#the tag baiting in this fandom is TERRIBLE
lumentears · 2 years
Garreg Mach students ranked by how popular their tumblr blog would be, from least to most
Popularity is measured not only by follower count, but also their general notoriaty in the tumblr dot hell ecosystem.
Ashen wolves sadly excluded because this list is long enough and I wish to see the sun again sometime today.
24. Leonie
I say this with a mind free of judgement and a heart full of love, but Leonie is a Facebook user. She doesn't really get tumblr, since for her social media is mainly to keep up with her people back in Sauin village, and you can not tell me that a community of mainly hunters uses anything other than Facebook to show off their latest game.
Most popular post: Her introduction post. Liked by Byleth and Byleth only.
23. Dimitri
He uses his tumblr as a personal vent blog whenever he is having a Mental Health Moment™ and deletes everything he posted the day later. He sits on an ask box full of concerned anons he can't bring himself to either acknowledge or delete.
Most popular post: His posts get liked in the """"traumacore"""" space but since he immediately deletes them it's hard to gaige exact metrics.
22. Hubert
You fool! He has 70 alternative accounts! And he uses all of them to send anon hate to his enemies and publish callout posts on those who seek to oppose Lady Edelgard.
Most popular post: "Lord Varley is a terrible person that deserves to be deplatformed and beheaded and here's why"
21. Ashe
His tumblr is for things he personally enjoys, he doesn't really post much original content. He reblogs from Bernadetta and Ferdinand and every single credible gofundme he can get his fingers on.
Most popular post: That time Felix baited him into a lengthy argument over the ethics of shoplifting.
20. Raphael
Reblogs warriormale like it's his god damn job. Occaisonally posts workout videos too, but for some reason Ignatz is REALLY bad at getting the camera to focus whenever Raphael is on screen.
Most popular post: Raphael was very enthusiastic about warriormale's drop that towel!!! post, much to the amusement of many immature people online.
19. Petra
Petra has a travel blog, mostly to document her experiences in Fódlan and get her into the habit of writing in her second language. It's mostly for her own sake, so she isn't fussed about getting followers.
Most popular post: A video titled "Me and my best girl friend at the beach". Every single one of the notes are a variation of "girl is that Dorothea Arnault 👀👀👀". She never confirms or denies this and her next update is about her catching the cold for the fifth time this year.
18. Linhardt
No queue, no tags, no system, Linhardt posts whatever holds his interest. An absolute nightmare for the novice to follow, but students with a little bit of patience can unearth many a pirated textbook.
Most popular post: A masterlist of crestology textbooks. Reblog to save a student's life!
17. Ingrid
Mostly vaguely feminist theory and book recs. Sometimes extremely personal ventposting. People who know her irl pretend not to know it is her as to not make her uncomfortable.
Most popular post: That one time she got kungpowpenised on one of her more...problematiqué opinion pieces.
16. Lysithea
Okay folks hear me out - she totally has a super secret fandom blog. She pretends that it is for the sole purpose of pointing and laughing at fandom drama as she herself is above that fandom-brained nonsense, but Goddess have mercy on your sinful soul if you provoke her into sharing her hot takes.
Most popular post: A 14k word essay on disability in the warrior cats book series.
15. Annette
Annette also has a fandom blog, but shame? Not on her good christian site. She takes great pains to keep her blog a space of positivity and unabashed joy in being cringe. In all honesty, it feels a bit like falling through a time portal into pre-dashcon tumblr, and I say this with equal parts nostalgia and condemnation.
Most popular post: In this universe, she is the person that birthed the "my homophobic dad became an ally by watching Sherlock" fake tumblr story. It was a bit of wish fulfillment when she was younger, and it haunts her to this day.
14. Ferdinand
Writes mediocre poetry and reblogs scenery panoramas and history posts. Regularly has to fight accusations of being a tradcath blogger, and he fights them to the death.
Most popular post: A picture of him on horseback went semi-viral once, akin to the ridicoulusly handsome marathon runner.
13. Lorenz
Writes mediocre poetry and reblogs scenery panoramas and history posts. Is actually a tradcath. Alas, people live for the drama and Lorenz gives them no shortage of it.
Most popular post: That time Lorenz went defcon as he was accused of sneaking into women's dms to ask for feet pics. He vehemently, desperately denied being into feet.
12. Felix
Felix has been banned from every other platform but tumblr, and he uses it for PVP only. He's become infamous sitewite for always starting shit and getting into arguments, almost in the same vein as human pet guy, just a bit less horribly morally bankrupt.
Most popular post: A legendary colour-of-the-sky length feud with Sylvain that ends in Felix posting a screed that has become the next "what the fuck did you just fucking say about me" copypasta.
11. Marianne
Has one of these "is the animal media cute" blogs. She tries to stay nonjudgemental and positive, but something in these blogs just seems to make people go sicko mode - she has to block at least a dozen people every single day. Secret star of the blog is Dorte the horse.
Most popular post: A video of her singing happy birthday to Dorte. It wold probably have gone unnoticed if Hilda hadn't reblogged it to her ravenous audience who can't get enough of pretty girls.
10. Dedue
Is most active on youtube, but he still has a woodworking, cooking and gardening blog that attracts the most wholesome audience of old people. You know, the „great work, Dedue, it’s nice to see the younger generation still picking up these kinds of hobbies“ kind.
Most popular post: I feel like he’d dabble in the kind of „cooking hack debunking“ videos Ann Reardon does in our universe, because he respects the craft and doesn’t want young people getting hurt trying dangerous viral hacks.  
9: Ignatz
If you’ve ever been on the internet at all, you’ve probably seen one of his artworks. Sadly, those artworks are probably reposts of reposts of reposts, and Ignatz is still struggling to make comissions – he is still to shy to just become a furry artist but give it a few months and he might not have a choice anymore.
Most popular post: A post begging tumblr users to reblog his art.
8. Dorothea Arnault
She absolutely could be in the top 3 of this list if she wanted to. She just ABSOLUTELY doesn't want to. She's incognito on this blog and, once you've dug your way through reblogged gofundme's of folks in need, you'd find that her content is mainly her singing in places you wouldn't expect great audio in - stairwells and basements, mostly. Sometimes, people will ask her "has anyone ever told you you sound like Dorothea Arnault?" and she'll answer "I don't know who that is, sounds like a bitch though".
Most popular post: Her blog really took off during the sea shanty stage of quarantine - in fact, her sapphic shanties might have kickstarted the era.
7. Sylvain
Hornyposts all day every day and still finds a way to get all up in everyone's business. Was determined to outlast the titty ban and by now, the algorithm as pretty much thrown up its hands and given up on him. Totally the kind of guy who reblogs nsfw pics or videos from other blogs with unwarranted commentary.
Most popular post: His legendary tiff with Felix, in which he pulled off smooth shark levels of playing dumb to piss off his opponent. The resulting mythic copypasta is now his bio.
6. Mercedes
Mercedes posts daily on her affirmations and positivity blog. Reminders to relax x muscle, unclench y joint, and afford yourself the same grace you afford others. She also gives advice to troubled anons, and it's not neccessarily good advice but it's nice to see someone sincerely cares. People somewhat parasocially call her the "tumblr mom".
Most popular post: Her coming out post where she announced she is bisexual.
5. Caspar
Okay this might be a hot take but i feel like Caspar is a tiktoker – detractors call him a thirst trap but honestly he doesn’t show off his abs to make money off of horny viewers, he shows them off cause he's proud and wants everyone to know about them. He reblogs all his stuff to tumblr because he knows Linhardt is most active (most being a relative term) there and Linhardt liking his new post is a highlight of his day.
Most popular post: He’s gone viral a few times with a genre of tiktoks tumblr would describe as this is what boys will be boys should mean. In this universe, he ist he originator oft he vine of a guy pushing his friend, who’s fallen asleep on an air matress, out into a lake.
4. Bernadetta
Has a gajillion sideblogs she can’t bring herself to part with – she lives in constant fear someone will discover her abandoned onceler sideblog. Her most popular blog is for writing reader insert fanfiction. Whenever her blog gains enough followers to make her feel nervous about posting, she drops off the face of the earth for a few months until her follower count has shrunken to a managable size.
Most popular post: shamefully, an 18+ onceler rp from the olden days.
3. Edelgard
Your one-stop shop for protest tactics, world news, guilt-trippy posts about today's calamity and what you can and MUST do about it, and organisation to donate time and money to.
Most popular post: So she let her guard down once, ONCE, and reblog a slew of topless buff woman gifs to main on accident, and tumblr still clowns on her for it.
2. Hilda
She may be an insta gal, but she took to tumblr like a duck to water. Yes, tumblr as a whole hates the idea of being sold things, but sometmies they are willing to make an exception if the girl selling things is a delightfully lazy and aggravatingly cute #girlboss.
Most popular post: Technically, it's a selfie with her tiddies almost out. What draws people to the post is Marianne in the background, clearly hypnotised, pouring a herself a nice cup of tea...into her lap.
You think he's a tumblr funnyman? Wrong. He's ALL the tumblr funnymen. He is gaud, he is pukicho, he is all the other's who's names I can't be arsed to look up. It began as him sockpuppeting on another account to set up a punchline to a shitpost, it snowballed from there and now he is roleplaying several different tumblr blogs with an incredible amount of dedication. Right now he is planning for two of his personas to stream a game simultaneously.
Most popular post: If you ask him, his most popular post has not been made yet, but it sits in his draft, just waiting for the day they pull the plug on tumblr, so he can end the charade and dramatically unmask himself at the last possible moment.
Bonus: Byleth
Reblogs every single post her students make. Regardless of theme. Regardless of content. Always reacting with a couple of emojis. Nobody is sure whether her blog is a bot or a real person, and scrolling through it the closest one could come to browsing r/all on tumblr.
She is, of course, not a bot, this is just the way she makes her unconditional support of her students known. Even if that means reblogging hardcore porn, an essay on the canonical treatment of Brightheart in The Prophecies Begin, more hardcore porn and a deeply personal account of trauma within seconds of each other.
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canonizzyhours · 4 months
I wrote this long meta post this morning when I was supposed to be working in response to someone saying that they relate to Izzy because he's an outsider, but I deleted it because I realized that I don't care about Izzy, and there's no point in arguing with someone who will be like well that's just your opinion man. Out of all the crew, I care about Izzy the least. I missed Buttons more than I'll miss Izzy in S3. So I'm going to stop reading Izzy posts.
(Although I still maintain that if you see Izzy as the outsider character in Season One you're missing the whole point of his character in that season. Being disliked by your peers is not the same thing as being an outsider!)
But I have one final vent: I'm completely baffled by the canyon. Completely. After I finished the first season, my friend warned me that there were people in fandom who LOVED Izzy, and I was like lol wut. And even after reading all the canyon's meta and all their frankly unhinged tweets, I still don't get it.
Jar Izzy? Okay, I totally get that. Everyone loves a bad boy with issues. I'd be shocked if he didn't have some fans.
But canyon Izzy isn't even Izzy. I've seen them say over and over that Izzy is mentally ill, which is never presented in canon (yet they ignore Ed's very textual breakdown??? why don't they relate to Ed's mental illness???). They say he protects and cares about the crew - citation, please. Show me the scene where he protected anyone. They say that he was completely motivated by the thought that Stede and/or Ed was going to get them killed - aside from Izzy freaking out over the Spanish in 1x04, there's no evidence of that, either. Every character trait they like about canyon Izzy (secretly soft inside, a genius, a natural leader, creative, funny, really really ridiculously good looking, probably nice to kids) literally belongs to the character of Ed!
Then I see posts saying that they relate to Izzy because they're mean and no one likes them... yikes. Or I see them say that they relate to Izzy because they've loved someone who hasn't loved them back, but then why do they vilify the character their fave loves? They've been queer baited because Steddyhands was totally written into canon. Izzy was the only real disabled character. Izzy was the only real gay character. Izzy was the only one with a queer storyline - I guess Stede's entire storyline in Season One never happened?
And you know what, I could probably ignore all that. I could stop checking Tumblr. Hell, some of the Ed takes annoy me because they go too far in the opposite direction and call Izzy an evil mastermind; there are a lot of annoying posts on this site. But it bleeds into my first love: Modern AU Fanfic. Any time I click on a fic that pairs Izzy with anyone else it's more likely than not to portray Ed as violently insane or emotionally manipulative. It bums me out because I'm going to have to start filtering out more and more fic, and I'm going to miss out on some real gems just because it's also tagged Izzy Hands. But I don't know how much longer I can read fics where it turns out that Ed beats and tortures Izzy and only Izzy because they have a special connection, and Izzy gets with Lucius or Frenchie and Ed can't handle it because he can't deal with Izzy loving anyone but him, and Ed picks at Izzy and says terrible underhanded things about him, and everyone is secretly on Izzy's side. WHY ARE THERE EVEN SIDES???
Anyway, I blame Sherlock and discord.
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daimyosprincess · 1 year
Announcement 🎉
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I'm excited to announce that I'll be posting my first ever fic, Ex Libris, next Friday, May 5!!
A multi-part AU set in our world, Ex Libris begins when you, a librarian in the university library, meet the new Mandalorian studies professor, Boba Fett. Sparks fly and passions soar, but just what all does Professor Fett have in store for you?
Check out a preview of Part I: Foreword below the cut, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Comments and feedback are appreciated and welcome, and if you would like to be tagged in future updates, please fill out my taglist form.
Many thanks to the WONDERFUL @rexxdjarin and @choaticninjawitch for all your support and encouragement in my writing journey 💖 so many talented creators have inspired me with their amazing works and I'm honored to be able to join them. Please support creators, foster fandom and create the community we want with comments and reblogs.
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—Professor!Boba Fett x F!Librarian!Reader
—Summary: You want to add your story to Professor Boba Fett’s personal collection.
—Rating: Explicit, 18+ only — MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
—Series Tags & Warnings: [chapter-specific tags will have additional warnings] second person narration, no use of y/n, explicit sexual content, age gap (reader is mid-twenties, Boba is late forties), dom/sub power dynamics, bdsm elements, reader described as having hair, alcohol consumption by reader and others
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The university library is dead—classes aren’t in session and things are slow. The afternoon summer sun streams through the building’s tall windows, illuminating the dust motes that dance in the golden light. The faint rustle of papers turning is the only sound filling the idle air other than you and your coworker’s chatting at the circulation desk. 
“No, I’m telling you there’s no good guys to date here. They’re all either emotionally unavailable or terrible in bed… or both,” your friend Selena gripes. She’s exasperated by the most recent of her flings ghosting her after their last hookup. 
Swirling your iced coffee, you roll your eyes. “Well maybe you need to expand your dating pool, there’s more out there than just twenty-something guys who spend all their time in the gym.” You grin knowingly at your friend—she definitely has a type.
She throws an elbow at you. “Hey! Not all of us are into girls and men old enough to be our dads! Speaking of which…” she cuts off, wiggling her perfect eyebrows at you.
“Excuse me,” a deep voice calls from behind your back, “is there a librarian I can speak to about reserving my course materials?” The voice’s vowels lilt and come together like sand being molded by an ocean wave, powerful yet graceful—it’s a voice that could warm you in sunny, shallow waters or drown you in a raging storm.
All but choking on your coffee, you spin to face the front desk. Standing on the other side of the counter is the most handsome man you think you’ve ever seen: copper skin, white teeth, and dark eyes stand atop a crisp linen shirt rolled up to reveal thick, strong forearms. Pale, silvered scars crisscross his skin, glinting in the light, making him look equally dangerous and enticing, like a trap baited with everything you’ve ever wanted.
Shit, he could get me in a lot of trouble… and I’d let him. You clear your throat, doing your best to recover with at least some of your dignity intact—a difficult task when the absolute god of a man before you just heard that you’re definitely into men his age. 
Selena, however, beats you to an answer. “Yes, sir, that would be my coworker here,” she answers in a sing-song voice, “she’s more than happy to help you with anything you need.” You shoot her a dirty look as she flounces away back to her desk in the back, her attitude completely unapologetic.
Being the flirt you are, you did fully intend to hit on this handsome professor, but that’s not the point. Rallying your thoughts, you flash him a dazzling smile. “Yes, I certainly am,” you confirm. “What can I do for you, professor…?” Your voice trails off in anticipation of his response, and you catch the dark gleam in his coffee-colored eyes. 
“Fett, Boba Fett. Professor of Mandalorian studies,” he answers smoothly, his rich timbre confident and unphased by you and Selena’s antics.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, professor,” you respond, matching his blithe tone. You introduce yourself with your name and title as the research materials librarian.
He smirks, flicking his eyes over your frame in a casual, yet interested, way. “I assure you, the pleasure is all mine.” When his eyes meet yours again, they flicker with amber fire, bright and tempting.
You let his compliment hang in the sunlit air between you for a moment, gauging whether he too felt the electric connection buzzing between you two. Judging by the glint in his eye and quirk of his lips, he did.
Game on. “Well, usually faculty submit their materials for purchase and reservation at the end of the previous school year or at the beginning of the summer session,” you inform him with an overly patronizing tone. “But I suppose I can make an exception for you since you’re being so polite.” You end your statement with a wink, inviting him in to test the waters.  
Taking your hint, he leans his muscled arms on the high lip of the desk, bringing himself closer into your space. “You’re too kind. Things have been a little difficult since I’m new to the school and wasn’t in the country until last week… and I’d really appreciate your help, princess.” The pet name rolls off his tongue like spiced honey, hot and sweet.
Your brows arch up and you run your tongue over teeth behind your lips as you consider the handsome professor. Most men you meet are either too intimidated or too stupid to give you a fair fight, but this Boba Fett… he might just be the one. Without saying much, he’s said it all: true power doesn’t need to be defended because it speaks for itself. His innate confidence makes your stomach tighten and your blood run hot—this is going to be even more fun than you first thought. “Why don’t you come into my office and I can see what all I can do for you, Professor Fett,” you offer with a flirty smile.
“Please,” he entreats with a saccharine smile, “call me Boba.”
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femininemenon · 9 months
Is it just me that's strange? I don't get how anyone can support Conrad or ship him with Belly I feel like I'm in the minority in my ship BellyJere is more developed and intimate as well I made a mistake going into the tag and seeing so much hate on Jeremiah.
it's not strange as they are the endgame ship, and nowadays a lot of people do not even give the other ship(s) a chance or simply want to win. they don't consider the quality of their ship or their characters, all that matters is that the ship is endgame.
there is also the fact that they write the the show in a way where jeremiah is clearly just a second choice, and belly's "true love" is mister sadboi. and fiction is fiction and you know, let people have their fun i guess. i personally would never choose that over jeremiah but like i said, personal taste.
also, please don't believe jenny han's baiting for one second. belly and conrad are endgame. i don't understand why the love triangle was even left in there, it's not 2010 anymore. the story could have been full without it. all we can do is appreciate the jelly content that we do get.
as for the jeremiah hate... this fandom is one of the most bigoted ones i've ever seen and i know people put hate in his main tags instead of the anti tag (plus tumblr's awful search engine) so i would suggest blocking anyone that you see hating on jeremiah. they are insecure for a reason (terrible actor for one) even though they are endgame. they know their ship sucks and have to take that energy out somewhere.
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rriavian · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Tagged by @honeyteacakes <3 Ok so some of these answers will be a little odd because I’m still posting some of my work anonymously. Tagging @aisalynn :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
So with all the anon ones included it's 48
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
There are a lot I’m still anon in, but right now it’s mostly the Sandman :)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Baiting the Trap is the only one I can reveal but Deliverance is also very high on the list.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! At first I was far too shy but now I always try to respond to everyone. Sometimes I spend weeks thinking of what to say in response, or just feeling so so happy I want to give an intelligent reply. I just really want to set aside the time to go through and properly reply y’know? But then it’s like a month (or more) later and I feel terrible for not letting this person know how much their words mean to me, but I always try and respond eventually.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I’m not really a fan of ending my fics on angst, there’s a perfectionist part of me that is like ‘that’s not an ending that’s the middle of an arc’. Not that I think all endings need to be happy! I just think that I personally don’t find a resolution in it. Though now I think about it In Silence was pretty open ended, bittersweet but more bitter leaning I think.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably one I’m still anon for, but out of the one’s I’m not I think it’s actually pretty even. I’d say the ending of Deliverance is probably going to be the answer to this question though when I get around to posting it.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully no! I’ve been very lucky to not have received hate
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I am new to smut, but I suppose my kind is the sort that somehow manages to add an improbable amount of plot.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have not! While I used to absolutely adore reading them I’ve not written any :)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope! Hopefully I never will because it really doesn’t seem pleasant.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! And I don’t think I’ll ever get over it because the first time someone asked it honestly blew my mind.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I’ve co-written outside of fandom, but never co-written a fic within it. I wouldn’t necessarily be opposed—I love collaborating on little scenarios on tumblr, it makes me so happy!—but my writing habits are weird and probably off-putting. The brain writes what it wants, usually out of order, and I’d not want to stress anyone out with how inconsistently I write things.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I’m going to have to be boring and say I don’t have one…but it’s honestly the truth. Corintheus is obviously very very special to me, but it’s a favourite without excluding other favourites. If that makes sense?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
At the moment nothing :) I may be behind on where I wanted to be but as long as I want to write the fic I will finish it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I’m pretty good at characterisation, and how different characters might interact/conflict with each other. It’s usually easy for me to get into the head of who I’m writing. Maybe also unusual descriptions? I do like making them as vivid as possible, as lyrical and poetic as I want, but I also like to come up with something a bit unexpected.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I struggle with finishing fics sometimes, especially if they are multichaptered. I think within sandman I struggle with certain in universe details of things I don’t know because I haven’t read the comics. I’m not really reading ahead of the show, but there’s some things I will dig into so I have the detail I need.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
If I was going to do it I’d probably try and find a native speaker, or do a ton of research. Not against it by any means but I think it depends on the scenario. I just wouldn’t want a reader to come across me butchering their language and just be completely taken out of the fic haha.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Ooh. Erm. I’m not sure. Sandman is the first I’ve not been anon for :)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
This is such an evil question because how can I choose? Baiting the Trap is up there for sure (the whole series is really), but there’s also another fic I’m anon for that I love. Deliverance too. My self-indulgent Cat Dream fic. A slow advancing tide has definitely shot to near the top recently. Honestly it might be more apt to say that when I post a fic my general feeling is usually something like ‘this is my favourite fic I’ve ever written’. Though sometimes it’s for prose too. I’ve written paragraphs/lines and been like wow this is my favourite line ever.
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vamp-stamp-fics · 1 year
The Raven ball
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Fandom: Wednesday (Netflix series)
Ship: Wenclair
Tags: friends (?) To lovers, fluff w/ slight angst, happy ending, Enid have a lesbian attack at the sight of Wednesday, jealous Enid
Summary: while thing forces Wednesday to take Tyler to the Raven ball to socialize, Enid thinks otherwise
Word count: 1316
A/n: I love this show sm, I swear if Netflix is queer baiting us which they probably are I'm emailing them a strongly worded complaint. Also some scenes in this fic obviously don't line up to the episode
Wednesday opened the door to reveal Tyler at her dorm. He held Flowers with a bright smile "I got the note you sent me" what note? "honestly it shocked me how endearing and sweet it was" "yes. It shocked me to. One moment please" she closed the door and glared at Thing "How could you make him think I could write something endearing and....sweet" she looked through her closet. Maybe I could try faking my death, it's not like it's something I haven't done before. Thing snapped his fingers to get Wednesdays attention. She turned to the black dress from the antique store "how'd you afford that?" Thing sighed to her in response. "Hm"
Her roommate Wednesday walking down the stairs, looking more beautiful then she'd ever realize. Enid thought Wednesday was quite attractive when they first meet but now seeing her here confirmed something Enid was contemplating since the two girls first meet:
Enid looked around for her date. He'd left just mere seconds ago! Where'd he gone? She heard whispers and awes of someone who had just entered the ball. She'd looked to see-
Enid took interest in Wednesday. She didn't know how she hadn't realized it before. Then again the way she felt with Wednesday was different from her other romantic interest. Ajax was attractive yes, but he didn't have that dark allure that Her roommate had. This attraction was stronger but hidden in the back of Enids mind. Like when the two were up on the balcony she had felt a certain way. Back then she thought the attraction was what all girls felt.
Sadly that awe came to an end when she noticed Tyler accompanying her. What the hell was he doing here? She thought Wednesday was stubborn on not having a relationship, she'd mention it to Enid one time how she loathed even the slight possibility of her having a partner so why was HE here with her? Enid realized she was getting frustrated and tried calming herself down. She walked over to them with a bright smile "Wednesday! I never thought you'd be here. What was the change of heart?"
"Believe me I didn't come here by will, if I did it would be a sign I've truly gone insane. Though I'm not surprised you're here" Wednesday eyed her in suspicion "I thought that gorgen dumped you. Who's your date? Or are you alone? Now that'd be the real surprise" Enid felt slightly hurt at Wednesday implying she'd gone to the dance alone. But brushed it off "oh he's around here somewhere"
Enid looked desperately In the crowd to find him, though a part of her hoped she didn't. Wednesday raised an eyebrow "is he invisible? How inconvenient, be harder to kill him if he breaks your heart" Enids felt attracted at the thought of Wednesday killing someone over her, even as morbid as it was. "Oh no no! He just went somewhere... probably taking a bathroom break" Wednesday replied with a "hm" and went to find Tyler. Enid walked to the punch bowl and drank 3 cups of punch. Hating the thought of Wednesday being with that normie. She watched as she saw Wednesday bumping into Xavier. After awhile she walked out to the sitting room.
"Xavier told me what you did" Tyler looked to Wednesday sitting next to him. He sighed "look Wednesday I wish I could lie my way out of this and tell you a reason why I did but to be honest, I can't. I don't know why I did it but after I realized how awful it was I felt terrible"
"Do you really think I'd stopped liking you for a lousy prank? The way Xavier told me about I would've done worse" Tyler smiled. "I knew I liked you for a reason" Oh. We're the feelings mutual? Wednesday didn't know. She thought over it. She somewhat tolerated his presence around her, and did he make a damn good cup of coffee, but Did she like Tyler? In that way? People confused her. How should she put it to him.
"I don't believe the feelings mutual" Wednesday deadpanned. Tyler turned towards her "huh?"
"Not in that way, I don't find interest in you in a romantic Sense but I do somewhat tolerate your presence" Tyler translated what she said to himself then repeated it back to her "so you're saying you don't want to date me but you more see me as a friend? Did I hit the mark?"
"Not exactly. I don't have friends but enemies and people I've decided not to poison in Thier sleep. Also I have a confession to make" Tyler snorted "And what's that?"
"I didn't write that note to you. Thing did, he was forcing me to socialize and thought you'd be the perfect date. He was sorely mistaken"
"Yeah I had a feeling someone else wrote it. Too sweet to be written from you. You'd rather be caught dead then doing that"
"Agreed" a pause. "So who is it?" Wednesday was confused though her face didn't show it "who's what?"
"The person you're interested in instead of me?"
"Do I really have to be romanticly interested in someone else if I'm not with you? Like I told myself in the beginning of my time here; I will not become my mother and find my "one true love" why is it a need for girls to find a romantic partner?" Tyler quickly defend himself "sorry that's not what I meant, you're right I shouldn't assume" The silence thickened between the two. "Though I'm might be contradicting myself, there might be ..... someone"
"Not telling you, but I do have some business to take care of with this person" Wednesday stood up ready to walk back into the ball. "Is it-" Tyler was going to ask if it was a certain boy but she interrupted him "it's not Xavier if that's what you're thinking" she walked out of the sitting room into the flashing light filled dance.
Enid accepted that her date completely dipped on her and wasn't coming back. She sighed, frustrated at the predicament. She watched as the rest of the school danced with each other as she sat at one of the tables. Enid took a sip of her drink.
"Enid" she nearly choked as the girl in black appeared out of nowhere. Putting her drink down Enid stood with Wednesday "Jesus Wednesday! You have a nact for appearing from nowhere"
"It's a hobby" Wednesday deadpanned. "I have something to tell you" "what? You killed your date already?" Enid joked.
"Don't change the subject" something told Enid this was serious and not Wednesdays usual morbid sarcasm. Enid leaned closer "so what is it?"
"I don't know what you did but you've done something. Maybe it's some form of dark arts you've casted on me"
"Huh?" Wednesday furrowed her eyebrows in irritation. "I'm trying to tell you I tolerate you a lot more than everyone else. It's probably because I've spent so much time in that dorm with you I've formed Stockholm syndrome" Enid realized what Wednesday was trying to say and smiled. "Wednesday are you trying to say you like me?"
The girl in black avoided her question and said instead "will you have this dance with me" Enid squealed and threw her self on Wednesday "oh yes! Yes I will!" Wednesday tensed up at the physical touch. "Sorry forgot you're not a hugger" Enid tried pulling away but Wednesday slowly (and awkwardly) wrapped her arms around Enid. Holy shit. Wednesday was hugging Enid. It somewhat surprised dark haired girl herself. Wednesday promised she wouldn't end up like her mother and fall for someone. Damn her mother for being right.
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lily-orchard · 1 year
That begs the question, outside of stalking someone for clout, why is it we never hear about other terrible fanfics?
You'd have to read them.
I can name a few fics that are far worse than My Immortal just off their AO3 tags, and almost all of them are Warcraft fics with the "Mind Break" tag. But if I wanted to talk about WHY they were horrible, I'd have to read them to confirm the levels of serial killer-esque sadism they devolve into.
This is the part where the Sylvaina fandom gestures at Last Resort and makes interminable growling noises.
So if you want to talk about a terrible fanfic you have to reveal that you have
Read it
Liked it enough to finish it, unless it pulled a Cupcakes-esque bait and switch on you
I've talked about Sinners, and I've made no secret of the fact that I think it's a hilarious drug trip of edgelord nonsense. It's like if Steven Universe was based off Pokemon instead of Utena.
But I am a nutcase with no shame or self-preservation and will dive into a nuclear waste dump out of morbid curiosity. I have seen some shit in my time. I've seen so much shit that eleven years ago I wrote an entire book entirely dedicated to hosing down the shit with a pressure washer.
If you asked me to name just one that stood out to me, I'd pick The Goddess Trilogy. What's worse than a writer who is obsessed with goths and vampires? A writer who is obsessed with gender-essentialism and underage lesbian sex rituals like some kind of radfem Stephen King. And you don't know it's there until it fucking blindsides you.
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Okay but why are we letting some disgusting simpy vivziepaparazzi gamer bro of questionably indeterminate age who had Octavia as his "channel mascot" for years before switching to Velvette (which.. ew, by the way, make your own damn O.C like everyone else or fuck off) get to decide who the "hottest hazbin hotel character" is when he clearly has no bitches of his own and is probably already on some sort of watch list?
Oh, and it's funny how all the characters he chose are men because you know if he was doing the hottest female vivziepop characters he'd be compelled to put Octavia on there, which is why he knew he could only focus on the men of Hazbin...
Also, it's obvious this skeevey arsehole has absolutely no taste because the pictures he chose are not only terrible but show obvious bias (which, what else do you expect from a covert neo nazi supporter? 💀 Of course the only one with the halfway decent picture is the blonde one.. 💀 ) and Alastor would obviously win if he was at a better angle anyway, but this poll was rigged to begin with like, where the fuck are Husk and Valentino? 💀
Anyway, I copied and pasted this screenshot from someone else just to remind everyone how ayylmao.tv is a shit arse who's got big through monopolizing this fandom via his own brand of vivziepaparazzi click bait and content farming just as much as he accuses that other shit arse nstg or whoever the fuck and vivziepopclub of doing and if I ever see anyone reposting his "content" in the main tags uncritically from now on, I'm blocking them on sight. 💀
For the record, petitprincess1 is obviously another big name vivziepaparazzi content farm masquerading as a fan too but she's not as bad. Just a very annoying block evader and a stalker who can't comprehend when and why people don't like her and then likes to run her mouth about "rudeness" once people decide to talk about disliking her in public.
So our biggest names/sources of informaton in the fandom who aren't artists, are one pewdiepie/logan paul simp of indeterminate age who wants to fuck Octavia... I mean Velvette--- And one annoying stalker bitch who's so entitled to have access to others social media and personal photos and is so detached from reality that she might as well think she is Velvette... 💀
But yeah guys' the queer woman in the wheelchair is the one with the "worsening reputation" in this fandom because some y'all just think I'm mentally retar---I mean I'm ... "mentally disabled" to some of you. But, "not that you 'really know that'" and "nor do you care" in your own words.
And oh honey, I know you don't care. 💀
You cared a lot when me and my friends blocked you though. 💀
And you're still blocked, and you shouldn't be able to see this, so you shouldn't care that I'm still complaining about you now.
Because both you and shamrockshakefootlettice are so goddamn fucking inescapable and annoying. 💀 And it's not only me complaining about it. 💀
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middleearthpixie · 1 year
After the Fire ~ Chapter Forty-Three
A/N: I originally planned to end this with Thorin and Jasna’s wedding, but since there is still some story left to tell… I hope no one minds if I continue it a little longer…
Fandom: The Hobbit - Post BOTFA AU Where Everybody Lives
Summary: Following the Battle of the Five Armies, a grievously wounded Thorin is brought back to the kingdom of Erebor, which is still mostly in ruins. Although he’s survived the wounds he received at the end of Azog’s blade, his recovery is far from complete. Grief, regret, anger, all are making his journey that much more difficult and the physical recovery isn’t quite the most difficult challenge he faces.
Jasna Stoneham is no stranger to loss, as she is a survivor of Smaug’s wrath upon Esgaroth. When she is asked to help the dwarves healers of Erebor, her instinct is to say no, but she needs the job, and so agrees to it. However, no one told her that of all the patients, she would be responsible for the king himself, Thorin Oakenshield. 
Unfortunately, the road to recovery isn’t necessary a smooth one, but if there’s one thing Thorin will learn, it’s that Jasna is just as stubborn as he is and for every step back he takes, she is there to push him three steps forward. And Jasna will soon find out that there is a gentle, softer side to the dwarf king, one that very few people have ever seen and one he fights to keep hidden from her as well. But like his recovery, that is also easier said than done. 
Summary: Thorin and Jasna’s wedding night, and the next morning, Thorin has a favor to ask of Thranduíl, and just the bait to have it granted…
Pairing: Thorin Oakenshield x ofc Jasna Stoneham
Characters: Jasna, Thorin, Balin, Thranduíl
Warnings: M
Rating: Wedding night (unprotected) sex, oral sex (f receiving)
Word Count: 3,651
Tag List: @tschrist1 @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-and-write-lover @sherala007 @enchantzz @knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @sorisooyaa @ruthoakenshield @frosticenow @quiall321 @dianakc
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here. 
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“Where are you, mesmel?”
Jasna lifted her head from where it rested on Thorin’s broad chest, and propped her head on her hand. “I was just looking up at that dark, nondescript ceiling, thinking silly things.”
“Tell me your silly thoughts.”
“Well, I was wishing we were still looking up at the stars, as we were earlier, out by the river. Did you see the same stars when you were in the Shire? Or were they different?”
His eyes glittered in the light of the torches flickering on the wall up behind their bed, where he’d spirited her after their tryst at the river. Clouds had rolled in, and lightning and thunder drove them to seek the safety of Erebor for the remainder of their wedding night, which was just fine with her. There was something very nice about lying there, under the soft, smooth sheets, with him, knowing she didn't have to worry about anyone happening upon them now. 
“The stars were the same,” he murmured, a hint of a smile playing at his lips. 
“I thought as much, but this is the farthest I’ve been from Esgaroth, so, I couldn't be sure.”
“Name where you’d want to visit and we will go.”
“I want to see all of the places you saw.” She traced her forefinger through the almost black hair swirled across his chest. “Unless the memories for you are too terrible.”
“Worry not about them, Jasna. I’m a big boy. I can handle a few less-than-pleasant memories if you wish you visit places such as Mirkwood. Although, now, I’d probably be far more welcomed there. One king to another, you know.”
She sank back against him, a hint of drowsiness washing over her. “What is Mirkwood like?”
“It is a forest. A dying, decaying forest enchanted with both light and dark magic.” The sheets rustled softly as he came up over her, easing himself atop her. “One has to be careful in Mirkwood, however, since it’s impossible to tell the light magic from the dark and,” he dipped to brush her lips with his as he added, “there are spiders the size of coaches.”
“Are you sporting with me?”
“I am not.” His lips brushed hers again. Light. Teasing. Enough to steal the breath from her lungs and the thoughts from her mind. “But, I will keep you safe, amrâlimê. You have nothing to fear.”
“Only giant sp-sp-spiders.”
“I’ll slay every last one if I must.” He brushed her lips again, his kiss deeper this time, and she wound her arms about his neck as she parted her lips to let his tongue glide along hers. And as it did, he slowly, steadily, arched his hips into hers.
The sheets were smooth and warm against her bare skin and her legs parted almost of their own accord for him to settle between. As he slid against her, she shivered, unable to hold back her sigh into his mouth. 
He broke the kiss, sweeping his lips down over her chin, along her neck, into the hollow of her throat. Her eyes slid shut as he continued his onslaught, feathering kisses along her breastbone and down her belly. He slipped beneath the sheet, and her fingers sank into his hair as he pressed a hot kiss into her left inner thigh.
Then he shifted to her right.
“Oh!” She couldn’t hold back her gasp as his tongue slid sensually over her most intimate flesh to send a rush of tingles sweeping through her. That one stroke was enough to fire her arousal, her desire, for him, as it really never died completely but always simmered just below her surface, as it had ever since their first kiss, in the darkened infirmary while his sister slept only inches from them.
And now, this magnificent dwarf was her husband. Her fingers tightened in his hair as he continued teasing her, swirling his tongue about the bead of her pleasure, sweeping over it, his flicks alternating between hard and demanding and soft and sweet. With each caress, her arousal swelled, the knots in her belly twisting until she thought she’d go up in a blazing inferno of need for him. 
His fingers swept along the outsides of her thighs, the sensations combining to make it impossible for her to do anything other than feel, to savor each and ever delicious dart of pleasure that swept through her. 
“Thorin… oh, love…” Her eyes closed of their own, her hips arching to meet each slow, delicious caress. He responded to her not-so-gentle tug on his hair by quickening his strokes, and white lights burst before her eyes as her climax rushed toward her like a rogue wave out on the Long Lake. It raced toward her, gaining speed and momentum, the knots within her core unbearable taut, the ache of desire threatening to devour her.
Then, he slid a finger inside her and it was her undoing. 
The wave broke, the knots burst, her back arched sharply as fire filled her, white-hot in its intensive and blazing hotter than even Smaug’s dragon-fire. Her cry of “Thorin!” echoed off the stone walls, the ceiling, the floor, as bolts of pleasure pulsed through her, leaving her nearly crying from the ecstasy of it all. 
He brought her down gently, feathering kisses over skin far too sensitive to be touched now, and as he came up over her and reached between them to gently position himself, she sank her fingernails into his shoulders, her legs curving about his waist as he offered up a powerful thrust that had her clinging to him, throbbing around him, and almost raking her fingernails down his back.
“Jasna…” Her name was a low, velvety purr on his lips as he surged into her, and with that, he lapsed into khuzdul and while she understood nothing he growled, she had the feeling, judging by the way he held her gaze with his heavy-lidded, smoked sapphire eyes and smiled, they were dwarven love words.
Then, it no longer mattered as he crushed her close and gave a powerful thrust that had her squeezing his sides with her thighs as she tightened around him and he sent them both over the edge in the fiery, amazing bliss of a mutual climax. 
“Amrâlimê,” he whispered breathlessly into her neck as he sank against her, his heart pounding with such force, she felt the vibration of it. “Maralmizi…”
She nuzzled him, smiling at the soft groan he offered up in response. “I love you, too, dwarf.”
He lifted his head to regard her with slightly dazed but softly tender blue eyes, then bent to kiss her lightly on the lips. “We should probably think about going to sleep, mesmel. Come the morning, we need to sit down and work out our wedding trip.”
“Mirkwood, definitely. Although, I rather h-h-hope we do not encounter any spiders.”
He carefully eased off her and stretched out to gather her in his arms. “Done. And the Shire, perhaps? We might pay Master Baggins a visit.”
“Do you think that he will be all right with that? He’s nursing a bit of a broken heart, remember.”
“I will speak to him before he leaves.” He pressed a kiss into the top of her head. “Rivendell?”
“I would love to see Rivendell.”
“I will speak to Elrond and Thranduíl before they take their leave.”
She sighed softly, snuggling against him. “I can speak with them, if you like.”
“We can speak with them together, as I suppose I need to acclimate myself to having to discuss things with my queen before making any decisions.”
A shiver tickled along her spine at his words. His queen. The Queen of Erebor. Sweeping her fingers across his chest, she murmured, “You do not have to do that if you’d rather not. I know you’re very much used to making decisions on your own.”
“If I’d rather not? Jasna, I’ve been making decisions on my own long enough. I rather like the idea of a partner, whose input I value above all others, to tell me when I’m being an idiot or making the wrong choice, instead of finding out the hard way, such as when a huge orc is running me through.”
A chill rippled through her. “That isn’t f-f-funny, Thorin,” she murmured, her fingers going still. “Not one bit.”
“I’m not trying to be funny.” His hand came down atop hers, his thumb brushing along its back. “I am very serious. You have a good head on your shoulders, Jasna. And a fine mind and no fear of speaking it. Especially to me. I respect your abilities and look forward to the shared responsibilities of ruling Erebor.”
“Are you certain you don’t mind it?”
“You’re my wife, Jasna. My partner. My queen. Of course I do not mind it. It will be nice to have a sounding board, one I know will tell me what I need to hear and not necessarily what I wish to hear.”
She snuggled closer to him, letting her arm drape about his hips. “I do love you, Thorin.”
The arm about her shoulders tightened and he pressed a kiss into the top of her head. “I love you, too, Jasna.”
When he opened his eyes, the first thing Thorin noticed was he was alone. He stared up at the ceiling of his bedchamber and wondered if he’d just had some amazingly vivid dream. Had his mind created everything that had happened over the last year? Was it possible that Jasna was only a figment of his imagination?
Then he heard a dull thud, followed by a sharp, “Oh,” and knew this was no dream at all.
He started to sit up when Jasna limped into the room, wearing the tunic he’d had worn for their wedding. It was far too big on her, hanging almost to her knees, and the sleeves dangled far beyond her hands. Still, he smiled at the sight of her in it, even as he said, “Are you all right?”
“I tripped over that blasted stone table.” She hobbled over to the bed and sank onto it to lift her foot up, and he tried like mad to not notice how the hem of his shirt slipped up along her thigh to expose her bare hip. She was injured for fool’s sake. And there he was, ogling her like a lovesick boy.
Or a new husband.
Either way…
“Let me see.”
She slapped at his hand as he reached for her. “Leave off, dwarf. It’s fine. Bruised but pr-pr-probaby not br-broken.”
“You should let Óin look at it, to make sure.”
That earned him a bit of a sharp look. “Thorin, it’s not broken.”
He realized his mistake and heat climbed into his cheeks. “I beg your pardon, mesmel. I was thinking like a husband concerned for his wife, forgetting for the moment she is also a healer and quite capable of deciding for herself if she needs a healer herself.”
Her scowl faded. “Say that again.”
“Forgetting that she is also a healer and quite capable of deciding for herself?”
“No,” she turned toward him, folding her legs as she smiled up at him, “the first part.”
He smiled. “Thinking like a husband concerned for his wife.”
“We did it, dwarf. We were married.”
“I know. I was there.”
She shifted once more, rising onto her knees to make her way up to him. “And no one is expecting us just yet.”
“Mesmel,” he couldn’t hold back his sigh as she came astride him, “what are you doing?”
“Nothing. Why?”
“Oh, love, you are not doing nothing. I promise you this.”
She offered up a pert smile that made his insides melt, and wiggled closer. Only the sheet separated him from her heat, and that heat beckoned to him with the most seductive voice possible. His body responded to her nearness, and his instinct was to catch her by the hips and bring her into firm contact with him. 
So he did just that.
She leaned into him, her lips soft and warm as they caught his, and a moment later, he was inside her, fire licking at his body as she rolled her hips with a sensually agonizing slowness. He sank back against the leather headboard, his hands on her hips. Part of him wanted to strip his shirt from her, to drink in the sight of her riding him so slowly, but at the same time, there was something to be said about seeing just the outline of her breasts, of her pebbled nipples, through the fine linen, something to be said about feeing her taking him so deeply, but not being able to see it. 
“Jasna…” It was the only word he could utter, his climax already winding through him. Hot. Tight. Slick. Wet. Making love to her was unlike anything he’d ever dreamed about, and when she tightened about him further and coaxed his climax from him, he wrapped his arms about her and cradled her against his chest, whispering, “Oh… love…”
She sank against him, her breath soft and teasing against his bare shoulder, against his neck, and whispered back, “Always…”
He smiled into her hair, letting his eyes close as he savored the sensations still rippling through him. They stayed that way until nature took over and he slipped from her. She brushed the side of his neck with a teasing kiss and eased off him, saying, “Balin came by before. He brought a missive from Bard.”
“Already? I thought we might have one day to just relax and enjoy but I suppose it’s not meant to be.” He slid from the bed and into his trousers from the day before, then padded into the bathing chamber, where he called, “Come soak with me, mesmel. Let’s see what mischief we might get up to in the tub before I find myself at the Bowman’s beck and call.”
“Oh, he is not so bad,” she told him, appearing in the doorway. “And he’s forgiven you breaking your word, so…”
“Has he? I’m no so certain.” He turned the taps to his back marble tub to fill it. “He says the right things now because I can always rescind my offer and there’d be nothing he could do about it.”
“But you won’t do that, because you are a dwarf of your word.”
“And you won’t let me.”
“Well, there’s that, too.” She came into the bathing chamber. “There is plenty of gold in that treasure hoard, Thorin. You won’t miss any of it.”
“I know. I just… I do not want to be played false. By anyone.”
“He won’t. You’ll see. Now,” she held his gaze as she whisked his tunic over her head and he had to bite back a groan as she climbed into the tub and sank against the side, “are you joining me or not?”
He smiled. His wife was a temptress and then some and he was not a fool. 
“Ah, there you are.”
Thorin looked up as Balin came into the Great Hall. “You sound surprised. Where else would I be?”
“I thought the Throne Room, as it’s finished now.”
Thorin shook his head, pushing his tea away. “I am wholly uninterested in sitting on that stone chair any more than I absolutely have to.”
Balin smiled as he sank into a chair across from him. “I rather thought you’d be tucked away with your wife, truth be told. You’ve only been married less than a day.”
Thorin couldn't hold back his grin. “My wife and I began our day tucked away and enjoying ourselves. But, she’s nothing if not studious and so is at the moment studying in her little room in the infirmary, for an exam Óin wishes her to take. And I will shortly be taking my leave to go and sit down with Bard, after I sit down with Thranduíl and Elrond and Master Baggins, if he is still in residence.”
“I believe he has not yet left, no.” Balin’s brow furrowed. “I hope your need to meet with them isn’t a serious one.”
“It’s not, you need not worry.” Thorin shook his head. “No more serious than imposing on them for a short while as Jasna and I plan our wedding trip.”
“Going to see the sights of The Company of Thorin Oakenshield?”
“Something of that sort, yes.” He lightly drummed his fingertips against the table. “Jasna has never been much beyond Esgaroth. Erebor is as far as she’s traveled and last night, she and I were discussing where we might travel to and she said she’d like to see the places we visited on our quest to retake this place.”
“You’re going to take your new bride to Goblintown?”
“No. We will not be venturing there.” Thorin sat back in his chair. “But, Rivendell, the Shire, and Mirkwood are all places she’d like to visit.”
“Ahhh… did you warn her about the spiders?”
“I did. But, unlike us, she and I will not be traipsing about the forest like fools. And we will also not be imprisoned, either.”
“Or so you hope.”
“I’m fairly certain that won’t be a problem this time around. But,” he stood, “I should go and speak with Elrond and Thranduíl before they take their leave. Otherwise, I’ll be forced to simply show up on doorsteps and that can be a bit… awkward…”
“Ahh… I imagine it would, yes.”
“So, on that note, I’m going to go find an elven lord and hope he isn’t feeling too fussy this morning.”
“Good luck, Thorin. Especially with Thranduíl. I imagine Bilbo and Elrond won’t mind you visiting nearly as much.”
“We shall see, Balin,” Thorin replied with a wink. “We shall see.” 
He pushed in his chair and made his way outside, where Thranduíl’s encampment was in the process of being broken down by his minions. He ignored all the elvish stares coming his way as he strode toward the largest of the tents. “Thranduíl, a word?”
The King of the Woodland Realm looked up from his writing desk. There were slight shadows marring the pale skin beneath his blue eyes, and his normally sleek, white-blond hair was a bit stringy, but he sounded as imperious as ever as he said, “Thorin? An unexpected surprise.”
“You look as if a few more hours’ sleep would do wonders for you.”
“Yes, well, I’m not used to sleeping out in the middle of a plains.”
Thorin bit back his smile. “You would have been welcome to pass the night in Erebor.”
That earned him a slight smile in return. “Yes, I would have been, but from what I understand, your people celebrated until the dawn’s first light.”
“Most likely. But, it was to be expected. It’s not every day their king marries.”
“Most likely?” Thranduíl’s eyes widened. “You were not among them?”
“I was not.” Thorin shook his head. “I was with my wife. My first order of business will now be to beget an heir, remember. And it was my wedding night, remember.”
To his surprise, Thranduíl actually laughed. “Ahhh… one of the benefits of marriage. And one of the most important duties as king.”
“It will happen soon enough. But, I’m not here to discuss how I spent my wedding night. Rather, it is, of all things, to ask a favor of you.”
“And what might that be?”
“Jasna is from Esgaroth. The daughter of a seamstress who now works in a flower shop.”
“I’d heard tell she was a commoner.”
“So, as part of our wedding trip, I would like to show her about Middle Earth and Mirkwood is on her list of places she wishes to visit.”
“Oh, so you wish me to extend my hospitality?”
“I’d prefer that to your dungeon, yes.” He stepped up to the small writing desk and set a small, teak box atop it. “And I offer this to thank you for that hospitality."
Thranduil’s eyes widened as he glanced down at the box. “What are you about, Oakenshield?”
“I am about making sure my wife gets to do things she’s dreamed of, but never had the cache to do. And so, I offer you the White Gems of Lasgalen in exchange for your hospitality.”
Thranduíl opened the box and stared down at the necklace. “But, your grandfather—”
“I am not my grandfather, Thranduíl. And I know the story behind this piece. If what you felt for your wife is even a hint of what I feel for Jasna, this belongs with you.”
“I—I don’t know what to say.”
Once upon a time, Thorin would have relished the sight of Thranduíl struck dumb, wide-eyed and without words. But, now, knowing what he knew about the necklace’s origins and how it belonged to Thranduíl’s wife, Thorin could not, in good conscience, keep it from him any longer. 
“You only need to welcome my bride into your kingdom. And perhaps offer her a tour of sorts.”
The gemstones sparkled as Thranduíl lifted the delicate necklace from the box. “Yes, of course. You are both welcome.” His eyes flicked up to meet Thorin’s. “And no dungeons this time.”
“Good. And I promise, we’ll not overstay our welcome.”
Thranduíl lowered the necklace, and his eyes took on a slight shimmer as he said, “Thank you, Thorin. I mean that.”
“You’re welcome. And I mean that.” He stepped back. “We don’t have an itinerary set up yet,  but once we do, I’ll—”
Thranduíl rose from his chair and came around, extending a hand. “There is no need to send word. You and Queen Jasna are welcome any time.”
Thorin looked down at that pale, long-fingered hand, then clasped it tightly. “Thank you.”
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forcedhesitation · 29 days
not the usual rant...
but I haven't been on twitter in a while, and all for the better really, I'm starting to accept. people will preach endlessly about how you can "curate" your experience, but I just do not think that is possible of twitter.
the practice of quote retweeting bigots/bigoted bait posts is way too common, even amongst people who genuinely have something intelligent to say in response and do not care for the engagement the qrt might bring them. I swear, it doesn't matter how many people I mute, block, or unfollow...there's always someone who's qrting some scummy shithead's terrible opinion. I really don't need to see you qrting a transphobe to know you do not stand with them... likewise, I think I can safely say that most people belonging to a marginalised and/or minority group would much rather you ignored those bigots' accounts entirely, and spent your time...oh idk...educating yourself, or directly supporting us and other peoples facing oppression.
then there's all the ignorant, and often wilful, misinterpreting of people's words...the complete lack of understanding some people have that, no, someone cannot fit an entire dissertation's worth of nuance into 200 or so characters of commentary. that, or someone will see a tweet of a partially expressed opinion and a (1/5) tacked on the end, and still only respond to that first tweet in the thread, completely ignoring the rest of the person's commentary because they were overcome with immeasurable lust at the mere opportunity to "dunk" on someone. not to get too personal, but I have a problem with understanding how sincere people are, and thus always feel as though I must make my own thoughts and intentions as clear as possible. and I feel as though being on twitter genuinely makes that problem worse for me. it's hard to tell if people are saying what they are because they care, because they want engagement, or because they are plainly an asshole.
and of course, seeing awful fandom related crap is also unavoidable because twitter has a terrible tagging system. the worst out of all the major social media sites, I'd argue. the algorithm hides posts with too many tags, so it's not necessarily possible for you to mute something upsetting or irritating, and avoid seeing those things. not that people would tag some of the things they post, anyway, because while a system to warn people of mature content exists, most users do not actually use that feature. this is a problem that obviously extends beyond just fandom, and that is where the real issue lies. regularly you will encounter videos of real life carnage, pornography, and the like, posted just...wherever! under a tweet announcing a celebrity's passing, under a piece of artwork, or through a qrt trying to "make a point." it's awful.
I hate the whole atmosphere of the site, there is so much of this...careless subjecting of others to cruelty, to violence, to bigotry...all for the sake of attention. people are so unbelievably rude to each other, because they've cultivated an echo chamber in which their negativity is being rewarded, and so they are driven to say just the nastiest things imaginable to total strangers. and this will be under the guise of "activism," or of "intellectual superiority," or simply because you tweeted something random about a character, or a musician, that you do not particularly care for. it's pure madness. I do not understand how people can willingly spend hours on that website.
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aprillikesthings · 3 months
I had originally promised msyelf I wouldn't live-tweet or live-blog my rewatch of she-ra (mostly bc it will make it take FOREVER to watch the whole thing) but...fuck it
THIS IS A REWATCH. I've forgotten plenty of it, but I still remember plenty too, and that's all going to bias how I react to things, and obviously there will be spoilers, and also I don't plan to react to EVERYTHING bc it would just take too long okay? okay
Edit: ....yeah this took me nearly two hours for one episode oops
First of all let me point out how hilarious it is to me that when scrolling back through my tags I found myself posting MULTIPLE TIMES that I wanted to write the kind of fic I'm working on but knew I'd need to rewatch the whole series to do it right and now FOUR YEARS LATER I'm finally giving up and doing it.
why am i like this lol
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NETFLIX IT HAS BEEN A COUPLE OF YEARS and I know he's legally changed his name WHY is Nate/ND's old name still on here
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THat's....that's Angella. That's a terrible propaganda poster of Angella. I'm cracking up how did I not notice that before
Okay the very first time Adora says Catra's name I lol'ed bc I've watched this fanvid (which came out after s2) a truly bananapants number of times and it's just what I immediately thought of
I started reading a fic recently that I couldn't get into and gave up on, but it pointed out something that seems OBVIOUS NOW: the reason the Horde is all children/teenagers is like, the whole "destroying the villages of Etheria" thing. Just slaughtering the parents and stealing the kids.
Then again maybe they said that in canon and I forgot. Dumb shit like that is of course why I'm rewatching.
Someone pointed out that both Adora and Catra obviously have ADHD and I cannot unsee it
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I mean yeah that's...that's her entire motivation
(I mean not quite in the way Adora means it here but)
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I will never, ever be over how fast this show started baiting them as a pairing. I remember the first time I watched the first episodes saying "the people who made this came from fandom and they know exactly how to get us."
Catra nails Shadow Weaver's motivation--"She's just mad she doesn't have any real power that doesn't come from Hordak and everyone knows it." And then calls Adora a "people-pleaser." She's not wrong.
Like, Catra understands the motivations etc of everyone but herself
(...something something abused children something C-PTSD something hypervigilance)
Catra's tail swishing just like a real cat's does when angry is A+
Re: stealing the skiff: Catra's supposed to be the one with bad impulse control but Adora is just as bad!! (it's the ADHD)
...pulling a random pretty sword out of the ground that's lit up like a quest in a video game is also poor impulse control lollll
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I still crack up at this one and am still surprised I haven't read a fic that makes a big deal out of hair-pulling
Bow folding up random laundry on the floor and asking where it goes while talking to Glimmer is some nice early character-building. "This boy is not a sexist douchebag."
I mean the outfit helps too lol
Okay so on the one hand I know character age wank is fucking stupid, but also I get why people were like "...are these all minors or what" considering Glimmer's being grounded and then arguing with her mom like a high-schooler. My own parents (who were more controlling than most) stopped actually "grounding" me once I was 18--they just forbid me from using the car for anything but work or school because they owned it. Which is why they owned the car. Anyway.
(True story: that was their punishment for me getting bad grades at community college, and my response to this was to quit school, buy my own car, and move in with my then-boyfriend's family)
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I wonder if Adora running off to do things on her own in order to attempt to protect people she cares about without asking them if that's even something they want her to do will be a continuing theme for her 🤔
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omg the way they did her eyes/face makes Glimmer look so fucking creepy here
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I FORGET WHAT THIS SAYS I know it's an actual "alphabet" and people get tattoos and shit
(so, SO many tattoos of the failsafe...)
(okay but let's be honest a tattoo of the failsafe from the last episode is a really great way of finding other nerdy sapphics, they'd be the only ones to recognize it)
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This is kinda heavy-handed ("don't just believe everything authority figures tell you, kids!") but also this show was aimed at like 12-year-olds so
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Yeah this absolutely reminds me of conversations I've had over multiple decades about LGBT people and how people who know us as friends, coworkers, neighbors; realize we're Just People and are less likely to be dicks to us--not always, but often. Adora has never met a princess, so it was easy for the Horde to convince her they're all evil.
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OH MAN this scene reminds me SO MUCH of the one in Arcane where Ekko is talking to Caitlyn about how Piltover/the Enforcers are fucking over the people of Zaun/the Undercity
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Yeah good lord I could do a line-by-line dialogue comparison.
"Woman who has always been on the side of what she thought was The Law finds out everything she's ever known is a fucking lie and actually, she's been part of a force oppressing and destroying other people and immediately wants to fix things"
*squints at Caitlyn and Adora*
We never do find out who Grayskull is, but that's because Netflix doesn't have the rights to the He-Man stuff, and I admit this was probably the best way to keep She-Ra's signature line without getting into that
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sexyinaratkindaway · 1 year
On Fangs and Claws
Fandom: Batman
Pairing: Jonathan Crane/Edward Nygma
Tags: Jonathan Crane is Scarebeast, Murder, Blood and Gore, Cannibalism, Bait, Trans Edward Nygma, Vaginal Sex, Cunnilingus, Werewolves, knots, uhhhhhh, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Public Sex, no actual knotting happens
Summary: Written for the Anti Batman Alliance discord server 2022 Secret Santa gift exchange. Even a skilled hunter, turns out, sometimes needs the help of an appropriate bait.
For @constantron !! hiii babe
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43838865
Text under readmore!
Something crinkled behind him. Something cracked and snapped.
Edward was running.
He ran, and ran, and something was quick on his heels, growling, panting, the stench of fear wafting off of it. The empty streets did nothing to placate his hammering heart, caged in his chest.
It inched ever closer.
And then he was in a park.
The smell of wet greenery filled his nostrils, of damp earth and the last traces of seasons gone by, buried under soft leaves.
The streetlights—old affairs of wrought iron, straight from the 1890's—cast only a feeble light on the late autumn night, and Edward stumbled on his feet.
"Help," he choked out, voice quivering, “Help!”
Through unshed tears, Edward saw a person.
A man, alone, staring out at the empty pond.
Voice finally managed its way through Edward's throat.
The man jumped.
He was anonymous, unknown, a blue hoodie and a patchy beard and startled surprise in his eyes. Who knows what it was that he saw, chasing after Edward. He hitched on his feet, arms opening as if to let Edward in, some unheard blasphemy on his lips.
Edward grabbed his wrist and they ran together, figures gasping through the isles of light in the rainy night.
“What was that?” the man whispered, his voice so very small, like suddenly this big, burly man was nothing more than a scared child.
The snarling grew closer, warm air on Edward’s nape, his hand sweaty in the stranger’s.
They rounded a corner into a patch of trees, the air suddenly still around them.
No noises, no chittering, no growling. Just two people sharing breaths, pressed against the damp bark of a sleeping tree.
He grinned, and the stranger saw his tombstone between those lips, ivory white.
Edward looked up at him.
He was handsome, blue eyes, dark hair, some wrinkles added for character.
What a shame.
“Your funeral.”
Suddenly the air around them exploded, a whirlwind of sounds, of smells, fur and feathers, chittering of teeth and clicking of claws and the heavy stench of pheromones and toxins in the air, as Edward pounced off to the side, and the creature appeared from the shadows to assault the man, pawing him to the ground to tear into him.
This meal was a quick affair; in the span of maybe a minute and a half, the coppery, disgusting scents of blood and feces filled the night, mixing with leaves and rain and damp grass, and what before was a man, screeching and squirming, was now little more than a mess on the grass, chest ripped away, ribs cracked open like a jewel box to reveal shimmering, still pulsing insides, stringy. Most of the contents of the man’s chest were gone, down the fangs of the thing now staring straight at Edward.
His screech did nothing to the warm feeling in Edward’s belly, observing his partner work.
It was a thing, not a creature, not anymore and maybe never, fur brown-grey-black, shimmering under the moonlight with the oil-slick iridescence of raven’s wings, fangs brilliant white in the cloudy night, and then bloody maroon as they tore into flesh and bone, long snout—a long, jagged scar between nose and lip–and grey on its muzzle, notched ears twitching, eyes ember-blazing and a sickly, almost fluorescent yellow.
Along the perfect curve of its back, hunched over its meal as it was, sat a perfect row of bony protrusions, white tips breaching meat and muscle and fur to shine like terrible hooks built into too-large vertebrae, and at its sides, wings, inky, addictive black, two, four, six, some folded neatly on themselves, others wide open, easily fifteen feet primary to primary, or folded around the hunched figure as if to shield its meal from the world.
It looked hungry, still.
Its chest was pulsing faintly, more like bones covered by a thin film than a real body, shimmering orange and red from the inside, blood dripping down its furry chin and neck.
And yet, despite looking like the ghost of a coyote dragged out from the pet cemetery it was buried in, it looked livelier. Its fur was shinier, its eyes bright, ears perked up like a dog after a full meal.
It looked down at Edward, eyes like the orange moon, fangs bloody and bared under black lips. Made its way, slow, shambling almost, a far cry from the powerful thing chasing behind him before, to sit in front of him.
Even sat on its haunches, Edward had to tilt his head to look up at it.
It was terrifying. It was awesome. Edward wanted it all for himself.
He moved his hand, slow, not to spook the beast.
Then a paw, long and thin, came to rest on his shoulder. Claws dug into the fleece of his hoodie, dripping red down his arm. Before he knew it, a rough, wide tongue was licking his face, terrifying in its size.
Buried his fingers in the matted fur on its canine cheek. Then the other one, as well.
Uncaring of blood and stench, Edward got closer, he buried his face in the stiff fur on its powerful neck, the same way he did to the dogs at home after a long day.
The creature mollified under his fingertips, powerful muscles relaxing under blunt nails.
They stood still, for a moment, enjoying the warmth in the cold autumn air.
“Ugh,” was all he could say, raising his hands to keep the dog still, “Your breath smells like death.”
It chuffed something amused, brought another paw to Edward's shoulder.
The combined weight took him off balance, stumbling off his feet under the dizzying power of the beast. It licked his face again, and again, a rough sound from its throat, slobbering blood and spit all over Edward.
“What is it, puppy?” Edward murmured instead, a dreamy smile on his lips. His hands never left the warm fur, dragging long petting motions through it, as the beast nuzzled its way against the bare side of his neck. “Are you hungry, still?”
It should have been disgusting. It was disgusting. He was lying in a soft bed of mud and gore, a creature easily ten feet tall hunched over him, stenching of death and fear, terrible fangs and claws on him.
The only movement in the still autumn air was its tail, wagging slowly in big arcs.
“Alright, alright, you gluttonous thing.”
The beast’s tail wagged faster, it panted a damp line against his skin.
Edward laughed, tickled.
“Good boy,” he cooed, nuzzling into the damp fur, thumbing at the engorged cock, “good boy. Feels good, doesn’t it, Jon?”
A full body shudder shook the creature, fearsome and delighted, and, buried in its fur, warm like an animal and yet clammy and cool like a corpse, Edward could feel something long and hard and hot pressed against him, as big as his forearm.
He dropped his hand down to palm at it—fingers barely long enough to wrap around the thing—and enjoyed the shuddering warmth around him as the beast relaxed.
The beast—Jonathan—Scarecrow, whined, a beastly sound, hearing his name uttered with such reverent affection, burrowing deeper in the crook of Edward’s neck, flushed warm with sated hunger.
Edward’s hand didn’t relent, jerking up and down in long strokes.
“Did you enjoy yourself? Are you satisfied?” He murmured, lips pressed against a bloody, greying muzzle, “No. You want more. You always do.”
He loved these moments.
More than the gore, or perhaps in spite of it, more than regular sex in their regular bed, than being dizzy on each other.
Loved seeing this fearsome beast, power-bloody, hungry for fear and guts, bend willingly to him, his power, his authority, eat from the palm of his hands and not even think about biting.
Every word was a stroke, a low, whiny growl.
“But that’s okay, because I’m here to take care of you.”
Jonathan’s paws dug at Edward’s hoodie, just as his hand did something particularly clever around his cock, up and down in a twisting motion.
Bronze skin was suddenly uncovered to damp autumn air, and Jonathan nosed his way down, trying to reach the tantalising little strip of obliques-belly button-obliques.
Was it stupid? To expose his belly, so simply, so trusting, when another man lay there with the very contents of his own belly splattered on the ground, slowly growing frosty as hot blood cooled down in the cold air?
“Oh, you’re something else.”
But Edward was grinning at his partner’s exhuberance, and let go of his cock—savoured the offended whine that followed—to grab the soft hem of his hoodie and push it up.
He tucked it in the neckline, and immediately the beast was on him.
His tongue was so warm, breath hot and damp, leaving red trails down his skin, now crawling with goosebumps. Edward shuddered, holding on to his hair, fingers fisted in the spiky fur.
Jonathan did not rip his flesh to pieces. He did not bite down and rip away and drink in his blood.
Instead he nosed down his sternum, the soft line of his diaphragm, lapping at the Arabic etched in there, down down his belly to nip gently at his belly button.
Clawed fingers pulled at his waistband, pulling it down, down, uncovering soft skin and dark cotton. Edward reached down, frantic almost, to help his lover pull his underwear down, uncovering his cunt, warm and swollen.
It was almost immediate, the effect it had on Jonathan.
His cock jumped, darkened tip moistening, and he dove in nose first, licking red stripes around Edward’s thighs.
Powerful paws gripped at soft skin, pulling his legs apart to get access to the prize between them.
Jonathan sniffed it, damp nose a hair away from Edward’s cock, swollen and pink, before his tongue dove in lower, to lick broad stripes at his lips.
Under him, Edward quivered, suddenly keenly aware of how open a space they were in, and not caring enough to pull Jonathan away, fingers still knotted in dark fur.
Before long, Edward was reaching down, pawing at Jonathan’s muzzle. It took a moment, of carefully fingering between the gaps of his teeth, of pressing his black nose away and wrapping three fingers around a sharp fang, to pull him away and upwards and savour that tongue, still tasting of musky pleasure.
Jonathan ate from him, blissful and uncaring, tongue big and flat and rough burrowing deep inside Edward, delighting in the rising volume of his groans, his twitching legs unmoving in his powerful grasp.
His tongue went deep, moving in swift arcs, brushing coquettishly against Edward’s cock every now and again, a delightful whine punched out of his lungs each and every time.
“I should put a collar on you,” Edward mused, panting hard, in between trying to kiss a mouth that didn’t kiss the same way, “And a leash. So I don’t have to risk my fingers when I want to kiss you.”
He reached down again, to give some love to Jonathan’s poor, neglected cock. It was painfully hard under his fingertips, and he pumped it, once, twice, three times, the creature burying his long snout in the crook of his neck, and then, slowly, he started moving.
He spread his legs further, moved closer, fingering at the pointed tip, pushing it close to his dark bush until it buried itself inside.
Jonathan jerked into action, powerful haunches and thighs springing to bury his cock inside Edward to the hilt, a growl on his lips.
Edward choked out a noise that could have been a "Yes".
Not that Jonathan would have cared, lost in his rut.
He just kept pounding, uncaring of the writhing body in his claws, of its gasped, shivering pain.
He pounded through Edward’s whine, and his cunt clenching almost painfully around his cock, a pulsating upward motion that took him base to tip, and through his whimpery exhale as energy left his body, like a puppet loosely strung.
His grip on Jonathan’s fur wavered, but never let go, as Jonathan slowed down, thrusts getting deeper, breath getting shallower.
Edward blinked upwards quickly after, hands pulling at his underwear and pants to cover himself, dripping come and all.
Once, and twice, and he was gone, flooding inside Edward, and a little bit outside of him too.
If nothing else, he had had the good sense to pop his knot outside, before collapsing in a heap on his lover.
He gave one last pet on Jonathan’s nose, spent and lovely. One eye blinked open, blue and orange and remarkably human, quirked in Edward’s direction.
“Come on, Jonathan–you had your fun. Let’s go home.”
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noforkingclue · 5 months
All That Glitters Chapter 10 (Dhawan!Doctor x reader)
Doctor Who tag list: @v4n1r, @queerconfusionthings, @yourneighbourhoodclown, @love-of-fandoms, @emilythezeldafan, @fabulous-jj-style, @theseeker945, @pleadingeyes, @kjaneway1, @truthbehindthemysteries, @im-a-muggleborn, @startrekkingaroundasgard, @mythandmagik, @geocookie21, @zerocanonlywriteshit, @thewinterpoet2, @anteroom-of-death, @night467, @clarasoswaldd, @sessa23, @mxacegrey
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary, @byebyebreezywrites, @spngingerbread21, @layazul, @lov3vivian, @simonsbluee
“Why,” you asked, “did you take me up here?”
The Doc inhaled deeply before glancing over at you. He grinned and you realised that this was the happiest you had seen him.
“Yorkshire,” he said, “no place quite like it.”
“I agree with you there.”
“Can’t you see how clean the air is?”
“It’s so quiet.”
“It’s peaceful.”
“Then why do you live in London.”
“More work,” he said bitterly, “Better wages.”
“Right,” you lifted up your suitcase, “now where is she?”
“You alright lifting that?” the Doc said, “you won’t break a nail?”
“I’m not afraid of a bit of hard work.”
“You’re current lifestyle rather says otherwise.”
You rolled your eyes and chose to ignore his comment. You tapped your foot and looked around with a frown on your face. The Doc stood next to you and said,
“What did you mean, now where is she?”
“Well,” you said, “When you told me that we were going up here I had a thought.”
“Makes a change.”
“So I contacted an old acquaintance.”
“I thought you said that you didn’t have any friends.”
“Acquaintance,” you said, “we went to finishing school together.”
“Finishing school.” The Doc raised his eyebrows and you looked away embarrassed
“My parents made me,” you said, “apparently it’s meant to be good for young ladies.”
You rolled your eyes and kicked at the dirt.
“Didn’t do much for me but the one thing it did do was give me a lot of connections. Olivia married some sort of lord or something who lives up here. Now I thought, if there’s a thief and possible murderer-“
“Definitely murderer.”
“Ok, then she’ll be looking for her next target? Why not have some sort of party. Attract her over.”
“That’s,” the Doc paused before slowly saying, “not a terrible idea.”
“High praise.”
You looked up when you heard the sound of a car pulling up. It had just stopped and a young woman jumped out of it. She squealed when she saw you and ran up, flinging her arms around you.
“Y/n, darling!” she said, “It has been far too long! How have you been? Really though, why did you have to come up here. Nothing ever happens. It would’ve been so much more fun to meet up in London!”
Her attention was suddenly on the Doc. She smirked at you and nudged you.
“And who might this be?” she said, “Did your parents finally find a husband for you. No, if they did I would’ve heard about it in the papers.”
“Nothing like that Olivia,” you said, your cheeks hot, “he’s… well, we’re working together on something.”
“Oooh, do tell me more!”
“Let’s do it in the car.”
“Your necklace!” Olivia burst out laughing, “Oh that is terrible.”
The smile slipped from her face and she gave you a nervous look.
“That really is terrible,” she said, “Do your parents know?”
“If they did I wouldn’t be here,” you said, “I’d have been shipped off to the countryside so quickly I’d barely have time to register it.”
“And you’re helping her find it,” Olivia asked the Doc, “how chivalrous of you.”
“Just doing my job.” Said the Doc
“I’m sure you are,” she smirked at the your of you, “so where do I come into this?”
“We’re thinking of laying a trap,” you said, “with bait.”
“A trap,” Olivia’s smile widened, “how exciting! So you want me to host a little party?”
“Might need to be a bit bigger than little.” You said
“Perfect,” Olivia said, “just what this place needs.”
“Your husband won’t have any issues?” asked the Doc
“Oh don’t worry about him,” Olivia said with a smirk, “I’ll be able to persuade him. So, what else do you need me to do?”
“You seem very excited about this.” You said
“Most exciting thing that’s happened to me.”
“Now this next bit, you might not like.” You said
“Tell me!” said Olivia
“Got any precious gems you don’t mind using as bait?”
“Ah, why did have a feeling you might be asking that question.”
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
Well, Then I Had a Reason
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It's time to burn some stately family homes down, my friends!
There's no reason for me not to. Not when I'm told I'm being overly sensitive when the first thing I see when I go into the Scott McCall tag -- not the Teen Wolf tag but the character tag -- is someone named "sterekislife" cackling about how the movie is going to be a shitshow. These people have known for six months that Dylan O'Brien and thus Stiles isn't going to be in the movie, but here they are, none-the-less, coming to pick fights about something that if they really are only here for Sterek they should care less about. If I'm going to be criticized for harassment because I feel like defending my favorite fictional character, then there's no reason to hold back in the face of what has to be the textbook definition of trolling.
Kate, hand me that gasoline.
There's a person (and you can find out who it is by digging through my blog because I'm told that criticizing a person by name is bad form but vague-blogging is also bad form and I give up) who told me that they never liked Scott since Scott said that single terribly mean and insensitive thing to Derek, the line which inspired the title of this post. You know he said it in that same episode where Stiles told a dying Derek that he smelled and that he would prefer Derek go die in the street rather than in his beloved Jeep. But why would I possibly call that a double standard?
The episode is Magic Bullet (1x04)
You should not confuse this with Pack Mentality (1x03) the episode directly before this one when an evil killer alpha (not yet revealed to be Derek's Uncle Peter, to whom Derek will betray Scott in six episodes) tried to force Scott via mind control to help him kill his old bus driver. An alpha who Scott didn't know about because Derek withheld that information as he was using Scott as bait to draw that same alpha out. Yet fandom can't see that Scott might want to defend the Argents by thinking they might have a reason to attack werewolves.
I'm talking about Magic Bullet, the episode where Derek Hale, who two episodes before had threatened to kill Scott if he even tried to do something which might expose werewolves to the world, does something which might expose werewolves to the world when he steps in front of Stiles's Jeep, eyes flashing blue, and demands Scott's help in front of Beacon Hills High School's entire student body. Because it's not hypocrisy when a Hale decides to endanger the werewolf secret.
I'm talking about Magic Bullet, the episode where Scott risks his relationship with Allison and his life in a house full of werewolf hunters to help the man who not only lied to him, stalked him, and threatened to expose his secret to the world, but in the previous episode not only punched him and clawed him but also warned him that he would kill people unless Derek trained him, though "it's not going to come for free."
I'm talking about Magic Bullet, the episode where Scott succeeds at retrieving the bullet that Derek needs from the house in time, succeeds at controlling the shift enough to transform only his thumb and forefinger to get the bullet out of the grate (As an aside -- the anti-Scott fandom love to harp on about Scott's supposed control issues yet completely miss that scene and what that scene is supposed to tell the audience.) and thus save Derek's arm, only for Derek to shout and growl and threaten without a single ounce of gratitude or honesty.
But hey, Scott said a cruel thing that episode, so that's why it's okay to ignore everything else he does for Derek. It's also that's why it's not only absolutely okay not to like him but to also fill his Tumblr tag with insults and write 30,000 stories where people take his own story away from him and give it to white men who are definitely not cruel, whether it be Derek "But You Know You Can't Beat Me!" Hale or Stiles "Oh You'll Heal" Stilinski.
It's wrong, and I'm done. If I don't get to enjoy the fandom before, during and after this movie, (which is all I want to do) then the gloves come off. I will defend a fictional character, and I'll do it with every rhetorical technique and logical, evidenced argument I can muster. None of this just letting people piss on a character of color for their fetishistic white mlm obsession. Block me, ignore me, leave the Scott McCall and Teen Wolf tags (please), but if I don't get to have fun, I'm going to do my best to make sure that you don't either.
Rant Over.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
I know this might be painful for you to talk about, but on one of your blogposts from today you said you were doxxed, threatened, bullied because you were doing what was right. Would you be able to talk about that?
I wasn't the only one, but I was one of the ones he was hyperfixated on.
In TAW's first wave of attacks he was focused on Lua, Violue, Ashes and Exorcising Emily, most of which have all left the fandom. Emily had an amazing fighting spirit but was catching it on all ends with bronlies faking shit to get her kicked out of cons. It was reversed with apology tickets but damage done, and that's when we lost Geekiary coverage for Supernatural.
That said, the doxxing site came in 2018 after blacklisttaw took off in response regearing the conversation from the christmas PR attack. Long story short, all of us running around like decapitated chickens in the back trying to fix it already knew it was bs, and misha stans well intended were fighting with these bait socks in the TMZ tags and it was kicking water uphill to fucking untag 300 arguments they just kept tagging back into.
blacklisttaw took off, and the loudest people speaking up about his worse transgressions fell onto a sort of hitlist of his that his fans went after. We could never prove who exactly made the website since the domain owner was protected, but it was all about poor TAW being attacked by evil witches.
Many of our lives were directly impacted. For all the hysterical noises about a blackmail joke, TAW did in fact even blackmail one girl into a retraction by calling her college and basically ransoming her future. That's how bad it got. I'm talking people getting shredded packages, knives in their doors, moving out of state just because they don't know when some crazy shitbird is going to drive by. Ironically I found out I relocated about half an hour from Lua without intending to, which is funny, because we hate each other but even we were on the same team. Hell this shit went so far we got the whole furry fandom on board and got TAW banned from their cons too when he tried to move there.
Either way, basically, any of us, any of us that spoke up about him ended upon the shitlist. He had his old wave folks he was hyper fixated on, which coincidentally is mostly who Mark Pellegrino went broke seeking legal consult for ways to sue. They also dealt with similar shit.
But yeah, I mean it is what it is. It's what it says on the tin. But you know I'm a loudmouth by nature that can't be backed down and I already knew how to handle narcissists like Travis, I knew how to push his buttons and make him spiral and just finished up the job with him from there, even if he pulled "i'ma big army sniper lolol i know where u live" try me motherfucker. I posted my gun and he cried and put it on my doxxing page that I was dangerous. Magnificent.
The doxxing bothers more people obviously, and it's terrible for everyone involved, but long before I ever pulled into SPN fandom I'd taken so many types of trauma that I'm kind of like throwing a rock at an angel. it's just gonna bounce i'm standing there, and TAW didn't know what to do when I didn't fear him but instead ended up with the reigns on his whole situation, soooooo I got a few years of ongoing joyride with him, and the resulting overlap and reports and escalation you could say I passed up the line.
Actually it was funny, he fought for like a year to doxx me actually and he kept screaming WHO ARE YOU and spun out real bad when i posted this
(@destielcrack lightly updated)
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virtualcarrot · 1 year
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