kabir-singhs-blog · 2 years
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🔮परमेश्वर कबीर जी ही नरसिंह रुप धरकर आए थे और अपने भक्त प्रहलाद की रक्षा की- गरीब, प्रहलाद भक्त कुं दई कसौटी, चौरासी बरताया। नरसिंह रुप धरे नारायण, खंभ फाड़कर आया। #sant_rampal_ji_maharaj @spiritualleadersaintrampalji #thusday #real_god #thought_of_the_day #god https://www.instagram.com/p/CelJlGepbd0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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2ndtimestyle · 1 month
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Here's a quick catch-up from the past few days!
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Thoughtful Threads Thursday: Highlighting my @createseasonstudio work in progress! I've been working on handmade recycled yarn material earrings for spring and summer.
Fresh Friday Fashion: Flashback to my visit to Erie, PA, where I toured the marina sites and stopped to take a photo in my thrifted ensemble. It was cozy and comfortable for the afternoon stroll.
Social Savvy Saturday: On Saturday, I attended a housewarming gathering for a new friend. It was filled with food and fun, just what I needed.
Slow Down Sunday: Continuing my progress at @createseasonstudio, I've been crafting spring and summer fashionable gift bags from gifted second-hand materials, upcycling them for future use.
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pilypilystuff · 2 months
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menu makan siang hari ini
ikan goreng saus, sawi putih tumis, ubi goreng dan teh kotak 🤤
bdw, sdh dua hari ini hujan terus hhhh. semoga bsok membaik deh cuacanya 🙏
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m-sharma · 1 year
आदरणीय धर्मदास जी ने बताया कि जब परमेश्वर कबीर जी मगहर से सशरीर सतलोक गये तब हिन्दू मुसलमान आपस में कबीर साहेब के शरीर का अपनी धार्मिक रीति से अंतिम संस्कार करने के लिए लड़ने को तैयार थे लेकिन उन्हें वहां कबीर साहिब जी का शरीर नहीं मिला अर्थात कबीर साहिब अविनाशी परमेश्वर हैं।
आज मोहे दर्शन दियो जी कबीर।
हिन्दू के तुम देव कहाये, मुसलमान के पीर।
दोनों दीन का झगड़ा छिड़ गया, टोहे ना पाये शरीर।।
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15aac-k · 1 year
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20220829 Day 137: Posts . . . . #singapore #asia #isaaccapture #paradise #beautifuldestinations #beautiful #wanderlust #travel #globetrekker #isaackiat #ik #thusday #streetphotography #summer #ourplanetdaily #mrt #station #escalators #bnwphotography #perspective #2023 #surrealism #ssdttt #architecture #Leica #35mm (at Singapore / Singapura / 新加坡 / சிங்கப்பூர்) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnYxikrypCc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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praveenmohantelugu · 2 years
విశిష్టమైన శిల్పకళతో కూడిన పురాతన దేవాలయం - తిరు పరమేశ్వర విన్నగరం!
Hey guys, ఈ రోజు మనం తిరు పరమేశ్వర విన్నాగరం అనే ఈ గుడిని చూడబోతున్నాము. కాంచీపురంలో ఉన్న ఈ గుడిని వైకుంఠ పెరుమాళ్ గుడి అని కూడా పిలుస్తారు. ఇది చాలా పాతబడిన గుడి , archeological  ప్రకారం   క్రి.శ  700  సంవత్సరంలో కట్టారు, అంటే  ఇది దాదాపు పదమూడు వందల సంవత్సరాలకు ముందే కట్టబడింది. కానీ అక్కడ ఉన్న ప్రజలు,  దానికన్నా ముందే కట్టబడిందని చెప్తున్నారు. ఈ గుడిని నేల మీద నిలబడి చూస్తే , అంతంగా different కనిపించదు, కానీ మనం ఆకాశంలో నుండి చూస్తే, ఇందులో ఉన్న విచిత్రమైన architecture featureని మనం అర్థంచేసుకోగలం. ఇందులో T shapeలో ఉన్న structures ఒకదానిలో ఒకటని చాలా structures ఉన్నయి చూడండి, కనీసం మూడు T shapeలో ఉన్న structuresని  మనం చూడవచ్చు. 
 ఈ T shapeలో ఉన్న structures  horizontal గా ఒకదానిలో ఒకటి కట్టలేదు, verticalగ అంటే కింద నుండి పైకి చూసేటప్పుడు  కూడా T  shape  లో ఉండేలాగా కట్టారు. అన్నిటికంటే బైట ఉన్న T shape, నేల మీద ఉంది. మధ్యలో ఉన్న  T shape  ఒక మెట్టు పైన ఉంది, చివరిగా మధ్యలో ఉన్న T shape అన్నిటికంటే Top levelలో ఉంది. So, మొత్తం ఈ గుడిలో మూడు levels ఉన్నాయి. ప్రతి levelలో ఒక గర్భగుడి ఉంది, ప్రతి గర్భగుడిలో ఒక  విష్ణు భగవానుడి  విగ్రహాలు ఉన్నాయి. So, ఇక్కడ మొత్తం మూడు విష్ణువు విగ్రహాలు ఉన్నాయి. ground levelలో ఉన్న విష్ణు, కూర్చొని ఉంటారు.  next levelలో  విష్ణు భగవాన్, పడుకొని ఉంటారు.   ఇలా విష్ణు పాడుకొనే  positionని వైకుంఠ పెరుమాళ్ అని  పిలుస్తారు, అందుకే ఈ గుడికి వైకుంఠ పెరుమాళ్ గుడి అనే పేరు వచ్చింది. చివరిగా top  levelలో ఉన్న  విష్ణు భగవాన్ నించొన్ని ఉంటారు. 
ఈ మూడు  postures వెనుక ఉన్న philosophyని కొంచెం ఆలోచించండి,  ఎందుకు విష్ణు భగవానుడి  విగ్రహాలు వేరే వేరే poseలో ఉండేటట్టు పెట్టారు? ఎందుకు ఇక్కడ మూడు విష్ణువు విగ్రహాలు ఉన్నాయి? మీరు దీని గురించి ఎం అనుకుంటున్నారని comment sectionలో నాకు చెప్పండి. ఇప్పుడు ఈ గుడికి మీరు వెళ్లాలని అనుకుంటే,  కత్చితంగా మన హిందూ మతంలో  ఏకాదశి అని చెప్పే, పంచాంగంలో 11 వ రోజు ఉంది కదా , ఆరోజు మాత్రం వెళ్ళండి. నేను ఎందుకు ఇలా  చెప్తున్నానంటే? ఎందుకంటే, ఏకాదశి  రోజు మాత్రమే, మనం గుడి యొక్క next  levelకి  వెళ్ళవచ్చు, అది కూడా ఉదయం (8)ఎనిమిది  గంటల నుండి మధ్యాహ్నం (12) పన్నెండు గంటల వరకు, ఈ time లో మాత్రమే visitors లోపలికి వెళ్ళడానికి అనుమతి ఉంటుంది. మిగిలిన రోజులలో మనం కేవలం ground levelని మాత్రమే చూడగలము. 
కానీ మీరు, ఏకాదశి రోజు వెళ్తే, మీరు next  levelకి వెళ్లి విష్ణు భగవానుడు పడుకొని ఉన్న  వైకుంఠ పెరుమాళ్ విగ్రహాన్ని మీరు చూడవచ్చు. ఆ రోజు వెళ్తే,  వైకుంఠ పెరుమాళ్ విగ్రహం మాత్రమే  కాదు , ఇంకా చాలా శిల్పాలను అదే levelలో చూసి,  మీరు enjoy  చేయవచ్చు.   మీరు ఆకాశం నుండి ఈ designని చూస్తె, ఇది చాలా uniqueగ కనిపిస్తుంది. చుట్టూ కట్టి ఉన్న compound గోడలన్నీ, చాలా అడుగులు ఎత్తుగా పెట్టి, next levelకి match అ��్యేలాగా సమానంగా కట్టారు. So, ఈ levelలో  గుడి చుట్టూ మీరు నడుచుకుంటూ వెళ్తున్నపుడు, ఈ level యొక్క అందాన్ని మీరు enjoy  చేయవచ్చు. ఇలాంటి designలు ఇంచుమించు ఈ  areaలో ఉన్న ఏఒక్క గుడిలో కూడా లేవని చెప్పవచ్చు. ఈ గుడి మధ్యలో తెల్లగా paint  చేసిన ఈ గోపురం యొక్క structureని చూడండి, చాలా fantasticగ ఒక step-pyramid లాగ ఉంది కదా!
  అదే లాగ పైన ఒక పెద్ద dome structure, ఇంకా దాని పైన ఒక capstone కూడా ఉంది. ఇక్కడ పైన చూడండి, sharp గ ఒక కలశం ఉంది. ఈ కలశం లోపల కొన్ని అద్భుతమైన elements ఉంటాయి. మీరు ఈ గుడి యొక్క layout మొత్తాన్ని చూస్తే, ఇక్కడ నుండి ఒక mile  దూరంలో ఉన్న కైలాసనాథర్ గుడి గుర్తుకొస్తుంది. కైలాసనాథర్ గుడి లాగానే, ఇక్కడ కూడా గుడికి ఆనుకుని ఒక కోనేరు ఉంది. కానీ ఈ రెండు గుడులకు మధ్య ఉన్న difference ఏంటంటే, కైలాసనాథర్ గుడి మహా శివుని కోసం కట్టబడింది, కానీ ఈ గుడి విష్ణు భగవానుడి కోసం కట్టబడింది. నిజానికి, ఈ విష్ణువు గుడి చాలా దైవికమైన గుడి అని చెప్తున్నారు. మొత్తం (108) నూట ఎనిమిది విష్ణు గుళ్లను దివ్య దేశం అని అంటారుగ, ఆ దివ్య దేశంలో ఈ గుడి కూడా ఒకటి. 
ఇలాంటి చాలా దైవికమైన విష్ణు గుడులు అన్ని భూగర్భ సొరంగాలతో  connectఐ ఉంటాయి అని కొంత మంది చెప్తున్నారు. ఈ గుడిలో ఉన్న భూగర్భ సొరంగం కూడా మహాబలిపురంలో ఉన్న Shore templeతో connect  అయిందని నమ్ముతున్నారు. ఆలోచించండి మహాబలిపురం ఇక్కడి నుండి యాభై మైళ్ళ దూరంలో ఉంది, అయితే ఈ రెండు గుడులను connect చేయడానికి  భూగర్భ సొరంగం కూడా 50 మైళ్ళ పొడవు ఉండాలి. అంత దూరంగా  భూగర్భ సొరంగం తొవ్వే అవకాశం ఉందా? కానీ ఇక్కడ ఉన్న ప్రజలు,  అలాంటి ఒక భూగర్భ సొరంగం ఉందని చెప్తున్నారు, ఇంకా British వాళ్ళు పరిపాలనలో ఉన్నపుడు వాళ్లు ఆ రహస్యమైన భూగర్భ  సొరంగాన్ని తెలుసుకోవడానికి try చేయడంతో, స్థానికులు ఆ రహస్యమైన భూగర్భ సొరంగాన్ని మూసివేశారు అని చెప్తున్నారు.
 మీరు ఈ  చుట్టూ నడుస్తున్నప్పుడు కొన్ని అద్భుతమైన శిల్పాలను గోడపైన చెక్కి ఉండడం మీరు చూడవచ్చు. అందులో కొన్ని శిల్పాలలో దేవుళ్ళు ఉన్నట్టు, ఇంకా కొన్ని శిల్పాలలో మనుషులు దేవుళ్లతో మాట్లాడుతున్నట్టు ఉన్నాయి. ఈ శిల్పంలో కనిపిస్తున్న రెండు రూపాలను చూడండి. BYE!
- Praveen Mohan Telugu 
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drtattoostudio · 2 years
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Ya tienes tu idea? Es hora de plasmarla en tu piel 🙌 +INFO: 829.880.2606 | @drtattoostudio Ave. Bartolome Colón, Plaza Barcelona primer nivel modulo 105, Santiago. #tattoo #sleeve #flowertattoo #compass #eyetattoo #lettering #triangle #done #picoftheday tatuajes #instagood #thusday #motivation #worldfamousink #fkirons (en DR Tattoo Studio by Robert) https://www.instagram.com/p/CelsLGLuCcU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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soymarlonbrito · 2 years
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¡Motion Thusday! 😍
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ragavsworld · 2 years
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andi-o-geyser · 10 months
“cody only has under an hour of screen time in all of star wars” maybe to you he does. to me he's the main character
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
How about a Jason Todd x reader pregnancy sex smut and Jason gets turned on at the thought of his partner holding his baby
It had been a long day. The guests for the house warming party had all gone home. And things had only been derailed slightly when your mother heavily implied that Teddy wasn't a real member of the family.
And then tried to double down when you pointed out that 1.) Most of the people in the room right now had been adopted: formally or Informally and 2.) That she had kicked you out at 16 when her boyfriend made a pass at you. The resulting Mama Bear moment when you threw her out of the house yourself, so furious you were crying, had very quickly made the rest of his family love you and given him an all consuming need to be inside you.
To be fair; he felt that need most of the time. But right now? If he didn't get some relief soon he was going to burst.
"Hey Mama Bear," he rumbled, shutting the laundry room door as he stepped up behind you, arms wrapping around your waist.
"Jay I'm sorry I-"
He pulled your hips back slightly, letting you feel his cock push against your bottom, "Don't wanna talk about that," he breathed, "Fuck her. I want-" When you push back against him he swallows a moan. "Fuck- Y/N. Let me put a baby in you," he blurted.
When you turn in his arms to look at him, lips parted, pupils dilated, alive with a need of your own, he smirked, rubbing his thumb over your lips as he cradles your face, "We're not married," you point out, reminding him you weren't even engaged.
He chuckled and trailed his fingers over your flat belly until he found the draw string on your shorts, "So? We have a house. And a kid already- and I wanna know."
"Know what?" you breathe, shivering as he unties the cord and pushes your shorts down, leaving you exposed to him.
"Wanna know what you look like full of my kid," he said, hefting you on the the counter, headless of your clean laundry as he opens your thighs, his smirk turning to a grin when he feels how slick you are. "Look at you, mama bear," he teased, showing you the slick on his fingers, "Ready to take a whole litter of cubs for me, huh?"
"What about the cub we already have?" you ask, smirking when his knees buckle as you lick his fingers clean.
"All tucked in," Jason rumbled. "So I'm not stopping. Not until my mama bear can't take anymore." And as he slid home, your fingernails clawing at his shoulder as you moan against the side of his neck you're glad you're in the laundry room. Far away from where Teddy is sleeping. Because you don't think you can stay quiet.
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thekidsfromyestergay · 11 months
I genuinely really like ls dunes but if I could sacrifice them to get new MCR I would in a heartbeat I'm sorry
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e-devotion · 29 days
Maundy Thursday of Holy Week
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Holy Week is a time to focus on God and His gifts to us.  Maundy Thursday is a special day.  It is often called Holy Thursday reminding us of Jesus’ interaction with His disciples as he instituted the Communion and washed their feet.
John 13:34  NLT
So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. 
Thursday of Holy Week is one of the best known of the week.  It is the first observance of the Lord’s Supper and the Passover with His closest friends.  Jesus shared the meaning of His blood and body that we continue to celebrate.  It is in Jesus’ body and blood that we find the forgiveness of sin and redemption.  
The conversations that took place around that table must have been amazing and powerful.  It would have been eye opening to be there.  
What would you do if you knew you had 24 hours to live?  Great question.  Jesus knew.  It was His last day.  This was His destiny.  He was willing to step in where we couldn’t go.  He was willing to do for us what we could not do for ourselves.
John describes this last day in ways that the no other Gospel does.  Jesus told them what was ahead.  He was honest and strong.  He confronted the accuser.  He even gave direction to the disciples that included Peter denying Jesus.
Yes, this denial was something we still talk about today.  Peter, James and John were three of the closest to Jesus, and this day, Thursday of Holy Week, must have been very hard for Peter and all of the disciples.
May we know Jesus like they knew Jesus.  Just ahead is the cross, and around corner is the resurrection.  Past that is abundant life for us.  Thank you, Jesus, for this and more!
John 14:6-7  NLT
Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.  If you had really known me, you would know who my Father is. From now on, you do know him and have seen him!”
Easter is ahead.  The cross and the resurrection are the days we remember, celebrate and share.  Let’s get ready for Easter and Jesus!
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m-sharma · 1 year
कबीर परमात्मा मगहर से सशरीर सतलोक गए थे
जिंदा जोगी जगत गुरु, मालिक मुरशद पीर।
दहूँ दीन झगड़ा मंड्या, पाया नहीं शरीर।।
परमात्मा कबीर जी के शरीर को प्राप्त करने के लिए दोनों ही दीन हिंदू और मुसलमान आपस में झगड़े की तैयारी करके मगहर आए थे लेकिन जब शरीर के स्थान पर सुगंधित फूल मिले तो दोनों आपस में लिपट - लिपट कर रोने लग��।
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true-blue-megamind · 2 years
FAN THEORY SOMETIME EVENTUALLY: Hal is NOT Megamind’s Greatest Enemy
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I’m back! Real life is consuming massive amounts of my time, so I’m afraid these Fan Theory Thursday posts have become sporadic. I'll try to write them as often as possible. Special thanks to Dalniente for suggesting this topic and sharing his fan theory! You rock! Please note: while fascinating, this blog article is going to get dark. IF DEPRESSION IS A TRIGGER, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! This post may also leave you with an uncontrollable urge to hug a certain blue super-genius. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!
Finally, if you are that single strange individual who has been reading these posts for over a year without actually watching the movie… Well, I’ve probably given away nearly everything already, but nonetheless: SPOILER WARNING!
It’s clear to any fan of this wonderful DreamWorks film that Megamind has been through a lot. Not only was our favorite blue hero ostracized, bullied, and raised in prison, but we see him facing yet more hardships during the narrative. In fact, according to one fan theory, although his triumph over Titan is the primary story arc, the super-stalker is not the greatest foe Megamind faces.
It all begins with the blue man’s emotional turmoil. As I’ve mentioned previously in Megamind’s Psychology, the film’s protagonist seems nearly obsessed, at least during the first half of the story, with both his presumed evil nature and the idea of destiny. In fact, it appears that this has led him to construct his entire self-identity around supervillainy—something that only changes when his preconceived notions do. Such a drastic alteration, however, is often painful, and this one was no different.
Megamind, at the beginning of the film, obviously feels that fighting a nemesis provided his only reason for existing. This is because Metroman unwittingly offered mental engagement as well as something to work toward. More specifically, their fights were a perfect excuse for Megamind to invent, plot, and challenge his own brain. Without this, the blue man feels unfulfilled and purposeless. He clearly states that fact while he and Minion discuss creating a new hero. The thing is that, as Dal suggested in the Evil Lair Discord, losing his former adversary doesn’t merely leave him without an objective, but also disrupts the very stability of his existence.
“He wants his life back,” Dal explained. “Literally, he says this: his goal with the infuser gun was to get his life back to the way it was ‘when the world was perfect and rosy.’”
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The problem, of course, is that this is easier said than done. Megamind feels like a ship adrift in the ocean with no compass or destination, and like many of us would in those circumstances, he falls into making some bad decisions. Those choices only make his predicament worse. After losing the his excuse for the battles and inventions that gave his life meaning, Megamind begins a relationship with Roxanne under a false identity, has a massive argument with his only friend, Minion, and chooses the worst possible person to imbue with superpowers. (You can read more about what might have led to that particular misstep in Why Did Megamind Choose Hal.) All of this ends badly.
Let’s look at the argument first. Not only does the blue man likely feel terrible for hurting his friend—there is ample evidence that he does care about Minion—but, following their fight, his henchfish walks out, presumably for good. This is significant because it further destabilizes Megamind’s reality. Minion was far more than a, well, minion.
“It was Megamind and Minion against the world,” Dal said, describing that incident. “And now it is just Megamind.”
It must have been hard enough to be an isolated refugee from a destroyed planet, but without his only friend, the blue alien is truly alone. That loneliness further increases when Roxanne, the only other person to have positive interactions with Megamind during the film, rejects him.
This remains true even though Roxanne Ritchi’s feelings in that moment were both justifiable and reasonable. Upon discovering that the man she’d fallen in love with has been lying about his identity and is, in fact, the same supervillain who regularly kidnapped her, the woman feels understandably shocked, betrayed, and upset. However, it appears likely that that may not have been the way Megamind saw things. Once again, Dal offered some insights
“Roxanne is furious with him, and reacted to his feelings for her with something I read as shock and some incredulity, but which I think Megamind would be way more likely to read as disgust,” he stated. “She insinuates that she thinks he is truly evil, which he would be very willing to believe, at this point.”
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Heartbreak is never easy, but when it follows on the heels of other personal hardships it can be even more devastating. The blue man’s emotional response to this final blow is beautifully portrayed in his shattered expression and a single hopeless word: “no.” This is because Megamind truly doesn’t believe she would ever be with him. (He states later on that, being the bad guy, he can never “get the girl.”) This is precisely why he found it impossible to reveal his true identity to his date—although, to his credit, it appeared he was attempting to summon the courage to do so before his disguise failed. He believed that the only way he can have even a taste of romance is by pretending to be someone else.
Add to all of this the setback in the blue man’s emotional growth and it’s not difficult to see why he might be so strongly affected. As mentioned in an earlier post, The Warden, there is evidence that Megamind was pushed into supervillainy from a young age. Thanks to his interactions with Roxanne and a little initial reevaluation of his life, he had started to believe that perhaps he actually could be good until everything fell apart. As a result, his journey to heroism stalls and, had his integrity or will been less strong, he might have abandoned it permanently.
When the cumulative impact of these events is considered from a psychological standpoint, it is frankly amazing that Megamind’s melancholy is not even more severe. He has essentially lost his job, so to speak, his sense of purpose, his best friend, and the girl of his dreams all in a short period of time. As Dal expressed it: “as far as he knows, he has lost everything.” Considering that, when this occurred, he was already emotionally scarred by being orphaned, bullied, and raised in incarceration, the man’s resilience is certainly noteworthy. However, that doesn’t mean he was immune; far from it. Dal pointed out how one scene, following his breakup, illustrates exactly how bad Megamind’s emotional state had become.
“When he gets back to the Evil Lair, he has not slept. Minion is still gone… And [Megamind] does not sleep. He gears up to fight Titan in an untested battle suit, and says that line about: ‘It's time to go down in style.’”
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At first glance, viewers might assume that the blue man is referring to Titan going down, or perhaps to himself inevitably losing the battle and returning to jail, but Dal suggested that the statement may hide a darker meaning. Megamind might, on some level, intend for this battle to be his last. It’s possible that what he really means is that he wants to go out with a proverbial bang.
That’s right. Megamind, at this point in the movie, has developed situational depression, perhaps even passive suicidal ideation. He has hit rock-bottom, he feels his life has crumbled into pieces, and his actions have become reckless.
“I do not think Megamind cares a whole lot, in that moment, whether he comes back from this fight at all,” Dal explained. “I think he is desperate and angry and upset and self-destructive… But also, he does not actually want to die. This is an important distinction. He wouldn't mind being dead but he does not want to die; he wants his life back.”
This fan theory makes sense. Keep in mind that re-establishing the status quo was, after all, the entire reason for creating the Infuser Gun in the first place. What the former villain really wanted in that scene was to return a sense of stability, order, and purpose to his existence. This may also be why, when everything else falls apart, Megamind appears to fixate on his battle with Titan.
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“We see this in the way he interacts with Titan,” Dal stated. “He waits for HOURS before going to see wtf is up. He is dismayed to realize how far sideways his ‘turn Hal into a hero’ plan has gone, and he pulls out all the stops in goading Titan into fighting after all. He does not stop to think about whether this is a bad idea—he does not care. Titan is the one shot he has at restoring some sense of familiarity to the world… And he gets what he's looking for! He is so relieved to finally lose. Finally, for a few bright seconds, the world makes sense.”
That brief moment of emotional and mental clarity is also what jolts Megamind into action when he realizes Titan is homicidal. After reveling in a feeling of renewed purpose, the blue man suddenly realizes that his life can still have stability. That completely changes his outlook.
“At this point I think he is probably back to wanting to live, because this is where he finally displays some self-preservation. He felt okay for like three whole seconds and a fight; it's enough to get him into a less awful head space and into survival mode,” Dal said.
When Titan begins destroying Metro City, it pushes Megamind to overcome his internal struggles because he sees that the problem is much larger than its immediate effects on himself. This is important for three reasons: it reconnects Megamind with the world around him, proves that despite being a supervillain he possesses empathy, and provides him with a new purpose. All at once, the blue man understands that his reason for living doesn’t have to come solely from having a nemesis; it can be something bigger and more meaningful than that.
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Thus Megamind defeats his greatest enemy: depression. The fact that he has to face this particular monster during the course of the narrative makes the former villain both more realistic and more impressive. It’s relatively easy to fight another person compared to battling darkness within yourself, and actually conquering the latter takes enormous strength of character. Yet Megamind does exactly that, becoming a better man and building a better life as a result. It serves to offer a message of hope to others fighting the same foe. The inclusion of such a deep and mature theme in this animated film is simply one more reason why it is one of the greatest things DreamWorks has ever produced. Little wonder that so many, even among adults, are devoted fans of this amazing movie.
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gideonthefirst · 13 days
separate post that show was so fucking awesome. probably not entering my top five because my top five is pretty near untouchable at this point but almost certainly top ten. 5432whatareyouwaitingfor.......
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