#the ocs come in later but like this is the comic to introduce them
ticket-exe · 8 months
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wow that navi🕹️cade has some cool prizes.
(ive been so excited to post glitterbombed megaman yall have no idea)
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altraviolet · 6 months
How do you find a character's 'voice'? I have no problem writing OCs, but when it comes to existing characters I get so anxious that I'm mischaracterizing them!
This is a great question! This is definitely something I struggle with sometimes. Here are some of the things I've done to try to keep characterization consistent:
watched a bunch of videos about characterization and the craft of writing
gone back to the canon and reread parts that featured the character you're trying to write
reduced the character to like, ONE descriptor, ONE "essence," if you will. JRO did a great job making very identifiable characters for us. although many of the initial characterizations are modified by the end of the comic, you can still use that "essence". I'll give an ex in a minute but after you identify that "essence," keep it in mind for your character when you write them
when writing from their POV, or from a close third narration (or heck second person talking to them), remember what the character knows. how did they get to the place they are now? what kinds of details in a room would they notice?
This is not all I've done but it would take me SO LONG to put together more points so we'll move on~!
Okay so for more details on the above:
The Essence Thing
I think Ultra Magnus is a really good example of this. We're introduced to him having a very specific outlook on life (we literally see through his eyes in one early panel, it's great). We understand him to be a VERY strict mech who adheres to the Autobot Law to the letter (semi-colon, actually, lol). We see him meticulously arrange and rearrange objects, we see him point out screws that are misaligned by 0.001% (paraphrase, I don't remember the exact wordage). All in all, it's really easy to understand in just a couple of words who he is. Meticulous to a fault. Rodimus distracts him by using bad grammar on purpose.
By the end of the comics, he's loosened up a little. And (SPOILERS for the end of the comics), Megatron telling him to abandon his armor and be true to himself is something he's receptive to. Whereas in the beginning he wore it as somewhat literal armor. And refused to smile.
So what have I done with my fic? Well, it's important to keep in mind that UM isn't going to change all his ways. He won't be as much of a stickler as before, because he's learned to have friends in some capacity, and that's loosened him up a little tiny bit. But he's going to retain that core trait of being really into keeping things neat and tidy. And, the UM that Megatron told to abandon his armor isn't the one that made the jump. So I assumed they had that convo later in their friendship. The TEG UM still has those organized traits (cuz it's funny), but he's not as bad as he used to be.
So hopefully that makes sense. Boil your character down to a trait or two and keep it in mind for everything.
Oh boy the asks are piling up so I'm gonna try to go a bit faster now.
What The Character Knows
Let's do a little thought experiment. Tailgate and Drift walk into a random Autobot bar. What does each mech notice?
If I said one of them quickly identifies friendly mechs and the other one identifies unfriendly mechs, can you tell which did which? Who notices the energon specials and who takes note of the weapons behind the bar? Which one will remember a time he went with his conjunx to a bar and didn't get in a fight? haha
Okay so you can probably guess the answers that I intended for the above! Drift had a hard past, then became a violent Decepticon. Tailgate was asleep for 6 million years and then woke up and befriended a ton of people and had Movie Nights and also some trauma but he never had to fight for his life like Drift did.
So, as you can see, what the character knows (which is informed by their past, their education, their belief systems, the friends they have, the enemies they have, etc) really impacts how they see the world. And you can use that to your advantage by trying to look through their eyes keeping in mind what they know.
Sorry I'm gonna have to end this here, but this is a great topic. I'll try to write more about character voice and POV in the future. If you want to poke me later about it here or on twitter, please do. I will get my thoughts together and also find the links to the videos I've watched :)
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thrandilf · 11 months
do you have a guide as to the extra materials for The Dragon Prince? i keep seeing stuff about comics or books but idk where to start
Not on hand but I can make one here! :D
There are two, soon to be three, canon graphic novels.
Through the Moon takes place between seasons 3 and 4, like a little season 3.5 It isn't Necessary to read it before watching S4 but the story is cool and the extra information is neat. It feels like we might get more info regarding what happened to Rayla while she was gone later in the show
Bloodmoon Huntress takes place when Rayla is a child around when her parents leave. Lots of Runaan and Ethari, also introduces Kim'dael who will be in S5. Again, not Required reading but a fun extra story.
Puzzle House is coming out August 1st and is about Claudia and Soren as children, and we also get a look at younger Viren and other people. Harrow's father, King Atticus is still king in this one so interesting Katolis lore, SUPER hyped for when we get to read all of this one. The Scholastic link has a 15 pages preview if you wanna take a peek.
There are novelizations for Dragon Prince Season 1 and Season 2, they add a bit of introspection and small extra details. Viren in particular gets more of his internal thought processes laid out and for me it just Confirmed a lot of things. Season 3's novelization is coming out April 2nd, 2024. I'm sure all 7 seasons will eventually have novelizations.
Tales of Xadia is the ttrpg book and it's gorgeous and is probably the most lore heavy supplemental material as far as world building goes. The system also looks fun! The website has a character builder too for OC making. As a writer, it's been a great help as far as seeing some aspects of the world laid out. The system looks fun and there are videos of some of the cortex(?) team playing ToX official tales/campaigns but I haven't watched them yet. The campaigns are also available to look at online too.
I think that ToX is getting an expansion at some point since the base game doesn't touch much on Ocean or Star magic, I imagine due to spoilers for the seasons we're coming up on.
There's also a tabletop game called Battlecharged which I haven't personally played and I don't think it Adds lore but I've heard it's fun.
Also, it will likely be a long time before we see it, but there's a video game in the works as well that's in alpha testing right now called Project Arcanum. Wonderstorm is pretty busy!
The Free Stuff:
Reflections are official short stories hosted on TDP's website and all of them are excellent and provide little extra scenes. Some of them are quite impactful, and the ones in this second batch are promising an absolutely wild S5. The first batch was released pre S4 and the second batch is being released now pre S5 as we count down to the new season. They aren't Required reading since the most key information from them will be in the show (going by the S4 ones) but I highly HIGHLY rec reading them all. Banger after banger. As of posting this there may be one more coming.
There's also little 4 panel comics called Everyday Xadia that have been also released during countdown mode and they're just fun/cute. Volume One and Volume 2 (still coming out). Sometimes when people say comics they might mean these, or the graphic novels lol.
Thank you for the ask, I'm always happy to share the TDP love and I hope this was helpful to you and anyone else who'd like a ref!
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Birth of the Lone Swordsman
Scenario: Meta Knight passes his exam to become a Star Warrior but is rejected in joining the Holy Knights (A.K.A Knight of the Round table). Arthur claims BS that his student wasn’t allowed to join his squadron by the Ancients and elite but Meta has made up his mind. 
I tried to give the comic an old flash back feel sorry if colors look weird. listen to “ I will make you proud” from tangle the series for emotional effect to fit the theme...
Yeah I know I keep writing MK Angst Kirby ain’t happy either.... (reaction at the bottom/ lore explanation at the bottom.
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In the story, I gave a prelude to MK’s past of almost getting killed the moment he was born, because he was born from the fountain of dreams without a warpstar but they find out later that he came from N.M.E which MK was his first attempt in destroying the Fountain of Dreams. When MK didn’t obey Nightmare he sent him through the fountain as a living bomb and was supposed to be dead on arrival. The Ancients and other Star Warriors saw this and were going to kill him off N.M.E’s mistake.
But one lone Star Warrior seeing that he was a young boy stood up for him and plead for his life, Sir Arthur. The leader was someone else at the time Sir Uther  (an OC who I will introduce into the story). He was one of the four legendary warriors and was the first winged astrals to be birth from the fountain of dreams. His persona is based off the Uther from Merlin the T.V. series (which was my fav. show back then) And if you watch you know that he’s basically the @sswhole of the series basically just replace his hatred of magic with N.M.E and we have yourself the corrupt leader of the GSA. But unlike in the series he is not Arthur's father but his mentor and when he stepped up to defend Meta he was pissed.
He straight up told him that if MK turns corrupted or a traitor he’d kill him personally. The Ancients agree to this and assigned him guardianship of MK... which was a first. Usually when a puffball is born education is done by the Ancients (MK wasn’t a baby like Kirby I’d say preteen) and are assigned a senior knight when they are ready. But none of them wanted to raise him since his birth did not come from Void so it was solely up to Arthur. 
Little MK was still shivering when he was out of the fountain, so the red cape was what Arthur wrapped around him to keep him warm. Unlike Uther who was strict and cruel to him when he was his protege; Arthur tried his best to be a good role model for MK. Though Uther influence was strong and to this day Arthur still fears him which is why he made sure to keep MK on the right path... unintentionally hurting him. 
You see the whole time he was training MK he always would encourage him to just hide and conceal his wings. And when MK’s “dark powers” would peak he would immediately correct him (especially if Uther was watching) while he knew he meant well MK couldn’t help but feel a little hurt by his teacher’s action. But Arthur promised him that this was the right way to do it and if he continued they’d surely see that he was capable of being a great hero. And Arthur made sure to nourish and nurture that little hope in his heart to motivate him through the hardship. But unintentionally putting pressure on him to be the perfect soldier. (Similar to Tai Lung and Shifu) But instead, MK is fueled by a lack of self-worth to do better rather than out of pride like Tai Lung ... 
MK already knew of the pressures that were on Arthur so not to burden him MK just kept quiet about his feelings. So what if his teacher winced a bit when his wings peaked out~. While his intentions were good his methods were not right.  Still, MK adored his teacher and was extremely grateful to him.  And promised him that “he’d  grow up to be his right-hand man and fight right by his side.” He knew Arthur cared about him, but still felt upset he would ignore the other side of himself... This was also fueled by the fact that part of Arthur still feared Uther, but also wanted his old teacher’s approval (Uther is truly the worse).
Which got worse over time MK’s powers got stronger which made it more difficult to hide them. This brings us to this seen in the comic, MK takes is final exam he passes but the Ancients and the higher-ups don’t want MK to join the elites. During this time they were looking to make the next generation of legendary warriors which would be under Sir Arthur (basically Arthur’s knights of the round table).  But they didn’t feel comfortable that the cursed star would represent them. So they passed him, MK was indeed a Star Warrior but his position was up in the air. 
Arthur was ready to fight for him but MK had enough and the feelings he had bottled up all these years ago come out. (shout out to MK's old design) This was a very significant turning point that broke student and master.  MK’s red cape while mismatched to him was supposed to be a symbol of hope for him; which was the intention Arthur meant to give... but to MK which became something he could never be. It breaks Arthur’s heart to realize how much he failed his boy... MK felt ashamed and thought he failed Arthur in turn.
He completely shut down being accepted by the higher up/ the Ancients and not wanting to trouble his teacher any longer... he continued on as “the Lone Swordsman” of the GSA. Basically acting as a bounty hunter doing sole missions... Eventually when the GSA started accepting drafts/volunteers.
These made up the front liners of the GSA (the first to be killed) which MK is tasked to train them, this becomes a blessing in disguise on both ends for this is where MK meets his first real friend Jerca and his future-found family. Hope nothing bad happens to them...
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sytokun · 1 year
The year is 2025. RWBY may or may not still be in hiatus, or cancelled, or still ongoing.
At least 50 more useless side characters have been added to the cast.
Maria and Pietro are still missing. Ruby comments by saying "Huh, I wonder where Maria and Pietro are". Yang replies "Maybe they're off on a date", Blake replies "Oddly wholesome" and they all laugh together.
The current villain is a dark-skinned male Faunus who happens to be a working-class family man who is fighting for a social issue that is oddly relevant to some real-life events in 2025. But it's okay guys, bad people corrupting noble causes is still totally a valid way to write villains.
Bumbleby is still not canon. Yes, they are still calling it a slow burn.
Cinder is still fucking alive, oh god why
Rooster Teeth has officially exhausted their entire supply of bright-eyed creators who aspired to work on RWBY. They finally hit their goal of either firing or expiring the contract of every last one. That'll teach them for having dreams.
The merch now consists of $500 shirts with RQBY sewn in microscopic fibre on the inside of the fabric. The show name was misspelled in the first print run, but enough people complained about it that RT just went "alright, fuck you guys" and didn't bother to change it since.
About half of RT's legacy staff have confirmed to be in some sort of really fucked up scandal. The other half made callout docs and tweets, which caused the fandom to be angry for a week before they went back to sharing fanart as usual.
RT is now currently using a new production pipeline, where every single animator's contract only lasts for a single episode, before they leave and they find new people to animate the next one. They're hoping to further optimise this process next year by making it per scene instead.
There is a new RWBY side anime coming out, animated by prestigious animation studio Cocomelon.
An entire team of four unambiguously queer Hunters were killed onscreen. CRWBY has blamed the first death on a team of rogue, disobedient animators accidentally drawing her kissing a girl and confessing her undying sapphic love for her - she wasn't meant to be seen as a lesbian. The second death was blamed on the fans, the crew saying "this was supposed to be a side character, but you all started liking her and demanding more screentime for her, so fuck you" in the Volume commentary. The third was a monkey Faunus with comically yellow skin, squinted eyes and a long moustache named Mu Fanchu whose Semblance involves him making monkey noises and his weapon is a giant banana - surprisingly, he turned out to be secretly evil. The fourth just died offscreen because she was a fan character who won an OC fan design contest, but they had no time to include her in the show - in fact, the time her death was mentioned was the very first and only time the character was introduced.
Jaune says onscreen "Somehow, Ironwood has returned."
Green Dust is now Fire Dust, which Eddy confirms in a Reddit post - not in r/RWBY, but in an obscure reply in r/fantasygeology. No one found that post until 2 months later and when asked, the reply was "Green fire exists, I can see how you can get them confused".
Ozpin has now reincarnated into Oswald Pint, one of eight new boys currently with RWBY's group and for some reason have more screentime and agency than the girls. Oscar died in Volume 11 Episode 3 in a sickeningly distressing torture scene - that's the episode, the whole episode was the torture scene.
The fandom is abuzz over the newest queer rep in the show: a talking glass of water named Clear, who is genderfluid.
RT releases a RWBY mobile game only available in two postcodes, is not written in English and discontinues it after 3 months due to "stupid fucking fans not engaging with our products". Fans continue to insist that somehow, this must still be either WayForward or SHAFT's fault.
Jaune Vs. Aquaboy is slated to release next year. In fact, Volume 11 stopped in the middle of Episode 4 and will be on hiatus for the next 3 years until the crossover is out.
Speaking of Jaune, he just killed Nora. In fact, he did it just as I was posting this. Oh, he's killed Ruby too. And Clear our genderfluid queen, and Aquaboy as well. Oh god, he's looking this way, help me
The year is 2025, and if one thing hasn't changed, it's that hardcore RWBY stans are still around. When asked about the state of RWBY, they had this to say:
"RWBY is still amazing, and CRWBY is still amazing. Shame about those queer and PoC employees... oh well! I'm supporting manufactured fictional minorities so same thing, really."
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1eos · 1 day
your manager needs to calm down... in an alternate universe it would be so funny if you dragged in a rocking chair to your desk. like what is she gonna say now. its honestly a testament to your work ethic that she can only complain about your posture LMAO. sounds like she is reallyyyyy digging deep for reasons to get angry.
but onto my real question. mx kendra when you are developing your original story, what process do you go about designing characters + outlining plot, etc? is it in random bits and pieces or do you try to plan it out chronologically? im not very talented at constructing stories but i do have a few OCs and ideas, but i feel overwhelmed by the idea of planning everything out. i know i ultimately need to sit down and write but i would love some advice or insight if you have any! thank you!
her head would fucking explode if i brought in a rocking chair lmaooooooooooooooooooooooo 😭😭😭😭 and she's scraping the bottom of the barrel and she knows it bc some ppl got 1 on 1 meetings abt their vagues and she couldn't even do it to me bc it would sound so silly to tell someone to sit still
but omg planning a whole story is SO overwhelming. i developed all my stuff in bits and pieces so trying to organize everything has been so daunting BUT not too long ago i became determined to get everything down and i found some youtube videos that really got me together. im doing a comic and struggled with taking the oc lore in my head and merging it into the chronological story i want to tell. bc i have sooooooo much background on a character but that background may not come out until way later in the story u know? and then bc my lore is in prose but the final content would be visual right? so i did some digging and stumbled upon this video!
basically her process is writing everything down in a story format. like just write every detail that comes to mind then create ANOTHER document where u take your prose and start breaking it down into a script like format adding in a bunch of visuals u want and THEN you storyboard from the script. it made a lot of stuff click
and then i edited the process to work for me as someone who's super scattered w my lore. so what im doing now is taking where i want my story to start and just writing. and as each character or story detail is introduced i go to a special section of the document called notes and write out a random bit of lore associated with that. and i'll even write out future events i know i want to happen so when i get to them in the actual chronological story prose i can take what ive already written and insert it into the timeline
so for example when as im following one stream of conscious as to how i want the first chapter to open and i get to an oc's introduction i bold the oc's name and then make a section where i then dump all of the character history that bounces around in my head. and then i go back to the chronological story. and another thing that's helped is when im plotting my story when two characters have an interaction or a character has an interaction w something important that explains a bit of their character i write a breakdown on that moment in that point in time.
for the longest ive tried to do everything chronologically and only write something down once it comes up in the timeline but im accepting that it is NOT the best way for me to work 😭😭😭😭but its been soooooo nice to let myself run free. i'll write out a character's whole backstory in my random tidbit document and then sprinkle it in bit by bit in the chronological timeline document
and it really helps stave away the feelings of being overwhelmed/pressure to be perfectly organized as u write on the first go. ik my process is specifically for comics but even if ure writing a novel maybe this can be of some help 💖
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turtle-bun · 8 months
Parallel Lines AU (TMNT X Usagi Yojimbo)
ok ok ok I woke up this morning before work in a cold sweat cuz this shit suddenly popped into my head. Okay so basics; No. 1 All Usagi's are related and from the same universe. No. 2 Time moves weird between dimensions which is how we get this AU of which I'm calling Parallel Lines. Aka inter dimensional travel + the fixed point in time continuity of Usagi's world never lets the Bunny and Turtle boi be together for long. Aka generational gay longing AU.
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So firstly I'm sort of splitting up the personality of Comic Usagi with 87 Usagi and 03 Usagi, though mainly its 03. So as seen on the chart 87 Usagi would be 03 Usagi's grandpa. He and 87 Leo became real close during his time in New York, like really really close, but unfortunately had to part ways in the end. Everybody noticed how different 87 Usagi was after his inter dimensional trip, a lingering sadness always present under a bold faced mask. As a child 03 Usagi always wondered about the ever present sadness in his grandpa's eyes. Then years later 03 Usagi joins the Battle Nexus and meets 03 Leo. At first its easy to stay in touch through dimensional portals and letters sent through them. Then the weird time shit starts happening, i.e. they notice that time moves a LOT slower in 03 Leo's dimension. Months between letters and visits turn into years for Usagi and the pain of essentially growing up separately leads them to drift apart. Leo still sends letters sometimes though he as no idea WHEN in time Usagi will receive it. Usagi cherishes each letter with all his heart. He now understood the deep sadness that lingered within his grandfather's heart was actually longing. Along all this Jotaro is born and grows and trains with Usagi's old master. And though their relationship is "complicated" they care deeply for each other as only father and son can and the loneliness 03 Usagi feels hurts a little less. He's is traveling with Usagi when Jei attacks the village and they need to transport Kintaro to the sacred temple. Then the Turtles attack, brainwashed, Usagi and Jotaro are able to snap them out of it and Usagi's heart soars as it did in his youth if only for just a moment. This Leo (2012) is different from his Leo (03) but he is also very similar as well and it hurts. It hurts to see an echoe of the man you onced loved, both young and heavy with the weight of responsibility of being leader, just as he had been. And it was bittersweet to see that same connection that had once been between them now find itself present in Jotaro and 12 Leo. He knew what the ending of this would be when the journey was over and as much as he wanted to save his son from the pain of it all he could not bare to get between them if it wasn't yet time to part. Jotaro has never met a person quite like 12 Leo, just as headstrong and passionate as well as a bit of a dork. Leo told Jotaro all about his adventures, both on earth and beyond the stars, and in turn Jotaro told Leo about his own life and adventures as a samurai in training. They could talk for hours without getting bored or just sit in silence watching the stars just enjoy the presence of each other. When they parted Jotaro felt a piece of himself leave along with Leo as well, worlds away and never to meet again. It reminded him of his father, of days where he was quiet and looked along the horizon looking for something. Something that now Jotaro will now be looking for, for the rest of his life as well. All is quiet for many years after, until Yuichi is introduced. I haven't seen Samurai Rabbit yet but its on my list of shit to do. But especially it would be Gay Longing Pt 4 with the same end result UNTIL....
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We get to our MM Turtles where finally FINALLY Leo and Usagi are in the same universe. But idk if I should wait until the new show comes out incase they do another Usagi crossover or say fuck it and make up my own OC and time line after I watch Samurai Rabbit? Pls feel free to suggest, add, or comment on this mess of gobbledygook as I wrote this all down half asleep and during my work lunch break 😅
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daughter-of-melpomene · 4 months
⇝ if they were canon ask game: 🎬 + ivy keoka pls!! -✨
Thank you so much for the ask, @oneirataxia-girl!! I’m also gonna tag @luucypevensie, @ginger-grimm, and @dancingsunflowers-ocs since I know they love my girl as well. <3
Ivy’s first scene would be the same as that of most of the main cast in the pilot episode: singing during her audition for New Directions while a voice-over introduces her by her name and what she’s singing. She’d be singing “Roxie” from Chicago, and it would probably be made clear how similar she was to Rachel, talented and very well knowing it.
Probably a decent mix of a bunch of other characters. Her main ship would be Sam, of course, but there would also be people who shipped her with Artie and Mike and even Santana or Rachel or Quinn.
Ivy is very similar to Rachel but not half as arrogant or stuck-up, so I think a lot of people would like her because they consider her a better alternative to Rachel - all of the talent and determination but none of the big head about it. They would probably also appreciate how often she calls other characters out on their bullshit, even Rachel and Finn and Mr. Schue, and a lot of her snappy comments and feminist lines would probably be the source of a lot of memes and GIFs and incorrect quotes.
Despite not being as arrogant as Rachel, Ivy is still uber-competitive and refuses to let anybody but Mercedes and her family closest to her for the longest time, especially the Unholy Trinity and any of the football boys, because she doesn’t trust them to really want to be her friend. This can definitely come off as cold and bitchy, which she honestly is a little bit, but I think a lot of people would only see it on the surface level and hate her because of it.
Auli’i Cravalho is an absolute gem, so I can totally see her getting along great with the cast! She’d probably be real-life besties with Amber Riley as well as on the screen, and I can definitely see her cracking jokes in interviews with Kevin Hale and Dianna Agron and just being really cute friends with everyone.
I imagine the audition scene for Ivy’s role would have been her first scene, auditioning for New Directions, accompanied by a reading of her first voice-over, even though that wouldn’t come until a few episodes later. It would be a perfect way to test auditioning actresses’ singing and how they could introduce the character, and reading the voice-over lines would allow the casting staff to see how they could embody the character beyond the first episode.
I don’t think the Glee cast ever went to Comic Con, but during interviews I imagine Auli’i would probably mainly be with Amber Riley, since they play best friends, and probably Chord Overstreet in later seasons once Ivy and Sam’s relationship progresses.
I don’t really think Auli’i seems like the spoiling type, so probably not.
I think Auli’i would be - by the end of the show, Ivy’s getting ready for her first big Broadway role, she and Sam are in a really good place in their relationship, and she’s even sold some of her original songs to a recording company. What’s not for an actor to be happy about?
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send me 🎬 + an oc!!
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Pretty good answers! :D
1: since being half-aliens, have they ever been treated “differently”? (Like the x-men/mutants in marvel)
2: how did they get into Dragonball? I say Kon & Tim introduced it to them (plus Jon)
3: how does one become a member of the titans of tomorrow/Star Knights?
4: what’s their opinion on the Netflix adaption of avatar the last airbender?
5: what’s their bedrooms look like? (I know Jake’s)
6: what does the members of titans of tomorrow/starknights look like? (Besides the duo & mar’i) do you use canon appearances?
Thanks Man, it’s really appreciated @pin-crusher2000 👍
1) While on the whole the two are respected quite well and even have some popularity at their respective schools, even now and then, especially in their earlier elementary school days, they would get picked on by some bullies for their little quirks as pertained by their origin points. Sure when in the field as heroes they can get intense scrutiny and even some bigotry based on their alien and technically mutant trait, it’s not really a thing that truly affects them as they’ve faced it beforehand and it really doesn’t matter as much as their real angsts in life
2) Oh my beyond doubt it was Kon and Jon to an extent that introduced the Duo to Dragon Ball, mainly after Jon got a manga volume of the original series when he was shopping for Naruto ones. Chris was interested in it so Jon went ahead to get it for his big brother and shortly then Jake looked up the original series online and once the two were able to sit and watch the series from there, the Duo’s fandom began in earnest.
3) Initiation comes with first proving yourself a trustworthy, reliable and honest type of hero that wants to hang out with them, basically earning their friendship which isn’t too hard. Honestly, both teams aren’t necessarily strict nor they ever relied on tests or the like unless the newest recruit requests them. That being said if you wanna be a true permanent member a lot faster for the StarKnights in particular, you are dared to spend a day wearing a blue and pink tutu and later last through eating there entire bowls of Brussels sprouts.
4) At first Chris and Jake were genuinely enthusiastic as the look of the show and the effects promised something that would be faithful in its own way to the show that started it all. Overtime though with each new announcement made to change the story and character details which are true deviations from the source material, that enthusiasm quickly gave way to caution and weariness. They can only hope it’s not as bad as that live action movie which was the first attempt at adapting that show.
5) I picture Chris having redwood hardwood floors couple with orange carpets and rugs laid out all over, his Queen sized bed next to the window, two glass sliding doors for his closet, a small two shelves dresser next to said bed, drawers and cabinets on the opposite side of the bed which on top of one is his TV and video game consoles, his action figures, and even a Straight Ally flag. At one empty corner would be his electric Bass Guitar and inside the closet and dresser are his comic books. Finally in the bed itself, he has a grey and white comforter which is topped by his favorite Sky Blue Blanket with an S Shield on it.
6) Well, for Jasper Logan in particular since he’s an OC created by an old mutual of mine and a fan art, this link here should help you get a visual on what he looks like
Otherwise, fudging with the ages a bit, the StarKnights and the Titans of Tomorrow have their physical appearances based on canonical forms. Only tiny change I can think of being for Irey and Jai having Dark Yellow and Lime Green respectively as part of their super suits to help distinguish them.
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souurcitrus · 2 months
X-Men - Earth 18104
Time-line of the X-Men for my original universe Earth-18104. The events are based in different medias, like the movies, comics and series. Also, I included some of my OCs, as I literally just made this universe for them (and to change stuff I don't like I the stories).
There's a longer list of events of my universe too, including stuff about the Avengers, but I focus more in the X-Men.
This lists goes from 1971 (barely) to 2000, the first part of the Age of Heroes.
List of Events
1971 -
Irene Adler has a vision about the future of mutants. She and Raven Darkhölme start to "prepare for the war", looking for more mutants. They convince Jason Wyngarde to join them.
Erik Lensherr continues to hunt down Sebastian Shaw.
1972 -
The "First Class" of X-Men is founded by Charles Xavier and Moira MacTaggert after they discovered that Sebastian Shaw and his Hellfire Club planned to start a nuclear war against the humans.
They join Darkhölme, Adler and Wyngarde, and then meet Lensherr. They receive help of Fred Duncan and Gabrielle Haller to form the team to fight Shaw.
The first members are Armando Muñoz (Darwin), Vienna Adamsen (Petra), Suzanne Chan (Sway) and Sean Cassidy (Banshee).
The Hellfire Club members are: Amélia Voght, Janos Quested and Adriana Soria.
Most of things are just like the movie, but with different characters.
Except Darwin never dies and Shaw is killed by Erik and later his body is taken by Lady Sinister. Adriana Soria is taken by CIA and Janos Quested escapes.
After the Battle of Cuba, Xavier becomes paralyzed and lives with Gabrielle Haller in Graymalkin Lane; Erik leaves the X-Men with Voght and Wyngarde; Irene and Adler leave too, but in separate ways; Moira goes to Muir Island with the recruits.
1975 -
Sean Cassidy marries his girlfriend.
Weapon Plus erases the memories of the Team X.
1976 -
Charles Xavier marries Gabrielle Haller.
Team X escapes the Weapon X facility. Logan loses his memories and lives in the mountains with James and Heather Hudson.
1979 -
David Haller, son of Xavier and Haller, is born.
Just months after his son's birth, Charles fights the Shadow King, who loses his body and puts his own conscious on David's mind, planning on taking revenge on Xavier in the future.
Afraid of what could happened if she stayed with Xavier, Gabrielle Haller leaves Graymalking Lane and takes her son with her.
1980 -
Pietro and Wanda Maximoff (12) activate their mutations for the first time.
1985 -
Jean Grey (10) manifests her powers for the first time. Xavier takes her to Graymalkin Lane to teach her to control her mutation.
Twenty years after the First Class, with new super heroes showing themselves to the public, Xavier decides to form a new team of X-Men.
1987 -
Bobby Drake (10) manifest his powers for the first time. His parents ask him to keep himself in secret, but Bobby starts to train his powers, wanting to be a super hero.
1988 -
Scott (12), Alex (10) and Gabriel Summers (6) survive a plane crash during a trip with their family.
Scott enters a coma, while his little brothers are taken to different forster homes. Xavier visits Scott with Moira and decides to come back to him after Scott wakes up.
1989 -
The Fantastic Four debut as the first super hero team.
Scott (13) wakes up from his coma after a year, waking his powers by accident. Xavier gives him a Ruby-Quartz visor and invites him to join his new team of X-Men.
Bobby Drake (12) is on a date when he shows his powers in public for the first time. After the town turns against him, because of the hate against super humans increasing, Bobby is save by Scott and goes to Graymalkin Lane.
Warren Worthington's wing grow and hes unable to hide his mutation anymore. Scott and Bobby go after him and invite him to join the X-Men. Hesitant, Warren (14) accepts.
Later, Charles introduces Jean Grey (14) to them.
1990 -
The Avengers debut as a super hero team during the Battle of New York.
During a rugby game, Henry McCoy (16) witnessed a pair of masked thugs trying to rob the ticket booth, and used his mutant abilities to stop them.
Henry participated a special program for gifted young people, founded by Tony Stark. There he met Moira MacTaggert, who took him to Charles and Henry, reluctantly, accept to join the team.
Now with the second lineup of X-Men complete, Xavier began training his new students to hone their powers in his Danger Room specially built by him and the team's old lineup.
1991 -
Wanda and Pietro Maximoff (23) decided to go to America to look for their biological father.
Wolverine left Canada and went to Japan. There, he met Kobayashi Amiko and adopted her as his daughter.
The second class of X-Men graduated in their training: Iceman (14), Angel (17), Beast (18), Cyclops (16) and Marvel Gil (17).
Now calling himself Professor X, Charles Xavier (55) was ready to reveal the new X-Men to the world.
• Meanwhile, Magneto (59) has made his first move against humanity, taking control of a military base in Cape Citadel to launch his missiles at human targets. He was unexpectedly confronted by the X-Men and escaped before being defeated.
Due to his exemplary work on the field, Xavier selected Scott Summers to serve as the team's field leader.
Later they fought the mutant called Vanisher.
Xavier located Frederick Dukes (17), and sent the X-Men to recruit him.
Blob was uninterested in joining them and later attacked the school, but was defeated by X-Men soon.
Gabriel Summers (10) was raised in a foster family, until he decided to run away from his grandparents' house one night, going in search of Scott and Alex.
After getting lost, he was found by a criminal called Jack Diamonds, who took advantaged of his new powers. Gabriel later was saved by the first X-Men (Petra, Darwin, Sway) and taken to Muir Island, where he trained to be a X-Men and choose the name Kid Vulcan.
Magneto founded the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, recruiting Jason Wyngarde, Amélia Voght, Mortimer Toybnee (14), Astra (20), Blob, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff (24).
They fought the X-Men briefly and then later where defeated.
The X-Men and the Fantastic Four fought the Puppet Master.
The X-Men where attacked by Calvin Rankin, Mimic.
Juggernaut attacked Graymalkin Lane and was defeated by the X-Men, put in a coma by Xavier.
1993 -
James Madrox (14) lost control of hid powers and was found by Moira MacTaggert, who took him to Muir Island, where he joined her X-Men with the codename of Multiple Man.
The X-Men graduated and soon fought Unus, the Untouchable.
Wanda and Pietro Maximoff (25) left the Brotherhood and joined the Avengers.
While living a pacific life in Paris, Gabrielle Haller's husband was killed. During the accident, David Haller (14) manifested his powers.
1994 -
Start of the Arc Z'Nox.
The X-Men find out Scott (18) has a brother. They meet Alex Summers (16) and he joins the team as Havok.
1995 -
(Mesmero and Krakoa)
Bobby (17) and Alex meet Lorna Dane (20). Soon they're kidnapped by Mesmero, who reveled that Lorna was Magneto's daughter.
Mesmero took control of Krakoa, the living mutant island, who once was home for the first mutants of the world. Mesmero and the X-Men discovered a secret nation of mutants that once lived in Krakoa (once known as Okkara).
These mutants were known as Enriched and they punished Mesmero for trying to steal their secrets and hurt Krakoa, who was asked to keep Mesmero trapped in a cell in the insides of the island.
The Enriched asked the X-Men to never tell about their secret nation, Khado, or about them, and the young mutants agreed.
Lorna Dane joined the X-Men as Polaris.
Hank McCoy left the X-Men to work at Brand Corporation.
(Among us stalk the Sentinels)
Believing that the mutant race was a threat to human society, scientist Bolivar Trask created the Sentinels.
To ensure the safety of mutants, Xavier began looking for new members for the X-Men.
The first of these would be his old Banshee friend, Sean Cassidy (43).
He also went after Sabretooth, who turned down his offer because he didn't care about the war between mutants and humans.
Jean (20), Scott (19) and Hank (21) met the mutant Ororo Munroe (28), that agreed to join them and took the code name "Storm".
• Over the next few days, there were many instances of mutants being attacked by Sentinels. Many of them sought refuge in the Xavier Mansion, being protected and kept secret by the X-Men.
At some point, the Sentinels attacked the school, and were defeated by the new group of X-Men.
(The Phoenix)
Reed Richards (32) met with Charles Xavier (58) to discuss the Z'Nox threat, stating that they were still present in Earth's orbit; so the X-Men joined the Fantastic Four on a mission into space to stop the alien invaders.
During the mission, they were caught in a solar flare. Jean Gray (20) was trapped in deep space and absorbed the explosion to give the others time to escape.
Jean came into contact with the Phoenix Force, that allowed her to absorb her energy, sealing itself in her body.
In Chandilar, in the Triagulum Galaxy (M-33), Lilandra feels the presence of the Phoenix.
With the rest of his team reaching the final stretch of their college education, Charles was secretly on Muir Island.
There he met Moira's new recruits, Bolt (14), Multiple Man (16) and Kid Vulcan (13).
Charles tried to recruit Emma Frost, but she refused, already working with the Hellfire Club in secret.
1996 -
Hank McCoy (22) goes through a rough transformation with his mutation, assuming a more bestial appearance.
(Second Genesis).
Charles Xavier (59) soon became aware of a mutant signature on Krakoa and sent his X-Men on a mission to investigate the island.
Meanwhile, the X-Men arrived on Krakoa and realized that the entire island was actually a massive mutant form.
Not only that, they met with Princess Sarala (33), the princess of Khado and the Enriched and Raven, her counselor.
They explained to Cyclops (20) that after they took Mesmero to Krakoa, he was placed in a stone chamber that would keep him asleep; however, the mutant used his powers to reach Krakoa's consciousness and awaken him from his sleep.
Understanding the importance of Krakoa to the Enriched, the X-Men joined them in calming the island. Krakoa then attacked them and, under Mesmero's command, captured them within.
Xavier reached out to Moira and asked her to allow him to use her students to rescue his team of X-Men.
These new X-Men proved to be no match for the island of Krakoa, and only managed to free Cyclops, sending him away while the group seemingly sacrificed their lives to cover their escape.
Scott returned to the Mansion, along with Bolt (15) and Madrox (17).
Wolverine was sent by Department H to fight the Hulk, he was defeated, but later was invited by Xavier to join the X-Men and rescue the other members from Krakoa.
Not only Wolverine, Scott recruited a new team with Banshee (44) and Storm (29), and new members: Sunfire (24), Colossus (18), Nightcrawler (20) and Thunderbird (17).
• This new team of X-Men proved more successful, rescuing the original team and defeating Krakoa and Mesmero.
Krakoa went back to its deep sleep and the Enriched took Mesmero to a different cell. However, Kid Vulcan was nowhere to be seen and Charles erased him from everyone's memories, believing he was dead.
Later, Cyclops became leader of the new team of X-Men.
(X-Men VS Erik the Red and D'ken)
Erik the Red received orders from Majestor Shi'ar D'ken to capture Princess Lilandra, who had fled on a ship to Earth.
The Enriched once again went to warn the X-Men of the threat of the Shi'ar and told them about the first invasion of the Shi'ar earth.
Princess Lilandra arrived on Earth and asked them to help her stop her brother from using the M'kraan Crystal's power to dominate the universe.
Jean Gray (21) awakened the powers of the Phoenix and helped the X-Men into space to rescue Lilandra, and help her stop her brother from using the power of the M'kraan Crystal to take over the universe.
Emperor D'ken controlled the powerful Imperial Guard and directed his force to destroy the X-Men. Fortunately, the X-Men were aided by the Starjammers, a revolutionary crew of space pirates, led by Cyclops' father, the Corsair, and the Enriched.
With the crystal about to shatter and destroy reality itself, Phoenix used his stupendous power to restore it. D'ken went crazy and was dethroned. When the X-Men returned to Earth, a temporarily exiled Lilandra accompanied them.
Jean Gray began having terrible dreams about the Phoenix.
(The second Brotherhood of Mutants)
With the new wave of hatred spread by Senator Kelly, a new Brotherhood of Mutants was formed, led by Mystique (and Destiny, in secret), formed by Pyro (19), Rogue (16) Avalanche (21) and Blob (21 ).
• While "rescuing" some mutant children, the Brotherhood is interrupted by the X-Men, who prevent them from taking the children to use them in their plans.
During the battle, the X-Men have difficulty dealing with Rogue's powers, who copies her abilities.
In the end, they win because Rogue is overwhelmed, and the Brotherhood escapes.
New mutants go to Gaymalkin Lane, among them is Sam Guthrie (14), Kitty Pryde (12) and Alison Blaire (16).
(Dark Phoenix)
The X-Men were captured by the Hellfire Club, its revealed that Jason Wyngarde has been using his power to torture Jean and unleash the Phoenix. They succed and Jean is dominated by the Dark Phoenix.
The powerful entity is defeated with the help of the Shi’ar. Jean Gray regained control once again and decided to sacrifice herself and prevent another disaster.
After Jean Grey's funeral, Cyclops left the team to mourn the loss of his lover. Storm was placed as leader of the X-Men
1997 –
• (Days of Future Past)
• Rachel Summers and Lucas Bishop travel from the future to stop the Brotherhood of Mutants of killing Robert Kelly and triggering their dystopic future. The X-men follow them in their mission and succed in stopping Mystique and her brotherhood.
• Rachel and Lucas are stuck in the past and join the X-Men.
• While he traveled the coutry in his mourning, Scott met Madelyne Prior, who looked exactly like Jean. They become closer and Scott goes back to the house of his grandparents. There he find memories of his Brothers and finds out that Kid Vulcan, that had died in Krakoa, was his brother Gabriel.
• He decided to go back to Salem Center, but promised to Madelyne he would come back.
• The X-Men have their first encounter with the Broods. They defeat the aliens with the help of the Shi’ar and the Starjammers, which leader is Christopher Summers.
• Kitty Pryde meets Lockheed.
• Carol Danvers briefly joins the X-Men, but soon leaves after a fight with Rogue, who had stolen her powers (Danvers did notlost er abilities, only stayed in bed for a while).
• At the same time, Wanda is possessed by the Darkhold and uses her powers to create na ilusiono f a happy Family for herself and Vision. She’s stopped by Strange and the Avengers.
• Scott comes back to the X-Men and confronts Xavier about his brother. He keeps in contact with Madelyne Prior.
• Illyana Rasputin is taken to Limbo. Later she’s saved by the X-Men, but she’s no longer a little girl.
• (The New Mutants)
• During the prolonged period in which the X-Men were kidnapped by the Brood, Xavier's School was rebuilt and became known as the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning. Despite not wanting to put any more of her students in danger, Moira convinced Xavier that the mutant children would be in danger one way or another and would need to be trained to fight.
• Thus, the X-Men began to assemble a new experimental team of young X-Men, the New Mutants, and new teachers joined to help with their training: Storm, Nightcrawler, Thunderbird, Sunfire, Firestarter, Lullaby, Banshee, Wolverine, Prestige, Bishop and Colossus.
• This new team was formed by Sam Guthrie (15), Rahne Sinclair (13), Roberto da Costa (14), Danielle Moonstar (15), Doug Ramsey (13), Illyana Rasputin (13) and Xuân Cao Mạnh (14), who has been chosen to bethe leader.
• Later the X-Men were in a conflict with the Morlocks and their leader Calypso.
• Rogue went to the X-Men after she had to have problems controlling Captain Marvel’s powers.
• The X-Men travel to Japan to celebrate Logan’s wending with Yashida Mariko. They met his adopted daughter, Amiko, and help him save Mariko from the Silver Samurai.
• Forge joins the X-Men later.
• Jonh Proudstar (18) brings his little brother, James (14), to study at the Xavier’s Institute.
• Around the same time, Emma Frost created her own group of young mutants at Massachusetts Academy, the Hellions, formed by: Empath, Firestar and Roulette.
• Scott Summers became closer to Madelyne Prior and the two became a couple and he ook her to the X Mansion, where he introduced her to her friends. X-Men were shocked, however, seeing Scott's genuine happiness, they accepted Madelyne into their family and she spent the next few months living with them at the Institute, where she soon discovered she was pregnant.
• As a full-time X-Man, Wolverine was unable to personally care for Amiko (12), but raised her with his fiancée Mariko Yashida.
• Amiko lived with Mariko for some time, enjoying the luxurious life that the head of the Yashida Clan was able to provide. She saw Logan on rare occasions.
• Scott Summers married Madelyne Pryor on the grounds of Xavier Mansion, with most of the X-Men attending the ceremony.
• (Legion)
• David Haller (18) began manifesting his psionic abilities uncontrollably in the real world. Seeing her son suffering from the loss of control of his powers, Gabrielle Haller took him to Muir Island to ask Moira MacTaggert for help.
• MacTaggart called Xavier and he brought with him several of the New Mutants, including Cypher, Mirage and Wolfsbane, Rachel Grey, Scott Summers and Banshee. Upon seeing Xavier, David revealed that it wasn't just him there, there were many others of his alters and hidden in his mind was Amal Farouk, the Shadow King.
• The X-Men joined to stop Frouk and save Davidd. Farouk was removed and expelled from David's mind, who finally had control over his powers and could live in peace with his alters. Even though he still didn't accept that Xavier was his father, knowing why his mother left him, David thanked him.
• David remained on Muir Island for the next few years, being visited by the X-Men from time to time.
1998 –
• (The return of Jean Grey)
• Many months after Phoenix's death, some Khado soldiers heard Krakoa calling them and followed the island to Jamaica Bay, where they found a pod containing Jean Gray's body.
• A few weeks after being found, Jean Gray began to remember what happened before her "death." She later left to go find her friends and returned to be na X-Man.
• Meanwhile, Scott and Madelyne's marriage has become strained. Madelyne resented the fact that Scott was rarely home and that he continued to miss Jean.
• The X-Men were attacked by Mojo. Elizabeth Braddock joined the X-Men after helping them escape the Mojoverse.
• In May, Madelyne Prior gave birth to hers and Cyclops’ son, Nathan Summers.
• Right after, Lady Sinister, Selene Essex, recruited a group of mercenaries to get rid of the Morlocks, whom she believed were a threat the to Evolution of mutant kind. Among these mercenaries, the Marauders, were Sabretooth and Gambit.
• The X-Men went to the tunnels of Morlocks to save the mutants and defeat the Marauders. In the end of the fight, Storm was severely hurt and was lost. While the X-Men believed she was dead, Gambit found her in the tunnels and saved her life.
• Later the X-Men were attacked by the Ravers. During the fight, Jubilee (14), that was living in secret in the X-Men’s base, helped Wolverine save his teammates.
• (Inferno)
• When the X-Men carried out missions, Madelyne Pryor helped them as technical support. Little by little, she was corrupted by the Limbo demon N'astirh, ending up making a deal with him to find her son, becoming the Goblin Queen.
• She soon found out about her true nature: she’s a clone of Jean Grey created by Lady Sinister. Her corruption as the Goblin Queen unleashed Hell on New York in the form of a demonic invasion.
• The X-Men defeated N'astirh, however, in an insane outburst, Pryor put her own son's life at risk, being fought by the X-Men and X-Factor. She was eventually killed in an attempt to take Jean Gray down with her.
• With Madelyne dead, the X-Men traveled to the ruins of the X-Mansion to confront Lady Sinister, who, with Mastermind's help, was telepathically attacking Jean Grey. After a long fight, Cyclops (24) managed to blast Sinister with a full-power optical blast, seemingly destroying her.
• Now without his mother, baby Nathan Summers was raised by his fatherwith the help of the X-Men and Jean Grey.
• In the end, the X-men had to fight the Shadow King once again. Farouk was controlling other mutants to attack the X-Men, but with the help of David Haller and Emma Frost, they defeated him once again.
1999 –
• Wolverine tried to regain his memories and startedto dig into his past with the helpof Jonh Wraith and Nick Fury. He discovered that Silverfox was never dead and it was all an ilusion of Weapon X.
• The X-Men had to fight against the Acolytes and Fabian Cortez, who had kidnapped Luna Maximoff, Magneto’s granddaughter.
• Dealing with his bloodlust and animal side out of control, Sabretooth went to the X-Men searching for Xavier’s help. Different from what he expected, Creed was kept prisioner in the basement.
• Tereza Márquez (OC), Creed’s partner known as Sanguinária, joined the X-Men to take care of him, but still had to keep her job with the Avengers.
• The Inner Circle, who were old allies of Xavier, send two members, Lullaby and Firestarter, to assist the X-Men with their new students.
• The wending of Jean Grey and Scott Summers happened in the gardens of the manor.
• (The Phalanx and Generation X)
• Later, Sabretooth and Tereza Márquez helped Banshee, Emma Frost and Jubilee save a new group of Young mutants from the Phalanx. One of these youngs was Clarice Ferguson (14), she sacrificed herself by using her teleporting powers to save her new friends and was apparently killed while destroying the Phalanx.
• While Sabretooth was sent back to his cell, Banshee and Emma Frost started to train a new team, the Generation X: Jubilee (14), Paige Guthrie (17), Monet St. Crox (16), Everett Thomas (17), Jono Starmore (14), Angelo Spinosa (15) and Nicole and Claudette St. Crox (9).
• The X-Men and the Fantastic Four had to deal with Nanny and Orphan Maker, who captured Young mutants from their parentes, among them Franklin Richards (1), Nathan Summers and Gailyn and Joey Grey.
• The Inner Circle started their plans of waking Apocalypse, with the help of Exodus and Ozymndias. Creed starts to regain his memories.
• When the Inner Circle was discovered by Forge, Creed and Márquez escaped the manor. During the battle that started, the Inner Circle failed in capturing Xavier, but Nathan Summers was infected with a techno vírus that put his life in danger.
• To save his son, Scott send Nathan to the future, wherehe could recieve training and treatingfor the vírus. Wolverine was after a cure for Warren and Psylocke, who were extremely hurt by Creed and Márquez during their escape. He recieved a visit from Ozymandias, who told him that soon Apocalypse would return.
• The same warning was given to the mutants of Khado, who prepared themselves for the “Judgment Day”. The Inner Circle goes searching for the Horsemen of Apocalypse.
2000 –
• With the campaing for presidency of Graydon Creed, the mutants start to feel more threated by the presence of the Sentinels and the Department of Damage Control, na organisation ruled by SHIELD that would arrest any potential dangerous mutant.
• Dr. Cecilia Reyes joined the X-Men.
• (Apocalypse)
• The Inner Circle succeds in their plan of bringing back Apocalypse and his Haralds.
• Kittty Pryde, Jono Starmore and Warren Worthington are kidnapped by the Inner Circle. Apocalypse uses his powers to give Warren new wings, choosing him to be his next Horseman of Death.
• With the help of the Enriched, the X-Men fight Apocalypse, his Army of Darkness, Exodus and the Inner Circle.
• Now the world knew of the existence of the secret nation of mutants, Khado, as well the existence of Wakanda and Krakoa.
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wilsons-journey · 11 months
A happy family is nice and all, yes sure. But a Family made of random strangers that get so close over time, that they are like a big, strange family. That's the real shit.
I have a really big softspot for this.
I love to imagine my Charr OCs in this. They all come from such different places and this group would be such a lovely and chaotic mess.
And I think I have to introduce some more of my big Cats. They will get important later on.
Starting with Baal, half brother of Deus. But he has a very special connection to someone of my other OCs, too. Maybe you already have a guess?
Another important figure would be Desmond, best friend to Vale. And uncle to Fuma.
And maybe Mishra. I'm still not sure if I should keep him. He was meant to appear in the comic with Wilson. (A new Friend) Together with Fuma he would play a very important role in Wilsons life. But about that part I'm not very sure yet. Maybe I will discard this idea and he stays a NPC. (Sorry dude)
But I guess Baal and Desmond will also soon make a appearance on this blog .v.
Besides, if you are interested in my OCs - you can find more information for them in my Blog at "The Cast"
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ticket-exe · 8 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
cant say no when megaman hits you with the ol 🥺
this is like the max length i think these uploads will get to because if i start adding too many more itll start looking like the colour of the sky on peoples dashboard
(also whats funny is because of the chatbox icon i had to draw lan suffering a few different ways XDD)
page navigation under the cut
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Emperor’s New Frame
Notes: You know that one panel that introduces Armada Starscream design into RID comics at the beginning of Dark Cybertron? And the way Saren Stone draws him in the Windblade series? That's all.
This started purely as a short smut drabble but three days later I'm left with... this. Fluff and smut ahead!
Pairing: IDW Starscream x OC (gn, valveplug, 18+)
Word count: 2.9K
[AO3 link]
* * *
Bright red glistened in the very first rays of sunlight of a new day. Shiny fresh paint on Starscream’s newest frame was almost glowing after a new body upgrade he just had installed, sleeker and smoother than his last battle built. And Stormchaser couldn’t stop looking.
“Who’s that handsome bot? And is he single?” they playfully put their datapad down when he entered the habsuite through the balcony, returning from the finalizing tune-ups he had done overnight. Starscream’s face lit up with a satisfied grin.
“Unfortunately, he’s not. But he can appreciate a nice compliment.”
“You look stunning,” Stormchaser was on their feet, standing up to admire the new frame up close. His shoulders were broad, enhanced by the fixed-position wings in stark contrast with a tiny waist they immediately had to fight an urge to take into their servos. Stormchaser was sure they could wrap their fingers all around it. “How do you feel?”
“I feel lighter,” he said, giving his partner a little twirl so they could take a better look at his backside. “Lighter than air.”
“What about the flight?”
“Aerodynamics is great. I barely felt the air resistance. I didn’t try pushing speed limits yet but I already feel the engines can take it,” he smiled, turning back to face Stormchaser. “We’ll need to go for a flight tonight to try it out. After dark, when no one’ll disturb us.” He longingly looked out the balcony door to the sky. “Don’t you miss seeing the stars up close?”
“There’s only one star I care about,” Stormchaser approached him, a gentle touch on his chest over where his spark lay under the layers of armor, lingering. They exvented gently, feeling the pulse through the metal, optics meeting with his. Many thought of this as an act of vanity, their new leader matching his exterior with the newly acquired position of power he longed for so long but his Conjunx knew better. Starscream put his servo over theirs.
“How does it feel? Really feel?”
“I’m… not sure yet. But definitely better from the previous one,” he took both their palms into his, squeezing them gently. “I think it’s the general shape. It fits better.”
“I’m glad to hear that,” a soft smile on their face.
“Do you like it?”
Stormchaser touched him once more, gently tracing his shape. “I love it,” they whispered, “But you know I’d love you in any shape or form. Even if you decided it’s time to see how tires on concrete feel like.”
“Oh, I don’t think it’d ever come to that,” he laughed. “Sometimes I feel like the wings are the only part truly right about my shape. Can you imagine me without them? Now that would be just wrong.”
“The wings always suited you,” fingers running along their edges, slowly moving to his shoulder cannons and vents on his chest. “And the red,” gentle servos travelling lower, down his sides, “I love the solid color, you look absolutely stunning.”
And oh, was he stunning. Stormchaser finally reached his tiny waist they were set on from the beginning – they were right, they could almost hold it whole in two servos - pulling Starscream closer to them, the charge in their field building up. He in turn gently held them by the shoulders, giving them a knowing smirk.
“So, what’s the final verdict? Is this look worthy of Lord Starscream the First, the ruler of Cybertron?”
Instead of an answer, Stormchaser closed the small distance between them, pressing their lips on his, Starscream giving into their touch.
“More than worthy,” their optics lidded, looking into his. “But there’s one more thing I’m curious about.”
“What is it, my dear?” his servos moved from their shoulders to the chest, playing with the blades of their vents.
Stormchaser leaned in and whispered directly into his audial, “What else those powerful engines of yours can do?”
The charge in the air was instant.
“Care to find out?” he purred, gently taking their face into his palm, bringing them closer. Stormchaser smiled, static running down their spinal strut.
“Lead the way, my Lord.”
And then suddenly, to Stormchaser’s surprise, in one swift motion Starscream scooped them up and lifted into his arms, carrying them towards the berthroom door.
“Star!” they yelped but laughed. “My, you are so strong! My knees are weak,” Stormchaser playfully hung off his shoulders, legs in the air. He smiled devilishly.
“Oh, I’m sure they are.”
The berthroom was dim, blinds still halfway down as an orange morning light cast soft shadows on the walls. Gently, Starscream settled Stormchaser on the berth before climbing over them, giving them a whole new angle to admire his frame from. And oh, did they like the sight of him on top of them, held in place between his knees.
“You’re so handsome,” Stormchaser whispered, pulling him closer to touch him all over again. “Absolutely stunning,” their fingertips caressed his face, his cheeks, dragging their thumb over his slightly parted lips, optics half-closed as he bathed in their endless adoration.
“Tell me, what would you like,” his voice was low when he leaned down to bury his face under their jawline, kissing and nibbling at their neck cables ever so slightly with his sharp pair of teeth. Stormchaser exvented deeply.
“Show me what your new frame got.”
Starscream chuckled against their neck. “A little impatient, aren’t we?”
“You asked, I’m answering,” staticky interference crept into Stormchaser’s voice as their interface panel slid away under Starscream’s fingers, exposing pulsing biolights around their valve entrance.
“As you wish,” Starscream straightened up, sliding his own panel open and letting his new spike fully pressurize as Stormchaser watched. It was different from the one on his former frame. The biolights were bright red, matching his paint beautifully, the ridges along the length more pronounced and they spotted a few extra nodes added along the length, both what they imagined were for his own pleasure and more friction upon contact. The shape was more curved as well as a bit thicker than his previous spike, making Stormchaser throb in anticipation.
“Oh dear…” was all they managed to say, looking the spike up and down, optics following the biolight pulses from the bottom to the top. They could feel the lubricant pooling inside their valve, tiny droplets leaking out on the berth under them.
“What do you think?” Starscream looked almost proud.
“I think I need you. About right now.” They pulled him into a heated kiss, glossas meeting halfway. Starscream’s fingers found Stormchaser’s anterior node, rubbing it tirelessly while nibbling at their neck cables. They were unable to stop their hips from rolling into his servo, slick lubricant coating his fingers in the process.
“Patience, my dear,” he whispered but his field burned with desire as much as Stormchaser’s. “I want to hear you.”
“I need you,” Stormchaser repeated, voice full of static, opening their neck to more of his advances. “Let me have this. Show me what that new spike of yours can do,” they caressed his sides with gentle but growingly needy touch, reaching his pressurized member to give it a light stroke. Starscream hummed against their neck and his fans kicked up a notch.
“Yes, like that. Show me how powerful those engines are,” their optics opened and locked with him, all seriousness and firmness in their voice. “Inside me. Now.”
Starscream smiled and with a low rumble of the engines he ran his servos down Stormchaser’s thighs. “If I knew this new frame would have such effects on you…”
When he started rubbing his spike between the lips of their valve, the jolt of electricity from the sensation of the texture against their anterior node almost made Stormchaser overload right there and then.
“It’s your fault for being so fraggin’ good looking and charismatic,” they cursed through gritted teeth, holding onto his shoulders, pulling closer to shower his body with kisses in turn. His jawline, neck, his chest, exventing shakily while he still slowly rubbed his ridges against them.
“Primus, I love you so much,” they couldn’t contain themselves anymore, the overload slowly building around the sensitive node. “But please… just let me have this. Let me have you.”
“Well, since you asked so nicely…” he had his oh so familiar smug face on but Stormchaser could hear the interference in his voice and humming fans too well. He wanted this as much as they did, but he couldn’t do so without all the teasing first, especially seeing his Conjunx this needy – for him and him only. Positioning himself with their throbbing entrance, he slowly pushed forward – the ridges and nodes against the now oversensitive inner mesh sent electric pulses straight to Stormchaser’s core. And he kept pushing deeper. Ridge by ridge, node by node. The new texture and girth were unfamiliar but not unpleasant, making Stormchaser’s frame tense with the slight stretching sensation. Starscream leaned down to them again, brushing his warm lips against theirs.
“How does it feel?”
“Please… I need friction…”
“You haven’t answered,” he repeated in a low voice right next to their audial. “How does it feel?”
“It feels… it feels incredible.”
“Does it?” he whispered, as he pulled out almost completely and slowly pushed back in.
“Yes… like that,” Stormchaser hissed, tangling their fingers inbetween Starscream’s vents. His tempo was slow but the thrusts were deep, almost reaching the upper node in Stormchaser’s valve, charge rising. Stormchaser’s whole frame was pulsing and contracting, desperately needing more than the pace he set. They started moving their hips to meet him at a different angle, deep ridges of his spike stimulating the sensitive valve, dripping with lubricant.
To their frustration, as soon as they did, Starscream’s servo held them down in place, stopping his movements completely. A small whine escaped Stormchaser’s vocalizer at the lack of friction, looking at their lover whose narrowed optics and clenched jaw said a thousand words.
“Your impatience is maddening,” his voice raspy, fans roaring. Something broke inside Starscream, shattered his composure because the firm hold of Stormchaser’s hips quickly turned into a propped lift as a new, deeper angle opened to his advances. He started moving again, pace way faster now, leaving Stormchaser with a surprised yelp at the sudden change.
“How does this feel?” he rumbled.
Stormchaser was too stunned to speak. It’s been a while Starscream took charge in berth this fast and hard. But the way he moved, the smooth roll of his hips, powerful engines that heated up his new body making it almost hot to the touch, it was their lover’s confidence with this new frame that was so exciting.
“Tell me how I make you feel,” he grunted low, not slowing down in the slightest, “Tell me what I do to you.”
“Yes, you fill me so good… you fit me so perfectly…” they gasped inbetween thrusts, holding onto his arms for dear life, which railed Starscream up even more. “I feel whole with you inside me.”
Starscream groaned and repositioned Stormchaser’s legs to wrap around his waist so he could lean down and kiss his Conjunx urgently on the parted lips. The heat radiating from him was pushing their cooling system to the max, as their own armor was starting to reach higher temperatures. The friction was rising with the fast pace and their inner nodes constantly attacked by his own, overstimulated valve throbbing almost painfully. Static was slowly creeping into the edges of their visual field as their release was approaching fast. Stormchaser’s small moan just as Starscream bit down on their lip in the heat of the moment was suddenly interrupted by a knock on the habsuite door.
He immediately straightened up as they both froze in an instant, Stormchaser’s servo shooting up to cover their mouth.
“What is it, Rattrap?” the level of Starscream’s voice was surprisingly even and firm for someone spike-deep in his partner on a certain way to an overload. To Stormchaser’s even bigger surprise, at the same time his fingers crept to lightly stroke their spike panel, snapping open immediately upon contact from all the unresolved stimulation. They gasped voicelessly, optics wide when Starscream wrapped one servo around their already pressurized spike, the other brought to his lips with one finger up.
Be quiet, the gesture said. Even though Stormchaser was seen around Starscream regularly, the bond they formed the moment the war was over was kept a secret. The decision to name each other their Conjunx Endura was genuine – a result of centuries long kinship between the two that despite their circumstances grew into something more, although keeping the ceremony and knowledge about the bond’s formation private was a mutual agreement. The last thing they needed now was people knowing their new leader had a confidant, a partner, a possible weakness. And even though who Starscream had in berth was noone’s business, Rattrap didn’t need to know and Stormchaser knew that. But pits, was Starscream going to make a challenge out of it when he started moving again, his fingers around their spike in synch with the roll of his hips.
“I’m getting the twitch.”
“What are you blathering about?” Starscream didn’t even look in the direction of the door, optics locked on Stormchaser, almost smug expression on his face as his servo ran up and down, working them to the edge. He didn’t care about Rattrap outside, he was set on a different course now, that shameless bot. Not even blinking, not wanting to miss a moment of their expression, the gradual buildup of charge and desperation in their already sensitive body. You wanted to have me?, said the expression.
“Don’t feel obligated to answer.”
Show me what I’m doing to you.
“I gets ‘dis twitch when somethin’ ain’t right,” Rattrap continued, unaware what’s happening behind the door. Stormchaser let go of their mouth, opened in voiceless static to hold onto Starscream, still tirelessly thrusting into them, both their engines desperately trying to cool themselves off. Stormchaser was sure Rattrap had to hear them. With each push they moved up on the berth a little, certain Starscream was ruining his new paint like this – though imagining the dents and streaks of shiny red on their thigh and pelvic plating afterwards was bringing them even closer to their already nearing high. Starscream’s optics were slowly narrowing but he still kept the eye contact, despite all the self-control and endurance, he was approaching his own overload as certainly as them. They felt it in his now almost erratic tempo, his spike pushing so deep inside their valve Stormchaser swore he had to be hitting their fuel chamber by now, creating charge and pulses that made their body almost physically vibrate.
But only when he pulled out almost completely and slammed back into them, hitting all the deep valve nodes along the way as well as applying sudden pressure to the base of their spike in a synch with their inner throb, Stormchaser’s back arched all at once in an instant snap of a blinding double overload. Their mouth opened with an uncontained moan, immediately silenced by Starscream’s desperate kiss as he kept thrusting and stroking through their peak. Spike twitching with the release and valve spasming around Starscream’s own spike inside, finally sending him over the edge as well. They felt armor denting under his servos, holding onto them as an anchor in an explosion of charge, his transfluid filling their valve to the brim. Bright white static veiled Stormchaser’s vision, crashing their audio and visual processor for a moment.
“Starscream… dat light outside… dat sunrise…”
“Oh, for Primus’ sake!” he called out in a voice laced with static, Stormchaser unsure if it was the cry of frustration or a verbal release of his own overload before turning his attention back to them, splayed and spent on the berth under him. Stormchaser’s transfluid splattered all over their torso and Starscreams’s shiny new frame didn’t seem to bother him in the slightest. On the contrary, he looked immensely satisfied with his work as he wiped some of the bright liquid off his abdomen and sucked his fingers dry, not breaking eye contact with his lover in the process. He then pulled out slowly, leaving more transfluid dripping down Stormchaser’s thighs. Stormchaser shivered at the sudden emptiness and slick feeling of the leaking fluids, knees shaking. It was an absolute mess.
“I have seen the sunrise,” Starscream nonchalantly continued the conversation with Rattrap outside the habsuit like nothing happened, straddling Stormchaser’s still slightly shaking frame. Vision slowly clearing of the static, they watched him sit there with a smile on his face in an absolute disbelief over what just went down with an unwanted guest still behind the door. He’s truly going to be the death of them one day.
“By Primus, don’t I love you”, they whispered almost inaudibly, servo reaching out to gently stroke his arm, still warm to the touch.
“And while it was glorious to watch it cast its light on the empire of Starscream the First…” he gave his Conjunx a look of complete adoration, together in dim sunlight seeping through the blinds he was so colorfully describing to Rattrap behind the door.
“I love you too,” he mouthed silently to them, taking their face to both his palms, thumbs caressing their cheeks as he softly kissed their lips in a pleasant afterglow before turning to the door one final time.
“Starscream the First would rather spend the rest of the morning familiarizing himself with his new body.”
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inlocusmads · 6 months
2,5,6,8,25,27,96 for Trystan and Nora :)
oc relationship asks masterlist
2. Who is the one who fusses the most? Does their S/O mind very much?
Trystan lmfao.
Nora's like "I have dealt with so much shit, nothing fazes me anymore." Honestly she doesn't mind Trystan's miniscule rants about the porosity of a bagel or the concentration of lemony scent in a box of detergent. In fact, he's just so articulate and clever with his fusses that Nora welcomes it. Honestly, she just likes hearing him talk and his voice, anyway.
5. What is something they like to do together?
They've kind of started exploring each other's interests. Trystan enjoys watching survivalist reality TV with her because he gives his own ESPN commentary which makes Nora laugh. They watch films sometimes, talking about its themes late into the night. Nora got into crosswording after Trystan roped her into it. They also enjoy, like fixing things and filing things, cooking - just random mundane day-to-day activities.
What started as a "I'm doing it for the company of a partner" turned into like, massively obsessive interests. Nora learned she liked Sudoku better than crosswords and found a new interest in aircraft spotting. Trystan discovered he is actually good at soccer (even though he insists on calling it 'football') and picked up a few tricks (which unfortunately came at the expense of breaking a few windows) and got into card games - which spiralled into an interest in card tricks and sleight of hand.
It's like, they'll get into something, they'll introduce each other to it, they'll get into whatever the other's into and just, do their own thing until something happens and one thing leads to another and the cycle repeats over again.
6. Who would ask the "would you love me if I were a worm?"
I think neither of them would actually know. It'd randomly pop up in a conversation, they'd get all meta about it and there's that.
It's Nora. Definitely her. She does it to mess with Trys out of sheer boredom. Then they talk about something completely different before Trystan derails it with a flirtatious comment and Nora's like "dude. it's about the momentum." and cannot get it out of her head for the entirety of that day.
8. Who is the big spoon? Little spoon?
Answered here. TL;DR: Both of them.
25. Do they have any pet names for one another?
Oh yes of course. Except they are more of a spur of a moment thing and just forgotten later on. Trystan sticks to calling her 'detective'. It's sometimes used endearingly, sometimes used in a 'tch-tch' way.
Nora cannot stick to one name. She goes with 'Trys' for a while, then switching to 'yeah yeah, stranger on the road, what about it' to purposefully mispronouncing his name because she's a bastard like that. (Inclusive but not limited to - 'Try-STAN', 'Tryst-ahn', 'Triz', 'Trix', 'Tim' and whatever she wants to smush between two vowels or two consonants.)
27. Who tends to drive on long journeys? Who navigates?
Nora drives usually. Mostly because Trystan's the type of person to go 'yolo mfers' and hit the accelerator until it reaches 140 kmph.
Besides, Trystan's better at navigation anyway. He's a lot more calm, while Nora on the map would be like, "NO NO RIGHT, WRONG RIGHT WRONG RIGHT, DUDE HIT THE BRAKES, DUDE - YOU'RE GOING LIKE, FIFTY STEPS IN THE WRONG DIRECTION!" when Trystan wouldn't have even started the car.
96. Who reads the newspaper? Who wants to see the cartoons?
Trystan reads the newspaper. Nora flips it to the page with the comics on it. She'd also have a pencil to do some Sudoku and share some fun fact in the trivia section.
It's cause, Trystan's just endlessly fascinated with just the most obscure, oddly specific reports that are written in local newspapers. And his knowledge comes in handy too, when they're working cases and he draws connections from what he's read in the papers. The sudoku and trivia section help Nora remember random bits of information that sort of trains her memory, so she doesn't have to depend overly on her pocket notebook and write every detail she ever comes across.
Thank you so much for asking! They were so fun!
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brooklynislandgirl · 6 months
Tagged By: The lovely Carrie @grimmusings and thank you, dear! Tagging: Be Fae, Steal this. ~*~
I. how long have you been roleplaying?
I do not even know how or where to begin answering this because I do believe I was a freshman in high school when I was first introduced to D&D {Dragonlance was the world/setting} and I took to it like a fish to water. A long time after that, I was introduced to the early days of the internet and the concept of real-time chats {mIRC}. I met my future husband in one, and the two of us then found an rp chat. Within a few weeks, we'd been asked to co-run a portion of that rp. About six months later, we were living together, and running that game, a couple in real life, and others. Fast forward a million years and a million iterations of online rp and here we are. {{AOL, MSN communities/chat, Eyechat, InvisionFree and other message boards, private email/etc, and now- Tumblr and Discord. I've pretty much been there, done that with almost every place. Except Twitter, and Facebook.}} II. what got you interested in roleplaying?
I have been a lifelong reader. I was diagnosed as a "gifted" child in the days of yore, mostly because I was reading by the age of four, and I think at some point, I wanted to make stories too. My very first fan-fiction began at the age of 8. Tabletop RP is still my first rp love, though online rp has become a close second. If RP didn't exist, I would still be around somewhere, writing stories and living inside of my own imagination. III. are there any lesser played canon characters you’d like to see in your community?
I have a complicated relationship with canon characters. Two of my oldest friends and I are often dismayed. Back in OUR day, canons were rare and treated with a certain suspicion and disdain. And unfortunately, a lot of people seem to be trapped in a mindset that Canon are the be-all, end-all and don't give OCs a fair shake because they had 'one bad experience, once, a hundred years ago'. Or the whole 'I don't know how to interact with you' even if the OC is built for your fandom, and yet your top three partners are other canons from fandoms that have nothing to do with yours. <eye roll>. I think I find something very disingenuous about that when I see a lot of 'canons' that seem to have only a vague idea about their muse, choose only the flavour of the month fc for them, and just generally come across as ooc/lazy/sloppy. But I am a fandom dinosaur, with a background in creative writing, novel-writing, and 20+ years of rp experience. My standards are so incredibly high. That being said... Justified, Dark Shadows {not the Johnny Depp monstrosity} anyone/thing from the World of Darkness, Dragonlance, Foggy Nelson, Firefly, Vertigo/Indie comics, Valiant Comics....Horatio Hornblower, Sharpe's Rifles, and any historical genre, really. IV. would you consider writing them?
For the right reasons, the right partner, yes. But most of the time I prefer telling new stories in a beloved world/au. V. what do you enjoy the most about creating ocs? I bet you'd NEVER guess that I am really neurotic/overly serious when it comes to making a character. I will sit there for literally months, contemplating their every minute of life before and up to the moment I am ready to debut them. I will know 12 generations of their family. I will know a couple dozen fandoms they might fit in and how they would relate to things. The only aspect I don't really control or try to map out is what canon and other oc muses they might get on with. That's part of the fun of actual rp, forging connections.
Maybe the trouble is...I want to give everyone my absolute best. I want to offer a rewarding experience to people, and thus the standards I carry for myself are excruciatingly severe. But I *can* be silly and fun, once the story begins.
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ladykittenlena · 2 years
New update on next gen au
I took the idea for the new Next Generation concept from @cursed-saphire-hart (by the way, hello to you, Desi), reworked it a bit and added the character of my friend @lifani-artz (and hello to you, Beth), and this is what happened:
now I will list all my background girls in order, who and whose wife:
Catherine/Evelyn - Edd's wife
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Molly - Matt's wife
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Susan - Tom's wife
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Annya (my favourite girl) - Tord's wife
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And now about the concept that I took from @cursed-saphire-hart . She had such a concert where Annya did not die, and Tord simply turns her into a bioweapon that can be kept as a pet. I initially liked this concept and a month ago I asked Desi if I could take it. She only answered today, because she had a full mailbox, and I understand this, but I have been very patiently waiting for this moment. I changed some points and added my ending. Well, I'm ready to talk about it.
So let's start with the fact that in my AU the actions take place according to tradition in tbatf (and where without it, I really love this comic and I'm waiting for a new chapter, but for now the authors are on a break and I will (even when a new chapter of tbatf comes out) entertain you with my au and write some fanfiction for Tumblr on it). Beth is also here - the oc of my friend @lifani-artz, she will become a nanny for Toby in the future, and then a kindergarten teacher in the Red Army.
Now about the plot.
The Red Army needed soldiers, and Annya is one of those soldiers. She recognizes the Army Leader as Tord, a boy she met in her cadet class. They communicate like a boss with a subordinate, but then Tord temporarily imbues Annya with feelings, but they are not strong. At the same time, Annya meets Beth, who, according to the idea of ​​@lifani-artz , was brought along with Vlahd, and they become friends. When the Gala comes, Annya wants to go where Beth and Molly help her (she works for the Leader as a designer, and took part in the development of uniforms for the Red Army.) You will see Annya's dress below, as well as the idea where I got it from (Desi, I'm sorry I didn't say that earlier!)
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But... Annya doesn't get to the Gala, because Tord has already chosen Juniper and Anya for the ball (now I'll show you how they look)
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Annya is very upset because she has known Tord for a very long time, but not only because of this. Juniper and Anya often bullied her at school, which caused Annya's anorexia, because of which she began to go to training, and then to the army. Then Annya was a weak girl with a broken psyche (and her parents had nothing to do with it, unlike Annya's parents in the canon @cursed-saphire-hart , they were nice people and loved Annya, but they were killed before her eyes because of what Annya has a weak psyche), and after the death of her parents, she was given up for adoption to the Edd`s family, and he tried very hard to help her in everything, eventually becoming for her the figure of an older brother, which Annya never had. Annya often drove herself to study, reacted sharply to insults, and Edd often had to stand up for her and coax her to sleep when Annya sat up too long in the evening doing her homework. Also, Annya often forgot lunch at home, and at school she went hungry, but did not show it, but one day Molly shared her lunch with her, and so a friendship was born between them (Annya's friendship with Jenny began later, if anything Molly introduced them later ). When Annya joined the army, she met Tord, and he was interested in her, because then Annya was weak, but then he began to fall in love with her, seeing how she tries and from a weak, unremarkable girl turns into a beautiful, even sexy girl.
Then Annya met Catherine and Susan, and the whole four girls, which also included Annya and Molly, were in the collection. Together they hung out, even visited Annya's homeland in Russia together. But I started talking about something, let's continue what happened later:
For the whole evening, Annya did not take off her dress, for which she received a reprimand from Brianna, and still hoped that Tord would pay attention to her, he did, but he also reprimanded, and then Juniper and Anya decided to deal with the girl. The leader left them to deal with Annya, and they literally beat her up, so that Paul and Patryk found her covered in blood, and they had to carry her to the hospital wing. Then, a month later, Annya began to be harshly persecuted, to which she harshly answered the offenders with her fists. It even got to the point that Annya was LITERALLY dragged away by Brianna from one girl. What about Annya? She bit the sergeant on the hand and tried to break free, but Brianna was stronger than Annya and tried to calm her down. Then she was taken to talk about her behavior with the Red Leader, he listened to everything and put the sergeant out the door, saying that he would deal with Annya. They talked and parted ways. A little later, he began to call her often and talk on various topics. They even had sex once. And it was very often.
But this does not mean that Tord did not remain devoted to his interests and other girls. Therefore, when Annya fell ill, he amused himself with other girls.
The friends (Molly, Jenny and Beth) who took care of Annya during her illness realized that she was pregnant and bought her a pregnancy test. It turned out to be positive, and Annya ran to tell Tord, but found him with another girl, and started talking about this and her pregnancy. Upon learning that Annya was pregnant from him, he became furious, because he did not plan to make a family with someone, but Annya wanted to have a family and for this she could leave the army, because of devotion to the child, which pissed off Tord even more, but he did not began to give orders to detain Annya. Annya herself, thanks to Edd, was able to find a place where people do not wear masks, and began to live there. Beth visited her and they spent time together.
Annya also helped Edd with his problems, because she believed that he was in her debt, after his family adopted her as the youngest child. Tord did not know about this, he was worried that she was hiding and she was lonely. So he sent Maktesløse for her, and when they brought her in, Annya, being in her ninth month, sat in a protective position until Tord hugged her and said that he loved her very much. They moved to the sofa and began to talk as before. Tord asked her about the child, and Annya told him a lot of things. Finally, she admitted that she would like to name the baby Toby. Tord supported this idea, the more he was glad that he would have an heir and a son, his son. Tord later went to work, and Annya crossed paths with Beth. She was present when Annya gave birth, and she held Beth's hand, and squeezed it in pain. Annya's labor was difficult, lasted 3 hours, and almost killed her, but be that as it may, she had a good, healthy baby, who was named Tobyas. Tord was informed about this, and he congratulated Annya on the birth of a boy and hugged her. But ... then when Annya was resting from childbirth, Tord was informed that Annya helped Edd. And here is the first difference between concept "monster Annya" version from @cursed-saphire-hart and my version:
Her Tord felt betrayed, and when Annya returned a year after Tobi was born, Tord felt paranoid and decided to turn her into a monster to keep her.
My Tord, based on Tord from tbatf and since he's a psycho, he can make a bioweapon out of anyone he wants, and here he was more jealous of Annya for Edd, but he was angry when he found out about her help to Edd because Tord hate him. So he decided to punish her and take Toby away from her once and for all. While she slept, Tord injected a serum into her neck and transferred her to a cell for a typical bioweapon, where he began to observe Annya's transformation into a monster. Annya woke up with pain in her stomach, and at first she was surprised that she was in a cage, but she lifted her shirt from the hospital and saw a large wound that was forming into a new mouth very quickly. This frightened her and she tried to get out of the cage, but Tord, who was watching her, told her not to try to get out. Annya, in hysterics, tried to persuade Tord to let her out, but he just smiled. Soon, Annya began to scream from the pain that the transformation caused her. It was veeeery painful. It seemed to her that her skin was melting right before her eyes, and her bones were stretched as she transforms . And Tord only smiled, he felt sadistic pleasure from turning Annya into a monster. Brianna saw him for this, and when she saw what was happening to Annya, she wanted to give her an antidote, but Tord forced her to watch Annya's transformation into a monster until the end. I'll show you what Annya looks like in the monster form for me and @cursed-saphire-hart but in reblog for that post.
After Annya finally turned into a monster, Tord told Brianna not to try to help her, otherwise she would be next. Brianna, speechless from shock for a while, was shocked by what she saw and very upset by Annya's fate. She told Molly about it, and she told Jenny and Beth. The latter was appointed to the position of a nanny for Toby, and she, moving away from shock and pain for her friend, did the work. Annya herself was often visited by Tord to mock her and make her hurt as much as possible. Tord took advantage of the fact that Annya was weak even as a monster (but then it turned out that this was not entirely true), and he liked to beat her half to death. But those were just the little things. Annya felt really broken when Tord told her that she would remain a monster until the end of her worthless days, and that during all this time she would never see her son. Annya was very hurt by this, and she began to cry.
Fast forward a few days, to the moment of Edd's failed suicide. Tom and Matt dragged him to Tord, and then they find out that Tord has a son. Tord confirms this, and speaks of him with contempt and disgust. Later, Tord shows them a new bioweapon, which Edd recognizes as his half-sister, Annya, and asks what happened to her at Tord's. He tells about everything that happened and accuses Edd of depriving him of Annya. Annya listens attentively all this time.
An argument ensues, which turns into a fight, and Annya, after waiting for the right moment, scratches Tord. She then repeats the operation, and hits him so that Tord falls. In a rage, Tord calls his guard in the person of Maktesløse and Annya is euthanized. Edd and Tord continued to fight and Edd surrenders. He tells Tord that he did not expect this from him, that he simply disfigured Annya, and if Tord has a conscience, then she will not give him rest, and leaves with Tom and Matt.
In the reblog, I will also show my children too, they have gone through a lot of changes.
Now about one more difference between the "Monster Annya" concept from @cursed-saphire-hart and my version:
In Desi's version, Tobi was very isolated, more so than in her main canon, and had no potential friends. In my au, I decided not to deprive my Tobyas of such a luxury as "friends", so it turns out that together they will reveal the secret of Tord and it will be very interesting.
In general, Tord in this AU once tried to isolate Toby, but did not do this, taking pity on him (and by the way, after the events of the quarrel with Edd, Tord's design will undergo changes, I will show it in the reblog.)
And now about what happened next.
A few months later, they upgraded the uniform (it was December, Tom and Susan had Theo), and Tord still decided to give Annya some his mercy (taking into account the fact that it was Christmas), and he decided to take Toby to her (who, in theory, will soon will be a year old). Toby looked at Annya questioningly at first, but when she came closer to him, Toby began to cry. Tord tried to calm the baby, but he only began to cry louder. Frustrated, Annya already wanted to leave, but Toby, for unknown reasons, did not want her to leave, and shouted something incomprehensible and held out his hand. Annya approached him inquiringly, and touched Toby's hand with her nose. Toby laughed enthusiastically, and began to ruffle Annya's fur, that even Tord was touched by this (this will be one of the rare moments when Tord was a good father.) Later, Toby lay on Annya's paws and slept, and she purred a cradle for him. Since then, Annya had a guaranteed mercy when Tord came to her with Toby. But this is only one of the favors that were presented to Annya. Beth came to Annya and brought her all sorts of goodies that Annya loved when she was a human. It helped Annya feel better. And when Beth came not only with a bag of sweets, but also with Toby, Annya felt very happy.
When Toby was two years old (by the way, after Theo, Max was born to Matt and Molly some time later, and he was already a year old), he said his first word. It was "mama". Soon he began to walk around the base looking for his mother, and came to Annya. And shouting "Mama!" hugged her. Annya was shocked by this, but was glad that Toby called her Mama. And Tord ... He was ... Not very happy about this ... And he ordered everyone not to talk about Toby's mother, but to say only that she had died, and to keep silent about the details (Tord also did, and this is the first formation of Tord as terrible father).
Other families had fun too. The eyes of Edd's son, Ethan (who was born in the 4 chapter of tbatf, and is the oldest of the children) suddenly turned bright green. After examination, it turned out that Ethan has a lot of radiation, even more than his father.
Max, Matt's son, has only one eye turned red, with a modified pupil, but this was justified by the fact that Maxell was born a half-vampire.
If you think that after Tord began to bring Toby to Annya, he changed his attitude towards her, then you are deeply mistaken! He continued to beat her. Once he did this in front of four-year-old Toby, who weepingly told his father to stop, but later regretted it. Tord hit Toby in the face so that he fell, and then the child had to listen to a lecture that soldiers don't cry, and then he took Toby to bioweapon tests, where they had to find out how they would behave towards Annya. Toby was horrified when he saw Annya, who was brought into a cage with a particularly dangerous monster, and he had to watch through pain as this monster literally almost killed Annya. Since his father was there, Toby tried not to cry as he saw Mama being literally torn to pieces. Having received severe injuries, Annya was taken out and began to provide first aid. Toby helped with this. Beth later learned about this from Toby, who came to her for moral support.
So that Toby knew what his mother looked like, Tord asked to make her portrait and then hung it on the wall. In the picture where I showed where I got the idea for Annya's dress, she looked the same, only her hair was loose. Since Toby and Tord spend time together in the evening, Toby often looks at this picture. He likes the way Annya looks and wants to ask Tord about her. But Tord does not want to do this, and often this brings Toby to tears, which in turn infuriates Tord, which leads to frequent beatings, so Toby has a lot of bruises on his body. Therefore, Toby began to hide his feelings, and shows them only to Beth or Annya.
Toby became very close to Annya, especially when you consider the fact that Toby calls her "Mama", and how gentle she was with him and how much she loved him. Not knowing the fact that Annya is his mother, Toby often tells her about himself and how his days go, because no one (except Beth) can understand him and his pain, both physical and moral. And Annya always listens to Toby's stories, and mentally sympathizes with him. It hurts her a lot when Toby starts telling her about how his father beat him.
At such moments, Annya wants to stop Tord's attacks on Toby, but she understands that she is just a bioweapon, which if she breaks out of the cage and raises her paw on the Red Leader, he will omit the moments that Annya was once a human and can kill her if he wants. Therefore, Annya can only cry over it. Toby cannot understand this, and often tries to calm her down. When he cries out after being beaten, he often hugs Annya and tells her:
- thank you for listening to me ... You are the only one who understands me and my pain ... You always listen to me, you are always gentle with me, you are like a mom to me, which I never had ...
Toby said a lot to Annya. When Tord mocked her, he called her an ugly monster that no one needs, and Toby heard it. Later he came to her and consoled her. Toby admitted that he never saw any bad qualities in Annya, he saw only good qualities in her, such as love, tenderness, the ability to listen and understand, and even if someone calls her terrible, for him she is still his "Mama", and he will always love her like his mother, whom he missed.
And then Annya, who after the transformation, thinking that after she turned into a monster, lost her beauty and dignity that she had when she was a human, she realized that despite the fact that Tord, the father of her child spoke all sorts of bad words about her , Toby was different. In some places, Toby looked like his father, but he had the features of his mother. And Annya saw it and was proud of him. What can not be said about Tord, who, for any offense, could beat Toby to a pulp. Why did he do this? And because my Tobyas, like Tobi @cursed-saphire-hart , looks like his mother, but it pisses the hell out of my Tord. In addition, Tord is still tormented by his conscience for what he did to Annya, but he does not want to admit it. It's easier for him to put the blame on Toby, who did nothing at all, than to plead guilty.
Toby often told Annya about his mother (well, at least what Beth told him), and she listened with interest, because she was still his mother. Sometimes when he ends stories, Toby would cry because he missed her so much. Naturally, she often tried to say:
- Toby, my baby boy, it's me, I'm your mom, please don't cry... I'm here...
But... She didn't say that. Why? Well, firstly, Annya can't talk, she lost this ability when she turned into a monster, in addition, Annya's mouth is now in a different place. It's either under the bust or on the stomach, depending on which art we look at, in the reblog I'll throw off the redrawn art from @cursed-saphire-hart , because this way she is drawn better than on my works. But now for the big question we're here for: Do Tobyas's friends know about this?
As I said, in my version, I did not isolate Toby from the outside world, and he can afford such a luxury as "friends", and all because Tord is not on this topic at all and he does not fumble for it (especially after a failed attempt to isolate Toby)
Well, they do know. But if Theo doesn't care, Maxell is often tense, because his family lives next to the Larksons, and hears all the quarrels and beatings. So Max's frequent phrase is: "God, how do you live in this horror ???"
Ethan is more interesting. His father, Edd, works as a psychologist for the Red Army, and he often visits Annya and they talk. Well, how they talk, I’m telling you, Annya can't talk, but she can do it on a mental level, since she has had a mental connection with Edd for a long time (also goes on the list of Tord’s dislike for Edd), but this is not about this, but how Ethan found out about Annya. Briefly speaking. Ethan is a creative boy, he loves to draw but also dabble in chemistry (at first he did it with home chemistry) Ethan also loves experiments (various) and even watches educational programs and films (but the most informative was surprisingly "Reanimator" of 85, if my memory serves me right, then this film came out exactly then, and why informative, but because later Ethan will reanimate his cat, as it was in "Reanimator"), Ethan also visited the laboratory of the red army, and that's what happened. Once Ethan, in search of interesting experiments, climbed to look for all this in the main computer of the laboratory of the red army, where the most interesting experiments are hidden in every sense. And then he came across a video where Annya, Toby's mother, turns into a monster.
Fun fact from me: I asked @cursed-saphire-hart if Annya's transformation into a monster was painful, and she replied that it was veeeery painful. Her skin seemed to melt and her bones stretched as she transformed. Even when I examined her art, I noticed that Annya has ram's horns on her head, hooves, some growths on her head and elbows, claws, a tail (small, but in my art I made it more authentic, I'll show you later), and mouth, somewhere under the chest, but not on the face. I use all these characteristics (almost all), only I made Annya more fluffy and soft (another interesting fact, but Annya often falls asleep next to her, especially since she often confuses her with a pillow in her sleep, since Annya has a very soft fur. Toby also sometimes slept with Annya (especially when he was a baby), sometimes after his stories about how he was beaten)
It was a retreat from the horror of what was to come.
In short, Ethan watched this video to the end, and after that he began to have nightmares, such that poor Ethan began to take drugs, namely white powder (this is coke, if anything). He wants to tell Toby about what he saw, but is afraid that this will break Toby completely, but due to the fact that Ethan remains silent, he harms himself. For example, Ethan decided that he would be the new Reanimator, and decided to repeat the scene from the same Reanimator movie (at this point Ethan was high). So that you understand what I mean if you have not watched (like me) this film.
There was a black cat named Rufus. In short, for unknown reasons, this cat died, and its owner (with whom the main character lived) found this cat in the refrigerator, for conservation, he didn’t start to figure it out. The main character sort of revived Rufus, but he became an aggressive zombie cat, the main character had to fight him off, then the owner of that cat joined in. As a result, poor Rufus had his spine broken. And what about Ethan? And the fact is that he had ... ATTENTION !!! The same black cat, with the same name (he named it under inspiration from the movie), but Ethan was very fond of Rufus (like Edd Ringo, only Rufus was more repulsed like his owner)
And when Rufus died (also for unknown reasons, but he did not die of old age, he was still young, but the reasons are not discussed), Ethan remembered that very scene from the Reanimator, and imagined himself as a new generation reanimator, and decided to do the same as in the film (he also had a special serum, only it was made on the basis of Ethan's blood, which contains a lot of reagents for resurrecting from the dead), even called Tobyas to celebrate it later. And what is the result? Toby comes to Ethan's basement (which he used as a lab because his parents don't allow a kitchen) and sees Ethan fighting off his cat, who he later breaks (only unintentionally) in the spine, that Ethan then had to straighten the cat, and reanimate it again. As a result, Ethan has his own zombie cat, who is as bad as he is. Edd was shocked by this, he then had to undergo a course of psychotherapy.
And now we come to the main events of the ay. Toby decided to introduce his friends to Mama to show that not all bioweapons can be evil. And let me remind you that Annya was like a mother to Toby (she is the same), and Toby knows that Annya was always very gentle towards him and loved him like her own child (in fact, it is, and Toby was all this time her child, he just didn't know about it.) Everything was going well, but suddenly Ethan burst into tears. When asked by Tobyas what happened, he replied:
"Toby, that monster you call 'Mama' is actually her... She's... She's your real mom!"
At this point, Toby will become mentally broken. For the first time he felt very broken because of Mama. Previously, he did not notice the similarities between Mama and Annya, his mother, but now he noticed that Annya's hair in some places sticks out in all directions, like his mother's hair stuck out, the same shape of the eyes, the same sadness in the eyes, and the same gentleness that exuded both from the portrait of Annya and from herself. Toby never thought that he would feel this way because of Mama, but the realization that Toby's father, Tord, against the will of Annya, his mother, turned her into a monster, and made her suffer throughout the whole time, torturing, beating and exposing her to skirmishes with dangerous monsters that are many times stronger than her, and after that she was barely breathing, bleeding, but Tobyas was always at her side at this time, helping her in many ways. Toby couldn't forgive his father for that. For the sake of Mama, he was ready for anything, even for death. Toby nearly got into a fight with Beth, who confessed that this was the case, and she didn't want to hurt Toby with this information. But Toby has already gone to his father to make a scandal. He shouted at Tord in tears:
- Why do my friends HAVE to be happy with their mothers, and I SHOULD be unhappy and almost without a mother?! WHY ME?!
Children and Beth will come running to the cry, and they will see Tord yelling at Toby for tears. But Toby will be furious enough to think. As well as Tord, who will begin to choke Toby with a robot arm, which is stronger than his usual arm. He will shout at Toby that he is a mistake of nature, like his mother, that if Toby had not been born, then Annya would have been a human, and Tord would not have turned her into a monster, but Toby was born, and now he is paying for this deprivation of mother. Then Tord will beat Toby hard, but he said something like:
- I don't want to be the next Red Leader anymore, I want to be happy with my Mama...
Tord will be even angrier and he will order Maktesløse to hand over Tobyas for experiments. Toby will scream and cry, try to escape from the hands of the soldiers with masks, but Tord will close the door so as not to hear his cry. Beth will look at Tord in tears, but he will tell her to mind her own business, and she will leave in tears.
Toby was injected with an experimental serum, and became a half-monster, but he has the ability to return to human form. And now about the difference between Tom and Annya:
When turning into a monster, Tom loses the ability to think as well as speak, and behaves like a wild animal, but with all this, he can return to human form. Annya, unlike Tom, still has her own consciousness (and she is still aware that Toby is her baby boy, whom she loved, but the realization that Toby grows up in a terrible environment, and that Tord treats him terribly hurts her) and Annya can't talk, and if she wanted to say something, then she only let out a quiet growl, which Toby always found cute, but unlike Tom, she cannot return to human form, and in fact she needs a special serum , which Tord forbade giving to Annya, and if someone tries to do this, they will either be shot or sent to experiments like Annya and Toby.
After that, Toby decided that enough was enough. He pulled on the hood of a hoodie, took a children's raincoat, and went to Annya. Annya, seeing him, immediately went up to Toby, and he took off his hood, and Annya saw that Toby had grown almost the same horns as hers, and a bruise on his neck. Toby began to tell her about what had been done to him. Annya listened to this and cried, realizing how her boy was suffering. Toby confessed that he didn't want to be the Red Leader's heir and was about to leave. He hugged Annya and said to her:
- Forgive me, Mama, if I had not been born, then you would be happy being a human, forgive me ... I love you so much .... I love you very much, Mama ... Goodbye ...
Annya looked after him and wept bitterly, realizing that she had lost her baby boy, and thought:
- Toby, my poor baby boy, what did you do with him, Tord? ..
A month passes. Everyone is looking for Toby: friends, Beth, red army soldiers, even Tord. But he began to hold the opinion that Toby became so because of the influence of Annya, and decided to get rid of her. He decided to expose Annya again to a new encounter with a very dangerous monster.
Annya understood what Tord wanted to do, and began to defend herself and behave aggressively towards Tord. But Tord won, and dragged her into the cell to a strong monster. Everyone gathered there: Beth, Ethan, Maxell and Theo, as well as other people who knew Annya. The monster with whom there was a meeting turned out to be very cruel, and literally tore Annya apart. After that, Annya, with terrible body injuries, lay bleeding in her cage. Tord forbade giving her first aid, in the hope that Annya would die in agony.
Maxell fell seriously ill after that, so much so that he had a severe fever, and Molly could not bring her down, and Ethan completely went crazy, and he had to be sent to a mental hospital for treatment (poor Edd's nerves at that moment)
At one point, Toby lost consciousness, and woke up in the medical unit, and then after resting, he went to visit Annya to console her, thinking that she had been lonely during this time. Seeing blood flowing from the door, Toby ran in and screamed in horror when he saw that Annya was very injured and weakened, and apparently was about to die. Toby cried in horror and asked Mama not to leave him, that she was the only one for whom he lives, he screamed and cried, hugging Annya by the muzzle and stroking her. Annya did not open her eyes that Toby had a tantrum, and he began to turn into a monster. Already Beth ran to Toby's cry that she had to run and literally persuade Tord to provide Annya with first aid and she succeeded. Toby had to be dragged literally away from Annya, but he shouted:
- Not! I want my Mama! She needs me! Mama! Mommy! Open your eyes!
Toby became so ill that he began to cough up black blood, and then lost consciousness. It turned out that the experimental serum that Toby had been injected with had been destroying him all that month. That's when Tord realizes how much Toby is dear to him, and that he treated him badly. He also understands that he was a terrible father, and he also treated Annya badly, torturing her.
There are two endings here. One is bad and not canonical, and the second is canonical and happy.
Annya does not have time to save and she dies. Toby finds out about this, and finally turns into a monster and loses his mind. After that, Tord finally becomes an inveterate drunkard and also dies. And Toby dies of his madness. Ethan remained in the mental hospital. Maxell found out about this and plunged into depression. But Theo doesn't care. Beth never recovered from this. Luckily it's not canon. Here is the canon:
Toby recovered from the serum and made amends with Tord. Tord became a good father, and returned Annya to human form.
One day, Toby and Beth were walking around the base, and Toby saw the silhouette of a woman. Beth immediately recognized Annya in her, and hugged her. Annya told her that she was returned, but then Toby asked:
- And who are you? You look a lot like my Mama...
Annya came closer to him and said:
- Oh, Toby, you are already such a big boy, but you were such a baby ... It's me, your mother, Annya.
Toby won't believe it at first, but then he looks closer and realizes it's his Mama. The same protruding hair, the same shape of the eyes and body, the same smell of roses (yes, Annya smells of roses, and not only), and the same gentleness emanating from both one picture and herself (as in the form of a monster, as well as in human form). His eyes will sparkle and he will throw himself into her arms with a cry:
- Mama! I can't believe! You are alive! And you... You're human! You are human! I already thought that I would never see you as a person, but no, it came true! And I already thought that this was all a legend, but no! Beth didn't lie! You are truly beautiful! Mommy, I can't even put into words how happy I am! I barely lived! I missed you!
Annya will smile and hug him, saying with tears:
- Toby, my sweetie, you would know how much I missed you! For all the time while I was a monster, I so wanted to hug and comfort you, to say that I was there ... My poor little boy, how you have suffered during all this time! According to your stories, your dad beat you and even handed you over for experiments. My poor baby boy, don't cry, I'm here now and I won't let Papa hurt you anymore!
Both will cry and hug, and then Beth will lead them to Tord.
Tord will be at this time sitting at the papers when Beth comes and says to get ready. Tord will understand nothing, but when he sees Toby with Anya, he will understand everything.
(By the way, an interesting fact: at that moment there was nothing on Annya from the word AT ALL! When she turned into a monster, her maternity shirt (which she did not take off) was torn when her bones were stretched, like skin that seemed to melt before her eyes (I’ll say right away but Compared to her legs, Annya's arms were almost the same length as the legs themselves, even a little more), so I think it would be quite expected if she had no clothes on and would be naked for some time.) Tord immediately began to hug her, but Annya quickly stopped it and then she kicked Tord's ass so that he knew how to behave.
And Tord needs to wait until Annya can forgive him before they get married. What Toby will be happy about, and then he will have to have a little sister.
I wrote this back at the beginning of October 1, when only @cursed-saphire-hart answered me, but since my article is long, I wrote it for several days and then through a translator, then I constantly say words, since I am Ukrainian, and in general I speak in another language, but I'm glad I finished writing this long story!
And now I'm going to collect arts for an additional reblog to this post.
Tobyas, Ethan, Maxell, Theo, Molly, Catherine/Evelyn, design Susan and my version of Annya by @ladykittenlena and @lifani-artz
Beth by @lifani-artz
Concept "Monster Annya" by @cursed-saphire-hart
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