#> Ra [My Damsel in Distress]
real-is-gone · 10 months
i'm Tired. really Tired. rain is lovely but... hm. i think i Like them but... hm.
abby has been Lingering on my mind again, too often. oh, and i'm seeing dan Again, so... thats fun. only a Matter Of Time till i'm down on my knees once more, Hm? and i've almost got 30 days since the last time... i can't be doing this.
i did what i could to Purge Them from my life. i deleted mine and abbys Chats, blocked her socials, Ignored dan, spitefully said "Fuck You Aktuma" but... it still happens. is there something Wrong with me? something Very, Incredibly, Deeply Wrong? maybe i've done this on purpose to myself. maybe, Deep Down, i believe i deserve this Pain. then again, i've gone Limerant (recently learned that term... it was Spooky figuring that out) over this before, maybe it just Hasnt Left.
i looked over it earlier- the first two suggestions i saw for Getting Over an lo was turning to Religion and starting Meditation... Wowie. the exact reason im Like this in the First Place.
a part of me wants to Feel like that Again, though. it was Pain but it was Bliss. i felt like i had a purpose, like i Belonged to something, like i wasnt useless for Once In My Life. just Thinking about abby and dan and all i was doing for Our Lord made me Feel so many Things. i Want that again.
of course, it is past Nine, maybe i'm just Overthinking. the night does Things to me. ill sleep on it and come back to it in the morning. we'll see.
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tossawary · 4 months
I've been thinking a lot about DCU stuff and Ace Attorney thoughts got mixed in by accident, because it's got a lot of the same themed, colorful character designs and silly pun names. So, of course, I started immediately daydreaming about a DCU-style Superhero AU for Ace Attorney. (I often do not fully control what I think about.)
And then I was like, "I think I just finally have to play Ace Attorney at this point, before I get stuck in a weird daydream loop because I don't know enough about the plot to worldbuild properly. I will let this be the final push to just start these games."
Based on my extremely limited knowledge (I have only actually played 2 episodes of the first game), here are my Superhero AU thoughts so far. I don't like 1-1 character role match-ups in general when I fuse worlds, so none of these AA characters are fully aligned with any particular DCU character.
Phoenix Wright would make a good speedster, I think. This is partially because of the spiky hair, but also because there's a terrible irony to being the fastest man in the world who keeps being too late to stop certain tragedies. It also suits the way he's apparently never properly prepared for anything but also quickly manages to pull through. He's probably still a defense attorney in his civilian identity. (In accordance with later games, he has to stop being a superhero for several years when he's framed for a crime.)
Besides Phoenix's mentor Mia, who is also both a superhero and a lawyer, ordinary civilian Larry Butz is the only person who initially knows that Phoenix has superpowers. He honestly hasn't told anyone Phoenix's secret identity! But Larry also somehow gets into more scrapes and "damsel in distress" situations than Lois Lane and he's not even an investigative reporter.
Mia Fey, Maya Fey, and Pearl Fey have a Shazam situation, I think, in which they transform into a "Mystic Champion" magically empowered by the ghosts of their ancestors. Like a Shazam & Danny Phantom fusion. Mia Fey was the first in her family to become a publicly known superhero. A lot of people don't know that it's not the original Mystic Champion (same face and same superpowered form as Mia, which breaks Phoenix's heart a little every time) until Maya or Pearl transforms back into a regular girl after the fight is over.
I think Miles Edgeworth is a Batman type hero, but one still partially ensnared by Manfred von Karma, who is his Ra's al Ghul. (This makes Franziska into Talia, but there is definitely nothing romantic there.) Maybe he does have superpowers of some kind, maybe not, and he could still potentially be a prosecutor. He doesn't have a Brucie persona, though. Phoenix is not impressed by Edgeworth's harsh and even cruel approach to vigilante work. (Steel Samurai was Miles' Gray Ghost or Zorro hero inspiration, I'm guessing.)
Gumshoe is Miles' Commissioner Gordon figure and doesn't know his secret identity yet. He's either going to learn in the middle of a really bad situation or he's just going to straight-up figure it out himself one day and scare the hell out of Miles.
I'm still thinking about characters like Kristoph and Klavier Gavin, Apollo Justice, and Trucy Wright, but I don't know enough about them to fully flesh these thoughts out yet. I think the Gavins would make good Kryptonian equivalents (a cold and calculating Superman and a rockstar Supergirl), Apollo might make a good Wonder Girl equivalent (his bracelet becomes a Lasso of Truth) as the lost son of an Amazon, and Trucy would obviously be fun as a Zatanna type of hero.
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(sorry if there are any mistakes, English isn't my first language)
I started to watch OG She-Ra and god I'm SO mad about what they did to Sea Hawk in spop.
Like he was such an interesting character. OG Sea Hawk was a pirate who was working for the Horde because it gave him and his crew freedom, and otherwise they would be arrested. In "The Sea Hawk" episode one of the pirates takes Adora on the ship to place she needed to get to and she has an encounter with Sea Hawk. He says that he works only for himself and freedom is the most important thing and while he sells equipment for the Horde it can't be taken away from him, Adora calls him a traitor of his own people and says that no one on the planet will be free until Hordak is defeated and Sea Hawk promises to think about her words, later Adora is seen on the ship and Sea Hawk sells her out to Catra, but later he comes to save her and promises to join the rebellion. It was such an interesting conflict and it was handled so well in ONE episode! Why the hell they made him just a dumb guy who sets boats on fire in the reboot? I understand that he is no longer a love interest, but they could've give him at least some depth.
another thing to add to the list, i guess. spop especially did all its male characters dirty.
bow was just there, despite being a main character. he had no depth to his personality, no character arc, not even any relevance to the plot. he doesn't do much fighting, he knows a bit about tech but entrapta is still vastly more knowledgeable and useful than him. he's just the token black friend.
i don't even have to go into detail about kyle. there was a joke going around that kyle was actually he-man, which 1. makes no sense and 2. just furthers the idea of "haha let's make all the men pathetic jokes, girl power!"
seahawk is just a blubbering idiot who, again, does nothing useful for the plot and just annoys everyone. he feels like a one-note character but for some reason, is featured in multiple episodes, even though he never gets any character development or interesting arcs.
hordak was probably the best male character but even he was just wasted potential. like i said in an earlier post, he's portrayed as way too weak and easily defeated. i'm not just talking about his physical strength, i can understand that he was disabled. but he doesn't even seem that smart? his key personality traits are angry™, insecure, and in love with entrapta.
so yeah, spop creators really need to understand that putting down men isn't the way to promote girl power. you can have strong and well-written female AND male characters, without reducing either of them to an annoying comic relief or a damsel in distress.
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bigfan-fanfic · 10 months
How do you feel about Damien’s Mom Talia Al Ghul? Because some people said she’s a victim of bad racist writing and she’s had a bad portrayal in the animated movies. Is Talia really just victim of bad writing or she’s actually a horrible mother/person? I’m just confused because when I read the comics about Talia and the bad things she did and I just assumed that’s was part of her character because she’s a morally questionable villain of course she’s not a “good civilian person.” I knew DC is a dark adult comic book series and I already expected going in that the villain characters like Talia would committed terrible/horrible actions against the heroes. Like for example when she drugged Bruce and took advantage of him, I was slightly shocked but wasn’t surprised. Cuz to me this was the dark stuff DC was known for doing.
Alrighty, so the answer is a little bit of both!
TW for sexual assault mentions, miscarriage, parental abuse, etc.
There's a TL;DR ("too long, didn't read" summary) under the cut if you don't wanna read my report which is pretty awesome and was fun to write.
So, nobody seems to be able to agree on who Talia is at her core, and that's generally par for the course for a comic book character with multiple writers. She's been around since 1971, so that's already 52 years! And like Greek myth, there's just a lot of different interpretations of the character.
Let's get to the nitty gritty before we talk history. In 2006, writer Grant Morrison established that Talia drugged and raped Bruce, conceiving their son Damian (and also for some reason adding a whole unnecessary "artificial womb" thing? I don't get it either). However, this is based off the fact, which Morrison later admitted, that they misremembered the story they based the Batman and Son arc off of, and later comic arcs (in 2012 and 2014) would retcon the incident as consensual. Put a pin in this.
Talia was originally more of a damsel in distress slash prize for Bruce. Remember, this was the 70s. Her main deal is being the daughter of Ra's al Ghul and thus if Batman marries her, he becomes the heir, which Ra's wants. Despite not wanting to succeed Ra's, Bruce and Talia do share romantic attraction and Ra's considers them married. Then, later on, they do actually marry and she gets pregnant, and then Talia realizes that Bruce will always be in danger having to protect her and their child, so she fakes a miscarriage and they dissolve their marriage. She gives the child to an orphanage, and he is given the name Ibn al Xu'ffasch, or "son of the bat". This is the story arc Morrison adapted later.
Talia was kinda badass in the period before 2006, where she was sort of an anti-villain. She breaks out and starts having her own self after Ra's engages her to Bane whom she despises. She, under the name Talia Head, runs LexCorp as CEO while Lex Luthor is President of the United States, and basically not only tips Superman off about all his plans, but sells LexCorp's shares to Wayne Enterprises leaving Lex functionally penniless. Then she gets brainwashed and basically evil-fied by her half-sister Nyssa Raatko who literally kills her over and over, resurrecting her each time in the Lazarus Pit as an extreme form of torture and reprogramming. She usually does more evil shit after this like joining leagues of supervillains and such. However, her motives of helping Jason Todd recover and train are usually ascribed to her love for Bruce and not wanting Jason to kill him.
Then after 2006 she goes full tilt crazy ex girlfriend and murders people, trained Selina Kyle to resist any and all psychological coercion to reveal Bruce's identity, and PLANTS A DEVICE IN DAMIAN'S SPINE THAT LETS HER CONTROL HIS BODY, and reveals that she's started cloning him because she thinks he's too weak and disowns him.
Then comes the New 52 (the part where DC did a reboot to make everybody darker and "more realistic" that absolutely nobody liked, so it started in 2011 and then DC did another reboot in 2016 to make it better) and Talia is just off the wall completely evil. Genocide, cloning Damian, killing Damian, being resurrected, then fighting an ancient alien cult and claiming she's redeemed, then literally rejoining the League of Assassins moments later.
Incidentally, apparently Grant Morrison wrote Bruce, Talia, and Damian from their own experiences as a child of divorce, which is just... wow. Like... that's just a lot to unpack there, but we're just gonna step past it.
As of the DC Rebirth reboot, Talia is more or less sort of back to being anti-villain, still yes a killer, but also more emotionally open and supportive of her son and back to trying for true redemption.
Let's take, as I usually try to do, the sum total of these experiences and from other sources and try to average it out.
Unfortunately, despite the retconning, a lot of people now still see Talia's rape of Bruce as canon. I did too for the longest time, and honestly, although it makes Talia despicable and completely irredeemable in a very visceral way, it also does allow for interesting dynamics for Bruce and Damian, the batfam and Talia, Bruce in general, and allows there to be discussion for the tragically underconsidered circumstance for female-on-male sexual assault, and by having Batman, who is often used by hypermasculine dudebros for their weird ideals of stoic toxic masculinity be a victim, and be vulnerable, and go through this could be a deeply powerful arc that nobody in comics really wants to touch. It does however, deprive us of an interesting and nuanced Talia and instead catapults her right into mustache-twirling evil.
Ultimately, Talia is the daughter and heir of Ra's al Ghul. She sees no problem murdering people, and in fact she usually shares her father's genocidal ambitions of culling much of the human race to help preserve the planet. Ra's boils down to an ecoterrorist and genocidal maniac, and Talia his henchman, though when she does strike out on her own, I can't quite get a handle on her motivations. She does tout a desire for "equality and peace" but there's really no standard she gives for what this means, so I can't really see if she's just crazy or if she has good intentions.
I think, even at her best, Talia is a perfectionist and is very strict, intent on Damian being who she wants him to be. I think she has very little empathy or compassion for others, although parts of her, at her best, regret this and she tries to grow. At her worst, she is irredeemably evil, and at her best she is... morally shady to the point of never really being able to be thought of as a good guy.
I can't speak to whether or not racism plays a part in her portrayal either as mustache twirling villain or whatever. I don't know that it's necessarily bad writing because I don't know if Talia was ever intended to not be a horrible person or morally ambiguous, apart from the early days when she was mainly a figure to be pursued by Batman. When it comes down to it, adding sexual assault to her list of crimes is not going to change much because she's a mass murderer, an ecoterrorist, an abusive mother any way you slice it because she's training her child as an assassin, and generally just not great. A fascinating character, yes, but a terrible person.
TL;DR: Talia al Ghul is a terrible person in general, but the Big Incident you refer to has been retconned and is based off a poorly-remembered story. However, considering she's a mass murderer, assassin, eco-terrorist, and also let's face it classist villain, she's still not great even if you remove that from her rap sheet. She's done some cool stuff like putting Lex Luthor in his place and that one Elseworlds story where she left Bruce and gave her son to an orphanage to protect him, but otherwise, once she was made her own character and not just a love-interest-of-the-week, Talia has been morally ambiguous at best and irredeemable at worst. I can't say if it's racist or not because I don't know the motivations in her writing, but I don't know that it's necessarily bad writing to make her unsympathetically evil.
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evandarya · 9 months
Shaytan Alhufra
(Day 2, Monster/Damsel in Distress)
[Day 1][Read on Ao3]
Shaytan crouched on the short wall that surrounded the roof of the tower and watched the people far below work. He liked to watch the people move around the city and go about their lives, flitting between work and school before going home to their families. Today was special, though. The city below hummed with activity and workers were setting up for a festival in the empty square right below his tower. They did this every year when the snow melted and the city began to warm from the winter chill. Stalls and booths were erected practically overnight and a large stage was set up right in the middle. There would be bands and performers playing all day and men and women on stilts and acrobats and jugglers and magicians and at the end of the day, there would be a costume contest. He liked to watch, but there was an itch under his skin, urging him to go down and join in. He leaned against one of the gargoyles guarding his tower, considering. 
“Oh, Sam.” He whispered, brushing off a bit of moss that had started to grow around her wings. “I can’t go down there. I don’t belong with the people.” Shaytan ran a finger along the long white scars on his face. He knew his left eye was a frightening and unusual green. He was a monster and didn’t belong among the civilians. “And anyway, Master would be angry.” He could practically feel the side eye from the stone eyes, but he ignored her. She was stone, she didn’t get to give him attitude. 
He glanced over to the other gargoyle on the opposite corner of the roof. He had named that one Tucker, and he, too, was giving Shaytan a judging stare. “I can’t! I’d be in so much trouble if Master found out.” He had seen his Master upset with him a few times, but he would be absolutely livid if he left the tower without permission. 
A voice in the back of his head that he associates with Tucker whispered “If he found out.” 
“If he found out,” he answered the voice, “I’d be thrown back into the pit where he found me!” 
“But if he doesn’t find out, you could join the carnival. See the costumes up close. Listen to the music. No one has to see you.” he could practically see the conspiring smile spread across the gargoyle's face.
“I can’t use my powers without permission.” He thumbed at the silver and green cuffs around his wrists, keeping his powers under control. “It’s too dangerous.” He can barely control them whenever Master takes the cuffs off for his assignments. The last time he hadn’t been able to stay tangible for more than a few minutes and only his Master’s quick reactions had kept him from falling into the earth. 
“You could wear a mask. Everyone does, it wouldn’t look strange,” Sam’s voice said, cutting through his thoughts. 
“Not you, too,” he said, turning, betrayed, to the stone guardian at his back. He stood up on the wall and started walking toward Tucker, balancing as easy as breathing on the narrow ledge. “It wouldn’t matter, Master would find out.”
“How? There are so many people there, he wouldn’t notice you among them.” Tucker said. “Wear a mask and a hood. Keep your head down and don’t draw attention to yourself. You can do this.” Shaytan sighed and looked down at the people below. He could. There would be hundreds of people there. As long as he didn’t draw attention to himself and kept his face hidden he could sneak out. Master is always so busy this time of year anyway, he wouldn’t even notice he was gone. 
Shaytan sighed. “I can’t believe I’m actually considering this.”
“Who are you talking to?” 
Shaytan didn’t jump, but he was sure the tension in his shoulders gave his fright away. “Master! Good morning!” He turned and bowed to Ra’s al Ghul quickly before standing up straight. He kept his eyes on the knot of his Master’s red tie. “I was just talking to my…friends,” he finished lamely, gesturing toward the gargoyles behind him. 
“Tch,” his Master tsked, his displeasure clear. “And are your… friends… real?” 
“No, sir,” Shaytan replied quickly, ignoring the pang of betrayal that flared in his chest.
“Good, boy. Come, It’s time for your lessons.” 
“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.” 
Hours later Shaytan collapsed against the short wall, exhausted. His Master had not gone easy on him, and he was going to be feeling it for a few days. He rubbed a hand into the large bruise blossoming on his shoulder from a bad fall and let his head fall back against the brick. “I’m going to that carnival,” he said for no one but the gargoyles to hear. 
Kai roared into Gotham City, weaving his cherry red motorcycle through traffic, around midday and immediately had to detour to avoid some festival that was being set up. He groaned, as his directions were very specific and the detour had put him in an area of the city he had never been in before. He had been sent by his father as a favor to an associate of his, a man called Ra’s al Ghul. No one had told him what he would be expected to do for the man, and he wasn’t particularly looking forward to it. It wouldn’t matter, in the long run, if he couldn’t find Luthor Towers in the first place. He spotted a couple of police officers walking a beat and he pulled up beside them, flipping up his visor. 
“Excuse me, officers. Can you tell me how to…” He trailed off as the officers ignored him completely, heading down an alley. “Or not,” he said. 
Kai wished his father had given him a phone, but Lex Luthor, rich as he was, was never one to just hand him solutions to problems. He’d have to figure this out on his own. No problem, he just had to head back toward the city center and make his way from there. Kai kicked his bike into gear and headed up a narrow alley and onto a mostly deserted street. Mostly, because off to the side was a busker selling photographs— being harassed by the same officers who had ignored him. 
“Where did you get this money, huh?” the taller officer asked, pulling the busker's camera bag toward him, and spilling a few dollars onto the dirty pavement. 
“Stole it, most likely,” the shorter officer said, grabbing the busker by his shoulder and pushing him against the wall. 
Kai got his first good look at the busker and his breath caught in his throat. He was beautiful, pale skin contrasted sharply with the dark hair that spilled from the loose bun at the back of the man’s head. Eyes like sapphires burned fiercely as he faced the two officers. 
“I earned it, for your information,” he said, wrenching his shirt out of the officer’s hand. It stayed crumpled and stretched out, showing a hint of a collarbone. His hands fell on the expensive-looking camera around his neck. 
“Yeah, and how’d trash like you afford a camera like that?” the taller officer asked, reaching for the camera. The man twisted, putting one of his arms through the camera strap, and tucking it safely to his side as he did. The shorter officer moved to grab him around the waist, but the man ducked, grabbing his camera bag in a single movement, before embedding a knee in the taller officer’s stomach and making a run for it, straight past Kai and up and over a fence. 
The officers were up and chasing after him in a second. Kai moved without thinking, putting his bike in between the man and the officers who didn’t have time to react. They slammed into him at full speed, falling back on their butts with a groan. 
“I’m sorry about that.” he said, not bothering to hide the amusement in his voice “I didn’t see you there. 
“I’ll have you arrested for that!” the taller officer said.
“Of course, but before that, could you tell me how to get to Luthor Towers? I’m expected.” Kai held out a card to the man. On it was a seal that belonged to Ra’s al Ghul himself. The men paled when they recognized it, babbling apologies and promising to get him there as quickly as possible, even offering him a police escort, which he declined. As he was leaving he saw some cash on the ground that must have fallen out of the photographer’s bag. He put it into the jar of the next homeless person he saw and thought nothing more of it.
When Kai made it to the Towers he was led immediately to an elevator that took him directly to the top floor. The doors opened and he was greeted by a very nervous-looking officer standing guard outside of the large mahogany door. The officer opened the door and led him into a large bright room. The penthouse was not set up as a living space, rather it functioned as a secondary office for when Lex visited Gotham on business and it showed. Most of the decor was modern, white, chrome, and glass, except for an oak desk that sat centered in front of two large plate glass windows overlooking a beautiful view of Gotham City with Metropolis just visible across the bay. Ra’s must have had the desk brought in because Lex’s own desk was sleek steel and glass. The man himself, Ra’s al Ghul, stood with his back to the door, looking over the city. A green silk robe with gold trim flowed from his shoulders and just swept the floor.
The officer stopped a few feet short of the desk and gave a nervous bow. “Sir.” Ra’s turned to face them. From the way everyone was acting, he was expecting someone more physically intimidating. Ra’s was older than he was expecting, and slimmer, with salt and pepper hair and deep lines carved into his face. Under the robe, he wore a surprisingly normal three-piece suit with a red tie. The officer stood from his bow and gestured to Kai. “Kai Luthor is here to see you.” 
“Thank you, officer, you are dismissed.” 
The officer bowed again and all but ran from the room, leaving Kai alone with the infamous Demon’s Head. Ra’s regarded him for a long time with a clinical eye, like he was an interesting specimen under a microscope.  Kai clasped his hands behind his back and stood up straighter under the inspection. “I want to thank you for coming so quickly. I have been following your progress for a long while now.” 
“Of course, sir,” Kai said stiffly, realizing suddenly why Lex had put him through so much discipline training. This man’s presence demanded respect. Ra’s came around the desk and circled Kai. He struggled to not follow the man’s movements. He was forcibly reminded of scientists in white coats surrounding him and inspecting every inch when he first emerged from his cloning pod.
When Ra’s finished his slow circle he turned back to the desk and picked up a crystal decanter filled with a dark amber liquid. “You represent a great achievement in science and technology, as I’m sure your father has told you.” The crystal clinked against the matching tumbler as Ra’s poured himself a drink. He took a sip and sighed before he continued. “Think of this assignment as a bit of a proving ground, to see how profitable that investment has turned out.” 
“Yes, sir,” Kai said, inclining his head. “I apologize, what is the assignment?” 
Ra’s tuned, glass in hand. “Come, walk with me.” He didn't look back as he walked, fully expecting Kai to follow.  
They walked through a sliding door hidden in the wall and directly onto the roof of the building. The cold early spring wind plucked at Kai's hair and set Ra's robe billowing. The man walked right to the brick wall around the edge and looked down at the city and Kai stood next to him. “I’m sure you are aware of the Batman and his Robins. They have been a millstone around the neck of this city, preventing it from progressing. I have been attempting to track them down and eradicate them, but they are slippery beasts. I believe they have a lair somewhere in the city and I want you to find it.” 
Kai felt a heavy weight settling into his gut but forced himself to ask. “When I find them, what would you like me to do?” 
Ra’s gave him a cruel smile and in a swift motion smashed the glass on the brick without flinching at the injury to his hand. 
Kai suppressed a shudder and took a deep breath before he spoke. “You make your point quite vividly, sir. When should I start?” 
“There is a carnival tomorrow in Old Gotham Square.” Ra’s said, pulling a green handkerchief from his pocket and wrapping his hand. “The Bats are sure to be in attendance. Start there, and we will have them in hand this time tomorrow.” 
“Consider it done, sir,” Kai said. The weight in his stomach grew. He may have bitten off more than he could chew. 
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somedayslater · 2 years
Chapter 408 - random thoughts
Ah my i almost never go here, but those last chapters are really merciless ! I just want to write random thoughts, especially after reading @5x-ra​ own analysis (thanks for your post @5x-ra​, really interesting) !!
1. I dont understand why people are saying She Li is a coward for running. He’s not just running away -because if he was, he would have disappeared and would not have waited for He Tian to try and ambush him. He’s just not an idiot ; what’s the point for him to stay around and get his face smashed ? The difference in level in fighting is clear, he doesnt stand a chance against HT. HT was born and trained as a fighter ; isnt HT the one who is cheating, choosing a way to resolve the conflict with his fists, knowing he can only win X) ?
She Li’s shtick is manipulating people, getting under their skin, planning in advance. It was never brute force, and we rarely see him fighting -he uses other people for that. It’s not bad per se, it just means he’s intelligent ; too bad he uses it for nefarious purposes lol. If he was a nice character, I’m sure people would find it clever for him to run away from the fight scene, find a weapon, and ambush HT. But yeah because his role is to be the antagonist and because his main goal is just to make other people miserable, it’s hard to be impressed by this, instead most of the readers wants to see his face smashed and for him to rip the consequences of his actions lol.
2. I think in the scene where Mo smashes his face from behind, SL is livid, not necessarily afraid ! But yeah, the interpretation of him being afraid is also strongly supported by the manwha. But I think She Li must be thinking, “how dare you do that to me ? how dare you oppose me, now of all time ?” Especially, because Mo do the same thing to SL that SL did to the old man who tried to kill Mo. It’s an ironic twist of the same situation.I’m not sure about SL feelings towards Mo, maybe he he loves in his own twisted way, in a really “i own him” way -he even said almost this sentence a few times. So, for She Li, Mo attacking him is like your own dog biting you after you hit him. SL think he has a right to mistreat Mo : he owns Mo, it’s his possession, and so if he beats him to teach him his place, it’s just rough love kind of. But for Mo to react back, it’s a betrayal. And that’s why SL doesnt hesitate : he tries to actually kill Mo, like @5x-ra​ said piercing him in the head ??? wtf. Like an owner hitting his dog too many times, killing it in a fit of rage, because his dog dared to bite back, SL honestly think Mo deserves to die for opposing him. man...
3. Honestly, isnt this story a story about how adults fail the children again and again lol ? There’s no adults around, except HC and Qiu who are like “ok do what you want, just no killing”. I know it’s because the manhwa is destined for a young audience (? maybe), and a young audience identify themselves with the protagonists and so doesnt want annoying parents taking care of them. Even tho, like what the hell haha
4. Altho i do love the last few chapters, am I the only one who is getting kind of annoyed by this “damsel in distress” version of Guan Shan ? We fell in love with MGS because he was a nasty, feisty, dirty ball of fluff. It was the contradictions that was enchanting : he try to fight innocent jyan yi WITH HIS GROUP just because, he throws a rock at ZZX head, he insults everyone and refuse to socialise, he’s mean to the girls who just say hello to him. He insults HT non-stop, often times it’s fair (HT was really cynical at the time), sometimes it’s hypocrite : why cry because HT is mean to him when literally he ambushed JY over nothing ? He’s proud and think he’s better than others because he’s not a hypocrite, but then he have nothing to show off either. And then at the same time he’s oddly loyal, righteous, and honest. It was what attracted HT. And the appeal to their relationship was this pull and push. Mo was as strong as HT in this psychological game.
But since a few chapters, Mo stopped pushing so much. And it’s nice ! It means there’s actually a relationship being constructed between HT and Mo. But then it became really unbalanced. Because HT continues to pull, and Mo just do... nothing. He’s blushing and not looking in the eyes. He does this bc HT wants to, he does that because HT says so... ok he makes a (weak) scene, and thats all. He’s like loosing his character ? He’s becoming more and more passive, he’s a character where things are being done to him and not a character who is doing things.
And it makes me afraid ! because the same thing happened to ZZX and JY. Remember : we all liked zhanyi because because it was two strong characters, with different feelings, desires, behaviours, etc. JY was always the most active one in the relationship, but ZZx had a personality : remember the confession scene ? the kidnapping scene ? You could really feel who ZZX was. And then, once he began to reciprocate JY’s feelings, his character... disappeared.
Like honestly i dont mean to offend, but ZZX right now ? He’s a street lamp. A sexy, stylish streetlamp, but a streetlamp. He could disappear from the story, you could replace by a photography for JY to droll over, it would be the same. And it makes me sad ! But that’s the reason i’m totally disengaged from zhanyi now. Zhanyi is : Jyan Yi does something ->ZZX is.... here I guess. Once again, a character where things are done to him. He’s just kind of hanging out, and we know JY care about him because JY says he cares about him, but there’s nothing to show for it. It’s been years I think, where all ZZX is doing is sighing, patting JY shoulders, oh and last chapter he ran in the hospital. Where he still is probably.
And I’m so afraid the same thing is going to happen to Mo :0 !! Like, now he mellows and kind of reciprocate HT’s feelings, so he’s just becoming someone who stand by, cry, and run. The main character is HT, and Mo is here to look at him. He’s loosing his personality !! I dont want him to disappear. I dont want Old Xian to do the active one who initiates all the actions x the passive one who says “ahh” “ooh” when the active one do something. Please OX dont do that T_T
Hoping the trend will change soon... even if Mo doesnt want to fight anymore, or scream anymore, he doesnt have to become boring. It’s a strong fit to socialize with others when all your life you have been shunned, to learn to trust and love again, there’s a way of depicting it where Mo keeps his strong, fierce personality, without it meaning he’s automatically reverting back to fighting and insulting.
PHEW here it is, my two cents.
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mirersc · 23 days
“I don't understand, how could G.U.N mistake me for the likes of yours!?” Rouge spitted out with annoyance dripping in her tone, her hands landing on her hips.
“You think I am happy that they mistook me for a girl!? Well, guess what, I am not, however I don't whine like you,” Knuckles crossed his arms and huffed under his breath, Rouge in front of him seeing suddenly red.
“Why you! I'll have you know mister, that I do not WHINE!” she glared at the echidna and her fists tightened. Knuckles on the other hand chuckled, “Oh, really? Then what are you doing now? Oh wait– I know. Watch!”
He cleared his throat and pitched his voice as much as he could, “Look at me, look at me! I'm whining like a damsel in distress, because G.U.N mistook me for an echidna. An incredibly hot and handsome echidna. Why couldn't I be like him?”
Rouge almost choked at the imitation, “What!? Oh, no, I believe that you take this further than you actually should. You don't want to see me truly getting mad. You just don't, so you better cut that attitude short, if you don’t wish my heels planted on your stomach, stinky piglet!”
“Relax doc’. I'm not here to steal anything this time. After all I learned my lesson,” Sonic grinned at the scientist, however the other didn't share the same joy.
“I doubt it, rat, though I would be definitely lying, if I were to say that I am not the slightest interested to learn the reason behind your– uninvited presence in my base,” Eggman glared through his glasses and crossed his arms.
Even after the many times Sonic had helped him carry out his plans, he would be insane to start trusting the hedgehog like a decent teammate. For all he knew, he could be working for that annoying bat, if he deemed that the prize she gave him was worthy of putting his quills in danger.
Sonic might have been wearing his heart on his sleeve, but that didn't mean that he didn't master the art of deceiving, thus why Eggman was always wary around him. Or at least, until he was certain that the hedgehog wouldn't betray him.
Speaking of the devil, a chuckle escaped from his lips, “Oh, why are you always that bad-tempered? I still haven't uttered my second sentence and you are already fuming? Chaos, Rouge must have been getting on your tail more and more lately, Eggy.”
Eggman bristled at the name, “Don’t call me that, you, pig!”
It had been bad when that kid had started calling him that. He didn’t need more underestimating. He hated disrespect with all his inner being.
And Sonic of course knew that.
Toying with the cuff of his glove, Sonic gave a side glance to the human in the room, “Maybe, when you stop messing up my species each time you try to insult me I won’t. For now, I think I will be enjoying myself.”
That insufferable fool!
He wanted to shout, to curse, grab a broom and make the other get lost from his sight, but the only thing he ended up spurting was a choked mumble, “Grrr– if you didn’t have ties with the emeralds I would have long gotten rid of you, pest.”
A blue ear twitched and emerald eyes darkened, “What was that, Eggy?”
A pair of red-fabric covered arms raised up in response. “Ra–! I mean– nothing, Sonic. Eeeverything is just– perfect~” the doctor sang and and clapped his arms with feigned joy.
That got the hedgehog before him to retrieve his collected look and fall back to a relaxed stance.
“That’s what I’ve thought. Now, what would you be up to this time? I didn’t make all this wah here to be leaving without some thrill, you know.”
Eggman sighed internally, wishing he could facepalm. This was gonna be a veeery looong road to world domination.
"TAKE THIS!!!" Vector spinned his hammer and then with mighty force broke the wall. Shadow, Maria and Rouge were left speechless.
Meanwhile, the crocodile dusted himself and smirked at his friends, "I know, I am awesome, no need to gauge at me like that. However, feel free to continue, I love the praise."
Immediately Shadow broke into a fistful of chokes and Maria yelped and patted his back, “Shadow! Don’t worry I got you. Deep breaths.” This brought a chuckle out of Vector as Rouge whistled, "Dear Chaos, hun, you seem like a daredevil with this baby in your hands.”
Vector let out a huge grin, "Obviously, Rouge. You expected anything less from this crocodile in front of you?"
Rouge walked in front of her friend and gave him a wink, “Certainly, no, hot stuff.” She then whispered to him, “Next time keep it a bit mild though if you could, hun, sunshine over here–,” she pointed at Shadow, “–doesn't function quite well after seeing super hot demonstrations like mine and yours.”
“You know that I… *cough* c-can hear you, Rouge *cough*.” Shadow glared at the bat as he tried to compose himself and he would carry on scolding Rouge hadn't it been for Maria to interrupt him, “Shadow, no! Please calm down and let your cough subside. We don't want you choking for the rest of the trip.”
Rouge and Vector laughed, when Shadow groaned and Omega let out a cheerful buzz. Shadow was just too easy to tease at times.
The sound of footsteps reached Rouge’s sensitive ears, but before she could warn anyone, a chuckle got her first, “Now that would be a hilarious sight to watch, am I right?”
Teal eyes made eye contact with a pair of emerald and violet ones and team D.I.A with Vector took a fighting stance. Sonic let out a disappointing whine, “Gah, really? I try to partake in your nice conversation and that's how you treat me? I am most definitely let down here, guys.”
Rouge knew that this was the hedgehog's way to mock them, but she couldn't help, but feel somewhat bad at how she behaved around the younger. Usually this wouldn't affect her, but hanging around with younger children did certainly leave an impact on her.
Still she managed swiftly to reply back, “I’m sorry, blue, but I don't indulge in conversations with Eggman's sidekicks. That, unless you decide to take a visit on our side, sugar.” The hedgehog seemed to debate for a second Rouge's offer, before Knuckles punched him in the head, “Are you serious? Do you honestly consider that bat's offer? Remember you have a job to carry on, or are you having second thoughts?”
“Me? Second thoughts? Pleeease, Knux, now where did that thought come from?”
“My name is Knuckles for the last time, hedgehog!”
The echidna tsked, not letting Sonic time to respond and stepped forward calling upon a chaos spear in his hand as he did so, “Party time is over. I am not letting you go any further than this.”
“Have no fear our dear hero here, for Vector the Great is here!” Vector opened up his eyes to see an annoyed and bruised Rouge inside the cage. His eyes widened in shock, “Holy chaos Rouge! How did you end up like this?”
Rouge shrugged as she let out a sigh, stretching her wings as she did so, “Long story short, hun, let's just say that G.U.N is getting more and more on my nerves lately. I might end up like sunshine in the end…”
“Have we made any progress yet with the chaos emeralds? Last time I checked, I believe you'd promised me that all emeralds would be under my control, right, Knuckles?”
Eggman let his gaze fall on the echidna and he in return crossed his arms nonchalantly, “No need to worry, doctor. Soon all emeralds shall be in our disposal. There's only one left to find; the yellow one.”
Huffing under his breath, Eggman grinned, “Brilliant! That means we are one step away from my glory to shine and my Eggman Empire to rise!” He turned to look at his computer, typing several algorithms and chuckled, “We just have to find the last chaos emerald and then not even Rouge will be able to stand in my way, oh, ho, ho. This is splendid news.”
Knuckles continued watching Eggman for a few minutes, before finding himself getting starstruck by space’s illustrious light. A small smirk found its way at his lips.
Soon he would have his revenge. Both Locke and Tikal would find justice.
Suddenly a whistle captured both the echidna and the doctor’s attention and they looked behind them to see Sonic perched atop a generator with a newspaper in his hands.
Eggman scowled, “What is it, hedgehog? If you have no news, find another place to laze around.”
Chaos Reversed is one of your swap sonic AUs where the sonic characters swap roles and powers with each other, but on this one they keep their personalities the same for the most part. Everyone except the villains themselves are swapped, thus why Eggman’s role the same. The swaps aren’t only between two characters.
• Rouge is Sonic and Sonic is Rouge.
• Knuckles is Shadow and Shadow is Knuckles.
• Maria -still a human- is Tails and Tikal is Maria.
• Locke is Gerald. Gerald remains in his role but the backstory is different.
• Vector is Amy -no, he isn’t in love with Rouge, pleease-.
• E-123 Omega is Maria’s creation instead of Eggman’s.
Feel free to ask questions about this au! Some things are different and some remain the same.
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h4lcyonism · 1 year
Tbh I don't feel like the Ren/Nora/Victor thing felt like a repeat of the Blake/Yang/Diana thing, but in a bad way?
Like... with BYD, Yang seemed to realize instantly that she'd said something that made Blake upset which wasn't even actual flirting and just quietly course corrected the rest of the movie and made sure Blake felt supported by her + Diana wasn't at all interested in either of them, which left room for the three of them to actually talk and become friends (I actually really loved their friendship stuff).
RNV on the other hand was just very... weird? On Victor's end, it's weird that he's super into this random teenager he just met (which is impossible to handwave as him feeling like a teen too since he's also the one who takes a dig at Ruby, who's only two years younger than Nora, for being a teen and too young to lead) and even if that hadn't happened he still knows he's actually an adult. Plus, given their relationship, it seems weird that Nora would be upset to see Ren acting a little lot jealous, considering how badly she wanted him to admit he reciprocated her feelings... especially during the early Atlas arc.
And again, unlike with Blake, Yang, and Diana who talked and formed a bond... Victor and Ren's resolution was just "oh look, we can fight together to save the girl we both like" which again... makes no sense as a plot point and doesn't resolve anything between them... while also kinda reducing Nora to a damsel in distress and not having her be a part of resolving the issue, which isn't great since she was upset (regardless of how I feel about it).
this is actually a great way to put it!! the byd thing felt very natural: imo it makes total sense for yang to have a small thing for diana, she’s definitely her type (dark-haired women who could kick her ass), and it makes sense for blake to be jealous because we’ve never seen her have to compete for yang’s attention before, yang’s only ever had eyes for blake. and diana not having any personal involvement with either of them makes the whole thing seem distant, so it’s much more a blake and yang thing rather than something involving diana.
i think in terms of the victor and nora thing, they should’ve just leaned in on victor being more fascinated with nora’s tech rather than anything else, kind of like entrapta from she-ra. it felt weird to turn it into a romantic thing, especially since, like you said, it ended up being a “we can team up to save the girl we both like” sort of deal rather than finding an actual resolution. which is sad, because i liked victor outside of that.
i feel like byd is the only dc/rwby combination that made any sense in a romantic lens, again since the only romantic part of it was between blake and yang. i personally didn’t see weiss and bruce’s relationship as romantic at all, but i do think it was intended that way despite it, and of course there’s the victor and renora deal. that’s why jaune and jessica’s duo was my favorite, because they were friends who could help each other by their similarities and understanding of the other’s problems, and i feel like the other character combinations should’ve been written more like that.
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aboutzatanna · 2 years
When it was announced that Zatanna would appear in Mark Waid and Mahmud Asrar’s ‘Batman vs Robin’ event,  I was cautiously optimistic.  
I am disappointed that the first glimpse of Zatanna we got was an image of her hanged. I’ve included it at the bottom of the post.  
So far nothing about BvsR sounds interesting. So Damian somehow unleashes that leads to a ‘magic war’ and it also pits Bruce and Damian against each other.  
No thanks. 
-First of all, any magic related business should be handled by Zatanna, Dr Fate or other supernatural based heroes.  I don’t mind some supernatural elements in Batman books, after all Batman’s first adventures had him fight vampires, werewolves as well as mobster and even B:TAS included an ancient Egyptian sorcerer who tried to seduce Ras Al Ghul but we don’t need a whole damn magic war involving them. It’s special only if it happens far and in between.   
Damian is my least favorite Robin so I don’t care about his drama with Bruce. 
-So and so threatens the entire ‘magic world’ has become so frequent that it’s become redundant. It’s over done, just like any attempt to one up COIE. 
-If Zatanna’s entire role in this is being a damsel in distress or get magicsplained by Damian or the Bat Fam, we riot (I already get enough of that in JLD).  
-However, it’s important to take a long term view of things:   
Between constant reboots, nonsensical editorial edicts, random swerves in creative directions, character assassinations, toxic workplace that alienated so many creators, getting caught in large corporate mergers and politics, DC is a mess right now.  
The new regime under current EIC Marie Javins is trying to change that but it’s going to take time.
The reason why we have a glut of Bat books is because Batman sells, it’s stable and most of the mythos is consistent and yes, because Batman has more adaptations than any other hero. 
But we are seeing signs of change; the WW books have been consistent in quality, Nubia is getting a never before seen push, Historia is revisiting the radical feminist roots of WW that the previous regime tried to do away with. There are more WW books than before. 
Flash has been so good under Jeremy Adams and it’s the only DC title I read regularly.   
The JSA are coming back next year under Johns.    
 Bit by bit, the DCU is rebuilt.   
Hopefully that also means Zatanna also gets her chance to shine one day as a solo lead with her own supporting characters and enemies and not be a damsel in distress or arm candy for other characters.   
TW: For hanging, and gore imagery.
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real-is-gone · 8 months
i Think the storm is blowing over
i had a bit of an Episode. Psychotic? possibly, but i didnt have any Delusions, so im not sure
i saw Him again, as well. Dan. Seeing him and talking to him again as if nothing had changed was Awful. i mean, well, it was comfortable, yes. it was Nice in a way, going back to the way things were Before.
its obvious im still not Well, but im trying to be Better. the Best i can manage.
i feel bad for rain, think ill shoot him a message in a Moment. i feel Really bad.
my friends, ill keep a Distance for now. i dont know, theyre much Happier when im not around. ill still talk to doop from Time to Time, but the others? most likely not. not unless They message me First
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magicalgirlagency · 2 years
Since you've explained why you don't ship KyoSaya, I think you should explain why you don't like MadoHomu as well, to even the odds.
For better context, here's the old ask where I explain why I don't ship KyouSaya.
My pet peeve with MadoHomu is that 99% of the fandom isn't creeped out by it, specially after The Rebellion Story. There's a huge lack of nuance, and it's worrisome IMO.
Like, a majority of people have this black-and-white view of gay people; they think that by being a marginalized minority, any sort of morally reprehensible behaviour that they display is justified. Many people have this romanticized view of gay people in media, and sees them as pure, innocent and sinless saints that cannot do anything wrong, and if they do wrong, it's because the others had it coming and have only themsleves to blame.
And it's not just gay people; any other minority has been flanderized by the media at some point in their lives.
It's basically the same issue that I have with RosePearl (Steven Universe) and Catradora (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power).
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May I remind you that these two are MASTER AND SLAVE, and I think I don't need to explain how fucked up this is.
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Dude, there's a whole entire blog that documents Catra's abusive behavior towards Adora, and that alone should say something: @anti-catradora-receipts
These ships are all kinds of manipulative and abusive, but both the fandom and the staff don't see it; everything is shamelessly romanticized and seen as beautiful, like a "Love Conquers All" kinda thing. And in Madoka Magica, this is no exception.
Homura has rewritten the universe just so she could be with Madoka, and she actively manipulates everyone's memories just so her personal utopia can remain intact.
"But, wait!", I hear you all cry, "Mami, Nagisa, Kyouko and Sayaka can all live normal lives and be happy, and Kyuubey is paying for their crimes! Isn't that great? Shouldn't we be happy for them?"
Yes and no. Yes, because we get to see Kyuubey suffer; Incubator abuse is always welcome on this here blog. No, because Homura thinks of the other girls (minus Madoka, of course) as afterthoughts as heavily implied in her confront with Sayaka: "All I took was a tiny piece of it [The Law of Cycles]. Just the records of the person that Madoka was before she ceased to exist. Somehow, all of you wound up being pulled in as well. And it seems you can't return to wherever you were before."
And after that, she messes with Sayaka's memories a bit more, so she can't do anything about it, and says this: "We should pretend to be friendly in daily life. If you're confrontational all the time, even she [Madoka] may dislike you."
And speaking of Madoka, it's weird how she is titular character of the original series, and yet no one considers how she feels about Homura's decision. And if you want my honest opinion, I don't think she actually asked for any of this, as she has tried to alert Homura: "Homura-chan, don't! You'll rip me apart!"
To be honest, I don't think Homura sees Madoka as an equal, which it should be the standard for any relationship, romantic and/or otherwise. She created this whole fantasy where Madoka is the weak and helpless damsel in distress that constantly needs protection and saving.
There are even hints of uneasiness and hesitance in Madoka's voice in the second new world, specially when Homura asks her if she considers order important: "Well, I... um... I-I do treasure it. I guess I do think it's kind of bad to break rules becuase you feel like it."
If Madoka REALLY wanted to become mortal again, she wouldn't be so hesitant about it. I mean, she didn't hesitated when she wished for Witch metamorphosis to be erradicated (even though I strongly disapprove of the original ending).
And before I forget, the scenes of Homura's descent into madness had to be redone a second time, because Chiwa Saito's first takes were bordeline yandere. Coincidence? I think not.
"But how can you say it's all romanticized? The whole scene was indeed portrayed to be unsettling!", that is correct, however, the magazine scans and posters see no trouble with the ship:
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Why does Madoka seems so helpless? And why does Homura looks so perverse? And why are these two 14yos so heavily sexualized in these? And why is no one freaked out by this?!
And also, I detect a teeny-tiny bit of queerbait in this ship, because during the NitroPlus Q&A panel in Animanga 2013, when Gen Urobuchi was asked if Homura was in love with Madoka, his answer was: "Probably." Noralities' video essay on Magical Girls and queerness touches upon this discrepancy under the Queerbaiting section.
The Rebellion Story had one job, and one job only: To provide fanservice, to please that other half of the audience that thought the original fates of the heroines were cruel and unfair, only for the plot-twist in the end to trample on it. Hell, MadoMagi wasn't supposed to have a third movie; Magia Quartet only came up with it just so SHAFT could keep on milking the cow.
Here's the thing, if you want to see gay relationships being more represented in media, you got to understand that they can be just as messy and complicated as straight relationships are, and they must be acknowledged with the seriousness and urgency that they deserve. Not every relationship is going to be a healthy one.
You know what I want to see in the fourth movie? I want to see Madoka be ANGRY at Homura, I want to see the Cinnamon Roll LASH OUT and TAKE NO PRISONERS. I want to see Homura being called out and her selfishness and I want to see them FIGHT. If this is the path we're taking, then fucking take it seriously, don't sugarcoat that shit.
But Urobuchi is returning for this movie as its writer, so it's best to not create expectations for it. When Urobutcher is at work, we all lose!
(It makes me wonder, though... are there any fanfics where Madoka and Homura fight? Because I'm really interested in reading some of them, since I don't have any high hopes for the movie...)
And last, but not least: Before anyone says that I hate Homura, I just wanna say that this is a lie. I don't hate her, I hate how the stans constantly claim that she hasn't done anything wrong. She DID. She did everything wrong, and then some!
Being gay and/or traumatized is NOT an excuse to do whatever you like. Consequences exist, and anyone, reguardless of origin, orientation/identity, moral alignment and etc., CAN, WILL and SHOULD face them.
We all have suffered and grieved at some point in our lives, and Little Miss "Existence Known As "Evil"" ain’t special. We don't call it a "Karmic Destiny" for nothing.
You're free to like villainous characters, just don't go coddling them like babies, as they are fully capable and aware of their cruelty, and will keep on testing how far they'll go.
Have some nuance. Please, that's all I ask.
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The Queens Gambit: Snippet Collection
This snippet I dedicated this to my friend on Quotev Light guardian35.
Talking with you gave me back my motivation and I hope you enjoy the little snippet!
A little warning Kihana and Sehrazat Decks could change with time because I suck at Duel Monsters and don’t know anything about it so the nicknames they have in the Dueling World could also change. You will see what I mean when you read the snippet.
I made a base art for this chapter so go to my DevianArt or Tumblr to see it.
If you can see it this is the original link to the base: https://www.deviantart.com/yummehcrayons/art/FPD-Bags-n-babes-base-259082967
And to be sure here is what I made out of it: https://www.deviantart.com/empressofthesun/art/Off-to-Duelist-Kingdom-932075230
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Snippet 3: Duelist Kingdom
Pegasus really had a lot of money to spend if he could book a luxury cruiser to bring all these duelists to the Duelist Kingdom. Or it was his.
Sehrazat admitted she was a bit overwhelmed.
All this because he wanted her Millenium Fragment? And nobody had a clue.
“I’m sorry.”, she heard the voice of her dear Partner.
Afya, the spirit of the Millenium Fragment, materialized at her side.
The once queen of all Egypt looked sorrowful with the same orange eyes as Sehrazat and…her mother at her.
Sehrazat was still surprised how both could be twins, only Afya was taller, had longer hair and her face looked more mature and beautiful.
“If only I had beaten Pegasus in his twisted game, then you didn’t need to make this journey to save Amira’s soul.”, said the spirit sadly and ashamed of herself.
“Afya, I don’t give you the fault her.”, Sehrazat reminded her darker half. “Only Pegasus and his freaky eye! We will get mama back! If we have to beat Pegasus at a children’s card game, then so be it. He won’t use the same trick on us again twice!”
Afya nodded determinedly at her partner and descendant.
“True words you speak child of mine. And if this didn’t work we can always beat Pegasus up. I would prefer this more.”
Now Sehrazat had to laugh, which earned her strange looks from the other duelists in the line for the boarding and a raised eyebrow from Kihana beside her.
She pointed at the air beside her mouthing the name she had given her ancestor. Kihana understood and let them be.
“I love how you are always ready to beat people up, Gran-Gran.”, she told full of affection Afya.
Her “Gran-Gran” puffed her cheeks up.
“I’m a warrior, no damsel in distress. I may not remember my life as queen, but I know I was born to fight not to play children’s card games!”
“And yet you are so good at it Gran-Gran!”
Sehrazat didn’t get a response, because it was now her turn to show Pegasus lackey her dueling clove to prove she could board the ship. Afya took this chance and retired back into the Millenium Item.
Probably to go into her soul room and train with her outstanding collection of swords. Yes, Sehrazat know that it was all mental, but still, holy Ra Afya had a lot of weapons in her soul room and can use anyone masterly.
It does make her feel humble.
After Kihana got the okay to board, the two best friends gripped each other hands and decide to look around the ship.
One of the lackeys told them as former Europa Champion and Number two in the classific they would have a Doppel bedroom for themselves, so they left their luggage there, so they could move freely around.
They wanted to check on their competitors. They needed to.
Knowing whom they were going against would help them greatly to win the tournament and get Amira’s soul back from Pegasus.
That’s how the stubble upon an interesting scene.
There was Mai Kujaku, an old acquaintance of the girls, in a conversation with two unknown boys.
One was a tall blond with a green jacket and the other was a short boy with the wildest hair they ever had seen. Tri-colored and starfish-shaped.
Suddenly Sehrazat heard Afya hiss.
“What’s wrong, Gran-Gran?!”, she asked worried her Yami.
“Look at what the little one is wearing!”
Sehrazat did it and had to control the gasp that left her mouth. She nudge Kihana so she could see it too.
The taller girl let out a silent curse: “What in the name of freaking Isis?!”
Right in front of them was another Millenium Item.
And not any ordinary, not that any of them was ordinary, it was the Millenium Puzzle!
The one who belonged once to the Nameless Pharaoh and Afya’s husband, as Sehrazat’s grandmother, told them in her stories.
No wonder, Afya was freacking out.
Both best friends had turned into statues.
What should they do now?
Afya was no help since she had to calm herself down. Kihana and Sehrazat looked at each other.
“We need to talk to the boy.”, suggests Kihana. “We need to know if the pharaoh is with him.”
“How are we going to do that?! Just straight up walking over to him and asking him if he has a spirit in his puzzle who possesses him sometimes? We would sound crazy, Hana!”, arguerd Sehrazat back.
“Do you have a better idea, Sehra?”
“…Not really.”
However, they didn’t need to walk up to the boys, since Mai turned around to walk away from them and saw the two girls.
The older girl blinked for a second, not believing whom she saw before she smirked.
“Well, well, if this isn’t a surprise.”, she said so loud that everybody, including Yuugi and Jounouchi, looked in her direction. “If this is not Sehrazat, the Amazon Princess of the Nile, and Kihana, the Lady of the Dragons. What are you girls doing here? I thought you had to take a break from tournaments?”
Under all the looks of the people, Sehrazat got shy and hide a bit behind Kihana, gripping her hand tight, while her best friend deadpanned at Mai.
“Hello to you too Mai, Mistress of the Harpies. Long time no see. How are you?”
Mai couldn’t answer since abruptly a lot of Duelists talked out loud.
“Oh my god, that’s really Sehrazat Faizan, the Amazon Princess of the Nile!”
“The Europa Champion?”
“The one whom anybody bet that at the world championships would bet Seto Kaiba?”
“Her or Kihana Schariq, the Lady of the Dragons. These girls are already legends!”
“Are they that good at Duel Monsters?”
“They are both incredible! You should have seen their Duel at the Europa championships! It was brutal!”
Sehrazat got even shyer and looked at the ground, while Kihana rubbed with her free hand her neck.
Of course, after Jounouchi stared at the two pretty girls to see if he was familiar with them, if they were such big names in the Dueling world, he turned to his best pal.
“Are these pretty girls, really such huge numbers, Yug?”, he asked.
Yuugi nodded.
“Yes, Sehrazat Faizan and Kihana Schariq were increbibal at the europa championchip. Their duel against each other was even transmitted in Japan. Sehrazat with her all-female monster-themed deck and her amazons only won by a hair against Kihana’s dragons. It was from start to finish nervewracking.”
Jounouchi let out a whistle, damn that sounded badass, while Yuugi looked at the girls.
He remember how he had watched their duel. As he had first seen Sehrazat on the TV something deep in him had reacted to her.
The boy still couldn’t figure out what.
She was a beautiful girl, no question, and even a bit shorter then him, but something in him had felt like he had know her, which was impossible of course.
Yet, seeing her in blood and flesh now, made the feeling tenfold.
It was then that Sehrazat looked up from the ground and their eyes meet.
Violette met orange.
And both felt like lightning struck them.
Unknown to them even their Yami’s felt it.
Yuugi felt a blush forming on his cheeks.
Sehrazat was so beautiful.
And these eyes of hers…so brilliant and unique…he had never seen orange eyes…nonetheless he felt he had looked into these eyes a thousand times…like he was coming home.
Meanwhile, Sehrazat had the same thoughts crossing her mind.
Yuugi was a short guy, but taller than her, and his eyes remind her of beautiful Amethyst. Eyes that she know, even if it was impossible, it was like she had found a missing piece of herself.
He was a handsome young man!
Mai’s voice broke the two out of their staring contest.
“What’s up with you Sehrazat, you aren’t normally this shy?”, said the older girl to her and raised an elegant eyebrow. “Not even a hello to an old opponent?”
She could practically feel how Kihana gave her a look too. Damn it was embarrassing!
She liked her lips and smiled a bit wobbly at Mai.
“It’s nice to see you again, Mai. So you are in this tournament too, heh?”
Yuugi felt a shiver down his back as he heard her voice in person. She had a pretty melodious voice.
It was like he know that she would have such a voice.
But how?
He didn’t know that his darker half was freacking out at seeing the young girl too. It was so weird, the spirit know he didn’t remember things, but he had a feeling he know this girl and he could sense a familiar presence of off her.
How could be this possible?
“You both may have defeated me the last time we saw each other.”, told Mai Kihana and Sehrazat. “But this time I will be victory. See you at the island, ladies.”
With that Mai left and left behind a Kihana who shook her head at her and a Sehrazat who mumbled: “Can’t we be just friends?”
Now, a lot of people didn’t think that Jounouchi was an observant person and it was mostly true, but he had seen how his best pal Yugi stared at this Sehrazat girl like she was some kind of goddess, not that he could fault him. The tiny girl was pretty, he just found her white-haired and taller friend hotter.
Else like a good best friend, he needed to help Yuugi. His pal would never talk to that girl alone, never mind ask her out or something, so he would play wingman for him.
With a grin, he gripped Yuugi by his shoulder and nearly pushed him to the girls. Yugi looked wide-eyed at him and mouthed what-are-you-doing to him.
Jounouchi ignored him.
It was for Yuugi one sake…and also he really wanted to speak with the white-haired girl.
She was a bomb!
Kihana raised an eyebrow at them and Sehrazat hide behind her again. She caressed the hand of her best friend to calm her down. Whatever happened, her Sehra seemed already crushing on the tri-colored-haired teen, if she acted this way.
Was this some kind of love at first sight?
That was adorable!
“Hey, ladies.”, greeted them Jounouchi. “I’m Katsuya Jounouchi, you can call me Joey and that’s my pal Yuugi Muto. I heard from him you both are number one and two in dueling from Europa! That’s really cool.”
Not only Kihana and Sehrazat were shocked, even Afya looked at this tiny boy and couldn’t believe it.
“You are the one who bet Seto Kaiba, wow, it’s an honor!”, said Kihana to them.
Sehrazat nodded rapidly.
Afya facepalmed at her descendant.
“O-Oh, thank you.”, mumbled Yuugi shyly.
The blue-haired girl took all her courage and stopped hiding behind Kihana. She wanted and needed to talk to Yuugi. Afya even gave her an encouraging nod.
“You were incredible.”, complimented Sehrazat Yugi, who blushed more at her words. “You were the first one even to summon Exodia! It was a spectacular duel. I don’t think I could have handled Kaiba as you did.”
“I reset that.”, hissed Afya in their minds. “The boy with the blue eyes white dragon fetish would have gone down hard and rough if we duel him!”
Sehrazat ignored her Yami/Ancestor.
“N-No, I saw how you duel at the Europan championship. You truely earned your first place. I bet you can defeat Kaiba too, Faizan-San.”, complimented Yuugi back to her.
He was burning like a house on fire, but he needed to say this.
Shy Sehrazat batted her long eyelashes and Yuugi thought he would die. If he did it would be a great death, with one last look at the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
“Please you can call me Sehrazat or Sehra.”
“Then please call me Y-Yuugi!”
“Yeah, and Jounouchi or Joey to me.”, said Joey with a huge grin.
Damn this two were adorable.
Kihana seemed to agree with him since she grinned at him and pointed her head at the two smaller teens.
“And I’m Kihana or just Hana. So Yuugi, you are wearing interesting jewelry. It looks like the one Sehrazat is wearing.”, directed Kihana their conversation to the question they needed the answers to.
However cute Sehrazat and Yuugi were with each other, needed to wait for this.
That’s when both Joey and Yuugi noticed the teardrop-formed golden amulet with an eye that hung from Sehrazat’s neck.
“It looks really like yours, Yug!”, said Joey.
“Another Millennium Item!”, gasped Yugi suprised.
“What you sure, men?”
It was Sehrazat who answered him: “Yes, my amulet is a Millennium Item. The legends say there are eight of them.”
“Is your one too, Yuugi?”, asked Kihana.
He nodded, still floored. Never would he have thought to meet after Pegasus eye another Millenium Item.
“Yeah, it’s the Millenium Puzzle.”
Of that answer, Afya had the strongest reaction. Sehrazat had to keep her face under control, which was hard since her Yami literally screamed in their shared mind.
“I can’t believe it! It is the puzzle! Is there my supposed husband’s soul bond, like your grandmother told us, Sehrazat? I mean I kinda feel something of another presence with little Yuugi, but whatever that is doesn’t want to talk and show themselves. How rude!”
Thankful the ship horn sounded, which meant that it was time to retire to their cabin. Sehrazat was thankful. One part of her didn’t want to leave Yuugi, no it wanted to talk more to him, but she, Kihana, and Afya needed to talk.
Thank the gods, that Kihana was with her.
She gripped her hand and gave the two boys her best brilliant smile. Joey and Yuugi turnend both red under Kihana’s beauty.
“Look at the time. We need to go, but we should totally meet up later guys.”
With a wave, she dragged Sehrazat in the direction of their shared cabin.
I could write the whole episode since there are no duels, but that’s for when I write one day the real story fully. I will write part two of it maybe in the next few days. But no promises, I could write something totally different.
If you didn’t know English isn’t my first langue and it is really stressful to write a whole chapter in it.
Making this snippet, writing only parts of the chapter of this fanfic I have planned is really more simple.
At last, I want to recommend three awesome YGO! Fanfic to you.
First: https://www.quotev.com/story/12353010/Yu-Gi-Oh-book1-Lost-PurposeKaiba-X-OC/1
Second: https://www.quotev.com/story/14369524/Rising-SunYami-Atem/1
Give them a chance and give the authors a review, they are really worth a read.
Have a nice day/night!
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jessequinones · 2 years
Don't Fetishise Slavery
A while ago on TikTok, someone made a video and to make sure I don't put words in their mouth, I'm going to be quoting a lot of what this person said. To avoid any kind of harassment, I won't be using their username but trust me when I say I'm not making this up. I didn't think I would have to tell people this but don't fetishise slavery.
The influencer started their videos (and there are several) about how someone negatively reviewing a book doesn't mean that others won't find enjoyment in said book. The person who reviewed a book didn't like it because the slavery aspect was poorly done, especially for a romcom. The influencer responded, "I need the title because any sci-fi romance with slavery in it, I will read the shit out of that. I know that's fucking problematic, but like...I love it; that's one of my kinks."
Now I won't mention the book in question because I don't want the book to blow up in popularity, whether the popularity is famous or infamous. It's best if this storytelling doesn't see the light of day as fetishising slavery is disgusting.
I like how the influencer stated in their own video they know this is problematic. I should also mention this influencer is also white.
After that video was made, there was backlash (obviously). Still, the influencer only addressed the backlash from one person, maybe two but claimed there were multiple. There's a good chance the influencer simply deleted those comments but kept the remarks which were in support.
In their next video, the influencer said in response to someone asking why is that your favourite trope? "Is it my favourite? No. Do I enjoy it in sci-fi when there are non-humans involved? Yes."
This is where the problems begin.
Even if slavery isn't your {influencer} number one trope, why do you enjoy it? Secondly, the fact of the matter is alien slaves, and human slaves are not different.
Most of the time, aliens are coded as people in minority communities, but their traits are brought out to eleven. Here are a few examples of the negative stereotypes in sci-fi and why it's no different from the real world.
The Krogan (Mass Effect Series) deals with a heavy topic known as the 'genophage'. The Krogan were sterilised because they were seen as 'dangerous' and had to be kept 'under control'. Sterilising woman in a marginalised community is sadly nothing new.
"More recently, forced and coerced sterilisation against marginalised women has been documented in countries in North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, including Chile, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Hungary, India, Kenya, Mexico, Namibia, Slovakia, South Africa, Swaziland, USA, Uzbekistan, and Venezuela" Priti Patel (2017) 'Forced sterilisation of women as discrimination' https://publichealthreviews.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40985-017-0060-9
Patel forgot about Puerto Rico and how the United States were the one who did it.
Not all aliens in media are giant frog-like creatures; some are like the Jedi, which are just humans but with super powers.
"Most of last century's science fiction is notoriously tales of white, male humans—no matter how far in the future or how distant a planet it is set. Other-worldly stories of strong, white, human-like aliens rescuing a beautiful damsel in distress set an unfair standard for both males and females while ignoring non-binary people. Not to mention that other alien races were generally portrayed as a threat, or corrupt in some way, or less intelligent." Carla Ra (2021) 'Racism and Sexism in Early Sci-Fi' [https://www.authorcarlara.com/post/racism-and-sexism-in-early-sci-fi]
What does all of this have to do with the slavery trope?
"Black men and boys are imagined as dangerous, threatening, inherently criminal and superhuman — bigger, faster, stronger and less likely to feel pain. These views have roots in chattel slavery." -Tamari Kitossa The conversation (2020) https://theconversation.com/how-hollywoods-alien-and-predator-movies-reinforce-anti-black-racism-127088
Let me highlight what Kitossa said, slavery. Real-world slavery. That was about the predator alien from... 'Predator'. Just because a book is written about aliens doesn't mean it doesn't draw on real-world events. Humans write what we know. The only thing we know is our own history and culture and, therefore, can't create anything 100% brand new and original.
When creating an alien race, something will link it back to the real world; that's just how it is.
In the same video, the influencer said, "liking something in a book doesn't mean you like it in real life."
This is where the white privilege comes out and says hello.
Throughout history, the chances of you being a victim of slavery are low if you're white. I'm only alive because my Taiño ancestors were enslaved, so slavery is a touchy subject for me.
Growing up as a white person whose ancestors were never enslaved gives you {the influencer} a sort of privilege that many people don't have. Those who are a victim of slavery can't trace their ancestor's lineage that far back. Many of their history and culture got destroyed. The Taiño community, my people, are labelled as extinct because of slavery even though we're still alive! Hearing people talk about my community as if we're no longer around is really hard to deal with, even though no one hears us, no matter how loud we shout. That's what's it like when your ancestors are victims of slavery; that's a privilege some people (mainly white people) don't have to deal with because their ancestors were the ones doing the killings. You may be able to ignore that history when its a fictional alien, but we see the history and connections.
I'm going to skip over some of the other stuff the influencer said, trying to defend themselves because they go into kink talk, something I know nothing about. However, I will only bring up things I think are relevant to the discussion.
"When somebody has a kink that they do not act out in the real world, um… who are any of us to judge?"
I hope you {the influencer} don't act out slavery in the real world.
As for enjoying things in a book but not liking them in real life and trying not to judge others who have kinks only in fantasy, where is the line drawn? How would that kink form be my biggest question? What part of being a slave made you {the influencer} enjoy it to the point where it became a kink? That question gets answered later.
Another video later. "Slavery trope in literature is the same as slave play because it is consensual. The reader is consenting to the content."
Trying to stick with only books here; this is why that kind of thinking is flawed.
I will be the first to admit that I know nothing about slave play, BDSM, etc. However, I know a popular book where that kink is the main focus. Love it or hate it, Fifty Shades of Grey.
Fifty Shades of Grey is a story about a power dynamic. Both parties consent via contract. The slavery trope in fantasy is not like that because the enslaved person in the book isn't consenting. That's how consenting works; both parties need to agree to it.
The idea that the slavery trope is consensual because the reader is consenting via reading is wrong. A reader is a witness to a story; they're observing what's going on but can't do anything to stop it. When someone reads a book, if the book is written well enough, that fantasy becomes a reality as the reader gets sucked into that world. The same can be said when watching a movie. The viewer can't change the story, the story is already told, so whenever something happens to a character, it will always happen to that character. Here I give the example of the numerous, take your pick, rape scenes in the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' book series and the 'Game of Thrones' TV series.
Several actors were uncomfortable with what they were doing because of the real-world implications, and several viewers were uncomfortable watching it because of traumatic events. The only one who consented to all of this was the show's writer and the book's writer.
"Whenever discussions come up about the depictions of women in fantasy shows that take place in a fictional past or in an altered version of our past, there are many excuses that are allowed to be passed around. "Women didn't have as many rights in the past" is not an excuse for subjecting women to sexual violence, writing them using sexist tropes, or to give them a passive position." -Princess Weekes (2019) The Mary Sue [https://www.themarysue.com/perils-of-sexist-racist-medieval-fantasy-historical-reasons/]
Everything that I just said applies to sci-fi. Sci-fi isn't a genre that escapes from these tropes as it's the same but now in space. Like I said before, writers create what they know. When making slaves for an alien race, taking a look at real-world slavery is a resource one can do.
In the same video, the influencer said, "there is no victim because the characters are fictional and the reader is consenting, so there's no victimisation."
Again, that's just wrong. The victim is still the slave. Yes, everything is fictional and fake, but fake stories have real-world repercussions. You can't tell me people don't inspire to be like Indiana Jones. Because of Indiana Jones, looters of archaeological dig sites ramped up during Indy's hay day. I suggest reading this article here if you would like to know more about looters. [https://www.lastwordonnothing.com/2014/09/09/why-archeologists-hate-indiana-jones/comment-page-1/]
Fetishising slavery is a quick way to turn something in a book back into reality despite the fact that slavery is still around. Those who enjoy the slavery trope might try to recreate it in the real world and with a partner who agrees. That's fine until the 'salve' isn't acting enough like a real slave and the consenting party quickly doesn't last. I'm not saying the influencer does that; they very clearly stated they don't. However, we can't deny the effect fictional stories and characters have on the real world. Just because a story might be fake doesn't mean it can't inspire another story that isn't.
The influencer repeats themselves a few times and goes around in circles in other videos. Still, their last main argument that I want to take away from all of this was why they enjoyed it in the first place. I lost the video for the exact quote, but the influencer said they enjoy the power dynamic between an enslaved person and a slave owner. They enjoy it when someone holds all of the power but falls in love with a slave, and throughout the story, the two of them become one. That kind of love story can easily be done without having actual enslaved people in it.
Anyone who writes actual slaves, sci-fi or not and then romances them is fetishising something that's still happening today, just not talked about as much. The guardian estimated in 2019, about 40 million people were in slavery (Kate Hodal' One in 200 people is a slave. Why?' https://www.theguardian.com/news/2019/feb/25/modern-slavery-trafficking-persons-one-in-200)
Writing about slavery is fine; fetishising it is not. Also, trying to find more books about that trope and buying it is not all right. The more people who buy these books, the more people will keep making them. The more these books keep getting made, the fewer people will see this as a bad thing, and they might start recreating a fantasy and turning it into reality. Don't engage in that trope; thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
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theoverbeast · 1 year
This art will be protected and don’t let Sriram Bronzo and the others would take this. Because we knew that Sriram Bronzo and his friends are looking for us and @RosellaBascoMac.
Sriram hypnotized Rose but Nomura San destroyed and thanks for Nomura.
Sriram Bronzo hypnotized Rose then that's why the house boy kisser creep do disgusting lewd things on Rosella almost destroyed her virginity then blackmailed Rose if she did not giving him a large amount of money immediately, after 6 years that Tetusuya Nomura finally destroyed it.
Tetsuya Nomura destroyed Sriram Bronzo’s hypnotizing spell on Rosella, what a nice great hero.
Nice try Leon Belmont how come Peta is supposed to be blamed? What Peta doing here in Rosella’s hyperactivity. Behind of House boy kisser creep Virgin Destroyer diablo was @Megumi_Ogata. Then @CastlevaniaDra1 defended the hideous kisser creep because he is black.
@CastlevaniaDra1 do all 😡 on Rosella’s posts.
@Megumi_Ogata if you got raped as Nanase? Then you forced Hokuto Shirase get married on ugly breeding rapist. You took revenge on Shirase? You took revenge on Hokuto Shirase that she will get raped forever but that’s too much. At once Shirase Hokuto forgave your actions and now you did to her that she will get raped by Darun Mister. And it’s too much You’re useless, worthless, & coward.
Rose never trust you, she truly hates you because you let ChobixPho & the house boy kisser creeper greedy jobless diablo ra/ped her almost she have a child with him.
@Megumi_Ogata why you let house boy raped her, for sharing your fate to her, wanted her pregnant by house boy?! Damn you & Sriram Bronzo! You monsters have no regrets of what you’ve done. You uglies & real diablos must go to darkest abyss & you must burn in the flames of hell.
Tetsuya Nomura saved us from your hypnotisms, you’ve people stole us from him! @Megumi_Ogata How dare you funbagged us? How could you let us surrender our virginity? Huh? For Sanane Suzuki again? What? To avenge her vagina? Oh yeah, it's fun to be Sanane for you for beating Shirase Hokuto so badly but here Sanane will be the lowest-rank outcast who don’t deserve respect the most.
Before Shirase Hokuto used to forgave you since 2016 and 2018 but now she never trusted you anymore. Because your chauvinist and misogynist fools. Like Koji Igarashi despised Shirase, oh my God. What a diablo. Why would Shirase would be locked up damsel of distress?
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My Maribat Betrothal AU: Take Two
Okay so people like that post that is more of a train wreck produced by my sleep-deprived brain. I expanded on it and added some changes. Fair warning: Most of my ML and DC knowledge came from Maribat fics, a few episodes and the DCU movies like son of Batman. I have Mari's pov and background stuff written and it needs some editing. Anyways, enjoy <3
It is not a continuation but: @alysrose-starchild, @buginetye, @lookatthestars1, @blackroserelina, @macncheesemonster, @mochinek0
(Part 2)
Damian groaned.
He was not having a good day.
First, Father decided to pair him with Todd, TODD of all people, for patrol.
Second, while doing a stake-out for the warehouse near the docks which might be used as storage for criminal activity and enduring Red Hood's annoying taunts, they both were knocked out by tranquilizers and his mother's face was the last thing he had remembered seeing.
"Don't worry, little one. You are just fulfilling your duties as heir to the Demon's Head. Then, all will be perfect." She had said, just before he fully lost consciousness.
Third, he woke up to being chained up with a major headache. Taking a bearing of his surroundings, the room he was imprisoned in had two exits, an iron door and a window that had the view of his childhood home. He was dressed in wedding ensembles of the League of Shadows. Red Hood was chained up next to him as well but unlike him, still had his suit and helmet on. Glancing to the other side, he saw a raven-haired girl, chained up and dressed in the black and gold robes of a bride. She had also retained consciousness and was staring at him.
Bluebell eyes met his piercing green.
His betrothal was petite with Asian features. She had freckles dotting her button nose and rosy cheeks.
She is fragile and will break easily, he thought. Why did his mother want him to marry such a weakling?
"Savez-vous où nous sommes? (Do you know where we are?)" Her voice was sweet and trembling with fear. Her eyes were wide and seemed filled with innocence yet carrying great sadness. She was an Angel, an ordinary girl, not fit for this harsh and unforgiving world she was forcefully going to get married to.
She opened her mouth to ask another question and suddenly, she went limp, appearing to be unconscious. Damian furrowed his brows in confusion. Why did she-
A moment later, he heard footsteps approaching and the iron door opened to reveal his mother.
Jason woke up to the sight of the Bitch Talia and Demon Spawn, face to face, glaring at each other.
Talia broke the tense silence.
"Damian, I hope you know what you should do."
"To be forcefully married to that little girl. She is no one special. Why am I getting married to her?"
Married? The Demon Spawn is getting married?!
Jason saw through his helmeted vision, a girl about Damian's age, chained up like them but not yet awake. He raised his hand and saw the shackles around his wrists. The chains were connected to the wall. He experimentally yanked the chains, drawing Talia’s attention.
“Well, Jason, you are awake. You can be the best man for the wedding.”
“No. I don’t know what game you are playing but you better release us. B is gonna find us and you will pay. Let the girl go. She is innocent in all of this.” Jason said vehemently.
"Ladybug may not seem like it but she possesses great power that my father converted for centuries. Speaking of, she should be awake by now."
Talia stood up and grabbed Ladybug’s(?) hair and yanked so that her eyes met the girl's. The girl, who unfortunately was going to be the Demon Spawn's bride, lets out a cry and starts to tear up. Jason felt anger at how she was being treated, seeing the girl as a little sister already.
"Tch, See, she is more pathetic than I thought. She is not powerful." Demon Spawn growled out. The girl starts babbling in French. From the little French Jason knows, she was begging for mercy.
“Like I thought, weak. She is not deserving of the title of my wife.” Damian spat out.
"Appearance can be deceiving. Despite her demeanor, she is the current wielder of the Ladybug Miraculous and the Current Guardian. The old Guardian, the old fool had promised her in exchange for his protection." Talia countered, letting go of the girl.
Miraculous? Guardian? What the hell?
"That doesn't mean I want to marry her. She is not worthy of an Al Ghul or a Wayne. Look at her, crying at the slightest feeling of pain."
The mother and son begin to bicker. Damian refusing to marry and Talia trying to change his mind.
“Yes, both have to be willing to be married but the curse placed on both of you will ensure that you will agree.”
The dark haired girl had stopped crying and started whispering in a strange language when the fight started, fiddling with the silver ring she wore. Jason saw a terrifying smile crossed the face of the girl across him that chilled him to the bones. Later, a black blur came out of her robes and went through the door. He wondered if he imagined that before he was a determined glint in her eyes.
He blinked.
Talia was choking on the chains that were previously chained to the wall and were now around her neck. Fortunately for them, Talia had closed the door after her entrance and the guards most likely to be stationed outside didn’t storm into the cell. The girl whispered something in Talia's ear, making the woman's eyes widen with what could be fear.
The experienced assassin struggled to get free and gain an upper hand on the girl but was unsuccessful, passing out from the lack of oxygen and strangely strong grip of the small girl.
What happened next was surprising. She breathed hard on her shackles which instantly disintegrated into flakes of rust.
Holy Shit! Demon Spawn's girl is magic. Jason knows his mouth was hanging open under his helmet at that realization. Damian seems to be in the same state.
Talia didn't have the keys to the locks. Being crafty like that. Bitch
"Call me Lady." she said in lightly accented English as she summoned black orbs at the tip of her hands. “Stay still.”
She then proceeds to place her hands on Jason’s shackles, turning them into nothing more than specks.
"I am Red Hood." said Jason, rubbing his wrists.
"The little shit here," as he kicked Damian's leg, " is-"
"Damian Al Ghul" she said the last name with venom. She moved on to Damian's bonds. "Son of that bitch over there, grandson of Ra's, demon heir, blah blah blah. Hold still, mon mignon. I am sure you don't want to lose a hand."
Damian stopped moving at that, due to the pet name or fear Jason couldn’t tell but by the red at the tips of his ear, it could be the former. And she used her powers to free him.
Lady somehow managed to use what remained of the chains to hog tie Talia up.
“How do we get out?” Damian asked, inspecting the blade that he flinched from his mother.
“Hey, kit.” A nasally voice called out. “I checked out the place we are in. Like you asked. The way to the Throne room is heavily guarded and they seem to think old Ra’s the target. The Pits are guarded too but they are nothing you can’t handle.”
“What is that?” Jason shrieked.
“Thanks, Plagg, you will get that camembert danish when we get back. This is a kwami, a god of sorts and his thing is destruction so I wouldn’t insult him if I were you. He likes to go by Plagg”, answered Lady, which doesn’t clear up Jason’s confusion.
“So, Pigtails, what’s the plan?” The floating, black cat-shaped god(?) asked.
“I was thinking of destroying the Pits to give Al Ghul a middle finger and call Maman to use the Horse to get home.”
“We need Tikki to get rid of it..”
“I will just tell Maman to bring the earrings.”
Damian snorted, “That sounds like a foolish plan. You are insane and not strong enough to take on the League alone, despite having a ‘god’ of destruction at your side. This Tikki or magic earrings will destroy the Pits, many have tried. And sorry to disappoint but no horse can make it up the mountainside of Nanda Parbat.”
“Have to agree with Demon Spawn here and I rarely do that. Your plan sounds insane, Pixie. You are just one girl. Let us help, we know the League better than you. We can come up with a better one.” Jason was worried for the girl, she was crazy if she thought her plan would work.
Lady smirked, “It is a perfectly sound plan. I know what I am talking about. Despite the weak girl act, I am no Damsel in distress. After this is all over, we will split our ways and hopefully, never see each other again.”
“We can’t separate. My mother said there is a curse that will ‘make us fall in love.’” Damian said, using air quotes. “You need to come with us so we can get someone to break it.”
“Fine. But I need to do something before I am coming with you. Plagg, Claws out.”
Bright green light flashed around her and she was now dressed in a black bodysuit with green linings. It was armoured at the chest, knees and elbows. (Add whatever details you want, I can’t do it. Jacket, designs, use your imagination) Her gloves were claws-like, reminding them of Selina and there was a belt carrying some vials, pouches and throwing stars. Her hair was now longer and braided and seemed to move on its own. Cat ears were attached to her head. Her eyes were changed so the sclera were the same shade of blue as her iries and the pupils were slitted like a cat. A black domino mask framed her face. Two ten-inch daggers appeared out of thin air in her hands.
The transformed Lady did the inhuman feat of kicking the door open. The assassins stationed outside were immediately knocked out by Lady.
“Well, are you coming or not?” She called out, before running down the corridor. Jason patted his shocked brother’s shoulder, “You doing okay there, demon spawn?”
“Tch, Let’s go, Todd.” Damian replied, trying to get rid of that funny feeling in his chest.
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kintatsujo · 2 years
I swear to fuck the next time I hear people say OG She-Ra was "created by men" I'm gonna lose my fucking mind no she fucking wasn't
She was created by A man, Lou Scheimer, and pitched to Mattel, because his wife and daughter kept complaining about damsel in distress syndrome
And then Erika Scheimer, the aforementioned daughter, handled much of the character's actual treatment in the show
There were in fact women working in cartoons in the 80s for fuck's sake!!
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