livlaughloveluke · 2 months
Hey! Love your work<3 Would you be willing to right a Luke x Reader smau?? No pressure or anything, just think it would be great!
a luke castellan x reader smau 💐
warning! this fic contains- mild swearing // female reader
🎧- must be love by laufey
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liked by @therealpercy, @annabethoffical and 300 others
@yourusername- so we have an announcement..!
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@lukecastellan- ❤️
liked by creator
@clarriselarueisbetterthanu- i don’t think this qualifies as an announcement if everyone already knew
@therealpercy- wait why didn’t i know
@clarisselarueisbetterthanu- you don’t count
@therealpercy- yall cute ig idk
@yourusername- thanks for the enthusiasm percy
@selena.b- cutie patooties!
@yourusername- i love you sel 💗
@thebetterstoll- shocker
@travisstoll- fr
@iamchris- it’s about time i was getting tired of luke ranting about you
@lukecastellan- CHRIS.
@iamchris- it’s the truth ❤️
@annabethoffical- Thank gods watching you flirt was physically painful
@yourusername- i could say the same thing about you and percy
@annbethofficial- Nvm hope you break up
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@therealpercy added to his story
view @yourusername’s reply
@yourusername- send this to me this is cute
view @lukecastellan’s reply
@lukecastellan- stop hating and ask annabeth out already 🙄
view @iamchris’s reply
@iamchris- why dont you take cute photos like this of me and clarisse :(
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liked by @yourusername, @annabethoffical, and 308 others
@lukecastellan- gf appreciation post 🙌
view comments..
@yourusername- woah who’s that babe is she single 😍
@lukecastellan- back off 🤺
@therealpercy- DISGUSTING 🤮
@yourusername- who are you dating again percy
@therealpercy- i hate you
@clarisselarueisbetterthanu- uhhh photo credits ??
@lukecastellan- mb mb thanks clarisse
@yourusername- thank you clarisseeee
@selena.b- aphrodite cabin approves of this relationship ✔️💗
@yourusername- WHOOP WHOOP 🙌
@thebetterstoll- didn’t know lil bro had game
@iamchris- me neither
@lukecastellan- i’m older than you??
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liked by @lukecastellan, @silena.b, and 567 others
@yourusername- beach trip 🪸
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@lukecastellan- awooga 😻
@therealpercy- what the HELLLLL 🔥💯
@iamchris- luke you do know other people can see this comment right
@clarisselarueisbetterthanu- THIS is the best swordsman in 300 years ?? 💀
@lukecastellan- WOOF 🗣️🧎‍♂️
@annabethofficial- Luke you’re getting blocked
@thebetterstoll- this is why i’m dads favorite
>@travisstoll- ??
>>@iamchris- ???
@iamchris- luke is WHIPPED
@lukecastellan- and what about it
@therealpercy- wheres my photo credits for the second photo? 🤨💁
@yourusername- sorry 💁‍♀️💅
@silena.b- definitely my favorite couple at camp 💖
@yourusername- thank you 🥹
@clarisselarueisbetterthanu- you’re gorgeous mami
@yourusername- i love you clarisse 😘
@therealpercy- since when was clarisse nice
@grover_u.w- only a tad bit hurt I wasn’t invited but okay ���
@yourusername- next time i pinky promise
@annabethoffical- Grover you can’t third wheel with them
>@yourusername- it’s okay beth he’s used to third wheeling (🔱🦉)
edit: guys im so sorry to the people i accidentally tagged that was mb mb
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wlntrsldler · 3 months
poisoned mercury | everybody talks
a/n: don't love this chapter. definitely a filler, but the next chapter is much more fun!
iii. everybody talks by neon trees
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tagged chrisr0driguez, travisstoll, and connorstoll.
lukecastell4n: little break but we'll be back so soon poisonedmercury
poisonedmercuryfan: new music????????
castell4nsgf: omg im excited
stollsluvr: ME TOO
chrisr0driguez: we miss you guys already!
lukecastell4n: fr, we miss seeing your beautiful faces on tour :(
travisstoll: working hard
lukecastell4n: hardly working 🥱
connorstoll: give me my guitar back
lukecastell4n: no
“mornin’ five star,” luke tossed you one of your probiotic drinks from the fridge as you entered the kitchen. 
you caught it seamlessly, mumbling a quick thank you. it wasn’t even seven am, but the two of you were already awake. it became a routine since it seemed like you both had the same idea. your coach told you that you needed to workout, even though you were on probation, in the off-chance that you’ll be allowed to play again when the season starts. you figured that the campers would be enjoying their vacations and sleeping in so you’d have the community gym to yourself. unfortunately for you, luke castellan was an early bird. 
your gym schedules synced up and you often found yourself having to make small talk with him in the kitchen while you filled up your water bottle before you ditched him to head to the gym. he would trail a respectable distance behind you, giving you your space, as he walked to the gym. the two of you did your separate workouts, sneaking glances at one another because it was a little awkward that you lived together, went to the gym at the same time, but didn’t talk to each other. 
it wasn’t for a lack of trying on luke’s part. he’d tried to talk to you a few times, but it seemed to not be a good idea to start a conversation before you had your morning coffee. it was funny for the first few days, but he was afraid that it would quickly cross the boundary of being quirky and cute to being straight-up annoying. he lived with you and he showed mercy to the rest of your cabinmates by not pushing your buttons. too much. 
he still occasionally indulged in bickering with you, which seemed to be all of your conversations. you always found something new to argue with him about. your dad was right about you being hard-headed and stubborn, but for some reason, luke didn’t mind. his days at camp were fun, at least, as fun as a summer camp could be, and your interactions kept him on his toes. the usual schedule of meals, rehearsals, and attempts to write new songs, became repetitive after a few days, but with you in his face, ready to argue at any moment, it felt like there was something to look forward to. 
you took the foil off your drink, downing it in one go. you tossed it in the recycling bin before turning to him, “do you go to the gym at this hour to spite me?”
luke chuckled, cracking open a red bull, “the word doesn’t revolve around you, you know?” 
“i know that,” you rolled your eyes, “but you can go to the gym any time in the day and you choose to go at the ass crack of dawn. why?” 
“it’s peaceful,” he shrugged, “the machines are empty and i don’t have to wait. it’s nice.” 
“that’s why i go this early.” 
“see,” he smiled, tilting his head. “great minds think alike.” 
you grimaced at his comparison, scrunching your face up. the sun was beginning to rise causing an orange glow to cast on your face. despite waking up so early and sleeping so late– he’d heard you come in with clarisse at 3 am this morning after a late-night smoke session, luke couldn’t see a trace of tiredness on your features. luke envied you. he definitely did not look that good after 3 hours of sleep. 
you fixed the zipper of your sweater, adjusting the bottom of it to better fit your hips. you were wearing a tight-fitting workout outfit, black nike pros, and the usual vans you wore when you worked out. your hair was in a high ponytail keeping it out of your face, which was a good thing. he’d seen how intense your workouts were and you definitely didn’t need to have your hair in your face while you leg pressed 275. 
“i just feel like i see you everywhere,” you commented, “and everyone just wants to talk about you.” 
luke’s eyes twinkled, “what do they say?” 
“luke castellan is so talented, luke castellan is so hot, blah, blah, blah,” you imitated the words you’d heard from other campers, sighing in discontent. “like shut up already. i thought that it would die down after the first day of you guys being here, but it’s been a week and it’s the same thing.” 
luke followed you out the cabin door, walking beside you for the first time since you both started going to the gym at the same time, “well, do you agree with them?” 
you stopped in your tracks, turning to face him. your eyes raked over his face and his body, contemplating. you weren’t blind. you understood why people said what they said about him. luke castellan was attractive with his curls and toned arms and his stupid full lips, which seemed to always be in a smirk, but the hype was too much. and poisoned mercury’s music was good– great even, but you needed to hear something other than how muscular luke castellan was or how his scar made him look rugged or how his voice sounded like angels singing. you were at your breaking point.
luke stood there, rocking back and forth on his toes and the balls of his feet, patiently waiting until you made up your mind. your lips formed a tight line, “i don’t see it.” 
“fuck, five star,” luke scoffed, unable to stop the smile on his face. he shook his head, curls bouncing around, “you sure know how to make a guy feel special.” 
“don’t need to fuel your ego any more than everyone else does,” you replied, continuing your walk to the gym. 
you didn’t seem to mind that luke continued to walk beside you, which was progress, in luke’s mind. his bandmates have been on his ass about trying to be friends with you since the rest of them developed friendships with you and clarisse over the week they’d been here. 
he’d seen you on the couch with chris watching tiktok videos on how to properly take care of his curls a few times. (luke was not stealing some of the curl cream that chris bought per your recommendation. his curls just suddenly became a lot more defined recently.) he watched you play darts with travis at the activities center and argued with him about why he didn’t need to buy a dart set for the cabin. (he agreed with you there. there was an incident in atlanta where connor was sent to the er because travis managed to lodge a dart in connor’s calf after losing a game.) he once saw you, clarisse, and connor return from a swim in the lake in the middle of the night when he stayed up trying to write a song. (the song remains unfinished on his notepad, tucked safely away on his bedside table. he had no inspiration to write any music at the moment.) 
again, it wasn’t for his lack of trying. you just didn’t seem interested in forming a relationship with him outside of being roommates. it was getting to him. just a little bit. he found himself thinking of you a lot. the boys started to comment on how he hadn’t gotten with anyone at camp yet, despite getting numerous offers from older campers and head counselors alike, but luke shrugged it off and said that he didn’t want to start drama so early on in the summer. it wasn’t a lie, per se, but it wasn’t the whole truth. for some reason, he just couldn’t get you out of his head. 
“i can’t control what people say,” luke said after a moment. “i’m sure it must be so annoying to hear about how great i am.” 
“you are so full of yourself,” you groaned, shooting daggers in his direction. this made him laugh. “you know what you can control, though?” 
“the mess you make in the cabin,” you replied, “seriously, you guys have been here a week and the cabin already looks like a fucking frat house.” 
luke thought about the state of the common area. you were right. the cabin was a mess, empty cans everywhere, crumbs on every surface, and wires from the playstation scattered across the living room floor. the boys weren’t the neatest, they were teenagers after all, and luke had to clean up after them more times than he could count. having his mom on tour meant that he often got stuck with clean-up duty. 
“hey, don’t blame me,” he raised his hands up in defense. “i recycle.” 
“aren’t you a model citizen?” you remarked sarcastically, opening the door to the gym. you pursed your lips, staring at luke. “yeah, i still don’t get it.” 
luke snorted, smiling at you, “have a good workout, five star. looking forward to walking home in silence with you.” 
when you didn’t say anything else, but threw up the middle finger as you walked away, luke couldn’t help but stare at your figure before you disappeared from his view. what a way to start his day. 
“hi, luke,” two girls called as they passed by the boys, waving flirtily at the lead singer. 
luke sent them a smile back, tossing a wink to them that made them giggle as they walked away. it was a miracle that there were no news leaks about where they were. luke’s mom was happy that this arrangement was working out. 
travis swung an arm around luke, “c’mon castellan, save some girls for the rest of us.” 
luke pushed his arm off, laughing, “trav, didn’t you literally go home with a girl on our first night here?” 
“ah, yes, stacy,” travis sighed, dreamily, smirking to himself as he recalled his first night at camp. he shook his head, facing luke again, “but seriously, castellan, ten girls have said hi to you since we left dinner and you’re flirting with them but not doing anything about it.” 
“i promised my mom i’d be good this summer,” he shrugged, stuffing his hands in his front pockets as he led the boys into the cabin. “and i told you guys, it’s too early to start shit. we got the whole summer. spread out your escapades, stoll.” 
luke thought that being back at camp half blood would bring back some terrible memories, especially his last summer there. it was the summer right after his dad left and luke was miserable. he was a moody 8-year-old who yelled at everybody who tried to be his friend, which resulted in him being alone all summer. he sat in the back of the room during music lessons, refused to participate in the end-of-summer performance, and on many nights, cried himself to sleep because he missed his dad. he felt pathetic. 
but so far, surprisingly, camp was actually nice. at his core, luke was a music fanatic, so it was energizing for him to get to talk about his music and his journey to stardom. his favorite interaction so far was with two, younger boys, who enthusiastically approached him and said that they were learning how to play guitar and sing because they looked up to the band. it was a little concerning at first, given that the band’s reputation wasn’t necessarily kid-appropriate, but he appreciated the sentiment. grover and percy walked away grinning from ear to ear when luke made them promise that they’d stop by again soon to show him their progress. 
luke sat on the bar chair, watching as connor and chris turned on the playstation, mumbling about a rematch on 2k to prove that one was better than the other. many things changed in all of their lives, but some things stayed the same. they were still just four best friends; the difference was, now, they got to travel the world together doing what they loved. 
chris and luke met in their freshman english class. chris let it slip that he was learning how to play bass because his mom warned him that if he broke another bone trying to skateboard, he’d have to walk to the hospital himself. she was joking, of course, but chris figured that after two years of failed attempts at learning how to skate, he should hang it up. 
he decided to try his hand at music and the bass became his new hyperfixation. they started writing music in luke’s old bedroom in connecticut shortly after. for years, the songs were just for them. they recorded it on shitty equipment and used garageband to fill in the instrumentals until they met the stolls. the stolls, luke’s neighbors who moved into town when luke was 16, heard them trying to figure out a hook for a song they were writing and offered some help. travis, with connor behind him, introduced themselves and the rest is history. 
poisoned mercury was born. travis convinced the other three that their music was good, that they should go out and play at local cafes and bars. at 16, luke became the front man of poisoned mercury. the song the four of them wrote together on their first day as a band, became the lead single of their debut album. kilby girl spent thirteen weeks on billboard top 50 and in less than a year and a half, the boys had a record deal with olympus records and they were heading off to start the north american leg of their world tour. 
you walked into the cabin with clarisse, laughing as she explained the incident that caused her to have glitter all over her face and her hair. one of her campers was having trouble opening the glitter jar and when she came over to help, the top popped off and glitter sprayed all over her. 
“i feel glitter everywhere,” she shuddered, “i need a shower before we help out with concert prep.” 
you looked around the cabin, grimacing, “it smells like boy in here.” 
“it’s our bachelor pad,” travis called out from the kitchen. he walked out into the living room with a fresh hot pocket in his hand, eyes widening at the sight of clarisse, “woah, what happened to you?” 
“arts and crafts day,” clarisse cringed, falling into the couch cushions. “i’m gonna be covered in glitter for days.” 
“hey, watch out,” connor paused the game he was playing with chris, shoving clarisse slightly. “you’re gonna get glitter everywhere.” 
“ah, yes, because having glitter is going to ruin the aesthetic of empty cans and half-eaten chip bags?” clarisse cocked an eyebrow, pointing at the mess the boys made. you and her were engaged in a passionate rant about how much it sucked living with teenage boys before your arrival to the cabin. 
“we’ll clean up,” chris rubbed the back of his neck, sheepishly glancing at clarisse. you had a feeling that cleaning was the last thing on their agenda. 
you sat on the bar stool across from luke, “i didn’t expect to live in the mojo dojo casa house this summer.” 
“the what?” 
“from barbie,” you replied, “when the kens take over barbieland?” 
luke shook his head, “haven’t seen it.” 
of course, he hasn’t seen it. clarisse and the boys fell into a conversation about how she accidentally got glitter bombed. luke watched you as you mindlessly scrolled through your phone, occasionally letting a chuckle leave your lips when you found something funny. he felt a little creepy staring at you like this, but he couldn’t keep his eyes off you. 
the sun was shining behind you, a soft glow framing your face and it made your brown eyes look like pools of honey. your nose piercing was iridescent under the light, which made luke’s eyebrows raise in surprise. he thought it was just plain silver, but when you tilted your head in certain directions, he could see sparkles of purple and pink. your long hair was thrown messily over your shoulders, a few tangles here and there, and the god-awful, orange camp half blood shirt you wore actually suited you. luke was a firm believer that nobody looked good in orange until he saw you in it.
“you’re staring,” you mumbled, looking up at him. “don’t tell me i have glitter on my face now too.” 
luke cleared his throat, playing with the chain around his neck, “yeah, like a tiny speck on your cheek.” 
you groaned, rubbing the right side of your face, “is it gone?” 
you didn’t actually have any glitter on your face, but luke figured it would be less awkward to say that you did instead of telling you that he was staring just to stare. he nodded, “you got it.” 
“thanks, i cannot deal with glitter,” you got up, walking over to the group. “hey, we can use some help with prep for next week’s concert if you guys are free.” 
“we’re not doing anything, right?” connor looked around. travis and chris shook their heads. “what about you, castellan?” 
“nah, i can’t,” luke said, “promised mom i’d try to write at least one song this summer and i’ve been in a rut so i think i’ll try to do that. you guys have fun though.” 
“perfect,” you smiled, “we can leave after clar gets out the shower.” 
they sent you a thumbs-up before you walked into your room. clarisse disappeared into the bathroom shortly after. luke took clarisse’s spot once you both left. he propped his feet up on the small table in front of him, leaning back on his seat. he waited patiently for the sound of the showers to turn on before he spoke, “she’s hot.” 
“yeah, she is,” chris said, hitting play on their game. 
“don’t even think about it, castellan. when i said start a relationship with her, this is not what i meant,” connor remarked, shaking his head, “we are not gonna fuck up our relationship with mr. d because you can’t keep it in your pants.” 
“oh, you’re talking about y/n?” the three boys stared at chris, who sunk into his seat, blushing furiously. luke narrowed his eyes at chris, a playful smile on his lips. he’ll have to ask him about that later. 
travis blinked, bringing his attention to his brother, “s’not like castellan has a chance anyway.”
luke’s head snapped to travis, “what’s that supposed to mean?” 
“i mean she’s out of your league, big guy,” travis shrugged. 
“well, yeah,” luke rubbed his jaw. he wasn’t that dumb to believe that you were in his league. you were lightyears ahead of him. he’d been rejected before, of course he had, but not since poisoned mercury got big– again, really bad for his ego – but he’d never been counted out before he even threw his hat in the ring. 
“i’m with trav on this one, luke. don’t fuck it up.” 
luke stared at his friends in disbelief, “can’t y’all have a little faith in me?” 
“no,” they said in unison. 
“fuck you guys,” luke flipped them off, ignoring their snickers. “i’m going for a smoke.” 
he really needed to get you out of his head.
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amoreva · 2 months
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pairing: luke castellan x fem!reader
warnings: slow burn, college au, smau, fake dating to dating, cursing, clarisse x chris, aged up! pjo charcters, yn is older sister figure to percy, luke and thalia are older sibling figures to annabeth, drinking
a/n: not too much today, but the sm posts are cutesies.
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Liked by yn.ln , silenabeau, and 129 others
cbeckendorf i don’t need to go to a museum to look at art, i have her.
tagged silenabeau
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user1 when is it my turn :/
user2 REAL
jasongrace did you go to the claude monet exhibit?
silenabeau yes! i loved his paintings silenabeau they were absolutely gorgeous racheleliz and you didn’t take me with you? 😔
yn.ln cuties
wisegirl the rings are so cute!
seaweedbrain i can get you paper rings 😎
user3 me when? 💳💥💥💳
lukecastellan posted a story!
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Liked by leovaldez, frankzhang, and 23 others
jasongrace late italy photo dump
tagged thaliagrace
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leovaldez i’m hiding in your suitcase next time
thaliagrace 🦞🦞🦞
jasongrace 😀 jasongrace it wasn’t even that bad thaliagrace you were red for days
user4 gorgeous place
frankzhang expecting an Italian lemon for my birthday
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Liked by clarisselarue, chris.rod, wisegirl and 259 others
lukecastellan she made me change shirts :(
tagged yn.ln
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clarisselarue good.
clarisselarue it’s atrocious.
lukecastellan hater 🙄 yn.ln it was
chris.rod the other woman 🥀🥀
chris.rod (it’s me.) travisstoll 😀
yn.ln wait that photo turned out so good
clarisselarue she’s an icon, a legend and he’s. there 🧍‍♂️
user5 i wouldn’t make you change shirts
silenabeau 🤭
—– ٠ ✤ ٠ —–· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • · —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —–
@happy-mushrooms @m00ng4z3r @justanotherkpopstanlol @2hiigh2cry @celluifleur @thatbird-fromrio @yuminako @pookiebear16 @mxtokko @cxcilla @kai-islost @kidkrowk @iluvpjo
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rlqfpdl · 1 month
No. 1 Party Anthem
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Fem!Reader x Luke Castellan
Summary: As you start to find comfort in your new friendship you establish some rules to keep yourself anonymous.
Taglist: @idli-dosa @v1ckycheesue @randomgurl2326
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s3aweedbrain Last night was a movie 🤪
❤️ by travisstoll, wisegirl, leovaldez, jj_grace and 20 others
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y/n.jackson last night was not a movie 💀
s3aweedbrain keep hating
jj_grace bro 🥹
s3aweedbrain bro 🥹
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clarisse_larue me and my girls 🫶
Tagged y/n.jackson & silenab
❤️ by y/n.jackson, silenab, beckdorfc, s3aweedbrain and 50 others
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silenab we slayed
y/n.jackson yes we did
clarisse_larue always do
s3aweedbrain @/y/n.jackson you actually dance?
clarisse_larue she does :)
y/n.jackson stfu 😐
travisstoll posted a story
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New message from leovaldez
How did you not choke? 😀
s3aweedbrain posted a story
Caption: last survivors of the night, love my cool big sis
Tagged y/n.jackson
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New message from silenab
Suddenly you guys get a long 🤨
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phant0mprince · 4 years
Percy has never mentioned to ever cry in front of anyone canonically. No matter how hard it got. Ever thought when he first cried? So I came up with this headcannon.
The first time he cries was his wedding. He takes one looks at Annabeth after kissing her. As soon as the priest says "i pronouce you two husband and wife" he just starts crying. His tears just don't stop and keep crying. And is like "i can't believe we made it." And that is how the whole camp sees the great fearless percy jackson cry for the first time. Sobbing at his wedding. Not being able to believe he uad something permanent in his life. Annabeth makes countless tries to make him stop only to break down herself. So the pair just stand there, forehead pressed together, tearing out of happiness.
Not breaking down over a death, a quest, a war, a fall into tartarus, almost dying but by the fact that something was permanent that 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘪𝘵.
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The Dare That Started it All | Tratie - I n t r o d u c t i o n (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/675909081-the-dare-that-started-it-all-tratie-i-n-t-r-o-d-u?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=the_cat_reads&wp_originator=ltoeJsjcPme8ei5HYf04%2B4TGxKH42dNIWpNi2K4ui3u%2FlR0FqokFhHrjD8Quxy%2FUpM%2FEAHLu7KBV8rH%2FLbLkMO%2BjbAkos8k3QKTW4Y6BkIhxFQbEeacB6nc2nNm%2BHbXd 
Everybody has that one person you absolutely despise. It's like it's their life goal to get on your nerves. Mine? Well, that would be Travis Stoll from the Hermes cabin. I seriously can't go a single day without waking up to one of his little "suprises". As if that wasn't enough, a simple game of truth or dare ends up with me having to be Travis's "girlfriend". Throughout all the tears, chocolate bunnies, awkward conversations, and pickup lines, I have finally realised something. And maybe it was the dare that started it all. All characters belong to Rick Riordan!
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Conner: let's count the money we stoll!
Travis : I'm tired! We'll just read it in the chb newspaper tommorow
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some-pjo-stuff · 5 years
Percabeth pre-the last olympian
Travis: *bursts into the room* Percy, Annabeth there are rumors that you two have a crush on eachother!
Grover: *splits tea* Rumors? RUMORS? You’re telling me people are DoUbTiNg it?
Percy & Annabeth: ....
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ara-banana · 4 years
I think I'm doing a good job at digital... What do you think guys?😐
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naiad-princess · 5 years
PJO Characters as things I've Said/Thought Pt. 2
Nico: I am so tired.
Will: Yeah, I'm the oldest, so basically I'm second mom.
Kayla: I'm punk! //Listens to 15 seconds of Human by Christina Perri// //cries//
Austin: Bitch, you are such a jerk nugget.
Drew: These hands are rated E for everyone.
Clarisse: Step the fuck up Kyle-
Travis/Connor: //eating at 3 AM// We all know I'm a rat, quit lying.
Calypso: //turns on read receipts so you know she's ignoring you//
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murderedintheforest · 5 years
Camp Half-Blood Thoughts #7:
Literally no one:
Connor, the nineteenth time this week, at fucking two am: But what if we just adopted a dog? Chiron wouldn’t be able to stop us, right?
Travis, laying in the bunk above him, through gritted teeth: go the
to sleep.
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cxsmicnxmad · 6 years
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Travis & Connor Stoll
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wlntrsldler · 2 months
poisoned mercury | smau: stories! (after hard launch)
a/n: just wanted to post more of luke and five star flirting. hehe.
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yn_yln posted a story!
we’re going to the championships!
tagged clarisselarue.
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clarisselarue replied to this story!
clarisselarue: BACK TO BACK 🔜 🏆
clarisselarue: home court advantage 😈
lukecastell4n replied to this story!
lukecastell4n: SEE YOU SOON
lukecastell4n: duh i wouldn’t miss it for the world
yn_yln: BABY WHAT
yn_yln: CALL ME RN
lukecastell4n: 🫡🥰
connorstoll posted a story!
pretty sure this is dangerous. put your seatbelts on!
tagged yn_yln and lukecastell4n.
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travisstoll replied to this story!
travisstoll: you’d think they haven’t seen each other in 10 years the way they’re always on each other
connorstoll: FR 😭😭
lukecastell4n replied to this story!
lukecastell4n: goddamn im whipped
lukecastell4n: is this how i always look when im with five star
connorstoll: yes. it’s sickening
lukecastell4n: oh well 🤷🏻‍♂️
yn_yln replied to this story!
yn_yln: sigh i love him
connorstoll: please get out of my dms with this shit i already get enough seeing u two in person
yn_yln: HATER
connorstoll: AND IM PROUD OF IT!
clarisselarue posted a story!
yn_yln can sleep anywhere 😭 (as long as lukecastell4n is there)
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lukecastell4n reposted this story!
lukecastell4n: my five star ⭐️
yn_yln reposted this story!
yn_yln: my favorite place in the world 🩷
lukecastell4n replied to this story!
lukecastell4n: fuck you got me kicking my feet in the air
lukecastell4n: have i told you that i love you today?
yn_yln: about ten times 😭
lukecastell4n: yikes im lacking
lukecastell4n: i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love yo-
liked by yn_yln.
yn_yln: you’re ridiculous 😭
yn_yln: i love you so much
travisstoll posted a story!
forget luke we want yn_yln as the new front man for poisoned mercury 😭😭😭
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yn_yln replied to this story!
yn_yln: haha you’re so funny trav
travisstoll: your rendition of hopelessly devoted to you deserves a grammy
travisstoll: “sang” is a stretch. i would use “screech”
travisstoll: i figured when luke had to carry you out the karaoke bar 😭
lukecastell4n replied to this story!
lukecastell4n: LMFSOOD
lukecastell4n: remind me never to buy her green tea shots ever again
travisstoll: we shouldve known it was gonna get bad when she said “i dont even feel anything”
liked by lukecastell4n.
lukecastell4n posted a story!
five star down 😭
tagged yn_yln.
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yn_yln replied to this story:
lukecastell4n: don’t be embarrassed
lukecastell4n: if u wanted me to carry you home, all u had to do was ask
yn_yln: how do u manage to make me blush over the phone castellan?
lukecastell4n: can i come over and make u blush in person?
yn_yln: ….
yn_yln: door’s unlocked
lukecastell4n: eta 8 minutes
liked by yn_yln.
chrisr0driguez posted a story!
would you guys believe me if i said three minutes ago they were in a heated argument about the best girl scout cookie
tagged lukecastell4n and yn_yln.
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yn_yln replied to this story!
yn_yln: anyone who says otherwise has no taste
chrisr0driguez: gotta go with my boy on this one
chrisr0driguez: samoas >>>
yn_yln: … i need to have a talk with clar about her choices
chrisr0driguez: Y/N?!???
lukecastell4n replied to this story!
lukecastell4n: i knew i could count on you
lukecastell4n: my brother 🤝
chrisr0driguez: 🤝
liked by lukecastell4n.
lukecastell4n posted a story!
she loves me i swear.
tagged yn_yln.
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yn_yln reposted this story!
yn_yln: unfortunately 😔
lukecastell4n replied to this story!
lukecastell4n: u were made to humble me huh
yn_yln: duh
yn_yln: but i love you
yn_yln: i miss you already
lukecastell4n: stop i will drive this tour bus back to north carolina
yn_yln: would u pls
read by lukecastell4n.
travisstoll replied to this story!
travisstoll: if luke doesnt reply its because we locked him in the bathroom bc he tried to convince the driver to turn around to go back to unc and bobby got annoyed
travisstoll: we like bobby we dont want him to quit
travisstoll: and he looked like he might if luke kept begging
travisstoll: now y/n
travisstoll: u should know better
travisstoll: luke does not joke about u
yn_yln: pls let him out the bathroom he’s sending me voice memos from his apple watch
travisstoll: fine
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amoreva · 3 months
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pairing: luke castellan x fem!reader
summary: as a little childish act of rebellion, you try dating your friend, Luke Castellan, to really piss off your perfectionist parents (for a actual real reason, not the small things they hate). what was supposed to be no strings attached turned into a little more than just childish revenge.
warnings: slow burn, college au, smau, fake dating to dating, cursing, clarisse x chris, aged up! pjo charcters, yn is older sister figure to percy, luke and thalia are older sibling figures to annabeth
a/n: smau! the posts that happened during the chapter today!!
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♫ The Temptations - My Girl
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Liked by juniper.xo, racheleliz, travisstoll and 59 others
seaweedbrain yeah, that’s my girlfriend 😎
tagged wisegirl
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juniper.xo aww 😍
yn.ln percy is in loveee
seaweedbrain when I get back, watch yourself 😒 yn.ln okay loverboy 🙄
wisegirl ❤️
travisstoll eww, cooties
connorstoll eww, PDA seaweedbrain hello, i need to buy a gun 🙃 tyson for rock paper scissors, right? tyson percy, right? tyson right.
lukecastellan thaliagrace, annie is kissing boys
thaliagrace womp womp womp 🎺 seaweedbrain woot woot 🙌
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Liked by silenabeau, chris.rod and 231 others
clarisselarue last days of spring break 💋
📸 - chris.rod
tagged silenabeau, chris.rod, lukecastellan, yn.ln
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yn.ln literally my wives are so pretty
clarisselarue my wife is gorgeous 🫵 silenabeau love you sm yn 😘 chris.rod clarisselarue ???
chris.rod camera creds, oh yeahh 💪
seaweedbrain w/o me 😔
wisegirl we’re in another country?? lukecastellan you’re literally 12 yn.ln we don’t condone underage drinking 🙅‍♀️ seaweedbrain I’M ALMSOT 20
user1 location? 📍
thaliagrace otw back rn
silenabeau ❤️❤️
clarisselarue posted a story!
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thaliagrace posted a story!
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Liked by yn.ln, wisegirl, groverunderwood and 23 others
juniper.xo he said “the moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” 🙃
tagged groverunderwood
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groverunderwood loml<3
wisegirl where did you guys go?
juniper.xo festival!!!
yn.ln cutie patooties
racheleliz the color palette 😍
groverunderwood it is beautiful!
silenabeau he’s a keeper
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Liked by clarisselarue, cbeckendorf, silenabeau and 191 others
yn.ln your honor, i have a confession to make
tagged lukecastellan
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silenabeau UH YEAH YOU DO??
chris.rod this was not on my 20XX bingo card
user2 another baddie bagged 😔
clarisselarue cheating on me with castellan?
yn.ln NOOO, i promise babe it’s not like that yn.ln i’ll make it up to you 🙏 clarisselarue make it up to me with an explanantion, please. clarisselarue please? clarisselarue yn.
travisstoll since
connorstoll uh
travisstoll WHEN??
seaweedbrain what.
seaweedbrain not yn, she’s too good for him
lukecastellan ikr 🧎‍♂️ seaweedbrain DISGUTISBG yn.ln be nice
racheleliz so I need to throw my blue hairbrush at both of you now? 🤔
thaliagrace luke henry castellan, explain.
lukecastellan 🤫🤫 lukecastellan also not even my middle name?? seaweedbrain sounds like someone with the middle name henry would say
user3 cute!!
user4 whattt
chris.rod the radio silence??
silenabeau answer your texts 😒
cbeckendorf yn. silena is freaking out and running around the dorm, explain. please 🙏
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@happy-mushrooms @m00ng4z3r
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layesart · 3 years
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6/6 headcanons about Connor Stoll . Imagine a world where Connor Stoll did something against the gods, maybe he was in Kronos’s Army, and the gods punished him by transforming him in a monster. He and Travis lost their arms but thank you cyclops they got protheses, those are using their blood and the right wings are now sick . Commissions are open Comments, likes and shares are appreciated Credit me if you repost!! . . #layesart #digitalart #digital #digitaldrawing #drawing #art #commissions #CommissionsAreOpen #hoo #pjo #fanart #pjofanart #connorstoll #leovaldez #jasongrace #nicodiangelo #connorstollfanart #travisstoll #prothesis #monster #headcanon #red #gold #wings #black https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ83ymjpNei/?utm_medium=tumblr
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phant0mprince · 4 years
Percy : what did the blanket say when it fell of the bed?
Annabeth : percy it's 4am go tf to sleep.
Percy : oH sHeEt.
Annabeth *taking out a dragger* : GET THE HECK OUT OF MY HOUSE.
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