weampaper · 3 years
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Been a while lol
Here’s some artwork I did the past 2 (?) days. Oh I also uploaded a speedpaint of the Taeyong one yesterday and I’ll be uploading the next one within a coupld of days. Click here to see the vid
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weampaper · 4 years
such cool designs!
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Art by vuk2000
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weampaper · 4 years
so helpful :O
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Japanese colors
The difference between Japanese colors and English colors is there is a noun and an “adjective” for each. The noun is before the ( ). To turn it into an adjective to describe nouns, add the letter in parentheses. あお (blue) => あおいそら (blue sky) simple as that! :)
あか(い)| red
オレンジ(の)| orange きいろ(い)| yellow みどり(の)| green あお(い)| blue むらさき(の)| purple ピンク(の)| pink グレー(の)| grey くろ(い)| black しろ(い)| white
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weampaper · 5 years
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something new coming soon! stay tuned~
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weampaper · 5 years
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another day, another successful spread. i actually only recently got into bujos and journaling in this way, and i'm really loving it! btw, i made all the stickers:)
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weampaper · 5 years
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05/31/19 ~ Last day of may! I think that I'll start posting my bujo and homework notes from now on. Not the smartest time to start doing so as school is almost over and I'm getting a bit more busy... oh wel :)
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weampaper · 5 years
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saw a deer in the backyard the other day. i ran to get my camera lol
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weampaper · 5 years
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Figuring out the designs of the characters for a webtoon I may or may not make...
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weampaper · 5 years
Very helpful :)
Tips to improve your concentration
Choose your study space, find a calm and silent place where it’s easy for you to focus, whether that’s in the library, your room or in a cafe, you have to find a place that works best for you. Sometimes it’s nice to switch up the environment as well.
Get rid of distractions, make sure you have a tidy and clean workspace where you are able to work. Put your phone on silent and out of sight. If you are studying in a public place you can consider using earplugs to keep out the noise.
Make a study plan, so you know exactly what you need to do and it’s easier sticking to it without getting distracting doing other things. Make sure you plan in your breaks as well! 
Take breaks, it’s important to take breaks in order to stay focused. Even when you have an important exam coming up, you have to take breaks. At some point your brain it’s just full and you have to give it some rest. 
Sleep, make sure you get a good amount of sleep every night and have a regular sleeping schedule. So don’t stay up all night studying for the next day that only leads to stress. Also when you are well rested you are able to concentrate better. 
Eat healthy, this is just from personal experience, but for me, it’s so much harder for me to focus when I eat food that contains a lot of sugar, so maybe it’s better to cut out the candy. Eating, in general, is important because I can’t concentrate well when I haven’t eaten anything.
Practice, for those who are not used to focus for long periods of time, the more you practice staying focused, the easier it will become. You can try out the forest app and track your progress or you could use the Pomodoro method.
Good luck everyone! and have a productive day! Xx
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weampaper · 5 years
i’m not in college yet, but this will be good to know
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how i use google drive for university - pt 1: digital notetaking  by kkaitstudies
idk about you but i’ve tested a bunch of note taking methods. in my last few years of university, i was indeed lazy and rarely referred back to the professor’s slides in the course shell. i opted to read off the slides in lecture and take notes. while MS OneNote is great, i found myself enjoying Google Drive much more. so here is a quick overview of how i take notes using Google Docs. 
folders are your friends
make separate folders for each of your courses. google drive even gives you the option to change the colours of the folders. in these folders, add any relevant coursework such as the syllabi, readings, and your notes document.
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use one doc for notes per course
once you receive the syllabi, take some time to take note of required readings, and assignment deadlines. i have created a free template you can save to your own google drive that you can access here. fill out:
- course code & name - prof’s name, office hours, and email - date(s) for each week of class - weekly readings (tip: if you have online readings, you can link them in the doc!) - & open the document outline (view > show document outline)
you also don’t have to use all these features. T B H, i didn’t do weekly readings. a lot. oops. BUT i did always pay attention in lecture. i simply deleted the “reading notes” header every week i didn’t bother to read.
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make use of early access to lecture slides, headers, etc. 
some profs (bless their souls) post the slides sometime before the lecture. if you have the time, copy the lecture slides into your notes. and if they don’t…type real quick to get all the info as it’s happening (or go back to slides online after lecture to see what you missed out on). i separate lecture topics with headers, with the bullet points underneath (see above). if there is anything that the prof says during class that isn’t in the lecture slides, i will change the colour of the text to a different colour. any important concepts or testable material are highlighted.
…and that’s how i take notes! everyone is different. not all note-taking methods work for everyone. this is what worked for me in my last 2 years of uni. hopefully a similar structure works for some of y’all! also, let me know what you think and @ me if you end up using my template. have a great semester!
coming soon: [ part 2: grade tracker | part 3: gmail and gcal ]
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weampaper · 5 years
yo dude i can go anonymous n shit? kinda swanky
good for you
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weampaper · 5 years
I am honestly the most random person you will ever meet.
Me, 2k19
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weampaper · 5 years
when will summer come?
i'm kinda a hypocrite. i tell other people not to get distracted and to get their work done, but i never do any real work myself. when i get to the work, i procrastinate and it all ends up piling up. i hate my past self for it, but i don't know how to change. also, i'm about 3 months behind in my LA class, meaning that i have 2 essays to write, the whole SOTU speech to annotate (how do you do that?), 10 chapters of WA State History to annotate, and probably like 10 other assignments i didn't know where assigned. i'm just happy if i get a 3.0 GPA this year.
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weampaper · 5 years
how to avoid everything endgame when you have not watched endgame?
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weampaper · 5 years
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I've been redrawing some stuff recently to get back in the mojo of stuff lol
I tend to redraw stuff in the right-hand corner now, so... ? Also, for some reason my camera takes pictures and they come out looking a bit dark. I need to figure out how to fix that...
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weampaper · 5 years
we lOveS homework
y'all. why do we have homework? what will I need the quadratic equation function for in my life? I just wanna draw or something... T-T
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