#they are silly like Tommy
korkietism · 6 months
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Drawing hlvrai characters as owl house au I’m sososo normal
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kinardscoffee · 2 months
Is there anyone else out there who wonders just the teeeniest amount if Tommy also pressed Chris for information on Buck?
Like, he just mentions him when he's st the Diaz house, but says "Evan" and Chris is like, "who???"
So Eddie says, "he means Buck."
And then Chris just starts talking about Buck and how he saved him and how they hang out together and etc, etc...
Eddie is like, "Okay, Chris. I'm sure Tommy doesn't want to hear a million stories about Buck."
And Tommy's like, "Oh, I don't mind."
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imakatperson22 · 2 months
Them: Wait, so, you think Tommy’s closet joke was actually hysterical and made you love his character even more instead of hating him?
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metrixnos · 6 months
I just wanna see a drawing of a huge techno before smol tommy. Tommy is like: schmol angry bebe.
Tommy: he asked for no pickles!
Techno is just huge, he's behind tommy, menacingly with a burger that has pickles in his hands
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Bedrock bros
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nerdygirl84 · 2 months
Oh Lou is coming for allll our asses. We are not safe.
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ilonacho · 4 months
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ALL! Grown Up!
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afewproblems · 1 year
Give me Steve, Eddie, and Robin at a bar on a Friday night.
They've had a few drinks, and a shot or two when a song comes on, and Steve immediately jumps to his feet with an, "Oh shit!!"
It's Madonna's Get Into the Groove and for a moment Robin and Eddie think Steve is in pain, that he hates the song as is going to ask the DJ to change it.
Except Steve waltzes onto the dance floor, right into the center.
There aren't too many others dancing, it's early still, barely nine in the evening but the spot lights are on and the DJ flicks on the multicolor strobe as Steve parks himself on the dance floor.
Robin laughs and wishes she had brought the disposable camera instead of leaving it in her junk drawer at home.
Eddie meanwhile rolls his eyes, and pretends not to notice the tightness of Steve's jeans or how the light catches the flecks of gold in his hair and eyes.
He's been attempting to hide his pathetic little crush for awhile now, complaining to Robin every chance he gets when Steve does something particularly charming or handsome.
She tells him, as sagely as she can muster, to grow a pair and do something about it already.
But how can he, Steve was, well, Steve...lovely caring, hot as hell, Steve.
What chance did Eddie have?
So he sits there, miserable, nursing his beer, letting his eyes trail after Steve while Robin giggles beside him.
They've never seen him dance, it's bar, they're drunk, the worst that could happen is he makes an ass out of himself and they all go home with a great new story to tell the party later.
God Robin really wishes she brought her camera with her.
But then Steve is moving and he's fluid, never missing a beat. It's some kind of choreography, intentional and practiced movements that wouldn't be out of place in a music video. Eddie and Robin look at each other because, what the fuck, where did this come from??
And people are cheering and whooping, strangers scattered here and there sitting off of the dance floor. There's a sense of comradery, like they're all witness to something and being allowed to share and indulge in this little impromptu performance, but all too soon the song is over and Steve heads back to his seat with a small round of applause and a blinding smile pulling at his flushed cheeks.
"Steve, what the fuck was that??" Robin blurts out before Steve can even sit. Eddie nods, a little dazed, beside her and tears at the paper label on his beer bottle, maybe if he can keep his hands occupied he can keep them to himself.
"What was what?" Steve breathes out as he hops onto the stool beside them, Robin in the middle.
Robin's mouth falls open as her face scrunches into something exasperated but fond, "What was--that! The dancing!"
"Oh, that," Steve huffs with a lazy smile, he leans his elbow on the sticky wood bar and waves at the bartender to signal for another gin and tonic, "I used to help Carol with her choreography for cheer".
Eddie pinches his thigh below the bartop and chews the inside of his cheek as the image of Steve in the Hawkins High cheer uniform begins to solidify in his minds eye, fuck.
Robin elbows Eddie without looking, somehow reading his mind, and throws her hands out, beckoning Steve to continue because that isn't nearly enough information.
"Yeah, she'd come up with routines and you know, they are meant to be done with more than one person, and I mean she and I were friends before Tommy so," he shrugs and smiles at the bartender as they pass him the drink, "I dunno, it was fun, and I remember that one the most".
"Plus," he says with a smirk, "Carol always said the best thing about dance is that you can tell who appreciates the performance and who appreciates the person doing it," he winks as Robin scoffs and calls him gross, but Steve isn't looking at Robin.
Eddie swallows as molten heat creeps up his neck and over his ears, the urge to hide his face, run for the door, melt into the floor, is immense.
But Steve doesn't move his gaze, he smiles softly at Eddie and winks again over Robin's head which she promptly drops into her hands.
"I'm surrounded by horny idiots," she grumbles but the words are muffled in the din of the bar and her own hands as Steve tips his head back to the dance floor and holds out his hand for Eddie to take.
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graycious-tea · 2 months
So are we just not gonna talk about Tommy’s fan-fucking-tastic in the closet joke or????
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fantasykiri5 · 11 months
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Guys look at my OCs
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omdrawings · 2 years
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Yellow to pink means I think you're neat!
aa I thank so many people for the love my doodle from yesterday about hlvrai got; so to give back I cooked up another one this morning! featuring Benrey
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toki-toro · 2 months
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Wips wips from months ago
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houseofevanbuckley · 1 month
Yes it’s 2am and yes I’m thinking about Buck and Tommy walking around in LA during a date and them coming across each. and. every. girls Buck dated
First they see that there is a festival happening and they see Taylor doing the presentation for it, she’s speaking in front of the camera when she sees them walking hand in hand in front of her.
Less than 20 minutes ago they come across a procession of people coming out of a cemetery and Nathalia is there.
Buck who’s freaking out bc why did he just see two of his exes on the same day in fucking LA? The city is huge!!
And then they go to a supermarket for some snacks for their walk around and Buck almost slam into Sam and Abby is standing next to him, eyes wide when she recognizes Buck.
Poor guy is freaking out, wondering if he’s cursed or something while Tommy just teases him about how he has so many conquests he can’t walk around without meeting them.
It’s when they walk in front of a gallery and sees Ali through the window that Buck just pull on Tommy’s hand and call a taxi to get back to his loft.
Tommy laughing all the way back to Buck’s place
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onyondump · 8 months
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Bite size Shelby Brothers.
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asthecrowrambles · 5 months
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i need to Kill them
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clingyduoapologist · 10 months
watching the very sorry burger video n i find it so funny. bc half the extra clips are tommy demonstrating that he's progressed past the concept of embarrassment but then in one he walks up to a man on the street and says in his Nice Voice "hiya lovely, you alright, would you like some free sorry burger?" like the shit he keeps in videos and posts online nearly makes you forget that folks describe him as one of the most polite and sweet ppl theyve ever met off camera. like he does know how to act he just chooses to ignore it bc he likes making a fool of himself
He’s so real like ovulating between twisted cycle path and proper Brit like a metronome
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twingeof-cosmic-angst · 8 months
you're laughing. Ianto Jones got into Torchwood because he was such a pathetic loser weirdo that Yvonne Hartman latched onto him and made him her little meow meow and you're laughing? Me too.
Blind Summit is making me feel shrimp emotions holy shit. Just . Everything. Ianto Jones being silly but also trying to survive the crushing weight of the world. The utter GUT PUNCH at the end where he says he doesn't want to devieve people because he thinks he'll be good at it with the DEVASTATING Ballad of Ianto Jones in the background?? The entire audio just forces you to remember how young he was and how full of life he was before the fall/joining Torchwood in general, how from the beginning he was always someone who would do anything to save someone. He didn't want to become a torchwood operative and he didn't want to deceive anyone and the first real thing you ever learn about Ianto Jones is that he was a liar who deceived the entire Torchwood team. I am not okay
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