#vampire slaying kit
sixminutestoriesblog 9 months
for all your vampire slaying needs
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Apparently a vampire slaying kit went up for auction last year at Hansons Auctioneers. Dated from the late 19th century, the kit sold for $15,600.
"Inside the box is a matching set of pistols, a brass gunpowder flask, holy water, a Bible, a wooden mallet, a wooden stake, brass candlesticks and rosary beads. The box also contains paperwork from the Metropolitan Police, a force that serves the greater area around London, registering an "alien enemy" in 1915.聽
"The task of killing a vampire was extremely serious, and historical accounts suggested the need for particular methods and tools," Charles Hanson, the owner of Hansons Auctioneers, the auction house that sold the box
The kit once belonged to Lord Hailey (1872 to 1969), a British aristocrat and administrator in colonial India. It's unclear whether he actually hoped the kit would help him ward off vampires or whether he, like the kit's most recent buyer, bought it out of fascination, Hanson said."
Van Helsing would have been proud.
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arlothia 2 years
Forget Buffy, this is what our dear friend Jonathan needs!!
What this article doesn't say is that it was originally estimated to go for about $3,600. Check out the article to see what it ACTUALLY sold for!
You just KNOW Dracula Daily had a hand in this! 馃槀
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This 19th century vampire-slaying kit was owned by Lord William Malcolm Hailey.
Source: CNN
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2kcore 2 years
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vampire slaying kits from the 19th century
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bloodycyrano 4 months
Little things I think team tadpole would do for one another.
Part 1.
I think Durge/Tav and Wyll would be willing to read karlachs favorite childhood stories to her, since I don't think she could really pick up and read books- being flammable and all.
Astarion would use his sewing skills to stitch up Clive- And maybe make a few more little stuffed animal friends for Karlach.
I also think Astarion would pull Durge/Tav aside when he noticed them getting stressed out and forcibly talk them through some self care.- Astarion is the king of passive aggressive pep talks.
Gale would definitely try to help Wyll try to figure out how to turn back to the way he was before Mizora turned him into a devil.
Tav hosts group therapy sessions every Sunday, prove me wrong.
Wyll has done a lot of research on vanquishing vampire lords, and has probably made up a complete vampire slaying kit simply labeled "Cazador"
Lae'zel does nice things for people all the time, it's just that nobody realizes it. She's carrying most of your weapons, you don't think she's the one who sharpens them? She does. Without being told to, without asking for praise. Sometimes, she'll go back to the traders after dark because she realizes Durge/Tav hit random on camp supplies again, and Gale has nothing to work with.
Everyone knows Gale takes care of most of the cooking at camp, but I don't think anyone realizes he has a list of everyone's food allergies clipped in the back of his spell book, and even makes potion modifications depending on how his companions react to certain ingredients.
I also feel like Halsin started experimenting with herbology after finding out that Durge is afraid to go to sleep because they don't want to hurt anyone in camp, and ended up making them a sort of sleeping tincture to help their Bhaal-induced sleepwalking.
This one will maybe be a little less popular, but I headcannon Tav/Durge to be autistic, largely because I'm autistic, and I could definitely see Shadowheart making little cards for them with like "Yes", "No", "Angry", "Sad", "Overstimulated", etc. So that they could still communicate while having a meltdown.- Bonus points, they start learning sign language together if they have really high approval.
Wyll made some flashcards to help Lae'zel understand some of the norms, pronunciations, and overall weirdness of Faerun.
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evermore-grimoire 10 months
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The Evermore Grimoire: Slayers
India Cohen was called as a Slayer in 1993 while she was living in Japan where her father, a submarine commander, was stationed. Together with her Watcher, named Christopher (Kit) she traveled all over Japan slaying聽vampires. India witnessed聽Spike聽and聽Drusilla聽during this time, but they never encountered India directly. Over a few years, India and her watcher, fell in love, but had to keep it a secret from the聽Watchers Council. He brought her a dog, which she then named聽Mariposa. In 1996, India and her family returned to America and went to California. There, wanderer聽mummies聽attacked and tried to steal India's聽soul. India fended them off, but they captured her Watcher and Mariposa. India sacrificed herself so that she could save her only family. The聽Wanderer killed India and released Kit and her dog. It was her death that then awakened the Slayer, Buffy Summers.
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coraniaid 3 months
I have decidedly mixed feelings about Season 4 as a whole but The Freshman is a very very good episode.
It's also, however you choose to work it out, in the top three episodes of the whole series in terms of how much dialogue Buffy Summers herself gets [see note A below]. Which makes sense thematically -- if Season 4 is about anything (note that I said if) then surely it is about Buffy attempting to answer the question "who are you?" posed by the title of one of its stand-out episodes. Who is Buffy (and what is this show about?) now that high school is over? That's a question this episode will begin to explore.
Part of the reason I like this episode so much is that it's focused on the character of Buffy herself in a way none of the other season openers get to be. Half of the focus of S3's Anne is on a town where Buffy isn't anymore and the other half is on a girl who doesn't want to be Buffy anymore; S5's Buffy vs Dracula is .... it's about ... no, I can't lie, it's just shit, sorry (and Real Me, morally that season's true opener, is certainly about Buffy in a sense but it's about her as seen through the prism of Dawn Summers); Buffy spends most of S6's Bargaining dead and as such doesn't talk that much; while S7's Lessons is focused on setting up the Dawn-focused, back-to-high-school season that, in just a few episodes's time, the writers will give up on entirely (in fact we never see Dawn's new friends Kit and Carlos on screen again).
S1's Welcome to the Hellmouth comes close to the underlying numbers of The Freshman (in keeping with the rest of Season 1, Buffy definitely has a lot of speaking time in this one), but that episode is an attempt to introduce the whole world of the show as much as it is the character of Buffy herself. By design, the Buffy we meet already knows the basics about vampires and Slaying and destinies: the exposition Giles offers is for the audience's benefit rather than hers. Even having moved to a new town, Buffy is instantly more comfortable in the halls of Sunnydale High than she is on campus at the beginning of this episode.
Only S2's When She Was Bad comes as close to being purely about Buffy as this episode does, but it doesn't score very highly among the season openers in terms of raw speaking time numbers [see note B].
That's because while When She Was Bad is about Buffy and who she is after (not exactly) surviving the events of Prophecy Girl, it's at least partly about who she is as seen from the perspective of her friends and family. So we open with a scene of Willow and Xander waiting for Buffy to get back, we have a rare scene of Buffy's parents alone together discussing their daughter, we see that (in their own different ways) Giles and Cordelia and Angel are all worried about her although she resists their various attempts to connect with her. In her absence, the gang briefly debate whether she might be posessed -- that this might not even be the real Buffy at all. There's no such confusion about the Buffy we see on screen in this episode. Giles is reluctant to help her, insisting that he's not her Watcher anymore; Cordelia has left town and goes unmentioned; somebody who watches Angel will know that Angel tries calling but Buffy doesn't find this out. Unlike When She Was Bad, The Freshman is completely about Buffy's understanding of herself. With a couple of brief exceptions near the end, the perspective and camera remains tightly focused on her: we see what she sees, and only that.
The Buffy Summers of When She Was Bad was trying to cut herself off from the world and is saved by her friends; the Buffy Summers of The Freshman is trying to make her own way in the world without a familiar safety net and -- though she is reassured to eventually realize her friends are still around and still want to help her -- she also learns she can succeed even without them. (Arguably, this is a lesson she learns a little too well.)
Also Sunday was great and should have been in more episodes (and so should Cathy and Olivia, frankly, though they do at least appear again a little).
[A] Per Julian Freedland's timestamp data, Buffy's top three episodes in terms of absolute speaking time are 1) S1E05: "Never Kill A Boy On The First Date"; 2) S3E18: "Earshot"; 3) S4E01: "The Freshman" . Adjusting for the fact some episodes are just more dialogue-heavy than others, Buffy's top three episodes as a percentage of total speaking time are 1) S4E02: Living Conditions; 2) S4E01: The Freshman; 3) S3E03: Faith, Hope & Trick.
[B] Technically When She Was Bad is only the fifth highest ranked of the seven season openers by Buffy speaking time, with Buffy having 23.5% of all dialogue, but there's very little difference between third and sixth here: 24.9% for Anne in third versus 23.4% for Buffy vs Dracula in sixth; compare 30.8% for Welcome to the Hellmouth and 35.6% for The Freshman and either nothing or almost nothing for Bargaining depending on whether you treat it as a two-parter or one double-length episode.
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withnailrules 6 months
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Sotheby's Auction
A Vampire Slaying Kit, 20th Century and Later
comprising a variety of articles, including a velvet-lined wooden chest with a padlock and key, two removable gilt metal sconces, two replica pistols, a pocket Bible, a strand of rosary beads, six wooden stakes, seven crucifixes, one with a carved bone handle, one silvered pendant, and thirty-three glass vials. The vials bearing paper labels, most empty, one containing coyote teeth.
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quick-attack 9 months
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when the vampire sees everything in your brand-new vampire slaying kit and just laughs at you..
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vampbitesfr 8 months
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vampiricvittles 8 months
I'm not speaking to anybody who reblogs that vampire slaying kit for at least a week
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mercyillustrator 1 year
First time making Fanfic Head-cannon of my GSA version post but I will be doing Fanfic, Comic and Drawings of GSA cause of GSA BRAINROT IS TAKING OVER LOL. (Not Art Related but soon)
As well for the humans I wanna to do like Kirby characters plus GSA Knights as representation cause why not and also sharing my head-canon as well you are more and welcome to ask me anything you want ^w^
Sir Arthur
Leader of GSA also a puffball
He grew up to becomes a star warrior after his father was killed then has a single mother with him til his mother was taken away from NME that killed him
Nicknames: Arty, Mom or Mother ( as a joke), Art-Art, Shining Armor, Leader of GSA, Sir Arthur, Arthur, Goldy, Grumpy Pants and Grumpy
Has been a Star Warrior since when he was a teenager ever since his dad was a former GSA leader before he died when Kit Cosmos found Arthur was all alone at his parents grave and took him in and train him and how to become a warrior cause Kit Cosmos and his Father was good friends and very close
He has a sister but she is somewhere but doesn鈥檛 know where or what happened to her
Way before Kirby he trains his fellow warriors to fight monsters
Gets mad when it comes to pranks and makes fun of the GSA
Sir (Lady) Nonsurat
She has unsupportive and emotional abusive parents that wanted a boy instead of a girl
Pervious job: Cafe as a cashier before female puffballs was in danger
Disguises herself as a male when NME turns female puffballs into monsters to make other puffballs while female puffballs are in danger and was captured and was put into a cell.
Hidden voice changer as male (only mask)
Shy,sweet and sensitive puffball
Animal lover
Only shows her true self only to her closest friends
Close Friends with Garlude before Garlude was dead
Nicknames: Nonny,Nonsu,Lancelot, Non, Axe Man, Shy Guy ( Shy Gal), Softie, Soft gal ( soft boy)
Soft and Soothing voice
White but like mixture like White and Pakistan? ( human version)
Sir Dragato
Mechanical knight
Mechanic,Tech and Electronic
Nicknames: Drago, Draggy, Drag, Grape Knight, Gala, Galahad and Ponytail Boy
Serious tone of voice
Light brown skin ( human version
Sir Falspar
Nickname: Flasy,Dum Dum, Mohawk, Dude, Bro, Sassy Queen, z
Clown Soldier and Funny Soldier
How he becomes part of the GSA Warrior where he graduated from high school
Very Bootiful personality and very slay boi
Sir Meta knight
Hispanic like Spanish
Becomes a GSA since teen or like young adult
Met Arthur same age?
He loves Spanish music and his ship and galaxia lol
Vampire cause of his wings
Trainer for Kirby
Nicknames: Blueberry, Metal head face, meta head, blueberry that can鈥檛 cook, Star Warrior, vampire warrior, and Cutie
How did GSA Knights join?
Arthur: cause of his dad was in the GSA
Nonsurat:found the poster and she sign it before she met GSA knights she has like a black cape hoodie so she gets her armor, mask, white suit and such cause of NME turns female puffballs into monsters and having female puffballs in danger by keeping them in the cell :0
Falspar: Found a poster as well after graduating from High School
Dragato joins because he wants to protect his family
Meta Knight I think He was trained to be like one of the knights?
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novankenn 1 year
SAW : Episode Two : First Assignment (Briefing)
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The group was back in the featureless room, after having been escorted to breakfast. Jaune had to admit to himself that even though the situation was troubling and a little outlandish, the beds were the exceptional. He had the best, most comfortable sleep since attending Beacon.
Jaune: So what do you think is going to happen.
Doom-Guy: *Grunt
Juliet: Yeah, I agree. Probably going to be given a mission or something like that.
Ash: I'm not sure about this whole thing. I mean, if these guys are so technologically advanced that they can grab us from anywhere, and send us anywhere... you'd figure these numb-nuts could take care of zombie problems without us.
Jaune: Maybe they're like pacifists, and can't fight?
Doom-Guy: *Grunt
Juliet: Right.
Jaune: I get what you're saying Doom-Guy and yeah the armed guards kind of put kibosh that theory.
Ash: I'm not comfortable with this whole setup. It smells fishy.
IV: (Feedback) I hope you all had a good rest, and breakfast. It's time for your first assignment, and it is a doosey.
Doom-Guy: *Grunt
Ash: Yeah, yeah. You called it.
IV: You will be dropped off on a version of Earth, but this one has been turned into a desert wasteland due to a constant war raging between humanity and their undead foe.
Jaune: Undead foe? Don't you mean zombies?
Juliet: Well, they are undead, so it is an apt description.
Ash: Anyone else concerned about the barren wasteland portion?
Doom-Guy: *Grunt
Ash: I don't care if it sounds like your home. I find it just a little concerning.
IV: Please refrain from the conversations while the briefing is in progress. Now, as I was saying. You are going to this world to put a dent in the undead population, not eradicate. Specifically, you're going after the Queen. Here's images of the foes you will be facing.
A holographic screen activates before the quartet.
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Jaune: Those are NOT Zombies.
IV: No, they're not. These are what pass for Vampires on that world.
Ash: Hold up! You brought us here to fight zombies, not THAT!
IV: We brought you here mainly to destroy undead beings. Vampires fall into that category.
Doom-Guy: *Grunt
Juliet: We ALL know you slay Demons, Doomy.
Jaune: Okay, so if you're sending us against vampires, what else can we expect you to throw us against?
IV: Whatever we feel needs to be culled or outright obliterated.
Ash: Which means our name is inaccurate.
IV: It is not, this assignment is more of a special case. I would say a solid 70 to 80% of your missions will be against zombies.
Doom-Guy: *Grunt
IV: What did he say?
Jaune: He wants to know if demons will be targets at some point.
IV: They could be.
Doom-Guy: *Grunt
Ash: Of course you'd be happy about that.
Doom-Guy: *Grunt
Ash: The Deadites are a combo deal, and all evil.
IV: Anyway, the Dimension Gate is prepped, so if you head through that door, you can pick up your kit and get started.
A door on the wall, opposite the door they entered through, slides open. Looking at each other, they quartet shrugs and steps through.
IV: Oh, Jaune.
Jaune: Yes?
IV: You need to change.
Jaune sighs, summons Mysteltainn and proceeds with his chant. Once in his Magical Garment Girl form, he follows the rest of his new squad. Walking past Juliet he gets his skirt flipped.
Jaune: What the...? Don't DO that!
Juliet: Nope, nope, nope. Wrong underwear, come with me.
Juliet grabs Jaune's wrist and starts to drag him away.
Jaune: What?
Juliet: You need zombie fighting underwear. Sensei said Cotton underwear with little teddy bears or hearts is best for doing battle. You have on stripped ones.
Jaune: What?
Ash and Doom-Guy just look at each other as they prep not only their chainsaws but their shotguns. A few minutes later, Juliet returns, leading a very red-faced Jaune.
Juliet: Good to go!
Jaune: (whinning) I need and adult.
IV: The gate is ready. Good luck.
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Jaune: If everyone's ready... I guess we should get going.
Ash: Groovy.
Juliet: I love killing people, if they're zombies!
Doom-Guy: *Grunt
As if they had spent months practising it, the group step through the portal in unison.
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bleachedvi0let 2 years
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A 19th century vampire slaying kit
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bl00dysk1es 3 months
i want one of those real authentic vampire slaying kits from the like 1800s theyre so cool
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romeo-the-homeo 2 years
gets down on one knee infront of sam, he thinks i am opening a box with a ring inside but its actually a 19th century vampire slaying kit and i vaporise him immediately
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