#weird fears
Hello beautiful! 😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️
Join us and tell us 5 of your weirdest fears! I’ll start:
1: Belly buttons
2: Porcupines
3: Mirrors
4: Moths
5: Holes
(I know that a some of these fears are common but, compared to like a fear of spiders, per say, they are relatively weird lol)
Tag a friend: @holdenfan7 @rooksrambles @alwayssnilysworld @urstarlitharlot
@kachowblueninja @drarryshipperandsnover @the-wandering-writer4 @that-bisexual @sapphos-queer-kid
@theoverboardgaygirl @lovethepug
@staytotheend @thebookishwallflower @ronsharry @zombieskae
@pottistic @wyked-ao3 @floranochta @caffeinefics @draytisms
And anyone and everyone else who wants to join! ❤️❤️❤️
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pepper-butler · 6 months
something that has always scared me more than actual thrillers are old science fiction movies and shows (pre 1985).
there is just such an eerie feeling about it. the weird music, loud beeping noises and the unintentionally uncanny cgi and dolls, wacky alien designs and the frustratingly bad-at-solving-space-related-mysteries characters that give me a mix of frustration, pure stress and second hand embarrassment
im currently watching star trek tos and i literally cannot watch it with the lights turned off that music is getting to me lmao
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owlkhemy · 6 months
Because I had to bring up the thing:
The Grand Old List of Owlkhemy's Bizarre Childhood Fears!
I've had ... a LOT of weird fears. I still do have a lot of weird fears. And I love talking about them, especially in the context of what I used to be scared of as a kid. So, I'm making a list! For no reason other than... why not?
Under the cut for length...
- The Warner Brothers logo, the first thing I ever actually feared. I thought it would fall out of the blue sky onto my head. (I'm pretty sure this was my first experience with my mild megalophobia. It still freaks me out, just a little, because of the implied size.) Here's an example, if you're not familiar:
- The Dodge Ram logo. I thought it would chase me down the halls for... a shockingly long amount of time, actually. I blame this on those godawful Rev Roll Ram enemies from Pac-Man World 2, the first PS2 game I ever played. Rev Roll Rams are actually cute... when they're not flinging you off snowy cliffs.
- Another enemy from PMW2, Stony. Stony is a weird... rock gorilla thing. Here (sourced from the Fandom wiki):
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It guards an area and shoots fireballs at you. I didn't like having to maneuver around them, which turned into a fear of it. Fun fact: it continues to move during the pause screen for whatever reason. No fireballs though. Just swaying back and forth.
- A pig statue in a local grocery store. I'm not sure if it's still there. It was dressed in a chef's outfit. It was probably actually really cute. I just didn't like that it was watching younger me from the top of the meat shelves.
- The basement. I hated our basement, namely because I was pretty arachnophobic as a kid and there's a bunch of cobwebs down there. You couldn't even say the word "downstairs" to me. It's still not pleasant, not because of the possibility of spiders, but because it's cold and there's still cobwebs and those are annoying. Speaking of...
- Spiders. I actually used to not fear them as bad. But then I had a weirdly round one directly over my face once in my treehouse... Looking back, the silhouette was probably just a garden spider or cobweb spider, but my young kid brain for years thought I'd nearly had a run-in with a black widow... which I don't think were even known to be in our area at that time. Now I don't mind spiders nearly as much, as long as they're not touching me. I've even kept a few for a few months as pets, mostly jumpers.
- The idea of being sucked down the drain. It took a cute song about exploring in the drain to get me to not worry about it. It didn't help that it seemed every show had an episode with that concept. Plus children don't have a good grasp on the fact that it is physically impossible to fit down a drain.
- The WGBH 2 logo from 2001 to whenever they got the next one (idk). It scared me because, well, there's a blue "2" at the end that suddenly flashes up and I somehow never noticed the one sign that it was about to appear, the clear neon (argon?) tubes that eventually formed it. (VERY MILD JUMPSCARE WARNING and LOUDNESS WARNING in video below, just in case)
- The TV show The Big Comfy Couch. Not because of the clown or doll characters, but because of a song about belly buttons in exactly one episode that I never wanted to see ever again. I overcame this fear after, essentially, being forced to watch the show during my first ever dental procedure that used ✨️laughing gas✨️. (I, however, adored the Owl Television logo, the one with the striped background. So if it ever came on, I would hide behind the couch until the show ended and wait till the credits were over just to see that. I even had a construction paper pastiche of the logo in my room. I called it Roundy.)
- I read the book Dewey The Library Cat and the ending made me so sad that I hid the book under the couch so I'd never face its existence ever again. I found it years later and promptly read it again. Wasn't scared after that. Just more sad.
- AUTO, from Wall-E. For some reason the way he carried himself in that movie was horrifying to me. Maybe it was the deep ass MacinTalk voice.
- Bigfoot/Sasquatch. I used to watch Finding Bigfoot and the possibility of it being outside my window was really terrifying to me.
- Ghosts, but not in the typical way. I also used to watch Ghost Adventures. I hated the voice the Ovilus uses, but "light anomalies", as they called them, freaked me out the most. I still remember one weirdly curly one vividly. (As a side note, the sound they used to indicate certain light anomalies was really annoying to me when they slowed down footage. I remember covering my ears at it once.)
-Black and white scary things. If something is scary and in black and white, I will not like it. I blame this on discovering both Yume Nikki's Uboa and Undertale's Mystery Man/Dr. W.D. Gaster (who MM is often thought to be as of this writing) around the same time, and being subjected to content of both. (I love both of them now, with only a mild bit of fear.) I... cannot deal with certain black and white things now though. There's, like, a chess machine SCP where there's an image of distorted black and white faces that I remember looking at but actively can't remember the image... and that's probably for the better, but I'm going to go look and describe my reaction when I get back. ... Okay that wasn't that bad but I'd still jump out of my skin if I, blindly, had to scroll rapidly through so much "UPLOADING..." text like what's supposed to happen in the actual article and then be faced with THAT. (It's SCP-1875, by the way. Antique Chess Computer. I'm not putting the image in here for my own sanity.)
- Repetitive creepy music. Especially ones with repetitive ostinatos. Blame this on the good Doctor as well, though even before that I was always mildly creeped out by Lavender Town. I think I have reasoning for this - I was watching so much Gaster-related content at the time that I automatically associated his (eight-note, seventeen-second) Theme with either incoming glitchy jumpscares, or being directly after a glitchy jumpscare. So now any repetitive music freaks me right out. When @redpanda411 and I watched a Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time playthrough, I was freaked out by the Forest Temple music because of that one section. I have an uneasy reaction to Drip Drop Galaxy's music, which is otherwise very nice:
... and I also got freaked out by one particular water theme in a Nintendo water themes video once, but I can't remember what it is at the moment. I'll stick it here when I find it.
(Me from the future: Okay okay, I THINK it was the Swamp Palace theme from A Link Between Worlds? The water themes video is gone, but I can still recognize most of the songs from it.)
- Computer. Viruses. Oh god. I think this is just because I really hate technology getting destroyed in general, but computer viruses scare the crap out of me. (Then again, says the person who was saved from a Trojan by fricking Norton Antivirus of all things. That's the one thing I can give them credit for.) I know just a little too much about technology to know just how terrifying viruses can be. One of the first ones I remember learning about and being terrified of was Stuxnet. Especially since they think it managed to sneak onto other memory sticks... and I was an avid user of a memory stick. Granted, it doesn't do much harm to things that don't use all three of the things it specifically attacks, but still... The one I currently get absolutely scared shitless of is "ÿ", or OIETIF. Literally nothing suggests it's currently able to be spread on the internet, but if you somehow got it without knowing what it was or does... your computer is fucked.
- The Yogurt Boy from that one Skittles commercial. Just... NO. Why did they think that was cute/quirky/an okay idea for an ad. Behold, a man(?):
- Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls. In the show proper I didn't mind him at all. It was only through reading TV Tropes' Nightmare Fuel page for the series that all the implications about him kind of clicked. I even had a dream with him in it once, which is... foreboding given that he's called a dream demon.
- I... am actually blanking so hard on more fears. So I guess I'll top this list off with the one thing that has always managed to scare me, somehow, without fail, and that lead me to my very own phobia coining:
Distorted Faces.
(Or, dysprosopophobia.)
I mentioned that one horrific SCP above under the black and white section, but on many occasions I have inflicted psychological damage on myself by deciding to look up what makes some characters so scary. I most recently did this at 12:30 AM with a character from OMORI. (Not recommended.)
The video game characters or even enemies that have stuck with me the most, for some reason, have been the ones with some sort of Facial Abnormality™. Whether it be the masks of the Voodoo Bunnies in Crash of the Titans and Omminus from FlingSmash, to the probably-similar-intentionally Eye Thing™ going on with my beloved Uboa and Mystery Man, to the completely uncanny facial distortions of THAT thing and the purple guy in that one creep's FNAF videos, if something looks Off about it I will actually die a little inside.
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hachise · 8 months
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magnetic-rose · 9 months
"why are beelzebub and gabriel allowed to be happy but aziraphale and crowley aren't" because this story isn't about beelzebub and gabriel. it's not that they got their happy ending and aziracrow got fucked over. gabriel and beelzebub's relationship is meant to show aziraphale and crowley what they can have if they were on the same page. this is what aziraphale and crowley can achieve in the next season. because gabriel and beelzebub's story is done (for now). aziraphale and crowley still have at least one more season.
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tofixtheshadows · 1 month
So I've been thinking lately about how Mithrun is Kabru's dark mirror (more on that another time- it needs its own post), and I thought it interesting that one of their parallels is that they were both cared for by Milsiril, but in opposite directions. She took Kabru in as her foster after he was orphaned and tried to convince him not to become an adventurer. On the flip side, she helped rehabilitate Mithrun specifically so that he could rejoin the Canaries.
And I kept wondering: why?
For Kabru, obviously she loves him a whole lot- despite any other shortcomings in their relationship, I do believe that.
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So I get why she tries to convince him not to go dungeoning, and, failing that, at least prepares him as thoroughly as she can.
But why help Mithrun? She used to hate Mithrun, but after realizing what a secretly twisted person he was, she actually thought of him more positively (oh, Milsiril). So it wasn't as if she held the kind of grudge that might motivate her to make his already-depleted life even more miserable by sending him back to the dungeons. And it wasn't that she felt bad for him either, since she didn't visit Mithrun for the first ~20 years of his recovery.
The Adventurer's Bible says that Utaya was the impetus for Mithrun returning to the Canaries, but Milsiril is the one who made the trip to see him and tell him about it.
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Why would Milsiril work so hard to get her old coworker back into fighting fit? Why encourage him to return to such a dangerous lifestyle, when she was the one who chose not to mercy-kill him?
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That last panel is such a crazy thing to hint at and then never elaborate on. Without it we could have just thought that Milsiril wanted the Canaries' work to continue without her, even if it seemed out of character. I think some people even assume she's just a natural caretaker as a foster mom and handwave it to include nursing Mithrun too. What could Milsiril's suspicious motives be? What does she gain from Mithrun joining the Canaries that isn't an altruistic desire to see dungeons safely sealed? Feeling a sense of responsibility for the work she left behind isn't an ulterior motive.
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My theory is: Milsiril, knowing that Mithrun was empty save for the burning desire to face the demon again, wound him up like a clockwork doll and pointed him back at the dungeons.
Hoping that he'd eliminate the biggest threat to Kabru's life, before it was too late for him.
Milsiril the puppetmaster.
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saturnisscreaming · 8 months
When you meet The Creature (and you will) give it my regards
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clefaiiiry · 1 year
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arimitskevich · 22 days
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hate this guy
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valyrfia · 13 days
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“The beautiful thing is Charles is also someone who will never give up” I’ve heard confessions of love less romantic than this
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vechter · 2 months
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detective comics (1937) #725 // the great believers, rebecca makkai // hesitate to call, louise glück // batman: battle for the cowl (2009) #1 // titans (2008) #21 // the aftermath, caitlin conlon // superman/batman (2003) #76 // i built the walls myself, arch budzar // batman: battle for the cowl (2009) #1 // titans (2008) #15 // detective comics (1937) #874 // postcolonial love poem, natalie díaz // batman (1940) #687 // batman and robin (2009) #1 // i can tell it's aquarius season because my knuckles are splitting, caitlin conlon // superman/batman (2003) #76 // u.k. // batman and robin (2009) #2 // titans (2008) #23 // u.k. // batman (1940) #681 // coded signals, caitlin conlon // titans (2008) #15 // batman and robin (2009) #1 // against silence, frank bidart
dick + being batman
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defsiarte · 4 months
I think it’s weird how hostile the art community, on Twitter especially, has become towards children as of late? Like artists that i follow one or two people in common with, I’ll go to their bio and there’ll be something saying “minors fuck off” (or something more violent like kys) and like… dude did the 🔞 emoji not suffice? I completely get not wanting to engage with children (I’m gradually reaching a point where someone follows me and I see they’re 15 or so and get Stressed™️), but that’s still a human person. Grown ass adults will have some weird hatred of kids online for the crime of being children. Something they can’t change.
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kreachvera · 3 months
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ma theres a weird fuckin cat outside
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st-hedge · 2 months
Timelapse for this painting I posted
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buggachat · 11 months
“Lila Rossi bashing” is such a funny ao3 tag. Like announcing that you’re gonna be treating an antagonist as an antagonist. Im gonna tag every fic that features an akuma as “Gabriel Agreste bashing”
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mr-president · 11 months
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hey did somebody order *squints at ticket* “fuckable weird old guy?”
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