#which never happens in my ship bookmarks
can we talk about how large an impact mattdrai fics and mattdrai in general have had on the hockey rpf landscape?? like the amount of mattdrai classics i could list right now… true works of art.
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ao3commentoftheday · 6 months
another writer stole parts of my fic.
i found out about it by sheer coincidence, because they were asking for a feedback on their fic on the server we were both part of.
i read the fic out of curiosity and noticed paragraphs and storylines taken from my fic.
the worst part is she's a bigger writer than I am, she has big tiktok account in my ship and she publishes chapters faster than me (understandable how now as she copies parts from other people) so her work buried mine down and surpassed by all stats.
She has bigger platform then me, bigger clout. I'm not on tiktok so i can't call her out on her own platform.
And she has my fic in her bookmarks.
I don't know what to do :/ Kind of want to call her out but also i can't muster the energy to fight a battle like this.
I never really see the point of call outs, myself. The people who love that person rarely change their minds. The people who support you already support you. All that a callout post will do is cause a lot of drama that you don't want to have to deal with.
Instead, I recommending reporting her work(s) to the Policy & Abuse Committee (PAC). They can investigate and determine whether plagiarism occurred. If it did, they will ask her to edit her fic to change it. If she doesn't, they'll delete it.
(it's more complicated than that and it takes a long time, but that's the gist)
To contact PAC, go to the work that you want to report (the one that she plagiarized) and scroll down to the footer. Click on Policy Questions & Abuse reports. Explain what you think happened and include a link to the work that you think she copied. If they are multichapter works, tell them which chapter(s) were taken and give them whatever other information you can to help them find the specific parts.
If more than one of your fics was affected, you can include all of the links in the same report - no need to report each one separately. Just make sure it's clear which story belongs to her and which belongs to you.
PAC may come back to you with questions. They'll definitely reach out to this other author. They won't mention your name, and you won't hear any details about the other person until PAC can tell you what their determination is. They take confidentiality very seriously.
I will say, ideas will need to be very specific in order for that to be the determining factor for plagiarism. Most of the time, the call will be made based on the text itself an how similar it is to each other. For more information about how they determine plagiarism and copyright infringement, you can see this post from a PAC takeover I hosted in April 2022.
PAC doesn't care who has the bigger account and they don't give two shits about clout. They just determine who wrote what, when and then go from there.
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respectthepetty · 6 months
I need to stress something somewhere. And I know you will be able to help or even help be observe but, I have a haunting feeling that in the clips we have of Mork reading to Day, is in the future and….Mork isn’t actually there anymore . … many reasons with the scenes set up but the main things for me is the fish. There is only one in the rank now in that scene. And the book marks in the book. 1 fish bookmark, the other an avocado? And their legs are covered with a blanket. So no 2 slippers of fish is shown……am I creating narrative things that are not there or seeing things wrong? it just feels almost a melancholy scene set up in front of the tank…… and I’m scared!!
What are your thoughts pretty please?!
Anon, I'm choosing violence first, then I'll be kind.
On Spanish TikTok, or as I like to call it Tea Talk, someone stated they saw the book's ending, and it ended with Mork dying and donating his eyes to Day.
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The people of Tea Talk ripped that video to shreds. The comments section was not pleased with the mentiras (lies), and Indonesian TikTok even showed up in the fray with the actual book to prove the original poster was "Livin' La Vida Loca."
I don't know how this cookie will crumble, but let me remind you of two things:
#1 - This is GMMTV.
It gave us The Shipper in 2020 at the height of the pandemic, and I think it has been correcting that wrong since.
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And it gave us Only Friends in 2023.
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I wanted murder and mayhem. Instead it gave everyone happy endings except the slut because apparently he had too many "happy endings" and *morality* or some bullshit.
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If you are watching Playboyy, it's what Only Friends could have been if Disney BL hadn't produced it.
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I might sound salty (because I am), but I'm really just trying to emphasize that GMMTV wouldn't. Period. Full stop. GMMTV wouldn't give us a sad ending to a branded pair. It will kill a mom quick, but sad times for a branded pair? ¡Nunca! For example, how did we all know Palm x Nueng were gonna be safe and sound in Never Let Me Go? Our Skyy 2. Can't have Our Skyy 3 if it kills a ship now can it?
#2 - This is Aof
The director, producer, and screenwriter extraordinaire shot Pat (Ohm) on Christmas Eve.
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He killed Papang!
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Hell, he killed Singto before the series even started!
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Mork (NOT GAWIN, NO!) got beat up and was hospitalized!
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And yet, we got a happy ending each time.
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The man wants to make use cry, but he has never ended with queer trauma to do so.
Which is why there are still two fish in that tank.
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And I think the avocado is a shout out to Jimmy's love of them (because who doesn't love avocados, am I right?).
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So as much as I do not think the reading scenes we keep getting are set in the present,
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I don't think they are setting us up for a sad future, especially because Korea already did this trick.
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If you watched To My Star 2: Our Untold Stories last year, you know that shit hurt, every, single, episode,
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and because it hurt, we were too blinded by the pain to notice the happiness sprinkled throughout.
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The happiness we were seeing wasn't flashbacks of their past relationship or even snippets of their current one.
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Korea gave us The Eighth Sense and Strongberry's Choco Milk Shake, both which had the perfect premises to fuck us over, and yet my only complaint was NO POLY!
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If Korea can delivery happy endings, Disney BL can too (but not the kind it punished Boston for. Never those kind). It isn't Taiwan, and it certainly isn't Japan who is ALWAYS itching to give maximum pain. This is "soft power" Thailand, GMMTV, Aof, and a branded pair. If GMMTV brought out Gawin to get Krist and Joss back to kiss a homie, I greatly doubt it would tank the JimmySea ship for a sad ending (did you get the pun?). If there is one thing I can count on GMMTV for, it's to secure the bag. Sell merch. Sell novels. Sell a special box edition of the series. Sell the ship. That won't happen if this is sad.
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Also, color-coded boys in love get happy endings.
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It's science.
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kiwinatorwaffles · 5 months
I found This is About a Stuffed Bird bc of you and its one of my favorite fics ever. Do you by chance have more suggestions?
hermitcraft/mcyt fic recs? :0 let's go!!
i get a lot of my fic recs from other friends since i don't really go out and search on my own all too much for this fandom. but there are lots of great works out here! i will be listing out some of my favorites :3 mostly hc but a couple general mcyt ones that i think are an excellent read no matter what. all of the fics i'm listing will be genfic without ships!
also i just realized a lot of my bookmarks are grian-centric which is funny i guess because i am admittedly quite picky about content of my other favorites and grian just tends to have the most content in the fanbase. hope that'll be alright
(i hope some of my friends and mutuals don't mind me tagging them for their works)
hermitcraft longfics:
the last days of the free angel of carrows by @theminecraftbee - loved stuffed bird? here's another great longfic by second! this one is about joe and cleo in an urban fantasy mystery setting. again, second writes our beloved hermits into an captivating au!
leaping and hopping on a moonshadow by @lunarblazes - a fantasy au by luna my beloved! pearl suddenly gains magical powers and goes on a quest to find her long-lost friend grian who might know what's happening to her. she meets a lot of familiar faces along the way!
Recall by @redwinterroses - hey, i was the artist for this one! :D mumbo goes missing, so grian and scar search for him. they find that grumbot has been up to some... things along the way. the fic isn't finished but i think the chapters red put out is worth a read if you don't mind leaving off on a cliffhanger because it really is super interesting
dramaturgy by wormcity - a universe where gem and pearl join in a season 7 that was never finished. mumbo became the mayor, but the turf war went so very wrong afterwards. admittedly i have not finished reading this yet because ummm short on time xD but it's super interesting with a lot of layers of drama(turgy hahaha)!
hermitcraft short fics/oneshots:
for trying. by @autistic-evil-xisuma - a stuffed bird universe oneshot of x and xisuma during their lab days. great if you want to be sad over the doomed brothers again :D
the wheels on the bus by sparxwrites - a hilarious post-s8 oneshot about grian being a little shit towards the watchers. one of the first fics i've read from this fandom and i still love it
a body is an object by ruffboi - grian is a mimic, and pearl's arrival in s8 shakes him up. she hasn't seen him in a while and is quite upset to learn that the grian she knew died a long time ago. a great read for familial connections and conflict of friendships!
Goatman and the Rift by TheDepressedCanary - doc's eldritch powers start acting up when the rift appears. what shenanigans will ensue?
other mcyt fics/crossovers:
late at night, when the stars don't look quite right by @lunarblazes - an excellent empires s1 and hermitcraft crossover longfic, where grian lands into the server and is discovered by pearl! very great worldbuilding and relationships, i especially love the dynamic between gri and pearl and pearl and gem :D
every new discovery is just a reminder by amaranthinecanicular - grian begins pulling alternate versions of the hermits from the life series into the server. he does save a lot of them, but at what cost? it does end on a cliffhanger but this is genuinely one of the most captivating oneshots i've ever read... argghhh
The Fair and the Brave and the Good by @slashmagpie - an afterlife smp longfic centered around the shelby, scott, and sausage. i have never watched afterlife smp before in my LIFE and this is still one of my favorite pieces of literature ever. the characters and worldbuilding is impeccable and perfect if you like something dark with themes of hope and renewal.
Two Can Keep a Secret (If One of Them is Red) by anonymous secretmcblog - a 3L oneshot! ren suspects grian has stockholm syndrome with his pact to stay with scar, but his expectations are wrong. a truly excellent read and one of them first fics i've read! i still go back to reread it from time to time
dog at the door by fluffy_papaya & iamsolarflare - a longfic where doc and ren take a trip on a van on their way to s8. ren, however, is not quite himself, and doc has to learn to befriend the red king.
devil town is colder in the summertime by @bananasofthorns - a oneshot from a 100hsmp/life series d&d au! team BEST ventures into a cursed evil fucked up forest. uh oh.
Interview with the Aftermath by @ranchersrevenge (wanderlasts) - the last life contestants are invited for an interview. the responses vary greatly.
stars, smoke, and stolen car keys by wormcity - a 100hsmp modern au oneshot where grian, scar, and joel go on a hike. it doesn't go quite as they expected.
the beehive state by amaranthinecanicular - a dsmp oneshot after wilbur moves to utah. tommy visits him, and the two reconnect. i have to say i stopped following dsmp a long time ago but this fic made me BAWL. i don't even think you need to know any of the characters that well to really enjoy just how amazing the writing itself is
Can't Go Back (This Time) by @duckmumbo (musicaltvbooks) - soup group goes end raiding and accientally finds themselves in afterlife smp. nothing goes wrong, surely! also admittedly i havent finished reading this either but roy i swear i will. this is a great read nevertheless and the soup group dynamic is impeccable!
TommyInnit's unbeatable method of avoiding sudden death by eneliii - on the train of dsmp fics, this is the superhero au longfic that inspired my own hc superhero au, vdhau. it's a lot of funny shenanigans with tommy and his friends. the fic does take a dark turn at the end, but that can be skipped entirely (as said by eneli herself) if you just want the wholesome aspects.
if you don't mind a little self promo, here are some of my fics!
it takes two to play (the game of mutual secrecy) - the aforementioned hermitcraft hero au. this installment is centered around xisuma and evil x as brothers resolving their issues through hero work and solving the mystery of welsknight's disappearance :D there are other works that are set in the same universe if you're interested for more!
how to form the ultimate besties dynamic: an unreliable tutorial by hypnotizd - a oneshot! hypno is a warlock who goes treasure hunting under the sea. he meets a guardian who later becomes his unlikely friend.
smoke and mirrors, the hunt perseveres - grian's arrival in empires s2 unwittingly brings the watchers' suspicions with him. cue jimmy freaking out and a lot of shenanigans.
ballad of etho’s lab - my newest installment! a oneshot about etho's storied life as the redstone god.
i'm also currently working on the sequel to the game of mutual secrecy and a new (well not exactly new since i made concept art for it) au called private detective gem tasey! these will likely be released sometime late january or february. have fun with these fic recs! i haven't been reading as much lately but i hope ill be able to find more if anyone else asks in the future. cheers!
edit: the fics are out! here they are!
hiding in plain sight (the meaning of trust) - sequel to the hermitcraft hero au! it follows an escaped lab rat trying to acquaint themselves with human society while avoiding suspicion and making friends with familiar faces from tgms ;D
private detective gem tasey: a rotten mystery in london - a hermitcraft detective au where gem gets hired for a case that spirals completely into drama and politics!
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antimony-medusa · 4 months
Finding Stories
Okay so I started a conversation/poll the other week about anon fics, which clearly made it clear that I had the wrong impression about anon fics. I thought that people avoided them, whereas it turns out most people don't even notice if a story is anon.
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However, it started me thinking about how people find stories in general. Because this would imply that anon stories get found because people are reading new in a fandom, are they actually doing that? And do people find published books the same way, just reading in the bookstore or free-scrolling on a site? So. I ran two new polls. Fandom. Published books.
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And I gotta say that this was clearly something fired off while I was avoiding my communications class, and I have never taken stats. This is in no way formal. But I was really interested in the things that are similar and the things that were different. Do patterns change when you're actually spending money for things? What happens when people click boxes?
First off, in both cases, the thing that won the poll was "browsing new", either in the fandom or in the bookstore. But the percentages were quite different.
I figured that knowing "I want to go to the paranormal shifter romance section of the bookstore" is approximately equivalent to "I know I want to read Stucky Omegaverse" so I compared those two percentages. 49.3% of fic readers were out here just scrolling new, whereas only 28.4% of people would just rock up to a bookstore and start looking around. (or IS this true? A lot of people in the "several of these" (24.2%) said they did a lot of these, but they did not regularly specify if that meant they just browsed in a bookstore.)
I figured that sorting by kudos or hits would give you a similar impression as being on a book social media, where the popular books rise to the top. 24.8% of people were looking for what was popular in fandom, whereas 11.2% of book people were looking for buzz books. On the fandom side people said frequently that when they were new to a fandom they would read by kudos to get a sense of what the fandom was like, whereas there wasn't really an equivalent experience reported on the book side of discovering a sub-genre and reading popular in it. People just didn't mention it? Possibly. It's noteworthy that on the fandom side being able to target your search specifically by tag or ship was wildly popular and came up again and again in the notes, whereas on the book side I saw less people saying things like "when I know I want a cozy mystery"— possibly the poll didn't hit cozy mystery or paranormal romance readers.
Getting personal recs: this was a Very big one on the book side and less on the fandom side. 18.2% of people on the book side would go to librarians or friends, whereas only 12.4% of people on the fandom side would look in bookmarks or get recs from people. Possibly that is because a book club is thing and in many circles reading books is a social activity, whereas while being in fandom is a social activity, the specific fics you are reading is not as much the same thing. I know a lot of people mentioned in the fandom side that matters of taste would come up, and that they'd be aware that what other people would rec wouldn't be of interest to them. One big thing on the fandom side though, people mentioned very frequently going through the bookmarks of authors they trusted, so if you are an author, people are begging you to leave your bookmarks public.
Sticking with authors you trust: this is something that I expected to be much bigger on the fandom side than it was, and part of that may come down to how I phrased the poll, as I had people saying that their subscriptions aren't "new fics", they already found them. However, the result that I got was 2% of people read from their subscriptions for fic, and 4% of people stick with trusted authors for published books. Clearly more people will get auto-buy authors in the published world, but it's still a comparatively small percentage.
And then closing it up: 0.9% of people read for specific themes or events on the fandom side, and 2.2% of people read things like best of genres or horror recs on goodreads, 0.2% of people read ARCs, and 0.2% of people read email blasts like book funnel and their "best regency paranormals" emails. Is this a perfect comparison? No. Mostly I was impressed that any people still selected that they read for specific events on the fandom side, though I think some of that was people meaning that they read In The Gore Tag, and not reading like, Goreswap 2024 Exchange.
Do I have any conclusions? Not really, other than going oh man, people do legitimately just find the stories they want to read by browsing. A good summary/cover copy+cover legitimately can help people find your story. And please please please make at least some of your bookmarks public people are crying.
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badboyfriends · 1 year
Hermitcraft Fic Rec!
HELLO. i have hundreds, HUNDREDS of hermitcraft fanfiction bookmarked and living in my brain without rent. Breaking this up into categories for some of my PERSONAL favorite fics in the fandom- including categories for shipping, crossover, and worldbuilding.
Some of these fics are from 2019 but generally speaking you don't need knowledge of past seasons you should be able to pick up on just about all of them. a lot of these are mostly included BECAUSE they're older and therefore, harder to accidentally stumble upon. put in no particular order.
If your fic is on here and you'd like it removed, send an Ask with the fic, a dm, etc
World Building
The Parting Glass / To Pass The Jungle You Have To Go All The Way Around - Sekrap.
Doc has been trying to forget. He has done everything everyone told him he should do to make the memories go away. And still the jungle calls for him. / He was a monster. Then, a man. Now, a machine. Doc, once a normal Creeper, was not meant to live. Let alone become a Player. He learned to speak, he learned to fight, he learned to build. Some things stayed the same. aka- the Domestic Creeper au.
Carpet Trick - CrazyCatMeow
You all know the double carpet trick right? What happens when that joint with a tired mad scientist meet.
Mob hybrids can't see carpets <3 extra silly and very lighthearted
Window Pane - blueticked
Tango and Impulse discuss the brand new presence of Helsknight.
It's not a coincidence that all the evil personas have red eyes.
Tango is a Hels, struggling with self-acceptance and his place in Hermitcraft, which was never meant to be for him. in my head ALL THE TIME
"I know" - KindaJustHere
Bdubs was used to death. He was used to being killed by his fellow hermits. He was very used to being killed by Grian. Maybe a little too much.
(This is based off Grian’s episode 61 of hermitcraft season 7 where Bdubs says “I know” and shoots himself) BDUBS SELF ESTEEM ANGST!! Griangst !!!! Emotionally fucked up Grian from YHS !!
Hiss and Scratch - TheNerdyTurtle96
Doc is a mad scientist who isn't afraid of anything. Actually, that's not true. His only weakness is cats.
exactly like it said it is . SO GOOD AND CUTE
For the Record - Anonymous
Tango shrugged. “Yeah, I guess I did. Xisuma’s teaching Impulse some Galactic Standard so he can cheat at enchanting or something. Apparently Xelqua’s, like, some sort of god in Xisuma’s culture? It was kind of unclear, I wasn’t paying attention when Impulse told me.”
“Huh,” Grian said vacantly. “How about that.”
oops! Grian is Xisuma's god. amazing
____ GrianMC - SixteenthDays
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Techno says frankly.
“You know,” Grian says again. “Your- Watchers.”
Techno squints for a moment before understanding visibly dawns behind his eyes. “Ohhh, you mean Chat?”
(On watchers, and Watchers.)
This IS technically a crossover but its more worldbuilding than anything else. its literally so funny. i love it
These Days I Don't Feel Like Myself At All / Mercury (No One Can Unring This Bell) (Series Ongoing) - RoguishOne (DarkWolfMoon)
TommyInnit had died. Again. To Dream. Again. And it sucked exactly as much as he thought it would because he'd wanted to move on and have a chance to actually live this time. Seems he won't be getting that.
Then he gets pulled out of Limbo, but he doesn't wake up back in the cell with Dream or next to his bed on the server. He doesn't wake up on the Dream SMP at all.
Little does he know that this is the least of his worries.
i want to scream and cry and hypervenilate thinking about this fic series. literally cannot recommend it enough. your life will be ROCKED. THE WRITING IS SOOOOO OGOOOD . i just want to shake. i cannot put into words what this fic makes me feel.
Shells in the Foam (a Hermit!Tommy fanfic) - Cedarwhisp21
When Dream attacks Tommy in Logestshire, Tommy runs. Badly injured, he somehow manages to slip between worlds and wakes up in a badlands biome, on a server far from home, with no other players in sight.
The Hermits are surprised when a new player logs in, and confused when no-one's at spawn. Five days later, after waiting for the new player to introduce themselves, Xisuma uses his admin abilities to access their coordinates. He takes Impulse with him to welcome the new player to Hermitcraft, but instead of the beginnings of a base, they find something a lot more concerning.
NEEDS NO INTRODUCTION. the NUMBER ONE kudo-ed hermit fic . by my beloved. and using the one of the beloved au by pertrichormeraki . its so good and im sooo glad i was here for the ride of seeing it unfold <3
let me give you a piece of my mind - Interjection
Dream and Grian practice building for MCC, and hold a conversation in the process.
Grian gives an outside perspective on Dream’s actions. Dream is having none of it.
Grian is a fucked up lil guy <3 Dream is a piece of shit
He would not die - Nicoforlife
If phil could save only one person from this place, that would be enough.
Tldr I made phil a watcher :)
Watcher Phil and Grian !! ! !!
Scared as hell - Nhi_theuserof_this
Grian was one of the closest people to Fundy at this point. He wants to be honest, really, but with the rest of his family history being a total train wreck, he spends an awkwardly long time dancing around what he wants to say.
Tldr; Grian is Fundy’s uncle, Fundy comes out to him
OK SO THIS ONE. WAS BASED OFF ONE OF MY AUS but i had to include it. ok .short and sweet
It was just a game - QuasarsFaults (UNFINISHED)
Taurtis Has been on the server awhile now, he's made new friends, a really tasty toritos shop, a new job working with Concorp, and he's even made this really cool pirate rollercoaster. So why did his and Scar's idea go so wrong?
OK. so i honest to god cannot remember if this is my au or if i just partook in it. i think its my au. who knows. either way seeing this again makes me want to work on my own Taurtis-Became-a-Hermit-Instead-of-Grian fic
heartfelt confession - mysteryguest
it shouldn't come as a surprise to iskall, he thinks, when he finally settles on a term that feels just right. and yet, it is. and it's dreadful, feeling that urge, that need to tell someone, without knowing if they would accept you or not.
at least he knows the person he can trust the most with this info is his boyfriend, mumbo.
non-binary and bigender Mumskull !!! coming out. finding identity. finding pronouns.
I Hate You (I Promise I Don't) - BewitchingNotes
If someone asked Grian why he was relentlessly pranking Etho now that he was finally back in Hermitland, he'd say it was just for pure fun.
To Etho, it meant Grian was mad at him.
To everyone else, Grian had a huge crush on the redstone user and obviously didn't know how to communicate it.
OR: Grian just wants Etho's attention, Etho misreads this as Grian being mad at him, Grian thinks Etho hates him because of his pranks and everyone else just wants these boys to communicate properly already. Grian's love language is pranks...i love it
____ A Study Of Love in the Universe Itself - 2point5
Love had a strange meaning on Hermitcraft, where everyone loved each other. 
Joe looks into the different ways he loves some of his fellow members, and what that means for him as a human.
ITS A SERIES TOO AND ITS SOOOO GOOD i love it . Joe x Cleo x Bdubs x Etho . what more could you want. and their sexualities and how they perceive love is . OAUGHHGHGGHHGHGHBHGHFHHVIJXFSHDF IUSDHIUSAHDUIA
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dairy-farmer · 8 months
Thoughts on Ra’s? Especially paring him with Tim
YES!! ra'stim is an exceptionally rare pairing and outside of batcest fics it's one of my favorite tim ships!!! i might even say that i like it a little bit better than kontim. my favorite timships center on him being shipped with other bats and outside of that the ship at the top of the ranking would be rastim. but rastim is also a very different dynamic for me because it falls into this weird zone along with like kontim or other nonbatcestships where i like reading it more than i like writing it. ra's in general is a very complex character with motivations that aren't always clear and i LOVE how he's a character whose morality is on a spectrum. in a no capes/civilian au he would absolutely be like....a shady lawyer for greenpeace. because he's "shady" but the shadiness has to do with protecting the environment.
a lot of rastim fics are more dark which makes sense given that he's a rogue/villain i imagine it's the same with fics about dickslade or jasonblackmask etc.
one of my all time favorite dark, psychological fics was a ra'stim fic. i've read a lot of dark fics but this one was unlike anything because it was just so wonderfully crafted. i tried looking for it to link but couldn't find it so i must not have bookmarked it :((. essentially in this fic (from what i can remember) (spoilers ahead) tim was presumed dead by his family but really ra's took him.
tim starts having odd dreams, weird stuff starts happening and eventually it is heavily implied that tim is the reincarnation of sora, ra's first wife, who (if i'm remembering right) ra's strangled because of the effect of the pit(?) and because she had been planning to/had betrayed him because the pit has made him different. and here ra's has never really... talked about sora. has never brought her up but he is still deeply enamored with her despite how they parted. and even though it's been lifetimes, he kept things about her. like a box with jewelry that belonged to her.
eventually its clear that ra's is growing more unstable and more attatched to tim who he starts a sexual relationship with that tim reciprocates to survive and also because of his mental state going back and forth and not really knowing what's happening. tim is remaining resistant to the growing evidence that he IS sora. he has her memories, he knows her name even though he doesn't believe in this. i think there's a line where he thinks about asking carter hall about reincarnation and the likelihood of that's what has happenedbut is still deeply in denial. tim finds out ra's has called all league members back to base and is planning on essentially shutting all operations of the league, going to ground and essentially it would mean tim would be locked inside with him forever. those called back includes talia who grows very disturbed and concerned with the "relationship" between tim and ra's. eventually tim begs talia to help him and she agrees but ends up getting caught. normally talia would not suffer greatly because she's ra's daughter but she's not sora's daughter (talia's mother was chosen solely because of her resemblance to sora) and now that ra's has "sora" back he's....not as kind. and he has also grown increasingly unhinged because he is now fully sure that sora has returned to him as much as tim may be denying and resisting.
so ra's, having grown more disconnected with reality (because sora has reincarnated in tim and they're together now) has talia's tongue cut out which is terrifying to tim. tim does end up escaping, he and talia seek refuge to gotham because even though he poisoned and stabbed ra's to escape he knows he'll come back. even though tim has entered a deep denial he still steals sora's jewlery box because he feels a connection and it ends with him and talia making their way to gotham while tim tries hard to compartmentalize because he's still very deep in denial and he's trying to figure out what he'll tell the other bats when they find out he's alive and ask about what happend.
my little retelling doesn't do justice to the SUSPENSE that charged that fic!!! it was INCREDIBLE i really wish i could find it again to share because even if you don't like ra'stim the plot was incredible!!!! and so good!!
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spnfanficpond · 10 days
New Member Spotlight - May 2024
The Pond is always growing and we want to make our new members feel welcome! Here’s a list of recent additions to our fishy family, along with a little info about them!
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Guppies, Jellies, and Mutuals, oh, my!
Tumblr name:
Other handles:
AO3: Masoena, Discord: masoena5
Do you have an SPN OTP?
Wincest but I ship just about anything that is SPN I would say I'm a multishipper overall.
Are you in any other fandoms?
What are you looking for in the Pond? What can we do for you?
I'm looking to connect with other writers and artists and create amazing things together, lift each other up be that through brainstorming, feedback, advice or collaboration.
What pairings do you like to read? Reader inserts? Ships? Poly fics
Wincest, Sabriel, Arthur/Dean, Samwena, Destiel are my favourites and I do love triple ships to e.g. Dean/Sam/Donna or Wincestiel or pretty much anything in SPN
What genres do you like to read? Angst? Fluff? Smut? Crack? What are your favorite tropes?
Hurt/comfort, angst, A/B/O, smut, dom/sub, bdsm, angel kink or grooming, protective character saving other character(s) in peril, BAMF characters, meet-cute, animalmorph characters (not bestiality just humans with some physical animal traits e.g. Sam with cat ears), case-Fics, alternate Universes, creature fics (vampires, weres, etc.), crossover fics, enemies to lovers (sometimes) and anything from short one-shots to super long fics found its way into my bookmarks.
Do you have a favorite Fanfic writer? If yes, tell us who! (Please let us know if they are on Tumblr or AO3.)
There are a few who I keep going back to and love the works of: SamandDean76 - on both Tumblr/AO3 compo67 - on AO3 nyxocity - on AO3 (but believe they are no longer active) brokenlittleboy - on AO3
What kinds of fics do you like to write?
My works list is a mix ranging from drabbles, medium length to long fics. It really depends on the idea and inspiration. Some stories need 2k words to be told others need tens of thousands but I believe my sweet spot is around the 10-15k mark as I like to plan plot outline and majore milestones but also love just letting it flow however it wants to.
Drop a link to your masterlist on Tumblr or Works list on AO3 so we can check out your writing!
Drop a link to your most underappreciated fic!
My most underappreciated fic is a drabble but most underappreciated fic that I was super excited about posting but which did not get a lot of attention was a choose your own adventure A/B/O fic that had a Wincestiel main pairing. And I wonder if I posted it in the best way or if there is a better way to do it. :)
Is there something you have not written but would like to try? Why haven't you tried before? How can we help?
Moments like this happen as I take part in more bangs and reverse bangs where people put forward concepts and ideas that have never occurred to me and it is endlessly fascinating to try out new ideas and things. As of right now I can't think of anything that I want to but haven't tried yet.
Tumblr name:
Other handles:
Corpsexcquis for Tumblr / Hyobe or/And SonofEros for Ao3
Do you have an SPN OTP?
Are you in any other fandoms?
Haikyuu! / JJK / Twilight
What are you looking for in the Pond? What can we do for you?
I’d like to meet more people in the SPN fandom and get some help with writing.
What pairings do you like to read? Reader inserts? Ships? Poly fics?
Usually ships, rarely poly but with the right combination I’m open to anything
What genres do you like to read? Angst? Fluff? Smut? Crack? What are your favorite tropes?
Angst and dead dove mostly
Do you have a favorite Fanfic writer? If yes, tell us who! (Please let us know if they are on Tumblr or AO3.)
Dollylux is one of my favourites for SPN (they’re inactive on Ao3)
What kinds of fics do you like to write?
Usually long ones, Angsty, 90s/80s/70s dirty America, heavy with codependency and references. I never quite manage to finish them though hehe
Drop a link to your masterlist on Tumblr or Works list on AO3 so we can check out your writing!
Drop a link to your most underappreciated fic!
Is there something you have not written but would like to try? Why haven't you tried before? How can we help?
I think a story that is during the medieval era. I love it but I don’t know enough about that time period just yet ! Perhaps betaing ?
Tumblr names:
Other handles:
Do you have an SPN OTP?
Wincestiel & Destiel are a tie
Are you in any other fandoms?
I dabble in Good Omens
What are you looking for in the Pond? What can we do for you?
Seeking a beta reader and support to get back into writing SPN fan fiction,
Do you host any fandom events or podcasts, or do you have a shop where you sell things that we can boost for you?
I have an original novel coming out in August. Updates are on my writing twitter https://twitter.com/katrinamckee03
What pairings do you like to read? Reader inserts? Ships? Poly fics?
I like reading a bit of everything
What genres do you like to read? Angst? Fluff? Smut? Crack? What are your favorite tropes?
Whichever strikes my fancy for the day.
What kinds of fics do you like to write?
I like to dabble in a bit of everything
Drop a link to your masterlist on Tumblr or Works list on AO3 so we can check out your writing!
Drop a link to your most underappreciated fic!
Tumblr name:
Other handles:
Same handle for Ao3, Threads, Discord, Live Journal/Dreamwidth and X, which I rarely visit. On Instagram I am candygramme1 and on Facebook I am Sue_Ashworth, but not really active.
Do you have an SPN OTP?
Are you in any other fandoms?
Yes. I have written in a few others - Highlander, Roswell (the original one), The X-Files and CW RPS.
What are you looking for in the Pond? What can we do for you?
I'm looking for friendship, inspiration, a chance to help new writers.
Do you host any fandom events or podcasts, or do you have a shop where you sell things that we can boost for you?
Not really. I occasionally art, but want to learn to vid if there's someone around to teach it.
What pairings do you like to read? Reader inserts? Ships? Poly fics?
Not Reader inserts, for sure. I like plot and longer fic myself, but pretty much anything between Gen and Explicit is great if its well written. It's all about nailing the character for me.
What genres do you like to read? Angst? Fluff? Smut? Crack? What are your favorite tropes?
Yes is the short answer! I love all of it, but tend to write crack although not always. I love angsty stuff, and casefic.
Do you have a favorite Fanfic writer? If yes, tell us who! (Please let us know if they are on Tumblr or AO3.)
felisblanco is on both. Roxymissrose is on Ao3 and deadlybride is on Tumblr (zmedia) and Ao3 too. There are others, but those are a good start.
What kinds of fics do you like to write?
Cracky, silly stuff, plotty casefic and occasionally PWP.
Drop a link to your masterlist on Tumblr or Works list on AO3 so we can check out your writing!
Drop a link to your most underappreciated fic!
Is there something you have not written but would like to try? Why haven't you tried before? How can we help?
So many things. I have countless wips sitting waiting for me to finish them. I just get stuck and don't get back to them.
Other handles:
Libby99HB(AO3), Materialgwooorl (Discord)
Are you in any other fandoms?
The Vampire Diaries
What are you looking for in the Pond? What can we do for you?
I haven't used Tumblr in years, so I'll be semi-new here. I'm looking to connect with people, find new things to read, get inspired, create, and maybe even make new friends through this community. It's a place to connect with others who love what I love and learn from them. 😊
What pairings do you like to read? Reader inserts? Ships? Poly fics?
Don't really ever like to read any fics with ships mostly OFC or Reader inserts
What genres do you like to read? Angst? Fluff? Smut? Crack? What are your favorite tropes?
Angst, Fluff, Everything 18+, Smut, and all AU's
Do you have a favorite Fanfic writer? If yes, tell us who! (Please let us know if they are on Tumblr or AO3.)
I have three AO3: @smolandgrumpy @Zeppelin_Skies ( on Tumblr @zepskies) @neganslucilletblr (Same @ on Tumblr)
What kinds of fics do you like to write?
The fics I like to write revolve around love.
Drop a link to your masterlist on Tumblr or Works list on AO3 so we can check out your writing!
Drop a link to your most underappreciated fic!
The only fic that I have up at the moment is a TVD one. Right now it's on a little break because I have three SPN fics that will be out sometime this summer.
Is there something you have not written but would like to try? Why haven't you tried before? How can we help?
I'd like to try writing some one-shots. I have a hard time keeping things short and sweet, but hopefully, I'll be able to hop on a writer's challenge after connecting with others on here.
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That's all for this month, folks! (If we're missing anyone, let us know and we'll add them to next month's list!) Make sure to say hi to the newbies and make them feel welcome! Thanks to all from @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, and @heavenssexiestangel!
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aethon-recs · 5 months
HP Rec Fest, Day 30 ❄️
Happy new year!! This is the last post for the @hprecfest daily prompts for which I'll be reccing fic, so the complete list of Tomarrymort daily recs for this month is listed in its entirety below! The 31st prompt is "a fav amongst favs", which I am physically incapable of narrowing down to a handful of fics, so I'll just end on Day 30 🤍
Thank you to the fest mods for suggesting such lovely prompts and running such a well-organized fest — what a great idea to celebrate the fantastic writing found in this fandom, and I found myself with tons of great new fics to read, particularly in other ships and rarepairs that I would have never come across otherwise!
Day 30: A Pre-Canon Fic
Reconciling with Death by Madame_Psychosis (M, 26k, complete)
Summary: Featuring a dead girl in a forest, little-soldier-boys, some tenuous grasps on reality, straw mothers, a ghost in a bathroom and, slowly and sadly, kindness from a boy who’s just passing through time. Why I rec it for this prompt: A really unique take on Harry travelling back in time to 1941 to Tom's school days. I love the non-linear style that this fic is written in, which really enhances the build-up of the murder mystery and all the psychological suspense.
Animus, Anima by @maiathoustra (M, 145k, complete)
Summary: In limbo, Harry doesn't choose to go back to the Forbidden Forest to face Voldemort. He makes another decision and finds himself in a baby's body: little Tom Riddle. Years pass that intimately bind the orphan and his imaginary friend into a hopeless and incestuous relationship. Indeed, all the odd events of Tom Riddle's life happen in spite of Harry's presence: could he be the one who provokes them? Why I rec it for this prompt: Another unique take on Harry being sent back in time, this time as a disembodied voice in Tom's head as the most important part of his journey from childhood to when he becomes Lord Voldemort. An incredible exploration on what it means for two souls to love each other so intensely, and the ending is absolutely gutting in a beautiful way. Definitely have tissues on hand for this long, beautiful, angsty read!
HP rec fest December recs:
Day 1: Favorite under 5k | Such a Noble Villain Day 2: Comfort Fic | In Somno Veritas | Ouroboros Day 3: Podfic | a taste so good (i'd die for it) Day 4: Fic with Art | A Soulmate Like You Day 5: A Non-AO3 Fic | The Anti-Midas Day 6: Unreliable Narrator Fic | Anabiosis Day 7: A Canon-Compliant Fic | In Your Soul is Sealed a Pleasure Day 8: A Canon-Divergence Fic | Thirst Day 9: A Rare Pair Fic | dust in your pocket | A Breed Apart Day 10: A Fest Fic | In Your Image Day 11: A Dark Fic | As Portioned from a Whole Day 12: A WIP Rec | Lover's Spit | Revolution of Configured Stars Day 13: A Fic >100k Words | One Year In Every Ten | if we were lovers Day 14: A Favorite Series | The Immortal Duties of Lord Voldemort Day 15: The Most Recent Bookmark | Creatures of the Dark we are Day 16: A Fic that Made You Laugh | Make a Wish | Do You Want Fries with That? Day 17: A Fic that Made You Cry | We Still Have Time Day 18: A Fairy Tale-Inspired Fic | Until Midnight Comes  Day 19: Fic with the Hottest Smut | Prison Blues Day 20: A Fic Rated 'G' | Fingers Crossed Day 21: A Thought-Provoking Fic | on the other side Day 22: An Unfinished Fic | In Death, Standby Day 23: A Soulmate Fic | the demiurge, the leontoeides Day 24: A Holiday Fic | A Sky Full of Stars Day 25: A Fic Rated 'T' | Accidents happen Day 26: A Fic with a Memorable Ending | i’ve missed you, my boy Day 27: A Muggle AU Fic | found Day 28: An Underrated Fic | your love is like rhinestones (falling from the sky) Day 29: A Post-Canon Fic | The Other Path Day 30: A Pre-Canon Fic | Reconciling with Death | Animus, Anima
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evilwickedme · 1 year
Ooh, do you have any good Jason fic recs?
anon I cannot tell you how long I've been waiting to see those words!!!! yes I have good Jason fic recs in fact I have so many good Jason fic recs that after narrowing it down I still have fifteen links for you
I have read more fanfic for Jason Todd than maybe any other character ever. I do not understand the hold this man has on me but it's simply the situation we're in. anyway
Jason comes home fics
Make a Little Birdhouse In Your Soul is hands down my favorite. I'm talking favorite DC fic, top fics of all time period, not just from this list. I love this fic series. It is actively and regularly updating, thank fuck, because that little boost of serotonin is everything keeping me going I swear
The 70 Days After Groundhog Day is technically from Dick's POV, but it's about the aftermath of a timeloop that Jason was stuck in. it's. oh my god it's so good. just trust me on this one.
Emotional Motion Sickness is the "bruce goes to therapy" fic series we all want. canon get on this level
Retrograde Motion - I never used to like de-aging fics; not for any particular reason, I just never vibed with them. Recently I decided to see what all the fuss was about (bc there's so goddamn many in this fandom) and I'm glad, because I opened this fic and it's just. oh my god. the use of the de-aging trope here is truly incredible. after a whole week of dipping my feet into the trope I never need to do so again, because this fic made me fucking lose it. this is not going where you think it's going. also, for some reason there's not that much rebirth outlaws fic, and I really like what this author did with that team
matching wounds haha just gonna sneak my fic series on here and pretend that it was an accident, wait how did that get there (some jayroy later in the timeline too which can be read on its own if Jason coming home fics aren't for you)
other non-ship
Too Much Fucking Salt deals with the straw that broke the camel's back. I've read all 22k words of this in one sitting more than once. this is the anti "Jason Todd comes home" fic (this is in itself a whole genre of fic too honestly).
take his name out of your mouth (you don't deserve to mourn) is about Jason mourning himself, which he fucking deserves to. also he smokes a joint with Dick
Sown in Winter is about Jason pulling himself out of a depressive episode partially through the power of Stardew Valley. also technically jayroy, but it's honestly incidental to the story for the most part imo
I do read other ships for Jason but unabashedly this is my favorite, so
A Solid Resume - competency kink. that's all I have to say.
Tenderize is a series of oneshots all of which slowly build Jason and Roy's life together and coparenting lian and I just !!! could also double as a Jason coming home au but honestly that's mostly in the first fic. also a lot of discussion of various chain grocery stores in the united states that I will probably never actually step foot in
Dick Grayson and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Two to Three Weeks (But Who's Counting) is so fucking funny I die every time I reread this. there's a scene early on in a coffee shop that just. I don't even know what to say everything about this is perfect. I AM the girl sticking her nose in their business, at least spiritually.
dust devils on the horizon isn't even the only western au I've bookmarked for these two. something about jayroy and horses, man
unity of time: april 27th, 2020 is just,,,, super sad, man, idk what to tell you. it's f!jayroy, but happens after Roy died in sanctuary during the 24h of Jason's death day, so all of it is very fucking depressing. It's also fucking beautiful. I want to reread it now.
Promise After That I'll Let You Go is a poisonivory fic. I was introduced to poisonivory through the daredevil fandom earlier this year and may I tell you when I found out that this author writes for jayroy I lost my goddamn mind. this is my personal favorite, but I almost recommended at least two more aus. Their jayroy sugar daddy au is one of the only sugar daddy aus I've ever truly enjoyed. also really like the one where roy has had feelings for dick since their teen titans days but still starts a fwb thing with Jason. poisonivory can make me into kinks I'm not even into I s2g. anyway this one has lian literally dragging roy back into jason's life
finally, Reciprocation (or: Sex as Violence) shouldn't even really count as a jayroy fic but I feel weird putting it in the other category since it is sort of a jayroy fic. it's ace-aro!jason, which is one of my personal favorite interpretations of Jason (with so much textual evidence wtf), but there's still like... a lot of sex in this. Jason does not have a healthy relationship with sex in this fic. I would describe this as ending in a QPP for jayroy and lian.
honestly there's a lot of good jason and roy and lian fic out there I didn't rec cause this is already long enough
so yeah this is my very VERY pared down fic rec list for Jason Todd let me know if you want more and thank you so much for asking
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msmargaretmurry · 1 year
I’ve recently got into hockey fics and it’s completely taken over what little brain space I had left. Do you have any recs for a baby new to this wonderful new world? 💕💕
hello friend and welcome to hockey! i’m sure you sent this ask looking for a nice little list of links but unfortunately because of who i am as a person i’m about to give you way more information than you asked for. 
before we dive in: i have a terrible memory when it comes to stuff i’ve read, and i have a pathological lack of bookmarks, and there is a LOT of hockey fic, so despite a fair bit of crowdsourcing from friends this list is obviously by no means exhaustive. there is SO much good stuff out there that isn't linked here. hockey fic to me has always felt like a very choose-your-own adventure fandom, and i want to empower you to choose your own adventure. there is so much hockey fic, there is truly something for everyone, but of course it’s all also subject to personal taste, so please read on for a little smorgasbord from which hopefully you can find some stuff you’ll love.
a very brief history of hrpf
when i say there is a lot of hockey fic, i feel like it is fun context to know that people have been posting hockey fic on the internet for more than 20 years. i have not been reading it for 20 years, so even having many years of this fandom under my belt, i am still building off the hard work of the beautiful weirdos who came before me. a lot of the pre-ao3 stuff has sadly but understandably been lost to time, but if you’re interested at all in seeing a bit of how we got to where we are now, @lovethygoalie has compiled some links here, and he has an nhl fandom history tag with some more fandom history!
hockey fic, due to the nature of the sport and the inexorable march of time, has always kind of happened in waves/cycles of certain players/pairings/teams being popular in the fandom for a little while, then fading away as new players/pairings/teams become the new hot thing. every time there’s a new wave of a popular thing, new people get sucked into the fandom, which creates this very charming-to-me phenomenon where i can often guess the ballpark of when they joined hockey fandom based on who their faves are, what teams they’re into, even what teams/players they’re NOT into, lol. (but obviously there have also always been people shipping rare pairs and medium-popular pairs and rooting for less popular teams and players, too! it’s a big fandom!)
anyway, that’s something i have found super fascinating to observe over the years and also something i wanted to touch on here to explain why there’s going to be some fic recs in here featuring players who you might never see mentioned the current hrpf zeitgeist. some of the players have retired, some of the pairings have simply waned in popularity, some of the teams are just not currently “in” in hockey fandom, but i still think it’s totally worth going back to dig into older stuff in addition to having fun with the current popular narratives and pairings, etc.
but onto the recs!
(it should go without saying, but please heed the tags/warnings on anything linked here! i’m offering these links mostly without commentary, but a lot of it is going to be mature/explicit-rated, some of it will deal with sensitive themes, some if it might have stuff you just don’t care for! not knowing your personal tastes, i tried to curate a selection of various lengths, types, tropes, pairings, teams, etc.)
i saw you just read my behemoth matthew/leon fic, so let’s start with more of that. it’s a popular pairing right now! very fun characters and narratives to work with! here are a few authors whose matthew/leon stuff i definitely recommend across the board (links go to their ao3 pages; there’s no point in linking individual fics because i would just be linking all of them):
and some short one-shots that i really enjoyed:
if you handed over your body by photovoltaic (mature, 2.7k)
truce by anonymous (explicit, 2.1k)
and i will not come back the same by void_fish (explicit, 4k)
partly crowdsourced from pals, here are additional fic recs for pairings/players/narratives that are varying levels of currently relevant:
Fragments by heartequals (cole caufield/nick suzuki, explicit, 20k)
wait a year by daisysusan (quinn hughes/brady tkachuk, explicit, 16.8k)
cover love’s bruise by addandsubtract (johnny gaudreau/sean monahan, explicit, 8.3k)
don't ever be a stranger by bropunzeling (jamie drysdale/trevor zegras, explicit, 24k)
For the Summer by gigantic (jack hughes/trevor zegras, explicit, 3.5k)
Lionheart by Aliquis (nico hischier/jonas siegenthaler, explicit, 53k)
All Your'n by jvrcus (mathew barzal/anthony beauvillier, teen & up, 13.8k)
let's make it cinematic by kitnita (mathew barzal/anthony beauvillier, explicit, 13.2k)
@grittyreadsfic is a mostly-hockey fic rec blog! they read much more widely than me and definitely have recs for a lot of currently popular pairings not covered here, as well as rarepairs and more niche stuff.
@postoperation compiled a great list of older-ish hockey fic recs that i HIGHLY recommend, and not just because one of mine is included in there. 😂
more older fics, in no particular order; a once again partly-crowdsourced-from-my-friends list of recs:
so collect your scars and wear them well by addandsubtract (connor mcdavid/dylan strome, mature, 26k)
A Month of Sundays by Kelfin (erik johnson/gabe landeskog, mature, 68k)
Friday Night Arrives Without a Suitcase by marycontraire (danny briere/claude giroux, not rated, 14.6k)
Something Old by uraneia (danny briere/claude giroux, explicit, 13.4k)
if courage is a live wire by redheartglow (adam henrique & taylor hall friendship, teen & up, 15.5k)
Like an Explosion by Dark_Eyed_Junco (nic dowd/derek forbort, mature, 4.3k)
Lions in Arms by xihale (alex ovechkin/sidney crosby, mature, 4.7k) 
Hockey at the End of the World by ionthesparrow (jeff carter/mike richards and tyler toffoli/tanner pearson, mature to explicit, a series of five fics totaling 383k)
@deepbutdazzlingdarkness has a washington capitals fic rec list; i haven’t read everything on there but i have liked what i’ve read! [i am very picky about caps fic because a) i’m a snob about local details and b) i can only read so much smut about dudes i might run into at the jeni’s ice cream in tysons corner. but there is some very good stuff. similarly, a rec i haven’t read but it comes from a friend whose writing i deeply admire and whose taste i trust implicitly:
mouth-deep by saintsideways (nicklas backstrom/mike green, explicit, 30k); the reccer says, “it’s a wild time and coated with an absolutely visionary layer of grime I can only aspire to.”]
@bunnymcfoo also has an extensive rec list, much of which i have not read, but definitely worth checking out if you need more!
anyway, sorry if that was too much, but hopefully it is just enough to get you started chasing your own hockey fic bliss. my ask box is open if you have any questions! ❤
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the-east-art · 1 month
Easts Supernatural Fic Recs
Since's I've been combing ao3 for good SPN fics, and exactly one person (@ennael) said they'd like to see what I've found. A trend you may notice that I'm not a big shipper - shipping is sometimes a little seasoning, but never the star of the show. ]
Passing Ships - BrownieFox
Summary: John gets injured during a salt and burn and a stranger brings him back to the hotel
Notes: This is the first fic in a series that got me looking for SPN fics again. It explores the idea of late series Sam going back in time and trying to prevent the various tragedies that lie in the future. The REALLY interesting part is that this is all done from an Outsider POV - from the young Winchesters as they meet this strange man that seems somewhat familiar. Because of that POV you never really know what Sam is up to, which builds some suspense and curiosity.
(The rest under the cut!)
you gave up half your life - loosingletters
Summary: When Dean and Cas disappeared, Sam was lost. But in a world that had nearly broken apart so many times, he wasn’t the only one who needed support and guidance.
Alternatively: (Salty) Post Season 7 Fix-it in which Sam Winchester accidentally starts organizing a bunch of Hunters all while trying to find his brother.
Notes: I knew this would be good but for some reason it took me a while to get to it. It turned out to be REALLY good. This story really focuses on how people need people, and honestly the stars of this show are the Hunter ocs that flavor the fic - all of them are so unique and different, and make the world feel truly alive.
mad and dead as nails - EclipseWing
Summary: “Your brother is missing.” That’s how it starts. But now Dean’s dead, gone, or maybe he never really existed in the first place. Maybe Dean was never real, and it was always Michael. Because if Sam knows one thing, it’s that Michael is all that is left.
Notes: Honestly this fic is a better analysis and thesis on Free Will than the actual story. This fic does a GREAT job at utilizing Jess as a character and works with the similarities between Dean and Michael as well as the concept of self. HIGHLY recommend.
Ain't No Grave - art_savage
Summary: When John Winchester wakes up to a post-apocalypse future, he only wants to know two things: where are his sons, and just what brought him back? AU in which the apocalypse caused a lot more trouble and ended a little differently.
Post apocalypse story that kind of searches for plausible 'happy' endings for the characters that doesn't keep them chained to the roles they inhabited during the main story. It's kind of low key but I super love it.
The Other Side - EclipseWing
Summary: In which Castiel has no idea what pulled him out of Hell, but he knows that he doesn't expect Dean, or his puppy-dog eyed brother Sam (what sort of angel names were those anyway?) who happens to be on the run from the other angels.
Notes: easily the best swap au I've managed to find. I'm a sucker for stories where Sam and Dean are actually Lucifer and Michael, and this story takes it in a fun direction!
When Worlds Collide - elfinblue
Summary: When a kidnapped Tony DiNozzo is rescued by legendary - and supposedly dead - serial killers Dean and Sam Winchester, the NCIS team takes over the Winchester investigation. What they find is a file filled with contradictions and impossibilities. This is an attempt to cross these shows but keep both in canon.
Notes: an NCIS crossover and the only fic here that is on ffnet cuz they never crossposted, but its worth it I promise! This fic is particularly good because it takes place mostly from the NCIS characters perspectives as they find ways to apply logic to the strange happenings around the winchesters and their works. Reads like a tv episode pacing wise which is awesome. Does have canontypical fat shaming and transphobia which sucks tho.
Anyway those are my absolute faves but I also bookmark my stuff on ao3 as easternCriminal so there's more there!
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adickaboutspoons · 20 days
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Ah, Cuddling for Warmth, my beloved! And yet, I've never written it. So it goes a little something like this:
So did you know that Historical Blackbeard used to frequent the Chesapeake Bay? And that in fall of 1717 he was operating there with Stede Bonnet? Well, your girl is from Maryland, & has come home many a trick-or-treat barely able to feel her fingers.AU where Ed investigated why Stede didn't meet him, & stumbled across the scene with Chauncey. Stede is in shock, non-verbal, white-faced, practically immobile. Ed's survival instincts take over - he gets Stede to the dingy, rowing them away, keeping a running monologue about how everything's going to be ok; they'll be in China before he knows it. Stede eventually comes to himself enough to say "I have to go back." Ed is like, yeah, we can't do that right now. Stede is in full meltdown mode, barely able to choke out disconnected nonsense about "ruin" & "my family" & "I'm a monster." Ed is doing his best to calm him down, but he's only seen Stede like this right before the reveal of his plan to evade the Spanish, & Stede is the one that has it all figured out - is cool & calm & in charge when Ed is freaking out. He has no idea how to be that for Stede. He just keeps talking about China & how nice everything will be & they'll be safe. Eventually Stede snaps "I can't go to China with you! I have to go home! I have to save my family!"
Ed feels it like a slap. It would be one thing if Stede just didn't want to go to China. He'd go anywhere Stede wanted him to. But Stede doesn't want to go anywhere with him. Stede wants to go back to Mary.
"Yeah. Alright. We'll get you back to your family," he says, his voice leaden. "But we can't go now. Two infamous pirates ran out on their Grace & a dead admiral in the woods? There won't be a cove they don't scour trying to find us. Caribbean's gonna be too hot for awhile. We gotta go somewhere until things die down a little."
"Not China."
"Yeah. Not China," Ed agrees, stepping down hard on the urge to sob. Think. You can feel later, but right now you have to think. "I know a place," he says eventually. "Up north. No one will think to look for us there."
Stede doesn't say anything. He's huddled at the other end of the dinghy rocking & staring off into nothing, but he nods his head a little, so Ed takes that as good enough. The rest of the trip back to the Revenge is silent.
A tall ship can travel at up to 10 knots, but usually more around 3-4 (don't look at me like that, I already looked this up for a different fic), & it's ~1800 nautical miles from Bridgetown to Annapolis (go ahead & look at me like that; I DID look that up just now, but I have a nifty little nautical distance calculator bookmarked from the previously mentioned fic), so that's about 24 days journey, which puts them in Maryland around October 28th.
Ed was born in Bristol; though he's spent most of his adult life in the Caribbean, he's got his fair share of chilly, drizzly autumns under his belt.
Stede was Barbados born-&-bred. He's never been so cold & miserable in his life. He's consumed with what Chauncey said, out-of-his-mind with worry for his family (he thought they'd be better off without him. Oh, God! What has happened to them?), & if all that wasn't bad enough, Ed has been so distant since they got back to the ship. Probably it's finally dawned on him just how ruinous his association with Stede really is. Probably he's withdrawing to insulate himself from further contamination.
Good for him.
Since I'm a The Metaphors are Barely Surface Level bitch, it's all about cold as a metaphor for emotional distance & freezing one another out. It all comes to a head on All Hallow's Eve, when temps dip so everything is rimed with frost & Some Contrivance leads Ed to the captain's quarters where he finds Stede, hollow-eyed, feeding his precious library to the fireplace because he's just so damn cold & nothing matters anyway. And then there is bed sharing & cuddling for warmth (& maybe a little Ed having to hold Stede down to keep him there. For me. As a treat). Stede resists because he KNOWS Ed doesn't want to be with him anymore, & he's shouldn't force himself to stay. Ed is all "What the fuck are you talking about, you're the one who wants to leave me." They have a good, healthy row where everything comes out & they realize the idiotic assumptions they've been making & Stede gets to have his Bathtub Moment while Ed holds him. After there are gentle words & kisses, & IDK maybe make-up sex.
The next day they start sailing south again & something, something they'll figure out how to save Stede's family together.
And then I figure out what happens with the actual plot? Or maybe I leave it there, because, LBR, the "plot" was only ever a contrivance to get to the yummy tropes & emotional stuff.
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steelthroat · 19 days
For the fandom ask game (if you have time with the horrors of schoolwork):
9. Write a recommendation of someone else's fic you enjoyed!
14. Is there a character or ship you were so sure you would never write/draw but now you've changed your mind? (and if you fancy it, tell us how you'd write them...)
19. What's your favourite thing about [fandom] (the people in it, not the media you're all enjoying together)?
22. Give us a headcanon for Megatron, any continuity
Weirdly now we're in a static situation again... things change drastically day after day it's unreal💀
9: okay ooof I'd recommend literally all the things I bookmarked but uh let's see:
We are the music makers by lord squiggletits
Moronic acid by chuzilllaa
Shockwave making waves by now anonymous
The lottery by Ladydragon76
Oh and the sequels of the lottery too. My GOD. I've read that work so many times aaaaaargh. Between these are just some of them, but I am 100% forgetting other equally great works by other writers. Ah so many, so so so so so many.
14: mh at first I was kind of hesitant about anything regarding Ironhide, because I didn't know him as a character and he didn't really appeal to me... so when I stumbled upon bayverse!ratchet/ironhide I was like "huh... okay. Tell me more?" And really these two are super great together????? Like not just in thw bayverse, as a whole they're *chef kiss*
Also I think I also stumbled upon Bayberse Optimus/Ironhide at some point and while I also was unsure about it... oh my god they are perfect. One of my favorite otp as of now!!
And uh yeah I want to write about them one day, I would go with some kind of bodyguard au, but like using some of the main tropes, like Ironhide is the "bodyguard" canonically sometimes so yeah it would work.
Also I like bayverse Ironhide and his warrior origins and culture, I wanna do something with it and use it.
So uh banter, fluff, fighting (and training) as a form of flirting, middle aged men that don't know how to communicate like normal people, maybe I will also do something with my third-gladiatorop-au. Depends. But I will let them smooch 100% (and when it happens you'll be the first to know✨️)
19: other than being full of great artists, and I mean AWESOME like guys come on please how how ajshfjgujggjt. And writers, like FUCK I've cried so many times because of y'all, I once got out of the bus at the wrong stop because of a fanfiction. This fandom is full of very creative people that come in infinite shapes and forms, like seriously even when writing simple smut some of you are genuinely mind blowing because you come up with things that are... CRAZY and in a good way! But absolutely crazy!!!!
So yeah this fandom is cool, there's... more than meets the eye to it ✨️
22: so like... I have many headcanons regarding him like:
His fighting style resembles a dance, a deadly and mesmerizing dance. Optimus (my headcanon) fights like a wounded animal but when facing him he follows the rhythm Megatron sets and "dances" with him. Very beautiful spectacle if you forget that one of them could die... or maybe it adds more charm to it.
He massages. Idk lol I have one work published and 3 wips in which he massages someone because they had stiff joints or smth. Maybe I have a kink idk. But like not just like that, it doesn't always lead to sex, it's just that I like him tending to someone else when the situation calls
It was Soundwave that taught him how to dance. (This is my Megatron/Soundwave propaganda)
He knows how to play chess, he likes the game, he is a great player, he will never admit it because it's made by humans
He knows how to make impressions and has a sense of humor, which can be unsettling since you can never know when he's being serious or he's fooling around.
Everyone but Optimus say he has the best poker face in the universe. He does, it's not his fault he can't keep his emotions in check when op is around....
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winderlylandchime · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @lostcol and @madsworld15 thank you friends!
How many works do you have on ao3? 49
What's your total ao3 word count? 505,173
What fandoms do you write for? Currently Queer As Folk. In the past I've also written for CMBYN and CMBYN RPF.
Top five fics by kudos:
tied to a night they never met (CMBYN RPF)
I crossed all the lines and I broke all the rules (CMBYN RPF)
Flo's Shows (CMBYN RPF)
you're like a tattoo (something I can't undo) (QAF)
'cause all I'll ever by is your dirty computer (CMBYN RPF)
Do you respond to comments? I do. Especially because I write for a smaller fandom, most of the commenters are my friends.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Ya girl wrote MCD so that's pretty angsty: love is so short (forgetting is so long) (QAF)
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of my recent fics have happy endings (usually at a party, call it my signature move). I'll link carried me with you (QAF) because people said the ending made them cry (in a happy way). And it's not at a party!
Do you get hate on fics? Not hate but some people were unhappy with I crossed all the lines (linked above) because I left the couple non-monogamous and I got negative comments in the bookmark of my series Exposure (QAF) because it is similar to a friend's series (never mind me mentioning her by name in my author's notes and having her blessing and encouragement to write the series) and because it has an open ending (not with regards to the couple but with regards mental health stuff... which is realistic)
Do you write smut? Yes. I enjoy reading it so I figure I should write what I enjoy. One of the drawbacks of writing in a small fandom where so many of my readers are friends is that I do sometimes hold back on the smutty filth I would write because I can literally picture my readers' faces and that's a bit uncomfortable.
Craziest crossover: I'm writing a QAF / RPDR crossover fic right now ("writing" in the very loosest definition of the word).
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but I would love that. What an honor.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Er. Yes. I wrote [redacted] with [redacted] but then [redacted] happened and yada yada yada my name isn't on that fic anymore. I'm not anti-co-writing. But, I would need to know my co-writer much better in advance if I were to agree to it again in the future.
All time favorite ship? Brian/Justin aka Britin from QAF. I also LOVE reading Aziraphale/Crowley from GO but haven't really written for them (one drabble and one ficlet).
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I've Loved Her in Secret, I've Loved Her Out Loud WILL GET FINISHED (manifesting) soooo not that. And there's a CMBYN RPF fic that is unfinished and will remain that way and I'm okay with that (ie I don't want to finish it)
What are your writing strengths? FEELINGS. My bread and butter.
What are your writing weaknesses? I think I'm getting better at dialogue, I used to really struggle with it. So I'm going to say... plot? That's such a weird thing to say, but I am shit at doing complex plots.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? If it makes sense, do it! Or even words in another language - I know I often slip Italian and Yiddish into conversation here and there if the other language captures a certain je ne sais quoi that english doesn't. (see what I did there?)
First fandom you wrote in? Ya girl was writing Lois/Clark | Superman fic (het fic? by this queer? more likely than you think!) for Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman in the 90s on yahoo listservs.
Favorite fic you've written? I'm very proud of you're like a tattoo (linked above). I'm also proud of beautiful like the darkness between the fireflies some post-canon, modern setting, exes-to-lovers, soft QAF goodness. And I'm also ridiculously happy with Chasing Dragons which is a fanfic of a fanfic but I think stands alone. I feel like I captured the way one of my all-time favorite fic writers writes my all-time favorite characters and I made her ridiculously happy with it and yeah.
I'm no pressure tagging: @sheisraging @bartbarthelme and anyone else who wants to!
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Tagged by @hornedqueenofhell
this is exciting!
divider by @/saradika-graphics
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1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stranger Things primarily, but I have written for Harry Potter and Marvel
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
- Free-Use Healthcare - Forehead Kisses - Big Dick Energy™️ - cherry on my lips - Gold Rush
5. Do you respond to comments?
I didn't really respond much in the beginning but I try to respond every time now. Even if it's just a heart or "i loved this," I want everyone to know that I appreciate them taking the time to read AND leave a comment.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
holy palmers' kiss I suppose has the angstiest ending considering it exists in the canonverse. At the very end, Steve thinks "Maybe we can save each other," but we know from a fan perspective that Eddie dies because Steve isn't there to save him that Steve and Eddie live happily ever after.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This is entirely personal opinion because I really only do HEAs lol It's either my big boy The Fool, The World, and Everything in Between because Steddie fight to live as normal a life as possible in the wake of s4 and end up getting engaged at the end, or it's Best friends, ex-friends ‘til the end (better off as lovers) because they bonded, like, a day into being reunited because they were soulmates.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Aside from one comment from someone being marginally racist about how Italians aren't darker skinned (Steve is Sicilian in one of my series and Sicilians are notoriously darker skinned), not really. But I recently heard that some people use priv bookmarks to make sure they avoid reading something again, and while I think that's counterproductive to the bookmark count, I don't really want to know if it's happened to me.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep! Almost exclusively, but I do have a few fics that are smut-free which I'm always surprised by. All Steddie, all gay, and it ranges from soft love-making to filthy, dirty, wet and messy sex.
10. Do you write crossovers?
The only crossover I've written was for Marvel, and that only counts on a technicality that it was a crossover between Eternals and Daredevil.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, but I haven't actually scoured the internet to check. I hope if something was stolen, the people reading it still enjoyed it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think so? I had a HP fic translated into Russian but I never followed up on the website to see if it ever got posted.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
When I wrote the Marvel fic, yes. I was working on and Eternals Ikaris/OFC while my best friend wrote a Daredevil/OFC and my other friend wrote a Jessica Jones/OFC, and we had them all in the same room multiple times.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Steddie, hands down. Nothing has had be in a chokehold quite like this.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
So many, and I've lost interest at the moment in one I was actually posting, but I'm hoping to pick it back up after the Big Bang is finished. Probably with massive re-writes.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm funny, so I would like to say I have a lot of really solid lines in fics that make people laugh out loud. Also my world-building tends to be extensive (so much plot in my porn every damn time), but I don't want to classify that as a weakness so strength it is.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I don't tend to plan things out. I usually have a scene or two in mind and then I write around them and piece it together like Frankenstein's Monster. It's worked out for me so far, but I wish I planned things better sometimes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've done it a few times. For my Italian Steve/Mexican Eddie series I have both boys speaking second languages but not well lol I just make it part of the bit because, like Eddie in this, I also speak Spanish but not well. This is my official request that if you do speak another language that I've written in and it's wrong, feel free to let me know lol
19. First fandom you wrote for?
My Chemical Romance. I was 13. We don't talk about it.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I'm really attached to The Fool, The World, and Everything in Between because it's a chonky boy (107k words) and it took me 9 months to write, but We'd rather be six feet under (than be lonely) is a very close second because I really got to play with Steve's inner monologue there and I think the approach I took to the fake dating trope was really original.
non-pressure tags: @tedewitt @malikat24601 @mojowitchcraft @lexirosewrites
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