#they can afford to be that cute and confident is the problem
unpretty · 1 year
I'm a new-ass European who went to Canada to see family once, that was the only time I ever encountered a skunk's stench, and it really does smell like someone smoking pot in a phone box that doubles as an unofficial public convenience. Fucking hell. I don't think we have anything naturally that rancid in the UK ~~excluding the aristocracy~~
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come closer, europeans
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we're just cute and harmless animals
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laylawatermelon · 11 days
70.6 - 7.07 Speculation/ Buddie Meta
I am a writer y'know hehe
So, Buddie is happening.
Now let me explain.
Bi buck always existed, but the problem is that most of his consistent emotional relationship one could argue realistically romantically has been with a man he's known for years.
But has always been bi yes, but he's also been in love with his best friend for a really long time.
Friends to lovers where Y'all at? I see y'all madney truthers
Anyways I understand but what has kind of been bothering me is the fact that Buddie the ship has been abandoned/negated as not an important past of the puzzle for bi buck realization despite the fact that Eddie is physically present throughout his entire relationship/storyline.
I could argue that because they're mirrors to each other (corny soulmate type shit is perfect for network tv) this is the best way to ease people into it.
Buck and Eddie are the two beloved firefighters (and respective sex symbols). They have an appeal for the straight audience for that reason.
Lou already spoiled it but he's only here for a while.
There's been almost blatant explanations and dialogue that leads to the fact that this relationship is going to directly lead into buddie one way or another.
Tommy has from the beginning suspected that Buck (I'm calling him Evan in my head in regards to him and it's so weird 😖) and Eddie have an unusual relationship or that Buck is in love with Eddie at least.
(MY attention? is the biggest example.)
My prediction is that their mirrors of each other, the parallels, and red flags pop up too often now.
I know they're still writing the show and are likely watching audience engagement and ao3 (I'm watching you Tim ik you're here I'm new but ik you got shooters out here) for where to go with the story.
In Eddie's (frankly oddly portrayed) plotline is related to his Catholic guilt and his nonexistent relationship with Marisol (no last name?). As the episode maybe suggests they don't know their partners well enough.
Shame to Eddie because it's been months in universe like come on man. In Buck's it's literally been a few weeks, and most of the time Tommy spent with Eddie and not with him.
I like them as a couple and find them affordable. I can't quite bring myself to ship them or be as enthusiastic as others and that's okay.
I still admire the relationship they have and won't bash others for enjoying it.
Hell they still have Taylor and Buck enjoyers and maybe even Abby (i assume I haven't met any honestly).
The reason why I'm a bit confused on why Buddie isn't being all that embraced as a vital part of the storyline is because in a way it is.
I think it spurred the writers on to lean into it heavily due to the actors chemistry and portrayal of the relationship.
Now I'm not saying he wouldn't be bi regardless, because he's always been written that way.
His interactions with worm guy, a gay married couple, Carlos (who I've been waiting to say this but I can't hold myself any longer is Latino, shorter than him, brown eyes, dark hair - Eddie lite/he had a bit of a type aka cute guys.)
I clocked him flirting with him with his cute fact spilling as a way of affection because I do it to to people I love. (🤗i love my ADHD rep!) When he saw him look at the girl he became more platonic in his interactions. Then there was Eddie.
And Eddie honestly is the biggest part of the puzzle.
Yes he likes Tommy, and I don't deny he likes strong confident (suspiciously Eddie shaped 😂) guys.
He has always been attracted to strong personalities regardless of gender.
I do think he did pursue him and I think because Tommy is gay he recognized the flirting Buck does with both men and women as that, flirting.
Eddie doesn't count cause he has a whole can of worms he gotta figure out himself.
If Buck had consistent scenes with an out queer man on the show he'd have been at least clocked. (Eddie was kind of in the way with Josh and the Dispatch crew/his gaydar pinged a lil around him)
I've been saying that now that he's canonically bisexual and it's a known fact, you can't deny he's quite literally been flirting with his best friend the entire show (as a coparent??? Idk man they both said they skip steps/impatient 🤷🏾‍♀️).
When new fans watch it it's obvious, when older fans recall it it's either enlightening or redefining that relationship regardless.
The red flags that are coming up is Eddie's statement of moving too fast and Buck literally moving to fast with his second date (i assume idk how in world time works it's a tv show 🤷🏾‍♀️) being his sister's wedding.
Realistically I know you only invite people to events like that if you're fully committed to each other for a long term thing.
I'm not saying that he's on his wheel but in a way I'm tilting my head at some similarities of Tommy and his past relationships and Buck's tendencies.
Buck will be Buck.
Tommy knows him as Evan, and calls him such.
Which didn't get me wrong cute or whatever but rubs me there wrong away, because we know he prefers Buck as it's his chosen name for a reason. It's defined him and been contextualized and even accepted by his parents.
I believe in calling people the name they choose to be called and I just don't like when that's ignored.
It also doesn't help that he continues to call him that in an episode called You don't know me (you can Even tie it in to Marisol No last name) that deals with identities and lack of knowledge.
Buck has spent most of his remaining twenties with that identity and has defended it so the casualness of him calling him that unnerves me.
It's meant to close the distance and be portrayed as romantic but it can also be interpreted as him seeing Evan, not Buck when with him.
But I did see a post that changed my perspective on calling a name with love instead can recontextualize the meaning of it and I found that sweet and fitting. In that case I can swing either way about it.
If it does make him more accepting of that side of his identity that's great that he's beginning to heal from a path when his name/personhood was used as a weapon or item.
But, I also still feel a bit iffy that it's not interchangeably used with Buck because his family and everyone he knows calls him that. Even his previous romantic partners did and I didn't mind him being called it but I would like it if both names would be used as that is the new part of him where Evan exists as well.
Also narratively they spent too much time on defining his name and what it means to him and everyone around him to not show the importance of his identity being acknowledged in a new unfamiliar relationship.
(whew i think I'm just mad at the writers or this may just be on purpose who knows 🤷🏾‍♀️)
I'm getting to the meta I promise I'm just finally processing what's been plaguing me about this relationship and i gotta let the monster out
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That would also explain why he doesn't know the ADHD rants that Buck blabs on about.
But then again the episode is called you don't know me and they weren't even friends he just jumped into a relationship.
(ps you can just start dating someone and learn as you go I'm just saying 🤷🏾‍♀️)
The biggest problem with their relationship is that he's in love with his best friend.
He literally only began to open up and flirt when he realized that he wasn't a romantic threat to his family.
(Which trifling Buck! Your man can't get wined and dined?? He deserves love too!/j)
He literally relaxed/his shoulders open up when Tommy assures him that his son still loves and idolizes him and that Eddie still likes him and he's irreplaceable in his life.
After that's secured he begins to make his move and become more flirtatious (cough sexually open cough) to this confident man in his kitchen in the dim lights and glowy atmosphere.
Damn I'd kiss him too 🤷🏾‍♀️ (if I was a guy ofc)
I also didn't like the parallels of Buck being left (which has happened with his female love interests) and then Buck still having to reach out.
I don't think Tommy is bad for Buck, but I'm still not convinced that he's 100% good. But then again he's been here literally a two episodes and barely any screentime.
And the one he does makes it seem like he's interested but not too invested.
(which makes sense and I will elaborate a bit later in the meta speculation)
The Tommy that everyone is talking about exists solely in fan spaces and head canon and that's why I think I can't get into it. The facts of him are plain in the show but in the fan spaces he has a different image.
Which valid, once again he's almost a blank sheet of what we wish a Buck gets and deserves in a love interest but that's what he is as of now. A blank-ish sheet. Kind of like a projection sheet for movies.
Tommy seems like a caring partner and sure of himself. He's shown himself to be funny, considerate, and as unhinged as the rest of the 118 (ah the fruity fire badasses).
Also i wanna point your Buck likes em a lil older sometimes haha
But back on topic, I can see Tommy being like Natalia (which makes sense as that storyline could've been used) In the fact that he sees that the space in his life is occupied and respectfully backs out.
My meta for 7.06 is this.
Tommy helps out somehow. Buck is ecstatic rightfully so.
They kiss dance and are cute.
The family is very welcoming, the 118 is still loving, but then he sees something that affirms his suspicions.
It's a normal scene for us.
Either Buck is taking care of Chris and then talks to Eddie.
He sees the look in Buck's eyes and the fondness there. He looks at Eddie and sees the same on his face.
He notices how they work together and laugh, them at the family and life he's built all around him, and decides he can't be apart of this. There's no space for him.
It feels too real too fast and he'll only end to heartbroken because he's just interested, not invested yet.
So he gracefully bows out and let's him know that he has enough love in his life if he'd just look for it.
(i also found out he used the word interested in the cafe scene where i recognized it as the ana date. Also Buck was wearing a white patterned shirt and i had a heart attack because it wasn't great the last time he wore it 😬)
Then it leads into ghost of a second chance.
(now imma say this i will be posting more specs about the these episodes I'm just on my buddie storyline juice rn)
This is now Buck trying to salvage/figure out what went wrong and maybe try to contact him again.
In the case of Marisol it's safe to assume they break up, the reason why isn't clear.
It could be related to his sisters disapproval of their relationship (as they're supposed to be coming out did the show forget??) or apprehension towards her as they've been raised/watched him grow up.
They know what makes him happy.
For ghost a second chance I didn't have much buddie assumptions but I'm pretty sure that one is more in relation to other members of the cast most likely and maybe Buck trying to salvage his relationship.
7.08-10 isn't complete so who knows🤷🏾‍♀️ how they must switch it up for more drama?
But I will say, we gotta dive into the Eddie of it all.
Y'all thought I forgot about him?
The bi Buck storyline isn't complete without Eddie either romantically or platonically.
In real life their queer storylines were always interchangeable and they're both feeling out the GA and fans reaction.
Buddie not going canon doesn't make sense because realistically it's one of the biggest ships and the most talked about things for the online fans.
It's a good reason many fans started (me included🙋🏾‍♀️) and stay (if the beautiful found family didn't hit it for them).
The way that they were both discussed and Ryan is fine with Buddie still kind of matches his character honestly. Demi Eddie is a head canon and honestly Eddie would only be comfortable with dating a man at this stage of his life if it's someone he loves already aka Buck.
There could be other reasons but as a Buddie warrior truther (as they named it which is still so insane) as his old interviews alluded to the fact that he loves Buck so much he can't really see himself with another guy he just met like that.
He also maybe wanted a easier storyline as he had always been a bit of a heavy character.
For women it's easier as he's raised to do it and it's "natural" or right for him to do so.
His parents said it, the church says it, God says it so it must be right.
He loves commitment, has said he's a nester and constantly yearns for a family unit.
The only family unit he knows of it feels is acceptable due to his upbringing is man, woman, child.
Not that he's homophobic cause duh, HenRen is literally there, but his standards and pressure doesn't even let him fathom it for himself.
It's also likely if the demi part is true, he's highly unlikely to be like Buck and view others sexually and even realize he's able to have a family/relationship with a man.
I suspect no Buddie this season. I actually hope and pray for it.
Because from both a business and story point it's best to keep the will-they won't-they into season 8 to keep viewers engaged/tuning in and not to rush the story and get some really good emotional moments.
I won't lie I miss the angst we got in the other seasons and as a result the show's identity with Eddie has faltered a bit.
I didn't love episode 5 but I didn't hate it. I still enjoy the show and if they feel a bit unusual it's okay.
There were still some great moments in it.
Eddie's character is now happy but as a result he's also somewhat unfamiliar (that speaks to the whump heavy storylines he has) as he seems less mature. You can argue now that he has a stable support system he's able to let loose because he knows his needs will be covered.
That's also a great point and easy way of showing his development.
His Catholic guilt now that it's been introduced will have to be deconstructed as he will have to redefine his life, what he's looking for/allow himself to be and dare to dream of a life not given to him by someone else or pressure.
This season he's only just started to accept things that make him feel good (which for now is Marisol) and be open and honest about it.
I can argue it is a great sign of improvement of his character.
A bit ooc portrayal yes, but the message of looking deeper still applies.
This can apply to Buddie probably leading through the next half of season 7 by being ramped up and then going full speed ahead season 8.
At the time though since they're still writing they may take a hard right turn and keep it platonic (😭).
But what would be inevitable is Eddie's coming out/self discovery arc that isn't tied to the church or sense of duty.
Which yay! More self discovery I love the message of finding yourself lasts throughout your life and due to life's unexpected events you can change to be a better version of yourself all the time.
We got bi buck (which evidently was influenced by Eddie in some way) now let's free Eddie to even if they didn't do it for Buddie (once again😭😭😭).
Now that I've got it mostly off my chest I'm definitely gonna do an analysis of the parallels and the way it's played pt.2 (and more as seasons passed cause Ryan and Oliver 😘 muah 10/10 no notes).
Okay bye.
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keiffeine · 1 year
hey omg ok so weird but like kinda cute request idk
could you do a keith x fem reader who when keith comes back to earth (season 7 ep 9) and is like fighting the bots and the cadets pop in he sees his best friend whom he’s had a crush on for YEARS and when he sees her again she just looks completely diff ( but in like a good way ) and like on the ride back to the garrison and at the garrison keith is just like basically in shock ab meeting his best friend again and just getting to know that she’s alive?
whew that was long sorry 😭
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with female reader.
genre: fluff
a/n: this is so cute!! ty for your req :) honestly might make a pt2 for this ngl
© all rights reserved to keiffeine. reposting, plagiarizing, modifying, and translating is not allowed.
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• keith scoffed in irritation as he watched the bots they had been fighting off get shot down by, what he assumed were, three garrison cadets by the looks of what they were wearing and the vehicles they arrived in. “i had it,” he said, furrowing his eyebrows when he realized that this cadet he was looking at just so happened to be griffin (that was a problem he’ll deal with later, no need to get too angry about it right now). the two others were girls, one wearing glasses and unfamiliar to keith, the other was…
• keith squinted his eyes. she seemed like a face he knew—one that he should know, but he couldn’t quite place a name just yet.
• “drones send distress signals when they’re attacked. our weapons neutralize those signals, so unless you wanna deal with a swarm of those things, let us handle it,” james bit back. keith opened his mouth to make another remark, until the other girl (the one who seemed more familiar to him) spoke.
• “hey, focus. let’s get out of here. we have to get these guys back to the garrison, and we can’t afford to waste more time right now,” she said, turning her head towards keith. her serious demeanor quickly changed to that of a softer one at the sight of him, and keith immediately realized—
• “y/n…” he said quietly to himself. several feelings immediately flooded in his chest, mostly relief at the fact that you were still alive.
• keith turned his head towards shiro, warmth pooling in his cheeks when he saw that shiro was already looking at him with a tiny, knowing smile.
• you were his best friend throughout his time at the garrison, and slowly became his crush. keith felt devastated when he couldn’t communicate with you after dropping out, and even more so when he was unwillingly launched into space, only left to wonder whether you were still okay on earth—what he’d been missing out on with you. regret had piled so much within him, with words he desperately wanted to say to you but never got the chance to. but now he can.
• “keith,” you said, catching his attention. he could feel himself nearly melting, noticing the light in your eyes and feeling the tension that hung in the air between you two. you were so different, with the way you carried yourself with more confidence and strength. it’s been years; keith doesn’t even know what to say to you first. what should he say? “come ride with me,” you say after a beat, after staring at each other for what seemed like the longest minute.
• he doesn’t hesitate to follow.
• keith silently steals glances at you as you drive. he wanted to spill everything he’d been wanting to say for the longest time, but he decided to settle on another, more appropriate time.
• instead, he smiles, mostly to himself just knowing that you’re here, and says, “i’m glad to see you again, y/n.”
• your response sends his heart beating faster: “you don’t understand how happy i am to see you, too, keith.”
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voltron masterlist
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002yb · 8 months
Dick is a wonderful person to eveybody, but he is softer with Jason, he's kinder, even soft spoken, everyone noticed it before Jason and he's just so shy about it now
It's very much intentional. A manipulation tactic to keep the peace within the family when Jason is being reintroduced to them. A temporary means to an end given all their interpersonal struggles. Dick will stop when everything isn't so raw and tender.
That was the plan, anyway. Problem is - Dick realized early on how receptive Jason is to kindness.
It breaks his damn heart.
It's clear as day how Jason craves a gentle touch. It's not something Jason has been afforded often - at all. Not in this lifetime, at least. Hell, just having someone listen seems to leave Jason blindsided (fuck forbid Dick takes whatever Jason says and does something about it - Jason caught so unaware by the consideration and respect in the gesture that he shies away, defensive because he waits for the other shoe to drop; it has to, right? Something's wrong, right?)
Just Dick casually recognizing all the family's failings with Jason and doing what he can to make them right. His goal of manipulating Jason to fit the mold becomes a forgotten thing in the face of being exposed to a side of Jason that Jason couldn't share with them before (because of animosity, because it wasn't safe, because no one cared).
That's not to say that Jason isn't still fucking difficult, but Dick learns that there's a lot more to him than that. 'Easy to hate, hard to love,' is Jason's default for first impressions, but get to know him and that belief is turned on its head and it leaves Dick reeling
Anyway, it starts as a manipulation. It evolves into Dick wanting to give Jason all the kindnesses that have been withheld from him and made conditional (because they shouldn't be - that never should have been a thing at all) and coming to adore this person he gets to know and understand and find kinship with
And it becomes normal. Jason stops anticipating a betrayal. Even if they fight, Jason stops running or waiting for punishment.
There's no need to be as gentle as Dick gets, but there comes a point where he can't help himself.
He likes how soft Jason gets when Dick treats him softly.
As for the bit with Jason finding out about it: denial. Full on scoffing and calling whoever calls it out crazy because why the fuck would Dick be nicer to him out of everyone? Idiot.
But joke is on Jason because he's the idiot: Dick is kinder to him. Which Jason tries to deny to himself again, but with further observation there's no denying it and all at once Jason is confused and flustered and bashful. Always a little red faced when Dick engages him - aware in a way he wasn't before and it's @A@
Then Jason gets used to it and gets a little smug because obviously he's the favorite and wow, isn't that a heady feeling? It's a confidence boost that Jason didn't actually need, but he'll take it.
Which leads to Jason using it to his advantage and he gets really insufferable about it but it's actually cute because it's so clear Jason is really happy about the special treatment hahaha.
Dick being aware of all the stages of the above
And it's as Jason becomes aware that Dick also becomes aware that oops, maybe this affection is a bit more than he thought?
That's alright though, because Jason is so expressive that Dick is humored and endeared and so, so smitten
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coweye · 9 months
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Commitment Issues - Part 9
Pairing: Benjamin Miller x Reader Words: 5.0K Summary: When you try and take your friends with benefits relationship to the next level, Benny’s response isn’t quite what you were expecting.
Warnings: Finally there's warnings again! Slight Angst, NSFW - respect the 18+ pls, cuteness.
So, this fic has always been close to my heart. 
I wrote this two years ago about a guy I was seeing but wanted more from. (Full disclosure, he’s no Benny Miller and luckily I didn’t have his baby.) It was a way of daydreaming the way my life could’ve gone. I never could’ve imagined you guys would embrace it the way you have and it honestly warms my heart so much that there are people out here waiting for an update. I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting.
A few months ago (the not-Benny) actually asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend. Spoiler alert - he’s really not boyfriend material. So, much as I suspected, it didn't work out, because men aren’t written by women in real life. I’m not surprised or sad, I’m happy I know for sure but it  feels like I’ve come full circle and I think it's time I give our girl the ending I didn’t get. 
I love you all so much and words can describe how much I appreciate your support.
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➢fic masterpost
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Life in the past 48 hours had been… surreal. 
You had confessed your love for your baby daddy and then found out that he reciprocated those feelings all before doing the equivalent of pushing a grape out of your nostril.
A baby.
A gorgeous baby girl. 
Gorgeous didn’t quite cover it, yet finding a word that described the transcendent beauty of the soul you’d brought forth into this world escaped you, as did a name for the said beauty. 
For the time being the angel made human was currently known as TBD or more affectionately Tee. The two of you had been trying out names but a new baby and totally requited feelings didn't automatically cancel out a life-time of bickering. 
Your problem was there wasn’t a name you’d heard that actually sounded like her and Ben, god love him, had a habit of picking names from a nursing homes register; Ethel, Millicent, Edith - I could go on.
He liked old fashioned names, which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, though it didn’t lend itself to easy compromise. 
So, Tee, she remained with test names thrown in sporadically with hopes that a winner would stick, ideally before her 18th Birthday.  
Whilst the name vetoing annoyed the hell out of you there wasn’t any real friction. The name discussion never became heated, if a name was vetoed you moved on to the next accepting the decision of the other person. 
It was a healthy co-parenting dream. 
Despite the pending conversation that loomed over you both, things weren’t awkward - quite simply because you didn’t have the time for it to be!
Mia (Nah) didn’t leave you much time for it. 
Whilst she was a dream for sleeping, the time afforded to you both was spent sleeping or preparing the house for her awakening. She was beautiful, but exhausting - a lot like her father.
So it only made sense that when you got your first minute of peace,  after a long nap, now in your own bed and fresh pajamas; that the innermost workings of your heart would come to the surface. 
To the backing track of Modern Family, you planned and plotted your conversation word for word. Time allowed for dramatic pauses and longing gazes were of course included. When you began planning his lines you realized enough was enough and rose from your bed. 
Sure, after looking in the mirror, you’d had better days for your self confidence - ones where you weren’t rocking an adult nappy. But beggars couldn't be choosers and if you let it run in circles anymore you were afraid your brain would just combust.
There was a huge part of you that was excited after all this was years in the making, but then that small, human part of you was screaming at you to temper your expectations. 
How often does someone get everything they want? When did your life become a fairy tale? 
You didn’t think Benny would flat out turn you down, but what if he couldn’t live up to what had been in your head. 
For the first time, in a long time, you decided to ignore your brain - self preservation be damned. 
With a turn on your heel in a matching silk pajama set and a goddamn adult nappy you proudly began your descent down the stairs. 
Nothing could’ve prepared you for when you rounded the corner. 
There on the sofa he lay, utterly shirtless. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d seen him like this, in fact you’d actively avoided his fights after you had ‘broken up’ for this very reason because one look at those rippling shoulders would’ve tanked any remaining resolve or feminism left in your body. 
It would also be remiss to add that your daughter lay on his chest for what you assume was skin-to-skin time. Somehow, it both melted your heart and stoked a fire within you - having a child was strange. Since when was being a good Father a kink for you? 
“Pssst.” You whispered under your breath, trying to get his attention without waking the bean. It took another two tries before he finally looked up confused and then fixed you with that beaming smile.
“Well… good mornin’, Mama.” His voice was deep from lack of use and he looked utterly exhausted yet his smile was as big as ever.
You couldn’t help your own grin at his words as you pressed your attack and kneeled at his side. For a moment your hand stroked at the valley of her spine, before your palm came to rest on his bare shoulder.
How the hell could two people so clueless make something so absolutely perfect?
After a moment or two spent lost in pure adoration you lifted your gaze to Ben. His eyes hadn’t left your face since he became aware of your presence. 
You couldn’t help it.
Now was the time for words not for actions that had made this hole you were currently buried in, and yet …
You let yourself get lost in those eyes and pressed your lips against his. 
It was soft. 
Softer than anything the two of you had ever known. 
Neither one of you pushed for more, you simply indulged in the closeness that had been hard won to come so easily. The hand not cradling your daughter to his chest, rose to hug your cheek as you parted. 
“Where did that come from?”
“I’ve been meaning to do it since the hospital, but the nap helped me put my ducks in a row, I guess.”
Benny rose into a sitting position, slowly, mindful of the sleeping infant on his chest. 
He laid her in the moses basket at the foot of the sofa and pressed the white noise machine. Mozart began playing softly, lulling her into a deeper sleep.
Finally, Benny turned back to you, his eyes serious. “I wasn’t sure if you regretted saying what you did… if it was the heat of the moment… y’know the fear.”
You contemplated for a single moment.
“I meant every word.”
The problem with you and Benn had always been that you both approached your relationship with one foot out the door, whoever cared the least won. It was the way you both protected yourself.
It was only now you were realizing the commitment issues had gone both ways, for a time at least. It was easier if you played with no skin in the game, there was nothing to lose. But now, you had everything to lose and you didn’t want to waste a single moment playing the stupid games you’d wasted so many years of your life devoted to.
“Every word?”
“Every. Single. One. Especially the ones about your lame singing.” You couldn’t help your grin that snuck out as you teased him. 
“Lame? I’m sorry it's that gruff, sexy singing that made your ass love me.”
“God. I wish I could take it all back, but I do Benny, I fucking love you.”
All through your back and forth he’d been advancing. It was as if your words prompted him to pounce. His hands were planted on your cheeks, as he gave you a part of himself in an all consuming kiss. 
It was like he was trying to explain all his feelings, all the hurt and frustration and love he’d felt in one kiss.
As his tongue brushed yours and his hands trailed the sides of your body to pull you against him, your hands found his shoulders as you attempted to pull him closer, as if that was even possible. 
The two of you had been at war for so long, so afraid to give eachother any part of yourself. The air was thick with emotion, your hormones were all over the place as tears began to leak from your eyes. 
Relief, joy, love - you couldn’t name one emotion entirely but it was some combination of the three. With your kisses you promised to start anew, to fix what was broken and forget all the hurt you had caused one another.  
You were going to do your best for her, for your Joy.
Unable to stop yourself, you grabbed at the waistband of his sweats, finding the warm skin of his toned stomach. That seemed to bring him back to reality as he grabbed your hands and placed his forehead against yours, breathing heavily through his nose in what you assumed was an attempt to gather his self control. 
“Angel, you’re gonna start something you can’t finish, by my reckon… for at least 6 weeks.” 
“Let me take care of you.” You breathed, dropping your kisses lower to his neck. 
 “No, baby. We’re doing this right. I’m not gonna cum in your mouth and then leave you to carry on with your day aching in both ways - at least not till you can return the favor in mine.” He kissed your forehead chastely, as if he hadn’t just promised to eat you out the second your pussy was healed. 
“Benny.” You whined.
“I don’t care Y/N. We’re doing this right, I’ve fucked this up too many times.”
“I guess 6 weeks isn’t too long… right?”
No closer to a name. - LIST OF REJECTED NAMES : Charlie, Charlotte, Catherine, Joy, Ruth, Charlotte, Courtney, Jennifer, Rosamund, Rosalie, Rosemary, Roselyn, Rosalind, Rose, Bella. 
5 ADULT Diapers.
64 BABY Diapers.
57 Bottles of Formula.
32 Days of Blue balls.
The newest development since the clearing of the air was that Benny had proposed dates. 
For the first time since reproducing you got dressed up (in jeans and sweater) and went and got tacos and it was… nice. 
It was just like the old days back when you were just friends, only now there was a baby at the table and he’d proudly hold your hand. 
Though, it was still Benny. So he constantly teetered on the edge of gentlemanly courtship as he caressed the meat of your thigh as the two of you sat closely in the booth; and you loved it. 
You had been on about five PG13 dates since and life was kinda perfect, your daughter was beautiful and whilst picking a name was a struggle, it was coming along. 
So it was fitting that your perfect life shattered around you on a random Saturday morning.
“Sure Jaz, I’ll meet you at 11…. Okay, see you soon.” You heard from the man currently cradling your daughter in his arms as he gave her a bottle.
God, you wished you had more faith in your shiny new relationship, that you didn’t immediately jump to anger. 
Alas, rage was an old ally and you leapt into his eagerly awaiting arms. 
Every single doubt and unfair suspicion raised to your tongue as he turned to face you. He fixed you with an easy smile, clearly none-the wiser about the eye of the storm he was currently wandering into.
“Ben... I’ve gotta’ ask. It's been weighing on me for months… but who the fuck is Jaz?”
He blanched, his eyes looking down to your daughter as if she at 4 weeks old was capable of critical thinking. It clearly wasn’t what he was expecting when it left your mouth. He looked… somewhere between embarrassed and guilty.
It was then your eye caught the bottles that hadn’t been rinsed. They were abandoned on the marble, left to sour. That all but sealed his fate.
Sure, if you weren’t actively plotting his and his secret girlfriend's demise, you may not have overreacted. But in that solitary, ugly moment, that basic lack of regard he held for you and your relationship was encapsulated by his inability to complete the singular god forsaken chore that was his. 
The guy didn’t have a chance to respond before you were at the sink filling the washing up bowl with foamy water. The aroma of sour milk as you unscrewed the bottle lids only served to stoke your fires as you all but threw the stinking bottles in the water, splashing yourself with suds as you did.
“Do I have to do everything?!” 
“Sometimes, Ben…” 
“What the fuck - can we just rewind or can you explain what exactly it is you think i’ve done?!” He is incredulous as he places your daughter in her soothing swing chair, his arms now raising in surrender. 
“You need me to explain?” You huff, stoney in disbelief at his gall. 
“For god sake Y/N… leave them, I’m gonna get to them after this one.”
“Yeah, well. I’ve learnt not to believe you when you say things and do the complete opposite…”
“Do the complete opposite?” You heard clear as day the anger building in his voice. “If you wanna say something, then fucking say it!”
“FINE! I’ll say it! “ You slammed the last bottle in the bowl and turned round, wiping your hands on a tea towel as you fixed your gaze on him. “I thought you were happy taking it slow, I thought you wanted to be with me. But no, Jaz. AGAIN..”
He let out a light laugh, one that held no humor. “Christ sakes, Y/N - Jaz is a client! - I’m a fuckin’ personal trainer!”
“SHE’S- Oh-”
“Yeah - Oh.” His arms were crossed across his chest and his eyes had hardened.
“I - I’m sorry. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“To go from a soldier, to a fighter, to a glorified crossfit instructor …  just a little humiliating, Y/N.” His voice was flat and dejected as he spoke. 
At that moment, you were utterly ashamed.
“Ben… I am so -”
“Yeah. You’re sorry. But that's the thing, no matter how much I apologize or tell you how I feel about you, it's never enough. Y/N why are we even bothering when you clearly still don’t trust me.”
“Ben, I-”
“No, Y/N. It's not fair. I’ve been a good Dad and to be completely honest I’ve been a pretty stellar boyfriend, and yet all I get from you is fuckin’ accusations!” 
You hadn’t seen Benny this angry outside of the of the ring in a long fucking time. Yet you weren’t afraid of him as he came to stand before you, you knew Ben.  
“I can’t do this. Not if you’re gonna hold on to every doubt you have about me and whip them out every time I do something to piss you off, I’m not perfect Y/N.”
“I’m trying… Ben it’s not-”
“No. Listen, I told you. I told you how hard this was for me.” He stood before you, his shoulders sagged in defeat as his eyes shone with unshed tears. “I fucking poured my heart out to you, baby. I only want you and if you can’t trust that, then this isn’t going to work out and we need to stop and just be parents, because I’m not gonna live my life like this - instantly guilty for whatever shit your head dreams up for me.” 
He picked up his cap from the dining room table and bent down to place a kiss on your sleeping daughter's forehead before he swiped his hair back from his face and placed the cap on top.  Your fingers were aching from the grip you had on the counter.
“Well, I'm going to have some adulterous sex with my side piece Jasmine. Then I might swing by Flanagan’s on my way home for a threesome with an old flame. Who knows might make it a goddamn foursome!” Benny strolled out, he didn’t slam a single door. Always conscientious of the baby.
Goddamn you felt like shit.
It was hard to admit that you were wrong. 
All joking aside, you weren’t used to it. You never went into battle half cocked, which meant all arguments were mentally vetted before you championed a cause. But no matter how you sliced it, this time you were unequivocally wrong.
You had come at him with such anger. God, you should’ve just calmly asked him who Jasmine was. Why did you automatically assume the worst?
Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda - Didn’t do any good now.
Simply put, you had been a dick, to a man who had been nothing short of amazing to you. 
It was as you stood frozen leaning against the counter top that you began to realize you’d never fully forgiven Ben for what happened a year ago. The toll that had taken on your self worth and your confidence.
It wasn’t his fault, not really. You had promised yourself when starting this back up you’d forgive everything from the past, but you supposed that was hard when he’d never really apologized. 
That was petty, you reasoned.  
You knew he was sorry. 
The two of you had jumped straight back into dating, deciding to try and have the perfect love without the deep connection which came from talking through the nitty gritty.��
How could you be so surprised when it bubbled up in these ugly ways?
Deciding to resolve these difficult thoughts with Benny when or if he returned, eased the ache within yourself a tiny bit.   
Placing the baby monitor beside your sleeping daughter you decided to prepare yourself for that conversation. 
You made it through one life affirming shower and half of your skincare routine before her wails demanded your presence. 
“Mommy’s coming baby.” You spoke through the monitor using it as a walkie talkie. It was hard not to flash back to your service days as you used it. You were half way down the stairs reminiscing on the good ole days when you weren’t a complete asshole, when you heard a male voice whispering to Tee on the monitor. 
It was instinctual; you didn’t even think, you just moved, taking the stairs two at a time, stopping only to grab a weapon or, as it is more commonly known as, a broom.  
“GET AWAY FROM HER ASSHOLE.” You wielded the broom like a hockey stick ready to swing on the assailant. As you rounded the corner and were stupefied to find Benny there with your daughter, his eyes wide as you entered the room ready to assault him.
“BENNY. OH MY CHRIST. I thought - “ In a single moment you instantly drop the broom and grab your baby from his arms, planting kisses all over her face and head. 
“Oh my god, you scared mommy, Tee. Yes you did. My heart, oh fucking christ. I didn’t expect you back.”
“What can I say - I didn't fancy the orgy today.”
“Daddy’s very funny, Sienna.”
“Sienna… Sienna Miller?” Benny narrows his eyes over the top of his Starbucks takeout cup.  
“Veto.” You both say in unison despite your argument. 
Tee whined in your arms, amping up for a wail.
“She didn’t finish her bottle before she fell asleep earlier.” Ben pointed out to the half empty bottle waiting to be washed up. Your stomach dropped at the mere sight of the cause of your hissy fit earlier.
“Are you hungry, beautiful girl?” You crooned to your baby after a pause. Adjusting the robe you had thrown on after your shower. “I’ll feed her and then we can talk?”
He nodded, his face giving nothing away. It was strange to be stonewalled by Ben. Usually every thought that crossed his mind was mirrored on his face. 
Taking a seat in the love chair you’d set up in the lounge for this exact purpose you exposed your breast. You had been doing a half breast half formula feeding pattern so that Ben could pitch in.
She latched on quickly, but never as quickly as she did the bottle. A tiny part of you was disappointed, as you’d always had images of breastfeeding your child. But with a low milk supply you’d had little option but to supplement with bottles, but beyond the bonding aspect you had no qualms with the bottle.
Tee was slowly falling asleep as she drank and after about five minutes she was gone to the world. 
Feeling guilty all while, you held her to your chest after rearranging your robe. You should be speaking to Benny about your regrettable words earlier and yet you couldn’t force your legs to move. Telling someone you had been a complete dick wasn’t a fun thing to do.
So it made sense after about ten minutes of hiding that Benny appeared with the moses basket in toe for your sleeping angel. 
You nodded thankfully and silently you handed her off to him, making sure that your entire chest was covered. 
He placed her in the far corner of the room, far enough away that your voices - if they were kept below a shout - wouldn’t wake her.
He took a seat to your right, there was about a meter between you. It was all so stiff, like a business meeting as you each waited for the other to speak. 
“So.” He muttered avoiding eye contact.
“I’ll start. I’m sorry Ben. You didn’t deserve that.” His eyes rose to meet yours. “I want this to work. I meant it, I want to leave it all behind and I thought I could - just forget everything, I mean. But I can’t. I think, well, I think we need to talk about it.”
“No, Ben, please. I’ve thought about this for like twenty minutes in the shower.” You left your seat to sit beside him. “I know you don’t like… feelings. I don’t either, it's awkward. But, I need to get through this to get over it, y’know?” 
“I think I do.” He nodded.  You took his hand in yours. 
“I’m not making excuses, I’m sorry I lost my shit this morning. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that. When I heard her name, I was right back there. Pregnant and alone and just completely unsure about everything; in love with a guy who I didn’t think felt the same. It was terrifying … And I’ve never told you that. It messed with my head everything that happened last year.”
“Right back where?... When you heard her name?”
“At the baby shower.”
“Oh Y/N, you should've asked!”
“Why? We weren’t together.”
“I started as a PT about a month after Christmas. After I found out and the hospital - It's a hell of a lot safer and the pay’s more steady. I’m still training with Will but the fights are gonna’ be … fewer. I wanna be around.” His hand clutched in yours tightened his thumb on your fingers forcing you to look up.
“You’re such a good Dad. I’m so sorry if I made you feel like you weren’t” Your hand rose to his face. 
“I am so sorry. I haven’t said it have I? But I am. That night you told me you wanted more and I shut you down, I broke your heart. I don’t want anyone else, only you. I need you to hear me.”
“I do Ben, I do.”
“No, Y/N. I want you to be my wife, I want you to have more of my babies. You’re the only one for me, I think of you when I wake up, before I go to sleep - there hasn’t been a day in the past ten years I haven’t thought about you. I will never hurt you like that again, I fucking promise you.”
Tears sprung to your eyes as your heart began to heal, it felt so full as you sat beside him basking in his words.
“I fucking love you Benny.” You grabbed his cheeks pulling him into a kiss. It started off lighter before it began to deepen. 
Teasingly you flicked your tongue against his gaining access, biting his lip you pulled yourself onto his lap to get a better angle on your exploration of his mouth. Through his jeans you felt him begin to swell as he pressed against the linen of your robe. 
It had only been three weeks, but you were desperate for him to be inside you. Compromise was the name of the game.  
He pulled away from your mouth, which you were fine with, you knew the words about to leave his lips. Which is why you decided to be persuasive as you trailed kisses down his neck. 
“Baby, no, you’ve only just had a baby, c’mon.”
Smothering kisses against his warm skin, he smelled deliciously of the Calvin Klein aftershave he always spritzed on before leaving the house. You moved your hips against his, which prompted him to grab them. His large hands splayed across your ass, holding you still as he attempted to maintain some semblance of self control.
“You can’t go inside, but we can still have fun.” You whispered into his neck. “Besides, you’re the injured party, I have an apology to make.”
“Well…” He moaned as you playfully bit at his warm flesh “You were mean as hell, baby.”
With Benjamin's help you shrugged the linen dressing gown from your shoulders. Instantly you were completely exposed before him.  His eyes zeroed in on your swollen breasts, sure he’d seen them in passing but never so freely exposed and at eye level. 
Hands gentle as always rose to cup them. Those gorgeous fingers skirted around your nipples making your hips rut down against his hardened member. 
“Sensitive.” You explained before he placed kisses on them. He kissed along the underside of your breast before lathering his tongue around your nipples. His gaze lowered and his palms skirted along your sides before they landed on your ass. 
You couldn’t help your self consciousness, the last time this man had seen you naked you’d been a size Y/S. Now you had some fresh stretch marks and a stomach still swollen from your child. 
However, all your self consciousness went out the window the second he squeezed at the meat there and pulled you down against his jeans, his hips thrusted up in time, almost unintentionally. 
The fabric was causing some delicious friction against your clit, yet you wanted more. 
“Is this okay, you’re not in pain?” He asked resting his forehead against yours.
You kissed his lips as you held onto his jaw.
“No. I want more.”
“You can’t have more, your sweet pussy needs more time before I ruin it.” He smirked before claiming your mouth with his tongue, putting all his filthy promises behind it.
“No, but you can.” You leaned backwards and began to undo his zipper. His hands came up to stop you before he remembered your words from earlier. 
Finally, you set him free. He was bigger than you remembered, straining up against Ben’s belly. You couldn't resist as you rubbed your bare heat against him. You were sopping as his cock came away wet. 
Benny groaned, one hand squeezing the meat of your ass and the other staying firmly on your hip, just in case you tried something. You grabbed his chin, joining your mouths in a deep kiss, once more you dropped your hips, your clit bumping against the head of his cock in the most delicious way before you slid along his shaft. 
Once again he groaned, this time into your mouth which you greedily swallowed up. Playfully you bit at his lip, touching your tongue once more to his just to give him a preview of how talented it could be.  
He began to help you as he pushed his jeans further down his thighs frantically as you moved off of his lap and fell onto your knees between his legs. 
Your mouth watered as you stared at his pulsing cock, now covered in your own wetness.  You couldn’t help a smirk as his head dropped back on the couch as he tried to give you space to work. 
Slowly, playfully almost, you stroked his length and you couldn't help a small smirk as his hips thrusted into your palm.  Right where you wanted him, he was fighting a losing battle of control.
With no warning you leaned down and swiped your quick tongue along the head of his cock. If the groans had added to the flood below the belt, the broken call of your name had you practically gushing. 
Leaning forward to get a better vantage, you sneakily pressed your heel into your clit. It alleviated some of the pressure but nowhere near enough. 
All at once you took his length into your mouth, his cry was absolutely gorgeous as he grabbed at his own thigh. 
Your tongue lathered the veins that hid on the underside of his cock. It was wet and messy and he was quickly falling apart in your mouth. 
He was fighting the urge to fuck your mouth as he gripped at his thighs in solidarity, you wanted him to bruise the back of your throat with his thrusts.
You reached up and grabbed his hand, currently grabbing at his thigh and placed it into your hair. It was an open invitation, to let himself go. To stop being so polite and sorry, to go back to fucking you the way he used to.
It was an invited he RSVP’ed immediately.  His hands immediately began guiding your face up and down his cock, pushing your face down so that the head of his dick nudged the back of your throat. 
Your gag constricted around his cock which made his head roll back in pleasure.  His hand loosened its hold on your hair, almost asking permission. 
With a roll off your eyes you dropped your head harder than he had, his cock was practically in your esophagus, but it showed him you could take it. 
“Yes, baby. Fuck - you suck cock so good.”   
Unable to help it you grinded against your heel, desperate for the sweet relief of his touch, but unable to receive it.
You noticed the pressure building as his stomach began taut as he continued fucking your face. 
Taking back control, your hands found his balls and rolled them between your fingers caused him to groan as that pressure increased.
“Fuck baby, I’m gonna-” His cry was all you needed as you as you took his entire length in your mouth. You fought the urge to gag as you reminded yourself to breathe through your nose. His come spurted hotly down your throat as you swallowed every damn drop of it. 
@sixshooter665 @queenie-b- @rambling-in-purple @anaaaispunk
 @miraclesabound @kravitzwhorehore @ahsokathearcher @xoxabs88xox @heresathreebee @psychadelichues @marauderskeeper @tanzthompsonn @mermaidxatxheart
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villainessprefect · 1 year
title: Birthday Mission: Start!
summary: You forced yourself into a time limited mission aka finish Idia's gift before his birthday. It shouldn't be too hard, but you decided to take the harder difficulty setting for this. All you can do is hope that he'll like it.
ship: Idia x gn!reader
word count: 3,512
Read on AO3!
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"Are you sure he'll like this?" You ask for what feels like the hundredth time.
Finally, you tear your gaze away from the computer screen and face Ortho. The young robot hovers closer towards you, inspecting the screen. Then his yellow eyes lock onto yours.
"Of course he will!" He answers with an innocent smile. "Whatever you make for him, I'm sure my brother will love it."
"Will he though?" You ask, keeping your question in a hushed tone. Regardless of how quiet you utter that to yourself, you're certain that Ortho heard it.
You return your attention to the screen. The computer you're working with...isn't the best, but it was affordable with your allowance that you painstakingly had to save. It wasn't easy especially when your finances involved caring for a dilapidated building and a monster cat with a black hole for a stomach. It's a miracle that the monitor hadn't glitched for the day- you'd take that as a good sign, but you were still wary thanks to its age.
Thankfully, your project remains safely on the screen. You're careful to save it every now and then and decide to do it, again, despite having done so a few minutes ago. The last thing you want is your hard work to disappear and see that infamous blue screen of death.
Idia's birthday gift had proven to be a challenge, although it had been a self-inflicted one. You decided to go with something a little more unique. Something that he would probably never get as a gift.
A birthday themed visual novel.
Well, that's what you were calling it. With your limited knowledge of programming and adequate artistic skills, it should be able to classify as one.
You let your fingers glide over the keyboard, careful not to press down on any button. You retell the story to yourself as you've been doing so for the past month. It's short and sweet. A celebration of Idia's birthday minus all the in person meetings that he feared. You even excluded the crowd, only inputting the two of you alongside Ortho and Grim.
But, you didn't stop there. You went the extra mile and even made multiple endings. Not too many, of course, there was only so much you could do given your time limit. There was the main, normal route that had the basic celebration. After completing that, there was the option to find a bad ending as well as an extra 'true' ending. The latter involved your character asking if you could celebrate his birthday with him in person. A little fourth wall breaking, but you were certain he wouldn't mind the little touch.
A lot of work had gone into this, maybe too much. But you wanted this project to be worthy in his eyes. Something he wouldn't mind looking at for his future birthdays or just something to pick him up. Okay, maybe you were getting a little too hopeful about what your gift could do, but it didn't hurt to dream a little.
You do your best to hold back a sigh. With Ortho around you don't want to be such a worried downer. He'd been terribly optimistic about your gift, spouting how his brother had his phases of getting invested into visual novels and the occasional dating sim. He was also painfully obvious about his brother's interests, which you were also familiar with. Unfortunately, it didn't help your confidence much. A birthday game didn't exactly meet the same criteria as a horror puzzle solver. As cool as it would have been to implement something like that, even for an ending, your art simply didn't allow for it. All your monster designs ended up being the complete opposite of nightmare fuel. Cute.
Another problem that plagued your mind was the story. Yes, it didn't need to be cool nor in depth, but if you were doing something like this, you may as well go all out, right? It felt lacking in some areas and you could tell where your inspiration fizzled out. You could chalk it up to being under a time limit, but even you know that's just an excuse.
The last thing that really bothered you was Idia finding the 'true' ending. You were certain he'd find it in a snap. It was the response to it that made you anxious. What if he didn't want to hang out on his birthday? You were already bracing yourself to be turned down. It would be fine. Despite how disheartened you would be, as long as Idia is happy on his day, that's what mattered.
"Prefect? Are you okay? You've been quiet for a while now." Ortho tilts his head and you can feel his eyes scanning every inch of your person. "There is nothing wrong with your body, is there? I know sitting in one spot for so long can cause problems."
"I-I'm fine!" You answer. "I'm just...thinking." Worrying more like it. "I just really want him to like this gift. I know it's not the best for a super gamer like him to play. Maybe it was a bad idea to start with..."
You hate the thought of scrapping your hard work. But having to present this to a technological genius? One who lives off games like its oxygen to him? The judgment would be harsh.
"Is my brother rubbing off on you?" Ortho says with a frown before lighting up. He looks back to the screen. The image remains on the title screen, welcoming the upcoming birthday boy to press start.
"This is a beginner's work, you can tell." You wince a little at his blunt words. "But, you can also tell how much effort and care you've put into it. My brother plays a lot of games, mainstream to niche ones. Sometimes the niche ones end up being his favorites! 'They obviously made this as a passion project. Free assets galore. Gameplay is basic. But the story? Not bad. I don't usually look into the lore but it's deeper than some AAA titles. The creator stated they wanted a game with that goal in mind and they pulled it off. I might actually come back to it. GG to them. Literally. Might give them a follow and see what else they do.' End quote."
You blink, surprised to hear the sudden playback of Idia's voice. Hearing him praise a smaller title gives you hope. Doubts linger at your mind but you shake them off.
"Thanks for that, Ortho." You turn back to the screen, a new determination filling your soul. "I'll make sure this is a game he never forgets playing! But now...I feel like it's missing something."
You hum in thought. You hit most of the bases that you could think of when it came to visual novels.
"You do have multiple endings implemented. What about a secret route?" Ortho suggests. "It can be like a dating sim!"
"N-No way!" You feel your cheeks heat up when he suggests that. Asking to spend time with him on his birthday already felt like you were going down that route and you definitely did not want to overstep any boundaries. "I can do a secret route though! I should have enough time for that."
The question is- what would that ending be? Time is ticking so it would have to be short- something funny? Then you're hit with the thought of combining the two and you stifle a laugh. Another one more wholesome comes to mind too.
"Agh! I'm running out of time...!" You whine and run your hand through your hair. Now all the good ideas are gracing you.
"I can help input anything you need. We can get it done on time that way."
"Thanks, but I have to do this on my own. It's...more special that way, ya know? From the heart." You chuckle slightly and feel embarrassed for adding that last bit. You were always a little more defenseless around Ortho when it came to his brother. Maybe that's why he tried to nudge the dating sim aspect into your game.
"From the heart...I think I understand. But I'll still be available to help with coding issues."
"You're definitely my little cheat code when it comes to that." You're grateful that he helped. Accidentally forgetting a semicolon in a mess of code is literally the worst thing. It's no surprise that Ortho found it right away, along with a few other issues in your coding.
"Alright." You take in a breath and slap your hands against your cheeks, lightly. "I have a few more days. But this game will definitely be done in time for Idia's birthday!"
"You can do it, Prefect!"
Escaping the eyes of predators had been a real nightmare when they were all locked onto him thanks to his birthday. The flashy garments didn't help nor did his outstanding features. If it wasn't his clothes and hair that caught attention, it was the fact that Ignihyde's reclusive housewarden was out and about in public.
Sevens, he really hated his birthday. If it was going to be this much of a trial he would have just slept through it all.
"Brother!" Ortho rushes into his room. He eagerly hovers at his chair in front of his computer, turning it to face him. "You have one more gift to get!"
Idia groans as he forces himself up from his bed. The instant he was set free he lost the flashy birthday outfit and switched back to his usual jacket. His phone had turned on to get the final birthday gifts from the games he missed earlier.
"Can't I get it later? Can't be anything special..." He mutters. Then his gaze drifts to his computer. "Wait. I got all my presents from my online friends already."
"This is from the Prefect."
"EH?! Th-They sent me something?!" He blinks and lets his phone fall onto his bed. For a moment, he thought you had forgotten all about his birthday. He couldn't recall seeing you at his birthday bash. Even if you did try to reach him the amount of normies crowding him was difficult to get through. You'd have to have some immense intimidation states like Malleus to get through that. And you definitely weren't intimidating. Well, a bit, but not in the normal sense.
Still, to think you remembered his birthday and got him a gift. It makes his heart swell in his chest. You remembered and were kind enough to give him something. Digital too! Or so it seems. He hates to think this was some kind of joke, but Ortho wouldn't be leading him on like this if it were.
"Mhm! I think you should play it."
"Play it? What do you mean?"
Idia isn't given an answer. Instead he gets off his bed and shuffles towards his chair. He gets comfortable and finds something- a game already downloaded onto his computer.
"Since when can they make games?" He asks, curious. Ortho grins in response, excitedly waiting for him to start up the game.
Idia finds himself greeted to a visual novel-esque game title. It has a title, start, load, settings, you know, the basics. But what really catches his eyes are the previews of the characters involved in said game. Imitations of you, him, his brother, and your cat. It's adorable, captivating coming from an SR tier artist.
His hands are shaking and he feels as if he has to pinch himself to check if this is real. A game with you and him in it? He isn't sure if his heart can handle something like this. But he'll take a chance. He'll die trying to win this game you made just for him if he has to.
As he dives into the intro of the game, he finds you and Ortho on screen, waiting for him to show up. The background is more homely, nothing extravagant. But he doesn't quite care for that. He finds himself invested in the fact that you both want Idia to come out of his room to wish him a happy birthday.
You're definitely getting points for character accuracy.
Then there are the dialogue options. They range from two to three.
"Oh ho? They're going with multiple routes? I'll conquer them all! ...I'm glad they aren't here to hear me say that."
He continues on with the story and goes for the normal ending. It isn't hard to obtain, all he has to do is let you drag him out of his room for birthday wishes. Despite you not being here, it feels like you are. Like your digital character is truly wishing for his birthday to be filled with nothing but good vibes and the best pulls.
"If only the real you were here..." He mutters.
When he's greeted to the title screen once more, he doesn't hesitate to go back in, especially when it shows 1/4 endings achieved.
"Oh, the Prefect added another ending?"
"Eh? You know about this, Ortho?" He asks, looking at his brother. "So that's why you were AFK the past couple of weeks."
"The Prefect wanted help. Sorry, I couldn't tell you or it would have ruined the surprise."
"As long as I don't get spoilers from you, it's fine. Still, I can't believe they hogged you up for so much time. Sevens, wish that were me-" He clears his throat and raises a hand to cover his face despite only Ortho being in the room with him. "B-Back to the game!"
The next ending he goes for is the bad one. It ends with you and Ortho playing with each other instead of getting Idia out of his room. Honestly, not a real bad ending. His digital brother is having fun with you AND he gets to enjoy some solitude? Poggers.
Although...maybe it is a little bad that his digital self didn't get to see you.
Not wanting to linger on that, he moves onto the next route. And he isn't sure if he should laugh or cry when he ends up going down some dating route with Grim as the target. A humanized Grim at that. One with a disclaimer stating 'please don't tell Grim about this' hovering on top of his avatar during the entire route. Obviously, he doesn't get to date him, he doesn't want to, but he does get to pet his ears. His video game self is definitely a lucky bastard.
Now, for the final route. An extra option pops up during the end of the normal route. He figures it's only unlockable after getting the other endings. It's a little basic, but there's points for trying and getting four routes in one game.
The screen fades to black and he thinks that it may have crashed. He hasn't seen the code yet, but he's certain that Ortho wouldn't have allowed it. But if you added something without his assistance then he wonders if you messed up somewhere. All those thoughts are cast out once a video loads in.
The quality is shitty, barely capturing you sitting in front of your computer with Grim on your lap. He makes a mental note to fix whatever dinosaur of a computer you have the next time he visits Ramshackle.
"Alright, I think it's on."
"I hope it is! I wana nap..."
"In a bit!" You clear your throat and focus on the camera. You put on your best smile and wave. "Happy birthday, Idia!" You chrip. "I hope you survived your birthday trial. I wanted to go, but decided to do this instead. And hey, one less person to crowd you at your party."
"I wouldn't have minded you there..." He mumbles. He takes a quick breath in and puts a hand over his mouth. At least you’re not here to hear that.
"Anyway, we're both here to tell you happy birthday." You poke at Grim who sighs. The feline rolls his eyes and gets on his hind legs, staring into the camera as he narrows his eyes. Idia can practically feel the judgment coming from him, but he could care less.
"Happy birthday, shut-in," he says, unenthusiastically.
"Grim!" You hiss.
"What?" He crosses his arms. "I wished him a happy birthday, didn't I?" You give him a dissatisfied look. And he looks as if he's been told to apologize for something he didn't do. "Have a good one or whatever. When you come over, bring some cake! As the birthday boy, you gotta have a hoard of it. I deserve some for having to deal with ya!"
The cat snickers and jumps off your lap as you shout out his name. You sigh as he runs off to your shared bed where he remains proud for what he's done.
"You just had to spoil it..." You shake your head. Despite the spoiler you go back to wearing your smile. "Anyway, this wasn't recorded just to say happy birthday. I do hope you enjoyed your gift I made. I know it's not the best, but its not bad for a beginner, right?" You let a moment of pride take over, puffing out your chest and posing. Idia snickers at how cringe that looks, especially since this is recorded. You deflate shortly after.
"As a congrats to getting this far into the game, I wanted to ask if we could...hang out." Your cheeks turn red as you suggest that. "I do want to tell you happy birthday in person and hear your thoughts on my game, but I totally understand needing to recharge though! Ramshackle is open if you wana drop by. I promise the only visitors we have are ghosts who promised not to be around for the day. And I know it's not my place, but if you do come over, can you please bring a slice of cake for Grim? It might help you pet him."
"No it won't!" Grim shouts from the bed. "Not unless I get the whole thing!"
You roll your eyes at his words. Then there's an awkward silence for a few seconds before you say goodbye, unsure of how to end this message.
When the video stops playing, the game crashes, kicking him out and back to his desktop. With the last minute addition, you weren't able to test out the playback. Not that it matters since your message got through loud and clear.
Idia remains motionless, staring at his computer screen. Golden eyes lingering where the game had once been and the recording of your person. His cheeks turn a bright red before he buries his face into his hands. His hair starts to flare up; blue tips turning to pink. The color spreads and he dawns full pink hair, even if only momentarily.
"Wh-Why was that cute?! That was like an SSR birthday message! How could they do this to me...!" He whines. He brings his legs up to his chest, clutching them and nuzzling his face against his knees. He didn't know how to react. Such warm and fuzzy feelings were foreign to him. It makes him want to get up and just roll around in bed with joy. That's something he could do to get this out of his system and he's highly considering it.
After all, you made him a game. A game made just for him. If you really were going down his route like a dating sim, you were getting max affection points just from this! He doesn't care how low-tier or beginner friendly this game is. To him? It competes with Star Rogue. Sort of. At least in a more sentimental way. Sorry, that's one game you can never beat.
"Are we going to go see them?" Ortho asks, completely calm while his brother is having a mini crisis.
"I-If I say no it's probably going to lead to a bad ending, huh?" He responds. "The good ending...something like that isn't meant for me. But I can get it just for one day, right? I can pet Grim and spend time with them..." He lifts his face and glances to Ortho. "You should have prepared me for an ending like that."
"You said you didn't want spoilers."
"I don't think spoilers could have prepared me for that." He takes in a breath, calming down, though his hair was still acting up. He's going to have to hide that under his hood for a bit. "Okay...we can go. Just give me a moment to recover."
"Yay! I'll let the Prefect know we'll be over soon!"
"Don't forget the cake when we go! I'm still going to chance petting Grim." He grins. "And the Prefect...deserves a slice too."
You deserve the whole cake and more- and it's not even your birthday! Maybe he can't offer a whole cake to Grim, but he can share. He may lose out on the sweet treat and possibly pets, but it would be worth it.
"You know...maybe birthdays aren't so bad..."
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mayakern · 1 year
Just jumping in here to add that support - it’s so difficult to find a well-fitting, comfortable skirt when you are fat and that difficulty goes up significantly when you want it to be ADORABLE too.
Ugh and shopping online is JUST as frustrating sometimes because not every size chart is made equal and not every size chart is made accurate. Shops will be like “we are plus-size 😏” and only go up to a 1x (😒) Sometimes I get stuff in the mail that SHOULD have fit but it doesn’t! And that’s so absolutely demoralizing when I already can’t shop at the average fucking store because of my size.
And then prices!!! I can afford it! $60 isn’t chump change for a lot of people - but it is so much more accessible then a lot of shit out there and I feel so fucking grateful that I can purchase what you lay out.
Especially because I love pastel fashion! And you actually have shit I can wear!!!! And it’s not just a basic skirt - (here hello it’s our 18th skirt in the same shade of mauve or plum 😬 just for you larger sized ppl lol) they’re GORGEOUS. They’re varied!!!! They’re different!!!!!!
I have eyed your skirts for such a long time and I finally just bought the beautiful ocean one and I feel SOOOO happy that I can wear something that cute and I feel CONFIDENT it’s going to fit even before it’s here and that I can afford it.
I get where people are coming from with natural fabrics I guess but I feel so protective of you every time that comes up as a consistent complaint because ugh you can’t solve every problem! You’re a small business that’s already doing what you can!
Every time I see this stuff roll across my dash, I’m like “shhh…. shhhh let me buy the pretty and affordable and inclusive skirts in peace, we understand, it’s not gonna happen right now, Maya’s already talked about this….omg look at the pretty waves take my money now.”
Sorry for all my swearing I just!!! You’re doing a good job!!! I swear all of it was just vehement enthusiasm for your good job. 💖💖💖 Thank you for what you do.
aw thank you this is incredibly sweet 🥺🥺
honestly i deal with this in my own life. i’ve been trying to find a cute and comfortable yellow crop top for a summer time version of my wario costume (which i usually wear a turtleneck for) and the shein/romwe/alieexpress listings have infected EVERYTHING making it so hard to search for anything bc all the listings will have a 3X option but then you’ll realize the 3X is, at most, a size 18 👹👹👹
obviously letter sizes mean NOTHING and we try not to use them too much in the store as your precise measurements will always give a MUCH better fit, but still that’s goddamn ridiculous
ANYWAY thank you for the kind words and i hope you love your skirt. also, as a general note, on the off chance one of our garments doesn’t fit you, especially if it is too small, we are always happy to do exchanges (if we have the appropriate size on hand) or returns. i would always rather people have a garment that fits and is comfortable or nothing, vs something they can’t wear.
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supernaturalgirl20 · 2 years
It’s time for some for some Max Lord request is it? Max dating reader for her fathers wealth, but falling in love because she is so great with Alistair and very understanding for Max. But then she finds out. But Max wants to make it up to her with all cost.
I haven’t written for Max Lord in a while so thank you for the request 🥰🥰 also I’m so sorry this took ages, my muse is a little wacky lately 😜
Anything for Love
Pairings: Max Lord x f!reader
Warnings: Smut 18+, explicit, unprotected sex, angst, mild language, Max using reader, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of divorce, fluff.
Comments and reblogs really appreciated 🥰
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Max swaggered confidently through the room - his head nodding at the rich businessmen and women as he passed. Something that was becoming second nature to him now. Tonight he was attending a charity gala in aid of some poor orphanage he knew little about, in the hopes of building up his client base.
A giggle catches his attention and he can’t help the way his gut twists at the sound. A feeling - guilt possibly - consumes him entirely as he slides up beside you, his arm wrapping around your waist pulling you into his side.
He doesn’t have time for feelings, not when his end goal is at stake. He will stop at nothing to succeed and no one is getting in his way; not even you.
Mustering all his strength to quench these ever-growing feelings, he plasters a smile on his face as his eyes drift down towards you. You look up at him at the same moment and that sparkle you get when you're truly happy shines brightly behind your eyes, rendering him weak.
How am I supposed to carry this plan through? “Mr Lord, we were just saying that you both must join us for dinner. We’ve hired an in-house chef and he’s absolutely exquisite.”
“Thank you for the offer John, we’d be delighted to come over sometime. I’m going to be rude and borrow my beautiful fiancé for a moment.”
“Of course, young love we completely understand,” he says as he turns to his wife, something akin to the devotion behind his eyes. “You know we’ve been married for thirty years and I love her more now than I did back then. When you find your person, the one that has your back through thick and thin, well, you gotta hold on to them.”
“I completely agree. That’s why I asked Y/N to marry me.” It’s why it’s going to kill me to hurt her. Mr Fitzgerald nods at him as he turns to kiss Y/N on the hand before moving along.
“He’s not that bad,” she says as the corners of her mouth curve into a smile. “I never said anything.”
“You don’t have to, your body language says it all. Maxie poo.” Her shoulders shake with laughter, the sound contagious and he can’t help but laugh with her. “I should never have told you about my mother's nickname for me.”
Max feigns hurt as he pouts his lips, his eyelashes fluttering. “Oh did I hurt your feelings baby? I'm sorry.”
“You're not sorry one bit.” He looks down at her now with raised eyebrows. “No, can’t say that I am.” The hand that’s resting on her hip squeezes tight before movement catches his eyes.
“There you two are. Come on, I want to introduce you to an old friend,” her father says as he approaches with a glass of champagne in his hand.
The rest of the night passes in a blur but one thing is certain: Maxwell Lord is falling hard. This is a huge problem, one he cannot afford as he draws closer to securing your father's fortune.
Since the night of the gala, Maxwell has become distant. He’s gone to work before you wake and remains at the office late into the night. You’re growing frustrated at his behaviour and you need to get to the bottom of it.
Today, however, Alastair is coming to stay for the weekend so you are going to focus all your attention on him. Maxwell can wait.
Dressing in a cute yellow floral dress, you make your way into the kitchen to begin making cookies - Alastair’s favourite. You’d already gotten all the goodies for a movie night and he had mentioned he wanted a pizza from that new place in the city, so dinner was covered.
While the cookies were cooling, you quickly put on a little bit of makeup and curl your hair. You wanted to look good when Maxwell got home. You also wanted him to touch you. It’s been almost a week since he had and you needed him. It’s why you decided to wear his favourite red lace lingerie under the dress.
The sound of the doorbell startles you from your thoughts and you quickly run to open it. Small arms hug you tightly as you smile down at Alastair. “Well hello to you too, my little munchkin.”
“He’s been so excited all week,” Elisa says as she hands you his overnight bag. “I’ve put some cough medicine in there too, he’s been feeling a little poorly this week.”
“Aww is my poor little man sick? Well, we’ll take care of you, don't worry. Thank Elisa, I hope you have a lovely weekend away.”
“I can’t wait, George has it all planned. Won’t tell me a thing though.” You both laugh but her face turns serious all of a sudden. “I want to thank you though, Maxwell has been…different…better, since he started dating you. Alastair seems so much happier and it’s all because of you.”
A blush creeps up onto your face and you don’t know where to look. “Oh I don’t know if I can take all the credit, Max is a changed man and he truly loves Alastair.”
“I know he does but he never spent much time with him until you, so thank you.” She hugs you before pulling back and waving goodbye to her son. “I’ll see you Monday evening.”
Turning to Alastair, you find him already munching on the cookies. “Hey…leave some for me will you?”
Maxwell paced his office frantically, his hands running anxiously through his hair. What am I going to do? A knock sounds at his door and he quickly moves to open it. Barbara smiles seductively up at him as she moves past him, her hands running along his chest as she passes.
“You sounded panicked on the phone, what’s wrong? Little Miss Goody two shoes isn’t pregnant is she?” Maxwell freezes - his heart hammering within his chest - his cock twitching at the thought of you round with his child.
“No. It’s worse,” he says as he moves around his desk and takes a seat. “Worse than being tied to her for the rest of your life?”
He shoots her daggers and she laughs at him, swaying her hips as she comes to sit on his lap. Her hand rests on his cheek and he tries his best to pull out of her grasp. “You fucking love her, don’t you? Maxwell this is a problem. We need her father's money and if you have developed feelings - this puts a dent in our plans.”
“I don’t love her! I just don’t hate her anymore, that’s all.” He’s not sure who he’s trying to convince - himself or Barbara. “We need to move up the wedding. Then once you’ve been married for three months get a divorce and take her money.”
“Her father wants me to sign a prenup.” Barbara laughs as she runs her fingers along his chest. “You and I both know Y/N isn’t going to make you sign it, she loves you.” His chest tightens and that twisting feeling in his gut makes a reappearance.
Barbara begins to kiss the skin along his neck but guilt courses through him so he pushes her off. “Don’t! I may be taking Y/N’s money from her but I won’t cheat.”
“Well you’re no fun,” she says as she moves towards the door. “Make sure you get her to move up the wedding. The sooner we get this over with the better.”
Maxwell releases a sigh as he runs his hand along his face. His eyes land on the clock and he curses. “Shit! I need to get home.”
Arriving home he finds the apartment quiet, too quiet and he begins to panic until he reaches Alastair’s room and finds you both asleep. Alastair is under his covers, his head snuggled into your lap. A book sits across your chest with your head tilted to the side. You fell asleep while reading to his son and his heart swells at the sight.
He quietly moves around the room tucking his son in and lifting the book carefully from your grasp. You startle awake with a gasp and he moves his finger to his lip, “Shh, it’s ok…it’s just me.”
“What time is it?” Guilt twists in his gut again, he’s been avoiding you all week and he can see the hurt in your eyes. “Past nine.” You lift your hand towards him and he pulls you up. Standing on shaky legs you stumble, falling into his chest. Max wraps his arms around you, pulling you close so you don’t fall.
His heart is beating fast and he prays you can’t feel it below your hand. He makes the mistake of looking down at you and he’s met with those sparkling eyes he has grown to love. No, like not love. Can not love!
You both sneak quietly out of the room and Max turns to you with a sheepish smile on his face. “I’m sorry I’m late, I didn’t realise the time.” A smile creeps onto your face but he notices that it doesn’t meet your eyes.
“It’s not me you need to say sorry to, Max. Alastair was looking forward to having a movie night tonight with you.” His eyes close as the guilt once again washes over him. “I know. I promise I’m yours all weekend. No work.”
“Good, now do you want a glass of wine before bed?” He’s torn. Max wants to spend time with you; he's been purposely distant all week, but he knows that if he allows himself to be comfortable around you - he’ll cave.
“I think I’ll just head to bed. It’s been a long week.” He sees the hurt flash across your face and he unconsciously reaches out for you. His hand grabs your wrist pulling you into him - his arms wrapping around you.
“I’ve missed you.” I’ve really fucking missed you. A smile spreads over your face and you reach up and capture his lips in a searing kiss. Max groans, feeling himself grow hard, his body screaming at him to bury himself inside you. To feel your warmth surround him. To completely surrender to you.
“Maybe we both should go to bed, but not to sleep,” you say seductively through hooded eyes as you twine your fingers with his - leading him towards your shared room. This is the last time he thinks to himself as he closes the door behind him.
Maxwell is sitting against the headboard as you rock your hips above him. His hands gripping your hips tight as you move up and down his hard length. There’s nothing but the sound of your muffled cries of pleasure filling the space between you.
You fit so snug around him - like you were made just for him. He leans forward, his mouth wrapping around the peak of your breast and he groans at the sound of your gasp. Wrapping your arms around his shoulder you pull him impossibly closer and he can’t help but wish he could stay buried inside you for eternity. Eternity wouldn’t be long enough.
“Oh-fuck-Max I’m-I’m gonna..” you cry out as your head falls back between your shoulders. Your body convulses in ecstasy as you cry out, his lips stealing your moans. The peaks of your breasts are hard against his skin and the sight of you blissed out on top of him is enough to send him over the edge. “Mierda!”
He comes. His body shudders as he fills you, his seed coating the walls of your womb and that stray thought from earlier creeps into his mind. Of seeing you pregnant with his child.
He keeps you seated on top of him for a moment, his arms still gripping you tight. He’s afraid this is a dream and he’ll wake up any moment. “I love you,” he whispers into your dewy skin.
He can feel you tense for a moment before relaxing, your hand stroking his hair. “That’s the first time you’ve said that.”
“I’ve said it before.” He knows he hasn’t. With a shake of your head, you look at him, your eyes boring into his soul. “No Max, you haven’t. It doesn't matter though because I’ve always known, even if you didn’t say it.”
Why do you have to be so perfect? Perfect for me. “I do though, love you.” You smile down at him and his heart practically stops. He pulls you into a soft kiss before gently moving you off him. The hairs at the base of his cock glisten with your combined juices as he shuffles out of bed to grab a wet cloth.
Both clean and satiated, you curl up under the duvet and Max pulls you close. Your head is resting on his shoulder and your fingers run along his chest - the small amount of hair tickling him as you do.
A sense of contentment washes over him, invading every space, every crack, every gaping hole his father left. He’s found the love he’s so desperately sought all his life and he’s about to throw it all away for what? Money.
Soft snores break him from his reverie and he gazes down at you, a smile lifting the corners of his mouth. You came crashing into his life and made him laugh, made him cry, made him whole. You embraced him for all that he is and made him believe he deserved to be loved.
Alastair loves you. He loves you. I can’t fucking do this. Carefully he moves to grab his phone from the bedside table, scrolling through until he finds her name. Typing up a quick message he turns his phone off and curls his arms around you. He falls asleep with a smile on his face and a full heart.
Maxwell: The deal is off. I can’t go through with it. I won’t go through with it. I’m sorry.
Barbara: You’re going to regret this!
Max reaches out seeking your warmth but finds your side of the bed empty. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he sits up and stretches before slowly getting out of bed and pulling in some sweats and a t-shirt. He checks his phone and a worrisome feeling settles in his stomach.
I hope this doesn’t backfire on me. What if she does something to Y/N or Alastair? The sound of laughter from the kitchen draws his attention and he drifts out of the room and along the hall.
He stands in the doorway - leaning against the wall as he observes you and Alastair together. He’s never seen his son this happy. He’s never been this happy. You're to thank for all of it.
“Something smells good.” He pushes off the wall and moves around the island to stand behind you. Resting his hands on your hips he looks towards Alastair as he flips a pancake. “I hope you're making some for me?”
“We were gonna bring it to you in bed.” Alastair huffs out, his tone laced with disappointment. “I can go back if you want?”
“No, it’s fine.” You turn in his arms and kiss him softly on the lips. “I was thinking maybe we could head to the museum today? Alastair wants to see that new dinosaur exhibit.”
“No! - I mean- we could just spend the day here, have a movie day and maybe head up to the roof garden for a swim?” You turn your gaze to Alastair - waiting on his reaction. “It’s fine, as long as I get to choose the film.”
“Of course. I wouldn’t have it any other way.” You smile at the interaction between them both before leaving them to dress. Max’s eyes trail after you as you go. God, I love her so much.
Monday morning arrived quicker than expected and Maxwell was back in the office today - leaving you with Alastair. “How about we go to the museum, see that exhibit you wanted to go to?”
“Can we really? I want to go.” You smile brightly at him as you nod your head. “Go and grab your camera and backpack and then we’ll go. We can grab some lunch too while we’re out.”
He runs towards you and hugs you tight. “I'm so happy dad is marrying you. You’re the best stepmom ever. I love you. ” Your heart practically bursts as tears well up in your eyes. “ I love you too, my little munchkin.”
Walking around the museum - Alastair slightly ahead of you, taking pictures and asking questions - you feel a little light-headed. Taking a seat you make sure that Alastair is within sight before sipping water. Your phone vibrates with a message.
Max: Hey baby, I’m finished early. Are you at home? X
Y/N: No, we decided to go to the museum. We’re at the dinosaur exhibit if you want to pop in! X
Max: I’ll be there in 10 x
“It’s all so boring isn’t it?” A female voice startles you and when you lift your head from your phone, you’re greeted with a bright smile. “I don’t mind it. I’m just not feeling too good.”
“Oh no, can I get you a drink of water or something?” You smile and nod your head as you turn in search of Alastair. You spot him deep in conversation with the tour guide. “I’m ok, but thank you.”
The woman remained seated beside you, her gaze focused on you and you were beginning to feel uncomfortable. “Can I help you with something? You ask her, your eyes drifting to your phone to check the time.
“I can see why he’s infatuated with you. You’re very beautiful.” You stare at her now, confusion written all over your face.
“Oh Maxwell, he’s infatuated with you. I’m sorry I never introduced myself, I’m Barabara Minerva. I’m a - friend of Maxwell. I feel it’s my duty as a woman to tell you that he’s only using you.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what you're talking about, I need to…”
“He only started dating you for your father's money. He was to marry you and then after three months get a divorce taking all your money with him.”
“You're lying.” She laughs. A dark menacing laugh as she steps forward, her warm breath fanning your face. “Am I?”
Maxwell's heart practically stops at the sight of you and Barabara standing together. What is she doing? His heart beats furiously with his chest as he slowly makes his way towards you both.
You spot him first and the look in your eyes will haunt him forever. Hurt, disappointment, betrayal. He swears he can see the beginnings of tears as you turn and walk away.
No! Don’t leave. “What have you done?” He spits out as he turns to Barbara, anger seeping out of him. “I’ve merely done the woman a favour. I told her the truth about her future husband. I did warn you, Maxwell.” Her face contorts into a wicked grin as she pecks him on the cheek and leaves.
“I hope she loves you enough to forgive you.”
Max turns to follow after you, his eyes scanning the crowd for any sign of Alastair or you. “Daddy, you made it.”
“Alastair my little munchkin, do you mind if we finish up for the day, I’m feeling a little unwell.”
He shakes his head and comes to link his arm with yours. “It’s ok, I’ve seen everything anyway.” Max follows you both out towards his car and helps you both in before taking off.
Look at me baby, please. He tries hard to get your attention but you keep your gaze focused on the streets outside. Mierda!
“Dad, you said a bad word.” Fuck I said that out loud. “I’m sorry buddy.” He chances a look at you and finds you already looking at him. For the first time since you both started dating, he can’t read you. Can’t tell what’s going through your head and he hates it.
Once you make it home it’s a little bit of chaos as you both try to get everything together for Alastair as he waits for his mom. “I’m just going to lie down. I’ll see you soon, munchkin.” You say as you kiss his cheek and hug him tight.
You don’t bother to look at Maxwell as you pass him and his chest tightens a little more at your blatant attempts of ignoring him. It’s what I deserve.
Max opens the door to your shared room slowly and finds you huddled under the blankets, soft sobs filling the room. “Baby - I’m sorry - Barbara is..”
“Was she telling the truth?” You sit up now, your eyes rimmed red from crying. “I - it’s not..”
“Just tell me, Max, is it true? Are you with me just for my father's money?” His eyes leave your form, searching for a distraction. “It’s true. Everything she said is true but baby you have to believe me, I - that’s not the case now. I love you, so so much and I don’t want to lose you.”
You laugh at him, a short sarcastic laugh that pierces him through the heart. “You don’t love me, you love the money. I want you to leave.”
“Y/N please - don’t make me leave - I love you, and Alastair will be heartbroken.” You turn to him then, an angry look in your eyes. “Don’t you dare use him against me. I love him like he was my son,” you spit out as you stand, approaching him - finger pointed at his chest.
“I’m sorry, mi amor. I never meant to hurt you, please believe me.” You stumble a little, falling against his chest and his arms come to wrap around you, preventing you from falling.
“Y/N, baby are you ok?” He helps you to sit in the bed but before you can answer you fall into darkness.
A constant beeping sound rings through your ears as you slowly open your eyes. You take in your surroundings as your eyes move about the room until they land on the sleeping form of Max.
Your heart beats frantically as you take in his dishevelled form. He hurt you but you also can’t ignore the way your heart longs for him. “Ah, you're awake.”
Max startles awake panicking until he sees you sitting up. He lets out a sigh of relief as he grabs your hand, his thumb rubbing circles into your skin.
You want to pull your hand away and never let him touch you again but you also grace his touch. You love him for Christ's sake. “Ms Y/N, you fainted from over-exertion which is quite common in early pregnancy.”
“What?! Did you say - you said I’m - I’m pregnant?” Max has stilled beside you, his hand gripping yours tight. “We did some blood work and it came back positive for pregnancy. It’s not clear how far along you are but we can give you a scan to find out. I take it from your reaction that you didn’t know?”
“No, we had no idea - we weren’t, I mean…” Max stands and thanks the doctor, who leaves to continue on his rounds. Max moves slowly towards you before coming to sit on the side of the bed. “You’re pregnant! We’re having a baby.”
“I didn’t know,” you gasp out and look up at him, a mix of emotions running across your face. You hate him for what he did - was planning to do, but you also love him more than life itself and now you are carrying his baby.
“You scared me, baby. I thought - I can’t lose you, or our baby. I never meant to hurt you. I love you and I promise I wasn’t going through with my…” You silence him by placing your finger on his lips. “Max I can’t right now - it’s too much, just - I need time. I’ll let you be involved with the baby, and attend appointments but I just need space.”
“Ok. I’ll do anything to keep you in my life. I love you, just remember that.”
Maxwell arrived at your apartment every morning with a decaf coffee and those blueberry muffins you loved from that bakery across the city. He drove you to work and picked you up after but never pushed you to come in.
He sent flowers, sweets and all your favourite books to you at work. He organised trips for Alastair and made sure to include you. He was really trying and you couldn’t help but look forward to seeing him every day.
“Morning baby, I’ve brought a variety today - we’ve got pancakes, croissants…” He stumbles back as you rush towards him, your lips crashing against his. He’s stunned at first but it doesn’t take long for him to reciprocate - his tongue running along your bottom lip causing you to moan.
You both pull back - the need for air too great - and he looks at you with hope in his eyes. “What - what was that for?”
“Max we’ve been doing this for months, I mean our little girl is almost ready to come into the world and I want her to have both her parents.”
“She will. I’m not going anywhere…” You run your fingers down along his chest - playing with the buttons in his suit jacket. “What I mean is - I want us to be together again. I want us to be a family.”
“You’re sure? I mean I’ve wanted nothing more than to hear you say that but only if it’s what you want?”
“It is. I can’t help how I feel about you Max, I love you. You’ve proven to me that you love me too and our little girl,” you say, rubbing your hand along your large bump. His hand rests on top of yours and he looks at you with eyes full of devotion.
“I promise I will never betray your trust again and that I will do anything to keep you and our little Princess in my life.” He kisses you softly on the lips before kissing you on the forehead. “Alastair is going to be over the moon. He’s missed you.”
“I love him too.” Max pulls you close, one hand wrapped around you, the other cupping your cheek. “I love you even more for it. He has told me off about ruining our relationship. Can you imagine being told off by my son?”
“He’s a clever boy.” He nods before kissing you again. “How about I take the day off, we go collect Alastair and head down to the beach house for the weekend?”
“That sounds perfect.”
Everything: @maievdenoir @amneris21 @hnt-escape @elegantduckturtle @harriedandharassed @jediknight122 @ayrusss @hayley-the-comet @sherala007 @alexxavicry @scorpio-marionette @donnaa @practicalghost @tanzthompson @beskarprincessjenny @littlemisspascal @icanbeyourjedi @thatpinkshirt @maryfanson @sunnshineeexoxo @misspearly1 @misspearlssideblog @athalien @its--fandom--darling @sara-alonso @doommommy @trickstersp8 @nembees @kaitieskidmore1 @mswarriorbabe80 @deliriosinrose @allthe-ships @tintinn16
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djmarinizelablog · 2 years
levihan motorcycle (gang) au. pls. hange is the hottest when riding a harley
Thanks for sending me this prompt, Simone! Here's a fic inspired by @koo-kachoo's art of biker!Hange. Check it out here.
Summary: After getting chased in her Harley-Davidson, Hange Zoe flirts with a rookie cop named Levi Ackerman.
This is a gift for Simone aka @halcyonstorm.
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Road Devil
He stops her in the middle of I-95. Another biker, which isn't surprising for him once he's alerted by the dispatcher a few minutes ago. Black leather jackets and ripped skinny jeans are the trend of the decade. So are accidents on the turnpike caused by these daredevils.
And Levi Ackerman's got no chill. He's already ticketed about 30 of them before--all these nasty lawbreakers in hot pursuit. Scorching summers make them all so brash and stubborn. It's not even the road tricks that annoy him, to be honest. It's the fearlessness, the highway confidence of these gangsters. Once they master the stunts, they think they can conquer anything.
Pesky little gremlins, he mutters under his breath when he sees another group pass him by on the opposite side of the highway. Their pipes are roaring louder than they ought to be. If it were up to him, Levi would have put them in a cell overnight, teach them a lesson or two.
But this one's a fresh catch.
Once the biker realizes that those sirens are meant for her, she slows down on the shoulder of the highway and puts the brakes on, calm and composed like she already knows what's bound to happen. Meanwhile, Levi Ackerman is about to have a field day. He may be a rookie cop, but he's on for reprimanding the lawbreakers who deserve it.
The day is unusually hot, the heat prickling the hair on the back of his neck. When he comes up to her, she unlatches her helmet with a flair, brown hair cascading down her shoulders. "Oh, hey, it's you, Levi!" She smirks upon recognizing who he is. "What's the problem, Officer?"
Not again. This is the fifth time he's pulled her over within a month, the fifth time he's going to hear another ridiculous excuse from her. He's clearly not impressed. "Hange, you were going 90 at a 55."
"And so?"
"And so, I need to give you a ticket. That's 35 over the speed limit." He frowns at her. "Can I please see your license?"
Hange leans her elbow on her helmet, chin resting on her palm as she pouts. "Come on! Aren't we friends?"
"We are. But I'm a cop, and I don't take bribes."
"That's what I like about you," she says, enough to make him blush. Levi clears his throat and fixes the lopsided badge on his uniform before he starts writing the ticket. This is not how he expected his morning at all. Hange's tapping her fingers against the surface of her helmet when she speaks again. "I have a feeling you like doing this."
He doesn't even dare look at her. "Doing what?"
"Chasing after me for no particular reason at all."
Levi's right eyebrow shoots up. "Hange, I have a pretty good reason."
"Surely, you have something better to do in your own free time?"
He scoffs. "Humor me." Contrary to popular belief, he does have a life. Which includes feeding his pet goldfish and listening to old records on his vinyl record while sipping hot tea in his studio apartment. It's all he can afford for now.
"Well..." Hange seems to be thinking. "Why don't you go out with me, Mister Ackerman?" She says it so smoothly with all the innocence in the world, but he's still not buying it.
"Nice try."
"I'm serious!"
"Hange, I've got work."
"Obviously, not right now, silly." She bursts into laughter, and it's quite cute, he has to admit that. Hange tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "Maybe after your shift?"
He eyes her warily, cars and other vehicles passing by. "You are not getting your way out of this."
"I can give you a ride." She winks at him, patting down the seat of her Harley. "This bad boy right here might be up to your liking."
Sweet ride, Levi thinks to himself, and then, unable to help himself, goes to ask, "How long have you owned it?"
"This beast? About three years already." That's how Hange knows she's got him. Her grin widens even more. "You curious?"
He shakes his head, trying to get out of the ditch he's in. "More like, concerned. We've been getting reports from bikers the past few weeks. You guys are pretty troublesome."
"Don't worry, I've never really been in an accident with this--"
"Shit, watch out!"
A car speeds past by, startling them both. Hange knocks her bike down behind her and almost falls over with it, only for Levi to pull her into his chest to prevent the mishap. Hange's mouth falls open, but she continues to cling onto him, her arms around his shoulders, unable to balance her weight lest she topples over the asphalt. His quick reflex lets his hands drop from her arms down to her waist.
So here they are, in the highway, holding onto each other like it's the last thing they'll ever do. With her shades up, Hange's staring into his eyes, as if she's been wanting to get lost in them since forever.
"Well, I guess that counts as a sort-of accident," she says. Her breathing hasn't gone back to normal yet, and with the lack of space between them, Levi can feel her heart thumping against his chest.
He slowly lets go of her waist. "If I drop the ticket, will you promise me you'll stay out of trouble?"
"Depends if you go out with me."
There's no getting away from this. Hange Zoe will always get what she wants, which is enough to make him sigh, "Only if you don't get pulled over within the next 60 days."
"Deal." Her smile is reassuring enough for him. "You got a pen?"
He fishes out one from his pocket. Hange quickly takes it, and before he can do anything, she yanks his hand, pushing up the dark blue fabric of his sleeve.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
"My number," she says, scribbling the digits to her cellphone on the upper part of his inner forearm. Levi can feel the tip of his pen digging into his flesh, Hange's hands light and steady while she's making sure everything is completely legible. As soon as she's done, Hange hands him back the pen and climbs her bike once more. "I'll see you then?"
She gives him a wink before putting on her helmet, and then her bike revs back into life. As soon as she speeds away, Levi Ackerman is left in the dust, his arm inked by Hange with her number. Even with that brief argument, he's still unable to believe that he just got a date that he's already looking forward to.
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yuujispinkhair · 9 months
Gege wrote that Yuuji is indecisive. What do you think going shopping is like with him, especially when he needs to buy stuff for himself. I also wonder what it's like going shopping with Sukuna, I suspect he's got opinions.
Aaaah yes I can relate to Yuuji :) Here are my ideas on how I imagine Yuuji and Sukuna when going shopping:
I think the way Yuuji dresses is rather cool. My guess is that he probably is inspired by his fave characters from manga or anime or the movies he likes to watch. So I headcanon that Yuuji has a general idea of what kind of outfit he wants to get when he goes shopping. So he is super enthusiastic when he sees a stack of clothes that fit that idea and hurries over to that section of the store. But just when sweet Yuuji is beaming at a red hoodie he wants to get, he spots a yellow one... and now he has a problem ;) He can't afford both, but how could he pick one color!!?? The same thing happens when he wants to buy new sneakers and has too many options. Yuuji can waste hours in a clothing store, unable to make a decision. It's just like when someone asks him if he likes cats better or dogs. It's impossible for him to only choose one!! But if you are with Yuuji and you tell him which hoodie etc. you like the most, he will smile gratefully at you and buy that one. He loves the thought of wearing something you picked for him.
When you go shopping for your clothes with Yuuji, it will be the same. He cannot really help you make a decision, because frankly, he thinks you look hot in everything!! And he would feel so bad for implying one outfit looks better on you than the other because wouldn't that mean one of them doesn't make you look pretty?? He cannot tell you that!! But you learn after a while that Yuuji always likes the outfits that accentuate your ass the most, so you often pick those :) And honestly, Yuuji is so cute and such a fun shopping partner who constantly reassures you and showers you with genuine praise so that you get a huge confidence boost anytime you go shopping with him! Even swimwear shopping makes you feel sexy when you do it with Yuuji because he will be practically drooling and blushing and have to hold back not to fuck you right there in the dressing room. So every outfit makes you feel pretty when Yuuji's admiring gaze wanders over you.
Sukuna is a man who is very confident and knows what he wants. He has no problem deciding which clothes to buy. He simply doesn't know the feeling of having doubts. HE made that decision, so it has to be right, of course!
He definitely will have opinions when you go shopping with him. Sukuna likes to be in control, so he won't just be a passive shopping partner who smiles and nods. HE picks clothes for you that he thinks will look good on you and then makes you model every outfit for him while his gaze trails scrutinizingly over your body. He has good taste, though, so usually, you will end up with an outfit that looks really pretty. So, if you are someone who is indecisive, Kuna is an amazing shopping partner. But if you have a good idea of what YOU want, it can lead to some bickering. Sukuna doesn't fight fair, so he will use all his charm and his flirty nature to get you to do what he wants. How can you resist when sexy Sukuna steps up really close behind you and kisses your neck and whispers to you how beautiful you look in the dress he picked and how he can already imagine how cute you will look when he bends you over a counter in that dress.
Also, I think Sukuna is the type who will just have a whole outfit delivered to you before a date. Including shoes, jewelry, and underwear. Of course, he knows your size! He knows everything! And that way you don't have to stress about what to wear, so he is really just taking good care of you, right?! (Personally, I would be grateful because I always have a hard time deciding what to wear)
Thank you so much for sending me this prompt!! 💗💗 It was fun to imagine going shopping with our boys!!
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nowis-scales · 1 year
002 Camilla!
Always happy to write for the prettiest purple princess!
Surprising no one, though, this is post is a little long. Maybe not as long as some of the other ones I’ve done, though!
How I feel about this character:
I don’t care what anyone says, I love Camilla. I don’t deny that there are problems with her character re:sexism, but I think at the very least, she is still afforded the capacity to be interesting in personality in other ways.
I think one of the things I like most about Camilla is how she’s sweet, but also… kind of not. She’s pretty disturbed, and rather than that just being an “uWu yandere girlfriend” kind of thing, it stems from trauma that makes her much more complex. Is she motherly and warm? Sure, but that’s to a point. On the flip side, she is possessive, selfish, and violent. If you get in her way, she’s incredibly condescending at best and straight up murderous at worst. Even when she’s terrified or horribly upset, she always keeps even a small air of confidence about her, not willing to show her opposition even an ounce of fear. She’ll kill you for separating her from her loved ones and kill you for leaving her just the same, and she doesn’t really care about what happens to Nohr as its princess — just the people she knows and loves. All Camilla wants is to have a happy life of her own, and after what she’s been through she certainly deserves it, but she definitely… has a very destructive mindset.
Yet underneath all of this, you do see also a very natural side of her. Not in the mothering, and beyond the violence as well… You definitely see a lot of someone who has a lot more going for her. She’s clearly exhausted by a lot of what she’s been through, but she still gets up every day ready to do what she can. In spite of her emotional struggles she tries to find confidence in herself, be thoughtful, and find causes for joy and laughter. She’s not a perfect woman by any means, but you can still see that there is a part of her that is trying to be someone better. I sincerely hope that in a future for her character, she’d be living a quite life surrounded by love, security, and a role that truly makes her happy.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
You know, for a lot of characters, I’m usually pretty flexible on what I ship… So long as the environment is positive, I’ll have a few lined up, but with an obvious favourite. This time around, I honestly don’t have much for Camilla. In my first Conquest playthrough, I went for her and Keaton because I heard that she made for a cute mom for Velouria. And in Revelation, I married her to Takumi because I couldn’t pair her off with the one person I wanted to…
And that brings me to the one person I do ship romantically with this character: Hinoka. Believe it or not, I didn’t used to be crazy about them, because it’s an enemies to lovers and I am very, very picky about enemies to lovers — to me, they must inherently be a slowburn for it to work. But for whatever reason, over time I just ended up warming up to these two. I can’t say exactly how or why, but it’s just something that happened.
Camilla is clearly interested in Hinoka despite knowing that they’re supposed to be opposed, and Hinoka ends up being really flustered by her because she’s not at all accustomed to the attention. And while there is a little charm in that to me, I think what I like most when I think about them as a couple is the period where they’re beyond that little flirting thing and are just really, truly comfortable with each other. Hinoka comes from a family of people who, while they love each other, aren’t so good at communicating emotions or affection. I feel like Camilla would really help her fill in those gaps, both in giving her love and teaching her how to express it more openly. And on the other end, I feel like Hinoka would be a really stable figure for Camilla. She wouldn’t make promises she couldn’t keep that would trigger Camilla’s abandonment issues, but she’d be always present and willing to communicate. She would never leave Camilla guessing about whether she’s loved or not, and would be there to help take care of her, just as Camilla would for her.
Plus, you know they’d be adamant about looking after each other’s siblings too, which is an important facet of the relationship for both girls.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
SIIIIIIIIIIIIBLIIIIIIIIIIIIINGS. Seriously. Love her with her siblings. Especially her and Xander, I feel like that’s a really under-explored dynamic, even in the game itself. Their support is mostly about her misunderstanding the kind of person Xander is, so I’d love to see that relationship develop a bit beyond what we get to see and really become something solid. And, being the oldest of the family, I want to see how they came to trust each other after being involved in the Concubine Wars. I think there’s a lot of interesting potential there.
Otherwise… there’s a few, honestly. Obviously, the Hoshido sibs and Azura (she counts under siblings to me, just in case that needed clarifying), that’s a core part of the game. Her friendships with Selena and Beruka are also quite important and deserve attention… I guess if there’s one that I definitely wouldn’t highlight off the top of my head, but love the idea of, it’s Camilla befriending the Ice Tribe twins.
Flora in particular sticks out to me, especially having seen that fanmade support of the game, because I think it could be a really good case of the two of them overcoming first impressions. I can see Camilla thinking of Flora as someone incredibly rigid, cold, and uncaring. She probably wouldn’t like how much she keeps a lot of people at an arm’s distance, and would find her overly proper. Conversely, Flora would hate Camilla, thinking of her as an exemplary Nohrian, violent and selfish and cruel. She can play affectionate as much as she wants, but Flora knows what she’s really like… Yet even with all that, I can see the two of them actually coming to like each other a bit more. Maybe it starts with a compliment on Camilla’s part, about how well she cares for Corrin and even for Felicia — or about how she displays good leadership skills. Then maybe Flora compliments Camilla on something every once in awhile, and then they start to notice each other a bit more. Camilla asks Flora about her knitting, and Flora about Camilla’s embroidery, and then the ball just kind of rolls from there. I really like the idea that they could someday be friends, when life is simpler on both sides.
As for Felicia, well, honestly I just think both girls have such loving natures that they’d match up well. Camilla would love Felicia’s loyalty, her cuteness, and her openness with her emotions. If something was wrong, Felicia wouldn’t hide it, she’d just tell her and want to work on a solution together. As for Felicia, she’d love how openly Camilla gives compliments, feel pretty safe in her presence, and I could honestly see her being happy to share her hobbies with Camilla. You just KNOW Felicia would be filling her in on all of the Ice Tribe fashions.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I think I might actually prefer her voice as Paula Tiso over Misty Lee in the English dub. And before I get anywhere with that, I just want to say that I in no way, shape, or form dislike Misty Lee’s performance. Quite frankly, she does amazing, and I know she’s what more people pictured when they thought of Camilla’s voice.
For whatever reason, though, I feel like Paula Tiso just works for me. I know the accusation was that she sounds “like a grandma”, but I didn’t really find that to be true to me. What I like about her performance is that she does equal parts loving and motherly, and quite frankly just a little patronizing. Considering Camilla’s attitude in Birthright, Ms. Tiso being able to really harness that condescending tone and make it work is pretty important to the character. Yes, Camilla is warm and motherly, but she’s also possessive and selfish. If you threaten her in any way, she’ll look down on you and treat you like you’re nothing, because you’re something to be eliminated when you threaten those she loves.
And sure, I would accept the argument that you don’t see this quite the same with Misty Lee’s portrayal because there was so much less of that in Warriors and Heroes, but I maintain that it’s something I quite like about Paula Tiso’s interpretation.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon:
That she would get a different outfit…
I think this says something about me, but I would have loved to see Camilla just… go unhinged. She’s a powerful force in her own right, and I’d love to see her just tear through those who are opposing her. The longer this series goes on, the more I’ve felt the need to see a FE woman who just goes completely feral, and I think Camilla deserves to be allowed to do that. Like I know they have the more tropey protectiveness with Camilla and Corrin involved in the anthology comics and what not, but I’d really love to see Camilla just… get some rage for herself, or someone who also hasn’t been able to express their rage.
Like can you imagine if Anankos had used her mother as a puppet? Better yet — put her in front of Leo and Elise’s moms, too. I’d have loved to see her just tear into those nasty women with everything she has, reminding her of every single way they failed their children, and how they deserve nothing more than to rot in the ground like the soulless corpses they are. “Even his control is too good for you,” kind of thing. Just let her really sink her teeth in and be pissed about what they went through. Let her be angry for herself and for her siblings, and help her have this moment of self-forgiveness where she knows that she is worth more than everything she has been put through in her life.
Getting to see anything like that? That would have been just *chef’s kiss*.
Because I only have the one Camilla ship I, uh… pretty much already rambled about it lol.
But maybe I can talk about what my ideal future is for them instead, just so I can add something! I’d say my ideal future for them is probably living in a warm little house situated between Hoshido and Nohr. Camilla has forfeited her title and decided to take up work as a seamstress. Hinoka, on the other hand, has kept hers but works more hands-on “in the field” with the people, so she can communicate to Xander and Ryoma where certain needs still need to be met. The couple visits their siblings fairly regularly — if their siblings don’t come running them, that is — and they are always sure to bring along their band of adopted children. I’ll admit that I’m not sure how many I think they’d have. Camilla would probably want, like, a billion… but Hinoka probably only wants anywhere from one to six, just because that’s what she was raised with. Nonetheless, I can see them taking in children from both countries and making the happiest little family. I can just imagine the dinner Camilla makes every night while Hinoka plays with their kids, telling stories about her time as a pegasus knight. It’s just too darn cute.
My crossover ship:
You know, in retrospect, I’m realizing how funny it is that I chose this particular ask game, because I don’t think I really have any crossover ships. I don’t mind a little overlap between things, but I’ve never been a big crossovers person. I even tend to keep my Fire Emblem games pretty rigidly separate. Every once in awhile, maybe it’s cute to think about how someone would interact with one another, but I usually tend to keep things pretty separate.
So I don’t know if I actually have a Camilla ship that goes across any other games! Lol.
A headcanon fact:
Like most noblewomen in Nohr, Camilla learned to play an instrument. Unlike Elise, who played the violin, she opted for the flute. It was a challenge to play, but she loved the sound. When she was little, she used to play for Garon, and he would delight in listening to her songs. She has several memories of playing for him, and him prancing around like a big goofball to the point where she struggled to keep playing without bursting into a fit of giggles.
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skyeward-otp · 2 years
Chrissy X Eddie headcanons?
My own:
Chrissy enjoys wearing Eddie's shirts, she doesn't wash them after she wears them any longer because she knows he likes her scent.
Eddie loves playing with her pompoms and knows her routine pretty well from watching her practice. He goes to all the rest of the sporting events for the year, but just to watch Chrissy cheer.
Hellfire had an intervention with Eddie, because he was just pining and sighing a lot. "Eddie, PLEASE do something about your crush". I think he'd get all blushy and try to deny it. I think Hellfire would think Chrissy is pulling him along UNTIL THEY SEE THEM TOGETHER and realize "oh SHIT, she's just as bad as he is". She came to see them, at the Hideout, FOR EDDIE.
The 86' necklace was from her parents, her and Eddie switch necklaces. She has his guitar pick and he has her 86' (she says it's for luck). I think that, Chrissy is extremely smart and will help Eddie study (Eddie is too lazy to try, but he has the intelligence).
Eddie does graduate this year 86'. He doesn't want to go to college because he can't afford it. Chrissy teaches him about scholarships and FAFSA (based on my mom, who didn't go herself because she didn't know FAFSA was a thing when she graduated high school). Eddie proceeds to get a scholarship from the DND writers, he submitted his own campaign idea and they picked it! He goes to school for creative writing. Chrissy goes to school for teaching.
Chrissy tells Eddie about her eating problem and her mom. He convinces her to bring it up to the counselor, which she's never done. The counselor gets her in contact with a psychiatrist and she gets help. Eddie is extremely supportive and eats slowly with her. He slows down in his speed because she'll stop eating if others are no longer eating.
Wayne LOVES Chrissy, she's the sweetest thing and he sees how much she makes his nephew smile. Wayne hasn't seen him smile that hard in years. Wayne says that Chrissy can stay over whenever. He knew her mom in high school and knows EXACTLY the type of woman she is.
Chrissy's mom flipped out when she told her that she had broken up with Jason. Her dad didn't help her much, he has no backbone when it comes to her mom. Her brother (I see a lot of people say she has a little brother), the only sane one in the family, likes Eddie a lot and thought Jason was too fake.
Chrissy starts hanging out with Nancy and Robin more at school. They're a badass girlgang. They love watching Robin try to flirt with Vickie.
Max also loves Chrissy, she's always been super nice to her. Max loves it when Eddie and Chrissy get together because she gets to see them act all cute at the trailer park.
Omg I went on a Chrissy tangent but my thoughts still hold up.
I haven't really thought of Eddie x Chrissy headcanons yet, mostly too focused on writing my fic and reading other people's thoughts about them.
But I one hundred percent, wholeheartedly, agree with the idea that Chrissy wears Eddie's shirts. She especially loves wearing any old band t-shirts that he has (because he definitely has some) and every once in a blue moon she'll incorporate one into her everyday wardrobe. It doesn't happen too often, because she very much likes wearing her usual attire, but Eddie nearly loses his mind the first time he sees her wearing one of his shirts in town and/or at school.
Chrissy absolutely goes to every show that Eddie's band puts on at The Hideout, even though Eddie tells her she doesn't have to go to every single one (he's still getting used to the idea of someone supporting his music so enthusiastically). But she loves supporting him, so she goes to every single show.
Love the idea of Chrissy becoming a teacher. I could definitely see her going into elementary education, but I could also see her going into middle or high school education, hoping to be someone that students can go to when they're feeling stressed by school or home, in the hopes that they'll confide in her the way she never felt she could confide in anyone about her own problems.
I could totally see Eddie being the self-sacrificing type in his relationship with Chrissy. Because although her mom is a horrible person and completely judgemental of Eddie, he doesn't want Chrissy to regret choosing him over her family and potentially losing all contact with them because of it. Which he tells her. But she won't listen, is insistent that she won't ever regret being with him, and that if her family can't accept them together, then she doesn't need them.
That's really all I can think of right now, but I absolutely love these two together and I'm super bummed they didn't catch the chemistry between the actors until it was too late.
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heathfraser39 · 5 months
It Is A Fact That Adult Sexdolls Is The Best Thing You Can Get. Adult Sexdolls
Adult Sex Dolls Sex dolls are available as male and female models. They are made of silicone or thermoplastic elastomer (TPE). TPE has a soft and supple feel. It provides a flexible range of movement and hardness levels. For those with physical disabilities Sex dolls can provide sexual satisfaction and emotional connection. They can even help overcome loneliness. They are great for sexual education Adult sex toys are great for sexual education as they help you understand the various body parts, as well as how to prepare yourself for an oral sexual encounter. They can assist you to understand what you're looking for in the right partner. This is especially helpful for those who are new to the world of sex and don't know what you are looking for. Both male and female models are available and are designed to look like real people. The dolls are realistically designed with features like eyes, wide shoulders, a mouth-watering penis and attractive breasts. These dolls will make you feel as if you're kissing a real girl. The experience will be awe-inspiring. You can play with your sex toys for as long as you want and she will never be able to leave your side. While some believe that sex dolls can be dangerous, they should not be used as a substitute for human partners. Additionally, sex dolls can be used to masturbate and even come with vibrating bodies to enhance stimulation. Sex dolls can boost confidence and enhance sexual desire. They are great for singles as well as couples. They can reduce boredom in the bedroom, reduce cheating, and increase the overall communication in a relationship. If you're engaged in a romantic relationship Sex dolls are a great way to practice flirting and pick-up lines. They can aid in practicing and developing your skills before implementing them on your cute neighbor who's been giving you the eye. You'll also gain a sense self-worth and confidence from them, which can be carried with you wherever you go. In the past, adults were afraid to talk about their dolls out of fear that they would be labeled as incels or misogynists. As more people are embracing sexually explicit dolls, the stigma is starting to fade. Some consider them to be their best friends. VICE spoke to Zack* the owner of a sex-doll to learn more about his experiences. They are an excellent remedy for loneliness. Many people suffer from depression and loneliness, which can lead to various psychological issues. Being lonely can be a major problem for your health, and you must find ways to combat this. Sex dolls are an excellent method to decrease loneliness. Sex can also increase happiness and boost mood. This is why so many people consider it a great solution to loneliness.
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Sex dolls can be an ideal option for those who wish to experience the thrill of love without risking the dangers associated with a real relationship. They are more affordable and secure than escorts, and allow you to control their behavior and emotions. Moreover, TOPS Adult Toys help to alleviate anxiety and stress and increase blood flow. They are great for those who want to practice the kinky poses before attempting them with a real person. There are some concerns that sexing with dolls might be sexist or encourage aggression however this is generally unfounded. Some men who post on doll forums appear to be incels. However, most people play with sex toys because they feel alone and require an emotional companion. Some people even modify their dolls to look like their deceased spouses, which makes them feel more intimate and real. Sex dolls can assist you to overcome depression and loneliness. They can serve as confidantes, and are perfect for those who don't want to sit around waiting for a date or are tired of the emotional drama that is associated with dating. Some guys have even used sex toys to help them overcome a difficult breakup. One of the most popular uses for sex dolls are for photography and fashion modeling. Some models are so enthralled with their dolls that they're completely committed to them. Some have even married them. Widowers are known to marry dolls. This has helped them cope with the loss and grief of losing loved ones. It may sound bizarre but it's effective. These are great for practicing picking-up lines Dolls are an excellent way to practice pick-up lines before testing them on real girls. You can test different tones and pitches using dolls with their own voices. This will allow you to decide which one will sound the best and be most effective in real-world situations. This will also help you hone your flirting skills, and is an excellent method to increase your endurance. There is plenty of stigma attached to the use of sex dolls, however, there's no reason to feel uneasy about it. Many people, single men and women are able to feel a connection with their dolls. There is no stigma as there is for other implements of sexual pleasure, ranging from warming lubricants, to prostate massagers. One of the biggest benefits of sexually active toys is that they don't transmit STDs. This is an excellent benefit for men who may not have the funds to buy a condom every time they want to go out for sexual sex. Sex dolls are also an excellent way to connect with your feminine side. They are a great alternative to a romantic partner and can give you a sense of intimacy that you might not find with an actual person. They are also an appropriate place to test your ideas. In several studies, it was found that owners of sexual dolls anthropomorphize them and treat them as friends or lovers. This is important, because it helps us understand that these dolls are not just objects for sexual gratification. However, some are more concerned that dolls encourage misogyny and aggression. Some social commentators have gone as far as to label all doll-related relationships as misogynistic. While the industry of sex dolls has had several challenges, it has made significant strides in recent years. Manufacturers of sex dolls for instance, are currently focused on making their dolls look more human and improve the sexual experience. The latest models can even mimic the manner in which a real woman tears or screams when she is touched. Sex dolls can also be heated using a heating pad or a bath. Some owners of dolls with sex go to extremes by putting their dolls into the hot tub. While this is an enjoyable and erotic experience, it should always be done with care, as the skin of a doll could easily burn. These are great ways to start A sex doll is an anthropomorphic sex toy shaped like human bodies, made for sexual stimulation. It can consist of an entire body or just a pelvis, head, or other part that vibrates. Some are programmed and you can create a personality for the doll. If jealousy, for example causes you to turn on, you can program your sex doll to become jealous or display other kinky characteristics. Sex dolls can also be a great way to teach people about anatomy as well as safe sex. They can be used to teach people how to wear a contraceptive or name body parts. They can also serve as an alternative to a real partner in some situations. For instance, there's a man from Michigan known as Davecat who calls his sex doll "wife." He is not legally married to her however they live together and treat each other as an actual partner. Some people buy sex toys to cure their loneliness. Some people make use of them to achieve kinky pleasure or to feel closer to someone but not physically present. Men do not feel guilty using sex dolls, unlike women who use vibrators. They aren't cheating, and they aren't at risk of getting an STI. There is some debate as to whether dolls that sex are "real," it seems that most people who use them are content with their sexual relationship with them. Some have even managed to become pregnant through their dolls. It is important to remember that sex toys aren't alive, and they do not feel anything. This means that they can't offer consent or express any emotion, so it is essential to take into consideration your feelings prior to engaging in sexual activities with them. While some critics argue that sex dolls are not real women however, it is important to recognize that the idea of sex dolls came from animism, a religious belief system that posits that animals, plants and even inanimate objects have a spiritual essence. If more people were willing to listen to this notion the patriarchal relationship between men and their dolls could be altered.
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intothesolitude · 1 year
Cheer Up final rant
I finally caught up with the final episode of Cheer Up. I did not mean to watch it late but work has been keeping me crazy busy these past weeks. So.. after so much emotional turmoil, here is my final rants lmao
1. THE LAST TWO EPISODES WERE SO GOOD. I WISH WE HAD EXPLORED HAE YI’S STRUGGLE AND EXPAND ON THE LAST ARC MORE INSTEAD OF FOCUSING ON THE LOVE TRIANGLE (OR EVEN THE STUPID MURDER MYSTERY). It was so wholesome and realistic. We always knew that joining the team and dating were something that Haeyi couldn’t afford, we had one episode on her choosing to do it all to make herself happy for once. It was so intriguing and I could see it happening in real life. It could really be a deep meaningful story to explore, but we only got one episode of it?! 
People literally almost dropped the show when it focused on the stupid love triangle and sunho’s very insistent, and super annoying attempt to get Haeyi. If they had this arc in the pocket they should have made it their main issue on the climax of the show (around ep 12). 
2. Park Jung Woo is probably my most favorite male lead ever in a romantic comedy drama. He isn’t just achingly soft and is a really good boyfriend, but he is so dorky, uncool, but also very confident and firm which makes him also very cool at the same time? He’s mature, considerate, and for once, we have a male lead that isn’t snobbish or entitled. He’s not perfect but he’s always trying his best for those he loves.  The guy literally looks so hot and commanding while wearing that tacky costume and doing all those cheering. It’s amazing. 
3. Do Hae Yi is amazing. She deserves all the love she gets. She is such a positive person, very strong and tough in the midst of all the problems, she is in touch with her feelings, and she is driven by love. My most favorite part of her is that she can be realistic about life, while still having dreams and acting out of whims for adventure. The hardship of life doesn’t bring her down. It just makes her stronger. My girl deserves all the love in the world. That being said, she wasn’t the best girlfriend lmao it was frustating enough to see her being confused of her feelings for two episodes (when she wasn’t confused at all for all 9 episode prior), and then having to watch her still putting jungwoo as the second priority again. I still love them together but ugh that was just annoying to watch. 
4. Jung Woo and Hae Yi together are very cute. Especially when they are not being interrupted or disturbed by others. Like... all of their scenes are so cringey but also so realistic with the way both of them being shy and all. Those scenes are so cute damn it I kept giggling like a child. I swear they’re both so whipped for each other. I was a bit worried though, because I think what made me fall in love with this ship in the first place was how they were able to comfortably make fun of each other and have meaningful conversations. As much as I love those cute scenes, somehow I felt like we didn’t get enough conversation between them again in the later half. 
5. I wish we had explored more about the cheering team outside of the murder mystery and love triangle ffs (I know I keep repeating myself but ugh they really wasted so much potential). Give me more cho hee, give me more woon chan, give me more so yoon. Give me more about the politics of the clubs in the campus. Give me more fun trainings and events planning. Give me kids balancing between academic and extracurricular life, just give me campus life?! These writers had so much potential to explore but they chose to explore the wrong things. I still couldn’t even bring myself to care about sunho’s mother honestly. 
6.  I am so curious of how Jungwoo was like when he dated Hajin. How did they even date? Who made the move? How was it like between a dorky guy and super cool girl? 
7. It was so funny that even until the very last scene, sunho was still interrupting Haeyi and Jungwoo lmao, it was sooo funny that I wasn’t even annoyed. He became more likeable in the last episode though. 
8. It was my first time watching Han Ji Hyun and Bae In Hyuk, but I’ll be sure to watch whatever their next projects are. Jang Gyuri also stole my heart with that smile!
9. The ost for this drama is really good! And apparently I love Haeyi and Jungwoo so much that just listening to the intro of Peppertones - Denneb is enough to make me smile now. 
10. I wish we could have one last final Theia’s performance. It’s one of the things that made me fall in love with the drama in the first place. 
All in all, Cheer Up had all the potential to be the best light, youth romantic comedy kdrama this year but they blew their chance with the writing. However, the characters are all so dear in my heart that even if I would never nominate them for the best drama award, I’ll still consider this drama one of my personal favorite. The writers messed up a lot, but they did really well when they wrote Jungwoo and Haeyi’s characters and relationship together. 
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mountphoenixrp · 1 year
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We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
          Moon Bin, a 25 year old son of Bastet.          He is a bartender and host at Sakura Lounge.
FC NAME/GROUP: Moon Bin/Astro CHARACTER NAME: Moon Bin AGE/DATE OF BIRTH: 25/Jan 26th, 1998 PLACE OF BIRTH: Cheongju, Chungbuk, South Korea OCCUPATION: Bartender/Host at Sakura Lounge HEIGHT: 183 cm (5’11”) WEIGHT: 68 kg (150 lb) DEFINING FEATURES: - Piercings; two in his left ear and one in his right ear. - Green Light Refractive flecks in his eyes. - Four slim and pointed feline fangs, 2 each in his upper and lower canines. Can be seen clearly when he speaks.
PERSONALITY: Bin is a bit of a flirt. He’s very casual and friendly to people overall and has a tendency to tease those he befriends. He likes to show a confident air, frequently taking the lead in conversations and occasional explorations around the city. But honestly, behind the confident facade Bin’s got some insecurities and perfectionist issues a mile high. He can be extremely hard on himself in situations where he doesn’t do as well as he might expect himself to do or if he doesn’t do as well as others expect him to.
He likes to meet expectations, both from himself and from others and it takes a toll on him when he doesn’t manage to do exactly that.
 He’s playful and mischievous, he likes to push people’s buttons when the opportunity arises but he’ll never hit someone where they’re actually vulnerable. Sometimes he’s also very gentle. Despite the fact that he likes to mess around, Bin is probably literally the best listener you could afford. He takes the time to go through things with people if they have a problem and tries to help them solve it if they genuinely need his help with figuring it out.
(Sometimes he can be a bit of a Brat too but he’s a true friend where it counts the most.)
HISTORY: Growing up wasn’t terrible. Bin always had a couple of questions here and there but none of them were too important to him. Sure, he was always a little weird and the kids he played with sometimes weren’t very friendly but he still liked to think he had a decent life. Not everyone had a mom after all, and he wasn’t that much different.
He had to move a lot though. His dad did his best to support him, it was just the two of them after all. Sometimes, the kids he played with were more than a little mean as they got older– they called him weird and said it didn’t make sense that his eyes looked like they did despite their mostly natural look. Even if they were a bit more slitted than normal and they had these odd little green bits in them that sometimes refracted light in the darkness.
His canines being a bit pointier were always part of those remarks as well but… it’s not like no one else had teeth like his either. There were a couple, they might not have been as slim and sharp as his but they still had some oddness to them too. But alas, Bin was still the main focus and he never really had a chance to prove anything because his dad’s job always sent them somewhere else after a few months.
 He kept getting older, kids kept being kids, his dad kept being jostled around and before Bin knew it his dad eventually decided to sit him down and explain what he could to him. It wasn’t a very clear explanation to be honest, but he understood it well enough. He was the son of an Egyptian goddess and there was a new place for him to try to go to should he decide he wanted to leave.
He thought about it for a while, but eventually Bin made the decision to leave and see what this “Mount Phoenix” place had to offer him.
PANTHEON: Egyptian CHILD OF: Bastet POWERS: Heightened/Feline based sense of smell, hearing, and agility. Cat Aspects are feline-like fangs and his eyes have a hint of feline accents with slivers of green mixed in with his natural eye color. STRENGTHS: Charming, Cute, Friendly WEAKNESSES: Mischievous, a bit of a brat, and he likes to pretend he’s confident but in reality he’s a little insecure and unsure of himself behind the playful airs he puts on when interacting with people.
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inkykeiji · 2 years
Hii clari it's the behavior chart anon, if you can can you please write something about it with the twins it's so cute
yes, absolutely!! big apologies that it took me so long to finish this, but uGH i love the twins so much!!!!!! i have missed them greatly <3
it would be touya’s idea to implement a behaviour chart, and unlike bmb + sugar daddy natsuo, touya’s primary purpose for creating such a thing is to genuinely help his baby—the sheer power such a position affords him, with the ability to reward and punish in absolutes, is only an added perk.
despite being harsher, with a more hasty, more explosive, more unstable temper than that of his twin (who thrives on complete control and over over everything, including his own emotional responses and reactions), dabi wasn’t sure how he felt about the whole thing the first time his twin brought it up to him. he felt it was too rigid in its authority and feared that it might feel unnatural. however, once touya had explained the true and sincere intention of the chart, promising his twin that it was designed purely with their lover’s well-being front and center in his mind, dabi began to see it as something that could be useful in helping reader grow and learn and cope with whatever she needs to.
as such, the behaviour/chore chart isn’t your stereotypical, run of the mill chart. it’s built on and based around reader’s own specific needs, struggles, troubles, and strengths. touya’s goal is to help her not only establish new healthy habits, but also to maintain the other healthy habits that she had already formed before as she steadily adds to her repertoire, wielding new tools and developing new skills while continuing to strengthen old ones.
the three of them come together to construct a chart each of them feels confident and comfortable with, tailored to reader’s very specific and personal needs, and accompanied by matching rewards and punishments, whose severities directly correlate to the importance of the task or goal.
every month, dabi illustrates a new chart, laminates it, and pins it to their massive chrome fridge. he’s always stunningly creative with it, painstakingly including reader’s favourite things about that particular month, paired with sweet little references to memories the three of them created together during said month the year prior—colourful skis and white peaked mountains for january, wind filled sailboats and magnificent waves for july. touya routinely provides reader with sparkly stickers to use when marking her development.
the twins are nothing if not extremely strict, and reader doesn’t ever have a chance in hell of talking her way out of a punishment once she’s failed to complete a task or goal. they have bimonthly meetings—headed by touya, of course—to discuss progress and problems. it is during these meetings that reader has an opportunity to object to certain goals, modify timelines, or add new tasks (however, all of these must be vetted and approved by the twins). all in all, though, it’s a method that works quite well, and both men are more than ecstatic to see their baby making advancements <3
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