#thank you Q!!
monster-shoppe · 7 months
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For your gaze will be met with those of unyielding fury
I kinda just fucked around and found out making this, I didn't really have a plan, just a feeling. The feeling of Bolas Rojas.
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metalcliche · 1 year
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@jockcliche asked: 17, 28, 49!
[17] . What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
Ooooo. Good question. Firstly, I think that Eddie doesn't really spend much time looking at himself in the mirror? Partly because he's got that 'haven't really put in much effort' look going on... but on a deeper level I don't really think he likes to look much.
I think looking in a mirror forces you to look at the self that *you* perceive and Eddie doesn't have as much confidence in himself as he might let others believe. I mean, we see that when he calls himself a coward but even before all the stuff that happened to get him to admit that this was true.
I think that in general, the reputation he has is also what he thinks of himself. So "the freak", the super senior who won't amount to shit, the trailer park kid, etc. etc. Many people don't think much of him, and I think that kinda followed him most if not all of his life. At some point ya start to believe you are what people tell you they think you are.
People close to him (his Uncle included) would see him for the good person he is deep down. They would see his loyalty and how he likes to include people who get pushed out like he has.
This got a bit long, but that's kinda where my head is at.
[28] . What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?
Hitting me with the hardball questions ~
Hm. I think for the most part Eddie is relatively honest about what he wants. His goal of graduating and sticking it to those who thought he couldn't do it is 100% something he wants.
That said, I guess if we wanna dig deeper... I think that Eddie somewhere in there wants to be accepted by his peers. Like he embraces being "the freak", but what person actually likes being hated on just for being who they are??
He accepts other outcasts because he knows how it feels and doesn't like it, ya know?
I hope that makes sense, lol.
[49] . Would they eat something they find gross to be polite?
Eddie is 100% the kind of guy that would just spit it out. Probably be dramatic about how nasty it is.
The only time he wouldn't do it, would be on the off chance he's trying to impress someone (or just not offend them). But I imagine that's not at all an often thing.
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ohvun · 3 months
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D E V I L C H I L D >:D
I just think it'd be cool if her demonia fleur was a lil more grotesque yk?
Got super inspired seeing this post by rly cool @wigglesdtuff about a year ago and finally finished it!!:D
I ended up using a picture of a figurine to get the wings to work better bc I was s t r u g g e l i n g ;-;
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catastrxblues · 5 months
everything about coriolanus and sejanus is sick. because to sejanus, coryo was his everything. his best and only friend, his only companion, the only person in the academy who cared enough for him that he had even risked his life to bail him out of the arena. in district 12, when sejanus appeared in the brink of snow’s hopelessness and brought hope and familiarity to his life, coryo immediately embraced him, and then practically telling him that sejanus just saved him from committing suicide— which obviously only solidified sejanus’ belief that his best friend treasured him and loved him and cared for him unconditionally. (which i believe snow did, just to some extent).
but most of the times, to coryo, sejanus was just a friend. a friend that he tolerated every once in a while, a friend he resented lots of time because of his background, and a friend he really cared for, but not enough. never enough when the other choice was his country. and sejanus died not knowing that. he died without the knowledge that it was his best friend who betrayed him, and that he was still referred to as a “traitor” by him on an occasion with the dean.
and what’s so fucking sick is that coryo did care and mourn about it yes, but then he moved on and took on the ladder by taking pieces of what was left of his friend’s life with his blood on his hands and used it to his advantage.
he was taken in under the care of his dead friend’s family, loved and cared for, never had to worry about money anymore. ma and strabo plinth would never know that the reason their beloved son wasn’t alive, why their son wasn’t there anymore for his 19th birthday was because of his best friend they had just taken in. and no one would ever ever fucking find out.
and coryo. just. doesn’t. care. about. sejanus. anymore. in a snap. because now he has won, taking over panem one step at the time, and that has always been his biggest motivator. he might’ve cared for sejanus, like he cared for lucy gray, but that has never been enough. not when at the end of it all, the only person he has always been striving to save was himself and the glory of his family name and he ends up getting both. all’s well that ends well
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markscherz · 21 days
You are everything I aspire to be
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If parenting has taught me anything, it is the importance of getting down on your hands and knees and teaching not just facts, but love and enthusiasm for the natural world.
This is my son Q and me. I have dozens of photos like this by now, even though he is just two years old.
Every chance I get, I will kneel down with him and show him the little creatures all around us. Especially when they are frogs. He loves frogs for some reason. No idea why.
It is important that we all see this together. It is beautiful. It is magnificent. We are here. It is improbable to the highest degree. It is fleeting, but it is everything we get. And we can get so, so much of it. If we just get our faces into it and really absorb it.
So that's what l'm trying to do here, I guess. Get all of you to join me in the reeds. And I am so happy to have so many of you along for the journey.
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chanrizard · 9 months
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"thank you STAYs, thank you baby STAYs, and i'll see you guys next time. bye!"
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theerastour · 1 month
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favorite ttpd lyrics
thanK you aIMee | Taylor Swift
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omaano · 6 months
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Jedi Knight Reva as Temple Guard for @persephoneofhades ♥
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orangeaesblog · 9 months
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You ever think so loud you feel like someone else can hear it? Yeah 🥺
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royalarchivist · 8 months
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For people who are interested in QSMP but don’t have time to watch hundreds of hours worth of VODs, I’ve created the QSMP VOD Timestamp Archive!
The archive includes timestamps for cool quotes, important lore, funny interactions, and more!
Complete VOD playlists, recaps, and additional resources are also included in the document for people who might be feeling overwhelmed by the amount of QSMP content out there. It’s never too late to get into the series!
Want to help? Consider writing down a few timestamps when important things happen in the stream you’re watching, then send them my way so I can add it to the archive!
I am just one person, so this archive is by no means comprehensive, but I’m constantly updating things and adding more streams and timestamps to the document. I’ve been working on this project since April and there are several hundred VODs covered in the archive, so I hope people find it useful!
[ Check out the VOD Timestamp Archive here! ]
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mushyroomyducks · 9 days
o7 qsmp
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Without tear:
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blocksgame · 8 months
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THE QSMP + quiet improvement
Sources: Philza, QSMP Day 55 // N.I.N.H.O. // FitMC, QSMP Day 94 // FitMC, QSMP Day 67 // QSMP Day 114 // Ballad of Smallpox Gone - Leslie Fish // Etoiles' armor presentation, QSMP Day 96 // FitMC, QSMP Day 94 // The Milk Carton - Madilyn Mei (shoutout to UndeniablyREMI's animatic) // own work // Pomme's Diary, entry 16 (+ EN trans from QSMP Wiki)
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felixcarlucci · 1 month
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FALLOUT — 1.05 "The Past"
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kathaynesart · 2 months
I’m legitimately spilling tears over the last update. I am a mom, and going through labor is terrifying. Wonderful for what’s to come, but terrifying. So having it depicted in the middle of a war zone, where the outcome is unclear at best? Such a beautiful visual picture of how that experience can often feel. Maybe I’m reading super deeply into it, being 34 and all and starting to feel those experiences in a different way as I get older, but the unspoken parallels really did it for me.
And the sweet tenderness the brothers have? Just sobbing. Goodness, I am suppose to be working right now and instead I’m having a breakdown at how gorgeous this all is.
Really amazing work, Kat, I just love this so much.
And an additional side note- I am so glad you’ve been taking your time and allowing your body to heal and I’m hoping you are feeling so much better.
That means so much to me to hear! I really want to do right by all who have gone through child birth. It is both beautiful and terrifying and can still be quite dangerous even in this modern day and age. I have so much respect for those who choose to have children and I feel they’re not given the praise deserving of being absolute miracle workers.
I’m just glad to know that this little project can help put a small spotlight on just how special people like you are!
And thank you, there’s a lot going on right now so just trying to keep my head above water through it all! Just keep swimming!
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kankuroplease · 22 days
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✨ Thank you for the 6k followers ✨
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bruisedboys · 1 year
he really is just so boyfriend. like the kind who would reach the boxes in shelves you can’t reach
he is just always into being your hero . doing things to make you swoon
peter quill has a hero complex for sure but it gets hiked up about 200% when it comes to you. he’s obsessed with doing everything for you because he knows you like it, even if you don’t actually need the help. he knows you’re totally capable of taking care of yourself but he wants to do it because he’s so incredibly down bad for you it’s sick.
yes he’s definitely the type to reach high shelves for you!!! so casually dominant of him tbh. he comes up behind you where you’re tiptoeing in front of the shelf and easily snags the box you’re reaching for. when he hands it to you he’s veryy smug about it. especially if he gets a thank you kiss, which he usually does.
he’s also always tying your shoelaces or zipping your dress or fixing your clothes for you. your shoelace comes undone while you’re out with him and he doesn’t even hesitate to get on the dirty floor to do it up for you. you put your hands in his hair and tug gently as a silent thank you and he swears he dies on the spot. and if your clothes ever ride up and threaten to show more skin than he knows you’ll want to, he’ll fix them without a word and it flusters you so much.
ugh and if you’re clumsy!!! he gets so good at catching you before you hurt yourself. if you’re about to trip he’ll catch you before you do and dip you cos he’s a dork, his arm locked around your lower back. you’ll laugh and swoon and say my hero all sarcastic and it boosts peter’s ego wayyy more than he’d like to admit.
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