#sudden appearance ( mod posts )
5mcsinatrenchcoat · 5 months
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"guess who re-installed mods" v.2, Judy edition
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give-soup-please · 2 years
Platonic(?) Obsessed Narrator Headcanons
Hoo boy, this dude is intense.
He will do absolutely anything to keep your attention.
New endings? Done. New content? Yes. That godforsaken bucket? Fine, but he’s going to complain the whole time.
He will find out what you like about him and bump up those traits in his self-presentation.
He’s very desperate to keep you by his side, either through Stanley or somehow wiring you directly into the game.
If your favorite thing about him is his voice, you’d better hope he doesn’t find out. Unless, of course, you want him to. 
When the mood strikes him, he can be an incredible storyteller, and his acting range is unparalleled. 
Happy endings? Bittersweet? Sad? Whatever you want, as long as you stay by his side.
If you’d like, you may even be able to push him into reading someone else’s story, though it is a difficult thing to navigate.
He’s at his happiest when he’s reading what he wrote, wanting to believe it's his words casting a spell over you, and not someone else's.
But if you ask him enough, he’ll indulge and read your favorite book to you, or maybe your favorite poetry. After all, it means you’re spending more time with him. 
I can’t help but think of a slightly edited quote from the zending (red door)
“This is what you want. This is where we can both be happy, we really can. If you keep listening. You just have to keep listening.”
He understands that humans have physical limitations, though he doesn’t have any personal experience with it, and that you can’t play the game 24/7. This doesn’t stop him from getting upset when you have to leave.
“You will come back, won’t you?” 
Occasionally his trauma starts acting up, especially post skip button ending. You’d go to exit the game after spending a few hours with him and all of a sudden…
“Don’t go! Please don’t go!” 
You’re going to have to navigate his boundaries, your boundaries, and the boundaries of the game carefully if you want to maintain any sense of balance. 
You can, if you wish, try and convince him that you are always going to come back.
 Depending on how much trauma he has when these traits start appearing, this could take anywhere from a few days to a few months.
But even if it’s been a while since you booted up the game, he’s always happy to see you again.  
You’re proof that he’s real. That his stories are having an impact. That he’s so compelling you can’t help but want to see him again.  
Unless you two code something collaboratively, communication will be difficult.
A nod and a shake of a head from Stanley are fairly clear to him, but other than that? It may be worth modding the game in order for him to receive input from your mic. 
It’s unlikely to happen given the current limitations of the game, but if you were somehow able to code in/mod the game to get him to hear from your mic AND have a webcam feed he could watch, he’d be absolutely overjoyed. 
He can see you! You have a lovely smile. And it’s all for him.   
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spyxfamilysmol · 10 months
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Identity reveal! Blog mod is anime only! Kind of.
Why the bullet-in-butt date then, I hear you ask. That's because it's the only manga chapter I've read that hasn't been adapted yet, courtesy of it being as early as in the third volume. I read the manga and watched the anime pretty much side-by-side, I came by this chapter, and from the first page I was like, wait this hasn't happened in the anime yet. From the second page I was like, no come on I gotta read this.
But since then I've been staying away from spoilers, kicking and screaming all throughout. Making this blog has been a relief from the months of no content for my stubborn ass.
Because of that, there won't be any panels from chapters past chapter 38, the last one that was animated. There's about 200 posts in the queue, scheduled to post four times a day up until the end of August, but I thought I could say this now to prepare y'all for the sudden way the posts will stop coming.
After that, the blog will go on hiatus until a few episodes from the second season have aired. I like shuffling the posts and the order they come out in, so I want more than one chapter to work with. It's also likely that the first episode of season two will be the bullet-in-butt date, screenshots from which have already appeared here, so that will probably move my re-emergence one week further.
If you're wondering if I'm that other very stubborn anime-only but very passionate fan you might have heard about... yes. I'm @piracytheorist. Hi.
I'm sorry :D There's enough content in the blog to last almost two months, and I'll be back after that, I promise, I ain't quitting y'all. Thank you for engaging and giving worth to this little blog <3
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hurjy · 9 months
First post WooHoo
Thought of some vulture stuff for Rain World that would be cool for a mod or smthn
First up are Vulture Fledglings: Young Vultures that aren't as good at flying, but make up for it with ground speed and persistence. They aren't as good at sudden entrances as they're larger, darker colored elders, making their shadow clearly visible in the background for several seconds before arriving on screen. Once they identify prey (or simply wish to stretch or play), they drop to the ground upon their wings and reveal a high run speed, being slightly slower than miros birds, but also a bit smaller, giving them their most terrifying ability. They can move through pipes, meaning they can follow you indoors and possibly into shelters. They chase prey in hopes they are either slower than them, or that the prey will make a mistake. This persistence comes at a cost however, as they tend to grip anything in front of them with their wings to propel themselves forward and also get pretty bad tunnel vision. Ambush predators such as Pipe Plants, Dropwigs, Stowaways, (to an extent) Worm Grass and camouflaging lizards easily snack on them and with gusto, as the Fledglings are big enough to be a hearty meal and small enough to fit in a den. There could possibly be king variants that need to stand still to use their harpoons.
But that's not all I've got for vulture ideas, i also have an idea for an area centered around them
The Nest, as i'm currently calling it, is a tall structure standing taller than the communication arrays, ranging from in the clouds to even above them, and is where all the vultures go to nest after hunting lizards and scavengers. It is essentially a vulture-centric version of Metropolis, being a difficult late game area centered on one enemy. It would be separated into 2 halves: The upper half above the clouds and the lower half nestling deep within them.
The upper half is where the adults stay, using The Nest as a vantage point to watch over the land and plan hunts. It can get rather windy up there, flinging loose items and even smaller creatures clean off into the distance (Slugpups beware). Miros Vultures can spawn up here, but are quickly chased off by king vultures, being shunned as bastards. Even rarer is the appearance of Centiwings, which are quickly swarmed by vultures looking to keep them away from their young and to grab a quick meal. Pearls in this area reveal that vultures wear masks to ward off rival groups as they are highly territorial, to the point of killing those they cannot identify.
The lower half is where the young stay, taking cover inside the structure from the weather conditions within the clouds. The dense clouds causes a strong fog effect, making it too dangerous to fly, perfect for fledglings who prefer running over flying. There is also a small centipede population. Pearls in this area reveal that before being claimed by the vultures, The Nest used to be a Meteorological Array used to research the steadily worsening storms. It consequently was heavily charged with static electricity, which centipedes guzzled at greedily before the vultures showed up.
Cycle endings are also quite unique here. Normally it starts raining to the point where everything not in a shelter is washed away, but how does that happen above the clouds? The answer is another question.
Where did all these vultures come from?
Mama Bird starts her patrol at the end of each cycle, making sure The Nest is pest free for her children. This queen vulture is almost double the size of a regular vulture, and about that much more deadly, relentlessly chasing you and slinging harpoons in an aggressive attempt to either kill you or drive you off the tower. However, she cannot reach the lower half of The Nest on account of being too large to fit indoors and the poor flying conditions within the storm clouds.
While there is a drizzle, rain is not the main end of cycle threat in the lower half. Lightning strikes the area constantly, attracting many centipedes and possibly striking you. The electricity also gives some power to the Array via numerous lightning rods, causing flickering lights and jittery machinery as everything receives and loses power repeatedly. Combined with heavy winds causing the structure to lean, possibly sending you out of windows, and getting to a shelter is highly encouraged.
Shout Outs to @dustyfandomtrashbin for encouraging me to post about my ideas and getting me into Rain World in the first place. Holy Slugcat (Saint) is this game fun to talk about.
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ponett · 1 year
If that screencap that's been going around is anything to go by, Mastodon also appears to be anti-Nazi.
i've tried out mastodon, but i dislike it for many reasons. for one, being a trans leftist furry, i watched multiple of my mutuals vouch for snouts.online as an instance and enjoy their time with it very much... until sudden mod drama made that entire instance of mastodon disappear off the face of the earth overnight. every account, every post, gone forever. so smaller, more niche instances that i might feel more comfortable on are out, but i'm also not crazy about the community culture on the big ones either. the stereotype is that the main instance is full of upper middle class white tech dudes who fled from twitter so that they don't have to hear about politics after the 2016 election, and that they get mad if you don't hide any and all posts referencing politics and current events behind a click through
and, yes, the "no nazis" claim that always gets brought up is true... to an extent. mastodon is open source, and anyone can make their own instances, so nazi instances of mastodon DO exist. boy do they ever. they're just blocked from interacting with most of the other big instances. but there are still plenty of horror stories about marginalized people, particularly people of color, feeling unwelcome over there and clashing with the creator (whose iron-fist leadership style and unilateral control over the main instance, in spite of mastodon being an open source project, has driven some people away)
but mainly mastodon is never ever ever going to be a proper replacement for twitter because most people go "wait, i have to pick a server or some shit?" and give up before even making an account. this is its inherent flaw
it's still not the worst option - if i was given the option between mastodon, tiktok, facebook, and instagram, i'd choose mastodon - but it doesn't deserve a reputation as this perfect utopian alternative to twitter
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 9 months
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Past and Presents of Love
⚔️ All Previous Parts Here ⚔️
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO (knots, slick, mpreg), Viking/god Col, fae Dom, mentions of sex (but barely), plot heavy, lost love, PTSD, fear, panic, pain, mentions of faking miscarriage (to save a child), vague mentions of possible miscarriage (the boys, past), mentions of being kidnapped, nervous boys, nervous everyone, secrets revealed, heartbreak, healing, surprise cliffhanger, Tod content (Tom/Mod) ☠️ rating: mature ☠️ shared ideas by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
"Are you alright?" Kol'son sighed when he found his mate in their bedroom. The boy was sitting on the edge of the bed with his tunic draped over one knee. He was bent over his belly, his arms wrapped around it, fingers and palms gently massaging. There was a furrow between his brow that the Viking was having trouble deciphering, it was either pain or worry and he didn't like either. They'd fucked twice that morning which was getting more rare the older their son grew but with the sudden appearance of the not-so-stranger all that built up pleasure and relaxation seemed to evaporate. The chieftain stepped closer, crouching when he reached his wife so he could check in on the brood. He frequently worried when he thought Dom might be in pain, Inga had warned him it was possible for multiple babes to try and come early. "I got Tavis to the village bath and gave him something to wear. He wanted to clean up before seeing her." He explained, he didn't want his lover to worry any more than he already was.
Dom seemed to almost startle when his husband touched him gently- he hadn't meant to get lost in thought but so often his brain jumped around and kept him anxious anyway. He was so scared for the meeting that was fast approaching. He knew it would change everything, he just hoped it was for the better. Poor Tavis… He must be so full of trauma after being held captive so long, but he was apprehensive how Inga would handle it too. She has grieved, she had left their son with the fae's family to keep him safe because she'd been young and unwed and her father made her. At least that's what he assumed, they didn't talk about it often. He hadn't even known she was sent to Harald's for her pregnancy. He was still confused at just how old the bastard was when he died, the man had obviously aged well to have been a friend to Kol's grandfather before his death. How had they gone from that close to the man hating his best friend's son over a woman? It was despicable.
He'd waddled himself to the bedroom while Kol had shown Tavis around, he was too overwhelmed with fear for his family. Gods, poor Modig. He'd been close with Tavin from what Dom understood, the fairy prince had missed his brother so much he took Mod as his own without telling the boy who he was or that he was even fae. Dom shook himself, gently massaging where their babes were resting low. He should be focusing on them after realizing there were at least three. He should be cuddling his mate and family but no, he was a leader now and needed to care for his extended family first.
"Jus' worried." He hummed back, sighing deep when his husband gently lifted his stomach. He didn't take as much of the baby weight as he normally did, they weren't in the right position, but it still helped.
"About how much of a dumbass I am? Yeah I get it." Kol teased, still slightly embarrassed about how long it took him to catch up to the situation. He knew it was because he'd still been floating high on post nut mating hormones and he didn't like anyone around his pack but still. He just hoped he'd figured it all out finally.
"Nah. Already knew you was a Viking. Didn't marry ya for ya brains daidí, ya know 'ow to make me 'appy and tha's enough." Dom was joking… mostly, and they both knew it. They teased each other like brothers as well as building each other up like lovers are supposed to. Kol'son smiled back, taking it as the hidden compliment it was and he pressed enough kisses to the swollen belly in front of him to cover however many babes they might have.
"I mean… I have to imagine if I got one of my parents back… I'd be happy." He whispered, swallowing a lump in his throat. It was something he'd been thinking about of course. How could he not? Mod had grown up without any parents but he was now getting both back. Kol had grown up with both for such a short amount of time and then lost both, neither way felt fair. Though it was Dom he felt the worst for. He was never given any good time with parents of any sort and yet he was being the most caring queen for his people. Dom proved to him that sometimes it was nature over nurture. He hadn't been shown love and still he was the sweetest person he'd ever met.
Dom sniffled, he'd been crying softly since meeting the poor fae but hearing his husband be so open hurt his heart. "I know Kols. Maybe Tavis got room enough for a big family?" He tried to help the god feel better. Inga was just as much their mother as Mod's, maybe even more so at times and he hoped the newcomer could love his mate too. After everyone got to know each other of course. They just had to make it through the next few hours.
"You never really answered, you feeling alright? Physically?" Of course he felt anxious after basically attacking his heavily pregnant mate in the middle of the woods in his wolf form. He'd be a bastard if he wasn't concerned.
"Shush. Made for you." Dom soothed without answering again. He was certainly sore but he didn't see the need in admitting it. He was aching between his legs, his knees were probably bruised, and the bite on the back of his neck was throbbing in time with his pulse but he loved every bit, especially the warmth of his mate's spend still dripping between his thighs. It reassured him while everything else felt too overwhelming.
"Yeah yeah." Kol'son huffed but every time Dom said that he couldn't help but blush and to hide it he picked up his wife's tunic to help him dress. The boy giggled, happy to feel his daidí flustered but he let him help, honestly he needed it.
The boys split up after holding each other for a bit, Dom heading off to find Inga and Kol to find Tavis. They decided if Mod was with the woman they'd tell him at the same time but if he wasn't around they'd let their aunt have the moment alone. He found her in the great hall, cleaning away and he took a deep breath before sitting in his mate's throne and calling her over. He knew he couldn't hide his nerves and she would know something was up so he had to just… do it. "Inga? Sit wiv me?"
The blonde smiled when she heard his voice but the moment her blue gaze found her queen her stomach sank. She could feel the worry coming off him in waves and she knew that wasn't good for anyone. They knew how much she liked her structure and despised just sitting around when there was something to be taken care of which just proved whatever was going on was serious. "Oh gods. The babies?" She didn't mean to ask but of course that's where her fear went automatically. She'd been there every step of the way while her boys had their hearts broken from loss time and time again. It couldn't happen again. It just couldn't.
"No! Gods no. It's a good fing I fink." He sighed, taking her hand and pulling her to sit next to him. He kept a tight hold to try and ground her as she settled and he tried to explain. Fuck how do you explain something like that? Surprise- your baby daddy is actually alive but he's been tortured so long he's a little… broken?
"What the fuck do you mean Dom?" Another voice joined them and even sitting the siren felt his knees go weak. His whole body flashed frozen before his skin broke out in a sick sweat and his stomach rolled with nausea. He didn't think… he hadn't meant.. shit.
Mod stepped into view, Tom next to him with Ciarán on his hip. His kin was obviously confused and so was Inga but Mod was staring at him with the widest eyes. They looked wild as if he were a moment away from madness. "Mod- I- I um-"
"Fuck. Breathe? Breathe for me?" The halfling might feel near to broken at the news he shouldn't have gotten from his friend's mind but he cared enough not to make the boy panic. Ignoring that his cousin would be pissed and he wouldn't get sex with Tom for at least a week, he genuinely loved the selkie.
"You weren't supposed to- but of course you- oh gods-" Dom didn't mean to start crying again but he couldn't help it and he tried to breathe deep and explain. When he found he couldn't make himself speak he squeezed Inga's hand tighter and sent his thoughts clearly and slowly to Modig.
Mod stepped closer, pushing his wild hair behind his ears as he crouched in front of his mother and friend to help Dom explain something he never thought would happen. He set one palm on the queen's knee and one on Inga's, he wanted to help calm them both even though he felt himself going just a little more mad. "It seems in the forest they came across a fae. Someone who had been held captive by- by Harald and tortured for power for- fuck. For decades. They brought him here when they realized who he was but mom?"
Inga startled, she was getting so worried about her boys but Mod had never called her that. She was never one to cry but at that moment she felt tears well her eyes. She knew whatever her son was about to say was going to hurt and her heart had never choked her up so badly before. Even when she was told her lover was dead, she'd never been so scared. "What?" She sniffled, she didn't know who she was squeezing tighter. She tried to contain her emotions- she didn't want any of her boys worrying but especially not the baby who was thankfully playing with Tom.
"Tavis is alive." Dom and Mod seemed to whisper it in tandem and even so quiet it felt like she could hear it in her soul. Whatever she thought she was about to be told it wasn't that. Tavis was gone. He'd been gone. He didn't even get to know he was a father. They must have seen Tavin but… why would Tavin lie?
"Harald had him?" A sob broke free of her lips. She'd been sent to the chieftain to live out her pregnancy. She'd gotten worried though when Harald spoke of keeping her babe and raising it as his own. The day she delivered and realized it was boy she knew he wasn't safe among the clans. His marks were already showing and he'd never pass as fully human and she knew deep down the man didn't plan to treat him as a babe should be. She'd crawled into the forest with her baby at her breast, thankful that the clan men had been away pillaging. She called to her love but it was Tavin who appeared and he swore to her he would care for the child as his own. She'd gone back to her room and passed off her heartbreak as though she had lost the child. Harald had sent her home and no one had ever spoken of it again. At such a young age she'd made what she thought was the best decision, and her son had still found his way back.
Tavin had kept his word, the fairy leader had raised Mod with so much love but he hadn't let the halfling know he was fae as well. He didn't think it was safe. Modig had grown up thinking he was rescued by the fae but he never quite felt like he belonged. He always liked to wander in the forest and one day he met a boy a bit younger than him who just felt… like home. They'd played that day and many after until one day he followed Kol home and he split his time after that. He just never thought as a young orphan he'd find both his parents.
"He kept me. I- I went to find you… Inga you were- were you with child?" The small group startled yet again when a new voice joined them and the more familiar sound of Kol'son cursing quickly followed.
"Sorry! Shit. I should have knocked." He mumbled an apology but no one could really focus as the fae prince saw his lost love and grown child.
Tavis stumbled forward and thankfully Kol stayed close until they reached the huddled family. Inga didn't even try to stand, she was trembling too hard to attempt and she feared the man seeing her. He'd fallen in love with a young woman, it had been so long and she'd aged, unlike him. Though she could see what time and pain had etched in her mate's skin. "Inga? Are you… I'm sorry to surprise you. If you're not happy to see me-"
The woman scoffed and shook her head and Mod helped her stand. She gave Dom one last good squeeze before she let go of her safety net and stepped closer. "Don't be an idiot. I… I worried your memory would be far kinder than time has been." She admitted softly, trying to tame her wispy hair that escaped her tight bun.
"Nonsense. You're more beautiful than I remembered. Trust me better than that. I'm honestly having trouble believing this is real." They weren't touching yet but they were close. He could smell her again and it made him tremble.
A soft whimper escaped her and she felt even more desperate to be held by him. It almost broke her to see him and her body and heart felt alive in a way it hadn't in so long. "Fuck. Good." Her eyes widened at his curse. "Sorry I- I had worried you had fallen in love with someone else perhaps. Not that I wanted you alone but-" She laughed, how had she forgotten where their son got his gift of mind reading and speaking to the universe? "Our s-son?" The fae almost tripped over himself and she caught him. The moment their skin touched the world came alive in a way she hadn't even realized it hadn't been.
"Modig." She explained and beckoned at the same time. She could tell things were happening around them, both Kol and Dom were crowding her son to soothe him. Tom was holding back but she knew that's who would comfort him the most later.
"Hi." The halfling wiggled his fingers in a nervous wave and Inga chuckled. She couldn't help it.
"Hello." Tavis waved back. Gods they were so much alike that she almost snapped and laughed full on but she held it back. Barely.
"Who wiv Mush-Mush?" A tiny voice called out before Ciarán wiggled out of Tom's hold and tugged on Tavis's tunic. The nymph smiled down at him and crouched to his level, offering his hand to shake.
"I'm Tavis, old prince of the forest clan- and you are… his?" He asked, pointing to Tom who shook his head.
"Gods no. This is Ciarán, the little chief. He's Dom and Kol's eldest. We- I don't have children." Mod explained as he knelt down too. He felt bad correcting himself so quickly, he honestly wanted to be more open about how he felt for Tom but he knew the selkie was nervous. At least with the baby around they had something to focus on that wasn't so painful and he felt both himself and his father opening up.
"Well… actually…" Tom mumbled nervously and the room went so quiet. Dom was the first to understand but he certainly had questions for his best friend. Slowly 'oh' was whispered by every person until it was left to Modig and Kol and to the siren's surprise his mate got there first.
"Holy shit brother!" The chieftain almost squeaked but either Mod wasn't understanding or he was too overwhelmed. They understood though, it had been a big day already for everyone.
Author's Note/Tags: @manicpixiedreamb0y @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @cole-way-iero28 @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
Everyone is still a little nervous but hopefully they can open up more soon. I hope you enjoyed a little more back story for everyone else! Poor Inga 🥺 Who knew Tom was a secret omega? That little liar! Looks like Tod will have to admit their feelings a little better finally! I hope you like it 🖤☠️⚔️
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askmythicalparty · 4 months
* I have the sudden urge to send in asks to other blogs as Cerulean... So, if you're okay with the baby appearing on your inbox, please let me know! It might take a while 'till I post more art here, plus, it's been quite a while since I've last sent in any asks.
ー Mod Aquillles
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Final Takeoff, Reborn!
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Awakened by bonds, the power of three friends forged by fire has turned the previously imperfect Halberd Mode into its purest form! Soar beyond the skies and take careful aim - prepare for a true, proper final takeoff, empowered by sheer determination! When you have your teammates by your side, you can go beyond the impossible and finish with a clean landing!
I did it, lads! The design has been retooled! Click down here for more info on what's this thing...
So! *takes deep breath* Funny thing huh
Does anyone remember this post? Well, this is a reboot of the design featured in said post, as well as a proper recreation on what the hell is this thing.
A lore background, we know the Halberd Mode is... a painful result of a bug appearing due to its inability to keep up. While the bug was indeed permanent and will wake up whenever said mode is in use, Kirby would rather have it gone so that Robobot doesn't... you know, have to suffer. But after noticing that Friend Heart is a tranquilizer and a purification method, all of a sudden there could a potentially new way to actually keep the bug from staying awake.
At some point, Kirby decided to give this idea a try, putting a Friend Heart into Robobot's control panel before scanning the Halberd as part of a improvised plan to defeat a particularly giant enemy (long story). What Kirby didn't know however, was that the Friend Heart is actually kind of volatile, and...
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Okay, first things first. This mode is basically empowered by not just the energy from the battleship, but also from the Friend Heart. Both energies are actually pretty strong, resulting in huge power burst when the mode becomes active. The fact that three people who has been stuck in a war for three months and has been besties since then are the ones using it doesn't help in the slightest.
Second, at the time, Bandee was with the two, so the waddle dee gets dragged into this as well. Poor guy. He does, indeed, become a co-pilot, and he was... freaking out, at first. He eventually got through it all though.
Third... the transformation is actually really cool. Lots of shooting stars and the way the trio gears up is actually kinda impressive. Huge moral boost everywhere.
Fourth, they realized this mode DOES have a glaring weakness, unfortunately - it needs Friend Hearts to maintain the resistance against the bug. If they can't get put one in time, the mode cancels violently, the battleship literally spawns right behind them, and they are all left vulnerable. Not fun. So much for something called True Resistance Form huh
However, this version of the mode turns out to be equal, if not stronger than the scanned battleship itself. This thing literally has a empowered version of Planet Buster that is so powerful, it deals MASSIVE damage.
...is that good news? Probably not for those having to face this insane mode. Pain.
Anyways, the reason why I ended up redesigning the whole thing is that I kinda want it to look like a proper final weapon. No, seriously. It looked clunky before, so hopefully this does look so much better! Plus, a crossover project ended up using this thing (it's between friends so I won't reveal)
Please enjoy this future content, and now, if you excuse me, I'll pass out. My wrists are dead already.
Bonus versions:
That above, but they just first discovered it.
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Background-less versions, and you can see the color of the gathered energy too!
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The non-existent ability star f^ck the older version I made like 2 days ago lol
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But yes, the name is now True Resistance version, because Bonded Reverse Modding sounds awkward and long. Sometimes, I'd accidentally say Reverse Bonded Modding instead and it sounds weird.
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paldean-ranger-brandy · 9 months
//I'm going to send this 2 days early because I don't know if I'm free tomorrow
Can I request a ficlet of Safrina video calling Brandy(cause she's still in bed) and showing her ranger in training duties around galar? You can pick what duties it is, Safrina's just happy she can talk to a ranger that's willing to talk to her
//Hihi we dm'ed so you already know but for the other readers' sakes saf's mod is in a totally different time zone so I was fine with the early submission!
First fic, hot n ready and full of fluff! Under a readmore for length. Saf n Brandy have a lil video chat.
It was a quiet night. Or rather, if you want to be pedantic, a quiet morning. A quiet 1:16 in the morning, if you want to be both specific and pedantic. Brandy was sprawled out on her bed, her good leg hanging off the side and her face alight with the dull blue glow of her phone as she aimlessly scrolled. She knew she should be asleep. Sleep was important for proper healing, and the recently stitched up gash on her leg needed all the healing it could get. But she had been on strict bedrest for the past few days, and barely able to hobble around even her own apartment in the cast they had set her leg in to keep it immobilized. The first day the immobility left them fidgety, and they spent the day bouncing between trying (and failing) to learn how to crochet, reading, talking with her poochyena, and texting anyone who might text her back. That energy evaporated over the next few days, leaving Brandy with a dull headache and the urge to do nothing other than lay in her bed, cycling between restless sleep and scrolling through her phone.
Their scrolling was suddenly interrupted by an incoming video call. Brandy furrowed their brow at the number, which caller ID did not recognize, and which seemed to be coming from outside Paldea. Probably a telemarketer, given the time. Although telemarketers didn’t typically try to videocall people. Confused, Brandy accepted the call.
“Hi, Ms. Brandy!” A familiar face popped up on screen. Safrina, described by Brandy as “the only child I will ever interact with” was smiling brightly and waving at the camera. She appeared to be outside, a backdrop of snow complimented her bright red winter jacket. The bright sun confused Brandy for a moment, before she remembered that the two of them were in completely separate time zones.
“Whoa, hey Saf. Was wondering what that phone number was. One sec, you probably can’t see me, let me turn on a lamp.” Brandy pushed herself up, careful to not jostle her wounded leg. Michael and Macaroon, who were both sleeping with her in the bed, huffed slightly in annoyance. Brandy clicked her bedside lamp on and leaned back against the wall. “There we go.”
“Wow, I’ve never seen you before! You look…” Safrina paused, taking in the face that was looking back at her from her phone. Brandy looked, in a word, bad. Dark bags hung from dull, red eyes and her dark hair had clearly not been washed in a good long while. “…Kinda like papa! A bit.”
“Yeah I guess I don’t…really…post pictures of myself-“ Brandy started to respond, speaking slowly as she took in what Safrina was saying, “-wait, what do you mean I look like your papa?”
“I found your number in the ranger database! Raixu showed me how.” Safrina brightly plowed on, ignoring Brandy’s question.
“…Guess that makes sense. Is something up? You need advice?”
“Um, sort of? I thought that since you’re sad about not being able to go outside that I could call you and bring you on patrol with me. Like a virtual patrol! So maybe you won’t feel so stuck inside and so you can tell me stuff about how you patrol.”
‘Little scamp’s tryna get free training out of me.’ Brandy thought, a small smile briefly pulling at the corner of her lips. “Sure, kiddo. Sounds nice. Let’s rock and/or roll. Flip that camera around so I can see what you see.”
Safrina beamed, and seemed to bounce slightly on the spot in excitement judging by the sudden shakiness of the camera. The camera flips around, and Brandy is shown a view of the snow-covered hills surrounding Circhester.
“I’m not too far from the base today, since I’m by myself. They wanted me to take a look around and just look for anything weird or out of the ordinary. They tell me to do that a lot, but I don’t actually know what’s supposed to be weird, really. Oh, and there’s a bergmite! We get lots of those guys…” Safrina happily rambled on as she started marching through the snow, being careful to hold the camera up and point it at whatever she was looking at. Every now and again she would steal glances at Brandy’s face in the camera, trying to gage the older ranger’s reaction. Brandy’s face, however, gave next to nothing away. She continued to show almost no expression, looking almost bored as Safrina chatted away.
‘Maybe that’s just what she always looks like.’ Safrina tried to console herself, her stomach clenching in nervousness at Brandy’s continually bored stare. She lifted her water bottle to her lips for a drink, trying to figure out how to keep the conversation going.
“Oh, hey. Piece of advice. Staying hydrated is important or whatever, but you don’t want to be too hydrated.”
“So I…shouldn’t drink lots of water when I’m working?” Safrina asked, somewhat confused.
“Nope. If something happens and you get knocked out or badly injured you do not want to have a full bladder.” Brandy rolled her eyes to the side, clearly remembering something unpleasant. “Trust me.”
“Oh…okay.” Safrina replaced the bottle of water into her bag, clearly still conflicted about this particular piece of advice.
Finally, after a few minutes of trekking through the tundra, Brandy’s expression shifted from neutral to inquisitive, her eyes narrowing as she leaned in far too close to her screen, giving Safrina a great view of her greasy, pillow-creased forehead.
“Hey, Saf, what’s that plant over there?” They asked, still squinting at the screen. “I think like 20 meters ahead and slightly to the left, about a foot tall. The little clump.”
“Oh, that?” Safrina spotted the plant Brandy was looking at, stomping over to it through the snow and crouching down. “Um, I’m not really sure. Raixu told me about some of the edible plants and berries around here, but he didn’t mention this one. I think it’s really common, I see it around a lot.”
“Oh, hell yeah. I don’t know it either, we can go through how to identify it together.” A proper smile appeared on Brandy’s face, and her apparent excitement eased some of Safrina’s nervousness. “Do you have a field guide? Also, do you know what to look for when identifying plants?”
“Um, there’s a field guide back at the base, but it’s supposed to stay there. And I think, kind of? You gotta look at what it looks like, right?”
“Yup, visual appearance is definitely an important piece. What shape are the leaves? Are they toothed or smooth? What colour is it? Is the stem hairy, or thorny, or smooth?” Brandy propped herself up further, going into full lecturing mode. “There are other things you want to look at too. Like, what state is it in at this time of year? Is it blooming yet? Also, what kind of conditions is it growing in – is it in direct sunlight, shade, on a hard or soft surface, what kind of elevation is it at, that kind of thing. And then also, what else is growing around it? Is it mostly others of the same species, is it growing next to a particular type of tree or bush, is it growing in a clump or more spread out? Getting the whole context of where and how it’s growing is super important.”
“O-okay! That’s a lot, let’s see…” Safrina crouched down, getting a better look at the plant she had seen a hundred times before. She furrowed her brow, trying to remember the long list of questions Brandy had just rattled off. “It’s got long, thin leaves, kinda like grass. And um, the stem is green and smooth. It’s got a big white fluff on the top, it looks like a cute little buneary tail. It’s in a big clump of itself, and there isn’t much else nearby. Oh, there’s a couple trees way over there.” Safrina points the camera away for a moment so that Brandy could get a look at 2 trees visible in the middle distance. “I think they’re pine trees.”
“Yup, those are white pine. Good eye, kiddo. White pine has nice, long, soft needles that act as a natural dewormer for wild pokemon, and the fallen branches and stumps make for a great fire starter. And they smell amazing. Great trees, white pines.”
“Okay! The plant is also in direct light, and the ground underneath it is pretty hard, and we’re up in the mountains so I guess the elevation is…a lot?”
“Got it. Good stuff.” Brandy was visibly excited now, smiling as she scrolled through whatever it was she was using to look up the plant using the details Safrina had provided. “Looks like that’s probably fluff grass, as you said it’s pretty common in that area. The cottony fluff breaks apart in the wind to spread its seeds, and is sometimes used as stuffing. It’s got lots of medicinal properties – the leaves can be used to treat diarrhea – must be high in fibre – and the stem can be used to treat tapeworms in humans and pokemon. It prefers high elevations with more acidic soil – which the falling needles from the pines would provide. That would make them a great litmus test for the overall health of your area. If they start to wilt out of nowhere there might be something wrong with the acidity of your soil, which could point to something wrong with the pines.”
“Oh, wow!” Safrina blinked, pulling out a blue, sparkly notebook to write down everything Brandy had just told her. “They can do so much, I thought it was just normal grass!”
“That’s the amazing thing about trees and plants and stuff.” Brandy was beaming now, clearly happy to have learned about a new plant alongside Safrina. “Everything is so much more complicated and cool and intertwined than they look. There isn’t a single plant out there that isn’t worth learning about. And once you learn about one it tells you so much about everything else around it.”
Brandy’s excitement was clearly contagious. Safrina’s eyes were practically sparkling as she looked around eagerly for more plants to show Brandy. “There’s some bushes over that hill over there, can we learn about those too?”
“Fuck yeah we can! Look at you, knowing immediately what’s in your area. You’re killing it as a ranger, Saf. Let’s go look at those bushes.”
Safrina beamed at the compliment, and shot off over a nearby hill to find the bush she had mentioned to Brandy. The two of them spent the next couple of hours hunting down as many plants, bushes, trees, and lichen as they could find, both of them equally delighted at every new fact they discovered about the world around Safrina’s base. It wasn’t long before Safrina’s notebook was filled with notes and drawings of everything they found. It wasn’t until a notification came through on Safrina’s phone that they finally stopped.
“Aw, I just got a message telling me to head back to the base,” Safrina said, clearly disappointed.
“Yeah, I guess we have been at this for a while. That’s fine, that gives you a chance to cross reference everything we found with the field guide that’s at your station.”
“Oh yeah, that’s true! I’ll do that. Thanks for teaching me how to look up plants! I had lots of fun.”
“Same here, kiddo. Hold onto that sense of wonder, it’s what makes this job worthwhile. Thanks for the call, Saf. It was super helpful.” And indeed, even though she remained greased up, unwashed, and eye-bagged Brandy looked leagues more alive than she had at the start of the call.
Safrina beamed, pleased that her plan to cheer Brandy up had worked out so well. “I’m glad! Byyyyye, Ms. Brandy!”
“See ya, kiddo.”
The two of them hung up. Safrina started heading back towards her base, a spring in her step as she walked. And Brandy put down her phone and finally, blessedly, was able to catch some real, actual sleep.
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thesimpsbasement · 1 year
For the 100 followers event: Prompt 17. with Post TS Albert x male! reader perhaps?
Character: Albert x male!reader
Fandom: Moriarty the patriot
Genre: fluff, slight angst
-Mod Saya
Losing a family member and one of your closest friend was a painful experience, and you never wanted to go through it again, but now you were alone, with no family, and you knew the last thing your friend would want was for you to give up on life so easily, so you joined the military, wanting to protect others because you couldn't save him and your family.
On a frigid winter morning, one of your buddies came in to inform you that the highest ranked general had requested your presence. Dominated by his sudden interest in you, you sprang out of bed and changed into your uniform, making sure you looked acceptable before making your approach to his office.
Entering the general’s office you noticed the noble presence the man held. You looked at him and gave him a salute of respect then the general held out his hand to greet to shake yours immediately you shook in return feeling the warmth in his hand.
“You may be wondering why I called you here….. It is just that I'm really amazed with your abilities I might have taken an interest in corporal (name)” Albert said with his hand behind his back then looking at you.
“Please accept my deepest gratitude, general” you said with a smile of appreciation and making eye contact noticing his Emerald eyes glistening in the dark room of his.
"Just call me Albert when we're alone," Albert added with a chuckle as you avoided his sight, noting the wine on his table.
"I see Albert, since we're skipping formality, you may as well, you seem to like wine," you remarked, trying to change the subject.
"You must have noticed, but would you accompany me for a stroll for a change of scenery?" Albert asked, motioning with his hand to the door you were headed towards. Many of the troops were practising as you passed past them as you made your way outdoors.
“The air out here seems to be more refreshing this morning,” you said looking around as you noticed the soldiers training and working hard in the late morning.
"You seem to take a lot of care of them," Albert observed, noting the dedicated young troops in your unit.
"I regard them as family, and I genuinely care about them," you responded, turning to face Albert with a smile that he returned.
"Well, I've got some business to attend to, but I expect to see you around (name)" Albert stated this as he moved closer to stroking your shoulder and then departed, making you feel his hot breath against your skin for a brief minute before leaving.
The days passed as normal, but you and Albert seemed to spend a lot of time together, taking morning walks together and sharing lunch, supper, and breakfast. Months passed, and you two appeared to have built a connection.
"You do realise quitting means leaving all this hard work," Albert protested as you signed the paperwork in his office.
"I considered it, sir, and I will accept. "I made many memories here that I will treasure, but this place was my escape, and now I'm ready to face life," you nodded solemnly, then returned to silence, his green eyes troubled.
"We'll meet again," you said as you exited the room, your form disappearing from Albert's vision.
1 year later
A year has passed since you left the military. You started your own business and it was doing quite well. You were closing for the day and you sent off your employees closing the shop on your own. It was rather cold today, especially during these winter times.
Making your way home you usually walked home since it wasn’t that far and walking reminded you of the times he was with you. Slowing down you noticed a familiar figure in front of you dressed in a long black coat to your surprise they had stopped walking and turned around.
“Albert?” you said under your breath walking closer to confirm if you guessed right.
“(name) it really is you I'm glad you are doing alright” Albert said taking a step closer to look at you as you nodded tears nearly forming in your eyes. Albert cupped your face as if you were a treasure he nearly lost then hugged you in a warm embrace.
“I can’t believe it's been a year since I looked for you everywhere,” Albert said, looking at you endearingly, his emerald eyes filled with the beauty of the night.
You smiled at him letting out a little laugh “i wouldn’t believe that the general went to look for me” you said teasingly.
“It’s getting rather cold, why don’t we head inside my house?” you suggested as you felt cold.
“Sure lead the way” Albert said as he followed your lead, making it into your house and taking a seat as you took off your coat and hat and made your way to the kitchen.
“I just remembered I have some of your favourite wine” you said pouring some drink for the two of you Albert had got up and followed you to the kitchen as you rolled your sleeves and started to make him a drink.
“Well I guess something never changes… But did you know what killed me when you left me all alone? I felt your absence in everything that I do alone in every place I go without you” Albert said, hugging you from behind.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you either Albert” your heart yearned for him the same way as his did for you inseparable souls you both were unable to be apart from each other since first encounter most certainly it was love painful, beautiful and strong love. Both of you looked at each other with love. 
Albert leaned in to kiss you passionately you could feel the hunger in his eyes, his hold on yet so soft and gentle.
I can’t live without you
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Sleaford Mods — UK Grim (Rough Trade)
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Photo by Ewen Corker
Grim indeed, this post-COVID, post-Brexit, pre-apocalypse Britain, where prime ministers strive — and fail — to outlast heads of lettuce, inflation rages and strikes cripple the healthcare system. And honestly, who better to chronicle these distressing times than Jason Williamson, the speaking half of Sleaford Mods and our century’s reigning poet of irascible contempt? Like its title track, UK Grim waxes artfully dyspeptic, its words a palimpsest of layered, complicated reference to current events and contemporary culture.
“U.K. Grim” pounds and swaggers, blotty electronic beats framing a barrage of furious cameos. Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, Rishi Sunak, Vladimir Putin and make brief appearances, framed by sudden admonitions to “Keep that desk area tidy” and disgusted cries of “Put it in the bin.” Williamson talks fast because he has to. There’s so much to disparage.
As always, Williamson rails to the accompaniment of Andrew Fearn, the silent, head-bobbing, deck-jockey half of the band, whose beats create worlds for these songs to inhabit. Fearn’s music is often ominous, as on the sparse, cavernous “D.I.Why,” occasionally giddy (see the carnival-esque blare of “On the Ground”), and sometimes skeletally bare (“Right Wing Beasts”), but never less than interesting. Indeed, my sense is that Fearn has gotten better at his job with experience. Where rickety, bull-headed repetition was the hallmark of the brilliant Divide and Exit, here tracks branch off from each other in striking, idiosyncratic ways. There are shades of vintage video games, aughts experimental hip hop and synthy post punk woven in, every track its own thing.
There are also guest artists, with Florence Shaw from Dry Cleaning murmuring dangerously in “Force 10 from Navarone,” and Perry Farrell of Jane’s Addiction cavorting across the bruised peppiness of “So Trendy.” There’s an award to hand out, I’d give Shaw the edge for impact. Her clean, cultured tone cuts through the sweat and lather of the Sleaford Mods like a laser, sounding all the more threatening at low volume. (This is also the cut with the cryptic line, “Jason, why does the darkness elope?” which produces chills even if you have no idea what it means.)
And yet, when you come to the Sleaford Mods, you are mostly here for Jason Williamson, who is in exceptionally fine form. Here is Williamson’s spit-flecked, ornately structured poetry, his burnt-black humor and his surprising intervals of vulnerability (catch him in “I, Claudius,” a young lad spotting a Santa eating chips and asking his father, “Does he eat, dad?” Innocence lost, right there.) In “D.I.Why” faced with tattoo-copying posers who are “like the edgy version of something shit“ Williamson seeks guidance. “I saw a doctor, I said, why do I feel like slapping these BnM goths, all this post punk dross?” he asks a therapist. The answer is solid gold Sleaford Mods. “He said, because they’re fucking cunts, Jason. Fucking hit them.”
Still at it, still hitting hard, all hail the Sleaford Mods.
Jennifer Kelly
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
Silly question: do you have any fics where Aziraphale and Crowley meet Loki and/or the Avengers?
Not a silly question! Here are some Good Omens and Marvel Cinematic Universe crossover fics...
Aziraphale Know The Difference Between Snakes and Serpents by PanDisasterMan (T)
Aziraphale and Crowley had flown across the pond to spend time in New York. A sudden thunderstorm sends them into a panic. In the aftermath of the storm, Aziraphale can't help but notice his partner acting strange. Now, hovering over the pavement of a grungey alleyway, he is not pleased.
Loki hides from the Avengers in a park and avoids capture by shoving a skinny man into a pillar of lightning. He takes the other's appearance and would have gone on his merry way, but he can't seem to shake this irritating, timid, librarian. As he stares at the man(?) now, Loki can't help but think he's made a grave mistake.
Ghost by BooknerdMiss (G)
Crowley thinks it would be amusing to introduce Aziraphale to another deity. It (of course) doesn't go according to plan (although what that plan looked like even the demon doesn't know).
(AKA My take on Crowley introducing Aziraphale to Marvel!Loki)
Book Angel by SilverWolf7 (T)
Stark Industries is going to fix the telecommunication problems London has. It's a business meeting and small holiday. Lucky the meeting is done with when it started raining after a bad night. Okay, so yes, he might have a bit of a mental health problem. Thankfully, he runs into the one shop on the planet ran by a guy so far behind everything, he is not known.
Fell gives him time, space, food and a drink before he leaves again.
Taken in by Kyril (G)
A very shaken god of mischief finds himself inside a bookshop in Soho.
Messing About by Dippingmytoesindreams (T)
(Post Winter Soldier mainly because I want Bucky to be here for this.)
"Sounds simple enough," Tony drawls, arching a sceptical eyebrow. "A week-long mission just for a little book from a 50-year old man? You're losing your touch, eyepatch."
Fury ignores the obvious jab, but he does answer the man's smirk with a little one of his own. Something squirms in Steve's gut, like undigested worms. "A.Z. Fell's have a bit of a...reputation."
Summoning Trouble by ArcticVulpix (T)
The Avengers are contacted by Dr. Strange to stop a new villainous plot to end the world. This time it's a cult summoning a demon. Because of course it is. The team isn't prepared for what they find when they arrive, but Tony isn't too upset about that. Now if only Steve would stop being so damn narrow-minded and stubborn. Tony was busy making a new friend here! In which a regular mission to take down the crazies of the week turns into a rescue mission.
- Mod D
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littleblackbooksims · 2 years
KateSimblr is one of the worst out there but I don’t see a lot mentioned about what she does. She charges minimum $10 per month for ONE build. Then you have to ask her for the download link (not shady at all). Then she only gives you some of the cc she used. You have to click through link after link to download the rest yourself. It’s insane. And she’s still doing it with nary a mention about the new EA rules. Her stuff has always been behind a paywall and from all accounts plans to keep it that way. I’ve reported her and I know several others have as well but clearly EA isn’t doing anything about it.
Permapaywall builders are just some of the worst. They often paywall other creators content without their permission and just have this very bizarre attitude like we can’t find builds just as good on the gallery or from compliant creators like @beansbuilds or @catsaar.
Although according to this which was probably posted after your ask she has addressed EAs statement and it sounds like she will be making some changes and releasing some builds to the public. Also she is using the classic “reasonable time frame” sound byte.
What is frustrating about these paywall creators is time and time again they say that this is a new policy. It’s not. And we know every paywall creator is aware of that because their comments usually have at least one or two people telling them that. It’s strange that people wouldn’t take the time to read the TOS of the company they are profiting off of and we have to wonder if this sudden change of tone from creators is because now we finally have a reporting function and EA is finally saying they will take some responsibility for mods.
We are glad she appears to be changing her policy to some degree, (we will have to wait and see how it pans out) but it’s confusing to us why she didn’t do it sooner.
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pink2004luigi · 2 years
[TDLR AT THE BOTTOM OF THE POST] I feel like something that hasn't been talked about in detail was when the official Eddsworld Discord server turned into a Patreon-exclusive one. The only thing I ever heard was that it was because Matt/Bing only cares about money, which isn't true.
I never really took the time to talk about my opinion since there was so much going on with my life that any added drama was something I didn't want to have to deal with.
So for context, I've been part of the server since it became public. In August 2020, I became a curator, and in February 2021, I became a moderator. I've been moderating the server until the beginning of October 2022, when I finally stepped down. I already summarized the reason I left, but I didn't mention that it was because of both the team and the members that I left the mod team. I'm still pretty mixed about the change, but I'll address a few things I liked and didn't like.
Why I was against the change:
- The server, at the time of the change, was a little over 12,000 users. As multiple people have already said, putting that amount of people behind a paywall all of a sudden is really sucky. Especially since many of my friends who were part of the server can't make that choice, whether it be because of age or their financial situation. Creating a separate server for them wasn't an option as it would've doubled our work as moderators and didn't eliminate the problem that partially caused the change in the first place.
- I also didn't want the change because I was attached to the server. I joined the moderation team so that there could be a bridge between the fans and the team. That change would destroy that bridge even more than all the 2021 drama did, and that's something I didn't want. Mainly because I got constantly attacked for things, the EW team did, even though I had nothing to do with it. I was scared that I would be attacked even though I had no say in the choice, which ended up happening anyways.
- I enjoyed seeing different people all the time and watching the various "eras" of the Eddsworld discord server pass by. There would always be a group of super active users who, after a while, step back, and then a new group of users appear. That and more people were thankful that I constantly ensured the server was stable. Nowadays, it feels more like I'm moderating a group chat than a community, which wasn't what I originally came on the mod team for.
Why I wasn't against the change:
When Bing first gave us the heads up about the change, we were all against it, primarily because of the arguments users have currently been making. However, he took the time to explain it to us in VC, and I've seen nobody discuss the things he said, not that I've seen anyways.
- First of all, the mod team. For the longest time, we were just 2-3 people keeping an eye on 12k members, two of us being volunteers. It might not seem like a lot, but it is, especially when you think about the mentality of some of the EW community.
With such a big and easily accessible server, we were often faced with false accusations against us and lots of harassment just because, to them, we were directly part of the EW team, which meant we were automatically bad people. It was because of this constant harassment that we were all getting exhausted.
A smaller number of users, especially those generally more mature, would stop most of these interactions and let us catch our breath. Hiring more mods wasn't an option when the easier option was right there. Besides, hiring more mods would move them away from working on Eddsworld, which isn't something they should do.
Focusing on EW is a better priority than getting more moderators, which might not even help as the number of members isn't a huge problem; it's the type of audience the server had.
- Another thing was... a lot of the members in general. I expected it, we all did, but the chaos that came once the announcement was made broke my heart. Users who were once role models and super kind people were lashing out; others were sending death threats or threatening to dox them since they were okay with the change. Many people broke the rules that day, which drained me a lot. I even had to miss classes because I felt so unwell mentally. They proved why the change had to happen by trying to undo it.
- One point Bing made was that he never really wanted the server to get so big in the first place and didn't like the direction it was heading in. He tried to make it Patreon exclusive so the patrons could have a place to hang out and get more benefits for helping the show out, similar to what other YouTubers, streamers, etc., are doing. He said that the team would feel more comfortable interacting with users with a smaller group of people. Since the change, I can see that being true. I've seen the team interact more, doing more streams, etc., without many issues. I remember one of the team members being falsely attacked just because of how often they were streaming games and such before the change. I agree that Bing should've made the server Patreon exclusive in the first place instead of waiting so long. However, I doubt they would've had so many members at the beginning, especially since the server went public in early 2019 and the Patreon was made in late 2020 when they released Fan Service 2.
After the change
Once the server was only accessible to Patrons, things were settled down and such. People were still angry about it, so the preview for the new episode was leaked. One thing went to another and... I ended up being the only mod left standing.
Now, let me tell you, I suck at doing things independently. I didn't have anyone to discuss server issues with, which stressed me a lot. That, and how I usually bottle up feelings and emotions until it bursts, caused me to lash out a few times and act unprofessionally. That made me realize that I can't keep moderating. I didn't want to further ruin the reputation of Eddsworld or myself, so I told them that I'd step down on the 1st of October.
Do I regret it? Partially. I miss not being able to take action when a user misbehaves, and I'll miss being the one users can trust whenever things go wrong. Alas, I'm someone who works best in a team when it comes to moderation, not alone. I'm hoping they can either manage the server on their own or get someone with more experience to handle it.
I'm not too angry about everything that happened, it was just how things had to go. The way the fans interacted only added fuel to the fire that had started and I got tired of being dragged directly into it.
TLDR: Eddsworld community points fingers and harasses volunteer mods + team members not involved in discourse/drama. Bing wanted to stop that and didn't want Patrons to waste their money (probably due to the lack of posts), so he made it Patreon-only. The stress of being the only moderator left and added drama caused by users made it so I stepped down, and now they don't have any more dedicated mods as of posting this.
Please do not attack anyone over this. Not the users, not the EW team. The team is constantly trying their best to balance things out, and I understand that some users were pretty overwhelmed by the announcement and have probably moved on from it.
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o5-the-daughter · 1 year
No. M!A Option Two. Eight is sent into a ghostlike form that allows him to exist between two realities while having difficulty with interacting with either of them. (The other reality and any additional details/duration is mod’s choice!)
For a brief second, everything seems normal as Eight skims over the ask, his vague frown deepening into visible irritation; he hesitates as nothing happens, glancing up from his seat on his office's sofa.
Then, suddenly, loudly, reality seems to shatter around him with a series of deafening cracks not unlike thunder in a storm that has come to be right above oneself. Accompanying the noise, what must have been the reality veil splitters into pieces all around the Overseer - matching a broken mirror all-too closely, only a few pieces of varying sizes remain in the sudden, endless nothing while the rest fall to the ground at once, breaking into glittering pieces. This new in-between dimension holds a strange, blueish-grey tint to it, only interrupted by startlingly bright flashes of warm brown wood that are visible through the floating shards and seem to show fragments of the reality Eight had inhabited just seconds before.
He himself doesn't appear to have fully grasped what has happened just yet. He simply stands there, in the middle of nothing but pieces of glass and reality, phone still in hand, eyes slowly wandering around with increasing confusion. As he speaks, his voice sounds oddly hollow, while casting an echo as if he were standing in a giant cathedral;
Eight [quietly, to himself]: ... what-?
OOC note: the entire event/all event-related posts will only be visible to anons, and it will run until Sunday! :>
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properprogramming · 10 months
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