sweetplacelikecandy · 6 months
I know you struggle with this, but you need to leave people when they don’t want you around anymore.
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lettersandroses · 5 years
I'm allowed to mourn this feeling.
- Gentle reminder
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escafeism · 5 years
You keep tasting slivers of regret and still keep wanting more. All fists and mouthful. This is your definition of bravery. So you thought that something that was yours would always remain yours ? You forgot to water the roots and now it's autumn and leaves are withering too. People don't belong to people and you forgot that for a moment and now your heart feels like a tossed forgotten penny at the wishing well and you wish you could unwind the past, re write it in stone. I'm here to tell you, you can't change the past. More importantly, you don't need to. I hope you remember to count your ribs on days when it's hard to breathe, name them after your childhood superheroes, dance on the street you grew up in and for once, inflate your lungs into world full of second chances.
A reminder// S.M
By @poeticsania
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letters-from-alex · 6 years
Since you left,  I have faced  the many stages of:  hating you,  worrying about you, wondering if you’re dead,  hoping you’re still alive, pretending you’re buried, and wishing for your presence, all while still loving you.
to the boy with green eyes | Instagram 
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"He called tonight, I shouldn't have picked up. He walked away from us, he quit when things got rough." "But did you pick up?"
"Yeah, I picked up,"the words felt like sandpaper on my tongue. " But I shouldn't have, but when his name lit up my phone it was like this comfort that washed through me and all of sudden I was 18 again, whispering secrets to him under my blanket so my parents wouldn't know. God, I didn't want to pick up; but in that instant I was whole again"
- 12.25 / I shouldn't have /
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steadytrembling · 5 years
my best friend was diagnosed with depression when she was eight years old
she used to bang her head against the wall
she used to like it when it hurt
when we started college she gave her body to men who wouldn’t stay past two weeks because
she likes when it hurts and it always does.
I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety in middle school,
and I used to have an affinity for sharp edges I used to be my own acupuncturist trying to release the tension and anxieties dancing through every fiber of my muscles, every molecule in my being
but now
now I have an affinity for picking at my skin, picking around the edges,
any imperfection must go and it must go now.
Everything must go,
the biggest sale of the year: my body at a discounted rate
finders keepers,
ravage it.
ravage me.
drive me so deep into the mattress that I can’t think about anything else but you filling me.
drive me so deep I can’t feel the aching in my chest.
look into my eyes help me pretend I’m not alone help me pretend that you love me. I know you don’t but at least
in the moment
you want me.
I part for you
my lonely heart is Moses and my legs the Red Sea I part down the middle for you
but when you leave I crash back in on myself I crash on your bed and pretend we are lovers
everything must go.
finders keepers
losers weepers
i cry so deep into my mattress when you leave that I can’t breathe
I can’t stop breaking
why do I like it when it hurts?
because I love you
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overgrownpuppies · 5 years
The Prince of Darkness
“I hope you find someone who loves you like the Prince of Darkness himself loves the Night. “ - B.K
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rue-bennett · 6 years
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If I’m losing a piece of me Maybe I don’t want heaven
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2 (y)
“... like, i’ve had a shit ton of time to think about everything about us, and of him,  and the one thing i can’t shake, is the feeling of how wrong it feels to be making memories with you, and of how wrong it feels to be kissing you, and how wrong it feels to be with you, when he’s out there... all alone. 
by himself. 
all alone, trying to forget everything, the memories, the feelings, trying to lose himself in something else; anything else, because remembering is painful and hurts too much. trying hard not to cry when something comes up, or is mentioned, and the first thing he thinks of is of her reaction, or how much she’d love to hear about it. 
all alone, trying so, so hard not to cry loud enough that siblings across the hall can hear; trying to muffle the sounds into a pillow; shoulders shaking; clenching hands into fists; trying to control the breaths coming out; and trying to stop the tears from squeezing out; trying so hard to hide that sadness, the loneliness from parents, from friends. 
all alone, trying so damn hard to drink the pain away, slowly sinking and barely trying to swim, because he doesn’t fucking care anymore, and can’t bring himself to. 
and all alone, he goes outside, to the roof where he used to refuse to go, but now walks on with ease, because he doesn’t care if he falls off the damn roof; and gazes out into the night sky. His silent tears fall down his cheeks and are illuminated by the light of the moon, streaming down his face, and he asks the moon, the stars, “was it worth it? was it fucking worth it?”, praying, hoping for an answer, a response; to let him know her answer to his question, and deep down, hoping that it will come, and that when it does, it’s not an answer that will break his heart. and all alone, he begins talking to the moon and the stars and the never ending sky, telling them about her, and the small things about her, her different moods, her favorite things, that stupid obsession she has with hands and of Shawn Mendes, and he just wants someone to talk to; wants proof that he isn’t alone, and that someone-something-is there watching over, acknowledging his pain; his suffering. 
but there never is. 
and all alone, he tries not to let the pain, the loneliness, get to him as it once did, and vows not to break. and eventually, he just welcomes the pain, the loneliness, and not a day goes by without the crushing weight of pain. 
and he just wants her again. 
but then again, maybe none of that happens. maybe he’s not all alone. maybe he’s not even thinking of her-the girl he used to love. maybe he’s happy. maybe he’s doing fine. and maybe he’s found someone else. maybe he’s having the time of his life, going out and doing wild, fun, things with friends, embracing, and eventually coming to love the adrenaline of doing, and being crazy. and then maybe at the end of the day, he goes to parties and hangouts, with loud, bass-y music that you can feel bouncing in your ribcage, and getting fucking wasted, raucously laughing around a fireplace with a bunch of people, one arm wrapped a pretty girl, and a bottle in the other hand. or maybe his days are filled with sunshine, and beaches and occasional smokes and of road hockey and skateboards; and walks through the park, doing stupid, reckless dares, and pushing friends into lakes and fountains. and maybe his days are filled with laughter; the laughter of pure joy and happiness; laughter mixed with the thrill of doing something illegal; laughter of filled with absolute bliss; laughter of someone who doesn’t have a care, or a worry in the world. 
but i hope it’s the latter, because all of that’s not even close to what he deserves. 
that’s all i can say.”
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“Can you please be more heart than brain for once?” I scoff at him. “I already did once. And then my heart got shattered."
That’s why I appear heartless now. // Excerpt from the book I’ll never write #68
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sweetplacelikecandy · 6 months
Honestly, right now all I can think about is how awesome she must be for you to choose her, she must be perfect, she must be more funny, she must do magic tricks, she must shine like diamond, she must be your heaven on heart, and I the the summer that never last..
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lettersandroses · 5 years
It was an ache./ An ache right above my stomach./ It was like my organs wanted to burst out of my body./ Like they wanted to implode. / Because what was the point now that she wasn't tracing my skin with her fingertips. What was the point?/ It lasted for a long, long time and if I'm precise enough, I can still feel it in the space that hurt, if I think about it enough I can make the ache come back./ Because you can leave someone but the body remembers.
- "When they ask you what heartbreak feels like" Mariana Teles Fernandes
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escafeism · 6 years
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The thoughts that run in my mind on a plane. By @poeticsania
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letters-from-alex · 5 years
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Forever | Instagram | LettersFromAlex.com
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" I waited forever for my phone to light up with your name. Last night it did, at 2.02 a.m. it did. And here's what I realised, no matter how much I wish for you to think of me and to get you back. In that moment, I realised that I'm not the right person anymore. I'm better now. I don't do toxicity anymore. I'm better off without you"
- // better off without you//
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steadytrembling · 5 years
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an edit I made from a flower photo I took and a page from my journal
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