forcafuel-blog · 6 years
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We’ll begin with how many you need?
For a starting point we’ll use a simple sum to roughly calculate your maintenance calories (your body weight in pounds x 12-15 depending on current activity levels).
So for me it would be 196 x 15 = 2,940kcal, so that guesstimates that I would need 2,940kcal per day to maintain my current body weight, but if I wanted to reduce my body weight then I’d need to eat below that maintenance figure.
I would recommend a calorie reduction of 500kcal to achieve weight loss initially, however this is something that you will have to monitor and tweak once fat loss does inevitably stall.
A mistake a lot of unsuccessful dieters tend to make is that they start their diet with such a severe calorie restriction, that once the fat loss does stall they have nowhere to manoeuvre because they’re already eating like a rabbit, that’s when they’re faced with two choices…. Hours of cardio a day or go to the Chinese ‘all you can eat buffet’ and the cycle of yo-yo dieting continues again.
This whole process is very simple (notice I didn’t say easy) yet people still managed to fuck it up and a lot of that is due to misinformation, there’s a smart way to lose fat and a lot of stupid ways to lose fat, stick with me and I’ll show you the smart way.
Cliff notes – Calculate maintenance calories – Create a calorie deficit of 500kcal – Don’t be extreme with your diet – Adjust calories based on fat loss – Look awesome this summer
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forcafuel-blog · 6 years
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Change isn’t easy and its unlikely to happen whilst you remain in your comfort zone, so my challenge to you is to get out of your comfort zone, get comfortable with being uncomfortable because that’s where the magic happens, that’s where the fat is lost, the muscle is built and your goals are reached and exceeded.
I could give two people identical workouts, but the result could be very different, in the gym you really do get out of it what you put in, sometimes just turning up isn’t enough, think about that next time you’re in the gym.
Do more than just show up.
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forcafuel-blog · 6 years
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This is a common question I receive and the answer is NO.
It is possible to lose fat without cardio, but this means you must create a calorie deficit through your diet and/or weight training alone.
So why would anyone do cardio? Besides the health benefits, cardio allows you to lose weight whilst eating more calories (win), this is why it makes sense to include cardio within your fat loss routine… It’s not essential but it makes dieting easier, which is what we all want/need.
So how much cardio do you need to do? It depends how much of a deficit you need to create.
Do I need to do HIIT? Nope, you can do do high intensity, low intensity, you can walk the dog, you can play football, ride your bike or dance the night away. It does help if you have a rough idea of how many calories your burning, this is when heart rate monitors/fitbits can come in handy, they’re not perfectly accurate, but they’re consistent, which will give you a general idea for comparison.
If you’ve got any questions about cardio, email: [email protected]
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forcafuel-blog · 6 years
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Getting the right amount of protein in your diet doesn’t have to break the bank, below we have compiled a list of our top ten cheap protein sources and have ranked them in order based on cost per gram of protein.
1. Forҫa Fuel Protein Fusion (£0.02) 2. Tinned Mackerel (£0.02) 3. Milk (£0.02) 4. Eggs (£0.02) 5. Cottage cheese (£0.03) 6. Tinned Tuna (£0.03) 7. Turkey Mince (£0.04) 8. Tofu (£0.05) 9. Sardines (£0.05) 10. Chicken Breast (£0.08)
As you can see, eating enough protein doesn’t need to cost a fortune and it certainly doesn’t need to come from the same source at every meal, we’d recommend aiming for as much variety as possible… except when it comes to your protein shakes, always stick to Forҫa Fuel
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forcafuel-blog · 6 years
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This is a question that I’ve been asked countless times and my answer is always the same “no”, it doesn’t matter which food it is, my answer will always be “no”.
No single food or food group is going to make you fat.
I try and avoid labelling foods as good or bad, the quantity you consume is what leads to fat gain (plain and simple), but this has nothing to do with the food, or food type.
A couple of years ago I carried out a twelve week experiment, I wanted to show people that it is possible to lose weight whilst still eating foods that are perceived as ‘bad’, so I ate two Krispy Creme donuts a day (tough life) whilst losing weight…
So how did I do in those 12 weeks?
I lost 17 kilograms (37.4lbs).
You can fit the foods you enjoy into your diet every day and still lose fat, there’s a simple method to it and it’s called being in a calorie deficit.
I really can’t emphasise how simple it is to lose fat, yet so many people struggle with it because they over-complicate it.
By using the right methods to fit your lifestyle you can make fat loss simple, sustainable and painless.
There’s no need for temporary quick fixes like Slender Blends, Magic Teas or any of the other nonsense currently being pushed by ‘Z list celebrities’ for a quick buck. In the end you’ll only end up fatter, poorer and unhappier, make it a lifestyle change not a quick fix and reap the rewards.
— By Philip Gonçalves | @philipforca
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forcafuel-blog · 6 years
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When it comes to fat loss, a lot of people tend to overthink every single aspect of it, from the perfect diet plan, to the trendiest workout routine, to the next greatest fat loss supplement.
I’ve got news for you, all of the above DOESN’T MATTER if you’re not in a calorie deficit.
You can achieve a calorie deficit by following Joe Wicks’ ‘Lean in 15’ recipes, you can achieve a calorie deficit by going ‘paleo’ or ‘vegan’ or by ‘counting your macros’, it’s totally up to you.
The point I’m trying to make is that a calorie deficit can be created by following any number of different diet plans. The best one is always going to be the one that works for you and the one that you are capable of sticking to long term.
The fact is that if you’re in a calorie deficit you WILL lose weight, if you aren’t in a calorie deficit you will NOT lose weight, it really is that simple, the key is to find a sustainable way of dieting.
If you’re able to follow the ‘Lean in 15’ plan and lose weight over a long period of time then maybe that’s the ‘best diet’ for you, if you’re not then that diet is absolutely useless for you, this applies to nearly every diet on the market… However there are more than a fair few diets that nobody should ever consider Juice Plus and Herbalife meal replacements spring to mind – they’re not sustainable or healthy and they are severely overpriced.
There is no ‘best’ diet for everyone, just what works for you, the individual.
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forcafuel-blog · 6 years
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When dieting to lose fat the most important macronutrient is protein, which is why I cringe when I see people thinking that protein-less salads are a good option to go with when it comes to fat loss (for the record I have nothing against salads as long as they contain a protein source).
When dieting your body will look for ways of conserving energy and muscle tissue is very ‘metabolically expensive’ for your body to hold onto, so your body wants to get rid of it, we do not want this to happen under any circumstances, one way to combat this is to eat sufficient amounts of protein and I would also recommend consuming a good quality BCAA during training sessions.
The main aim of a fat loss diet should be to maintain muscle mass (whilst losing fat) not lose muscle mass, that’s the wrong kind of weight to lose.
Less muscle = less calories burned per day.
So how much protein do you need?
My recommendation is 1-2g per of protein per kg of body weight and I’d try and split that up into 20-40g per meal if you can.
Benefits of protein – Helps conserve muscle tissue when dieting so you won’t look skinny fat after dieting – Protein helps you feel fuller for longer �� The “thermic effect of food” (TEF) is the energy we use to digest food into small, absorbable components. Protein has a higher TEF compared to carbs and fat meaning you’re actually burning more calories to process protein than to process the other two. – Protein helps your body repair and regrow.
Now it’s important to note that protein alone won’t make you lose fat, you must still be in a calorie deficit to do so, that is non negotiable when it comes to fat loss.
Cliff notes – Eat 1-2g of protein per kg of body weight – Preserve muscle tissue to ensure you don’t look skinny fat on the beach – Protein alone won’t make you lose fat – Calories are still king, you must be in a calorie deficit to lose fat
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forcafuel-blog · 6 years
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Although I really hate the word ‘toning’ and hate it even more when someone asks me for ‘good toning exercises’ I understand the look they’re after.
So how do we achieve the coveted ‘toned’ look?
Well to start with it’s important to understand what a muscle is capable of doing.
1) It can get bigger 2) It can get smaller
You can’t actually ‘tone’ a muscle. So when someone says they want to achieve the ‘toned’ look, what they actually mean is that they want their muscles to look more defined and the key to doing this is by reducing body fat, but if you haven’t built any muscle then that’s where you’ll need to start (by lifting weights, not zumba classes).
The way to achieve a ‘toned’ physique isn’t hours of cardio, eliminating carbs and only drinking Slender Blend shakes. They key is to get in the gym and to follow a strength training program that allows you to progress weekly, eat enough calories and protein to support muscle growth (without unnecessary fat gain) and with time and consistency you will be the proud owner of a ‘toned’ body.
Bonus Tip: Don’t get your nutrition advice from reality tv stars, most of them can barely tie their own shoe laces.
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forcafuel-blog · 6 years
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Hopefully by now everyone who is reading this understands the importance of protein, whether you’re trying to build muscle or lose fat ensuring that you’re hitting your protein targets should be one of your top priorities.
As a general guideline I’d recommend consuming a minimum of 1g of protein per kilogram of body weight, that is the absolute MINIMUM that you should be consuming. I don’t care what the RDA says, the RDA does not apply to people who are trying to better their physiques.
For us meat eaters it’s pretty simple to consume plenty of complete protein sources but for those of you who don’t eat meat it can get a bit more tricky, so below I have compiled a list of my top vegetarian protein sources to ensure that even the veggies amongst us can hit their protein targets with ease:
1. Quinoa – 13g of protein per 100g 2. Buckwheat – 13.5g protein per 100g 3. Soy beans – 36g protein per 100g 4. Quorn – 11g per 100g 5. Ezekiel Bread – 11.8g protein per 100g 6. Eggs – 6g protein per egg 7. Fat Free Greek Yogurt – 8g per 100g 8. Quark – 14g protein per 100g 9. Cottage Cheese – 14.3g per 100g 10. Força Fuel Protein Fusion – 80g per 100g
What’s your favourite vegetarian protein source?
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forcafuel-blog · 6 years
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Here’s a little secret that the supplement industry doesn’t want you to know… There’s no such thing as a ‘female protein’ powder or ‘male protein’ powder, they’re exactly the same thing, the only difference is the way in which they’re marketed and the random shitty ‘magic ingredients’ the company decides to sprinkle in, or allegedly sprinkle in, in some cases.
Products aimed at females will often come with promises of a toned and shapely physique, whilst products aimed at men will promise slabs of muscle in a matter of days, but guess what, they both do exactly the same things… they help to build, repair and maintain muscle, whether you’re male or female.
The protein powder aimed at females might feature a highly paid and heavily photo-shopped Kardashian swearing that all she did to get in shape was drink this ‘miracle mixture’ and the product aimed at males might feature a male model who’s taken more steroids than the entire East German Olympic team of the eighties, but he swears it’s this product that’s responsible for his bulging biceps.
The main point is that there is no such thing as ‘male protein’ or ‘female protein’, protein is protein and that can include many sources, none of which are better for men or women.
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forcafuel-blog · 6 years
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There are many different routes you can take to achieve your fat loss goals, with some obviously working better than others, but at the end of the day fat loss comes down to one variable – calories, more specifically a calorie deficit, failure to create a calorie deficit will result in failure to lose fat.
Once again, in case it hasn’t sunk in, fat loss is impossible unless you create a calorie deficit no matter what ‘Mr Lean in 15’ tells you – It really isn’t just about clean eating and HIIT workouts.
Number two on the list of importance when it comes to fat loss would be protein consumption, you need to ensure that you’re consuming enough, 1.8-2.9g per kilogram of body weight should do the trick.
There are a number of reasons why consuming enough protein is essential when dieting:
1) It will protect you from loss of muscle mass when dieting, losing muscle mass will lower your Basal Metabolic Rate, resulting in you burning less calories, meaning you’ll have to diet on a lot less calories to lose weight.
2) Of the three macronutrients, protein is the most satiating, which essentially means you’ll feel fuller for longer, which is a must when you’re in a calorie deficit.
3) Of the three macronutrients protein has the highest thermal effect, which means you’ll use more calories consuming sources of protein than you would in consuming sources of fat or carbs.
These two really are the major keys *DJ Khaled voice* as you can see I haven’t mentioned any fancy diets, meal replacement shakes or ‘fat loss supplements’ simply because they aren’t necessary and all they are is a false dream sold to the desperate/gullible/stupid, who are looking for a quick/easy result, you didn’t put on 20lbs of fat overnight, don’t expect to lose it overnight, if you do, it’s not fat that you lost, it’ll be a combination of fat, water, muscle and your money.
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forcafuel-blog · 6 years
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Why do a lot of women tend to avoid using one of the most researched and clinically validated supplements available?
Some think of creatine as a supplement just for men who want to pack on slabs of muscle, whilst others are concerned with water retention and some even believe it to be a type of steroid.
The first point that needs to be addressed is that creatine is not a type of steroid, it has no relation to hormones or their effects and is actually produced naturally in the body, it can also be found in certain food sources (beef, lamb, pork and fish).
Second point that needs addressing is that creatine may cause water retention, but this will just be a small amount which is retained in the muscle and is nothing like the bloating experienced during ‘that time of the month’ and thirdly if creatine really did allow you to pack on serious amounts of muscle don’t you think every guy who takes it would be massive? Muscle takes a hell of a long time to build (even longer for women) and anyone who gets muscular definitely doesn’t do it by accident.
So what does creatine do? The simple answer is that creatine replenishes Adenosine Triphosphate (the fuel in your muscle) to allow your muscles to work harder and longer.
Your muscles only contain a limited supply of Adenosine Triphosphate and once that supply has been used your muscles will fatigue very quickly, which is why supplementing with creatine is so beneficial for both men and women.
Conclusion: If you want to train harder and longer, try supplementing with creatine, which is one of the key ingredients in our Protein Fusion product.
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forcafuel-blog · 6 years
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Many people consume their pre workout supplements without really knowing what they’re drinking. We’ve provided a brief rundown of all the ingredients featured in Pre-Game Energy, so you know exactly what you’re consuming and how each ingredient is going to benefit you once you step foot in the gym.
AAKG – To Increase blood flow
Caffeine Anyhydrous – A highly concentrated form of caffeine proven to reduce fatigue, improve alertness and performance as well as increasing fat burning.
Beta Alanine – To enhance muscular endurance
Citrus Aurantium – Increases energy expenditure, raises resting metabolic rate and suppresses appetite
L-Taurine – Increases blood flow and exercise capacity
Grape Seed Extract – Exerts anti-estrogenic effects and may increase blood flow
Vitamin C – Immune system support
Vitamin B6 – Contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue
Creatine Monohydrate – Increases power output
Tri-Creatine Malate – Increases physical performance during high intensity exercise
BCAA – Contribute towards growth and maintenance of muscle mass
Citruline Malate – Reduces fatigue and improves both aerobic and anaerobic performance, also used to treat erectile dysfunction
L-Tyrosine – Increases adrenaline production
Betaine Base Anhydrous – Increased power output, increased anaerobic work capacity, increased energy levels and increased cellular hydration
Black Pepper Extract – Enhances absorption of other ingredients
>>>Click on the link below to get your hands on a tub of Pre-Game Energy for just £18.99<<<
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forcafuel-blog · 6 years
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Chocolate Protein Fusion, whipped cream and marshmallows.
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forcafuel-blog · 6 years
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YES, especially for those of us who spend the majority of our days seated. Being in this position all day can cause our glutes to ‘stop firing’ as effectively as they should, so proper glute activation exercises such as X-Band Walks are essential during warm-ups, especially on leg day.
Not only will activating your glutes help with the overall performance of your lower body lifts, it will also help reduce the pressure on your lower back and knees as the glutes are now able to fire more efficiently and do their fair share of the work during exercises like squats/deadlifts/hip thrusts, which will lead to better glute development.
Glute activation can help with: – Performance – Injury reduction – Building glutes of steel
Here is a video link to help show you how to use these products:
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forcafuel-blog · 6 years
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Everybody I work with wants to burn fat and/or build muscle – to reach these goals their training must be structured in a way that facilitates these goals.
Training is just one tool needed to reach your desired body composition. The food and drink you consume everyday will essentially determine whether you reach your goal – this is the hardest part, not because it’s complicated, but because it is difficult (mentally).
When I train train clients they have an hour of intense work to get through to force their body to adapt in a positive way, with diet/lifestyle they have a further 23 hours to get through.
Are YOU mentally tough enough to get through that 23 hours making the correct choices with your goals in mind? Most aren’t, I definitely have my moments of weakness!
You can tweak your diet and try intermittent fasting, carb cycling, IIFYM, juice only diets etc.. the list goes on, but until you realise that the fundamental rule for a successful diet is that it must be maintainable long term then you really are wasting your time by trying every fad under the sun.
If you’re trying to build muscle then you must be in a calorie surplus, if you’re trying to lose fat then you must be in a calorie deficit, this is non-negotiable
Consume adequate protein (very few do this)
Prepare your food (not dry chicken and broccoli day after day)
Track your intake via apps like MyFitnessPal if that’s how you roll, I personally don’t like this route anymore
Don’t drink your calories
Treat yourself now and again, one meal won’t destroy your progress (unless you’re having cheat days like ‘The Rock’)
Don’t be a douche about it, just because you’re sticking to your diet it doesn’t make you superior to anyone else
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forcafuel-blog · 6 years
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Five Reasons You’re Not Making Progress In The Gym
1. You’re prioritising the wrong exercises It doesn’t matter whether you’re trying to build muscle or burn fat, your routine should be built around compound movements, this is program design 101.
Compound lifts are movements that involve multiple joints and muscles, which will provide you with the ‘biggest bang for your buck’ in the gym.
2. You’re rushing your reps When it comes to weight training, execution is everything, it shouldn’t be about moving from point A to point B as quickly as possible.
It is imperative that you focus on the muscle you’re training and develop a mind-to-muscle connection to get the most out of every exercise, it does help if you know which muscles each exercise actually targets, most people don’t.
3. You’ve been doing the same routine for six months (or years) Every gym has members who turn up every day, week in, week out and they look exactly the same week in, week out. I’d be willing to guess that one of the reasons they haven’t changed their body is because they’re sticking to the same routine every single time they train.
Your body is amazing at adapting, but it needs a stimulus to do so, if you’re not giving it a reason to adapt, then it won’t and best case scenario is you look exactly the same…. worst case, you look worse.
4. You’re not tracking your progress I’m a stronger believer in having as much data as possible to evaluate your progress in the gym.
I use a log book personally and something similar for my clients. I can look back over days, weeks, months or even years of my clients workouts to ensure that constant progress is being made, it’s not difficult to bring a pen and pad into the gym with you (I’m old school like that) or even a fancy training app on your iPhone.
5. You’re not training hard enough If you want your body to change then you’re going to have to force it to do so and that means pushing your boundaries.
Now that doesn’t mean you need to adhere to the ‘no pain, no gain’ attitude, because that’s foolish, what you do need to do is strive for progress each week. If you managed to use the 6kg dumbbells for 10 reps last week, then go ahead and jump up to the 7kg dumbbells this week, you might not get 10 reps out straight away, but you will get there, it’s all about striving for progress with every workout, that’s how we improve our bodies.
Until next time.
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