#spiderhungry posts
spiderhungry · 16 days
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virtualcarrot · 4 years
thewittiestpartition replied to your post: lord-kitschener: arielenhasarrived: yamino: ...
No one is saying your spouse has to be your only friend. Just a friend. Geez.
spiderhungry reblogged your post and added:
I think it is up to individuals to decide that. I...                   
@spiderhungry @thewittiestpartition
Clearly there’s been some miscommunication about what I meant. Since many people were sharing their personal experiences, I merely wanted to remind others that this wasn’t a NECESSITY. It’s romantic--sure--it does fit an ideal, but it’s not NECESSARY. It’s not an OBLIGATION. So people don’t feel forced to conform, or ashamed not to. Some very stable and very fulfilling romantic partnerships are not fusional and that’s perfectly ok.
It not being a necessity obviously means that it’s up to individuals to decide, and I can’t for the life of me understand how my words could be interpreted any other way. Unless I should have emphasized that the thing I was reacting to is the “should” in YOUR SPOUSE SHOULD BE YOUR BEST FRIEND and not the mere idea that a spouse might be their partner’s best friend.
I thought I made that clear in my last sentence.
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bishophazel · 6 years
Hey, @realblueberry @salemsdead @spiderhungry @starfaeblossoms and anyone else who likes my posts...I have no idea what's up, but Tumblr has been possting my same posts multiple times. It's making me crazy. So sorry!
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spiderhungry · 17 days
I just queued a post about calling people "eggs," and now I've decided to tell an anecdote.
For those not in the know, an "egg" is a trans person who has either not figured out they're trans yet or who has not come out as trans yet.
It can be a useful term for trans people to talk about their past selves and a metaphor for coming out of a shell to be who they are. "Look at this photo of me as a child. I was such an egg!"
I think it gets problematic when people start calling other people eggs. "Oh, she's an egg. He's an egg." When you speculate about someone else's "true" gender identity in public, you are essentially outing that person. And in today's political climate, you are endangering them, before they are ready to accept the terms and conditions of being publicly out.
Also, they haven't come out, and it's none of our business what private journey they may or may not be going on.
Okay, so now the anecdote:
A friend of mine recently met some nonbinary folks, for the first time, and befriended them. She thinks they're interesting people and she's still trying to wrap her head around what "nonbinary" means.
She shared with me that she likes hanging out with them, but recently they have decided that she is "one of us" and that she "has nonbinary vibes." They have all started to refer to her as "they" instead of "she."
She told me this is annoying to her, because she does not believe she is nonbinary, she never told them she might be nonbinary, and she prefers "she/her" pronouns.
And I was like, these people are misgendering her. They're actually misgendering her.
What the fuck, honestly.
Also, even if she does figure out she's nonbinary? Let her go on that journey! Let her figure it out! They can certainly talk about their experiences and what being nonbinary means to them, and maybe she'll relate and come out. But she might turn out to just be cis! In which case, they will have been misgendering her!
Also? Don't just decide what somebody's gender identity must be. That's THEIR decision and journey.
idk people calling other people eggs and misgendering them because they have "trans vibes" irritates me. Am I alone in this?
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spiderhungry · 1 month
PSA: You do not have to contribute anything to society or be "productive" to be worthy of love, life, and liberty.
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spiderhungry · 1 month
someone: "I just don't like the protestors' tone. They're very loud. I think occupying a building is bad optics. Blocking traffic is illegal. I wish the protests weren't so disruptive!"
me: sighs
me: opens indesign
me: loads template
me: pastes the entirety of the Letter from Birmingham into the template
me: adds paragraph and character styles
me: exports to PDF
me: prints out PDF
me: cuts paper down to the correct size and sets manuscript aside
me: digs through collection of custom papers and selects a pretty one
me: measures the manuscript
me: cuts thick cardstock for front cover and back cover
me: dabs bookbinding glue on cardstock and pastes on pretty custom paper
me: sets it aside to dry
me: once it's dry, assembles covers and manuscript and clips them together tightly
me: drills five holes into the edge of the book
me: sews the book together using stab binding with a needle and waxed binding thread
me: ties off the end of the thread
me: carefully adds creases to the covers so that they open neatly
me: takes the book to my car
me: drives to airport
me: gets on an airplane
me: takes a taxi to the person's house
me: knocks on their door
someone: opens the door
me: hands them the lovingly bound book
me: "I beg of you, read this."
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spiderhungry · 2 months
Life hack: If someone is giving you the run around concerning your money (whether they want money from you or are being difficult about giving you money back), I suggest sending a letter through certified mail and with return receipt service.
Both times I've sent letters this way (once with a landlord not giving me my deposit back, and once with a clinic sending me a large surprise bill), I've gotten frantic/nervous messages back saying they will resolve the issue as soon as possible. :)
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spiderhungry · 16 days
Hi! I'm running for President of the United States!
Okay, not really, this is just an experiment. Please read through my platform and answer the poll above.
(Oh, and if you vote No, please reblog and tell me why. I'm very curious.)
Here's my policy platform:
The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated the U.S. over the last four years. We have lost more than 1.1 million Americans to this deadly virus. The pandemic plunged the world into economic depression and high inflation rates. Americans are still feeling the effects today.
As President, I will endeavor to contain the pandemic by funding testing sites across the country and a national program to vaccinate our population efficiently and equitably. I will continue to make sure to keep schools and businesses open, with science-driven steps and solutions to address the problems created by this virus. Communities of color were hit especially hard, and my programs will address the discrepancies in care and support for these communities.
Climate change is perhaps the biggest crisis of the century. From pollution to changing weather patterns, America needs to be ready to meet the challenges climate change has created and will continue to create.
As president, I will mobilize a task force to reduce the effects of climate change. With science-driven solutions, we can reduce pollution, build sustainable infrastructure, and work toward net-zero emissions, by no later than 2050.
Racial Equity
The American Dream has always been about equality and freedom. For too long, systemic racism and barriers to opportunity have blocked Americans of color from reaching that dream.
As president, I will put equity as a central focus of my administration and embed racial justice in all of my policies and programs. I will strive to deliver criminal justice reform, increase outreach and programs for healthcare access and education, fight against discrimination in housing, and restore Federal respect for Tribal sovereignty. My plan includes decriminalizing marijuana and pardoning anyone with a federal conviction of possessing marijuana, which has disproportionately affected our communities of color.
Trans Rights
As president, I will fiercely protect our transgender community and listen to trans experts and organizations on all matters that concern the transgender community. I will commit to outreach and support for the transgender community, including creating task forces, increasing federal support for transgender-focused organizations, and fighting for legal rights and justice for transgender people. I will fund grants for transgender organizations and create training programs for law enforcement and healthcare professionals in order to improve rights and health outcomes for transgender people. 
Americans are struggling under the inequities in our economy. I plan to build on the Inflation Reduction Act, including continuing to invest in and implement clean and sustainable energy, keeping prescription drug prices low, raising taxes on corporations and our wealthiest citizens, and supporting our small businesses.
Minimum Wage
The Federal minimum wage hasn’t been increased since 2009 and is stuck at $7.25. This is not a livable wage, nor is such a low wage good for our economy. As president, I will push Congress to pass a bill to increase the Federal minimum wage to $15 and eliminate the minimum tipped wage.
Student Loan Debt
Student loan debt continues to plague Americans and hold them back from fully participating in our economy and live their lives to the fullest.
As president, I will continue to forgive billions of dollars in student loan debt for public colleges and universities, HBCUs, and MSIs. I will also fight to pass laws that protect students from predatory loans, interest rates, and for-profit colleges.
I will fight for legislation that expands federal labor standards to include more workers who can unionize. I will crack down on union busting and anti-union behaviors by companies and ban the use of striker replacements (“scabs”). I will protect the rights of workers and unions, which make our workforce and our economy healthier.
Health Care
As president, I will continue to protect and expand Americans’ access to affordable health care. I will build on the Affordable Care Act, expand Medicare, lower prescription drug prices, and protect access to birth control and abortion care. I will press Congress to pass a bill that codifies abortion rights into our Constitution. I will also endeavor to fund research on and find and implement science-driven solutions to our high maternal mortality rate, taking into account racial justice on this issue.
Additionally, I will guarantee 7 days of paid sick leave.
Families and Children
As president, I will offer an increase in the child care tax credit and create and fund programs for free child care for pre-kindergarten children. The U.S. is the only industrialized country to offer no paid family and medical leave, and I plan to fix that by creating a national program for 12 weeks of paid time off.
Our immigration system has long been broken and chaotic. I believe that our country is stronger and safer with fair immigration policies that welcome immigrants, no matter where they come from or who they are. An immigration system that is easy to navigate, that is fair and welcoming and makes immigrants feel safe, will create a safer and more prosperous America.
As president, I will double the number of immigration judges and staff to serve, process, and welcome newly arrived immigrants, undocumented people living in the U.S., and refugees from all over the world. I will continue to see that families are kept together and safe and taken care of fairly and equitably.
Foreign Policy
As president, I will center all of my foreign policy on diplomacy, human rights, humanitarian aid, and supporting democracy all around the globe. I will build on our democratic alliances and work with foreign leaders to solve global problems, such as climate change, human rights, and accessible health care. Additionally, I will ensure that American businesses are able to compete on a global scale.
Gun Violence
I respect the fact that we have the Second Amendment, giving Americans the right to bear arms, but common sense must be central in our approach to guns and gun violence.
As president, I will push Congress to create legislation that will regulate guns and gun ownership in the U.S. I will push for universal background checks for all gun sales and gift giving, and for federal licenses for all firearm sellers.
As president, I will create a national commission on policing that will bring members of our police force and civil rights activists together to solve the problems in our broken police system. I will demand accountability from police officers and push Congress to pass bills to ban chokeholds and no-knock warrants. I will require body cameras on all officers that must be turned on and functional. I will establish a database of police officers to track misconduct and push for training standards that include racial profiling, implicit bias, and intervention.
I have many more policies that I believe will help all Americans and residents of the United States. A vote for me is a vote for change!
Thank you for your consideration.
EDIT: Oh! And if you want to ask me questions about my policies before you vote, please reblog and do so.
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spiderhungry · 27 days
Hmm yeah okay I've decided. I'm anti-Zionism, and pro-one, secular state. I think this aligns with my general philosophy.
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spiderhungry · 3 months
Barbara Lee deserved better from Alameda County. I'm pissed.
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She busts her ass for us, and this is what she gets?
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spiderhungry · 4 months
I don't really care who you're saying it to, if you suicide bait someone, I block on sight. That sort of behavior is unacceptable to me.
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spiderhungry · 6 months
Yo feminism side of Tumblr, I recently saw in a fandom tag a very young self-described radfem and gender critical person who says they are new to it and are open to changing their mind.
I am very tempted to try to change their mind, but I'm not sure if it's worth it.
Regardless of that, what are some intersectional feminist texts you might recommend to such a person? What sort of resources could we provide to counteract any gender critical/radfem texts they might be reading? Is there anything I could say to such a person to get them out of that sect of feminism before they are too entrenched in it?
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spiderhungry · 6 months
Hey all, I may have shared a James Somerton video here from time to time, so I feel it's my duty to inform my followers that he has plagiarized... most of his content, and what he didn't plagiarize reveals that he's a misogynist.
I knew about the misogyny, to be honest, and this is on me: I tolerated it because I have been made to feel that what was there was all I was ever going to get. I brushed it off because I thought, well, some men are just like that and I had to tolerate it to get otherwise decent content.
I shouldn't have tolerated it. I shouldn't have thought I HAD to tolerate it. Fucking misogyny, man.
Anyway, hbomberguy basically did an exposé on Somerton and you can watch it here:
And then Todd in the Shadows fact-checked Somerton here:
I recommend watching both videos so that you can learn what Somerton lied to you about.
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spiderhungry · 10 months
omg I can finally be back on Tumblr without fear.
Good Omens season 2 got spoiled for me by a Supernatural blog, of all things, but now I'm back and will be posting Good Omens Season 2 spoilers. I tag diligently and will be tagging with "Good Omens," so block that tag if you don't want spoilers.
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spiderhungry · 1 year
Not gonna name names, but a few years ago, I was gaslighted by a member of a Discord server and a mod and I left the server, only to find out today that the member is stalking and harassing someone.
I feel so vindicated. I was RIGHT, that member WAS toxic. Wow.
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spiderhungry · 1 year
I have a new son! His name is Espresso Bean, or Bean for short. I adopted him from House Rabbit Society, where his name was Espresso and he was one of 13 kits that Mama Starbucks had. He is very sweet and likes giving kisses and playing soccer.
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