#tc mapleshade
bonefall · 1 month
When Frecklewish followed Mapleshade and her kittens out of that camp, I like to think it wasn't on orders. She just followed, quietly.
If you asked her why, she wouldn't be able to tell you. She was burning with fury, and the cold didn't douse it. The rain washed the blood off her claws, but not the itch in her quicks. She hated Mapleshade. She hated the kits. She hated what they did to her.
The fierce warrior would make sure they leave-- by force, if necessary.
Yet, when little Petalkit tripped and scraped herself, Frecklewish's heart luched. She had to prevent her body from springing out.
She let go of the tension in her muscles and her chest, and continued stalking them through the undergrowth. All the way to the riverbank.
When Mapleshade ushered the kits into the swollen river, Frecklewish didn't stop them. Just watched. RiverClan kits can swim, they were doing just fine, even with the current being so strong. ThunderClan kittens would have been swept away by now.
If they float they're RiverClan. If they sink they're ThunderClan. She's assured in her feelings-- until the rumble of the upcoming wave floods her thoughts.
Those kits were swept away in the blink of an eye, under the froth and debris, screams drowning under the roar of the river and the rain. If she knew about the patrol on the other side of the river, she HAD to have chased them.
But why bother? If she didn't care at all? And more importantly, why didn't she stay?
I think when the "halfclan mistakes" were washed off the stones, she heard the children she raised crying for help. The phrase "love is stronger than hate" downplays its sharp agony; reality is colder than malice. All her "justifications" shattered like ice, for that brief, painful moment.
She didn't stay because she couldn't. Her heart knew the only thing that they were going to pull out of the water was corpses... but as long as she didn't see it, her brain could believe that there was a chance they survived.
She loved those kits and told herself she hated them. Lied to herself that this was okay, that it was going to turn out all right. Saw them marching right into their watery graves, and convinced herself she wasn't part of the procession.
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callsignmoth · 4 months
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Height chart
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maypleshade · 1 month
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Day two
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warriors-pride · 1 year
May i request gay (blue - teal flag) redtail, thrushpelt (tc), hawkfrost, frecklewish (tc), mapleshade, ashfur, brambleclaw and transfem gay firestar? In warriorprojects artstyle please! :D
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menacetomany · 1 year
mapleshade, instead of killing frecklewish bc she ‘watched her kits drown’, kills frecklewish so the man who exiled her children knows how it feels to outlive every single one of your children due to very preventable mistakes
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clanslist · 2 years
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fandomsoda · 11 months
I’m so sorry for discourse-dumping on you guys, I’ll try to make this my last post about it for now but-
People say “Frecklewish is a bitch” because of her actions during ONE OUTBURST. “She felt no remorse”, no we don’t know that because we never got to SEE if she did. She was dead before she got to fully process the situation and we never got to see her thoughts. We have all had moments where we’ve done/said a bad thing that wound up causing harm, it doesn’t make us bad people. I know she’s a character, but characters are just fictional people and we never got to see her full potential, we only got to see her at her lowest and people are not who they truly are at their lowest.
I am once again sorry for this but it irritates me so bad-
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Hey guys, maybe instead of playing into a sexist stereotype, We should let women characters have more than “sad uwu baby that needs to be saved and because she’s depressed she can’t handle herself”
Yes, this is directed at frecklewish and what the fandom did to her. She’s interesting because of her anger, and being unreasonable and irrational, she’s not a one-dimensional woman character, whose only personality is “kind”. Her anger IS her grief. Yes we could show her being sad, but don’t show her sobbing as she commits aggravated assault and hate speech?
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im sorry (really not) but if you think Maggot Belly (Frecklewish ThunClan map) is a "good" rep of frecklewish im gonna have to ask u to fuck off/srs
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redraw of this old art i made in i think 2021
not proud of the background but i cant do anything about it
reblogs > likes
unshaded under cut
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callsignmoth · 4 months
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Oh dear Johnny I'll miss you...
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crazydrawsblog · 1 year
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Working on a new M.A.P. Take some artwork for it
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warriors-pride · 1 year
Rubs my hands together evilly as I’m about to project onto my favs
Can i request a aroaceflux, genderfaun, gay mapleshade, Ashfur, and brindleface?
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menacetomany · 1 year
deeply tired of fandom mischaracterizing frecklewish
Disclaimer before i start this post: I do not hate frecklewish. She is my favorite character in MV alongside Maple herself. She had every right to be mad at Mapleshade for lying (yes, omission is still a lie), she did not wrong Maple herself in any way, shape, or form, she could not have realistically done jack shit at the river, and she didn’t deserve to die, and she DEFINITELY didn’t deserve *hell* (although it’s kinda funny).
For the love of StarClan stop flattening her character into a one-dimensional uwu sadgirl. She’s grieving, yes, but she’s *angry* in that grief! She’s messy and flawed and xenophobic and may or may not want to kill cats she unfairly blames for her brother’s death (they would both maul me if i said this but maple and freckle are foils and nobody realizes it) and I love her for it! People are allowed to be ugly abt their trauma!
A lot of people act like Frecklewish was crying 24/7 before briefly slipping up and calling children a slur before continually crying until she got murdered, and that’s a complete disservice to her character. There are people, and warrior cats, who grieve like that. Frecklewish is not one of them. 
People act like she just had a burst of anger during Mapleshade’s exile calling the kits a name, but even pre-lie she exhibits concerning behavior:
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To be clear, Appledusk did not murder Birch. This is ThunderClan’s perception of the events because it’s easier to blame a cat from the other clans, a cat who is by their metrics inherently Worse and Deceitful and Scheming, then to think critically about why they were fighting so fiercely above a raging river over rocks they could easily share in the first place :p
(a note: the code about not killing people is treated much more leniently than the codes about having babies with the wrong people. It’s even worded softer--”An honorable warrior need not kill to win their battles.” Almost like a strong suggestion. Warriors culture idolizes violence and revenge as outlets for grief. Boy I Sure Hope That Prevalent Ingrained Societal Attitude Doesn’t Horribly Backfire Anytime Soon!)
And. The exile.
Freckle kicking Maple’s ass was funny and deserved. But.
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To be clear, Frecklewish’s misdeeds in this scene cannot be simplified to ‘calling the kits a bad name in a moment of anger’. She is the very first cat to call for the kits’ exile. Oakstar was her *father*. If she’d appealed for the kits she claimed to love, or even just said “Mapleshade gtfo”, things might’ve gone much different.
Calling for three children who’ve barely started weaning to be exiled into the wilds is disgusting, and far worse than Mapleshade’s lie. Even if Maple hadn’t panicked and tried to cross the stepping-stones, all of her other options had a non-zero chance of the kits dying.
(Something to keep in mind is that Mapleshade is a Clan cat from birth. She is not like a loner who is used to fending for herself, and needing to suddenly balance hunting for herself and her kittens and keeping them safe from predators would be very difficult. Kittens are kept in camps for a reason.]
*Mapleshade could not have waited for a patrol. She had a time limit to get out before she and her kittens were attacked and possibly killed by ThunderClan.
*The bridge is further away, and on windclan territory. It’s at the base of the falls, not the top, and has flooded before. Wet rocks or slippery wood-pick your poison.
*There was a fox near Fourtrees at the time, and it’s doubtful Mapleshade could’ve fought it off alone. (The time for scents to go stale seems to be several hours-one day, and this was roughly a day after her exile.)
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*ShadowClan and WindClan have even less reason to take her in than RiverClan, especially considering she’s an exile. She might be attacked like Riverclan would’ve had the kits not died: 
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leaving her even worse off than before, and vulnerable to predators.
*Going to Twolegplace was worse than the river. Oakstar attacking kittypets was a one-time thing iirc, but she does meet hostile kittypets later--and even setting that aside there’s dogs, foxes, CARS, and of course twolegs. tired kittens trying to cross a thunderpath would not end well.
*go to the barn: windclan + thunderpath.
*go to Other barn: river’s still there only this time she doesn’t even have a camp at the end.
There was no way this was gonna end well, honestly.
To be clear, ultimately it was still Oakstar’s decision. He bears the brunt of responsibility. If anyone other than Maple deserved to go to hell, it was *him*, not Freckle. Common warriors story team L.
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Frecklewish never shows regret for her part in the exile, only that they died. Said regret doesn’t last long before she tries to kill Mapleshade.
poor little tragic racist meow meow, doomed by her own rage. theres something deeply ironic about that.
A final note: frecklereed is almost as hilarious as maplereed when frecklewish was willing to exile the kits for being related to appledusk and reedshine is his number one apologist. they’d be dueling to the death bruh
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oldmemoria · 1 month
Human/anthro mapleshade au except she’s in a metal band with raven wing, Appledusk, and frecklwish and ends up killing her bandmates after being kicked out of the band
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