#ughhh she looks so good in s3
lightwise · 5 days
TBB S3 E10 Reaction
Life has been a bit busier the last few weeks so I am finally catching up on my episode reactions (I’m determined to do all of them this season!) And I apologize y’all, this episode made me very snarky apparently.
I’ll be honest. When this episode first came out I was nowhere near as surprised by it or horrified by it as reviewers seemed to be. Nothing about Palpatine hunting down force sensitive children as experiments and using Cad Bane to do it is a surprise, and the Vault feels so much like Andor. But even on a rewatch this episode holds up so well and honestly just starts to give a cold chill under the skin as the quiet horror of it sinks in.
- Cute kid. And the Batch nowhere to be seen. This is going to be a different episode isn’t it
- Oh no. He’s force sensitive 😫😫😫 hmmm how could that possibly go wrong
- This is giving Andor vibes 👀
- It’s always interesting seeing “regular people” in Star Wars and little markets and how they’re just trying to go about their daily lives.
- Don’t go around snitching people! Nothing good ever comes of it!!!
- Yeah this guy is worse than Timm from Andor. Wtf dude. You’re turning in a baby!!
- Also is it just me or typical Star Wars “houses” end up being pretty dark and depressing?
- Wait okay okay. So this is the CX chamber. Why can’t we see any of them yet 😩😩 what is this red fog? What are these weird conditioning pods? What kind of armor is on this datapad?? *trying to crawl inside my screen* I NEED ANSWERS JENNIFER!!
- “Do you trust me?” Ooooh why do I think that’s going to come back around
- But also, babygirl, I don’t think you actually know what you’re signing up for
- “I could be more useful” “you wish to be the new chief scientist Dr. Karr?” “I believe I’ve earned it.” Alright. This. This is interesting. This fully encapsulates the dynamic that these two have shared. Emerie knows that Hemlock only values things that are useful, and probably only sees her own value in the light of what she can contribute, due to how she was raised and the circumstances she has been trapped in. Hemlock’s tone of voice implies that he has never considered her as being the new chief scientist, and yet he acquiesces quite quickly, almost as though he’s just too busy to think about it and if it means things are brought back up to production standard then he’s fine with it. His utter disregard for Emerie as an actual human and someone with merit is disgusting though.
- But I get it, the man’s busy, he’s got a lot of evil shit he’s trying to do all at the same time 🙄
- So we have “the assets”, which is the area that Hemlock took Palpatine in the first episodes, where the orange containment pods are and the zillo beast is being kept. We still don’t know what those assets are. The Vault is something different.
- Well. Shit. It’s Andor and Narkina 5 for kids. Lovely 😳💀
- “There are few adults left with such characteristics” I WONDER IN THE NAME OF ONE EMPEROR PALPATINE WHY
- Okay so this entire exchange is awful. The kids are so cute! Hemlock is so cold. “Specimens. Assets” ughhh Emerie what are you getting yourself into!!
- Is this the first time we’ve heard the word glasses in Star Wars?
- Oh no. So THIS is why Cad Bane was brought back 🥺🥺
- The score in this episode is perfectly eerie
- Lol Todo is not good with kids huh 🤣
- That poor mama when she wakes up and finds her baby is gone
- I hope that dude has his entire life flash before his eyes as he’s trying to pick all of those credits up
- “My name’s Eva” 🥹🥹🥹 Emerie has no idea how to handle this 😂
- I still wanna know what’s happened with these commandos. No way a clone of Jango Fett is able to look a child in the eyes, call them a “specimen” and not have even an ounce of remorse as they stun them point blank.
- “Jax?” And Eva just points. The power in knowing someone’s name vs a dehumanizing number
- It’s also interesting that these kids are species that are red, blue, and green, and when they get Bayrn in, he’s white. RGB colors make up white light when put together.
- The little peeks of Emerie’s backstory we keep getting are so interesting. She was abandoned by Nala Se. She knows that these children don’t belong here, the same way that Omega told both her and Crosshair that they didn’t belong here either. Nala Se says that the Empire will hold these kids to control them. Emerie feels like she has no power to do anything differently. So much to unpack here.
- Why is Tarkin’s holo so large?
- Lol I honestly love getting to see the backbiting politics of how the Empire functions. It’s so bad and so funny
- Also love that Project Necromancer is so secret that even Tarkin doesn’t know what it is. He’s so nosy
- Okay why does he bring up the CX schematic again and why is it so different than the one we saw earlier??
- Whoa Cid was tortured???
- “The other operatives aren’t ready to join you in the field” why????
- We’re visiting a lot of space stations this season
- Man I wish Emerie had fudged this test
- Nooo let the poor baby go home 🥺
- Oh and now we’re putting kids in solitary confinement. Great.
- C’mon Emerie. Keep clicking that moral compass until it points north
- She kept the straw Lula. She’s giving it to Eva 😭. There’s hope for her yet
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maguro13-2 · 4 months
Darkness Reborn ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Final Chapter Pt.12 ~
Duo Maxwell : Ughhh! I think I managed to survive. Good thing I was able to survive that shock. I can't die if my Soul Data would be gone for sure. Still, I hope the guys of Wing would reunite with me very soon. But without any help from any of the Gundam Pilots, I just thought that we and Lain would appreciate the true kind of Deathscythe, but what's the use of it? Stupid Soul Eater and this stupid Square Enix. Those JRPG assholes are just a bunch of maggots.
Heero : Hey, isn't the time to give up. You still got some hope within us. Maybe it's time that you needed to find the true meaning of friendship in combat.
Duo Maxwell : Not now, Heero. I'm still waiting on something for you...[turns sees the Gundam Wing cast in suits] to return! Heero, Trowa, Quatre, and Wufei.
[S3&K Jingle : 1-UP - Howard Drossin]
Duo Maxwell : Guys! You all came back to me. I thought you were...
Heero : Alive? Yes, we were all alive and thanks to the help of that girl you fell in love with, we linked our Gundam's brains to become the robots that we piloted! We were lost in defeat to the hands of Necrodeus and that girl from the movie. Thankfully, we manage to use the ability to link with our robots' computerized brains. We knew it all along to finding out that Deathscythe was controlled by that Wired Girl.
Duo Maxwell : Yeah, that figures. She and I have a lot in common, but it's all good that we're finally back together. Listen, Necrodeus staged the Soul Eater thing, it was all a setup to bring the evil forces from Asura as a diversion for this galactic conquest thing from Demon Vibe. You all heard the thing right?
Quatre : Of course we heard the whole thing. Not just a thing thou, but the "entire" thing. Looks like the Ohkuboverse is was really facade the entire time and Demon Vibe behind all of this! The Real World AU got nothing on them. By the time, it's going to shatter Real World AU very soon.
Wufei : I will get the heartlesses' attention. Will call out our Gundams to distract the darksides and you meet Deathscythe at it's arrival to the city.
Trowa : With that in order, we can all finally have this world's moment of peace at last when the Ohkuboverse meet it's goodbyes. Real World AU won't be bothered by it for good.
Heero : So what do you say max? Need a hand to reunite us, Maxwell?
Duo : ....Yes, I'll give you a hand...for Earth! [shakes hands in agreement]
Trowa : It's good to have you back, Maxwell! Now then, let's go kick some invading butts!
[Deathscythe arrives]
[the four other Gundams arrived]
Heero : Duo! That's our cue! Now's the time to link our souls to the Gundams.
Duo Maxell : Right!
[The group transfers their bodies into the brains of their Gundams]
[Just Communication plays]
Heero : Aw, Yeaaaah-hahaha! WOOO-HO-HOOOOO! We are back! the Gundam Wing is back and ready to open our wings!
Duo Maxwell : And of course, I will make our revenge to complete option for ourselves!
Heero : And now we all finally knew that you were in engaged with Lain Iwakura at an age like this!
Duo Maxwell : Hey, don't get me starting the engage, you know that's our secret and the people will never know.
Inky Albarn : This world shall nothing become than a prison of mine. If only Bendy was here to see that...How much that I was going...to be a great mother. A mother that I was going to be proud of...
[images shows of Inky and Bendy on a date in the past]
Inky Albarn : What am I doing? What have I become? Who was I responsible for? This is not the Inky Albarn I know...
[Heart and Soul - Takahito Eguchi]
[a flashback shows Bendy and Inky in the 1930s]
Bendy : Inky. There's something that I needed to tell you this before.
Inky Albarn : Go ahead, my love. I'm ready to hear.
Bendy : Well...Ummm...okay! Here it goes. Inky Albarn, for having the best thing for taking me to a date and I've been waiting for this exact moment for us to be the love of my life. So, ummm, Inky Albarn I've been giving you this from a secret to keep it from those people in society.
Inky Albarn : What did you get for me?
Bendy : Uhhh...[thinking] roses that I gave her, giving a her good meal, and uhh, what was that last part again? [sees Boris behind the bushes]
Boris : [quietly] Go on! do it, man! She's all yours. Answer it and she will be yours!
Bendy : Okay...be brave! Let me show you a little magic. [straining]
Bendy : Tada! Inky, will you be the woman that I wanted to be with? [opens a box that contains a wedding ring]
Inky Albarn : [blushes] I...I never been blessed like this before. [giggles] Yes, Bendy. I do.
[flashes back to the present]
Inky Albarn : [sobbing] Bendy...I promised that I would come back to you. I promise that...I wanted to bring everything back the way it was. [starts crying] What have I...What have I done!? Bendy! Please come back to me! Please come back to me! [her dress starts changing from black to white] Why did I let everything go, Why did I have my heart torn to pieces? Evans...I could never forgive you do such a thing! You will pay for everything what you've done! When I do...I will get my hands on that are really something, the hands of you that are red with humanity's blood, I will destroy you for everything, and for making me as a tool for destruction! I will have my revenge! I am going to make you pay for what you've done!
[door opens]
[To the World of Memory - Yutaka Minobe]
Inky Albarn : Hmm? Who's there?
Dr. Stein (?) : My, my. If isn't Inky Albarn. What are you doing here alone in this basilica of Italy, the one they call it the beautiful and famous Santa Maria?
Inky Albarn : How did you know about me that I was here in the Santa Maria and who the heck are you? Are you Inky Evans or are you some kind of trespasser?
Dr.Stein (?) : My, My. What cold receptions await you to have your exact revenge. Now then, don't you tell me you were interested someone. It was I who broke your prison along time ago after those technicolor maggots defeated you to stop your bad behavior. After all you are the mother of the new lord that I planned you to give birth. [takes his off clothes that appears to be a disguise and reveals himself as Sammy Lawrence]
Inky Albarn : [gasped in shock] It can't be...You? You're the one who broke my prison and set me free! Sammy Lawrence!
Sammy Lawrence : So nice of you to see in a fair reunion, I was hoping that I would see your face once again after your imprisonment in the place where I awakened the original Ink demon. Your husband is alive and he would await your return. After all, this is the place where you and him married at many years ago.
Inky Albarn : This is the place where I married Bendy? Many years ago?
[flashback shows Bendy and Inky at the altar, where Bendy is the groom and Inky herself as the bride]
Sammy Lawrence : That's right. Years before you escaped from your imprisonment, you were chosen as the bride to the Demon King's ceremonial marriage, a ceremony situated by the true ruler of his world, the King of all Ink Demons. And of course, you married the lord that was his "son".
[Bendy's Father is shown with Alice Angel and Boris]
Inky Albarn : His "son"? So I was there before I became queen of his world, Bendy's father was there and I knew him as well. So does that make me...
Sammy Lawrence : Yes, it is true. Very true. You are the mother of his "child", you were his spouse. A true heir that serves the royal bloodline of all Ink Demons! For Generations the bloodline has passed throuhout the ages and then when you will become part of that bloodline, an heir will become the part of it as well! The new lord is revealed to be the child you wanted to give birth. That is your wish that you must never forget.
Inky Albarn : My wish. I finally understand what my wish is form. If it means what it means to to be the part of the bloodline, then I will have my revenge, the one who betrayed me from the start and I will make their transgressions pay.
Sammy Lawrence : Hurry now, the door will vanish soon, we must be get going to get you prepared. Let's give them the meaning that anyone is the creator and lover who are traitors. And you Inky is alive and Immortalized.
Inky Albarn : Alive and Immortalized, When there is no vaccine to cure the dirty need, they will build the machine, which they will die tonight! That is what those wishes are for. Inky Eater Evans, you're next!
~ Ninety-First Scene : Inky Redemption ~
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inspired by that @joysmercer anon ask, do kira/eddie go on double dates w kt/patricia? what do they do? [also just read your recent fic update and UGHHH YOU WENT THERE 😭]
this is such a cute ask omg!! okay, so obvi atp in the fic neither couple is together so it’s hard to say exactly how they’ll act together/bounce off each other until i’ve actually sat down and written them. however, i have some pretty good ideas. might even use some of them as fluff chapters 👀
they def do go in double dates, but the only ones that actually go really well are post-s3, bc the ones pre-phonograph smash are a little awkward bc 1) the relationships are new/shy, or 2) actively being sabotaged. otherwise, yes they’re pretty fun and they go on them often.
turns out that kt is a pretty dedicated groupon disciple, so she’ll often announce to the other three that she’s got a deal that they can’t pass up on
they go to the circus that passes through their area, and the whole time they’re there, kira regales the group with tales of the time first grade eddie pooped himself when they went to the big apple circus back in the states. eddie is denying it vehemently, but patricia and kt are literally screaming with laughter, spilling popcorn and cotton candy everywhere. every time a clown pops out, patricia points at them and tells eddie “that’s you.” kt and kira cling to each other during the trapeze bc they’re both convinced the acrobats are gonna fall, while eddie and patricia laugh at them.
another date they go on is minigolf, and this is one that eddie and kira get super intense about. they force patricia and kt to adhere to the “where it lies” rule, which leads to some insanely dangerous shots. eddie accidentally hits the ball into patricia’s forehead from on top of the windmill (don’t ask), and they’re all asked to vacate the premises.
once they all turn 18, they go out to a few bars together, and this is about as ridiculous as it sounds. eddie, patricia, and kira can hold their alcohol no problem, but kt has no stomach for it. what starts out as an innocent game of never have i ever ends with kira and patricia holding back kt’s hair while eddie hovers awkwardly by the door. they make a bunch of drunk friends that night though. eventually, the twins bite the bullet and call their dad to pick them all up. a bit of a disaster, really.
they go to the beach post-tor, and they’re all varying degrees of glad to be there. eddie spends most of the day between being in the water, bothering the girls, and complaining that this beach isn’t as nice as ones in america. kira and kt are curled up together on a towel reading the same book (kira ends up finishing it, then starting a reread all while kt’s still on her first go around). patricia on the other hand is very concerned she’s going to get a sunburn, and spends most of the beach day under a big floppy hat, sunglasses, and a towel looking very much like the photo below. eddie scoops her up and throws her in the ocean, and she’s so unamused she practically drowns him. (“yacker, i already almost died!” “i’m finishing the job!”)
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trappergirl · 2 years
001 for mattfoggy, 002 for jamie, and 003: avery barkley malcolm bright sam winchester logan echolls frank castle <3
put it all under a read more love u 💌
when i started shipping it: like, almost immediately. do you remember? i think as soon as i saw them interact i called froggy gay
my thoughts: they are so in love they're bffs they hold hands when they fight cause it makes them sad
what makes me happy: loyalty devotion honesty genuine connection open affection :) foggy being exactly what matt needs. they love each other 4 free
what makes me sad: they're both so convinced they don't deserve each other & are so tortured about it. i mean i love it but those poor boys :(
things done in fanfic that annoys me: i'll be honest i don't love dark matt. he's such a big softie for his foggy especially i just don't see the appeal...
things i look for in fanfic: foggy being the only person who has ever been gentle and loving with matt and matt absolutely not knowing how to cope with it. and repressed homosexuality is always nice. love that college era stuff <3 canon compliant, basically
who i’d be comfortable them ending up with: yeah yeah mattelektra. i even harbour some fondnesss for mattkaren. mattfrank entertains me. but foggy? foggy deserves to end up with matt. he's earned his happy ending
my happily ever after: nelson murdock and page attorneys at law :) nelson-murdock forever hyphenated if u know what i mean
who is the big spoon/little spoon: who is going to protect the man who protects hell's kitchen? foggy, obviously. he's lost matt once already there is no way he's letting go ever again. my man is a backpack. good luck getting away matty
their favorite non-sexual activity: they do absolutely everything together, they can turn anything into a date. frankly it's kind of disgusting how much they enjoy each other's company
how i feel about them: i have never loved a man more. he's holding me hostage as i type this btw
all the people i ship romantically with this character: royjamiekeeley is genuinely everything to me but if i had the power to make samjamie canon i would
my non-romantic otp: ted ted ted ted ted and ofc dani <3 the rest of the boys too. when is jeff getting lines btw?
my unpopular opinion: i have many that go against popular fanon of him. too many to count. @anatomicvenus should know since she has to hear me list them all
something i wish would happen in canon: please please please don't let him have a love interest in s3. he does not need a girlfriend he needs a therapist. most important to me is that his relationship w ted gets explored & we get some jamiekeeley bff screentime
my otp: royjamiekeeley. one of my favourites of all time, honestly. i actually have much less interest in him hypothetically ending up with only one of them (either) than i do in all three together
my cross over ship: i do truly believe what i said about him and juliette barnes of nashville fame. oh yeah follow me on twitter for more of that
a headcanon fact: nothing i think about him is a headcanon it's all real. i know this because he told me because he's my best friend who lives in my head. anywayz i'd be willing (reluctantly) to accept that his mum is alive but if she is not (she is not) i have every single detail of her death figured out and if s3 invalidates my hard work sudoku's wrong not me
sigh... so hard
1. avery barkley my babygirl my sworn enemy
2. malcolm...? he's just. poor little meowlcolm
3. logan echolls. obligatory psychotic jackass but he's my obligatory psychotic jackass
4. frank castle ughhh <3333
5. sammy my girlfriend sammy. sorry baby
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drdelphinecormigay · 2 years
omg omg omg i totally agree with everything you said!!
and you’re right s6 was slightly superior to 5 bc her hair was longer. imo she looks cutest with that kinda hair which is why in s10 there was this insanely attractive scene where she’s texting leah in this blue tank top and woah
also so true about callie… i guess it was whatever the greys stylist was feeling lol (apart from the s3 bangs… those were a choice)
and the if/then ep oh god she looked beautiful but so so hot at the same time and the outfit she had on underneath her scrubs ughhh she can literally top me any day
Yeah I completely agree. Arizona looks so good for the whole cheating/Leah era and it makes me mad bc those seasons make me too sad to watch but she’s so hot ugh. Also I know exactly which texting scene you mean and she looks so damn good in it. Big rip.
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Honestly Callie just had a wild variety of styles throughout the show and so sometimes she looks excellent and other times I’m like what did they do to you? Like the two or three episodes in season 5 where she has a fringe? Why?
I honestly think the if/then episode is the hottest Callie in the entire show. And that’s saying something. It’s something about the combo of the hair and the outfit and the heels. It’s truly something else. Here’s some more pictures just bc
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aqvarius · 4 years
Top 5 fav hlitf cgs?
thanks for this ask!! ahh it was so hard to narrow it down to 5 but i will try my best (with some bonuses bc... how could i not). i’m not going to include vip room CGs here even tho there are a couple of them that i adore too. also i can’t believe i’m not including the soma coming out of the shower CG that i love enough to have made my icon for a very long time now... but that just goes to show how much i love these ones. 
5. are you bullying my aide?
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okay so i’m cheating right off the bat and decided to group these two in one category bc they’re like conceptually the same CG lmao. i made a post before about loving instructors getting furious at people trying to hurt you in the sunset. and the fact that two of my absolute fave LIs of all time get these gorgeous fury CGs makes me infinitely happy alskdfls. the sad thing is that there’s an error in soma’s route so the CG doesn’t actually appear in-game...  anyway you know i love seeing cool love interests get mad so these two CGs are a perfect depiction of that.
4. i’ll take compensation
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who doesn’t love this scene and CG!! and the in-game version as well where his eyes are open bc he was surprised. i love it so much. that entire ending was so good, with the mc being the Best Senpai Ever? and she tries to blow his socks off with a kiss but then he just grabs her butt and goes in deeper? we stan a tie-grabbing mc. i only wish there was a CG for that elevator kiss too in the sequel(?). 
3. it reminded me of ugly cat
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honestly i love all of goto’s s3 CGs bc they are all just so pretty and i love the one as well where tsugaru is joking about him and usa being a couple and goto gets pissed. but this one is just so... pure and soft???? it’s so rare to see goto all relaxed and smiley and i just love it soooo much. also does anyone else find that his smile in this CG is so similar to chiba’s smiling sprite? ughhh this is so freaking cute i physically can’t look at it for too long otherwise i get overwhelmed with feelings. oh and also that cat is so weird looking lmao
2. please... let me be with you
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one of my favourite moments of all time. look how stunned kaga looks (but also... how pretty is he here... and how pretty is she.... season 3 CGs are so top quality). the fact that she’s hopped up on painkillers but they’re just fading off so she’s already starting to feel pain again and kaga is already kind of angsting over everything that happened on the case and then tsugaru is taking her home while kaga can’t even speak to her bc of office rules. and she just runs back to the office by herself even tho she’s already starting to feel the pain in her gunshot wound and just bursts into the office and yanks his cigarette out of his mouth and kisses him? and says even if you don’t want me, i want to be with you. honestly this whole moment is like freaking kdrama level dramatic and romantic and i love it so much. it’s like... the perfect moment combined with the prettiest CG. kaga’s pov of this scene makes it EVEN BETTER because he’s literally smitten with her, like he wants her so badly and then she just magically appears in front of him and kisses the life out of him, just as he was thinking about how much he needs her. right at the moment when he’s feeling the most empty, the most hollow, like his entire career in public safety amounted to nothing, she comes back to him. and then there’s that line of his, where he talks about love so fierce that he can’t breathe around it filling his chest and honestly it gets me every single time (also bc i can relate to that feeling lmao) but basically kaga/mc is my favourite couple and this moment and CG are just like... exactly what i love the most about them as a pair. ALSO i love her hair and that gold pin hahaha i want it. 
1.5 did i or did i not say you were forbidden from acting rashly?
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how could i not include this one as a bonus? i’ve been in love with this CG from the very first time i laid eyes on it back in 2018. no context (at the time i think soma’s graduation hadn’t even come out in l365 so we hadn’t even seen his short hair sprite in the intl app), no idea what was even happening in this scene, and yet i was immediately struck by the dangerous look in his eye and that little smile, and also just like... getting to see him in a tshirt and hoodie is so rare? i’m p certain that outfit is just recycled ayumu sprite’s casual clothes. anyway, knowing the context behind this CG makes it 10000x better for me. i wrote this in my unpublished review of soma’s battlefield route but i genuinely believe we’re seeing this CG from his mc’s eyes and that’s what tokito really looked like in that moment - with soma’s face, his hair, his expressions, his hands, his voice. our poor, sweet mc had been suffering for so long to the point where even toru and ayumu noticed that she hadn’t smiled in forever and were trying to cheer her up (and momose too later!!). for me, this CG represents the absolutely heartbreaking sense of delusion that soma’s mc feels in this route, and the way that she keeps trying so hard to project soma onto tokito because of her grief. i genuinely felt like in that moment, she physically saw soma coming to her rescue, like her desires manifest into a delusion. also, this CG comes at an absolutely amazing time bc we had been deprived of seeing soma for like 60% of the route and then we get this CG and suddenly everything is better for a short moment, and then everything goes back to normal and you really get a sense of how upsetting life has been for his mc.
1. come now, love. tell me what you desire
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i love this CG. i love it so so so so so much. firstly, i love the look of it. both soma and his mc just look so attractive?? soma’s muscles?? in his shoulders and back especially?! his mc has commented on his shoulderblades and back muscles before which have been honed through kendo practice so i’m very happy to get to see them. the actual text says that the mc is naked but here she’s still wearing a sundress, but she just looks so pretty and like she’s feeling unbelievably good? anyway i scream bc even soma’s hands look good and they still kept that one piece of hair that he has that sticks up lmao what’s gravity anyway? anyway, beyond the sensuality of the image (and also his tongue... and his sweat...), there’s just so much meaning behind it? like yes, it’s very hot and sensual and the dialogue that goes with this scene is unbelievably sexy, but this scene is just super meaningful bc it’s part of their recovery as a couple. they’re on this secret holiday in okinawa and they’re reconnecting after their trauma and idk it’s just so intimate. we really get to see the mc from soma’s eyes and we get to see how he is the only one who can see her weakness behind that strong face of hers, but also how he sees her strength in recovery? the way he describes that scene where she’s in this gorgeous white swimsuit with a sheer coverup and then picks a brown swim float so she can sit atop it on the waves and say “don’t i look like a doughnut?” despite having a literal near-death experience in the sea not too long before honestly had me falling head over heels in love with her, and it really made me understand exactly what he loves about her, and how much he just adores her. anyway this is me gushing over that special story, but what i mean is that the ending of his battlefield in combination with this special story sets up the beginning of soma and his mc’s healing as a couple, and it culminates in this scene. soma is kind of similar to kaga in the sense that they both actually demonstrate their feelings the most honestly through physical means, and here you can just see how palpable the desperation is. they desire each other so intensely and intimately and having this moment for the two of them to share is so significant for their recovery. you can just see how much soma needs to show her that he’s here, he’s really, physically here with her, and he’ll never leave her alone ever again, and he’s so sorry for all the pain she’s had to go through. you can see the way he’s telling her that with his body and with the way he talks to her and is just so himself in bed. there are really parallels between their first night together and this scene (mostly like... him asking her to tell him what she wants lol) and it just makes me so EMOTIONAL. 
no, that was just my top five solo (or li/mc) CGs. i also need to give my top five fave group/multiple character CGs lmao.
in no particular order:
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what can i say? it’s just so beautiful, and every single expression and pose is just so suited for each character i’m in love. 
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frankly no real reason for this one aside from the fact that we get to see goto and subaru in yukata and subaru always looks soooo freaking good in hlitf CGs and also goto’s hand is on subaru’s chest and you know we ship gobaru in this house
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the third anniversary substory CGs are just amazing (you’ll see the full one in a bit and it’s WILD) but honestly i just need everyone to see this one bc it’s just gorgeous. look at ishigami and kaga and look at how inhuman they look, all sweaty and tired from being in panda mascot costumes. kaga with his sleeves rolled up literally has me salivating. look at PRETTY their faces and muscles are... anyway, this CG has me as thirsty as ishigami guzzling that bottle of water.......... 
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i said it was in no particular order but i just need to say that this one is my actual favourite bc it has EVERYONE. and look at how gorgeous they all look.... every single one of them with their hair pushed back ;alskdjfalsk WHO??? WHO LET THIS HAPPEN? NAMBA’S GLOVE? KAGA AND GOTO’S MATCHING SCOWLS? THE ANGLE OF SOMA’S HEAD? TSUGARU’S TONGUE? and also the way his legs are positioned?!?!?! also i love swishy hair ayumu and hide with his leg crossed the other way from kaga and also i’ve never seen toru look this attractive it’s very unfair. 
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the sheer amount of chaotic energy in this one is just wonderful and i love all the details. you all know namba is DAY DRUNK. goto and toru in that signature headlock position, ayumu being a lil shit and putting wasabi in all the cupcakes and ISHIGAMI AND KAGA FALLING FOR IT AND SUFFERING??? LOOK AT THEIR SUFFERING FACES JUST LOOK. and you just KNOW that soma is going to suffer the same fate oh sweet mercy this is like “famous last pictures” level of good. also they’re all wearing new clothes which i love sooooo much. i wanna see ayumu in that orange sweater more often and also army green shirt kaga with the sleeves rolled up to his forearms with that look on his face. have i ever been more in love? no. 
finally, here’s my ultimate favourite favourite group image of all time! not a CG but it’s the header that i use on the mobile version of my blog:
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they’re all looking so happily/fondly over at YOU (hlitf mc who fell asleep) and wondering what you’re dreaming about/saying that you’re dreaming about them. and they all just love and adore you so much. the amount of affection in this one image is unreal and also momose is in it ialskfjsd i just.............. am the SOFTEST for this one. 
anyway sorry that (1) it took so long for me to answer this, bc i had to spend ages thinking about it alongside being busy with life stuff and (2) that i went on for so long and did not pick 5 CGs but rather... 12....... but these are my faves!! thank you so much for the ask! 
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reemaroamstyria · 2 years
anyway i finished living world season 4 last night and man. i legit cried like 3 or 4 times playing through it. I have many thoughts.
Mostly that now i totally understand why people love Braham so much. I still don’t like his writing in s3, but I do think they did a good job writing him back in, and that “i love you too” bit in the epilogue had me legit tearing up again.
But honestly…. i don’t wanna play through the ice brood saga. I’m like really dreading doing it.
Putting aside my insane infatuation with Rytlock and not wanting to see him with a son and a ‘mate’ or girlfriend or whatever, I’ve also heard that Taimi just sort of. stops being in the story. That she’s not even mentioned as much? And that, alongside Zojja and Bliss never being spoken about again just feels bad. Rytlock, Logan, and Taimi are my favorite characters. But if Taimi isn’t in icebrood saga, and Logan isn’t really in it either (since he’s not a part of dragons watch, as he’s the pact marshal) and i don’t enjoy the storyline following Rytlock… like, what does icebrood saga even have to offer me?
i’m really only gonna do it for the seasons of the dragon thing, to get the legendary amulet. But i’m just thinking, is it even worth it if I don’t enjoy it along the way? If i actively hate it? The worst part is, you can’t even skip any of it. You’re forced to sit through and listen to the dialogue, no cut scenes you can skip.
Ughhh i’m just. really not looking forward to it. And honesty i’m also not really pumped for the new expansion, cuz i just don’t like the direction things go in with the characters. I don’t like the writing of 80% of the stuff since HoT.But I dunno. maybe it will surprise me, if I give it a chance.
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staliasjeronica · 3 years
Riverdale S5 Ep2 Thoughts *Spoilers*
Thoughts under the cut so it’s not long and annoying!!
- Can’t wait for this Archie centric episode ugh it’s so dumb how the show derived from the ARCHIE Comics isn’t about Archie anymore… teen wolf did the same thing with it’s main character and it’s so dumb
- Slughead fadshjfkaslja
- Archie 🥺😭 poor baby
- Bret’s ALREADY dead? Damn.
- Typical Cheryl lol
- Archie can be so good at faking dating Betty but not Veronica :(
- Jughead shut up???
- Veronica caring about Jughead’s feelings I’m so—but she’s acting like they’re the it couple of Riverdale High and iff they break up everyone will be devastated lol literally no one other than Jughead would care. Still, she’s babie and trying to keep the peace even though she shouldn’t have to be the better person like always.
- Ahhh Hiram. And Archie once again being attacked by an adult. NOT HIRAM ACTING LIKE HE DIDN’T HAVE A MISTRESS, AND ALSO BRINGING FRED INTO IT? FRED NEVER CHEATED I????
- So Hermosa can be at Pop’s when Veronica’s working but Jughead, who basically lives there, can’t?
- Veronica being held at gunpoint my baby 😭😭😭 HERMOSA?? I mean it quite literally was self defense but this show always forgets about that.
- Veronica looks so fucking good ughhh Her having shit not attached to Archie’s side is so good for her MUAHHHHHHH
- “Betty’s instincts are good” lolololol Charles stop lying
- Of course they all have to wear red. “Why, you hate monger?” “for killing the weirdo who was going to kill you for some dumbass reason that makes no sense and I don’t remember” yeah am I surprised smh
- It’s weird that no one has known that Hiram never stopped being the bad guy. Like??? LODGE WOMEN CONSPIRING AGAINST HIRAM THAT SHOULD HAVE GONE DOWN IN LIKE S2 OR S3???? YASSSSSSSS FINALLY
- That Charles look……….. mmhm I already saw the spoiler that he’s behind the tapes smh but I’ll save that rant for when we do find out
- I love that this is happening finally with Veronica taking down Hiram and it’s really fun to watch but it’s not that gratifying because it should have happened long ago… but now that she has Hermosa with her, now she can get her mom back onto her side like s1? It just… it’s amazing that it’s finally happening but c’mon this should have been done in s2 or 3
- Still annoyed that Betty took his spot at Yale or whatever and never gave it back lol she really doesn’t care about him. AND he still doesn’t know she cheated, and Veronica’s the only one who’s thinking of his feelings. Mmhm.
- FALICE IS SO CUTE AHHHH Them being their little family could be so much cuter if they forced Bughead to break up <3
- Right Penelope still isn’t in jail for all the shit she’s done sigh
- CHONI SCENE AWW even though it’s for an alibi for Penelope to like kill her entire family. So why now does Penelope care about Cheryl’s feelings
- Donna knows Betty doesn’t care about anyone but herself why would she even TRY. Joan’s mom spilling everything over the phone lol ok???
- Knowing Bughead is going to implode makes Bughead a little bit easier to handle
- Is Hermosa encouraging Veronica to send guys to beat up her dad or something
- They’re charging a child as an adult….? I know that happens irl even though it shouldn’t. I mean obviously he still did wrong but charging him as an ADULT?
- Oh goodie another tape… it’s so gross that Bughead sleep in the same bed together like that
- Jellybean </3
- Ew her name for him in her phone is Daddykins
- “A dog who needs to be trained.” Veronica standing up to Hiram his always so good even though they always just make her pretend she didn’t. We love and miss badass Veronica muahhhhhhh
- I feel like in the future Hermosa will be the new Hiram and I don’t like that because they always reuse their dumb boring plots
- Cheryl’s outfit could be so good if she didn’t have that hat but somehow she still pulls it off
- The way Penelope comes out of the hidden wall
- it’s so fucking weird that Cheryl doesn’t act like she hates Penelope and that she didn’t do what she did.
- It would have been so good to see Betty uncover that bug but okay. Could have made bh’s boring investigation bs somewhat interesting
- Why couldn’t we have just had a nice family thing. JUST LET FALICE BE HAPPY DAMMIT
- This Charles reveal isn’t surprising at all because we’ve known since he showed up. Maybe if not every new character was bad we could have been surprised by this. 
- If Betty was a “good detective” like the writers try to make everyone believe, Betty would have instead made Charles confess and record it secretly. But Betty and Jughead are awful detectives and try to be the hero when they’re anything but and assume they’ll listen to them.
- HERMIONE!!!!!!!!! QUEEN SHIT!! This should have been done in s2
- YES BUT WHENEVER VERONICA WANTED TO LEAVE YOU COULD HAVE BACKED HER AND LEFT LIKE??? Anyways power move!!! When the Lodge storyline has been the best thing of this ep
- Mary 🥺😭 “Or to Betty and Jughead” girl what?? What does destroying the TV do bro literally nothing. Poor Mary :(
- JUGHEAD ACTUALLY CARING ABOUT BETTY’S FEELINGS?? Not them making BH act like an actual couple NOW when they’re going to implode. But also when will Jughead find out about Barcheating smhhhhhhh
- ADULTS STOP HURTING ARCHIE. HE’S A CHILD. What the fuck is this. Stop encouraging Archie to BEAT you?!?!? That’s so unhealthy. Now they’re hugging…
- I found out about JB because of the Jeronica gc and I know it’s because she doesn’t want Jughead to leave but this show really has to ruin every character to make anything crazy that Betty/Jughead/Bughead do seem incomparable it’s so??? What was the reason… it seems like they just put everyone’s name on a spinner and spun Jellybean and had to somehow tie the tapes to her. This is so fucking dumb, truly. One more ep until we’re free of Bughead’s boring high school investigative bullshit and we can have change and better plots and dynamics. One more until the time jump!
- DRINKS? Jughead you’re not 21 and your dad is a recovering alcoholic.
- But thank GOD Jughead has a scene without Betty. Imagine it automatically being good because bh isn’t forced to have screen time for no reason.
- So is no one else gonna know that it was JB taping their house because the entire core four+ got one.
- I just love that everybody else’s plots were better than BH’s, like always. Though I wish Archie’s arc of wanting help to not be so angry was over a psan of episodes and not just one.
- Veronica was naked…. do VA get another sex scene? Why? They’re broken up…….. plot twist it’s Reggie. We could wish. Nah but we’ve seen V use sex to like.... distract herself, or maybe it’s goodbye sex. Idk but hearing people are slut shaming her once again........ fuck off maybe???
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mychemicalxmen · 4 years
Unfinished Business
hey so I find crt’s recent interactions with the tua fandom to be sus as hell and it got me thinking about the most plausible way I could see him comin back in s3 and the conclusion I came to is a way-shorter and way-simpler version of whatever the hell this is so uhhhh here
2.9k, klave/klave-adjacent
... ... ...
“Is this really a good idea?”
Allison’s words are gentle as she stands in the doorway of Klaus’s room. Well, not his room, per se, but the grey-walled, undecorated space that would’ve been his bedroom in a timeline gone by. The Sparrow Academy doesn’t seem to be a huge fan of homey-ness. They’d ever-so-kindly granted the Umbrellas two nights’ stay in these cold cells while they gathered their bearings and prepared to face the new world they’d fantastically screwed up.
Klaus smiles at her question. “That’s hardly stopped me before, right?”
Allison rolls her eyes and drops her hands onto her hips. “I’m worried about you, okay?”
“Don’t be,” Klaus answers with a swatting gesture. “It’s been easy-peasy since I’ve dropped the pills. Parlor tricks. Did this song and dance tons of times for Madame.”
“Also, we need to unpack your relationship to ‘Madame’ at your earliest convenience.”
Klaus raises an eyebrow mischievously. “What happens in Dallas...!”
Allison sighs. “Okay, well, if things start to get, y’know, mega-spooky panic-time, you’ll just yell, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, sure.”
“Hey.” Allison’s voice is suddenly calmer. Klaus’s gaze snaps up to meet hers. “You’re sure about this?”
Klaus lets himself breathe for a moment. Tension fights to seize his limbs. He’s really about to do it.
His first six months of sobriety were the absolute nightmare that he knew they would be. They were all the sleepless nights, trembling hands, emotional eruptions, and torturous visions that he’d predicted.
But at some point, his powers became less like a stubborn faucet, run by an on/off switch with not much in between. With time (and Ben’s encouragement), he’d come to better understand his link to the other side. He’d learned how to cut and re-engage the connection at will, how to find faces in the crowd, how to call one forth, and how to sleep peacefully.
Most nights.
“I’m sure,” he says solidly.
He checks himself over, tugging his brightly striped shirt into place, tucking in his dog tag, and running a hand through the hair he’d half-considered chopping off the second he made it home. When he looks back up at Allison, he‘s feeling a bit less brave. “Do I look alright?”
Allison nods with a little grin. “You look great.” God, he wishes they’d reconnected far before this Dallas fiasco. She just cares so much. “Good luck,” she says.
“Love you, sis.” He blows her a lazy kiss as she leaves and closes the door behind her.
He paces around the room, steeling himself for the process. Like he said, it’s no big deal. Easy peasy. Even with that hiccup with alcohol, he’s clean enough to pull it off. He shakes out the last of his nerves with a couple tiny hops before settling in the middle of the room.
He stands firmly, feet apart, and drops his head. He squeezes his fists and lets the energy start to crackle between his fingers.
With all the insanity of this timeline, he needs to know what happened in 1968. He needs to see Dave.
It’s tougher to contact someone not already in the room. He focuses everything he has, and the energy pulses faster and stronger. Come on, come on…
He looks up with a start.
There he is, standing four feet in front of him. Those torn-up fatigues. Those searching blue eyes. That curly mess of blonde hair he hasn’t seen for three years.
Klaus can’t keep the dumb smile off of his face.
“Hey there, soldier,” he practically whispers.
“Hey yourself,” Dave says - happy, though clearly disoriented. “Guess you weren’t making up all that ‘future’ junk after all.”
Klaus’s affirmative laugh is airy. But when his eyes trail down to the cavity in Dave’s chest, his heart aches in regret.
His jaw aches too. What a week it’s been.
“I have... so much to ask you,” Dave goes on. “It’s been a long time.”
Klaus swallows. Here goes. The million dollar question.
“Uh… How long of a time, exactly?”
He unconsciously holds his breath.
Dave glances to the side. “...Right around when JFK was shot. Must’ve been ‘63?”
Klaus exhales and sits on the bed, face blank.
Dave is wincing at his own memories. “God, I was such a dumb kid, I’m so sorry that you—”
Klaus isn’t hearing him. He’s too caught up on that number. 63.
If the Umbrella Academy doesn’t exist, Klaus Hargreeves doesn’t grow up in the same home as Five Hargreeves. He doesn’t get kidnapped by assassins. He doesn’t get his hands on a briefcase. He doesn’t go to Vietnam.
If the Umbrella Academy doesn’t exist, neither does the Dave that fell in love with him.
His Dave is gone. Really gone. 
This Dave was the timid hardware store employee he’d tried to get through to, striving to save his life and instead locking in his fate a few days early. This Dave is still the same person as the other one was. Same upbringing, same interests, same compassion, same smile, same violent death. But...
“—a strange time for anyone. You know how it is.”
Klaus tunes back in to Dave apologizing for his cringey adolescence. “No, no, yeah, I get it, don’t worry about it.”
In the pause that follows, Klaus feels his throat tighten and hot tears threaten to drop down his face.
Within the same pause, Klaus realizes the obvious. Dave is a ghost.
Kiddos and grandmas, or anyone who’s achieved either nothing or everything that their life had to offer them, they get the window to move on right away. One-way ticket to the Great Beyond, or the next life, or whatever the hell it is. Ultimate FastPass, Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200. Klaus has learned that spirits don’t tend to stick around on earth unless they have unfinished business. Sometimes they don’t even know what they need to do to start fresh, and that’s always the worst. Those souls become the bitterest, the loudest, the most tortured. Those were the ones who gave him hell in the mausoleum, with question after question that he couldn’t even begin to answer.
Dave seems to have managed okay. Probably spends a lot of time watching over his friends, his sisters, his neighbor’s cat. Klaus wonders what he could possibly have left to do.
“Major case of unfinished business you got there, huh?” Klaus asks. “Been waiting around, what, fifty years?”
Dave squints. “Well, it’s hard to feel it. Time works a little funny over here.”
“Right, of course it does,” Klaus recalls stupidly. He sniffles and swipes a hand under his eye as nonchalantly as he can. “Ah. Any idea what the little brat is waiting for you to do?”
Dave gives a tentative chuckle. “Brat?”
“Oh, Big G, the almighty, you know,” Klaus clarifies. “The bitch on the bike. I met Her once or twice. We’re not too chummy.”
Dave shows startlement, then shakes his head, acknowledging that this information should hardly faze him at this point. “Um. Yeah. Don’t know what She wants yet. Though She’s actually a cowgirl for me.”
“Of course She is.” 
And that’s the idiotic comment that causes Klaus’s voice to crack.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Dave asks. He hazards a few steps closer.
Dammit, dammit, dammit.
“No... Nothing,” Klaus stammers. He briefly covers his face and lets out a groan. “Ughhh, it’s going to sound crazy.”
“Really think you can beat ‘Time-Traveling Cult Leader with Prophetic Dog Tags and Tidings of Death’?”
“It wasn’t a cult,” Klaus mumbles in futility. He drops his hands and gives it his best shot. “The first time I met you - first time I met Dave - was in a totally different timeline, in 1968. That’s how I knew all that stuff about you. And you died the same way, except I was there the first time. The other time. The same time?”
“You and ...’Other Dave’.... fought together,” Dave offers.
“Yes!” Klaus confirms, relieved that he’s making sense. “Yeah, exactly. Which is why I tried to stop him - you - from going.” He indicates Dave’s abdomen. “And, obviously, I failed. But because of some stuff my family screwed up along the way, you never fought with me, so I remember a lot more than you do, and it’s all just...” He gestures helplessly. “A real kick in the dick.”
Dave tilts his head in a mix of sympathy and confusion. “That... does sound pretty crap.”
Klaus doesn’t expect it when Dave sits next to him on his bed.
“You want to tell me what I missed?”
“Oh, no, no, no, Dave, you don’t want that. That’s a long story.”
Dave shrugs. “I’ve got some time to kill.”
Klaus manages a smile. Talking will keep him from crying.
He tries his best to tell everything chronologically, but almost every step of the beginning requires some Hargreeves Family Lore that he reluctantly recaps as efficiently as possible. Dave is an exceptional listener. Always has been. He lets Klaus ramble on and on and asks little questions now and again to get a clearer picture. Klaus appreciates Dave’s effort to form a coherent narrative out of the scattered snapshots that time has left him with.
Klaus stumbles with pronouns. He makes a point to refer to His Dave with “him” as opposed to “you”, but he can’t help but slip a few times in the middle. Dave seems to understand.
Klaus tells him about the day they met. He waters down the Time Police part of the tale and focuses on what came after. Dropping into the tent at dawn. The casual conversation on the bus. The strange instinct that he got to stick around for a few days.
He tells him about soldiering. He tells Dave how focused and respected he looked on the battlefield. But he also tells him how kind he was to new recruits.
He tells him about their first R&R together in Saigon. He tells him about the vibrant bar and the strangest music and the secluded back hallway.
He tells him about the nights in the jungle they’d stayed up and dreamed up plans for when they’d go home together. He tells him about the day those plans fell apart. When Klaus runs out of story to tell, he just stops. Dave looks at him thoughtfully. Klaus can only imagine what must be running through his head. He knows it’s not judgement, or embarrassment, or anger, or loathing. Dave is too sweet for any of that.
Dave is too good for the rotten fortune that found him, time and time again.
“I’m sorry,” Klaus says.
“For what?”
“I’m sorry that I couldn’t save him,” Klaus answers. He fumbles again. “You. Him? Young Dave?”
“I’m getting a headache keeping track of it myself,” Dave admits.
“You,” Klaus settles on. “I’m sorry I couldn’t save you.”
Dave looks into him for a breath. Then, he reaches out and touches his arm. Klaus wants to dissolve into dust.
“I think I understand why I loved you,” Dave says.
A bittersweet laugh tumbles ungracefully from Klaus’s mouth. He tries not to draw attention to the new round of tears that spills over with it. “You do?”
“Yeah. I do.” Dave gives him the gentlest smile. “You shouldn’t be sorry. You tried so hard. I could’ve had more courage, fought back, ran away, something, but I just... wasn’t ready.” He glances down. “And I wasn’t going to be.”
Klaus’s hand closes over Dave’s on his arm.
“But I always remembered you,” Dave adds. “I always thought you were brave.”
“Goddamn, I was convinced I’d pushed your Big Awakening back a good two months, at least.”
“Far from,” Dave assures. His eyes crinkle with the flash of a memory. “I’m... not sure if I should tell you this.”
Klaus cocked his head. “Well, shit, Davey, now you have to.”
“I’m assuming Other Me told you something about Bill, right? Met in junior year, moved to Austin after school, always a bit of suspicion there...”
Dave’s face reddens slightly. “I mean, it wasn’t anything serious, but there were a few weeks when I was home, before this last tour...”
Klaus’s eyes widen. This was not an event on his timeline. He mocks outrage and pushes Dave’s hand away. “David Joseph Katz—!”
“The point is,” Dave poorly stifles a laugh, “I had hope. That it was gonna be alright, and that after this round, I’d be back in America for good, and I’d find my place.”
Klaus supposes hope is nice. It’s just not terribly helpful with the way things panned out. In the world where Dave still didn’t make it home. In the world where he’s stuck here, waiting for a way to move on. In the world where he’s still around to see how little good that hope did him. And frustration starts to churn Klaus’s stomach, even though he knows...
“...This really wasn’t your fault,” Dave says, reading him just as perfectly as he could in ‘68.
Klaus hadn’t noticed how long he’d fallen silent for. “I know,” he mumbles, and logically, he does. But that doesn’t make it hurt any less. There had to be a timeline out there where everything ended up alright, where him and Dave lived happily together just like they’d talked about, but he is never going to find it now.
“I’m sorry,” he repeats. “And I still love him. Christ, he made one of the deadliest shitshows in American history the only place I wanted to be. He made me the happiest that I’ve been in a long, long time. He made me feel so treasured. So... strong.”
When the tears return a third time, he stops trying to hide them. He carelessly wipes the heel of his palm across his cheek.
“I wanted to tell him all that,” he finishes. “He gave me something so special that I don’t think I’ll get again.”
A sob escapes Klaus. Dave patiently waits for him to work it out.
“I know I’m not him,” Dave starts, “But for what it’s worth, I think he’d know you still love him. I think it’d destroy him to be apart from you. But I don’t think he’d want you to destroy yourself.”
Klaus knows the spiel that’s coming, and so badly does he want to dismiss it all as disgusting cliche. But he also knows Dave’s sappy tendencies well enough to know that, in this case, it’s probably accurate. Hell, he’s hearing it from the man himself.
“If you couldn’t get back to him, I think he’d just want to know you were happy,” Dave says. “You know? That you kept moving and kept taking care of yourself. And kept looking for the kind of love you deserve.”
Dave shifts to face him more directly. His eyes are bright with intention. “You have so much life left in you. You deserve a new chapter.”
Klaus feels beaten and weary all over. His mind is finally slowing down to the present.
When Dave subtly opens up his arms, he eagerly takes the offer to wrap him in an embrace.
This is the last he’ll see of him. He can feel it. He tucks his chin over Dave’s shoulder and clings onto the fabric of his vest, eyes shut, trying to commit every sensation to memory.
Dave returns, lightly weaving his hand into Klaus’s hair. Klaus recalls with a weak grin that he knew Dave would be fond of the new length.
It’s safe and sacred and almost everything that he’d planned for on that day he’d desperately wandered the mansion halls, calling out for any help he could get, twisting a bundle of rope in his quaking hands.
He hears a whisper of a wind chime.
“Shit. Shit, shit, shit,” Dave mutters.
The blue glow pierces through Klaus’s eyelids. He pulls back to look at Dave.
He’s crumbling apart, piece by piece, and drifting away. Bright light speckles the entire room.
“Klaus?” Dave asks. His voice is soft but threaded with slight fear. “Is this...?”
“Yeah, it is,” he answers. He tightens his grip on Dave’s arms. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For letting me say goodbye.”
A beat passes. Then, understanding washes over Dave’s face. He pulls Klaus close once again, stroking his hair.
He presses a kiss onto Klaus’s forehead.
Klaus doesn’t watch him go. He only opens his eyes when his arms are at last empty.
Specks of glittering blue light still float through the air. Nothing else remains but the wrinkle on the bedspread where he was sitting. Klaus’s face still feels warm where his lips were placed just moments ago.
Klaus buries his head in his hands. “Allison,” He calls out. The sound is pathetic. He clears his throat and tries again. “Allie?”
He hears her heeled boots click down the hall. He can’t bring himself to look up when she opens the door. “You okay?”
“It’s over,” he summarizes.
“What do you need?”
A joint. A fist full of pills. Five shots of tequila. A good sock in the head so he can go back to that pre-Technicolor hellscape and tell that bitch on the bike what he really thinks of Her.
“Can you just sit with me for a minute, please?”
Allison closes the door and obliges.
They talk, slowly and softly, about absolutely nothing at all, while Allison smooths her hand against Klaus’s back. They stare at the cold tile floors together for a long time. Klaus asks if it would kill the Sparrows to hire an interior decorator.
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hajimine · 3 years
I JUST FINISHED S4 TODAY and i saw reiner buying the kids food and my daddy issues having self was like "o-oh? 😳😳" he's getting hotter ngl
ALSO ZEKE IS OBVIOUSLY AN ORANGUTAN PLS but not my point my type is older men that has a sense of humor aight it sucks that he killed all the people that i have emotional attachments too but like 👀👀
NDNXKWJSJ SHUT UP 😭😭 he’s so soft this season tho ughhh i didnt like him at all after it was revealed that he was a titan back in,,, s3? but i had a change of heart after the whole shpeal got revealed in s4 and now i feel bad for him nehndhw poor dude smh 😞 speaking of,, DID U GET CONFUSED WHEN U STARTED S4???? bc i sure as hell did bye i didnt know wtf is going on, with the whole war and tanks and the jaw titan bye i was so confused 😹😹
THAT DOESNT MAKE IT ANY BETTER??? 🦧 or 🦍 is still monke yk 🥴🤲🏻 and yeah,, he didnt have to do all that fuck im still pissed abt so many things he did 😑😐 AND YEESSHAB YELENA MILF i want her to step on meeee hello 😩😩 so hot urghgsgd,, but also hitch looks so good in the newest ep mannnn sigh pretty girls make me go all 🥴🥴🥴 <//3
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alwaysupatnight · 4 years
Since you sent me an a bonus two, I am taking that as a greenlight to send even more! How about Kate Fuller and looking through your tags: Joel Hammond (Santa Clarita Diet) and Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist) 💖
omg this took forever!! lmaooo Thanks for all the characters though!! :D
Kate Fuller
Why I like them: My love!! I went into FDTD already a fan of Madie’s but Kate quickly became one my fave characters!! I love that she’s so small and cute but will absolute wreck you if you mess with her or someone she cares about!! lmfao She’s so fierce when she needs to be and doesn’t take shit from anyone, but she’s also so nurturing and forgiving and I think we all need a little of that in our lives. Absolute sunshine, not to be taken for granted.
Why I don’t: Sometimes she goes a little too far tbh. She doesn’t know when or how to say no. It’s not that I don’t like that about her, but it absolutely gets her into situations that could otherwise be avoided.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Again season 2 episode 1!! I love how she sasses Seth in that episode. lol
Favorite season/movie: Hmm... maybe season 1.
Favorite line: “...So you’re gonna put this car into drive, and you’re gonna step on that pedal, or I’m gonna Bible-thump your ass all the way back to Kansas! NOW!” LMFAOOO
Favorite outfit: I think her black American Eagle jacket and jeans with the black boots outfit has become so attributable to her character in my mind. When I think of Kate she’s wearing either that outfit or the one she wears at the end of s1. I think those are my faves. Also Amaru’s outfit looked totally amazing on Madie!!
OTP: Sethkate obvs
Brotp: I’m gonna go with Kate and Rafa. He was too good!! I totally would ship them romantically too ngl. They were precious together!!
Head Canon: Ugh again with the head canons... lmao I kinda always believed she’d wanna study engineering of some kind if given the chance to go to back and finish school. Everyone always wants to make her a nurse or a teacher or something, and I can totally see that. But I like the idea that she’s interested in how things work. I totally wanna write a mechanic Kate au one of these days.
Unpopular opinion: idk that I have any unpopular opinions about her... She made some questionable decisions in season2, but I forgive her for making me suffer.
A wish: That she hadn’t mf DIED!! BECAUSE I SUFFERED OKAY. WORRYING FOR MONTHS THAT IT HAPPENED TO ME YET AGAIN AND THAT MY FAVE WAS DEAD. Also that she had gotten more screentime in season 3. She barely had a few minutes. It wasn’t fair. And I wish that Richie had owned up to his part in her death.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Romantic tres geckos. No thanks!!
5 words to best describe them: Too good for this world
My nickname for them: Seth’s badass beautiful young wife. That’s my tag name for her. :P Also Kate Gecko.
Joel Hammond
Why I like them: OMFG I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!! lmao I love that he’s so dedicated to his family. And he LOVES Sheila more than anything, even though she’s become a zombie and her entire personality changes on him and eats people now, but he stays with her and never gives up on her. Even though he’s highkey stressed 100% of the time. :P
Why I don’t: I don’t think there’s anything I don’t like about him tbh??
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Ughhh idk I loved all the episodes tbh. But one of my favorite scenes was in season 3 after he and Eric do the zombie killing training and Eric says “Joel touched me” XD
Favorite season/movie: IDK. Maybe a tie between s1 and s3.
Favorite line: haha idk I can’t remember any in particular except “You’re killing it!” when he finds out Abby soaked his iron skillet in the sink :P
Favorite outfit: I don’t think I have one? I never really paid attention tbh.
OTP: Joel and Sheila!! They belong together!!
Brotp: Joel and Eric!! forever dying at those two. I love their relationship so much!!
Head Canon: I never thought about it tbh...
Unpopular opinion: Don’t have any!!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: that his personality would be really different from his original one after turning into a zombie
5 words to best describe them: Best husband in the world
My nickname for them: don’t have one!!
Edward Elric
Why I like them: I really loved his relationship with Alphonse!! They meant everything to each other!! I haven’t seen FMA anything in a long time, or I’m sure I would remember more things I liked. :P
Why I don’t: Okay I found the Brotherhood anime Edward pretty goddamn annoying sometimes with all the screaming and cartoony reactions to things...
Favorite episode (scene if movie): idkkkkk
Favorite season/movie: I definitely preferred the 2003 anime... Brotherhood might be canon but idgaf!! I still haven’t read the manga. :P
Favorite line: “You’ve got a good, strong pair of legs, Rose. You should get up and use ‘em.” haha idk I haven’t seen either anime in so long but that one comes to mind... there’s so many different versions of it. :P
Favorite outfit: He literally always wears the same thing. lol
OTP: ehh... I mean everyone ships him with Winry but I didn’t really ship him with anyone? I know he and Winry are canon. idgaf though. I hated that she was always fucking hitting him in Brotherhood and though I did think they were really cute in the 2003 series it didn’t really go there?
Brotp: Ed and Al forever!! Their relationship is my favorite thing about the series!! omfg I cried when I watched the Shamballa movie when Al says “brother” in his sleep, stuck in the other world. T_T I know it’s not “canon” but the brothers’ relationship is developed soooooo much better in the 2003 series and movie.
Head Canon: don’t got any!!
Unpopular opinion: NGL I loved the 2003 anime soooo much more than Brotherhood because they didn’t cut every potentially emotional scene off at the knees with some comedic BS to lighten the mood. The 2003 series really gave the story and characters time it needed, and it really allowed us to get to know the brothers and grow an attachment to those characters. That series just had wayyyy better character development imo and I really grew to love Ed and Al so much because of it!! I haven’t actually read the manga still after all this time. lol I’ve been meaning to.
A wish: idk... I haven’t been in that fandom for ages...
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I can’t think of anything...?
5 words to best describe them: haha I hate this question
My nickname for them: don’t have one :P
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dondraperkin · 4 years
i leafed thru the book a little bit before hiding it from myself and UGHHH it LOOKS SO GOOD ... i read a paragraph about betty saying “in my house” instead of “our house” waaaay back in s3, in the episode where don admits to his whole dick whitman thing, she said “my house” not “our house” BECAUSE IN HER MIND SHE ALREADY DIVORCED HIM LIKE... SIR... 
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philomaela · 4 years
Ragnar/Lagertha, Aslaug/Lagertha, Ivar/Freydis!
Oh god, oh god.... this is so not gonna be coherent. Listen, I shipped them in season 1 and then Ragnar acted like an absolute dick towards Lagertha for having a miscarriage. Then in season 2, I grew to appreciate them again, as two people who had kind of moved onto different places in their lives but of course still loved each other. But then in season 3.... I started to sour on it a bit and by s4a, I really couldn’t find anything to ship in it.
I think the reason for that shift was that... Lagertha does so much for Ragnar, she brings him ships in s2, she fights for him and then from s3-s4a we see Ragnar constantly do nothing for her. He won’t support her against Kalf, he gives her shit for sleeping with Ecbert and the weird possessiveness he had over her pregnancy in s4a was very off-putting to me. I get that on one level he was concerned about her, but I just always go back to that moment where he’s putting his hands on her baby bump and she keeps taking them off and pushing him away. Like... I get that in the world of Vikings thats not a big deal, but I just found him so condescending. However, I still thought Lagertha was mostly understandable as a character and I thought they idea of her loving Ragnar on some level but not wanting to be with him “in this life” was pretty good.
And then s4b hit and ALL Lagertha talks about is Ragnar, all her motivations are centered around her love for Ragnar and Ragnar’s memory and what Ragnar stood for. It fucking succckkkkksssss. Like, if the show had brought up once or twice the idea that Lagertha wanted to reunite with Ragnar in Valhalla, I would have been mostly okay with it. But having Ragnar be Lagertha’s motivation for taking Kattegat and having her talk about Ragnar constantly in front of Astrid (which I don’t think she does with Heahmund...) is so annoying. Like, I can’t help it, they went so hard with centering Lagertha around Ragnar, I have nothing but vitriol for Ragnar/Lagertha. She may not have always been my favorite character, but I still wanted her to have a better storyline than this! So, I can’t help but hate the ship by extensions lmao.
I get why people didn’t ship it in season 2 and instead wanted Lagertha to be angry with Aslaug and Ragnar. Like, I wouldn’t blame her for hating both of them in season 2. But I can’t help it, the way they interacted with each other and grew more comfortable in each other’s presence just made them soooooo sweet and shippable imo. They had that whole “in another life/perhaps in a dream” sort of quality to them. I loved them hugging each other and then clinging to each other’s hands, I loved them looking out over the ocean together, I loved them complimenting each other and I loved that they were next to each other in the threesome scene! Basically, I loved all of it. Also, just on a thematic level, I thought they would have been gorgeous together because they both represented these sort of different ideas of womanhood and yet had a lot of similarities in their personalities and actions. Like... just on a thematic level, it would be sooooooo goooooddddd. And I get that they have a lot of baggage to start of with lmao, but that’s kind of what makes them so amazing? That they start off in such a bad place and yet somehow grow beyond that and become so sweet to eachother.
And then season 4b happened.... and they’re back to hating each other and acting like season 2 never happened? I’ve heard the argument that Lagertha was just burying her anger because she didn’t know how to handle the situation at that time... but I don’t buy that tbh. First... I mean, obviously there’s no indication of that happening, but also sooooo many of there interactions go way overboard in that case. Like, I get them being cordial, but why wasn’t their hug stiff and uncomfortable.... why did they hold hands like that after? Ughhh, I just... I thought there was this really amazing subtext and then season 4b blew it all up. They didn’t have to make it canon but they didn’t have to work so hard to pretend season 2 never happened.
I... honestly have never decided how I felt about them as a couple. I have really strong feelings about individual moments but as a whole... man the more messy this show becomes, the harder I find it to form a general opinion! I mean... I didn’t really ship them, even when they were being cute in their honeymoon phase because ultimately it felt like it was all about Ivar. I do think that like... Freydis is as close as you’re ever going to get to a girl being able to be in a relationship with s5!Ivar in a way that doesn’t make her totally subservient to him. So on that level, their early relationship was nice. Obviously the minute he leaves her baby out to die, I’m like, well she has every right to hate you forever now. Like, that was my reaction to Ragnar and Aslaug, that’s my reaction to Ivar and Freydis too.
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sadlove4you · 5 years
The 30 Day Tumblr Challenge
We are at it again bois.
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Day 3 - My Favourite TV Show/Series
Okay so I don’t know why I’m excited to tell you my favourite shows. I definitely have a few of my favourites, also cartoon shows and anime if that counts lol
Okay starting off with:
1. OnMyBlock
You guys don’t understand how obsessed I am with this show!! This is one of my #1 favourites and now S2 is coming in a few days like holy shiit, feels like we been waiting forever. Watching the teaser and seeing Ruby opening his eyes at the end at me jumping 😂. I mean if they were thinking of not putting Ruby in S2 and he died then I ain’t watching S2. But can I say that Spooky is is fine as hell 😍 But anyway I recommend you guys go watch it, it’s da best, if you into that teen drama.
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2. The Office
I love the Office, I always wanted to watch it from seeing memes on insta or Facebook all the time and now I finally got the chance too. It’s so funny and you just get every joke and just laugh. Also one good thing too is every episode is so entertaining and you don’t get bored. So if you wanting to find a new tv show to watch then come to this one. Another thing is that I love Michael’s personality, just trying to be the cool boss and even tho some episodes he can be annoying but then his very caring at the same time. Its cute how he finds everyone like a second family to him. Also can never get enough of Jim’s pranks on Dwight.
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3. Black Mirror
Gotta say this is a pretty interesting tv series, I thought it would be one of those shows that just drag on but literally every episode is different and has its own story. I like how some of the episodes try to connect to the real world and what we do in our society. Also the fancy technology in this series sis pretty impressive but same time don’t want that type of technology being invented now lol I would have to say one of my favourite episode would have to be S4 Ep 4 - Hang the DJ. I was so confused at first and thinking the couple were trapped in some sort of game or world but at the end when it was them in a simulation for a actually a dating app, just blew my mind. That it was the process of the dating app to find the perfect match was really impressive. Also there’s a few keys points on how we work our dating life in the real world. But I was also happy there was a happy ending not like it is with Black Mirror. Another one of my favourite was S3 Ep1 - Nosedive just because I could relate to how we get sucked in the social media world and not in the real world. I more based on the you know you always wanting so many followers on social media and all these likes on your photos from people who you hardly hangout. Just seeing people or friends more higher then you, you kind of get that feeling you wish you were like that. Another thing too is now a days we see heaps and heaaappsss of fitness models that really hit you with ‘I want a body like that’ It kind of puts your self esteem down and trying to love your own body. I mean yes some models do help and motivate you to workout and all that but you gotta put in a lot of work and I’m just too lazy 😂
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3. The End of the F***ing World
It’s a very unique show I must say. Even though James intention was to murder Alyssa in the first place but I still love the relationship between the two even though it was an unusual connection. But James came to fall in love with Alyssa eventually. If it weren’t for that creepy dude he murdered then we probably would of had a different story.
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Okay now I’m getting into my favourite cartoon/anime shows
1. Tokyo Ghoul
One of my favourite anime series ever. Love a bit of action and gore which is what this series showed. Note that I’m not into the romantic animes, it kinda bores me. But honestly S3 was complete shit and was so confusing. Didn’t even connect with the last 2 seasons. But the other 2 seasons was 👌🏾 Noice.
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2. Berserk
Listen if you want a bit of more gore and action then you should watch this. Love this show, literally finished it in a day and a half 😅. Guts is the main man and is probably my favourite character. But just a warning the ending is kinda fucked up and dark but I literally kept watching in confusion because it just escalated so quickly. I even read a few articles on what the ending meant but I’m still confused but overall still love the show. Was sad that everyone died suddenly expect Casca as one of the remake movies showed she survived but was obviously traumatised and lost her mind. Then had a demon baby which was fucked.
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3. Rick & Morty
Gotta love this show man. Never knew I would like a show like this and understand all the humor 😂
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4. Regular Show, Adventure Time & Amazing world of Gumball
If you don’t know what’s these shows are then GTFO! Jks but seriously these are pretty much the best cartoon shows ever, especially on Cartoon Network. Literally watch these shows growing up but I had a little sister that would watch these shows with me and our dad didn’t like it because of the crude humor and so on. So I haven’t watch these in awhile and going back to them is so nostalgic. It’s sad that these 3 shows had to end. I mean obviously a show gotta end somewhere but still. It won’t be the same :(
5. Love Death + Robots
I got to say this is a very interesting series. The animation was amazing but I was gobsmacked at the CGI which looked soooo realistic in some episodes. Literally finished it in a day. I mean yes it is a bit graphic but overall it was funny, dark and imaginative. But I do understand the sexual violence towards women in the series but at the end they got their revenge. But to say Sonnies Edge was probably my favourite episode and hope we can get a series happening or I’ll be disappointed haha.
Okayy I guess I’m done. Idk why I was so excited to talk about this topic for some reason. But tbh I’m not really a huge tv show fan as I mentioned before sometimes shows drag on and it gets really boring and I just move on to the next show. I mean these shows above are probably the only ones I enjoy the most out of every other show.
A good example of a show that drags on is Riverdale, literally. I hate this show so much and idk how people are still watching it. First season was really good then it just got worst. I mean is it just me or Veronica is really annoying and being with Archie is even worse.
Also another show that pissed me off was Shameless! ughhh really ticked me off when Debby eventually had the baby and the way she acts so stubborn literally fucked me right off. You know when you watch a show and it just doesn’t go the way it should and then you just stop watching. Also Game of Thrones, I’m that percent of people that hasn’t watch this shit at all. I recommend if you haven’t watch this show then don’t start because literally every episode is an hour and there’s like what, 20 odd episodes in the 6S. So good luck if you gonna start. But I did watch the first 2 episodes of S1 but it’s kinda weird with the brother sister thing lol I should just make a post of all the shows I hate and why 😂
But anywayyy sorry if this was soo long. Didn’t think it would be and it sucked because I couldn’t put more gifs in haha But if your feeling bored then recommended watching a few of these bad boys I have put down but if you have any that don’t drag on and are actually worth watching and not boring. Then please tell because I don’t want to start watching a show and then get disappointed during it.
Alright then see you guys tomorrow for Day 4
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missjackil · 5 years
My 14x08 Opinion
Byzanthium This one got me feeling some kinda way.... Lets start with Sam sitting bedside with Jack? Ughhh my heart!! Sam has sat bedside of people as they were dying, like Bobby and Claire, of course Dean, but you could see in his face and posture, this was a whole new feeling. A hint of anger came out for a second when Jack said “Tell him Im sorry” and Sam said “Tell him yourself!” but he got a grip and smiled softly “He’ll be right back” Jack couldnt have been any sweeter either. Of course this didnt help my heart any.  “Sam?” “Yeah?” “What happens next? For regular guys like me?” “I dont know” “Then this will be an adventure” Hear that?? Thats my heart shattering!! The amount of emotions Sam showed was heartbreakingly refreshing. No, we didnt get any sobbing, (on screen) but Ive resigned that he saves that for when Dean dies only, but my boy was definitely heart broken. His storming off had me worried. Sam doesnt always make the best decisions with a broken heart. I liked that Dean wanted to give him space... all the way up til Cas told him he left on his own. Then well... space be damned right? I loved that Dean instantly worried Sam made a deal.  I loved the scene with Sam angrily chopping the trees... it reminded me of Red Meat when Dean was taking it out on the trees also. Then he broke the axe head, he crumbled.... the self loathing came out once again that he cant even build his son a pyre. My boy was helpless and lost. Watch your step now, I havent gotten around to cleaning my heart up of the floor.  Now, the “Getting loaded for Jack” scene will go down in my mind as a classic iconic scene forever. Along with great scenes like Sams arms opening as hes about to jump into the pit in Swan Song, the Church scene in Sacrifice, “Sammy Close your eyes” in My Brothers Keeper, the Night Moves scene in Baby. I will always remember this episode by that scene. It was beautifully shot, The candy bars were nothing less than adorable, Sam having a genuine, dimple filled smile. All 3 of them laughing, having fun, drunk off their asses. Then Sam flips his glass and staggers off.... tapped out.  Now, how Sam didnt have a hangover the next morning, or how he came up with an idea how to bring Jack back after 5 whiskeys, shows my boy has some super powers I think LOL to bring Lily back was odd, but good. This showed me that even though they CAN bring people back from the dead, its still not an easy feat. They dont have a resurrection spell, or readily available demon to make a deal with, they didnt call on Billie. This is good. This will keep us wondering and worried about how they can bring each other back in the future. However, Lily coming back considerably shorter was weird... older, sure, I get it, but shorter? Anyway, I LOVED Sam angrily shouting “HE’S OUR KID!!!” at Lily. Its the first time Sam vocally acknowledged that he feels more for Jack than his friend or little brother. I know some of you think the whole “my 3 dads” thing is cheesey and too much like fanfic, but of everything they could have pulled out of fanfic. this one was pretty bold, and I think it works, and its beautiful. (Sure Id rather it just be Sam and Dean as daddies, but Ill accept the trio) The heaven scenes with Jack were good. Im glad he got time with Kelly. The heaven scenes with Cas and the angels was boring, and it seemed they didnt really know what to do with the Empty entity or what kind of deal Cas could make. So he makes a deal that seems as though he just cant let himself be happy. Not that big a deal, though it should upset the hellers eh? Since if he allows himself “to be happy with Dean” hes gonna get sucked into the Empty.  So we end with them “knowing where Michael is” which could kill my “hiding in Dean” theory, but I still have that in my pocket because 
Naomi said she had a general idea, so they dont know exactly
Dean still had those mysterious dizzy spells
Jensen said we will see Michael!Dean again at the 300th party
Jared said Sam will confront Michael
Trailers can be very missleading
Im looking forward to the mid season finale next week. One thing I will definitely say in favor of the post Kripke era, is the cliff hangers for the mid season are always good, even if the episode sucked, they always leave us on a cliff hanger that makes us stressed out and speculating for the whole hiatus. Kripke didnt do that so much, we had s1 “Oh dad is on the phone” S2 “Dean has a secret about Sam” S3 Very Supernatural Christmas and no cliff hanger. s4 Angels are gonna fight Demons (zzzzz) S5 Ellen and Jo died, and Lucifer cant be killed. Great episode, but not actually a cliff hanger. Where as even though S12 Lotus sucked, it was a great cliffy to have the boys carted off to Fed Prison. And last years being trapped in the Bad Place with a “dinosaur” or going back to Sam getting his soul back, or how dead is Bobby? You get the picture.
So needless to say I really loved this episode. A couple minor issues that wont really matter in the long run. So on a scale of Bloodlines to Who We Are Im gonna give this one a strong 9. Well done everyone... well done..
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3x18: A Turning Point for Deckerstar
 In my opinion; ‘The Last Heartbreak’ was great. There was humor, drama, & I shed my fair share of tears by the end. It was seamless, everything flowed together perfectly; even with the 1950’s flashbacks. It gave me & a handful of others some serious Season 2 vibes. This might even go down as one of my favorite episodes of Lucifer. Not of all time of course; that spot is reserved for 1x09. Definitely in my top 5 though; but I digress. Above all, TLH laid the groundwork for what is sure to be some good/great episodes leading into the finale.
But as is to be expected, not everyone was satisfied. Many were shocked, frustrated, confused, angry, & maybe even heartbroken😉 by the events that occurred. Now I’m not saying I didn’t feel this way too, cause I’m still reeling from some of it. -wraps Trixie in a snuggy & gives her the biggest chocolate cake imaginable;. My precious alien loving baby.💖💕
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What I’ll be focusing on in this post is the pieces that led Lucifer & Chloe to make the decisions they made by the end of TLH. We have a lot of ground to cover, so get a snack ready cause here we go!
There’s an old saying that goes… “Can’t see the forest for the trees.” For those of you new to this phrase here’s a run down: When you are too close to a situation or “the tree’s” (3x18). You need to step back and get perspective. When you do you’ll notice there was a whole “forest” (S3) you couldn’t see before because you were focusing on “the trees”.
It’s very easy to focus on a singular moment(s) in a tv show, book, or movie. Whether it be negative or positive; out of anger, frustration, or joy. And when that happens, we fail to see the full story that is being pieced together for us. Not to say those pieces aren’t important, because they are. But just focusing on a moment that made you frustrated; “Ughhh why didn’t Lucifer stay with Chloe! REALLY?! A BRIDAL SHOWER IS MORE IMPORTANT! YOU DESERVE TO BE HURT!” isn’t very productive in my book. There’s a reason Lucifer turned down Chloe’s offer of coffee, & it’s not because he wanted to hangout w/ a bunch of inebriated bridesmaids. (Let’s put a pin in that for later)
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Now to clarify… I won’t be going over ALL of S3 in the lead up to TLH cause that’ll take wayyyy to long. I’ll just be shining a light on a few moments in TLH that I felt were given too harsh a criticism. And more specifically a certain devil that has a tendency to be misread… a lot. 
The most important element introduced in TLH is ‘frame of mind’. Each character (Lucifer/Chloe/Marcus/Maze/Amenadiel/etc.) is in a different head space throughout most of the episode. And each is handling this shift  in their own way. Which is a lot of emotions to cover in one episode & it is accomplished flawlessly, in my opinion. That being said, I’m just going to focus on Lucifer & Chloe because obviously. (With a little mention of M/C)
Chloe, is very much focused on the case at hand; which isn’t surprising to anyone. Although she had a seemingly good time at the Axara concert w/ M/C, in her mind & her own words it was “…no big deal.” In fact she doesn’t quite get why everyone else, especially Lucifer, is making it one. What throws her for a loop is M/C asking her out on another date later in the ep. Despite telling her a few eps back that he wasn’t “relationship material”. 
 Chloe’s subtle reactions during the sting are very telling. (highly recommend giving it a couple rewatches). At first she’s very open, complementing M/C on his rock collection. There is no way she didn’t giggle about this to herself later that night; & she definitely texted Linda & Ella about it as well. Also like to think in an alternate timeline Chloe & Luci laughed about this over that coffee whilst starring longingly into each others eyes…
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Anyways, eventually like w/ most of her interactions w/ M/C, Chloe becomes jittery. -At 1:57 M/C asks “Is something wrong”  The grossest part about this moment is the way he leans over her; dominating the space. Whereas Chloe’s body language is very closed off; no eye contact. Our detective is very out of her element. This isn’t the normal ‘uh I don’t know how to speak because my crush is right there’ vibe. It’s ‘I need to watch what I say cause I don’t know what they’ll do’ vibe. Yes Chloe has an attraction to M/C, but there’s a subconscious part of her that is unnerved by him. This is proven to me when she quickly gets out that they shouldn’t date because they work together & things could get weird. Only then does she make eye contact with him, gauging his reaction.
-2:16 M/C’s response: ‘You asked me out first Decker’.  EXCUSE ME?! What kind of ‘You started it first’ BS is this? That’s something I would say to my dad when my lil bro & I would get into fights as kids. ‘What are you 12?!’ - @psychicninja90​ -slow clap; Ugh!! It makes me wanna…
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-brushes self off; Now that I’ve gotten that out of my system…  At first Chloe is flabbergasted by this response, & dare I say a little disgusted. I feel like if Lucifer had said something like this her reaction would be vastly different. He would’ve said it teasingly & paired w/ a smirk. She would’ve served him one of her looks, shook her head, trying & failing to hide a small smile. Whereas M/C is blunt & accusatory; in that moment he might as well have said ‘I didn’t start this, you did. Don’t blame me.’  The detective handles this w/ a lot more decorum than I would’ve in that moment. Letting out a slight scoff, which is deafening. She confirms this accusation laid before her & ends this exchange by saying…
“I need someone who can let me in & I don’t know if that’s you.”
Before beginning any relationship, you need to be on equal footing w/ the other. Apart from love you need honesty, trust, loyalty, & most importantly communication. A person to help you through your inner struggles, & vice versa. Discovering things about yourself & the other person that nobody else knows. Giving yourself over to them completely; not because you’re forced to but because you want to. Being completely & totally transparent w/ your partner; no lies, no going backwards. 
 We all know how close Lucifer & Chloe came to being more than partners. And each time there was a hiccup; that being Lucifer’s walls. Our devil has had eons to construct them. The pain of being cast down from heaven, his mother & siblings seemingly shunning him. Punishing the guilty day in & out, dealing w/ the perceptions that people have created of him during that time i.e ‘The devil made me do it.’ It’s a lot to unpack, & despite him having been seeing Dr. Linda for almost 3 yrs, she’s barely scratched the surface. The fact that a character, as stubborn & arrogant as Lucifer, has sought out help for his problems is amazing. Coupled with the fact that he takes his therapy sessions seriously; or at least he does in his own way. It’s so refreshing, & truly one of my favorite aspects of this show. Gushing aside, Linda hasn’t been the only one chipping away at Lucifer’s facade. Chloe has given a few decent whacks at it as well.
“I’m not here for a case, I’m here for you… I thought you needed a friend.”
Chloe’s left the door open for Luci time & time again. Asking him what’s wrong. Letting him know if he needs anything she’d be here for him. Only to have him push her away when their relationship was developing into something more. To Chloe it feels as if Lucifer is stringing her along. That he’s immature, he’s not ready for a serious relationship, the list goes on. Even though Chloe’s grown to care so much for Luci, she’s not gonna wait around for him to figure himself out. She has Trixie to think about. And if she’s going to let someone be in her life, there can’t be any secrets between them. They need to be on equal footing with each other. Rely on each other, lean on each other, and everything else that comes w/ any healthy relationship. 
Despite how much Lucifer & Chloe have progressed up until this point, theirs still a lot that needs to happen in order for them to get back to where they were in 2x12. The most important being Chloe finally believing that he is in fact the devil. Now we the audience know that in the S2 finale & in 3x01 Lucifer was ready to bring Chloe into the fold. But then it was bye bye Mr. Crispy & hello wings! And thus the emotional spiral for Lucifer began…
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Lucifer in 3x18 is showing signs of jealousy & possessiveness. When confronted w/ Chloe & Cain’s interactions, he outwardly tries to portray himself as not caring. Even though inside we know he’s “totally freaking out”. The phrase of the day for him is multiple variations of “nothing’s changing”; he just want’s things to stay the same. Just him & the detective solving crimes & catching the bad guys, 
Before I go on, there’s a wonderful thread that I read by @agentmadani / @frankcastle on twitter where she talks about Lucifer & why he made the decisions he made in TLH etc. She pretty much summarizes everything I’m about to say here. So if you want something less long winded go check her out! Thanks again hun for helping me get my thoughts together!😊💞
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We can all agree that Lucifer has been struggling a lot this season. His loss of identity, his continuing struggle w/ mental health, wanting revenge, getting mixed up in a deal w/ the first murderer, there’s a lot. The one thing that hasn’t been focused on until now is his & Chloe’s relationship. Specifically the idea that Chloe’s free will is compromised due to her being a literal miracle sent down from dear old Dad. The idea that the woman that he loved was just another player in his father’s play was the final straw. 
“So none of it was real.”
This revelation was the catalyst to Lucifer leaving in 2x13, & coming back married in 2x14. He wasn’t about to sacrifice Chloe’s free will just so he could be with her. In that moment Lucifer decided to forgo his happiness in order to protect her from him. So he pushed her away & told her they were ‘just friends’; being partners is better than a relationship built on a lie. Which leads us to where we are now. In TLH Lucifer had a revelation when he confronted our ‘murderer of the wk’. 
“You don’t get to decide who someone wants to be with… and neither do I.”
In that moment Lucifer realizes Chloe’s free will is not being controlled by Dad. She has the ability to decide who she does & doesn’t want in her life, etc. Chloe is her own person; & more importantly she was not put in Lucifer’s path by his father. This is a moment we’ve all been waiting for… or at least I have. Maybe because it was done so subtly, I don’t think many of you picked up on it. And for those of you who are just catching up, your welcome! I’ll give you a moment to happy dance it out.
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All good? Ok, back to the post. So now that we’ve gotten past that speed bump, we should be in the clear for a Deckerstar reunion right?! …Well not just yet. See now that Lucifer knows Chloe has a choice, he’s not going to take that away from her. It’s like I said above, the last thing Lucifer wants is for Chloe’s consent to be taken away. She out of everyone deserves to have a say in what happens in her life. And if Chloe wants to choose a life w/o him in it, romantically speaking, then her wish is his command. Because the saddest part about all of this is there will always be a part of Lucifer that believes he doesn’t deserve Chloe. 
“You deserve someone as good as you because well you’re special & I’m not worth it.” 
As confident as Lucifer portrays himself to be, deep down behind that devilish smirk is eons of self loathing. He believes himself to be a monster, pure evil. Why else would his father cast him out of heaven? That’s how humans think of him; his own brother even deemed him as such so it must be true. Where Chloe is the good & light, he is the darkness & the damned. Never the two shall mix; if he has anything to say about it. So once again Lucifer removes himself from the equation, with the full knowledge that Chloe isn’t a part of his Dad’s plan. He just wants her to be happy. It just sucks that Cain is not the person Chloe deserves.
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Remember that pin I told you to make concerning the final scene between Chloe & Lucifer? It’s time I say we unpin it. Now that I’ve explained both of their frames of mind to the best of my ability, hopefully you can understand why Lucifer turned down that cup of java. Before he’s even reached Chloe’s door, he’s already made up his mind to let Chloe explore things w/ M/C. They’re partners & friends; they aren’t “a thing”. He doesn’t get to have a say in who Chloe has in her life, she does. 
As far as he knows, her feelings towards M/C are genuine. Lucifer had to sit & listen to her wax poetic on the radio about him. Ignoring the handsome comment, Luci doesn’t see himself as brave. The detective & he may have some things in common but not many. Which is something she’s pointed out in the past. Finally the veritable nail in the coffin, he (M/C) is a good person. At least in Chloe’s eyes; which is honestly the most frustrating part of this whole thing. Lucifer’s the devil, lord of hell, ruler over the damned. He makes deals, & shows people their greatest desires. But only for something in return; not out of the goodness of his heart. He punishes the guilty, but still people blame him for their wrong doings. So with all this stacked against him, the best choice in Luci’s mind is for him to bow out.
“I realize there’s room in your life for all sorts of relationships; even if it is with him….”
I have to give so much credit to Tom in this scene. I swear I was half expecting Luci to break down & cry, but he holds steadfast. You can see the torment playing out on his face. He doesn’t want to do this, but he has to if it means Chloe’s happy. The moment when he leaves, forcefully closing the door on his way out, is what really gets me. If he had stayed to drink that stupid cup of coffee; his resolve would be gone. Luci knew that if he didn’t leave, he would’ve never had the strength to do so again. There’s no doubt that although Lucifer was surrounded by gorgeous ladies that night, his heart was in that dining room w/ his one & only. Now I’m not saying Lucifer thinks Cain is ALL of those things Chloe claimed on the radio, because he doesn’t. We & Lucifer are well aware that M/C is a piece of garbage. This isn’t anything new. It’s what is said that is most important rather than who it’s referencing. In my mind Chloe was describing aspects of Lucifer that she loves. No one can convince me otherwise. Her looking at M/C during this scene, was & is what we call a misdirect. I mean she knew Lucifer would be listening & not M/C after all. Lucifer is a good person & he does help people; in his own way. He is brave (she just doesn’t know how brave), & of course he’s handsome. He’s all of this & so much more. I mean M/C has some nice arms, but you can’t beat this…
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HAHA YOU THOUGHT IT WAS GONNA BE SHIRTLESS LUCI! That would’ve been too easy.😘😜😏
Now I’ve made it known that I don’t believe for one second that Lucifer trusts Cain; let alone thinks of him as a friend. Despite Lucifer referring to him as such in 3x15. Tom Ellis described them as ‘frenemies’ remember. Do you know how many times I referred to someone as a ‘friend’ even though we weren’t? A fair amount; and that’s just what Lucifer did. Sometimes ‘friend’ is the simplest way to describe a relationship w/o over complicating things. I mean how else could’ve Lucifer related his query to Chloe w/o sounding completely off his rocker? Which leads to what Luci says to the killer upon interrupting him…
”Too bad, if you had started with him I would’ve let you swing.”
This wasn’t just said out of protectiveness over Chloe. Or even jealousy over M/C; which can’t lie, is hard for me to conceptualize. From my position it was said out of Lucifer’s willingness to harm Cain if the time comes. Need I remind y’all about that time in the surveillance van all those eps ago? M/C revealed to Lucifer that he unflinchingly put Chloe in harms way to get what he wants. Whose to say he wouldn’t do it again? This thought I’m sure is one of the main reasons Lucifer entered into that deal, besides revenge on Dad. Averting M/C’s attention away from the detective by any means necessary. He is Chloe’s guardian devil after all. Something else I noticed upon my second viewing of TLH is the amount of side eye Lucifer was giving Cain. To contribute these actions as just him silently judging the ‘old cop mentor’ bs would be an understatement. To me it was Lucifer scoping Cain out; being aware of his every move. He even asks M/C point blank why he’s been hovering around the detective.
“What happened to the whole wanting to die thing?” “I had a change of heart…”
Do you honestly think Lucifer is gonna take what M/C says at face value & roll with it. Then you don’t know Lucifer. He may have made a deal with this guy but he doesn’t trust him as much as he can hurt him. Which isn’t very much, unfortunately for us. And to the people claiming Luci led Chloe right into M/C’s manipulation knowing what that asshat is planning…
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This is Lucifer ‘All that I ask, is that you protect Chloe’ Morningstar we’re talking about here. Did you see how quickly Lucifer lost his shit when Chloe refused to leave during the bomb threat? This is the same guy who tackled a girl w/ a knife whilst Chloe was holding a gun 7ft. away. Luci has no chill when it comes to protecting his lady love. I’m sure if Chloe were to get a paper cut while reading a case file he’d rip it to shreds. That sounds extreme, but you know I’m right. He may not know exactly what M/C’s planning; if anything. But he knows that there’s always the possibility. Saying Lucifer’s just going to sit back & watch this happen doesn’t make sense. The second he catches a whiff that Cain is planning something that could put Chloe in harm’s way it’ll be on like Donkey Kong! 
“The thing about rocks is that they’re old, & they never change.” Guess who else is old & never changes? Cain. This is foreshadowing from the writers that Cain’s end goal is the same as it’s always been. All he’s done is shift his focus back to Chloe; again he believes her to be key to dying. Now we just have wait & see him complete this end goal. Or slip up & fail miserably.
Luci knows the risk he’s taking letting Chloe have this relationship w/ M/C; but it’s a risk he’s willing to take. He wouldn’t be doing this if he didn’t already think Chloe could take care of herself. As protective as Luci is, he knows she has a good head on her shoulders; she trusts her gut. She didn’t get to where she is now being coddled. Chloe was solving crimes, kicking ass, & taking names long before he showed up. It’s with that in mind that Lucifer leaves her w/ this word of advice.
“Just please, be careful.”
He’s says this, not only for Chloe to be on the look out, but to subtly tell her that so will he. If she needs anything he’ll be here for her. Just like how she’s always been there for him. In doing this, he’s left that door open for her; another piece of that formidable wall Lucifer’s built has fell away.
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(^^OW IT HURTS I’M SORRY!!^^) Now for Chloe’s side… She is very surprised by Luci’s house call, but as always she welcomes him in w/o hesitation. It makes me miss the days of the devil sneaking in to make her some breakfast, oh memories. Chloe doesn’t say much in this scene, but it still bares looking at. (0:29)  “Perhaps I was slightly insecure about Pierce moving in on our partnership.” ”Oh Lucifer, that’s not what’s happening.” This is a perfect parallel to everyone’s favorite beach scene in 2x11. thank you @boundtobeafraid​ for creating this; great minds think alike.😚💝
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Like in 2x11, Chloe feels instantly compelled to relieve Lucifer’s assumptions; or in this case worries. That nothing is really changing, that nothing & no one will ever come between them.  (0:56) “Do you want to stay? I can make coffee.” With this statement Chloe reveals to us who her heart belongs to… Lucifer. He’s her first choice, not M/C. She’s letting Lucifer in, letting him know that she’s willing to take their relationship to that next level. Then like clockwork, Lucifer refuses her offer; & closes himself off. His walls are up & as she well knows they won’t be coming down anytime soon. With this in mind, she decides to give M/C a call. Conscious of the fact that if Lucifer had stayed, she never would’ve given him a second thought.
“Okay, another time.”
…And there will be, just not yet. Wearing the bullet necklace in ‘Orange Is The New Maze’ is proof of that. It’s her way of telling Lucifer that he’s still important to her. Chloe’s heart belongs to him, no matter what she’s doing or who she’s with. And even though she’s seemingly moving on, there’s a part of her waiting for him to catch up.
Needless to say everything that has happened in the past influences what transpired in TLH. And more importantly, what has been set in motion in TLH will influence what ultimately goes down in the finale. It was a turning point. Not only was there an internal shift for our characters, for most there was an external one to follow. Most were painful & caused a few tears, but all of it had a purpose. With all stories you need to have the good with the bad, & everything else in between. For me, there’s a deeper reason to why this episode was called ‘The Last Heartbreak’. Although this may not be the last time our hearts will break this season; we’ve gotten through the brunt of it. You need to trust that everything will turn out right in the end. There’s a light at the end of this tunnel that we’re currently in, & I can see only one way for this season to end.
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There’s a reason we’ve all stuck around up until this point. There’s a reason I & many others have written post after post about this show. What the Lucifer writers/actors have cultivated here is something truly unique. And I know none of us want it to end before it’s even begun. So take a deep breath & breathe. Keep your eyes on the prize. I hope you enjoyed this journey I led you on; & that you gained some perspective on a few moments that you didn’t before. Would love to hear your thoughts & feelings on what I talked about here or anything else.Here’s hoping next time around I’m able to post in the lead up to the next ep & not the day before. Till then, I hope you have a lovely morning, day, noon, or night whenever you’re reading this. If you want to be a part of the post tribe just message me & I’ll add you to the roster.  xoxo Em Tribe: @psychicninja90, @mametupa, @boundtobeafraid, @ohmymorningstar, @aeruthien, @lux-i-fer, @lucifer-central, @ships-sailing-in-the-night, @frankcastle, @fire-mage-catril, @sanoiro
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