#we’re going to psychic we’re gonna have fun
archipithecus · 8 months
Friends at the Table is a podcast focused on critical worldbuilding, smart characterization, fun interaction between good friends, and asking "what if X was Y? what if W could do Z?"
anyways here's a non-comprehensive selection of some times FatT asked good hypotheticals
(spoilers for Autumn in Heiron, Marielda, Winter in Heiron, COUNTER/Weight, Twilight Mirage, Sangfielle, and some Bluff City i think) (i know Spring, Partizan, and Palisade must also have good "what if X was Y?" but i'm still catching up) (this got way long so i'm putting it behind a readmore) (shoutout to Search at the Table at https://curiosity.cat-girl.gay/ for letting me do this) (also to Transcripts at the Table for writing this all down in the first place)
KEITH: What if I was a snow...hawk… ART: What if you're like, a Dr. Seuss animal? KEITH: Yeah! What if I was a star-bellied sneetch?
KEITH: (laughing) What if the bird was a can opener!
AUSTIN (as Zaktrak): It's like, what if a, what if a factory or train or a windmill could read a book?
AUSTIN (CONT.): And then he, he looks up, he actually has like a very… his build is kind of like, angular and… not thin in terms of like, weak? But he has a sort of… androgynous character about him, in terms of his like, what you would think of as like his body structure. And… very beautiful blue eyes. He’s sort of like, what if David Bowie was super black.
AUSTIN: And that's kind of like, the picture you get of her, is like, What if Fero was like, 30% less hyperactive? Still way more hyperactive than everybody else in-- the world? (laughter) but like, just a little more in tune, with the world.
AUSTIN: What if fire was matte?
ART: What if a—what if a 90s after school special needed some graffiti
AUSTIN: Yeah. He asks you, um... watching what unfolds, and there's, there's, it's--and this is the fuckin' nerdiest thing I'm ever gonna say; it's like what if A-ha's Take On Me was an AMV? Was an anime music video?
AUSTIN: Ali’s character, how did she describe her character, “what if Han Solo used to be Beyonce?”
AUSTIN: It’s like, what if the American government was just another American company?
AUSTIN: It’s like what if holograms did gifs, basically?
ART: You how like Han Solo’s always talking to the Millenium Falcon, but what if the Millenium Falcon-- AUSTIN: Could talk back? ART: Had a chance of, yeah, of deciding he was angry.
SYLVIA: For example. Like just p - yeah, what if they have psychic assassins there. Oh! What if this planet’s an alien? What if this planet is a psychic assassin? Which is a great sentence I just said.
AUSTIN: Yeah, I should note that this is also like "What if the Super Bowl was attended by high fashion models?", right?
AUSTIN: We don’t get a lot of elderly non-binary people. And so Saint Auger is like, what if someone you knew from Portland was 82?
AUSTIN: It’s almost like, what if a crown could be a dunce cap?
AUSTIN: It's like- what if there was a really enterprising twelve year old, who like, [laughs] made a physiology- uh, person- a physiology like, model, but with dirt and rocks and sticks. Also there's no face, the face is also just one of this solid black rock plates.
AUSTIN: And again, there’s just light streaming in through—I think this room is mostly, like, does not have a huge window, but it does have little eyelet windows at the top of the, towards the ceiling, that run horizontally along the room, and just like, bright—it’s almost like, what if colour could be shadow? Do you know what I mean? Like, what if instead of it being that a shadow crosses your face, it is this prismatic glow that moves across the group of you as this thing crawls around this space station.
AUSTIN: It’s like white and blue, there are stars, it- you know, I think that the- it’s, it looks like the way you might imagine like, what if the UN had spaceships?
AUSTIN: What if you mixed your- your selfhood, with the notion of wings. Or the notion of flight. Not just flying. That’s where we’re going.
AUSTIN: This giant battleship that’s like ‘what if a millipede instead of legs had guns and what if it was all around it’?
AUSTIN: This thing is like the size of like a major city. This thing is like, what if Manhattan was a battleship. And instead of buildings it had guns. Except now they’re made of weird black glass.
AUSTIN: The first time he showed up I described him as what if Canderous Ordo decided to have a robot body one day? And slowly began to replace it.
AUSTIN: There’s a little— Yes, it’s like what if a cow— what if Christian Slater was playing a cowboy from New Jersey, and also was Canderous Ordo. And also he eats through his hands.
AUSTIN: There is just this like… I think it’s just metal unfolding across space. Like, at some point Volition just kind of spat out a, a, almost, it looks like a cloud of ink but instead of ink, it’s metal. And it’s just unfolding indefinitely in space like a huge— like what if Akira, what if at the end of Akira when Tetsuo turns into a weird flesh monster? It was that but various types of metal, just like bubbling all over the place throughout space, and I don’t know how you deal with that! But suddenly in the middle of the Mirage there is just this, this ink splatter, this, this gaseous, you know, spread of metal.
AUSTIN: And it’s like — again, it’s like a pistol — it’s like what if a pistol was also like a curved sword, like almost like a scimitar or something?
JANINE: What if we do a live show, but the only live show we ever do is at Bakucon?
ART: Um, let me tell you, this is a nice coat, you guys. Um, I think it’s sort of like what if… What if a leather duster jacket was like an ephemeral idea.
AUSTIN: It’s like … I think the way I described it was, what if there was a Companion Cube that could have its corners pulled apart and in the middle is a weird glowing sphere?
AUSTIN: He has this dope, like, “What if the Millenium Falcon was a deep V?” Instead of just that little bit at the top, it goes really deep down. Or like, “What if Pacman was really long?” You know what I mean?
AUSTIN: Okay. You find him like, rolled under the bottom of his, uhh, or like on a, it’s not rolled under, he’s on like a little, like cart that has a pneumatic lift, or it’s like, it’s like a, it’s like a robot that walks around. It has like- it’s like a Boston Dynamics- like what if a Boston Dynamics, like four-legged robot was also a thing you laid on top of? Like one of those carts that goes underneath a car, to repair it. You know what I’m talking about?
AUSTIN (as Morning’s Observation): [exhales thoughtfully] Like what if milk was a solid.
AUSTIN: But it still has that ribbony-quality? [chuckles] It still has the sound of fabric rubbing on fabric? But is definitely amplified a great deal, probably? And also, we know it’s sharp, so there’s probably some… sharpness to it? You know… there’s probably, like… what if a ribbon could be a sword you pull out of a sheath?
AUSTIN: And also, Saint Sommer is a big lion man. Saint Sommer is, like… Skein. And is a big… a big… like, a big lion man. Not like Lion-o from Thundercats. Like… what if Scar could… had a big human body? Was, like… What if Scar was cut?
KEITH: And it sort of like, snap! Like, that, it's like… when we were talking about what the sound it makes, I was picturing… what if folding a blanket sounded like sheet metal?
AUSTIN: Yeah, yeah. I don’t know I think it’s like, I think this is very much like, what if the Venom symbiote was made of thread, right?
AUSTIN: So maybe it's like a- like imagine, what if a mop could just mop by itself.
AUSTIN: I won’t talk more about that stuff, but you already saw the big picture of “what if Connecticut was a space ocean,” so, you have at least some context there.
AUSTIN: It’s huge. It’s the size of a continent, right? It’s “What if South America was a big circle?” It’s “What if Europe and Eurasia was a big circle?”, constantly cast on this planet. And, you know, from space it kind of looks—not flat necessarily, right, because it’s a curved planet, it’s a sphere, or spherical, but, you know, it’s flat.
AUSTIN: It’s like what if Texas stood up.
AUSTIN (as Morning’s Observation): “What if cars brought things to you instead of bringing you to things?”
AUSTIN: It’s just like a very bright, colorful—like, what if Steven Universe did the Sailors of the Ark? What if that team did it? It’s very good.
AUSTIN: It’s like what if it’s a can opener that does that. Like a living can opener like. Grrrngaaah! I’m going fucking open holes in things! Grrngaah!
AUSTIN: Imagine that they're almost- in my mind they're like what if a martini shaker was a piston.
AUSTIN: It's like what if you could package a sunset, y'know? Into like a cube
AUSTIN: I can't believe we started this recording by looking at pies [KEITH and DRE laugh] that make me hurt and ended with ‘what if all foods could be jelly juice?’.
AUSTIN: I saw a big buffalo picture and I was like what if that was a person, that looks cool.
ART: But what if some of these skeletons are like, sick of this shit?
AUSTIN: I think I pitched this show as like: what if Ghost in the Shell but-but magic and witches instead of cyborgs and stuff?
JACK: So, out come this nascent organization who we’re calling Shapeknights. Who are -- I think the easiest way to say it is “cowboys for trains?” They are, like -- what if instead of the cowboy riding alongside the train on his horse, he was corralling the train? Or he was trying to understand the train, or was trying to --
ALI: I think Marn, herself is a little bit more like—like what if a capybara was a siamese cat?
KEITH: Yeah. So, I wholeheartedly recommend this movie, but if not, if you don't know what I'm talking about with the goggles, at least look at that. ‘Cause it's a good image. It's sort of like, what if you had a jeweler's loupe that had a jeweler's loupe that had a jeweler's loupe?
ART: It’s like, what if the antagonist won the Mummy movie right, this is what happens-
KEITH: What if instead of one, big, beautiful hat I have two small, beautiful hats?
KEITH: Like what if they made headphones just for being cool at a party?
KEITH: What if you make pizza by opening the box? That it was an empty box until you opened it.
AUSTIN: What if insects were made of teeth?
JACK: She’s the fuckin’ person of the train. She’s like what if a train could output a person.
KEITH: What if the train was a nice train?
ART: What if a Madame Tussauds came to life?
AUSTIN: What if fire could be a ghost?
AUSTIN: Looking through this here, sounds like what you wrote here was “What if a dolphin was like a velociraptor?”
AUSTIN: They’re hitched. Yeah, they've been hitched. Three of them have been hitched. And I said horse, but I want you to imagine is what if…what if a shrimp were a horse?
JACK: You sort of just like rise up the slope. It's a bit like what if a train was an escalator.
AUSTIN: What if Beyonce was Poison Ivy?
AUSTIN: All my cards on the table, Millennium Black is like what if Blade stopped being a vampire hunter and started being a casino owner.
AUSTIN: He's sort of like what if Alex Jones wasn't terrible
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anonymousewrites · 7 days
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter Two
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter Two: Ghosts and Guardians
Summary: Saiki and (Y/N) meet a new transfer student.
            It was another day at school. (Y/N) and Saiki were sitting next to each other, watching as boys crowded around Teruhashi as usual. Apparently, she had met a boy on August sixth and developed a crush on him. Poor Saiki looked annoyed (more than usual, at least), and (Y/N) was amused since apparently his chance encounter with Teruhashi had garnered a lot of attention.
            That being said, (Y/N)’s stomach clenched strangely at the knowledge that the “perfect pretty girl” liked Saiki. They chose to classify that under “weird” because “my best friend who hates people dating would be weird.” At least Saiki seemed irritated at the attention.
            Other than Teruhashi’s crush, everything was normal at PK Academy (which wasn’t saying much. Nothing could be considered anywhere near normal there). At least, almost completely normal (by their standards).
            “Hey, Saiki, (Y/N), don’t you think Nendou is acting strange today?” asked Kaidou. “Normally, he’d be bugging us to go to a ramen place or something.”
            “True, he is acting a little strange.”
            “He looks sad,” said (Y/N) decidedly.
            “This is fishy. It does make me wonder what the deal is,” said Kaidou, “We should find out what.”
            How do I always get dragged into these things?
            Saiki was once again questioning his life choices. He was hiding around the corner from Nendou with Kaidou and (Y/N). They were tailing their friend who was acting odd. All-in-all, it was the usual concoction of terrible life choices leading him to be stuck with “friends.” At least (Y/N) and Saiki were acting relatively normal. Kaidou….was Kaidou. He had put on a coat, hat, and sunglasses to complete the spy look.
            “His house isn’t this way,” said Kaidou, “I bet something’s up.”
            “Why are you so excited about this? And why are you so used to tailing someone?” commented Saiki.
            “It’s a little creepy,…but hey, we’re not gonna hurt him!” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “Hm?” Kaidou noticed Nendou stop. “What’s he looking at?”
            Nendou gave a young girl a strange look.
            All of them had the same thought.
            “Look, he entered a shop this time!” said (Y/N), pointing down the street.
            “Don’t start getting into this, too.” The last thing Saiki needed was (Y/N) going crazy.
            “I might as well have fun,” they remarked.
            “A flower shop? Don’t tell me he has a girlfriend…!” exclaimed Kaidou.
            “No offense to Nendou, but that’s probably not the reason,” said (Y/N), sweat-dropping.
            Nendou emerged with a bouquet of sunflowers.
            “No, that’s definitely not it.”
            “It’s too early to judge. There are many reasons to buy sunflowers,” said Kaidou.
            “He’s entering another shop!” alerted (Y/N).
            “A cake shop? Well, he definitely wouldn’t eat something like that, right?!” cried Kaidou. “Sunflowers, too. He clearly intends to give them to someone. But he doesn’t have a girlfriend to give them to!”
            “Let’s just ask him. This might end up being a little personal. He may prefer to tell us instead of us accidentally finding out,” said (Y/N).
            Saiki glanced at them from behind his glasses. Once again, (Y/N)’s apropos statement made his question whether or not they were a regular person or secretly a psychic. Maye they were just someone with common sense.
            He could directly relate to what they had just said. Saiki had a personal issue: being a psychic, and he didn’t want people to find out if he didn’t want them to (which was all the time).
            Strange…how do they manage to say just the right thing?
            (Y/N) ran up to Nendou. “Hey, Nendou!”
            “Oh, hey, pinky! Wow! Runt and pal are here, too.”
            “Yeah, we’re curious about what you’re up to,” explained (Y/N).
            Only mildly curious. It wouldn’t weigh on my mind.
            “Oh, that’s easy,” said Nendou.
            “Visiting a grave?” Kaidou was surprised. The group was now in a graveyard looking at the Nendou Family Grave.
            (Y/N) nodded in understanding. They had guessed that since Nendou definitely probably didn’t have a girlfriend, the flowers were likely for a relative. (Or that’s what they told themself. They actually didn’t really manage to guess anything).
            “Yeah, my dad’s,” explained Nendou, “Today is the anniversary of his death.”
            Kaidou made the connection. “Then the sunflowers and cake are…”
            “They’re offerings, of course.” Nendou smiled. “It’s common sense to bring flowers and snacks when visiting a grave.”
            “Of course,” agreed (Y/N). It was sweet. For all Nendou’s…stupidity, he had a good heart.
            “When did your dad die?” asked Kaidou.
            “Kaidou! That’s a really personal question,” admonished (Y/N), frowning.
            “Don’t worry, girlie. It’s okay. He died before I was born,” said Nendou, “He died trying to save a kid who ran out into the street.”
            “A hero,” said (Y/N) in awe. That explains where Nendou gets his helpful, sometimes impulsive, attitude.
            “B-but if he died before you were born, then he must’ve died really young,” said Kaidou.
            “Yeah. I think eighteen or nineteen. Do you wanna see his picture? I have it in my wallet.” Nendou looked excited.
            “Sure!” said (Y/N), grinning.
            Nendou showed off the picture. The pair were identical. It was kind of creepy.
            “What?! This is your picture, isn’t it?” cried Kaidou in disbelief.
            “I know, he looks like me, right?” Nendou smiled happily. “Mom says that I look more like him every year, too.”
            “It’s beyond that! You’re practically twins!” (Y/N) was surprised they were so similar.
            After looking over the picture, the group stood up and turned from the grave, readying to leave. Saiki, however, was staring slightly above the grave with a strange, slightly creeped out, look on his face.
            “Saiki?” called (Y/N), “Are you alright?”
            That vision of Nendou’s father was probably just my imagination. Saiki turned around with his usual blank face. “I’m fine.”
            “Great! Let’s go get some ramen!” said Nendou.
            As they began to walk, (Y/N) grinned at Saiki. “I’ve never seen you look like that before. It was almost like you saw a ghost.”
            “I don’t believe in ghosts,” said Saiki. No matter how unreal I am. Unfortunately, the world had a way of going against his desires. (He was not a favorite of any gods that existed).
            (Y/N) walked through the halls, heading to the library to check out some books. They stopped, however, when they spotted Saiki and the transfer student. They instantly became curious since rumors were circulating that he was a medium. Did they believe in psychics or anything? They weren’t sure. They hadn’t really seen any proof for or against the existence of psychics, so (Y/N) kept an open mind. And there was no harm in checking it out.
            “I don’t understand why you would want to hide it…” complained the purple-haired boy.
            “Hide what?” asked (Y/N), nearing the two.
            The transfer student jumped. “Oh-uh! S-Saiki and I are friends!”
            “We’re not,” denied Saiki.
            “Don’t think anything of it,” said (Y/N) to the purple-haired boy. They smiled and laughed. “Saiki never admits people are his friends.”
            “He’s really not,” emphasized Saiki. He really didn’t want (Y/N) to get the wrong idea.
            “Hush.” (Y/N) smiled to the transfer student. “I’m (Y/N) (L/N).”
            “I’m Toritsuka Reita.” Toritsuka smiled “innocently,” but his inner thoughts were very different. Wow, they’re totally hot! “And I’m a medium who can tell you all about your Guardian Spirit!” People love this stuff!
            Saiki leveled a deadly glare at Toritsuka. He sent a message directly to the pervert’s mind, making sure (Y/N) wouldn’t hear. “Stop.” He might not acknowledge (Y/N) was his friend, but he wouldn’t let Toritsuka try anything pervy with them. He didn’t like that idea. And (Y/N) didn’t deserve that.
            Not that that was the issue. It was just Toritsuka being weird that Saiki wasn’t a fan of. Not (Y/N) being bothered in particular.
            “I guess I am a bit curious,” admitted (Y/N), shrugging casually.
            “Hmm, it seems—Oh, whoa!” Toritsuka’s eyes widened.
            “What?” (Y/N) tilted their head.
            Curious himself, Saiki surreptitiously tapped Toritsuka while using his psychometry. Now, he could see the ghosts the medium did. Sure enough, (Y/N)’s Guardian Spirit garnered the reaction Toritsuka had.
            “They’re a sorcerer or a witch!” said Toritsuka. That's intimidating! Immediately, he took a step back. He wouldn’t try to mess with (Y/N) if that was their guardian spirit. Well, at least for a little.
            That explains why (Y/N) always gets out of messes. Saiki found it interesting that (Y/N) was friends with a psychic and had a witch as a Guardian Spirit. Maybe there was a correlation. If that was so, then there was a correlation between god hating him and his own psychic powers.
            “If what you say is true, then that’s pretty cool.” (Y/N) smiled at the idea of having someone looking out for them. “What’s Saiki’s guardian?”
            “I don’t care about it.”
            They shrugged. “Alright, if you say so.” They were pretty curious, but they wouldn’t push.
            Saiki was tempted to smile for a moment but held back. He liked that they respected him enough not to pry. Most of his friends people who bothered him would push for information, but (Y/N) understood that Saiki preferred to keep to himself. They even helped out people like Toritsuka who were especially bothersome (and definitely didn’t deserve their kindness). As usual, the universe decided to mess with Saiki right as he was feeling pleased since just at that moment Teruhashi walked by. Luckily for Saiki (he didn’t get to say that often) she was only passing by.
            However, it was enough for Toritsuka to fall in love (not that it was unusual for people to fall head-over-heels for Teruhashi at first sight). The blush on his face was evident to any passerby. “Wh-wh-wh-who’s that super pretty girl?!”
            “That’s Teruhashi. She just passed by you for no reason whatsoever. You should thank her.” For the first time, Saiki was glad the school’s idol appeared since it meant Toritsuka would stop flirting (and thinking) so much about (Y/N), especially in such perverse ways.
            That was a new thought.
            Did you see all the nooks and crannies on her body, Saiki?! thought Toritsuka.
            Suddenly, Saiki was glad that Toritsuka said stupid things so he could focus on that instead of whatever those thoughts were. “Don’t make it sound so perverted,” said Saiki.
            “Watch out, here comes a swarm of girls,” warned (Y/N).
            The crowd of girls mobbed Toritsuka with questions about their Guardian Spirit.
            (Y/N) chuckled. “He seems quite content with the attention.” They weren’t an idiot; they saw how Toritsuka looked at them and girls. They were polite, but they were careful.
            “Too much for my taste,” muttered Saiki.
            “He’s very…honest with the boys.” (Y/N) sweat-dropped as Toritsuka bluntly told the boys that their Guardian Spirits were “old hags” and an “old geezer.”
            “He’s very obvious,” said Saiki.
            “At least he seems to be honest,” remarked (Y/N), “since he was impressed by Hairo’s.”
            “You believe in psychics? And mediums and all that?” asked the pink-haired boy, glancing at them.
            (Y/N) shrugged. “I mean sure, why not.” They smiled. “Life is more fun with the fantastical involved, ya know.”
            I find it boring and annoying to have this much power. But I can understand their view. Saiki nodded.
            “Hey, what’s my Guardian Spirit?” Nendou appeared out of nowhere.
            “Now that’s something we can both say is interesting,” commented (Y/N).
            “Yes,” agreed Saiki.
            Toritsuka just ignored him.
            (Y/N) sighed. “Man, I really wanted to find out. If Toritsuka tells you, let me know. I’ll buy you coffee jelly in return.”
            Saiki would tell them if he found out anyways. When Toritsuka didn’t tell him later, the only reason Saiki wasn’t disappointed over losing coffee jelly was that he was too surprised to see Nendou’s father was Toritsuka’s Guardian Spirit. During the night, however, Saiki lamented the loss of coffee jelly.
            I’ll just have to go to Café Mami tomorrow and maybe encounter (Y/N).
            It seemed the following day, (Y/N) had the same idea. I wonder if Saiki would like some coffee jelly. What am I thinking? He’s always up for coffee jelly. (Y/N) smiled and went down to Saiki’s house. They rang the doorbell.
            Saiki opened it.
            “Hey, Saiki, I was wondering if you wanted to go to Café Mami with me,” said (Y/N).
            “I have a problem right now.”
            “It must be serious if it keeps you from coffee jelly. What is it?” asked (Y/N).
            “…” Saiki didn’t want to respond since he was slightly embarrassed about his extreme fear of insects.
            “Come on, I won’t tease you,” reassured (Y/N).
            “There’s a roach.”
            “Gross.” (Y/N) shivered at the thought before taking a deep breath and smiling bravely. “I’ll get it. You just hold open the door so I can make a run for it.”
            Saiki nodded and held the door, closing his eyes so he wouldn’t have to see the bug.
            (Y/N) tiptoed into corridor and looked around. Sure enough, there was a roach on the floor. (Y/N) took out their handkerchief and crept closer to the insect. Pouncing, they grabbed it quickly and rushed to the door. “Gross, gross, gross!” They tossed it outside, and then Saiki slammed the door.
            They both breathed a sigh of relief.
            “How about we wait a minute for it to leave the front walk and then go to Café Mami?” murmured (Y/N), their back against the door.
            “Are you an angel?” They perfectly anticipate what I’m thinking and make me feel comfortable. It was a strange thought but a true one. It seemed Saiki couldn’t avoid really being friends with (Y/N) and thinking of them as one.
            (Y/N)’s cheeks turned pink. They hadn’t anticipated that or their own reaction, and they stammered out a “Huh?”
            “Nothing.” Saiki avoided speaking again until they arrived at Café Mami.
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paraliveimaginesblog · 2 months
Orchid with Nayuta, pls~♡
Nayuta Yatonokami:
Orchid - an innocent moment devolving into something that’s not.
Being alone is not something you generally got to be with Nayuta.
Dating a Cozmez twin meant accepting they were a package deal, and in the end, it didn’t really bother you. Once treated like an outsider by them both, you had proved yourself worthy of their time and consideration. You think it was a lucky shot that you were even given the time of day but with the revelation that Nayuta thought you were as cute as you were annoying, you realized even getting the chance to annoy them meant you had weaseled your way into their hearts from the very first meeting. You were part of their happy little family for better or worse and you intended to enjoy any privilege it gave you.
It was always fun to prepare for their birthday, as much as they didn’t seem to care about it. It wasn’t that they didn’t at least say it to each other, but they never had people around them to celebrate with. You promised to not go over the top but refused to not bake something, having to pull teeth to find a combination of icing and batter flavor they could agree on. As long as the conversation continued you enjoyed seeing the little differences in them, ones that didn’t amount to all that much but still displayed that they were people who had their own tastes.
You’re thinking about that as you’re making the icing, humming to yourself while Nayuta mixed batter for you. He had grumbled about being involved since it was for his birthday too, but Kanata had been busy and left the house without explanation of what he was doing. They could both be like that, perhaps their twin psychic connection allowing them to explain to each other with vibes alone what they were up to, but you minded your business on that front. You were just happy to be with Nayuta, and since you were going to be in the kitchen, it just made sense that he’d come hang out with you in there, right? And if he was already in the kitchen… he might as well get to work.
You hadn’t taken into consideration the lack of care he might be showing your lovingly crafted batter, or perhaps he wasn’t a person with fine motor control; either way, he was splashing little bits of batter all over the counter which meant a bigger mess for you to clean in the end. You had bumped his shoulder once to bring his attention to it but he seemingly ignored you, telling you not to criticize the way he was mixing because at least he was doing it. You had rolled your eyes and he rolled his right back, the two of you going back to your tasks with smiles on your faces.
“Nayuta!” You startled him, a glop of batter falling onto the counter. “We’re not gonna have enough batter left to make a cake at this rate! It’s gonna be all icing.”
“What’s wrong with that?” He huffed, putting the bowl down and looking for a cloth to start cleaning with. “You complain a lot.”
“Are you going through your rebellious stage? Just listen!”
“You listen!” Nayuta dragged two fingers through the batter, spreading the mess not just along the counter but along your cheeks as well as yet another act of rebellion. You stared at him with your jaw dropped, trying not to laugh as he grinned at you. “There, now you’re listening, right?”
“Absolutely not. But YOU listen and clean me up.”
“I won’t. It’s a good new look for you.”
“I’ll rub it all over your new jacket—It’s hanging on the back of the door, right?” You made a step as if to leave the kitchen and Nayuta reached out for you in a panic, the sanctity of his precious jacket at stake if he didn’t stop you. You stumbled back into him but now that he had you in his grip you weren’t going anywhere, Nayuta wrapping his arms tight around your middle and refusing to let you go. “It would be sooo much easier if you just cleaned me up!”
“Fine, since you can’t figure it out… Look at me.” You did so obediently, without question, not suspecting a thing despite his mischievousness being made apparent. The wet warmth of his tongue on your skin as your body reacting in a variety of different ways, letting out a whine because now your cheek was even stickier than before.
“Wh-what was that?” You managed to stutter out, thinking you might’ve briefly blacked out from that experience. You couldn’t see him properly but you could only imagine the look on his face now, an almost smug grin on his face as he saw the perfect way to distract you. “Okay, you can let me go now, we have to keep going or we’ll never finish.”
“But you have more batter on you still.” Again, his innocent tone betrayed the thoughts running through his head, his one arm unwinding itself; in reality, you could’ve escaped him in that moment, but you had a sense that Nayuta wasn’t done with you yet. “Here.”
You groaned as you felt him spread some of the batter on your neck, knowing there was no hope for you that night. You’d have to go shopping the next morning for more ingredients and hopefully, you’d have a wonderful dessert to present them after dinner. If you knew he’d be this much trouble you wouldn’t have asked him to help in the first place, though this outcome…
You sighed, nearly a moan, as Nayuta slowly ran his tongue across the side of your neck, adequately cleaning the batter that he had spread there himself. He seemed to be enjoying himself more than he was before, and with his birthday on the horizon, you felt like it wouldn’t be too bad to indulge him.
The cake would definitely have to wait until the day of, but the fresher the better, right?
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bronx-bomber87 · 10 months
We’re at the S1 finale. Hard to believe. Thank you all for staying on this journey with me it’s been super rewarding. When I started didn't expected the support I got. Also been fun to fill the hiatus with this since we're all waiting for S6. Not sure when this strike will end. So fun to rewatch the series this way. Rewatching s1 with analytical eyes and knowing where they are now has been eye opening. I’ve seen a lot of people writing about how writers said Chenford wasn’t meant to happen this early on. Idk that’s true with the incredible foundation that has been laid in s1.
The beautiful base that continues to solidly with each ep. Especially this finale. I think the finale is when if you hadn’t been shipping them before you were after this ep. I was all in day one I just knew it would be a slow burn before we got there. Also Eric and Melissa are amazing together. Drew me in right away. Their chemistry is unparalleled. Can’t deny that. Like I said in my first review I started watching for Nathan and Eric. Never knowing the beautiful ship I was gonna get along the way. Anyways off to the finale we go :)
1x20 freefall
It’s the week of their big test. It decides whether or not they get to continue on in the FTO program. You can get a score as low as an 80 and pass. To the T.O.’s that’s a fail. Tim tells a Lucy if she gets anything less than a 93 it’s an insult to him LOL Lucy doesn’t even let it phase her how far we’ve come. She continues on asking what he’s going to do with all his free time when she passes?
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Tim is confused at first then realizes she’s talking about her daily evals. She suggests a book club haha Tim as far as he’s come is still Tim in T.O. mode around others. Gotta keep up the hard ass act. Tells her ‘Whether I evaluate you daily or weekly. I will continue to judge you every minute.’ haha damn Tim way to shut down her playful banter lmao
First call of the day for our lovely duo is at a psychic shop. Silent alarm has been tripped. Guy is going after this psychic because she ‘saw’ he killed his wife and is losing it on her. It was a fluke she figured it out and she says as much haha Afterwards she brazenly hits on Tim and he has no idea how to handle it.
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His embarrassed face is everything. He wasn’t expecting that at all. It’s like he doesn’t know he is gorgeous ass man. The way he looks back at Lucy is priceless. Like please help me baha Lucy is enjoying it immensely. Her face says it all I’m dying. She isn’t helping him out of this one. He awkwardly walks away from the psychic it’s too damn funny. Tim Bradford left speechless. What world we live in haha
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After a light start to their day it comes to serious halt. There’s a deadly virus and possible outbreak they all have to prevent. This came from the dead body Nolan and Bishop found earlier at the bus station. He was tied into the terrorist threat. This postpones their test naturally. Lucy and Tim are tasked with talking to one of the citizens that took same bus as this guy.
As they’re rolling up to this guys house Lucy says she thought the test was going to be the most stressful part of her day. Tim tells her best case scenario it’s tomorrows problem. Lucy makes a nervous joke 'What’s worst case scenario? Never mind don’t answer that' haha Oh Lucy the most stressful part of your day starts now.
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The gentleman thinks they’re there to bring back his luggage. Tim enters the bedroom without Lucy. They tell Pete they are there just to interview him. He pulls out the bag he grabbed by mistake and shows Tim the ‘weird science equipment ‘inside. That he cut his finger on it looking for an address. Tim’s red flags are immediately up when he says this. Lucy can instantly tell something is up but Tim tells her to stay at bay. First instinct is always to protect her. Tim see’s the guys cut finger and alarm bells are going off for him. Lucy calls it in while she waits outside the bedroom for Tim.
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The guy then coughs up blood on Tim. He freezes and looks the most panicked I've ever seen him. I LOVE how Eric can express so much with just a look. He's such a good actor I can not. After he collects himself a bit he hears Lucy coming to check on him and shuts the door instantly. Despite Lucy yelling ‘No!’ When he does.
Tim refuses to let her be around whatever this is even a second. Creating an immediate barrier to keep Lucy safe. He locks the door to keep her out there. Pete starts to freak out. Tim tells Pete that his partner has called an ambulance for them. Makes me happy while he’s trying to keep this guy calm he calls Lucy his ‘partner’ not his rookie but his partner. It’s the little things ❤️ Lucy is panicking like crazy on the other side of this door. She wants to be let in to help him. It’s killing her they’re separated right now.
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Lucy is begging him to leave that guy in there and join her outside. Tim being the honorable man he is refuses to. Tells her they need to keep this as contained as possible. Lucy is panic stricken and wants to help him but is trapped outside. Tim is doing his best to keep her calm. The words he says I think are for them both. He just had blood spewed onto him. Tim is being as calm as one could be in that type of situation.
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He’s the one in danger and his first thought is to put Lucy at ease. To try and keep her calm. To 'keep her head in the game' If she could see his face as he says these things...She would see how very not fine he is. The most rattled we’ve seen him the entire season. This moment and honestly this entire episode is definitely another huge crack in his wall with her. Letting that Lucy light seep in just a little bit more.
The CDC finally arrive and they set up a quarantine zone much to Lucy's dismay. She’s on the edge and wants to get Tim out of there ASAP. Can’t stand the idea of him sitting in there for an hour or more while they wait for the vaccine. Dr. Morgan asks him if she can put him to work while he’s in there. Tim says yes. Lucy tells him to please be careful while he’s in there. Such a worried wifey.
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Tim uses his body cam to help them see inside the bag more. They figure out how they’re going to spread it through a mist fan. As Tim continues to search the bag they see Pete lifting a chair. Lucy freaks out and yells for Tim to watch out. All they see is him getting knocked out. Lucy is losing her mind outside not knowing what’s happening in that room. The absolute terror in her voice. My heart. How helpless she feels on the other side of that door.
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Tim wakes up inches from the blood stain on the carpet rolling toward him. He’s able to get away from it and tases Pete. After that Tim gets him locked to the bed frame. All the while Lucy is losing it outside. Desperate to hear from him. Calling out his name multiple times. Begs Tim to answer her. She is out of her mind with worry. If she was allowed to break that door down she would.
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Tim finally responds to Lucy tells her that he’s ok. She asks him if he’s really is. Because she knows him and how he tries to put a strong facade for her sake. Tim attempts to make a joke about it. His voice cracking a bit with worry. Trying to make jokes about this but his armor has been cracked. This a deflection right now more than anything else. His vulnerability coming out of him with her whether he likes it or not.
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He can't hide anything from her and and Lucy picks up on his worry quickly. Knows he's attempting to mask how he is really feeling right now. She can hear it in his voice. From there she turns into ultra worried wife mode. She demands they get that damn vaccine here right now. She is losing her patience while he’s trapped in that room without her. Love me some assertive/worried Lucy.
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I can't imagine what he is going through all by himself in that room. Poor Tim has to sit there and watch this guy die right in front of him. Can't help the man just has to sit there and watch him die. The look on his face ugh. The utter terror on his face. Lucy is already freaking out if she could see him…she would break down that damn door virus or not and drag him out of there.
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Next begins the iconic wall separation scene. As I said earlier if you weren't shipping them before you sure as hell were after this moment. Lucy tells him she just checked with Dr Morgan. That the vaccine is minutes away. Tim instantly knows this is a lie to comfort him. Its here we see a chunk of his wall break off and hit the ground as he compliments her. Naturally she’s going to rib him about it (because she can't actually process when he does compliment her) but it's also to keep his head clear. Just like he's done for her so many times before.
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The role reversal is so evident in this scene. Lucy is doing what he normally does for her. Trying to keep him calm by making jokes. Keeping it light. The smile on his face when she ask for it to be in writing is too precious. He needs Lucy and all her sunshine ways right now. He's holding onto to every word she is saying. She comforting/calming him just by being there for him.
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This is such a huge moment of vulnerability for Tim. The biggest one of the entire season really. That bond they’ve built up to this point is result of that. Lucy tells him its going be ok that she truly believes that. Tim is so defeated at this point. He doesn't take much stock in her words. Eric and Melissa crush this scene. To have this good of a dynamic with a door between them. My goodness they're amazing. Like I said earlier Eric is incredible with how he conveys what he's feeling with a look. This scene has it in spades. Look at this poor man's face down below. Makes me wanna cry.
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You can see his normal resolve is dissolving rapidly. Which is why Lucy is there to keep it intact. Tim looks like he’s on the verge of tears while she’s trying to comfort him. Lucy is trying to be his rock. Its why I think he is spilling his guts to her. He trusts her with his thoughts/feelings. Tim is being the most vulnerable he's ever been with her right now. Telling her everything. That if he ends up showing symptoms he’s not going to allow himself to die that way.
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Gotta love Lucy trying to pick up the pieces and keep him together. Being as optimistic as she can while he is hopeless. For him to share such a dark thought is huge. That he would rather kill himself than die like that. He is emotionally exposing himself to her right now. In a way I’m sure he hasn’t since Isabel. This is a massive step for him entrusting her with his thoughts and emotions. Because right now Tim thinks this is it for him. If he's going out he wants to make sure she knows his plans.
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Lucy is very aware what he is saying but is trying to talk him out if it. Desperately trying to keep his head level. She finally lets out a tear she's been holding the whole scene. He's considering killing himself and she can't do a damn thing about it. The stress of the situation finally getting to her when she sheds that tear. This is an iconic moment for them. Tim being so openly vulnerable with her and Lucy being there to receive it best way she can. Gah it’s all so good. This scene 'hurts so good' as they say. This moment is a milestone for them and their relationship. Where they go from just TO/Rookie to friends.
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The vaccine finally arrives and Lucy tries to follow the doctor in. Dr. Morgan won’t let her since she is not protected. You can tell its killing her to have to stay back. That look they share between them when Dr. Morgan is checking him out. Phew lord. She says he dodged a bullet. The looks in this scene are so telling. These two have a masters in silent communication. That look of worry/panic on her face. She wants to run up and hug him. That clearly isn’t in the cards. So she just intently watches him. Lucy doesn’t take her eyes off him the entire time.
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The way he stares back at her and lets her know it’s ok. I’m ok. Even the small smirk towards the end. They just went through something very emotional and intense together. Tim says so much with just a look for her. Yeah he dodged bullet and he did so because of Lucy. She didn't leave his side for a second. He recognizes this and conveys it in a look. Such an intimate moment for them with no words. God I love them.
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Before this episode ends Let’s take a moment to enjoy Tim Bradford in a tight white T-shirt shall we? Mmm. Yum. The rest join Lucy and Tim at Pete's house. Having returned from taking down the other culprits. They’re all making jokes now that they know he’s ok. Saying how he’ll refuse to take the ambulance or wheelchair haha
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As they’re making their jokes Tim walks to said ambulance. As he does he looks light headed and collapses. All jokes stop and they rush around him. Lucy being the first they hold her back. Thus ends s1 with a cliffhanger.
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I think I watched this finale a disgusting amount of times haha I was so eager for s2 and more of Tim/Lucy. To see what happens to Tim in the premiere and all that.
Side notes-Non chenford moments
Did love the Wopez in this ep they’re very cute. That’s about it haha very focused on the chenford goodies for this ep.
We made it through s1 woo amazing. Thank you all for the support I was given through our entire season. Your likes/comments/reblogs inspire me to do more. I shall see you all in s2 :)
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zooophagous · 9 months
Strauss sat slightly curled in the passenger’s seat of the dirty pick up. He was very pointedly staring out the window, away from the driver, watching the reflective markers by the road fly past in a yellow blur like shooting stars. Sylvain was grinning, seemingly at nothing. She wasn’t apparently concerned with Strauss’ refusal to look at her. She was too busy. Too busy haphazardly steering with one hand while fucking with the radio with the other.
“Ugh, country music. I can’t stand this twangy shit. How about you? You got a preference?” She craned her head to look at his tee-shirt, which bore the band emblem of The Rolling Stones. 
“Classic rock fan? We can do that. You at least have good taste, Lu.”
“Where are we going?” He asked without turning his head. 
“Like I said, we’re gonna have a little fun. Seems like something you’re out of practice on.”
“I am concerned that your idea of fun will not mesh with mine.” 
“Oh come off it. I do have other interests beyond tormenting mortals you know.” She rolled her eyes. “You aren’t still MAD at me, are you?”
“You tried to kill a friend of mine and in saving him I managed to shatter my femur and be confined to bed rest.” Strauss replied flatly. “I loathe bed rest.”
“Come on. That was weeks ago!” Sylvain protested in a mock whiny voice. “You were barely on bed rest for two weeks, if that, I’m sure. I know you didn’t take long to heal. A drop in the bucket, for someone as long lived as you. Practically a minor inconvenience.”
“It is less minor for Mr. Samuel, who nearly lost his life.”
“Look, I had no idea he was as gung ho about dying as he was, ok?” She huffed. “Fine. You win. I’m sorry I almost killed Mr. Samuel by using my advanced powers of psychic suggestion to convince him to commit suicide. That’s as much of an apology as you’re going to get. Now will you try and look at me when I’m talking?”
Strauss inhaled deeply, and did as she asked, finally forcing himself to look at her. She felt so much larger than him, even though the opposite was true. She was nearly too short to reach the pedals of the obnoxiously large truck. Her claw rested casually on the steering wheel, the other tapped along in time to the music on the car door out the open window. 
He harbored a multitude of regrets. This was supposed to be an expedition in information gathering. Doing so would be nigh impossible if he couldn’t look at her, much less talk to her. 
“Forgive me. I am being rude. It is just… very new and strange for me, to be in the presence of another immortal like this. I am used to it being a bit more combative. It is not as if our previous meetings have been enjoyable.”
“Oh, I don’t know. I enjoyed them just fine. But! Apology accepted, Lu. We may as well start fresh and make nice. We have more in common than not, I’m sure.”
“Beyond both of us being dead, you mean?”
“Both of us being captives- excuse me, FORMER captives of the Van Helsings? Both of us being occult researchers?”
“How about both of us being wanted murderers?”
“Speak for yourself, Lu. You’re the one with the record. I’ve been keeping my claws clean.” 
“Is that because you’ve been good, or because you know how to avoid detection?”
“You’re so clever, Lu. Funny guy. I knew there was a reason I liked you.”
“Like me, do you?” He raised an eyebrow. “I heard quite the opposite. I was told you had a hit list of vampires to dispose of, and my name was on it.”
“Told you about that, did they? Color me impressed. They must like you, if they’re that honest with you. No hard feelings about it Lu. I can call you Lu, right? Anyway, believe it or not, I didn’t actually want to ‘dispose’ of you.”
“Nope. You were my thesis project for graduation. Harmless little old German man. When they told me your number was up, I was actually sad about it. Sad to see you slip up, you know? That’s why I put you at the bottom of the hit list.” 
“How touching.”
“As far as I could tell, the victim in the killing that got you your murder record had it coming. But then, you did go on to kill again after that, didn’t you?”
“In self defense, yes. A Mr. Elliot Lane. Was he a colleague of yours?”
“At one point, yeah. He was a moron. Always felt like he had to prove himself. Be better than everyone else. He was a trophy hunter. It’s funny, I always knew he’d die at work. I just didn’t think I’d ever be buddy-buddy with the monster that took him down.”
“Both of those statements are false. I am not a monster, and we are not buddies.”
“Aww, don’t hurt my feelings now Lu. After all the effort I’m putting in to give you a night on the town?”
“You still have not told me where we are going.” 
“Well, I know enough about you to know you’re a biologist at heart. I also know enough about the Van Helsing Institute to know your mind is going to complete waste there. I said we’d have fun, and I meant it. Consider this a peace offering, yeah? You’ll like this place.”
“What is it?”
“We’re going to the zoo.”
“The zoo?” Strauss raised his eyebrows and turned to finally face her directly. “The zoological gardens where they keep wild animals?”
“That’s the one.”
“Two reasons. First, because I know you’ve never seen one and it’s pertinent to your interests. Second, because they have a petting zoo with goats, and I don’t want you to get peckish.”
She grinned evilly. Strauss grunted in reply. At least she wasn’t expecting him to join her in hunting humans just yet. “This facility is surely not open after midnight.”
“Doesn’t need to be. We can get in and out easy. Besides, it will be a nice quiet place to talk. That’s what you wanted, right? To talk? You still haven’t told me what about.”
“Yes. I am… building my courage to speak of it.” He swallowed hard. “It is a difficult topic to broach. I worry it may… trigger your temper.”
“Are you scared of me?”
He hesitated before answering. “Yes.”
Strauss returned his gaze to the roads. He rested his head on the window. The cool of the glass was comforting, even though the heavy rumble of the truck was off putting. The road slowly became the city. He had been here often enough to recognize parts of it now. There was the path that led to the bar, and further down, the road to Mr. Samuel’s house.
He winced inwardly at the thought. With any luck, she’d forget about wanting to hurt Sam. If she tried again he may have to break his promise to Artemis not to fight with her. She seemed content to sing along to “Paint it Black” on the radio until it faded into an obnoxious car dealership commercial that played several decibels louder than the music. 
Strauss frowned, and abruptly shut off the radio. 
“Not feelin’ the tunes, Lu?”
“If I have to listen to one more moment of commercials I will lose my composure. Are we close? I wish to get out of the car.”
Or at least, he wished not to be trapped in a small moving object mere feet away from her while she subtly mocked him.
“It’s right up this way. We’ll have to park and walk. If we climb the fence in the back corner here, there won’t be any alarms.”
“You talk as if you’ve done this before.”
“Of course. Many times.”
She parked the truck and hopped out of it eagerly. Strauss meekly trailed after her. This was already taking far too long. He’d allowed her to call the shots and get him to a secondary location. He was just along for the ride at this point. He absentmindedly stuck his claws into his pockets and felt the smart watch still there.
He gripped it momentarily. That watch was a lifeline. So long as Artemis was on the other side of it, he wasn’t completely alone with Sylvain. Not that Artemis could help very quickly. He almost missed Frau Harker. 
“Y’know Lu. Before I got into the vampire killing biz I wanted to be an exotic veterinarian? Graduated with a biology degree and everything.”
“You must like animals. I suppose we have that in common as well.”
“More than I like people.”
“How did you come to join the Institute?”
“Some of my exotic animal research led me to some interesting places. Namely, old records of vampirism in animals. One of my advisors had ties to the institute, so I wasn’t exactly discouraged from learning more from there.”
“And they convinced you that these unique new specimens you’d just discovered needed killing?”
He followed her in the dark down a tree lined path. He could smell hot compost and dung- no doubt the dumping grounds of the large animal waste. Sylvain was the one not looking at him, now. She scanned the fence line for an entry point.
“It’s something they teach you when you learn about wild animals, Lu. Large predators and humans have conflict. Large predators need careful management.”
She found her spot on the fence and made the climb. She looked not unlike a squirrel, or rodent, scaling the sheer face of tall wooden slats. 
“If people are in conflict with large predators, and someone doesn’t remove the problem predators, then the people feel unsafe, and they retaliate. They retaliate hard. If a problem wolf isn’t shot, a ranger might poison the entire pack. If a problem vampire isn’t dealt with, then every vampire loses their veil of secrecy, and all of them are in danger.”
“So your venture into the murder of our kind was done out of some desire to save us?” He tilted his head. “It was for our own good?”
“I’m not saying it doesn’t sound stupid in hindsight. You want the answer? You got it.” 
She disappeared over the fence. Strauss gripped the top of the fenceline and slowly pulled himself up. Chin ups were arduous, but he cleared the obstacle easily, and lowered slowly to the tall grass of the other side. 
“Is that it?”
“Is what it?” She led the way down the gravel path of the staff areas. 
“I suppose I was expecting a renowned slayer to have some deeply personal reasons for collecting such a body count. I thought perhaps some vampire had wronged you, planted a desire for revenge, I did not expect your interests in us to be so academic.”
“Not every bad person has the luxury of a good reason for being that way.” 
Strauss followed her slowly. His head was on a swivel, taking in the grounds. He could feel many eyes tracking him, and many excited heartbeats in his ears, but none of them human. No doubt the animal denizens of the facility were not used to seeing visitors at this hour. He worried one might sound the alarm, somehow, like a guard dog. No such alarm came.
“I suppose our paths aren’t terribly different. I too took an interest in vampires from the perspective of the biologist. I was more interested in medicine than zoology, however.”
“Interesting, ain’t it? I ended up joining the hunters, and you ended up joining the wolves. Interesting choice on your part too, Lu.”
“I did not go by choice.” He replied flatly. “I thought perhaps, given your research into my life, you might know that.”
“You had more of a choice than I did.” 
“You and I both walked willingly into the tiger’s den.”
“Wrong. I walked in to kill a tiger. You walked in because one promised you something and you believed it. Maybe you should think twice about questioning my background when you’re the one taking candy from strangers.”
Strauss shut up abruptly. Her anger was still dangerous, despite the attempts at familiarity. 
“Forgive me. I did not intend to upset you.”
“Relax, Lu. You didn’t make me mad. When I’m mad, you’ll know.” She turned to face him with aggressive eye contact. He felt himself falter even further behind her. “Besides, all that’s water under the bridge now. We ended up on the same team.”
“Same team, are we?”
“Sure. Vampires should stick together. We’re a rare breed. We won’t get a lot of people who understand us. Doesn’t make sense to fight.”
“Why then, in our previous meetings, were you so keen to intimidate me?”
“Large predators have a hierarchy, Lu.” She lingered slowly by the fence line as a pack of captive wolves approached the chain link with hungry curiosity. 
“I had to be the one calling the shots. I needed you to know in no uncertain terms who was in charge. I didn’t want it to even be a question. So, a little vulgar display of power here and there. I figured your curiosity would bring you out even if I was kind of a bitch.” She grinned.
“Why is it important for me to be brought out?”
“I already said I didn’t want to kill you.” She leaned over the guardrail to look at the gathering wolves more closely. “I still don’t. I didn’t really think that you deserved it. I also know that most vampire research subjects at the Van Helsing Institute are kept there in jars, not in dorms.” 
She crossed her arms with a sigh. “You’re doomed there, you know. They want to pretend to be your friend but you’re just an exotic pet, and soon enough you’d be another skull in a cabinet. I wanted better for you. I wanted to… I don’t know. Release you back into the wild.”
“The fact that I can tell you that I am happy and well cared for notwithstanding?”
“A psychological cage is still a cage.” 
The wolves dispersed along the fence line. The novelty of the visitors had worn off. Sylvain followed the pack with her eyes till they were hidden from sight. 
"It's a bit late to try and just put you back, unfortunately. Whatever worked for you before back home is gone now. If you're going to survive now you're going to have to adapt. And I know you're bad at adapting."
She started down the path again. Strauss wandered after her. "What makes you think I'm bad at adapting?"
"If you were any good at it you'd have done it on your own. You lived in a hole underground slowly starving to death. Don't take this the wrong way Lu. Most large predators aren't very good at adapting. Especially adapting to a bigger predator. They don't know how to cope with it. I get the feeling that it was all downhill for you once bloodletting started becoming less common for illnesses. Am I right?"
"I admit, yes. The advancement of modern medicine was beneficial to humanity, but the loss of that treatment did leave me very hungry."
"Damn shame isn't it. But you know, Lu. Even if donations run dry, you can still keep a clear conscience if you just stick to those who have it coming." She flashed her awful shark toothed grin at him, almost more like an animal baring its teeth than a person making a smile.
"Is that what you do, Frau Pietra?"
"Accusatory tone much? Besides, I know you've done it." She hand-waved him away as she strode down a path labeled "Asia." 
"Yes, I have. But if you remember, that one was practically forced on me. It wasn't my original idea."
"Sure, the dead child molester wasn't your idea." She shrugged. "But I know he wasn't the first time you cleaned up the streets a little in the name of a hot meal. Maybe it didn't make it to your file, but I have a hunch, Lu. You can tell me. I won't blab to Ursula over it."
"If you must know, I have lived through two world wars, and I admit that yes… perhaps I did take advantage of the fact that so many people simply disappear into the fog of war. A dead Nazi here or there was not terribly missed. Is this sort of thing what you do often? Do you hunt, Frau Pietra?"
"Shhh. Hey. Look." Sylvain stopped and pointed at a fence. There was a panel built into it made of glass, for the viewing pleasure of the public. Strauss approached the glass slowly.
On the other side of the fence stood an apex predator. It was long, longer in body than Strauss was tall, and it weighed more than three of him. Its fangs likewise envied his own. Strauss ran his fingers along the raised letters of the bronze plaque that gave the beast its name.
The Amur tiger. Small yellowish dots of reflected light glinted in its eyes. It stood not but five feet beyond the glass, regarding its audience with cool indifference. Strauss made eye contact with the animal, and felt that for a moment he could actually hold that eye contact comfortably.
The tiger blinked slowly, and began to pad silently past the glass, treating the pair to the full spectacle of its size and striped coat.
"That is a tiger. A real one."
"Yeah. Pretty fella, isn't he? Hard to believe they get that big."
"I've never seen a real tiger before." 
"That one's not a real tiger. Not all the way. It has the fangs and the claws, sure. But it's not a hunter. It won't ever kill a deer or defend a territory. It will only ever eat and sleep and mate as its handlers allow it to."
"The sign says it is an endangered species. Perhaps places like this keep it safe."
"Safe is different from whole."
Sylvain walked off down the path again. Strauss lingered a moment to watch the tiger. It looked like a real enough tiger.
"I am sure it is quite real enough to humble anyone who tries to tangle with it."
"That's true. That's one thing I like about this place, you know? I don't even think a vampire is a sure winner against a tiger. Puts me in perspective. There's always a bigger fish."
"That is a cat, not a fish."
"Shut up." 
"How much longer do you wish to linger here?"
"So impatient. How about this. Let me go feed the ducks in the koi pond and then we'll leave. We can talk more there. Maybe I can give you some pointers."
"Pointers on what?"
"How to be a real tiger, Lu. I feel like that's what you're really curious about anyway. I'd be happy to give you a little lesson."
He asked, though the answer was obvious. 
"Of course. Before the sun rises, I'm going to need a snack. You're going to help me get it."
"I'll do no such thing."
"I wasn't asking."
She produced a quarter from her pocket, and fed it to a coin slot machine that spit out a small handful of crumbling brown pellets.
"Here. Feed the ducks."
She forced the feed into his hands. It left an unpleasant residue. He helplessly tossed the feed to the waiting waterfowl and watched it sink and be devoured. 
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seasinkarnadine · 1 year
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Thanks @luckyfirerabbit​!
“Alright c’mon baby, bring papa the big money, big money–” Chetney tosses his dice. “YE-ES! Take that you little shit!” He thrusts a gnarled finger at the poor dealer. 
“Be nice, now,” Orym scolds gently.
“Oh, this one’s hot! Hey, is this table free?” A young elven man squeezes in at Imogen’s side as Chetney scoops up his winnings. 
“I was here first!” A woman nearly knocks into Imogen trying to secure her own seat.
“Watch it!” Someone else snaps, even as their elbow nudges against Imogen’s. The contact sends static slithering up her forearm.
“Fuck off,” she snarls. “There’s other tables.”
“Lady all the other tables are full, and you’ve been here for an hour.” What? No–oh. So they are. So they have been. The crowd’s really picked up at the Lakecap Skyport since she last looked up. That’s–that’s a lot of people. 
“You okay?” Orym’s voice is gentle but it still manages to cut through the hum of the crowd.
“Mmhmm.” She nods with what she hopes is conviction. Her chest is tight. She inhales deeply tin an attempt to loosen it up some. Maybe it’s the alcohol. She’s had two more of those “lavender martini” things that Ashton brought. Her head’s certainly buzzing. She raises a hand to press against her temple. Orym’s saying something.
“Yes, feel free. We’re heading up.” 
“What? No! There was– oh. Oh! Okay. Yes, ah, um, keep the table warm for us, we’ll be back in the morning!” Chetney adjusts his vest with an air of self importance.
“Wait, what? No.” They think they’re being subtle, do they? “I’m fine! Let’s go play that card game–what was it? Stork of the Storm?” She slides off of her seat and bumps into a half-orc whose drink nearly sloshes out of his hand.
“S-sorry,” she stammers. It feels like her whole side is staticky from the contact. A burst of nausea rolls over her. She clamps it down and grits her teeth. The Stuck of the–Stork— Storm game. With the cards. It’s over in the corner. Gods where even IS the corner? There!
‘Fewer people, see?’ She points it out to Orym and Chetney. ‘See? I’ll be fine.’
‘It’s getting kind of late. I’m ready to go to bed. I think the others are wrapping up.’ 
‘I’ll just tell em to meet us at that table, it’s fine,’ Imogen replies. She won’t let them stop having fun on her account. Not even if her head is screaming with each word sent. There’s all kinds of voices pressing in on her. Needles, needles, ice picks, knives. One foot in front of the other, Temult.
“‘Scuse me,” she murmurs as she pushes past a dark haired man.
“You’re excused!” If her head were in better condition she might psychic lance his rude ass. No, no–no harming civilians, Imogen. She’s still heading for the corner table. Right? The world’s going a little blurry around the edges. The world tilts. 
Someone’s yelling. What? My drink all over–arrested for being drunk and disorderly–Skycap shouldn’t let so many people–Please dice please dice please dice— That woman is absolutely wasted–If I roll once more I’m sure it’ll turn out– Should I call security –PERFECT ROLL!--Kind of behavior— intolerable—
Stop, stop, stop. Quiet. Can you not yell? I can hear you just fine, you don’t have to–
‘Imogen.’ The thrum of a cello slides right through the clamor. She knows that voice. She’d know that voice anywhere.
‘Laud?’ She swallows. ‘Where are you?’ There’s a dozen faces in the crowd all directed at her but they won’t stay still. It feels like someone’s stabbing her eyes. 
‘Can you open your eyes?’
‘Light’s too bright.’
‘Okay. Can you feel me?’ There’s a pressure against her palm. Something cold, even through the leather. The string quartet of Laudna’s mind swells and the nails-on-chalkboard of the crowd fades.
‘Yeah. Yeah.’ She squeezes. The leather squeaks. ‘Chetney wanted to…we were gonna play cards.’ It wasn’t supposed to go like this.
‘Tomorrow, hmm? We’re all a bit tired. Let me take you to bed.’
‘You gotta–’ she hiccups. ‘You gotta buy a lady dinner, first.’ She feels Laudna’s mirth through their connection more than anything else. Imogen thinks maybe she laughs, too.
‘How about breakfast?’
‘Yeah. Breakfast sounds nice.’ She keeps her eyes shut, trusting Laudna to guide her through the crowd. They can always play cards tomorrow.
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dballzposting · 10 months
Chaozu & Oolong & Puar could go clubbing. But more pertintently they try to hit the town at night but end up having to stop an alien invasion. They’re successful and none of the other Z guys every find out that it happened. On the other side of the globe Tenshinhan is picking flowers with Yamucha trying to figure out what his feelings are while Cghaozu & Oolong & Puar are shooting guns and going on car chases
It starts out like they’re gonna go clubbing but it just escalates. It’s like a 45-min special that is directed by one guy who was inspired by Quentin Tarantino and another guy who was inspired by Michael Bay and they collaborate and bicker but in the end create something beautiful ... 
Oolong just has underwear on his head the whole time and his role is to be like “OOOUGH THIS IS IT GUYS .. ! IT WAS FUN WHILE IT LASTED ...!” everytime it looks like they’re gonna die.
Puar does stuff but idk what
Chaozu is so calm and cool and collected and chill and based and at the beginning he plays music in the car (he’s driving using his psychic abilities to push the pedals) and puar & oolong are expecting something severe and intense and real but he just plays like ... a 3oh!3 song. And theyre surprised by this but chaozu is sooo cool and real that he makes this cringe moment Based . He plays it becasue he likes it.
- “Pale Shelter” by Tears For Fears 
- “Brother And Sister” by Erasure
- “Private Idaho” by the B-52s
There’s a scene near the beginning where thye’re shopping for cool clothes (they’ve only just begun to get an inkling that Something isnt quite Right around these parts... chaozu’s clairvoyancy is warning him that something amiss may occur...but well anyway) and Chaozu is finding something cool and meanwhile Oolong & Puar have the obligatory conversation of:
Oolong: So I’ve been meaning to ask .. are .. are you like ... a chick?
Puar: ...... Man I’m just trying to get throuhg the week man.
Later when they almsot die Oolong is like “puar if we’re gonna die here then there’s something that I have to admit yo you .... When we were in kindergarten .. i ... I stole your crayons ... and ate them” and puar is like “SO THAT WAS YOU! YOU MOTHERFUCKER!’ and they starts fighting while Chaozu has a gun fight around the corner and fixes the situation 
Chaozu acquires sunglasses early on btw and at a later point in the movie they get blown off of his face and immediately a cooler pair falls from nowhere and lands on his face and stays there. And it is 100% for the audience’s sake becasue chaozu was cool enough to not need that
Afterwards they all go their separate ways and chaozu returns to tenshinhan and tenshinhan is like “How was your week chaozu” and chaozu knows what tenshinhan can & can’t handle and what he should & shouldn’t know so he just says “It was great Ten-san! What about yours?” and that gets the attention off of himself really fast
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kirbsto · 1 year
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Psych!Au brain worm still going strong.
Loosely thinking about Steve as Shawn, Robin as Gus, Hopper as Lassie, Nancy as Jules, and Eddie as a kinda weird version of Pierre Despereaux.
Steve and Robin growing up together, not really friends but they lived close enough to mess around the neighborhood. Robin being very book smart and thinking things through logically but eccentrically while Steves left with a photographic/eidetic memory but hating it because he doesn’t know what to Do with it and his parents would act like everything was always so easy for him.
Steve never really figuring out what he actually wants to do with his life because he resented his awareness and doesn’t particularly lean into it, especially before he moved out. His dad’s a lawyer and really tried to shove Steve into that box because “if your not gonna use that brain of yours for something useful you might as well not use it at all.” It just caused problems and yeah, maybe he had a phase where he was cocky about it but he never found it /fun/.
It was a show and tell sort of talent, repeating shit back to people verbatim because he thought it was funny. Using people’s words against them when he was at his meanest. Then he started actually hanging out with Robin after a particularly rude comment ended with him on his ass and a black eye. They just fit together well and work together well and she tries to show him he’s more than that. So they all but shake hands and start working weird ass jobs together just to have fun and shoot shit.
Robin ends up landing an Actual Real Person job at a library, something she can use her degree towards. Steve feeling kinda left behind even though they see each other basically every day. Messing around with detective Hopper at the station, calling in tips, solving shit because it’s hilarious. Hopper doesn’t like him but that’s ok because Steve doesn’t like Hopper either and it makes him laugh.
Steve calls in a tip that’s maybe a bit too on the nose and gets called down to the station. He feels a bit silly that day and just plays it up, laughs at them because “bro it’s obvious, just look at that guy- he’s shaking in his boots.” But Hopper had busted him for throwing parties and speeding a lot as a kid. It feels weirdly personal and aggressive when he slaps on the cuffs, so Steve improvises.
He starts shooting off random shit he noticed throughout the station and before he can catch up with his brain he’s telling everyone he’s a fucking Psychic. Which. Okay. Not his best little plot. But it’s Working because Chief Byers is eyeing him with curiosity and Hopper is death gripping his chair and the new hire, Nancy, is laughing into her hand.
So yeah… that’s how he finds himself yelling for Robin at her job while she’s frantically telling him to “SHUT the FUCK UP Steve we’re in a fucking Library!! What do you Mean you conned the police station into believing you Commune with the Dead????”
So Now Robin is roped in and she has a Blatant crush on the new girl who’s actually really stoic and Scary but Robin is good at getting people to have fun.
And there’s this Guy who’s way too fucking good at committing the perfect crime and it’s like Steve found his Arch Nemesis which is Crazy and Stupid and Absolutely not a complete and utter Turn On. His name is ~Eddie~ and he’s always got to get the last word in but he has this glimmer in his eyes when Steve gets pitted up against him.
It’s awesome and he’s having fun for the first time ever at a job that’s not just minimum wage and insufferable hours. He’s enjoying it and yeah maybe he gets caught up in the lie but he has a weird tentative family at this station that he hasn’t really felt in a while, for fucks sake Hopper is warming up to him even though he’ll deny it to his final breath.
He just has to… lie a lot. Unless he wants to get arrested by the same people who took him in.
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thenightling · 1 year
Why Wednesday is NOT a Harry Potter rip-off
Most of the “Hot Takes” about the Netflix series Wednesday are that it’s a shameless rip-off of Harry Potter.  Why? Because there’s a boarding school and supernatural creatures?   
Wednesday features Wednesday Addams going to Nevermore Academy, a school for “Outcasts.”  In the context of the show Outcast means monsters or people with super powers.  The school residents include werewolves, vampires, gorgons, and sirens as the main species based cliques. And the Principal was a shapeshifter. Other supernatural creatures in attendance include a telekinetic, an artist who has psychic visions and can temporarily bring his art to life, and a boy who can control bees.  A ghost and a Hyde monster also makes an appearance. And Wednesday, herself, is a seer.
 As far back as the 1930s the Addams Family has had witches. Charles Addams, himself, said that Morticia was a witch and he was her creator.  In the 1960s Addams Family show the opening theme song has the line “So get a witch’s shawl on, a broomstick you can crawl on.  We’re gonna pay a call on... The Addams Family.”  Grandmama brewed potions in every incarnation of the family and cursed a man in the 90s Addams Family movies.  Morticia’s sister, Ophelia, had flowers growing out of her head in the 1960s show.  If you think there was nothing supernatural about The Addams Family, you clearly were not paying attention.       
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Now, in the show Wednesday, anyone with powers or who is of another species other than human, are called Outcasts.  Everyone else is a Normie. No, this is not a rip-off of Harry Potter’s Muggles.  In role playing games I sometimes had ordinary human characters called Vanillas.  In The Dresden Files TV series they were called civilians. Fables called them Mundies, which was short for Mundanes.  In Fred Saberhagen’s Dracula books the humans are sometimes called Breathers or Mortals.  Breathers is also what the ghosts in a few young adult book series call humans.  That and “Fleshies” like in the Casper movie.  In Bewitched and Sabrina: The Teenage Witch, non-magical people were called mortals.  The vampires of Anne Rice’s novels the human characters are called mortal.
So between Civilians, Breathers, Fleshies, Mundies, Mortals, and Vanilla, the idea of the supernatural society having another name for the non-magical ordinary humans also was not invented by J. K. Rowling for Harry Potter. You would have to have had very limited experience with the horror and fantasy genres if you think Harry Potter was the first to come up with the concept of a school of the magically incline.  
The Worst Witch- about a little girl in Witch School, was first published in 1974 and the first movie version was in 1986 and then it had two TV show adaptations. 
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Even Monster High- which I, myself, have compared the school in Wednesday to- was not the first of it’s kind.    
In 1988 there was an animated movie called Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School where Shaggy got a job as a Phys Ed Teacher in an “All Ghoul school” inhabited by the daughters of the classic movie monsters.  You had the daughter of Dracula, the daughter of The wolfman, the daughter of The mummy, and a daughter of a ghostly phantom.  Sound familiar?  It was Monster High before Monster High. 
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And don't forget even the novel Dracula in 1897 mentioned Scholomance (School of Magick) a mystical school supposed to be hidden in Eastern Europe over a lake. Also unlike Harry Potter, in the world of Wednesday, much like True Blood, the general public do seem aware that werewolves, vampires, and the like exist.  
Does Wednesday borrow from other Gothic Horror and teen dramas or who-done-its?  Of course.  But it’s done in its own unique way.  And it’s a spin-off of a beloved property, The Addams Family.  So just sit back and relax and enjoy it for what it is.  This is not a rip-off of Harry Potter.  It’s a hodgepodge of Gothic fantasy and it’s the first time Tim Burton has felt like ...well, himself, in over fifteen years.  Stop looking for reasons to hate it and just have fun. With Gothic horror films like The Invitation also embracing old Gothic Horror tropes, and Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman finally having its own TV show adaptation, I find it to be a breath of fresh air to see 2022 being the year that Gothic Horror has finally made a pop culture return without a cynical deconstruction by people who never appreciated the genre.  I had been hoping for this kind of entertainment for a long, long time.
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bebe-tatsu · 1 year
A One Punch Man Meta (Where I overthink about One Punch Man because no one wants to)
Disclaimer: Don't take this so seriously. I just love Saitama and more so Tatsumaki so this is a fun little side project lol If you're not a fan, then think of it as my little headcanon that I want to ruminate on.
So, I have been rereading OPM partly because it’s the Psychic Sister Arc being adapted in the manga now and I simply love Tatsumaki. I need more content of her before she disappears again (insert sad face) 
To be honest, it’s going well but I am stuck in Chapter 137. Like I keep saying repeatedly, I love Tatsumaki so this chapter needs more drilling into
 In the opposite spectrum, Chapter 77 is Saitama’s chapter. Here. we have insight of his psyche via King’s introspection. He feels lonely. He doesn’t feel any emotion anymore. He thinks strength is the only metrics to be had but now he feels bored out of his mind
King actually suggests Saitama to maybe have friends outside of the Hero’s association but he rejected it quite vehemently. He doesn’t need any more friends let alone outside of the Hero Association. (SO WHAT DO YOU WANT SAITAMA)
Here we have an overpowered hero who feels nothing.
On the other hand, we have Tatsumaki who feels every emotion in the maximum capacity.
Both person, with overwhelming strength, felt very alone
I still can’t make heads or tails on how to perceive Tatsumaki’s character and how I feel Saitama will have a profound effect on her debilitating psyche. You ask, why these two specifically and why not others? Because I want to shoo.
For sure, I think we’re all expecting it but Saitama is going to be the catalyst for her change. And by we, I mean maybe it's just me. Lol.
Blast was the one who put the curse in her heart and someone else is going to have to remove it. Who else but someone who actually parallels Blast but is more open to have positive relationship with other people?
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Once Saitama utters the phrase “I’m just a hero for fun”, her mind has to go to Blast immediately. It has to!! But unlike Blast who told her to not expect anyone to come save her, this one’s going to be sticking with her.
And before all of you say it’s going to be Fubuki that should help her sister out, it’s not. At least, it's what I believe.
I think Fubuki is a hindrance to Tatsumaki. Tatsumaki feels obligated and responsible for her sister’s safety (Because Blast said so and she took it so seriously) therefore if she’s going to do any growing up, Fubuki needs to be out of the way.
For #1 to happen, Fubuki needs to have her own storyline out of her Sister's sphere. This is where Psychos and the Blizzard group comes into play, so many forthcoming things on that front (especially with the new scenes in the webcomic)
In Chapter 144, Fubuki mentions that she is gathering forces to help her sister so she can save her. This is why Saitama and Fubuki's arc are interconnected because Fubuki will be the leeway to connect Saitama and Tatsumaki's paths together
Saitama by way of meeting Fubuki was actually the reason why Fubuki understood her sister a little better (It's lonely at the top) which establishes that Saitama and Tatsumaki are one and the same person. They just need to realize this Fubuki panels that make a direct comparison between Saitama and Tatsumaki
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Anyway onto reading the rest of the chapter and overthinking. Until this arc is over, I'm not gonna shut up ahahaha *Evil laugh*
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gmaxmeltdown · 5 months
Yippee I finished the indigo disk
Indigo Disk none spoiler review and personal opinions:
Please remember these are just my personal thoughts and opinions on the game, if you disagree that’s perfectly fine and I’d love to hear your opinions in the notes, although if you’re rude or try to argue I will block you.
Final none spoiler review:
Story: 6/10, it was good I enjoyed it though it felt lacking, could’ve had more to it but overall enjoyable and fun, took itself seriously and it was pretty interesting for the most part I really do feel like there should’ve been more to it.
Region: 5/10, it was fun to explore although a bit too small in my opinion kitakami felt bigger and felt like had more diversity, it wasn’t bad though.
Characters: 8/10, I liked the characters a lot tbh I know there wasn’t exactly to much to them but I thought they actually had a lot of personality despite that, i definitely need to draw them at some point. Drayton I think was definitely a favorite although Kieran comes a close second, cringefall boy was surprisingly an enjoyable character imo.
Pokémon: 7/10, both new and returning Pokémon I felt like they were good choices and I think the old ones fit into their new models and the new ones look very nice of course some look better than others but that just goes for all of them.
Battles: 8/10, not to hard and not to easy! It really made me think especially the double battles! It was a nice change of pace from just spamming crit moves and honestly all of them were super fun, despite the fact I favor two types and usually use those exclusively (psychic and dark) I was actually able to beat the bosses pretty well with just those few and like three that weren’t either of those typings, I genuinely think these battles may have been the most fun I’ve had in any of the games.
Graphics: 6/10 basically the same graphics from the base game, could be better but I’m not exactly a graphics guy I will literally play a game with the graphics being like four pixels if the story is engaging enough.
Soundtrack: 10/10 per usual as expected from a Pokémon game, really not much more to say about that other than I will definitely have some of the songs on loop for awhile.
So do I think the DLC was worth the price after finishing both the Teal Mask and the Indigo Disk?
Yes! In my opinion it was money well spent, I enjoyed it but if you’re expecting like a 10/10 amazing story with twist and turns and super amazing writing with like the hardest competitive battles you’ve ever faced, probably not for you, if your just wanting to have fun and enjoy a nice game with a decent story and a bit of a challenge in terms of battles, you might enjoy this!
Spoiler review (also me just going on a giant rant you can get the idea from above.)
I said this but I’m gonna go a bit deeper on it, the story was lacking. I was a little disappointed on it to be honest I really thought it was gonna lead up to one huge finale where you, Carmine, Kieran, Arven, Penny, and Nemona we’re gonna all have to team up in one final fight to save Paldea and ultimately catch the final form of Teratopagose, (excuse me if I spelled that wrong I don’t feel like googling it),
In reality it was literally just “Hey guys wanna go down DEEPER into Area Zero and catch a turtle cuz I’m hyperfixated on teralization?”
And then you go down there with Carmine and Kieran and Kieran has self esteem issues (I feel you, man) and looses his shit and then you catch a turtle. It was just such a huge build up to this all powerful thing that was sounded like it was gonna be a huge threat to just turn out like that, it was super unwhelming but o that than that it was decent and fun.
Of course there’s loads more to it than just that buuuut that more or less sums it up or at least the end part, the beginning part is just the basic “defeat the elite four and then fight the champion (except this time give him a mental breakdown:3)” which was good and fun and I have nothing more to say on it other than I enjoyed it a lot.
My major disappointment is that Penny Arven and Nemona didn’t return especially with the file leaks it really seemed like they were going to, I was really looking forward to going back to Area Zero with them to finish things only for it to just be Carmine Kieran and Briar who really needs to chill on her hyperfixation because she almost just led three children to their deaths.
Why on God’s green earth was she the only adult why did Greta and Rika decide this woman is a suitable chaperone my incineroar and honchkrow are the only reason we’re not dead.
I do think the story is a step in the right direction both for the base game and the dlc but despite my slanders I really did enjoy it and it was fun.
Anyway end of my review have this:
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unsleepingtales · 5 months
Burrow’s End episode 8
Two minutes in and I’ve lost the plot this is delightful
I’m gonna be totally honest gang I am exhausted and distracted tonight so we’ll see how this goes
Let’s hear it for the muas btw. Knocking it out of the park every single time
We’ve skipped hat and gone straight to miter.
Oh yeah the hat chant was fun
Siobhan I love you
Unsleeping city shirt!
She’s so chill about it lmao
Tula’s heart is still beating???
The name of their cop show 😭
My body is composed of tubes :)
What has happened to your family indeed
Erika <3
Oh goddamn okay
Revenant Tula confirmed! Fascinating
Oh I thought that was gonna be a comedic beat and then it Was Not
Oh is this a thing Geoffrey cast on her???
Wait when she said ‘the winter we had lost dad’ did she mean Kenji or Geoffrey?
This does not feel like the whole truth.
Jasper looks SO devastated
You cannot really blame them
Oh that’s some thoughts that sound a lot like suicidal ideation
Yeah just checked the warnings! Glad they put the warning in for it.
Oh Geoffrey info!
She has needed to snap for so long
Oh Rashawn 💜💜
We are EIGHTEEN minutes in Jesus Christ
Let’s hear it for ttrpg safety tools! And players that communicate with one another!
MeatWolf merch when
It is NOT kosher
God what is with GMs and the word viscera.
I mean you could have said like. Explain or something but go off
Oh nooooo
I’m very not alive :)
Ok good thank you
Good lord
“Since we got here” you’ve been here One day but ok
No? That’s not at all what was said?
It really does seem like a magical hat
That seems like a good call yeah
How did we get here things were SO tense like two minutes ago
That was NOT subtle
Thorn is so fucking creased 😭
If Bennet turns out evil I will cry
Guys maybe chill. You just got off the topic of the killing.
What point are you trying to make??
You cannot try to pull the ‘we’re new’ card right now
That makes me want to Die in My Body
What’s the DC on democracy?
Thorn cleric level??? Is that new or was that there last ep and I missed it??
Is this just a normal thing that happens??
If you didn’t want me to fuck it up you wouldn’t have had such a whimsical redwall-ass name I am DEAD
Yeah no it’s the accent and the whimsical name it has nothing to do with jwc’s Astronomical talent or storytelling ability
He’s reluctant but he is still a cult leader cmon now
OH ok
That was wild few seconds
How is he rolling so well now?
The DEEPEST betrayal from her husband
She’s already dead man
Nuclear radiation did that sweetheart.
How do they have guns
MeatWolf Merch When
They’re coppers now? Maybe don’t? Idk idk idk
Just a thought!
Erika <3
No yeah sometimes you do just need the shit kicked out of you
So… are they gonna tell Bennet that they put spies in the police force
I saw that eye twitch
Gotta nudge the homies
That was such a muppet face Brennan just pulled
What a lovely moment actually
The name bit keeps getting me-
Oppenheimer 😭
Warby Parker is Not that affordable lmaoooo zennioptical.com forever
We’re getting so many sponsors this week
was that just a fritos bit sweetie or did you wanna do something in character I’m dead
Maybe it’s the week I’m having but the jokes are hitting harder this week
The sass
We’re roughhousing :)
After this season I’m gonna try and make an actual timeline of events
Oh god that was just this morning
Aww Erika’s face
That is so purely sweet
Oh they’re GONE
Psychic damage in real life
The energy is wild rn
Lotta strong feelings
Okay here we go
He’s hot though.
Sabotage??? Like by stoats sabotage?
He’d already been exposed to the radiation
Oh my god
Oh that’s not gonna haunt me at ALL
What the fuck is happening Aabria. Aabria what.
God I wish I knew more about this specific section of history so I could know what’s in historical context and what’s Burrow’s End lore
God radiation is so fucked up
The shadow puppet show! We found the light and began the world
Ooh I just noticed the gm screen changed and you can see inside now that’s so cool
An egg threat!
I’m gonna lose it I think
I need to have an in depth understanding of things please
I would like to know what is going on :) I am stressed and confused :)
Plot twist they’re all vegetarian now
Oh my god Aabria you’re brilliant
I am terrified!
Ok it’s 2 am I’m going to sleep and hopefully I don’t have nightmares about stoats I will be back to rewatch and re-freak out tomorrow!
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
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Haru: Ugh... why does this morning have to be so early? It’s not even sunrise, and yet here we are, wide awake.
Senjirō: You know, not everyone’s as awake as you.
Haru: Can I help it if waking up alert is one of my many amazing talents?
Senjirō: Waking up annoying, more like it. Seriously, it’s way too early for any civilized person to be out of bed.
Taiji: I don’t usually say this, but I agree with Senjirō. Like, why’d we have to get up at this stupid hour?
Ryu: Because we have an early flight.
Taiji: But… why? I’m tired, and I don’t feel good.
Ryu: What’s the matter? Do you have an upset stomach?
Taiji: Yeah.
Haru: How do you always know what’s wrong with him, Ryu? That’s some serious psychic power.
Ryu: I’m not psychic. We go through this every time he has to get up early for something.
Haru: True.
Ryu: Taiji, I think we’re going to have to start adjusting your daily routine so it won’t be so difficult for you to get out of bed.
Taiji: *whines* Nooo… I love my bed. I wish I was in it right now.
Keigo: You can sleep on the plane, Taiji.
Senjirō: That’s what I’m going to do. Sleep all the way to San Myshuno.
Keigo: You’re not even going to wake up for snacks?
Senjirō: Don’t talk about food, please. I might be sick.
Taiji: Me too
Haru: Mmm… food. Now I want something. Think you can get onigiri at this hour?
Senjirō: *whimpers*
Keigo: Haru, can you please not...?
Haru: What? I could go for a rice ball and a coffee. Ryu, can I go look for the vending machines?
Ryu: No.
Haru: I’ll bring you something.
Ryu: We can get something once we go through security. They’ve got vending machines up there.
Haru: But, I'm hungry now.
Ryu: Be patient, please. Sarah's checking us in, and she'll be back with our boarding passes in a few minutes. Then, we can go up to the security area.
Taiji: Run the gauntlet of crazy fans, you mean.
Keigo: They'll have rope barriers up, Taiji. Besides, Ji-Soo and Sarah will be with us. It'll be fine.
Haru: I hope Eden makes it. He promised he'd be here to see me off. I’m gonna be looking for him in that crowd of fans.
Ryu: Don't worry. He'll be here. He'll want to see his brother off too, won't he?
Haru: Right! Charlie's already here. I saw him with Sheridan and Maya and some of the other tour staff. Do you think that means Eden's already here too? Can I go look for him?
Ryu: Haru, no. What did I just tell you about waiting for Sarah? You need to calm down, if you can.
Haru: I can't! You know i can't.
Senjiro: Typical.
Keigo: Senjiro, shh... you're not helping. Maybe try to think of something to distract him that doesn't also involve insulting him?
Senjiro: Such as?
Keigo: What would help you, Haru?
Haru: Ooh… can we sing something?
Ryu: Yes, quietly.
Taiji: I don’t feel like singing.
Senjirō: Me neither.
Haru: Fine. I’m gonna get up and dance. I don’t need you guys for that.
Ryu: Dance where we can see you.
Haru: You want to be the audience?
Ryu: No, i just want to make sure you don’t wander off.
Keigo: Are we having fun yet?
Ryu: Ask me that again when we’re thirty thousand feet in the air and I don’t have to be responsible for anything or anyone for several hours. Maybe then I’ll be having fun.
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undertalefanwriter7 · 4 months
A Summer in Time Chapter 1: Pressing Rewind
“Now boarding the bus to Boring, California.” The bus driver said. Ashely just got straight onto the bus with her headphones in while Mabel and dipper were saying goodbye to Ford and Stan with tears in their eyes. She sighs as Mabel cries over leaving Waddles behind which cause Ford and Stan to threaten the bus driver with weapons, and Dipper and Wendy have their heart to heart. As soon as they’re done and the bus leaves Ashley closes her eyes and falls asleep from all the exhaustion she feels every time they stop weirdmagedon.
Once her eyes close and the bus passes through the border of gravity falls she’s shaken awake by an excited Mabel. “Ash!Ash!Ash! We’re here! We’re finally in Gravity Falls! The place where we’ll spend a whole entire summer!” She said practically bouncing in place.
“Yep…an entire summer…away from my friends,” she mumbles “it’s gonna be soo much fun.” she said crossing her arms.
"Aww come on Ash it's gonna be fun. I promise!" Mabel said.
Ashely just sighs and keeps her headphones in. To be honest the first time she restarted the entire summer she was kinda excited for more summer and to become a psychic for a summer. But after the third, fourth, fifth summer in a row everything just got boring and predictable. She then tried to get out of the time loop by talking to Ford about it. When that didn't work she just gave up on ever trying to get out of the same three months of hell.
"Now at Gravity Falls" the bus driver said. Ashley got up and got her bags inside the shack.
"I'm super excited to decorate our room Dipper! It's a shame that Ashely won't be in it as well" Mabel said
"Well I mean she is nineteen Mabel she doesn't want to share a room with us and she does need her privacy" Dipper said grabbing his bags.
Mabel grabs her own bags and runs up to their new room.
Ashely passes by Stan who greets her by the door in his tour guide voice which she just waves to as she walks to the room she's stayed at for twelve summers in a row. Now thirteen.
After she helps Mabel and Dipper set up their room she sets up hers and stares at the ceiling 'another summer of monsters, crazy dream demons, and giant babies. I don't know how much more I can take' she thinks before closing her eyes to fall asleep.
Somewhere in the nightmare realm:
Bill glitches back into the nightmare realm like nothing happened. Like he wasn't literally just erased from the world a couple seconds ago. "HA! THAT AXOLOTL ACTUALLY HELPED! OKAY I GET ANOTHER CHANCE WITH THIS!" He exclaimed excitedly "AND THIS TIME I WON'T BE ERASED!" He yelled into an empty realm
Zhofrph wr judylwb idoov!
This is my first fan-fiction I’ve ever written so I hope it’s good 😂. Also can y'all tell me do you want me to go about this chronologically but with some uncannon things or should I just show Ashley's perspective of things.
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beezonia · 11 months
Leave me behind and the only thing that’s left are weeds
A Flora Drabble for the pl psychonauts au
When Flora was five she learned that she could speak to plants, their thoughts and feelings were her’s to share with the rest of the world.
Turns out she was a psychic and her parents had wanted nothing more then to watch her flourish and shine.
The happiness didn’t last.
When Flora was 12 she met the professor and his fiancée Claire, they took her in after her parents had died.
It took her a long time to warm up to them and the world outside St Mystere, she was full of grief and pain.
That was when her telepathy was unlocked.
Flora had been panicking, left alone in the Professors office with her thoughts, no plants to comfort her and tell her she was going to be fine.
Then she had heard Dr Foley’s voice inside her head, the woman had sensed her distress whilst she was working and promised that she’d be there with her as soon as possible.
The thoughts came flooding through as the dam burst, she could hear almost everything. Every word every syllable inside her head.
“You unlocked your telepathy, I’m on my way Flora please hold on just for a few more moments.”
Claire had spoken inside her head and the girl had responded with a quiet mewl.
After that Dr Foley had made it her job to help her with her telepathy whenever she had the chance, going as far to recommend the pshychonauts resident herbaphone Sophia to help with strengthening her powers.
She’s 18 when she meets Luke in person, they’d got to know each other whilst they were both on separate missions as junior agents.
They sent messages or just wrote letters of either of them were away for more then a week and it led them to become close friends.
By the time the two of them actually meet in person they are both stronger psychics from when they started and the excitement radiates in both their brains.
“I’m so excited to meet you Flora!”
Luke had said In her head.
“Me too! We’re gonna be awesome together as partners!”
They share a laugh, and it’s then they meet in the lobby, Luke is much smaller then her.
He screams and the girl smiles brightly as he brings her in for a hug.
“I’m so happy I found you.”
They become quite the strong pair. Even stronger the Luke’s parents who were quite the pair themselves.
Now in the future, Flora is 24 Luke is 22. The professor and Claire now have two other kids by their side (Alfendi and Katrielle)
Then there was Clive, the new one. Flora had seen him every now and again with Dr Foley who had probably taken him as her apprentice.
Flora had closed her mind off but he had once caught her speaking to one of the many plants in her small office conjoined with Luke’s.
“You’re a Herbaphone? That must be fun.”
She can sense the sarcasm in his tone but Flora doesn’t speak about it, not wanting to make a bad impression of herself (as the professor had said a true lady is always kind)
“Yes, your a cryokinetic? I saw what you did to the training room it was awesome!”
Flora replies softly.
And so Flora Reinhold had found her home, being a psychonaut had allowed her to make friends and family.
She was happy and her plants were growing at a fast rate to keep up with her cheerful demeanour.
No weeds in sight.
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aura-acolyte · 10 months
Fun Little Writing thing I did
The great thing about being best friends with Latias is you can go anywhere you want, no matter how high. After all, who’s gonna stop you? Nobody, that's who.
One particular place Mare probably wasn't supposed to be, at least according to Amy, was the tippy top of Sky Pillar. Unfortunately for the government, it was one of her favorite spots. High above the clouds where she could forget the troubles of the world below. It was always peaceful up here.
On this particular day, Mare sat at the very edge of the tower, legs hanging over the side. Next to her was Latias in her human illusion. Despite being an illusion, the light breeze somehow managed to rustle her coat.
Mare leaned backwards. “I love it up here. So peaceful.”
Latias leaned back as well. “I dunno. I think it could use a bit more chaos.”
Mare chuckled. “Of course you do. But I think you being here is chaotic enough. Bring that crazy bird energy.”
Latias sat back up. “Crazy what energy?”
“Crazy bird energy.” Mare said, also sitting back up. “You're a bird, aren't you?”
“What?” Latias asked, raising an offended eyebrow. “I'm a dragon?”
“What?” Mare asked. “No? You're a bird. I know you're dragon type but you're bird shaped.”
“I’m Dragon/psychic.” Latias replied. “If I was a bird I'd be dragon/flying.”
“But you have feathers!” Mare protested.
“So does Reshiram.” Latias pointed out.
“Yeah but Reshiram’s Dragon Shaped.” Mare countered.
Latias stood up and dropped the illusion, revealing her true form. “Do I look bird shaped to you?” “I mean, kinda.” Mare said. “You’ve got wings and feathers. And from the side it looks like you have a beak.” As she listed things off she pointed to the parts.
“Birds flap their wings to fly.” Latias countered. “My wings stay in one place. Like an airplane.” Mare raised an eyebrow. “Are you saying you’re an airplane?” “No! I’m saying I’m a dragon!” Latias protested. “I am literally the Pokemon we’re arguing about why are you questioning me?”
“You know what, I know who can solve this.” Mare said, whipping out her phone. “I’ll just text Byrd. She knows a lot about birds I bet she could tell me.”
Latias groaned.
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