shahthoughts · 2 months
Are we all mentally sick?
Have you ever found yourself wandering through the labyrinth of your thoughts, a symphony of shadows playing softly in the recesses of your mind? In the delicate dance between reality and the abstract, we often stumble upon the question that lingers like a ghost: Are we all mentally sick?
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shahthoughts · 7 months
Embrace Your Authentic, Messy, Imperfect Parts
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The adorable Moody axolotls are here to give you your daily dose of motivation, inspiration, and hope!
Embracing Authenticity: A Healing Force
Our society is obsessed with perfection but the simple act of being yourself can become a powerful source of healing. The quotation in the above art emphasizes the profound impact authenticity can have on the people around us. When we embrace our real selves, flaws, and all, it not only frees us from the burdens of pretending but can also act as a guiding light for other people to do the same. You can make a great positive impact on society. By acknowledging our own imperfections openly, we can grant others the space and courage to embrace their own. As a result, creating a community built on genuine connections rather than superficial relationships.
A Dose of Authenticity For The Soul
In a world often characterized by the pressure to seek social validity, embracing one’s authentic self becomes a form of medicine for the soul. It’s a reminder that we don’t need to be flawless to be valuable or loved. Our authenticity, with all its imperfections and disadvantages, is what makes us unique, real, and relatable. By accepting this truth, we not only heal ourselves but also offer hope to the souls of those who are looking for ways to get out of this dilemma.
In the end, our authenticity becomes a gift not only to ourselves but to the world, offering healing, connection, and the freedom to be truly human. Embrace it, for it is through our imperfect, genuine selves that we find the beauty in our shared humanity.
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shahthoughts · 8 months
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Art By Moody
Life is a rollercoaster ride, full of ups and downs, twists and turns. It's not meant to be a constant stream of ease and happiness. In fact, it's the little rough patches along the way that help us grow, learn, and appreciate the smoother stretches. As the saying in the art above goes, "Just because it gets a little rough doesn't mean you give up." These words resonate with the essence of life – it's about facing challenges head-on and emerging stronger.
Remember, you're not alone in navigating life's complexities. Everyone you meet is fighting their own battles, facing their own set of challenges. It's easy to think that you're the only one struggling when you see others smiling on social media or seemingly having it all together. But the truth is, we're all in this together, and our journeys are unique. It's the shared experience of overcoming adversity that connects us as humans.
So, when life throws its curveballs, don't lose hope. Stay strong and be consistent in your efforts to overcome the obstacles. Just like the seasons change and the storm eventually gives way to sunshine, your tough times will pass. Believe in your resilience, and remember that it's through these rough moments that you find the strength and wisdom to create a brighter future. Embrace the rough patches as opportunities for growth, and keep moving forward with determination and hope. You've got this!
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shahthoughts · 8 months
The Power of Choice After Tragedy
A Personal Experience
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Photo by Anastasiia Chaikovska On Pexels
Life has a habit of delivering us unexpected curveballs, moments so heartbreaking that they can entirely turn our lives upside down. It’s like a fork in the road following a tragedy — two choices, two paths to take. In this piece, I’m going to address how major tragedies may turn our lives upside down and how, once the shock dissipates we are left with a choice. It’s a decision that can either help us develop, recover, and become stronger, or it may push us down a darker and more hazardous path. So, let’s dig in and look at how these upheavals impact our lives and why the decisions we make afterward are crucial.
I am not going to attempt to go into detail about the tragedy or recount the ‘sad tale’ because that’s not the objective of this piece. I will only mention here that I lost someone I was planning to spend the rest of my life with, in a tragic car accident about eight years ago now. After the evident effect of being numb and lost for more than a few days (it was more than a few days though), I began to regain my senses. Of course, I’d lost all motivation to do anything. But isn’t no reaction also a reaction? Why? Because we are still living. We have a body that breathes every second and a heart in that body that pumps blood at all times. So you’re left with two choices: either to give in to the tragedy, become a casualty of life, or keep dwelling in the past. This path or choice typically leads to chronic depression, persistent stress, loss of appetite, or sometimes overeating (stress eating), zero motivation, and you become a burden not only on society but also on yourself. So, what do you do to cope with that? You may turn to addictive substances that help you remain in that state, numbing your emotions temporarily — things like drugs, alcohol, or even pornography. You might find yourself harboring resentment toward others, and in the end, you risk wasting your entire life.
Second Choice
The second choice, the path that I chose — I want to clarify that I’m not implying it’s easy to follow this path, at least not as easy as writing it here. But since I’m not diving into details, I’ll continue. This second choice, or path, revolves around realizing that the default mode of life isn’t one of perpetual happiness or the kind of success often glamorized on social media. Those are often false promises and abstract motivations filled with ulterior motives. The reality is quite different. Life’s default mode is a test of survival, and your most important weapons for dealing with it are morality and motive.
After the initial shock, I decided not to give in. Instead, I learned from the lessons life was trying to teach me, and I developed myself and grew from it. What did I do? Well, first, I followed the typical plan: Wouldn’t the one you lost want you to excel, succeed, and “move on”?
Now, you might be wondering how I can talk about all this so easily. What does “moving on” even mean? To clarify, moving on doesn’t imply forgetting the person or everything related to them; that’s humanly impossible. For me, moving on meant preserving the good memories and the happy times, accepting the reality, and moving forward. It doesn’t mean you don’t miss or think about them; it simply means you refuse to let grief keep you in a static state, rendering you as nothing more than a useless object.
Then there’s a moral aspect to it. While I may not entirely agree with Kantian philosophy, one thing that resonates with me is Kant’s idea that you don’t truly own yourself. You possess inalienable, inherent rights that even you cannot strip from yourself. For example, harming oneself is something you cannot do. Why? Because it’s morally wrong, and you hold a natural duty to respect the dignity and inherent rights of humanity, and that includes your own self. Although I read Kant’s theories recently, I mention them here because they align with my own thinking and experiences. There is also a religious aspect, but I will keep that to myself because it will shift the focus of this piece to other arguments.
Lastly, you have to find a motive. The motives are already inside you. Find your passion, discover what you love to do, and then use that lesson to give an energy boost to your passion. I love designing, art, graphics, and related things. What did I do? I channeled all that energy into my work, into my field. I started creating content, designs, and art that articulated my feelings and passions. Just doing that and seeing how it was impacting people positively was satisfying enough for me. And everything else that happened afterward is just the fruit of my hard work because this world operates on cause and effect. You work hard enough with a true passion and purity, and you will see results.
In conclusion, we frequently face unforeseen difficulties in life. These difficulties present us with a decision: Do we allow despair to overpower us, or do we choose to take the opportunity to develop and learn? While I haven’t gone into all the details, I have discussed my own path, highlighting the necessity of resilience, accepting the truth of loss, and finding a new sense of purpose. It is comparable to going through a storm and emerging from it even more determined and with a deeper appreciation of how unpredictable life can be. The main idea? It’s not about forgetting the past; it’s about moving forward, armed with the wisdom we’ve gained, and lessons we’ve learned, and embracing the potential for change.
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shahthoughts · 11 months
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shahthoughts · 1 year
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Know Your Worth.
Do What You Love.
Believe in Yourself
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shahthoughts · 1 year
Written & Directed by Anxiety
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"If my life was a movie it would be written and directed by anxiety."
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This humorous and sarcastic yet poignant quote captures the experience of many people who struggle with anxiety, like myself. Anxiety can have a profound impact on our lives, affecting our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It can make even the simplest tasks feel overwhelming and exhausting.
Anxiety is Normal
Anxiety is a normal and natural response to stress, but when it becomes chronic or severe, it can interfere with our daily lives. Anxiety can manifest in many ways, such as social anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. While the symptoms of anxiety can vary, they can include excessive worrying, restlessness, fatigue, irritability, muscle tension, and sleep disturbances.
Face the Challenge & Focus on Self Love
Living with anxiety can be challenging, but there are strategies that can help you cope and manage your symptoms. One of the most important things you can do is to take care of your mental health. This can include seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor who can provide you with tools and strategies to manage your anxiety.
It's also essential to focus on self-love and self-care. This can mean different things to different people, but it often involves taking time for yourself, engaging in activities that bring you joy, and practicing relaxation techniques, such as mindfulness or deep breathing. It can also involve setting healthy boundaries and prioritizing your needs.
You are Not Alone
Additionally, it's important to remember that you are not alone in your struggle with anxiety. Many people experience anxiety, and there is no shame in seeking help or support. You can find comfort in talking to friends and family members who understand what you are going through or connecting with support groups online.
In conclusion, anxiety can have a profound impact on our lives, but with the right tools and strategies, we can learn to manage our symptoms and overcome our anxiety. Taking care of our mental health, focusing on self-love and self-care, and seeking support can all help us to survive and thrive through the challenges that anxiety presents. Remember, anxiety does not have to define you, and with the right support and resources, you can take control of your life and create a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling future.
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shahthoughts · 1 year
Spreading Joy, One Smile at a Time: The Benefits of Smiling and Taking Care of Others
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What is The Power of a Smile? It Helps Building a Positive Personality and Taking Care of Others
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We've all heard the saying, "smile and the world smiles with you." But did you know that smiling not only has the power to improve your mood and outlook on life, but it can also have a positive impact on those around you? In fact, research has shown that when we smile, it can elicit a positive response in others, helping to create a more harmonious and uplifting environment.
But what exactly is the connection between smiling and building a positive personality? In my experience, smiling is an outward expression of happiness and confidence. When we smile, we are communicating to others that we are approachable, friendly, and open to connection. This can be especially important in building new relationships or strengthening existing ones.
However, smiling is not just about our outward appearance. It also has the power to affect our internal state of mind. When we smile, our brain releases feel-good neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins, which can help to reduce stress, increase feelings of happiness and positivity, and even boost our immune system.
So how can we cultivate a habit of smiling more often? Here are a few tips to get started:
Practice smiling in the mirror: Spend a few minutes each day looking in the mirror and smiling. This can help you become more comfortable and confident in your smile.
Focus on positive thoughts: When we focus on positive thoughts and experiences, we are more likely to naturally smile and exude positivity.
Take care of others: When we take the time to show kindness and care for others, it can create a sense of fulfillment and happiness that can translate into a more positive outlook on life.
Remember, a smile is not just a physical expression, but also an attitude and a way of being. By cultivating a habit of smiling more often, we can not only improve our own well-being but also have a positive impact on those around us. So go ahead, smile, and see how it can transform your life and the lives of those around you.
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