#this is an interesting conflict that is also good and consistent character work
astroloverblog · 2 years
Saturn in the signs pt.1
Saturn in Aries:
You probably feel that you are more capable than those around you, hence you may end up doing all the work others telling you what to do. Having this placement can make you self-sacrificing. The lesson you have to learn in your life is to take charge of your own destiny, stand up for what you believe in and start loving yourself. If you create enough self discipline you could get great success. Because personal goals are that important to you, teamwork might get blocked. The stress that comes from trying to achieve too much could make you prone to headaches. Their often thoughtless and unscrupulous/risky actions bring them numerous rivals and enemies. If Saturn is poorly aspected, fate is not kind to these people. Getting ahead is very difficult, which creates strong inner tensions. As a result of their assertiveness, these people also find it difficult to fit into the community. Many struggles and worries are the result. Might also struggle with loved ones, having unstable relationships. Marriage also harbors potential for conflict and is a problem in many cases. As a result, you could be a very capable leader who knows what needs to be done and isn't afraid to go out and make things happen no matter what the cost or how long it takes. Consequently, you run the risk of interfering in the affairs of others and trying to influence them. You may just be ignoring them and trying to get them to follow your ideas instead of their ideas. Obstacles, disappointments and constraints may stand in the way of your unconventional, confident commitment. Impatience can undo all your efforts so be as careful as possible in implementing your plans. You’re determined, self-confident to arrogance and able to remain humble. Success brings diligence and efficiency, contemplation and discretion. Over the years, you get used to creative work. The people around you consider you a self-centered and unwilling person, headstrong and willful, prone to sadness and melancholy. But perhaps the development of aggression, cruelty and ruthlessness, sometimes leading to destructive behavior and tragic consequences. There is a great desire for meaningful, goal-oriented activity. Likely business creation and efficiency. Versatile interests, great opportunities, great functionality and consistency in approaching the solution of big and small problems. Such a person, despite your tyrannical nature, always has many connections in society. You are easily excited by new ideas, strict on yourself and on others, readily springs into action in the presence of an external impulse of sufficient strength. Many people love your creative restlessness. For such a person is very dangerous loneliness, the lack of a field of free action and immersion in revolution and rebellion - you will almost certainly be evil under these circumstances. Only alone depends on the development of numerous skills and strengthening of the character. You might have difficulty realizing that those around you are entitled to independent conduct and personal judgment. Using the energy properly, you can display wonders of endurance through the combination of initiative and discipline. In this case, you innate enthusiasm and resourcefulness is shown positively and constructively. Due to the many subconscious fears, such a person often feels an need for security. It is possible to communicate with a jealous partner or the development of a "paternal complex". With negative character development, it is possible to generate impatience, superficiality, a tendency to self-justification and blaming others in all difficulties and misfortunes that catch your eye due to your own miscalculations, mistakes and inaccuracies. Such a person should constantly learn tact and cooperation with people. Often a good emotional discharge is brought on by physical activity. A determined person, easy to climb, easily angered, and surprisingly surly in situations where others are forced to disagree with.
Saturn in Taurus:
You are a tireless worker and have patience, caution, determination, discipline, organizing ability and can go the distance when those around you fall. Hard work is your forte. Your feelings are serious, well-controlled and not easily changed, although at times it may be hard for you to forgive and forget. Loyalty and money is a important thing to you. You may be stubborn and materialistic but you can also be a methodical realist. You desire a stable social status, the feeling to be adored and accepted by society. If the saturn is bad aspected, then jealousy might be a thing. You take things slowly, but with thought and perseverance. Outwardly outgoing and reserved, they are polite and kind with other people, which greatly increases their chances of success in life. The will of these people is extremely tough and persistent. Failure only spurs them on to redouble their efforts. The desired goals in life are usually achieved through hard work and discipline. You tend to associate your sense of security very closely with having possessions and money, and overdoing it could make you stingy and unhappy for temporary. Because then you keep thinking about what might happen tomorrow and whether you will have enough money to pay for everything. You should consider your personal values ​​and learn what real security is. You take your feelings seriously and know how to control them. Saturn in Taurus dramatically increases a person's responsibility in the circumstances and situations in which this sign is active. In the negative version of Saturn in Taurus there is an extreme lack of trust in any constructive session, feeling the enmity of the material world, mystical depression, anger and crystallization in a complete alienation from the world. This person will never really be comfortable. With a negative development of nature, you’re inclined to do everything only on your own. Form tape type, prone to intrigues even for the sake of small profits and basically incapable of any cooperation. In the positive development of this placement, there can be artistic interests. This person becomes wise pragmatist, has enviable patience and rare exposure. Wisdom might be the key you need in life. You’re realistic and thrifty, reliable and solid, constantly striving for property, showing a rigid, unyielding will and working virtuously in the methodical plan. You’re very afraid of fate, because you suspect the movement of the deep energies of karma in your own soul, but you do not tend to study yourself. You show enviable patience in building projects and consistent implementation of real programs. You are able to give up personal pleasures in favor of an unrelenting movement toward future security. Because a person is always characterized by a "far-sightedness", you might shy away from extravagance and unfoundedness in thoughts, in speech and in deeds. The picture of thinking is extremely realistic, the art of living is extremely practical. Such a person thinks consistently, weighing all the pros and cons. In conversation you’re polite and friendly, in cooperation honest and conscientious. There is a certain reluctance that is associated with the fear of losing the chance of gaining personal benefit through over-informing others. Perhaps the development of self-will and resentment, over-materialistic thinking and feelings of cold, sadness and darkness, cruelty and recklessness, over-ambitiousness and ostentatious arrogance to implement in one's goals, plans and intentions. You’re inclined to take collective norms and do not represent your point of view. You have developed a high sense of duty and the gift of self-organization. Always feeling strict self-discipline from myself and others, firmly convinced that the path I have taken is the right one. Your seriousness is manifested outwardly in the form of patient work in the field of wealth creation, as well as a rare stability and solidity in difficult situations. You possess fantastic resilience and an enviable firmness of character and convictions.
Saturn in Gemini:
This is a good position for Saturn, but you may need to develop faith in the future. The will to learn new things can be very helpful for claiming success. The lesson you have to learn in your life is learning how to trust yourself and your intuition. Avoid self-doubting and don’t get too pessimistic. Your mindset is practical and logical. You might find things like science, physics as well as mathematics or mechanical engineering interesting. Don’t get too attached to details, or else you’ll loose the big picture. You’re very flexible especially when it comes to new situations. The quick grasping intellect of these people enables them to penetrate quickly and deeply into the most diverse problems and to solve them. Your particularly profound thinking motivates you to delve deeper and deeper into things. Many researchers and inventors can be found under this placement. Your lungs need a lot of oxygen, so it's best for you to sleep in a well-ventilated room. If you want to be successful at something, it is important that you discipline your mind and learn to think and act methodically. The complete lack of confidence in the reliability of the coming Gemini and outgoing information from them and stability in communication Saturn does not make them their life is sweet, but compensatory measures bring such fruits that the envy of most particularly harmonious Gemini are through Saturn not easier, especially in youth. It is helpful in overcoming the obstacles, insufficiently adaptable, anxious and prone to depression. In the positive development of this person's placement they can become smart, quick and able to do several things at once. You have a cultivated mind, can work well with numbers and usually show enviable skill in work that requires intelligent hands and a good head, for example in business or as a magician. Such a person is zealous in his studies, likes to solve the contradictions and solve problems. You’re reserved, conscientious and have an amazing talent in the field of literature and the exact sciences. Contacts bring you real pleasure, because you feel a constant need for communication. This placement is great when it comes to learning a new language. He is big on advertising and extremely successful in propaganda campaigns. Such a person is in a good mood more often than in a bad mood, you’re smart and skill full both in work and in communication, but tend not to notice your fatigue and therefore often leads to exhaustion from overwork and overexertion. Such a person can adapt to any situation. You’re systematic and logically consistent, and therefore, being self-acquired, being able to think through real-life problems to the end. It generally refers to the type of successful "problem solvers" who combine literary, technical, and artistic skills. A particularly successful career is possible in the areas of teaching, science and technology. This person loves to learn - and learns throughout life. However, it often shows disrespect for others, which is why you can be considered as flighty, moody and a argumentative person. When you have taken on too many duties and responsibilities, you can quickly become overwhelmed and health risks. Sometimes shyness arises, combined with an exaggerated responsibility for expressing one's thoughts in words. This is a very resourceful and skillful in all people, ignoring the frequent fear and sadness. You show interest in modern and progressive thinking, you like deep reflections and studies complicated questions.
Saturn in Cancer:
Because you might feel unloved at times, you can get moody and fearful or even overdramatic. Your unconscious fear of being hurt by others can cause you to withdraw from too close an emotional involvement with others. Might lack empathy. Family life is always difficult, as is the relationship with parents. Its important that you accept yourself and let others know how you feel. In relationships you might not be able to give warmth, because you always seem to hide your emotions to your partner. Thats mostly the reason why you feel lonely or unloved. Abandonment and the future are definitely one of your biggest fears. If the Saturn is bad aspected, this could mean your hypersensitive. Since the free expression is getting blocked, you might isolate or alienate yourself from family members. When it comes to partnership, family or career, you have the ability to give emotional security. The will of these people is tough and strong, but often unbalanced on the mental level. Own goals and plans are vehemently pursued, but their emotional conflict makes them divided internally. This often results in worries and difficulties in fate. You can be so busy protecting yourself from hurt that you don't see the hurt of others. It is important to keep your appetite under control, otherwise you may develop health problems. This person enjoys working at home, managing and cleaning the premises. It is persistent, direct, frank, in the course of performance of tasks often there is a surprising difference and the periods of a recession of enthusiasm. Negative development of this placement creates a type of person who is untrustworthy, tends to evade and procrastinate, and blames others. Such a person comes into contact with great difficulties, tends to isolate and become isolated. He often turns out to be lazy and idle, often complains to everyone, is extremely unhappy with life and extremely sensitive even to minor troubles. With positive character development, this is a diligent and conscientious worker who works best alone. Such a person is distinguished by restraint in the expression of feelings, seriousness in the perception of life, a clear sense of duty, frugality and a tendency to cling to what has already been achieved and formed. Such a person needs guarantees that one receives when buying a house or a job, although you may not have a high, but permanent social status. You might seem a bit cold emotionally, as if alienated from real life. Sometimes you overemphasizes the role of tradition and show cruelty in dealing with subordinates. The material interests of such a person are more often associated with the desire to grow to a quiet, comfortable old age. In the course of fate, slowness and inhibition are clearly expressed, which often leads to the formation of constant deep dissatisfaction with life. Develops increased sensitivity, excessive receptivity, and acute crushability. There are very serious problems in understanding the ideals of this person and the life and the parents and ancestors. At the same time, a painful dependence on the past. Thirst at home, garden, garden and real estate in general is very strong. Perhaps a hobby in the field of applied and decorative arts. The ability to self-organize is difficult to recognize. Discipline to such a person is not easy. Strong emotional vulnerability of feelings are combined with external coolness, dryness and strength. Almost constantly this person is in a defensive position, mysterious, suspicious and cautious. Perhaps the development of a tendency to replace real life with dreams about them, which is why it cannot be a question of satisfaction with what has been achieved. But a person perfectly understands all your hidden desires and quickly feels like physically the weight and value of material acquisitions. You cling wholeheartedly to existing property, at the deepest level of psychic life, and therefore applies very deeply to the breaking of ties with property or the destruction of the latter.
Saturn in Leo:
You’re proud but insecure, and this combination can limit your opportunities. You may feel that you had to grow up too fast and were prevented from having that carefree time we all deserve. You need love, but may not know how to go about giving or receiving it, thus you may isolate yourself from others. Saturn don’t feels well in this sign because leo is known for his ego. People with this placement are either humble and loving or battling their ego. One strives upwards with great activity and wants to attain a powerful position in life. These people demand attention and respect. Your personal ambition drives you constantly. It gives enormous willpower, capable of removing all resistance and obstacles. The interests of others are usually ignored. People tend towards self-aggrandizement and arrogance. On the other hand, they are reliable, outgoing and warm in their affection for others. Qualities which in turn are favorable for relationships in love and friendships. Stop overthinking cause others are not worth your time, you have better things to do in life. You creatively approaches the decision of a power problem, in particular the clarification of questions of justification of rights, structuring and delimitation of restrictions. Such a person longs for a firm, stable and constant power. You care a lot about your looks. You take yourself very seriously and is able to efficiently perfect matter and finance. You try not to substitute primitive individualism for a meaningful approach to reality, as you subconsciously know that looping about yourself will unleash your creativity and deprive you of rich opportunities. Such a person feels a tremendous reserve of strength and talent for the depths of your own soul, and your psychological complexes are most often associated with the impossibility of full disclosure of inner gifts in the current situation. It is difficult for you in general to manifest your abilities creatively, it is not easy to recognize yourself, it is very difficult to realize your potential. Even in the presence of great talent, you can forever remain "high hopes". You prefer everything to your own ideas, a brilliant autodidact who does not ask for help but can do everything himself. You try to translate your unfulfilled dreams and unfulfilled plans into your own children and quickly force them into their educational tyranny. So you subconsciously try to compensate for the failures in your life by demonstrating your children's outstanding multi-faceted talents. These people usually show a deep and abiding interest in the problems of creativity and the task of developing people's skills. You might be very hardy and independent but sometimes tend to overdo others, especially children. You’re often rejected by society, like dying to focus on small, but concrete, tangible achievements, instead of respecting a person for not yet revealed, but in potency great talent. The main thing for such a person is refusal to dictate, paying attention to promoting the development of the talents of others and the deepest humility - not only in dealing with colleagues, but also in dealing with children. Such a person openly rushes to power, recognition and fame. You tend to neglect the pleasures of life in order to achieve set goals. Your passions are strong, irritability is great, and jealousy knows no bounds. You are a bright person who doesn't often get the chance to be successful in every respect.
Saturn in Virgo:
Life can be stressful or unlucky sometimes. You can be really perfectionistic and there can be a fear of criticism and making mistakes. Getting things done is not your best strength. There may be a desire for solitude. Its common for these people to feel like they are not good enough, especially if saturn is bad aspected. You have a really good sense of organisation and analytical abilities. Don’t overwork yourself and stop worrying over the smallest things that aren’t even necessary. This connection is unfavorable for love and marriage. Due to their strongly developed intellectual orientation, these people mostly neglect the emotional level. The feelings are sometimes deep but never passionate. Thinking is concentrated and goes deep. These people are never superficial, but shaped by a very serious view of life. Your expectations can be low, if you want to change your low self esteem than start setting your standards higher. This placement is good for someone wanting to be a psychologist, therapist or anything in this way. You’re characterised by a deep sense of personal responsibility, a critical attitude towards mastering the new and the ability to delve deep into the essence of the topics covered. The person can be totally focused on work and like to outsmart their commitments. Subordinates see you as a serious and aloof leader. The intellect is concentrated and perceptive, the person is chaste and reserved in all manifestations. Discretion and prudence can be combined with a desire for high spirituality. In the worst case, unhealthy pragmatism, persistent distrust and blandness develop. The mind clearly rules over feelings. In work, such a person shows sober analysis, considerable greed and attention to details and trifles. You’re aware of the secret of self-discipline, self-restraint and self-restraint. The inclination to a strict way of life can reach extreme manifestations of asceticism and fanaticism. This person is hidden, cautious, vigilant and always doubts everything. The character is stubborn and power-hungry, but personal initiative and enterprise are small. You’re as great as a performer, because a worker inspires trust among others. Success in business and in literary theater criticism is possible. Careful detailed elaboration of specific internal difficulties is used to gain stable confidence in one's actions. Very strong sense of duty, patience and perseverance in attention to detail. Sometimes this person gives more importance to details than the main idea and follows the main line of development. Through patience and obedience one can successfully learn from the experiences of others. Works itself well and looks wondrous in the surrounding working ability. The most important wish in life is to become a master, a professional in your field. Excessive attention to a smaller one can cause psychological overload and expressed in nervous exhaustion and sustained internal dissatisfaction. Outside of work a person feels his own uselessness, retirement can die of boredom. In general, the attitude towards work is biased and extremely interested. Orderliness can go to the extreme. Such a person feels uncomfortable in an unstable, extreme situation. For the flowering of all their abilities there is a comfortable home and no complaints from neighbors and employees. Feelings are clearly suppressed by the mind, the mind is analytical, algorithmic., but such a person can serve as an excellent connoisseur of the practical usefulness of technical inventions and commercial proposals - you feel useless and unnecessary things in your heart. Everyone regards this person as a clear, moral and hardworking pragmatist.
@ 2022 Copyright astrolover
part. 2: >>click here<<
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comicaurora · 6 months
I watched Castlevania: Nocturne the otger day and liked it a lot less than you seemed to, so I want to hear a more detailed opinion if you have one. Am I in the wrong to think it was more shounen and less "deep" in some way?
I'd say it's definitely more shounen. Introducing the "Richter can't do magic because unresolved trauma" thing right from the jump meant a Believing In Yourself powerup was pretty much inevitable, but I liked the execution of that scene enough that I didn't mind much.
It doesn't quite have the backbone of the original Castlevania, which was grounded so strongly in Dracula's apocalyptic grief - a motivation the audience is directed to find deeply understandable from minute one - that it gave the characters a solid thematic core to play off of. This let the writing stay pretty tight by letting Trevor serve as a foiling mirror for Dracula in their mutual disgust with the failures of human kindness, Sypha for Lisa in their altruistic use of their knowledge and their vilification for "witchcraft", and Alucard in the middle torn between worlds.
Nocturne is more loose and character-driven, but it still has a core theme - the argument over "the natural order" and how that plays into a fear of change from those currently on top. However, Richter doesn't really have a horse in that race, since his motivation starts and ends at Kill Vampires while everyone around him is more complex, trying to overthrow the aristocracy and free the enslaved and such. I think this makes Richter feel a little less important than Trevor was, narratively, because he sort of stands apart from the core philosophical debate at play. It took me a few episodes to get what his deal was and start caring about his self-actualization, and I think he's definitely got further to go. Possibly Alucard's presence in season 2 will give him more to play off of.
I think Nocturne has several independently interesting villains instead of one really good villain, which is a complaint I also saw about Castlevania season 4 - I liked Death just fine, but he really didn't work for everyone, and the secondary villains like Saint Germaine were much more interesting and complex. Nocturne does, however, pull off something Castlevania didn't as much, which is most of the characters acting on their own internal consistent motivation without cleanly falling into the "good guy" or "bad guy" box, causing them to slide into and out of conflicts and alliances depending on the circumstances.
I feel like Bathory is kind of a weak core villain with almost no human-level motivations or ideas beyond General Villainy, and the extent of her development being a darkest hour shonen villain powerup/frieza transformation doesn't help much, which is why I'm kind of holding out hope that they just bite the bullet and bring back Dracula. He's the nemesis from the Castlevania games, and while they gave him and Lisa a happy ending in Castlevania season 4, I don't think they need to keep him on the bench forever. It's been 300 years, Lisa is almost certainly long dead again and Dracula doesn't need to be full Mad With Vengeance Burn Down The World to still be a credible problem in need of a little Belmonting.
I had fun with season 1 of Nocturne with the understanding that the first four-episode "season" of Castlevania wasn't representative of the final shape of the story either. Sypha's character, for instance, was very flat before she and the gang went on their season 2 bonding adventure, not much more than some banter and infodumps. I think Nocturne did solid setup of the cast and the theme they'll be unpacking, and it has lots of room to explore these characters in interesting ways once they energy-ball-tennis Bathory out of the way first.
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savefiledelta · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel, The Death of a Misogynist, and The Issue with Aesthetics of Redemption
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Now that we have the pretentious psuedo-intellectual caption, let me clarify that I love Hazbin Hotel, Adam is a horrific (fictional) person whos actions shouldn’t be belittled in an actual discussion. I’ve been thinking about this horrible, horrible man alot though!
So, the baseline. The hook and pitch of Hazbin Hotel is that its a show about demons being redeemed and working through their issues while the world dismisses the idea of change. The actual story of Hazbin Hotel is a constant uphill battle against an unfair, fascist bureaucracy and the status quo of complacency its created, while the world dismisses the idea of change. My issue is I don’t think Hazbin Hotel is truly interested in discussions about redemption. I enjoy its discussions on status quo and complacency, but all its shown is that its entirely uninterested in talking about redemption in any meaningful way.
The character of Adam, from his first to near-last moments on screen is consistently characterized as an entitled, misogynistic, dangerous man-child who firmly believes himself above the concept of making mistakes. The first man thinks that he was made perfect and thus acts above those around him. (Despite this he is a delight to have on screen, hes hilarious, don’t @ me). In the final episode of Season 1, Adam is killed in an anticlimactic way after his third act breakdown. Perhaps its the shows own evident pacing issues, but I find it very strange that a show with the aesthetics of rehabilitation portrays Adam as beyond it, and a joke. (Which he very well might be, but it conflicts with the shows aesthetics). Why is a show which claims to be about second chances so disconnected to its pure-evil villains? This critique somewhat extends to Valentino, but I consider him to be more of a plot device for Angel’s own arc (which I love) rather than his own character (it would be extreme tonal whiplash to try to humanize him so soon after Poison) While Adam exists as an extension of heaven and one of the shows many embodiments of an evil status quo.
In the show’s current state, it doesn’t treat the residents of the hotel as “that bad” of people. Which is good for a show supposedly about rehabilitation! But it clashes so hard with how it (and to a worse degree its fandom, but I digress) treat characters who’re meant to be hated.
This post might not be entirely honest, as in Adam’s very last moments he smiles to his lieutenant in an admittedly heartfelt scene, humanizing him in a way the show didn’t care to before. And while I enjoy this, unless Adam and Lute’s possible remnants of humanity are explored in season 2, the show’s aesthetics are hypocritical with how it treats pure-evil.
Also Guitarspear😭
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odusseus-xvi · 8 months
q!Antoine and the president. (a semblance of an analysis I suppose)
So there are posts that explains some of it, but I wanted to talk how about yesterday (and before), q!Antoine has expressed his intense distrust of q!Forever and his presidency. And some were confused, but if you think about it, it's actually really easy to realise why.
First of all, cc!Antoine is almost always 99% in character, and he always acts on things his character has witnessed. If he hears things from outside, this does not enter in consideration for q!Antoine. Now when we have that in mind we just have to see what q!Antoine's interactions q!Forever are. Well first of all there aren't a lot.
First is, when he arrived was when the Cellbit/Forever divorce arc happened, so that was not a shining light set on him. Then was IMMEDIATLY the election arc, where his only interactions were the debate, in which q!Antoine did not like q!Forever's campaign and behavior, AND that one time q!Forever came to see q!Antoine in his base to promote his candidacy, THAT q!Antoine did NOT like. That was to him, a move that you do when you are trying to manipulate. If you are a good candidate I will vote for you, you shouldn't need to come in my home to tell me what to do. At the same time was how he showed his friendship with q!Cellbit, except q!Antoine never really got a full explanation as to what happened, so to him, they went from worst enemies to best friends overnight. Not only that but the ONLY explanation he got was "Oh yeah he was actually faking working for the federation." only to be followed by "Oh but it turns out he is still working for the federation by accident". So that was confusing. So all of that was what makes q!Antoine not satisfied with q!Forever's presidency.
The situation of yesterday was just a result of a lot of things. AS you know q!Antoine is easily distrustful and paranoïd, but when under stress he is also very rationnal. To a point where emotions can simply disappear. And stressful is an understatement to describe what those last few days were. So when he's now alone, with non of Aypierre's factories working, he is left with one thing to do : Let's talk to the only guy there, Forever. And when he arrives and see the state of q!Forever, his first thought is not "Oh no what happened to Forever." It's "Oh no, something is not right with the president, we are all in trouble." Because he doesn't see a human anymore, he sees the president, something that has power over him and everyone, that he didn't even trust with that power initially, acts exactly like what the Federation would want from him. "I'm not here to help Forever, I'm here to show how dangerous he is right now. This is how we get him out of the presidential office." When Cellbit logged on he went "Oh I have someone to talk- Wait shit. It's Cellbit... I don't trust Cellbit either... Oh to hell I need to talk about this with someone anyone.", when Cellbit said "We need him back we can't lose him", he went "Absolutely he is the president." Cellbit answered "He is my friend." And he didn't say it outloud. But I can easily see him answer "But he's not mine. That's just as dangerous." Later when Cellbit said "We can't tell anyone what's happening or they won't trust Forever anymore." His answer was "Oh but I don't know if I can already. He is dangerous right now." And when you watch only his pov (which is basically what cc!Antoine is doing, he is putting NO external information in q!Antoine) it makes a lot of sense, especially if your character is paranoïd and detached by nature.
That's just what I wanted to say because I find his character very cool and interesting in all this ruckus. It's also very consistent if you think about it. Also, if you worry about him toning down his mistrust and brewing conflict because of twitter, don't worry, he has one the most heavily moderated chats I know, AND he deleted twitter, so he'll do his things until he is bored of it and wants to change.
(That Alien cubito is so fascinating to me.)
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ot3 · 8 days
Why do you find little witch academia better than the owl house? Genuinely curious cuz I really like little witch academia. Hope you have a good day!
I think that akko is a much stronger protagonist than Luz overall because akko I think has more pronounced and consistent flaws to improve upon. I think Luz is really weakly written. I don't find her particularly interesting and I think most of the traits she's given are really shallow.
Additionally I think the core of LWAs narrative is much more strongly and consistently expressed. It's not super complicated - it's just a story about trying to find a balance between preserving tradition and moving into the future. But that tension is also echoed in the main character conflicts, which are akko and diana butting heads + akkos search for chariot
The thing owl house is going for narratively is "it's okay to be different and weird" but. Out of all of the owl house I've watched (which is most of it) that just... doesn't really land... because there's not a ton for it to be in conflict with. I get that the emperor's strict coven system is supposed to be the order and structure that luz and her scrappy crew are ultimately in opposition to but without writing a whole essay here I'll just say I don't think that works the way it needs to.
Additionally Luz is just... not that weird. She's friendly and gets along with most people and doesn't have any massive character flaws. So a story about how Being Different Is Good falls flat with a protagonist this bland. We also don't have any character who is consistently there to represent the Normalcy that luz is supposedly counter to. Amity is introduced in that capacity but they abandon that by episode 7 or whenever it is that they're at the library. Like there's some stuff with edas curse and whatever and with kings whole deal that I guess makes them outcasts in hexside society. But it just all feels kind of not functional in the moment to moment expression of this theme.
I think though the biggest problem with the owl house is that it's not very funny. I wouldn't care nearly as much about the ways the narrative is janky if watching the show was more fun but it's just not particularly entertaining tv. So all of the flaws are on full display since there's nothing to draw attention away from them
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aralisj · 10 months
I find the scenes of Al-Anon so interesting because they give us a glimpse into Carmy's inner monologue and the ideas behind some of his fuck ups.
The problem is Carmy thinks in a very literal, black and white sort of way, so whatever "advice" (in quotation marks because people are there to share their experiences not to directly solve each other's problems) he gets from the meetings is taken to the extreme.
So someone shares that routine and consistency helped them get through their grief? Time to implement a French brigade, even if he knows it's an outdated system that creates a toxic environment. Someone at meeting says that it's necessary to remove yourself from toxic situations? He alienates himself from the rest of the staff when they're arguing (aka all the time) which isn't good or sustainable since he's supposed to be leading the kitchen. He hears that it's important to keep his side of the street clean? He overloads himself to the breaking point to keep the restaurant afloat because he doesn't know where his street ends.
For season 2, we get only one Al-Anon meeting but it's vital to understanding Carmy's arc and eventual, inevitable breakdown. So, summed up, he says that he feels like he's supposed to be having fun and he doesn't know how to do that. Cut to being in a relationship with Claire. Their scenes together are gentle and quiet, and the contrast with the rest of the rest of the show is so stark that a lot of people have disliked the whole concept and taken it out on Claire as a character. Here's the thing: this is just another example of Carmy taking things to an extreme - and the tone of the show reflects that.
Relationships should be fun and conflict free, right? So he keeps the worst parts of him and his job out of it (Claire does the same to a degree). This is also why he doesn't pick up when Sydney calls and he's with Claire, and why he doesn't respond to Claire while he's in the kitchen - his two worlds cannot mix. Ultimately, this leads to his finale meltdown speech, because his relationship with Claire never truly melded with the rest of his life and has become unsustainable. His priority is and probably will always be the restaurant. And even though Claire tried to be supportive, she was a reminder of the past that didn't let him move on from his grief.
The difference in this instance is that the season ends before he can atone, find a middle ground (like he did with the rest of the "advice") and make it work for him.
(I am aware this probably has more to do with the fact that the writers didn't hope to be picked up for a season 2, and so they gave us as much closure as possible for season 1. The success of season 1 gave them enough confidence to leave it open ended this time around)
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fourteentrout · 2 months
I honestly think that the ACOTAR series and it's characters are more complicated than fans give it credit for. Like a lot of fantasy readers in the modern age of booktok and all that shit always seem to crave a morally gray character, but when a character is actually morally gray they sort of...don't acknowledge it?
Because pretty much every single character in that series except for the obvious villains (Amarantha, king of hybern) are morally gray. Including Tamlin.
He's a really interesting case because he has these abusive behaviors, this consistent like Giving Up where he just heeds to his anger and his powers, but his entire driving force is that he doesn't want to be like his cruel, murderous father. Like, his essential action as a character is in direct conflict with his base characteristics, like isn't that so interesting??? But he's always just chalked up to the abusive anger issues ex who doesn't deserve any more chances because he already gave so many up. Like...do people know that even if a character is a Bad Guy, like a real bad guy, not your charming, suave, comedic villain bad guy, but like a guy who's fucked up and broken and mean and sad, can still be a compelling, multi-dimensional character?
And Rhysand. He's a super interesting character because though his intentions all come from the same place of like striving for peace and unity and other virtuous shit like that, he's still willing to overwrite his OWN MORALS if it means working towards getting what he wants--remember when he left a head in Tamlin's garden? I had totally forgotten about that because he never really exhibited any behavior that matched that, but if we think about it it was pointing to this facet of his character where, at least a the start of the series, he was willing to do a lot of fucked up shit for the greater good.
Which is like the definition of a morally gray character. But when comparing the two, often he's just taken as The Better One who can do no wrong and like rose above his role in society and would Never Ever treat Feyre like an object...which...he kind of did? Obviously not to the same level as Tamlin, or in the same way, but like for a lot of the beginning of ACoMaF he was pretty much Also using her as a piece in his personal war effort that he like didn't really fully inform her about for like...kind of a while.
Idk I know I'm rambling, sorry this is so long, but like I could make an entire other post about how FEYRE is ALSO super morally gray and like a lot of the point of her character is that she's like kinda fucked up and does fucked up things and has a lot of healing to do and makes mistakes even when she's still in the active process of like getting better, like the whole essence of her is that she's Not perfect, not that people don't get that, just that it's interesting that people will uphold these characters, her and Rhysand and the whole inner circle, and praise them and love them unconditionally, but when it comes to characters like Tamlin, they are deemed undeserving of a second chance because the bad shit they did was a) done to the main character(s) and b) magnified much more than the protagonists misgivings. Idk it's super early, I'm just rambling, I'm sorry
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blueskittlesart · 11 months
I've seen your previous posts on Hylia and Skyward sword, so I was wondering if you go further into that? and what zelink you might prefer, botw/totk or skyward sword
i assume this is about this comic bc it's the only sksw analysis post of mine that still consistently gets notes lol. the text in that comic is actually taken from my loz analysis document's sksw zelda section! there's a bit more analysis there if you're interested, but tldr i think that sksw zelda is one of the more interesting and more tragic characters in the series. she begins her life on skyloft as a human girl and lives a relatively normal, conflict-free life up until sksw. she's the headmaster's daughter, she's got a good close friend in link, she's well-liked by her peers and community, etc. etc. the zelda we see at the beginning of sksw is a girl who is very sheltered. she's seen very little of the world and has virtually no experience with conflict outside of petty arguments between her peers. but she's also notably self-aware about this. she talks to link about wondering what's beyond skyloft, about this feeling she has that there's something important to her waiting on the surface. she knows that she's missing SOMETHING by living her sheltered life in skyloft, but, well... she's happy there. she's got the perfect life. she's all too willing to ignore that pull she feels towards the surface if it means preserving her life on skyloft with link. she's mostly content to live that happy lie forever.
obviously, she is not allowed to have that happy lie. she gets thrown down to the surface and she is told who she really is. the goddess hylia reborn in human form. she begins to remember pieces of a life that isn't hers, pieces of the person hylia once was. she learns about demise, about the goddess sword, all of it. and she realizes that everything in this world was set up, by hylia, by HER, so that link would be the one to fight demise in the end.
think about that. her childhood best friend, the boy she'd always felt drawn to, the boy she LOVED. now she knows that her whole life was a setup for this conflict. how does she know that their friendship wasn't a lie, too? how can she be sure that the part of her that is hylia, the same part that drew her towards the surface, wasn't ALSO drawing her towards link, making sure that when the time came he'd care for her enough to follow her? zelda spends so much time in sksw running away from link, and i'm almost certain this is why. once she knows she is hylia, she can no longer be certain that she really loves link or that link really loves her. it's equally, or perhaps even MORE likely that that part of her which was working to set everything in motion had been manipulating link her whole life, molding him into the hero that hylia knew she would need to defeat demise. she tries to get link to leave her alone, to go back to skyloft without her, because she understands that if he follows her for long enough he will be hylia's hero whether he wants it or not. she believes that he's only following her because HYLIA has convinced him to, that her only purpose as ZELDA in this story is to lead him like a lamb to slaughter. she believes the only way to save him is to convince him that he doesn't really love her.
but the thing is he DOES love her. it wasn't ever hylia's manipulation that convinced him to follow her to the surface. it was always his own choice. he wanted to save zelda more than anything in the world; ZELDA, not hylia. he was never fighting for the goddess. he was never hylia's hero. it was always for zelda. god maybe i should replay skyward sword
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paraliveimaginesblog · 8 months
!!! your writing is soo adorable omg !!! if its not too much do you mind writing watching either horror or romance movies w/ dongha, kenta, and hajun !! tysm nd i appreciate your works sm !!
(this was a cute message thank u so much!! I'm glad you enjoy my writing dear~)
Dongha Yeon:
Dongha thinks love without stipulation is silly. He wanted to watch movies that just had romance as a background, or not at all, but since that’s not what you wanted he had to find at least something to satisfy you. He thinks some of the more upscale romances, ones where the characters aren’t throwing themselves at each other but slowly build up into the types of people who are so close they’ll undeniably support each other whether they’re dating or not, are more tolerable but they’re certainly not a preference.
He always enjoyed watching other people suffering more than him, but horror still isn’t a preference. He’d like films that had a little more ‘what ifs’ to them, mostly because it’s what’s expected of him, to like movies that made him use his brain. But Dongha wanted some thoughtless fun too, maybe something that was a silly little slasher so he could watch foolish teens without feeling guilty because they had it coming. You can see the quiet contemplation in his eyes when he watches horrors, how he winced when there were killers whose background consisted of an abusive family, but rather than bring it up you tried to soothingly stroke the back of his hand with your thumb, pretending you needed the comforting instead.
Hajun Yeon:
Hajun is a man with unfiltered opinions so you’re wary about bringing favorite movies of any kind in front of him. Romance seems to get the harsher of the two, especially when there are big betrayals that are tied up by the end; when they leave a trillion loose ends, Hajun can’t help but wonder aloud how they can truly trust each other after that. He also rather there be an exciting plot to surround the romance, nothing too ‘slice of life’ as it wasn’t interesting to watch the life he was living. You would take offense but you can tell when he makes certain comments he’s trying to get a rise out of you, but it’s not the only time he speaks up. He seemed to be paying close attention to the actions of the leads, seeing the kinds of things you liked and thought were cute to jot down for later.
Horror is a genre Hajun seemed to enjoy a little more. He might not say they were his favorite but you can see the amusement in his eyes at seeing stupid people suffering for their decisions, especially when the bad guy ultimately wins in the end. He tells you that it feels more realistic but when there were main characters who went through nothing but trauma, good people who confronted the bad things they had done, who end up winning in the end despite what the film might foreshadow… He’d breathe a notable sigh of relief. You don’t tease him for this but you do put your head on his shoulder, trying to keep yourself still so he can’t tell that you’re giggling at his investment.
Kenta Mikoshiba:
Some horror movies make Kenta a little jumpier than others. Living his life in a locked down home, or even just in his regular cell at the prison, made it so he felt at least safely contained. But watching a supernatural movie where steel bars won’t protect him, nor will his beefy roommates, makes him a little on edge. He acted tough and when there were movies with cool killers with a schtick he always got a laugh, but anything that digs deep beneath the surface makes him antsy. You think he’s cute when he inched a little closer to you when you watched them together, though he always pretended it was for your sake (and you let him, since you were still getting prime hand-holding time with him).
Romance movies make Kenta roll his eyes. He’s filled with all kinds of criticisms for every conflict that comes up, mentioning that love made people stupid and he couldn’t stand it (ignoring the irony of the situation since he was watching said moves with you). You didn’t take much of his opinions to heart because it was clear he held up a wall when you watched them together, and you wondered how he’d feel if he watched one when it was just him. You can see him getting invested when there’s a star-crossed lovers type of situation, and he looked even more miserable if the romance was one that included distance as the stories main obstacle to overcome.
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filmmarvel · 3 months
PJO Series Overall Thoughts + Pros and Cons
Disclaimer! First of all, there are a lot more cons than pros here, and if you loved the show and don’t want to hear my criticism just keep scrolling. Second, I’m not someone to complain just because it isn’t exactly how it was in the book! I have quite a range of feelings about story changes. In regard to the ones I’ve listed as cons, i’m just irritated that they haven’t been able to match the book in frankly any capacity. I believe that if you’re making changes, it should be a) out of necessity, b) to improve upon the material, or c) taking positive creative license to try a new spin on an element from the source material. But the changes I’m complaining about, for the most part, haven’t met any of those requirements.
Sets and Visuals
It was so magical seeing camp come to life!
The Underworld looks fantastic, the visuals are super cool, especially the Fields of Asphodel. That was a really cool spin on the books- the CGI was pretty good, and the concept there was really interesting.
Olympus was very cool looking too! It reminded me of Asgard.
Overall I Just Think There’s Lots of Potential!
Since the leads are fairly inexperienced (and kids), you can’t expect them to be incredible. They’re doing just fine, but I think they have a lot of potential, and I’m excited to see them grow over the course of the series!
Generally I still really like the casting and have high hopes for these actors, I just wish (for our sake and theirs) that they had better material to work with.
Plot Changes
This ones kind of a pro AND a con: Generally, I really like the flashbacks! They add a lot more depth to Sally, and her relationships with Percy and Poseidon. That being said, the episodes typically feel far too short to be adding material that wasn’t in the books. I thought it was fantastic in episode 7, but in other episodes it didn’t quite work when so much else was cut, or there were opportunities left untaken as a result.
I also liked that they included a few flashbacks with Luke in the finale- there was so much training and time at camp that didn’t fit into the first two episodes.
They got rid of the “names have power” stuff which is great (never made sense in the books).
They did a really nice job humanizing Medusa, but still creating conflict with her, and simultaneously setting up further issues with the gods.
I also agreed with their decision to move the fight from Santa Monica to Montauk, to save time.
Dialogue and Writing
The dialogue is definitely less charming than in the books. It’s a huge part of what makes them fun, and the dialogue here is honestly pretty bland. The characters don’t totally feel like themselves, but it isn’t only the acting. Forcing the characters to be explaining stuff to each other nearly every time they have a conversation makes them a lot less personable.
Honestly, this series feels kind of elementary in comparison to the middle grade books. I’d imagine that, like the books, they were aiming to create something that could be enjoyed by young kids and adults alike. But I didn’t find it as successful as the book in this regard.
And the dialogue is consistently so surface level! Stiff, boring, and above all, CONSTANTLY telling over showing. This affects the likability of the characters, and the ability of the actors. Both parties are deterred by the info dumping, as they aren’t really given as many genuine lines or interactions as they should have.
Honestly, it kind of feels a bit like they gave some of Percy’s personality to Annabeth in parts of the show? I saw someone else point out that they’re kind of giving Annabeth the Hermione treatment (ie giving her some of the other characters good moments), which I kind of agree with. However, a lot of that was towards the beginning and middle of the season and has somewhat improved since.
I posted a whole rant earlier about the Lotus Casino episode, which I’ll just summarize: theres a consistent pattern in the show of having the characters figure out what’s going on immediately, removing the danger, and more importantly, not allowing the characters to make mistakes, which weakens both them and the plot. In addition, I didn’t like that they brought up May Castellan already, primarily because it was just another info dump, which (in my mind) gets lost amongst all the other info dumps and removes the poignancy from the reveal. Now, there’s absolutely time to fix the May Castellan situation and ensure that it still packs a punch later on, but for this season it wasn’t great. Go check out my last post if you’d like to hear the rest of my argument on that episode!
Some additional examples of the ‘not letting the characters experience danger’ thing: Procrustes (obviously), and Kronos- forget whether or not Percy should know who Kronos is, the biggest issue is that there’s very little evidence or buildup, so (again) there’s no tension or shock at the reveal. And finally, with Luke. I was so annoyed when Percy figured it out! I could’ve believe that they were doing it AGAIN. I still enjoyed that scene because Walker and Charlie were great, but that was disappointing for sure.
The thing with the pearls honestly amounted to nothing, and there was no reason for Annabeth to not be present in the underworld: that was just a tearjerker for the sake of being a tearjerker (manufactured drama).
Lowering the Stakes
I just wish they’d made it SLIGHTLY more mature- don’t get me wrong, it’s a kids show! I’m very well aware of that! But this feels a lot tamer than a lot of kids (PG) movies involving monsters and stuff.
Gabe was a real piece of shit in the books, but in the show they just kinda made him look lazy and turned him into comic relief. And I don’t believe in the argument that they had to make this change to benefit a younger audience- they didn’t really need to change anything there.
Throughout the majority of the season, I felt like they weren’t allowing the gods to be truly intimidating, or powerful. First with Ares, who wasn’t BAD but generally didn’t have that kind of dramatic presence that he had in the books. Again with Hades, who wasn’t shown as being REMOTELY intimidating, and perhaps the biggest offense of all- Zeus. Having the deadline pass with seemingly zero consequence or threat of consequence does absolutely nothing (and certainly doesn’t increase tension like I’m pretty sure Rick Riordan said was their reason for changing it). Up until the finale, viewers had very few reasons to fear the Gods. Even Dionysus and Hephaestus! In the books there’s a clear line- you can interact with them, but you DONT want to offend them. There’s a clear threat of power, and that just wasn’t remotely present for a while.
And again, I just want to clarify- this is an overall writing problem! It’s not that Ares, or any other one of the gods I just mentioned has a different personality than in the books, it’s that a show like this (KIDS OR NOT) should still be compelling, and part of that includes having real danger and clear stakes.
I would add that they did a much better job with this in the finale! Lance Reddick gave such an amazing performance, and truly made Zeus an intimidating figure. The fight on the beach with Ares was great as well. So I’m optimistic about this criticism moving into season 2, but I stand by the idea that this was an issue for the majority of the series.
Overall, it felt like they weren’t taking the serious parts seriously, AND they didn’t take the comedy as seriously either? So it isn’t as lighthearted OR as impactful as the books. It feels so much more bland and watered down by comparison.
Episodes Were Too Short
Everything just flowed really well in the books, here the pacing is off and the dialogue isn’t as natural (again, they’re forced to rely on a lot of telling instead of showing which takes away from genuine moments). Many character details and personality traits were cut for the sake of additional verbal explanation
As many others have pointed out, the fight scenes also feel pretty rushed, and haven’t quite conveyed the sense of urgency that they should. It all just lowers the stakes.
This Ones Kind of a Joke, but the Casting for Hephaestus
It’s mostly my book bias. This guy was NOT giving Hephaestus. Mainly because Hephaestus is the god of the forge, and I can’t picture this guy anywhere near one of those. He kind of looked like one of Santa’s elves, he’s giving tinkerer not GOD of the FORGE. This is also something they can absolutely fix/win me over in time lmao
I already mentioned most of the changes (good and bad) already, but there’s one more. I kind of wish they had kept Percy’s dream about Tartarus, especially given that they decided to have Percy figure out Kronos is behind it all earlier- it just would’ve clicked a little easier.
Finishing Thoughts
I don’t want to totally sound like a hater! I’m still enjoying the series, and I really hope it gets renewed for season 2! I was just disappointed in the weak writing. I hope that the writers will be able to recognize these flaws and improve for season 2.
Alright, I don’t really expect anyone to read this whole thing, but if you made it: thanks for reading! I’m curious to hear your thoughts, so I’d really appreciate comments, just keep it civil!
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my thoughts and theories on ep 5
starting with the things i did like, i think the animation + visuals are overall very consistent for the series so far. the tone of the episode was a bit more serious because, well... akutaro and the gang war and the growing tensions between characters.
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we finally got see the full flashback of matakara and arajin's backstory and it was a nice surprise to see how matakara stood up for himself and arajin of course runs away (understandable) but i'm hoping in future episodes we get more on their pasts (with matakara's brother too. maybe the reason his brother is in juvie is because he did something bad to the bullies and he didn't tell/lied to matakara? this could be interesting later on) and how it affects the present and future character growth. I hope we also get to see the reason why arajin moved away as it’ll help us understand his character more (literally running away from circumstances. A lot of his character is running away and how he has to confront it) akutaro is a fun villain! a complete dramatic and horny menace. i'm so glad he got his face punched in. i wonder how he got ichiya (what influence does ichiya have over him/he have over ichiya?) and if he’ll continue to be the series’ big bad later on or if he’ll just be the antag for this arc.
the good thing about arajin being so indecisive about joining anyone is that we get to see how each gang operates. this time, we see the ng boys (and girls?? they have girls too) and how akutaro has everyone under his finger. he uses fear and threats to manipulate them into doing what he wants, forces them to do his dirty work. we also see how he got kicked out of minatokai and a bit of kenichiro and marito's battle in the background. i wonder how the blue majin will merge with matakara because it's foreshadowed heavily. (“no doubt those kicks are ichiya’s” and matakara’s fighting style revolves around them) right now the blue majin is with akutaro) i’m also dying to know senya’s motives and past with ichiya and how it could tie into the conflict between their person.
i feel like the gag of arajin and his *cough* rampant thinking with his dick is starting to wear on my nerves a bit, but i don't HATE him. i get that his character is supposed to be poking fun at that trope. i think what's interesting is that you could point out that male characters who are considered to be strong also happen to have lots of connections + affections (platonic or romantic) toward other men. arajin by contrast, rejects it in favour of chasing after women (maybe it’s what he thinks will prove his masculinity to others? or it's like. a distraction from his issues?)
maybe it’s not that deep, but it's something i wanted to point out anyway.
on the topic of arajin: my biggest worry is that while i DO have hope arajin's character development is on the way soon, i am concerned that they'll start it too late (like ep 10 which is unlikely but) and not give us enough time to fully sympathize or connect with his relationship towards matakara and the others around him. i understand he's supposed to be a selfish and unlikeable character, but i feel with like there's only so long you can stretch out the drama before it wears thin if you don’t expand on it; which is something have hope that they’ll do since there’s a lot of setup there.
i know arajin’s character is why most people are dropping the anime, but i'm hoping most people will at least be patient for the development. we're only at episode 5. (like sk8 for example had the conflict span from ep 7-10. this is a larger scale conflict so ofc it'd take longer) bucchigiri has a lot of potential, and i’m hoping they’ll stick the landing.
(i also need to see the fight between kenichiro and marito next ep ; i know it'll be awesome.) with the title of the next ep's title being "much much friendship! 'nira-reba'-lution 21!" i do hope we get to see much, much more in terms of friendships (a falling out maybe?) , arajin-related or otherwise. i'm excited to see where the anime goes next!
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alliechip · 6 months
I WAS GONNA WAIT UNTIL AFTER WORK TODAY TO POST MY CHIPPED OFF ANALYSIS BUT i changed my mind…i kind of figured out how i want to word it
(apologies if there’s any typos 🙏)
first off all, i just wanted to say chipped off was SO good. I hyped it up so much i was so scared i would be disappointed but the team did not fail. definitely one of my favorite big city greens episodes ever (and not just because chip is there but its a big part :])
what i find so interesting in this episode is the main point itself: chip’s idea of becoming “normal.” it’s an interesting route to take, not just because he’s a villain but because of his character itself.
we learn chip’s ideal “normal” life consists of a regular, working-class joe, which is quite ironic considering what we’ve known of him thus far. It seems quite odd that the nepotism baby, never-worked-a-day-in-his-life, spoiled son of a business owner would want to live a regular working class life…but of course we learn that this life is not his own, merely an attempt to once again assimilate to a society that has ostricized him.
everything we see of chip’s daily life conflicts with the core values he’s held at heart. in the case of the coffee worker, he becomes increasingly suspicious the man is mocking him…chip’s entire image as a businessman relies on people liking him, and one of his main gripes with the residents of big city is feeling they betrayed him by turning against him. chip still yearns to be liked, loved even.
his office job is tedious, monotonous, and hes constantly being bombarded with extra work…to be completely transparent, we’ve only seen chip openly criticize physical labor (farmwork), but one could assume he finds any strenuous activity to be incredibly inconvenient…he lived a comfy, pampered life.
even his girlfriend who, going back to the point of chip wanting to be loved, he finds seems to like him at a service-level, not being genuine enough to tell him when a joke isn’t that funny or talk about his true feelings (although, the point of the “norm” persona is to blend in, so it makes sense he would be embarrassed over having a chip-esc freakout. also, of course, if your boyfriend randomly started rambling about attacking a kid, you would probably be freaked out too). he notes that everyone loves norm…but they don’t really. they love that norm is the ideal, the perfect average man…he feels lonely despite being so respected.
kind of office topic but my personal favorite detail (credits due to my sister for pointing it out to me) is how when he tinkers in the basement building furniture, we see he now knows how to use a hammer…sort of. he’s holding it the correct way this time, at least, something chip would never know how to do.
essentially, chip’s idea of normality is very–as his relationships with others in his “norm” persona are–surface level. he conforms because he believes it will bring him happiness, that not being someone who is dubbed a “social pariah,” who an entire city celebrated the supposed death of, who nobody cared about…even being a blank slate is better than that, or so he thought. but chip cannot reject himself, his egotistical vengeful self. by rejecting himself, he’s rejecting all that he is, and he finds he cannot truly be happy by attempting to assimilate.
thus, he lives a double life…wearing a mask on the open surface, and roaming freely in the darkened sewers…for no one can see his true nature within its darkness, but it still exists.
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The Battle for Pumpkin King #1
In this post, I’ll be talking about the first Issue of The Battle for Pumpkin King! I’ll be tagging all my spoilers with #Pumpkin King Spoilers, for anyone who wants to avoid them! Below are my thoughts about this first issue and where this comic series may go.
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The series starts off with establishing Jack Skellington and Oogie Boogie’s close friendship with each other, as children. They routinely compete with each other, but all in good-nature, as they’re both good sports about who wins/loses. It’s mentioned that they also learn science, learn about the world around them, and make discoveries together(seen with Doctor Finkelstein and a young Sally in his lab, experimenting with chemicals.)
In this issue, the current but soon-to-be-retired Pumpkin King makes an announcement to Halloween Town about his ending reign. He reveals his plan on working closely with his successor and aiding in their selection - which will be a set of competitions between two members of the community, as he guides them closely competing for the throne. The citizens immediately nominate Jack Skellington and Oogie Boogie, who accept the challenge and shake hands with one another, where the issue then ends.
First off - let me talk about the new character, the pumpkin-headed, well-dressed man previously seen in the upcoming covers of the series:
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We do not know his name yet, but it’s implied he’s been the Pumpkin King for a long time, as you can tell by his design, where his pumpkin is rotting and even has mold growing on it. I also like the little touch of the round cut on top of his head - like people traditionally do to clean and carve jack-o-lanterns. I wonder what’s the story behind that..!
There’s an interesting panel where he talks about maintaining control of his successor, Halloween town, and Halloween itself, with a sinister-looking pose. Will this hint to him being the villain/antagonist of the comic series? Judging by the next cover where he’s shaking hands with Oogie Boogie, it’s likely he’s either going to side with Oogie, or purposefully shove some conflict between him and Jack to offset their friendship. The series *is* about their falling off, after all!
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Also, the previous Pumpkin King being a literal pumpkin-headed man makes me wonder if Jack Skellington’s Pumpkin King “outfit” is a dedication/commemoration to the previous ruler, or the linings of The Pumpkin King? Did this character set the title first, or have there been others *before* him? Either way, I’m excited to see/learn more of his character, and hopefully his name!
In here, we also see both Sally and Dr. Finkelstein in the open out in the Town Square, watching and joining in on the fun. It’s likely that the Doctor hasn’t become protective over her yet, and she’s freely allowed in the town in her childhood! I hope to see more of Sally in this comic and even the Doctor himself.
Also, here’s a meme to celebrate the comic’s release:
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I will make a minor comment that the writing seems a little flat thus far, but I give leniency since this is Disney, and aimed for children. The entire Town idolizes both Jack and Oogie - but we don’t exactly know *why*, if they had a good upbringing or they earned a good reputation in the town? Also, a lot of the side characters seem to be the same age in here, maybe a little smaller in size, besides Lock, Shock, and Barrel, who look to be infants with a slight age difference between them. I’m not going to scrutinize too harshly to the consistency of ages with the movie - since they’re undead, it makes *sense* if the Citizens age more slowly or differently than humans do. And it isn’t established how long ago this comic takes place in regards to the movie yet, so I won’t jump to any major conclusion.
I also have the question on why Sally is in here as a child - I hope to learn more about her and Doctor Finkelstein, if he made Sally to age or reconstructs her when she gets older. I guess, *technically*, the “backstory” of Sally from Long Live the Pumpkin Queen (the novel sequel) could be applicable to this comic...!
I'm loving the art so far! Here’s waiting for the next issue’s release!
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crooked-wasteland · 7 months
What's the point of making Ozzie a demon if he's not going to be evil, dangerous and deadly like demons are supposed to be? Vivziepop sucks at making demon characters.not only do her characters look nothing like demons and now they don't act like ones??? Hazbin Hotel is doomed,might as well make Hazbin a preschool show at this point.its also embarrassing that the king of hell (Lucifer) is just Stolas 2.0 from reading the leaked scripts.Id like to add more but im far too tired because this is getting absurdly painful.
I think there is valid criticism in this critique, but I also feel that, in a way, it is rather exaggerated outrage.
When it comes to demons behaving any specific way, that mainly comes down to poor world building. Spindlehorse has done very little to actually dictate how this world of hers works, and many times, it appears she actively contradicts values previously assumed.
Are there vastly different laws and social expectations between rings?
Loo Loo Land, and once again in Oops, Greed is shown to have an extremely lax approach to crimes of violence.
However, in Harvest Moon, having previously killed people results in Millie being banned from participating in the episode.
Stolas being in public with Blitz gets no notice or response of attention in Harvest Moon and again later in Ozzie's. But then the internal logic contradicts that same episode with Walley acting like it is actually a huge deal. And then for a third time the series presents an about face with Beelzebub dating Tex as if there is nothing special going on there.
Stolas cheats, but he is not wrong for that, which makes it not a flaw.
Then, the world building tries to reinforce the idea that this relationship would be a problem by trying to highlight a demon racial and status divide in Western Energy. Only for Queen Bee and Oops to backtrack again and make it extremely normalized with Beelzebub dating a common Hell Hound and Asmodeus' conflict not being about who he is dating, but the act of dating in the first place.
Going into the idea of "good" and "evil," I don't really think that is a good argument to make. There has to be some sense of conflict for a story to maintain interest, and if the idea of "evil" is the norm was played to a logical conclusion, it would feel more like a joke than anything else. Like in Good Omens, where Hell is dictated by doing the worst thing possible and anything that produces a moral positive is bad. It would completely isolate the audience from the values of the cast, which is why Crowley is depicted as having a personality and values more aligned to humans. As such, it doesn't feel like a good faith platform to stand on when criticizing the show.
What I will say is fair, however, is that Medrano has achieved an Olympic medal in trying to make her characters entirely flawless. There is no consistent character flaw that any of her cast maintains out of what is deemed necessary by the plot or depicted as not a flaw by context.
Asmodeus is quite literally perfect for Vivienne's standards. His whole life revolves around his partner, and he is willing to do whatever it takes for that partner, including murder. But that is good, actually.
Blitz is inconsistently too insecure in his relationships. He's insecure when it comes to FizzaRolli and Stolas, resulting in him burning down his own family home and violently rejecting Stolas after the night at Ozzie's. But he's so secure in other relationships that: (1) despite knowing Barbie doesn't want to see him, he tracks her down, (2) he is overbearing of Loona despite feeling like she hates him, (3) abuses Moxxie, despite having issues with losing people.
And I think that's what this criticism is actually addressing. A lack of understanding the stakes and values the world plays on while simultaneously being handed characters who are so volatile in their own values every time we see them that it is pretty much impossible to defer those values passively.
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antianakin · 1 year
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This is so interesting because I generally feel as though prequels Anakin has a better foundation even if the execution was often pretty mediocre, while TCW Anakin is less interesting overall but the execution of that character was better.
To extrapolate on that, I think prequels Anakin is focused in a lot more on Anakin being SCARED, on Anakin being kind-of selfish and greedy about never having to lose anything or anyone ever again, but being just genuine enough that people don't realize just HOW selfish and greedy he's being. I think the dichotomy of Anakin wanting to be a good person, but being so scared of losing ANYTHING that he's willing to sacrifice EVERYTHING is so so interesting as a character base. The problem with prequels Anakin, to me, is predominantly with the way the films show Anakin during the time when he's still supposed to be considered someone good and kind.
I think some of that has to do with tropes of the time, Lucas's difficulty writing dialogue/romance, the insistence on putting in tons of long CGI action scenes, and Lucas's own biases/prejudices. Anakin's character arc struggled then, and it continues to struggle now. He's NOT likable, and that was, in large part, kind-of the point. But you're not supposed to HATE him the way audiences did, or just feel like he doesn't WORK as a character. Obi-Wan's assertion that he was a good friend once shouldn't feel like a complete lie.
So Anakin is, I think, a more complex character in the prequels, but the fact that the Star Wars films were made by and large for 12 year olds and so struggle a little with that complexity is not surprising, and that makes the Anakin from the films less likable in a way he was probably not intended to be.
TCW Anakin is focused in a lot more on his ANGER, his violence. He becomes infinitely more suave and charming in TCW than he really ever is in the films (even including ROTS), but he's also almost consistently saying and doing violent things with the Imperial March playing behind him. Anakin in TCW isn't really all that far off of some pretty basic dude film action heroes here, and therefore isn't really all that complex. He's a villain-in-the-making and his charm isn't meant to make him seem like a genuinely GOOD PERSON so much as it feels like Anakin's just VERY good at putting on an act in front of certain people most of the time. There's no true focus on the terrible things Anakin's done despite how violent he often is because the structure of TCW means that they refuse to ever address ANYTHING that happens previously in any meaningful way, so the Tusken massacre gets completely forgotten, and Anakin just wanders around completely happy despite us as the audience knowing he's an unrepentant baby killer. Which, as a few other people have pointed out, makes him seem almost WORSE or scarier as a character, than if he were thinking about it more and seeming more conflicted over it.
Anakin being such a simpler character in TCW means that it's a lot easier to make him "likable" to audiences. He's familiar as an archetype, and he can be put into a nice neat little box where his actions never feel like they don't match up to what the narrative is saying about him. The choices he makes and the music they use is CONSTANTLY letting you know "this dude's evil, he's gonna be Darth Vader, he's only a year away from being Darth Vader, he's gonna kill babies, DON'T FORGET" so even when he's in his "nicer" moments in TCW, it's always kind-of in the shadow of the fact that he's a villain and that's the most important thing about him.
Prequels Anakin is complex enough that he required better writing than he ended up with, and that's the true tragedy of the prequels lol. He's not necessarily intended to be "likable" in the same way as TCW Anakin was. Prequels Anakin isn't a dudebro action hero in the same way, he's not Bruce Willis (I say this as someone who has seen exactly no Bruce Willis films but can't think of a better dudebro action hero right now).
So I'm personally more interested in the message being told via Prequels Anakin, I think it's more complex and unique, but I can understand people gravitating towards the easier, simpler, more familiar version of Anakin that exists in TCW.
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ladyvillainous · 8 months
Eric Coulter SFW Alphabet
Was tidying up some of my WIP folders and stumbled across this so here have another alphabet. This may be a little out of character for some fans, but it's consistent with my version of his character from my full length fic on Wattpad and the imagines on here.
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A Affection
(How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
In public he doesn't usually, unless he's making a point to someone making it clear you're his. In private he's reserved as he likes his own personal space as do you. When he does show affection it's borderline rough like his personality, he'll warp his arms around you tightly or kiss you passionately when in the mood to, don't expect soft gentle caresses it's not in his nature.
B Best friend
(What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He'd be very difficult to get close to his arrogant and scary demeanour keeping most people away. At first, he'd try to scare you aware by being vicious and grouchy maybe even violent (around you not to you) but if you stick around long enough, he'll start to soften (as much as he ever does) getting used to your presence until he accepts it. Generally, he doesn't subscribe to the notion of best friends so if you manage to get under his skin that much it's a definite achievement and he wouldn’t let you go easily.
C Cuddle            
(Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Eric doesn't cuddle…  but that doesn’t mean he won't wrap his arms around you when he walks up behind you or pull you into his side when you flop onto the sofa next to him. He does like to fall asleep with you in his arms, but he doesn't consider that cuddling and would be highly offended if you referred to it that way.
D Domestic
(Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Marriage isn't a concept that's all that common in Dauntless nor at Erudite, neither faction really seeing the need, so it's not something that occurs to him. That being said if he allows you close enough to get into a committed relationship it'll be long term as far as he's concerned, so you're as good as married without the paperwork. He's surprisingly domestic in that he learnt to cook at a young age, out of necessity as his parents were always at work. It's nothing fancy he doesn’t see the need for frills but it's always hearty and well made. His apartment is pristine for the most part, all surfaces clear of clutter and the stainless-steel appliances are streak free. He does have a tendency to abandon his boots and jacket wherever they fall at the end of a long day, but the rest of his clothes always make it into the laundry.
E Ending
 (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If they didn't live together, he'd ghost them until they got the hint, it's not that he'd afraid of conflict so much as he's decided he's done and they're no longer worth his time. If they were particularly persistent or didn't get the memo he'd be quite nasty to them, leaving them in no doubt they were done. If they lived together, he'd tell them straight only resorting to being nasty if they didn't immediately move out of his space.
F Fiancé(e)
(How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He's too serious to sleep around these days it's rare someone sparks his interest enough to want to pursue them. He's definitely too busy given his leadership responsibilities, though he has needs same as everyone else. He also has a past, and he definitely enjoyed his teen years at Erudite with no commitment. He's not afraid to commit but won't go out of his way for someone he doesn't see as his equal and there are very few people he sees this way.
G Gentle
(How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Rough is the best word to describe Eric, if you want someone that'll be gentle with you or open about their feelings, he's not the guy for you. After he lets you in far enough to begin to understand him you discover he's not that complicated. It's quite easy to figure out what's bothering him most the time but getting him to admit it will be like pulling teeth. He's surprisingly patient and astute with you when you're upset about something, he'll even talk you through it if that's what you want or just pull you into his arms until you feel better.
H Hugs
(Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He loves having you in his arms but doesn't need to be touching you at all times which somehow makes it more special when he does reach for you. Being wrapped in Eric’s arms makes you feel safe and protected because you know firsthand what he can do with those arms, being the one he spars with most often.
I I love you
(How fast do they say the L-word?)
He's rarely vulnerable or soft and he hates feeling that way he'd never tell you he loved you but would show you in his own way. It would be very obvious to everyone else once he started falling for you because you'd be one of the few people he wasn't publicly hateful to on the daily
J Jealousy
(How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Very jealous and very possessive. Never actively try to make him jealous because he's too smart to fall for it and then you'd be in trouble one way or another. If you did do it deliberately, you'd only get away with it once, if you did try it again, you'd be over as he hates the games and drama. He doesn't overreact to every little thing, for example he won't mind if you're laughing with another man (unless that man's Four, but that's a special case) but he'll get very ugly if that man touches you unnecessarily or without your express permission. Most of Dauntless know not to misbehave around you now, though the new transfers sometimes find themselves in hot water if they get out of line.
K Kisses
(What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Eric's kisses are all consuming and passionate, if he's going to do something he's going to do it right or be the best and this is no exception, he wants you breathless and unsure of your name when he's done. Other than your lips he loves to kiss your neck and throat because of the way you react when he does. He'd never admit it, but he loves it when you kiss his cheek or temple as you pass him, perhaps running out the door for work or passing him in the corridor. It's the one time he doesn't mind PDA as he loves the fact that you can't seem to stay away from him. Though he'd still hate it if you did that in front of the initiates or in the middle of the dining hall, he has a reputation to maintain after all.
L Little ones
(How are they around children?)
Children are pointless and irritating as far as Eric's concerned, he doesn't like other peoples and he definitely doesn’t want any of his own. If you were to get pregnant he'd be horrified, and he'd take a lot of talking round. If you were determined however he'd get on board eventually but prepared to be overwhelmed by his preparedness as this man does nothing by halves.
M Morning
(How are mornings spent with them?)
Usually, you're both running out the door to the dining hall or for work but when you have a day off together you'll sleep in a little (no more than an hour later than usual) maybe go for a run before cooking breakfast in your apartment and then maybe back to bed or into the shower to burn off the calories.
N Night
(How are nights spent with them?)
Usually, you both arrive back after a late dinner or working late and pretty much fall into bed together, sometimes you read a little or use each other to get over the stresses of the day. On quiet days you like to head down to the pit have drink though Eric dislikes other people in general he finds them more tolerable after a couple of drinks. You might make a beeline to add to your growing tattoo/piercing collection instead if you're feeling inspired. If you've not had much alone time recently you might grab a bottle to go and head back to your apartment.  
O Open
(When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
You know almost nothing about his time at Erudite if you ask he kinda shrugs and says there's nothing to tell, but then sometimes he'll just drop nuggets of information into the conversation, which you use to piece together who he is. He's much more open about the present, but even then he doesn't offer much you have to ask and there's a lot he can't tell you as it's confidential and above your pay grade.
P Patience
(How easily angered are they?)
Eric can go from zero to pissed in a nano second under the right provocation, but he very rarely loses his head completely. He keeps his temper under control and funnels that anger into how he responds, so the punishment often appears to outweigh the crime while he looks calm and collected. Those that know him best, know that his anger shows in his eyes and the way his jaw clenches, those that know his tells just get the hell away from him when he displays certain behaviour. Ever year it surprises you how long it takes the initiates to catch on.
Q Quizzes
(How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?)
He's got a fantastic memory and remembers almost everything someone that's important to him does and says. But this can work against you if you do something he doesn’t like, as it takes a long time for him to get over it.
R Remember
(What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
In order for him to commit to you he'd have to let his guard down and that would necessitate some sort of sacrifice or grand (but private) gesture on your part. He wants to know that you choose him and will continue to choose him and that would be something he hangs onto and remembers.
S Security
(How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He'd be very protective of you but not in a fight all your battles way, more of a he'll help you train to be strong enough to fight your own way. He'd step in if you needed it and you know that which makes you feel safe and secure when around him, not many can say the same. He doesn't consider himself as needing protection and physically he's right, but he needs to be protected in the sense that he needs reassurance that you have his back. He'd need you to take his side publicly even if in private you're telling him he's a complete idiot.
T Try
(How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Eric doesn't do anything by halves so if you want to celebrate an anniversary or go on a date he'd go all out, in his own way. You'd have to ask though because otherwise it wouldn't occur to him to plan something. He'd want to keep it private though, so while you might come home to find the apartment covered in candles and dinner on the table, he'd deny it if you told anyone, not that anyone would believe you.
U Ugly
(What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Violent, bad tempered, arrogant, vicious…. the man is a walking bundle of red flags. For the most part none of the worst ones would get directed at you if you were in a relationship, outside of a little locational fall out i.e. wrong place, wrong time. However, you'd still spend a good portion of your time defending him or despairing of him in equal measure. He would never hurt you physically unless you were sparring and then he doesn't hold back, but then nor do you and he'd expect that of his partner, he wouldn't respect someone who did anything less.
V Vanity
(How concerned are they with their looks?)
He's lowkey vain in the sense that he likes to look presentable at all times, hair slicked back carefully, tattoos’ and piercings on full display but isn't precious about it. For example, he's not got a problem getting a bit rumpled and sweaty when working out, not really caring if he's gone bright red or his hairs a mess. Even you wouldn’t dare mess his hair when he's just done it but you take great delight in running your hands through it in the privacy of your apartment when you're getting down and dirty. At first, he'd roll his eyes at your but it's now become something he really enjoys especially when you pull
W Whole
(Would they feel incomplete without you?)
No, he doesn't need you he doesn’t need anyone, but he wants you with him and that's more powerful in my opinion. He doesn’t consider himself one half of a couple that needs the other to be complete, he wants a partner that makes his life better than it was before and would want it to be the same to you. The sum of the parts should be more than the individual to make it worth it.
X Xtra
(A random head canon for them.)
He's remarkably well read and intelligent even for an Erudite transfer.  Considering his build most people think he spent all his time working out, but what people don't know is that when he's not working or working out, he almost always has a book in his hand. He feels he has to hide it now he's Dauntless, the faction as a whole doesn't have much time for books. They actually wouldn't care but they would think it a little odd and might tease him for it, which would detract from his scary leader persona.
Y Yuck
(What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Weakness, to keep up with him and be his partner in life you need to be strong and capable and able to give as good as you get or more. Disloyalty, he knows most people think he's overly harsh or an asshole which he acknowledges he is but calling him out on it publicly would bother him even if you did it jokingly, he'd only put up with it for so long. He'd hate having his authority questioned even in private, but you'd be more likely to get away with it that way. Counterintuitively he'd be more attracted to someone that challenges him, he needs to be kept on his toes.
Z Zzz
(What is are some sleep habits of theirs?)
Can sleep anywhere, anytime, wearing anything… has actually fallen asleep on the chasm ledge once (admittedly he was drunk) after that you make sure someone is with him at all times when he's been drinking in the pit. Usually, he sleeps on his back one hand tucked up and under his pillow, the other wrapped around you clad in his boxers briefs and a t-shirt
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