spiderhungry · 4 hours
Animorphs really has a way to turn every scifi trope on its head. "Why do alien invasions always start in America?" Actually the body snatchers first landed in a Middle Eastern farming community where they kidnapped the first guy they saw, read his mind, and concluded that, since he was terrified of the US soldiers who had brutally destroyed everything he knew and loved, the US would be the ideal place to center their invasion. This is revealed in the spin-off "Visser" which is an excellent stand-alone book that can be read without any prior knowledge of Animorphs. And you can read it for free and with the author's blessing right here:
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spiderhungry · 5 hours
Yup, every art piece of lesbian mermaids I've ever reblogged on my side blog has been flagged and hidden.
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spiderhungry · 8 hours
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No one ever tell me anything bad about the person who runs this account.
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spiderhungry · 12 hours
just having some fun with interesting fantasy imagery! Give it a reblog, if you play, please? And tell me WHY you picked what you picked if you want?
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spiderhungry · 16 hours
My friend pioneered a game on accident called Let Hit after an embarrassing episode with a paper ball. It was the opposite of catch.
When someone threw something at you you had to willfully let it hit you. It wasn’t Let Hit if someone threw something at an unsuspecting victim. You had to see whatever it was coming and force yourself to take no action.
We got really good at Let Hit.
At group gatherings we’d play it like it was common knowledge, someone would chuck something at someone in the know and they’d just let it hit them and we’d explode with praise. “You’re so good at Let Hit!” “Look at this guy, he’s a champion!” “Not even a blink, he’s so talented!”
And it was so stupid but everyone not in on the game would be like ??? What are the rules??? And we’d just tell them what it was and you could tell we were selling them on the idea that it was fun but it was just getting stuff thrown at you.
So they’d start playing too and we’d just be like, “Oh yeah, you’re okay, I guess.” “Need to work on your form a bit” “Not everyone is good right away, y'know?”
Everyone Really wanted to be good at Let Hit. And it was literally just us throwing garbage at each other. My teen years were wild.
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spiderhungry · 20 hours
Maybe this is what the Resurrection Beasts sound like.
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NASA Data Sonification: Black Hole Remix
In this sonification of Perseus. the sound waves astronomers previously identified were extracted and made audible for the first time. The sound waves were extracted outward from the center. (source)
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spiderhungry · 1 day
the naming of hunger games characters is absolutely masterful. each one could have a whole page written about it, and tho i can't say anything that hasn't already been pointed out a million times, i do want to highlight one generality. most of the names in the districts are one of two things: common words (altered or not) to become names, often in line with their district's culture (Gloss, Thresh), or phonetic shifts of contemporary common names (peeta being derived from peter). this suggests, without changing how the characters speak, the idea of linguistic evolution, which in turn is representative of change and of local cultural. the districts are a people in dialogue and evolution with one another. and now compare this with the names of those in the capitol. off the top of my head i think of Plutarch, Coriolanus, Flavius, fucking Caesar. these are, one, roman names, which further serves to reinforce the comparison between the capitol and rome and all that entails, but these roman names, names that have been etched in stone and unchanged for millennia, are a stark contrast with the alive and dynamic names of the districts. it's just another (not so) subtle way that collins reminds us of the differences and the values of the capitol versus the districts.
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spiderhungry · 1 day
Watching Poor Things (2023) is one that pinged my "a man wrote this" radar, while in the theater with no background knowledge of the movie.
do you ever watch something and think “this was written by a man”
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spiderhungry · 1 day
Yeah, I was gonna say, op explicitly mentions the evidence base. These adults or teens aren't making bad/irrational/nonscientific teenage decisions. There is scientific evidence that puberty blockers are safe, effective, work, and ultimately save trans kids' lives.
The fact that leagues of smart and rational trans adults who are informed about the evidence base for puberty blockers wish they could’ve taken them in their youth seems to me pretty darn conclusive evidence that the balance of risk and benefit is favourable.
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spiderhungry · 2 days
Okay so Dear My Followers Who Aren’t Discworld People,
I bet you get so FUCKING confused when I and dozens of others are putting all this “Glorious 25th of May” stuff on your dash so let me TELL YOU what it’s ALL ABOUT okay but I had a couple shots too fast so bear with my lightweight ass.
It’s a thing from a book called Night Watch by Terry Pratchett. On May 25 in-universe, a thing happened called the “Glorious Revolution” where in this city called Ankh-Morpork the leader (Patrician) died (was sort of assassinated sort of induced into having a heart attack) and a new leader came to power. There was a lot of unrest in the city because the regular people were like Life Sucks We Want Things To Not Suck In These Particular Ways. So the Bad side of the police got dispatched to quell the rebellion and also the damn army got made involved, while there was a group of ragtag Good police who ended up just trying to actually keep the peace and protect the rebels so things would calm down, but a bunch of them got killed and the revolution ended with the new leader sucking almost as bad as the old leader and yeah everything still kinda sucked.
Fast forward a bunch of years to our hero Sam Vimes the commander of the Watch cops chasing a criminal and getting zapped back into the past by magical lightning no that’s not a joke. Vimes was a teenage new police recruit the first time the Glorious 25th happened and now he’s in the past having to pretend to be the guy who trained him the first time. As the same things happen as happened before in this pivotal moment in his life/the city’s history.
And like!! Vimes knows what’s going to happen! He knows people are going to die!! And he knows that if anything about the past changes too much, he won’t be able to go home to his proper present. But the criminal he was chasing got zapped back to the past too so he has to catch that guy so he can go back to the present and have justice be served.
BUT!!!! Even though he KNOWS he probably can’t save anyone who’s “supposed to die” and even though he KNOWS he’s doomed to lose everything he has in his present if things change too much (his wife! is about to have their child!)!!! HE TRIES TO SAVE PEOPLE. Because they’re good men!! And if the price of going home is NOT TRYING! and selling those good men to the night! He doesn’t want to pay it!!
So he TRIES. So fucking hard. Because if he didn’t, he wouldn’t be Sam Vimes.
And okay anyway let’s not spoil the whole book KidK but anyway! When the good cops are out doing their duty trying to just help things be peaceful in the city, one of them is like “we should have some kind of banner or plume to show we’re in this together” and one of them is like “how about sprigs of lilac I mean they’re all over the place.” So that’s why lilac.
And that’s why Glorious 25th.
And the fandom decided to celebrate it as a remembrance of Terry Pratchett and as a Thing to raise awareness for Alzheimer’s because that’s what PTerry died of.
So that’s what this is all about. A really good book about time travel and found family and comradeship and trying your best against the worst kind of odds. And a really good author who shouldn’t be dead and trying to help others with his same illness.
That’s why lilac, that’s why 25th of May. Okay? Okay.
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spiderhungry · 2 days
Mods are asleep post trans ally eminem
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spiderhungry · 2 days
i just want to one day be loved like elle woods’ sorority sisters loved her
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spiderhungry · 2 days
i’m fucking dying. it’s been brought to ben collins (the rad new owner of the onion’s) attention that Google AI summary is using The Onion headlines, resulting in this:
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spiderhungry · 2 days
oh you're in a horror film/book and your phone died/has no bars? how boring. I think phones in horror SHOULD work. they should ding only to have the protagonist check and find nothing. they should get calls from somebody you don't know but is still somehow in your contacts. google maps should lead you to one place, no matter what address you type in.
phones are such a big part of our daily lives, removing them from horror removes the horror from our experience. what if the horror felt like it could happen to you, right here, right now? what if it felt like it was already happening?
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spiderhungry · 3 days
"Based on data gleaned from the nearly 10 million military dependents it insures, the U.S. Department of Defense has repeatedly called the evidence supporting ABA “weak,” noting there is no research to determine whether the small number of participants who show improvement — 15% — do so because of treatment or simply because a child has matured. After a year of the therapy, the department reported to Congress in 2019, 76% of 16,000 participating autistic children saw no change, and 9% worsened."
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spiderhungry · 3 days
really fucking sucks that the catalyst for the mcelroy brothers' "downfall" was when one of them *checks notes* displayed symptoms of the mental illness he was very open about, in a way that was deeply embarrassing but ultimately pretty harmless
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spiderhungry · 3 days
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