#writing advise
redd956 · 1 year
Writing Advice: Characterization
Writing characters can be really hard, and conveying personality to readers is just as difficult
I'm expert in this and I'm studying so take my word with a grain of salt
Here are some tips on writing characterization
Show don't tell of characterization
I'm sure my fellow writers are exhausted of hearing show don't tell, especially cause it's difficult to remember to do or master
And there's a lot of different ways to implement it, but I feel it means even more for characters because it gives you a chance to explore their personality
Sometimes it is better to tell, but many times showing grants you an upperhand take for example:
Character A was furious. Character B's voice was annoying them only further. They were ready to punch them in the face.
This can work, however it can easily bore the reader and goes little in the character or world themselves.
Character A glared at Character B, their arms tightly crossed, and leg impatiently tapping. All they could do was roll their eyes as Character B spoke. After all it got their mind off punching B in the face.
This is sentence shows more of the character. It shows that they have an attitude, and are more prone to punching people. I'm not good at explaining show don't tell, so I suggest looking into it, and remember that the rules aren't set in stone either.
Character complexity helps aid the reader's suspension of disbelief and makes the characters feel more people-like. Not every character needs to be complex, and sometimes complexity isn't meant for one at all.
However it helps solidify a character, add more potential conflict to a story, and remove one-dimensionality.
Often times many stories start with one-dimensional characters and as installments and exploration increases, even the most silly characters become complex serious designs.
3 ways I prefer to show complexity
Show a character's thought process. Don't drown the reader in it, but dabble in character thoughts at moderate levels. Ig can help pacing anyway.
Give character groups opposing ideologies, beliefs, and ideas. Then show how these characters respond to them.
Give your characters bad traits and flaws. Don't stray towards hate-able personality, but understand that the world isn't black and white and neither shall your character be. The easiest way to do so and keep things complex is by extending already set positive traits. A character kind. Have them be too kind, let people go or trust people who shouldn't be trusted. Or they are kind to only certain groups of people, and need to learn to grow out of it.
Actions, I'm not just talking about what your character does, although that is important too. Show me the character through how they do things, especially good to split up dialogue.
For example
Character A and B watched TV
This sentence works perfectly however if it is a moment where you're trying to characterize it can be utilized. For instance
The TV was playing a horror movie. Character A's eyes stayed glued to it, ignoring the fact that Character B was already clinging to them.
This tells you a lot more about the characters, and establishes a dynamic between the two as well.
Anyway that is all I can think off I hope this helps
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moondust-bard · 2 months
How I Title My Books
1. I pull it from a line I’ve already written for the story.
For example, Hunting Ground comes from a conversation the MC has with her best friend, in which she equates her world’s courtship traditions to hunts.
2. I use a piece of the story’s world-building I’ve created (myths, locations, magic, etc)
For example, Lost Souls’ Night is named after an event that, according to some folkloric accounts, took place in ages past.
3. I create a list of words and phrases that convey the atmosphere and tone I associate with the story I’m trying to tell and shape a title from that
For example, The Bloody Divine and its duology title hint at the story’s genre and focus.
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lovova · 8 months
An observation on writing long-form 'dark' content that by this point I feel confident in: People cannot control their binging habits to save their lives. Ultimately what that means is if you're writing a long-form emotion-based experience (this work is meant to make you feel a specific emotion consistently rather then the goal being telling a timely plot-based story) and if the emotion is high intensity? Then if you want to avoid your readers being absolutely exhausted and drained by the time they've gotten to whatever the latest chapter (or episode) is, then you need to force emotional 'breaks' into the narrative itself. It doesn't necessarily need to be jarringly out of genre breaks to the point where it ruins characterizations-- for instance, you don't need a 'everyone is friends' Beach Episode inside of your abuse-horror story-- but whatever the break ends up being needs to force binge readers to take a moment out of whatever high-intensity emotion they've signed up for in the story. This will give them some recovery time and will let them enjoy the whole of the story more. Ultimately, binge readers are those lab rats who shock themselves pressing a button for treats every five seconds and sometimes you just gotta turn the buzzer off before those poor little guys shock themselves to death.
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wolf-tail · 3 months
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naussensei · 7 months
I think there is a big misconception about what “purple prose” means. Purple prose is not synonym of “writing pretty”. Purple prose is simply writing too many words to say nothing.
Purple prose means using lengthy descriptions that distract from an idea the writer is trying to convey. That is what purple prose means. It is not just “writing that sounds pretty ”. Writing can be pretty and poetic without it being overly flowery and distracting. It doesn’t mean the only every correct alternative is minimalistic, Hemingway -like prose, obviously. But there is tons of very poetic, complex, beautiful prose that isn’t purple prose.
While it can be a stylistic choice, purple prose mostly happens when a writer isn’t confident enough in their story or characters and relies in prose and big words to impress the reader, which is never a good thing. Purple prose happens independent of the genre, and while some genres have a tendency to lean towards a more flowery prose, it isn’t always purple prose.
You can like flowery prose or not, ultimately, writing is art and art is subjective. But writing is also communicating, and if a writer fails to communicate to the reader, then something is not working.
I’m sorry, but purple prose is never “good depending on the genre” or “good depending on the writer” or “or good depending on” anything. Purple prose is poor writing.
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sg-kree · 8 months
The best advice I can offer to keep your reader engaged... eebie deebie your blorbo. Eebie deebie them hard and then write about how they work themselves out of that.
The second best advice is sometimes let your antagonist be your blorbo. Sometimes don't let them figure out a solution.
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imthepunchlord · 10 months
What do you think are the main elements when it comes to magic in media like there has to be a fire user or an ice user etc. I know you did an analysis of mlb elements before
That can be a broad and tricky question as, at the core, it comes down to the individual story setting and what the creator wants magic to be. The pro, and con, to magic is that magic can be whatever the creator wants it to be, and it can be handled however the creator wants it to be handled. There really isn't any main elements to consider when doing a magic system as it just all comes down to what the story is and what the creator wants to do. Though, whatever they do, whether it works or not, that can come down to preferences and opinions.
Going to put this under cut cause it gets long.
There are magic systems that run on little to no rules and will just do whatever the creator what it's to. Like... working off what I remember of Harry Potter (movies specifically as I haven't read the books), there didn't seem to be any set rules in wielding magic. You don't always need to verbally say the spell, and you also don't even always need the wand to help with using magic. I know there are teachers, guidelines, and some rules that do apply, but at the core, from what I remember, if you can use it, magic just does whatever is needed. There is no limit for actual magic users, and no limit in what magic can actually do. It will just do and work however desired.
And for a magic system like that, that creates a lot of deus ex machinas. Which not everyone is crazy about, but that can also come down to how well it's set up or how well it fits in. For a magic system that has little to no rules, one thing that could be done with it is just embrace the chaos of this system. The heroes can do anything with magic? Well, so can the villains. Done right, people can just roll with the magic system doing just whatever and are just here to see the chaos play out. But from what I've seen, it's not the preference.
I think majority prefer magic systems that have established rules and can make sense, and you get to see the creator work with those rules and how they work around them and what can be expanded upon. Which if done right, can lead to it being very interesting to watch and see the creativity of the creators working around this limit.
One example is Fullmetal Alchemist. With alchemy, they can make anything, change anything, and fix anything, but they can't do all of that from nothing. They need preexisting material to work with. They also need to factor in that what's used will have equilibrium. Make a staff of stone, there's going to be a missing stone, the equivalent of what was used to make that staff. While not seen in this gif, chances are good that to make that extension, parts of Ed's prosthetic arm is now gone to mold the arm blade.
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Another example to look at is Avatar the Last Airbender. Their magic system involves people literally manipulating the classical four elements, and most people can only bend one element. Katara can only bend water, she won't ever be able to bend earth, fire, or air.
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So they take this, and they work to expand on what she can do with this ability to only magically wield water. She can turn it into ice.
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Water can be pulled from the air and other life forms.
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It can even be used to manipulate life itself, going for the water inside people, animals, and plants. Which is very terrifying.
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The only exception to this one element per person is the singular Avatar themselves, but they pull a Spiderman, with great power, comes great responsibility. So to be the Avatar that can bend all four promises a lot of work and making hard choices.
Another that can be considered is magic in classic fairytales, and they kinda dabble as an in between, they do have rules, but magic can also just do whatever. Like, someone cursed by a witch or fairy, those curses typically do have rules, a means for the cursed to break themselves free. Like, Beauty and the Beast, to break his curse, he must learn to genuinely love another.
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There's also magic that works off belief, like Peter Pan, you need a bit of fairy dust, and then to just believe. Take a literal leap of faith and you'll be able to fly through magic.
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So, yeah, for what counts for the main elements of magic, there really isn't any. It comes down to what someone wants to do for their magic system, what the rules are if rules even exist for it. Magic as a concept is just one that's open for creativity and be whatever is desired. The biggest thing I can recommend that should be considered is what is the world setting and how does magic fit into it, or how should magic fit into it. In Avatar where the themes are connection, nature, and spirituality, having magic tied to wielding elements works there as the classical elements do fit well into nature and are a natural part of it.
If you can figure out your magic system and how it fits into the world, then you can get what core elements make up it. But first you got to think of it and fit it in.
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facultyloungecosplay · 5 months
Am I the only one that feels like a weird alien when they're writing? like how do I describe a cool or shy person and how they act why can my brain create and rationalize categories of people but not what they actually do??? WHY DO I HAVE TO QUESTION MY HUMANITY WHENEVER I TRY TO WRITE?
Hi anon!
I don’t think you’re completely alone in this feeling - I thought for a bit whether I have this issue. I don’t know if I would describe it exactly as you did, but I completely understand the intimidation felt when writing characters wholly unlike yourself.
I, for example, am incredibly shy in person. I find it easier to write shy or awkward characters, and you’ll probably see this quite a lot in my stories. But charismatic, outgoing, larger than life types? It’s a struggle.
Fortunately, it’s a struggle that does get easier with practice. I find that if I look to other characters in media that share traits I want my character to demonstrate, I can pull inspiration from that. What do they say that makes them charismatic and cool? What actions show this? How do they treat others that emphasize this? What do they wear/how do they present themself?
Sometimes it means my writing comes to a screeching halt while I brainstorm. Sometimes I read back and it still feels stilted, and I have to edit it into something smoother. But over time, I’ve gotten better at writing people that I don’t share a lot with. (Except children. How does anyone write children. It’s so hard.)
I don’t think you need to view yourself as less human for your writing struggles. The joy of humanity is, after all, in our diversity, and you as a writer will approach the craft in ways others may not. Practice, practice, practice. It’s the best way to begin to quiet the doubts all artists carry with us. :)
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coreyww · 1 year
I've noticed my creative output recently has dramatically increased when my reaction to ideas stopped being this: "Oh, this idea is good... wait no that's stupid, I should do [insert idea that is a bit more grounded/logical but is less fun]" And started being this: "This idea is dumb as SHIT, I have to do it right now!!!!" And people fucking love it.
What I'm saying is that if you want to write and you feel really critical of yourself and you think all your ideas are trash, you need to realize the truth is that people ADORE trash, so just let yourself write trash.
Now, this does not mean don't put effort in, still edit, still have people preread, actually listen to constructive criticism, and be honest with yourself when others aren't happy about something or more importantly when YOU yourself aren't happy with something after its written, all that is still important. And there will VERY MUCH be times when you will love writing a thing and nobody really responds to it, or that people respond to a thing you really didn't care for that much, all that is still true.
But if your barrier to actually SITTING DOWN AND TRYING TO WRITE THE THING AT ALL is just "I really like this idea but its kinda dumb or trashy," fuck it, write trash. There are millions of people in this world who will eat the trash that you put in front of them because they go on AO3 or the Kindle book store or whatever searching SPECIFICALLY for that kind of trash. They are RAVINOUS for your trash. So just write the trash, write the stupid, write the silly bullshit, doesn't matter, you still wrote something at the end of the day.
This has been my Ted Talk, your homework is to write something for that one dumb idea that makes you giggle to yourself you've had in the back of your mind forever. You know the one.
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lucidmagic · 2 years
13 and 14 please?
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Just. Write.
Idk who perpetuated the idea you have to be in the mood to write, but you-- obviously-- can't be in the mood to write all the time. Doesn't matter if it is in the same scene or jumping around or even just a scene you know you may have to cut. Just fucking write.
Get the draft done first. Don't revise as you write (unless it is absolutely necessary). Writing to the end of the first draft is the hardest thing you can do. Revisions are different (but easier because you have something to work on).
14. What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
"Said is dead." (or 'say/says' if you're doing present tense writing)
Said is a perfect, reasonable, and adequate thing to write when writing dialogue.
"Don't use adverbs."
Also, adverbs are perfectly (ha) fine. Adverbs have their place in writing.
[Just don't overuse them. You can chop down on them if you need to by using the Show Don't tell Method. What do I mean by this? You heard it before but no one ever really told you what it meant. Here's an example:
"How dare you!" The man got up, angrily.
"How dare you!" The man shoves himself up from the chair.
See the difference? The first is okay but doesn't show what's happening. It relies on the reader to fill in the blanks of what the man did to get up. But the second shows you what happened and you (the reader) automatically know that the man is angry by his actions. You didn't tell the audience.
40 Questions for Fic Writers
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redd956 · 2 years
Need to make a last minute fantasy city/town?
I got just the trick for you. Exaggerate a city you’re already familiar with. A hometown? Capital? Friend’s town? Exaggerate it with fantastical elements and maybe even inside jokes. Not too long needs to pass before you got a convincing fantasy city.
A small rural town known for its flowers? A secluded village swallowed by giant boughs of wildflowers, where masterful but painstakingly traditional druids live.
A city with terrible potholes and construction that never ends? Make it a city built upon massive caverns and canyons, repairing the results of constant dangerous dragon attacks.
Detroit? A city of thieves, that upon entering, with each passing hour you yourself become more and more thief-like.
Really do this! Exaggerate more than one element, and you get a place even more unlike with what you started from.
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thewatcher727 · 1 year
Updated 15th April 2024
Time for introductions!
Greetings to all you lovely people. My name is Jack (or John as I commonly go by). Welcome to my Tumblr! I took an interest in writing FanFictions back in 2012. I’ve written several stories, also took breaks here and there, but now I am back and writing primarily for Sonic! It’s a franchise I’ve adored since I was a kid and I always wanted to find the confidence to write stories around them. With that said and done, I post regular previews to my next updates. Feel free to drop me a message anytime!
FanFiction Profile:
Archive of Our Own Profile:
Writing & Reviewing Tips & Advice:
I've been writing FanFictions for over 10 years now. It's safe to say I've learned a thing or two. That's why I wanted to take this time to share what I have learned with you guys. However, one thing I do want to make perfectly clear is I am not a professional writer at all. These tips are solely based on my own personal experiences.
Review Tips:
What Is Constructive Criticism?
Don't Be Afraid To Speak Your Mind
Understand The Difference Between Constructive Feedback And Just Being Mean
Explain Properly Why You Like Or Dislike Something
Don't Take Offense If The Reader Doesn't Decide To Take Your Feedback On. It's Up To Them
Remember, At The End Of The Day, It Is Just Your Opinion. You Might Not Always Be Factually Right
Writing A Review Tips:
How To Differentiate Between Criticism And Rudeness
Expressing Your True Thoughts
Clarify How Feedback Benefits The Story
Explaining Likes Or Dislikes
Don't Be Offended If Your Feedback Isn't Taken
Be Specific With Examples
Offer Solutions, Not Just Critiques
Even If There Were Several Negatives, Focus On The Positive Aspects Too
Discuss Various Aspects In Your Review
How I Write A Review
Writing Tips:
Coming soon...
Writing Description Notes:
Coming soon...
A handy list of my Sonic FanFictions:
The Untold Tales Verse
Have you ever wondered what Sonic and friends were up to between thrilling escapades? The Untold Tales Verse is a groundbreaking series that unravels the enigmatic gaps in the Sonic universe
Sonic: The Tournament of Chaos
Plot Summary: Weeks have passed since liberating the world from Dr. Eggman. The announcement of the mysterious tournament with the Chaos Emeralds as the prize calls Sonic the Hedgehog back once again. Determined to win the powerful gems, Sonic assembles his team for their toughest battle yet. (Story 1 of the Untold Tales Verse)
Status: Completed
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14084460/1/Sonic-The-Tournament-of-Chaos
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49636771/chapters/125281660
Be One World, Be The Light
Plot Summary: Plagued with nightmares of a future that never came to be, Silver the Hedgehog seeks answers in the past. Meanwhile, Blaze the Cat is confronted by a being like no other who threatens to erase those she cares for. Join the heroes as they learn some secrets are best remained buried. (Story 2 of the Untold Tales Verse)
Status: Completed
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14128690/1/Be-One-World-Be-The-Light
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49716742/chapters/125491246
Our New Life Together
Plot Summary: Reunited at last, Blaze and Silver begin their new lives together in the Sol Dimension. While spirits are high, emotional pain continues to leave invisible scars. Follow the reunited friends as they learn the true meaning of friendship and adventure. (Spin-Off of the Untold Tales Verse)
Status: Completed
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14165460/1/Our-New-Life-Together
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49951156/chapters/126114025
Sonic Chronicles: Return of the Dark Brotherhood
Plot Summary: Shade's loyalty is put to the test as the Nocturnus Clan make their return. As they face their greatest challenge yet, the heroes reflect on the memories they've made and the bonds of their friendship that will last forever. With high stakes and dangerous obstacles ahead, they must come together to save their world one last time. (Story 3 of the Untold Tales Verse)
Status: Completed
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14214179/1/Sonic-Chronicles-Return-of-the-Dark-Brotherhood
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49951984/chapters/126116539
After The Storm
Plot Summary: The heroes find themselves grappling with the aftermath of their greatest challenges yet. Memories of triumph and sacrifice linger as they lean on each other for support. With the past as their guide and the future as their horizon, they stand resolute, ready to write the next chapter of their legendary journey. (Story 4 of the Untold Tales Verse)
Status: Completed
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14341784/1/After-The-Storm
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54817303/chapters/138943699
Sonic X: Gotta Go Fast Again Verse
Sonic X: Gotta Go Fast again is a thrilling continuation of the beloved anime, promising action-packed escapades and heartwarming moments as our heroes embark on their next chapter.
Sonic X: Gotta Go Fast Again
Plot Summary: After the defeat of the Meterax, Sonic and his friends return home, relieved to finally be back where they belong. However, their respite is short-lived as new adventures beckon. With peace restored, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and the rest of the gang find themselves facing fresh challenges and foes. Sonic’s back in style! So watch out… For Sonic X!
Status: In Progress
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14344080/1/Sonic-X-Gotta-Go-Fast-Again
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54991219/chapters/139406080
Solo Chronicles
Dive into Sonic's world through standalone stories that break free from the constraints of continuity, offering fresh adventures and endless tales.
The Lone Guardian: Shadow's Search For Purpose In A New World
Plot Summary: Shadow the Hedgehog finds himself at a crossroad. After living for over 100 years, he is filled with a sense of emptiness, wondering what his purpose is now that he has outlived his friends and allies. As he wanders through the deserted Station Square and visits Angel Island, he is visited by a friendly face who helps him to understand that he still has a purpose.
Status: Completed
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14196978/1/The-Lone-Guardian-Shadow-s-Search-For-Purpose-In-A-New-World
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50273557
Chaos At Play: Sonic & Friends Take On The Ultimate Day Off
Plot Summary: Sonic and his friends take a much-needed break from their usual battles with Eggman, enjoying a day of fun and relaxation. As they explore their world without the pressure of danger looming over them, they discover new things about each other and themselves, forging stronger bonds along the way.
Status: Completed
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14200635/1/Chaos-At-Play-Sonic-Friends-Take-On-The-Ultimate-Day-Off
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50830051
Sonic & Amy's First Date: A Night To Remember
Plot Summary: After years of asking, Sonic finally agrees to take Amy out on a date. But the blue hedgehog has no idea what to do on a date. Join the two hedgehogs as they experience a night to remember forever.
Status: Completed
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14203138/1/Sonic-Amy-s-First-Date-A-Night-To-Remember
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51156406
Whispers In The Storm
Plot Summary: In the midst of a stormy night, Amy finds unexpected solace and security when Shadow seeks refuge in her cottage. As the rain persists, their shared moments become a cherished memory, leaving both of them contemplating the possibility of something new. Through acts of gratitude and heartfelt conversations, their connection deepens, revealing the potential for a lasting bond.
Status: Completed
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14292740/1/Whispers-In-The-Storm
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51156646
Under The Sun, Beside The Star
Plot Summary: In a world finally at peace after the absence of Eggman and Starline, Sun the Hedgehog finds the courage to ask out his long-time crush, Staria Amantha. Together, Sun and Staria navigate the highs and lows of their budding relationship, discovering that love can be just as thrilling and unpredictable as any battle they've faced before. (Non-canon story set within the Werehog Verse)
Status: Completed
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14299175/1/Under-The-Sun-Beside-The-Star
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51649651
The Art of Dance
Plot Summary: As the Celestial Yuletide loomed on the horizon, Blaze prepared to embark on another Christmas keeping suitors at bay. But her plans take an interesting twist when Silver unexpectedly dropped by for another visit. Little did he know, this particular visit would lead him to an intriguing crossroads of a shared adventure, where they discover the true magic of the art of dance.
Status: Completed
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14310640/1/The-Art-of-Dance
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52520977
Tumblr Exclusive Writing Snippets:
These are basically just random little one shot ideas I have for short and simple stories. They won't have as much writing detail as my longer stories simply because I just wanted these little fics to tell their tale and leave it at that. Enjoy.
Plot Summary: The world was saved, but at what cost?
Link: https://thewatcher727.tumblr.com/post/708869363083722752/tumblur-exclusive-one-shot-grief
Thank You, Amy
Plot Summary: He never thanked her for her kindness... Until now.
Link: https://thewatcher727.tumblr.com/post/708903835723251712/tumblr-exclusive-one-shot-thank-you-amy
Partners Forever
Plot Summary: Shadow has something he really needs to share with Rouge.
Link: https://thewatcher727.tumblr.com/post/708904149510750208/tumblr-exclusive-one-shot-partners-forever
Omega's Quest For Societal Integration
Plot Summary: Omega excels at many things, but social interaction is not amongst his many skills.
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/708982688851410944/tumblr-exclusive-one-shot-omegas-quest-for
My Favorite Pillow
Plot Summary: Silver would do anything for Blaze, including being her favorite pillow when she's exhausted.
Link: https://thewatcher727.tumblr.com/post/709345935722938368/tumblr-exclusive-one-shot-my-favourite-pillow
The Rage Of A Gentle Soul
Plot Summary: Mephiles is about to face the most dangerous being of all - a gentle soul consumed by rage.
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/709785881501925376/tumblr-exclusive-one-shot-the-rage-of-a-gentle
You're My Brother
Plot Summary: Sonic and Tails reflect on their adventures together.
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/709983044341219328/tumblr-exclusive-one-shot-youre-my-brother
Plot Summary: Knuckles and Blaze reflect on their roles as guardians.
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/710613374615126016/tumblr-exclusive-guardians
I Miss Him Too
Plot Summary: Rouge just wanted to know if Shadow was really gone again.
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/711247550498439168/tumblr-exclusive-i-miss-him-too
Cooking Lessons With Silver
Plot Summary: Romance in the kitchen?
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/711881748974288896/tumblr-exclusive-cooking-lessons-with-silver
Who's Weak Now?
Plot Summary: Infinite makes Shadow relive his worse moment.
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/712515963622490112/tumblr-exclusive-whos-weak-now
High Five Mishap
Plot Summary: Amy doesn't quite realize her own strength at times.
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/713150096977657856/tumblr-exclusive-one-shot-high-five-mishap
Storm Preparations
Plot Summary: Team Dark hunker down for the night as a storm rolls in.
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/713784233154494464/tumblr-exclusive-storm-preparations
The Outsider
Plot Summary: Blaze has always felt like an outcast, until now. Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/714418448587014144/tumblr-exclusive-the-outsider
Story Time With Shadow
Plot Summary: Shadow has quite a talent for storytelling. Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/715052667581366272/tumblr-exclusive-story-time-with-shadow
The Joys Of Chao Dolls
Plot Summary: Omega has quite the fascination with Chao.
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/715686831089500160/tumblr-exclusive-one-shot-the-joys-of-chao-toys
The Last Dance
Plot Summary: Why does Rouge have to be so difficult?
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/728521629009870848/tumblr-exclusive-one-shot-the-last-dance
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
Do you have any advice on writing fanfic? I've just started but you have 1000's so I thought you might be helpful:)
Hey! I'm always happy to help, though it's easier to help when it's a bit more specific. xD
So, on the broader scale - I have Writing Advise tag, so maybe it'll also help to browse that and look through the advise I've given in the past, see if something speaks to you?
Otherwise, especially for a beginning writer, I'd advise you to maybe... snoop out the local discourse so you can brace yourself before you dive in headfirst? Not that the discourse should discourage you from writing, but it helps to know beforehand if what you want to write might bring you a lot of backlash in a specific fandom?
Which, another important piece of advise: DON'T let the backlash get to you because fandom today is full of a lot of nonsense.
Write what you want to write. What brings you joy! Even if it's something rare or niche, the important part is that you have fun writing <3
Now, if it's beyond just writing, if you want to post on AO3, some advise on tagging, since I see many people struggle about how to tag fics. Tag what is important; What you think people might seek and what you think people might avoid. Triggers and twisty content that might be sensitive is always best tagged, heck for both those reasons because there are people seeking it but there are also people for whom those are severe dealbreaker. So consider what kind of tags people might specifically want to filter, what's eye-catchers that'll make people perk up in interest or make people very grateful that you tagged so they won't be triggered when reading it.
I don't know what else to give as blanket advise, but if there's something more specific you'd want to know, feel free to come back ;)
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shortlesbian · 2 years
Does anyone remember that writing advise post showing how to add layers to scene? Like if you have problem where your scenes always end up as mainly dialogue, there was this method, with like an acronym or something, about how to add more to the scene one step at a time?
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sg-kree · 2 years
The Importance of Proper Tagging in FanFiction
trig·ger warn·ing
noun: trigger warning; plural noun: trigger warnings
a statement at the start of a piece of writing, video, etc., alerting the reader or viewer to the fact that it contains potentially distressing material (often used to introduce a description of such content).
"there probably should be a trigger warning for people dealing with grief"
-Google definition
con·tent warn·ing
Noun: a stated warning that the content of the immediately following text, video, etc., may upset or offend some people:
That article needs a content warning at the beginning for a brief discussion of violence.
–Urban Dictionary by user grebe
The topic of trigger warnings (TW) and content warnings (CW) can be a polarizing one in writing circles. To tag or not to tag, is often the question. It is advisable, however, to veer toward the side of caution, and while omitting TWs is an error that many fanfiction authors have made, it is an error that simply should not continue. 
But what, exactly, is a TW tag or a CW tag?  Are trigger warnings and content warnings the same? 
Trigger warnings and content warnings have graced our media consumption since 1968 in the form of the movie rating system.  This system has been revised over the years, added to TV shows and even includes descriptive reasons for the assigned rating. The rating system was adapted for video games in the early 1990s.  These ratings were designed to give people a means to control their own media consumption or that of their children.  Outside of online fanfiction, the literary industry has been slower to adopt rating systems. Often relying on word of mouth, publishing genres, websites like Goodreads, blogs or published reviews to warn people about content, it is only recently that some traditionally published books have begun to include content warnings.
Fanfiction, on the other hand, has carried versions of content warnings from its early days of internet self-publishing.  I vividly remember discovering fanfiction for the first time. I was excited to have new content for my favorite fandoms.  And there at the top of several pieces of fiction were content warnings letting me know of the death of canon characters or sexual situations that were never present in original works (slash warnings I’m looking at you).
I’ve only written about content warnings up until this point.  Content warnings are warnings about material that might offend a person or cause them to be upset.  For a movie example, think about rated R for language and violence.  When you see that content warning you know there may be a lot of swearing, fighting and possibly weapons.  Viewing (or reading) those things may upset a person due to their age or personality.  A trigger warning is a bit more specific and is used when extreme situations may occur such as torture, rape, or suicide.  They are used to denote situations that may cause a person to relive their own trauma. (Amanda)
You don’t write tags because something is canon or not canon in a show, book, video game, etc. You write tags to warm people of the content contained in your chosen media. Suicide, rape, physical violence are ones that we tag often. But writing about war, PTSD-related episodes, child abuse, even medical procedures could trigger a person. (Joy) 
I read something that had a topic that did send me into a panic. It wasn’t tagged. My breathing increased, I had water welling up in my eyes, and my heart was jumping out of my chest. If I had known what the topic was beforehand, I could have chosen not to read it, or prepared myself knowing the topic was coming. (Joy) 
Someone can be triggered by references to a disease, like cancer, especially if they’ve lost a spouse, family member, or someone close. Coming unawares across a character dealing with cancer, or their family dealing with their disease or death can throw someone into a depression, or even worse. A Tag might read: Cancer or Cancer Death. It gives the reader heads up so they can either not read, or be prepared. (Ginger)
But is tagging really THAT important?
“Eh, this probably doesn’t need a trigger warning,” I told myself all the time. I mean, it seemed silly really. How could someone be triggered by reading something written on a page? If you didn’t like it, then stop reading. Simple as that, I thought, until I actually found myself being the one triggered by something seemingly innocuous. (Jessi)
It was a scene about a child being injured. I’d read the same type of scene many times before with no issues, heck I’d written a similar scene. Except this time, reading it struck a nerve so deeply that I went into an immediate panic attack. My eyesight pinholed, my breathing sped up, my heart rate went through the roof. I was bombarded with images of this happening to MY child. My reaction might have been because I was a new mom. It might have been due to the post-partum depression I was dealing with. Or it might have just been a random triggering event. I’ll never know, but the truth is–the reason doesn’t matter. It was a trigger. Simple as that. (Jessi)
It’s important to note that tagging your content isn’t just to warn people about reading your stories.  It can also draw people in.  How many people search for certain character relationships, enjoy reading a scary story, or are drawn to stories that have sexual situations in them?  The point of tagging is to give the reader just enough information that they can make an informed decision about their media consumption.  It's like a nutrition label.  You look at it so that you can make an informed decision about whether consuming that food is appropriate for your body. (Amanda)
Oh and one other thought… think of trigger warning tags like… well… slash or… fandom tags. You wouldn’t put up a story about Lord of the Rings when you usually write Star Wars and expect people to just read it because you wrote it right? I mean they might anyway but if I’m expecting Obi Wan and I get Gandolf, I’m going to have a WTF moment and go looking for where you warned me hey this isn’t going to be about space wizards this time. (Niki)
So how do you know when to tag?
From that moment I experienced my first panic attack brought on by a story, I never again questioned the need for trigger warnings. I never wanted anyone to experience what I had, especially not when I might be able to prevent it. I also decided to follow two excellent pieces of advice. First, tag and tag often. Second, if you have to pause to think if something might need tagged, it probably does. (Jessi)
Still having trouble wrapping your head around the importance of tagging potential trigger warnings? Read on for one person’s personal experiences. 
I’m probably going to come at this from a very different angle here. For reference, I have SEVERAL triggers that intertwine due to happening one on top of each other. It’s what professionals call CPTSD. The C stands for cumulative. Most of the events aren’t individually enough to have caused PTSD on their own… but when you lose six people in the space of three years, some of whom you loved more than your own parents as a kid, it has a profound effect on how you react to people writing about death. 
A while back someone in my writing group discussed the story she was working on at length with me before letting me read. Because she knew death by cancer is a huge trigger for me. For some of us, the pain of death just doesn’t go away. We learn to live with it but it never leaves us. To this day, I have an aunt that I can’t think about without crying. Not even my most happy memories of her. She’s literally the reason I have my current job and she passed when I was 12. She shaped my life THAT much.
So when people warn of triggers, they aren’t being sensitive. My husband who has his own CPTSD from surviving an abusive parent, then an abusive spouse, has the joy of navigating trigger episodes like opening my mail because it’s an invasion of privacy which seems silly except the parent that did that used opening my mail to berate me about my purchases and goddess forbid I get a letter from anyone and that person mention ANYTHING about something I had said even slightly negative about her no matter how mild as I did not present her as the pinnacle of parental perfection she’d chosen to believe herself to be and therefore physically beat into me at many opportunities. I get to enjoy knowing what things his ex-spouse did that trigger him, etc. That’s his story to tell.
So Cancer, child abuse, those are triggers. Everyone else laughs watching Joan Crawford freaking out over wire hangers but I have flash backs because my delightful mother threw me out of bed the same way one night over something just as trivial and behaved the same way as Joan did and I had either blocked it out or it simply had blended with all the other beatings but that didn’t change the fact that I ended up curled up in a ball hyperventilating and keening in despair for an hour after seeing that because it was almost exactly what had happened to me. But because everyone who had never been beaten like that thought it was comical I didn’t know it was going to be a trauma inducing event. Thankfully I watched that horrible movie alone as I knew the basics of the story and therefore expected child abuse. Just not… that. 
I took care of my dad through six months of failed cancer treatments in a time when most people survive cancer. I cannot express to you enough how devastating it was to fail. How it spiraled me into almost a year of clinical depression after his funeral to the point that I was unable to work or go to school or even function properly. Sometimes I can read about cancer now… but not on… say… September 11th or December 9th. Specifically. For everyone else, September 11th is obviously terrible, but for me specifically, it’s my dad’s cancer diagnosis that we got that morning and THEN the Twin Towers fell. My tower had already fallen. I got up the next morning and begged my dad to tell me yesterday had all been a terrible nightmare. That moment is etched in my mind. 
Onward to heart attacks. Last year I almost lost my husband to what they call the ‘widowmaker’ heart attack. He had a 90% blockage in the main artery of his heart. Had he not gone into the hospital for his strange back pain… he’d be gone right now. My new boss does NOT understand why I don’t like to travel for work without him any more. Does not understand how precious that time I have with him is. How anxiety inducing it would be for me to know I’m however many hours away and if something terrible happens to that man and I’m not there that once again I won’t get the chance to say goodbye. Just like when I was a kid and they didn’t let me in to see my aunt. 
People don’t want trigger warnings because they are being weak or wimps or whatever you’ve told yourself. They want trigger warnings so they can decided for themself today if they can read this story about cancer or a dying pet or abuse or a character they see as wholesome and good going off the rails into an abusive piece of crap with or without explanation because perhaps they NEED that character to stay wholesome and good because they already survived an abuser and they hang their heart on the reality that even someone with obvious and severe PTSD can still be a moral and ethical person no matter how emotionally unsound they are inside. 
Because some part of them… needs to relate to that.
And if you turn that person into garbage… you are telling that reader… oh deep down.. You who relates to this broken man or woman… you’re garbage too. 
We need trigger warnings most of all because we tend to read stories about people we relate to on some level. I have people I look up to and admire on so many levels and I read about characters I can see myself in. I nope out if you get OOC without warning simply because well… I know who this person is.
That person is me. I am them. I see through their eyes. I have lived their life. I too am a broken emotionally shattered mess. And I still keep getting up and fighting day to day just like they do. 
So if you intend to do bad things to the person whose eyes I see through… be so kind as to warn me first. In case I can’t have flashbacks today because I have to spend time with people who don’t wrap their heads around trauma at some point later in the day.
Chat info: 
Amanda: Inquiry: In college I used to read a lot more fanfiction in particular like Star Wars fanfiction. Listen to somewhat of a long-standing tradition that fanfiction on the internet has had content warnings? Back in the good old days of the infancy of the internet when we first started posting our fanfiction there's tons of people who decided that hey they wanted to write slash. And that was always a content warning that was attached to your fanfiction So adding content warnings for anything else should not be a big deal because it's a tradition in the world of fanfiction.
So they think no one reads the beginning information? I understand SG is a militaristic based fandom but plenty of that didn't include torture. So if I saw a content warning for torture I can make an informed decision. It's like reading a nutrition label.
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imthepunchlord · 1 year
Hey, so, tried to do a short fic where I joined er, six or seven fandoms (majority nintendo) In a single go and... I don’t think I did it well, like I tried joining them because doing everyone is a pain and I mostly liked the fanart, so tried to do it.
Do you have any advice with that sort of scenario? It looks easy to join the characters, but their games are different in levels of angst, drama or plot variant. My other option was like they were all in a cinema exclusive for video game characters. Watching a trailer or something.
I am honestly not much for crossovers. IF I dabble in crossovers, it's typically in that same general area, like mixing different Fire Emblem games and characters together.
But for you and your problem, it can depend on what you're doing and what your set up is. As I don't have the details of what you're doing, best help I can offer you is asking questions for you to consider.
Is this meant to be a short angst fic? Is it meant to be comedic? Is it meant to be set in the modern world? Is it something like Smash Bros where there's a misc of characters together from different media? Is it meant to be a setting that's a mixture of all the different world settings combined together?
Another factor is that you could just have too much to work with. Mixing together 6-7 fandoms is a lot, and it's not clear how many characters you're bringing in from those 6-7 fandoms which could give you far more characters than you need or know what to do with. That could also be a lot of different worlds to combine into one, assuming this isn't a modern au or something like Smash Bros. Less is always more.
Of what I've seen of crossovers, people typically keep it at mixing 2 fandoms primarily, sometimes 3. Keeping the number of mixing fandoms small can allow more cohesive mixtures. Anything more typically requires a more lengthy fic as that's a lot of possible characters, elements, and world building to bring together. This also means you'll at least have 6-7 characters to write and have them all work off each other, and figure out what those dynamics are; assuming you're doing 1 character from each of the 6-7 fandoms.
So, my biggest recommendation would be to shrink that number down in what fandoms you're mixing, especially if you want to keep it short.
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