#this has been in my drafts for like 2 months cos i wanted to post the josie one first but havent finished it yet 😣
ayoedebiris · 1 month
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WLWMEME ◇ [3/8] film characters — isabel lee (bottoms)
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wildglitch · 2 months
How What if...Zombies Spidey gets to the DCU
Here's the second part of this post
This is about how Zombie!Peter (And possibly others) got to the DCU. the third part will be the HC on what he is going to be doing overther, but for now wh need to know how he got there
Also,I accidentally uploaded my original draft for this but it wasn't finished so I had to delete it so I lost all of that writing TnT
-Starting this off with more timeline explanations! Let's goooooooo
Ok so anything that happens on Earth has absolutely no effect on the rest of the universe, that means that all of the guardian movies and Thor Ragnarok happens when they originally did in the OG timeline.
"But Thor and Loki met Strange 3 days before Infinity war" SHhhhhhh, trust and listen. Since Loki really didn't want to deal with his dad, Instead of just sending him to Earth, She sends him to a different reality Earth. How? But studying the space stone of course. Not to mention he spent a good while researching and studying the aether when he was king and before they sent it to the collector. With this in mind, Loki taught himself how to access and travel to different realities (Remember this)
That means that Bruce B. gets back on Earth at the same time he did in the original, in 2018. Infinity war takes place in about a day or so and seeing as Thanos is on Earth by the end of the episode, let's say that the episode takes place over a time period of about 24-48 hours. A weekend if you will.
That, adding onto the fact I made the zombie apocalypse 7-8 months long instead of 1 month changes a few things timeline wise. Not only does it push Ant-Man & The Wasp back many months, It also means that there's a high chance Bucky's brainwashing isn't 100% gone, and that the apocalypse started around a year or so after Homecoming.
Do with that info as you please :D
-What is happening without space friends? Well...
Loki wasnt Fucking Stupid and died like and idiot here!
(Your the god of fucking mischief and yet the only thing you can think to do is a knife?!? A fucking Knife? Not even to the back as has been stated you have done in your own goddamn show, But right in the face where he can very clearly see it you short dumbass!)
N E Ways- Loki did something, yk, smart and joined up with Thanos cause like, Dude the guy was winning! Loki was gonna play a long game and work with him again to get his opening. . .Then they killed his fucking brother! Yeah this has not been a good day for him- He is sent to stalk Earth with the other dudes but he decides to stay on the ship and
Loki looking down at Earth though the ship's surveillance systems: WTF did the mortals do!?!?
Alien helper Loki asked for and somehow got: Would you like to go down there sir?
Loki getting comfortable and changing his clothes into something cozy after a very traumatic day: Norse no, Get me a bigger monitor and some food, I wanna see where this goes.
And then Loki just watches like the agent of chaos he is. (Remember this too)
What about Thor? Well Thor doesn't really die, Loki just sees the explosion of the ship and just assumes. He still teams up with half the guardians and everything still happens like the movie for him until he gets to Wakanda.
(The Guardians? Canon. Literally the only difference could be that maybe Peter Q. and Co. die immediately on Titan without the space roadtrip trio.)
-Wakanda? Gone
Okoye Was sent to America and everything went to hell lol.
No but Seriously, The King was gone, Okoye went to look for him, and Wakanda was left pretty defenseless. I say that the country was already compromised before she left, but it only started causing trouble after she left, so she has no clue what happened. the important thing isn't Okoye though, no the important thing is Thor. More specifically, Thor, Rocket and Groot when they get there. I can see 2 things happening.
1-they get infected immediately and all of a sudden you get a Zombified God with an axe walking around with a tree and a raccoon. All there while his brother is watching the man, he thought was dead, truly die. ( he gets the feeling that this is Karma) Or,
2- They fight the Zombies thinking they are part of Thanoses army like total badasses, not knowing what they are fighting or getting infected. All while Loki I absolutely shell shocked watching this from a 5th monster mouth agape. (Ones watching visions base with the king and witch, Twos watching the group trying to get to the base, Threes watching some old guy sitting in a park absolutely unbothered, And Forths could be the other dead people from the last post, idk, the separate continuity for the AU gets a mention lol)}
Loki in ver. 1: Absolute depression
Loki in ver. 2: Slacked jawed as he watches his brother be a complete dumbass
-So, How did they he skip dimension?
Well everything from the episode happens the same. Maybe a bit more emotional because they are closer, but every one we see die, Dies. Why? Uhh duh, angst and plot potential, why else?
and its, Everyone one we see die. Let me explain. Anyone we see get turned or killed on screen, It's death. If a character dies off screen but the situation is bad and impossible for said person to get out of, it's death. BUT, if a character is killed off screen but theoretically they could escape, they can live.
Ex For this rule: Happy is hit by a speeding car off screen that implies death= Death, Reason? He's a normal dude T'Challa is hit by a speeding car off screen that implies death= Can Live, Reason? He has the powers of the Black Panther
You Got That? cool. with that in mind, and what I can remember atm, this is the list of people who live
Peter P.- Scott L.- King T'Challa.- Bruce B.- Bucky B.- Rocket R.- Groot-Thor- Loki. Igs, if you want the guys from the more hero’s Idea to be here then you can add them ig. That's the list of survivor a
(Why aren't there more women? Idk, take it up with Disney for killing all of them)
Why these guys? Simple. Cause they all are on Earth
-Loki, being a god, takes a look at Zombie Thanos and thinks "Oh no...Oh Hellas no" And decides to do something about it.
Seriously, You expect me to believe that anything other stone then the space and reality one can send them to another reality? No, I don't think so. And who did I say studied and used these stones before? hmmm? So my proposition for you today is simple. take our god Loki with his obsession with the space stone and have him cast a spell to have every living being on the planet left, come with him to whatever other reality he's taking them to. and thus the crossover commences.
-Peter and the others are now screwed.
They all travel and end up at the same place they were in their original universe. (Omg I just realized Loki could end up at the watchtower lol)
They could be in different realities, but they all are in the same position they were before traveling
Peter: Is on plane before Dimension hopping
Peter: falling to his death after dimension hopping
Peter: Paink!
And then they get split up...hurray!
That's the end for this post. The other will be more focused on Peter But we needed This one as a way to get to the next world. Will I change some stuff? Sure, maybe later, But for now I'm pretty tired and I don't have much else to do at this point.
With that said, I hope you enjoyed this post and let me know what you think
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risingsoleil · 3 months
Fic Writer Interview
My lovely friend @sheepwithspecs tagged me here, and I will spread this by tagging @yellowsalt3 @linnorabeifong @vr-tb @chiefbeifongcanrailme
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 14!
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 414,633
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Choices, Chances, Changes
You Are My Life
Talking to the Moon
The Other Side of Heaven
Lay All Your Love on Me
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I definitely try to respond to comments! The fact that someone spent time and energy to comment means so much to me, and I want to acknowledge that. I'm not the best at leaving comments, but I'm trying to do it more often as a reader bc I, too, am often dying at how awesome fics are
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
It's probably Meant To Be. Now that I think about it, I might write an extra piece for this fic just bc I feel like being salty lol
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
The Only Light We'll See - The whole fic was just an excuse to write steamy, smutty Linzin and let them have a happy life together. I guess you could argue that the main Linzin and family AU I write could also be one of them, but I haven't completed their story yet in this universe. Tbf, I don't think my Linzin AU has an "ending" but whatever happens, Linzin gets their happy ever after
7. Do you write crossovers?
Right now, I don't. But I was more open to writing crossovers when I was a kid.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I haven't thankfully, I have really awesome and sweet and kind-hearted readers in my circle 💞
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Hell yeah, I fucking do! It's prob one of my fav things to write 😂 Idk what they mean by "what kind" but I've written possessive, romantic and loving, quickies, foreplay, first times, and spontaneous stuff. It's fun and my otps tend to be...super horny vibes
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I haven't, but I would be interested in seeing one of my fics translated!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! It's Come As You Are with picajc and @alemanriq, and this holds a special place in my heart
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
404 error. I have too many, but for now it's Lin/Tenzin
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Probably Olvídame y Pega La Vuelta just bc I lost the vision for it
15. What are your writing strengths?
I think emotions are a big part of my writing process and it comes through in my fics. I channel my own emotions into my writing and it does leave a more profound impression.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes I want my writing perfect in the first draft, and it stops me from just enjoying the process. Recently, I've been wanting to write and that has manifested into writing for "results" rather than quality. I mean, I still try to write my best and for the fun of it. It's just that work sucks my energy and the time I have left for myself is recharging 😭
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I need more context with this question. Does this mean if I do something like this:
Lin and Tenzin raised their brows at the girl with the electronic device.
"어머, 죽겠다! 린베이퐁과 텐진 진짜 앞에 있다," she said aloud, though the language is not her mother tongue. "어떡해...인스타로 올리겠지"
In general, I would be open to it because it can open up new pathways for writing
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Meet The Robinsons
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I don't think I have one. For the most part, if I want to write for a fandom, I just do it lol
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Choices, Chances, Changes. I swear a divine force guided me into writing this bc I was so compelled to bring it to life. The updates were posted every few days, and the story was completely written in 6 months.
There were 21 chapters.
Also, it was the first fic I completed in like 14 years (omg I sound old now 💀)
Thanks @sheepwithspecs for tagging me! 💜
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heytheredeann · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @cha-melodius, thank you! <3<3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
439! The plan is posting two more tonight so hopefull that will soon be 441 LOL.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
939,623! Almost a million yay!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At the moment mostly TMFU, I have been getting into writing Banana Fish fic too, and I write for The Witcher, though less frequently than TMFU.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Stretch (Buck/Eddie+Christopher, 911, 3x02 AU)
Everywhere I'm looking now, I'm surrounded by your embrace (Harvey/Mike, Suits, soulmates AU)
I held your hand as you shook in the middle of the night (Geralt/Jaskier, The Witcher, 1x06 fix-it)
Leave it unspoken (Harvey/Mike, Suits, a serial killer on the loose AU looool I had forgotten about this one)
Concession (Geralt/Jaskier, The Witcher, Geralt likes being the little spoon fic)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yesssss, I'm like constantly behind and sometimes I answer months late, but I love answering because 1) comments make me so happy and I want the readers who took the time to let me know they enjoyed the fic to KNOW THAT, 2) talking about fics is SO much fun, I think that discussing things in the comments is the best part of posting.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
LOOOOOOOOOOOL filter for MCD on my Ao3 and take your pick. But I'd go with either Forever is the sweetest con (Napoleon/Illya/Gaby, TMFU) because the story is told backwards, so you start with post-MCD and end pre-MCD, so the ending is happy but. well. the happiness is gone already and you know it LOL, or maybe Meaner than my demons, colder than this home (Napoleon/Illya/Gaby, TMFU), purely because generally speaking when I play with MCD I kill just one of them off and leave the other two to pick up the pieces, but here there's just Napoleon left, so. probably worse than the others LOL.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Sooo, I tend to write one-shots, and I HAVE written fluffy fics, but I think I'll go with Something gets lost from a safe distance (Napoleon/Illya, TMFU) because it's part of a three-part series that's all emotional hurt/comfort, and then it ends with fluffy kissing so.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Eh, it has happened, I think it's inevitable if you have been doing this for long enough LOL.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not usually, I did write a TMFU/Supernatural crossover though LOL.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yesss, more than once and it's always extremely flattering that someone would want to go through all that effort <3
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Right now I feel particularly strongly about the TMFU OT3 but like. I love so many.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I HAVE MULTIPLE LONGFICS SITTING IN MY DRAFTS DAMMIT. I just never want to post longfics unless I have either a first draft for every chapter or at the very least an extremely detailed outline for every chapter, which means that I end up always posting one-shots LOL. Two notable mentions among these longfics are a "Napoleon gets amnesia and bullshits his way through it to avoid telling anyone because he has trust issues" fic and an AU with Illya as a ghost that's a whole angsty mess. help me.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Eeeeeeeh the emotions I'd say. Or I HOPE so, since that's pretty much 80% of my writing loooool Also there a lot of lines of dialogue that I come up with that I unironically like.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plots for one, I just tend to write snapshots with no real plot most of the time, and action. I don't LIKE writing it, which means I can never tell if it's boring or if I'm just projecting, and I tend to avoid it. ...also romance/attraction/getting-together. My aroace ass never knows what is believable romance and what are just tv show tropes that are not actually real LOL.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I generally don't do it and keep to the language of the narration, just clarifying "X says in German" if there's a change of language. I write limited third POV, so I just see it as "filtering" everything through the lens of the person that we are seeing the perspective of. If I'm writing from Gaby's POV, for instance (she's German but fluent in English), I feel like TECHNICALLY the narration should be in German, so by writing in English I have already chosen a filter that is not 100% accurate. But that's the filter I'm going with, so English is the language that Gaby is communicating to the reader in, so everything should be communicated through English lens: if she's talking to someone in English, I will just write the lines with no specifications, if she's talking in German I still write in English and write "in German" in the narration, and if someone speaks a language she doesn't know I don't write the actual dialogue because she doesn't understand it, so the reader doesn't get to see it either.
I hope this makes some sort of sense LOOOOOL, I don't really mind any way I've seen this done, but this is how I prefer to go about it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Fallen book series. LOL.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Evil question, go directly to jail, do not collect 100$. This answer will absolutely change every five minutes, but right now I'm particularly feeling Souvenir from a life left behind (Napoleon/Illya, TMFU), just a tiny dissolution of UNCLE fic with Napoleon angsting.
Tagging: @imgoingtofreakoutnow @ikeepwatchinghelicopters @thetamehistorian @huggiebird @deducitetemporacarmen @set-phasers-to-whump @cherryjuicegf @geralt-of-vengerberg and anyone else who hasn't done this yet and wants to play <3
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dreamcrow · 6 months
20 questions
i was tagged by several people (thank you @niemalsetwas, @babblish, and @creativenicocorner), who in doing so have conveniently eliminated many of the people i would have thought to tag myself, haha. let's see... @falling-hand-in-unlovable-hand, @eri-223, @sidhewrites, if you like? plus anyone else who would like to steal.
1.) how many works do you have on ao3?
41 posted; 0 drafts.
2.) what's your total ao3 word count?
189,246. (?!)
3.) what fandoms do you write for?
oh, ask not for whom the hyperfixation tolls. (toa, obviously.) i do have a few fics i've deleted, though, in fandoms i don't currently have any fics for. maybe i should republish them on anon? 🤔
4.) what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
in my sleep i dreamed of waking
all that dazzling dawn has put asunder
it's a lovely day in stricklake month
misc. trollhunters prompts
oh...they're (almost) all str/icklake, lol. and so old! is it strange that i feel so disaffected by this? well, probably not. a good lesson in kudos being merely a measurement of "how many times people pushed the kudos button," i suppose.
5.) do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i try to! part of my general attitude of "fandom is a conversation." i worry i don't always have all the spoons to make my replies what i feel they "should" be, but i do always want to convey my gratitude for people taking the time to leave a comment at all.
6.) what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh, that's easy: notstantinoplefic! unfortunately it's not yet approached something even remotely publishable, so that probably means very little. ¯\_( ᐛ )_/¯
other than that...probably the first or second parts of minor arcana. probably the first, more than the second. skrael's chapter ends on something awful but he's about to enjoy a good bit of (however fleeting) catharis; bellroc however doesn't get any closure for what happens in their chapter until they meet nari, a couple centuries later.
7.) what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
...do i have a fic that doesn't have an ultimately happy ending? 😂 oh, i am too soft. even the horrible vicious ancient wizard gods tend to go out with full stomachs, warm beds, and someone on their side.
8.) do you get hate on fics?
i'll not lie: i have glimpsed the occasional drama from over my meticulously-curated rose hedge. but most of it seems to be from children, and for all my various weaknesses, i think i can survive being vagueblogged by people who aren't old enough to vote. if not: my anon is on ╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭
9.) do you write smut? if so, what kind?
i am ATTEMPTING. most of the smut i've ever read has left me generally ??? baffled, glazing over, skipping through (without animus) to the next part. again, this is not the fault of the author; it's true even of things i can tell objectively are well-written, titillating, otherwise universally acclaimed. but i enjoy thinking about character exercises, and i am not completely untemptable, so this year i've been trying to make some progress on my longtime agenda of "get the horrible bird wizard railed."
...none of which is terribly apparent given that none of it is published, ofc! but. hopefully. that may change in the not-too-distant future.
10.) do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
tbh i am very picky about crossovers. but i must admit... skraelroc necro/cav au... a man is Considering
11.) have you ever had a fic stolen?
i've had people repost my art, which (as someone who does not think of himself as an even remotely skilled artist) was very surprising. but never fic.
12.) have you ever had a fic translated?
none that i know of.
13.) have you ever co-written a fic before?
the closest i've ever come is probably blue wizard boyfriends, which is inspired by some rp shenanigans between a friend and me. but even so, my take on douxie in that series has diverged quite a bit from hers! so it doesn't really feel like "cowriting."
14.) what's your all-time favorite ship?
as your #1 friendly neighborhood degenerate not-even-actually-incest pornographer, i simply must say: nothing quite hits like a ship you literally invented
15.) what's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
to be completely honest, i do still feel the occasional pang of nostalgia for my gr/avity f/4lls fic. i had a lot of world built for it, a whole sequence/interaction arc for the characters (and not just the couple). unfortunately, even this many years later—even if i never got directly harassed—the nastiness of that fandom has still left a very strong impression on me. it was the first time i think i ever saw a/ntis in action, and i don't think i have any desire to pick that story up again.
16.) what are your writing strengths?
...worldbuilding? present tense, apparently. 😂 i've also been told i have a knack for—ah, how did he put it. understated emotional closeup shots? i think of such kind comments often, haha.
17.) what are your writing weaknesses?
discipline. not using too many semicolons. recently: not using paired adjectives. mainstream fanon. not going back over published work and finding a billion small things to fix (though i'm getting better at this).
18.) thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
...mainly: "you're lucky i didn't make myself learn actual ancient egyptian for all those dumb little skraelroc shmoop fics i keep setting in ancient egypt"
otherwise? i err on the side of under-doing it, but i love doing this. i love seeing this in fic, even if it's not a language i know. it's like a little easter egg!!
19.) first fandom you wrote for?
a very old anime fandom which i will not be revealing on main. probably twenty years ago, at this point. almost certainly on ff.net.
20.) favorite fic you've ever written?
oh, i'm not sorry. i am thinking of minor arcana so often these days, but i really am pretty proud of it. even now, more than a year later! once i have the time to go through and fine-tune everything, i'm going to bind it. it's a very weird fic, probably, but one that is nevertheless (or perhaps because of this?) very dear to my heart.
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blueberry-lemon · 5 months
What I Did In 2023
Ever since finishing school in 2017, I've always had a hard time feeling like I've "accomplished anything" in a given year. The months all blur together, and it's crazy how quickly I will forget something that happened or something I did.
To help myself with this, I wrote up a post last year of What I Did In 2022, which honestly felt good. So I figured I'd try again.
Sorry if you find these kinds of posts obnoxious. Hidden under the Read More just in case you do!
A few things I accomplished in 2023:
I wrote some stuff
I wrote Chapters 3 and 4 of Soul Symphony: Abandoned Encore. This is a sequel to a webcomic called Soul Symphony that I made and completed from 2010-2015. Olivia Myers, former music maestro and magical-girl adventurer, lives life as a depressed freelancer after quitting her teaching job. I think literally only like 2 or 3 people are even reading this, but good enough!
I wrote about JOMO, the Joy of Missing Out, when players have to work with different characters and resources in games.
I wrote a review of Bittersweet, an album by Jamie Paige.
My big piece of the year, which I chipped away at for months, reflected on nostalgia in culture and our personal lives.
I wrote about Cozy Games, which bizarrely was recognized in a Critical Distance weekly roundup.
I wrote about my fear for the direction of art and social media, a review of the writing in Sea of Stars, and other Cohost/Tumblr posts, which you can find in the #blogofkylelab tag.
As usual, I've continued my work as a Writer working on Rhythm Doctor, detailed below.
Art and Game Dev
Another sad year of barely 👏 drawing 👏 anything 👏 which is a huge bummer but I'm coming to terms with it.
Don't have anything finished to show for it, but doing a lot of messing-around in Twine and RPGMaker, which has been good for practice at least.
I funded the guest art and music for an upcoming card game, Isle of Swaps. I commissioned around a dozen artists, who I think drew around 50 total cards. Getting paid work as an artist is getting rough out there, so I wanted to help freelance artists the best I could.
Still working on Rhythm Doctor and A Dance of Fire and Ice at 7th Beat Games
We released Act 5 of Rhythm Doctor, which was our huge undertaking of the year! I co-wrote this with fizzd, and for the first time we were working with a completely blank slate with no levels made beforehand. I was recently looking through my Google Docs and was reminded how many different drafts and outlines I had come up with for this Act, some of which were long before the "athlete" story was even decided upon at all. I eventually helped come up with the character of Lucky (designed by our pixel artist Winston), and we got it all built out from there. I had a part in almost every sentence you see in the Act, I believe. I think I did an okay job, and players seem to really like the story and characters of Act 5, so that's a big relief.
Other Stuff
I've been running IndieGamesOfCohost for more than a full year now! I hope people have been enjoying this. It's been really tough to make the spare time for it, especially getting multiple developer interviews up per month, but I'm gonna keep pushing forward. Maybe "one interview a month" is a better goal to aim for. It's hard to tell how much people enjoy the efforts, but people do keep Liking and Sharing and Following so hopefully that means I'm doing something good with my spare time lol.
My partner and I moved! Aside from Act 5 of Rhythm Doctor this was probably the biggest thing. It was my first time apartment-hunting, as well as finding and paying for a moving truck and buying big furniture, getting renters insurance and all sorts of annoying stuff. In past apartments, I was lucky enough to be invited in as a roommate after the place was already set up. I also helped my parents pack up to move from the house they lived in for 28 years. Lots of moving. Hopefully no moving in 2024.
I hope your 2023 was bearable! Take pride in the little things you were able to get done. Let's all push through 2024 together.
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naranjapetrificada · 5 months
11, 13, and 29 for the ao3 wrapped game! :)
Yay! Thank you for asking questions anon ❤️
I should say up top I only have 3 fics currently posted, but I have quite a few WIPs as well that I don't want to abandon. Anywho:
11) What work took you the longest to write?
Probably the first one! It was the first time I'd felt compelled to write fic in over a decade and I spent forever tweaking it.
13) Not including the still developing romance trope longfic that's been dominating my efforts in the past couple weeks (over 8000 words????), the answer is also Cornerstone which I linked in the previous answer (1874 words).
Until the aforementioned longfic idea grabbed me by the throat, I said I would be shocked to write anything longer than 2000 words because I struggle with plot. That's why tropes are so handy, they give you a space to do all the other stuff like character and worldbuilding but with situations that you don't have to come up with whole cloth.
29) Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
This is an easy one to answer! It's from Ways of Wanting, a Stede subconsciously thirsty POV set after they've agreed to be co- captains through Calico Jack's nonsense. The whole thing is very image-based because that's where every story idea comes from for me.
Stede pictures Venus rising from the sea in a pillar of foam, but when the waves settle the figure standing on that scallop shell has dark hair shot through with silver and a long snake tattoo wrapping from wrist to ankle.
We now know what tattoos are on Ed's back so this is wrong, but in my fics Ed's tattoo will always cross his back to wrap around his opposite thigh because why get a long tattoo that disappears into your clothing if you're not going to get the hottest possible version?
This image popped into my head towards the end of the revision process so I'm super thankful I followed my gut and kept poking at the draft. I wrote this months before season 2 but when I tell you I screamed at the shot of Ed rising from the sea in the trailer!!!! It's also been super vindicating to see other people talk about Ed as Aphrodite on here.
I'm honestly considering commissioning someone to make my "Ed as the Birth of Venus" art dreams come true but there are so many great artists that I've been struggling to pick a style I like.
This was fun! Please ask more!!!
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im-not-corrupted · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @cuubism and @tharkuun!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 613,717. I had hoped I'd get that a little higher this year but health issues have been kicking my ass and I haven't written half as much as I'd like.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Only the Sandman at the moment.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
All my titles end up fairly long so I'm shortening most of them lol but: When Atlas Shrugs (1,410), the space that's inbetween (942), take it slow (583), the majesty of fantasy (582) and all i want is to be a bit warm for you (529).
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always! It may take me a few days, but I will. People have taken the time to interact with the things I've written, and I feel as though I should take the time to express my gratitude for that.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
One thing I do not write is unhappy endings. However, Shoulder the Sky is easily the angstiest thing I've written, so I'll say that one.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Either your heart in my hands (and mine in yours) or enough for now.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, I haven't
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do not! If I did, it would absolutely be very emotional, and potentially angsty.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Typically, no, and I have no crossovers posted. I do have one in my drafts, though whether or not it'll be completed is another matter entirely. It's a Sandman x The Raven Cycle crossover, because the two of those just fit.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
As far as I'm aware, no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have! In the Sandman fandom, my dearest friend @samsalami66 and I co-wrote Embrace me, my sun and A Chance Encounter together, and another (much, much) longer historical AU in progress. Sam is also the one to listen to all of my rants and often offers ideas of their own, so many of my fics have been influenced by Sam too, even if we didn't write them together. For the Witchlands, @un-empressed and I wrote Safi, No together, which was a great time. (We should write together more, bestie.)
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Truly, I have no idea. I've written more for Dreamling than I have for any other ship, though I wouldn't say that makes them my favourite. Perhaps Griddlehark from The Locked Tomb, even if I haven't written anything for them.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I fear that may be apotheosis, my Hob!Hope WIP that has been stuck at 13k for the last six months. I fear I may have overcomplicated the plot for myself, but who knows? Perhaps I'll reach a breakthrough at some point.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Writing things heavy in emotion, relationships and introspection, probably.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I struggle with characterisation, sometimes. Too much of myself escapes into the characters I write about. I get rather repetitive sometimes without really noticing--thank god for beta readers to tell me where that happens lol. I sometimes write too much introspection, too.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Have personally not done so, but I think it should be used only if it makes sense in the fic.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Honestly? Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas when I was thirteen. Clearly, thirteen year old me did not have very good taste in fiction. I like to think I've grown as a person since then.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
For Horizon, it would be metanoia. I am extremely proud of all the characterisation in that one shot, and the writing itself. For the Sandman, it would be the majesty of fantasy (protects me from tragedy). While I have improved as a writer since then, I'm still incredibly proud of how this entire fic came out. I put a lot of time into it and it paid off!
tagging @un-empressed, @landwriter and @seiya-starsniper if you feel like answering 20 questions :)
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Rules: share something about an idea you have/something that's speaking to you/an au you'd like to see and are considering writing/etc. etc. Basically anything that is tempting you away from your current wips!
tagged by @supernovasimplicity for this one. i don’t write  anymore, so this is a monument to all my sins (my 50000 drafts in my notes app) instead. consider this the list of things i would have written were i capable of the remotest bit of commitment. fully naming and shaming a whole bunch of past fandoms here too.
kinnporsche - SPH chapters whatever to whatever would have been the end: this counts because it is the biggest casualty in terms of scope. there are at least three more arcs i was planning, including the promised-but-never-delivered murderboner adventures, a revenge/separation arc, and the ending has been planned out for months. it is basically guaranteed never to see the light of day. www sad trombone dot com. - (redacted) vegaspete fantasy AU: this was a me & boots co-production. part of it exists and did get periodically picked at and the outline got revised a thousand times, but what was supposed to be conveyed as a fairytale with a deft touch, it had all the subtlety of the claw end of a hammer. this is the one i’ll drink about years from now and be bummed i never finished it. - i once promised dearly beloved @trueplainhearts i would write her the missing scene vegasmacau episode 2 cleanup after porsche’s bullshit at the koi pond. probably the one I’m most surprised no one has written (to my knowledge, which is minimal). - all the prompts i got for vp one-shots. these keep me up nights. they’re rotting in my askbox in the hopes i’ll get my shit together. have not forgotten them, just never moved the needle one iota. actually, that’s a lie. i have half a one-shot where macau runs his own horrible cooking youtube channel with a very game pete who will eat basically anything. probably the one closest to completion.
the flash - lord HELP me i was so on my bullshit about a show that continually betrayed me at every turn and stopped being good after two seasons despite running for nine. (i did quit after s3, but the rage will be lifelong.) anyway that shit inexplicably ruled my life because hearts and sparkles hearts and sparkles all the love in the world for my beautiful sad gay deaf mallgoth hartley rathaway, most beloved of his horrible stupid name. i dreadfully miss playing in that sandbox. i went old-school crackship and had my own decades-spanning world set up for two characters who never met in canon because i want nothing more than traumatized embittered brilliant characters hated by their own family and the people around them to ultimately create their own homes and happinesses. i wrote perhaps an ungodly amount of twitter DM harry wells/hartley rathaway fic but didn’t explore 95% of the world we created. i had millions of ideas i wanted to write for them — some domestic, some porny, some healing, some of those deep dives into disability and anger and grief -- and boy did i fail to write almost all of it. god, that show did not deserve the amount of time and energy and effort i poured into it but it was so creatively fulfilling and it’ll always be a place i come home to. - i would, of course, be remiss if i just acted like a saintly crackshipper while i stank up that fandom when in reality this was the OG murderboner adventures show for me and in the course of making this post i DID find the actual murderboner adventure fic (which i wrote in second person and do not remember doing at ALL) and not finishing that one for an audience of zero is a regret. harrison/hartley was SUCH an underrated ship in the fandom and no one wanted to make it as disgusting as i did despite the fact that it had SUCH ripe elements for a toxic, codependent, abusive, easily-murderous mess of a relationship. young traumatized alienated genius desperately seeks the withheld approval of an authority figure! COME ON PEOPLE GET IT TOGETHER. a boy who would easily kill for you if it meant you would cast your gaze his way for only a moment and who would be blind to how much of himself he’s lost until it’s too late — it was a certified me fic through and through. there was so much murder. so many boners. RIP :( - tbh i had a lot of fucked-up porn wips for this series. i was really into some disgusting fucking non-con and trying to find like-minded degens to share it with was a fool’s errand. hope no one ever steals my phone and finds them all.
all the other shit - i still get a little prickle of guilt over never finishing a detroit evolution wip about my favorite subject, traumatized and isolated boys wrestling with the concept of being loved and cared for after years of loneliness and fury. i was never a good fit for that fandom (true to form) and this just became one of those sore spots i didn’t have the energy to poke at any longer. i always wrote characters too similar to me and then they got uncomfortably personal and i ended up walking away. - lore olympus fans who hate minthe can a) skip this one and b) get the hell off my blog bc i am and always will be a certified minthe stan. love her. adore her. wanted desperately to write the codependent messy dysfunction of the hades/minthe relationship — the unequal power dynamics, the fear and anger of watching someone else get better while you’re not, the careless hurts to release your own pain. i really wanted to capture that loveless misery and just never could nail the vibe i wanted to. - prapaisky. i’m leaving this one as-is bc everyone i know thinks LITA is dogshit but i feel disproportionately strongly about them and wanted to dig into that post-canon recovery. end transmission.   - a lot of my stuff never made it out of my brain bc i knew it wouldn’t be worth it to watch it sink like a stone, which was the case with evelyn/walter from one lane bridge. i don’t know anyone who was binging dour nz murder mysteries and it isn’t exactly a canon that begs for a rich ao3 presence, but giving me glimpses of these gentle characters doomed by the narrative and forced into making unspeakable choices put me in a fucking chokehold. i scarfed every tiny crumb i got of their story and outright sobbed at the ending. watching the lock fall had me in full-on claire danes mode. it was prime character study material and i rewrote their story 500 times in my head bc i knew there wasn’t a chance in hell that thing would get the slightest bit of traction if i slaved over actually writing it. - flex/rita: fuck hbo max fuck zaslav fuck the WORLD. i know doom patrol will end and i will NOT see flex/rita become canon because devan chandler long is on another show and also DC hates me personally. (they should have at least kissed!!!!!! god!!!!! you give a woman a screaming reality-tearing sex-ghost orgasm and yet i can’t even get a chaste smooch out of it!!!!!!!!! god i’m gonna die mad about it.) anyway this was a fun one to plot out in my head bc it was all about sketching out flex’s backstory and exploring hero worship in the contexts of celebrity vs literal superhero and the idea of meeting your idols in the most doom-patrol-y way, which is to say decades later when you’ve both been victims of horrific medical, scientific, and magical fuckery but still are in the prime of your life. very rita hayworth in terms of ‘men go to bed with gilda and wake up with me’ in the disconnect between a public-facing persona and the vulnerability of being your ugliest, most honest self. also idk there probably would have been literal rat-fucking or something, it’s doom patrol.
not tagging anyone bc i always know i’m gonna leave someone off so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ do it if you’re compelled, don’t if you’re not
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bardic-inspo · 2 years
do you like transformers too or are you just embracing the megatron vibes? 2. your writing has been stellar lately ahhh 3. do you have a best practices mental rundown of how you go from daydreaming to forcing yourself to sit down and put words on the page? bc I would love to gain insight bc I'm wanting to start writing again myself :0 godspeed w the next BtG chapter!! P.S. when he said he will bring the gasoline... I said WHOAAAA he said the line!!!! very exciting times :)
Hi friend! :D
No. 1 - Good/fair question! It's actually an old nickname I got in high school that's stuck with me a bit. My name was very badly spelled on a certificate and people started calling me Megatron. I ran cross-country and people would shout it at me to cheer me on during races. It died down for a few years and then I had a co-worker who thought it was the funniest thing and started calling me nothing but. I incorporated the 'h' from my actual name as a differentiator. I know basically nothing about Transformers, haha. No. 2 - THANK YOU OMG. You are so so kind <3 🥺 I really appreciate that. Encouragement is always a huge motivator <3 Number three is under the cut for length!
No. 3 - Disclaimer that of course different things work for different people, so grain of salt for all of this. I'll just speak to my own experience as a way to frame this. This ramble boils down to three things: keep track of your daydreams, set a specific output goal (preferably with a group that will help keep you accountable), and the original draft is only for you. Before I really started writing again, I started keeping an excel sheet with basically a list of scenes I thought up/about. This works with a bullet list, too. At first, there were giant gaps between them all, but gradually, my daydreams started to fill in those gaps. This can eventually serve as an outline. But I think it's really important to never stop doing this; if you're at the beginning and you have fresh ideas for the middle or the end, write them down. You'll thank yourself later. Prior to BtG, I basically hadn't written anything for years despite many vivid daydreams and I was really really struggling with breaking back into it. Then I did NaNoWriMo. Going zero to sixty like that doesn't work for everyone, but it jump-started me. The only goal became getting the words down. Not making them good or anything my inner editor wanted to do. I experimented, I changed tenses and points of view without starting the whole story over, and found what did/didn't work for me. I kept forward motion even when I'd decided that, later, I'll go back and fix certain things. I proceeded with it as if they were already fixed for the sake of continuing. I kept up with smaller word-count goals for several months after that, at which point I realized getting words down was no longer my main obstacle and I transitioned away from tracking word count at all. It absolutely doesn't need to be NaNo, and I'm personally of the opinion that NaNo is best for creating "roughest drafts" or breaking a writing drought and don't personally see myself doing it again unless I'm doing more rough-drafting. But having a known, established goal kept me from moving my goal posts, and gave me access to a community to help cheer me on or commiserate. Setting goals with a group of writer friends or doing a set-your-own-goal sort of thing like Get Your Words Out (which I'm doing presently with a habit/# writing days goal) or Camp NaNo are also great options. The other thing that helped me immeasurably was the promise I made to myself: no one but me will see the original draft. I only ended up using very, very small pieces of it in the posted versions of BtG (and I'm almost out of it entirely now!), but I have viewed it as a sort of narrative outline, and an invaluable experience not only for helping my build my writing skills, but also for showing me what not to do with certain plot points. I wouldn't have known if I hadn't gone down those routes. Bonus bit: fanfiction is just a fantastic place to start with writing. You have less pressure in terms of world/character-building and can just focus on building yourself as writer, bit by bit. 10/10 would recommend. I'm seriously flattered that you'd ask me this and please know I am cheering you on so hard in your writing endeavors <3 <3 And I swear I can't say thank you enough for the support. It means the world :) (I'm so so happy you got giddy with the title line finally cropping up!)
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itsfirecat · 5 months
20 questions for fanfic writers tagged by @graham-cracker-guillotine I'm so sorry I missed this for like 2+ weeks XD. I forget I have a tumblr except for those few moments every few months when I spam reblog a bunch before crawling right back under my internet rock.
How many works do you have on AO3?
67! (Which is wild to think about, considering I've written all of them in the last two and a half years I think?)
What's your total AO3 word count?
I'm still a little astounded by this, but it's 203,676 as of December 15th 2023
What fandoms do you write for?
I largely write for DC at the moment, though I regularly write crossovers w/ Marvel, and I've got a not insignificant amount of Danny Phantom, White Collar, and Criminal Minds crossover fics too
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Falling Like Dominos (2363 kudos, Gen, a DPxDC crossover fic I wrote for DPDC week in 2022)
2. In the Pits (1914 kudos, Gen, again a fic I wrote for DPDC week 2022
3. Echoes of the Past (1755 kudos, Teen, More DPDC crossover stuff, but this time in 7 chapters)
4. Without a Compass, Without a Map (1452 kudos, my current longest fic, and main WIP, Teen, A Marvel/DC crossover, Tim Drake/Peter Parker)
5. Mass (1230 kudos, Gen, White Collar x DC crossover, Birdflash)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I haven't really in a while. Not because I don't want to, but because I look at my inbox and I feel overwhelmed XD. I really just need to set aside an hour or two sometime and go through to respond to them all. University has been eating a lot of my time this year.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I really don't end up writing a lot of angst, and when I do I really like making sure I know they're all going to be okay, but I think of my finished fics (because there's one I know the ending is going to be angsty as hell for, but that's yet to be written XD). But if I had to pick something from the limited selection I have, I think I'd choose Legislation, which is a White Collar x DC crossover fic, though I think you could argue it's bitter-sweet rather than angsty.
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Happy endings in a fic are hard for the opposite reason that angst was XD. I have so many. But right now I think if I had to pick a favorite I'd have to go with my most recent fic, Sunflower, just because I'm still really happy with how that one. It's Superbat, and just pure fluffy getting together.
Do you get hate on fics?
I've had one or two, but tbh those comments were so cartoonish they made me laugh before I deleted them. In general my readers are pretty great, and I'm really happy with where I am in writing and posting online.
Do you write smut?
Not normally, I have one smut fic posted, and another floating in my drafts, but it's not normally what I go for. I like tooth rotting fluff most of the time, and being ace-spec I always feel like the "how do you do, fellow kids" meme when I write smut XD.
Do you write crossovers?
So many XD. So so many. I mean, all my top fics are crossovers, I think that speaks for itself
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, but if anyone happens to see my stuff floating around outside of Ao3 please give me a heads up, I'm proud of the work I put in, and don't really want others just taking it and claiming it as their own.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I haven't, mostly because it's not something I'm generally comfortable with. As someone who grew up bilingual, I'm keenly aware of how much meaning can get lost in translation, and while I'd be flattered if someone wanted to put in that tremendous amount of effort, I would struggle with not being able to check that the intent behind the words stayed the same.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven't, and tbh I don't think I'd be too great at it. I have pretty strong ideas in my own head for where I want something to go, and I'm not always the best team player XD.
What's your all-time favorite ship to write for?
There's too many fun ships to pick from, I really enjoy switching it up and trying different things. Such is the curse of a multi-shipper I fear.
What's A WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I- I'm not sure. I know I have so many ideas in my notes for my Marvel irondad fic series, and while I really do want to still execute all those (especially because it was those fics that got me to posting my work in the first place), my brain is too deep in the DC headspace to write anything purely Marvel at the moment.
What are your writing strengths?
I like to think that I'm pretty okay at setting up story lines, and hinting at/building up towards a finale. I see people try to guess where my plot is going to go later on in the fic, and it always makes me happy when people are able to guess accurately. Ideally I don't want a reader to read a decision I make at the end of any of my fics and be confused as to where the idea came from, I want there to be things readers can find when the go back and read for a second time that they missed before.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I get pretty wordy, especially in moments like this when I'm also doing a lot of academic writing (because I kind of need to be). I'd also like to work more on my dialogue, and I'd like to get better at planning/plotting my fics before hand and gauging how long they'll be before I start.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it's okay if it makes sense, and you can still understand the fic without knowing what the dialogue says. I've done it for Tony and Peter, and had them speak to each other in Italian, but I usually did that more-so to show familiarity and comfort, what they were saying wasn't particularly important (and it was also in part so I could practice my own Italian XD)
First fandom you wrote for?
I think it depends? First on Ao3 was Marvel. First in posted fanfic was years ago on Wattpad, and a PJO/HP crossover fic. And before that back when I was like 11 I wrote Harry Potter fanfic without knowing what fanfic was.
Favorite fic you've written?
Picking a favorite fic feels a little like being asked to pick a favorite child. I think I don't have a definitive favorite, and how much I like any of my fics really depends on the day, my mood, my headspace, and any number of other invisible and unknowable factors. But I think for the purposes of this, I'm going to go with either, Assuming Makes an Ass out of You and Me, which is a White Collar x DC crossover fic, Gen, with minor JayRoy, or Half a Secret which is a Criminal Minds x DC crossover, Teen, and was one of my longest ever writing projects when I posted it.
Now to pass this along (though feel no pressure to do this if you don't want to ofc) @cassandrasdreamworld @notherdeadrobin @marirah
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cwstau · 5 months
20 Questions for fic writers
@cchapsticck tagged me and given we should have an update on CWSTAU by the end of this month, figured I should post.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
4 - Most of my work isn't published. I've written a lot but just...not put it out there. I've always been a chicken. However one I archived/deleted and the other is on an account I don't associate with this one, and is on long term hiatus. The other is on someone else's account that will be explained below and just, /gestures.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
18,760 (published) but to give ya'll some idea of how much of Conventional Weapons is sitting waiting to be edited/refined, I have 14k sitting in gdocs
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stranger Things, Danger Days. This is a labor of love towards both fandoms, and when the main CW is done, I have pieces that are going expand with both the characters of ST and DD. Any other non-DD things will go on my other account (not associated here).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
adlfkja only got the one baby. But I'm so thankful for each and every one of those kudos.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! It may not always be coherent or the best comment, but I try to give people some sort of response as they've gone that extra mile to provide me a comment. Every kudo, every comment means so much to me. Seriously, I wrote this expecting an audience of like, 2 people, and knowing so many more are enjoying it means the world to me.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
There is a timeloop fic that remains in the drafts that has a horrible ending, but I don't know if it will ever be published. As of right now, no angst endings here. Complicated, messy, but not angst ridden, really.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The ending of Conventional Weapons is already written--its been written for a long time (before the middle parts were even written) and I don't know if it's the happiest ending, but it's the most hopeful.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nah, I'm too niche for that lol.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Smut with emotion? IDK. There are plans for smut in CW but I think they are going to be 'missing scenes' published after the fact that people can read/not read at their leisure. I enjoy writing it, but it isn't really what this story is about, and I honestly don't feel that it works with the main body of this story. Hence, the "click here to read the sex" aspect of what is going to happen. The 'sequel' things may be more explicit, as they aren't the direct story.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Gestures to what this entire blog/project is about.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
While not a traditional co-written piece, @cchapsticck has provided insight that has really helped me move this along, and the key mantra in the fic itself is from them. Their art has also really been important as well. They sell themselves short on their additions, really. Their help, esp early on, in helping me shape the world, means that this fic is what it is now.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Legit could never choose one
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Look, the story that's on hiatus may never be finished. And hey, that's okay. I have a few that I've got outlines for, that may never get past that. I'm a slow writer, I always have been. I really dont want to let anything else get rolling until CW is done anyways.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Look I'm going to be honest, I have no fucking idea. I will say I think I'm pretty good at characterization, and I usually feel confident in my choices for the character--in a 'yes they would do this given the situation' and a 'yes they would say that'. Given it's an AU I get more wiggle room, but I feel really strongly about Steve and Eddie's characterization, and I know that not everyone feels the same way I do regarding them--but I'm confident in my character choices in the story. [This goes for my other stories as well but--]
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I hate writing action. I suck at it, and I try to avoid it, despite evidence to the contrary. Trying to keep track of all the balls in the air is just annoying as hell. Also despite this fic having a real overarching plot, I have really wanted to keep it 'vibes' based more than plot, cause things get to plot heavy and I start to worry I'm a bore. It's where my insecurities start to sneak in, which lets my writing to become a lot weaker in turn.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Note: all my statements are assuming you aren't fluent in the language you are trying to write in, and you're a native English speaker. Maybe a word or two is okay? But unless you're fluent, you're gonna make it sound weird. If a character is speaking in German, just say they are speaking in German. Unless it is absoLUTELY important to the narrative that the phrase be in a foreign language, in the fic--do the work to make sure it's correct. Get a native speaker to check it, put in the translation somewhere. But again, ask yourself once, twice, three times if it's necessary.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I didn't consider it fanfic at the time but I absolutely wrote a 'fix it' chapter for the end of The Great Gatsby for class once lol. That was the beginning.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
This one. Again, I know it's niche, but CW is such a labor of love, and means so much to me. It's not perfect, I'm slow going because of school and work, but I've never felt so secure in my own work and felt such joy when I'm working on it.
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jammytriestowrite · 1 year
Unsent letter
I was scrolling through my drafts on my personal email and stumbled upon this unsent letter I meant to send 3 years ago. This was for a previous co-worker who I unintentionally fell in love with but of course, he didn't reciprocate those feelings. I completely forgot about him but It surprised me to think that I'd been hurt like this before, it made me realize if I actually learned something from this mistake and If I ever heal from this trauma for the past 3 years. Because this still happened to me now. I'm starting to evaluate all my life choices and how to stop this pattern of saving other people while they were breaking me. I started asking myself why does it keep happening to me and what I ever did wrong to deserve this pain.
July 2020
So I think that's it. Pero nagemail talaga ako kasi marami akong gustong sabihin. Pagbigyan mo na ko, bawi mo na to sa panggoghost mo hahaha na akala ko hindi mo gagawin kasi you know I've been there before. Yung mga last chat natin na hindi ka na nagpaparamdam, mabagal ka na magreply, and sa mga posts mo sa facebook, I knew then na iiwan mo na lang ako. Mga last 2 weeks ng June ata yun, nung napansin ko. Ang daya mo, ang unfair, ang user? Dun ko narealize na wala ka talagang plano sakin and somehow, ginamit mo lang ako to fill that void sa sarili mo when you were empty and lonely nung nagbreak kayo ni LA. Sinisisi ko rin naman yung sarili ko kasi nagpakatanga ako sayo, akala ko iba ka, and hindi talaga kita kinilala. Akala ko baka magkakaproper farewell naman ako sa taong to, pero hindi pala. Galing mo rin mang-iwan sa ere eh. Pero baka di ko rin kasi deserve yun, kasi sino ba naman ako? Hindi naman tayo.
On a positive note naman, grateful pa rin ako dahil nakilala kita. Naging masaya naman ako sa ilang months na pagkakakilala ko sayo, sa paguusap natin. I think what I like about you is you're easy to talk to, ang sawap mong ibully haha. You felt like home, parang when I'm with you, di ako nagpepretend to be someone i'm not para lang magustuhan mo. And these past few months, puro sakit na lang yung binibigay mo sakin, but still, I want you to know na sobrang thankful pa rin ako dun. You made me feel again, you gave me memories and I've never felt so alive before. Puro work lang ako dati, ngayon puro ikaw na yieeeee landee. Marami rin akong natutunan from this experience (oh alam ko iniisip mo sa experience na yan nako sayo ko lang natutunan yun ha haha), so next time I'll be wiser and I'll work on my issues and baggages muna before loving someone. So thank you, Lovescake. Yiee ngayon ko lang ulit nagamit yan, I'll miss calling you that though sometimes I think wala lang siya sayo, but it meant so much to me. Cute endearment sana but I can't use it na kasi it will always be you, and I can't have you.
Minsan iniisip ko, what if I give you enough attention that you want, what if mas naging sweet ako sayo, what if mayaman ako, what if malapit ako sayo, will you finally love me? Pero it's too late and even if I did, feel ko hindi pa rin enough kasi hindi naman talaga ako yung gusto mo. I hope the girl you're pursuing now (or girlfriend mo na siya ngayon), won't break your heart and sana wag mo rin siyang lokohin. I hope she makes you happy and you make her happy, yung tipong mapapa-sana all ako sa inyo haha. Galingan mo sa work ha. MagPPIC na yann. Wag mo i-disappoint si Sir Jun and Ma'am Janet like what I did now, sobrang malaki bilib nila sayo. Sobrang proud din ako sa big improvement mo sa work, parang hindi naghuhung yan minsan eh?? haha. Huy joke lang yun, if ever I offended you because sa ganung pangaasar ko, sorry. But know this, I'll always be proud of you. Magaling ka, don't forget that. When we meet again, sure ako Architect ka na. Advance Congratulations, lovescake!
PS: Sorry kung mahaba, marami pa talaga akong gustong sabihin kaso inisiip ko babasahin mo ba lahat? There's a 99% chance nga na hindi mo to rereplyan (pero okay lang gusto ko lang talaga malaman mo yung ibang feelings ko) and ang 1% chance is magrereply ka ng "noted on this maam". dahil sa mga instructions ko haha hayst.
PPS: I don't know if I already told you this but I loved you. Or maybe I still do. I still do. Kahit galit ako, I still do. I love you, and I'm sorry, thank you for everything.
Truly Yours (yours pa rin talaga hayst),
Lovescake Judy
0 notes
: Wednesday 9 January 1839
8 40
[?] 50
A-‘s cousin came coughed all last night as the 2 preceding nights – my chest quite sore – thick snow on the ground this morning – wrote and sent note to ‘Mr. Mackean, Yorkshire District Bank H-x’ done up in parcel with my banking book asking for order on London for £40.10.0 payable on demand to Mrs. Ann Lister and desiring my account to be brought down to the present time  observing that the £1344.3.7 was entered on the 21st ultimo but not the £500 I myself paid in on the 5th ultimo sent off John Booth with this packet at 9 40 and then at that hour breakfast in ½ hour – when A- had a Mr. Heaton –
aet. 23, and said his wife was 19 or just 20, of Brighouse recommended by Mr. Phileman Bancroft to apply for the school – all went on pretty well, till he said he had partly engaged in another situation (not a school) and wanted A-‘s answer today – on which A- told him that as she could not possibly give an answer so immediately he had best think no more of the school – he asked in what time A- could give an answer – but she begged him to think no more of the school and thus he went away – he had been with Mr. Barber solicitor of Brighouse before he failed, wrote a tolerable hand and read in the new testament sufficiently well – a church man and of conservative principles it was now 11 – John B- brought back the bank-draft on London (Messrs. William Deacon and co.) payable to Mr. Ann Lister on demand £41.1.0 instead of £40.1.0 wrote explaining the overpayment of one pound – said I had done what I could to get the water
Rent  41.0.0
underpaid January 1837=  0.30.0
Deduct Insurance 1.12.0
over paid thro’ the bank inadvertence 1.0.0
rent, but had not yet succeeded – mentioned Mr. Sowdens’ having promised to pay on advance of £10 per annum but that my steward seemed to have let him off after the rate of 10/. a year less – I had not said anything about it at present in consideration of the times, and of the loss Mr. Sowden had sustained by the failure of his sons a 12 month or more ago – had just sent off John Booth at 11 ¾ with this letter to the post-office together with A-‘s letter written last night to her sister when Mr. Holmes’ A-‘s Southedge house tenant came and signed his lease, A- signing 1st the lease, and the memorandum at the back purporting that the tenant-right should be allowed according to the valuation of the same by 2 respectable persons – as to all matters and things done in a husband-like manner – very young-looking inexperienced-looking young man – I had David Booth at 12 – he dined with the servants – and then came to me again then A- had Waddington respecting the Lightcliffe church-rate – I with them sometime – Mr. Henry Flather the church warder to be asked to come here to speak on the subject of the organists’ salary – A- mentioned several people to be asked to attend the meeting at 2pm tomorrow and I mentioned 3 or 4 – Waddington to let them know (except Bancroft whom A- was to let know) and she gave W- 5/. for the time it would take him – he has 5/. a day for doing towns’ business – then had Booth again he was at Huddersfield yesterday and paid Mr. Richard Pollard for 59 yards of ground bared for stone adjoining Sun wood – 15 or 20 yards of this still to get that could not be had because of not seaming off – but now that I have permission to get 50 or 60 yards more at the same price that is 1/. per yard I shall be able to get what remains of my 1st lot – the face of the stone to be left open – told DB. to see what wanted doing at John Bottomleys’ and at Whiskam cottage – talked over what wood would be wanted for Listerwick boiler house roof, and roofing of the shades – mentioned taking put off for lumber room, and a small part for an office – wood would be about £30 and labour £5 for the roofing of the whole – talked over tram-road – wheel-stone instead of tram rails – told in brief the story of Mr. Rawsons’ behaviour respecting my coal – DB. thinks I could lay a floor over the coach house dressed on both sides at 4/6 per square yard – and if under drawn the dressing of one side would be saved so that the floor would be laid at 4/. per square yard and the under drawing (2 coats) done at 10d. per yard – say 5/. per yard – shewed DB. Mr. Bull’s bill and report B-‘s estimate of the masons’ work if the clow had been done according to Mr. B-‘s plan, [was] B- thinks 2 or 3 pounds under £30 – the whole job by him and the Manns’ was to have been done for £50 – the shuttle and Iron work could not have been more than £6 or £7 more – In the midst of all this when Mr. Stephen Nelson came at 3 25 – said I was glad   Mr. Booth happened to be here, and thus saying came upstairs immediately and left them together – B- soon came up to say Mr. N- wanted to settle but he had told him I should pay no attention to anything not signed by Mr. Harper – I confirmed this but told to say that he (B-) was my clerk of the works under Mr. Harper, and was .:. the proper person for Mr. N- to leave his bills with – then till 4 35 wrote all but the 1st line of today – then till 5 writing out in my business letter-book copy of letter to ‘Mrs. Lister, 13 Stockwell Common, London’ sent off to be in time for the London post at noon today – vide middle of last p. – then had written 1 ¾ p. to M- when A- returned from Cliff Hill half benumbed to death about 5 25 – rubbed her hands – got her a glass of hot weak marsala wine and water and she was the better for it – she had John B- to walk by her ponys’ side and bring him her Lightcliffe rents – in about 50 minutes more till 5 55 wrote the remainder of p. 2 and the whole of p. 3 and finished my letter as follows – ‘Shibden hall – Wednesday 9 January 1839. My dearest Mary – we were sorry and disappointed not to see you yesterday; but the badness of the weather and the limits put upon your time were enough to reconcile us as far as reconciliation could be possible – we only hope to be more fortunate another time – you will not need invitation upon invitation, but will come when you can – we shall always be glad to see you; and, we are sure you will be always satisfied with your welcome – Have you really ventured to travel today? we have grieved over its being so much worse than yesterday – your horses must have balled terribly – the mail, with a lady and gentleman inside, passed the Lodge yesterday hardly an hour beyond the time – today I have not heard at what hour it passed; but if you really were among the enclosed,  I hope and trust you got on better than could be expected – we shall be anxious to hear of your safe arrival at your
journeys’ end – what a blessing that you all escaped in the minster yard without bodily harm! nobody hereabouts ever remembers such a storm of wind – But your mother seems to be well as of late, at which we rejoice very sincerely – I hardly dared name her individuality, for fear all might not be well – your account of the Norcliffes took us by surprise – we grieved and wondered – Poor Mr. Duffin! From that you say, I fear he cannot last long – Is not Mrs. Duffin herself far from well? How is Mr. Lawton? and we hope you will find Watson sufficiently well to be comfortable to herself, and of use to you – By the way, I must tell you, the wind rocked us as if we had all been in cradles – but we were comparatively sheltered; and all the damage was the blowing out the south and west windows of my new study in the tower – But they were not well fixed; and the plumber and glalzier-man was more than, or as much in fault as the wind – I write in haste as usual – you will begin to fancy, I shall never write at leisure again – not just yet, I dear – I have not got over my potherations – yet I live in hope – God bless you, my dearest Mary! affectionately yours AL. I send you a letter and newspaper which arrived on Monday’ – had just written so far and read to A- and sealed and directed my letter to ‘Mrs. Lawton Lawton hall Lawton Cheshire’ and redirected the letter and newspaper that arrived for her on Monday at 6 20 – then went into the cellar – 1 port Oldfield 2me qualité – dinner at 6 ½ - A- read French – coffee – I read the newspaper till 9 25 – Kind letter tonight 2 2/3 pp. from Miss Norcliffee Petergate York – thanks for the snuff-box ‘one of the handsomest I ever saw’ – ought to have been acknowledged before – but better late than never – the damage does not seem so great to the minster as would seem from Mrs. Lawtons’ letter – the least possible mention of Mrs. Lawton – merely saying she was to bring the letter – yet on some account or other it is arrived per post – fine day over – good deal of snow on the ground – I have not stirred out – I shall nurse a little till my chest is relieved – A- counted her Lightcliffe rents  about four hundred and forty and about one hundred of them still to be paid – came upstairs at 10 35 at which hour F30 ½° inside – and 18 ½° outside at 10 55 pm
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ive been thinking abt becoming an anthropology professor (admittedly not quite the same as a math teacher haha) so do you mind if your comfortable with it telling us what its like? you dont have to but i think itd be cool
I'm happy to share what I can!
Under the cut because I'm gonna ramble a bit, hope you don't mind.
What I'm doing now is long term subbing, which means I fill in until an actual teacher can be found to teach the class. This means I could be the teacher for a week or the whole year (it never goes the whole year).
I've been substitute teaching for almost a decade now and have done long term jobs for 2 separate almost full semesters for biomedical technology, health science I honors, and health team relations. I've also long term subbed for month+ stretches for drafting I and drafting II, and filled in as an EC math co-op teacher, which meant I went to other classrooms and assisted the main teacher with making sure the students understood the material.
Let me start by saying short term subbing can be really fun, if the teachers actually leave assignments that you can lead the class in. It's a fun way to brush up on subjects you may not have touched in years or to just see how kids react to getting to write their own poem or make their own sculpture.
Long term subbing is a different breed because you usually make your own lesson plans and (obviously) you deal with the same kids.
This time around, as I've said, I'm a main math teacher, so I have my own room and I won't be traveling. It's fun because this is the earliest I've ever been pulled in to fill a vacancy--the time before being one of the health science I/health team relations semesters, where I got three days to turn the storage room into a presentable classroom that could actually fit students in it. And I managed beautifully, though I did tweak my back in the process.
There's a lot of little things that go into prepping before the students even get there.
One thing that will vary from place to place is how long you have to set up your classroom. This time, I have 2 weeks to figure out what sort of posters and decorations I want for my room and get it set up as well as procure any necessary equipment and figure out my syllabus and all that--because as the acting teacher, I get to make the syllabus myself.
This year is a little different from years prior because there's not a lot of left over stuff from the last teacher for me to use to decorate the room, so I'm trying to figure out how to make the room look less dull because it's not really fun to come into a room that's all stale, bare walls.
One thing I want to do is try to make math feel a little less like some boring thing that has to be learned for no apparent reason, so I'm gonna be looking up articles about real world applications of math to share with the kids as well as offer them extra credit if they find and bring in their own. I'm thinking it can be like math success stories and mishaps. I dunno fully yet, but I'm gonna do a wall where we can put up the stories and they can look at them in their free time.
As far as actually teaching, two of the other math teachers are already offering to help share pacing guides and let me see their canvas classrooms so that I can make my own stuff for my classes and keep the class moving fast enough to cover everything we need to.
One thing I've always been pretty lucky with (minus the drafting classes), is having another teacher in the field I'm working in who I can ask questions of and get advice from. Most teachers, I've found, are happy to help one another, so if you do decide to go into teaching, don't be afraid to go to your peers for help when you're starting out.
If nothing else, the director of your department can point you in the direction of resources for your class. There is a LOT of stuff out there. There are teachers all over who will post fun games they've come up with or lesson plans that really worked with kids that you can use, sometimes you just have to look for them a little.
In the past, I've done planning two different ways. One was sort of figuring it out per Unit with biomedical technology. Like, I'd talk with my supervisor about the notes and activities I was going to pair with them a unit at a time, so I'd have 2-3 weeks planned at once. The other way was submitting weekly lesson plans.
Once I get a chance to sit down and look at the pacing for the classes I'm teaching, I'll be able to figure out how fast/slow I can go with teaching stuff and leeway days for going back if people don't understand stuff. I would like to do Fridays as a sort of catch up/review day, but I dunno if that'll be feasible.
There's a lot of planning that goes into all of it, like figuring out if certain activities will work with a group and stuff like that. And some of it comes down to the kids themselves. Like, sometimes you'll see that it's just--for whatever reason--not really a focus day and it's better to go lighter on material then and pick back up the next day.
Figuring out what makes kids enjoy the subject is some of the most fun you can have while teaching. During biomedical technology, we would do things like finger printing, where you press your fingerprint in ink and then to a balloon and then blow the balloon up really big and look at the different patterns everyone has. In drafting, I let kids design their own super villain lairs. I'm still trying to figure out how to make math fun because this is my first time actually planning the math lessons, but we'll see. I usually do review games with candy or tangerine prizes.
A big thing about teaching that I've noticed is that students are waaaaaay more likely to engage and enjoy the class if you're enjoying and excited about it. Like, if you can actually say, "No wait, this is cool and this is why."
Not every kid will appreciate that, but it does make a difference to a lot of them.
I got on a side tangent about leprosy studies in one class, and I actually had a kid come up and tell me that they thought it was cool, too. I got to tell a second grader about bee-purple and his mind was completely blown and it was one of the most memorable moments I've had. Like, he was looking around the cafeteria asking me if bee-purple was there and I was like, "I don't know, I can't see it either. It could be!" and he was just thrilled that there was this whole world around us we can't see.
I always try to find the positive in what students do, too. For some kids, all they hear is how they've screwed up X, Y, or Z, so it's so important to not add to that.
I try to be lenient with grading, too. Like, I used to have a scale, where you'd get points off for late work, but I don't think I ever had students who didn't turn anything in. Because I would keep a spreadsheet of assignments and I would remind them they needed to get it done and turn it in and all that. They might end up with 10-20 points off, but they still did very well.
And the only reason I did that scale is because I didn't have access to put grades in directly, so I had to have all the assignments a couple days before they were generally due for each quarter so that I could get them graded and then send the grades to the person who would put them in. And because it was such a clusterfuck with getting the grades in the system, it was damn near impossible to go back to a previous quarter to get in grades that were skipped. I was always really clear with the kids about that, too, so that they understood why I worked the way I did.
The only 0s I have ever had to put in were because of blatant cheating, and that's only happened a handful of times, so I'd say my methods worked pretty well.
Also, rules in general work a lot better if you can explain why they matter. That's a big lesson I've learned.
Now, it depends on the subject whether there are more or fewer students who don't really care. I'm a little antsy about teaching math because I know it's widely disliked and so that will make it harder for people to concentrate to begin with, but hopefully I can figure out like at least one or two more enjoyable things to do per week to make it less bleh numbers.
I think if you go into anthropology, that'll be one of the subjects where people are there because they're interested and that'll make teaching it easier in some ways because they'll already be receptive to the information.
What else can I say?
It's a lot of work. I'm a little worried this year because it sounds like they don't plan on giving me a planning period, and instead having me cover other classes during my planning, which means I'll have to grade assignments and stuff at home, which I am nowhere near paid to do as a sub.
But. I'm gonna be able to put grades directly into the system this year so that's exciting. I won't have to go through others for that. I'm even getting an official school email address. Which is great because I don't need to accidentally bring up my regular email and have kids see my ao3 updates and stuff. I do not want them finding my ao3 account lol
So I hope this made some sort of sense and wasn't too boring. If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them, if I can.
Best of luck with whatever you do, be it become a professor or something else!
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I’ve seen a few posts recently on people not liking Percabeth attending college in New Rome. I thought I was alone and had been sitting on this draft post since I made my account. Here’s why I believe this is a bad storyline and maybe even a bit of a harmful message to the target audience.
1. Percy is portrayed as being very family-oriented throughout the series. I don't buy that Sally and Paul have Estelle and Percy just jets off to the west coast for college. I know he has lots of magical means of transportation at his disposal, but I would think he would want to be around a lot more for Estelle.
2. Annabeth’s fatal flaw works against college in New Rome. I think Annabeth would want to go to the best architecture program in the world out of pride for getting in and the achievement of graduating from such a prestigious program. Could that be in New Rome? I guess. But, the rest of the mortal world doesn’t even know that New Rome exists, so they would not see it as such. To me, Annabeth attending college in the mortal world makes a lot more sense for this reason.
3. I think a large part of what makes Percy and Annabeth interesting is their connection to both the mortal and immortal worlds. Both could have been year-round campers, yet they chose to spend most of the year in the human world. They seem to have a deep tie to the mortal world that spending forever in New Rome largely abandons. In canon, New Rome is written as the only place they could truly be safe, but I could write a whole post in itself about why that doesn’t seem to be true.
I also think that Annabeth attending college in New Rome and then intending to stay there makes it hard to imagine she practices architecture in the mortal world. I don't think that being the most famous architect in the godly world is enough for her. I think she would want her work to be widely known in the human world as well. I prefer to imagine a world where Annabeth, after having already redesigned Olympus, is like, well that was fun. Next up, let’s get into the best architecture program globally and work my way up from the bottom with actual competition. Then she eventually opens up her own equitably run firm with paid family leave and profit-sharing like the boss she is.
4. Now, why I think it is a harmful message. I think Percabeth going to college together in New Rome is reflective of an unhealthy co-dependence. Percabeth ends HOO with immense trauma and a deep fear of being separated. And I think this makes sense after everything they have experienced. However, I think in their cameos in follow-up books they could have been portrayed as working through their trauma, growing as separate individuals, all while maintaining their relationship. College in New Rome feels to me like a band-aid solution to their issues.
Percy is most affected by this, given his lack of development as an individual in HOO. At the end of the series, he doesn’t have interests and dreams beyond being with Annabeth. I think it would have been interesting if Rick gave Percy a bit of an existential crisis. What are Percy’s hobbies now that he is in retirement? What does he want to study in college? Is college even for him? Instead, Percy follows Annabeth to college in New Rome and doesn’t have any plan beyond that. Maybe Percy could have been held back a year because of his six-month absence from school. Then, Annabeth would graduate a year before him, and they would be faced with how to move forward. Maybe Percy takes a gap year on his own to explore what he wants in life.
Basically, I believe that there were a lot of opportunities to write a healthier Percabeth in the backdrop of the other series. Rick could have portrayed a relationship where Percabeth works through their trauma and carve out a level of independence and individuality because those are elements that every healthy romantic relationship has. And Rick should be portraying this to his young audience rather than unhealthy co-dependence.
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