#trying to walk the line between like. using the internet in a way that is engaging without grovelling and sucking the algorithims dick ig
meruz · 1 year
i feel weird posting video on tumblr it just doesnt really seem like the platform for it like when im using this website i dont really watch videos... i look at gifs and niche memes.... but ive been making a lot of videos for tiktok/instagram so idk. heres one you can see more here
ANYWAYS process for this piece . also before I started recording anything i did most of the lineart between assignments on my work computer so i put some screenshots of that below the cut.
lately ive been drawing whatever bg perspective/lines makes sense for a pose and then positioning the angle/composition/"camera" after.
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original sketch i started with + bg I extrapolated around it. i did this for a bunch of my life is strange 2 fanart also.
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final framing. kinda makes me feel like a photographer. or 3d modeller. I guess its makes dutch angles especially easier. theyre kind of difficult for me to do without drawing the normal un-dutched perspective first so i rarely plan out a dutch angle from the beginning. downside is that i ed up cropping out a lot of the drawing but.. thats why ive been doing it after the lines phase as opposed to after colors LOL.
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be-missed · 6 months
Find You Again
Jenna Ortega X Fem!Reader
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(pictures not mine)
Summary: Reuniting as stars, former high school sweethearts stage a fake relationship to boost their public image. Navigating the scripted romance, sparks fly. The big question: can this staged connection reignite their real love?
Warning: curse words, notify me if there are any. Credits to the owner for the picture that I used below the cut.
A/N: I'm so excited to write this, enjoy. New series for y'all.
Song: I Can See You // Taylor Swift
Chap 1
Flashing lights are all that Y/N can see, facing all the cameras in different angles, her name being shout by different people, and different set of eyes are focused on her. Walking the red carpet was one of the things that Y/N enjoys when she is invited for an event like the MET Gala; the other things that she enjoys, well, the women who walks with their wonderful dresses. Men? Not really, but the press and the people doesn't need to know that.
"You are staring" a voice from behind her said—her publicist, Emilia notified her when she was staring far too long to the woman that was in front of her. Y/N just shrugs and shakes her head, waiting for her turn to be interviewed.
A few minutes have passed, she is now the next in line to be interviewed, "So Y/N, what a lovely fit you have. Can you tell us who you are wearing?" the interviewer asked, and Y/N answered, "I am so honored to be chosen as one of Givenchy's Ambassador for this event, honoring one of the most prominent person that anyone knows in fashion..."
Y/N's voice got buried with a loud screaming from the bottom of the stairs. Fortunately Y/N got to finish her answer before she looked down. Then there she was, looking like a doll, dress to kill, looks that can melt; Jenna Ortega was standing in the bottom of the stairs, posing for every camera that she caught.
A smile creeping in Y/N's mouth has been caught by the reporter and the camera, this gave the reporter a chance to segue a hot topic that you and Jenna dance around, answering yet not giving the exact information that the people want, "Looks like Jenna Ortega arrived in the house, there have been rumors going around for quite some time now, that the two of you have a history?" the reporter asked with a malice on his voice.
Y/N smiled and answered "Well, we were uhm, friends way before our careers, so yes, we did know each other and yes I can say that we have a great history, but there's no bad blood between us" and chuckles, that leads to the reporters new question "So, if that's what it is, is she the muse for the new single titled 'I Can See You' that you dropped a few weeks ago and will perform later?"
Y/N chuckles and rubs her chin, trying to think of a way to dodge the question, "I mean, Jenna is a wonderful woman, I can't deny that, WE can't deny that. But you know, where is the fun of writing songs if I'm just gonna admit who I'm writing for, right?" Y/N leaves with a wink to the camera and entering the venue.
"That was fucking close. What's with the media trying to come up with something between me and Jenna? It's been going on for months" Y/N whispered to Emilia, trying to find a champagne that she can drink. "There are photos that are circulating in the internet from when you were in High School with Jenna" her publicist answered.
This statement made Y/N look at her publicist with a questing look "Okay, now what? I mean what can they make out of the pictures? I'm pretty sure Jenna is denying it for sure" and got the chance to seat at their designated table. "Yeah, she's totally not denying it, the both of you kept on giving vague answers. But they are the media and your fans, connecting every song that you write and the events that happens to your life and Jenna's life," Emilia said with a knowing look and sipping a champagne.
"How? I mean, I kept on using a he/him pronouns on my song to lower the connection. Don't tell me they are that smart to know and connect things, don't you?" Y/N said to her publicist, looking so worried about the on-going rumor that can't seem to die.
On the other side of the venue, Jenna was taking a seat with Enrique trying to hide an annoyed look. "What's with the rumors and Y/N, they kept on reoccurring, why can't it die?" Jenna said trying to fidget with pearls that on her dress. "You know that the both of you aren't denying anything, right?" Enrique said to the girl.
Jenna then send Enrique a look that can kill and said "I am denying it, that's for sure. While HER, she keeps on dancing around it" Enrique then shakes his head "Oh no darling, you weren't denying it, the BOTH of you are dancing around it. Please don't deny it" then Jenna answered him so quick "I am denying it, I kept on saying no..."
Enrique just chuckles and said "See, the both of you aren't denying anything. You and Y/N always say that the both of you are 'good friends' and for the record, the both of you are always in the same event" and ended his sentence with a shrug trying to prove his point.
Jenna just rolled her eyes and tries to listen to whoever is speaking. While Y/N got called backstage to get ready to perform.
The host announced that Y/N was about to perform. Lights were dimmed and a shadow in the middle can be seen, the intro starts, and the crowd began to applaud and scream for Y/N's name.
Jenna noticed the intro and looked at Enrique and said "Really, she's gonna sing this? Out of all the songs?" and Enrique chuckled at the comment and replied "Well that's her new song, what can we do but to listen and enjoy, right?"
The performance ended with pyrotechnics in the stage and a wild crowd.
As the host again took over the stage, Jenna decided that she needed another drink, because what the fuck was that lyric, it just added gas to the burning fire, nice move, she thought in a sarcastic tone.
"One sour whiskey please" Jenna said to the bar tender, wanting to seat in the bar stool but sadly, her gown is restricting her. While she was waiting for her drink, whispers can be heard from behind her, not wanting to know the drama she still decided to maintain her focus on the bar.
"Nice dress you have there"
Once the voice registered, her eyes widen and her hand clenches into fist. Thinking if she ignores the voice, it will just go away, because if she faces the other girl tonight, she don't know if she will make a scene. But to no avail, the voice speak again, now beside her.
"I said you look good in your dress, Miss Ortega" Jenna heard, now feeling a smirk plastered on Y/N's face. With all her might Jenna faced the other girl with a tight smile, her hand clenched by her side and said "I heard you the first time, you know?" with an eyebrow raised, "Oh so you were just ignoring me then?" Y/N said now trying to make a sad face.
Jenna's jaw clenched, how can Y/N take this like a joke, "Yes you are right, I am ignoring you" focusing back on the bartender, "But I thought we were 'good friends', right" Y/N answered while trying to tease Jenna, "In case if you didn't notice, I say that for us to have neutral grounds, now can you please piss off?" Jenna answered and thought that it might be a little harsh but she really just want to be away from Y/N.
Before Y/N got to say something, the bartender gave Jenna her drink, and when she's ready to walk away, a photographer got in her way and said "Hey Y/N and Jenna, can you please pose so that I can take a shot"
Y/N greeted the photographer with a smile and accepted the request, she pulls Jenna near her, while Jenna tries to stay her ground, "Come girls closer" the photographer again said and Y/N thought, "This man surely knows how to stir the pot"
The both of them smiled for the camera, closer than they have been for 5 years. This was the first picture of them that they were this close to each other after their career boomed and well, after what they had.
"Thanks ladies, enjoy the night" the photographer said and left the duo. "Okay you can let go now" Jenna said, "For your information, I also don't like being linked to you, so I came here to clear things out, yeah?" Y/N said with a nod in her head.
That surprises Jenna "Okay, I get that, then go on and deny that we had a history" Jenna said challenging Y/N, "You first, you are always out doing interview, unlike me, I don't have any premiere shows or any other events like this" Y/N smirked.
It made Jenna's blood boil again, inhale and exhale, she reminded herself. She doesn't want to make a scene and be banned to this gala, this is her second time, she doesn't want it to be her last she thought.
Y/N walked away and left Jenna stunned with her drink on hand.
After the MET Gala, of course there would be an after party, Jenna was invited to many but decided to go to the nearest one to her hotel.
Trying to fix her make-up inside the car that she is on, she hears Enrique say, "Okay, slow down with the drinks, we don't need you going around the place" with a knowing look, Jenna then replied "That was ONE time oh my god, please let that go" with an annoyed tone.
Her car stopped at the entrance, looking outside through her window she saw a dozen of paparazzi trying to get a picture of none other than Y/F/N Y/L/N.
"Fuck, no fucking way" Jenna said to Enrique, still looking at the window, "What? What's the problem?" Enrique asked her worriedly, "Y/N is here, I can't stand another minute of faking smiles with her, every time I see her I fell like my stomach churns and I want to vomit so bad. Enrique please, let's go to another party" Jenna pleaded that earned a shakes to Enrique's head.
"Nope, can't be, your manager chose this party so you can mingle with different artist. I can't say no to that, and you know it" Enrique stated with a stern look, not giving Jenna a chance to say another word.
With a grunt Jenna whispers to herself "Here goes nothing" and exits the car. Another set of cameras are now trying to capture Jenna and her outfit for the afterparty, looking at the entrance, she saw Y/N rolled her eyes, Jenna thought "The fucking nerve of this girl t roll her eyes"
Now that they are in the same vicinity again, the paparazzi wasted no time and asked for a picture of them together, which they don't say no, since they don't want to cause another issue.
Y/N greeted Jenna with an open arm and huge smile, when Jenna got situated next to Y/N, she heard the other girl say "Are you stalking me?" which made Jenna look at the girl, with the heels that she is wearing, she stepped on Y/N's toe that made Y/N jerked in pain, with a worried voice Jenna said "Are you okay?"
With that, the security ushered the cameras away and assisted the both of them inside.
"DO you really need to step on me?" Y/N said, "Oh, I didn't mean to, really" Jenna answered, voice filled with sarcasm. Y/N have a deadpan look not believing what Jenna said "Yeah? You sure there?" Y/N said challenging Jenna, and that made Jenna smile "Of course not, I would do it again and again."
With that, Jenna left Y/N speechless. Y/N thought to herself "Is she that fucking angry at me? What did I even do to her?" and proceeded to enter the party and mingle with other artists.
The party actually went well for the both of them, avoiding each other like a plague, Y/N performing in the party and joining the DJ in the booth while Jenna tries to expand her connections and tries to know new faces.
Another hour have passed and Y/N was now taking a break from all the mingling and faking smiles and went to the bathroom, as if like faith is trying to take the both of them as a joke, she saw Jenna bending over the sink.
"Are you fine?" voiced laced with worry as Y/N walked slowly towards Jenna, "Don't come near me" Jenna said head still hanging low. Y/N stopped in her track and said "You are tipsy... or like drunk? You need to go home."
The statement made Jenna look at Y/N and said "What now, you're my mom now?" Y/N just rolled her eyes knowing that it is impossible to argue with a drunk Jenna. Y/N fished out her phone and texted someone, "Come on, I'll bring you to your hotel, can you tell me where it is?" Y/N asked while staying on her track.
"No, I won't go with you, I don't want to go with you can't you see that? Leave me alone" Jenna said trying to fix her make-up in front of the mirror, "Why not? You clearly can't walk straight I bet" Y/N said and chuckled. Jenna hates it, she hates that Y/N is right, that is why she is in the corner holding herself through the sink and not moving an inch because she knows she'll stumble with her drunk state and her heels so high.
Y/N take Jenna's silence as a cue to go to the other girl and support her. Jenna then said "We can't be seen going home together, I don't wanna be seen with you" It made Y/N's heart ache, is she that fucking bad in Jenna's perspective to the point that she doesn't want to be seen with her? Y/N just swallowed down the pain that she feels.
"Yeah, I messaged Enrique, he will meet us at the entrance and I'll make sure to not be seen with you." with a heavy sigh, Y/N supported Jenna to walk out of the bathroom through the crowd of people inside the party and into the entrance.
"Jenna, Enrique said he'll meet us at the front" Y/N notified and it made Jenna shakes her head "No... Y/N Nooooo" Jenna whined, it made Y/N chuckle, if she can have Jenna like this every time, not wanting to cut her throat, or sending sarcastic comments, she would make Jenna drink alcohol for as long as she wants, but she knows she can't.
But like their situation right now, Enrique can't really enter so they need to meet him in front.
"Jenna, I'm very sorry but we really need to meet him in front" Y/N said and telling to the security that they will go out of the establishment, which the security ushered them to.
Flashes of light welcomed them to the outside world, not far enough Y/N saw Enrique waiting for Jenna. "Thanks, I'm really sorry I can't meet you inside" Enrique said which Y/N answered "It's okay, take care, I'll be back inside"
"WE CAN SEE YOU: Jenna Ortega and Y/F/N Y/L/N seen going home together after the after party for the MET GALA"
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Actress Jenna Ortega and Singer Y/F/N Y/L/N seen together leaving the after party hand in hand. But before this, they are also seen in the red carpet, fans capturing how the singer look at the actress. They have also been asked with questions pertaining to them being together but the both of them swam around the topic. Another photo of them was released mingling by the the bar inside the MET, having all smiles and flirting with each other.
Their fans have been speculating that they were together ever since High School and just kept it lowkey due to their reputation and their careers. The fans also tried to make sense of Y/N's released songs and connected it to the actress, which can somehow make sense, but we can't be for sure knowing that the singer also have a list of exes.
The fans and the media seemed to not disagree and hate their dynamic, instead they hope that what they speculate is real, knowing and seeing how beautiful they look together.
Stay tuned for the latest update towards our favorite couple, or may I say duo? Who knows, right?
A/N: Hope you enjoy this new series, thoughts?
Chapter 2
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rorja · 2 months
synopsis. you, suguru, and a window left open— or, the soothing lullaby of springtime.
a/n. very much self-indulgent and probably with a lot of mistakes (be patient please, i’ll correct it first thing in the morning!) but i really needed to write a moment of peace after a troubling week…….. also, i’ve been very sick and this is my first attempt at writing after a long time so i apologize if it’s not that good TT — 🐣
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it was comforting, watching the thin but sturdy branches of the plum tree stretching to the glittering dots adorning the sky. regulus's fiery mane moving delicately as the evening breeze's note echoed in the air. waking up every sleeping blossom, cradling in a motherly embrace each of its sons and daughters that were yet to be awakened.
spring. where your eyes landed you could spot significant signs of its long awaited arrival, from the night sky to the grass steadily growing inches in your neighborhood's garden. it made a smile bloom on your lips, the same way pink and whiteish buds littered every branch of the plum trees.
you traced the astronomical asterism one more time, drawing an imaginary line that connected the three luminous stars of the evenings to come. an invisible triangle that linked arcturus with spica, just to finish on the other side of the sky and meet with the last component of the brightly lit trio: regulus. many people (and internet. mostly internet) would argue with power points at hand and scientific theories that the white star of denebola was a better choice than regulus. more suited to close the imaginary triangle, resulting in a nearly equilateral one at the price of brightness.
but you didn't care. that place belonged to regulus because that is what you saw the first time you used a telescope. and no one could've made you change your mind, of that you were sure. stubborn just as much over something that wasn't even real but dear to you.
your chest danced slightly— a breathy chuckle finding its way out as you eventually lifted your growing aching arms from the windowsill.
(you know a person who would've found that stubborness of yours endearing.)
a yawn parted your lips and the door cracked open. it had been a long day— a long week even, for both of you of course. but this time around it had been particularly rough for suguru. he was the one to come home with an aching back and tired limbs, though it was not that hard to see how fatigue latched on his body. a voracious snake that found a comfortable nest in between his chest, refusing to leave him alone.
it was the main reason as to why dinner was made a little earlier today and the dishes were left on the counter to dry for the night. you will put them back in the respective cupboard tomorrow as the first thing in the morning. for tonight, you decided to prioritize your rest.
it was also the reason why suguru took a longer-than-usual shower and got out of it only now. the noticeable difference in his shoulders made relief bloom in your chest— no more slumped, or a tad bit droopy but instead relieved, back to their natural stance as if the weight holding them down had been lifted. a minuscule change that probably would have gone unnoticed by others.
he walked toward the bed, phone steady in one hand while typing an answer to satoru and ieiri. it was easy to tell who suguru was writing to. you noticed overtime that when he texted the two of them he wiggled his nose a lot and (if gojo ended up saying something stupid or sending weird memes) his frown lines became more wrinkled, like a child trying to comprehend the meaning of a new word. it was adorable.
you followed his steps, raising the duvets and moving away the excessive amount of pillows on your side of the bed. suguru did the same on his own half.
"satoru giving you a hard time?" a breathy chuckle. he didn't answer, simply shaking his head in resignation and placing the phone on his bedside table before collapsing on the bed with a content exhale. you took that as a sign to join him.
"just satoru being satoru," you didn't fail to notice how his eyes softened when looking at you, "i think yuji should stop teaching him about internet slangs. he's been doing the deez nuts thing for two weeks already"
though there were traces of hopelessness heavily lingering on his words, you couldn't help but notice something else— something that you recognized immediately after as fondness. a familiar feeling that he reserved only for the few people he truly cared about. you didn't even try to stop the laughter bubbling in your chest.
(suguru watched as your eyes crinkled in amusement. the sound of your laughter lulling him to further relieve- soothing away every stubborn trace of stress still sitting heavy in his bones.
spring waltzed from the opened window, attracted by your presence. he couldn't blame it; you were the spring he eagerly looked forward to seeing each day.)
when your laugh eventually dimmed, his phone lightened up with new messages to read. suguru retrieved it and you did the same with yours, wordlessly shifting in a comfortable lull and a familiar embrace. a satisfied hum broke momentarily the blanket of silence falling on the room when you felt his free arm around your shoulders. fingers playing absentmindedly with the strands of your hair, messily splayed on the pillow.
you nuzzled closer to his chest, your cheek now resting on the thin fabric of his white shirt he had been recently using to sleep with. phone clasped in one of your hands while you scrolled mindlessly through the feed of your favorite social media.
and it's gentle. serene. a moment of shared complicity that carried the veiled scent of blossoming flowers and stardust. a needed addition to the relationship that brought somehow a welcomed sense of mundanity.
when suguru eventually fell asleep first, his chin resting on top of your head, you didn't have it in yourself to get up and close the window. too pleasant, too cozy to even entertain the thought of leaving it for a few seconds. you will close it tomorrow, first thing in the morning. as of tonight, you'll let yourself be cradled by the sweet lullaby happening outside that very same window.
(suguru's arms never felt so much like home before.)
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mvybanks · 1 year
hi, i hope you’re having a lovely day. if you’re in the mood for it, can you write something ab body positivity w jj and the reader who’s like mid sized? where he helps her build her confidence again after someone body shames her. (definitely self indulging here lol, my brother can be so mean).
thank you lovely💓
the one where jj shows you how much he loves you
a/n: hii, you’re so sweet, thank you so much for the request! as someone who’s struggled with this my whole life it felt really easy to write this. i want you to know that you’re beautiful and no one can take that away from you. take care of yourself and i’m always here if anyone wants to talk❤️
warnings: low self-esteem, body shaming (tell me if i should add something else)
my masterlist
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giggles, stares, whispers shared between teenagers or kids. you know they’re not all about you, it’s impossible right? the world doesn’t revolve around you but in your world they’re laughing about you every single time.
it’s stupid, you tell yourself, maybe you’re just overreacting because of your low self esteem and no one can see all the flaws that you always point out when you look at yourself in the mirror. internet and magazines have ruined you, as thin women’s bodies are the only ones that get praised and showed with confidence.
growing up you start to realize that thin doesn’t equal healthy and that your body shouldn’t be seen as a standard, as long as you like yourself and you’re healthy there’s absolutely nothing wrong about your body.
it’s funny though how a comment can make you spiral again into that way of thinking. you’re not a kid anymore, yet when a man laughed at you and told you that ‘you should stop eating like that, you know? what a cow’ as you were trying to have lunch, your brain stopped working. you didn’t even say anything, too shaken up by his words to respond.
it’s been a week since then and as much as you hate yourself for it, the man’s words keep repeating in your head like a broken record. you shouldn’t have taken him so seriously, you know that, but for some reason you can’t forget him. now he’s in everything you do: when you go out with your friends you tell them that you’re not hungry but you just don’t want them to see you eat, when you go to the beach you don’t take your clothes off, claiming that the sun’s too hot and you have to be careful.
you think that no one picked up on your strange behavior, but you’re so incredibly wrong because he did. he always notices you, he’s your best friend after all, he knows you like the back of his hand and when you came back from your boat day, during which you had refused to take your clothes off again, he knew he had enough.
you’re currently lying on john b’s couch as your friends are still lining up outside the bathroom to shower after your long day on the boat, when your peace gets interrupted by your best friend.
“jj! what the hell are you doing?” you say as he drags you by your arm into his room.
he shuts the door behind him and you can see anger written all over his features.
“that’s it. what is going on with you?”
your eyes widen at the accusation, “i don’t know what you mean.”
“cut the bullshit. you don’t eat when you’re with us and you don’t want to take off your clothes on the beach or on the boat. did you really think i wouldn’t notice? i know you. did something happen?”
you shake your head and avert your eyes from his worried gaze, “i’m okay,” you say but your shaky voice betrays you.
he walks closer to you and gently places his hands on your shoulders, “please. i’m here. talk to me.”
and you almost hate him for knowing you so well. almost.
a tear of frustration starts running down your cheek and he catches it immediately, “you don’t have to worry about me.”
he cradles your face in his hands, “i always worry about you because you’re always on my damn mind. i just need to know who do i have to beat up.”
“i’m always on your mind?”
“of course you are. god, you really don’t know, do you? i love you, beautiful. don’t you realize that?”
you shake your head again, “don’t. don’t say things you don’t mean and don’t call me that.”
that’s when everything clicks and he wraps his arms around you as tight as he can, cursing himself for not seeing what was going on with you sooner. he walks you to the body mirror in his closet as you ask him what he was doing.
“stand right here. shit, i wish i could lend you my eyes so that you could see yourself the way i do. you’re fucking beautiful,” he hugs you from behind and you feel tears pricking at your eyes again.
“you don’t have to do this,” you whisper.
“i do. you really think i’d tell you that i love you if i didn’t mean it? baby, i love everything about you, but your body? fuck, i’m crazy about you.”
he rubs your arms up and down while looking in your eyes through the mirror, “i love your arms, how they’re always there to give me the best hugs when i need one,” his hands travel down to your hips, “and your hips? god, i don’t ever want to take my hands off of them and they drive me insane when you start dancing, so much that i want everyone to stop looking at you because i’m the only one who should see them.”
your heavy breaths make him smirk as his hands grab your thighs, “and do you know how crazy you make me when you wear those tight jeans i like?” he kisses your neck and then your cheek, “i can’t even explain to you how much i love your beautiful face. those eyes that sparkle when you laugh, how your nose crinkles when you hate something, and those lips. i wish i could kiss them everyday.”
you turn your head to face him and you realize how close you are to him. his lips ghost over yours, waiting for you, and you finally kiss him. you’ve loved him since forever and you never thought that he would feel the same about you, but right now you’ve never felt more loved.
“you’re beautiful and i’ll prove it to you every day if that’s what it takes for you to realize that,” he mumbles against your lips, “i love you so damn much.”
“i love you, j. thank you, i got stuck in my head and i couldn’t get out. i needed that.”
he pecks your lips again and you give him a genuine smile, one you haven’t been able to give to anyone in a week.
“anytime, beautiful.”
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ohmymalice · 3 months
Lackluster Tendencies
jschlatt x f!reader | 674 words ! | part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
high school au, sfw, "You don't seem to be the person I thought you'd be."
ALSO A QUICK NOTE BECAUSE I THINK THIS MIGHT BE CONFUSING!! I refer to Schlatt as Jay for his real name and Schlatt is his online username. His friends online call him Schlatt and friends in school call him Jay.
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(blue text is schlatt grey is y/n)
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He worried a little, thinking that maybe he used his little internet persona humor way too early into this friendship they had. The ringing of his phone filled his ears, the white screen suddenly faded into black and showed her name.
Y/n is calling... Pick up?
He lets it ring for a few seconds and picks up, his hands sweating a little.
"So when did you become a jackass?" she asked, teasing him for the unexpected response. "Always been one, just hid it well." She scoffed at his reply.
There was an awkward silence on the line, and before he could think, his mouth starts running before he could even make an effort to stop
"I didn't expect you to be this way," he mumbled out, fiddling with the phone in his hand.
"In what way?"
"Like- like.. all the cussing and shit, I thought you were just some pretty girl with an innocent face who seemed to be friends with everyone."
She snorted in response, chuckling. "So you thought I was just some girl with a pretty face?"
"Yes- fuck, I mean- I just didn't expect that you could be nice to someone like me, I guess? I didn't think you were an asshole or anythin' I just-"
"Thought I was one of those biased popular bitches who were only nice to other popular people?"
"Yeah, maybe it was a harsh assumption."
"Harsh but fair, and honestly? If we're talking about first impressions, I thought you were some quiet kid at the back of the class who might've turned out a school shooter if nobody talked to them."
Schlatt's jaw hung open, not expecting a joke like that to come out of her mouth. He just started laughing.
"THAT, that is what I mean by I don't expect you to be that way."
"Well, you're one of the first to know, congrats. I don't have a lot of close friends, friends yeah but anyone I hang around consistently? Not at all." Schlatt hummed in reply, getting the gist of things.
"I don't have as many friends as you, but I do get the whole, uh- the whole thing about not having a lot of close friends. I thought you had tons of friends, just assumed I didn't get to see you a lot, so I didn't get to see who you hung around a lot with either."
On the other line, the girl shook her head, giggling. Oh,  how wrong he was.
"I'd try to be close to the people I know but sometimes it's just draining, especially with my whole drama club stuff... and to be honest-" She trailed off, taking in a breath as she held the phone in between her shoulder and cheek.
"Shit- I don't even know how to put it into to words." She mumbled, he stayed quiet on the line, scared if he tried to say anything it would just make her feel worse.
"I guess I feel like not a lot of people would get me or like me. Not the little persona I put up. Shit I'm rambling, my bad." She mumbled out the last part, feeling like she overshared a little.
"I don't mind hearing you ramble." The words slipped out of his lips, thinking how lame and stupid he probably sounded.
She smiled, for the first time in a while. "Really? Most people would usually try to change the subject every time I got too real."
"Seriously, how could you even think anyone would be bored or not like you."
If anything, it was too easy to like her.
She was gonna interject, tell him how wrong he was and that he'd end up like everyone else. He'll end up walking away from her life and get bored the moment he realizes that there was nothing more to her but the door to her bedroom swung open and her dad started yelling, grumbling about something she couldn't understand.
Before even thinking, she ended the call
leaving Schlatt thinking he did something wrong.
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You're in the church bathroom with your pants around your ankles, lifting up your shirt to take a picture of your bra and panties for a stranger who's older than your dad on the internet, when you hear the door open briskly behind you. You spin around, hastily grasping at lots bits of clothing and trying to pull them into place, but you freeze with the force of years of habit as sister Mary Petra barks out "Stop!"
She eyes you critically, her gaze lingering on the lace of your bra, the skimpiness of your panties, the flush in your cheeks. She steps crisply to where you stand and slips the front been off your shirt over your head to rest behind your neck, exposing your bra and chest again; your pants are still bunched around your feet, and your nipples are so hard they're clearly visible through your bra. She nods, grabs your upper arm, and drags you to the door. You instinctively resist for a moment, but Sister Mary Petra is large and strong and you can walk with your shame or be dragged like a toddler, so you shuffle along with her and try not to leave your pants behind.
You start to panic as she pulls you through the door into the nave, marching you up the center aisle as the echoes of the final words of the second reading fade. "Father," your escort calls out, "I found this harlot flaunting her body whorishly in the washroom. I have brought her to stand before God and face the consequences of her desecration."
The priest beckons you forth. The assembled congregation stare as the Sister compels you the rest of the way to the altar. "Come, now, Sister," he says gently. "The Lord tells us not to judge, and even the whores were welcome in His company. Let us show her the path of repentance."
He gestures broadly at the altar. Sister Mary Petra's eyes cloud as she pushes you against it, and you scramble on top of it to avoid being bodily lifted. Father Parks joins you there, smoothing your hair with his left hand and resting his right and on your belly. You feel your crotch dampen at his touch, and the roaring of blood in your ears doesn't quite drown out the shame.
He begins preaching about Mary Magdalene, and about sinners and casting stones, but the words barely register as his fingers stroke the waistband of your underwear, and the underwire of your bra, and then the inside of your thigh. You gasp sharply and cease to hear anything as he slips his fingers inside your panties and begins deftly massaging your clit.
He has you on the edge in seconds, but his voice seems to drone on for hours as he keeps you there. Eventually, he leans close over your face and whispers, "are you ready to repent, little whore?"
You can't help it. You convulse ecstatically and scream "Oh, God yes! Please, yes, yes!" You know you've left a huge puddle on the altar, but you're too drained to care, even as Pilate symbolically washes his hands in you, even as the congregation lines up to drink the wine that flows from between your legs.
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Creator/Self Aware/ Reverse Isekai Au
Small spoilers for Caribert quest. Reader's lover is implied to be biracial.
Due to popular demand, I'll give Sagau Headcanons (well short stories.) This is for Creator Au, Self Aware Au and Reverse Isekai Au. (This is the only time I'm writing Creator Au)
To those who read my Sagau stories just a heads-up I don't write for Imposter or Cult AU.
These will be for the three Aus. Obviously it won't be a full story well it turned into a mix of stories and hcs, because I am a dumbass who forgot the Difference between the two.
I do angst so yk what to expect.
Creator Au
Reader becomes God and is stuck in Genshin playing God. They absolutely hate it, but play along for the time being. Whilst playing God, a shooting star appears one night. Catching the star, they get a message from their lover saying they'll stop by for a visit.
Through out the next nights, they wait on a balcony for some type of sign. Their favorite characters question it, and give up when they don't receive the answer they wish for.
Falling into Teyvat, a gold star passes through landing on the balcony next to them. The acolytes ran in, staring at the outlander hugging their God. They reached out their weapons to fire, only to see their grace hugging them back.
After quick introductions, they all went their separate ways. One day, Creator wakes up and notices their partner suddenly went missing. They search for them for awhile not finding them. Eventually they find a corpse laying not too far from the place they live. After checking it's revealed to be a hilichurrl with it's head chopped off. Standing up they went to leave it, until they noticed their partner's wedding ring on the the deceased hilichurrl.
Obviously gods got in trouble and Reader ends up cursing their people in response.
Self Aware Au
While traveling Teyvat with your team you explore and come across a time challenge. After multiple attempts at failing you hear Amber saying what you assume to be "Aw don't worry about it." It surprised you but you continue on playing. Much later on down the line when co-oping you get hurt really badly. Your co op partner finishes the boss. Their Ganyu approaches bending down checking over your Marin's injuries.
"Are you okay?" Their Ganyu begins healing your character before getting back into position. You remain stunned for a moment, until she says and does her idle line and pose. You go to question your partner, and they respond saying they "didn't see Ganyu walk off." They also mention that, "You should only be able to control the characters you have and that they can't walk off when you're controlling them."
Confused, you look up information on the internet about this specific voiceline, only to see nothing.
Reverse Isekai
Characters I'll be using for this Kokomi, Nahida, Heizou and Venti
Also No I do not have favorites
Nahida will sit in on nights you do your Sumeru world quests. She tries to think of solutions to the problems you face. If you play showing her the Sumeru Archon quest, she'll most likely be sad by remembering the events.
Most likely she'll have to go to school to integrate with this society.
For some reason I can see her ending up in Anya forger situations, but she always gets out of them herself.
Heizou is not one meant for housework. I can see him working for the military again being gone months to days.
Probably enjoys being out and going out late for dates during Fridays and Saturdays that you're available.
In his spare time, he'll read or play the game with you.
Like Nahida, I can see him trying to find other ways for the Traveler to avoid or get out of bad situations the game puts them through.
I remember her at one point saying "she doesn't want to be a leader."
Most likely would be an employee happy to not have responsibilities for once.
She's good at house work and works hard to repay you for letting her stay with you.
Late night dates walking at the beach.
When playing the game, she'll probably check in on Watatsumi island to make sure everyone is okay in her abscence.
Venti will Probably would be shocked to meet you for the first time?
He acts like a freeloader and doesn't do anything. Jk he's a musician and actually makes a good profit from it. 
He slowly is getting recognized by top singers, which means you get to travel to cool places.
When he plays he spends all your hero's with and mora to make him level 90 and triple crowned.
This leads to you trying to fight him.
Probably is good at housework?
You put a tight lock on your alcohol cabinet which surprisingly gets opened by the teal haired man.
Taglist @seirenspinel @pochipop @genshinings @teyvattales @stellumi @intothegenshinworld
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multifan2022 · 1 year
Cyclone x MavsDaughter part 3
Part 1      Part 2      PART 4
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Hangman had been looking and waiting for anything he could take to Cyclone to get an advantage over the others. Any error in judgment that he could exploit, and he thought he found it. After finding a picture of Maverick and a man who very closely resembled Rooster he dove knee deep into research. Scouring the internet until he found an Obit for one Nick ‘Goose’ Bradshaw. He also found an old Instagram page that he saved many pictures off of before heading to Cyclones office. 
He was walking on cloud nine, thinking he had all the evidence he needed to get the two biggest competitors taken out of the running. But when he lifted his hand to knock on the glass all his hopes died. Because the door swung open and there you were, cheeks flushed and eyes wide as you looked up at him. The smell of sex and sweat wafted out of the room behind you and you knew that Hangman could read all the signs. There was a pit in the bottom of your stomach as you watched him think all the things you were scared people would say. 
Jake went to open his mouth, to say something along the lines of “Sleeping your way to the top again?” when Cyclone stepped up behind you asking what was wrong. When his eyes landed on Jake his spine straightened and the slightly soft look in his eyes turned steely. Jake's mouth was dry and he took notice of how close the two of you were standing. How pink your cheeks and neck were. That Beaus hair was just slightly out of place, like it had been messed up and someone tried to hand comb it back into place. It was a look Jake knew well, both on himself and on the women he sent packing. 
“Lieutenant Seresin, inside.. Now.” 
Jake didn't move as you practically sprinted from the hall, Cyclone having to repeat himself to get him into the office. The door slamming shut and the Admiral stomping gave him goosebumps. This was not how he thought his morning would go. Once Cyclone was in front of him, he leaned on his hands on the desk, looking the younger man directly in the eye. He could tell Jake was nervous, and that was good. That's how he wanted him to feel. He knew plenty of flyboys like Jake. 
Ones that unfortunately would throw others under the bus, or leave them behind in pursuit of his own glory. He knew that if the blond was coming to his office it was because he thought he had damning evidence on someone. Jake's previous commanding officer had warned him about this. And unfortunately Cyclone's own actions may have just given him the upper hand. But he was sure as hell going to try and squash that. “Sir.. I have some thoughts..” Jake tried to start, but a hand was thrown up and a sigh escaped from the Admirals lips before he could really get going. 
“I didnt bring you back here for your thoughts Seresin. I brought you back here because you are a damn good pilot and I would hate to see that go to waste because your mouth writes checks you can't cash. Whatever you think, you think. You're wrong. You're going to walk out of this office, and we are both going to forget that we saw each other today. If that becomes unclear between the two of us, you will be sent packing so fast that not even Commander Kazansky will be able to stop it. Are we clear?” 
Jake blinked twice, staring up at Cyclone like he was lost or confused. Only to jump up and nod when the man was forced to repeat himself. When he was allowed to leave, he did so quickly but with attitude, stomping his feet and huffing the entire way to training. 
You could tell tension was high as you all took turns in the air, and then made your way back to your seats. Hangman had been shooting death glares at you, while Rooster was giving you those stupid puppy dog eyes. Your dad was standing up repeating the same question “Why are you dead?” over and over all day. You knew it was a good question, one that needed answered but damn was it annoying. Now he was looking at the Rooster, completely passing over you and your team. He had yet to speak to you directly since the flying incident. 
Phoenix spoke, trying to defend not only her team leader, but her friend. “Sir, he's the only one who made it to the target.” Mav shook his head “A minute late. He gave enemy aircraft time to shoot him down, he is dead.” Rooster's voice was deep and simmering with anger just underneath as he spoke. “You don't know that.” The tension in the room jumped up another notch as Hangman spoke, your fists clenching together at the sound of his voice. 
“You're not flying fast enough! You don't have a second to waste.” You started to just tune the three of them out, they always got in this little circle of whos dick is bigger. It was getting exhausting listening to them go around and around each other every day. In the air, in the classroom, even in the damn gym.  You didn't really start listening again until you heard Hangman say “A MAN flies like Maverick here, or a MAN does not come back.” Jake smiled and looked between you and Phoenix “No offense intended.” Surprisingly it was Bob who leaned forwards and scoffed, “Yet somehow you always manage.”
Jake unsurprisingly continued “I don't mean to criticize, you're conservative. That's all.” Maverick tried to stop him but he just kept going. “We're going into combat son.” You scoffed this time, both you and Rooster were older than him. “On a level no living pilot has ever seen. Not even him, and Not Valkyrie.” You watched as Jake turned and must've given your dad a look, because realization passed over Mavs features as he turned to look at you. You put all the pieces into place just as the next words came out of that cocky mouth. “Its no time to be thinkin about the past.” 
Everything happened in slow motion for you after that. You didnt know Rooster well. But you knew Bradley like that back of your hand, and that would be who he always was when Goose was mentioned. The little boy who watched his mom fall apart and only be able to partially rebuild herself after her husband died. The teen boy who had to turn to his uncles instead of his father to ask questions about puberty and girls. The young man who was deeply in love but didnt know how to show it, or what to do. Who was so scared of hurting someone the way his mom was hurt that he punished not only himself, but his loved ones by walking away. 
“I cant be the only one to know that Maverick flew with his old man.” 
You didn't make the choice to speak, but you heard yourself calling out to Bradley as Maverick told Jake to stop talking. You knew it wasn't going to work, but you called his name trying to get his attention anyways.  Your legs were already pushing themselves up as Jake tried to finish his statement. “Or that Maverick was flying when his old man..” Rooster was out of his seat, his arms reaching past you as you moved in front of him. He was so tall, that even at your height he still managed to shove the man behind you. Everyone was yelling, you were trying to push Bradley back while Coyote pushed Jake back. It took you, Phoenix, Bob, and Payback all to hold Rooster back. 
Your hands were on his cheeks, trying to direct his attention away from Jake as you spoke. “Bradley, this is what he wants.. He wants to rattle you, get in your head and make it so you can't fly this mission. He's weak minded and scared that you are better than he is. Don't let him win, walk away. Let's go.” Bradley couldn't look down at you, he could feel the coldness of your ring on your finger but your voice was clearing up the haze of anger in his mind just a little. Just as he was about to nod his head and give in, Jake chuckled. 
“Well if it isn't Little Miss Nepotism herself speaking.. Daddys right here, so you can't run off and tell him.. What are you gonna do, tell your hubby and have me kicked off the team?” 
Dropping your hands from Roosters face, you turned, and watched as the gathered men near Hangman stepped back. Other pilots often said that Y/n and Valkyrie were like separate people. That your facial expressions when you were in fight mode were scary, and you guessed by the way the others took a step back from you that they were right. You crossed the short distance, getting right into Hangman's face, thankfully hes only a few inches taller than you.  The smile that worked its way onto your face set Jake on edge. You both knew what he was playing at. 
That he knew why you were in Cyclones office, and was planning to out you right here. What Jake didn't know was you didn't need anyone to fight your battles. “Sure.. I could turn you into my husband for harassment, maybe get you sent home.. Or I could just shoot you out of the sky myself and be done with it.” Shock crossed his face for just a moment as he stood there silently for once. Everyone was genuinely shocked, they had never really heard you talk so maliciously to anyone besides Mav. 
The room was so silent that one could've heard a pin drop. Maverick and Rooster were breathing heavily as you and Jake glared at each other. “You're all dismissed.” Mav said, trying to keep his voice from shaking. He watched as you took two steps back, placing yourself between your Ex boyfriend and the one who was trying to hurt him. He had to remind himself that you were married now, there was no chance for you and Bradley. Jake left first, a few of his friends leaving behind him and as soon as the doors closed you rounded on him. “Fix this, whatever it is, before it gets someone killed.” 
That was all you said before storming out yourself.
The next morning you felt better, you had taken a long and extremely hot bath after Beau had gotten home. He had cooked dinner, put Emery to bed, loaded the dishwasher and then brought you a glass of whiskey. He didn't ask to get in behind you, just crouched down next to the tub as you told him about everything that had happened. He had shaken his head, and told you how worried he was that this group wouldn't be able to complete the mission. You had gotten a good night sleep but of course when you woke up fate had other things planned for you. Two texts changed literally the entire plan of your day.
AbsentMav- “Team training beach day. Sleep in. Be there at noon. Bring coolers and towels.”
EmsTeach- “Hey Cap! Sorry for the short notice but schools canceled today :(“
Sighing you made your way downstairs, shocked to see Emery watching cartoons and Beaus' truck gone from the driveway. Deciding that Emery could just go with you wasn't as easy as you thought it should be. Sure she knew Penny and you were should the woman would watch her, but Maverick would be there.. You hadn't even told him who you were married to let alone that you had a 9 year old.. But you shrugged to yourself and went to pack Ems bag. As soon as she realized she was going to work with you she was squealing and running around to find her sandals and favorite big bug sunglasses. 
Your nerves spiked like crazy as you pulled up to the hard deck and parked. It was easy to see you were the last to arrive and would have everyone's attention on you. Hell you already did, because Beau had removed the top and doors off your jeep the weekend before so Phoenix, Bob and Fanboy were all close enough to see the wiggling little person in your back seat. Bob smiled shyly and waved at her as she screeched for you to hurry, pulling a chuckle from Fanboy. 
Maverick and Rooster's eyes were glued to you as you got out and walked to the backseat. Their eyes widen as they watch you pull the dark haired girl from the booster seat in the middle. They watched as you crouched down, fixing her hair and pulling a hat over it. Rubbing in sunscreen before handing her the sunglasses back and strapping a little backpack onto her back. You held her hand as she skipped and waved at everyone that looked her way. When you got to the group you took a deep breath and looked at Maverick. “School was canceled, I was gonna ask Penny if she would watch Emery while we do whatever exercise this is.” 
Maverick nodded, watching without speaking as you walked towards the deck and talked to Penny. He had completely forgotten Rooster was even there until he heard his voice. “I didn't know she had a kid..” Maverick could see the devastation on his god son's face. The woman he had always dreamed about, the one he had left, whose heart he had broken was truly moved on. Shrugging he tried to make the blow land softer, “Maybe she's a step kid?” He could see Rooster shake his head as the two of them watched you kneel and smile up at your daughter. Giving her instructions to stay on the deck until you came back for her. Then promising ice cream and a full beach day afterwards. “Nah, she always wanted to name her daughter Emery.. She picked it out her freshman year.. Outta some book or something..” 
Emery laughed and watched with Penny as the whole group figured out how to play Dogfight Football. They laughed at how Rooster was developing a burn, how you had somehow talked Hondo into giving you his extra Navy football jersey to help keep the sun off you. You could hear her precious little giggles every time you or Nix or Halo tackled one of the guys. Everyone was laughing and having a good time. You even laughed when Hangman pretended to bite the ball and act like it was a grenade. You even helped your dad up after he fell, earning a genuine smile from him for the first time in over 20 years.
You all booed as Maverick said he needed a minute but kept playing. You didn't even notice when a khaki covered figure stormed up and stood next to the chair Mav was slouched in. None of you noticed to busy cheering on Bob and telling him to run as Cyclone stepped next to Maverick. “What is this?” Beau asked, taking in your long legs completely unhindered by shorts of any kind. The way your ass looked in your bathing suit and the shirt you had covering your body. He wanted to know more than anything who it belonged to.. But as everyone dog pilled and tackled Hondo he got a quick answer. “Dog fight football. It's an offense and defense at the same time.” 
“Whose winning?” Beau asked as he watched you run and jump on Coyotes back trying to tackle him. He almost chuckled as Javy just kept running with you holding onto him. It warmed his heart to see you having fun. To see you with aviators your age, doing something normal. “I think they stopped keeping track a while ago.” The two went back and forth for a moment before Cyclone sighed and went to walk away. Just as he turned though, a little voice screamed and changed how the rest of the day would go. 
@luckyladycreator2 @winterrebel04 @millieb-3199 @xoxabs88xox @archaeologydigit @topgunruinedme @lillyrosenight @blessednotluckyme @scorpiomindfuck​  @bregarc @person-wholikes-reads @hangmandruigandmav @beaner-life-23 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp
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redvelvetnat · 2 years
room temperature peaches
drummer!kate bishop x wife!reader
summary : your wife accidentally leaked your sex tape to the world, but it’s hard to be mad at her for it when she’s so far away and you both look so damn good in it.
disclaimer : 18+, strong language, sex tape, smut, strap-on mention, phone sex, dirty talk (praise + degradation + pet names), masturbation
author’s note : not the longest but i miss kate so much, i need her on my screen. i didn’t proofread this but, then again, i never do. really just posting this so you all can see i’m still alive. this piece of work is not to be copied or translated anywhere. thank you for reading!!! comments and reblogs appreciated <3
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“You like it when I fuck you like this, baby?”
There wasn’t a word you could think of to describe how embarrassed you felt, watching the internet blown to smithereens over your sex tape. Somehow, between the crude sounds that leak from your speakers and Kate’s bated breath on the other end of the phone, you didn’t have anything to say.
“I was trying to send it to you.” She mumbles sheepishly and follows it up with a breathy, “Wrong button, I guess.” You can hear the hint of a chuckle buried in her tone and it only makes your eyebrows knit.
Your fingers probe frustratedly at your temples, “Kate, this is not fucking funny. The whole goddamn world has seen me naked, now.” You hiss, slumping into the satin sheets of your half-empty bed. The light of your phone is the only thing that illuminates the dark bedroom.
“Oh, please,” she can’t help but huff with a laugh, “there are magazine covers that did that long before this video got out.” You don’t bother to scold her, it’s hard to when she’s partially correct. “And, if it makes you feel better, I’m naked too.”
“It doesn’t.”
She laughs again, having fully prepared herself to take the blunt-end of your anger. “But you do look incredibly fucking sexy, babe.” Kate Bishop is nothing if not a sweet talker. The woman is a walking wet dream and she uses it to her own advantage, especially when it keeps her out of your wrath.
You remember the night she took the video, using some teenage-boy bullshit excuse about her ‘spank bank’ and those pleading brown eyes she always seemed to lure you in with. It was hard for you to say no to her, sitting stage-side and watching as she took apart her drum-set with the thick layer of sweat still coating her skin.
Both ends of the phone are silent for a moment, only the sound of the video continuing on remains and you can’t be bothered to stop it. “Kate?” You question exhaustedly without any of the anger-fueled energy you had before.
Besides the muffled video echoing from her own laptop, you can’t hear much from her end of the line. It’s only after a few beats that she speaks, “I miss your pussy.” It’s gentle, like an admission - too casual for something so filthy, you almost think you heard her wrong.
The rasp in her voice makes your stomach flutter, and if you weren’t so used to Kate being the way that she is, the admission might have caught you off guard. You almost forget to expel the breath trapped in your chest.
“Are you watching it?”
You want to be able to deny her the satisfaction of you enjoying the video after she’s leaked it to the world but you’d be lying to say your eyes hadn’t drifted to your phone screen.
You watch as she parts, reluctantly, from between your thighs and kisses a trail through the dip in your ribs until she can take a hardened nipple into her mouth. The makeshift pillow she’d created out of her jeans cradles your head as it lulls back in bliss.
“Kate,” You breathe, thighs tightening around nothing. “I need you so bad.”
“I know baby, I know.” She rasps, “Why don’t you touch yourself for me?”
You’re more than happy to oblige her. When you kick off the sheets, the thin cotton underwear goes with it. Your touch is light at first, teasing down your skin until your can delve two icy fingers between your soaked folds. You shudder, a soft sound underneath your breath.
“I bet that pretty pussy is so fucking wet for me. I can’t wait to make her purr when I get back.” You should know by now what it sounds like when she’s touching herself and she definitely is. “I’d love to just dip my fingers in that perfect fucking hole and hear you sing for it.”
Your fingers fail in comparison to Kate’s but, still, you hump them as if your life depends on it. The video still plays, you can hear the way she grunts and moans when she finally sinks the head of her strap into you. The harsh stage-lighting illuminates the sharp curve of her jaw as she dips it into the crook of your neck.
“You take me so fucking well, buttercup.” She repeats in time with her video self as if she knows it by heart - if you know anything about Kate’s sex drive, she probably has watched it enough to memorize. Her face screws up in pleasure, you watch, as the toy disappears inside you.
You can practically feel it now, every detail down to the thick veins that decorate its purple shaft. The moan that rips from your chest and out your open mouth is genuine, months of unattainable pleasure built up in your tensed muscles.
“Fuck.” She groans, rather loudly, “Do that again. Moan for me again, baby.” She sounds just as desperate as you must look.
You oblige her once more, a string of uncensored curses falling from your drying lips. You can hear her grunting, the sound of your wife pleasuring herself is nearly enough to send you over the edge on its own. The thumb against your clit helps, generous circles around the nerves that light your body on fire in the most delicious way.
“I just want to watch you cum.” She whines, spoiled as ever and entirely too desperate to care about how needy she might sound.
This was the side of Kate that you adored. Sure, it was fun to entertain the toughened-up rockstar projection of herself but you had fallen in love with the Kate that didn’t care what she looked like to other people or how strong her walls held up. It was sexy in a different way.
You manage a half-hearted laugh between moans, “So watch.” You quip, holding your eyes open enough to see the video that plays unending on your phone. “Watch how you make me cum, Katie.” You coo.
You know it’s the nickname that sends her over the edge and combining it in time with the visual of you falling apart underneath her had been your greatest play yet.
It’s not too different from your own experience. Seeing the way her hips sputter as she watches you cum warms the pit in your stomach. The sounds that bounce off the walls of the empty concert hall match the ones that echo from the other end of the phone and the whimpers that climb their way up your throat.
“Kate!” Her name unhitches from your throat and into the silent air. She listens, hearing the unabridged moans falling, one after the other, from your lips.
You don’t have to imagine kissing her then, you can see yourself spilling the sounds of your orgasm into her mouth as she tongues past your lips with her nails sunk into both sides of your sputtering hips. “That’s it, baby. So good for me, buttercup.” She eases you down slowly.
Kate pants on the other end of the phone, waiting with patience for your high to fade. “See what you do to me?” She questions, still out of breath.
You roll your eyes, “Get that video off the internet or I’m canceling my flight to come see you.” You warn, finally closing the tab and relishing in the blissful lack of noise.
“Oh, please, you’ll come - if only for the orgasms.”
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Ok ok ok. You mentioned how you wanted to snort coke off of lalos dick…. Can you write a Drabble about that cuz omg- 🫣🫣
yes bc i am insane 🖤 disclaimer: coke dick is not a myth but i refuse to believe lalo gets it (i also have never done cocaine lul)
warning: intox (cocaine)
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“Are you serious? How have you not tried it before?”
Lalo asked that with the same incredulity as if you had just said you’d never eaten an apple before. To him, cocaine and other Schedule II narcotics were normal, boring even. That makes sense. You’d imagine that handling literal bricks of it day in and day out would desensitize you. But he had to know that you were far from the only person that had never tried coke. Most people hadn't.
"I don't know, man! I'd never even seen coke before I met you! Isn't it dangerous?" You asked.
Lalo shrugged. "It can be, yeah, but you just gotta know what you're doing." He walked over to his dresser and cracked open a drawer, rifling through it as he talked to you. "You gotta know how to dose it, how to handle it, and how to stop doing it once you start. That last one's important." He pulled out a locked box and set it on the dresser.
"Right, yeah. I guess that makes sense." You rationalized. Lalo seemed to know what he was doing. This was his career, no, his whole life. He must know how to handle it. You thought of his younger cousin, Tuco, who seemed to snort anything he could get his hands on. Lalo certainly had better self-control than that.
"Most importantly though," Lalo unlocked the box and pulled something out. He turned around to show you what it was: a tiny bag of white powder. Unsurprising. “You gotta know your stuff’s legit. A lot of shitty dealers will cut it or try to sell you something else entirely. I don’t sell anything I wouldn’t snort, and I don’t snort anything I don’t sell. It's a matter of integrity.” He tossed you the 8-ball so you could examine it.
You squished the tiny bag, pressing the powder between your fingertips, the texture obfuscated through the plastic. The way it moved reminded you of powdered sugar. It's funny how something so insidious can seem so benign up close. "Question," you asked, your eyes glued to the baggie.
"Shoot." Lalo replied.
"It's a stupid question."
"I bet it is," Lalo chuckled, enamored by your relative innocence, "Go for it, chiquito."
You led the bag away from your face so you could see your boyfriend. "Is coke dick real? Like you can't get hard when you do it?"
Lalo was stunned. "I've... never had that problem. Where did you hear about that?"
Good question. Where the hell did you hear about that? A junkie friend? The internet? It felt like multiple sources had contributed to this theory. "I dunno, actually. Guess it's just a myth."
"Oh, it definitely is." Lalo strode towards you until you were close enough for him to pull your body against his. Keeping one hand on your waist, he used your momentary distraction to pluck the 8-ball from your fingers. "Want me to prove it to y-?"
"Yes." You said with literally no hesitation, not even letting him finish his sentence. You may have been naïve, but you weren't stupid. Any chance for your man to whip it out was a chance you were going to take.
"Oh, wow, someone's eager, huh? Good boy." He cracked open the tiny bag and stuck his pinky in, scooping the product up with his fingernail. "So, I'm guessing you know what a line is, right? Well, this is called a bump." He held it up to his nostril and snorted it, the powder disappearing into his sinuses. Once he did, his head flew back and he groaned. "Mierda, está bien... (Shit, that's good.)" When he looked at you again, you could see that his brown eyes were almost entirely black, irises being swallowed by his pupils. He nudged you off him so he could unbuckle his belt.
You watched him like a research scientist trying to document the effects of the substance. His hands were trembling as he pulled his belt off. He held the baggie in his teeth to keep his hands free while he undressed. He kept sniffling like he was trying to suck up every molecule left behind. His brow was furrowed. His teeth were clenched. You'd never seen him like this. He looked unhinged. You couldn't tell if your body's growing arousal was from fear or desire. Plus, you weren't sure if you were supposed to talk, but you couldn't bear the silence. "It looks... intense..."
"It is, it is." Lalo laughed as he tugged his boxer briefs down. Now that he had a hand to spare, he took the bag out of his mouth and stroked himself. His cock was already at half-mast before he even touched it, and it didn't take long for him to get the rest up. "You want some? You're gonna love it."
You knew he meant the coke, but your eyes were somewhere else. Your gaze was locked on the bulging veins in both his hand and his cock. Coke dick really was just a myth. You'd have what he was having. "Yeah... yeah, gimme some..."
Lalo sneered and put his hand on your shoulder. "Then get on your fucking knees." He growled and pushed you down before you could do it yourself.
You dropped to your knees on the plush bedroom carpet. You went to grab onto him, but he swatted your hand away as he continued to pump himself.
“No, no. Watch me. I’m gonna give you a line, okay?” Lalo’s voice was eerily nurturing. It usually was when he talked to you, but you expected the coke to change that somehow. He took his hand off himself to open the bag, scooped some out, and placed a pretty sizable bump on his shaft. He hastily poked it into a line. “You know how to snort something, right? Just hold one nostril and sniff. It's not hard. It'll hit you hard, though, so just be ready."
As Lalo held himself steady, you leaned in, poking one nostril shut, and snorted the whole line as quickly as you could. He wasn't kidding. It did hit you hard. It hit you upside the head like a heavyweight champion, and you recoiled just so. You pulled off dry-heaving as it hit you, still holding his dick like a lifeline. When you remembered where you were and what you were doing, one thing, one solitary goal became your purpose, and all your other worries melted away.
Ever the desperate slut, you latched your mouth onto him, slurping up whatever trace of the drug that was stuck to his skin. Though honestly, he was a drug in and of himself. And you were a junkie. You were a junkie who'd do anything to get a hit.
Lalo knew that. He knew how easy you were. He knew you'd do anything for him, so he gladly took advantage of that. He laughed and clenched your hair in his fist as you serviced him.
"Good boy."
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a little Welcome Home theory that's probably me looking entirely too much into a single line <3
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so i was clicking through the site for the thousandth time and this line caught my eye. maybe its 4 am and i haven't slept, maybe i'm onto something. who knows!
but this little thing... "and lively sets unlike anything seen before!". yeah, it could just be them propping up the show. OR maybe the puppets have been alive the whole time, fully autonomous but entirely unaware that they are puppets on a show. maybe to them, the neighborhood is real, and they simply cannot comprehend the presence of humans so their puppet minds don't register them. this could make for a "cosmic horror but for puppets" spin, which would be sick as fuck
their daytime is when the studio lights are on and people are around. idk how the people would teach them the scripts - maybe they did it at "night"? or maybe there was no script, and the puppets would automatically come up with their own shenanigans, dialogue, and segments that aligned with the show, bc that's what they were made for.
bc its not like the whrp team have physical puppets, or much other than art & reports, right? any information on the puppets - like Howdy being rotated between live-hand and walk-around - could've easily been a lie by the creators of the Welcome Home show. i mean, i don't think it would've gone down well if they came out and said "yeah the puppets are alive"
and now that i'm wondering how they could have living puppets, weren't the 60s/70s chock full of cults? could the WH creators have dipped into the occult to create living puppets for a ground breaking, popular, lucrative show, using minimal effort because "the show writes itself"? all they have to do is film and maybe change the puppets' costumes. if that - they could have set up hidden cameras or something.
and this is gonna sound even more far-fetched, but what if creating the puppets required human souls to power them? im not suggesting that the puppets have locked away memories from a "human life", bc that would be uh... a lot. but it's enough that given time and the right prompts, they could gain awareness, and maybe the soul does influence them in minor ways - in likes and dislikes etc.
and Wally being aware means that he fully saw the humans running the show. and maybe the occult thing is what's under Home - the source of black magic that brought the puppets to life seeping out. and he's aware because he looked into that source and it flipped a switch in his lil cotton brain
maybex2 this is what caused the show to not only shut down, but be wiped from existence. the magic seeped into Home, maybe killing someone in the process, and Wally was revealed as aware. maybe on live television. so the creators panicked and shut it all down, tried to destroy everything and gaslight the country into forgetting it ever existed. maybe in the hopes that once no one remembers the puppets, the magic will leech out of them and leave them lifeless
and that loops back into Wally being the only one referred to in present tense in the neighborhood bios. he's still aware, maybe trapped in the studio, alone. i mean, i sure hope he's not alone - i hope he has his friends with him. unless they're all decommissioned (dead)... maybe Wally is trying to bring them all back or "fix" them?
but then there's the case of all of this currently going down online. have the puppets' consciousness somehow been transferred to the internet? or has Wally gotten his little felt mittens on a computer? something else? and then there's the whrp team... could they be fake, and its really just Wally trying to cobble together the remains of his life/friends? i mean, the Question-Answerer sounds like a title a kid or naive puppet would come up with. people would've called them the Curator or somethin?
i have too many thoughts
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bluewinnerangel · 2 years
hi there,
i hope this is the right place to share my story. i ended up on your blog because i have been trying to work through some things that have happened in my past and my research has brought me here. i wouldn't call myself a larrie per say but I have been doing a lot of reading in this space and a lot of what i read has resonated with my experience, so i thought i would share because i feel like my perspective would help a lot of people here understand the mechanics of closeting a lot better.
the bottom line is, i was a beard. i'm from a northern european country and what you would call conventionally pretty. when i was in my early twenties i tried to make a living through modelling and the odd bit of acting. never anything international or anything that would make me recognisable, but for a couple of years i made a decent living through it and managed to work my way around my country's entertainment industry quite well. about a year in, my management company suggested i went on a few dates with one of their clients, who was an up and coming singer (ironically, he had started out on a reality singing tv show). at first i thought they were trying to actually set us up, but it became pretty clear to me that he was gay and closeted. we spent more than a year and a half "together", while his career was taking off. i could go into more detail about contracts and stuff, although stakes for us were much lower than what we're discussing on this blog, but i am bound by an nda so i really wont go into any details about the relationship.
what i came here to say, though, is that i think a lot of people see the relationship between a closeted celebrity and their beard as something black and white, a purely transactional exchange between two people that despise each other, and its really not like that at all. i spent more time with my "bf" during those two years than i did with anyone else in my life. we traveled together, i spent time with his family, went to a lot of his shows - that life can be quite lonely and we actually became really good friends through it. when he won an award, i was genuinely happy and moved for him. when i saw the pictures taken of me crying of joy, it wasn't an act. we spent a lot of time together that wasn't for the cameras, pretended to be a couple even at private dinners or events. only a handful of people knew we weren't a real couple, and that includes only one of my very close friends at the time. we shared a room and a bed. i think people here look at what is happening with harry and olivia wilde and think that they don't spend any more time together than what is put on the internet, and i know for a fact that it's not true. i also know for sure that they are not a couple, i look at them and see my past, clear as day. two people bound together by an agreement, who at least partially enjoy each others company, but who are not romantically involved. i think people here spend a lot of time looking for hatred and disgust in their interactions, and i don't think you will find that. what you'll see is two adult coworkers making the best of a very unusual situation.
now, i'm not here to defend olivia wilde. i don't know her and don't particularly like her, and the time i spent with someone closeted has given me endless sympathy for people who are in the same situation and much much less for those who even partially take advantage of that (me included, though i cut myself a bit more slack because i was young, naive and also very much a victim of an abusive industry). but i do see in her things i used to feel, and i thought it might be interesting for you all to understand that. there was a specific period of time, when my "bf" was at the peak of his very shortlived career, where i really got lost in the illusion of being the girlfriend of a star, and i lost myself for a bit. when i would walk in a room with him and everyone stared and envied me, i liked that. i felt like i was most desirable, most enviable, to the point where i almost forgot that our relationship wasn't real. it wasn't being with him that was special to me, it was being perceived as his gf that gave me the biggest thrill. it became almost an addiction, i was near the stage at his shows every single time, and when i see olivia wilde doing the same i see myself. i think she knows, intellectually, that she is not harry's partner, and that this has an expiration date, but for people who live in the public eye and that are severely narcissistic like she is (and to an extent i was), the public life is the only one that matters, so in a sense if she is perceived as harry styles's girlfriend then she will BE, in her heart of hearts, harry styles's girlfriend, and i imagine that is a pretty addictive feeling.
i hope i didn't bore you with this and that you understand my goal in sharing this with you all. there is no point in overanalysing their interactions or in projecting your dislike of her onto harry. he probably likes her well enough, and will also be completely fine once their contract ends and they go their separate ways (my hunch is that it will be soon but who knows). i know that nuance is not big on the internet, and these are ugly feelings to open up about, and god knows i do that enough in therapy. but i see what you're all doing here and i know it is painful and can feel hopeless. all i can offer is, you're not wrong. you're not conspiracists. this is how it works, but since it's real life it's all a lot more nuanced than it looks.
ps my former "bf" is now very happy with his partner. he's not out publicly but has been out in his private life for a while now. we still see each other every once in a while. it gets better :)
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niklietwriting · 2 years
Bond Points
Idia and you have been dating for a few weeks. Idia thinks of a good way to "level-up" the relationship.
Notes. Idia/GN! Reader, second-person point-of-view "you," pre-established romantic relationship, fluff, use of NA terms and translations (Gloomurai) and use of Idia's "shi"
~1.1k words
More author notes/comments at the end
It had been just like any other weekend in Idia’s room. Idia sat at his computer, typing away at coding to improve his brother’s capabilities, while you laid on your stomach on Idia’s bed to the left. Ever since the two of you started dating, weekends had just been you relaxing from taking care of Grim by sending Grim to Heartslabyul and you hiding away in Ignihyde, just being an honorary resident at this point with how many people recognized you whenever you walked over with your overnight bag. And just like any other late night, Idia needed a midnight snack.
“Hey, babe,” Idia’s breath hitched when saying babe, an awkward pause between the A and second B got stuck in his throat when he tried out calling you a pet name for the first time, “can you buy me Sunchips and a Monster from the vending machine?”
What prompted Idia to think about doing this? Idia and you had been dating since the both of you came back from Winter Break (after a very confused self-reflection during the week, and some yelling and talking it out when he came back to campus), and nothing much of your relationship had changed besides that hugs weren’t as embarrassing and you allowed yourself to kiss Idia whenever you wanted. Idia wanted to do something for the relationship, instead of letting you take the reins, he thought. Another part of him thought that maybe this was too normie and absolutely cringe. After all, in games and sometimes he heard people on campus call each other by pet names at lunch and–ugh, definitely cringe. He coped and told himself that it was “leveling up” the relationship.
Silence to the left of Idia and his desk. Idia mechanically turned his swivel chair towards his bed, pressing his lips together in a tight line, not letting any embarrassment seep out to look at your face.
If your eyes could pop out of your head, now would be the perfect time for it to happen. By the time Idia looked at you, your eyes were already wide, blinking rapidly as you frantically looked side-to-side as if there was anyone else in the room that Idia could refer to. Of course, who else would Idia be referring to?
Idia watched as the red creeped onto your cheeks and spread to your whole face. Nice. Idia smiled, no doubt his toothy grin turning into a smirk as he watched you, flustered and trying to compose yourself. “Is something wrong? Doesn’t look like you were in the middle of a rhythm game or anything.”
“I, uh,” you picked up your phone once, glancing at it, put it back down, then picked it back up again, probably checking if that moment was real and not some hellish dreamscape. You breathed out slowly, calming yourself, though the blush never left your face. You slid your phone under the pillow you were using, and slowly smiled. “What was that, honey? Didn’t hear you the first time.”
Oh fuck. The edges of Idia’s hair no doubt turned that wonderful shade of pink as his smirk turned more into a lopsided smile. He was sure he was blushing too, based on the warmth he felt from his body. He tugged at the ends of his jacket. “Haha, I know you heard me, but babe, could you get me some chips and drinks from the vending machine? I’ll give you the money.” If you were going to turn this into a game, then Idia wouldn’t lose.
And so it did turn into a game. For the whole week after, the two of you only called each other by increasingly more disgusting pet names you two could think of and search for on the internet.
“Your highness.”
“Shrimpy.” You didn’t like this one, probably because only Floyd called you that when you didn’t ask, and Idia received the hardest punch to the stomach he’s ever gotten from his partner before. (You apologized and gave lots of kisses afterward.)
“Widdle kitty.” Idia tickled you in response. That one was just a low blow to cringe Idia said before, and how had you heard him say that? It wasn’t like you were near him when he was talking about Leona during Halloween… How dare you call him that? (Idia didn’t apologize at all.)
“Hey… isn’t Gloomy and you using ‘shi’ enough?” It was the weekend again, and once again you lied in Idia’s bed, hugging a pillow to your stomach and kicking your feet in the air. “We keep trying different pet names but like… Gloomy is a nickname already, technically…”
“Hmm, I dunno. I think you kinda liked the time I called you ‘your highness.’”
“Shut up, shut up, shut up.” You buried your face into the pillow you held onto, and muffled through the pillow said, “I did, but man…” You raised your head up and looked to Idia. “Did you like any that I came up with?”
“Maybe the more normal ones? But it def felt cringe the whole time.”
You groaned and threw your head back into the pillow. “Sorry, I guess Gloomy and Idia works just fine, huh?”
Idia chuckled and lifted himself from his seat and climbed over his sulking partner. “I’m sorry, did you want to call me something too,” he flipped you over onto your back, “or were you fine with just being my highness?”
The constant onslaught of pet names throughout the week must’ve made Idia’s resolve stronger, because there was no way he would normally say that kind of line. Idia thought he might’ve cringed on the inside, but damn did he say it.
Idia didn’t even know that people could turn this shade of red, and you looked like a beet. Better not to comment on it.
You stammered away, barely getting any sound out, much less actual words, before you pulled the pillow up to cover your entire face. “Shut up, cringe alert,” you said, muffled through the thick pillows that you forced Idia to buy.
Idia hummed in amusement, then pulled the pillow down, and landed a quick kiss to your forehead before crawling off the bed to sit at his computer. If the sound of you kicking your feet meant anything, it meant Idia had won this battle. Nice. Relationship leveled up.
Hey thanks for reading this far ummm if you don't like my... pet name choices feel free to switch them around in your imagination lmao
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louisa-gc · 15 days
a (not-so-)little note
since my post about reading now has over 2000 notes (wow! i know it's not much for some but to me it's a lot!), i wanted to add to it a thought i hoped would be apparent from between the lines but this is the internet and one can never be too sure, so:
while we all know why reading is important, it's not a competition, and reading or not reading is not a judgment of a person's character, values or virtue. i don't think maximising the amount one reads through whatever methods should be anyone's goal at all, though perhaps my wording made it seem so. i would always encourage to rather read two books a year with thought instead of reading and listening to two hundred books a year just to have gone through two hundred books.
i appreciate all the additions and replies to my post and, while i'm not an audiobook person myself, can see how they could be very valuable to some people. however, i do listen to podcasts and video essays when cleaning or walking, and at least in my case, the amount of attention i am able to pay to what i'm hearing is not at all similar to the way i can concentrate on reading a physical book.
we all read differently, and i would not want to dictate what kind of reading is or isn't valuable; some books are quick, almost mindless reads, others take a long time and a lot of concentration. our circumstances are different too, sometimes we light not be able to either read or listen to a book. what i would encourage us all to avoid though, is the trap of trying to do as much as possible of everything all at once.
you don't need to optimise your time, you don't need to be reading or listening to books at all times to be a reader, you don't even need to be a reader(!).
if you like audiobooks, that's great! sit down, knit and listen to one. but if you're using audiobooks just because you want to go through as many books as possible, feel "productive" or whatnot, if you listen to books as background noise and then fool yourself to think it's the same as actually reading, i would advise you to just find fifteen minutes in which to sit down and read a physical book. it trains a different muscle than listening and it forces you to focus on one thing at a time and to go at your own pace, whatever that might look like for you.
there is no right or wrong way to read or be a reader, and i love to see how something i've always loved has suddenly become "cool". on the other hand, i'd be very wary of reading sliding under the umbrella of "things we must do as much of as possible to be good human beings". there is nothing inherently wrong about audiobooks, but the way some people seem to think of them hints at a culture of overconsumption and excess. quality over quantity, always.
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princeescaluswords · 5 months
Public vs. Private
There's an interesting discussion going on over on @elandrialore's blog that I think everyone should read, but I didn't want to derail the conversation any more than I already have, so I'm starting another post.
I think that a lot of the trouble we're having about fanfiction and other creative works and the criticism of said works comes from overreaching capitalism and the way it has contaminated all social interaction with the controlling concept of ownership. People believe that if they put the effort towards the creation of something it becomes theirs in perpetuity, which gives them the right to control how it is perceived, how it is reacted to, and how it is discussed. It is as if copyright -- which solely governs profit from intellectual work -- has metastasized into some universal and (hilariously) moral right to constrain how an audience experiences art.
As an old fogey, I partially blame the internet and technology. There used to be a pretty bright line between the Private -- actions which exist for which an individual is answerable only to themselves and the people they choose to involve -- and the Public -- actions which exist for anyone in the general mass of humanity who makes an effort to involve themselves. The rights of an audience member depend on the nature of the actions. To give a concrete example, if I am walking by a house where a person is playing the piano in the living room, and they are not doing it well, I should recognize it as a private action and keep my reaction to myself. If I walked up to the house, knocked on the door, and told the performer they sucked, it would be rude and crass. But if I am attending a concert, I am supposed to react, and I am free to react in a certain number of ways. I am able to clap or not clap, even boo if it is extreme, or write a report or comment evaluating the skill of the performer.
But on the internet now, we have people taking pictures of what they ate for dinner and sharing it with millions of people. We have parents sharing fights with their children on Facebook. In other words, we have people walking about the house, hearing the bad piano playing, recording it and sharing it with their ten thousand followers. The line between Public and Private has become blurred into near nonexistence.
Many of the arguments we're having about fanfiction today seem to me to arise out of people trying to apply mores about Private behavior to Public actions. (Make no mistake, by any definition, publishing a story on AO3 is a public act.) This is the basis of "don't like; don't read" or "I do this for free." Through the application of ownership to something it has never been before, they're trying to exert control.
It just doesn't work, and, more importantly, it's vital that it doesn't work. Public art serves a definite purpose in civilization beyond immediate pleasure, and for that service to be healthy, the audience has to be able to engage with it freely. You know how I know this? Minstrel shows.
In my profession, I work with a lot of music from the first half of the twentieth century, and minstrel music was very popular. Al Jolson is only the most well-known example. But it wasn't just done for profit. There were public performances of minstrel shows across the United States done by churches, by fraternal organizations, by schools. They propagated racists stereotypes absolutely, and they peddled a nostalgia for a United States that never existed so hard that it affected political elections. Yet, you won't see them today because eventually criticism of both the racism and the pseudo-nostalgia. Would it matter if the creators and performers of these shows -- not Al Jolson, but the ubiquitous local, said "don't like, don't read" or "we're doing this for free." No, and it shouldn't.
The idea that the creator has the expectation that they can perform a public act and control the reaction to that act is unbelievable and damaging in many ways. It leads not as they argue to the freedom of creators to create but to disconnection of the audience and the tyranny of the mob. No one, no one, posts a story on AO3 and doesn't want other people to read it, and so they will follow the trends that are popular, and without counterbalancing criticism, art becomes a tool of conformity rather than something that opens up experiences for an entire community. Again, because this ridiculous disclaimer remains necessary, no one is saying that an author can't create what they want and distribute it, but the audience, to be fully included, has to have the freedom to react to it, which the people who run AO3 recognize by having a comments section. How much effort the author put into it is irrelevant.
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caelos-legacy · 2 years
So what’s the technological advancement of this AU like? Whilst the coding capabilities are evidently highly advanced (I mean Sun and Moon are essentially just fully aware artificial intelligence being used as nothing more than computer assistants) has the world reached the point of robots and (you guessed it) animatronics yet?
If so could there potentially be a plot line (or non-canon fan work) of U/N eventually helping Sun and Moon to get their own physical body?
So like it could be a slow development with u/n slowly starting off just learning code and eventually being able to dissect Sun/Moon as it were; granting them access to the speakers on your laptop so they can actually talk (maybe a side plot where all they can produce is static-y noises, so they have to jerry-rig a digital voice box for them by combining a text-to-speak module with a voice changer).
After that they could eventually find a way to upload Sun/Moon on to their phone to take them around, which eventually leads to u/n hooking up a Go pro to their phone that way Sun/Moon can watch what u/n does whilst the phone is safely tucked away somewhere (perhaps this was prompted after an incident where u/n was trying to show Sun/Moon something through the camera but got distracted and accidentally tripped into the road, which whilst they do escaped unharmed perhaps the phone is skittled down a grate into the sewers or smth which leads to u/n having to find their own way down their to rescue Sun/Moon who are not amused once you finally find them).
Maybe their first physical body could come in the form of one of those robot pet toys. Maybe over time they’ve gotten to the point where they’re fully mobile like a real cat (going with cat cause of the flexibility) and you eventually get gifted one by a friend who has like a younger nephew or smth who goes to throw theirs out after it breaks, only for said friend to rescue it as they know about u/n’s coding capabilities (which have progressed a lot thanks to sun/moon’s help) as well as actually knowing about Sun and Moon; thinking that the cat could prove a good experiment
Which it does! And you briefly end up with Sun/Moon in a robot cat body which they are slightly salty about but also overjoyed that they actually have a physical body now! Until you start carrying then around in one of those weird cat bubble back packs at which point they alternate between glaring at you and looking out at the world in pure amazement
Following this you eventually managed to find a thrown out humanoid robot body (maybe something similar to a Security Breach Staff bot but with legs or smth) that you upload Sun/Moon into and slowly begin to customise for them with a new paint job and colours - and perhaps by this point news of your robot friend has become more public as you’ve been seen walking around with them a lot and heading down to the local scrap yard more and more frequently, eventually leading you to be contacted by a high end school somewhere in the city.
The catch? This school (primary school to be more specific; so for younger children) is run by animatronics. Perhaps Freddy teaches Music, Chica teaches Food tech, Monty teaches P.E. and Roxy teaches…I’m not honestly not sure. Maybe just a general sort of well-being class about self confidence and keeping yourself safe. Could even use some of the other animatronics that weren’t in sb as well; so Bonnie teaches maths (cause Idk about you but I’ve always had super nice Maths teachers) and Foxy, aside from working in safeguarding for children with disabilities (due to his peg leg, hook and missing eye), teaches English for no other reason but the fact that an English teacher with a pirate accent sounds amazing.
But anyway; this school reaches out and basically offers Sun and Moon jobs as the I.T. Teachers to come and teach the kids about internet safety (maybe they also volunteer in the mornings and after-school to help run some artsy clubs for the younger kids). And to sort of sweeten the deal, they also send over a new custom face plate complete with the sun rays and Moons cap (both of which had been lacking prior) with the promise of other upgrades should they take the job
Eventually they do gladly accept and it could just become a sort of sweet story where u/n and Sun/Moon end up living together; both of them working in the day and just enjoying each other’s company in their time off
alternatively, u/n could also be offered a job that includes a small engineering course that way they can become sort of the animatronic maintenance at the school. Vanessa is still there working as security (cause there’s only so much the robots can do), whilst Gregory is that one troublesome kid with a difficult home life (leading to Freddy adopting him and the two of them moving in with Vanessa cause otherwise Freddy doesn’t really have the means to provide for Gregory) and Afton is there just as a disgruntled janitor who nobody takes seriously as he makes all these rants about how he knows the secret to immortality and how the robots are all evil (and in reality it is all just rantings. Sorry Afton; no murderous vibes for you here)
Anyway this started off as a small concept and has now evolved into an entire plot. I may make something of this tbh- and if I do I shall make sure to let you know!
posting this so that others may read it, this is a lovely idea :3
actually funny thing of note, Fazbear entertainment doesn't exist in the au in any shape or form, nor do any other characters from the games. this is specifically centered around the daycare attendant
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