yutxsgf · 15 days
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Rich!Megumi, who's head over heels for you, waiting impatiently around the store, as stiff as a stature as his eyes occasionally flit over the clock. But he wouldn't dare to rush your shopping time.
Rich!Megumi, who doesn't even flinch at the large amount of zeroes that slip out of the cashier's mouth, already pulling out his card to swipe it.
Rich!Megumi, who pays for anything and everything for you, despite wanting to go home already. Hating shopping, down on his knees for you.
Rich!Megumi, who has you bent over on the luxury coffee table within his empty mansion, everything scattered off of the table and long forgotten as he ruts his cock into your pretty cunt.
Rich!Megumi, who makes you tell him everything you want to get on your next shopping spree.
Rich!Megumi, who relishes in the way your walls flutter around his dick when he says he'll buy you the entire world.
Rich!Megumi, who holds your hand, raising it up so he can admire your newly done nails after you asked ever so weakly if he liked them.
“..Yeah. They're nice.”
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yutxsgf · 15 days
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𖹭 Yes's — Anything your creative mind thinks of except the following,
𖹭 No's — Rape (Non-con), physically abusive partner x pushover reader, any form of zoophilia, 13 y/o reader x 18+ character, fat phobic requests, homophobic requests, drinking kink.
— NOTE —
If your order consists of any of these after reading this, I will immediately forward you to the next shop and block you from my page. Have some decency, please.
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0 notes
yutxsgf · 15 days
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𖹭 ROSES — Smut
𖹭 TULIPS — Fluff
𖹭 SPIDER LILY — Reader-insert
𖹭 LILY OF THE VALLEY — Alternate Universe
𖹭 SAKURA FLOWER — Oneshots
𖹭 BOUQET — Bulk of characters
*Type of flower*
*Further details about what how you'd like the flower, trimmed, dethorned, in bulks, ect.*
*Any notes you'd like me to add to your delivery.*
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yutxsgf · 15 days
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𖹭 I am 5'3, 17, and a sophomore in high school!
𖹭 I love writing, I take it as a way to portray my ideas and share it to the people who are interested in hearing whatever appears into my brain.
𖹭 Favorite characters — Yuta Okkotsu – JJK, Yuno – BC, Tomioka Giyuu – DS, and Katsuki Bakugou – MHA.
𖹭 Favorite color — Pink
𖹭 Favorite drink — Sprite
𖹭 Favorite sport — Soccer
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𖹭 Style — Acubi/Soft
𖹭 Sexuality — Pansexual
𖹭 Favorite anime(s) — Jujutsu Kaisen, God of High School, Black Clover, Demon Slayer, and Skip & Loafer.
𖹭 Favorite games — Minecraft, Animal crossing, Stardew valley, Genshin Impact, & Wuthering waves.
0 notes
yutxsgf · 15 days
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— Chiara's flower shop ! —
𖹭 NOTICE — Orders are currently open !
Flower orders will be delayed on weekdays, some will take longer than others to deliver depending on the bulk.
Do not be afraid to leave a review! I love reading over each and every one of your reviews. Criticism is much appreciated, but try not to be so negative, I am only human!
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yutxsgf · 15 days
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𖹭 Ignoring JJK boys after a fight.. 𖹭
Pairings : 𖹭 Megumi x gn!reader 𖹭 Yuji x f!reader 𖹭 Toge x gn!reader 𖹭 Yuta x gn!reader 𖹭
CONTENT : 𖹭 Fluff 𖹭 Kissing 𖹭 Moody reader 𖹭 Soft sorcerers 𖹭 mdom x fsub 𖹭 Yuji calls reader mamas 𖹭
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𝓜𝓮𝓰𝓾𝓶𝓲 𝓕𝓾𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓰𝓾𝓻𝓸
It had been about roughly 4 hours since your fight with Megumi, the two of you remaining in separate rooms with you ignoring his entire existence. Anytime he tried to 'grumpily' offer you food, you'd just brush him off entirely with your back turned to him and your face buried in your phone.
At one point, he got fed up, an empty can of soda wrinkling in his grasp before tossing it aside, promising to pick it up later. Suddenly, he's grabbing you by your wrists, slamming both of them above your head and against the wall.
“Megumi— What the hell!?”
“Shut up.”
“Shut the fuck up.” He raised his voice with that one as he towered over you, teeth grit and navy blue eyes narrow.
“Wanna keep ignoring me? Fine. But you better take a Goddamn plate of food and eat it.”
You were baffled, to say the least. You would've thought he was just simply mad at the fact you were ignoring him in general. But he was worried about you eating?!
He took a deep breath, eyebrows unfurling from their irritated state as he held the neutral expression he always wore.
“I made a few onigiris. Eat it and get your ass to bed. 'S fuckin' 2AM.”
𝓨𝓾𝓳𝓲 𝓘𝓽𝓪𝓭𝓸𝓻𝓲
It wasn't like you two to argue. Yuji had always been a strict lover boy, all over you 25/8. But his cluelessness for girls and their subtle hints weighed out his clingy persona.
One too many times of a certain cashier flirting with him at the local market and him not picking up on the hints and doing anything about it made you snap at him. In public.
He didn't know what he did wrong, frown painted almost permanently on his face as he sent you text after text despite being in the same vicinity as you within your shared apartment.
I'm sorry.
Pls repky.
I miss yuo. :(
What did I do?
R u crying?
Don't cry plz.
What did I do, mamaaas..
“Stop texting me!” You yelled from within your shared room, causing him to slightly flinch on the couch he was forced out onto.
He sent a frowny face before leaving your notifications empty, just as you wished.
Though, as the 5 hour mark rolled around, you had cooled off by then. Guilt began to rack up in your head as you read over message after message that he sent before ending at that stupid little frown face.
With a sigh, you made your way out of your room, the apartment oddly silent as you roamed down the hall. Just as you were about to turn the corner, a familiar pink haired boy suddenly popped out from behind the wall.
“Yuji! Oh my goodness..” You gasped, hand clutching the fabric of your— his.. shirt that wrinkled over your heart. “Don't sneak up on me like that..”
But once your eyes flitted back up to him, you immediately noticed the fat bouquet that he had no problem holding along with a white teddy bear decorated with a large pink bowtie.
“Please don't ignore me. Ever again.” He frowned.
𝓣𝓸𝓰𝓮 𝓘𝓷𝓾𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲
Whenever you'd get mad at Inumaki, he never failed to overexert himself in his training. He always seemed at the top of his game when you were frustrated with him, easily almost giving Maki a run for her money.
He was fine with giving you space, he didn't mind it. But when it got to the point where he was beginning to get impatient, that's when he'd start to act.
“Come here.” Tongue barely revealing his seal as his voice, as quickly as it escaped his mouth reached you almost instantly. Vibrations made their way over to you from across the room as he kept his arms crossed over his plain white tee.
Unable to refuse his cursed technique, your body moved on its own as you were suddenly in front of him with a couple of rushed strides.
Narrowing his eyes at you, he frowned deeply before pushing himself off of the counter he leaned on. He seemed to hesitate for a moment, thinking about what to do with you before slightly perking up.
“Kiss me.”
And with that, your lips crashed against his, eyes widened as you could do nothing but melt into his grasp, hands coming down to rest on your hip as his lips curled into a silent smile.
You were allowed to be upset, of course. Distance yourself? Sure. But if you still happened to be moody after that, he lost all form of patience with you.
𝓨𝓾𝓽𝓪 𝓞𝓴𝓴𝓸𝓽𝓼𝓾
He was a mess when you were upset, to say the least. Despite having grown a bit more confident after his brief trip to Africa, his overthinking never ceased. As much as he wished it did.
In times like this, all he could think about was you. He didn't want to overwhelm you with apologies, but he didn't want to make it seem like he didn't care.
He sat with his face buried in the palms of his hands, hair slightly pushed up between his fingers as his elbows rested on his slightly spread legs.
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.."
He repeated the words over and over to himself as he stressed himself out. The thoughts of you happier with someone else graced his mind before he suddenly sprung up, immediately rushing towards your shared room before shoving the door open, almost breaking it in his wake.
When he found you sleeping with tear stained cheeks, he immediately let out a sigh of relief. But it was short-lived as he realized just how bad it seemed with him sighing in relief at your tears.
After a bit of hesitation, he gently closed the door behind him with a soft click before shifting into the bed, the mattress dipping under his weight, careful as to not wake you up.
Later that morning, your back was pressed against his chest, his grasp around you iron clad as if you'd leave him at any given moment.
“Please don't leave me..”
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yutxsgf · 7 months
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Pairing(s): 𖹭 Prince!Bakugou Katsuki x Peasent!GN!Reader 𖹭
CONTENT: 𖹭 Oneshot 𖹭 Soft Katsuki 𖹭 fluff 𖹭 young love 𖹭 gn!reader 𖹭 prince!katsuki 𖹭
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Prince Bakugou, who'd sneak out from his window just to find you and annoy you by bossing you around and calling you poor because he loves that angry pout you give him everytime he gets on your nerves.
Prince Bakugou, who'd make secret baskets of delicacies just to sneak past the guards and make his way over to your house and hand the basket over to you with shy grumbles that consisted of different variations of, "They tasted like garbage, and since you're a dumb commoner you deserve to eat them." Knowing damn well people would pay thousands of yen to eat something even similar to those delicacies.
Prince Bakugou, who'd fight tooth and nail just to see you again after being caught by the guards. Attempting to bark orders, even going as far to use his quirk on them with dried, frustrated tears running down his face.
Prince Bakugou, who yelled at his parents when they questioned him for being in love with a peasant.
Prince Bakugou, who brought you to his family after they finally accepted his love life, was his, and his only. Only to have his parents love and shower you with adoration and bury you in compliments about your looks and tease things Bakugou does behind his back.
Prince Bakugou, who got you a wedding ring worth 10 million yen at the age of 18.
King Bakugou, who made you his Royal Partner the moment he was coronated.
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yutxsgf · 7 months
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If you died, Katsuki's heart and soul would be crushed. Even worse if he was the reason why.
Ever since you passed away from that one accident, he's never been the same. He's officially retired as a pro hero, locking himself up in the very same four walls that used to be your shared room. Now, it's just a soulless, empty pit of what it used to be.
He's cut off all of his friends, even Kirishima to the best of his abilities. He'd barely eat, only eating when Kirishima would get fed up enough to literally shove food down his throat.
The only thing on his mind was you and you only. Your future, your future kids, how you'd look if you aged. Your smile lingered in his brain every time it could to the point where all he could do was curl up and sob, wishing you were here and alive.
He wanted to see you again. He needed to see you again.
And so, he did.
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yutxsgf · 8 months
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My new obsession is Izuku, mainly because I love the fact he's soft 90% of the time, but that singular 10%.. that 10% js hits me. So here's some brain rot.
Cw; Smut, dom!Izuku Midoriya, Fem!Reader, light fluff, squirting, sex
"Fuck, you wanna tease me so damn much but when I retaliate all you wanna do is act like a whiny brat." The fluffy green haired hero tuts, gripping your hair to pull your head back into his toned chest.
He grins, the ends of his eyes squinting ever so slightly before he opens his mouth, hovering over your neck with an excited look as he watches your expression in the mirror.
You yelp in pain and pleasure at the feeling of his sharp canines digging into your neck, hard enough to leave a mark but not enough to break skin before he licks over the mark.
"Close, sweetheart?" He asks with a mostly innocent expression as he slams his hips right into yours, a soft grunt leaving his lips as he felt your gummy walls constrict around his cock.
You nod stupidly, unable to form a word, let alone a complete sentence. Your thighs tremble, clit bruised and puffy after cumming how many times now.
"Use your words."
"S'close, so so so so close, cumming!" You babble, eyes rolling back as creamy white sprays of cum squirt around his cock, messing up the floor beneath you as your vision goes white.
You feel calloused fingers slip between your thighs as Izuku feels for the newfound sprays of cum. He's silent for a moment before gently kissing your neck, "You did such a great job pretty girl."
You hum tiredly before going limp in his grasp. He happily holds you against his chest as he leans back into the wall while gently circling and caressing your hips and waist with roughly padded fingers.
"G'nna tease me again?"
"Try again."
"Good girl."
You slap his leg when you feel him buck his hips up into you, elicting a hearty chuckle from your number one hero.
"I love you, [Y/N]."
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yutxsgf · 8 months
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I genuinely adore MOSTLY soft spoken Bakugou, especially when he's fucking your brains out.
Cw; Smut, soft Bakugou, Fem!Reader
"You're doing so well, taking me like a good little slut." He whispers with breathy pants as he thrusts particularly deep in a specific spot, fiendishly searching for that same mewl of his name to spill from your lips as he pounds you senseless.
"That's right, let the neighbors know who's treating ya like the royalty your pretty little face is." Holding you by the back of your neck, admiring the bite marks before kissing you sensually, tongue invading your mouth as he swallows your whimpers and mewls.
A soft "I love you" whisper and a breathy "Fuck, I know pretty girl." later and he's busting his load into your stomach, groaning and tightening his grip on your neck, just barely cutting off your oxygen for a split second.
God, he's gonna need another 4 rounds.
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yutxsgf · 8 months
Reader meets the Bakugous
Cw; Fluff, established relationship, Aged up AU, Fem!Reader
"Baby, calm down, they're not all that bad." He lightly comforted, kissing the top of your head with a concerned frown as his thumb caressed your hip.
"But what if they don't like me?" You deeply frowned at the thought.
"They'll love ya, swear it." He whispered.
You hummed, still concerned, but wanting to get this over with already. It's better to deal with it than fret more than needed.
Katsuki put his large hand on the small of your back as he coaxed you closer to his home, where he lived before becoming a hero.
He glanced down at you when the both of you were directly in front of the door, rubbing his thumb against your waist instead.
"You ready, princess?"
You hesitated before taking one final shaky deep breath,
The both of you flinched at the loud, booming voice from within the house followed up by the sound of padded feet sprinting towards the door.
You stared dumbfoundedly at the Katsuki-looking woman, watching as the rabid look on her face quickly shifted to one of sharp yet fond.
She glanced back and forth between Katsuki and you, seeming to examine what was going on before an exaggerated gasp left her lips.
"Katsuki, is this your new little girlfriend??"
"Fiancée." He corrected, looking down at you with the same loving gaze you've learned to love.
The woman squealed before taking your arm and bringing you inside with haste, dragging you towards the living room couch.
Katsuki chuckled behind you before making his way after you after closing the door behind him.
"So, how has he been treating you? Has he ever yelled at you? What're your thoughts on having kids?"
She continued to bombard you with questions with an eager-ish face, cupping your hands in hers as she sat beside you.
Katsuki blinked before lightly scowling at his mother, followed up with a sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Damn it, old hag, you're scarin' 'er."
"Quiet." She retorted, glaring over her shoulder at the large hero.
His eye twitched with annoyance before he glanced behind him at the sound of sniffling, looking slightly down to see his father looking proudly up at him.
"Dad." He said simply before enveloping him in a hug,
You and her watched this bondful moment unfold with a soft smile, the sharp features mostly disappearing as she practically melted at the sight.
"I've missed you, son."
"I've missed you both, too."
"Damn it, Katsuki! Just had ta burn the chicken cutlets, didn't you!?"
"Wasn't my fault, you old hag!"
"Hey, hey, let's all calm down now."
"Shut up!"
You watched in silence as the family bickered, gently fiddling with the utensils as you awkwardly stared.
You flinched when you heard a slap, gaping when you saw your Fiancée's head lightly bowed down.
"Language everyone–"
You sigh, shaking your head before clicking your tongue and smiling lovingly once more.
Maybe they aren't all that bad afterall.
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yutxsgf · 8 months
Some Hawks fluff because he's such a dork.
Hawks catches Reader sobbing over some low-level punk partner.
Cw; fluff, Hawks x Reader, light hurt & comfort, GN!Reader
Every flash of that vivid fight is what keeps your tears fresh and flowing, slipping down your slightly chubby cheeks as you curl up deeper into the couch you've practically grown into.
It's been about 3 days since you've last seen the sunlight, depression hitting you like a bus after being dumped by someone who you thought was the love of your life. Yikes, never making that mistake again, huh?
The bags under your eyes more vibrant and visible than ever, the small cartons and plates of fast food places from whenever you would starve yourself to the point you were so hungry you were tempted to eat yourself.
To put it simply, everything went to shit for you. And you honestly couldn't care about anything right now, even the soft glow of your phone and the constant buzzing of notifications vibrating your coffee table.
All you wanted to do was mope, cry, mope some more, cry some more, sob, eat if really necessary, cr—
You flinched at the sound of a familiar voice, one you didn't expect to hear at all at a time like this. You slowly pulled the blanket just below your eyes to make sure it was the person you were thinking of.
And sure enough, red apple colored wings along with a small flurry of feathers immediately captured your attention from across the living room.
His head immediately snaps towards you before he came rushing to your slump figure on the couch.
"Y/n, are you okay? What happened? Why aren't you answering any of my texts?" The hero panicked, placing a hand just on your jawline, gently leading you up to look at him.
"Slow down." You mumble, yawning before slowly and reluctantly getting up from your dent in the sofa.
"Sorry, okay.. What's going on baby bird..?"
"You know I know what you mean when you say that, c'mon now, I know you better than that songbird."
You grumble quietly before sighing and finally looking into his golden-brown eyes.
"They dumped me."
"They dumped me."
He froze, simply zoning out before a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes took over his concerned expression.
He quickly shook his head before the frown reappeared. He hesitated for a moment before clearing his throat and sitting beside you to your left on the sofa with a small grunt.
"I know it hurts, but if I'm being honest about this, as a hero, and as your friend, you seriously shouldn't be doing this to yourself." He lightly scolded before fluttering his wings and wrapping one around your side.
You huffed, yanking your blanket from underneath him. "Not as easy as you think, playboy."
"Hey, I've quit my ways a long time ago." He quipped back, sending a feather to grab your blanket and pin it against the wall nearby.
You gaped before glaring up at him and reluctantly getting up to chase after your blanket.
"Ah, where do you think you're going?" He hummed before pinning your shirt to the sofa with another carmine feather.
You pointed to the blanket, and he chuckled before using his wing to pull you closer, unwinding your shirt in the process. "Listen, how about instead of you moping here, we go out for a little fly and get some fresh fried chicken."
"Do we have to?"
He silently cheered, pumping his fist down in front of him with a grin. When you gave him a look he cleared his throat and sat up straighter.
"Alright, I'll be a second, I need to do something real quick. Go on and get dressed, baby bird. I'll come get you in 15."
You couldn't help the smile on your face before you nodded and hopped up off the couch for the first time in 7 hours.
A giggle erupted from your lips when Hawks sent a feather to tickle you as a soft see you later. One last playful glare at him and you're off.
And that's when his expression darkened.
"Now, where does that bastard live."
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yutxsgf · 8 months
Bakugou x reader, but the reader has a sphinx cat and Bakugou has no idea what to think of it.
Cw; light fluff, character POV, GN Reader, cats
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He swore it was the ugliest thing on the fucking planet. The way its naked skin was so.. so.. skin-like. The way its tail looked so freakishly long yet short. The way it'd have a full-on stare off with him whenever he'd come to your house to visit you.
He hated it with his whole being.
Fast forward about 2 years later, he now has to help clean up the damn cat's butt puckers. Yeah, you heard him right. Butt puckers. All because he accidentally lashed out on someone for swiping their thumb against your waist. Accidentally.
He had never been so disgusted. He would physically recoil whenever the damn cat would sit up and make a small suction noise. He didn't even know cats could make those noises with their ass.
God, why'd you have to be the prettiest person he'd ever seen with the freakiest cat to roam the earth.
"Baby, can you go and bathe the cat?"
Oh, GOD. He was literally gonna melt his own face off. He had never actually touched the cat other than when you forced him to pet the cat, which he never really truly did besides swiping the top of its head with his pinky finger.
There were so many steps to bathing this cat. Why? Because it has no fur! Of course it doesn't. He couldn't help the long exasperated groan that left his lips as he read over the steps for the umpteenth time.
Might as well get it over with.
To be fully honest. The cat was kinda chill, unlike Todoroki's new cat. His cat was a killer. He knew it.
But this cat was okay. He guesses.
But when he told you this, all you could do was laugh at him. He didn't know what was so funny. Which is why he felt heat immediately rush to the tip of his ears out of pure embarassment. And maybe a little 'cause your laugh was fucking heavenly.
But mainly because he was embarrassed. (He's in love)
Okay, okay, you got him. MAYBE, just maybe it was.. not cute at all, but the way it acted was cute. He guesses. The way it began licking his fingers for attention, which he semi-reluctantly gave. The way it'd.. yeah, he doesn't really know.
But yknow what? If you were gonna be the one he was gonna marry—which is obviously happening because he is never letting you go—he has to get used to your damn cat one way or another.
"You're lucky I fuckin' love your parent with my whole heart."
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yutxsgf · 8 months
Bakugou was always the aggressive type, but you just do something to him that he can't explain.
Cw; Fluff, character POV, Fem!Reader
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It all started the moment you walked into class, your soft demeanor, your resting soft natural look, your pink lightly glossed over lips. God, he couldn't help but fluster at the sight. You were so fucking stunning.
But would he ever admit it? No, not over his own grave.
Yet he'd always think it, especially since somehow, you got wrapped up in his squad instead of Deku's. How? He has no fuckin' clue. Just like with his heart, you managed to squirm your way into his "friend" group.
Even so, he'd always wish you'd switch sides and go with that damn nerd's group instead of his. Why? Because every single time he gets asked to hang out, you're there. You're there, overpowering every single one of his senses with your strawberry perfume. Every. single. fucking. time.
And even during class, you're there to disturb him with your damn strawberry scent. Because of course, you were swapped to sit next to him. Of course.
And of course, you were sometimes sat beside him during lunch. Why wouldn't you be? God, he can never catch a break, can he?
He doesn't know why you're so.. you. Nor does he know why you're fuckin' everywhere. And he doesn't know why he feels the way he does around you. But he wants it to stop. He wants you to stop. And that's why he's here, standing right before you with a deep scowl.
"Can you stop?"
You just innocently tilt your head, obviously confused with this interaction. But did he care? Yes. But was he going to act like it? No.
"What are you talking about?"
He stayed silent, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly as he eyed your figure.
"Nothin' just stop coming near me, Damn it."
Turning on his heel, he walked away with his hands shoved deep in his pockets. Whyd he say that? Did he hurt your feelings? Oh God, did he make you cry? Fuck. What's wrong with him?
"So.. you don't like me..?"
He froze mid-step with his eyes blown wide. What'd you just say? His head ever so slowly turned to glance at you over your shoulder.
He could feel his heart being wrenched out of his chest when he saw soft tears adorning your slightly chubby cheeks, barely ruining the soft faint blush of make-up as they dribbled down your cheeks.
"You.. sniff, don't like me..?"
For once, he didn't know what to say. He didn't have any rude words of rejection stored away for you. He didn't have a stream of curse words at the tip of his tongue. He didn't have the urge to laugh in your face. The only thing he wanted to do was wipe your precious tears away with his thumb before giving you a soft kiss on your forehead.
"What're.. What.. Huh?"
"K-Kaminari said.. he said that you liked me like you like everyone, you just don't know how to show it.."
He could feel the veins popping out of his skull. He was going to blast him to the next state over, swear it. If it weren't for him, you wouldn't be here crying. If it weren't for him, he wouldn't be here having a dilemma on whether he should ignore you and walk away because he can't handle his feelings or walk up to you and hold you til' you stop crying.
God damn it.
The moment you lowered your head to look down at your feet, he was there in an instant, one hand splayed against the small of your back with his other on the back of your head as he pushed you forward into his body, embracing you in a warm, burnt sugar and caramel scented embrace.
You inevitably froze, your light sobs immediately ceasing as your arms dropped to your sides.
He didn't know what he was doing, or why he was doing it.
That's a lie. He knew what he was doing and why, but he truly didn't feel like it because whenever you were around, his conscious and train of thought flew out the window.
"Dumbass, I never said I didn't like ya."
"So you do like me?"
"I guess."
"Is that a no?"
"Fuck, yes, I like you damn it."
The both of you flinched with him immediately pulling away from you as his head snapped to glance over his shoulder only to find his, and now your group of friends all cheering and dancing.
He felt his blood begin to boil. What's going on? Did they put you up to this? He swore he was gonna–
"Please don't be mad.. it wasn't fully their idea.."
The moment he felt your arms wrapping around his waist from behind, all the anger and aggression immediately disappeared, leaving nothing but a blank expression.
The things you do to him would actually literally drive him up the wall. He swore it. Which is why he turned around in your grasp and placed a warm hand on the small of your back once more.
"You're so fuckin' lucky you're adorable."
"Mommy sounded so cute back then!"
"Hell– Uh.. 'Course she was."
You giggled, watching as your now husband and pro-hero Dynamite told your kids the story of how the both of fell in love.
"Is. She is adorable."
"That's what I thought."
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yutxsgf · 8 months
I deeply love to imagine Bakugou as the grumpiest person walking on the earth when he grows up and pursues his heroic dream. But every grump needs his sunshine gf that's terrible at something.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺
"It's done!"
An ash-blonde tuft of hair peeked out from the kitchen doorframe before moving out from behind the wall with his softened scowl.
You glanced over your shoulder behind you at the tall male, smiling softly as you beamed him a loving gaze.
"Gonna pass me one or keep smilin' at me?"
He crossed his arms, a faint smile making its way on his lips before he began striding towards your bent figure as you took your homemade cookies out of the oven.
"Can't I do both?" You hummed before hissing when you accidentally touched the hot pan with your non-mittened hand.
His eyes barely widened before he quickly made his way over to you, looming over you as he stood behind you with your wrist in his overly large hand. "Idiot." He mumbled before rubbing your hand with his calloused fingers.
You huffed, rolling your eyes before pointing down at the cookies on the pan.
You were pretty adamant on learning how to bake. Why? Because you were absolutely ass at it. But that never stopped Bakugou from encouraging you and supporting each and every one of your pastries. But of course, since you weren't the best at baking, you can only guess how they'd come out.
"They look great, honey." He mumbled, kissing your cheek before taking a dark obsidian black, supposedly chocolate chip cookie.
You smiled brightly at your boyfriend as he took a hearty bite out of your cookie, your happiness never deterring as he kept a straight face.
That was all that mattered.
"So.. how are they..?" You whispered, turning around to face him as you craned your neck up.
He hummed in thought before throwing the rest of the cookie in his mouth and sticking his thumb up with approval.
He swallowed, clearing his throat before pointing behind you at the cookies, "Gonna give 'em to the group, that okay?"
"Of course!" You smiled, "Can I come? I wanna see their reactions and take some tips."
"'Course baby, go get dressed." And with a light tap on your behind, you were off to your shared bedroom with a small skip in your step.
"What are those." Kaminari whispered to Bakugou, pointing a slim finger at the cookies in a small zip lock baggy.
"My cookies." You replied before Bakugou could, glancing up at the charcoal in your boyfriend's hands.
The group froze before simultaneously nodding together. You took nothing of it, but Bakugou did as he sent a deathly glare to each of them.
"Go on, pick one." Bakugou grumbled, keeping his stone cold glare as he carefully opened the bag and spread it large enough for their hands to fit through.
Sero and Kaminari gulped, clearing their throat before reluctantly taking the so-called cookie from the baggy. Ashido, Kirishima, and Jirou following soon after.
"Hey, babe, can you go get us some water over there?" Bakugou asked quietly, pointing to the water dispenser near the corner of his unnecessarily large office.
You happily obligated, nodding before shuffling over to the dispenser with your fluffy winter boots.
"One negative thing, 'n I'm slitting all of your goddamn throats."
"Yes, sir." Kaminari and Sero saluted foolishly as the rest froze, seemingly lost in thought as they stared at your cookie. wondering how in the world did it get that bad.
You quickly came back with both arms full of plastic cups filled with water. Bakugou was quick to set the cookies down on his desk and grab all the waters from your grasp.
When you smiled expectedly at them, they all glanced at each other before sighing and taking a reluctantly large bite.
"They're– They're um.." "They're awesome!" Kirishima finished for Kaminari, nudging his arm behind their bodies before gulping down his bite.
You happily squealed, jumping up and down before hugging your boyfriend at his neck.
And then, he smiled.
"Say a thing, and I'll kill you."
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yutxsgf · 9 months
Kirishima fucks up and Bakugou and Kaminari are there to sweep up the mess and fix you out of your feels.
Cw; fluff, Café worker au, light hurt/comfort.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺
You and Kirishima had been friends throughout middle school, and it stayed that way. The light and happy feeling of being with your best friend. The soft smiles and the silly laughs, it felt great. Heavenly even. That was how it was.
Until you introduced them.
"Hey, I'm Mina Ashido! I've seen you around before, haven't I?" She said with a bright smile before sticking her hand out to the blank spikey haired boy.
Kirishima froze before clearing his throat and rubbing the back of his neck with a smile, "O–Oh, yeah! Nice to meet you, I'm Eijiro Kirishima." He replied with a sheepish grin.
You watched silently at the greeting, smiling at the smooth greeting, it seemed pretty nice. You were somewhat excited, you were thinking of being the awesome trio at Mustafa Private Middle School.
But that wasn't the case. Not at all. You never expected to be the one left out on hangouts let alone left behind. You never thought you'd be the one to feel that prickling pang of jealousy and pain as you watched your bestfriend and your other friend laugh and share a popcorn bucket at the movies. You were stuck on the end side as both of them sat by eachother, laughing and giggling at the movie loud enough for several people to give them dirty looks.
It wasn't as fun when you were on the butt end of it, was it?
This went on and on, and each time, you felt little bits and pieces of your enjoyment that was there before, shatter and fly away. It hurt, so bad, more than anyone could imagine. And it didn't help that you liked your bestfriend too.
You sighed before getting up off of the round, metal Café chair and grabbing your belongings. You had been mulling and thinking too much. People had offered you several little snacks when they caught you shedding a couple tears, which made you feign a smile. But the thankfulness and prick of gratefulness didn't last forever, which is why you decided it was better to just sulk at home and not embarass yourself.
You were about to ditch the Café before you heard someone yell. You whipped your head back at the voice, which was apparently the Café counter.
"Hey, you." A blonde guy called out with both palms on the counter as he looked at you. You glanced around before pointing at yourself and slightly tilting your head.
The worker nodded and grinned, "Yeah, you, c'mere." He motioned for you to come closer before dipping behind the small glass panel that slightly hid the drink he pulled out from behind it.
You slowly walked closer, clearly confused on why you were called out. Maybe it was because you stayed too long. You really didn't hope so, you were definitely in no mood to get an earful.
"On the house, hate seein' pretty people like you sob in here." The blonde said before sliding a [Favorite drink] to you with thin caramel lining that made up a small happy face.
You stared at him for a brief minute before pursing your lips, trying to decide if this was worth your smile right now or not. If you could even muster up one.
But, after a couple seconds, your body decided for your as a warm smile tugged at your lips causing an instant reaction from the blonde boy as his grin got wider.
"I– T.. Thank you." You said softly, taking the drink and pulling it closer before taking a sip and immediately feeling a tad better than you had before.
He tipped his little worker visor before flashing his amber eyes down at you with a soft smirk. "The names Kaminari. Denki Kaminari." He said softly.
You chuckled quietly, "[L/N], [F/N] [L/N]." Kaminari perked up before snatching an order paper and grabbing a pen from the table and writing down his number.
He slid it against the table towards you with a soft grin, "Use it however you please." He mumbled softly before making soft eye contact with you.
"Dunce face, God damn it! You better not be flirting with another customer again." A voice boomed from the back before a loud slam was heard. Everyone, including you and Kaminari whipped their heads over to whatever made that noise.
Another worker came from behind the wall before his eyes instinctively met the front of the counter, soon finding their way up to your slightly flushed, puffy face and just as puffy eyes.
He sucked his teeth before dipping back behind the wall and coming out with a duck themed sugar cookie and sliding it across the counter before stopping right in front of you.
"Damn Bakugou, didn't expect you to be the–" The darker blonde was quickly cut off with a cough as the other worker shoved an elbow into his abdomen, effectively shutting him up.
"Don't be goin' to a Café just to mope around n' not buy anything. That's just bs." The ash-blonde mumbled the last part before going back behind the wall with his hands shoved in his Café designed apron.
Your eyes followed him until he was no longer in sight, you were clearly slightly baffled with the mixed signals. Your attention was quickly snagged away from the ash-blonde to the Darker blonde that was clutching onto his stomach.
"Don't mind him, he's always like that." He wheezed out, giving his best attempt at a grin as he stared at you for a moment.
You chuckled for a moment before clearing your throat and straightening up as your expression took one of worry and concern, "Are– Are you.. alright?"
"Don't worry, 'm fine– He always does this." He spoke before coughing and straightening up. He cleared his throat before smiling warmly. "What I think Bakugou over there was tryna say is, don't be upset, everything's gonna turn out fine. Well, whatever youre goin' through will be." He shrugged with a hum sounding like the words 'I don't know.'
You smiled softly before nodding, "If that's the case, send him my thanks." You gave a farewell nod before turning around and making your way towards the Café doors.
"Will do." Was the last thing you heard before the small bell at the top of the double glass doors rang. You felt lighter than before, a little out of the dumps. You glanced down at the drink and little snack with a soft smile before taking a sip.
Maybe today wasn't going to be as bad.
And from that day on, you became a regular, always going back to that same Café to see those very blondes. At one point, they began to memorize your favorite drinks almost by heart just by simple glance at your expression.
You'd always pick the table closest to the counter so they'd always have the chance to start up small talk at times, and Kaminari took all the chances he could get.
Bakugou on the other hand, acted as if he didn't want you there which would normally hurt– if he didn't occasionally sneak you a couple cookies and small cups of whip cream.
"So how is our lovely regular doing today?" Kaminari asked with a soft grin as his chin resting in the palm of his hand for support atop the soft beige marble counter.
"I'm doing okay." You replied, making your way to the blonde as your other favorite blonde walked around behind Kaminari while making drinks for the other stray customers.
"Glad to hear." He beamed you a closed eye grin before spinning on his heel and making his way over to the drink station. Presumably to make your drink.
"Whaddya think you're doing, idiot. Go talk to them, I'm making the damn drink already." A harsh whisper was heard from Bakugou as his hands quickly worked at what looked to be a latte.
Kaminari silently mocked him before rolling his eyes and walking back to you. His expression shifted to one of softness as he saw you glancing up at their temporary sanrio menu.
"Thinkin' of buying one of those chibbi thingies from our menu today?" He asked, placing both of his palms on the edges of the counter as he leaned forward ever so slightly.
You pursed your lips in thoughts before smiling softly and nodding, "Yeah, can I get a... [Favorite sanrio character] themed bubble tea? Along with a [F/S/C] sugar cookie?"
"Coming right up beautiful." He responded with a wink before dipping in slightly behind the wall and shouting your order to Bakugou. Whom responded with a very vocal, "Don't yell at me, damn extra!"
You chuckled before glancing behind you at the sound of the little bell ringing as people entered. You were always a nosey one.
And then, your heart dropped.
You watched in slight horror and both Kirishima and Mina walked inside the Café arm in arm with cheerful smiles. You practically froze in place as you slowly turned your head towards the counter, praying to every deity there was that they wouldn't recognize the back of your head.
"Woah, what's wrong with you?" Kaminari questioned, cocking a brow as he stared at you with your sugar cookie in hand. His expression started to lace with concern as you remained silent and frozen.
"[L/N]–" You quickly shut him up before he could finish calling out your name by sending him a death glare that could send a small shiver down Bakugou's spine.
Kaminari quickly stayed silent before hesitantly glancing behind you to welcome the new customers before he too, froze in place.
He laughed nervously before pursing his lips, "Oh– Uh, hey! Your shift started 5 minutes ago [False name], come on." He ushered you over to the little gate stiffly, and you quickly complied.
You quickly, yet semi cautiously made your way over to the gate before pushing your body into it as it allowed you inside. You booked it behind the wall that always hid the rest of the small storage area only to be met face first into a thick pole.
"What the hell?! The fuck're you doin' back here? And watch where you're going!"
You glanced up at said pole that had two drinks up in the air as he beamed you a confused scowl. You quickly backed up before placing a hand over his mouth and glancing behind you where Kaminari stiffly took the pair's order.
Bakugou stayed still for a moment before placing both drinks on a nearby counter and grabbing your wrist. "What the fuck is going on." He said in a harsh whisper.
"The– Youknowthosepeopleitoldyouaboutthatleftmeforeachotherafteriintroducedthem?yeahwelltheyrehereandkaminarihel–"
"God damn it– Slow down idiot!" Bakugou said as he covered your mouth with his hand. He sucked his teeth before slowly retracting his hand from your mouth.
You remained silent for a moment before taking a calming breath and looking up at him, "Remember when I came in here crying?"
"Yeah, you looked like a fuckin' pimple with all that puffiness." He teased with a grin before clearing his throat and allowing you to continue.
You gave him a sharp look before huffing and continuing, "Well that reason why I was crying is here and talking to Kaminari."
Bakugou thought for a moment before pursing his lips in hesitancy. His expression of thought quickly turned into a narrow one as he shoved you out of the way and left from behind the wall.
You watched in terror as Kaminari tried to hold Bakugou back from blowing the whole counter along with Kirishima and Mina away. If this was a clean show, all you'd be hearing was that annoying beep.
"Bakugou– C'mon bro, fuck! Calm down!" Kaminari shouted, holding Bakugou by his the crooks of his neck as the ash-blonde's hands started sparking and popping. All you could hear was loud, violent I'll kill yous and Bastards along with streams of something that sounded like it could come out of Satan's mouth himself.
"Bakugou.." You said under your breath, walking slightly towards the chaos behind the counter. Both blonde's heads whipped towards your direction and froze.
What you didn't know, was that you walked a bit too far and you were now in view for both Mina and Kirishima to spot you and also freeze.
By now, all customers either began recording or scrambled away as far as they could from the very lively Café. But that was the least of your worries the moment you heard his voice.
Your head whipped towards the voice with an expression that could break a man's pride. And well, it did. Throughout all Bakugou's stream of curses, all you could hear was Kirishima's small curses about how crazy your blondes were.
You stared at him as if he were crazy, insane, an outcast, like he didn't belong, like you didn't know who he was, like you disgusted by him, like you hated him. At this point, you could care less about the terrified Mina behind him, the only thing that went through your mind was the betrayal and the fact Bakugou lashed out on someone on his shift. For you.
"Get out."
"Get out."
"Get. OUT."
All eyes and phone cameras were on you now, your shout having gained the attention from everyone. You pointed towards the double glass doors and sent him a glare of despair and hatred.
Kirishima recoiled at your sudden volume before Mina stepped in front of him and looked at you with confusion and sorrow. "[Nickname], what's going on with you..?"
You ground your teeth within your mouth briefly before turning away from her and walking behind the wall again. All you could hear afterwards was Kirishima beginning to call your name before getting stopped by a loud slam on the counter and a loud "Get the fuck out."
You sat quietly on a chair in the corner as you stared blankly at the wall infront of you. You counted atleast 104 cracks in the wall and about 3 faded ash marks on that very same chunk of wall.
You flinched at the sound of your name before instantly calming down at the sight of Kaminari and Bakugou standing by you.
"Are you– Are you okay?" Kaminari said softly, coming closer to you and placing a warm hand on your shoulder as his eyebrows furrowed with concern.
Bakugou came closer before shoving his hands in his pocket and leaning against the wall in front of you with a soft scowl. "If you're worried about those bastards, I scared 'em off 5 minutes ago. Damn extras are so damn persistent."
You chuckled softly for a second at his last remark before clearing your throat and glancing up at both Kaminari and Bakugou. You slowly nodded before sighing, "Yeah.. Yeah, I'm okay. But, I just– I just wanna thank you both for what you did back there.. Helping me and stuff.. Just– Thank you. I really appreciated it."
"Don't be getting all sappy on me now, [Name]." Kaminari teased before ruffling your hair and grinning softly at you. "Plus, it was the least we could do for our favorite customer. Don't tell Amari I said that, she always tips me an extra five bucks whenever she comes here."
You laughed for a moment before smiling softly at both of them, "Noted." You let out another content sigh, feeling lighter than you did during the scenes of drama.
"Tch. Whatever, they deserved it. Wasn't like I was doin' it for you anyway, I got a lotta pent up rage dealing with those damn complaintent customers." Bakugou scoffed before turning his head away to look off to the side. "N' don't worry bout the Café cause I know damn well you will. Our manager will deal with the shit that comes with our mishap."
You couldn't help your smile as it widened at Bakugou's choice of words. After becoming a regular and always speaking with the two, you've come to learn what Bakugou truly means with his words. And this one meant, you're welcome and it's okay.
You stood up slowly before turning towards Kaminari and standing in front of him, just keeping eye contact before wrapping him up in a tight hug.
He grunted quietly in shock before grinning and instantly wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer. "God, I thought I'd never be able to do this." He whispered.
After a couple moments of content, you slowly pulled away and grinned at Bakugou, who was scowling harder than he was earlier.
You laughed before leaping forward and wrapping your arms around Bakugou's neck in a warm, happy hug. Bakugou grunted as well, a little louder than Kaminari before scoffing and hugging you back tighter with his arms around your waist.
"You're welcome nerd." He whispered in your ear as he leaned his head towards the crook in your neck.
Kaminari stood there with his hands on his hips, giving Bakugou an I-know-you-feel-it-too look before straightening up and clearing his throat as Bakugou glared at him.
You and Bakugou had a little bit of a longer moment as you both hugged in silence before you pulled away. He took the chance to ruffle your hair before shoving his hands in his pocket and leaning back against the wall.
"So.. whose up for a festival night?" You ask with a soft grin.
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yutxsgf · 10 months
Reader/Pro hero!Izuku Midoriya
Long ass one shot about jealousy and anger issues.
TW: None besides a whole lot of overthinking
Izuku has been fawned over more than you'd like, and at some point, it becomes unbearable.
"Pro hero Deku! Over here!"
"We love you pro hero Deku!"
"50 bucks for a kiss!"
"Ah, um, now now ladies, let's calm down." Izuku said, raising two hands infront of him in an attempt to reclaim the wild crowd of females.
You stood there off to the side, eyeing Izuku as he struggled against the ladies unrequited adoration for him. But you? You were put off to the side as always, just like you are right now. You found it hard to believe Izuku even knew you were here right now. And that infuriated you.
You and Izuku had been together ever since he started off as a regular pro hero, down in the lower ranks. You supported him through everything, whether it be financial support, emotional support, or physical support. You were always there and you stuck by him, as loyal as a dog. Especially when All Might died. Everytime a man who wasn't someone you knew walked up to you, you quickly shut them down, dismissing whatever they were trying to say before they even got a chance to say it.
But as Izuku started to climb the ranks he had become more and more popular, especially with the women of Musutafu. And soon enough, it became unbearable. At some point they even started throwing their panties and bras at him.
You knew it wasn't entirely his fault but you couldn't help but get mad. You would always shut down other males before they got the chance, but Izuku? He didn't even bother saying he has a girlfriend, all he does is smile at them and laugh their charms off.
You sucked your teeth, continuing to eye Izuku. He had yet to notice your appearance, so you took that as a sign to walk off. And you did.
Only then did he notice you walking off. He also happened to notice how angrily you walked off.
You continued to walk towards your shared penthouse with Izuku, making sure to give a mean scowl to every single person you pass by.
You finally made it to the penthouse building. You took a deep breath to temporarily ease your anger as you walked into the lobby.
You put on your sweetest smile and coated your tone with sugar each time a guard or a resident hero would say Hello to you. You made sure to keep that sweet smile in the elevator, as you were well aware of the cameras within the elevators.
But as soon as you were inside the camera free penthouse, you snapped. You let out a frustrated scream as you pulled out your hair tie, letting your hair fall from your tight ponytail. You clutched onto that same hair tie as you stomped your way towards the guest room, not wanting to be in the same room where you and Izuku sleep on the regular.
"Why can't he just— he—For God's sake!" You cry out, finally allowing your frustrated tears to slip down your flushed cheeks.
You threw yourself onto the plush queen sized bed and clutched onto a loose pillow, squeezing it with all the strength you had. You screamed and cried into that same pillow, leaving visible stains on said pillow.
You hated the way they acted so freely towards Izuku. It felt as if he wasn't even really yours. You wondered how he would feel if the same thing were to happen with you? How would he feel? What would he do? Those thoughts seemed to calm you down for just a moment. You decided to take advantage of your calm moment, slowly getting up from your curled up position and shifting off the bed.
You had attempted to let out an exhausted sigh but all that came out was a broken and cracked squeak. You grumbled with your broken voice and dragged your feet towards the kitchen.
"I really fucking hope Izuku doesn't come home today." You squeak out, not giving a single shit about who hears you.
You drag yourself past the front door and closer towards the large open kitchen. You let out a broken huff as you reach up to the open cabinet and grab one of your favorite designed mugs in hopes that it will cheer you up atleast a little bit.
It eventually did, but by a barely noticeable amount. You slowly turned the faucet and let the water run till it hit the perfect temperature and filled your cup.
You slowly close the faucet with similar pace as how you opened it. After ceasing the running water you cautiously brought the mug up to your mouth and began to chug, chugging as much as you could.
You let out an exasperated sigh and mentally clapping for the return of your voice. That brief sense of proudness immediately ceased to none as you snapped your head to the sound of your penthouse door squeaking open.
Great. You sigh, dragging yourself out of the kitchen, attempting to hide the desperate fact that you don't want to be seen. And by him of all people.
"Hey angel, I'm home!" He calls out to you, looking around briefly before taking off his boots at the door.
Since you're fully out of his field of vision you quickly shuffle into the guests room, hoping he thinks you're not home. He calls out to you a couple more times and you don't respond to any of them.
Once you're finally inside of the guests bedroom you continue to drag yourself forward until you feel your upper, slightly bare thighs hit the cool comforter of the bed.
You let out a somewhat quiet groan before allowing yourself to fall face first onto the messy, unmade guest bed with a cushioned thud.
You began thinking, what if you were just overreacting? Well, yeah, you were but.. The way he just simply chuckled at the thrown panties and bras made you so.. so upset. You know, hero this, hero that, you know. You know. But no matter what, it still fuckin' hurt.
"Sweetheart, are you in here?"
You jolted up and out of your thoughts as you heard the soft masculine voice call out to you, and not from behind a door.
You didn't reply, you didn't even look at him. You just plopped back down into the bed and laid their in silence.
"Sweetheart..?" He called out to you again, somehow getting more gentler as he shuffled closer to the bed that you were moping on.
"Go away." You muffled into the bed with high doubts that he heard you.
You felt a large dip in the bed as the large toned man pressured all of his weight on the poor mattress. "Can you get up for me?"
You groaned into the bed before reluctantly getting up and sitting with your legs crossed in the middle of the bed. He stared at your face for a brief moment before glancing at different parts of your body as he analyzed you.
"Have you been crying?" He asks, shuffling his body closer to you.
You turned away from him, turning your face towards the slightly opened wooden door of the guest room. What a lovely door.
"Honey, can you please look at me?" He slightly raised his voice, still sounding gentle yet slightly louder than before. His patience was thinning.
You stayed silent, analyzing the different waves of the wood embedded into the smooth door. You were practically burning holes into the damn thing.
And that's when his patience snapped. He placed his fingers ever so gently under your chin, just before snapping your head to look at him.
"Y/n, I swear if you don't tell me what the fuck is wrong." He threatened as he sharply stared into your e/c eyes.
You let out a displeased huff, slightly darting your eyes around to avoid his burning gaze. You quickly begin to weigh out the outcomes of the situation if you were to tell him how you truly felt.
"Fine. You really wanna know what's wrong? I hate the fact that you allow those desperate girls cling onto you whenever we go out together. I hate that you don't even bother to push them away or tell them I exist. I don't even think most people know that you're taken. People don't even know who I am to you, at this point i wouldn't be shocked if they thought I was just obsessive stalker fangirl. I'm sick and tired of being pushing to the side and don't even get me started on the fact you don't even NOTICE I'm not there with you. You don't even bother to check."
At this point, you didn't even realize you had raised your voice. You didn't even feel the frustrated tears sliding down your cheeks, glistening your cheeks with soft transparent marks.
Izuku's eyes were practically as wide as saucers as he stared at your puffy eyes. He sat there, frozen.
You clicked your tongue before aggressively swiping the side of your face, ridding one side of any traces of tears. You let out a displeased sigh before pushing yourself off the bed. Before you could continue any further you felt a firm, large hand on your arm, actively keeping you in place.
"I.. I didn't know you felt that way Y/n." Izuku said quietly, staring down at you as he clearly towered over you.
"Let go of me Izuku.." You say, barely above a whisper as you hopelessly try and tug your arm away from his firm grasp.
He doesn't respond, he just stares at the leftover residue of tears on your frustrated flushed cheeks. He can't even begin to explain the emotions he felt the moment you told him your feelings.
You narrow your eyes, accidentally activating your quirk and temporarily paralyzing Izuku. You slightly take advantage of this and slip your arm out of his grasp. You quickly shuffle towards the opened door before blinking and freeing him from your paralyzing glare.
"Y/n." Raising his voice, he called out to you just before you managed to close the door. He couldn't believe the fact you had used your quirk on him.
You quickly sped walked over to your shared coat rack, slipping off your fuzzy coat and slipping in your boots, hoping to take a nice long walk, away from your fiancé.
"Y/n. Don't you dare walk out that door." Said fiancé hissed, making his way over towards the curve where the entrance, and exit door stayed.
You scoffed and narrowed your eyes up at him as he had made his way infront of the door, blocking your only way outside.
"Won't you just let me fucking talk?" He spoke, crossing his broad arms over his chest as he narrowed his eyes down at you in frustration.
He took your silent glare as a go. "Y/n, I honestly didn't know you felt that way. I apologize for not noticing your feelings sooner but this isn't how this situation should've gone. You need to learn how to communicate with me better or else everything is going to turn into a fight." He stopped himself for a quick moment to take a frustrated huff and pinch the bridge of his nose as he leaned against the door.
"Dear All Might, I honestly don't know what to do with you." He muttered under his breath as he moved his fingers up to rub his temples.
"If you're just here to reprimand me and complain about my actions I suggest you stop there and move out of my way." You threatened, feeling slightly ticked off by his muttering.
"Can you let me finish?" He retorted, hovering his hand over his face as he looked down at you.
"I'm sick and tired of this Midoriya, I don't get why you can't just comfort me instead of scolding me." You felt soft droplets fall down your cheeks with frustration and slight anger.
"If you'd just let me finish." He said, yelling out the last part with anger. Something in the way his pupils dilated with anger shook something in you.
The way your body flinched because of him had visibly shattered something within him, and you saw it.
"Y/n.. I—.."
Before he could finish you had already began running back into the guest room with your elbow around your face as you sobbed into it. You quickly slammed the door shut, locking it as soon as it shut. You were so done. This was the last straw.
"Y/n.. Y/n, please.." He called out softly, banging on the door before sliding his fist down the smooth wooden door. He let his forehead thud against the wood as he let out a shakey frustrated sigh.
"She's scared of you."
"Shes going to break up with you."
"You haven't even gotten married yet and you've already sent her running and hiding."
"This is your fault."
"Youre a bad boyfriend and fiancé."
He slammed his fist against the door, making the door vibrate from the pressure. He sobbed softly, trying to push out those overwhelming thoughts that filled his brain with doubt.
You couldn't even bother to move. You slightly shook as you sobbed into the pillow, leaving wet marks of your makeup onto the white pillow case.
The both of you sobbed, voices filling your heads as both of you cried your feelings out. You stayed like that for hours, eventually exhausting yourselves out.
Izuku fell asleep against the door, eyes visibly puffy from his quiet emotional sobs. He was already exhausted from patrolling and the two combined had took a larger toll on him than a class C villain battle would.
You let out a soft shakey broken sigh as you lifted your face away from the suffocatingly hot and ruined pillow. You stared down at the dried makeup stains on the soft white pillow before pushing yourself off the bed.
You took a deep breath, getting yourself mentally prepared to face your fiancé. You slowly opened the door causing it to slightly creak as you felt the door open slightly quicker than you had intended.
He was asleep on the door.
You used the most of your strength to slow the opening of the door just in case he'd fall onto the floor. You quickly walked over to where the door was supposed to be so his head laid comfortably against your legs instead.
"Izuku?" You called out quietly, seeing if he'd wake up from that before you'd be forced to carry him into your shared room.
He was heavy, okay?
You let out a frustrated sigh before gripping onto the top of his broad arms and pulling him up with a loud grunt. The way you were bent over looked like you had several decades worth of back pains. Why's he gotta be so goddamn heavy?
You huffed with each slow step towards your bedroom, thanking the deities and All Might above that your bedroom was somewhat close to the guest's room.
After the painful amount of time you took carrying your tall and large future husband, you finally made it within the bedroom. You sighed with relief when you finally felt him off of your back as you shoved him on the bed.
You wiped a non-existent sweat bead off your completely dry forehead before crawling onto the bed on the opposite side of Izuku. You turned your back to his sloppy sleeping position you put him and stared out the window as you watched the window slightly light up with a light shade of blue.
Suddenly you were pulled against a hard body, radiating warmth against your back as you pressed against it.
"Izuku..?" You whispered with slightly wide eyes.
He just simply groaned in response before pulling you closer and nuzzling his head onto the nape of your neck after moving some of your hair away.
"'M sorry sweetheart." He mumbled, slightly above a whisper as he placed a gentle kiss against your neck.
Your lips automatically perk up into a soft smile, slowly melting into his warm touch as you let out a soft sigh.
"Yell at me again and I'm paralyzing your heart."
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