#the mc with a religious upbringing
zhoras-bitch · 2 months
Love this new RC story
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Angelik Lovers
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neerons · 2 months
hey neerons! ive been following you for a while and i would like to take a moment to express my gratitude towards your dedication to the fandom (kazuomi especially 😋) My question to you is, what music artists (or just the genre if you cant think of anyone particular) do you think the guys (and mc ofc) from masquerade kiss would listen to? Thank you again!
Hey anon! Thank you very much for your kind words and for following me for some time now! That means a lot ❤
What music artists/genre would the MK characters listen to?
Kei Soejima
This is a bit easier for me to notice it from his route but Kei is heavily tied to classical music overall, whether it’s him who chose the music or someone else. Considering his upbringing and culture it also makes sense that he would probably like it. He listens to religious songs as well, such as Ave Maria. Now I’m not sure if he actually likes religious songs but it must at least be nostalgic for him.
He has also been playing “Paganini’s 24 Caprices” on the violin in his Best vs First story. He attends many social events where such musics can be heard since he’s a noble. And during Caleb’s dinner trap, both Kei and MC fell asleep while a classical music was playing in the background, back in his Sacrificial Lover story.
I can see Kei listening to such music and appreciate it, and for me classical music acts as a sort of leitmotiv in his story
Kazuomi Shido
I think Kazuomi would appreciate any type of music that is glamorous or epic, such as musics that come from Hollywood movies. He doesn’t like being bored and loves stimulation, and while he can appreciate art in its many forms, ballads don’t seem to be his favorite thing. It can be seen in Yuzuru’s S1 when it’s Yuzuru’s turn to host the Masquerade restaurant’s events. Yuzuru chose a romantic ballad, and Kazuomi comments about how it lacks some sort of excitement and that he would have chosen something else.
When I think about Kazuomi, I’m thinking of how enticing and extravagant he is. He draws people in, through his charisma and attractiveness. I also think about how much he likes burlesque shows. I immediately would pick a sort of jazzy genre for him. I’m not too knowledgeable about the names of music genres, but after some research I think he would really be into Cabaret music, Swing and Jazz, and maybe Electro Swing as well.
Anything theatrical, sexy, mesmerizing, a bit epic and fun would probably fit his tastes. I’m not sure what genre the 2 romantic soundtracks of MK fit into, but they embody perfectly Kazuomi’s charm in my opinion
Yuzuru Shiba
As mentioned earlier, Yuzu chose a ballad in his S1 when it was his turn to host the party at Masquerade. It seems he likes this type of music, as when MC said how beautiful the performance was, the other guys commented how perfect they were for each other if MC can appreciate something Yuzu chose himself according to his own tastes.
Considering that he grew up for some time in Italy, it could be that he enjoys some genres that have an Italian influence as well, such as any music with a melodic and emotive vibe to it.
I can see Yuzu enjoying classical music like Kei as well, especially because when he was younger, he created a phonograph for Jun so she could listen to her collection of classical records. It doesn’t mean Yuzu himself is interested in classical music, but it wouldn’t be odd if it were the case
Seiichi Setoyanagi (Boss)
This time it’s not easy for me to picture a specific type of musical genre when it comes to Seiichi. I’m sure that as a part of his job, he must be at least a bit knowledgeable about the genres if he ever needs to create an alias with certain tastes, or if it’s his alias’ profession to work with music. However as an individual, I think he would be the type to prefer silence or the sounds of nature over any particular music.
I can’t remember any moment where there is a specific genre being mentioned for him or where he listens to anything. He seems to enjoy his peace and quiet when he’s not working due to his job, so I can picture him appreciating the sound of his environment. Sounds of crickets, tree branches in the wind, rain, etc…
Given his career, it wouldn’t be unlikely that compared to most people, silence is the most effective sound for him to relax
Masquerade Kiss MC
She is quite the romantic at heart, and finds Yuzu’s ballad during his S1 beautiful. She also likes the Mission Impossible movies so it could be that she likes epic musics as well. On a compatibility level, she is similar to Kazuomi when it comes to liking Broadway shows and their interest in movies. However, she’s more into romantic French films rather than American ones compared to him, so I’d say she likes romantic, and maybe even sensual songs.
Romantic ballads might be more of her thing. Just like the Boss, she must be quite knowledgeable about music enough for her to be able to create an alias, or maybe because she’s just into it, because in Kei’s route, she recognizes instantly the music that Kei plays on the violin. She also recognizes the long classical music played in Caleb’s residence in Sacrificial Lover.
I can’t be sure if she likes classical music as well, but I think any of them could enjoy it to some extent. In my opinion, anything that sets a romantic, heartfelt and emotive mood would be her type
On a side note, MC reminds me of the songs “Moonlight” by Kali Uchis, or the instrumental version of “Nothing Burns Like the Cold” by Snoh Aelegra when she’s in her seductive agent mode ♥️💋
Thank you for the ask!
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
Hello! Weird ask, but I’ve been toying with this idea for awhile.
Out of personal experiences, I’ve always wondered how the cast of OM (more specifically the brothers) would react to a human MC who’s a devout follower of God. Even if they’re not super strict about their beliefs, they did grow up in a religious household and had experiences praying to God. (or some kind of god, any specifics of religion can be vague to fit the MC’s background and culture).
I think it’d make for an interesting and weird dynamic between all the brothers, especially Lucifer. Because it’d be hard to ignore why he and his brothers + his sister were outcasted from heaven, when it’s not only essential to the plot of the game, but the brothers entire narrative. Their trauma and collective grief is a big part of their identity. And the way I see it, if MC is religious, having to actually face with the real tangible truth that God is real (like actually, and not some mystified being) but also that they must face a question of their own faith.
Qhosojbejaodlwllspxps not to get existential here 😭 But I fell down a rabbit hole of religion and read a few interpretations of religious texts. There was this one quote about Jesus being a son of a carpenter, that when when he smelled the cross made out of wood, he must’ve thought of home. Not exactly relevant, but it did lead me to a spiral of revelation that Jesus was a human being after all, and he was very much like everyone else; despite how certain biblical texts hail him as a mythical figure. Religious themes and symbolism are my TEA! So I was wondering how the brothers of OM would react to an MC who’s religious.
Man, I wonder how Lucifer would feel. Knowing that the person he’s grown to love believes and loves his very own father that has sent him down from Heaven after he avenged his sister. Would there be spite or shame on his part? Could he and his brothers stay cordial for an MC who worships their father that’s forsaken them? Would they, the brothers, beg MC to worship them—to believe in them as much as they love their god?
Or possibly, how would staying in the Devildom affect an already questioning MC? Would it only reaffirm that the idea of God is not someone humans should mystify as a force of good? All the while, that after meeting the brothers and learning about Lilith, also rectifies that God IS real and very much a being capable of not only miracles, but punishment? Would it even be worth to questioning believing God?
Hope this makes sense 🫶
Hello there, anon!
I wouldn't say this is a weird ask at all. In fact, I think it's something that it makes sense to explore considering the game's source material.
I feel the need to begin by saying that I am agnostic myself. I had a religious upbringing in my younger childhood, so I had a foundation of Christianity. But I've been agnostic for years. I might also add that for most of my life, I lived in a place that had a very dominant religion that I was not part of. So I have a bit of an outsider's perspective on devout religion.
All that being said, I have very much thought about what it'd be like if the human who had been chosen was religious, specifically Christian.
Because yo, if I personally ended up in the Devildom and discovered that demons, angels, and God are real and exist, I would have a HUGE crisis about it. I've spent a stupid amount of time questioning the existence of God and coming up empty on answers, so to finally have an answer that I couldn't deny? That'd be difficult for me personally.
So I'm trying to imagine what it'd be like for someone who has always believed. Where instead of finding the truth they were always seeking but never found, this person finds the truth that they knew all along.
If you truly believed in God, you prayed to him and maybe even to his angels, and then you found out they were all real? I think that MC would either take it all in stride like, yes I always knew, or they would be like so overwhelmed by it that they would go through their own crisis for a bit.
But once things settled down, can you imagine an MC who is a devout believer in God and has prayed regularly even able to handle being with the brothers at all? And I don't mean in a romantic context. I mean even just living with them or being near them. They're demons. They're the definition of God's enemies.
My MC's mother is a devout Catholic, so my MC deliberately does not tell her that they live with Lucifer. Because to her, she's going to hear that name and think her child has been taken by the devil and dragged into hell and that their soul is forfeit. (Most of that would be true lol, technically MC did get taken by the devil and dragged into hell... but anyway...)
The issue is that she would believe that her child's soul was going to be damned for all eternity. If she really believed that her child would spend the rest of forever being tortured, wouldn't she do anything she could to save them?
This is how I think it'd go for religious MC, specifically Christian. Because associating with demons and living in the Devildom would likely be enough to cause MC to be damned for eternity.
Now. Is it possible that Diavolo, as the next demon king, has some sway in this regard? I would assume that it's the Celestial Realm that is passing judgement on souls. That they're the ones deciding who gets damned and who doesn't. So you could argue that MC wouldn't end up in hell because the Devildom and Diavolo have an agreement with the Celestial Realm to have a human representative in their exchange program.
So let's assume this is the case and MC isn't going to be damned for eternity simply for associating with demons.
The next issue is absolutely what all of this means for Lucifer & his brothers. Depending on MC's religion and how devout they are, they themselves might take issue with being the roommate of Lucifer and his brothers. But even if we put that aside, too, then there's the issue of MC likely loving what they consider a benevolent God that Lucifer and his brothers see as the one who betrayed them.
It's been my experience that people are very good at pretending religion doesn't exist. Even when they truly believe. They're able to put it aside temporarily or in the name of preserving friendships. How much of this a person can do depends on how much they believe.
So let's say that MC is at a place where they believe, but it isn't so prominent in their life that they can't put it aside just to get to know the brothers. To do all the things OM's MC does in the story and to develop feelings for one or more of them.
Imagine MC and Lucifer fall in love, but deep down MC has this nagging feeling about it. And Lucifer does, too. He knows that MC prays to his Father. He knows how MC feels about it.
I think in the end they'd have to confront that directly. They'd have to discuss it. Could Lucifer put aside his own trauma and grief over his sister and the fall of his brothers in order to accept this part of MC's identity? I don't know for sure, but my first thought is probably not. So it might come down to how much of their own beliefs MC is willing to give up.
I kind of think all of the brothers would feel awkward about it. Lucifer is the most mature and stoic, so he might be able to just not say anything if he's not in a relationship with MC. But imagine if it was Mammon we were talking about.
Imagine religious MC falling in love with Mammon instead. I don't know, maybe people will disagree with me on this, but I really don't think he would be okay with it. I feel like Mammon fell with his brothers not just because he will always follow Lucifer, but because he saw that they were going to need him. They needed his strength, his protection, the way he was able to keep it together better than any of them. They needed him to hold them together. Lucifer needed him to take charge when he was too injured physically and emotionally himself. Think of all that Mammon had to shoulder in the fall and then imagine an MC who loves and prays to the God that caused all of that suffering to begin with.
Lucifer blames himself for what happened. He has daddy issues, sure, but I think he could look past it. And we saw in the latest lesson that he's willing to accept his Father's love again.
But Mammon? I just don't see it.
I kind of think everyone else could manage to get past it. They might all struggle with it to a certain extent, but I don't know how much it would interfere with their feelings for MC. I think it would vary a little bit for each of them. And maybe some of them would want MC to worship them instead (I could see both Levi, Asmo, and Belphie all kind of getting into that territory lol).
Now, I also think it's interesting to consider a questioning MC.
Because the thing about this is that yeah, you can no longer question whether or not God exists. But you get to decide whether or not you worship him.
If it was me, I'd be like okay well I can't be agnostic anymore because God obviously exists, but there is no way I'm going to worship him. I would refuse. I would side against him every time. I find him and the Celestial Realm's love to be toxic and oppressive and I would never be able to forgive him for what he did (or didn't stop) to Lucifer and his brothers and sister. That whole situation is way too fucked up for me to be like oh well okay, God exists therefore I must worship him. Like hell no lol.
But of course it's going to be different for every MC. And I think it depends partly on what their religion means to them. How much of it are they willing to question or to give up or to compromise on?
OOF sorry this was a really long response. I could probably write a whole lot more lol. But this is just a very interesting topic and I think it really runs deep. I didn't really consider religions outside of Christianity, so there's also that, but that was mostly because that's where my experience lies.
Anyway, I hope this answered some of your questions! I kinda ended up all over the place. And of course this is all just my personal opinion. Other people might think about it differently!
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Info Dump on my boy Gilbert
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Also I shamelessly copied @theladyofshalott1989's format, sorry bout it
Sorry if anything is incomplete. May add things as they come up. Feel free to ask questions, comments, concerns!
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General Info:
Named after the GOAT, one of my favorite fictional men of all time, Gilbert Blythe from Anne of Green Gables. In my story, however,his first name comes from a combination of his mother’s father, Gilles, and his father’s name, Robert. It’s supposed to be pronounced the French way, but only his mother and her family do that. 
Born October 25, 187(4?5?) in London
TECHNICALLY pure blood; his mother is magical and his father’s family is, however his father is a squib, so there’s a little bit of ambiguity as to whether he would count as pure blood to SOME people.
Father’s family disowned him for being a squib when he came of age, so he joined the British army as a medic. Eventually met Gilbert’s mother in France, they moved back to London to start his own medical practice and raise Gilbert.
Speaks fluent French thanks to his mother's side of the family.
Because of his ancient magic, he didn’t start showing any magical inclination till he was 14, so when he didn’t start at 7-9 like normal kids, his parents assumed he was a squib like his father.
His parents raised him as a muggle, because they did not want him feeling isolated from the magical community like his father did, or to feel like he was missing out on something amazing. They did not practice magic in the house (at least while Gilbert was awake), and he had no clue about any of it until his own magical awakening.
Attended a muggle Catholic school until 14. His family wasn’t particularly religious, but they did attend church regularly since they lived in the muggle community, and it was the done thing, so he still retains many of those values (though they might conflict with other aspects of his life e.g. his sexuality but we’ll get into that later).
ENFJ - Myers Briggs Personality Type
Will tease his friends mercilessly, but can also handle them teasing him back without taking it personally. He just likes to laugh and make people laugh.
Would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it
Sometimes he takes on too much, finds it hard to say ‘no’ to someone who needs his help. As a result he can often be found running around the school/highlands doing favors for anyone he happened to come across, usually at the expense of his own personal needs.
Always knew he liked both boys and girls, something because of his upbringing he was always conflicted about. During those times, liking the same sex was obviously frowned upon/illegal in the muggle world, where Gilbert spent most of his time, so even when he finally realizes his feelings for Sebastian, there is a fair bit of hesitation from Gilbert to be truly open in public, even in the Wizarding community, at least at first. With the support of his friends though, he quickly overcomes this fear.
Physical Description:
Tall, athletically built, takes after his father in that way. Stays fit thanks to his father’s influence from a young age, and his early desire to follow his footsteps and become an army medic (before he developed magical abilities).
His dark brown hair he got from his dad, the curls from his mom.
He looks just like his dad, except he has his mother’s blue-gray eyes instead of his dad’s dark brown.
Freckles across his nose and cheeks, and one on his chin beneath his mouth you have to squint to see sometimes but it’s there (and his creator is obsessed with it lol)
Magic Reveal:
His magical abilities developed later in his childhood/teenage years, as was common for his fellow keepers who bloomed later as well.
One day at the muggle school he attended, he witnessed a close friend being bullied and defended him, getting into a fight with an older classmate. During the fight, when it appeared the bully had the upper hand, he -ancient magic throw style- managed to hit the bully with a chair from across the room.
This brought things to a halt immediately, and his parents were contacted by the school as well as the ministry, who detected the use of underage magic around muggles.
Almost immediately, his parents got in touch with Hogwarts, and they agreed to take him on as a fifth year, and the rest is history.
Music - learned to play piano from an early age, attended the opera a lot with his family and developed a great appreciation for the arts. Joins the Hogwarts Choir sixth year when he has a little more free time. 
Food - He is a huge foodie, and is always eating whenever he has the chance. Given that his parents raised him without magic for most of his early life, he learned to cook beside his mother from an early age and enjoys a variety of different foods, but his mothers traditional french meals will always be his favorite.
Magical Creatures - always an animal lover, he jumped at the chance to help Deek capture beasts to keep them safe from poachers in fifth year, and he continued caring for them and volunteering his time helping Professor Howin with Poppy for the remainder of his time at Hogwarts. 
Crochet - learned from his mother. Loves to make hats and scarves for his friends. 
Physical activity - Enjoys swimming in the lake at Hogwarts before it gets too cold. Also taught how to fence by his mother's family and regularly competes with his cousins when he visits.
Spiders - not scared of them, per se, just doesn’t see a need for them on this earth. Will blast them any chance he gets.
The Dark Arts - never learned an Unforgivable, never saw the need to. Wasn’t fond of Sebastian’s idea to use the relic to help Anne, especially when he read about the ‘dark sacrifice’, but trusted him to know when to stop (lol) and convinced Ominis anyway. Sorely regrets this decision, feels guilty for how it all turned out and vows to never have anything to do with the dark arts again.
Interactions with Other Characters:
Fig - When his parents learned Gilbert actually had magical abilities, they contacted Hogwarts (and Beauxbatons, but his father insisted on Hogwarts), and the school agreed to bring him on as a fifth year, as long as Professor Fig could meet and prepare him as best as he could before the beginning of the school year. Professor Fig had a residence in London that he used in the summer, so he didn’t live too far away from Gilbert, and as a result they trained in Gilbert’s back garden (with permission from the ministry and some anti-muggle charms) nearly every day. Because of this, they developed a close mentor-student relationship, and Gilbert sees him as another father figure. Fig felt the same about him, and even left Gilbert a sizable inheritance as well as his home to have a safe place for his further research into his ancient magic abilities.
Natty - The first friend he made at Hogwarts (I did Charms class first, ok), and they related to each other given that she’d only started at Hogwarts the year before. She fed into his competitive nature, and he admired her dedication to ridding the community of Rookwood and Harlow, and he always fully supported her decisions to pursue them and provided backup because let’s be real Natty was in charge on those missions.
Poppy - Very close to Poppy, given that they are both ‘Puffs and spend a lot of time together in the common room. Things got a little awkward sixth year when it was revealed Poppy had a major crush on him, which he was not sure he reciprocated. They went on one date on Valentine’s day to Hogsmeade, but quickly realized they were better off friends, as he sees her more as the sister he never had. They remain close even after Hogwarts, working together at the ministry to put an end to the poaching of magical creatures.
Ominis - Despite their initial confrontation outside the Undercroft, the whole ordeal with Sebastian and the relic essentially forced them to rely on each other. Gilbert always felt guilty for manipulating Ominis in order to help Sebastian, and that guilt caused him to do anything he could to make it up to him. After fifth year, they spent a great deal more time together NOT worrying what the hell Sebastian was up to. They share a love of music and joined the Hogwarts choir together. 
Sebastian - Oh boy, where to begin? Was always fascinated by Sebatian but didn’t quite understand why (besides the obvious, I mean). Fifth year was far too chaotic to worry about the reason, but he would always literally drop anything else he was doing when the letters from Sebastian arrived (even though toward the end he began to sort of dread them when the relic began to alter Sebastian’s personality, but he still rushed to help out regardless if only to make sure he didn’t get himself into too much trouble). They don't start exploring their feelings for each other for a while, but I don't want to spoil anything so that's all imma say here...
Amit - Gilbert feels bad for traumatizing Amit during their adventures in the mine, so now the only favors he asks of him are to help with his astronomy homework. They remain close, however, bonded by their adventure; Amit talks about it frequently, despite following it up with how he’d never do anything like that ever again. 
Imelda - Really disliked Imelda in the beginning, found her to be horribly conceited, but toward the end of the trials, learned more about why she is the way she is, and grew to understand and like her a lot more, though he still hasn’t forgiven her little squib comment. 
Garreth Weasley - Is always highly amused by Garreth’s antics, and is frequently his guinea pig for testing out new potions/concoctions. He usually always regrets this, yet he signs back up for it any time Garreth comes asking. 
Everyone else - Enjoys flying around with Everett, finds Leander to be a bit stuffy, but generally a nice enough bloke, good friends with Adelaide Oakes and Samanta Dale.
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prpfs · 4 months
🎃19nb, 18+ semi-lit to lit fandomless request
Looking to see if anyone would be up for a Fae or Monster/Human ship based roleplay, following this loose plot I've been thinking of. Think of it as more of the backing structure to the request, as I love developing and fleshing out plots together! -> MC was raised with strict Catholic parents in an isolated town in England, who was taught against believing in the supernatural and otherworldly past their own religious beliefs, but as he reads through literature related to them and grows emotionally detached from his upbringing, he becomes exceedingly curious of the unknown. Finding everyone around him increasingly boring and too 'pedestrian' for his likes, he finally takes the leap and strolls into the woods, hoping to come across the creatures of old folktales, and there he meets YC, either itching to break him apart or perhaps taking an obsessive interest in the one human who came to them willingly.
If this interests you please leave a like and I'll shoot you a DM! I do like playing my character as a trans-male switch (neurotic dom/bratty sub) but I don't mind tweaking him to fit your character better.
Leave a like, and anon will get back to you!
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Author Ask Game
Thanks for the tag @starlit-hopes-and-dreams!
I'll gently tag @verkja, if you'd like, cause I am SO excited that I should finally have time soon to start reading your work, and I'd love to hear more about it if you're down! And of course, anyone is welcome to jump in; please tag me if you do!
I only have one fic on this side of the internet, so this will all be about my WIP Sin of Purity, Purity of Sin.
What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it?
I personally don't vibe with the idea of writing "lessons." I guess the ideas that have been sticking out to me the most have probably been guilt and innocence, and the way the past can recontextualize the present and vice versa. But that's just me; I'm sure anyone could read this and see something completely different.
Or maybe we're all just here for the whump :)
What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)?
Disclaimer: I have nothing at all against any religion that is not causing anyone harm; there are obviously a lot of wonderful religions and religious people in the world, and I 100% support that.
That being said, the key feature of the worldbuilding in this fic is the official religion of the kingdom, and that was very much inspired by my own wildly toxic religious upbringing. Before I started writing, I didn't really bother to plan out what most writers would consider the basic features of a fantasy world--I don't think I even got around to naming the kingdom the story takes place in until maybe a half-dozen chapters in. But I had worked out a lot about the fundamental theology and practices of the worship of Vato, the way the temple system is organized, the relationship between the temple and the culture and subcultures of the kingdom, the doctrines and practices that are basically arbitrary or just make no sense, etc. And all of it draws pretty heavily from my own experiences with the type of churches that I grew up in.
What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, help readers grow as a person?
Okay so the obvious answer is that Anden and Kiri are both trying to gain their freedom. But Anden would prefer to achieve that by his own strength--he doesn't like feeling weak, and to him being forced to rely on others can sometimes feel like weakness. And Kiri...I think Kiri would prefer the temple simply have a change of heart and let them go lol
If there's anything that I'm trying to achieve with them, I guess it's just the catharsis that I personally get from watching them suffer together the different ways that they're growing, both individually and together.
How many chapters is your story going to have?
No idea! The events of the story are all mapped out, but I'm letting myself just experiment and have fun with this fic, and I'm really trying to embrace serialization rather than try to match the pacing of a typical novel. I would say that the chapter I'm currently working on is right at the midpoint of the narrative arc--if that term even applies to my unstructured mess of a plot--but that may or may not mean I'm at the halfway point in terms of the chapter count. The back half of the second act could end up stretching out a good half dozen chapters, or for all I know it'll only take, like, two. And how long will the third act be? Who knows? Not me!
Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
Unusually for me, this is an original. I will probably just keep in here on tumblr; idk if I'd want it on my AO3 account with my fanfiction--it feels odd to me to mix the two.
When and why did you start writing?
I started this one I think about a month and a half ago--it has not been long! Tbh I'd had a pretty awful summer, and I'd been getting back into reading whump as a form of escapism. Had the idea for this one, and I realized it would do me a lot of good to have an outlet just making something I want to make, just cause I want to make it, and not worry about how good it is or what other people think about it. This is easily the most self-indulgent work I've ever written, and it makes me so happy to hear that anyone else is enjoying it too!
Do you have any words of engagement for fellow writers of Writeblr? What other writers of Tumblr do you follow?
Idk, you do you!
Oh gosh I hate doing these because I am SO forgetful and I feel like I always leave off a favorite blog! But here's a sampling of writers whose works I've been really enjoying this past year: @i-can-even-burn-salad, @little-peril-stories, @clairelsonao3, @dont-touch-my-soup, @whumpcereal, and of course @starlit-hopes-and-dreams who I guess I'm tagging twice in one post!
Blank questions below:
What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it?
What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)?
What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, help readers grow as a person?
How many chapters is your story going to have?
Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
When and why did you start writing?
Do you have any words of engagement for fellow writers of Writeblr? What other writers of Tumblr do you follow?
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the-hinky-panda · 1 year
I’ve been really quiet lately and I’m sorry about that! I’ve been sick for three weeks and finally made it into the doctor’s to find out I’ve most likely had and am starting to recover from strep throat and now have a sinus and ear infection. But I have been writing and having some fun with @bullet-prooflove​ as I venture into the Mayan MC universe. So to prove that I have in fact been writing, here’s a sneak peek of what was supposed to be a one shot and well...now it’s not. 
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Monsoons are incredibly beautiful and very dangerous. 
Everything starts when you see the small Audi hydroplane across three lanes of traffic and clip the back of a motorcycle, sending the bike and its rider sliding across the pavement. You’re out of your car and sprinting towards the prone biker before your brain catches up with your body. There’s another driver that has stopped and you turn towards them. 
“Call 911! Biker ejected on the roadway!” 
The driver nods and immediately gets on their phone. By the time the paramedics make their way through south San Diego traffic, you have the rider’s suspected broken leg splinted and his head and neck stabilized. He drifts out of consciousness but you manage to get his name. Angel Reyes. And promise to not let the paramedics cut his kutte off him. Unfortunately, that means when they load him into the ambulance, you are left standing in the middle of the highway, holding his leather Mayan vest in your hands. 
You know what hospital they’re taking him to so you go back to your car, sit in the traffic pile up from the accident and end up walking into the ER almost three hours later. Finding his friends is easy as there is a small gathering of men wearing similar kuttes with matching Mayan patches emblazoned on them. You return the vest to a man that introduces himself as EZ, Angel’s brother. Despite the tension of worry in the group, they all express their gratitude to you and your fast-thinking skills. You end sitting next to them as they wait for the doctor, between a tank of a man named Gilly and a thin, almost jittery man who introduces himself as Coco. 
The news is good: a severe bone bruise on his femur and minor whiplash. There were some minor fractures in his wrist but that is the worst of it. Thankful that the day ends on a positive note, you shake hands with the club members and head out to your car. Coco offers to walk you out to the parking garage, a show of thanks for your care and time. 
“So, how’d you know how to do all that?” he asks you when you get into the elevator. 
“I’m an ER nurse up in La Jolla. I also volunteer at a free clinic in Palm City near the Mexico border.” 
“You sound busy.” 
That’s an understatement. You had been valedictorian of your high school class, went on to Med School and your residency, dedicating yourself to your studies and career. What little spare time you had was spent at church with your family or volunteering at clinics, homeless shelters, or community events. “I am busy, yeah. You could say that.” 
He gives you a crooked grin when you reach your car. “Too busy for a little bit of fun?” 
You have no idea what he’s implying. Your religious upbringing and subsequent sheltering causes you to think the worst. “What kind of fun?” 
“There’s a community barbeque next weekend in Santo Padre. It’s not that far from Palm City. Would be nice to have Angel’s guardian angel be the guest of honor.” 
Guardian angel. Guest of honor. You laugh in mild embarrassment. “I don’t know if I would go that far but I do like barbecues.” 
He pulls out his phone. “You give me your number, I’ll give you the details.” 
It’s the most outrageous thing you’ve ever done. But “fun” is something that you’ve never made time for and perhaps it’s time to change that. 
You give him your phone number. 
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aurelim · 9 months
Ya know I hate to say it, but so far being sympathetic to humans feels eerily similar to being gay in a homophobic household and like, great vibe, absolutely painful, but wow it's just almost spot on
MC: listen I get why we do this, truly, but I just can't bring myself to find joy from it given that, despite us being different species, their still people like you and me :(
MC's Mom: oh god... where did I go wrong?? Listen it's just a phase sweetie you'll grow out of it
Oh wow...I never thought of it that way. That certainly is one way to interpret the family dynamic.
I have said this game is based loosely on the Little Mermaid, and so I based the family dynamic on King Triton's belief of humans being evil and hating them for killing his wife and the sealife. Ariel deliberately went against this because she had fell in love with a human, which is the opposite of what her father wants.
It appears that most mermaids in the Little Mermaid dislike humans, or at least avoid contact with them. I thought I could take this idea and use it as the core belief around the humans and merfolk. There are tidbits of description within the text that is similar to what Triton said; specifically at the part where MC talks about how humans hate merfolk and vice versa. I'll let you look around that area.
Sorry, I didn't mean to make this depressing, but you could certainly see this as being gay in a homophobic household. Or growing up with a religious upbringing and now questioning your faith.
I hope it wasn't too close to home.
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vlahovic · 8 months
heyy! i’d like to add some of my opinions to the ascendant debate. i’m almost certain he’s an earth rising(if not it’s either scorpio or pisces) either a taurus or a capricorn but might as well be a virgo (idk i haven’t really looked at the virgo asc chart, but i sure will!)
taurus would make sense firstly because his saturn would fall in his 1st house which would give him that serious look and the rbf. it would make sense specifically bc i feel like that whole “tough guy” act is just the way he presents himself to others(meaning of the 1st house) meanwhile i’d say he isn’t acc so serious and intense. another manifestation of saturn in 1st could be looking older and mature. there’s another 3-4 aspects that make me think he’s a taurus rising but that’s about it (i could’ve written them but i don’t wanna annoy y’all with so much text). what kind of breaks that taurus theory for me is an 8th house stellium which i’d say he does not have.
idk if y’all remember that photoshoot he did with gianluca or whatever the guys name is, in an interview he said dusan is kind of hard to work with in terms of being too stiff and tense during the whole process which can either confirm my 1st house saturn theory or the capricorn rising one.
as for capricorn asc i used around 8° so his chart ruler saturn would be in his 4th conjuncting ic making perfect sense since he loves his country and family and is super traditional. the darker side of 4th house saturn would be hard upbringing and family life which im sure is true due to all the harsh planetary aspects he has. his venus would fall in his 12th, making sense bc he never shows his so to the public nor does he ever talk about it in general. he’d have a 1st house stellium which is also valid to me. lastly, his moon would fall in his 9th house making him a religious person he is but since it would conjunct his mc it would also make him truly love his job (maybe even emotionally suffer bc of his job, show his emotions at work place etc.) even here there’s a lot of other aspects that prove this theory to be both right and wrong so that’s why i’m not 100% sure. i’d like to hear more from others and their opinions on this🤍🤍
the way i know such a basic level of astrology when yall start bringing up conjucts and stuff im like 👁️
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marathedemonoverlord · 8 months
100 Facts about My MC Mara.... Or Facts/Info Dump whichever you like! :>
1. Mara was born July 14th, 1996 making her a Cancer Sun, Cancer Moon, and Aries Ascendant
2. Mara's Father was African American and her Mother is Egyptian making her Afro-Egyptian
3. Mara is 6'1 and weighs 195 lbs making her quite a big girl
4. Mara's parents got divorced when she was 7 and she lived with her dad throughout her childhood (Her mother gave up custody and was seen as not suitable to have her)
5. Mara is an only child of her parents but has several half siblings all younger than her because her father was promiscuous and remarried several times (And divorced his wives each time)
6. Living with her father Mara moved around a lot for his business leaving it hard for her to make friends
7. Mara has a pet tarantula named "Juno" and she was given by both her parents back when they were "happy"
8. Because of Mara's shaky upbringing Mara was labeled a "troubled youth" having a lot of anger issues and getting in trouble constantly
9. Mara adopted the Goth Aesthetic when she was 11 and never grew out of it
10. Mara has a track record as a delinquent from; Trespassing, Vandalism and Grafitti, Violence/Fighting, and Underage Drinking
11. Being suspended a few times from school her father eventually sent her to a disciplinary boarding school at 15 and it was there her life sort of took a turn
12. As a teenager Mara developed early so had to consistently deal with creeps and other girls not liking her making her somewhat of an outcast (she was sort of considered the "cool bad girl" which wasn't exactly something she was trying to promote but just happened to be)
13. Mara used to run in a friend group called "Lucifer's Evening Stars" they were a Bunch of Bookish Angsty Girls who thought black/creepypasta/Demon worship made them cool. Mara wasn't exactly into it but given her gothy style she fit right in
14. While at the boarding school she met the group and befriended another girl named Irene Gonzales who was actually the only friend Mara considered a friend and got to know her closely
15. During her boarding school years the girls summoned a Demon who slayed the other girls, kidnapped Irene and left Mara with the trauma against demons
16. Because of the incident Mara had to see several therapist and psychologists and suffered with guilt for not doing anything to help her friend and guilt for what she saw
17. Mara was suspected as someone who murdered the girls but given there was no proof they sent her to a psychiatrist and juvie for her previous minor offenses
18. The Incident was traumatic but Mara was eventually able to get her life in order by focusing on school and falling in love with history studying it and learning to professionally wrestle and fight for her violent tendencies
19. Since the incident Mara veered FAR away from demons/angels and while she'd eventually grow up and go to a university to get her bachelor's in History and Religious Studies to help sort of understand what happened
20. Mara would go years without breathing a word of what truly happened to Irene as she convinced herself to lie hence why she'd become heavily reserved
21. Whilst Mara was troublesome as a kid she grew out of her behavior and matured taking several jobs that helped with her stature such as a; Security Guard, Bouncer, or Wrestler during that time
22. It was actually her interest in kick boxing and wrestling that would lead to her being able to be a fighter on the side as she fought for money (Her Wrestling Name is "The Celestic Ram")
23. During college Mara dated and slept around but eventually got an IUD as while she wanted children in the future she really didn't want a child now. As of now she is open to having a child
24. Through this time Mara DID NOT ever forget about Irene and would have nightmares of what happened and dreams of saving her
25. Mara has dreams of becoming a Museum Curator and loves working at a museum part time
26. Because her father married around and fathered other kids Mara is considered the "older sister" of her half siblings and still stays in contact with them to see how they're doing/take care of them
27. In college Mara had two roommates Eshana Rajan and Evan Tzunakawa- Two people who would become her most cherished and best friends through everything
28. Mara HAD wanted to date Evan before but he never picked up the signs much to her chagrin.
29. At the time of Obey Me S1- Eshana was finishing up school and Evan was working on a new indie video game leaving Mara alone however the day she was taken to Devildom the three planned to meet to spend a weekend together
30. When Mara vanished Eshana and Evan called the police and tried desperately to find her but was brushed off. The two spent the whole year desperate for answers and searching for her even when they had their own priorities
31. Coming to Devildom Mara went into a full panic attack and actually attacked several of the demons there before being subdued. She was TERRIFIED and lashed out aggressively almost to the point she was seen as feral
32. On the first nights of Devildom Mara had begun breaking things in her room and was reckless before calming down and realizing she could probably use this to find Irene decided to try and manipulate the demons into pacts with her for her safety and to help find Irene
33. Throughout S1 Mara consistently hates/Distrusts the demons but grows to be attached to Mammon Leviathan and Beelzebub as those three become her close confident through everything and as they serve her she slowly warms up to them
34. Mara DID NOT believe Belphegor for a single second but I imagine he was able to manipulate her to help free him by portraying Diavolo as evil/doing the Exchange Program for more power which Mara believed because she wasn't sure/distrusted Diavolo's nature
35. Throughout the year Mara NEVER let's the other demons tell Lucifer what she was doing; she hated Lucifer immensely so every time she got a pact she commanded the demons to never breath a word of what they did to him
36. Mara eventually discovers what happened to Irene and while it is a conclusion Mara isn't left totally satisfied with the outcome- She accepts it but... Yeah
37. Throughout S1 Mara consistently wishes she could live in Purgatory Hall and develops a crush on Simeon that she's actually too shy to say anything about
38. As time goes on Mara is consistently considered "Hard Headed" "Brazen" and "Stubborn" leading many to believe Wrath and Pride dominate her the most
39. Mara actually pestered Beelzebub to teach her how to fight like a Demon because she REALLY Dislikes and distrusts magic
40. While Mara is sad about what happened to the other girls she actually doesn't really care or was as attached to them as she was Irene
41. Oddly Mara found Leviathan Pathetically cute and would tease and flirt with him constantly just to mess with him. He actually had her more maternal protective side come out more
42. Mara ADORES Luke and is always sweeter to him than her usual gruff demeanor
43. While it's only the first year Mara actually let's Mammon sleep in her room because she's so paranoid and later lonely she wants the companionship even if she won't say it
44. Throughout S1 and S2 Mara would consistently sneak out of the house with Mammon so they could investigate together
45. When visiting Belphegor in the attic Mara never actually intended to let Belphegor go/keep her end. She distrusted Belphegor immensely and intended to have one of the brothers subdue him until he made a pact with her since she became intent on forming pacts for protection and power
46. When Lesson 16 happened Mara fully was in support of Diavolo's behavior but felt his methods were wrong and when he sent her back in time she promised Mammon she would come back giving him one of the star earrings she wore
47. Mara is NOT related to Lilith. When she goes back in time it's revealed Mara was related to another angel Cilicia- A Powers who was one close to Lilith and sent to retrieve her body when she failed the dodge check
48. Cilicia would be killed while scouring Devildom for Lilith and Lilith being "Ms. Saintly" imbued her spirit/magic into Cilicia leaving her reborn
49. It is actually Cilicia's angelic prowess that makes for why Mara is powerful as her descendants had incredible strength, strong resistance to evil influences, and the insatiable need for justice/vengeance that courses through Mara
50. Throughout S1 Mara does get memories and flashbacks of Cilicia and they further the rift between her and the demons as Cilicia's influence is consistently keeping Mara from trusting the demons
51. Following Lesson 16 Mara actually went into a state of trauma and depression as she hated Diavolo and Barbatos and wanted to go home. It was so bad Mara had to live in Purgatory Hall for a few nights because she couldnt stand being in the same room as Belphegor or Lucifer and was slowly killing herself
52. Only Mammon was allowed to see her in this time as she refused everyone else. She did tell Simeon and Solomon however as she refused to be silent on this manner.
53. Mara actually refused to go to Diavolo's birthday party but was forced to because everyone wanted to get her gifts.
54. When Belphegor offered to make a pact Mara took it but made it clear it was so Belphegor could never hurt her again and that she would NEVER forgive him for this
55. When Mara eventually returned to the House of Lamentation Mara made every moment of Belphegor's life hell from his sleep to his waking hours showing her sadism and ire was endless. She would only stop once or twice by Beel's pleading but continued again later on
56. Interestingly Mara actually was going to end up with Beelzebub but after Lesson 16 she "broke up" with him in a sense ending that potential relationship from happening. She sometimes regrets it but refuses to be open to a life where Belphegor is more of a presence
57. When Mara formed Lucifer's pact she made it clear that she would NEVER be his to own and immediately made a command to make him suffer for all the shit he put her through before.
58. Mara never forgot what Diavolo and Barbatos did and it's clear she can't stand to be in the same room as them as she will avoid them completely
59. When Mara eventually returned to the human world she Eshana and Evan moved in together and Mara had to see several therapist and psychiatrists again to cope through the trauma she experienced and endured living in Devildom
60. When S2 rolls around Mara was, by her therapist's instruction, slowly cutting off the Demon Brothers so she could go back to her life until she was forced back into Devildom
61. Going into S2 Mara keeps a distance from the brothers and goes with the motions but it's clear she grows to resent them and Cilicia's influence further creates a rift
62. As things sort of hash out Mara does warm up again but after they kidnap her she shuts the door on them completely
63. Oddly despite hating Lucifer Mara doesn't have it in her to kill him and opts to stab herself because she rather would die than live dealing with the bullshit still
64. Come S3 Mara actually goes no contact with the Demons and tries and lives her life happily learning with Solomon but when the brothers visit she's stuck
65. Interestingly with the Demons in the human world Mara actually warms up to them better as she feels more at home
66. Mara only let a few of the Demon brothers meet Eshana and Evan no one else could.
67. While Mara tried to live in her apartment for a time the brothers sort of guilt her into staying in the mansion with them making Mara more and more feel trapped
68. When Diavolo confesses his feelings Mara doesn't reject him kindly- She tore Diavolo a new one and angrily shut him down showing even then she never forgave him
69. While Mara liked Simeon she slowly develops feelings for Solomon developing their relationship and preferring the human to anyone else
70. Mara has actually kissed all 7 brothers once with her favorite being Mammon and least favorite being Belphegor. She only kissed him because she thought Diavolo would see and get upset but it backfired. She's still not happy about it.
71. Mara has actually sprayed holy water/formed a salt circle/did something to prevent the demons from entering her room.
72. Mara actually likes the demons more in the human world showing if she was to get with one of the brothers she'd want to live in the Human World with them NOT Devildom
73. Mara actually Dislikes the Devildom and Celestial Realm as she thinks they're both pretentious places
74. Mara HATES RAD and actually has ditched classes multiple times because she went through 4 yrs of college and is sick of this shit
75. Mara is a very stoic individual leaving her to be considered cold or unloving even to her demons
76. First Day of RAD Mara actually broke a lunch tray on a demon's face and got into a fight. She was determined to make Lucifer's life hard for keeping her here.
77. Mara actually despises Barbatos and sees him as "fake as shit"
78. Mara has a southern accent that has become more subdued the longer she lived away from home
79. Mara's MBTI is ESTP-A - Entrepreneur
80. Mara is Bisexual and more dominant than her partners and sometimes arguing is her foreplay
81. Mara's favorite food is lambchops with a sauce and steamed vegetables
82. Mara smells like Immortelle, Hemp, and Black Coffee the dark earthy scents trademark to her
83. Mara ALWAYS wears star earrings as they were a gift from her parents before they divorced
84. Mara actually despises the mention of Lilith and once commanded the brothers to never bring her up in her presence.
85. Mara loves history and actually enjoyed reading about King Solomon the most in her studies.
86. Mara has every intention of going back for her Masters as she loves working in a Museum despite her rambunctious ways
87. Mara loves to cook but hates baking and doesn't enjoy sweets- She eats them for Luke/others sake.
88. Lucifer and Belphegor aren't allowed in Mara's room.
89. Mara once threw the brothers down the stairs. She tried to throw Beel but instead just commanded him to throw himself downstairs in a fit of anger
90. Since Mara leans more to Pride and Wrath Mara HAS brought Lucifer and Satan with her places when she needed a toxic friend group to encourage her bad behavior
91. Mara once pinned Asmodeus to the Wall and demanded he do things for her- Each time she does it he's scareoused.
92. Mara is considered a C-B student with her only ever getting an A in history related classes
93. Mara likes poetry but she keeps that side to her hidden
94. Despite learning magic Mara still resolves to use her fists and physical attributes to solve conflict
95. Mara often wakes up early to exercise and lift weights tagging along with Beelzebub so she'd get stronger
96. Mara is very Blunt and come S4 she was so done with everything she pretty much ignored the three new characters
97. Mara was actually delighted to hear Simeon became a human because at the time she thought it would mean they could grow old together.
98. In Nightbringer Mara still keeps her contact with the Demons to a minimum but desperately misses the future.
99. Living with Solomon Mara is very protective of him and the two have begun a relationship but it consists of them still fucking with the Demons
100. Mara to this day still wishes she never was chosen for the RAD Exchange Program.
Okay any questions lemme know but hope this gives an idea of who Mara is UwU
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rlsayori · 2 years
Rika Kim and bpd-coded characters
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I've been looking for a post like this for a long while and not once have i seen one, so i decided to make it myself.
Rika Kim is a BPD coded character with a representation on how the disorder can affect someone when gone untreated.
This also contains spoilers for the game Mystic Messenger, so be careful
Lets start with upbringing. Quoting this wiki page, "she was abandoned and was repeatedly abused, tortured, and treated like a demon by her fervently religious adoptive parents". Obviously, not all abuse victims develop BPD however it is an important possible cause for said disorder.
Time to analyze the symptoms and see how they pertain to Rika.
Intense fear of abandonment:
This one isn't displayed the best in-game, but can be mostly seen with how she interacted with V during their relationship. This may have been directly caused by growing up in the adoption system and the ideas Mika instilled in her. This quote from the wiki also tops it off, recalling a confrontation from V. " Rika gives in to his warmth. Tells him that she's tired because she's scared that she might be abandoned"
Pattern of unstable intense relationships:
Look no further than her relationship with V. She idolized him at first, intensely. They were both heavily dependent on one another, culminating in her splitting and deciding him to be the opposite of what she wants, ending in him being blinded by her.
Rapid changes in self-identity:
Not one particularly prominent, but i associate this symptom with her attachment to the name "savior", as well as her various names differing from her given name. Theres also a part in Saerans route where she claims to be his mother, further aiding to her self-identity confusion.
Periods of stress-related paranoia:
Easy peasy. She canonically suffers from both paranoia and psychosis, having been momentarily coerced into therapy by V for the two.
Impulsive and risky behavior:
This ones a bit harder to identify, but arguably faking your death to start a cult is rather impulsive and risky.
Suicidal threats or behavior or self-injury:
Faking her suicide arguably counts as a threat, but she was heavily implied to have self-harm tendencies in game. Arguably, her self destructive nature is another form of self harm.
Wide mood swings:
Especially visible in Saerans route, she often goes from overly self confident and collected to a sobbing, emotional mess. Another example is when she and V first started to get to know each other, switching from confident to dark and gloomy
Ongoing feelings of emptiness:
Rika's calm, orderly way of running things in the Mint Eye is a possible facade for feelings of emptiness.
Inappropriate, intense anger:
Rika is an explosive girl, both shown with her reaction towards V which left him blind, and her reaction to perceived "betrayal" from Saeran. She is quick to get violent and aggressive, even towards the MC.
Now, all this isn't to excuse her behavior in-game, rather an explanation to make players aware of why shes the way that she is. Nor am i attempting to demonize BPD, as i myself suffer from said disorder. This was just a silly little character analysis and i hope you enjoyed as much as i did writing this
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insurrection-if · 1 year
after reading the CARDINALS section, i ponder, what or who is the origin of the Gifted bloodlines, that it makes them, well, “delusional” into thinking of godhood? or maybe, the truth lays somewhere more deeply rooted and complex than what is in the surface. sorry author i’m kind of overthinking this ʕ ᵔᴥᵔ ʔ
Mm, well, the MC will (unknowingly or not) meet some individuals who are an “origin point” / First Inheritor of gifts within their bloodlines. Not all of them have adopted the mentality of godhood for themselves, and some others have required time and external circumstance to view themselves as living gods. And some still, fully adopted a conviction of their nobility upon obtaining a gift. But the MC's bloodline, for example, did not have a First Inheritor who wholly and truly believed themself a living god . . . though that doesn't mean they didn't wish that could be true.
This mentality of godhood, really, is not one unique to the Gifted, but it's a mentality whose consequences on those around them is extraordinarily amplified due to their possession of superhuman abilities - and, because of the possession of these Gifts, it's a mentality more prevalent among their kind compared to the average human.
In our actual world already, there exists a number of individuals who believe themselves to be equivalent to gods or perhaps some reincarnation or vessel to (a) godly being(s). It's not as though we do not have modern-day prophets, icons, and followings for these figures that profuse the divinity / enlightened state of their leaders . . . though these smaller communities may be more commonly associated with their most nefarious / infamous / scandalous examples which are troubled by manipulation, exploitation, and dubious morals and which the mainstream public would sooner deem a "cult" (such as the case with Ryuho Okawa of Happy Science who equated himself to reincarnations of divine figures + contacted by a divine spirit). I hope to not disrespect or diminish anyone's religious or spiritual beliefs in saying this, but proclamations of affinity / association / embodiment of godhood are existent and, to an extent, numerous within our state of humanity today - and it is up to debate and the belief among individuals to determine the legitimacy, rightfulness, and their acceptance / tolerance towards these claims.
But, in the cases of what our common and modern consensus deems a cult (with negative connotations), often the perception of divinity within these minor sects is rooted in the power of charisma, personality, rhetoric, dominance, philosophy, community, or etc. These are rather human characteristics; ones anyone may train or cultivate or obtain with considerable innate talent and (self-)teaching or reflection. But in the case of the Gifted . . . Well, perhaps a modern and real-world counterpart to them might be an individual who proclaims themself capable of miracles, either through blessing or remedy or supernatural ability. Maybe someone who claims they may heal the sick, see the future, speak to the dead - abilities beyond common human ability or attainment . . . ah, well, perhaps in our world some may associate these types of individuals with a reverence or a sentiment of an elevated state of being, whether it be holy, divine, or simply 'special' and 'other' in nature if they have full hearted faith and conviction in the truth of these abilities.
Now, in the world of this story, say someone has the ability to give life to machinations as Niccolò's father did. I mean, the "creation" of life - how much closer can one be to embodying divinity! (Or, at least, that is how some may argue it to be: divinity.) Niccolò's father himself was a religious man, but it would not be surprising for someone of a different nature or upbringing who bore the same gift (or an outside perspective) to think that this power granted them an equality to godliness or be equivalent to "playing the role of a god".
Then, when we look elsewhere, to command and exact death upon others as Dearil can . . . maybe such a gift would sooner be compared to something unholy or cursed, but still there may be a supernatural, mystical belief of supremacy that can be imprinted on someone who so easily commands the element of death. An Angel of Death, a creature close to divinity, or Death itself like a Grim Reaper can be figures Dearil embodies to some and, thus, he can be elevated beyond a human, mortal, common state of being in their eyes.
It is not so strange to think that witnessing these sorts of gifts could inspire in the common public, or the wielder of the gift themself, to see themselves as on par with figures mythological or religious that earned the worship of others in the past or present. Though some may sooner be compared to monster and beasts of myth (like the Vampiric clans or Bones), or more so "spiritual" in their essence, it isn't a shock if some are upheld as something worthy of a following or church.
A Gifted with the potential to heal others of physical wounds could be seen as a Saint by some, a mystic by others, or a god in their own right (through reincarnation or newly birthed) by rising believers (especially if that Gifted plays their cards right). A Gifted that could command lightning like Zeus or command oceans like Poseiden might regain the fervor of followship and worship like their mythological predecessors did in ages past - or, perhaps, feel entitled to have that same devotion of churches and prayer in exchange for "blessing" them with the aid / command of their gifts.
Let's look at, then, Lempo and Dearil. Dearil's childhood environment emphasized the Gifted as new gods to the earth, utterly divine and glorified as a higher being compared to lowly humanity. Dearil did not adopt these views until the stages of late adolescence / early adulthood, and heavily contested and resisted these beliefs up until that point. Lempo, a cult leader herself in days past, did not explicitly declare herself a goddess but nonetheless gave no discouragement towards sentiments of a near-holy worship towards her as an icon, ideal, and loving being of divinity to her followers. So, whereas Dearil was raised in an environmental that intentionally crafted the existence of the Gifted into a religion, Lempo more so unintentionally encouraged humans to perceive her Gifted nature as something worthy of religious adulation.
Uriel proclaims that all Gifted possess a quality of godliness, innate and definite, within their soul that manifests in the strength, evolution, and nature of their gifts. Fyodor believes himself to be a blessed and somewhat fused vessel with the holiness of a higher power, and thus believes there is something perhaps holy in the potential of his gift (even if he is not strictly "holy" and, in his mind, definitely not godly himself).
But then you have figures such as Curadora and Retriever who view their gifts as, perhaps, as a blessing or talent that can be utilized for a greater good just as one might be blessed with and utilize a gifted level of intelligence, charisma, wisdom, strength, etc. Kalyna and Sigmund view their gifts more so like burdens, condemning and ostracizing and yet making them no better, greater, or superior to all humanity. Yet whereas Sigmund would rather cut all ties and association with his fellow Gifted as well as conceal his gift as though it never existed, Kalyna feels that her gift binds her to other Gifted by a sense of duty to her shared, scattered, and helpless people just as one might guard their family or nation. Both would rather think of themselves as humans with unique talents rather than anything supernatural, otherworldly, or divine.
Then you have those like Hopscotch and Bones who find themselves in transitional, wishy-washy mentalities towards their godliness. Hopscotch believes himself to be an "other" from humanity, distinct and perhaps above them, but he has no expectation or desire for their worship, and neither does he think his dash of 'godlike' superiority should conflict with his sense of religion. He thinks himself more like a "blessed ward", the "substitute of God", or a loose equal to an angel if were made from flesh and bone. Bones, on the other hand, thinks the Gifted are chosen and intended to be new gods, but struggles to see himself as worthy of any smidge of divinity, worship, or holiness. And so, whereas he projects this godliness onto the Gifted around him, it's rare for him to ever espouse this belief towards and onto himself.
It's all rather unique to the individual, a culmination of thought from themselves as people, their parentage, their childhood environments, their experiences, and so on. ╮(╯‸╰)╭
The "delusion" element is simply the commonly spoken opinion of the general (human) public, but that isn't to say the consensus behind closed doors fully dismisses the Gifted (and the CARDINALS in particular) as entirely insane or unfounded for thinking themselves on par with gods. Yet, expressed endorsement to these radical beliefs is a quick way to find yourself under the watch of WINGS, and so the mainstream narrative is to dismiss these godly ambitions of groups and thinkers like the CARDINALS as cultish, power-hungry, and (most of all) delusional. Some Gifted would similarly and honestly agree that these thoughts are delusions as well, just as some humans might see merit in these claims, and then there's the vice versa to both.
And yet . . . perhaps you are right to think that there is a certain element of gifts and their origins that make the Gifted inclined to think of themselves in this manner. ヾ(^ω^ヘ) We'll have to wait and see!
Apologies for such a long-winded response, and thank you so much for the ask! (´ᴗ`)
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On June 25th 1971 , John Boyd Orr, biologist and Nobel Prize Winner, died.
John Boyd Orr was born at Kilmaurs, near Kilmarnock, his family were deeply religious, being members of  the Free Church of Scotland who never do things in half measures. After a ship his father owned was lost at sea the family had to sell their home at Kilmaurs and moved to West Kilbride, a village on the North Ayrshire coast. The new house and environment were a great improvement on Kilmaurs, despite the family's reduced means. The major part of his upbringing took place in and around West Kilbride, where he attended the local school before being awarded a bursary to Kilmarnock Academy, a significant achievement as such bursaries were then rare.
Orr  went on to study at Glasgow University before being appointed as director of a nutritional research unit near Aberdeen. However, when the war broke out Boyd Orr joined the army, where he won the MC and the DSC before joining the Royal Navy.
He was an adviser to the government on nutrition during the Second World War, and in 1945 he was appointed Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations. He argued for an international food policy based on need rather than trade but failed to persuade the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations to set up an international body to supervise food production. Imagine that eh, feeding the world through need instead of greed!
Food and prosperity for all people on earth would lead to prolonged peace, Boyd Orr argued.
Orr was knighted in 1932, granted a baronet in 1949 and awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1961- only the second awarded to a Scot.
There is an great article here about the man his family called Popeye, by his Granddaughter Ann Marie http://www.scottishreview.net/JohnBoydOrrSeptember17a.html
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betelguwuse · 2 years
I just watched X and absolutely loved it. I didn’t completely get what they were trying to say about sex, it gave me some gross ~porn is empowering~ vibes but it did have some points about religious fundamentalism and repression. Anyway. The pimp dude was clearly the bad guy here. Well not The bad guy but. If he hadn’t 1) lied to the old ppl about how many people would be staying 2) shot porn on their property without their consent 3) became scum who exploits women for money in the first place, none of this would have happened. I mean the other men are complicit too. But that guy was just the worst. Also I don’t completely get the motive of the old ppl killing. Was it just because they found out about the porn? Cuz like they had that televangelist sommaybe religious reasons? I may not be the most well read Christian but I’m still pretty sure Jesus doesn’t like murder. Unless the televangelist was of some other niche sect or cult that does endorse killing idk. It was the 70s so I wouldn’t be surprised if it was cults. Idk. I still had a good time without really needing a motive but yknow. The gore was amazing, it took over half the film for anyone to actually die but the buildup was really cool and tense and actually had me invested in the characters and everything. The tiny little reveal about the mc at the end kinda came out of nowhere, I feel like they could’ve hinted at that aspect a teeny bit more, but it still does very much make sense. Maybe an internal look into her struggle beforehand would’ve been nice idk. I heard they’re making a prequel or something which I’m super excited for. I really hope they don’t lean into the ~porn is empowering~ bullshit. Like this girl has clearly been traumatized by her upbringing and is just further traumatizing herself by going in the complete opposite direction. These men are just using you baby. Get outta there.
Also I’m obsessed with brittany snow in this. I’ve only seen her in would you rather and a handful of other non horror stuff but man her role in this movie,, I’d trust her with my life, I also like how she’s the stereotypical ‘slut’ horror character but she still has a personality and she’s sweet and I’d just die for her ok, and she’s one of the last to die and her death isn’t gratuitous or sexualized or anything which is so 🙏 And the part where she’s singing while the old lady is being sad got me emo for some reason. Like damn I came here to be shocked by some gore not have an existential crisis about aging. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
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brightburner · 2 years
Just random factoids about Enaid my MC from Attollo for my own use (Tw for child abuse mention):
Father is from a Greek-Italian background, her mother is Canadian and has a more western European background including Italian. They probably met abroad and eventually married and settled in Canada
The family is Catholic. Highly religious household. Enaid still catches herself reciting "Our Father" in her head when she feels guilty about having done something and "Hail Mary" when she is scared.
Two daughters, Enaid and Nadie. Their names are a mix of the same letters. This was done intentionally.
Nadie did not get along with her very strict parents/upbringing and Enaid often had to act as a buffer as the eldest daughter.
There was a level of physical abuse enacted on Enaid when she was an adolescent. During an outburst, her father yanked her arm so hard she had a spiral fracture. Being slapped in the face was a common punishment. Their father was very traditional in the "you will do as I say and I am the leader of this family" way.
Things came to a head when Enaid left to study art (Nadie had long done so). Her mother is not as strict and has tried to keep in touch with Enaid at least.
She is an artist! Or trying to be. She has a good eye.
Wears mostly black and red. Has a sort of goth-grunge aesthetic. Gets more designer clothes in her wardrobe once she becomes Sysba's "little pet".
Her planned ROs are NB!Sysba and Dreamwalker. The dynamic is pretty much two "chaos gremlins" and one very tired man who loves them regardless.
A lot of her arc involves bucking off the shackles of "eldest daughter" syndrome and going wild af.
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with-love-from-hell · 3 years
Blasphemy (part 1)
Request by @mind-on-fire​
“...I'd love to see your take on an mc who deals with religious trauma/cptsd from a strict religious life that they "escaped" from prior to RAD. I imagine the triggers of being dragged to literal hell would be on an mc who left that part of their life behind. Particularly, how this would influence their relationships with the angel duo, as they "technically" embody the values they were raised with. But also the bros who are former angels themselves.. And the weight of these demons and heaven/hell actually being "real." Plus, having to learn to separate what they were taught, with what they learn to be truth over the course of a year...”
Sorry this took me so long! I was so eager to write it but I had to sit for awhile and think of the direction I wanted it to go. I figured I would make this a 3 or 4-part series dedicated to religious trauma, specifically an MC coming from a strict Christian household. I love this idea and definitely plan on bringing the concept into future works, but for now, please have this mini series!! I did not polish this one up much, and it may read as very “stream of consciousness”, though I kind of wanted to experiment with that type of writing style for this one! (Read more under the cut).
Genre:  hurt/comfort, angst
Primary characters featured: Lucifer, Simeon, Belphegor, Mammon
Written for a GN!MC
WC: ~2.8k
Part two Part three
TRIGGER WARNING: Religious trauma, mentions of past physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, some sexual themes, C-PTSD,  graphic depictions of violence.
CW: discussion of eternal damnation/fears of death and the afterlife, panic attacks, anxiety, depression, executive dysfunction, negative self-talk, mental-breakdown of MC, swearing, mentions of death, existential crises, spoilers for lessons 16+, romantic relationship between mammon x mc, unpolished
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You jolted straight up in bed with a piercing scream. Gasping for air and clawing aggressively at your neck, you try to calm yourself down from the nightmares that continued to plague your subconscious. Since Belphegor’s attack, this has pretty much been how you spent all of your nights. 
Your door burst open and the light flickered on. Lucifer stood panting in a navy blue robe, his eyes darting around the room to make sure you were safe. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw no threats in your bedroom. 
“S-sorry, Lucifer.” You rasped out, still trying to catch your breath. 
“Another one, huh?” He gave you a half smile and approached the edge of your bed, sitting down gently near your midsection and gently clutching your trembling hand in his. 
You drop your gaze from him and nod slowly. You were embarrassed at how often this was happening. Before you were killed, you had nightmares maybe once per week...but now, they occurred multiple times per night. It has been nearly a month since you had been killed by the hands of the 7th brother- one of the most powerful beings in hell- after being manipulated into releasing him from the attic. Since then, he has apologized and has been trying to make you more comfortable around him...but the closer he gets to you, the more you think about your upbringing. 
You had been brought up in a very strict Baptist household, where the threat of eternal damnation was held to your back like a sharp blade. One wrong move, and it was down to hell you go. No dating, no swearing, no talking back, dressing in only the most modest of clothes, no alcohol...none of it. You went to church 3 times per week where the sermons were always the same messages - give yourself up to the lord and he will bless you with eternal life after death. It would have been convincing if not for the relentless abuse by your father every time you faltered in your faith- even by miniscule means. 
Every time you spoke out of turn; every time you failed to remember a passage for an important event where you would be speaking; every message found on your phone to an individual you were showing too much sinful attention to...it all lead to the belt. And your mother...well, she just turned away from it.
It took you many years to escape your chains that this life had upon you. You had ran away from home numerous times as a child, trying desperately to flee the ever-mounting wrath that your father exhibited. You had convinced yourself that, if there was a god, surely they would not want their followers to suffer. Surely they would want them to be happy- so why was your life filled with torture? You thought perhaps that there was no God at all at one point. And when your mother found your journals where your faith was brought into question, the abuse from her started as well. 
Though your mother had before been more passive, she quickly became as brutal as your father. When she had found out another child in your class at school had kissed you during recess when you were 8, she screamed in your face for engaging in homosexual activity.  She had caught you masturbating when you were 11, and as punishment she forced you to explain the actions in detail in front of the entire church to repent for the sin- but not before initiating a beating from your father. When she had found out that you stopped wearing your rosary to school due to the kids making fun of you for being “a religious nut case,” she slapped you and called you a heathen for giving into the peer pressure to conform. 
The worst instance, however, was when your mother accused you of offering sexual services to members of the clergy after learning that one of them had molested you when you were 13- which again, lead to another beating from your father. She never let you forget the horrors you went through in the confessional box when that man had told you that you would be sent to hell if you didn’t cleanse yourself of sinful desires. 
 You finally managed to escape the years of abuse when you turned 19. A friend you had met in online circles had offered you up a place to stay in the next state over, and you pounced on the opportunity. You managed to get to your friend, and completely fell out of contact with your family. Since then, you have had to start your life completely over from scratch. It was hard, but you were able to do so with the support your slowly built around you. 
And then, just as you had begun to feel free, you were suddenly here. In hell, living amongst the things you were brought up to fear- and you did fear them. How could you not? Especially after knowing you were right where your parents said you’d end up.
“You don’t need to apologize.” Lucifer whispered softly, squeezing your hand. “You’ve been through a lot the past few months- Hell, you’ve been through a lot your whole life.” 
You glanced up at him, noticing his bright crimson eyes were trained on the scars that littered your collar. You pulled your night shirt over to cover them better and looked away. You told Lucifer details about your past after you had started growing closer to him. He was well aware of the suffering you had endured throughout your life, and there wasn’t a day that past that he didn’t feel regret for what he- and most of his other brothers- had put you through since you got here. 
Lucifer was surprised at the fact that you managed to get close to anyone else other than Mammon, as he was the only one who never posed a threat to you or triggered any of your past trauma. Sure, he was an ass at times, but he never actually hurt you, or did things that make you uncomfortable. 
As if he had heard you both thinking his name, Mammon appeared in the doorway. He was wearing his normal clothing, so you figured he must have just gotten back from a night at the Casino. His expression was painted with worry for your wellbeing. “Oi- Mc. Everythin’ ok?” 
You glanced up at him, now realizing that tears had begun to fall. Lucifer rose from his spot on the bed, and nodded to both you and Mammon before exiting your room and closing the door gently behind him. Mammon rubbed the back of his neck as he approached you, sitting down in the spot where Lucifer had been.
You didn’t say anything for a moment; you just stared at the sheets that had been gathered into a ball in front of you. The tears continued to flow silently as you both sat there in silence. 
Eventually, Mammon pulled you into his warm embrace. He nuzzled his face into your hair and hushed you as you cried. Mammon wasn’t all that great at providing comfort, but he was trying to be better at it for you. 
Mammon was shocked that you had reciprocated his feelings after the shit you had gone through it your life...but wasn’t it ironic? Such a innocent, friendly soul who was raised in the letter of god, falling for a demon? Truly there was nothing more sinful than that. He could almost laugh at the idea, if you hadn't been through so much pain to get to where you are now. 
He clamored into bed beside you and clutched you tight against his chest. He knew how terrible your nightmares were, and he hoped that his presence eased them a little bit. He knew going out tonight wouldn’t be wise, but he had to pay those god damned witches back somehow. Either way, he did what he had to, and he was here with you now, humming to you gently as you fell asleep in his arms. 
The thoughts of Belphegor’s actions continued to plague you throughout the next few days. You found yourself feeling more easily startled than ever before. Any time you were finding yourself alone in a room with the sleepy-eyed demon, you found your mind flashing back to when you pulled him into a hug, and the feeling of betrayal when he began ruthlessly beating and strangling you. 
Belphie could tell by the look in your eyes when he saw you what was happening. He cursed himself for his actions- knowing that he had probably completely fucked over any chance of a relationship the two of you had. He wanted so desperately for you to forgive him so you could stop looking at him with those wide eyes full of fear, but he knew it was not his place to demand forgiveness. 
He just really wanted you to stop being afraid of him.
But how could you not be? 
He had heard snippets of your conversations about your past while you talked about it with Mammon, and Belphie’s heart ached at the fact that he further influenced that trauma. You had spent so much of your life fearing death, and the threat of demons touching, pulling, abusing, and mutilating you in the pits of hell. And he sure made your time here live up to that expectation...as did the rest of his brothers...
Except Mammon. 
Somehow, you had managed to enjoy your stay as time had been marching forward, and Belphie knew that Mammon, as dense as he was, was easily the second kindest of all his brothers (next to Beel of course). But even Beel had an episode of weakness when he exploded and destroyed the kitchen in anger. Sure, he didn’t hurt you...but he could have. and you knew that the display of aggression could have quickly turned on you if you made the wrong move. 
But Mammon...he was rude, annoying, selfish...and yet, never once thought to lay a hand on you. No matter how frustrated he was with having you cling to his hip like a lost puppy, or when you formed a pact with him so quickly over his credit card, or even when you had done so many reckless things that put him- and yourself- directly in front of the wrath of your brothers. Somewhere deep down, Belphie and his other brothers knew the reason for this was because Mammon began falling for you the minute you spoke to him on the phone for the first time. And when he saw you in person, all bets were off. 
You had fun with Mammon. He made living life in hell a little less scary each time he got you to erupt into a fit of giggles. He helped you bond more with his brothers, and really- he was the fuel behind helping heal the wounds that so deeply impacted each of the brothers. Mammon was a bleeding heart deep down, and you saw that in him and nourished it, rather than the jaded prick that everyone else saw him as. 
You accepted him as he was, and loved him for his flaws. 
Wasn’t that truly what you wanted to give and get out of any type of religious sacrament? To be loved wholly, to be treated with respect and dignity, and to love others despite their flaws? Perhaps this was the lesson brought with you through the path to heating from your brutal past- and you saw something in Mammon that you connected to. That same desire burned so deeply within him, and he only needed you to let it out of him. 
When he confessed his love for you via text, you were stunned. Surely he must be joking, you thought. But he wasn’t- not this time. 
Your relationship blossomed and you became inseparable. In a sense, he was your night in shining armor; your hero; your protector. Though he wondered if you may rely on him too much, he took great joy in being able to make you feel safe and secure. He loved being able to hold you in his arms and feel your body relax against him after a long day.
Eventually, the relationship lead to the point where any average partnership would. The night he kissed you for the first time, and you had a panic attack as a result of his display of affection.
That was the night you told him about your past. You revealed to him the deepest shames you carried with you while he stared at you, mouth agape in disbelief. You were someone he cherished and who had been so unconditionally kind and loving to him...To know you had gone through such atrocities- and at the hands of people who claimed they wanted what was best for you, who claimed to love you, who claimed they wanted to save you...Well, I’m sure you could guess how he took that information, dear reader. 
Not well. 
Mammon would have transformed into his demon form immediately if he had just an ounce less of self-control. He paced the room, cursing all of the individuals who had hurt you, and placed such fear within you of how life was in Devildom- further, he hated how you had been predisposed to a fear of how loving someone else- loving him- would ultimately result in your pain and suffering. Empty threats escaped his lips at a rapid pace. He was furious. Furious for you, furious for himself, and furious for how difficult these monsters had made it for you both to love each other. 
After calming down, he returned to your side and made an oath to never harm you in any way. He placed his hand over the pact mark above your chest, and vowed that he should be struck down should be ever stoop so low as to inflict pain upon his lover. You felt comforted by it, and as each day carried on, you trusted him more and more. 
Until you were killed in cold blood, bleeding out heavily while he cradled you in his arms and begged you not to leave him. You were the only one who saw him as more than his sin. Truthfully, he felt he wasn’t deserving of you- but Mammon was greed after all. He needed you, he wouldn’t let you just...leave. 
It took so long for you to trust any of the brothers after that moment. The fears you held within you increased 10-fold, and it was hard for you to be alone with any of them. 
Yes, even Mammon. 
His own brother’s had actions had made you so endlessly terrified, you feared Mammon was just manipulating you like all the others that came before your time in Devildom. Truly, how could you trust him, when someone else he claimed to love and trust had struck you down so mercilessly. 
Mammon mourned the loss of the closeness you two once shared, and he did think for a moment that this would mark the end of your relationship. But after conversing with the Wizard who you called a friend about him and his actions toward you, you decided to give him another chance. And boy, would he not mess this one up. 
Now, you both are here. Damaged, but healing slowly together. Mammon gives you enormous amounts of validation about how much you mean to him, how good of a person you are, and how the things you had learned about heaven and hell had all been...welll...frankly, they had been mostly lies. 
Not all demons were blood-thirsty monsters who only wanted to do harm onto humans. Mammon was a perfect example of that, and while he did often try to scam others for a quick buck, you knew that he was more than that. He was...complicated. Much like humans are. There was not a cookie-cutter fit for how each acts and behaves, and the ones you had become acquainted with were so pained to see you suffer. They showed more empathy and kindness to you than your parents, that church, or whatever god exists ever had. And that made healing happen much faster. 
Sure, you were murdered by a demon. But was your soul not tormented long before this point by those who claimed to be holy?
...Perhaps the lesson you took from the experience of death should be just that. 
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