#them all vs the mall
oloohyeah · 4 months
Ticks love the mall
• My Ticks are all my world.
• Even though they suck it hard sontine;.
• they give me life.
• Ticks are ticks because of their habits.
• some ticks are a very clean when they suckit, the others can spill my blood all over.
• Some I'll get attach to.
• Ticks makes my thick peak.
• In time they will gets satiate then they detach. • They would leave me with a scar.
• Some will leave me with a small scar, some would LY-ME a BULLS EYE.
• My Likened to whom it may concern everywhere.
• If you survived feeding one, u will survive them all & the-mall
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aeb-art · 6 months
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what's going on with geo that might cause this reaction?
characters belong to @8um8le
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void-tiger · 2 years
Therapist: if you’re diagnosed (and you prolly will be; regardless you’re clearly neurodivergant) adhd drugs could really help you feel better
My brain: haha bad little boy drug go brrrr
#tiger’s roar#adhd#medication stigma#…just ‘cause I Mostly don’t annoy people by Just Existing#’cause Masking and female socialization and mixed adhd symptoms vs hyperactive or inattentive/‘dumb blonde joke tm’#does…not mean I’m actually…functioning. at all#I still feel bored and irritable and struggle staying ontask like. all the time. esp if it’s boring. no matter how hard I wanna just. do it#I’m still so gd sensitive to Sounds that this 6 yr old girl struggling with Volume Control KNOWS#and will sweetly try to tell everyone to Shut Up…by yelling. (her dad teased her bout that)#I still can’t really Spot The Object and it’s not my eyes. it’s my brain#I just do not find Wheres Waldo or Wordsearches fun. i kinda hate them#wordsearches were such stupid pointless busywork for Homework. never fun#I was stuck wasting over an hour on these things when I had other homework of 20+ problems to do#since like. 2nd grade#I can’t get my brain to just do timed drills. I WILL fail those things#thought I was free of that after 5th grade math ‘games’ but no. it’s there in college music theory too#and it definitely affects my ability to drive because I Won’t see street names I’ll see scenery#and my brain Won’t make Routes. at all. I’m like a roomba bumping around til I find The Thing#fine for a mall. awful anywhere bigger#…turns out I also have vertigo. like. every time I stop moving. since a tot. also a Brain Structure Hi Adhd Thing#…buuuut because I’m a girl and ‘raised to mask and some stuck’ (until I have my temper flare)#just. there’s still this ‘but do I tho??’#even tho people with adhd often have their anxiety and depressive symptoms BETTER on an adhd vs (just) an anxiety med#…aaaand yeah. i’m kinda scared since i cannot take the goto anxiety meds at all#full on moodswing cycling and fluttery pulse feeling for hours. l#and if adhd meds DON’T work? they can really fuck you up
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mybrainproblems · 2 years
My brain went on a whole thing about the retro-present of the spn verse last night and I just did not retain like. ANY of it.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 2 months
w for wheezie
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words: 1.5k
warnings: very wheezie heavy i stan her, established relationship, physical violence!, descriptions of blood, rafe vs pogues, cameron family drama
“what do you think?” you hold up two letters, each silver with diamonds encrusted in them. “w for wheezie or l for louisa?”
“umm…” wheezie looks at the charms, tapping her chin, eyes flicking back and forth between the two.”
“i would say both, but…” you shrug, leaving the decision up to her.
“i think w because everyone calls me wheezie.” she decides.
“perfect.” you smile, looking at the chain lengths next. you love spending time with wheezie, especially when its shopping days like today where you take her to the mall or whatever store she wants.
usually rafe would accompany you, always hanging back to allow you to gossip, even if it was about him and your relationship. he’d only appear when you headed to the cash register, supplying his credit card to pay for whatever clothes or accessories you got.
“we should stop by sephora next.” you say as the cashier rings up your jewelry, various bracelets and necklaces, along with a chain and ring you bought for rafe (or really he bought for himself as you hand the cashier his card, but at least you picked it out).
“i need a new foundation for the summer.” wheezie says. it makes you pout for a moment, thinking about how grown up she is. you’ve been friends with rafe since middle school and used to play barbies with wheezie and take her to the american girl doll store, and now you’re taking her to buy makeup and try on dresses for homecoming.
“maybe a tinted moisturizer.” you remark, walking with bags in your hand to sephora.
“i would call this a successful haul.” you giggle as you load up your car, having to put bags in the backseat as well once the trunk is full. you turn on a playlist of yours and wheezies favorite songs, having different playlists ready for whoever you’re with.
it’s practical to buy so much at one time since you made the almost two hour drive to norfolk to visit the mall, and probably won’t be back for a long time. you prefer staying in the outer banks to shop, but it’s not always possible with the limited number of stores.
“do you think you have time next week to take me to get my haircut?” wheezie asks, already looking a bit like a mini you, and you have no doubt she’ll ask for a similar haircut.
“of course, wheezie girl!” you nod before letting out a squeal when one of your favorite songs come on, you both belting out the words as you make your way back towards tanneyhill, driving through marshy swamplands, little towns and finally crossing over the bridge.
you pull up the driveway, surprised how eerily quiet it seems to be. usually rafe would be running out the door to make sure you didn’t carry anything in.
“stay in the car for a sec wheezie girl…” you have a strange feeling building, and you always trust your gut. you look back to make sure she doesn’t follow you as you walk into the house to hear muffled grunting.
“rafe?” you call out, your cautious footsteps turning into a run as you make your way further into the house until you see rafe being held up by john b, jjs arm pushing forward to punch him in the gut.
“stop it!” you shout, running in to push jj away, but the second rafe is out of john bs tight hold, he turns to attack them, bravely taking on both in a flair of fists.
“stop it, rafe!” you shout, pulling at his arm. he only pauses when he feels your gentle touch, but john b doesn’t quit, reaching out to hit rafe again, right in the nose as he instantly starts to bleed.
“sarah!” you scream, finally noticing her in the corner of the room, sat with a glazed look in her eye with her knees pulled up to her chest. “stop your freaking attacking dog boyfriend!” you step between the boys, all three of them panting heavily, rafes nose dripping blood down the front of his shirt.
“we are fucking rescuing her!” jj says, puffing his chest up.
“what?” you turn to look at sarah, waiting for an explanation.
“rafe tried to lock me in the house.” she finally says, seeming to shake out of whatever daze she’s in as she stands up. “he tried to stop me from seeing john b.”
“im just trying to do whats best for you, sarah.” rafe says, his voice sounding hoarse from the fight. “he’s a bad guy.”
“no he’s not!” sarah shouts, no doubt going to start in on tirade when you hold your hand up.
“sarah, go with john b. just…” you let out a deep sigh. “get out of here. be back by dark though.” you shoo her away. no way she’s going to actually listen to you and be back by sundown, but at least it gives you time to figure out what’s going on and tend to rafe.
you turn to watch them leave, frown appearing on your face when you see wheezie standing there, looking like a scared little girl you once knew.
“wheeze-” you call to her, but she runs up her stairs into her room, slamming her door loudly. a problem for later, you decide as you turn to rafe.
“come on, baby, lets get you cleaned up.” you say softly, trying to lessen the anger so visible on his features. you lead rafe into the kitchen, wetting a rag with warm water as you gently drag it over his face, feeling tears well up in your eye when you see his busted lip.
“how was shopping? did you have fun?” rafe asks, making you glare at him.
“don’t you dare try to change the topic, rafe cameron. what happened?” you sigh.
“john b and those pogues are fucking criminals. there’s someone who has been robbing houses, and i don’t doubt it’s those fucking-” rafe lets out an angry grunt when you press the washcloth against his cheek, a bruise already forming. “im just trying to protect my family.”
“sarah isn’t a kid anymore, you gotta let her protect herself.” you say softly. “besides, wheezie seeing you all beat up and bloodied isn’t-”
“it was only because it was two against one.” rafe counters.
“baby.” you shake your head. “you’re missing the point. you have no proof that they’re doing anything. trust sarah, alright? i’ll talk to her later.”
“what would we do without you.” rafe smiles, cringing slightly when it stretches his lip, but it doesn't stop him from pressing his mouth against yours, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“you deserve the cameron last name more than sarah does.” rafe says, holding you tight against him, feeling your hands shaking slightly. “gonna marry you one day.”
“alright, buddy.” you giggle, making rafe roll his eyes as you pull away. he loves to talk about your future together despite still being so young. you can’t say you haven’t spent time imagining it yourself. “im gonna go talk to wheeze.”
“okay.” rafe gives you another kiss before watching you walk away.
you walk softly up the stairs, tapping your knuckles against wheezies door before opening it up.
“hey, everyone is okay.” you say softly, seeing her sitting on her bed, phone in hand, no doubt scrolling to distract from anything she’s feeling.
“i’m fine.” wheezie shakes her head. she may look fine, but you can see the look in her eyes. she’s just as shaken as you are, if not more.
“it’s okay to not be, though.” you sit down on the bed next to her. “you saw your brother getting beat up, you’re allowed to not be okay with seeing that.”
“its just…” wheezie sighs. “sarah has been so different lately since she started hanging out with john b. she even lied to me the other day.”
“im sorry, wheezie girl.” you wrap her in a tight hug. “your sister loves you. she’s just a teenager, going through a rebellious phase of life. she doesn’t realize that her actions have consequences and can hurt the people she loves.”
“will you talk to her?” wheezie asks. “you always know what to say.”
“of course.” you nod, pulling away from the hug, forcing a smile on your face. “but hey, let’s go get our shopping bags.”
“okay.” wheezie manages a smile.
you walk downstairs to see rafe has already brought everything in from the car, placing it all throughout the front entrance.
you smile as wheezie instantly goes for the sephora bags as you wrap your arms around rafe, pressing your head against his chest.
“its all gonna be alright.” you tell him.
“as long as you’re with me, you’re right.” rafe presses a kiss to the top of your head, his eyes bulging when he sees the dress wheezie pulls out. 
“you are not wearing that-” he begins to argue, finger wagging just like his dad would.
“it’s not for me, its for y/n!” wheezie argues.
“oh.” rafe looks down at you, noting the blush spread across your cheeks. “well, you can wear that but only for me.”
“rafe!” you squeal while wheezie makes a grossed out face.
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @rafeyslove @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @cokepewpsii @mysticallystilinski @luvdella @aerangi @vogueprincess @auryyz @raysmayhem-72 @thestarlithideout @marvelfanfics1recs @rafesgiirl @ditzyzombiesblog @chiaraanatra @tobiaslut @winterrrnight @bejeweledreverie @drewsephrry
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yikesmary · 1 year
TWO: LIVE IN BOYFRIEND — choi seungcheol x reader
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summary: when you have to get used to choi seungcheol as your roommate and fake boyfriend.
notes: thank you guys for all the love you guys gave the first (technically first even if it’s not labeled as the first?) part of what I guess is becoming a series? depending on if I get ideas or not, uploading parts to this series may or may not take long. ill also be accepting ideas for the stories if you guys have any ideas!
btw this chapter focuses more on the contrast of how you and Seungcheol started as people who agreed to fake date vs how you guys will act now. you guys are still fake dating but to people it's very real because you guys act the part.
i'm still accepting requests if you guys have them! it can be for this series or for a one shot, just send an ask.
join my taglist!
previous / next
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"We need to discuss some ground rules," You said as you and Seungcheol walked around the mall, finding stores to browse through.
"What ground rules do we need? I live with you, and I pretend to be your boyfriend," he said.
"How did we meet? Who asked who out? Where was our first date? Do we let people know we're living together? How long do we say we're together?" You listed out, counting off with your fingers.
"Don't you have a class with Wonwoo?" Seungcheol suddenly asked.
"Jeon Wonwoo? Yeah, I do. Why do you know that?" you asked.
"We say that Wonwoo introduced us and we were friends for a while. I wanted to ask you out but you beat me to it. Our first date was me teaching you basketball, and it was not pretty." He teased.
"How'd you know I'm bad at basketball?" you questioned.
"I mean, when you nearly died after choking on noodles, I guessed you aren't the most graceful," he joked.
You rolled your eyes and hit him lightly on the shoulder. Spotting a store you wanted to go to, you grabbed Seungcheol's forearm and dragged him with you.
"Anyways, we should let people know we're living together. It tells people we're serious and your ex he's a jackass for breaking up with you the way he did," he said, grabbing a shirt and showing it to you to look at.
Nodding in approval, you grabbed the shirt and continued to look through the racks. "Besides creating a story of our relationship, we make other rules,"
You grabbed a few more items before going in line for the cashier. Counting how much money you had, you realized you had to return a few things. You tried walking out of a line but Seungcheol stopped you and shook his head.
"Like don't fall in love with each other," you said, and he scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"We're not gonna fall in love with each other," Seungcheol said.
Once you guys were the next people in line, the cashier started scanning all of the items. Moving to pay, you stopped once you realized that Seungcheol already had his card out and was on his way to pay.
"You didn't have to do that," you told him.
"Think of it as a present. From one roommate to the other," he said.
"Anyways, what were you saying about not falling in love with each other?"
"Have you seen every movie that involves fake dating? The two main protagonists always fall in love without knowing!"
"Those are movies, this is real life,"
When you exited the store, you turned to face him. "How about we just agree to stay friends?"
"Just friends,"
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"I'm home!" You called out, putting your keys in the bowl that Seungcheol put after you lost your keys and had to use his for the 3rd time.
When you entered the living room, you saw that your living room was filled with both yours and Seungcheol's friends sitting at every possible chair. "Hello Cheol and everyone who doesn't live here," you greeted.
"How was your nail appointment?" Seungcheol asked and you smiled and walked towards him to hold up your nails to show him.
He took your hands and observed them, "you chose the color I suggested," he said.
You shrugged, "I didn't have any other color ideas and it looked pretty,"
"Now, tell me, why are there twelve of our friends in our apartment when they don't live here?" you questioned.
"We didn't have any food!" Jeonghan interjected.
As if practiced, the sound of Minghao drinking a cup of tea and Jun eating something crunchy filled the room. Jihoon then opened a bag of candy, which caught the attention of others and they grabbed handfuls from the bag.
"And you finish all of ours?!" You jokingly shouted.
"You guys are supposed to go grocery shopping anyways," Seungkwan pointed out.
"Can you guys get more chips? You guys ran out of the ones I like," Vernon said with a mouthful of the chips as mentioned earlier.
"And soda!" Chan exclaimed.
"You tell me the word and I'll kick all of them out," Seungcheol offered.
Ignoring all of the shouted protests from your friends, you shook your head, "It's fine as long as Mingyu's cooking,"
Everyone in the room turned to Mingyu, who sighed and stood up to go to the kitchen. "Don't make a mess of our kitchen or else!" You called out.
"How about you change into comfortable clothes and I'll make these idiots decide on a movie," Seungcheol said.
"Nothing that's too scary or else Seokmin and Soonyoung will have nightmares," you reminded him.
"I don't think they'll get nightmares—" Joshua started saying, but a stern look from you cut him off.
"They'll get nightmares, nevermind," he backtracked.
"You make us sound like kids!" Soonyoung said.
"It's cause you are," Wonwoo commented.
"This is like a daycare," you muttered.
"Go change. I managed to get your favorite snacks away from the guys," Seungcheol told you.
You smiled at him before going to your room to change like you originally planned to.
Maybe this fake dating thing was going better than you thought it was going to.
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thisisnotthenerd · 4 months
great episode; some big story reveals tonight.
cassandra was possessed by some sort of rage spirit that caused her to mutate
that then spread around the mall, rampantly possessing wizards and making them buff
sidenote: the martial squad (fabian, gorgug, riz) did so well in this combat
fig's ancestral curse is from gilear; when she gives inspiration, profound bad luck happens either to her or her environment, accompanied by a sauce stain on her shirt. it is somehow related to the armor of pride that gilear used in the nightmare forest; maybe the curses melded? instead of dying when she gets too proud, fig tries to encourage others and is punished with bad luck.
the 'shatter-stars' are related to an unknown divinity that is somehow tied to the entity that lydia barkrock keeps trapped in her chest.
cassandra thought this entity was dead, and when she died in the time loop, she was 'summoned back to their side'. cassandra may be inaccessible for kristen if she's trapped by this entity.
we know galicaea and cassandra were sister goddesses that presided over the night (the moon, werewolves, patron of elves vs. mystery, night, doubt). perhaps the bbeg this season is an entity that presided over them?
it would tie into the night yorb; maybe the night yorb was a lesser being that gained power from cults in its name?
i could see the naming mechanic e.g. speak not of the night yorb if this was a dead god of some sort that transitioned into another state of being and then was brought back as a god.
the bad kids threw one hell of a party
the fact that aguefort is off on a jaunt means that all of the 'adventurous behavior' is being punished
also adaine doesn't have a job anymore if the synod is destroyed. girl's got to start getting all those elves from fallinel to pay for their prophecies.
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 months
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@alizarinessence thank you for your patience as I took my time to respond to you! PbtA games can be pretty daunting, and I certainly didn't understand how the play flow was supposed to work at first. I personally learned through trial and error, as well as watching other GMs who had figured it out - I am blessed to have a friend who is very experienced in running PbtA games so I was able to play in some of his games and ask him questions.
That being said, there have been a few things that I've also found helpful that I can refer to you, so I'm going to put them up here.
The Flow Chart
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This flow chart was originally posted in a Dungeon World reddit post, and later referred to me when I started asking for PbtA advice. You'll likely see a similar flow chart in Apocalypse Keys, where Rae Nedjadi illustrates how a typical session of play is likely to look like.
In any given PbtA game, you as a GM are going to be presenting pieces of information to the players, just as you would in any other ttrpg. PbtA codifies this information as "moves," and each game will present you with information that is considered useful for the kind of story that it is design to tell.
In Masks, the players are teenage superheroes, so the game encourages the GM to introduce facts such as "civilians are in danger" or "your dad thinks you're being irresponsible."
In The Ward, the players are medical doctors in an Emergency Ward, so the game advises the GM to introduce truths such as "a patient's condition is worsening" or "someone's dad is fighting with a nurse in another room."
This reinforces the common maxim that the game is a conversation, a cycle of presenting new information, letting players decide what they want to do with that information, and making a roll if the fiction calls for it. This is a rather simplified cycle of course - the "see what happens" sections may include moments when players may jump in with their own characters' reactions, generating more events that the GM doesn't need to add to in order to make them interesting. Many PbtA games thrive off of player conflict, which can occupy the table for a couple of hours without the GM needing to add anything (Last Fleet is a good example of this kind of play.)
Listening to Others
Listening to other people play PbtA games can give you a sense of how the game is meant to feel, especially when the GM's and players take their time to talk through their moves and how they work.
I found Monster Hour to be exceptionally helpful; they started out as a Monster of the Week podcast, and even though I've never run MotW specifically, listening to Quinn talk the players through how to ask questions or use different moves made the game very easy for me to understand.
Joining a Community
Joining a community that loves a specific PbtA game, or PbtA games in general can be very helpful when seeking out advice. The PbtA Discord channel has a number of players and designers, who have a lot of game experience and are more than happy to dish out advice.
Start With Games That Have Guide-Rails
Not all PbtA games are created equal, and while the original spirit of the game was to make sure you didn't plot out a story-line, there's still some games that have a certain amount of prep that will give you the tools you need to gain confidence as a GM. Here's some of my favourites:
Visigoths vs. Mall Goths can be played as a one-shot, and doesn't require players to make a lot of decisions when putting their characters together. It has a number of scenarios that you can throw at your players, a mapped-out mall with details on all of the NPCs (and whether or not you can flirt with them), and some pretty hard limitations on what you can and cannot do. You can't leave the mall, for example - go through an exit on one side of the mall and you'll just pop back in on the other. You can visit the stores throughout the day, but each team of players can only go to so many places before the mall is closed for the day, therefore bringing the mission to a close.
Apocalypse Keys has a game structure that looks daunting but can be broken down into steps, and also comes with pre-written scenarios as well as instructions on how to create your own. The concept is pretty straightforward - you're solving a mystery, and you need to do it before one of the Doors of the Apocalypse is opened. This puts the game on a timer, which helps GMs keep their players on task, and also provides the Game Master with a list of clues to drop into the story as the players look for them. I've heard very good things about how Brindlewood Bay, which inspired some of the mechanics in Apocalypse Keys, makes itself easy to run for new GMs, so if you can get your hands on that book, you might find it helpful!
Last Fleet is laser-focused on a very specific premise - you are humans, in space, running away from a terrible and insidious threat. What is more, this threat has the ability to infiltrate your fleet. The laser-focus brings everyone at the table to the same page pretty quickly, and the setting includes a mounting pressure track that will make sure things keep happening, so as the person running the game, you won't have to do much after you set up the initial scenario. The game also comes with some really good advice on where you want to start with your players, to make sure they're on edge, but not fully panicking yet. Then you just need to tip the scales enough to cause them to ask questions, make questionable choices, and start a series of actions that snowball into catastrophe.
Wrapping Up
This is all the advice I have for stepping into PbtA, but more than anything, I recommend just diving in and giving it a go! As with any GM-ing endeavour, you will likely walk away from your first session with a list of things that you'll want to do differently the next time around, but that's just a sign that you're learning.
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List of things that point towards Gojo Satoru & Geto Suguru being kissers of boys with connections to eachother
(If they did kiss though is another story)
Note: the list will be divided into different sections with space in between. So don't go speed scrolling through if you don't want spoilers. :"3
Some of these are less serious, but are still included because all the more content for these two sillies.
--- Last updated: April 26th, 2024 Note: Make sure to check the original post if viewing a reblog version in case Tumblr does not update things under the "read more" like it used to be able to.
572. This number is used frequently as a ship number for the two as "GoGe" the ship name can also be produced as "GoNatsu". Go means 5 and the rest sound similar to 72. These numbers ironically show up accross the series a few times and also in official merch. (Some examples being a clock in season 2 episode 1 stopped at 5 hours 7 minutes 20 seconds or a Gojo teddy bear priced at ¥57,200)
JJK official fanbook
"Q: Please tell us his first impression when he first met Geto. A: Bangs."
"Q: He seems to be aware that he is handsome, but doesn't he want a lover? A: I can't imagine Gojo being faithful to a particular woman."
"Q: Is there anything you are particular about Geto's character design? A: Bangs"
One of Gojo's songs & one of Geto's songs given to them. "Shame on you" by "Avicii" (a break up song) for Gojo and "Come back Home" by "Two door cinema club" for Geto. Stated in volume 3 chapter 24.
The sheer amount of times Geto shows up in MMVs for Gojo and how they display the impact Geto had on Gojo (For example, the latest MMV for volume 26's release)
Their birthday's solar terms tying in with parts. (Geto being "Risshun" beginning of spring & Gojo being "Taisetsu" heavy snow.)
Rings for them that were released on August 8th, which is "Pairing day" in Japan
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Jujutsu Kaisen 0
Geto's kesa is specifically a Gojo kesa
Gojo stating in 0 that
"I've always believed... ...Love manifests the most distorted curses." / "This is my personal theory, but there's no curse more twisted than love."
Even after 10 years, Gojo recognized Geto's smell. (The mall scene after Yuta & Toge fought the curse)
Geto renaming someone to "Sato" because
"That's what I've decided, so Sato is better."
This sunset scene
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Gojo's veil is black & Geto's veil is white. Gojo's veil causes darkness, Geto's does not. [Peep who reminded me]
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The song "This is pure love" not only plays over Yuta & Rika vs Geto, but also plays over Geto & Gojo's conversation
The way that Geto looks at Gojo & says his name, and how Gojo looks at Geto & says his name
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Geto's blushing face at Gojo that we were robbed of in the anime
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Some of the lines from the JJK 0 light novel lines
"Yet Gojo's bandage-covered eyes kept watching, kept following the shape of Geto's soul."
"But to Gojo Satoru, he was —— '————, ————' '...ha.' When he heard the words Gojo blurted out, Geto couldn't help but laugh. Such embarrassing [...] words. Even why they were students, those words had never been said before. 'You should've at least cursed me a little before the end.' December 24, 2017. The curse called Geto had been well and truly exorcised."
Season 1
JJK Juju stroll
"Q: What kind of person is your type?" Gojo: "[...]The one who seemed nice. With the notable bangs."
yes, i know who he stated but the way he answered was so half arsed as he struggled to come up with an answer as an example of his type. 💀
Season 2
Again, the way they look at each other and say each other's names (There's another picture with Gojo looking at Geto, but I'm missing it right now)
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They literally even have a themed honeymoon place???
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Geto makes sure Gojo has his favorite soda. :3
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Part 1 / volume 8 - 9
The intro for season 2 part 1
"Even after I got to know the smell of you, different from mine"
"In such a color as if it were a silent love"
"I've got a curse word for you stuck in the back of my throat"
The outro for season 2 part 1:
"Even trivial conversations are fine Show me your blushing face once more"
"It only exists here I want to touch you"
The fish in the outro
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The flowers in the intro & outro. [Peep who reminded me]
The purple ones (Located on table in the part where older Gojo is sitting in a chair by a window) are possibly Primula/Primrose flowers. They can represent young love, beauty, desire, desperate, and can be a symbol of spring and renewal/new beginnings. etc.
The yellow ones (Located in the part where Gojo & Geto are sitting together with their hands & cans of soda surrounded by the flowers) are possibly osmanthus flowers. They can represent love, passion, happiness, beauty, etc.
[See here , here, here , here , here , here ]
Geto not answering Tsukumo Yuki's question of what kind of woman is his type more than once
When Geto is asked by Haibara if he would like a sweet or savory souvenir, Geto says
"Satoru will probably have some too, so maybe something sweet."
Part 2 / volume 11
This whole image (Geto in the glasses on the left, and Kenjaku's silhouette on Gojo's face on the right)
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Season 2 part 2's "Specialz" intro hidden meaning
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Despite the following about Geto's state, Geto's body still instinctively reacted to stop Kenjaku from hurting Gojo.
"Q: Fake Geto's arm was moving during the Shibuya Incident, but how much of Geto's consciousness remains in the body? A: Not much. He was moving like how a dragonfly whose neck was torn off can move."
Fun fact: Some owls pair/bond for life (Whether the owl is supposed to be Geto's because Kenjaku is using Geto at the time or it's not Geto's animal because that is Kenjaku is up to you)
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Volume 26
The Camilla flowers with snow. Not only do they represent Gojo well with their meaning, including one meaning being unchanging/strong love alongside modest love / beauty for pink, but flowers are given to different dates. The birth flower of February is this flower, said to bloom on the 3rd of this month. Aka Geto's birthday.
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Chapter 236
Gojo actively chose to fight on December 24th (a day considered romantic for Japan) which is now the day both Geto and him have died on. Even Kenjaku acknowledges the days significance with
"Ha ha! How romantic. Isn't it gross to make plans with each other on Christmas eve?"
These lines
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Both Gojo & Geto's volumes' numbers can have bad meanings in Japan. 4 can mean death & 9 can mean to suffer/agony. (I put this under volume 26's section because of the spoiler)
There's likely more, but this is what we could think of right now. XD If you have anything you want to add on, feel free to send it my way because the more help the better & easier this is. (^w^ ) Same for any corrections to the list (as it's just me writing up this post and I may make slip ups)
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explodo-smash · 4 months
Tenko and Kacchan - Shigaraki and Bakugou as two misunderstood children
Now that we’re in the vestige/memory mindscape for MHA's ending, and Izuku and Shigaraki are sharing memories, this is an analysis I wrote about the connections between Shigaraki and Bakugou, and how I believe Katsuki’s role in this finale will be as another vital mirror for Shigaraki to look at.
[Can also be found on twitter]
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Shigaraki and Bakugou have both been denoted uniquely with some similar words/traits:
Overt Childishness/Childlike behavior
Short fuses/tempers
An abundance of power/strength - In general having gross/unappealing personalities etc.
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This makes sense.
Because in the original ending where Dk/Bk come together to defeat Shigaraki (as laid out by Heroes Rising) - it’s fair to say the original plan was an story where Izuku and Katsuki alone embodied what society needed as the new foundation for change.
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This obviously isn’t the case now, but theoretically it seems like the plan was to make Shigaraki too far gone. His ideals mixed with an enjoyment of destruction.
However, in an ending where he is not, and we’re not getting out of this situation without him being saved, the goals for a new foundation are the same with a different outlook - just the same players.
Shigaraki is seeking to be understood, first and foremost. And he is at the point where he genuinely believes no one can, even if they seek to - however it’s funny because equivalently he severely misunderstands Izuku and Kacchan in his pursuits to be seen.
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It’s worth noting that timeline wise - immediately following Deku/Kacchan vs All Might, we transition into the formation of the League of Villains, where Shigaraki is contemplating his interest in Izuku.
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He leaves to then go experiment with this interest with the mall, where Izuku disappoints but also inspires him to keep going.
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Prior to this, he had left the Toga and Dabi hanging with an answer about whether or not he would accept them, and upon being told again the reason he is not being seen he is not understood, upon being told he has no ideals, his next plan of action was to get Bakugou.
To me, it means something that Shigaraki sought Bakugou out where the other characters had to come to him. Back when these chapters were released, there was a genuine belief amongst readers that Katsuki would fold and join the villains.
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This assumption was being made by both Shigaraki, the reporters in the story, and the readers at large despite nothing about Katsuki indicating this but his personality - Shigaraki just happened to make the same mistake readers were making.
When Shigaraki looked at Izuku, he just saw another hero with lofty ideals who was not interested in putting that action to practice with things he did not understand.
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However when Shigaraki looked at Bakugou, he saw someone he resonated with being suppressed, forced to change who he is, and unprotected by society at large. Remember, prior to the sports festival the only other thing Katsuki was known for was the sludge villain incident.
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And even now, he looks to Bakugou as a mirror of himself, even when AFO was trying to suppress him, the things that started to wake Tenko up were things people said/did on behalf of Katsuki, seeing all the pro heroes work so hard to protect someone already gone.
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If I were to give a tentative soft take on the early read, Shigaraki’s failure at being understood by Izuku and Katsuki despite seeking them out (and with the original ending put into context) it seems like the original idea was perhaps that sometimes death is another way of saving, and that Katsuki and Izuku were the main symbolic proof that society can be better when you understand one another.
Now that is clearly being challenged and slightly inverted.
Katsuki/Izuku are still serving the purpose of being the proof and evidence of what change and understanding can do, but now it’s just not as insular.
To me, it’s not a coincidence OFA was borne in the helm of a misunderstanding. Yoichi, the one outcast, suppressed, and unprotected, is still reached out to by Kudou - because he looks like someone who needed saving.
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Furthermore, Kudou is the first person to sacrifice himself in the bid to save Shigaraki, betting everything on Izuku who he only grew to understand more after seeing his relationship to himself and Katsuki. Kudou and Shigaraki had similar ideas about him.
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Katsuki is consistently the thread that leads to understanding Izuku.
And so while in a lot of ways I do think Shigaraki is going to be able to see Izuku’s childhood and empathize with his own treatment in society, I do think it’d be easy to write it off as Izuku just being a better person than he is, causing him to doubling down anyways.
However, Katsuki is evidence that your origins can be treacherous. You can be a horrible, simple, and destructive child, and still come out of it loved. Katsuki is the strongest evidence everyone has that Izuku isn’t bluffing, both Izuku's persistent and Katsuki's growth.
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The biggest difference between Katsuki and Shigaraki is that Katsuki was blessed to have kept love in his life despite everything, and his ideals are predicated on this.
Tenko got to experience this only for a blip in time before being left behind and groomed. Izuku in all his craziness is presenting the opportunity for Tenko to remember it’s possible for him to have love in his life as well without taking the world down with him.
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He just can’t do that without seeing the clearest example of that dedication in action with one of the first characters he'd managed to resonate with.
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jigujellee · 11 months
a/n: just a fun lil attempt at hcs since i rarely do them,, to whoever requested this, i hope u enjoy my attempt 🥹 i'm sorry if they're not accurate jaldfadlfljdf
a/n 2: pics are not mine!! links to layouts used are listed below w respected @ <33
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MINJI (pic/layout creds courtesy of @k1sseo)
so bro™️
i think when minji gets jealous she’s just quiet
and she could get a little snarky sometimes, but just a smidge
minji didn’t expect to come home to you and hyein laughing your asses off at some random tiktok you were showing her
for some reason she was very bothered by it even tho you guys were naturally close
you kinda took awhile to notice her standing there but you once you did, you were quick to wrap your arms around her
she’ll play it off and act normal but she’s def quiet and i think she’d look like she’s deep in thought about something
so when you ask her to do something with you, that’s when light bulbs go off
“hey wanna go grab lunch later” “idk why don’t you go with hyein instead”
then you drag her to lunch anyway and endlessly tease her for being jealous in the first place
you also tease her ab the fact that she got jealous over the YOUNGEST member 😭 like ma’am, you think we’re gonna catch a case????
“i didn’t press you for the jealous type bro” “just shut up and eat”
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HANNI (pic/layout creds courtesy of @winuary)
every time i see/think of this girl she’s always smiling
so i think when she gets jealous she’ll still be smiling but like it’s def forced and looks fake
or if she’s not smiling then she 100% looks like this from that one live they did
either way that shit makes her stomach feel weird deep down
she’ll watch you and minji just monitoring your dance practice but you guys are just way too close together and minji’s shoulders brush against yours and-
“hanni, you okay? you’ve been zoning out for a while” and she just smiles again and plays it off
you knew something was up so when you’re back at the dorms that’s when you ask her and she shyly admits that seeing you that close w minji made her feel uneasy
you kiss her forehead softly and tell her she has nothing to worry about before pulling her into bed and cuddling w her for the entire night (even if ur arm goes incredibly numb cuz girlie does not move an inch away from u)
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DANIELLE (pic/layout creds courtesy of @i04rei)
dani wears her heart on her sleeve she’s adorable
so yk she’s jealous right away
you and hanni just came back from the mall and you are literally so happy
dani loves it when ur happy!! but it also makes her kind of sad that she’s not the one making u laugh and smile like that :(
she’s pouting while on her phone and u immediately take notice
“are u watching sad edits of cats again?” “naURRRR”
“you just seem awfully happy when you’re w hanni” “well yes bc shes my friend” more pouting and ur just trying not to melt at how cute she is
“how about we go to our fav cafe tmrw after our sched and then we can go watch the barbie movie after?” “but you don’t like barbie” “i don’t like a lot of things but if you like them, then i’d be more than happy to do them with you”
she just melts and forgets all ab what happened earlier
ft. hanni minji and hyein in the background trying not to gag out loud
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HAERIN (pic/layout creds courtesy of @venitly)
radio silence.
she’s already naturally quiet as is and she def does not speak her emotions compared to the others
so it takes you a little longer to figure out when she’s jealous vs the other members
after finishing a movie w danielle, she just blankly watches the two of you have deep conversations ab it
and honestly you confuse her jealous silence for her normal silence at first
but you start realizing the difference when she’s less affectionate with you (bc behind closed doors i think haerin is so affectionate like she deadass wont let go of you and is so touchy, needs to be holding you or be in close proximity w you)
“haerin, are you okay?” and she just nods. girl pls give us something to work with
she never really openly admits that she was jealous of you and dani but ur smart genius self put two and two together and connected the dots when u saw she was quiet around dani too but not the others
but bc she never outwardly said it, you don’t outwardly tell her not to worry or not to be jealous. instead you spend more time w her and getting her her fav snacks and whatnot and she appreciates it so much
haerin likes how you don’t need to be told when something bothers her, and when you figure it out, you always knew how to make her feel better without words
actions do speak louder than words and haerin knows how true that is with you
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HYEIN (pic/layout creds courtesy of @v-ico)
i’m gonna go for a platonic type of jealousy for hyein
she wanted to show u a new app she downloaded but u told her u were busy learning the new choreo from haerin
and she just whines
not like an annoying child throwing a tantrum kinda whine but just in a “why do u alw have sumn better to do” typa way
when u finish w haerin ur quick to go back to the dorms to see hyein napping
and u lowk feel bad bc all she wanted to do was show u sumn
u decide to let her sleep but ur idiot self banged ur hand on her door while trying to close it and now u feel bad even more bc she woke up
“you’re back alr unnie?” “yeah i came here quickly so you could show me the app”
hyein is super excited even tho she jus woke up, and shes reaching for her phone and is tapping thru w such speed
you both spend hours on the app (i keep saying the app bc idk what kinda app it would be 💀 im thinking either a game or a photo filter app idk) before ur both scolded by minji for being on the phone all day
it’s literally giving when ur little sibling just wants to show u sumn cool but ur too busy and u feel bad
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deerlottie · 2 months
lottienat x reader for the fluff alphabet? 👀
forgive me i skipped a couple letters bc i didnt know how to respond 😭
a = affection; is anyone more overly affectionate than the others? when it comes to physical vs verbal, who prefers what? lottie is DEF the most affectionate!! she'll take anything - physical, verbal, it doesnt matter. nat, on the other hand, is definitely much more of a verbal type of person. she'll shyly asks how you are or whisper in your ear that she loves you ;( but she really does love to hold ur pinkyyy >___<
b = bed; what’s the sleeping situation like? are there regular sleeping arrangements - does anyone like to sleep alone? NATTY IN THE MIDDLEEEEEE!!!! she secretly loves it...she feels so comfy n cozy when you and lottie rest your heads on her shoulder/chest when sleeping :( it also helps her fall asleep faster.
c = comfort; when someone’s feeling down, how do the rest look after them? nat shows it more in actions than words. if you or lottie are feeling down, she'll bring your favorite food or just get in bed and cuddle without saying anything. lottie just really wants to help and will do anything in her power to make you two feel better. she knows sometimes you or nat don't like to talk about your feelings so she'll talk for you. just letting you know she's here for you without trying to baby you too much yk. but if you wanna be pampered she can do that!!!!!!!
d = dates; what do dates look like? who usually plans them, or are is it a group affair? usually you or lottie plan them! nat is perfectly fine with just staying at home and being with you two so going out doesnt really matter. but, if lottie really wants to take you two to the mall and steal shop for you guys, she's more than willing. even tho she'll grumble the whole time about how she could be comfy on the couch >_> and it's most definitely a group affair. if anyone's missing, it just doesn't feel right.
e = events; who drags everyone else to their family/friends’ events? lottie....if we're talking pre-crash, she ABSOLUTELY needs you and nat at a family event. she just cant handle it alone. even though it's still shitty, you two being there with her makes it even just a little better :3
f = fights; are arguments something that happen often? what are they over, and how are they resolved? usually over jealously i feel..nat knows that you both love her equally but she cant help but get insecure sometimes :( it'll just be a bad week for her and she sees you and lottie be overly affectionate and it gets to her head. slight yelling match that ends up with her or all of you crying but lottie's always so good with resolving fights :( if it's lottie starting an argument, i feel it'd last a few days until she eventually realizes how stupid it was to get angry over and bashfully comes crawling back with gifts and apologies
g = getting together; how did it all come about? were there any pre-existing relationships between them? i love the idea of you being with lottie and nat just being like "scoot over, i love yall!!" 😭 there was always this obvious tension between you three and nat would always make 'jokes' about threesomes but she was serious!!!! she's lowkey been trying to tell you but shes sick of u and lottie not taking the hint so she just blurts out that she wants to be with both of you during a hangout
h = hobbies; does anyone share any hobbies/passions? how do they include the rest of their partners in them? perhaps self indulgent...but lottie's really into photography! specifically film. she has her own darkroom in a spare bathroom and you and nat helped her set it up :3 she loves to take pictures of you and nat too :( almost half her rolls are of you two and she's made a couple of prints that she has hung up on a wall. i've posted about this before but nat is your little arty farty gf 😇 you n lottie are her biggest sources of inspo and she has dozens of paintings/sculptures that she's made for you. she loves watching you try and make something for her using any medium >_< once, you stole some of her clay and made her a cigarette tray with tits on it 😭😭 they looked more like lumps but she got the vision <3
i = in sickness and in health - when someone falls ill, who’s the carer and who’s the germaphobe? is there anyone that resists being looked after? lottie is most def the carer :3 she loves to pamper you and nat whenever youre sick like she'd genuinely do anything you ask. when nat's sick, she'll act like it's the end of the world and pretend to hate the way lottie babies her but we all know she secretly loves it...esp those tummy rubs.
j = joker; who’s got the best sense of humour? do they like to tease and banter with everyone else? natty :p shes the jokester of the group, along with van, and plays the most pranks. she knows her limits with teasing tho. she learned her lesson when she accidentally made you cry and lottie yelled at her
k = knowing; who can read their partners like a book? is there anyone who’s got their walls up, even around their partners? lottielottielottie!!! she knows what's wrong from a mile away. and of course shes the best gf ever so she knows what to do. nat definitely still has some walls up but she's working on communicating her feelings with you both :(
l = lavish; is there anyone who really likes to treat their partners/show them off? how do the rest tend to react - who revels in it, and who’s made shy by it? you love being shown off.. i feel like they'd do it the same amount?!!! lottie being like "and one lemonade for my beautiful girlfriend/boyfriend, please, waiter!" at a cafe and ur just hiding behind the menu and blushing.
m = memories - is anyone more on the sentimental side? secretly nat...catching her looking thru old photos and stroking them 😭😭 she'll act like she was just looking for a specific one or just throw the book at you while running away LMAO
n = nights; what’s the nighttime routine like when they’re all together? you all really just fall asleep when you feel like it. sometimes nat falls asleep on the couch but she'll always wake up and go back in bed :( you and lottie have more a routine of falling asleep together (she's the little spoon)
p = pda; what’s pda like with them? is there anyone who loves it, and anyone who’s less fond of it? what actions/words does it manifest as? they're all for it!!! some days nat just wants to hold your hand and that's it, but when she's feeling really needy or lovey dovey, she's all up on you!!!! lottie is much more affectionate and acts like those couples in the hall in high school....
s = sharing; is there anyone who’s particularly territorial of their partners? nat :33333 someone will make the mistake of flirting with you/lottie at a party and Will ruin their whole night and you end up having to hold nat back from punching them 😭 LOTTIE THO....when she gets jealous it's genuinely scary....she wont talk and will just stare daggers at whoever is trying to take you or nat until they leave.
t = terms of endearment; nicknames! who’s crazy on them, and who do they make cringe? what’re the go-to’s? both pretty chill on them i feel!? nat especially. the most she'll call you is babe or baby. lottie will use honey, dear, angel, and ofc baby/babe :3
v = vacations; how do holidays go? are they big exotic trips, or the occasional staycation? when nat plans the vacations, it's usually a staycation. there's really nothing more she loves than just chilling at home with you two on her side and watching a movie or show. she doesnt need to book a fancy and expensive hotel to show her love. lottie on the other hand... they're not too grand but she loves europe...France is her favorite...perhaps just an excuse to show off her french skills
x = xoxo; who checks up on their partners a lot when they’re apart? do they call, or are texts enough to make them feel close? they both text you constantly, even when you're just at the store. they dont really call that much unless it's an emergency or they just really miss your voice. nat really blows up your phone tho...esp when you're in class like she's asking about ANYTHING because she just wants to talk to you
y = yearn; who misses their partners the easiest (ie, calls them to hear their voices when all they’ve done is run to the grocery store)? ^NATTY. lottie will show how much she missed you when you get home by not letting you go until she thinks she's okay again (shes dramatic).
z = zealous; who was especially eager in their pursuit of the relationship? was anyone more reserved in their want for it? you were all pretty open and okay with letting nat in and no one had any doubts or hesitation!! it was the best decision of your lives!!!!! nat was eager to be let in tho LMAO she just really loved you guys </3
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joesanrio · 11 months
Hey girl could you do something with joseph (roman) having a daddy kink? only if you’re comfortable of course! i love your writing btw:))
MY FIRST ASK!!! Hey boo 🩷 Tysm for the kind words. Tbh, I think about it all the time!! So as soon as I saw this, I already had an idea ;) I hope you enjoy it!
Just this Once | R.R
Summary: Calling him all sorts of things when in bed was your specialty but one word never flew off your tongue, and that’s the one Joe wants to hear the most.
Pairings: Joe Anoa’i {Roman Reigns} x fem!reader || established relationship
Warnings: Pet names, kissing, fingering, oral (fem. and male receives), p in v, doggystyle, hair pulling, ass slapping, use of “Daddy” sexually, cum eating, choking, and etc.
Ratings: 18+
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It was a rare occasion to be out in public with the face of wwe, but today he really wanted to go to the mall since it’s been a minute. “Do you even have American Eagle money?” Joe rolls his eyes playfully as I beg for some jeans from there, “Nope but you do!” I smile and pull him into the store knowing there was more than enough money on my card for some jeans.
“Y/n..” Joe warns as I pick up about 3 jeans at the same time, “Don’t you want to see me try them on?” I look back innocently before placing them in the small bag. He follows behind me giving his opinions whenever I ask, before I finally find all that I wanted and head towards the register.
“Stop pouting. At least you get a little fashion show when we get home.” I smile at the unamused man as he pulls out his wallet, then placing a kiss onto his cheek.
[Home 5:30pm]
All the clothes set out on the bed as I have Joe wait in the living room, “Are you seriously watching Avengers right now?” I shout over the loud TV, down the hall. “Hurry up then.” Joe shouts back causing me to laugh, I put on the lingerie we bought earlier at VS. Looking at myself in the mirror, I become obsessed as the color fits my skin tone perfectly and hugs my body in all the right places.
“Turn it down, I’m ready.” I pout as I peek around the corner at the man, he turns the movie down slightly before crossing his arms allowing his muscles to pop. “Ta-da!” I smile as I do a spin for him, “Isn’t it so cute.. look it’s a small heart.” I point out the little lace detail on my bottoms.
He looks me up and down intensely, taking in every detail as he bites his lip. “Come here.” He practically whispers towards me, I sit onto his lap in anticipation while my hands fall onto his shoulders naturally.
He says nothing as he touches the lace material delicately, his eyes catching every detail of stitching against my soft body. “Let me see the other one.” He smirks before slapping my ass, I nod excitedly and walk back to our room.
Removing the set and finding the other one on the bed quickly, this one even better than the last. Going to my vanity, I roll on a small amount of perfume that he’ll only smell if he’s extra close.
Reapplying my gloss, I head back to the living room in his obviously favorite lingerie. “You look amazing.” He says as I spin for him, “This one doesn’t have a heart though.” I playfully pout as he stands up from the couch. Walking over to me, his arms wrap around my waist as his lips come down to kiss mine.
“You just put some gloss on..” he pulls away from the kiss as he licks the flavored gloss off his lips, nodding at his observation. Pulling him back down to my lips, feeling his hands fall into the small curve of my back. “Our room is a mess, isn’t it?” He mumbles against my lips before picking me up by my thighs, “Just a little.” I giggle as he takes us to guest room instead.
Laying me on the bed, I smile as he takes off his shirt while straddling above me. “Is this what they see when you’re wrestling?” I tease as he looks down at me unamused, “Y/n…cut it out.” He warns before smiling.
Wiggling underneath his body, his finger trail down from my collarbones to the top of my bellybutton. He crawls himself down before parting my legs to make space for himself, “You’re so wet hm?” He smirks as his index traces around my clit through the panties.
I moan softly at his teasing, “More..” I whine as he pulls my panties to the side and slide his finger in between my soaked folds. Placing a small kiss onto my clit, he smiles as he lifts himself from my core and places his finger into his mouth. He moans at the taste before collecting my juice onto his finger again and bringing it to my lips.
My lips wrap around his finger softly before sucking off my arousal as he smiles at the scene in front of him. Pulling my mouth away from his finger, he bends down to kiss my lips, “You’re eating so much honey, that you’re tasting like it now.” He says against my lips making me smile.
“Ass up baby.” He says as he gets off the bed to take off his pants while I quickly get in position. Impatient, I wiggle my ass before a hard smack comes down onto my cheek. “Be patient or you can fuck yourself..” his voice vibrates through my ears as I feel the tip of his cock roll in between my glistening folds.
His large hands pulling my hips back towards him, “You’re soaking my dick..” he moans as he continues to rub himself onto me. “Put it in.” I whine and he shushes me, “Magic words?” He teases. One of his hands making there way to rub on my clit, making me lose all concentration that I had. “Pretty please!” I moan as I feel myself drip onto the sheets underneath.
“Pretty please what?” I can feel his stare on the mess I’m leaving on his fingers, “Pretty please Joseph.” I practically shout as his other hand spreads my lips apart to see my entrance. “Nope, try again for me.” He speaks while his fingers that were playing with my clit now enter my entrance with ease. “I- mmm pretty please Leati!” He laughs at my attempt in pure amusement, before his fingers hit my g-spot.
“Let’s try Daddy? Isn’t that a good one.” He suggests as he quickens his pace inside, causing the room to fill with the wet noises of my pussy. “Pretty please daddy.” I practically shout into the pillow in front of me as he places a kiss right onto my ass. “There ya go.” He praises as I clench on his fingers before he pulls them out, replacing them with his large cock.
As he enters, my walls tighten unintentionally causing him to almost collapse at the feeling of my soft, tight walls. “So good…” I moan as my hips push further back allowing him to slip inside completely, his hands grab my waist gently. “Fuck- you’re big.” I moan as he pulls out to the tip and plunges back into my pussy. “You should see how pretty your little pussy looks right no- goddamn!” Joe exclaims as I clench onto him.
“More.” I beg as he quickens his pace, head thrown back as he pulls my hips back to meet his thrust. The loud sounds of our moans and our bodies smacking together filling the room. “Daddy harder!” I yelp as he slaps my ass and watches it jiggle after each hit, “Oh fuck y/n..” he pounds into me causing my body to jolt against the mattress.
Gripping the sheets and pillows around me, the feeling of my orgasm building in my stomach. “Oh you’re throwing it back now?” He moans breathlessly, nodding eagerly as my hips push themselves back onto his cock. “Right there?” Joe teases as I squeal when he hits my g-spot, “Yes! Omg daddy pl-“ I cry out as the feeling of his cock penetrating my walls deeply starts to become overwhelming.
“You got it. Take daddy’s cock.” He groans as I clench around him, his hand pulling me up by my throat against his broad chest. “I’m gonna cum! Please let me cum!” I whine as my head falls forward, his hands letting go of my throat to play with my boobs. “You can do better than that.” He teases as he pulls at my nipples, “Beg for me..” he whispers in my ear with his deep voice. “Please let me cum daddy! I’ll be a good girl- oh-“ I beg before I cum all over his cock, his hips stutter as I clench onto him.
His rough breath leaving my ear as he pushes me back down to the pillows, his thrust making me squirm due to the overstimulation. “Daddy didn’t say cum.. now you have to just please me.” He grunts as he pulls out of my soaked pussy, “I’m sorry!” I gasp as he grabs my hair. “Yeah? Well be sorry and suck daddy’s cock.” He says as he lays back against the pillows after pulling me up by my hair.
Crawling in between his legs, his drenched veiny cock is on full display. I grab the base as he immediately tenses at the touch, squeezing it before pulling up to the tip. Cum spilling out his reddened tip as his hips thrust into my palm, my plump lips coming to suck on the tip. “Oh y/n! Fuck.” He groans as his hands grab my hair, “Yes daddy?” I tease the tip of his cock before taking him fully into my mouth. His hips rolling as he pushes my head down, “Just like that! Just like- oh I’m gonna cum.” He says while throwing his head back. I swallow every drop of his thick cum, before leaving a small kiss on his tip.
Joe pulling me up onto his lap for a kiss, his tongue entering my mouth while his hands go straight to ass. “You did so good.” He pulls away to admire my fucked out face, smiling I kiss cheek. “What was that all about?” I ask as his fingers trace small shapes onto my ass, “What?” His calm face contorting to a confused one. “Daddy.” I reply as his hands immediately place a small smack on my ass cheek.
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acedcoffee · 3 months
Not a meaningless crush: Ochako's crush on Izuku doesn't have much to do with Izuku at all
- Vague Manga Spoilers
Many people who watch My Hero Academia go through a similar process with Ochako Uraraka’s character: they think she’s the typical Female Lead That Could Be A Love Interest, then grow to like her when some of her motivations are revealed early in Season 1, and then get annoyed by her when the latter half of Season 2 – the Final Exam Arc – puts some focus on her crush on the main character, Izuku Midoriya.
While it seems like shallow and unnecessary fanservice, this crush of her serves an actual purpose in the plot and for her character, but not in the romantic sense. In fact, it doesn’t have much to do with Izuku at all.
Enter Himiko Toga. Here's a comment made by Horikoshi himself:
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There's a lot of similaties between them, but here we're going to focus on the crush and romance aspect, to see why Ochako's crush on Izuku was just a way to establish her relationship with Toga.
Season 2: Final Exams
The first proper focus we have of Ochako’s crush on Izuku is during the second half of season 2 - first during her final exam, and later in the final episode at the shopping mall.
Toga is also properly introduced to us during these episodes, although we see a glimpses of her (and Dabi) earlier in the Season.
Season 3: The Training Camp
This is where it really starts, as Ochako and Toga meet for the first time.
Tsuyu is also at the scene, and Toga shows an interest in both of then, referring to both of them as “cute”,
But she focuses more on Ochako, saying something along the lines of her sensing that Ochako has a crush on someone, which of course, was shown to us in the earlier episodes.
Tsuyu doesn’t have a crush on anyone, and thus recieves a little less of Toga’s attention.
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A major point established about Toga’s character is that when she likes someone, she doesn’t only want to become like that person, but actually become that person.
As shown to us before, Ochako has a pretty high level of respect and admiration towards Izuku.
Toga notices this, and coupled with the crush, she assumes that Ochako also wants to be like Izuku “You want to be the same as the person you like, right?”
At this point, we’ve also learnt that Toga also has a crush on Izuku, and wants to become him.
So, it’s easy to understand that Toga thought Ochako would understand her in regards to this. [this is then confirmed in Chapter 289 and 348]
A conversation: Chapter 342
Toga is a villain that has killed a lot of people, and has no qualms about bringing destruction to the city.
Ochako has fought her a couple times, but only as a hero vs. a villain.
Their conversations [chapter 289] consisted of Ochako saying things that was obvious to her with the way her life has been up until now.
In her conversation with Izuku in chapter 342, she mentions how she realizes now that Toga is just a person too, and that what’s obvious for her doesn’t apply to Toga.
Izuku mentions how he feels the same with Shigaraki and the cying child inside him.
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Chapter 394: Ochako vs. Toga
Yes, Ochako explicitely states that she fell in love in Izuku Midoriya.
No, that is not the point of the chapter.
The point is that her love and admiration made her want to be more like him, to see people’s hearts like he does. [re: chapter 342, Izuku trying to save Shigaraki’s heart]
As stated before, Ochako has realized that she hasn’t been trying to see Toga as more than a villain she had to defeat, and now she is reaching out, trying to save Toga’s heart even if it’s too late.
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Love and Smiles
“Smiling is why we live our lives”. - Dabi to Toga, Chapter 341
This has always been their thing.
Toga, who has been cast out of society due her “weird” and “creepy” quirk, and the way she shows her love,
Toga, who wants a place where she can exist just the way she is, loving who she loves, and smiling when she wants to
Ochako, whose parents always happily encouraged her and made time for her even when they were struggling with money and tired from work
Ochako, whose eyes were drawn to the smiling citizens when a hero saved someone and defeated a villain, and wanted to be the reason for those smiles
Also reminder that as much as they are made for each other they also exist as characters outside of that
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In conclusion,
People who think Ochako is nothing more than a heroine that has a crush on the main character are stupid and have no reading comprehension.
People who say that Ochako’s character “fell off” after the romance was introduced only care to see their bias about female leads proven right have no patience for the actual story.
Her crush is a way to establish her story with Toga.
Horikoshi is a great storyteller and everything he does in the story is for a reason [except Mineta in the earlier chapters]. <33
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Headcanons/Thoughts for Every Main Five Just Dance ship
Obviously I have my favorite but sometimes it’s fun to just think about other ships so I wanted to make a post about ALL of them. For some reason. PS don’t reblog/reply to this with “well actually that one ship sucks and I don’t like it”. As far as we know all of them are the same age and not related so there’s really no reason why any ship is wrong, let people like what they like.
Wanderlust x Jack: I don’t need to rant about them, you all already know. Go read my fanfiction
Wanderlust x Sara: He brings her into this magical world, she loves it and she loves him. It’s a bit cliche but cliches are cliches because they WORK. Also, we know Sara loves the Danceverses, but what if Wanderlust loves Earth? What if he’s got a Little Mermaid thing going on? Imagine Sara showing him around Earth and him being excited by the silliest little things
Wanderlust x Brezziana: They’re both the most energetic ones of the group. Imagine them teaming up on adventures and charging ahead together when the others get tired. Neither of them can always find a friend to keep up with them, but they always have each other
Wanderlust x Mihaly: They’re kind of like two different sides of the Flow? Wander is more energetic and Mihaly’s more chill, so I think they’d balance each other out well. Mihaly gets Wander to slow down every once in a while and appreciate things he’d otherwise miss. Wanderlust shows them how to be more spontaneous and free
Jack x Sara: Sara falls for the bad boy except he’s not actually bad. So much in the Danceverses is bright and crazy and overwhelming, so Jack being more down-to-earth is refreshing for her. Jack loves the way she treats him. Aside from the events of story mode, she doesn’t have the background on Night Swan and Eternyx that the others do, so she doesn’t know his reputation as well. He feels like she really sees him as his own person while everyone else will always remember his mother’s shadow
Jack x Mihaly: I think both of them being the more practical ones of the group could mesh well. We also know Mihaly used to idolize Night Swan in some way, so they both can relate to having wanted to live up to her legacy and now realizing she was wrong. Jack is also always expecting some sort of punishment or consequence if he does something wrong, but Mihaly is so chill about everything that they make him feel like everything’s okay
Jack x Brezziana: Brezziana will drag Jack out of the house to go do stuff when he’s stuck moping around. Theyre SO opposites attract. She’s also ready to stand up for him whenever necessary. Jack will just turn the other cheek to insults and pretend nothing bothers him, but Brezziana won’t let him bottle things up
Sara x Mihaly: Another case of chill vs energetic balancing each other out. I think Mihaly brings Sara to meet Master Panda and he really likes her. What if they try training together to see if Sara is gifted with the Flow like people from the Danceverses are? Again, I feel like Mihaly is also a grounding presence for her amongst the chaos of the Danceverses.
Sara x Brezziana: They go on mall dates a lot! Cute dates where they pick out outfits for each other and try them on. They’re very giggly. They post very cutesy Instagram posts about each other all the time. Connected at the hip when the gang goes out places.
Mihaly x Brezziana: This one’s popular. Again it’s energetic vs chill. Mihaly will often open their home to fourteen texts from Brezziana about something crazy she just did and Mihaly just shakes their head and smiles.
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findafight · 1 year
ty for pointing out that steve graduated on time despite a severe concussion and likely limited or non-existent support (esp considering how his dad reacted to the college thing). it's also worth noting that steve had no issues passing his classes throughout high school while playing and captaining at least 2 sports (3 if you count baseball [on top of other clubs and extracurriculars] from that yearbook thing they released post s1 i think). that's not easy to do. it also irritates me sm when they harp on steve confusing the names of things as proof that he's incredibly dumb or illiterate. esp the gumby thing when it's a fucking children's cartoon. even the german vs nazi thing makes sense in the context of him having a grandfather that fought in ww2, told him stories, and probably called the nazis germans. also v hypocritical when it's not commonly pointed out that the soviets are near exclusively called the russians. yet they always conveniently forget that steve is the only reason they figured out the russian code was coming from the mall (and, going by dialogue in the scene, was specifically the person that put together that the message was coming from the mall on top of recognizing the music and being the only person to pay attention to it - i always see the realization that the message is from hawkins misattributed to dustin) and the only reason they got out of the elevator in the same season where's he supposedly illiterate and incredibly stupid bc he confused the names of things. i stg ppl that do this so they can hype eddie up make eddie feel like my enemy.
Do I think Steve was getting A's? No. Do I think for the back half of his senior year he was working his ass off to scratch C's? Yes. VERY frustrating and honestly kind of hurtful when people keep calling him stupid about it! I interpret a lot of Steve's spacier moments to post concussive syndrome, and it's actually so impressive he's doing as well as he is especially in S3, just over seven months since billy, and is finished hs. Buddy bounced back! People love giving Steve migraines as a lasting symptom of his head trauma but don't acknowledge that focus and what I call "thinking speed" are also affected. Like yeah it'll take him a minute to process what is happening and formulate a response/plan, his brain was goop a few months ago! And S4 happens less than six months after S3 so like yeah. Clearly he's not at 100% we should all be so proud of him.
S1 sort of indicates he cruises through school when helping Nancy study. He's not a model student, and while one could argue teachers were more lenient because he was on sports teams and they wanted to win, that wouldn't have applied after billy beat him because he'd have had to take a leave from the teams, and it's the eighties so some teachers would potentially have thought "serves him right for fighting".
Steve is consistently making connections to things that others aren't! With the "realizing Russians in the mall" thing he is definitely leading Dustin to the conclusion. He goes "Indiana flyer? No way" or something to indicate that it's unlikely the message was from elsewhere, and he has already realized that the transmission is from Starcourt, and wants Dustin and Robin to as well. Just because Dustin said it doesn't mean he figured it out.
(I find people also attribute a lot of what Robin does and figures out to Nancy? Robin gets the newspaper that talks about Victor Creel being possessed by demons, Robin gets them into the hospital, Robin makes the connection to music as key to saving a victim. Stobin contributions so underappreciated smh)
Steve's quick on his feet and makes sure they're able to get out of the elevator with an Indiana Jones move! Without getting caught! I once saw someone saying it's Steve's fault they were trapped at all because he was older and should have put a stop to it, but. Did they think Dustin would drop it? And not explore by himself?? Also Steve's 18. Notorious dumbass decision age. (They also don't know the Soviets are in the mall, and then don't know it's an elevator) yeah it's a bad call, but where is this attitude for Nancy and Jon trying to expose the lab in s2 that absolutely would have known who snuck in and recorded Owens (why weren't they searched?) And then disappeared them. Like if you want to do that with Steve do it with everyone who has made a decision that potentially put people in danger. Hell, Hopper's the reason the lab agents go to the school in S1! He sells El out!
The German/Nazi thing is weird like. Everybody knew who he meant. What OTHER Germans would be a connection there. Yeah it's not "correct" but also. It's not wrong either. Especially when you're right! Russian/Soviet is used pretty interchangeably in the series I think even though many other countries were considered Soviets. Gumby/gumbo is such...a dumb thing to use as proof Steve is illiterate or whatever. Only one is a real word, and it's not Gumby!! Mixing up and confusing words is a normal thing, and these are one letter off and sound similar. Shit happens.
Him connecting Henry Creel to being a clockmaker? Logical conclusion to make given the emphasis the clock had gotten. He's also the one to find the pet siders and it doesn't mean anything even those were Henry's schtick. Literally they included that to make Steve look stupid for making a connection and then getting scared by spiders in his hair and I was just sitting there nodding along like wow same king you're so smart.
Idk I don't like comparing him and Eddie this way because it's not a competition? Frustrating when people try to make it seem that way. You don't need to drag Steve to make Eddie look good? Eddie wants to graduate, and I think it's probably a combo of him skipping and also not being good at/liking formal schooling and possibly some teacher bigotry that prevents him from getting a bit of slack that keeps him in hs. Eddie's good at what he likes and cares about (he's a brilliant guitar player!) And likely doesn't focus on things that don't interest him. That's fine!! But just because he's a rabble rouser and a weird guy and poor, doesn't mean teachers, for three rounds of grade twelve, held him back for no reason.
Idk it's like. Teachers can have biases and that can influence their teaching and interactions and expectations of students, but for it to happen twice to the point that Eddie didn't pass, seems very unlikely, because most teachers do want their students, even the ones that annoy them and they don't like, to graduate. It's sort of insulting to insinuate they would get away with it for three years without any other teacher complaining? Or calling them out? There are bad teachers out there but there are so many good ones too. Saying that the only reason he didn't is because of everyone but him and then turning around calling Steve stupid when he did a near impossible task? Seems weird. Don't agree. Bad take. Acknowledge people have different intelligences and can be better/worse at formal schooling than others and move on.
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