#to avoid their trigger warnings
thatfilthyanimal · 3 months
tw: stalking, grooming, pedophilia, sexual abuse, past suicidal thoughts
I've recently been made aware that Dupsy is still talking about me and is now going to random Megamind fans that don't know me and telling them to avoid me. I'm also aware that they're doing this in the Ruby Gillman fandom. I have no words to really describe the level of discomfort this brings me, but I will attempt.
First of all, all the "grooming" allegations were thoroughly debunked and proven to be bullshit. I can't believe I have to even say this. I'm a victim of grooming and sexual abuse myself. It's extremely traumatic and life-altering shit, and never something I would want to inflict on someone else. I feel like it should be obvious, with the measures I took in the server to ensure no child is exposed to such things. I was recently diagnosed with PTSD due to the shit that happened to me when I was growing up, and between processing that in therapy sessions and stomaching transitioning in a near-constant hostile-to-trans-people online social media hellscape, I am tired.
I love Megamind, more than anything, and this is known and obvious to anyone who's met me. This movie saved my life when I was extremely suicidal and planning to end my life back in 2010. Watching the movie when I did gave me something to focus on, a distraction, and a responsibility as a fandom member that helped distract me long enough to get out of the planning mindset I was in. Had I not seen the movie, I do not think I would have stuck around. I will leave it at that.
And moderating fandom spaces for Megamind has been lovely! I adore this fandom. The people in it are extremely talented and sweet, and just so damn nice, like by default. I say this all the time but I've never experienced another fandom space quite like it. There are usually bad eggs in fandoms, and perhaps -I- am said "bad egg" to some, but genuinely this one is special. I have always felt that way, even when the bad eggs show up and make a stink. It has always felt worth being here for, to me.
And while I hate to give Dupsy the satisfaction of knowing they hurt me, I need to be honest-- it's been rough. I stopped talking in my server, I locked up on most of my friends and stopped talking even in DMs. I still struggle with severe anxiety in the server and have talked to Dal on various occasions about transferring the server ownership to him. He's been very patient with my freakouts and super understanding, but it's still hard. This WAS a place I felt safe, for over ten years! And now it feels like any minor can just say I'm a groomer or a pedo or whatever with ZERO consequences, just because they're mad, just because these are words that make people go "oh shit" and listen, and man! It's not ok! And this coupled with the fact that trans people are often called groomers just for existing, just… man! I'm tired. I'm so tired.
There are real, severe, damaging effects to these claims being thrown around so casually. It's hurtful to me, as a victim of sexual abuse, because when I came forward to people about what happened when -I- was a minor, I was told I "wanted it" and "asked for it". It was made to be my fault that I was abused, and I internalized it for years. It nearly killed me. I cannot stress enough how important it is to not use claims like pedophilia and grooming so lightly-- these are VERY damning terms to use on people and should be reserved for people ACTUALLY HARMING OTHERS. Being mad I banned you from the server is not "abuse" and using my Customer Service Voice to be nice to you and then being obviously tired of you when you were banned is not "emotional grooming". What the actual fuck. ALSO. This was well over a year ago! Why am I still having to post about this? Why are you still TALKING about me? And yet again I ask, where the HELL are your parents?
Anyway, if you've been wondering why I've been so quiet these days and struggling to socialize… honestly? It's this. I hate that this is what did it. I know people trust and believe me, I know the fandom backs me up regularly and I appreciate them all so much for it. I see it, but I never know how to respond. You guys continue to make this fandom feel safe for me even when my entire brain is screaming to run, and I appreciate you so much for it.
Kids deserve to be trusted when they tell people they've been hurt and I hate that the recent proshipping discourse or whatever you want to call it, this culty all-or-nothing shit, has a bunch of minors growing up feeling like EVERYTHING is something to call rapey or predatory, with apparently little room to distinguish when REAL abuse is happening to them. I don't blame anyone for believing Dupsy, and it's honestly better they DO believe all unproven claims of abuse by default, just to stay safe-- but man, it has consequences that follow people, and really should not be a thing to just throw around because you're mad at someone. I just can't believe they're STILL going around and reaching out to strangers telling them to avoid me… like, what the fuck.
I will be ok, I always am eventually, but I needed to say something, because it's honestly been a while since I've said much of anything.
Keep being kind. <3
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captainbobbin · 6 months
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Bobbins October Drawing Challenge - day 18
- Halstarion (BaldursGate3) -
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w98pops · 8 months
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pelican king and mother wasp
matters of flesh, mostly.
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bonkalore · 1 year
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I always wanted to do a pic when he first got that horn broken lol Wasn’t pretty. Tried 2 versions with the eyes since I did want him conscious while it happened but he probably switched over to feral mode pretty soon after. Was an ugly fight.
Had to look it up to make sure, but horns do very much bleed and do not work like antlers. There’s nerves and veins that run into it and if it’s deep enough into that it will be messy and it will hurt.
I also am gonna say that I’m just gonna be tagging my AU for this just as “Bleeding Magic AU” bc the song Bleed Magic by IDKHOW is one of the reasons I ended up thinking more about his character in the first place and I think it just kind of fits! 😂
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aquilacalvitium · 1 year
Tired of food? 😒
No appetite? No problem!
Lose weight you desperately need to survive and become 💥 UNDERWEIGHT!!! 💥
No shopping!
No cooking!
No eating!
Just the depressing insecurity of eating pitifully tiny meals in front of other people!! 👍👍👍
Subscribe now and get 50% off your current diet!!!
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irondadmadlads · 7 months
Irondad Prompt #192:
TW: Sensory Processing Disorder, Eating Disorders, Avoidant/Restrive Food Intake Disorder/Selective Eating Disorder. Please stay safe and skip this prompt if these topics will upset you
Ever since the bite, Peter’s been weird around food. Sure, he needs to eat more because of his metabolism, but he just doesn’t seem to have an appetite and even small meals fill him up. Not to mention, he’s oddly selective. Sure, he’d theoretically love to try the new thai place with May or shawarma from Tony’s favorite restaurant, yet the thought of trying something unfamiliar causes his heart to beat out of his chest.
When Tony and May notice his odd behavior they set up an appointment with Dr. Cho. After a few evaluations, she comes to the conclusion Peter is struggling with Avoidant/Restrive Food Intake Disorder - an eating disorder in which someone finds difficulty in eating certain foods due to their sensory inputs* (looks, smells, feels, etc).
A/n: With all prompts, please tag me if you write them, but especially this one. It’s very personal to me.
*There’s more than one type of ARFID. What Peter is struggling with in this prompt is the avoidant type.
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purpleandstarlight · 14 days
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I found this on Instagram but i think this is good for ANYONE and EVERYONE to know about. Please be safe out there and let people know.
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raayllum · 1 year
& i will say as someone who has always liked the gothic / earned my degree in english... there is something to be said for “never say never” if you actually want to analyze media and/or expand your horizons. 
not only are pieces of media that discuss violation and taboos interesting (in many ways from a literary standpoint, incest and cannibalism are the same thing - a violent consumption and one sided ownership - but one is sexual and the other is physical, and bringing them together can be Fascinating in terms of how we can talk about the human condition, the harm we can do to one another & have done to one another, etc) but are also just useful, because how those things have been seen and treated have varied (somewhat) over history? 
cannibalism and kinslaying was a massive no-no in ancient grecian society, in spite of or maybe even in response to both of those things happening one by one in their primordial myths (kronos literally has children with his sister - like all gods - then eats his children, only for his children to later ‘kill’ him by chopping him into pieces. his dick formed aphrodite)
and to a certain degree, watching people go through terrible things or inflict terrible things on one another in the realm of fiction is the crux of tragedy. there’s emotional catharsis in tragedy, of course, of just expelling emotions in a safe setting where terrible things are not happening to you, but then there’s also the reaffirmation of agency and security that you have, because they’re not happening to you - that characters do not have free will, their stories are written for them, but you do have free will (which is its own burden, but mostly not). 
like you may say “i’ll never ship anything that falls into [x thing here]” and that could very well be true (although bad news if it’s incest and you’ve enjoyed literally Anything based off mythology in your life like PJO or hadestown, etc), there are definitely squicks for me i’ll never really be into but like. i also don’t totally know? there could always be the right story at the right time and place that makes me intrigued or interested in something i wasn’t before. 
having that openness also means allowing for different interpretations. i can ship past viren/harrow, and even in the present day portion of the show, while acknowledging and being fully aware that narratively / thematically (and canonically, if we wanna go that far) they’re supposed to have a brother-like bond. but to stuff characters and ships and moral rules into stuffy little cubbies and ignoring all the grey areas, and where people (fiction or otherwise) have always existed in those grey spaces has just... never sat right with me?
perhaps it’s because i’m nonbinary, so i exist in a grey and outside of a binary. maybe it’s because i lean towards not needing definitive answers, thanks to the reading i’ve done on judaism and religions other than my own (cultural & religious) christian background. maybe it’s because as an aro person, my own form of attraction is incredibly blurred between romantic and platonic. maybe it’s because i am Very good at recognizing anti (anti sex work, anti kink, anti shipping, anti queer, anti trans) rhetoric because it all comes from a place of “this exists and i think it shouldn’t, even though it’s not harming me” not only from my existence as a queer person, but also from my perspective (and from others like me) of being a minor harassed by adults in the name of ‘protecting the children,’ because they thought i was shipping a minor/adult. i wasn’t, for the record (canon ages were extremely ambiguous) but even if i had been, that’s still totally okay?? and not worth harassment?? just be Normal about it??
so yeah, i block liberally about it to protect myself, and i don’t blame other people who do too, because if someone falls into one of those anti camps, it’s very hard to tell which other ones they may fall into
and idk, i just think it’s Good for people to read things that make them uncomfortable, fiction wise. it pushes you past your own cultural understandings. it can lead to growth or reaffirm your own worldviews for the better. the more you overtly moralize (and demonize), dividing things into categories of “this is always bad or irredeemable” the more you make it harder for people to discuss the full complexities of their lives, because something can be always bad, yes, but that doesn’t mean there was never any good (or reasoning behind it that, right or wrong, appealed to the best or worst of people) in it either. if you deeply moralize racism, you give ‘nice whites’ a shield to hold up. if you deeply demonize age gaps, you make people who are actually vulnerable to them less likely to listen, rather than giving young adults better tools and concepts to learn when a relationship - any kind of relationship - is healthy for them.
and i’d say it’s fiction’s responsibility to challenge, but not to unilaterally teach, ethical and moral norms, anyway (which also aren’t defined principles, but you get my drift). what’s that quote? “Art Should Comfort the Disturbed and Disturb the Comfortable” by la cruz. Yeah
anyway all this to say go read the perks of being a wallflower or kiss of the fur queen or the book thief or things fall apart and come back to me about prioritizing your personal comfort over letting people just live their lives in fandom without moralizing everything. modern day sanitation will not help you in the long run
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warmresolve · 1 month
i read a metastudy about content warnings which concluded that "warnings had no effect on affective responses to negative material or on educational outcomes. However, warnings reliably increased anticipatory affect". aka they didn't normally reduce anxiety while reading the text itself, but might actually increase anxiety by adding the element of anticipation. which plays right into criticisms ive sorta pent up about avoidance culture in general being a detriment to people's mental health, but i digress. i just feel like a lot of people are so crystalized in their opinions about the importance of using content warnings, bringing up studies like this in and of itself can be seen as inconsiderate to a lot of people
like i dunno, when studies like this show the nuance that this topic actually warrants, i don't think it's fair to beat someone over the head for not using warnings on their content, no matter how upsetting that content may be. it seems like it becomes more about a performance of compassion, and less about finding effective tools to reduce harm. cause if your goal is genuinely the latter, i don't think it's unreasonable to take the importance of content warnings with a grain of salt, ykwim?
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magnetic-dogz · 4 months
What's your favorite highly underappreciated game?
Ooooh this is a great question because it actually makes me think about my taste in games and whether or not I like games that could be considered highly underappreciated. Because I like a lot of games that are pretty broadly popular.
I want to say Sucker For Love. It's funny, I like the gameplay loop, and the girls are hot. I'm shocked it hasn't done numbers on Tumblr because "dating sim where you romance lovecraftian monstergirls" feels like it'd be a win on this site. The sequel comes out next month apparently and I'm pretty excited for it :)
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I also love Helltaker.
Games with scary women in them are good.
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three--rings · 2 years
So I have just learned that Mr. Rings, my husband, needs around $8k total in dental care ASAP.  We do have dental insurance because I bought it this year through healthcare.gov knowing he needed work, so we are going to have to pay almost $5k.
Not going to get into medical details but I was hoping it could be done a little at a time but it needs to be done all at once and as soon as possible because he IS in pain.
We have been approved for credit for some of it but need to come up with a lump sum in cash which we MAY be able to swing in the next couple weeks, but today the check engine light in our only car started flashing and it requires immediate $500 repair, so there goes a chunk of what we have.  I’m still paying off our last $1000 car repair from last month.
So anyway, all of this to say, if you feel like it and are able, maybe throw me a tip?  I may end up making a GoFundMe, still debating that, but if I do I won’t share it here for privacy reasons.
As a general info I am disabled but receive no benefits, he works in the restaurant industry sometimes seven days a week 12 hour shifts.  Our only family support is my 79 year old mother who has enough problems of her own.  We are estranged from his family for both personal and political (giant racists) reasons.
So, that’s my day today.  In other news still editing the latest fic chapter, intending to post it this evening.
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ageless-aislynn · 7 months
I spoke too soon yesterday and my computer Blue Screened with the same error not long after that last post. 😭
Going to try a complete factory reset this time, not attempting to preserve my files (I have everything backed up, so I should've just went absolutely totally nuclear on it yesterday, I suppose 😐). The problem could be something like a corrupt Windows profile, which yesterday's reset didn't deal with. Whatever it is, it still hasn't been corrected, so I've got to try again.
All the hardware I could check passed its tests fine so if this doesn't work, I honestly don't know what else I can do to save my beloved computer. 😭
I do know one reason why it'll hurt just a little bit more to have to give up on this PC: my mom got it for me right before she died. She never even got to see it out of the box but she was so happy that she'd gotten me the most powerful vidding machine I'd ever had. I hadn't discovered Halo yet but I know she would've been really glad it was also set up well for gaming.
Yeah, I think that's what is really making me upset, feeling like I'm losing her last gift to me. I mean, obviously computers don't last forever, they get old, they wear out, top of the line specs one day are obsolete before you know it, but I thought I'd have more time than 4 years. Ah well.
Wish me ongoing luck, friends. I hope you're doing well. I miss being here with you all.
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suffercerebral · 7 months
noah fence but sometimes it's okay and actually healthy to be squeamish and uncomfortable. it's good for you. not everything needs to be sanitized all the time. fucking lol
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thethingything · 1 year
do you ever write out a post and then remember the reading comprehension on this site is abysmal and you can practically feel the potential shitty comments and think "actually no this isn't worth it"
#personal#thoughts#🍬 post#vent post#there are these posts about accessibility and tone tags and the way people use trigger warnings on discord and stuff like that#and one of them is like ''the way people spoiler triggers on discord is wrong and doesn't actually help and you shouldn't do it like that''#and it's been like. the exact form of warning that worked for us when the ''correct'' way wouldn't have actually helped at all#I haven't seen the posts in a while but I've seen some of them multiple times before and they always piss me off#and I just fucking want people to realise that people have different access needs#yes that format of warning or tone tag or whatever might not work for you but your experiences aren't universal#and it'd be shitty for me to say that formatting it in a way that works for you is wrong just because it doesn't work for me#but that fucking goes both ways#but I just know if I actually posted the very carefully worded post I typed up about it someone would take it in the worst possible faith#''don't spoiler the word in the warning and don't only spoiler that word and none of the rest of the text''#what if the word itself is the fucking trigger. what if I need you to leave the rest of the text unspoilered so I can figure out what it is#without actually having to see the word because I can back out and avoid a panic attack as long as I don't see the word itself#this isn't even a hypothetical this is something we had to deal with last year#and discord servers with that specific format were the only places we could guarantee we'd be able to avoid being triggered by it
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seventh-district · 3 months
#Seven’s Public Diary#vent post#cw vent post#vent#cw vent#wound mention#sighs deeply#had to take my shirt off for someone recently for medical reasons and while 'oh you poor thing..' is far from the worst response ive gotten#it's definitely still strange to hear. like i'm not rlly surprised‚ i am aware that i'm an upsetting sight#and i keep myself covered all the time to avoid upsetting people that can't handle the sight of marred skin#but i've grown so comfortable in my body over all these years that an interesting side effect of that is that i tend to forget#just how shocked and upset and worried ppl tend to get when they see me. it's almost funny. the sad kind of funny i guess#guess i'd rather laugh than dwell on the knowledge that i'm a set of walking trigger warnings that must be censored#anyways. that experience combined with the stressful and tiring process of tending to a wound on my back for the last 2 weeks#has me thinking about Ch. 5 of AEIWNF. for... reasons. so maybe i'll finally make myself draft and post that today#there's so many things i need to make myself do but the appeal of just sitting alone weaving bracelets and binge-listening to TMA is strong#the urge to be alone and craft things while listening to stories told through a lo-fi medium... where does it come from#that's a rhetorical question i know exactly where it came from. i'm just turning into both of my grandmothers lmao#what's the line. 'i've got my grandmother's veins in the back of my hands' what's that from. it's a Wonder Years song right#Hoodie Weather!!! yeah that's it. man i haven't listened to that in ages. maybe that'll be today's weather report#anyways. what else can i vent about. uhh. it's getting harder and harder to put my thoughts into words and that's concerning!#i'm fighting the desire to push everyone away again even though it feels like i should. i'm too toxic of a person#like. talk to any of the people that have ghosted/blocked me and they'll likely tell you to stop wasting your time on me lmao#and they'd probably be right. i'm so caught up in my own issues that i feel bad for anyone that tries to be friendly to me#everyone gets sick of my shit eventually. i'm overbearing and self-centered or you don't hear from me for months. there's no inbetween#i wish there was. god i wish there was#i'm never active on here anymore bc i feel like if i am then that's disrespectful to everyone waiting to hear back from me#but it's so much easier for me to post and reblog stuff than it is to talk one on one with literally anyone#it's not even social anxiety atp there's just something wrong with my brain. like not to self diagnose but Something's Wrong#okay that's enough whining. gonna go try to do something productive to make myself feel less useless
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willows-woes · 2 years
reasons to be alive:
dying isn't that easy, actually.
possibly, somewhere, someone needs you to be alive. somewhere, you are the reason they haven't offed themselves yet. it could be unlikely, but not impossible.
people would notice. people would care. people care currently. and i know that sounds ridiculous. i know this entire post does. but it's all true, people need you here.
chocolate. sugary stuff.
really spicy stuff that makes other people be like "how can you possibly like eating that" but it makes you happy
little hand flapping !!!! jumping in happiness !!! humming a certain tune to yourself repeatedly because it makes you feel good !!
good music that feels like a warm hug, makes you feel understood
hyperfixations / special interests that give pure unfiltered serotonin
halloween and autumn exist. no further explanation needed.
stargazing in the winter with a thick jacket, hugging yourself under a large tree as you watch the stars twinkling in the night sky
walks in the forest, providing a sense of safety and calm
someone laughing out loud at one of your jokes and you just thriving off that validation and sense that you've made someone's day a bit better
eventually, things get better. you'll have good days again.
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