parasiticstars · 6 hours
hear me out- best of both worlds, a slow acting curse/consequence. you walk too long on a hairline fracture and it'll eventually splinter then compound. you ignore a pain in your side until you have to be rushed to the ER to remove your appendix. a chronic illness slowly ravaging your energy until you wake up and youre 30 unable to do what you could at 20. any fictional scenario could also apply to this. the Curse™ unfurling itself over the years, slowly constructing your life, patient but sure as sand in an hourglass. or perhaps the poison in the weapon-head that you had removed is now starting to travel to your bloodstream; one moment, you're celebrating your hard-won victory, the next you're vomiting blood. maybe you're a robotic/android whose body is degrading, the years making you little more than a bygone, with no repairs or replacements in sight; you can feel your fans whirring too loud, your memory chip degrading. you knew something was wrong, but you play it off because you're so sure you're fine, this is as bad as it gets anyways-- until the body you find yourself in is not your own, warped right beneath your own perception.
personally i am a very large fan of permanent consequences in whump.. both mental and physical.. especially when it's literally transformation. oh whumper injected you with the SerumTM? you got cursed? you got used in a ritual? tough shit buddy, now your physical form is irreversibly and permanently changed, and you'll never be the same again.
i'm not sure which is better; whumpee being conscious and having to deal with the (usually painful) process and panicking and etc, or whumpee being unconscious and waking up in what is essentially a completely different body.. mmmm it's so good
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parasiticstars · 4 days
tales of the empire spoilers
okay hear me out
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parasiticstars · 13 days
adding more onto this a year late bc why not
Miles first wanted to be a ballerino when he was around 6. He passed by a small studio while on a walk with Aaron and saw some dancers practice and was entranced.
His parents were nervous about enrolling him even in the kiddie classes. Read up a lot about ballet injuries, how it messes up your feet/body, how difficult it is to be non-white and male…
But Miles was adamant even at that age, and frankly who’s going to argue with a six year old? As far as anyone knew, he might just get tired of it within a couple years and want out anyways…
And Then He Did Not.
George had a similar experience enrolling Gwen. Even before she knew she was a girl, she knew she’d have difficulties being (at the time) a male, a gnc male at that, in a female dominated hobby. Transitioning arguably did not help.
But both Miles and Gwen refused to let everyone’s expectations of them tear them down and even though at first they feel so alone in their experiences, they meet each other and realize they’ll be stronger together and have eachother to lean on instead of bottling up their inner turnmoil and
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Oh also Peter B is a semi retired teacher that still hangs around and arguably does some choreography (aka annoys the actual teacher, Miguel) due to getting his back injured one day
He was initially hesitant to help Miles especially because he was sure he’d quit under the pressure. He’s seen much stronger students quit.
But despite it all, bullying, injuries, even possible sabotage by some bigoted teachers (Miguel) , he always
Miguel is surprisingly not a total asshole. Yeah he was dickish towards Miles, but he was also convinced it was to make him stronger or see that being a ballerino isn’t for the weak. Somewhat good intention but not great execution.
Aka Miles got the Canon Event of being humiliated by a hard-ass ballet teacher in class for the most minor of things constantly
Adding on top of some bullying he got from other students too…
It did nearly burn Miles out. He’s been wanting this for so, so long, been his passion and lifelong dream since he was a little kid, but now it’s… ruined.
What if he doesn’t belong? What if he really doesn’t have what it takes?
BUT miggy gets his ass chewed out by Río so it’s okay 😤
it all culminates into Gwen ending up being cast as Claire in the Nutcracker opposite of Miles as the prince and onstage at the end is when they have their first kiss
Jefferson cried so goddamn hard
Ghostflower ballet AU
(aka I was in ballet for years and I barely remember a damn thing)
They go to and meet the same ballet boarding school thing whatever the hell it’s called. They bond quickly due to being outsiders (for various reasons)
Miles is so skinny that he’s used as a flyer
Gwen does this to him and he 1. has a heart attack and 2. falls in love
The first time she tries to pick him up, she overestimates how much he weighs and sends them both hurtling backwards
I GUESS Miles can face the rampant body shaming and colorism in the ballet world
Not to mention being treated weirdly due to being a male with a societally-considered unmasculine hobby
But it’s mostly just those two being dorks
Uncle Aaron has no genuine idea what Miles is talking about whenever he rambles to him about what he did at practice or the recital but he happily listens anyways
He almost ships Gwen and Miles harder than they do
Miles does the shoulder touch but in a tilt with his pointe shoe. Gwen flirts back and he immediately loses balance
Aaron laughs his ass off for ten consecutive minutes after hearing about it
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parasiticstars · 16 days
aaaare YOU looking for a small, NOT exclusively gaming Star Wars themed server that also won’t shove announcements about TBB down your throat?
We have dedicated spoiler and discussion channels, relaxed moderation, and if nothing else matters we also have two chat bots
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parasiticstars · 16 days
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photos from one of my dad’s old hunting books that i used to flip through as a kid
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parasiticstars · 18 days
Making a terrible angst fic about spaghetti
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parasiticstars · 22 days
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Playing Pretend. 2023.
I just wanted to do a piece to break the burnout, so have a smol baby clone running in the rain.
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parasiticstars · 28 days
"you PUSH AWAY anakin? you dont become my surrogate father and enable my abandonment issues and anxious attachment style??? oh! oh! jail for Master! jail for Master! jail for Master for a Hundred Thousand Years!" -- grown ass man and Jedi knight Anakin Daddy Issues Skywalker
aotc anakin: leave me alone master i’m an adult 🙄
tcw anakin: master if you don’t go to the dentist with me i will lose my shit
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parasiticstars · 29 days
Bored so here’s a bunch of Star Wars headcanons I have; specifically for the Jedi Council members. Some of them are absorbed from other people
Ki-Adi-Mundi is really really really tired of people asking him how many extra square feet of fabric it takes to make the robe cover his head. If you MUST know, it’s not feet, and it’s exactly f—
Yarael Poof, however, just makes up increasingly outlandish measurements. If it’s a youngling, he also says his head can retract in on his neck like a telescope. That usually makes them stop
The Best Jedi Council Tea Cups™ are made by younglings during assigned craft time. They’re janky and colorful and covered with fingerprints and smoosh marks and smudged paint and somehow, tea in them just tastes better
You can almost taste the joy and love they imbued into the cups. It’s an honor to be gifted a cup by a youngling
Yoda has a bookshelf of them. Very proud of them, he is, hrmmhrmm
We jest about Aayla’s oversexualized outfit (as we should), but considering this one post where it points out that Jedi robes are very similar to farmers’ which means they’re basically going to summits and in the battlefield in overalls, that means she’s walking around everywhere in like. Lululemon.
Which isn’t much better but it’s kinda funny to think about imo
Kit Fisto (like all nautolans) breathes through his skin like a frog. He’ll use this to justify walking around tits out as often as possible
He also can’t spend much time in Coruscant due to the heavily polluted air. Makes him sick after a week
I seriously think if you threw a ball Oppo Rancisis would have to hold himself back from chasing it, if not have others hold him back. Crusty toothless white dog headass
The real reason Anakin wasn’t allowed on the council was because they knew he’d do exactly that to him
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parasiticstars · 1 month
aaaare YOU looking for a small, NOT exclusively gaming Star Wars themed server that also won’t shove announcements about TBB down your throat?
We have dedicated spoiler and discussion channels, relaxed moderation, and if nothing else matters we also have two chat bots
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parasiticstars · 1 month
This is a safe space for whiners, complainers, bellyachers, and the generally unsatisfied
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parasiticstars · 1 month
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This is genuinely my favorite tweet ever btw
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parasiticstars · 1 month
They need to invent birthdays without intense su¡c¡dal idealization and general dread for the future and the soul-crushing feeling of falling behind and being too old for everything <3
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parasiticstars · 1 month
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there's this new scam going around where someone puts your dick in their mouth and gobbles on it until you bust. Obviously this siphons off nutrients and moisture from your body - they walk away with 'em scot-free. Not good, and a lot of people are falling for it. Mostly it's girls doing it but they're not the only ones. Stay frosty out there
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parasiticstars · 1 month
Even if the leopard frog particular case has blown over, some medicines (specifically birth control), after being flushed down the toilet, have also hormonally disrupted male fish and made them grow ovaries. Again, older studies, but still proven and the effects are still happening.
We wouldn’t exactly go on tumblr and laud them as transgender icons like everyone else is with the “gay” whales.
(Also, for a non-human intervention example, male clownfish can change to female if the current breeding female dies. Again, NOT a trans icon, just a need to continue their lineage.)
And another note! Climate warming and habitat loss have pushed several different species together and forced them to interbreed, which may pollute their genomes, cause infertility, and make it otherwise difficult to adapt to their environments — especially if both parents normally come from different habitats. If fertile, the hybrids may also overrun their own parents out due to having different innate instincts than they do.
There’s too many studies to specifically cite, but it’s happened with coyote-dog-wolves, pizzly bears, narlugas, several types of fish, and proboscis-langur monkeys. Sheikh Google will direct you better than my sleep-deprived ass can.
In the case of the monkey specifically, due to the proboscis being significantly larger than langurs, the invading proboscis males are easily able to dominate and drive off langurs from their own habitat and breed with the females.
Hell, if we want to go way back, a commonly held theory is Homo sapiens also bred Neanderthals out of existence— diluting their gene pool into ours. And yet again, we wouldn’t and shouldn’t laud any of those examples as an interracial marriage diversity win.
All in all, every single one of these examples are exactly why we should not anthropomorphize animal behavior. It overlooks genuine differences between their social structure or what they have to do to survive all to shove them into our humanocentric worldview. Our attempts at making animals “more relatable” are clouding our judgment in studying what’s really the drive behind their behavior— be it human intervention, social interaction, dominance spats, hormonal disruption, or simply their instincts.
good morning to everyone but especially the gay whales
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parasiticstars · 1 month
Archive of our own is down how r we coping…..
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parasiticstars · 1 month
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CW // Blood & Gore I always find myself imagining just what Echo went through with the Techno Union, and how painful it must've been. Lots of loud drills, pressure, cold and pain. All while not being able to grasp his reality.
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