between her horns "It was a bit obvious, you were kinda anxious. I shouldn't have pushed ya"
"It's whatever. For what it's worth, I had fun"
"You did? But we didn't even get to see the ship!"
"Well, yeah. I mean, drowning sucked but-" Snowhill sat up a bit, almost snuggling into her "I missed the sea. We'll find a way around, maybe an air bubble will work better next time"
Next time? She was planning for a next time? Coral bit her lip in giddy excitement, trying her hardest to keep still. They watched the ocean for another minute, both shivering as a cold breeze blew past them.
"I'm guessing it's late enough, I should get going" reluctantly, the goat stood up and (slowly) walked towards her discarded sweater "Ugh, gross, its covered in sand"
"Wish you could stay over but, uh, I don't think it's a good idea" she brushed a bit of sand off her tail, hissing when some of it got into her injuries.
"What the fu-- you're hurt? Why didn't you tell me?" Snowhill walked over and dropped to her knees, placing her hands on her tail "Don't move"
"You don't gotta--"
"I'm not dumb, you must've done something to get the water out of me" the cuts and scrapes glowed green before closing themselves "It's only fair I help you out, too"
"Awww, bestie, you didn't need to do that!!"
"...It's...it's what friends are for"
We're not just classmates.
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nutrig · 5 years
Self Care Storytime!
Lost everything you can think of that you did/will do for self care today!
For me, it’s that:
I went to my first ever gynocology appointment! The gynocologist was really nice and she really empathised with me!
I changed my bedsheets!!!! This is a big deal for me because I have a bad back and a procrastinating issue so I always have trouble changing my sheets.
I had a shower! And washed my hair and brushed my teeth and washed my face and lemme tell you that’s three things that I probably wouldn’t have done today if I didn’t get sweaty from the bedsheet changing. (Also yeah sometimes I don’t brush my teeth, having executive functioning issues it’s harder than you realise)
I spent time with my cousin! She and I have been really close lately and we watched some ouran high school host club and ate dinner and dessert together~!
I drank about a litre of water! It’s much more than I used to drink and though I have a long way to go before I reach my goal of 3 litres (I’m Heckn dehydrated rip) I’m glad I’m having a consistent minimum of one litre a day.
I listened to lots of music very loud and danced!!!!!!! This was really fun cause I was alone and got to listen to a bunch of songs and just dance and clean my room.
I spent some time hyping up friends I have on Instagram! (My art account is @/seagoate on insta~!)
Self care doesn’t always mean you have fun doing it. I didn’t really have fun cleaning my bed or going to the hospital appointment, but I did both and after I did them I’m glad! I hope this motivated you guys a bit or at least you liked to read some positive things I’ve done today. I’m proud of myself today and I want to share that feeling.
Reblog with self care stuff you’ve been doing!!
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the-unforgotten · 7 months
finally got around to reading the unwanted guest. man I love the locked tomb so much
such wonderful character building like pal with the voice and the slow revelation of who that was. chefs kiss. ianthe doing settings dressing up just interacting with someone sooo different wonderful.
then the discussions and the impact they have on the greater world lore.
its a river so theres shores on both sides amazing
souls being permeable as an in character debate being solved by smoking wonderful
oh and that yes and the agonies line absolutely heart destroying
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Mother and Father..... Allow me to introduce myself.. I was born here 64 years ago. On January 15,1954. I am the SeaGoat, born upon the Ides. I was born to a woman named Mary and adopted by a kind man named Joseph. ( Noticing a theme here yet... grin) Yes, I am who you think I am, but then.... I'm really not. First thing you really need to understand. My father NEVER fell. That whole story is a lie. But then most of what you've been told and believe is just that....a lie. My father is called Lucifer, the light bringer, for a very good reason. He is truth and light and good. He is the one who still has his honor. It is the other one, the other side, that is evil. That represents death, destruction and suffering. Don't believe me? Read his books. I'll wait........
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the-unforgotten · 1 month
reading the atlas complex. oh how I missed my messy magical blorbos.
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the-unforgotten · 2 months
while it was not a part of my original reading list it did get added and boosted to the top of the queue as its timely
book 6 of the year is Dean Spade's Mutual Aid
currently about 40% through the book
how I found it
id heard of it before but a wonderful essayist I found via tiktok by the name of ismatu gwendolyn brought it to the forefront of my attention
heres their substack specifically about the book https://ismatu.substack.com/p/mutual-aid-is-mutual-recap-readings
but the whole substack is wonderful insightful and thought provoking
how I'm reading it
online ebook https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/dean-spade-mutual-aid
and audio via a text to speech extension :)
very informative has lots of examples of movements that I definitely have to look more into
like the young lords party or the oakland power projects
it bring up a lot of good points to consider in realtion to mutual aid as well as reactions to various crisis such as the way justice systems might over police people seeking aid as a way to catch suspected criminals
the writing is very easily digestible the text even provides charts to better explain and compare ideas and methods. I particularly like the chart on tendencies that harm groups. it addresses problems but also includes goals to be aiming for.
like I'm ecstatic that this book is solutions orinated.
its really invigorating and makes me want to read more theory because I feel this is giving me such a good base.
anywho back to reading i go :D
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the-unforgotten · 2 months
what im reading
book number 7 of the year is Womb City by Tlotlo Tsamaase
at the time of writing im about 30% through the book.
how I found it
good reads giveaway specifically the scifi tag. I entered back in December didn't win but the book seemed interesting enough that I put it on my notify list in libby. it just came out at the end of january
i did read the summary blurb so I did know where the story was generally headed even if I didnt fully remember that when I started reading it this week.
im doing combination ebook read and audio book listen via libby
that narrator adds so much character to the story as well as getting rid of a pronunciation barrier id have with the names and settings.
what I remembered from the blurb was that theres gonna be a murder.
story so far
so in a futuristic africa the story follows the main character nelah and her life as she navigates that pitfalls of the society she lives in. some things about this futuristic setting
ones consciousness can be swapped between physical bodies
you can have multiple lifetimes. you live out your life then at the end of it decided to do another life in another body
crime is heavily decreased by some minority report esque government and religious endeavor
bodies that have been used by criminals are reused but micro chipped which records videos the bodies surroundings as well as paralyzing the body if its in the process of committing crime.
nelah inhabits one of these microchipped bodies and has since about 18.
she is now married and has a architectural firm and a police husband. they want kids but come to find out this body is also infertile.
if it wasnt obvious by the title parenting childrearing and related things are very important to this story.
oh and to top it off the body has a bionic arm.
nelah and her husband are not have a good time theres fucked up power dynamics out the wazoo
he is not chipped and as nelah notes most men are not. she at one point made more money than him. and them not having a kid yet is hurting his chances for a promotion. and a big one is he gets to watch the footage of her microchip as it uploads so no privacy
theres a lot of interesting world building like you can choose to integrate into the family of the body you are in or abandon them. in some cases you might remember past lives tho this seems to be a privilege awarded to the rich and connected most people forget. and a god is said to be resting under the city which is why the crime predicting stuff can happen.
my current issue is that the characters keep railing against the world they live in.
for example nelah pulled a knife on her body brother during an argument and wasnt zapped to stop
nelah lighty and more so the people she is in conversation with dont really believe in the folklore or religion of the area.
also in the story theres still wealth disparity corrupt and good old fashioned sexism.
so a we are following along with nelah we learn she has had an affair. has already gone through multiple miscarriages. multiple rounds of ivf. her business is failing. her body family is keeping an inheritance from her.
her an hubby decided that the next step should be an external artificial womb which costs them hella money they dont really have.
the next obstacle is nelahs government evaluation where they minority report test her to see if her body is eligible to be unchipped or I'd she needs counseling that could ultimately result in her being needed back to the consciousness waiting room as her body has to be scrapped.
it unfortunately does not go well. they ping the altercation with her brother and a possible future incident with her losing a child thats not hers. they pretend to let her go but actully keep her in a simulation that is a set up for her to steal a unattened child. and sure enough she does and is gonna be hauled off to mind jail but her husband intercepts and gets her set free.
this is where it starts getting bonkers. with all the stakes at hand she starts acting reckless for some reason??
she gets back with her affair partner and even escalates what they do together from just talk to drug feuled sex. which is wild bc even if her husband wasnt looking at her memories he still found out about the affair from coworkers. she turns down a major business deal for her firm even tho her employees are receiving half pay at the moment.
the affair might not be a crime but it would tank her and her husbands already bad public image and put their jobs in jeopardy which means she wouldnt be able to pay for her daughters womb so the gov would take growing baby for their body hopping supply.
and the drugs def a crime?? but also not zapping her??
so then her affair partner is like her babe I got this thing to hack your microchip so we can do even more crazy stuff and she is like idk seems risky.
she gives in and then he is all like ditch ur husband and get with me ill treat u right
and she is like idk i could be jumping from one bad situation to another and he is powerful its best not to slight him.
her affair partner is like no me and my family we are more powerful I can illegally get you a new body if you want. I can get your hubby demoted or promoted. I can stop the gov from takin ur baby.
side note the business deal she turned down was made by her affair partners dad. she turned it down bc he had rape allegations against him and used his influence to make them go away.
so the stakes are high af and the characters are messy af and I havent even gotten to the murder part of the plot ?!?!?
curious to see how tf its gonna get there and what mess the characters will make.
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the-unforgotten · 3 months
reading the wicked + the divine comic rn
its so fun and I'm loving the art
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the-unforgotten · 4 months
started my first book of the year
Terry J. Benton-Walker's Blood Debts
10% in so far currently ebook reading it only
found it via libby similar recommendation for the ledgenborn series ( now that I've read the first two in that series I should have sused out the vibes)
I went in blind no synopsis no reviews just vibes and a beautiful cover (shout out to thee Khadijah Khatib https://www.instagram.com/khudeejuh/ one of my fave artists)
to its credit it it sets up tone and stuff very quickly
magical historical based in this reality with all its racism ect its hits the ground running with mentions of massacres and unjust judicial systems (not my preferred type of black media)
only 10%in but theres lots of info.
the dynamics established are referential to some unseen before time and temporary as the plot kicks in everything starts to change
like the main characters are twins we don't see them having a good close relationship it just said that its currently strained
cris the gal blames herself and magic for her fathers death the bro clem is still very into magic but not as good at is as cris
the mother is sick so they make a trinket to better the vibes and fine a death curse trinket in her bed
bro is like it was probably that white boy you with sis like could be the randoms you bring around
theres an old lady giving insight on the past
the white bf starts talking about reverse racism when he get called out for being too pushy about the familys magic
the aunts are not around but they are needed to try to counter the curse
and some other tidbits too
nothing too off putting story wise or in the prose department yet but the pacing and framing does have me a little hesitant
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