#tes shorts
kagedbird · 11 months
Allora (my LDB): *groaning and cracking her neck, rubbing it with her hand as they leave Candlehearth Hall Inn* Jeez... those beds sucked...
Taliesin: I'm quite good with my hands you know. Allora: *sends him a wry look* Offering to massage my neck? Taliesin: Or strangle you for making us go in there. Whatever comes first.
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ronwestbreeze · 4 months
neteyam’s twin sister is the twin that came second but carried equal responsiblity.
neteyam’s twin sister is alot more outgoing and charming compared to the quiet and more reserved half of her.
neteyam’s twin sister is a mama’s girl. always wearing her emotions on her sleeve, always so expressive. she was the sylwanin and the tom out of the twins.
neteyam’s twin sister is his best friend. his other half. spiritually bonded for life the two of them. while different they somehow mesh as well as an oiled machine. she is the one person he could go to, the one person he could express himself freely without having to be a warrior first. or the older brother first. with her he is just a child, like her.
neteyam’s twin sister is jake sully’s first baby girl and that was never going to change. his little princess that reminded him so much of tom and him at the same time. the good parts of him, that is. and there was a certain innocence to her. one that af ather should protect with his last breath.
neteyam’s twin sister sometimes came at odds with lo’ak. the two had very hard headed and stubborn personalities. so much so, they would always clash and fight as siblings do. kiri would often be in the middle of it, calling them both immature. their fights wouldn’t last long, not with neteyam interfering and making them apologize to each other. neteyam was always the one to get her to listen. only him.
neteyam’s twin sister always had little tuk following her around and copying everything she did. she is her role model after all, tuk couldn’t help but look up to her and kiri.
neteyam’s twin sister doesn’t like the amount of responsiblity he puts on himself. always offers to share the burder as they technically already shared the title of older siblings. but neteyam always refused her, always reminded her that their paths were meant to be different and that she didn’t have to follow him everywhere. she was free to be her own person.
neteyam’s twin sister doesn’t like when their father cracks down on both neteyam and lo’ak. the sky people have made their return and everything had become so tense. neteyam is constantly training, lo’ak wants to be like their father. she keeps offering to help her twin brother, keeps telling him to stop taking on so much responsibility but neteyam just smiles and assures her things are going to be okay while their grandmother bandages his recent wounds.
neteyam’s twin sister cries and cries and cries when they are forced to go into exile from their home. their shared grief brought them closer again, after a year of feeling like they were too far away from each other.
neteyam’s twin sister isn’t fitting in well with the metkayina clan. she’s not used to their world and feels out of place, out of her element. neteyam and her are back to being inseparable, navigating this whole new world together.
neteyam’s twin sister starts getting along better with lo’ak because they both shared their insecurities about being outsiders. neteyam is glad.
neteyam’s twin sister feels helpless every time neteyam and lo’ak are yelled at by their parents. but she sticks up for them the best she can, even if her parents discourage the behavior. and whenever she does, jake and neytiri always wore looks of disappointment. as if they expected better.
out of bitterness, neteyam’s twin sister is called “the perfect princess” by lo’ak and she utterly despises it and gets into another fight with him, this time neteyam nowhere in sight to break them up.
in the end their fight didn’t matter…
neteyam’s twin sister is scared to death when her stubborn yet sweet younger brother goes to save payakan. she doesn’t hesitate to go along with her twin, tsireya, and the others to help him save his new friend.
neteyam’s twin sister doesn’t hesitate to save her little sister and brother from the sky people. nor does she hesitate to go with tuk to try and save kiri. it didn’t matter if she ended up captured with the two of them. as long as the two were protected by her, then it was okay…..
neteyam’s twin sister feels a sudden hole in her chest. she doesn’t know where this feeling had come from but she dreads it. as if something was wrong. as if something bad had happened….
neteyam’s twin sister feels her heart sink when quaritch mentions loosing one of his boys. she wonders right then which brother she lost. she wonders if this hole in her chest had already given her an answer…
neteyam’s twin sister reunites with her family on stray debris, allowing them to pull her in to a tight hug. but she doesn’t bother to respond to any of it.
you don’t bother to respond to your father’s cautious yet gentle calls of your name. you don’t bother to acknowledge your mother’s tears as she cups your cheeks.
you’ve lost him.
you find your twin lying still on the piece of rock, right where your family had left him to come and save you.
you never could imagine loosing your twin. nor the pain that came with it. the silence that settled around you. the emptiness of it.
lo’ak’s older sister falls to her knees.
and cries.
and cries.
and cries.
and cries.
he had never seen her cry. not like this.
lo’ak’s older sister is quiet as stone when she watches her twin lay with eywa. leaving her behind for good.
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littlobuni · 28 days
lee know o hyunjin mb ? por fi ❤️🤲🏻
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˚̩̩̥͙·‧̥·̊❀ ‎ ‎̥mi corazón antes blanco y vacío ahora
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esta lleno de color por vos ᭮᭰͟ ִ͏ ͟♡ूूू
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babyblueetbaemonster · 3 months
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"Lord Sheogorath is feeling cold."
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caliblorn · 11 months
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screaming, crying, etc.
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venacoeurva · 9 months
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Pros of shawls: warm, very adjustable, stylish, can serve as a small blanket
Cons: if you’re short you just kind of look like a triangle
-Please do not reupload, edit, or use.-
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jakobos · 1 month
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Ice Tribe Seax A simple sidearm made from found materials, it's useful to have while hunting a Fanged Gouti, or raiding a village.
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feykrorovaan · 6 months
I've said it before, and I will say it again. I am in AWE of the details in ESO. No other game has ever blown me away with its design as elder scrolls online has. There are so many things the players take for granted in eso. If you ever just stopped to actually explore instead of fast traveling everywhere there are so many wonderful things to be found, and I'm not just talking about the cities and landscapes alone. It's the small details as well. The details they put into the game KNOWING they would probably be overlooked by most, but put them into the game anyway to make the atmosphere feel alive.I love how you can find bears catching salmon in creeks and scratching themselves against trees, little picnic spots and scenes, Black Reach alone is a marvel to me. Have you ever looked up at the sky in Fargrave? Imagine seeing THAT in real life. I could watch that sky for hours. Not to mention the ambience when you're in cities, where you can hear people talking and gossiping,and thanking you specifically for your heroic deeds, or forests where you can hear babbling brooks, or wildlife like wolves howling in the distance and elk bugling. Maybe I'm just a romantic, but the amount of love and detail put into this game just isn't talked about enough for me.
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dostoevskysidiot · 2 months
i nikada neću prestati da pričam o sreći koju imate kada znate da ste našli zauvek najboljeg prijatelja, srodnu dušu i ljubav svog života u jednoj osobi!🤍
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nightingaletes · 25 days
“Happy Valentine’s day!” Allora cheered, passing Taliesin a mini bag.
“Ah, um… thank you.” He took the bag in hand, raising an eyebrow. “A celebration from home? I don’t believe I’ve heard of ‘Valentine’s Day’ before.”
“Yeup! It’s mostly known as a day for romantic partners to enjoy the day together, but over time it started becoming equally for all people to share affection with their friends, rather than just partners.”
“I see. And where do I fall in this line?” Taliesin wondered, opening the bag— surprised at the sight of so many chocolates inside.
“Oh… I’ll let you figure that one out.” Allora shrugged casually, walking past her companion.
Taliesin jolted as her hand slid across his hip in passing, watching her wide eyed as she glanced back with a smirk, before carrying onwards to her bedroom.
His feet were moving faster than his mind could comprehend, like a dog on a leash.
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littlobuni · 3 days
holiss, podrías hacer un mb de sung hanbin plss? 💟
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. . making some poems for u ♡
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noxcorvid · 1 month
think I’m almost done deciding when serana gets bank chuted w her elder scroll, sometime between 1E 2331 and 1E 2703, the end and beginning times of the alessian and reman empires, bc the main hangup in figuring out when that happens is her line of “cyrodiil’s the seat of an empire?” when you wake her up. I decided against it happening during the interregnum in the 2E, bc while Cyrodiil doesn’t have a solid cohesive empire at that time, it still was kkkkkkkind of an empire? it was nominally an empire (the empire of Cyrodiil) so I decided against it, and then that segways right into Tiber septim septiming all over the place into the 3rd era, so 1E it is. Considered before the Alessian Empire, but that began 1E 243 and for the sake of keeping the story relatively cohesive (for perspective, the Dwemer getting thanos snapped and chimer->dunmer happened around 1E 700, and the yokudans began sailing en masse for Tamriel in 1E 792), and I initially didn’t want serana to be so violently out of the loop... I was gonna save that level of dissonance for a potential miraak doesn’t die in apocrypha arc but the ideas been growing on me. Like a fungus. ALSO, re: language: I don’t care what the official lore (or at least uesp) says there’s no way all of tamriel was using high elvish for legal documents continent-wide, serana would speak primarily old Nordic either way, but at least with the Alessian empire having already happened it makes sense if she at least spoke a little bit of old cyrodilic ……… but also very early 1E serana so. Hm.
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littledragondork · 8 months
I’m curious because everyone writes and draws him very differently and wanted to see how common each view on him is
Edit: there is a typo in the last one lol, I meant 6’ which is 6 ft not 6 inches lmao
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jorgema · 1 year
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Era ya media tarde de un abril primaveral. El viento soplaba con delicadeza y el cielo mostraba un escenario digno de una pintura. El sonido del viento acariciando los árboles con tranquilidad y, a medida que nos adentrábamos en ese bosque, hacía que el alboroto de la urbe desapareciera a cada paso.
No era la primera vez que nos veíamos ella y yo, ni tampoco era la primera vez que notaba ese sentimiento entre latido y latido. No era la primera vez que hacíamos algo solos los dos, ni era nuestra primera caminata juntos en ese místico lugar. Ella y yo, nos conocimos hace varias historias atrás, después de varias desilusiones y varios corazones rotos en el pasado.
Ella es la mujer más hermosa que han visto mis ojos y la mujer más inteligente que mi razón quiere escuchar toda la vida. Siempre tiene una cálida sonrisa en su rostro y unas cuantas lágrimas atorada en el alma para cuando sea necesario usarlas. Ama una buena historia y se enoja con los personajes cuando hacen cosas sin sentido, les habla y les pregunta: «¿No te das cuenta de lo que haces?, ¿acaso eres tonto o qué?» Y luego ríe como una niña, porque sabe que no la pueden escuchar. Y su mirada (suspiros) ¡oh Dios, su mirada! Para ella no hay palabras en esta realidad ni en ninguna otra, que puedan describir con certeza lo hermosa y única que es. Al verte con esos ojos profundos como la noche, te abraza sin tocarte, te hace ver la verdad y la solución en un parpadeo, y te dice todo lo que necesitas escuchar para sentirte en casa.
— Ella es poesía, epifanía y algo hermosamente sublime.
Y yo, bueno, soy el hombre que está enamorado con locura de ella y que se enamora una y otra vez tras cada amanecer. Y ese día, después de muchos donde me acobardé, me volví el hombre más valiente al tomarle la mano y decirle: «Estoy perdidamente enamorado de ti. No solo me gustas, no solo te quiero, te amo, con todo lo que eso implica y con todo lo que eso representa».
La tomé de ambas manos, y en ese momento ella se percató de que me temblaba hasta el alma mientras confesaba aquello que ya era obvio en mi vida. Respiré hondo, y mientras lo hacía ella, con delicadeza y dulzura, sin soltarme las manos, me acercó y sonrió como lo haría alguien que han puesto libertad. Mi corazón moría y renacía al mismo tiempo en ese instante. Mis heridas del pasado me gritaban que saliera corriendo, mi mente me suplicaba que la besara, mientras que mis piernas sentían que llevaban el peso del mundo en mis hombros, pero sus ojos me miraron profundamente y vieron la verdad que mis torpes palabras trataban de expresar.
Y cuando estaba listo para decir algo más, ella, sin dudarlo ni pensarlo, me besó. Mi alma abandonó este mundo y tocó el cielo en menos de un segundo. Mi cuerpo sintió viajar al futuro y regresar al presente, mientras el cálido abrazo del romance me hizo sentir más vivo que nunca, todo sin soltar sus manos que me anclaban a esta realidad irrefutable.
Sus labios, cálidos y perfectos, se sentían como mi hogar y yo, después de estar perdido por tanto tiempo, finalmente había regresado a él.
— Y así fue, como nos dimos nuestro primer beso, uno que nunca olvidaré.
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— Cuentos y relatos cortos || @jorgema
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ghoulsbeard · 1 month
Erthor meets a levitating alchemist…
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Put Khajiit's hood up.
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