#the only version i can find has russian dub :((
la-cocotte-de-paris · 2 years
if anyone has a link to Les Amours Célèbres (1961) with the original French audio I will love you forever
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🎙Today I figured I’d compile a Top 10 of my favourite Margaret interviews, with a bit (or a lot) on what I loved about each of them 🫶
Let me know whether you have any favourites that weren’t included!
1. TV Interview for Yorkshire Television Woman to Woman (02/10/85)
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No notes, 10/10, golden buzzer, etc. For starters, I love love love Miriam Stoppard. The two were already acquainted due to Margaret being friends with Miriam’s husband, so that must’ve contributed to this absolute banger of an interview. She has a lovely voice, is very respectful, and extremely skilled at making Margaret open up without being intrusive. This felt less like a series of questions and more like a heart-to-heart. It chronicles her childhood, university years, marriage, and early political career, whilst providing loads of insight into the circumstances which have shaped her into who she is (the frugality of her upbringing being one of them). It’s really rare to get an extended and candid recollection of her personal life directly from the source (she herself has said that she was neither introspective nor retrospective, yet here she manages to be both) so if you don’t know much about her or have only ever consumed a one-sided narrative, I’d 100% recommend watching this.
Favourite quote: “Women always somehow, if they are left to cope, can cope. The whole world can be falling around your ears and someone will get up and carry on.”
2. TV Interview for ITN (28/06/91)
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This was her first time opening up about her resignation - which had occurred eight months earlier over the course of a week - and I thought it was very interesting to hear her perspective on how things went down. I can't think of another occasion when she went into this much detail about it apart from the DSY memoir and the 1993 Breakfast with Frost segment. I generally like Michael Brunson and he’s one of her recurring interviewers so she must like him too. I don’t love how eager and pushy he came across at certain times here (eg: asking her to elaborate further on situations when she wanted to move on) but I think he did a solid job overall. If you're unfamiliar with the events, I'd advise you to first go watch the statement she made in Paris upon finding out she hadn't received enough votes to avoid a second ballot, then the confidence motion in the House of Commons, then her last speech outside of Downing Street, and THEN watch this interview. You'll not only have a lot more context but it also goes to show how much strain and internal struggle she was enduring, all the while appearing composed in public.
Favourite quote: “What you've done well, you're relieved about. It's a matter for relief, not for crowing."
3. TV Interview for ABC News This Week with David Brinkley (1983)
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This is literally a masterclass on how to quietly dominate and lead an interrogation while being outnumbered by your interviewers. She was being questioned about the Middle East conflicts by three men who were clearly hoping to disarm her, but she was so self-assured and unbothered that it made their sternness look silly. There's another iconic interview in the same style from her first visit to the Soviet Union but I cannot for the life of me find it without the Russian dubbing. Whoever DM's me the original version will be named in my will.
On a superficial note, I'm obsessed with how she looked in 1983 specifically. While my favourite era for her fashion is the '90s, her hair and face in 1983 were - in my opinion - at their most stunning, and this interview is the best example of that.
Favourite quote: "I'm not quite sure about the significance of your second question. It seems strangely put."
4. Life & Career of Margaret Thatcher (09/03/91)
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This one took place during her visit to the US for the Presidential Medal of Freedom. I love Brian Lamb’s style of asking intentionally broad questions and diminishing his own presence in order to let his guests shine, something many interviewers lack the humility to do. There's a quote of his that says: "Too many interviewers try to make us think they're smarter than the person they're interviewing. I assume I'm not smarter, and if I am smarter, I don't want the audience to find out." The complete interview is 30+ minutes and he maybe talks for a total of three - as is his habit. In turn, it gives her room to speak at length with no pressure. Considering she had a reputation amongst media members for being a feisty interviewee, it's nice to see how relaxed she is when she's not feeling like she's about to be interrupted or challenged in bad faith. I imagine this would be particularly interesting to watch if you’re American because she touches on the differences between the UK and US system (in terms of the role of the monarchy, the parliamentary debates, the government's accountability to the public, etc.) If you're someone who feels strongly about her privatisation policy, I'd also advise watching this because she does go into detail as to why it was needed, especially regarding the broadcasting industry.
Favourite quote: “Some of the press who opposed me most vigorously would never have existed but for my policies of increasing liberty and getting rid of restrictive practices and enabling them to start up. But they then opposed me. So what? That's life.”
5. TV Interview for Thames TV Afternoon Plus (01/06/81)
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This was an interview that employed three different formats: the typical face-to-face questioning by the main journalist, then a pre-recorded vox pop of working-class people talking about their situation with Margaret having to comment on them, and then a live studio audience of career women there to debate her about various issues. I love this system because it showed how skilled she was at spontaneously handling any question/complaint. I think it was probably also beneficial for her to see and hear about the tangible effects of her policies in a context other than getting yelled at by protestors on the street. It was a much more productive way of connecting her with everyday people and letting their voices be heard. I also like that she talked about how difficult the task of cabinet reshuffling was (contrary to the common belief that she was sacking her ministers for sport).
Favourite quote: “If you put yourself in the front line you must expect to be shot at.”
6. TV Interview for Channel 4 A plus 4 (15/10/84)
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This was her first official interview after the Brighton Bombing and I’m so admirative of her for doing this despite how traumatic it must’ve been to revisit the events. She seems eerily calm here and I don't know how much of it is shock and how much is genuine serenity but either way, she spoke very well as per usual. The interviewer seemed sweet and well suited to cover such a sensitive topic in my opinion. She also did a great job at bouncing back on replies and making the conversation flow seamlessly. They got the stuff about terrorism out of the way pretty quickly and then moved on to usual topics (mostly unemployment, and the role of business owners in creating jobs), which I felt was the best way to handle it as opposed to dragging it on for the full 30 minutes. Then she answered questions sent in from members of the public, which covered a range of stuff from her scientific background to capital punishment. Overall I like that she got to have a talk that wasn't wholly focused on the attack but also got to say what she wanted to say on it.
Favourite quote: “The sun was just coming through the stained glass windows and falling on some flowers right across the church and it just occurred to me that this was the day I was meant not to see."
7. TV Interview for BBC1 Val meets the VIPs (05/03/73)
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This one merges two of my favourite things: her interacting with a live audience, and her interacting with children. A lot of politicians (and adults in general) tend to take a patronising approach when talking to kids but I loved how she treated them with the same seriousness as any other interviewer, and made sure to give heartfelt, detailed replies. While the questions are naturally more basic than the likes of which she would normally receive, she does a great job at elaborating on each, and therefore I found this interview as interesting and revealing as any other. The fluidity and eloquence with which she speaks is also absolutely lovely to listen to, as is the case for all of her 1970s appearances.
Favourite quote: “Some women are very argumentative, you know, and might even win.”
8. TV Interview for Canadian TV (CBC TV) The Journal (27/09/83)
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Once again... 1983 my beloved. I remember being obsessed with this interview a few years ago largely because of her smudged eye makeup (intentional or not). The main theme here was national defence, and I loved her comments on why nuclear weapons were a necessary evil (she talked about that in much more detail with Robin Day in 1987 if it's something you're into). They also talked about trade unions and her attitude towards strikes. I actually quite enjoyed how argumentative the interviewer was, just enough to counter Margaret's points without coming across as stubborn. It's interesting to me that this interview is apparently iconic in Canada for being "explosive" and for the two "clearly hating each other" because I didn't get that impression at all? They obviously disagreed fundamentally but I've seen interviews where both Margaret and the journalist were much more aggressive (the Brian Walden fiasco, hello???) This one felt cold at most, but not *that* combative. Years later Barbara Amiel described the whole exchange as "rather like watching a pretty lizard mistakenly programmed to kill a mongoose" which I admit is a pretty funny way to put it, and also applicable to anyone who tries to confront Margaret 😭 (While we're here, daily mantra that Barbara Amiel is a disgrace to both journalism and womankind 🫶)
Favourite quote: “The day when this country, or any country, departs from old nostrums it will first have to decide what it’s going to put in their place.”
9. TV Interview for BBC1 My Favourite Things (07/01/87)
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This is truly such a wholesome one, and I find the concept so unique. Basically what it says on the tin, the interview is structured around her favourite things. She'll have objects or people that she picked beforehand, and then explain why she loves them, like a little show-and-tell 🥹 It's everything from sculptures to poems to paintings, and she will tell a story about the influence that it has had on her life, and then the journalist will ask related questions to keep the interview moving. It's one of the longer ones, which is great because I love to hear her expand on topics that she personally loves. She doesn't talk about herself very often so it's so nice to hear about small things like her nightly routine or how happy doing wallpaper makes her. It's also educational to watch even if you don't particularly love or know her because she knows a lot of historical facts about people like Michael Faraday, so you'll definitely still learn things!
Favourite quote: “The Good Lord is no respecter of backgrounds. Never has been. He plants genius the world over. It is up to us to find it.”
10. KERA, a conversation with Margaret Thatcher (1991)
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Finishing off with this purely for my own nostalgia because it was one of the first (if not the first) interviews of hers that I ever watched. It's not particularly special or different from the ones mentioned above but she talks a bit about the importance of a classical education (learning Latin and Greek, as well as memorising poetry) which I found pretty interesting. The interviewer was well-versed about her subject and had clearly prepared very thoroughly, which Margaret pointed out, and they seemed to get along really well.
Favourite quote: “In my case, you just had to have a star to steer by.”
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blueeyeddarkknight · 1 year
Celebrating the 26th anniversary of the saint 1997 .. This video on YouTube is probably the only footage available online of the alternate ending of the saint.
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Unfortunately this vid is part of the old Russian VHS so it's dubbed in Russian..The subtitles are nicely provided by the provider of the vid in their comments I believe.
📌Credit : Alex Yakovlev on youtube
📌Spoilers & gifs are under the cut :
📌So we only see the ending in this vid.. This site explains the whole third act when the difference from the theatrical version starts.
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(The source to the screens is at the end of the post)
I made a few gifs :
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📌If anyone has more information on where I can find the original Philip noyce cut of the saint movie..Please let me know
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usergreenpixel · 1 year
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1. The Introduction
Hello, Citizens! Here I am, ready to commence our brand new meeting with a brand new review for everyone to (hopefully) enjoy!
So, “Dangerous Exile” is a swashbuckling Frev movie that is based on the alternative history premise: What if Louis 16th’s son (Louis 17th) survived Frev instead of meeting an untimely end in prison?
To be honest, I discovered the movie while scrolling through IMDb and got hooked on the premise since I have a soft spot for adventure stories. However, I ran into two problems.
Firstly, the movie was hard as fuck to find so I had to settle for a rather shitty Russian dub. Apparently the original English version does pop up on YouTube from time to time, but it’s mostly available on DVDs that have to be purchased. So yeah, not readily available at all and I couldn’t find the English version even on Russian sites…
Secondly, I know that the real Louis 17th was treated horribly in prison and, just to avoid royal family fans and anti Frev neighbors coming for my Montagnard ass, let me make something clear: While I’m not a fan of Louis 16th or Marie Antoinette as monarchs, I don’t think their children deserved to suffer and my admiration for Frev in general doesn’t automatically mean that I condone everything that was done by revolutionaries. Hopefully that’s out of the way now.
Anyway, this review is dedicated to @pobodleru , @lanterne , @anarchist-mariner and @revolutionfairies . Okay, now that I explained myself, we can officially proceed.
2. The Summary
Louis 17th gets rescued by a group of royalists and accidentally lands on an English island on a hot air balloon. There, in England, the boy is taken in by a woman called Virginia and her family.
However, royalists and jacobins alike are still looking for the boy to further their own agendas and will stop at nothing to find him.
To me this sounds like a cool premise, but let’s see if the execution is good.
3. The Story
It’s a pretty classic and formulaic swashbuckling movie and I happen to like those so I liked the story and was completely hooked. However, it’s definitely not for everyone and I wouldn’t recommend to look for something very original in the storyline.
While the premise spoils the twist on who the boy from the hot air balloon is, I did enjoy the way that mystery unfolded in the movie itself. It also has hints of my beloved “found family” trope as Virginia and Louis bond and he develops a precocious crush on her (innocent childlike crush) and they become close friends.
As usual, I didn’t care for the romantic subplot and I personally would prefer to cut out flashbacks and the nightmare sequences - “show, don’t tell” is a good thing, but it just doesn’t work this time and a bit of dialogue would replace it just fine. Who knows though, maybe the director needed to stretch out screen time. Maybe romance was there to stretch out screen time too…
Here’s something that surprised me though. The movie has nuanced characters on BOTH sides so we have sympathetic jacobins and asshole royalists AND vice versa. We even have an asshole IN THE ROYAL FAMILY itself! And FINALLY Robespierre isn’t the villain! Yay!
(Think what you want about the man, but having him as a villain is just fucking boring at this point.)
As a matter of fact, historical figures (except for the boy) don’t actually appear in the movie and the cast aside from the dauphin consists out of original characters only. A welcome break from the usual stuff we see, if you ask me!
4. The Characters
Louis is a sweetheart here. He’s understandably traumatized by his ordeal but he bonds with his found family (especially Virginia and her aunt) and, in spite of the wishes of the royalists, doesn’t want to be a king and take revenge. Honestly, I can’t blame him for not wanting to return to France.
Virginia is, surprisingly, not a flat character. She’s one of the few people who actually cares about what LOUIS wants and needs but she’s also in a difficult situation because the royalists and the jacobins are searching for the dauphin. Still, Virginia does her best to protect the boy from harm and stands up for him when royalists try to pressure him into becoming the next king of France.
Duke de Beauvais is… not an asshole, but I didn’t like him at all.
He will stop at nothing to help Louis become king and sacrifices HIS OWN SON for that cause (placing his son into the dauphin’s cell). He also seems to be really fanatical at times and doesn’t seem to actually consider what LOUIS wants.
I do understand that de Beauvais himself is in a difficult situation and he IS concerned about his kid, but I still have a feeling that sometimes he just goes a bit too far.
As for secondary characters, unfortunately most are flat but I liked Virginia’s aunt. She’s that one cool caring aunt who makes jokes and loves her family fiercely.
5. The Setting
It seems to me that the settings are more or less accurate, but accuracy isn’t the strongest point here. Not just because the movie is an AU, but also because of this:
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Please, for the love of the Supreme Being, get your damn dates right! The monarchy got overthrown BEFORE the time you show!
(Editing Citizen Green Pixel (ECGP) here: Apparently this movie is an adaptation of a novel but I’ve no idea if this mistake is in the novel too or just in movie. The novel is called “A King Reluctant”.)
Other than that, though, the settings and the costumes are done quite well!
6. The Acting
Unfortunately, the absolutely atrocious dub prevented me from fully enjoying the acting but I think it was quite good.
7. The Music
Pretty good, but nothing outstanding, if I’m being honest.
8. The Conclusion
Honestly, this movie was packing quite a few pleasant surprises for me and I actually enjoyed it. Not my favorite and still doesn’t beat “The Black Tulip” when it comes to swashbuckling Frev movies, but still pretty good.
Please check out this movie if you like swashbuckling stories. It’s cheesy, somewhat predictable and cliché at times but it does have nuanced main characters, decent twists and an interesting premise.
On that note, I declare today’s meeting of Jacobin Fiction Convention to be over. Stay tuned for more updates, everyone!
- Citizen Green Pixel
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taimonromance · 8 months
Is Andrey really Russian?
The question of nationality in this series has always played a big role, because the main characters have always been in different countries and met a lot of people there. Rigodon, Tico and Corn are big patriots of their countries, referring to them very often in their conversations, especially Corn, so... while watching it, it was always interesting for me to look at the Russians in this series, because I myself am Russian. When I told my Russian friend that I started watching this series, she said that she watched it as a child and there was an episode about Russia and ballet ... then it turned out that she confused this series with another and there was no Russia, but I found out about it only towards the very end
So during the viewing process, I had two questions: the appearance of something Russian and who is this mysterious bear from the intro?
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Judge for yourself, we saw all these characters in the very first episodes, but we had never seen this bear before and the question of his identity bothered me ... initially I thought it was the captain's bear with whom they were in Hawaii.
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I didn't deny that they could use his old design for the intro, they are both fat bear captains so they could change his design in the process but they forgot to do it for the intro, they even gave Transfer a hat that he never used in the series, so it was an extra confirmation for my theory.
And so, I finally got to episode 23, in which ... we met a Russian character and it was the same Russian bear from the intro.
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How do I understand that he is Russian? Everything is very simple, this dog mentioned that Willy Fog should contact the Russian carriers for this and they went to Andrey.
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However.... it's not that simple. For some reason I had doubts because this bear is called "Andrew Speedy", Speedy is not a Russian surname, but Andrew is the English form of the name Andrey, that's common in Russia.
I checked the English dub and indeed, this dog did not mention that these cargo carriers are Russian and unlike other characters, Andrey does not have the accent of his native country.
However, in the Spanish dub it was mentioned that Andrey is Russian, so yes, this is a confirmation of his nationality.
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So, now it remains to figure out why his last name is Speedy, and not at least Bistrov (from the word speedy, but in Russian). Maybe the creators just didn't want to use Russian last names because it's hard for them to pronounce or because Speedy is more pleasing to their ears and it's just... um... an adaptation of a Russian last name? who knows. anyway i prefer to think that speedy is just a nickname he uses when he is in other countries.
And the last question... why is the English dub ignoring the fact that Andrey is Russian? I'm assuming it's because this dub was done in America and given that Western media don't like my country very much (especially now) they could easily ignore the fact that there was a Russian character in the series.
They've already done a similar thing in the dub of a foreign series (Italian), but on the contrary, the villain character, who in the original version is an Arab, they made him Russian (with Ukrainian roots, which is very ironic now)
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Therefore, the only conclusion: Andrey is Russian, but the English dub ignored this fact due to personal hostility.
And yes, I mentioned a lot of countries now, so some Russophobic fool can find it on the search and try to prove something, but I'm not going to listen to this and this person will just get a ban. My account is dedicated to my favorite cartoons and discussions about them, where I just made a suggestion why this happened and I had to touch on real life because I could not find other explanations, so there can be no interethnic hatred in any case. I want to be friends with people from different countries, and not think about hatred. Thank you for reading my thoughts on this.
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zapsoda · 7 months
What is Postal? I find myself increasingly attracted to the Postal Dude and I would like to know.
Everything I suppose.
hell yeah!! based! so postal is a video game franchise (and also movie). the games are typically first person or isometric shooters (although in some of the games you are presented with the option not to kill anyone).
the games typically revolve around this fuckin ginger (some version of him anyways) and his deal is that he just keeps wnding up in situations where everyone is trying to kill him.
if ur interested in getting into specific games ; postal 2 is the classic, its a banger, everyone likes that one. lil bit cringe and edgy and dated but its a lotta fun. the deal w this game is that you can kinda do whatever the fuck you want (main appeal). like it has tasks that you needa complete to progress the game. but you can do those at whatever pace or order you want and in the meantime just fuck around exploring the map. you can pick up cats in the game :33. you smoke crack to restore health. theres a piss button and a suicide button. lotta bangin dlc
the first game (postal 1), the april fools game (poostall royale), and the third game (postal 3) are all free 2 play. the first two are on steam theyre cute lil isometric shooters. the first one has a lot of appeal with the story going on. between each level theres these little bits of text like journal entries from the dude. i did not read these the first time i played it and thus i thought it was boring. (eheh). poostall royale has a girl version of the dude (huge win for bisexuals everywhere).
postal 3 is generally considered the worst game ever made by redditors and the creators themselves, so you can only play it if you pirate it (which is endorsed by the creators lol). i cant say much about this one my only experience with the game is a russian speedrun of it.
more recent games are postal 4: no regerts, and postal: brain damaged. i have heard mixed reviews of the former, but there is a drag outfit and you can pet animals so those are pretty enticing imo
the latter is GREAT. fucking gorgeous trippy silly game. the dialogue is unbelievably cringe. love this one. 10/10. been trying to 100% it. slowly.
the movie is on tubi its. unrecommendable. but. i have a soft spot for it, it was kinda funny sometimes to me... i hate what it did to zack wards place in my brain. its like. edgy 2003 type shit. Based 9/11 humor. take this as you will (maybe give it a try?)
on tumblr you may find many people referring to a version of the dude who is ripped and dressed in a blue and white striped tank top. this is shtopor he is from some russian version of postal 2 made by a different company. its called postal: corkscrew rules by many, but thats not the most accurate translation afaik. it never got an american release, however it did get a japanese release which was dubbed in english. game itself is utter shit from what i can tell but i have heard good things about the music (banger russian indie metal). i dont think i can mention this game without mentioning that the plot revolves around sexual reassignment surgery shenanigans. idk how to elaborate on this one its a lot. lmfao.
anyways. i focused mostly on the franchise itself rather than Him, i can elaborate on him more if u want. hope this was helpful nonetheless :-)))
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trueishcolours · 2 years
All the playfulness and fun was very enjoyable to watch, especially after how emotionally rough the last episode was.
I was also glad that they had Kinn APOLOGISE. He was wrong to have sex with Porsche when Porsche was unable to consent, he was wrong to bring Porsche into the Mafia world in the first place and then put a target on his back by being visibly attached to him, and he was wrong to let Porsche take the flak for the whole mess after it had happened. I think the show has every right to portray a love interest who does Bad Things - it's the mafia show, I knew going in that the characters would be bad people! - but I now feel reassured that the showrunners know what it is they are portraying and are taking it seriously.
There was this little-known version of the story of The Snow Queen that my siblings and I used to rent from the video store when we were really small. I think it was a Russian film dubbed into English. The heroine, Gerda's, brother is kidnapped by the Snow Queen and she has to go on a quest to get him back. At one point she is kidnapped by robbers and the robber princess says that Gerda will stay and be her friend from now on. She has lots of wild animals that she keeps as 'pets' and seems to see Gerda about one rung above them. But after Gerda tells her the story of her quest to save her brother, the robber princess has a change of heart and sets her free, giving her her pet reindeer to ride, telling her, 'I'm sick and tired of you and sick and tired of my pet deer, so you might as well leave.' The robber baron watches her prisoner-friend and her favourite prisoner-pet running away, and starts crying, fighting back her tears and still insisting that she is 'sick and tired' of the both. She then starts smashing the cages and setting all the other animals free, still crying, still insisting that she is only doing it because she is bored of them. This is the vibe I got when Kinn was setting Porsche free. 'JUST GO BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND!!!'
VERY hyped for the gunshot wound aftercare next ep as well.
The only thing I was sad about was that there wasn't more Vegas. This man has taken my heart by STORM. (Yes I'm aware that he's a bad guy. That is why I like them. Once again this is the Mafia show the characters can do bad things). I did like what we got of him though. I was very entertained that he is capable of pulling all sorts of frightening and mindfucky shenanigans, but in this case decided to basically just say, 'your stake-out is bad and you should feel bad.' I do NOT know where the showrunners are going to find time to properly develop Vegas/Pete, and I fear this means we won't get much more Vegas/Porsche, but it's their show and they get to choose the relationships.
Thanks for the ask!
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taohs · 10 months
Exactly! People who complain that there isn't ever any strong female characters has never watched or read the Black Lagoon series (which is just my opinion on this). These female characters are complex in so many humane and inhumane ways depending on your perspective of these characters. I mean... Yeah there are strong male characters too, but the female characters completely overshadow them in every way.
And that was why Rei Hiroe wrote his characters like that. Because to him, women are stronger than men. He mentioned it in an interview. I might have to try finding it for you, at least if I can still find that quote for you. I really thought his opinion about women was interesting too.
Without spoiling details! I will say this... You do learn more about a lot of the female characters next season. You'll mostly learn more about Balalaika's past during the entire season, you'll learn more about Eda (the blonde nun) who comes back next season - including her past, Shenhua (Taiwanese woman) comes back, along with so many other female characters too. You will find out about some of Revy's past, but that won't be until Roberta's Blood Trail ova.
The manga is much farther into the plot. A lot of backstories are now mentioned, actually the most recent chapters brings up Dutch's, but I haven't had the chance to read it yet. I'll have to find ways to read the manga online again. Hopefully they continue the anime adaption too.
I will say Balalaika does get much more ruthless. Which could be a good or bad thing, depending on what your perspective during the events of next season. But I won't say any more than that though.
And you finished the season in English?
What did you think of Eda, Yolanda and Shenhua? What about Chang and Leigharch? So many interesting characters to keep track of.
Well... Like I said before. I know it might not seem it. But I do respect everyone's preferences on which languages they prefer whenever any of them watch anime. For me personally, I'll only ever watch anime in English. So I will say that when Black Clover first came out many fans said the preferred the English over Japanese because Asta's actor did seem like obnoxious to them. And regardless of which language you'd watch the show in, whether you watch in English or Japanese, Asta's character does get less annoying at the series progressess.
- 💋
so true! it's not to say that the male cast are poorly written, because they aren't, but they don't hold a candle to the female casts. i think many authors mistaken "strong female characters" as women who can fight without any further depths to their character, but i don't see that issue here, especially with the female leads. i'm currently on episode 11 of season 2! i should be able to finish it by tomorrow and start the ovas, i really love it. i think i thoroughly enjoyed this one more since i get to see more of the women in action, even though some of the arcs were absolutely horrifying and insane (like the ones with the twins... that one left an impact on me.) i LOVED seeing more of balalaika, especially having a glimpse of the flashbacks when she was younger and in the middle of the soviet war. i think she made it up to the top 3 fictional women who terrifies me the most, but i love and admire her so much. also she is so attractive my god
yes i watched the anime in dubbed! it sounded natural and i appreciated the little details that they added, like balalaika's accent slipping when she's pissed off and the character's native languages added here and there. i did rewatch some episodes in subbed for comparison but i do think that both versions were great for them. the only episode where i switched to subbed was when rock had to translate between the russian and japanese. they didn't have subtitles for the japanese and i got confused after a while lol :')
i really like eda and her dynamic with revy, everytime they're on screen together i know things are going to go down. their frenemies relationship is also golden. at one point i got really concerned that one of the twins were going to kill her, and i'm so glad that they didn't. i hope i can see more of her! it was the same with shen hua too, i was really shocked when i thought she was going to die in her fight with eda. her, yolanda and chang are part of the "really badass characters that i want to know more about" but i don't think i've seen enough of them to have more thoughts 😭 leigharch was funny, but i dont think he added anything to the story
the only character that i don't feel too fondly about is rock. i liked him in the beginning, but not too much now that i'm nearing the end of the second season. i'm going to wait to finish everything before i say anything to see if things change though. what are your thoughts on him? and on the other characters you mentioned?
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The Madara's voices holy war
A bloody war started on Youtube and Tiktok comments when a significant group of people states imperiously that Madara english dub was superior to Madara japanese sub.😀🔪
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But first I have to confess : I am a purist.
Raised by purists, baptised in purist water, having received purist sacrements. From childhood, I’ve always faithfully watch anime in japanese with subtitles. I come from the darkest age of internet where netflix in HD didn't exist. You have to find out the next season of Naruto in obscure russian streaming platform or download it on megaupload. The translation was benevolently made by fan but the standard of subtitle was quite excentric : sometimes four lignes of subtitles were covering half of the screen, and those subtitles were fluorescent pink or yellowish depending of the fansub's mood, the zealous fan translator takes the liberty to insert japanese cultural explanations, and othertime he just admits that he doesn't understand the sentence and you felt lost in translation with a blank in the middle of a conversation, hoping it was not essential for the plot. When you were really desperate you add yourself subtitles files from a different website to your video. If you know, you know...
Years after years this tortuous training made the best of us to awaking a very special aptitude : the Subigan. As soon as you come into contact with a standard and smooth official translation you are able to read and watch a movie in a very fluid and efficient manner. And it's not limited to japanese but all languages to your mothertongue. K-drama ? Hollywood ? Bollywood ? Nollywood ? All at your reach in original version. A powerful dojustu indeed, possessed only by a tiny elite among the purists. An other day I will talk to you about the Eternal Subigan who aloud you to read or listen directly in japanese with no translation, but story for an other time...
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I never really question my skills into I came into contact with my nephews and nieces. Big dilemna. I wanted to convert them to Naruto but there was no way in Earth I can convince them to watch in original version because : they don't need to ! Netflix & co make it effortless to switch in dub version so why the hell would they go through a tiring eyes exercises for the sake of japanese intonation ? They will never enjoy the dattebayo signature...and they don't care ! With new technology, the purist chapel is in crisis.
Back to English Madara vs Japanese Madara. I took the time to listen to his most famous quotations in english ( my mothertongue is french and so far the french one was awful) and to my utter surprise... it was not bad at all ! It just gave him a different flavour than the japanese one. And I understand why people absolutly love the dub one. The english voice is similar to a classic american villain : deep, icy as steel and unmoved. It resonated with english-speaking culture on depicting badass villains and I find it perfectly fitting during the Great War when Madara appeared for the first time in Edo Tensei or as well when little Obito met him in the cave. He really embodied the cold hearted legendary ninja than everybody fears. It represents him as himself like to be seen by others : far distant, superior to all, almost unhuman.
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Nevertheless the japanese version wins my heart by its complexity. Instead of a dark baritone, Madara here has a warm but powerful tenor voice, which offers us more nuances in conveying his emotion. Arrogant and playfully sarcastic during the Great War, cold and so bitter about life in the cave with Obito. Extremely passionate to the point of wildness when sparring with both Hashirama or Night Guy. And yes surprisingly so soft, so vulnerable when he talks with Hashirama above the cliff just after they made Konoha. I don't have yet the Eternal Subigan (and by this I mean I'm not fluent in japanese) but based on what I understood it looks as well like Madara comparing to other Founders seems to enjoy listening to himself talking in an elegant manner and the japanese version, in my opinion, show well his subtle snobbish tone.
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To conclude I'm still a purist, but I don't refuse different interpretation because it participates in enriching the original masterpiece.
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emptymasks · 3 years
Hello. I wanted to ask you whether you know if the Mozart l'Opera Rock 3D (2011) is available anywhere without Korean subtitles? I would love to find or buy a clean version but I can't seem to find it anywhere. ;-;
Sorry it took a while to get to this, had a lot of other stuff to deal with on this blog, but okay getting to it now.
I do love the 2011 over the 2009/10 production simply because of Salieri's ponytail, alright also because I think everyone's acting improved by the later production.
Sadly, you cannot purchase the 2011 production anywhere as it was never released for purchase. You can see it's listed on IMDB and Letterboxd, but that's because it was filmed professionally and streamed in cinemas, but never then released onto DVD or as a digital download. You can purchase the DVD of the original 2009/10 production, I got my copy of Ebay.
I don't know of any that have no subtitles, like the Korean ones that are on the copy on Youtube that also has English subtitles as well. If anyone knows of any copies of the 2011 proshot, whether that's to stream of if you want to trade for it, please shoot me a dm!!
Actually as I'm getting this together I just noticed the copy of the 2011 video that was on Youtube which was the only copy with English subtitles isn't there anymore.
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^ This version now shows as 'video unavailable'. The 2010 still is, but not the 2011 (well it is with Russian subs but not the English ones). There is a different copy now that has huge English subtitles on it, I don't know if they're the same subs but they take up much more of the screen than the old ones. You guys are lucky I save everything. I have the video and I also extracted the subtitles from the Youtube video so, I'm going to do what I just did with the copy of Mozart das musical with English subs that got taken off Youtube, and I'm going to put the 2011 with the English subtitles up on archive . org where it should hopefully stay archived. My account on archive is WennLi3b3.
EDIT: I've now uploaded the 2011 English subs that have been deleted/taken down off Youtube onto archive . org. You can stream it with the subtitles and also download it and the subtitles and I've put instructions in the description on how to play the subtitles if you download them.
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So, after realising that I'm turning this ask into a masterlist of all Mozart L'Opéra Rock videos (productions of the musical, concert versions, and solo and group concerts that the cast have done) that are online to stream/download:
(Slight problem, Tumblr won't let me post this if the links are clickable, so you'll have to copy and paste the links, apologies if you're on mobile)
*All concerts listed are concert productions of MOR unless stated otherwise (e.g. 'Beijing Concert' is a concert of MOR, 'Florent Mothe Beijin Concert' is a solo concert by Florent Mothe)
2004 French dub of the Phantom of the Opera movie adaption of the Andrew Lloyd Weber musical (Erik: Laurent Ban, Christine: Cecilia Cara, Raoul: Fabian Richard) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ks411N74z
2007 Mikelanglo Loconte Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ut411q7wD https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1gs411173T
2009.10.15 Original Paris Production https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Jv41157uv?p=1 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMPGrRiz3i4DSrtjFv60APOl4Um-uNzWN
2009.12.13 Promo TV interview/gameshow?, Russian subtitles https://vk.com/video-15750382_170660914
2010 Original Paris Production Proshot/DVD rip, English subtitles (that you can turn off) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfdnnheqQcw
2010 Original Paris Production Proshot, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Kb411P7XV https://vk.com/video295457148_456239116 https://vk.com/video295457148_456239111 https://vk.com/video-76279204_456239030
2010 Original Paris Production Proshot, Russian subtitles https://vk.com/video260926392_456239343 https://vk.com/video-18597103_456241367
2010 Original Paris Production Proshot, Chinese + French Subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV12t411W739
2010 Original Paris Production Proshot, Chinese + French Subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV12t411W739
2010 Original Paris Production Proshot, Chinese + French Subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1At411a7yM
2010 Original Paris Production Proshot, Chinese + French Subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV14i4y177JG
2010 Original Paris Production Behind the Scenes, English subtitles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br2uelclS0A
2010.03.01 Original Paris Production, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1xv41147dD https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Xs41167mi
201.12.02 Original Paris Production, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1cZ4y1c76w?p=1 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMPGrRiz3i4CsHS8M7Z4GUvwGC-a7TLv6
2010/11 Behind the Scenes, non subtitles https://vk.com/video-16675597_157143094
2011 Paris Production Proshot with English subtitles (options), and Korean subtitles https://archive.org/details/mozart-lopera-rock-2011
2011 Paris Production Proshot (Incorrectly labeled as 2010) with English subtitles posted half-covering the Korean subtitles (also to me it looks like the audio is slightly out of sync?) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8gpKfSVWAA https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1S64y1C7Bo
2011 Paris Production Proshot, Korean + Russian subtitles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCjhKPZoL_A https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1mX4y1P7SF
2011 Paris Production Proshot, Korean Subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV11t411Z7xo https://vk.com/video-23729576_456240825 (HD)
2011.01.09 Paris Production, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ls411Q7nF
2011.05.06 Paris Production, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1WW411E7GG
2011.07.08 Paris Production, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1wq4y1J7Sz https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6Agtk5S5JzvWqz3V7lAYpTMVFceysnNx
2011.09.07 Paris Production, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1KQ4y197HT https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMPGrRiz3i4BxNOz3AKbv1JtNvrqBBZ4l
2011.10.07 Paris Production, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1YV411y7YJ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMPGrRiz3i4A2vwmDl7Zs7oGwkmsowgy7
2013 Cast Interview https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1hx411H7Ye? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCMuloz3BlA
2013 Florent Mother Moscow Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16s411r7eK?p=1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzjNuWKbNNI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXOZJGWhKHk
2013.02.18 Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1qy4y1n7VV https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMPGrRiz3i4D-NRBvaB5fXdaxRZXBxpkN
2013.05.21 Merwan Rim Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1k7411c78x?p=1
2013.07.13 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1zW411W7bo https://www.youtube.com/user/Cedmusiclover/videos
2013.10.07 Mikelangelo Loconte Interview, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nf4y1173b https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dv52wpptTXE
2013.10.14 Odessa Concert, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Dx411W71Z
2013.10.16 Kiev Concert, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Kx411s7Hh
2013.11.09 Mikelangelo Loconte Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV17W411H7Aj https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV19s411y7GU?p=1
2014 Mikelangelo Loconte & Florent Mothe Fan Meeting + Performing MOR songs https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1KW411q744
2014.08.16 Concert au Festival de Carthage https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMPGrRiz3i4AHHG--xdndK71wNUoa4UJx https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1d5411P7KE
2014.09.28 Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ni4y1c7Pu https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMPGrRiz3i4AiXA3Ja4E7piFBl5dH7H1h
2015.09.05 Mikelangelo Loconte Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1gs41117AR
2015.11.07 Fort Boyard ft. Florent Mothe (the most random on this list, but Fort Boyard is a reality competition show, think like Ninja Warrior or Survivor or Wipe-Out type shows and Florent ws a contestant on this episode) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV19s411i7P9
2016 Dancing With The Stars Season 7, France, Florent Mothe clips https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1vs41147F9?p=1
2016.04.07 Asian Tour https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Tx411i7Sg?
2016.07.23 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1hs411173i?
2016.11.30 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1gW41147uz https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLuspyNrQ57MOzPhZqPktx6SrR1wPXkIg https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV15s411e7p7? (audio only)
2017 Gala of various French musicals, including performances from Roméo et Juliette, Notre-Dame de Paris, Mozart l'Opéra Rock, Starmania. Featuring Damien Sargue, Robert Marien, Laurent Ban, Mikelangelo Loconte, Hiba Tawaji(I'm currently dying from seeing Damien Sargue perform Belle from Notre-Dame de Paris) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1mW411E78Y?
2017 Radio Interview with Florent Mothe, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ux411y7Lq
2017.02.15 RRM Music Live, French music concert featuring Florent Mothe https://www.facebook.com/31395019055/videos/10155788074034056 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Yx41127sk
2017.03.13 Moscow Concert, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Zx411C7tL https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1mx411r7M2
2017.03.15 Saint-Petersburg Concert, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Kx411i7pM https://www.youtube.com/c/SanzouHoshiSama/videos
2017.07.02 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1gx411B7De https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVrE9zz-1mZiAmP4TvvI2Y7X1O-I9FkP6
2017.07.14 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Kx411i7Mk?p=1
2017.11.24 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1sW411778Q?p=1 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVrE9zz-1mZiAMca86nNT1iM2KGEKc6HH
2017 Mikelangelo Loconte & Florent Mothe Fan Q&A in Beijing, both are speaking in English, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1hx411b7si
2018 Mikelangelo Loconte & Florent Mothe Concert, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1FW411C78g
2018.03.11 Mikelangelo Loconte & Florent Mothe Concert, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1YW411s7fu https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1tW411s7sp https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1HW411s7yW https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1pW411s7HU
2018.04.30 Mikelangelo Loconte & Florent Mothe Concert, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1QW411372f
2018.05.01 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1YW41137qF
2018.05.10 Mikelangelo Loconte & Florent Mothe Interview, in English with Chinese subtitles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zglev8CcP7k https://www.bilibili.com/video/av23245495
2018.05.24 Laurant Ban Interview, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16p411o7av
2018.07.14 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1qU4y1G7xS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Dg3if0YS5U
2018.08.11 Laurent Ban Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Zs411K72e
2018.08.12 Laurent Ban Concert+ Fan Meet in Taiwan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqUM861EfmE
2018.08.18 Mikelangelo Loconte & Florent Mothe Beijing Concert, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1sW411k7Eq
2018.08.19 Mikelangelo Loconte & Florent Mothe Fan Meet Q&A & concert, no subtitles, they are both speaking English https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV17t411W7AX (fan meet) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1rt411p7Sp (concert)
2018.08.21 Mikelangelo Loconte & Noémie Garcia Fan Meet in Taiwan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qg53iMkVTd4
2018.10.23 Fan Meet & Songs https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1gt411d7AN?p=1
2018.10.25 Fan Meet (Mikelangelo Loconte, Laurent Ban, Noémie Garcia), speaking in English and French, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1gt41167RC
2018.10.27 Fan meet (Mikelangelo Loconte, Laurent Ban, Noémie Garcia), speaking in English and French, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1cb411w7rA
2019 Takarazuka Japanese Production, Chinese subtitles https://vk.com/video-20241239_456240740 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV15z4y1X7Yo
2019 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16J411s7Vz
2019 Florent Mothe Concert (major audio warning, the microphone of the camera/phone is right next to the speaker and the audio is very loud and clipping) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1XJ411r7KD
2019 Mikelangelo Loconte Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1zt411A7HQ
2019.01.19 Asian Tour https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Kt411h7mD
2019.03.01 Asian Tour (audio only) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1S4411H7r4
2019.06.29 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ax41197RM https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ht411A7NL
2019.07.06 Laurent Bán Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1j4411F7cE https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV174411w77V https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1tJ411A7fj
2019.07.07 Laurent Bán Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1T4411F7vJ
2019.07.08 Merwan Rim China Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1it411378T
2019.07.09 Laurent Ban & Merwan Rim Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ht411576B?p=1
2019.07.13 Laurent Ban Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1pt411V7Xe?
2019.07.18 Mikelangelo Loconte Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Kt411n79C
2019.07.19 Mikelangelo Loconte Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1zt411E7mw https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1vt411n7h6? https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1bt411n7YL https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1tt411M789
2019.07.23 Mikelangelo Loconte Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Nt411j7BH? https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1St411L7fT (audio warning for screaming at the beginning)
2019.07.26 Mikelangelo Loconte Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ut411P7LX
2019.12.14 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1CJ411Y7Pp https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1TJ41147GF
2019.12.15 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1TJ411r7ni
2019.12.17 Florent Mothe Beijing Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16J411t7RX
2019.12.19 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1WJ411t7CZ
2019.12.20 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1cJ41147Sc
2019.12.24 Florent Mothe Concert (audio only) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ZV411o7VY
2020.05.17 Mikelangelo Loconte Interview, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1bK411W7qs
2021.01.30 Mikelangelo Loconte Livestream Concert, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Kf4y1r7bH?
My playlist of odd small clips, interviews and other videos from Mozart L’Opéra Rock: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLBkeZOvj5B_YlWWASK-FMpsjsyN1kmFa
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ariel-seagull-wings · 3 years
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@sunlit-music​ @mademoiselle-princesse​ @princesssarisa​ @superkingofpriderock​ @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark​ @amalthea9​ @theancientvaleofsoulmaking​ @astrangechoiceoffavourites​ @giuliettaluce​ 
Alongside the Big Bad Wolf, Cinderella’s Stepmother, The Giant from Jack and The Beanstalk, The Witch from Hansel and Gretel and Bluebeard, The Wicked Queen from Snow White is one of the most iconic fairy tale villains of all time. A lot of people come to consider her the real protagonist of the fairy tale, since is her desire to be considered the Fairest of All and her actions to keep that title what puts the narrative in motion. And today, i will rank my favorite portrayals of this fascinatingly nasty foe.
12º Miranda Richardson as Queen Elspeth in Snow White: The Fairest of Them All (2001)
Talk about being typecast: before that turn as Snow White’s Evil Queen, Richardson had portrayed an Evil Sorceress Queen and Stepmother in Jim Henson’s The Storyteller (’The Three Ravens’ episode) and she was a wicked Sorceress Stepmother in Tim Burton’s Sleep Hollow. So it was neat for her to be called for the role of the most famous Evil Sorceress Queen and Stepmother in this Hallmark TV Movie. Elspeth is the sister of a strange, mysteryous creature known as the Granter of Wishes. Having been recently released from his freezing prison, the Granter of Wishes makes a spell to make her look beautifull for human standards, and marries her to the newly crowned and widowed King John. At first she looks content with the prospect, but as time passes, she grows more and more unsatisfied. Her source of joy is the Magic Mirror that praises her beauty, and casting spells to turn gnomes into garden statues. But when the Magic Mirror says that Snow White’s beauty surpasses hers, the unsatisfaction gets mixed with paranoia, and Elspeth slowly abuses her power in constantly harming other people, until there is no magic enough...
11º Herta Kravina in Schneewitchen (1971)
This german TV Movie is the most faithfull adaptation of the Grimm’s tale original edition, not only keeping the three murder attempts by ribbon/lace/corset, hair comb and apple, but also being the only one to show the Queen dancing to death with hot iron shoes in Snow White’s wedding. This is enough to make it worth a checkout. The other reason i find this version interesting is how the Queen comunicates with the Magic Mirror: they sing to each other. And Kravina has a really good voice (no wonder she was a voice actress for Peggy Lee in the first german/dutch dub of Disney’s Lady and The Tramp). Sometimes that is enough to get a spot in a ranking.
10º Mari Yokoo/Caterina Rochiara/Regina Reagan/Carol Jacobanis as Queen Crystal in The Legend of Snow White (1994)
From the outside, Queen Chrystal appears to be calm, regal, and sophisticated, but in reality, this collected and stately facade hides an extremely sadistic, hateful, cold and sinister person. She is ruthless, jealous and obsessive and wants nothing more than to be the fairest in the land. She also has an extreme vanity that made her utterly intolerant of rivals. Being solely focused on the idea of becoming the fairest of all, Queen Chrystal does not appear to be significantly involved in governing her husband's kingdom, though the skeletal remains of prisoners in her dungeon point to her being a villainous ruler. In the end, her mad vanity and jealousy of her stepdaughter Snow White drove her to murderous insanity. Later is revealed that Queen Chrystal is not unredeamably evil as everyone thins, but an actually kind and gentle person who is possessed by an Evil Spirit. 
09º Diana Rigg as the Queen in Canon Movie Tales: Snow White (1987)
This lady is the personification of paranoia multiplied by the double. Why? Because the Magic Mirror didn’t needed to say that the little child Snow White was the fairest, this queen just feared so much that the princess’s beauty would outgrow hers that she ordered the huntsman to kill her. Basically: run, she is bad news.
08º Jeri Arredondo as Sly Fox in Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child (1995)
Sly Fox... What a cunning diva. People try to counsel to not use alone a Magic Mirror that is a portal to the spirit world, but who says she listens? She is just there to hear the singing of her praises, and will try to eliminate anyone who gets on her way. She even goes so far as taking the appearance of the kind hearted nurse Sage Flower to lure her stepdaughter White Snow to eat the poisoned appled. What is not to love about that bastard?
07º Kazue Komiya/Arlene Banas as the Queen in Grimm’s Fairy Tale Classics (1989)
Interestingly this encarnation starts naturally cold, calm and collected, ocasionally at the princess Snow White to see if she can ever grow more beautifull than her, and dismissing the girl with contempt. It is years later that she lets go of acting calm and collected, because after hearing some gossips in the palace, she asks Snow White if she thinks of herself as more beautifull than the Queen, and her stepdaughter reacts by exclaiming that the Queen is vain and cruel, and to her eyes that makes her ugly. So besides the desire of being considered the most beautifull, you get the feeling that this Queen pursues Snow White as a way to shut a person that dares to rebell against her, wich ads new interesting dimentions to their antagonism.
06º Dorothy Cumming as Queen Brangomar in Snow White (1916)
Brangomar was once a lady in waiting of the palace. But one day, she met the powerfull Witch Rex, who offered to give Brangomar anything she wanted. And what Brangomar wanted was to become a beautifull Queen. Wich was achieved by a faustian deal where Witch Rex would cast a spell that killed Imogene, the previous Queen, while in return Brangomar would have to find a way of getting Snow White’s heart for the Witch. Years have passed, and now Brangomar  must kill the princess to pay her debt, or else everything she got will be lost. Hey, here is a way of making a villain tragic, almost simpathetic and complex while keeping clear that she is still a villain!
05º Vanessa Redgrave as the Queen in Faerie Tale Theatre (1984)
The most loud and bombastic portrayal of the Wicked Queen ever put on screen. Bringing to television her sperience from stage, that allows some more over the top emotional reactions, Redgrave had the time of her life in that role, indulging in twirling, preening and screening as much as she could, and his Queen is all the most fun for it.
04º Gudrun Landgrebe as the Queen in Schneewittchen (1992)
What i live about Landgrebe’s Queen is her range: at first she acts all humble, discreet, cold and mysteryous. Then her husband leaves to fight in a Crusade, and she trows the white veil and gray clothing of humility to show a diva red hair and orange dress, as to say “Hey, the King leaved, i have all the power here now and you must do as i say”. Later, a knight comes, offering a magical crystal ball that connected to a mirror says all the truth, and the Queen takes posession of it to ask about her beauty. When Mirror says that the most beautifull woman in the kingdom is Snow White, she gets infuriated, than goes to carefully plan ways to eliminate the princess once and for all. The highlight is when she takes the disguise of a russian male doctor to offer the apple (where she injects poison into with her ring) to Snow White.
03º Maria Antonieta de Las Nieves in El Chapulin Colorado: Blancanieves y los Siete Churín Churín Fun Flais (1978)
This three part episode of the mexican comedy superheroe show is a loving parody of the Disney version, that stands out as an enjoyable retelling of the classic fairy tale in its own right. Interestingly, while most of the comedy in the episode is delivered in the form of over the top slapistick, de Las Nieves’s delivers a straight faced, contained performance. Wich makes her answers to the absurd situations in the story all the more funny.
02º Patricia Medina as the Queen in Snow White And The Three Stooges (1961)
This lady was a hell of a foe: she not only antagonizes Snow White for the title of the Most Beautifull, going so far as to lock the princess in a dungeon for no crime at all, but also, alongside her partner in crime Count Oga, ordered a murder attempt aggainst Prince Charming when he was a child, to prevent him from marrying Snow White, and this way she could become ruller of the kingdoms of Fortunia and Bravuria. Troughout the film, you think that she could win, since she has powerfull magic, spy and a mighty army at her comand, wich makes the viewer get all the more excited on the seat, that is how enjoyable Medina’s Queen is.
And my Number One Portrayal of the Wicked Queen is...
01º Lucille La Verne as the Queen in Disney’s Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs (1937)
The first encarnation of the character that i ever saw in my childhood, and the one that still sends chills/shivers to my spine. As a young Queen, she rarely smiles, acting cold and calculating, intidimidating who is subordinate to her with the expression of her eyes and highbrows. And as a Crone, she lowdly indulges in her cruelty, offering the poisoned apple to her pet raven to scare him, and mocking the dead skeleton of a prisoner inside the castle’s dungeons. That balance between cold calculism and loud cruelty, where both are equally unsetling and scary, is something very hard to achieve, but i think this encarnation did a very good job in achieving that balance, that every other  portrayal that camed tried to draw influence from it ever since. And that’s why Disney’s Wicked Queen is my Number One portrayal.
HONORABLE MENTIONS: Addi Adamets in Schneewittchen (1955), Marianne Christina Schiling in Schneewittchen (1961) and Sonja Kirchberger in Sechs Auf Einen Streich (2009)
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usergreenpixel · 2 years
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1. The Introduction
SURPRISE! Hi, my dear Neighbors! This is a surprise soirée where we can finally discuss the long awaited topic of “Austerlitz”, a movie directed by Abel Gance (who also wanted to make a series of movies about Napoleon).
I have already seen the 1927 silent movie called “Napoleon” by this very director and I have reviewed it under the Jacobin Fiction Convention tag, but I also quickly found out about today’s review subject so this soirée was only a matter of time. And wouldn’t you know it, the time has come! Yay!
Unfortunately, while researching where this movie can be found, I realized that the English version is only on Netflix so those with subscriptions should be able to find the entire thing there. Russian speakers like myself are a bit luckier because there is a “two voice dub” (basically the one where you can kinda hear the original voices) online and should be easily accessible.
Okay, with that out of the way, let’s begin this party! Also, this review is dedicated to @tairin , @count-lero and @kaxen .
2. The Story
You would think that a movie called “Austerlitz” would depict only, well, the titular battle, but nope. It doesn’t show only that!
In fact, about the entire first half of the movie is spent on setting the stage for the events that would result in the battle. We see Napoleon as consul (later Consul for Life ™️), then there’s his coronation (not actually shown though), his family drama, etc.
Now, initially I thought I would be annoyed by the fact that so much time is spent on something other than the Battle of Austerlitz, but nope! Surprisingly, it wasn’t boring or annoying at all because all of these events give important context and insight into Napoleon as a person, so I don’t think pacing is an issue here. It might be too slow for some people though.
Also I love the fact that we’re not shown only the French side, but actually the prospectives of the Coalition members as well, so there’s no sense of “good French vs. evil Allies”, which is honestly great! It’s good to see multiple points of view.
I will have to admit that the time skips are a bit confusing, especially if the movie is being watched by someone who doesn’t know Jack Shit about the time period, but it wasn’t a problem for me most of the time.
And also, trigger warning because there are scenes with blood, obviously.
3. The Characters
Napoleon here is… complicated.
I dislike him, much like I dislike his real counterpart. He is impulsive as fuck, ambitious, stubborn and at times acts like a total dick, but also has moments of tenderness and kindness to his so that’s nice. Plus his tactics and strategy are shown, but that’s a given considering what kind of movie this is.
His family is also a mess, but they’re minor characters so I don’t have much to say about them.
Fouché and Talleyrand are scheming bastards as always.
Murat is a minor character, but he is brave and flamboyant.
Lannes is blunt, informal with Naps and isn’t afraid to call him out on bullshit.
Napoleon’s valet, Constant, is pretty interesting and shares a few witty quips with Napoleon in the beginning of the movie.
There’s also an old soldier called Alboise who is even blunter than Lannes, witty and all around badass, so he was one of my favorite minor characters.
Honestly, there’s a lot of characters and even more cameos so I can’t name them all, but the cast ends up being almost as diverse as my playlist.
4. The Setting
Love the settings! To me they looked accurate and really well made!
5. The Acting
Everyone is great! Pierre Mondy as Napoleon is something else and I loved his performance in particular.
By the way, a nice touch is the fact that there are multiple languages used in the movie (French, English, German and Russian) so that’s a bonus point for effort!
6. The Music
For some reason I have a soft spot for music in older movies, and this one is no exception. I especially love the triumphant music in the end and the fact that we have our soundtrack in moderation so it’s not annoying.
7. The Conclusion
Honestly, I’m glad that Abel Gance returned to Napoleon again in a way, even though his original plans of a multiple part saga didn’t work out.
I found the movie well done and I liked almost everything about it, except the time skips and some of the scenes depicting soldiers with injuries (I’m a bit squeamish).
Definitely recommend it! Great movie!
But with that, let us finish our surprise soirée at the Malmaison Media Salon. Stay tuned for updates, dear Neighbors!
- Citizen Green Pixel
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alightinthelantern · 2 years
I watched Spirited Away tonight for the first time in years, and it was every bit as magical and moving as the past 2 or 3 times I've seen it. I was having trouble finding it in English online, and I happened upon a Japanese-language version, so I rolled with it and watched it in Japanese for the first time. It was interesting because the dialogue was actually different in places, and gave additional info. Yubaba and Zeniba are not witches, but sorceresses, and Yubaba is "ruler of their world", which to me feels like it implies that there are not only two worlds, the Human World and the Spirit World, but multiple Worlds, like bubbles, in which spirits live, and that there are possibly other spirit worlds besides Yubaba's. Haku is not a servant and right-hand man to Yubaba but explicitly a sorcerer's apprentice, who stumbled into the world one day just like Chihiro did, and asked to learn magic from her, not realizing he would have to pay a price in return. This reason behind his working at the bathhouse didn't exist in the English version.
Also, the Kohaku River which Haku was guardian spirit of was "built over" in the Japanese version, and still exists underground beneath the new developments, whereas in the English version it was "filled in", meaning it ceased to exist. Because Haku's river still exists in the original Japanese, this means he still has a physical home to return to, which sets up another divergence at the end. In the English version, he tells Chihiro, as he bids her farewell and sends her back, that he'll be alright because Yubaba can't control him anymore, implying that he'll stay in the spirit world, and that their fates will again diverge from each other. In the Japanese version, he explicitly says "I'll tell her I quit working as her apprentice. I have my name now, so I can go home like you!" These changes in the story through dialogue surprise and puzzle me, because it adds an extra layer of sadness, or bittersweetness, to the English version which the story doesn't necessarily need.
Beyond the dialogue, I also noticed additional aspects of the visual storytelling. I've previously noticed the Western style of Yubaba's living quarters, and the way it resembles a European (even Russian) palace more than anything out of Asia, but I also realized for the first time that Zeniba's house is explicitly Western in style as well. The house itself looks like something out of Central or Eastern Europe, with the thatched roof and white plastered walls, like the peasant cottages found in Hungary, Romania, Poland, Ukraine, and so on, and the spinning wheel is also explicitly Western in style. Zeniba also says "my sister and I are two halves of the same whole, but we don't get along", revealing herself and her twin sister as compound figures, dual aspects or avatars of a same individual or source, often found in mythology. This exposition doesn't exist in the English version, where she simply says she and her sister don't get along, their tastes are too different. This dual aspect explains why they're identical in appearance, and also possibly hints that they may be something of a minor god or comparatively powerful spirit themselves. Even the use of the world "sorcerer" itself conjures up an idea of ancient power to their existence which "witch" (or "wizard") do not.
All in all, I'm glad I watched the Japanese version, because it removed a lot of the sadness which the English translation had at the end, which implied Haku would stay in the spirit world, and he and Chihiro would see each other again "someday", but not for a long time. Knowing that Haku both has a home to return to and that he plans to return to it is something the English dub should have preserved.
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theshy1sout · 4 years
Shades of "True Colors"
I didn't expect that I would write this but after a short discussion about language versions on group chat called "Chatting about Broppy", @howthehelldoesthisthingwork took me into watching Trolls in Russian. I was too lazy to watch whole the movie so I watched only "True Colors" scene in Russian and I noticed two things:
1. Branch has an amazing dub in Russian
2. The lyrics of the song are completely different!
Seriously! There was no single word from the original. And the chorus was about "colors of our tender words spark so bright" and "bright light of us". And instead of " and that's why I love you" Branch sings "They (the tender words) paint the grey day with our love".
But that was a quite good translation. I haven't told ya about German version yet.
First thing first, Branch has a beautiful voice in German. But Germans probably don't know love, cause they don't use the word in the song xd. Instead of that, Branch sings a lot about Regenbogen. Regenbogen! Seriously? Regenbogen mit all seinen Farben? Cause this is what Branch sings as his confession in this song. We are Rainbow with all of its colors. Wow. So romantisch. When I watched this song with a video clip from the movie, the surprise on Poppy's face looked weird and out of nowhere. It looked like she was surprised that Branch said rainbow had colors 😆
And then I watched French and Spanish versions. The translations were really accurate and the Branch's voice was good as always, but it was also really unsubtle. German, Russian, Polish, and English Branch sing really soft and tender, subtle, from the heart. But Spanish and French Branch sing loud solo more like they stand on the stage than they sing it to the girl he loves. And Poppy's voice... I'm sorry, but I really don't like it. Spanish and French Poppy sing so low and in my opinion, it really doesn't fit the character. Sometimes she sings even lower than Branch. Yuycks
And what surprised me the most was the fact that the Polish version (my language) is the most accurate translated. It's almost like original but in polish. There are only three little differences: instead of "don't be afraid to let them show" is "don't have to be afraid to truly live", instead of " your true colors are beautiful" is "your true color has so many shades" and instead of "like a rainbow" is "you're a rainbow" what I find even cuter.
The Spanish and French versions are also so accurate, but I said Polish is "the most" because of a singer who did his best to feel the character of Branch. I really like the Russian and German voice of Branch, but I have a problem with translations, sorry.
I guess no one can listen to polish version and agree with me, but there is one thing we all can agree with:
The original is perfect.
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thefloatingstone · 4 years
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Not much to say this time. I was actually scrolling something and realised I wanted to point to some places where you can, specifically, watch movies online. And then I remembered I’ve made 3 of these playlists so I might as well make this one of them.
Like I said, this time around I have places where you can watch full length movies for free and that aren’t part of a streaming subscription. For the most part legally and not on some shady website or with the need of a torrent client or anything like that. Just easily accessible movies.
Please enjoy! In no particular order;
Wu Tang Collection
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A youtube channel dedicated to archiving as many vintage martial arts movies as possible. Most of their films have their cheesy 70s and 80s dubbing, and include everything from true cornerstones of the film genre to silly exploitative nonsense like a collection of “Brucesploitation” movies starring actors like Bruce Li, Bruce Lai, Bruce Le etc etc.
They have films mostly in dubbed english but also have spanish dubs, english subbed, French dubbed, and original language versions.
They also include playlists of female martial artists, Wi Xia, and even documentaries on martial arts.
Korean Classic Film
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an Archive channel dedicated to preserve Korea’s classic cinema, focusing mainly on live action. The backlog of films goes all the way to the 1930s and most of their movies have english subs. They also have certain films with French and Italian subs as well as Korean subs. They don’t focus on a specific genre and you can find a bit of everything here.
Mosfilm Official
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The official Youtube channel of Mosfilm,(Мосфильм) one of the oldest and largest film studios in Russia and Eastern Europe. Their youtube channel has an archive of several Soviet films most of which have english subtitles. Navigation might be a little difficult unless you can read Russian as the films are all titled with their original titles, but if you know what film you want to watch and have google on hand it shouldn’t be too hard! Probably a good move would be too google “best Mosfilms” or “best USSR movies” or something for a top 10 list and go from there!
TOEI Tokusatsu World Official
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Not exactly full length movies but still worth mentioning is TOEI’s official youtube channel where they’ve been archiving their libraries of vintage Tokusatsu shows from the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. They upload regularly and are consistent with each show. Sadly, their videos don’t have english subtitles on them, but seeing as tokusatsu are action focused, it’s not too hard to understand what’s going on,and maybe can help for anyone trying to learn Japanese! Plus, it’s just neat seeing what was popular on Showa-era TV.
Looking at the channel description;
“ We will update daily to share TOEI’s TOKUSATSU with the world. At launch, we will have the first two episodes of all 70 shows available with English subtitles! Further episodes will be available in Japanese for now, but there could be frequent updates. We plan on making a public call for subtitles in any language.”
(the channel was shut down a few months ago after TOEI’s channel got copyright claimed by a TOEI bot for “copyright infringement” LOL but it’s back now)
Ninja Warrior Worldwide
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Also not movies but considering the length of these I might as well include this too. I was going to include a channel that uploads vintage horror movies but it seems the user tied to the channel got banned and so the channel was shut down with them which is super lame.
ANYWAY! This channel is awesome. It has the episodes of the Japanese obstacle course show “Sasuke” known as “Ninja Warrior” in other countries. The Japanese episodes don’t have subs but, being an obstacle course show, you don’t really need to understand anything.
I recently watched the 5 hour episode for 2019′s contest and I had no trouble understanding it.
Highly recommend.
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Rifftrax has a 24/7 running Twitch channel which plays their catalogue of B-movie and shorts for free (unless you feel like subscribing or however Twitch works). It’s an official Twitch and so it supports Rifftrax directlyand you can just put it on and let it run for as long as you want. Only downside is you can’t pick what you watch. But honestly, It’s Rifftrax. You can’t go wrong.
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That’s all I got for now. I could make an entire playlist for public domain movies you can find on their own on youtube, but I wanted to focus this list on channels rather than individual films. (btw “Stalker” is up to watch for free on Mosfilm’s channel, as is “Solaris”).
I know these may not be where your brain goes immediately for movies, perhaps, but there is honestly so much good stuff out there free for you to access that aren’t controlled or owned by The Mouse that are no less enjoyable or important.
I’ll make a post for specific movies next time.
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Appreciation post: Black Lagoon ♥
I´m so happy I picked up the Black Lagoon Manga again, I had almost forgotten how good that story is^^ It´s been some years since I started the manga and it stood forgotten in my bookshelf, never to be touched again if it weren´t for the fact that I was bored out of my mind and decided to give the anime a chance..
It´s honestly a shame I forgot about Black Lagoon, because it has so many elements that I love not only about the manga but also the anime.
The Prota, Rock: a normal businessman, leading the life of an ordinary japanese citizen, who gets dragged into the criminal life of the lagoon company and the city of Roanapur. He´s intelligent, but he´s not fit for combat and has to rely on others to protect him. He´s good as an interpreter,  at negotiations and all the things a businessman is good at and he shows his value in what the usual criminals lack. And he tries to stay good at heart and helps those who are in need of assitance, but he can´t bring them out alive every time and it shows how he still has to learn and adapt to the world around that doesn´t play by the usual rules of society. But he´s getting the hang of it, slowly but steadily. Just hope, he´ll stay in the twilight^^
The Women: Starting with Revy. She´s a crazy, gun-loving and rude woman, who doesn´t need much reason to kill someone. Those atributes are usually ones that turn me off about characters - especially female ones - but so far I still like her. Not just because her backstory, but also because she shows other sides of her character. She cares in protecting the ones the cares for, she is intelligent and she can keep her cool when it´s necessary (most of the time). I just can´t bring myself to not like her.
Overall, the women in this series are mostly the toughest, strongest and scariest characters and I love them. 
Balaleika being the captain of fearsome russian soldiers, who are all men, but who respect her so much they would go anywhere with her. She´s cold, calculating but treats them as her family and the trust between her and her men is admiring. She´s the leader and none of them ever questions her position.
Roberta - I know she´s totally off the charts, but you gotta admire how she makes everyone in the whole series afraid of a maid. Totally mad, stopping for nothing, clawing her way through every obstacle with sheer willpower and inhuman physical strength driven by pure loyality. This woman is so f*cking intense in everything she does. Let´s hope she´ll never come back xD
Jane. Yes, I know she´s terribly irritating and is getting on everyones nerves with her short temper if something doesn´t go the way she wants it, but at the same time she´s kinda hilarious. Well, she´s also a computer nerd, knows her shit, is kind of an perfectionist, but has a naiveté to her that is biting her in the ass in the criminal world. 
Yea, I admit I like the women very much xD I dunno if I just haven´t read enough mangas (or stories in general), but usually I find it hard to find the female characters appealing^^
And I honestly can´t complain about the lack of romantic interaction.The romance is mostly so subtle you can easily ignore it. I like it staying in the background. Well, exception is the Jane & Benny relationship xD (I believe I have read too many romance stories with stupid crushes, jealousy & and all that)
Besides that, the manga may have a huge load of gunfights, but it also has a good story with characters that don´t need to achive greater firepower, but (slow) chara developement. That being said, I´m excited to finally get to know more about Dutch´s past that is beginning to show in the newest arc and how it will affect the crew. (Note: the opponents is a team of 5 women ;D)
I can also recommend the anime, it´s well done, I even like the english dub better than the japanes version^^ Really, you gotta hear them swear and the different accents they have xD Also the anime is really close to the manga, which I appreciate very much.  
Well, I guess that´s all I wanted to say^^
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