#spooky month fic
prof-ramses · 3 months
Horror Lingers in Hope
So, this is my first proper SM ficlet, and it's Roy angst because of course it is. I wrote this about a month ago, but refined it since and am posting to get extra hype going for the impending release of HS!
TW: Nothing explicit, but there is reference to past CSA, as should be expected from a Roy angst fic.
Roy was honestly surprised when his parents let him invite not only Susie, but Ross and Robert over. He was obviously glad, it just seemed a bit sudden. "Man, this place rocks, Roy!" Robert said as he looked around the lavish living room. "Heh, yeah, it does." was all Roy could muster, it was nice to not worry about anything for a bit, just enjoying a day with the people who mattered. "Now try coming here for dates all the time." Susie chirped, "With this fine specimen." She playfully tugged at Roy's cheek and got a little chuckle out of him. “So, being the great host I am,” Roy half-joked, “I wanted to ask; What do you guys want to do?” “Wait, you said you were writing a song, right? Can we hear it?” Again, Ross’s question took Roy a little off guard, it’s not that he didn’t like the attention, I was just something he wasn’t used to, at least not in this way. “Only, and I mean only, if  you promise not to make fun of how cheesy it is.” Which it was, a ballad he was working on for Susie, he’d never admit it, but it started as a birthday present he didn’t finish in time.Before he could get too lost in his thoughts, Susie butted in, “AND if you promise not to get jealous of his singing voice.” “Oh, yeah” Ross joined in, “I don’t think I’ve heard you sing, man.“ “Then you’re missing out. Trust me.” “Why are you saying that like I’M the talented one?” “Roy, you’ve heard me sing, you know which one of us has that kind of talent!” “I know, I know, you’re just a lot of fun to mess with.” And without missing a beat, Susie responded to her boyfriend the exact way he expected from her and loved her for, “Yep, we’re really in sync like that.”
That was when Roy's mother poked around the corner "Does anyone want anything? I've been meaning to try some new smoothie recipes." "Nope, but thanks for the offer, Mrs. L." Ross responded for the group, he really had a way of reading the room.
Just then there was a knock at the front door *knock--knock* Roy's hearing suddenly clouded as he heard his father in the next room say "Ah, on time for once." Suddenly everything seemed darker, everyone turned to him. Their mouths didn't seem to move, yet he could hear them, in unison "Go on Reynold, answer it." He suddenly found himself right in front of that door, the knock came again, faster *knock-knock* Roy felt something in his hand, nevermind the fact that it hadn't moved. The door opened and there he was. "Hey little man. Long time no see."
Suddenly Susie entered from Roy's peripheral vision approaching that monster, a calm, accepting smile on her face, yet her eyes full of tears, pleading through acceptance. "Thanks for this little number, Roy. Still not quite on par with those 2 treats you got me a few years back." "No-NO, NO! You're dead, you died that Halloween! You're gone! GONE!" Even with the door open, that knocking persisted *knockknock-knockknock "Thanks again, kiddo." He said as he wrapped his arm around Susie's. Her voice sounded so peaceful as she said; “Don’t worry, Roy. This is how it was always going to be.”. "You've done wonders for you're dear uncle." His voice rang out as the knocking turned into a near constant drone of beating against Roy’s mind. He tried to reach out, to pull Susie away, to do ANYTHING. But he couldn’t, he ran faster and faster, but with every step he felt like something was pulling him down.
Roy damn near fell out of his bed when he lurched forward as he awoke in a frigid sweat. The quiet of the night and the air around him feeling like a gentle hand on his shoulder telling him to leave that horror behind. Telling him to leave it behind in the exact way he couldn't leave it behind. Not alone. But he already told Ross and Robert everything, they'd already helped as much as they could. There wasn't a snowball's chance in hell he could tell dad, not yet. Mom, maybe, at least she wouldn't feel betrayed be her own blood. And Susie… how would he even start telling her? It didn’t matter, he had to tell them... Soon, sometime soon....
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toonlovr19 · 5 months
The Giggling Pumpkin
(Takes place a day after the events of Spooky Month 4)
Susie was a firm believer that little brothers are the weirdest beings on the planet, not to mention annoying. She had just left her room to get a glass of water but when she came back her pack of crayons were gone. There was one person who could’ve took them, her younger brother, Pump.
He did the exact same thing yesterday with the help of his friend Skid, and while she was streaming too! She would’ve hoped that he’d stop after she scolded him, but she was wrong. She would have to think of a more effective way to get him to stop, but first she had to confront the little thief.
Susie went up to Pump’s room, from the outside she could hear sounds of scribbling and some contented humming. She opened the door to see Pump drawing on a piece of paper with her crayon box. “Why do you keep taking my stuff?” Pump turned his head to his big sister, when he saw her angry face he seemed to shrink a little. “I just wanted to draw.”
Susie’s face soften a little. Pump looked a little sad and his voice almost sounded pitiful, it was almost like a whining puppy. Now that she thought about it, she did notice how Pump seemed to be interested in Susie’s drawings, he would often sneaked to her room and ask “what are you drawing?” Although she did find it a bit annoying, she couldn’t help but think how sweet it was that he wanted to follow his beg sister’s footsteps.
“Well, that doesn’t mean you can take my stuff without asking.” Susie said, firmly. Pump sighed and handed Susie back her crayons. “I’m sorry.” He sulked, “I just wanted to be an artist like you.”
Suddenly, Susie got an idea on how to make Pump feel better. She kneeled down to Pump’s level and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Come on, bro. Please don’t be too sad, or else...” “Hmm?” Pump hummed, confused by his sister’s phrasing. “Or else what?” There was a moment of silence.
“Oooorrrr else I’ll tiiiiickle yoooouuu!” Susie whispered, putting her hands on Pump’s sides and slowly wiggled her fingers. Giggles immediately bubbled up from Pump’s mouth. “Susie!” He squealed through his laughter,”Susie, please!” Susie smirked, “Please what, Pump? You know you can tell me what you need.” Her teasing made only made things tickle more. Pump hugged himself as he cried out, “It tickles!”
“Well, duh!” Susie replied snarkly, “Of course it tickles. That’s the point.” She moved her hand up to where Pumps ribs met his armpits, his laughter escalated into loud chuckles. “Ahuh Ahuh Ahuh!” Susie snickered, “Don’t laugh like that, you’re gonna make me laugh!” “I can’t help it!” Pump squealed.
Susie stopped tickling Pump and let him catch his breath. “You ok?” She asked. “Yeah” Pump answered almost breathlessly. Susie couldn’t help but smile a bright smile at her little brother, it’s been such a long time since they had fun together. So many memories were brought back when they were younger, Pump was just a little baby and Susie was excited to be a big sister. She would rock him to sleep, play Peek A Boo and sang nursery rhymes to him, including one that gave her an idea.
“Hey Pump, do you remember that song I sang to you every time I tickled you?” Pump, lying on the ground, squeaked at the question. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Susie joked as she began to gently spider her fingers up Pump’s side.
“The Itsy Bitsy Spider went up the water spout.”
Pump giggled childishly, both at the tickling and at the song. He covered his eyes with his hands out of embarrassment, it had been such a long time since he and Susie played what they like to call “The Tickle Spider” game. She insisted that the both of them were too old to be playing baby games anymore, so when she started tickling his sides and singing that classic song, it kind of threw him for a loop.
“Down came the rain and washed the spider out.”
Susie spidered down his sides very quickly, causing Pump to laugh louder.
“Out came the sun and dried up all the rain.”
Susie rubbed Pump’s tummy with both hands, imitating the sunlight washing away the puddles. Pump hummed contentedly, still giggling. This was his favorite part, it did tickle a little but at the same time it was relaxing too.
“Sooooo.... The Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed up the spout again!”
Right when Pump was distracted for a bit, Susie went back to his sides and spidered her fingers like crazy as Pump squealed and squirmed.
Susie finally stopped and gave his brother a hug, Pump hugged back. “You know, Pump. I know I don’t always show it, but I love you.” Pump looked up at her and said, “I love you too, Susie. Sorry again for stealing your colors.” Susie stood up, “It’s ok, bro. You wanna come to my room so you can practice drawing?” Pump’s eyes went as wide as saucers and glistened at that question, which was prompted by a loud, enthusiastic “YES” and racing to Susie’s room. Yeah, little brothers were weird but they are wonderful to have.
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M&Ms And Melatonin
Synopsis: After being attacked, mutilated, and forced to watch as people passed by him assuming he was nothing more than a living prop, Streber suffers the after-effects of assault and learns to deal with post traumatic stress disorder, being aided all the while by his guilt-ridden boyfriend Kevin who is internally ashamed due to the fact he wasn't there when Streber needed him most. Adding to this is the fact that they're both fairly certain they're being haunted and hunted by a familiar face...
Part One
Kevin struggles to keep his eyes open. There’s a dryness over them, but every time he blinks, his eyes stay shut longer and longer. Despite his insistence that he’s fine, he’s become less and less sure of that with each passing moment. 
He was lucky he’d lived in this town for years, and that everybody generally knew everybody. Otherwise, he wasn’t sure they would have let him sit and wait to hear back about Streber’s condition. 
He’d wanted to barge straight into the room and see him, but was warded off multiple times due to the fact Streber had been placed into immediate surgery, and that afterwards he’d be under close supervision. After all, he’d lost a lot of blood by the time he was found.
Every once in a while a doctor would approach him, signal to the blood staining his clothes, and ask if he was alright. Each looked concerned or confused when he tiredly answered “it’s not mine.” 
It was Streber’s. 
His stomach suddenly rumbles, and he immediately feels guilty for even thinking about eating at a time like this. Glancing towards the corner of the waiting room, there’s a vending machine that seems to be shining under the fluorescent lights. But when Kevin spots a pack of candy, he’s immediately hit with guilt again. 
He shouldn’t have been working. He’d promised Streber he’d help out with the haunted house. He was supposed to be there.
Growling louder this time, a lady next to him glances his way, and Kevin covers his stomach with his arm, turning his gaze toward the ground. 
With the way he was feeling, he doubts he’ll be able to actually stomach anything anyway. He could already feel the few pieces of candy he snuck during his shift churn uncomfortably in his stomach. A couple times he had to suppress gags, which only made him feel worse when the lady near him shifted over a couple seats. 
Lost in his own head, fretting about whether or not Streber was going to live, hours ticked by. He’s encouraged a couple times to go home and rest, stating they’ll call him if any significant progress is made, but Kevin refuses. He’s not abandoning Streber again. 
A few times, he waves over doctors and asks about his condition, but their uncomfortable, practiced response of “we aren’t quite sure yet. We’ll have to continue monitoring him for the time being” does little to ease Kevin’s growing anxiety. 
He’s there all night, and when morning rolls around, he proceeds to stay, ignoring the calls he gets from his boss, no doubt demanding to know why he’s not at CandyClub, opening up like he should be. Rick quit after one day, and Kevin believes that spoke to the state of the shop anyway. Overworked and underpaid; he’s sick of working all the time because they’re understaffed. He’ll go back no doubt, and he’ll probably be rehired if this gets him fired, due to the fact nobody else was applying. But even thinking about CandyClub brings back that weird, nauseous gut feeling. 
Finally, around mid-morning, he convinces himself to grab a granola bar from the vending machine. His phone was long dead. 
But when two officers walk in, and are directed down a hallway, Kevin feels himself perking up. He watches a doctor escort them, before walking into a room, shutting the door behind them. Streber’s door. 
A nurse behind the counter in the waiting room notices his shifted attention. 
“He’s awake now,” she says, softly. “I personally don’t believe interrogating him as soon as he’s up is too smart, but I know the police recently… apprehended-” the way she says the word makes it seem like they did a lot more than “apprehend,” “-a potential suspect. I think they’re looking to confirm whether or not the man they got is the same man that attacked him, or if there’s another monster on the loose.” 
Kevin’s quick to stand up from his seat, crumbs falling off of him and onto the floor. 
Right as he moves to follow the nurse, somebody bursts through the doors, being led by yet another doctor. 
Black hair up in a messy ponytail with red dyed hair underneath… 
“Ethan?” Kevin asks, voice raw due to his crying from the night prior. Ethan’s eyes immediately find his, and he’s relieved to see a familiar face. 
But his face displays concern. 
“You haven’t seen him yet, have you?” Ethan asks, as he rushes to Kevin’s side. Kevin didn’t know him that well; he’d only been around him briefly due to hanging out with Streber, but he seemed off. From what Kevin knew about him, he was usually cool and able to keep a chiller composure. But now, he was clearly stiff. Uncomfortable. Worried. 
His question makes Kevin’s stomach churn. “No. I’m about to. What happened? Nobody’s telling me anything.” 
“Maybe that’s for the best,” Ethan replies, offhandedly, turning his gaze away from Kevin as they both speed after the nurse, who waves them along and guides them through the pristine - and awfully crowded - halls. 
“Ethan, what happened?” 
Ethan’s lips purse together, and he looks almost sick. He doesn’t respond for a few seconds, before he says something under his breath, so quiet that Kevin can’t hear it. 
Kevin nudges him in response, and Ethan comes to a stop in the middle of the hallway, grabbing Kevin’s wrist to bring him to a halt as well. Staring straight into Kevin’s eyes, Kevin could see the slight tremble in Ethan’s body. Kevin’s breath is pulled from his body.
“I found him.” 
* * *
Streber faintly hears a creaking sound. 
He wants to open his eyes; what made that sound? Footsteps upon wooden plants, as they make their way up onto the porch? They usually only creak under heavy weight. Typically bigger adults will bend the weak wooden steps. 
Whispers follow, and again, Streber wishes to open his eyes. 
What were they saying? Dizzily, he recalls a few words from earlier. Facts being told. Arm? Bone? No, no. Not those facts. What disease can people gain upon eating a cow brain…? 
Something touches his hand. More panicked now, Streber needs to see who it is. 
What starts out as a hand grab could quickly turn to more. A tight grip around his wrist, a second hand on his upper arm. Pulling. Cracking. A hand around his mouth to silence his screaming, and to push his body back as his arm is pulled forward. Pulling. 
Pain shoots through his arm, and suddenly light hits Streber’s arms as he bolts upright, screaming. 
His mouth tastes metallic, and his head throbs, but as he goes to touch his aching arm, his hand passes right through it, and hits the stiff bed under it. 
Head cocking to the side, Streber doesn’t see his other arm. Instead, he sees a bandaged stump that ends at about his elbow. His entire forearm was missing. Oh God, his entire forearm was missing. 
Chest tightening, Streber stares at the area, before he hears a soft “Streber?” 
His head snaps to the other side, and he sees Kevin and Ethan next to his bed. Ethan’s sitting in a chair pulled up to the side of his bed, while Kevin stands next to him, one of his hands resting against the bed, as if it was previously holding Streber’s own. 
Oh. It was… it was just Kevin. And Ethan. No mad cow disease… no monsters. No monsters.
“Calm down,” Ethan urges him, putting on a smile. “It’s okay. You’re safe now.” He reaches forward to set a hand on Streber’s shoulder. “The person who attacked you is dead.” 
Kevin glances at Ethan, cringing. Streber doesn’t notice. 
Instead, Streber stares at him, face falling as he processes Ethan’s words, before his arms shoot up in victory. A wide smile on his face, Streber can’t help but exclaim “yeah!” overwhelmed with relief almost instantly. No monsters. 
Pain shoots up his injured arm at the sudden movement, but he finds himself able to ignore it for now, instead laughing with relief as tears actually slip past his eyes. He falls back against the hospital bed as his heart monitor beeps rhythmically, steadily slowing back down after his sudden burst of excitement. 
“Are you okay?” Kevin suddenly asks, drawing Streber’s attention towards him. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there. I told you I’d help out; I just… there were some kids who came into the store and this guy-” 
“I got over there as soon as I could close up the shop. I didn’t expect there to be police cars, or caution tape-” 
Kevin’s silenced in the middle of his ranting, teary eyes looking towards Streber’s face. But Streber’s giving him a genuine half smile. 
“It’s okay,” he replies, with a shrug. “You’re okay. I can’t expect you to throw your job away for my benefit. You’re not responsible for the CandyClub being understaffed, or for having to pay your rent.” 
Kevin sighs, as he leans over the bed, hesitantly grabbing Streber’s hand again. He squeezes it, and Streber squeezes back, giving him a comforting smile. Though, Kevin keeps his head slightly bowed. 
“I should have been there. I should have been with you.” 
Streber snorts. “I had a lot of people with me. Even if you were there, there’s no guarantee what… what happened wouldn’t have happened. Some people even thought it was part of the show! Ha… ha…” Streber’s exaggerated laughing fades into uncomfortable silence, as bittersweet air fills the room. Despite his attempt to lighten the mood, both Kevin and Ethan look upset at the admission. 
Clearing his throat, Streber sits fully up once more, ignoring the ache in his body. “So… how long until I can leave?” 
Ethan chokes on his spit. “Leave?! Streber, it’s been like… a day and a half.” 
“ So, you need to heal! You just got-” Ethan cuts himself short as Kevin winces, Streber himself cringing at the reminder. Self-consciously, he brings his hand to the bandaged wound, squeezing the bloody bandages and hissing in the pain it causes. 
Before anything else can happen though, there’s suddenly commotion outside the door, followed by it being slammed open and Liv and Leon tripping over each other to get inside. 
Multiple balloons bonk against each other as they awkwardly squeeze through the doorway, and a barrage of cards and candies fall out of their arms as they scramble to get past each other on the floor. 
“Streber!” Liv exclaims, as she’s the first to push herself off the ground. “You’re alive! You had us all scared half to death!” 
Leon follows suit, arms filled with the collection of treats previously strewn across the ground. 
He dumps them onto Streber’s lap, huffing dramatically. “I thought I warned you not to die on us. You cut it very close.”
Huffing, Liv lightly shoves Leon with her elbow. “Don’t be insensitive! He could have really become part of the undead! And instead of being bitten and turned into an extremely handsome and charming vampire-” she strikes a dramatic pose, emphasizing her playful tone, “-he would have become a slow and loathsome zombie!”
She sticks her fingers in her mouth and pulls her cheeks apart as she sticks out her tongue with an exaggerated “bleh!” 
Streber chuckles. 
He goes to raise a hand to his mouth to stifle his snorts, before feeling more pain as his stump is moved. 
Out of either arm, it had to be his dominant one. 
“You’re probably going to have to stay for physical therapy,” Kevin states, catching the attention of everyone in the room. Streber doesn’t meet his gaze, sighing in resignation at the statement. 
Noticing the awkward shift in tone, Kevin clears his throat and attempts to lighten the situation once more. “Not that that’ll take long, of course! You’ll relearn how to write and stuff in no time! And soon, you’ll be back to engineering.” 
“Gotta come up with something that’ll impress the kids even more than your greenscreen mirror,” Leon adds, matter-of-factly. 
Streber’s stomach drops at the reminder. 
It was fun. It was fun showing off. A simple green lining on the inside of his cape made for an excellent invisibility trick, but it didn’t actually hide him. Besides, those two kids seemed more impressed with what came after anyway. 
He became an unwilling part of the experience. 
A doctor steps quickly into the room, and rather anxiously pushes past Leon and Liv. Kevin’s hand tightens in Streber’s, as Streber’s fingers clench his so hard his knuckles turn white. 
“Streber,” the doctor states, glancing between the monitor and Streber’s pale face. 
He was walked by like he was just a prop .
“Streber, you need to breathe,” the doctor insists, as another nurse walks into the room. Quickly, she ushers Liv and Leon out, before moving to do the same regarding Kevin and Ethan. 
Ethan pushes himself out of his chair, concerned. 
“What’s going on?” he asks, voice soft, but quaking with worry. Streber was staring straight ahead, chest rising and falling at a rapid rate. His heart monitor starts to beep. 
He was smiled and pointed at while lying there dying.
“Streber, you’re not there anymore.” The doctor’s voice is firm, as the nurse outright tells Ethan and Kevin they need to go. Ethan lets the nurse take him by the arm and lead him to the door, but Kevin stays still, his own breathing speeding up. 
Tears were welling up in Streber’s eyes. Though he wasn’t staring at anything in the room, Kevin could see him looking at something. 
“Sir, you need to leave,” the nurse reinstates, and Kevin can only break his gaze away from Streber’s momentarily to look at her. 
“No,” he says, voice weak. It’s uttered so softly, she doesn’t even hear it. 
More sternly, the nurse goes to grab him. “Sir, your presence in this room could potentially disturb the patient further, as well as subject you to things you don’t want to see. It’s best if you-”
“ No,” Kevin reaffirms, louder this time, strengthening his posture. “I’m not leaving him alone again.” 
“Did you know that if you eat a human brain…”
Looming. Threatening. Tender voice with malicious intent. 
Streber could see the man clearly in front of him. No longer was he in a hospital, but back at the haunted house. Sweat glistens on his forehead, both out of anxiety, as well as exhaustion from a day of work finally catching up to him. 
“...you’ll get a disease similar to Mad Cow?” 
Dangerous. Uncanny. A wide smile reflects Streber’s scared reflection back to him. 
He’s nearly frozen. His mind screams at him to take a step backwards, but instead he shrinks beneath the intense gaze of the devil in front of him. 
“What?” is all he can reply, voice meek. His hands clamp together in front of him, rubbing together with concern. The hair on the back of his neck stands up. 
Something grabs his arm, and his body bursts into flames as screams tear themselves from his wrecked lungs.
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nostalgic-soda · 3 months
Whoa what’s this a new spooky month fic heavily inspired by discussions between me and @crossover-enthusiast whoa
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tontalunar · 1 year
💖 Small Update 💖
Heyyyy so The Devil’s Tango is going on a quick hiatus while I work on a short Bob/Rick/Frank Valentine’s Day to celebrate the holiday! Sorry if anybody’s been waiting on a new chapter I just love Valentine’s Day and I couldn’t pass this up 😭
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grapemoon · 1 year
Not to post my fanfiction on main but
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krills-art-cafe · 1 year
The snow is our prison
1) A Totally Normal Day
(Spooky month AU made by me)
The strange occurrences of killings and kidnappings, to large demons who kidnapped children would only happen in one strange and forgotten town. A large golden bell sat in the middle of town, partially covered in snow and dirt. The bell was not at all worn out and looked fresh as ever! The people who would pass by would always give this particular item side glances, who knows why?
The time was 9 am. A purple haired woman had just gotten out of bed, her room had boxes full of packed Halloween decorations while the Christmas decor was out and shining proudly. “MOMMM MMMOOMMM” A little boy in a candy cane skeleton costume would then yell as he proceeded to run into his mother’s room! His mother was sitting up on her bed, rubbing her eyes as she tried to wake her body up. “Good morning!” She would smile to her son, now she sat on the side of the bed, scooting herself towards a drawer to get a new pair of clothes for the day. “How was your sleep-“ she was going to ask, but her son kept bouncing off the walls..Literally! “CAN I GO PLAYS!! MY FRIEND CALLED ALREADY”, he was smiling. This surprised the woman, she knew the dangers outside. Though..they should be fine if they stay in-doors, surely. “Sure” she said, as she grabbed a shirt, pant warmers, and a jacket. “YYYAAAAYYYYY” The kid smiled and ran off!
The doorbell rang indicating that someone was at the door, waiting.
The boy opened it, smiling wide. It was none other than his best friend in the whole world! Pump! Pump wore a Christmas bow on the pumpkin mask he had which rested on the stem. “HEEELOOO! COME INSIDE!” The boy would step to the right to let his friend in. This particular Boy was called Skid, the two didn’t go by their real names. Skid and Pump would do everything together, they were unstoppable as a little tike team. Pump walked inside and headed to the couch! Skid followed and sat with him. The mother of Skid had finally changed into warmer clothes as she went out into the kitchen to cook breakfast. It was just 4 days away from Christmas, meaning 4 more days until the people in this forsaken town get a whole 2 days of no paranormal and strange. That’s what they hoped and wanted, because surely…Nothing bad would happen, right? It would be just a normal day.
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fizhingtrawl · 1 year
hey!! To those who have art requests in my inbox: I’m so sorry they’re taking sooo long. Drawings been difficult but but. Here’s something! I’ll try and do little one shots (reader/oc x canon) requests until I’m back into the drawing swing!! I can do hc requests too! (No heavy nsfw doe)
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saewokhrisz · 2 years
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dankmaths · 2 months
I'm like 90% sure if I don't get more of your ghost au I may just implode so like 🥺👉👈
not necessarily my AU but i ended up drawing smth based on a scene from @novethegreat's fic, "In Love With A Ghost". ooohhhh you wanna read it so bad ooooohh
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+more google doc delusions ive had in my head for a long time and havent been possessed to draw under the cut please work god please
i like to think once yosuke gets over the whole undead roommate thing he starts to feel bad for leaving yu at home all day. (like a pet dog.....) so at some point he invites chie and yukiko over. maybe it’s a study session. but at first yukiko can’t make it so it’s just chie. yosuke tells yu to stay put in the room since chie is scared of ghosts (just like yosuke she’ll never admit it though lol). chie says that she and yukiko have been working on a new recipe and offers to cook which yosuke shoots down Very quickly, offering to cook himself, since a "friend" of his has been teaching him-- he very conveniently leaves out the whole undead roommate thing. but when he’s preparing the food he accidentally cuts his finger. yu forgets what he’s told and rushes through the walls into the kitchen scaring chie on accident.
yosuke: OW shit
yu: (phasing through the wall) yosuke! are you ok?
chie: yosuke! are youuuuuuUUUUAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHHH
yukiko, the occult lover, is unable to see/hear ghosts… but when she hears abt "OHHH HANAMURAS APT IS HAUNTED ITS SO SCARY ITS AWFUL!!! i mean the ghost didnt kill me or anything he was actually pretty polite but its AWFUL!!!!!!" from chie, she gets sooo excited and begs yosuke to invite her over (for the ghost obviously not for yosuke. which is a bit of a blow to his ego LOL). and she comes in with a ouija board so she can talk to yu
yukiko: so. where is it?
yosuke: his name is yu. damn, not even a hello.
yukiko: well, where is he?
yosuke: …right over there.
yu tries to play along bc he thinks its fun, to yosukes exasperation. however he has trouble staying solid for very long so it takes foreverrrrr. but basically i think yu and yukiko writing each other notes to communicate like point blank pen pals would be cute… also when the others are around who can hear yu, playing telephone with what he says to yukiko and fucking it up (on accident OR on purpose) would be rly funny
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prof-ramses · 9 months
Should I write a SM fic that follows the outline of a 20 year old British comedy? (I swear it'll be cooler than I'm making it sound)
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toonlovr19 · 5 months
Being Nice For a Change
Roy can’t believe what he’s been talked into. Ross and Robert have been pestering him about being nicer to Skid and Pump, to which Roy couldn’t believe that his two best friends were actually warming up to those two weirdos. He tried arguing that there was no way he would agree to it, but Rob and Roy were just way too persistent and Roy eventually had to give in.
The only problem was, Roy had absolutely no idea what they should say or do with Skid and Pump that they would like. The only times they ever interacted with each other was when they were picking on the little guys. That is, until the three boys heard laughter coming from the other side of the fence. When they peeked over, they could see the two spooky kids having a tickle fight in Skid’s backyard. They seemed to be enjoying it based on how giddy their laughs sounded and it was honestly kind of cute watching them play. This gave the Hatzgang an idea, and one that made Roy, in particular, grinned mischievously.
Later that day, Skid and Pump were walking down the street on the search for some spooky fun. They stopped dead in their tracks once they spotted the Hatzgang, watching as they walked closer to them. “Hey, losers!” Roy greeted rather rudely. Ross continued, “We wanna be nice to you for a change, so we want to hang with you two.” Skid and Pump’s eyes grew wide. “Really?!” They asked in unison. “Yeah, we want to play a game with you guys.” Robert answered.
“What game is it? What game is it?” Skid and Pump squeed, bouncing in excitement. Instead of answering, Roy snapped his fingers and Ross and Rob rushed over to Skid and Pump and grabbed them. Holding the younger kids under their arms and lifting them up to their chest, turning them around for them to see Roy smiling at the two. “Uuuhhh.. what are you doing?” Skid asked, clearly not understanding what the bullies were up to this time. “This isn’t a prank, is it?” Pump added, nervously.
Roy snickered, “Don’t worry, you two. This is all part of the game.” Skid and Pump looked at each other. What kind of game was this? Roy must of been a mind reader because as soon as they looked back at him he exclaimed, “The Tickle Game!” The second they heard that, the spooky kids froze and squeaked. Why would Roy of all people tickle them? He doesn’t even like their little games. They snapped out of their thoughts when they saw Roy’s fingers wiggle in their direction.
Skid giggled and try to squirm out of Rob’s grasp, while Pump avoided eye contact and made cheery wines. Different reactions that both have the same meaning: they were about get tickled and they’re anticipating for it to happen. “We haven’t already started and you’re already getting giddy!” Ross chuckled, followed by Rob saying, “You two are really in for something great!” Before either one of the spooky kids could respond, each of Roy’s hands were placed firmly on their stomachs. He slowly began to wiggle them.
Skid and Pump began giggling quietly, which soon became much louder as Roy’s fingers moved quicker. “Gootchie Gootchie Gooo!” He sang in a teasey voice. Roy always teased Skid and Pump, but this time he wasn’t saying mean things or calling them names. Instead, he sing songed some silly words and talked about the predicament they were in. That somehow made the sensation even more tickly.
“Royheeheeheehee! It tihihihickles!” Skid squealed as he twisted against Roy’s fingers. Pump emphasizes his friends point he cried, “It tickles!” Over and over again. “Ooohh... It tickles?” Roy teased, drawing out his words. “Yeah, I sure hope it dose!”
Ross and Roy looked at each other and chuckled, Skid and Pump were laughing like crazy and each of their laughter was very unique. Skid’s laugh was high pitched and squeaky, he almost sounded like Elmo from Sesame Street. And whenever Roy would hit a spot that was really ticklish, those giggles would turn into full blown cackles. As for Pump, his laughter could only be described as dopey. He just keeps going “Ahuh Ahuh Ahuh!” as he fidgeted in Ross’ arms. To make it even better, he would snort every once in a while.
Roy suddenly got an idea. He stopped his tickling to let the spooky kids catch their breath, then ask, “Which one of you is more ticklish.” “We don’t know....” Skid panted, still giggling from the phantom tickles. “You wouldn’t mind if I... tested it out, would you?” Skid and Pump gasped, what did he mean “test it out”? “But who should I tickle first?” Roy pondered, rubbing his hand against his chin. All Skid and Pump could do was giggle in anticipation, if they were going to be tickle one at a time, then one of them was going to have to wait as they watch their friend laugh and wiggle. And when they got tickled after, the impact would be so much more powerful. Roy knew what he was doing, the smirk on his face says everything.
Roy looked at Pump, who was very wiggly and giggly in particular. “You seem pretty excited, I think I’ll tickle you first!” Roy declared as he dug his fingers in Pump’s sides.
The poor Pumpkin squealed and flailed his arms. Every squeeze of the hips caused his laughter to temporarily rise. Skid anxiously watched as he fidget in place, knowing he was next. Hearing Roy’s tickle talk only made it worse. “Ooooh! You’re sides are squishy, Pump. You’re like a little squeaky toy!” Pump snorted. “Did you just snort? Geez, I can’t tell if you’re a pumpkin or a pig.” Roy could tell Pump was blushing under his pumpkin mask.
Skid couldn’t take it anymore, he looked away and covered his ears. “Is something the matter?” Rob asked the skeleton kid. “Watching Pump getting tickled is making me nervous.” Roy overheard that and looked at Skid mischievously. “Awww, poor Skid. Don’t worry, I can tickle you now if you want. Ross will tickle Pump for me.” Right as he said it, Ross tickled Pump’s armpits.
Thankfully, Roy’s voice drowned out Pump’s laughter. “Hmmm... I got an idea. What if both me and Rob tickled you?” “Oh, great idea, Roy! Is that ok with you, Skid.” Skid giggled at Rob’s question, it was really sweet for them to ask if Skid would be comfortable with that.
“I guess so.” Skid managed to answer. Rob wiggled his fingers into the skeleton’s armpits while Roy tickled his ribs and belly. Skid practically screeched, he wasn’t use to having multiple spots being tickled at once. And, of course, the two boys kept on teasing!
“Tickle Tickle Tickle!” Roy kept switching between the ribs and belly.
“Your laugh is cool, dude.” Rob commented.
“Yours too, Pump.” Ross followed up.
After a few more minutes of merciless tickling, the Hatzgang decided that the Spooky kids have had their fill. Skid and Pump sagged limply in Rob and Ross’ arms. “Did you guys have fun?” They both asked. After taking some giggly breaths, the little ones answered a very tired “Yes”, then they looked at Roy and said “Thanks for playing with us!”
Once they went on their separate ways, Rob and Ross congratulated Roy on being nice to Skid and Pump for a change. To which he kept denying but it’s pretty clear that he does care about them a little bit.
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anxiousgaypanicking · 2 years
M&Ms And Melatonin
Kevin x Streber Synopsis: After being attacked, mutilated, and forced to watch as people passed by him assuming he was nothing more than a living prop, Streber suffers the after-effects of assault and learns to deal with post traumatic stress disorder, being aided all the while by his guilt-ridden boyfriend Kevin who is internally ashamed due to the fact he wasn't there when Streber needed him most. Adding to this is the fact that they're both fairly certain they're being haunted and hunted by a familiar face... Warnings: gore, violence, blood, vomit, ptsd and its symptoms, stalking, hallucinations, and just a bunch of angst. Prologue
There were so many voices. Too many voices. His eyes ached and felt both strained and dry. Mouth moving, he felt like he was asking for teardrops, but outside, nothing but a weak groan escaped his body. He felt himself being moved, as lights flew by above him. It was like a twisted carnival ride, and one he wanted to get off. 
“Just breathe, honey,” a feminine voice consoles him, as he comes to a sudden stop. His hair is smoothed out of his face, before the lady is holding a mask to his mouth. What tastes like clean, filtered air rushes through it.  
Streber hardly understands her instructions. 
“His eyes look glossy,” a masculine voice says, as a blurry figure leans over Streber’s body, staring into his eyes. “What’s his vitals?”
“Heart rate slowly decreasing. He doesn’t look good. I wouldn’t be too hopeful, Doc. By the time we got there, he was limp in a pool of his own blood.” 
“And… his arm? Did you find it?”
“No. We did find… the… a bone. We suspect it’s his arm, but all of the flesh and muscle have been completely torn away. All that’s left are small chunks. The police haven’t found any of his carpal or metacarpal bones, and they’ve only managed to gather a few phalanges that were dropped into the grass.” 
Streber’s vision trembles, as he struggles to hold his pupils still. He wants to focus on the conversation playing out in front of him, but it’s hard to listen. He could only catch and process words every now and then, and they didn’t make sense the way his mind was stringing them together. Blood? Arm? Bone? What happened? 
Footsteps rush to his side. “His heart rate is increasing. I completely forgot about subconscious awareness! We’re probably stressing him out!” This time, there are whispers above him.
His vision blurs in and out, and eventually he sucks in a deep breath as he sucks in a sharp breath, shutting his eyes. 
Groaning, Kevin practices his apology in his head on repeat as he slowly makes his way to the nearby haunted house. Normally, he could speed his way down the streets, but with Halloween coming to an end, there were too many parents and kids jaywalking to risk doing such a thing. 
Each minute that ticks by alerts him to the fact he’d promised to be there hours ago. In fact, he’d even promised to help open, and stay as a scare actor, albeit an amateur one. However, he was called in anyway and encouraged to help train Rick. Then, even after he was sure Rick was competent enough to close on his own, those two kids walked in, and Rick ended up quitting on the spot anyway!
And to stack the deck, he’s had a weird feeling in his gut since this morning. The typical, cheesy ‘good morning <3’ text from Streber didn’t elicit the same, sleepy bliss it had every other morning. Something about that text felt ominous in a way that didn’t make sense. It had kept him on edge all day. 
Additionally, there’d been that run in with that psychopath who had been following Skid and Pump that then walked in with a knife!
Sucking in a deep breath, Kevin realizes he’s white-knuckling his steering wheel. 
It’s fine, he tries to rationalize. Streber will understand. He missed a majority of the action, sure, but he’ll walk through the haunted house and allow himself to be jumpscared a few times in order to make up for it. 
After all, he knew that providing patrons with a safe scare was one of Streber’s favourite hobbies. On the phone, he’d been so excited when telling Kevin about his costume! He’d gone as a simple vampire, but had joked that they could go as Dracula and Elisabeta. Kevin was sorry to disappoint him. 
Kevin’s fingers move to flick his turn signal on, but turning down a surprisingly empty road, his heart drops. 
Blue and red immediately hit his eyes, causing him to wince at the blinding lights. Squinting, he attempts to look past the police cars pulled up against the curb, only for his stomach to churn as he sees the yellow caution tape being rolled around the support beams of a familiar looking house. One that happened to be transformed into a haunted house over the course of the past few days, thanks to perseverance, and a lot of tape. 
Before his car is even parked, Kevin is pulling off his seatbelt and throwing open his door, tripping over his feet as he rushes towards the cops. 
He’s grabbed before he even makes his way up the porch stairs, shoulders being squeezed as he fights to get past them. 
“What happened?!” he cries, forgoing his usual reserved, and admittedly bitter persona for something panicked, frantic to make his way to the front door, where he knew Streber had been standing all night. He’d proudly proclaimed that he had the important role of greeting guests before they went inside, giving them their first taste of Halloween trickery and then giving them a final spook on their way out! 
But the porch was bare aside from the few officers scattered around, each of them looking for… something. 
“Sir, we need you to calm down,” one of the officers holding him states, hands squeezing hard around Kevin’s arms. “This is a restricted area, and unfortunately we cannot have you disturbing the crime scene.”
“Yes. Unfortunately, a man was injured.” 
Fighting harder, Kevin feels uncharacteristic desperation begin to make its way through him. “Please, my boyfriend was working at this house! I need to see him! I need to know he’s okay!” With a charged push, Kevin finally breaks through the two cops holding them, and wastes no time sprinting up the stairs to the porch. 
However, as he hits the surface above the last stair, he immediately slips, and falls onto his chest. 
His hands reach out to push himself up, only to land in something wet. 
Eyes wide, Kevin pulls his hands to his face, feeling nausea and fear begin to swell within him. Looking past his hands, he realizes he fell directly in a pool of blood. Most was dry by now, thin and dark against the porch, but the puddle he’d landed in was a surplus amount. 
Kevin’s hoisted up by his upper arms, forced onto his feet as he’s dragged away from the horrifying sight. Speechless, he struggles to process what he saw through his fear. 
“Who was it?” Kevin finally asks, mouth dry, turning to the officer on his right. “Who was hurt tonight?” 
The cops exchange a look. Clearly, Kevin sees their hesitation towards telling him just in case it gauges another extreme reaction. But, Kevin stares one of them down, desperate. 
“His name is Streber. We can’t tell you any specific details, but we know he was carted to the hospital about an hour ago. There’s not much you can do for him here, other than hinder the efforts towards finding his assailant. If you know him… if this is your aforementioned boyfriend, then we recommend you head that way, and leave us be.” 
Despite the fact the officer was trying to be polite, Kevin found himself fixating on a few words in particular. Streber, hospital, assailant.
Kevin doesn’t feel the tears streaming down his face, nor does he hear the other officer ask if he’s okay. Instead, he turns, and runs back to his car, hoping that the blood he slipped in was mostly fake. 
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enderpearlll · 2 years
Yandere!Bob Velseb - My Favourite Employee. PT 2.
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Um. So this is way longer than I expected so there’ll probably be a part three and four. Sorry not sorry. Can you also tell I don’t edit my work?
Gender-Neutral reader, but pet names such as darling, sweetie, sweetheart, and sweet pea are used.
TW/CW: Yandere content, stalking, descriptions of paranoia and anxiety, brief panic attacks, etc.
• That evening Bob walked you home, you felt sick to your stomach. The smell of Bobs cologne was soothing and stuck to your clothes even after you took off his jacket, but that didn't fully rid of the anxiety building in your stomach.
• Maybe it was the build up of stress…. Yeah, that was it. You decided to give up your shifts for the next three days, thinking that a break from work would be refreshing. But that night when you were getting ready for bed, you felt like you were being watched. Like someone was there with you... It definitely didn't help with the paranoia.
• It was a restless night, spent tossing and turning in hopes that no one was actually watching you and that it was all in your head. Luckily your coworkers were understanding, but when you called in the next morning Bob was distraught. He called you nonstop until you answered.
“What happened? Are you sick or somethin’ sweet pea?!” “Yeah, I asked someone else to take my shifts for a few days, hope you can understand…” “… Of course I do darlin’! Just take it easy, okay?” “Alright, thank you so much Bob!”
• You felt relieved that Bob understood your dilemma, and soon enough you calmed down and spent the whole day trying to relax. After a few hours of bliss, you felt that horrible feeling crawl down your neck again. You walked into the kitchen to grab a snack when you felt eyes on your back. With a shaky sigh, you scavenged through the kitchen for a snack to distract yourself. Turns out that it didn’t help and your kitchen was barren.
• You decided to get some fresh air to calm down, going for a walk to the grocery store. But even on the way there you felt like someone was following you. It didn’t help that you actually heard footsteps and eerie snapping. Like a camera shutter going off… So you practically ran the entire way. When you got to the store you felt soothed in the public eye. At least there was other people around so creeps wouldn’t dare to pull anything in a public place.
• But that only made you think harder. Should you call the police? Eventually you decided against it, seeing as it was only a gut feeling that you were going off of. And you didn’t want to know if someone was actually watching you, not at all. You’d rather live in blissful ignorance.
• You were at the snack isle, shoving a bunch of junk food into your basket. You were debating on whether or not you should buy actual food when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You nearly jumped out of your skin and quickly turned around to face the culprit. It was Bob! (Wait, wasn’t the restaurant still open—) He laughed at your jumpy attitude and pat your back, wiping a tear from his eye. “Woah there, sweetheart!” “Hah, sorry. I wasn’t expecting to see you here, Bob.”
• Bob chides you for your horrible food choices, poking fun at you. You felt safer with him around, walking around the grocery store as you both talked about life. You didn’t ask him why he was off work so early, deciding to focus on the task at hand. Eventually you leave with a cart full of groceries, to which Bob was happy to help you take home.
• You let him walk you home again, feeling much more comfortable walking back with him. You felt bad for making him carry almost all of the bags though, but Bob was persistent on carrying all of them. Of course you didn’t let him do it all by himself so he made you take the lightest bags. When you got home, Bob let himself in and helped you put everything away.
• You felt weirded out seeing your boss look so domestic, his cheeks a bright red as he hummed a tune while asking you where the cereal went. When all was said and done, Bob asked if you wanted something to eat. You politely declined and said that you could just order out, but Bob was appalled at the idea.
“What?! No way, I can’t have my darlin’ eating junk when you’re feeling sick! Don’t worry ‘bout nothin’, I won’t poison ya!” “… You make me burgers for lunch everyday.” “Well, that’s my cookin’! I don’t wanna have you eat something that I didn’t cook for ya myself.”
• Inevitably, you caved into his offer and you both began to make some chicken noodle soup. When you put on an apron, Bob began to drool and blush red hot. You blamed it on the heat in your house, chopping vegetables. Bob was doing most of the cooking, you measured out the ingredients since he wanted you to take it easy. (Even though it was your own kitchen—) “My lovely chef! Where would I be without ya?”
• You loved Bob’s cooking, so when it was time to eat you were impatient. And wow, was it worth all of the effort! You felt all warm and cozy sipping at the hot broth, giving compliments to the chef. Bob was flustered at your praise, cleaning up the kitchen as you ate to your hearts desire. “Aw, thanks darlin’. I’m happy to cook for ya any time!” “Wait, aren’t you going to eat too?” “O—Oh! Um, I’m not the biggest fan of chicken myself, heh.”
• Bob left after tidying up, wishing you a farewell as he trekked back into the cold. It was a chilly night, so before he left you gave him some gloves and his jacket. Bob was literally shaking at the notion, uttering a strangled thank you as you slid the gloves onto his fingers. (Mind you, he was a big guy so he didn’t exactly fit them.) Now that you were alone again, you didn’t feel as paranoid again. Having Bob around was a nice distraction.
• You settled down with a movie and some popcorn, calling your coworker to check up on them. Other than Bob, you grew rather close to them. “Hey!” “Oh, what’s up? How you feeling?” “I’m feeling way better now, I bumped into boss at the store today. He even cooked for me, ha.” “Oh, that’s where he was! Boss closed the restaurant early today after getting off the phone with someone, he was frantic. In the middle of lunch rush too!” “… What?” “Oh yeah, he even called in sick for the next few days too.”
• Guilt seeped into your skin, a familiar feeling of dread sinking in as you dropped your phone. Bob closed the restaurant for YOU?! “—Bro? Hello? Dude, you okay?” Your coworker asked, worried sick. You picked up the phone with shaking hands, curling into a tight ball. “I… Uh, I gotta go. I’ll call you later.” “What—? *beep*”
• You pinched the bridge of your nose, your heart pounding out of your chest. It was probably a coincidence, you were definitely just imagining things. Bob would never close the restaurant unless it was an absolute emergency, so why would he..? You shook your head and turned off the TV, ready to head to bed before you kept yourself awake with your thoughts.
• As you hauled yourself into your room, you didn’t notice the splotches of steam left on your window, left behind from someone’s erratic breathing. As you brushed your teeth, you didn’t notice the sound of your window sliding open. Nor did you hear the sound of a camera shutter as you washed your face, trying to shake off the feeling of something watching you.
• Turns out he got too desperate, seeing as you walked out and were greeted with the silhouette of the devil-horned man. You screamed at the top of your lungs, watching as his impossibly wide grin drooped down. His chest heaved up and down as he wiped away his drool, heart beating out of his chest. You ran into your washroom and slammed the door behind you, rocking back and forth as you dialled the police station.
• This couldn’t be happening, no way. When someone picked up on the other end, you let tears of relief fall down your face. “Hello, police station—?” “T—There’s someone in my house, I think they broke in!” You sobbed into the speaker, cupping the phone close to your face. You quickly told them your address, desperately gasping for air. It was a few minutes before sirens blared through the streets, waking everyone up at 12 in the morning.
• You heard the door slam open, the sound of someone walking in echoed throughout the house. You waited until they reached your bedroom before clambering out of the washroom, running into a brown-haired officer. “Woah there, are you alright?” You could barely form a proper sentence, on the verge of a panic attack. Another officer came in the room, concern laced on his features. “There’s no one here, John. I think they ran.”
• You fell onto your knees, shaking and trembling on the cold floor. “I swear, someone was here! Please, you’ve got to believe me—! He was wearing a devil costume—“ The older officer named John kneeled down to your level, placing a hand on your shoulder. “Don’t worry, we believe you. Jack, let’s do one last search.” And they left you in the living room with a blanket they found, searching the house one last time.
• “There was no one to be found, but your bedroom window was wide open.” Jack said, watching as John inspected the lock on your door. John sighed and scratched his chin before checking the time. “Keep all of your doors and windows locked, we’ll keep an eye out. Call us if you have any more trouble.” He left you with those words of advice before him and Jack made their leave. None of what they said helped you at all, only serving to make you even more paranoid.
• You grabbed your phone from your pocket, checking the time. It was two in the morning, the cops had spent two hours searching your house for the intruder. You sighed and went to your contacts before clicking on the one that said “Boss.”. You bit your lips as you waited for the phone to ring, tears welling in your eyes. “…Hello? Sweet pea, what’s wrong? You okay?” “B—Bob, can you come over? Someone tried to break in a—and—!” You broke down sobbing, hearing frantic crashing and shuffling on the other side of the phone.
“Sit tight, I’m on my way sweetheart.”
(End of part two. Gotta love cliffhangers.)
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dabislittlemouse · 8 months
Vampire Dabi switching between kisses and kiss marks and lil bites all across your body while talking very dirty to you as he tries to shove himself between your legs.
Bonus points if he gets merciful enough to kiss you, because he's trying his best to mark you and not to please you
𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐛𝐢 𝐇𝐂𝐬
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tw: smut & blood kink, kinktober work or whatever
Vampire!Dabi who is constantly thirsty for you and your sweet blood. He swears no human has ever tasted as good as you do.
Vampire!Dabi who enjoys sinking his teeth on your neck during sex, drinking your blood like a starved man. Though he tries to not overdo it, because he wants you alive and well, all his.
Vampire!Dabi who looooooves eating you out, the taste of your pussy might be his second favorite after your blood. His tongue is unusually long, licking and sucking your clit, slurping your flavour. From time to time he will bite your inner thighs until they bleed, he loves to hear you whimper and scream from the pleasure and pain.
Vampire!Dabi who will specifically eat you out on your period, there is no escape for you as his nails dig in your thighs and his tongue is lapping on your bloody cunt over and over. Your blood mixed with the irresistible flavour of your pussy sends him to ecstasy.
Vampire!Dabi who loves to paint your naked body in crimson, smearing your blood all over your tits and stomach and thighs. Loves to have rough or passionate sex while both your bodies are covered in blood.
Vampire!Dabi who loves how willing you are to give yourself to him, humming in satisfaction as you remove your shirt and let him have full access to your neck.
Vampire!Dabi who grinds his hardened cock against your ass as his arms are wrapped tightly around your body and savours the blood that’s flowing down your neck.
Vampire!Dabi who loves the terror and excitement mixing in your eyes as he shows his sharp fangs at you, licking his lower lip in anticipation before diving in.
Vampire!Dabi who finds it hard to control himself in public while you look so hot and delicious wearing that pretty fucking dress. He gets the urge to slam you on a wall behind an empty alleyway, fuck you senseless while draining you out of blood.
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son-five · 2 days
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