adagiocomplex · 1 year
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adagiocomplex · 1 year
INTP (1): Hey INFJ, are you having lunch with us?
INFJ: Well, I hope so, if you let me. Not in the mood for cooking today.
INTP (2): Humm, we don't let you then, you'll have to cook alone.
INFJ: 😢What if I say please and that I love you all so much?? 🥺🥺
INTP (1): Sounds like bs to me
ISFP: Oh poor him, don't say that..
INTP (2): *laughing about the chaos*
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adagiocomplex · 2 years
When writing couples, I like to use the Kiss Rule:
If they have to kiss for you to know they’re in love, you’re not writing a romance right.
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adagiocomplex · 2 years
Anais Agreste vs Paris Chapter 2: Anais vs Mr. Pigeon - Part 2
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Summary: Anais and Corinne try to get suplies to make the derby hat and are interrupted by an unexpected akuma attack.
Link for AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36319645/chapters/96355707
During break Anais and Corinne sit together on a bench, next to them sits Denise, reading a book.
Corinne: So, you're gonna take part in the competion?
Anais: I can't. Since my uncle is the one judging it, I'm not allowed to participate.
Corinne: Oh. Good.
Anais: ? Good?
Corinne: I mean, not good, you know but I'm gonna do it, so, you know, it's good to have less competition... I'm not very good at making derby hats.
Anais: It's alright haha, I can help you if you want.
Corinne: Didn't you say you couldn't participate?
Anais: Not on my name, I'll be just helping you but is not mine.
Corinne: Oh.
Denise overhears the conversation and stops reading her book.
Denise: You guys are getting into the contest?
Corinne: Yeah.
Denise: That's so cool! I wanted to do it too, but I know nothing about hats.
Corinne: Well, me neither, but I do like making things, and who knows, I might learn something new.
Denise: Hey, maybe I could help you make it too?
Anais: Aww that's so sweet of you.
Corinne: Sure! I'm going to buy some supplies after class, maybe you two could come.
Anais: I'd love to! And then you could show me around Paris.
Corinne: Of course, but today will only be the mini tour, cause we have to focus on the hat, after that I'll take you a bunch of places.
When school's out, Anais and Corinne wait outside for Denise.
Anais: It was so nice of her to help us too, she your friend?
Corinne: No, I don't even know her.
Anais: Wait, what?
Corinne: Which reminds me, we didn't get her name either, did we?
They both stare at each other confused, they didn't even ask the girl's name?
Adrien: Hey Anais, how was your first day?
Anais: It was good but would've been better if I had spent some time with you where'd you go before class?
Adrien: What do you mean? I was right behind you. And then we met during break didn't we?
Anais looks at him suspicious.
Anais: Well yeah, too bad for you cause now I'm going out with Corinne this afternoon.
Adrien: Oh that's great, you made a friend. Don't worry, Anais, we'll have plenty of opportunities to spent time together. - He says smiling. - Oh, the car is here, you're staying this time then right?
Anais: Yeah.
Adrien: Ok, see you later at home.
Anais: He's too good for this world... Even though he ditched me.
Corinne: You're gonna hold that grudge forever aren't you?
Anais: Yep.
Denise: Oh hey girls, you're still here. I was afraid you'd forget me.
Anais: How could we forget if we didn't even get to know.
Corinne: Sorry, we didn't get your name.
Denise: Oh, I'm Denise, Denise Bustier. I didn't say anything because you didn't say anything and then I thought that meant you knew who I was haha.
Anais: Why would we?
Corinne: She's ms. Bustier's daughter.
Anais: Oh.
Corinne: Sorry, ms. Bustier mentioned you, but I didn't know it was, well, you.
Denise: Oh no, it's fine. So, shall we?
After searching a bit about how to make derby hats, the girls visit some supply stores to find material to make the hat.
Corinne: I think we just have one more stop and then we're done shopping.
Anais: We're going to your house to make it?
Corinne: I was thinking we could just go back to school and do it there.
Anais: Can we use it after school hours?
Denise: We can sneak in and stay by the lockers, there's no one there.
Anais: Ok then.
Corinne: There it is, that one across the street! I work here so we might be able to get some things with a little discount.
Suddenly they see a crowd running down the street and passing through them screaming.
Anais: What is this?
Corinne: Oh no...
Denise: Could it be?
Anais: Could it be what??
A cloud of pigeons covers the sun and flies right above them.
Denise: Akuma attack!
Corinne: OH NO...
Anais: What the hell??
Corinne: Quick we have to get to the store for cover!
Anais stands still discombobulated as the others run.
Corinne: C'mon! - she grabs Anais' hand and runs with her.
They find cover at the store and stare outside through the glass. Anais is stunned.
Anais: What is that?
Denise: You've never seen akumas before?
Anais: No?
Corinne: Wow, Adrien didn't brief you very well, did he?
Anais: Guess not.
Denise: Basically there's this terrorist named Hawkmoth who takes people's emotions and uses against them by creating superpowerful villains who destroy the city.
Anais: o-o what. Is that allowed?
Corinne: Of course not!
Denise: That's why I said terrorist.
Corinne: He's always ruining my plans...
Anais: So I suppose that would be one of his villains? - Anais gets closer to the glass window and sees Mr. Pigeon on the distance standing on a cloud of pigeons. - What's his name?
Denise: This one's new. But apparently has something to do with pigeons.
Anais: Does he control them or something? Is that possible?
Corinne: In Paris everything's possible lately. I've learned not to be amazed anymore. But doesn't mean it doesn't bother me.
Denise: I think despite the possible death and inconveniences, it's actually pretty cool.
Anais sees Ladybug and Chat Noir arriving to fight and is intrigued. She heads to the store's door and opens it.
Corinne: Anais what are you doing?
Anais goes outside.
Denise: From a distance. It's cool from a distance! You're gonna hurt yourself!
Corinne: Or damage your clothes with pigeon poop! Oh God.
Corinne runs after her.
Anais: Who are those? More akumas?
Corinne: Those are Ladybug and Chat Noir, the heroes of Paris. They defend the city from the villains and Hawkmoth. - She grabs Anais' arm and attempts to pull her. - But we can talk about this inside, we can't stay in the crossfire like this.
Anais: Oh c'mon, I wanna see them up close! - She disattaches herself from Corinne and runs in direction to the fight.
Corinne is then hit by a pigeon poop on her sweater. She's so distraught she falls down on her knees.
Denise runs out of the shop to help her stand and get her in since Corinne was frozen in anger and despair.
Denise: Poor girl, let's go, don't worry, miraculous ladybug is gonna fix it all.
Corinne (crying): But it's ruined for now...
Denise: Oh sweetie, let's go inside.
They get in.
Denise: What about Anais? Should I go after her?
Corinne: She made her choice. Should try being friends with Alya...
Anais continues running less bothered by the pigeons than a normal person would be, astonished by the phenomenon she had never seen before. She sees Ladybug and Chat Noir getting inside a building after Mr. Pigeon and follows them, hiding behind a pillar.
Anais: Wow, so cool!
Chat Noir hits some pigeons with his baton and proceeds to jump from a beam to the floor. Anais eyes glow. The heroes destroy the akumatized object and free Mr. Ramier.
Ladybug: Miraculous Ladybug!
Anais: Woohoo!! Wait what am I cheering for, I don't know what that does...
Chat Noir sees Anais and gets concerned.
Chat Noir: Hey there, civilian. You shouldn't be here, it could be dangerous.
Anais: Oh, so caring <3. Don't worry, you two saved me didn't you.
Chat Noir: Of course, a hero like me will always save the people of Paris. - Despite being worried about his cousin, he doesn't miss a chance to brag.
Ladybug: But what if we didn't? He's right, you should be more careful.
Anais: How did you get your powers?
Ladybug: Um, well, thank you for your support, I gotta go, be safe!
Chat Noir: Goodbye Anais!
Anais: Byee!
Corinne and Denise come in running, they're both out of breath.
Denise: We heard the battle ended here and figured you'd be here too.
Anais sees Corinne's clean sweater.
Anais: Didn't you have a stain in your sweater?
Corinne: Wait you saw that? You saw my downfall and misery and walked away anyways?
Anais: Technically I ran.
Corinne: You're lucky miraculous ladybug saved me.
Denise: Since you probably don't know that too, miraculous ladybug is a power Ladybug uses after defeating the akuma that kinda resets all the damage it caused while akumatized.
Anais: Wow, Paris is more complicated than I thought.
Denise: Don't worry you get used to it.
Corinne: The easy way or the hard way.
Anais: Oh, do you also know how do they get her powers?
Denise: According to the Ladyblog, Alya's blog about ladybug, which I follow cause I'm a big ladybug fan, it's probably through something called the miraculouses, Ladybug's earrings and Chat Noir's ring.
Anais: Oh. How do you get one of those?
Denise: You don't, that's why Hawkmoth wants them so much, they're unique.
Anais: Are they though?
Denise: I'm pretty sure they are.
Corinne: Although it would be interesting to get one, they seem like exquised pieces of accessories.
Anais: Forget the accessories, what about the power? The adventure of fighting and saving Paris?
Denise: Yeah, but to save Paris you have to know it first and we didn't get much of a chance with all the pigeons flying around.
Corinne: Which is sad, sure, but we'll have to leave to another day. We're running out of time to finish my hat!
The next day arrives and the hats are being judged. Corinne's hat is falling apart but she's standing proudly next to it, she knows she did her best. Anais stands leaning on a pillar, watching from affar. Denise comes in.
Anais: You're not gonna stand there beside her to claim it?
Denise: Oh no, it's her hat, look at her, she's so proud of it, it's so cute. It was her idea and all, I was just there to learn and have fun, don't need the credits.
Gabriel disapproves of Corinne's hat. She's sad but still proud of what she made. Anais and Denise get close.
Anais: Don't mind what he says, is not like his designs are very tasteful either.
Denise: I think our little baby is beautiful.
Corinne: I know, don't worry. It's the best I could do and I just know that next time it's gonna be even better.
Anais stares at her uncle now judging Marinette. She rolls her eyes at Chloe and her attempt to copy the hat, but what catched her attention most is Marinette's interaction with Adrien. Isn't that the girl who got late to class with Adrien? How weird.
Anais: She's really strange.
Corinne: Who? Marinette? Nah, she's just a little clumsy sometimes, but she's very nice, you'll see. I'm happy for her winning.
Anais proceeds to watch her being awakward with Adrien and tries to understand the situation.
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adagiocomplex · 2 years
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Me and my friends Miraculous ocs Denise Bustier (@isa-ozaki), Corinne Archambeau and Anais Agreste (mine).
I've been meaning to write fic with them. It will follow their lives and adventures in Paris, in a civillian point of view while all the superhero and akuma mess happens. They also study with the main characters and are able to have an outside view of them (and do a little gossip comenting on their lives haha). So follow for more info and when I start posting the fic.
A bit about the characters:
Anais' dad is Gabriel's brother, Antoine. Her parents' jobs weren't fixed in one location, so they would travel a lot. She moved schools many times, but instead of becoming shy and timid, that actually made her develop good social skills and be fast at making friends. Those friendships, though, are not very strong or deep. Recently, her parents got a job offer that would require them to move more often. In order to maintain the quality of her studies, they decided to leave her in Paris, living with her uncle and cousin (so in this au, Adrien ends up being a little less lonely). Anais wears some of Gabriel's designs (she bought her shirt oversized on purpose, that's not the original design). She looks up to her uncle in a professional way since she wants to become a successful businesswoman one day, she's very ambitious.
Denise is the daughter of Miss Bustier (Marinette’s class teacher) but she is not on their class as she is older than the main characters. She has a cool and chill personality (she would probably get along well with luka) and a tomboyish style that makes the younger kids look up to her. Or maybe they just think she looks cool because of her height and fake ear piercings. Under the influence of her mother, she is very into literature and poetry and aces all the humanities sciences classes (she’s the teacher’s pet lol). Some other random facts about her are that she likes dogs better than cats and is learning how to play the drums, which is a very fitting instrument for her because, let’s face it, is there any instrument cooler than drums? Nah, don’t think so.
Corinne is an ambicious and proud girl. Despite being quite sociable, she rarely iniciates interactions with other due to her focus on her passions and hobbies. She's sincere and believes in following her own wills and desires but would never demean someone in the process, "If I failed it only means I need to train more!". Since she's quite shameless and stubborn regarding her beliefs, she can sometimes cross the line. Her biggest hobbie is to admire all beautiful things.
Like and reblog to give me motivation to write the fic haha. I'll be posting updates here. The story doesn't have a name yet so I'll be calling it "Adrien's Cousin AU" for now.
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adagiocomplex · 2 years
Fic updated, you can find the next chapter for Anais Agreste vs Paris, Anais vs Mr. Pigeon - Part 2 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36319645/chapters/96355707
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Me and my friends Miraculous ocs Denise Bustier (@isa-ozaki), Corinne Archambeau and Anais Agreste (mine).
I've been meaning to write fic with them. It will follow their lives and adventures in Paris, in a civillian point of view while all the superhero and akuma mess happens. They also study with the main characters and are able to have an outside view of them (and do a little gossip comenting on their lives haha). So follow for more info and when I start posting the fic.
A bit about the characters:
Anais' dad is Gabriel's brother, Antoine. Her parents' jobs weren't fixed in one location, so they would travel a lot. She moved schools many times, but instead of becoming shy and timid, that actually made her develop good social skills and be fast at making friends. Those friendships, though, are not very strong or deep. Recently, her parents got a job offer that would require them to move more often. In order to maintain the quality of her studies, they decided to leave her in Paris, living with her uncle and cousin (so in this au, Adrien ends up being a little less lonely). Anais wears some of Gabriel's designs (she bought her shirt oversized on purpose, that's not the original design). She looks up to her uncle in a professional way since she wants to become a successful businesswoman one day, she's very ambitious.
Denise is the daughter of Miss Bustier (Marinette’s class teacher) but she is not on their class as she is older than the main characters. She has a cool and chill personality (she would probably get along well with luka) and a tomboyish style that makes the younger kids look up to her. Or maybe they just think she looks cool because of her height and fake ear piercings. Under the influence of her mother, she is very into literature and poetry and aces all the humanities sciences classes (she’s the teacher’s pet lol). Some other random facts about her are that she likes dogs better than cats and is learning how to play the drums, which is a very fitting instrument for her because, let’s face it, is there any instrument cooler than drums? Nah, don’t think so.
Corinne is an ambicious and proud girl. Despite being quite sociable, she rarely iniciates interactions with other due to her focus on her passions and hobbies. She's sincere and believes in following her own wills and desires but would never demean someone in the process, "If I failed it only means I need to train more!". Since she's quite shameless and stubborn regarding her beliefs, she can sometimes cross the line. Her biggest hobbie is to admire all beautiful things.
Like and reblog to give me motivation to write the fic haha. I'll be posting updates here. The story doesn't have a name yet so I'll be calling it "Adrien's Cousin AU" for now.
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adagiocomplex · 2 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Luka Couffaine/Reader, Luka Couffaine/Anais Agreste Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Luka Couffaine, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Anaïs Agreste, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Corinne Archambeau, Denise Bustier, Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug) Summary:
Anais Agreste, Adrien's cousin, arrives in Paris to start at a new school. She tries to adapt to the crazy life of Paris with its villains and superheroes while watching the main characters' lives from an outsider perspective. Anais stays at the Agreste mansion and tries to get closer to her cousin.
Anais Agreste vs Paris just updated!
In the new chapter, Anais and Corinne try to find supplies for their derby hat and are surprised by an akuma attack.
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adagiocomplex · 2 years
Two immortal creatures — a vampire and a witch, unbeknownst of each other’s true nature, become married. Waiting for your spouse to die of old age and collect their (waaay above average) inheritance seemed like an easy task, but after 50-60 years things are starting to get… awkward.
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adagiocomplex · 2 years
guess I'll have to do a scene on the beach with one of my wlw couples
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doctor who, legend of the sea devils (2022)
portrait de la jeune fille en feu (2019)
the handmaiden (2016)
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adagiocomplex · 2 years
“Hey I love your story! Is it okay if I draw-“ 
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adagiocomplex · 2 years
Reblog if you write fic and people can inbox you random-ass questions about your stories, itemized number lists be damned.
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adagiocomplex · 2 years
Happy Aro Week!!
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My aro ocs Lydia (aroace), Swhali (aroallo) and Bea (on the bottom) (aroace alterous oriented) from my original story Black Knights
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adagiocomplex · 2 years
sex bots, please STOP FOLLOWING ME
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adagiocomplex · 2 years
it’s so frustrating (and heartbreaking) to see so many writers going on indefinite hiatus / deleting their blogs because they are not motivated to write anymore. worst of all: people would always be like ‘no why are you leaving we don’t want you to do so :(’ but they were nowhere to be seen in our notifications beforehand. the lack of support on this platform is a huge issue and it’s a shame that content consumers don’t get the hint when writers have been waving the red flag for months. please support creators by rebbloging their posts, interact with them by leaving a few tags, a comment or an ask! if you’re too shy then hit that anon button and you’re good to go. show them that their works matter and you enjoy their blog, because when the decision to leave is made, it’s already too late.
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adagiocomplex · 2 years
What I would give for Mari and Chat starting to like each other and then on some episode (glaciator 3? uahsuhas jk) they're talking, getting closer and end up kissing.
Then they blush and get embarressed cause they weren't supposed to do that, they theoretically don't know each other that well. They also start thinking about Adrien and Ladybug, 'how could I kiss someone else?'. It's their first time finaly realizing they are falling for each other, but during their internal screaming, externally, they apologise to each other and try brush it off. Chat Noir then leaves because he feels bad for disrupting Mari's personal space and Mari just stands there on the balcony watching him jump buildings thinking about their kiss.
Btw, happy Valentines Day!
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Hey @nelirul here's your doodle request! Thank you for participating in the game!!
Adrinette Wednesday is still running every week at @adrinettezine until zine apps close!
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adagiocomplex · 2 years
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*sweeps all of my AU ideas under the rug* why must I be called out this way?
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adagiocomplex · 2 years
Tales of Arcadia: Janna, Strickler's daughter - Preface
I've changed some elements on the first chapter in order to deelop it a bit more. You can find the new version of the Chapter 1: Defecting the Janus Order here
Janna is my Trollhunters/Tales of Arcadia changeling oc. She is Strickler's daughter living a double life in Arcadia both at Arcadia's school as a human student and as an infiltrated changeling in Trollmarket.
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