#[Hakkai: He Who Knows his Worth]
missyandthemisfits · 3 months
Tokyo Revengers-Do They Believe In Sex Before Marriage?
Mikey – Pfft, do you even have to ask? He’s got NO qualms about sneaking (it’s not sneaky at all) you off from the group in-between meetings and giving you the most satisfying of quickies, needy and demanding as he pushes you up against the alleyway wall. Quite the exhibitionist this one. No, the real challenge will be convincing Mikey that marriage is something worth having  ‘cause let’s face it, he ain’t buying what they’re selling. 
Draken – Honestly, he would much MUCH rather be wed before he’s plowing his impressive length down into your slick, but alas, he’s a man with needs and desires. That said, if you really wanna wait until marriage, he’s not forcing you to do anything you don’t want. He will, however, ask for other things, to give and to receive them. 
Mitsuya – Oh, he’s a man on a mission to be married with children, I can assure you of that. He probably wants to be married before making his dream of having you a moaning mess of a person beneath him come true. Buuut, he’s all for fooling around beforehand if you are. And if you wanna wait, he’s waiting, no questions asked. #Gentlemengonnagentleman
Hakkai – Baby boy really really wants to wait until marriage, he’s hella embarrassed about even thinking about you in those compromising positions, spread so deliciously for him and only him. But also, he’s incredibly weak willed when it comes to you and your wishes so despite weak protests, he’s not stopping anything. As a religious man though, he will feel guilty about it.  
Baji – He absolutely intends to sleep with you before he pops the question – gotta take the car out for a test drive before you purchase it, right? (Words uttered only to Chifuyu who is sworn nay threatened to secrecy). He fantasizes about being balls deep in you like clockwork and when he finally gets that chance? He’s not giving it up for anything. Feel free to try and stop him. 
Chifuyu – He’s torn, he really is. Has he fantasized about you exposed to him in a mating press? God yes. But does he also think there’s something incredibly and undeniably romantic about waiting until your wedding night? Also a strong yes. Decides he can’t make that type of decision, so whatever you want is what you’ll get, 100%. 
Takemichi – HaHA – let him tell it and ‘I-It’s only natural for a hotblooded young man to want those types of things! Right…?’ Grade A dork. But truth be told, he wants to wait as long as he possibly can (he’s afraid he’ll mess it all up) , he’s really aiming until the marriage thing but knows things just happen, like that one time you were clawing at his jeans on your knees- still fantasizes about that, the horn dog.
Atsushi – He wants to wait. His mother raised him on strong values and he’s not keen on disrespecting you or himself by taking things farther than he, or you, think they should go. Now, will he lap at your most sensitive bits like a dog in heat? Yea, but I mean, that’s not really going all the way, ya know? Gotta love loopholes. 
Nahoya – Maaaan oh man is this boy pervy. Within the first month, he’s got his hands on your ass with that devilish smirk, making all sorts of dirty jokes and disgusting remarks. Wants it and wants it bad. Tries his best to be respectful but has a very hard time stopping at just your sexy mouth, even if he just came. Stop him from going further and he will be frustrated, frowning for once. Doesn’t even know if he fully believes in marriage, he just wants to be inside you as long as you’ll tolerate him – or for as long he can tolerate you. 
Souya – The total and complete opposite of his twin – where Nahoya can be incredibly pushy and demanding, Souya is all light touchs and sweet nothings, asking permission for everything, from hand holding to kissing. In an ideal world, he’s waiting until you’re both married (which he plans on being) to make you his completely. Incredibly honored (and nervous) that you even asked him to pleasure you with his tongue, and what a surprisingly skilled tongue it is. Doesn’t expect more, doesn’t even expect reciprocation, perfectly happy just pleasing you - so when you do palm at his hardened and constrained member, lowering yourself to your knees well… who is he to deny you? Not like he could say ‘No’ if he tried. 
Kazutora – Poor dear is traumatized – doesn’t honestly know whether or not he believes in marriage and it shows in the way he stops everything at the question. He can’t promise you he’ll ever come to a real conclusion, but what he can promise you is that he will be by your side for as long as you’ll have him, a lifelong partner. His kiss goes from sweet to hungry in a matter of seconds though, and he’s on top of you before you know it, eyes begging for you to help him to his release. 
Hanma – Never even considers the idea of marriage before you, too preoccupied with curing his boredom to really care either way. However, he finds himself considering the notion, genuinely excited about it and suddenly, he can’t wait. He’s not looking for anyone else once he’s locked in, sincerely – but getting him to stop his long fingers from slowly moving in and out of you was something you always struggled with. Fuck, would you be able to keep your own promise at this point? 
 Taiju – You might be surprised but as someone who devotes himself to his religion, he thinks it’s only right to wait until marriage, almost impatiently waiting, praying, for the day you take his damn near monstrous length like the good slut you are. Until then, he’s more than happy to prep you with his admittedly very large fingers. Good luck! 
Kokonoi – More concerned with whether or not you’re able to have an intellectual conversation with him really, pretty low libido. More than likely, he’ll wait until marriage, it’s not a bother or inconvenience to him in the slightest. More than happy to have your back against his chest, lazily playing with your naughty bits while enjoying a good movie, chin resting on your shoulder. May ask for reciprocation every now and then, but he’s a whiner so that’s fun. 
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yanderederee · 3 months
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cw: yan!themes/mentions of murder/attempted murder/angst/little comfort at end (lowkey yan!reader? oops)
a/n: I’ve had an idea to write this for a long long time now, and only now felt the motivation to do so. Sorry I can’t help having a savior complex~
—-*depicts PreManila!Mikey
Part1 … Part2 … Part3 … Part4 … Now~
How long had it been since Mikey went missing, now? How many years had it been since he broke your heart, with that dark and empty look? Your Manjiro… what happened to make him look at you with those dead eyes?
All these years later, you still hadn’t found the answers to any of these questions. Even when you tried to escape the mystery of his leaving, the guilt of not knowing ate away at you. Sure, Mikey had his own issues he had to work out. He was severely messed up over the continuous misfortunes that littered his life. But you always hoped he would keep you by his side to help him find the peace he deserved.
After his disappearance, Toman did their best to look after you. Having been one of Mikey’s support systems, they respected all the effort you put into coddling him. Draken especially. Over the years, they would maintain contact with you, but never had any information to comfort your plagued conscience.
Recently, however…. Obituaries of your once friends were popping up left and right.
Your head spun when Draken’s funeral invitation sat in your shaking hands. Draken? Of all people, he was the strongest person you knew. Dead? Just like Mitsuya, Hakkai, Sanzu—everyone. Was there anyone left to cry to? Takemichi briefly occupied your thoughts, he was still alive, right? But he’d been out of contact for so long, would he even recognize you?
All the death and disappointment of the rotting world had taken its own toll on your mental state. All these years, it was still hard to find stable work. All your money was spend to surviving, your head just barely above water. No matter how hard you tried doing better, nothing ever got better. Not since Mikey left.
The night of Draken’s closed casket funeral came to pass, and all that remained was your sobbing self, having just made it back to your quiet home. Everything became more real all over again. Every single time you attended your old friend’s funerals, something inside you felt like it died all over again.
It wasn’t worth dragging yourself to bed. Wasn’t worth changing out of the same black dress you’ve worn so many times now. You may as well be buried in it. You were surely to be next; right? No one knew who the murderer was, but given the grudge on Toman, you had to be somewhere on the list; right?
You didn’t even care, at this point. Let them come. There wasn’t anything left to keep you connected to this damned existence anyway. Not since that day. Not without your Manjiro.
In the middle of the night, your sleep was once again interrupted with another nightmare. This was normal.
What wasn’t normal was this weird ominous feeling. Like something was watching you. Maybe it was because your window blinds were wide open. Maybe it was because of your bad habit to leaving your front door unlocked. Regardless, that fear quickly dissipated.
You had no tears left to cry, and felt numb to the events that plagued your thoughts at every waking hour. If something bad were to happen, perhaps you would welcome it.
“How pitiful…” you croaked out a humorless laugh. That was right. You didn’t care if something happened to you. Not anymore.
“You’re awake…” spoke a familiar voice. Despite your previous claim of fearing nothing, you broke out into a cold sweat at the sudden sound. There was someone in your apartment. Staring at you. It was instinctual to look around for who.
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
Having heard him the second time much closer now, your head snapped to the side, about ten feet away was a man. He was shorter, with long black hair and dark dress attire. The room was dark, so even while he was hard to make out, your eyes zoned in directly to the intruder’s eyes.
Your own eyes welled with tears. You knew that empty gaze anywhere. It was him, finally.
“Manjiro…” you whispered affectionately. There was no mistaking him. Weak in the knees, you still attempted to meet him in standing. What do you even say? Should you be mad, he broke in, right? You should be angry about the way he left you—everyone, without reason. Yet the only thing you felt was gratitude.
“I missed you.” You admitted. There was nothing left for you to lose, not even pride.
Mikey’s expression flinched, but only for a moment. He was always weak to your crying. His lips gaped for a second, but slipped back into a thin line. He held back words you so desperately wanted to hear.
“Never kicked that bad habit of yours, I see.”
He was talking about your unlocked door.
“You were never good at picking locks, how else would you get in?”
“Were you expecting me?”
“Hoping more than expecting.”
“You should value your life more, you know.”
“So I am next, aren’t I?”
He was once again at a loss of words. You were right, but he expected you to at least scream at him for leaving the way he did, wail about why he would commit the atrocity of murdering everyone he cared about, beg him to spare you. Anything.
Mikey stepped closer, til you were within reach. He drew out to touch your cheek, expecting you to recoil and dodge. Yet when his cold skin met with your tear stained cheeks, you all but nuzzled into his hand.
“Were you lonely?” You asked, even though you knew the answer. He had lost himself to that same loneliness a long time ago.
“I’m sorry,” you gently laid a hand over the back of his own, warming him with what little heat you had. “I should have ran after you that day. I shouldn’t have let you go so easily. I’m sorry.” You apologized again, a mournful expression taking over as your tears fell in doubles.
“I didn’t give you a choice.” He answered, slowly bringing up his other hand to lightly caress the soft skin on your neck. With one hand, he tightened his grip around your neck. “You never had a choice.”
While it became more difficult to breathe, it wasn’t impossible. He definitely had the strength to do so physically. Yet you two stood in longing eye contact.
“I’ve been as good as dead for a long time now,” you offered him a weak smile, once again leaning into his hand. “My life has been yours, ever since we first met. Do with it as you will.”
“I’m just so happy I finally get to see you again…” you desperately wished to throw your arms around him, breathe in his scent and give him all the warmth you had to offer. But the grasp on your neck kept you in place.
“Why…” Manjiro couldn’t understand. “Why don’t you feel any resentment towards me? I was the one who ruined everything back then. Even to this day, I’ve killed so many friends. Even if you hold no value for your own life, you cared about them, right? Or did they mean nothing to you?” His grip tightened, causing you to choke.
Dare you explain yourself? He was about to give you the closure you craved, either way.
“Revenge was always your thing, not mine. I’ve no use for it. Not when the only thing that now matters to me is already right in front of me…”
Mikey narrowed his gaze. “You really should value your life more.” He graveled with another squeeze, cutting off your air flow.
You didn’t struggle. “My life… is yours…” you repeated, smiling past the tears running down your face.
It made his stomach twist. Was it disgust? No, guilt. After everything, you were just equally as broken. Lonely, with no one to turn to. Just like him.
He imagined you, back in middle school. With all your passion and laughter. He remembered your embrace, the tears you shed were always on his behalf. Your selfless acts of service.
His hand around your throat squeezed even tighter, bruising the soft skin underneath, before ultimately letting you go completely.
“Mine… you say…” Manjiro sighed, hanging his head. He couldn’t do it. He thought he’d killed all the emotions he had. Thought he could leave it all behind and wipe the slate clean. But he couldn’t. Not when his heart still yearned for something. You— always you. Only you, now…
“Yours,” you affirmed hoarsely, cradling his head against your shoulder tenderly. Your beating heart sped up, so eager to have him close.
Despite all his sins, you were elated to still have him. Your Manjiro.
Again at a loss of words, Mikey sighed, allowing himself to be held. He fell slack against your arms, and loosely wrapped his arms around your waist. “I still have you…” he affirmed himself, like hope still existed.
You nodded, and eased him in further. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders tightly, combing your fingers up the nape of his neck and gently scratching his scalp. Your other hand smoothed over his back up and down.
He was real. In your arms at last.
“I’m here.”
And he believed it. He didn’t care if you were lying or manipulating him. Having been ready to end it all himself, with nothing else to live for, and neither did you.
Just two lonely souls seeking each other. This was enough. Even if he couldn’t end it tonight, he could in the future. Even if he had nothing else left to keep him attached to this rotting world, he still craved your embrace. If only for that one thing, he wanted to be alive.
To hold you; and to be held by you.
Even if nothing else mattered, you were there. And that was enough, if only for tonight.
And so, Mikey closed his eyes, and finally found the peace he’d long been searching for. If only for tonight, he slept in comfort and content. And when he woke, you would still be there, your life forfeit, and his to claim.
Life had meaning again.
Even if that meaning was just each other.
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mulletmitsuya · 9 months
Tokyo Revengers Groupchat (not everyone, also random combinations, no specific gang)
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, homophobia by a gay person (just sillies), mentions of vomit and poison, mentions of drugs
Desc: placenta, placebo, or gazebo? 🤔
Rindou: yk when you tell someone something then they believe it and it works?
Rindou: like what you're saying isn't true but cause they think it is, it works
Ran: yes
Ran: the placenta effect
Izana: here we fucking go
Smiley: you're kidding right?😁
Ran: are you going to put a Smiley face after every single thing you text?
Ran: we get it, you smile really wide 👍
Smiley: kys
Ran: so hostile and for what
Mikey: idk what the word is but it's definitely not placenta
Izana: how even?
Mitsuya: ...the placebo effect??
Ran: isn't that those huge tent things
Mitsuya: that's a gazebo
Ran: oh
Ran: same thing
Smiley: you dumb as hell
Hakkai: you'd think that big ass forhead of yours would be worth something
Hakkai: smh
Ran: and you'd think after 10 years you'd get over whatever grudge you have against me
Hakkai: you literally hit my best friend (future bf) over the head with a brick
Chifuyu: thought you could sneak that in huh
Hakkai: he could have died
Ran: but he didn't?
Ran: i was just being silly and having fun
Ran: is that such a crime🙄
Rindou: so is it placebo, placenta, or gazebo?
Mitsuya: it's placebo
Kazutora: placenta's are in females stomachs for pregnancy i think
Baji: that's the uterus (i'm so fucking smart)
Chifuyu: none of those are correct
Draken: google exists also
Draken: why are you asking us
Rindou: shut up for a sec
Rindou: would the placenta effect potentially kill someone
Rindou: like if you told someone that you poisoned them and then after a while they start frothing at the mouth and shit, could they die?
Rindou: or are they being a little bitch and faking lol
Rindou: i didn't actually put the rat poison in his drink (i think)
Rindou: but it kinda seems like he's dying or smth
Mikey: what the fuck is this situation
Mikey: is this real?💀
Rindou: nah
Rindou: hypothetically
Ran: does this have to do with the ambulance being here
Rindou: nah
Rindou: can y'all just answer me
Rindou: hurry before the "poison", does it's job or whatever
Rindou: guys he's throwing up pretty violently
Rindou: there's blood
Rindou: hypothetically
Izana: who would you have "hypothetically" poisoned?😐
Rindou: bro that's not the point, sir
Izana: stop calling me sir in normal situations
Izana: we're normal now and not in a gang and i'm a normal person not a gang leader
Mochi: so we don't have to call you Izana-sama anymore?
Ran: what if it turns us on
Izana: uhm
Kakucho: fuck off
Kakucho: sorry
Ran: Kaku give it up, he's way too old for you
Rindou: so y'all just gonna let the hypothetical person die? ayt
Rindou: i'm on my way to the hospital for unrelated reasons
Kakucho: who's the hypothetical victim of the placebo
Rindou: uhhh Sanzu
Kakucho: LMAO
Kakucho: let him hypothetically die then 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Mitsuya: punch him in the stomach
Rindou: i know a lot of y'all don't like him but we're friends now and i don't want him to die also he has the best drugs so i'd rather he stay alive so that i can enjoy them recreationally
Rindou: but i'll do it anyway
Mitsuya: stfu for a sex, punching him will make him throw up, and he'll vomit most of the poison out
Rindou: oh like in the stomach?
Rindou: he's gonna be so mad at me, damn
Baji: "shut up for a sex" lmaoooooo🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Baji: and you guys say I'M diabetic💀💀
Mikey: bro what?😭
Kakucho: you mean dyslexic?
Kakucho: nvm the situation speaks for itself
Smiley: the irony of this is crazy
Draken: that got a chuckle outta me 😂
Chifuyu: why you text like a 40 year old dad💀
Ran: i never went to school but even i know that's incorrect
Hakkai: "i never went to school but even i know that's incorrect 🤓👆"
Hakkai: jump into oncoming tragic you f slur🖕
Smiley: aur naur you done made Hakkai homophobic
Ran: you need to fucking chill omg
Mitsuya: are you five years old, Baji
Baji: nah i'm 24 dumbness🤨
Baji: *dumbass
Izana: my oath for not using violence anymore might have to be on hold cause you guys are pissing me the fuck off you fucking incompetent fools useless excuses of human beings
Smiley: bro called us fools
Ran: that's a bit much, sir
Baji: bet you're typing with your left hand
Ran: uh huh <3
Rindou: get some fucking bitches, damn
Ran: where are your bitches, Rindou
Rindou: on my dick
Ran: oh you're talking about the femboys?
Ran: ohh ok i thought you weren't gay but whatever
Mikey: yo is haruchiyo alive?
Rindou: they're pumping his stomach, he'll be fine
Rindou: liking femboys isn't gay
Smiley: 🤨
Angry: 🤨
Rindou: don't act dumb because it's literally in the term 'fem'
Draken: uh, what about the 'boy' part
Rindou: don't twist my words
Rindou: how is liking something that looks like a girl, gay??
Mitsuya: bffr 😐
Rindou: y'all telling me if i fuck haruchiyo i'm gay???
Hakkai: he's a boy?
Rindou: he looks like a woman
Rindou: have you seen his body? tiny ass waist headass. y'all come to the onsen next time you'll see what i mean
Chifuyu: you're being weird rn
Ran: what about his penis, Rindou
Rindou: that's irrelevant
Rindou: besides it's barely noticeable
Draken: people like you and Koko are the fucking problem, get some therapy
Smiley: Rindou thinks fucking a guy in the ass isn't gay 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Rindou: "FEM"
Draken: BOY???? MALE??? MAN??? DICK???
Rindou: ok who's gay now, weirdo🤨
Draken: kys (kill yourself)
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lovekz · 1 year
the polaroid camera
syn -> taiju’s polaroid is very important to him. so when the shiba siblings + you and friends wake up to find it broken after a drunken night, you try to find out who had done the crime.
nothing to beware of! just a bit of violence mention
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it was about nine in the morning when hakkai woke up out of his deep slumber entangled in many things.
mitsuya’s leg tossed over his stomach, yuzuha’s arm over his forehead, and chifuyu’s hand tangled in his hair with a few blankets twisted all over.
god knows where you and takemichi were.
he believed you were in taiju’s room, as you were his girlfriend.
if hakkai were him, he’d rather his girlfriend sleep comfortably in a bed while drunk instead of his brother’s room with four other people in bed.
once hakkai managed to untangle himself from everyone and stand up, he was able to find you sprawled out on his books atop his desk with a blanket.
not only was his prediction wrong, there was still no sign of takemichi.
he rolled his eyes and made his way to the bathroom, stumbling over a few things.
the last thing he stumbled over made a loud noise, making him look down with confusion.
he didn’t recall having a dog. the most pet he had was a fish when he was like- four. maybe six.
hakkai looked down by his feet and seen takemichi handing out of his closet.
it had seemed hakkai ended up kicking him in his back while making his way out the room, but it didn’t wake him.
so hakkai could care less.
when he finished his business, he made his way out of his bathroom and walked towards the stairs with a loud yawn.
before he could make it, his foot got caught on a few things once again before he slipped and landed on his back.
why the fuck was his house a obstacle course? what in the world did they do when they came in last night?
hakkai sat up and looked down at what he slipped on, before letting out a horror movie worth scream which woke everyone in the house up.
taiju’s polaroid camera that he bought on his birthday was shattered to pieces.
“is that good?” you asked hakkai, fixing the wrap on his foot.
“i mean does that matter? he’s gonna be worse later!” takemichi exclaimed, holding his head while pacing up and down.
hakkai looked up at him with bug eyes, before standing up to hold his ground.
“me?! why me?!” hakkai yelled out in defense.
“well who tripped over it? your heavy footed ass probably broke it.” yuzuha groaned, leaning against the couch.
hakkai quickly gave his older sister the middle finger, muttering something about holding it for him.
yuzuha gave him one right back, rolling her eyes at his childishness.
“i doubt hakkai’s heavy foot broke it like that. it was in pieces like it’d fallen.” mitsuya said, taking a sip of water.
hakkai felt his heart warm instantly. “you see! taka-chan sticks up for me.” hakkai said with a grin.
“that’s because he’s so gay for you something else is sticking up.” chifuyu snickered, teasing the two.
mitsuya shoved him quite harsh, pink dusting the tips of his ears and creeping up his neck.
“that’s homophobic fuyu. wanna share with the class?” you asked, finally looking up from your phone.
suddenly, he was counting all the broken parts from the camera.
you rolled your eyes and turned your phone off, looking at everyone else. “i ordered a new one. now to find out who broke it.” you sighed.
you didn’t think it was time to mention that the camera was bought from hakkai’s card and in his name.
“does he usually keep it by the stairs?” takemichi asked, raising his eyebrow.
“we used it for pictures yesterday before we left. taiju didn’t put it back.” you explained, showing the polaroid pictures of the six of you.
the group only now remembered that major fact.
“so.. maybe we can blame it on his carelessness.” yuzuha said, shrugging.
“not so fast. he had it pushed back so it wouldn’t fall. someone dropped it when we came in last night.” hakkai groaned, holding his foot.
it was almost like you were back to square one.
“maybe we should look at videos and call logs to see if someone caught something.” chifuyu suggested, raising his eyebrow.
it wasn’t much of a bad idea, as someone out of the six of you got pretty photogenic when drunk out of your minds.
after a good fifteen minutes of everyone looking at their phones for evidence, everyone plopped into their seat bummed out.
there wasn’t much in anyone’s phone that told anyone what had happened to the camera.
yeah, there was a video of hakkai losing his footing and tripping up the stairs, but he stumbled for a good seven seconds before falling near his door.
no one dared to ask any questions about it.
“look! his messages to taiju are saying i’m sorry!” chifuyu exclaimed, pointing to your phone.
the messages were blurred and screwed up versions of ‘i’m really sorry taiju’ and ‘i didn’t mean it’ sent by mitsuya to taiju.
it was around 2:03 in the morning.
“so you did it!” takemichi exclaimed, pointing towards you with a short glare.
“me?! i don’t even think we got here around two in the morning!” mitsuya yelled in defense, standing up along with takemichi.
“that’s not what the video of hakkai says.” yuzuha chuckles, watching him with a look in her eyes.
you raised your eyebrow and leaned in. on clickchat, the time on the video read 2:15am.
that could only mean you guys got home around that time, or maybe even a bit earlier than that.
your eyes widened and mitsuya stood up straight. he had no way to back himself up or get himself out of the corner he was in.
“wow. and all of you actually blamed it on my heavy foot.” hakkai tsked, crossing his arms and shaking his head.
like somebody’s goddamn mother.
“let’s face it hakkai. your heavy ass foot gets everyone in trouble.” you pointed out, rolling your eyes.
“yeah? well who’s clumsy ass got in trouble now?” hakkai taunted, sticking his tongue out at you.
mitsuya groaned at the sudden reminder. 
everyone knows if he tells taiju it was it was him, no one will ever hear the end of it until next year.
he won’t bitch about it for too long, but anything you ask for he’ll probably remind you of how you broke his camera.
keys jingled outside of the house, making everyone’s heart stop and skip about ten beats.
taiju was home, and you hadn’t come up with a good enough lie yet.
you cursed quietly and sat down, trying to think of one pretty quickly.
everyone crowded around the table and began praying that he didn’t ask any questions about it.
footsteps could be heard, before they paused in the doorway.
“..what’s going on?” taiju asked skeptically, moving his head to the side to get a better angle.
“taka-chan broke your camera.” hakkai rambled out, standing up tall and sweating absolute buckets.
“hakkai!” everyone called, you proceeding to give him one good kick in the back of his knees to make him tumble over.
with hakkai out of the way, the camera was in clear view of taiju’s sight.
so were you, sweating almost the same amount as hakkai with a nervous smile drawn on your face. was he going to hurt mitsuya
taiju approached the camera, ignoring how hakkai scrambled over to couch yuzuha had sat on.
he picked up the broken polaroid and inspected it, before looking around the room.
“mitsuya didn’t break this.” taiju rolled his eyes, holding up the camera.
“..yes he did.” hakkai said, before getting slapped over the head with a throw pillow by his older sister.
taiju laughed a bit, before taking a seat next to you. “i broke this last night.” taiju said, looking around the room.
everyone got silent, staring at him with confused yet annoyed eyes.
“yeah. i was the one that drove you home. what you think mitsuya could in that state?” taiju asked, gesturing to an embarrassed mitsuya.
no one actually thought about how they arrived at home unharmed.
“i got you all home and struggled to bring her upstairs.” taiju explained, gesturing over to you.
“i swung her around a bit like she wanted, and ended up knocking over the camera.” taiju said, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
now you were the embarrassed one.
the room stayed silent for a bit, everyone staring at each other.
“so.. why was mitsuya saying sorry?” you asked, looking at taiju.
taiju raised his eyebrow, before going back to think about it.
“oh! because he promised not to get drunk but he did.” taiju chuckled, rolling his eyes in false annoyance.
mitsuya let out a small ‘ooh’ sound, before leaning back and letting out a chuckle similar to taiju’s.
“well. hakkai bought you a new one so it’s fine.”  you quickly said, leaning into your boyfriend’s touch with a smile.
“hakkai did what?” hakkai and taiju said in unsion, one a bit happy and the other quite horrified of the idea.
the room got quiet for a second and you shot everyone (except the two shiba brothers) a look.
“ohh hakkai you’re so sweet!” mitsuya began, ruffling his unruly hair.
“wow, i never took you for that kind of guy hakkai.” takemichi said in shock.
of course he wasn’t the one to get the memo, but it was a good cover up.
“that’s our little brother, always so caring.” yuzuha laughed, slapping the back of hakkai’s neck.
hakkai looked at you in horror. you mouthed ‘next time, make your password harder to guess’ with a grin.
hakkai was not having fun anymore.
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tofueggnoodles · 1 year
Saiyuki Reload Blast Drama CD 2 – Track 2: Private Eye Sha Gojyo
Summary: On board a luxury cruise ship, private eye Sha Gojyo and his assistant Cho Hakkai attempt to solve the mystery of a missing art piece said to be worth five hundred million yen. They question the suspects, cloakroom attendants Genjo Sanzo and Son Goku.
Gojyo: I’m Sha Gojyo, the great detective who accepts only beautiful women as clients. No case is beyond me. Yes! That’s because the Goddess of Deduction is deeply in love with me. A few days ago, I casually solved a case I encountered during another trip. As a reward, I received a couple of tickets for a trip on a luxurious cruise ship. However, I could never have imagined that we’d run into such an incident during the trip....
Gojyo: Ah, what a nice breeze. Look, the harbor is already so far away.
Hakkai: Indeed, it is.
Gojyo: As expected, it’s all thanks to my talent that we’re able to board such a luxurious ship.
Hakkai: Ninety percent of it was due to the criminal’s confession, though.
Gojyo: As long as the case was solved, why should that matter?
Hakkai: That’s true, but....
Gojyo: What is it?
Hakkai: Well, it’s amazing that you’re able to correctly pinpoint the criminal with your so-called detective’s intuition. However, after you intimidate the criminal into confessing the reason behind their crime by glaring at them, it’s I, your assistant, who have to unravel the sequence of events behind the crime. Rather than a detective, I’d say you’re just good at intimidation ** –
Gojyo: There’s no need to go into minor details! (gulps down his drink) Ah, there’s nothing like having a fine drink while enjoying a view of the sea. From here on, let’s aim for a reputation as a couple of handsome detectives while we sail around the world in this ship.
Hakkai: I’m not going to stand in your way, but will you be all right?
Gojyo: Hah? What are you trying to say?
Hakkai: Won’t you feel nauseous if you drink alcohol while on board a swaying ship?
Gojyo: Ah? Hmm? Oh. Now that you mentioned it.... I’ve been feeling a bit off for quite a while. Urp. It’s as you said.
Hakkai: Watch your step. The ship’s swaying, so please be careful.
Gojyo: I know that– Whoa! (something flies into his face) What’s this doodle? People shouldn’t be throwing rubbish in a place like this! Ah–
(A loud gust of wind starts blowing.)
Hakkai: Gojyo! You mustn’t throw things into the sea.
Gojyo: I didn’t do such a thing! The wind blew it off – Urp. Crap, I’m gonna puke.
(A door is opened and closed.)
Hakkai: Good grief! Will he be all right?
Man: My goodness! If I’d known it’d come to this, I would’ve never left it there.
(He bumps into Hakkai.)
Man: Ah, excuse me!
Hakkai: It’s okay.
Man: My apologies. I was too preoccupied with my own thoughts. Ah, really, what should I do?
Hakkai: Um, you seem to be in a fix. What happened, if I may ask?
Man: To tell you the truth, the contents of the bag I left in the cloakroom have gone missing.
Hakkai: Eh?
Man: Normally, I always make sure to carry the bag with me. But, only whenever I go out to the deck, I leave the bag in the cloakroom to avoid the risk of it falling into the sea. And now, its contents have– (sobs)
Hakkai: Have you checked with the cloakroom attendant?
Man: Of course I have. But, they said they had no idea what could have happened. How should I say this.... There’s only one thing I can think of: the contents of my bag must have been stolen!
Hakkai: Please excuse my question, but what sort of thing was in your bag?
Man: It’s an art piece with an extremely high historical value. If I were to sell it, it would surely fetch the price of five hundred million.
Hakkai: Five hundred million?
Man: You’ll know immediately it’s a valuable piece of art just by looking at it. Ah! Could it be that someone must have realized that too and took the opportunity to steal it once I’d left my bag in the cloakroom? But, what should I do in order to find the thief?
Gojyo: I’ll solve this case! (kicks open the door) They call me the great detective, the likes of which only appear once every thousand years. The name’s Sha Gojyo, at your service.
Hakkai: Er, Gojyo....
Gojyo: Hah?
Hakkai: Your fly is open.
Gojyo: Seriously?! (zips himself up) Sorry about that. I took the opportunity to do my business in the toilet after I was done puking. (clears his throat) Now, I usually accept no-one but beautiful women as my clients, but ignoring those in trouble is an act which does not fit my profession either. I will make an exception this time and accept you as my client.
Hakkai: If we solve a case worth five hundred million, our fame will spread. As a result, we might get even more requests from beautiful women.
Gojyo: There’s no need to emphasize the ‘even’ part. **
Man: Er....
Hakkai: I beg your pardon. To tell you the truth, this man’s a private eye and I’m his assistant. I assure you, we have solved plenty of cases until now. Therefore, if you’re fine with it, would you leave this matter in our hands?
Man: Y–yes.
Hakkai: If it were as you said, that the art piece had been stolen, we should try to find the thief before the ship reaches its destination. Otherwise, you’ll never see the art piece again.
Man: Oh! In that case, please help me find the thief. The art piece is my precious fortune. One way or another, please find it!
Sanzo: Some nerve you have, summoning us all of a sudden.
Goku: I was planning to eat every single item on the buffet during my break too....
Hakkai: Please pardon the abruptness. As a matter of fact, there’s something we’d like to ask you two in your capacities as cloakroom attendants.
Gojyo: Say, are you both really members of the ship crew? Especially you there?
Sanzo: Hah?
Gojyo: Your attitude toward us is unbelievably snobbish. We’re passengers too, you know.
Sanzo: I’m in the middle of a break now, so I don’t give a damn about things like passengers.
Goku: Regardless of whether he’s on or off duty, Sanzo’s always like this.
Gojyo: How horrible!
Hakkai: Calm down, Gojyo. Our first priority now is to move the conversation forward.
Gojyo: Yeah, you’re right. (clears his throat) They call me the great detective, the likes of which only appear once every thousand years. The name’s Sha Gojyo, at your service. This is my assistant, Cho Hakkai. And finally, the middle-aged man over there is our client.
Man: Er, hello.
Goku: Detective? It’s my first time meeting one.
Sanzo: And what does the detective want from us?
Gojyo: To tell you the truth, a theft has occurred on board this ship. We’ve been asked to solve the case. And the culprits are... you guys!
Goku: Eh?
Sanzo: What in the hell are you talking about?
Gojyo: When something disappears from the cloakroom, the obvious suspects are the cloakroom attendants.
Sanzo: Hmmph. So even an idiot can call himself a detective these days.
Gojyo: What did you just say?
Hakkai: Could you please stop talking for a bit, Gojyo? The conversation is going nowhere as it is. (to Sanzo and Goku) A few hours ago, the gentleman over there left his bag in the cloakroom. While it was in the cloakroom, a certain item in it was stolen by an unknown person.
Goku: A certain item?
Man: It’s an art piece. If I were to sell it, it’d probably fetch the price of five hundred million.
Goku: Five hundred million? That’s incredible!
Hakkai: Once we accepted the gentleman’s request to solve the theft case, our first step was to go to the cloakroom and explain the situation. There, we borrowed this from the cloakroom attendants who took over from you two. (waves a notebook)
Sanzo: That’s–
Goku: –the cloakroom register....
Hakkai: That’s right. The attendants who took over from you two showed us this register. According to it, from the time the gentleman left his bag to the time he returned for it, that is, from 15:00 to 15:30, no other passenger made use of the cloakroom.
Gojyo: In other words, since the two of you were in close proximity to the bag, you both are the likeliest suspects. At least, that’s what my intuition as a detective is telling me. Especially you, the blond one – you’re the most suspicious, I say.
Sanzo: Heh! An intuition that’s totally off the mark.
Gojyo: Then, let me ask you this: how much do you guys earn as cloakroom attendants?
Sanzo: Hah? Why do we have to tell you such a thing?
Gojyo: Unhappy with your low salaries as cloakroom attendants, the two of you happened to catch sight of the art piece in the bag this middle-aged man left with you. It’s obvious to anyone who sees it that it’s a valuable art piece, so having realized the worth in its beauty, you grabbed the chance to steal it while no-one else was around. Isn’t that right?
Goku: That’s not right, though. Because I have no money trouble at all.
Gojyo: Hah?
Goku: The buffet meals on this ship are free for the crew, you know. In short, even if one has no money, one can still eat as much as one likes. For me, as long as I can eat, I have no complaints.
Gojyo: Er–, well, then, instead of you two colluding with one another, you’re the sole culprit! (points at Sanzo)
Sanzo: Look at this.
Gojyo: Hah?
Sanzo: This is a credit card without a preset spending limit. I have no financial worries either.
Gojyo: Hah!? How come you own such a thing?
Sanzo: Therefore, I have no motive for stealing anything. That’s unfortunate for you, detective.
Gojyo: Even if you have no motive, it doesn’t change the fact that there’s a high probability you two are the culprits!
Goku: If you insist on that, why not check the video from the surveillance camera?
Gojyo: Eh?
Hakkai: Ah, that’s right.
Goku: Passengers forget their luggage numbers or insist they’ve left something with us when they really haven’t. These incidents often happen in the cloakroom, so we installed a surveillance camera to record everything.
Sanzo: What will you do? Will you check the surveillance camera?
Gojyo (sputtering): You bet we will! I’m sure we’ll find the irrefutable evidence of your crime on it!
Hakkai: Well, here’s what we found on the surveillance video: Until the gentleman here returned to retrieve his bag, the two of you did not move away from the cloakroom reception at all. Moreover, we could see no suspicious conduct on your part when you handed the bag back to him. Based on these findings, it’s clear that it’s impossible for you two to have committed the theft.
Gojyo: I never thought the day would come when my intuition as a detective would miss the mark!
Hakkai: I’d thought it wouldn’t be strange for that day to come any time soon, though.
Gojyo: I could use a bit of back-up here, you know.
Man: Er– in that case, who on earth could have stolen my art piece? Don’t tell me you’re giving up on this case?
All others: Hmm.
Goku: How about searching the ship?
Gojyo: Hah?
Goku: The potential hiding spots on board the ship are limited, so the thief’s probably carrying the art piece on their person. Won’t it be faster to just look for a person who has the art piece in their possession [instead of looking for the art piece itself]?
Hakkai: Well, it’s supposed to be a splendid art piece worth five hundred million which also happens to fit inside a bag. Carrying it around in the open would be conspicuous.
Gojyo: Since we’re right in the middle of the sea, the culprit won’t be able to get away. (sighs) A thorough search with use of force is not really part of a detective’s job... but there’s no other way, I guess.
Man: Ah, you’re not giving up then?
Sanzo: So, in order to look for the culprit, you intend to utilize muscles instead of the power of deduction. Hah. You’re certainly the great detective, the likes of which only appear once every thousand years.
Gojyo: Shut up! Hey, pops! Give me a detailed description of the art piece. Like, what sort of fancy trimmings does it come in? Or what kind of precious stones is it set with?
Man: Its form is that of a pretty common piece of paper.
Gojyo: A piece of paper?
Man: Yes.
Hakkai: What’s the size?
Man: It’s quite small – about the size of my hand.
Gojyo: What’s drawn on it?
Man: A portrait of myself.
Gojyo: And that’s worth five hundred million?
Man: Anything drawn by an artist such as myself is sure to fetch a price in this range. As soon as anyone sets eyes on my work, they’ll definitely know it’s a valuable piece of art.
Gojyo: So you’re an artist! But, could such a small painting really be worth five hundred million?
Man: That’s how it goes when it comes to art.
Gojyo: Sorry, my bad! I’d have thought it’d be a statue made of gold or an antique item or something like that. Still, for it to potentially fetch such a price – you must be incredibly famous.
Man: Yes! I have no doubt that one day, my name will be widely known all over the world as that of a great artist’s.
Hakkai: Eh? One day?
Man: My talent is undeniable. I’m sure that portrait of mine will be worth five hundred million someday.
Gojyo: Hah!? Hold on! Isn’t the five hundred million just a number you plucked out of thin air?
Man: It’s not just a number I plucked out of thin air! The portrait’s sure to fetch that price in the distant future.
Gojyo: You’re still in the middle of delusion!
Sanzo: Hmmph. Putting a price of five hundred million on a mere doodle – you’re either a person who has great confidence in himself or a great fool.
Goku: Sanzo! That’s going too far. He’s a passenger after all, you know.
Sanzo: Even if he’s a passenger, if he’s an idiot, he’s an idiot.
Goku: That’s true, but....
Hakkai: Er, you said it’s a small piece of paper, didn’t you? We’re on board a ship. Could it not have been blown away by the wind?
Man: Eh?
Hakkai: After retrieving your bag from the cloakroom, in order to check its contents, you opened your bag, didn’t you? Where did you open it?
Man: Yes, I did open it. I was on the deck at that time.
Gojyo: That means there’s the possibility that you could have dropped your painting on the deck, right?
Man: It hasn’t been stolen then?
Hakkai: No-one went in or out of the cloakroom. These two cloakroom attendants have no motive and displayed no suspicious behavior. Thus, the possibility is high that the painting could’ve simply fallen off instead of being stolen.
Man: Oh... now that you say that....
Goku: In this case, you’ll surely find it. That’s great, isn’t it, pops?
Man: But, for me to try finding such a small painting on my own–
Gojyo (sighs): There's no help for it. We’ve gone too far to turn back. Let’s split up and search for the painting.
Goku: I’ll help out too.
Man: Thank you very much, everyone!
Gojyo: Setting aside the question of whether or not it’s really worth five hundred million, fulfilling a client’s request is important for maintaining my professional credibility.
Hakkai: Indeed it is. Since it’s come to this point, I’ll go along with you until the end.
Gojyo: So, in which part of the deck did you open your bag?
Man: Around the spot where I came across the two of you.
Hakkai: Eh?
Gojyo: Alright, let’s go! Hmm? What’s the matter, Hakkai?
Hakkai: Gojyo....
Gojyo: Hmm?
Hakkai: A small piece of paper with a doodle on it – any recollection of that?
Gojyo: Eh?
(Flashback begins.)
Gojyo: Whoa! (something flies into his face) What’s this doodle? People shouldn’t be throwing rubbish in a place like this! Ah–
(A loud gust of wind starts blowing.)
(Flashback ends.)
Man: Hah? You threw it into the sea?
Gojyo: I did not! The wind blew it off–
Man (cries): My piece of art! How heartless of you!
Gojyo: Heartless? No, as I said, it was not my fault! A strong gust of wind just happened to be blowing by chance and... er... right, Hakkai? You saw it too, right?
Hakkai: Nope. I was not able to see your movement just at that precise moment.
Gojyo: Oi!
Sanzo: In other words, there’s no evidence to back your claim that the painting was blown away by the wind.
Goku: You’re in for it.
Gojyo: Hey! Why are you guys talking as if I’m the one at fault?
Gojyo: And so the case of the theft on board the ship came to an end, the sole blot on the great detective Sha Gojyo’s record. At what point have I offended the Goddess of Deduction, for her to have turned her back on me? Oh well, I suppose that’s how it is with a lady’s fickle affections. In order to regain her favor, I’m moving on to the next case, wherever that might be.
Hakkai: Before you move on to the next case, it’d be bad if you leave the current one unsolved.
Man (still crying): My piece of art!
Gojyo: As I said, that was the wind’s fault!
Sanzo: You’ll have to compensate him for his loss – of five hundred million.
Gojyo: Hah? You were the one who said the painting was not worth that much.
Man: Well then, Mister Detective, shall we move over there and discuss the details between the two of us?
Gojyo: Eh? Eh?
Hakkai: Ah, Gojyo, sorry for springing this on you suddenly, but I think it’s about time for me to go independent and set up my own private detective agency. Thank you for looking after me all this time.
Gojyo: Eh? Hey, are you abandoning me?
Man: Let’s go.
Gojyo: Wait! Calm down! I won’t accept this!
(Round brackets): actions and sound effects. [Square brackets]: translator’s notes and clarifications. Double asterisks **: Stuff I am not sure of.
The original title is a pun which I’m sadly not able to convey in English. “Meitantei” could mean either “great detective” or “inept detective”, depending on the kanji used.
Also, the VA of the “great artist” sounds exactly like the guy, uh, customer who harassed Gojyo in One-Day Store Manager.
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luciusaelius · 1 year
a kiss could be a powerful connection
Happy Valentine!
this is a Valentine gift in Minekura's Valentine gift exchange.
Dear Crowoxy, I hope you like this story as much as I liked writing it!
This large Saiyuki fan group acts positively on me as a real sanzogroupfamily and I was glad to have this occasion even if I was really afraid at the beginning for I never made a Valentine’s gift like this. Love from Luciusaelius
Also special thanks and happy birthday to Alex.
hope you all enjoy it!
1. Family dinner
Gojyo finished his cigarette and pushed the stub on the grey stone jamb.
"Where the fuck have those two gone?"
He cast a glance at the set table where a tray filled with meatballs lay waiting for Goku. They smelled wonderful, but he would not pay Hakkai any compliment. He peeked under a covered pot and a delicious smell came up from there too.
Hakkai was bustling about in the small kitchen moving an amazing number of courses to the dining room - definitely out of proportion for any normal family's dinner.
The crew had asked for lodging in town but the rooms of the only inn were sold out; the owner had proposed that they stay in his small country house, next to the oak forest where he used to chop wood.
'This place is not so bad', thought Gojyo; he was just annoyed by the fact that the two nice girls at the reception would not be at hand.
There was some peace there and in case of an attack the fight would be less dangerous and harmful than it would have been in the middle of a town. He could still go back and stroll around after dinner to check what was in the air.
He looked at the table again, then through the large window toward the trees, whose leaves were passing from bright green to dark violet as the light changed soon after sunset.
A memory from long ago punched his chest: he used to live with Hakkai at  the time. He had come back late - he had spent the night fooling around and drinking hard. When he got in he saw all the nice food Hakkai had prepared for dinner still on the table. Hakkai had covered everything with cellophane not knowing at what time he would come back.
Hakkai was like that. He would never complain, like a silent guest. This made him angry: he'd have rather been mistreated, to have an excuse to tell him something hideous, and he was sure anyway that it wouldn't had worked and he would have felt even more guilty.
He took a serving spoon, determined to taste that tempting mush of lentils and curry in which chops of pork meat happily floated; it was calling him like a witch’s potion; but as soon as he raised the pot lid, trying carefully without succeeding not to make any noise, he was reached by Hakkai's voice as he came out of the kitchen with another large tray.
"Put down that spoon, guy. We should wait for the others"
The same old tone, apparently kind, imperative in substance.
He huffed, annoyed.
"Who knows where the fuck those two are right now. Sanzo was looking for a pack of cigarettes, but if Goku catches the scent of food from restaurants downtown he will never come back until his stomach is full. Meanwhile here our food is getting cold!"
Hakkai began to laugh.
"Don't worry: Sanzo will keep him in line. I've been cooking enough for an army and that should be enough to feed even Goku"
"Ok, ok"
Gojyo lifted both hands in a sign of surrender; he turned the spoon between his fingers like a skilled card player would do with an ace and put it back upon the table.
Hakkai was a bit surprised that he didn’t insist; he smiled at him. He went into the kitchen again and came back with another dish, an enormous one piled with reddish rice balls on top of a multicolour spread of tempura vegetables.
"These rice balls are made in the style of the far west lands, I learnt the recipe in a correspondence course. Would you like to try one?" he asked, kindly.
"Is it worth creating works of art that will last only for a few seconds?" asked Gojyo, raising his eyebrows. Colors and geometric shapes made the tray a joy to behold.
"Is it a waste of time going to look at the cherry blossoms?" said Hakkai, squinting as a smile curved his lips.
2. A shot
While he was leaning on the table to put the new course down a bullet pierced the window glass. Hakkai got out of the way just in time. He dropped the tray and ran together with Gojyo to escape from other hits and to check outside. Goijo had got out his blades.
There were just three rough Yokais in front of them, badly armed but determined: it was a matter of seconds to get rid of them. They had expected a quiet human family preparing for dinner and not someone who would fight back.
"I guess they saw the smoke of the chimney and came by looking for prey; they were not aiming at Sanzo's group, let alone the sutra. They just wanted us for dinner."
"What a hassle" added Gojyo, and lit another cigarette, moving outside just to check if  there were really only three.
He turned inside. Hakkai was cleaning up; fortunately only some of the rice balls had rolled on the table when he had dropped the plate.
Hakkai was so immersed in the task that he didn't even notice that he had been slightly hit.
His green headband was soaked with blood that dripped through onto his cheek.
"Hey man, wait a minute or you'll transform that white cloth into a polka-dot one"
"Oh, it's nothing serious" answered Hakkai bringing his hand to his temple. "Yes, now I see I stained the tablecloth" he added, frowning.
Gojyo put out the cigarette, took a clean towel and approached him to clean away blood and check the wound. "Yes, of course. Nothing", he mumbled. He did not trust Hakkai: when he talked about his health he had a tendency to underestimate the severity.
Hakkai blocked his wrist. Gojyo had the feeling he didn't want him to get nearer. He looked into his eyes.
Gojyo had a worried look on his face and behind, hidden in the dark of the pupil there was still the anxiety of a frightened child. In the days when he had found him and cured him, every now and then that look emerged but he was quick to hide it behind his sarcastic jokes.
Hakkai was annoyed about the wound made by three stupid hungry Yokais and he would not take any ironic comment at that very moment. He maintained the grip. Gojyo's lips were near, and to provoke him he rested his lips on his.
Gojyo jumped back.
"What the hell!"
Hakkai flashed an embarassed smile.
"Sorry, I.." he raised his right hand hiding his look. "please give me a cigarette"
Gojyo searched for his packet. He was annoyed for he felt something had turned on at that touch; he would have wanted to punch him in the face. He went toward him, slammed the packet on the table and caught a glove in Hakkai's left eye. Gojyo took his face with both hands and kissed him, at first angrily, with a demonstrative rage that passed into a physical involvement.
When he detatched from him, Hakkai stared. His dialectic skills had abandoned him. He felt his heart beating in his temple while a first blurred, then increasingly clear image composed itself in his head.
"Here, when you decide to do something, do it properly, at least"
said Gojyo responding to the look.
He took the packet back and passed him a cigarette; he took another one and lit it, then passed him the lighter.
"I've remembered something.."
"What a serious tone! did you forget something in the oven and burned it?"
Gojyo let out a wisp of smoke and stared defiantly at him with the cigarette between his lips. After a few seconds he opened his eyes wide, and the lit cigarette almost didn't roll onto his shirt.
Hakkai continued. His look had changed; it had become harder.
"It happened to you too...didn't it, Kenren?"
"Field marshall!" Gojyo dropped on a chair "I think I need a drink. Something strong"
Hakkai laid down two cups, poured sake for himself as well, and lit the cigarette. His hand trembled slightly.
They plunged into silence separated by two thin threads of smoke.
The others came back after a few minutes. Goku had a large packet in his arms; it smelled like chocolate and fresh bread. Hakuryu hovered on his shoulder smelling it.
"Why did it take you so long?" asked Hakkai
"The ravenous monkey's fault?" added Gojyo.
"He wanted to eat and I prevented him. I told him you were making dinner especially for him. " said Sanzo addressing Hakkai. "So he grabbed half of the desserts on display in the bakery and ate more than half of those on his way here"
Hakkai laughed.
"Will he have enough room left in his stomach for the dinner?"
 "I'm staaaarving" screamed Goku.
"Do you have any doubts? I don't think he will leave us any leftovers for tomorrow" said Gojyo.
"Who are those lying out there?" asked Sanzo.
"Three louts who wanted us for dinner" replied Gojyo.
"Hm," commented Sanzo. "On their plates, I guess. Yokai won't get off their backs here either"
“we weren’t expecting any attack and could not feel them coming near” added Hakkai.
"Hakkai! the smell is spectacular. Let's eat huh? let's eat? Enjoooy!" Goku had dumped the bag in Hakkai's arms and started uncovering platters and tureens.
"Wait for the others, you idiot monkey. I had to wait a century for you to come back"
"Hurry up, rather, you retarded kappa, or else you'll complain to me if I then eat more meatballs than you"
Sanzo peered at Hakkai. His eyes were curiously shiny and alive, as if he had a fever, and he had a wound on his left temple.
"What happened? Have you been trying to gamble with your good eye?"
"Nothing serious, rather we will have to reimburse the damage they did to the window and wall."
"Right then. I'll go back to the owner later so we can pay him, tell him to dispose of these bodies and we'll leave directly without going through the village. These people out here won't go back to their cronies and maybe someone else might come looking for them. At this point it is better to leave as soon as possible, tonight or tomorrow at dawn. What time did this happen?"
"Just twenty minutes before you arrived"
Sanzo mulled over the fact that he had had a curious sense of estrangement half an hour before arriving at the oak wood, as if he did not recognize the place where he was; it happened while he was dragging Goku away from the bakery; he had attributed it to hunger and fatigue and had not given it too much thought. Out of the corner of his eye he had seen Goku looking repeatedly at his wrists.
Dinner was as expected. Hakkai passed bits of meat to Hakuryu. Goku busied himself cleaning up the tureen before moving back to the desserts, grabbing a colorful cookie that Hakuryu sniffed diffidently. Hakkai poured sake again and Gojyo pulled his cup next to him, taking the opportunity to peer at him as he filled it. His hunger had passed and he had no desire to argue with Goku.
Sanzo noticed this and it seemed strange to him. He got up from the table and lit a cigarette while Goku  moved on to the candied fruit.
"You go and pay the lodging guy. Remember to tell him we need a mortician," he said; he grabbed the newspaper and plopped down on a couch near the fireplace.
"I'll dematerialize them if you wish" Hakkai said.
"No, you look pretty tired already and it's better if they realize in the village themselves where they might end up as game. Sometimes if they don't get scared they don't realize how close the problem can get."
"Hakkai?" asked Gojyo, nodding toward the door. "Let's go ourselves. Goku is still stuffing his face and when I go out with him women tend to think he's my son. If it suits me I'll stay in the village and see you all in the morning"
"Do whatever the hell you want but mind if you come back late we’ll leave you here" said Sanzo, uttering a quick farewell while casting a glance from under his glasses at Goku who continued to rummage through the bag of sweets.
3. Memoirs expand
They reached the town walls by jeep. After a band of vegetable gardens and shacks, the urban fabric became more compact. Winery signs lit by torches swayed in the wind, casting strange glows. They parked a few steps from the inn; they paid and told the keeper about the assault. They went out, closing the door behind them. The wind had risen up.
"The poor guy got so scared that he didn't even want to get his window glass refunded" Hakkai said. "I don't know if he's going to go back to chop wood over there. But at least he promised to send someone in the morning to remove the corpses" They walked toward the walls even though neither of them felt like going right back.
"Shouldn't we tell them? The facts we remembered involve them too"
Gojyo did not respond; he stopped and lit a cigarette, sheltering it from the wind with his hand. The wind increased again so much that they struggled to walk. They took shelter in an alley. Gojyo put Hakkai with his back against the wall and kissed him without any preamble. Hakkai stared at him bashfully.
 "I just wanted to see if I could remember anything else"
"I know that you like women, you don't need to justify yourself to me" Hakkai answered.
 Gojyo smiled.
"OK, you are the exception. I mean, I don't mind kissing you, at least. For now, though, I don't want to have any further experiences. Can we stay friends?"
Hakkai laughed.
"All right, I'll buy you a drink without asking for a room"
"The girls at the counter were two: we can go up together if you want" Hakkai shook his head."Together in separate rooms?" Gojyo added.
"No, I'd rather go back to the base."
"You're boring, mate, you know?" he crossed his arms. "Please don't tell them about what we remembered without me"
Sanzo took off his glasses and laid the newspaper beside him; he stood up and lit a cigarette. Had he closed his eyes while reading? Perhaps fatigue had caused him to lose consciousness for a moment and he had fallen asleep. The vivid dream he had had, however, made his heart hammer in his chest. Goku came out of the bedroom, approached him and looked at him bewildered. "Konzen" he said. He grabbed his sleeve and began to cry.
"Stop it, Goku, get it over with"
Sanzo wondered what was going on. Goku had called him Konzen. So it was not a dream They had had the same vision and in the vision his name was Konzen. Goku threw himself at his knees.
"Get up, you fool"
"Konzen. Konzen. Konzen."
"Shut up, cut it out if you don't want a bump on the head. You're not a kid anymore"
He had him pulled up holding him by the scruff of his neck but he was moved too. After a moment's hesitation he hugged him to calm him down.
“Why did this come back to us, why so suddenly?” he asked himself without saying a word. Instinctively he touched his chest where the door had squeezed him until it took his breath away, until he had vanished in a golden haze.
He remembered the pain he had felt looking into Goku’s eyes, a golden flash and utter black, soon after.
Hakkai and Gojyo re-entered the inn. The innkeeper looked at them worriedly.
"Quiet, no bad Yokais. There’s just a cursed wind outside” said Gojyo.
“would you kindly bring us a bottle?" added Hakkai.
They chose a table in the least rowdy spot. The sake bottle arrived along with two small cups decorated with leaves. Hakkai filled them both. They downed them at the same time. "We must tell the others" said Hakkai after a while.
 "Tell what? about the Celestial Kingdom? About how they took us out? Sanzo will think we've gone crazy"
"It concerns them too"
"There’s also the fact that it's not a good memory. It's painful. Maybe we can spare them that, what would change anyway?"
A man dressed in white, his hood pulled down over his shaggy hair, approached. Without waiting for an invitation he grabbed a chair and sat at their table.
"you two were kissing"
Hakkai and Gojyo looked at each other puzzled.
"What?" they replied in chorus. They were uncertain of what to say; he looked strangely familiar.
“That would be none of your business, anyway” Gojyo added.
The stranger continued, with his deep voice.
"I'm not sure I can turn into a jeep again. Buy me something to drink in the meantime" "what the hell..." said Gojyo.
The two stared at him in disbelief as the memory became clearer.
"Commander" said Hakkai.
"Shall we walk back home?" suggested Gojyo.
"That would be better. The place where you parked me was damn cold; I tried to transform into my usual small dragon form to move and saw you in the alley. When it happened I found myself in the shape you see here"
"And remembered who you were" said Hakkai.
Goujun downed his sake and nodded.
4. A pending promise
They knocked and opened the door. Goku started shouting and Sanzo could not stop him: the room echoed with ‘Tenpou chan, Ken-niichan, Tenpou-chan, Ken-niichan...’. His calls resounded like a mantra from wall to wall.
"You guys kissed, huh, you and the brat?" Gojyo asked Sanzo with a raised eyebrow.
 Sanzo stared at him puzzled.
"You remembered too" Hakkai said with an uncertain smile.He was relieved to no longer have to wonder whether to tell him or not.
Sanzo's gaze was fixed, as if he was chasing a memory that was not yet complete and comprehensible. He came back to life frowning when he saw Goujun behind the two.
"And where does that one come out of?"
"Sorry. I'm not sure I can turn into a jeep again" said Goujun.
Sanzo crossed his arms.
"Well, dragon, you better get busy because I'm not going to go deal with a car-seller, much less continue the journey on foot" Sanzo turned to Hakkai. "How would you explain this?"
"Um, an energy discharge? We - Gojyo and I - had a vision just before the attack... then again just a few minutes ago" Hakkai said.
Sanzo noticed the slight blush that had appeared on his face but asked no further questions. Gojyo lit a cigarette pretending indifference while staring at the dark trees beyond the window. Goujun shook his head.
Sanzo realised the strange feeling of deja-vu had started when he had taken Goku by the hand to drag him out of the bakery.
Goku was jumping and running from one side of the house to the other.
"If you go on like that you'll soon run out of fuel and the pantry thanks to you is empty already" Gojyo shouted at him, showing him a paper bag where only crumbs were left.
"We have to reach the hills we have seen from the highest part of town. It is the flowering season. You promised"
"What hills, you fool: have you forgotten that we have urgent work to do in the west?"
"It's April, we just need one day off. Just one. It is you that have forgotten. You promised it. You all promised".
They felt they somewhat needed a bit of time to cope with that memories and agreed to detour, just for one day. They asked around and were told that what Goku had seen in the distance was actually a sheltered hillside at the foot of the mountains, not far away, where plum and cherry trees grew.
Cherry trees were in full bloom. In a few days the petals would begin to fall, one after another. They ignored what else to expect in that life. They did not remember everything of the past, only random precise scenes and feelings. But they all felt it was right to keep that promise. A silent way to claim they were still togheter, despite everything.
Goku had fallen asleep on the bright green grass, his head on Sanzo's lap. Sanzo smoked while looking at the clouds of flowers that filled the sky with white and pink.
Gojyo was drinking sake sitting on a branch; he had asked Goujun to join him but he had replied that since that certain day he could not stand heights in that apterous form; he leaned against the trunk slowly sipping from his small cup.
"it's true. These are much more beautiful," Sanzo said, breaking the silence.
Gojyo jumped down. He had seen a shadow pass over Hakkai's face. "Well, what's with this funeral face? You used to like cherry blossoms"
"We left the heavenly realm on a heavy charge"
"And for a good cause, right?" Gojyo added.
Goujun sat down on the grass, wrapped his cloak upon his shoulders and looked at them.
"When you disappeared, the cherry trees up there suddenly lost their flowers and leaves. The memoirs I wrote and my witness rehabilitated you. Your choice was a brave one. Perhaps you’ll come out of the cycle of rebirths one day. And hopefully I will come out too. I'm pretty tired of carting you around"
Before long they all fell asleep, perhaps from sake or the early spring sun.
"It's not still time you thugs. We'll talk about it in a while" yawned Kanzeon Bosatsu; white petals falling and dancing through her silvery haze path."I enjoyed that spicy spark, anyway" she added looking at Hakkai with a sly grin.
They woke up covered in petals; Hakuryu laid curled in the grass at the bottom of a giant cherry tree. The only thing they remembered was that they had changed their route because Goku had strangely insisted on seeing the cherry trees blossom.
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ofsavior · 1 year
pride month headcanon #5
Initially, I had kind of tagged Takashi as like panromantic (with male preference). but I was wrong. My portrayal is definitely grayromantic/demiromantic spectrum.
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So the question I had was, why is Mitsuya so slowburn?
Mitsuya is very self-assured and aware of his worth. He knows he's conventionally handsome, and he can flirt or perform in alluring fashion whenever he wants to (i.e., with the sewing club host club). He has a lot of opportunity. A lot of women have expressed their interest in him, but he consistently declines modestly and kindly.
So I thought, maybe it's because he's more inclined toward men (which he is). But that's not really quite the reason (i.e., disregarding Hakkai's advances). Outside of the practical component since he doesn't have much time for romance, I think he's generally less inclined towards romance overall. He's someone who doesn't shift very much. He's very, very steady in his feelings. Oftentimes, romance is something he overlooks or disregards because it's not present in his life or his feelings are set towards one person and slowly the flame snuffs out. Mitsuya is okay with that too; he doesn't necessarily feel the inclination to want or need a partner in his life, but at the same time he'd be happy if there was someone who made sense for him. He doesn't necessarily feel or experience romantic attraction often, so when it sticks and he wants it to stick... it sticks around for while, albeit silently. However, long-term investment can change that certainly. He feels very deeply and very internally when he does develop that sort of feeling and attraction. It's internal and not always at the forefront of his mind, which is why it takes him time to recognize it. But it'll be there, and he'll figure it out with time.
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hinatastinygiant · 1 year
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12 | Tangled Paths
Pairing: Mikey x Fem!Reader
Undercover Masterlist
After driving for what felt like hours upon hours, you arrive outside Taiju’s fortress. You carefully park the truck right outside, feeling a wave of relief wash over you. Then, as you step out, you notice Kazutora standing nearby, his gaze fixated on the truck and its precious cargo. A faint smile tugs at the corners of his lips, a rare expression of genuine admiration you hadn’t seen in the longest time.
“Damn, you pulled it off,” Kazutora says, his voice filled with a mixture of surprise and respect. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”
You meet his gaze, a sense of accomplishment shining in your eyes. “Looks like I can handle myself after all.”
His approving nod is all the validation you need. The realization that you’ve earned Kazutora’s respect fuels your determination even further. You’ve proven your worth not just to Taiju but to someone from your past, a significant milestone on your journey to rebuild your life.
After that, Kazutora leads you inside to face Taiju. Anticipation builds up in your chest as he opens the huge doors. As you enter, his eyes widen with surprise, his face contorting into a mix of shock and disbelief. He lets out a short, disbelieving laugh.
“Ha! So you actually made it back,” he says, a hint of amusement in his voice. “I thought I sent you on a suicide mission but I guess you’re tougher than I thought.”
You meet his gaze, determined to show him your importance in the group. “I told you I could handle it. The shipment is here, safe and sound. All of it.”
Taiju’s laughter subsides, his expression shifting from skepticism to a grudging respect. He takes a step closer, his eyes scrutinizing you from head to toe.
“Well I’ll be damned,” he mutters under his breath. “You’re something else, kid. I must admit I really didn’t expect you to pull though. Consider me impressed.”
As the shock wears off, Taiju’s expression transforms into a sly smile. He extends his hand towards you, an offering of belonging.
“Well, well, looks like we’ve got ourselves a new member,” Taiju says, his voice filled with admiration and amusement. “You’ve proven your worth, kid. Welcome to the Black Dragon gang.”
The room erupts in cheers and applause, the members celebrating your successful mission. Drinks flow freely, laughter fills the air, and a party comes to life. Amidst it all, you find yourself drawn to Hakkai.
You approach your younger brother, striking up a conversation as music begins to play in the background. “Hey there,” you begin, extending your hand out as you approach him. “I’m Ryu. Just joined the gang today.”
Hakkai’s eyes meet yours, his gaze cool and calculating. He clasps your hand firmly, giving it a firm shake. “Nice to meet you, Ryu, but I already knew who you are. I mean, who doesn’t?” he chuckles. “My name is Hakkai.”
The two of you find a quieter corner amidst the festivities, seeking refuge from the noise. You engage in small talk, eager to learn more about why he joined the gang.
“So, Hakkai, what led you to join the Black Dragons?” you ask, curiosity coloring your words.
Hakkai’s expression softens slightly, his eyes reflecting a hint of introspection. “Survival,” he admits, his voice tinged with a touch of vulnerability. “I’m sure you already know but this city can chew you up and spit you out if you’re not careful. The gang provides protection, a sense of family despite all the chaos.”
You nod in understanding, appreciating the shared sentiment. The conversation flows naturally as Hakkai tells you stories you already know and you, in turn, choose each word carefully, revealing just enough to maintain the façade of a newcomer in the gang. Unbeknownst to Hakkai, the truth of your identity remains hidden beneath your carefully chosen words. You tread a delicate line between truth and deception, a necessary balance to safeguard your secrets, even from him.
A few moments later, the doors open again revealing new guests. Women that you recognize from your time living with Taiju, enter the room. You roll your eyes to yourself as Taiju’s grin widens and he welcomes them with open arms.
“Not into girls?” Hakkai chuckles when he catches your reaction.
“What?!” you gasp at his unexpected comment. “No, of course I do, I just, uh, know one of them.”
“Oh yeah?” he smirks. “Which one? Cause if it’s her, she’s off-limits.”
You follow Hakkai’s eyes to a woman with vibrant red hair flowing down her shoulders in loose waves. She wears a rather stylish outfit, her form-fitting black dress accentuating her curves. Catching Hakkai’s gaze, she begins to approach him, her eyes shimmering with intrigue and her lips curving into a flirtatious smile.
Gracefully, she takes a seat beside Hakkai, crossing her legs and leaning in slightly, her body language conveying both confidence and interest. Something definitely happened between the two of them. However, Hakkai, although still his polite self, appears visibly uncomfortable. His usually calm demeanour falters in the face of such direct attention. His eyes dart around the room, his fingers fidgeting with the rim of his glass as he struggles to find the right words to say. Amidst this unfolding tension, there is a glimpse of something beneath the surface, a flicker of uncertainty that you haven’t seen from him before, hinting at a complexity that surpasses a simple attraction.
You attempt to break the awkward moment by striking up a casual conversation with Hakkai about his family.
“So,” you begin, your voice quiet, “tell me about your family. Do you have any siblings? Unfortunately, I don’t know what it’s like to have any siblings,” you lie.
Hakkai’s eyes light up with a glimmer of happiness. “I do,” he responds, his voice filled with warmth. “I have two sisters who mean everything to me. We’ve always been incredibly close, no matter what.”
A smile forms on your lips. “That must be nice. Having a connection with your family is a treasure.”
Hakkai nods, his expression shifting to a touch of sadness. “It is. They have both been my pillars of support throughout my life. But,” he trails off, “Taiju is my brother. We were once all close, but things strained our relationship and he forced them away.”
Before the conversation can get any deeper, Taiju’s loud voice cuts through the air, demanding Hakkai’s attention. Hakkai offers you a regretful smile and excuses himself, leaving you in the company of the girl you had been eyeing you from beside his seat.
With a graceful introduction, she extends her hand, a spark of curiosity in his eyes. “Hey, I’m Maeve by the way. You look oddly familiar. Have we met before?”
You meet her gaze, briefly contemplating your response. “It’s possible,” you reply nonchalantly, masking the truth. “I get that a lot.”
Then, with a rather rude fake smile, you get up and leave, unfortunately, making Meave even more curious about you.
Undercover Masterlist
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How about Mafia AU for any f/o? (@sappy-secrets)
No joke I had an entire draft written up about this au for me and Hakkai but last second decided to write it for Jack and Olivia instead bc it fits a little better.  I’ll keep the original draft and put it under a readmore for anyone who cares.
Also this basically turned into a minific?  Whoops.
The logistics and laws of the Bright Family™ have always been a little hard to follow.  Anyone who looks too hard into it (not that most sane people would dare) might question who’s really in charge.  On paper it’s Mikell, the oldest of the siblings who earned his position through ruthless but effective means, and he’s certainly a man to be feared and left unquestioned.  
But anyone who knows anything about the family will have certainly heard of Jack, the second eldest child and the most infamous.  He’s an enigma- no accounts on his existence can even be trusted because they all seem to differ wildly in regards to his appearance.  Most claim that he’s a man, but his age, appearance, and even apparent race never quite match up between tellings.  Some people swear that she’s a woman but, just as before, no two can agree what exactly she looks like.  Some still claim that they don’t have any apparent gender at all.  It’s theorized that, somehow, the name Jack Bright just became a title that’s passed between members of the Family whenever it’s convenient, almost like James Bond.
But there’s something all the stories share: the sharp dressed blonde who is always by his side.  A simple look seems to convey entire conversations when she and whichever Jack Bright happens to be on duty that day locked eyes.  She eyes everyone with a deep scrutiny that makes them uncomfortable, like she could recite their secrets back to them if she keeps looking long enough.  Jack calls her Olivia, when he calls her anything at all.  She keeps a pistol in her coat and wears black sheepskin gloves.
Some think that she’s the real Jack Bright, listening in on the conversations while all these other stand ins do the dirty work and let her keep her hands clean.  But when a woman (name unimportant) is brought before Jack Bright (reason unimportant) and the blindfold is torn from her face, she notices two things.
The figure standing beside the figure is exactly as she’s always been described.
The figure in the chair wears the face of no person this unnamed woman has ever heard tale of.  Instead, it wears the face, body, and clothes of her older brother, (missing for a week and presumed dead), along with a strange ruby and diamond pendant, suspended on his neck by a thin silver chain and catching the low light like the scales of a fish below the water’s surface.
“Now then,” says the figure in the chair with a grin the unnamed woman’s brother had never worn before.  “I think we have some things to discuss.”
~~~I’ve been thinking about this since last night and that’s a REALLY hard one :0  None of my f/os scream MAFIA to me (except Graham since he’s mafia-adjacent but even then) but after a lot of thought this is what I came up with.
Hakkai wouldn’t be The Big Ruthless Leader™ (Sanzo might be) but he’d be up there, someone trusted to handle matters quickly and efficiently.  With such a pleasant demeanor and kind smile nobody suspects him of anything when he’s out and about in the world, but at the same time if he comes after you you KNOW you’re fucked.
Also, I know I just said he’s not the Big Ruthless Leader and Sanzo probably is but tbh Hakkai is canonically one of the only motherfuckers Sanzo isn’t absolutely annoyed by every second of every day, so they’d actually be on quite equal footing.  So Sanzo may be at the top of the pyramid per say but it’s an equally as egregious action to go against Hakkai’s orders or wishes.
As much as I’d like to say I’d be Hakkai’s second in command that honor probably goes to Gojyo- they work and fight so well together, after all.  But I’d still be someone he trusts to help when things need… taken care of.  And of course I’m also his biggest soft spot and weakness…
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moved2usagiiboo · 2 years
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Syp; A collection of threesomes with Tokyo Revengers men. 
Ft; Mikey, Sanzu, Mitsuya, Hakkai, Benkei, and Wakasa 
Warnings; MMF, exhibition, degrading, oral, jealousy, praise, degrading (A tad bit), let me know if I missed anything. Minors do not interact. 
A/n; Still tryna figure out how i want to format my posts 🤧
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                      ★  Mikey + Sanzu
Bonten Mikey doesn’t share. If he does anything it’s to prove who you belong to.
: ̗̀➛✎Mikey is a selfish lover, greedy, needy, obsessive, possessive. With Mikey what belongs to him is strictly his, he doesn’t believe in sharing. Why would he? Especially not with his right-hand man. He grew tired of you stealing glances at the pink-haired man, constantly seeking him out and engaging in conversation. Your eyes should be on him, it should be on Mikey and Mikey alone. “Don’t look away.” His voice is heavy as he positions his cock against your drooling slit. Your insistent pleads no longer hold meaning to him, he couldn't care less about your quivering arms that brace your body on the head of the bed. You try to focus on anything else, anything other than the piercing gaze that stares up at you from below. Your pretty and distressed face is all for him to see. He feels both disgusting and lucky to be in this situation, to see you in a new light. Mikey’s legs straddle either side of Sanzu’s stretched-out legs. Tip of his cock finally pressing against your slit, sliding down the length of your inner lips till he meets your hole. His hole. Arousal already coating the tip of his cock, the glossiness mixes with the cloudy precum already dripping from his tip. He has waited long enough. Positioning himself just right before hips slam into yours, hands gripping on the fats of your ass. Pushing your body away and slamming it back against him matching the violent speed and rhythm of his thrusts. Sanzu can only watch, he can’t touch, he can’t speak, nothing. His eyes focus on the way your tongue lulls out, how your arms are barely holding up. Pleads mixed with high-pitched wails go straight to both of their cocks causing a twitch. Even tucked behind the tight boxers and dress pants he can feel his dick react to everything. Watching the way his boss rams his cock in and out of your loud pussy. Multiple creamy white lines attached to both of your heats stretch out every time Mikey pulls back. Mikey is so pretty with redness spread across his face and his mouth agape as he takes his feelings out on your poor body. It doesn’t take long for your arms to give out completely. Body falling onto Sanzu’s chest, head resting up against his neck as your hands claw against the mattress. “Slut.” His cold tone makes it seem so much worse. You moan out sorry’s to Sanzu, whimpers right against his neck as Mikey's pace picks up. It doesn’t take long for Mikey to have your pussy clamping on his cock as your third orgasm hits you. The tightness doesn’t stop him from fucking you through your spasm, bringing himself to his release. Nails digging into your ass as his cock twitches up against your walls, pushing himself deeper inside you while pulling you back and against him by your arms as he fills you. Balls deep in your cunt, his creamy release paints seemingly deeper than just your cunt. “Mine.” Sanzu feels disgusted for watching but even worse for cumming in his pants at the same time as the both of you.  
                    ★  Hakkai + Mitsuya
Mitsuya would rather not share but he doesn’t mind sharing with Hakkai. He sees him as a little brother, it’s only fair that he helps him lose his virginity.
: ̗̀➛✎“S-She’s so tight.” Hakkai stutters over his words as he finally sinks his cock inside of your winking cunt. Constantly squeezing him of all he’s worth. Hakkai s’just so big, it's a shame he doesn’t know how to use it properly. You can see the outline of his cock peeking through your tummy. “You gotta loosen up, princess. How else is he fuck you, hm?” His hand seems so tender and sweet against your face, yet his words are condescending. “Taka-chan, want t'move.” Hakkai’s large hands grip onto your waist with hips slowly and erratically move. Trying to get any form of pleasure from your cunt. Outcomes a broken moan from your chapped lips, Suya's hand travels down your tummy.  The feel of his fingers alone against your belly causes you to twitch in the best way. “Just wait, Hakkai. My pretty girl needs a minute.” Two slender fingers press against your sensitive clit and you’re already whimpering. “Shh, princess. Get to work, yeah?” Freehand turning your head to the side where his pretty pink tip met your mouth, widening your mouth you took him in. Sucking in the side of your mouth as you bobbed your head, his cock muffled your whines as he toyed with your clit. “Go ahead, Hakkai.” Stuttering out thank you’s Hakkai begins to slowly meet his hips with yours. His eyes are shut closed as he fully immerses himself in the feeling of your walls. The tight walls squeeze around him every time he slides completely in. It doesn’t take him long to start fucking you properly, skin smacking against skin fuse with the sound of your filthy mouth slurping your boyfriend. Both holes drink any messes that spew from their cocks. The moment you adjust Mitsuya has one hand around your throat applying pressure as his hips jerk into your mouth, taking control of the pleasure. When Hakkai is ready to cum Mitsuya makes the whimpering man hold it. Not allowing him to finish until you do. “Don’t be selfish, ladies first.” Bringing poor Hakkai to tears as he slams his hips against yours trying to bring you to your orgasm before his own. It doesn’t last for long, one last harsh thrust and he’s spilling his heat into you. Filling your thirsty pussy to the brim. “M’sorry Taka-chan.” His apologies mean nothing as Mitsuya clicks his tongue. Hakkai isn’t leaving until he gives you a single proper orgasm. He should at least be able to do that, and he will no matter how long it takes.
                  ★  Benkei + Wakasa
Benkei’s princess is so small compared to him, what if he breaks her? Wakasa’s gonna have to step in and help the two idiots.
: ̗̀➛✎Wakasa’s lips press fluttering kisses from your jawline down to your neck and even further than that. Seldomly nipping at your skin to invoke a reaction – a pretty moan or slight gasp. Anything to let him know you feel good because of him. The curve between his thumbs and index on both hands cup from the side of either of your breasts. Both fingers press against your nipple as the other fingers brace your supple mounds up, holding all the weight with just those three. “So pretty.” The silent giant from behind you finally speaks up, pulling you in closer by your waist. Bareback that occasionally grazes against his naked chest now fully pressed together. “Gorgeous, love you so much.” Benkei’s large hands knead against your waist as he leans down to litter your neck with kisses in the same manner as Wakasa. Soothing touches from the two men ignite a fire in your lower region. Begging to be touched just like the rest of your body. Clit grinding against Wakasa’s knee as his attention is on your breasts, which he soon adverted to your cunt. Finally. “What’s wrong, princess? Not happy with this?” His smirk betrays his monotone voice, he knows what he’s doing, and it’s working. If only a lump wasn’t stuck in your throat when you tried to tell him – it’s so embarrassing to ask for, but neither of them read minds nor take hints. “Use your words, baby. I’ll give you anything you want; all you have to do is ask.” You’re trying, you are. A tense grip on Wakasa’s sleeves wishing they’d take the hint, it’s impossible to say – you don’t know-how. The leopard’s knee pushes against your clit, hard and you squeal in response. “You can make all this noise, but you can’t use your big girl words?” Wakasa is so cruel with his words and Benkei doesn’t help. Dragging your waist up and down making you grind against his friend’s knee. Forceful kisses against your cheek from Benkei have you melting for the both of them. S’still embarrassing, but if it's for them you’ll be able to say it. Harshly gulping down the lump and ignoring the anxious feeling you finally get your words out, whiny and small but you did it. “Good girl. Let’s get you on Benkei’s cock, yeah?”
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edengarden · 2 years
some funny hc request shfjwha: ran, hakkai and sanzu about to fight reader (who's known for their brute strength and merciless fighting) but reader just pulls back and angrily goes "ARGH, GODDAMNIT!! I CAN'T HIT YOU, YOU'RE TOO PRETTY!!" and they just start cursing like it's an actual inconvenience for them
me too, reader. me too. you can't bash in a pretty face, it'd be such a waste :((
you've made a very bad mistake by saying that. it goes straight to his head
the shit eating grin on his face is enough to both make your heart sink and have you roll your eyes
"Oh? harbouring a little crush, are we?"
all of a sudden you do want to punch him in the face
granted, I think ran would indeed drop the fight. not because he's a coward or he's backing out, of course. simply because you just said you didnt want to fight and he isn't rude, duh
(he totally is rude, it's just that he likes you too)
P.S.- he'll never fucking let that go. he reminds you of that slip up every single day of your life. "that doesn't matter because y/n said i was pretty" type of shit even when it's irrelevant. rindou fucking despises it.
he blushes so damn hard. hakkai straight up just malfunctions
well now he cant fight you either because he can barely look at you. what do you MEAN he's pretty?? that's not-- why would you--
dude has a whole system shutdown smh. what else can I say? he feels like he'll explode on the spot
he cannot say a WORD after that. avoids you like the plague (i mean like, non-covid plagues. idk wtf ppl were doing with this one).
and he feels kind of bad for avoiding you, but every time he even sees your face he remembers what you said and flushes again because omg?? you think he's pretty?? do you like him?? does he like you?? how the hell does he proceed.
you'll have to work damn hard to catch him again, if you wanna try a move on him once more.
laughs in your face, probably. at that moment, he's so pumped on adrenaline that it kind of goes into one ear and out the other
the one out of these three that will actually still fight you. how can he not? if he beats you, that's something worth bragging about. too bad he ends up knocked on his ass a little too quickly for his likes
it's only later, when he's calmed down and going over the events in his head, that he realizes exactly what you meant by that. he may have accidentally heard you say he's petty instead of pretty and that's why it didn't even register.
when was the last time someone even called him pretty? he can't recall. He's not usually the pretty one in the family. that's senju. he's known to be the black sheep. the weirdo with the ugly scars on his mouth and you know what? he was fine with it.
until you said that damn thing. now he can't get you out of his fucking head.
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jjuzoir · 3 years
Things they do as your bf | [TR]
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synopsis: Things they do as your boyfriend that may or may not be good </3
characters: Mikey, Draken, Chifuyu, Baji, Sanzu, Mitsuya, Ran, Rindou, Takemichi, Takuya (♡),
word count: 1277
a/n: this isn’t meant to be taken too seriously, actually yes, no… yes. anyway, enjoy <3
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— Sano “Mikey” Manjiro
He likes buying clothes that are too big for you so he can steal them after you wear them. Why can’t he just ask for some of your oversized clothes? I don’t know, you don’t know, not even he knows. Worst part? 1) He probably doesn’t even wash it back when he gives it back to you and 2) he doesn’t like it when it’s freshly washed either because “it doesn’t smell like you :(“… like king, buy some perfume and use it on yourself and the clothes, don’t be nasty? Like at least have Emma wash it for you if you’re going to be lazy, please.
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— Ryuguji “Draken” Ken
Talks about you to his motorcycle… and it’s actually kinda cute at first, I won’t lie - we won’t lie. But then it starts telling “her” about your dates and shit, and it’s starting to creep you out when you run into your boyfriend asking his bike for advice on how to propose you two go for a week long vacation during summer break, especially when he sits in silence after proposing an idea, like king, she’s not answering she isn’t even sentient… and it only gets worse when he apologizes to “her” about you being his new love, but that she’d always be his first. You know what? Emma was right, the bike had always and will always be a threat.
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— Matsuno Chifuyu
Names his animals after you, and it’d be cute and all if he didn’t say shit like “Oh lol [Name] pissed on the carpet today” …. at least specify it’s the cat and not you? It’s so embarrassing because he doesn’t even think about adding it’s not human you but like… a pet with your name and you try correcting him but it’s too late and everyone is looking at you like you’re nasty; it’s embarrassing and you ask yourself if it’s really worth dating Fuyu if it meant people thought you liked killing mice for fun and biting people.
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— Baji Keisuke
Spray paints your name onto cars before wrecking them, which, by itself, is already giving you a mix signal (how the fuck are you supposed to interpret it? Does he want to burn you? Is the love he feels burning? Baji what the fuck-), but it sometimes leads the cops to your house asking you about arson and damages of personal property. You have to explain to them you were not, in fact, burning cars, but instead at home with your parents studying. Baji says it’s a ritual for his love and it shows how even in his destructive state he thinks of you (awww…?), but it’s starting to feel kind of weird. Especially now that cops and others are looking at you as if you had a criminal record.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
— Mitsuya Takashi
He’s not that weird… God, who am I kidding? This man probably talked about getting married to you to Hakkai and of fucking course his sisters heard, so now Mana and Luna think you’re married and okay, cute… understandable, but it stops being cute when they start accusing you of cheating on your “husband” when you hang out with other guys, and it gets worse when Mitsuya plays along and now you have, what feels like, a whole family against you as Takashi laughs his ass off as you try to explain that it was only your cousin to two pissed off girls who think you’ve broken the heart of their older brother (one probably even called you a cheater).
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— Sanzu Haruchiyo
Is always around you. No, seriously, how does he have the time for that? Isn’t he in a gang? Shouldn’t he be busy with gang shit? How is he always around you? What? You’ll see pink hair everywhere, you’ll be going to school and boom! From the corner of your eye you see a bush of pink hair and half-masked face staring at you intently. He says it’s so he can protect you, you’re affiliated with Toman now, you’re a target, but is it really that big of a deal that Sanzu needs to become your shadow? No. But seeing you safe and knowing he’s around to protect you makes him feel at ease, at least now you have scary dog privileges? And he’s pretty up front about being there constantly and he helps you when he watches you struggle with carrying your bags, overall a 9/10.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
— Haitani Ran
He stares, a lot. Which is fine, okay… it’s cute, in moderation! This man has a severe staring problem, you could be breathing and you’ll feel the most intense stare on you - which only gets worse when he’s yet to reveal he’s around so it feels like you’re going insane. In general Ran’s eyes are kind of intense, like even when he’s not doing anything, so imagine that man staring at you with all of his attention, kinda scary. Especially since it’s basically all the time that he’s looking at you, also probably doesn’t even blink much, so it’s a solid few seconds of intense, unbothered staring before he blinks and he’s back at it again, and it’s a cycle that has made you consider buying him Gojo-glasses so at least he doesn’t look so fucking creepy. It even creeps Rindou out, please… like, at least blink more if you’re going to be eagle-style watching your s/o.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
— Haitani Rindou
Ran tags along on your dates for moral support. Worst part? They think they’re sneaky, like undercover agents, with their secret code and disguises, all so Rin makes sure there are 1) no creeps and 2) isn’t blowing up your dates. It starts off kind of funny, it’s rare to see the younger Haitani be so conscious of himself, but now you’ve been dating for almost a year and Ran is still sneaking up on you two wearing a cheap, green wig to make sure Rin isn’t fukcing shit up, and you know what? Rindou allows it, for some reason.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
— Takemichi Hanagaki
Sometimes he does not respond. Like, you’ll be having a conversation and then he’ll shut up and never speak again, and you’re like ?? It’s not as if he wasn’t enjoying being with you, it’s that he’s enjoying it too much – his brain is like, malfunctioning as he tries to think about what could go wrong and then he’s thinking about how lucky he is to have you and then boom he remembers this embarrassing thing he did in front of you and oh good why are you dating but damn he’s happy because he loves you and suddenly it’s been five minutes and he’s just staring at you silently as he tears up, thankful you he dating you while you try and keep this pathetic excuse for a conversation going. (Kinda cute, not going to lie.)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
— Yamamoto Takuya
He’s prettier than you, actually he’s just prettier than everybody. No, seriously, I’m sorry to break it to you but he’s so pretty people will actually stop to ask you if he’s single while you’re on your dates, it’s embarrassing but he’ll always smile and turn them down, explaining that you’re his s/o and leave. He’s not a good fighter, but it doesn’t really matter since you’re the one who’s going to have to start attacking people for trying to get with your boyfriend. He’s just too pretty. Worst part is? He kinda likes being told he’s pretty so he doesn’t mind much, but he does notice it bothers you so now he’s started to dislike it since it makes you feel insecure.
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feitania · 3 years
𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐭
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𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: drugs, maybe a hint of violence, fluff
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘: mikey, draken, baji, kazutora, chifuyu, mitsuya, hakkai, yuzuha, souya, nahoya
𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘: I just really enjoy writing them all as goofy everyday roommates. Should I do a part two? But with who? This was actually so much fun.
Part two, bonten edition
Requests and asks are open, feel free to submit something
𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: hinted mikeyxreader, bajixreader, hakkaixreader
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Mikey and draken
You three live over drakens shop. It's convenient for all of you and also cheap. You get the biggest room after mikey because he's a little shit and called shot gun on the best room before you could even enter the flat.
Draken wakes up early and makes coffee for everyone before he disappears for the rest of the day. You lie to others and say everyone takes turn doing the dishes but honestly, mikey acts like he doesn't see the mess on the counter and draken finds every excuse in the book to just not do it.
Both of them are kinda protective over you and don't like it when you take a date home. They'll look them up and down judgingly and ask them the most uncomfortable questions to let them "prove their worth to be with you."(no one could ever live up to their expectations till this day) the golden rule (set up by mikey and mikey alone) is that if they can win against mikey in a fight, they can date you.
If you can't sleep at night you can always go down to dranken's shop, there is a 80% chance to find either him, Inui or another former toman member down there doing whatever at an ungodly hour.
You won't need a pet because mikey made it his personal mission to hang onto your back 24/7 (draken has a job and everyone else also acts like a functioning adult so what else is he supposed to do). He crawls into your bed at night and steals your blanket, follows you around the flat when he doesn't know what to do and demands food from you every other hour instead of just cooking himself.
Baji, Kazutora and Chifuyu
Chaotic people but they all love you with their whole heart and try to keep it down for you in their small apartment. It's was originally only meant for 3 people but Kazutora just came in one day and never left so...
Baji is the one responsible for cleaning and vacuuming the floor because his hair is everywhere. Kazutora gets a "I actually don't live here" pass but he's tidy anyway so you can't prove otherwise.
Chifuyu and you bond over manga and build a shelve together for all your hardcovers. You win against Baji in rock, paper, scissors and are allowed to set it up in the hallway. Baji says he still hates it but you saw him tidy it up and put his favorite mangas in the front so he probably lies.
Cats. Cats everywhere and always. All of them assure you they don't take stray cats in anymore to prevent them from taking over the apartment but you know that they don't just feed them outside. There is always at least one cat lurking around the hallway to get some food.
Bajis mother loves you. She comes over to visit you and not him and he's lowkey jealous. Of who? He can't tell. She tries to set you two up and always starts the conversation that, when Kazutora and Chifuyu move out to marry or do whatever you two could continue to live together. As friends or more. Baji turns back into a teenager and starts spouting nonsense, saying he would rather die then to be in a relationship with you. It's a sad excuse of a lie and everyone knows.
Hakkai, Mitsuya and Yuzuha
The most chill household you can get. Nice roommates too and the flat looks pretty cool considering all of them are working in the fashion departement. Mitsuya has his atelier elsewhere but he still spends a lot of time at home with all of you.
Yuzuha and you are in charge of grocery shopping because Hakkai tends to get too much junk food and mitsuya buys a concerning amount of coffee. Hakkai accompanies you two sometimes to keep boys away from flirting with his sister. And from you but he doesn't say that.
The unspoken rule to always have slippers on comes from the fact that mitsuya leaves his pins everywhere. You sometimes see him crawling on the floor searching for a few spare pins. It's hilarious.
Pillow forts? Pillow forts. Every other week when Hakkai gets the urge to build a pillow fort one of you ends up in his grasp. Most of the time It's you because Hakkai thinks you make the best pillow base. This night you have to sleep on the ground surrounded by blankets and snacks while mr. Daddy long legs takes up all the space and uses you as his personal pillow.
the Kawata Twins
I don't know how you got into this living situation but let me say that you will never ever in your life be bored again. You three also live above their shop and it smells like ramen everywhere.
Souya is too nervous to talk to you for the first few months but after his brothers forces him to warm up to you he comes into your room everyday just to check up on you and make sure you eat enough. Nahoya cares for you in the same way but a little more aggressively...like beating up people that made you mad or beating up people that made you-
Since the Tenjiku battle they have an ongoing weird tension with the Haitani brothers and sometimes you catch one of the twins looking out the window just staring at the street where a Haitani brother is standing around staring back.
Souya is a very tidy person and helps out where he can while Nahoya doesn't even know how to wipe the floor and refuses to learn it. When people come over Souya is on his toes the whole time, running after people to make sure they don't leave the flat looking like a mess.
Nahoya smokes weed and cooks afterwards completely baked. It tastes amazing though and you two can't stop laughing while Souya just watches in horror when Nahoya puts another chunk of butter into the frying pan.
You belong to them now and they both think it would make sense for you to either marry one of them or get adopted to change your surname to Kawata already
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jupiters-galaxy · 2 years
Random Tokyo Revengers hcs
Yes they’re emotionally damaged teenagers, but they’re *MY* emotionally damaged teenagers!
-Rainy weather soothes Baji, whenever it rains he sits near his bedroom window and watches it come down in the yellow streetlight. It makes him feel calm, and he rarely feels calm.
-Draken actually loves reading books. Libraries were a quiet space away from his chaotic home when he was a kid and he picked up the habit of reading! Comic books and mangas are without a doubt his favorite though.
-Mikey is the world's BIGGEST hot chocolate glutton. He tops it with so much sugar it's insufferable
-Takuya uses a LOT of sugar in his coffee and Akkun takes his without any cream or sugar. One morning they mix up cups. They both look like they're about to C R Y.
-Yamagishi and Makoto consider each other to be their best friend. but they're too embarrassed to ask "Am I your best friend?" So instead they awkwardly try to figure out and they have a lot of "WHAT ARE WE????" conversations. People thought they were dating for awhile because of that.
-Baji and Chifuyu are so close ok let me brainrot about them because I fully believe they're the dudes who are ONLY affectionate with each other. Not necessarily in a romantic way but like. Baji hates touching people, it makes him feel uncomfortable, but with Chifuyu when he's having a bad day he'll just. Fully lean on him. Bury his head in Chifuyu's shoulder, stay there just silent until he feels better. And of course Chifuyu lets him do whatever, he loves him and knows he needs a safe person. I LOVE THEM OK-
-Akkun and Takuya are so close. Of course their whole friend group is close, but Akkun and Takuya have that special friendship that no one else has. Takuya idolizes Akkun because he's stronger, and Akkun wants to protect Takuya because he's a good guy. It started as a symbiotic relationship but they have a lot in common and after a few months of hanging out they just genuinely harbored so much love for each other.
-I'm very soft for the idea of Draken picking flowers from other people's gardens and then leaving them on Emma's doorstep. He’s too shy so he’ll typically knock on the door and RUN. Mikey’s seen him before but he keeps the secret for him. He knows it makes her happy, so it's worth it! Picking flowers from other people’s gardens is just, the perfect blend of his deliquency and Emma’s softer, romantic tendencies!!
-Emma and Hina have sleepovers a lot(besties!!)! Hina will braid Emma's hair and Emma will fill Hina in on the events in Toman. Hina always berates the boys for being so trigger happy, but Emma just laughs and has fun gossiping with her!
-Hina secretly has Mikey's phone number, and sometimes when she's worried about Takemichi she'll call him and ask him to keep him safe. He thinks she's adorable for this, and he'll cheerfully talk to her on the phone until she feels a lot better. He'd never admit it but Hina is someone he considers to be a friend!!
-If Hakkai has a crush on someone he’d 100% try and confess in a dorky way, like with a playlist or something. He just,,, has the vibes :)
-Hakkai would be such a good hugger, not to ramble about him again but lord he’d pull you all the way in and wrap his arms around you and :) he’d probably pat your head :) He’s just so comforting to me ok let me have my fluff about this guy who makes me SO HAPPY-
-Last Hakkai one I swear but he’d probably stay on the phone with someone all night just to spend time with them. Like his best friend? Yeah, he has time for you! He’d stay on the phone with you just talking about anything and everything. His significant other? Definitely! His sleepy voice is so cute and he’d just ramble to you about everything before eventually devolving into telling you how much he loves you
-Hina’s favorite flowers are daisies and Emma buys her a hair clip shaped like a daisy!! She wears it whenever she dresses up
-That’s all for now, thank you for reading my ramblings! *disintegrates*
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sukunasbabymama · 3 years
Back off.
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⌗ Pairing: Hakkai Shiba.
⌗ Warnings: cursing, fighting, fem!reader.
⌗ Word count: 1.6K
⌗ A/N: This is bad but the important thing is that I love Hakkai. That’s it.
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He thought he was hiding his feelings, he genuinely thought that. But he wasn’t. Everybody and their momma knew about his crush on you.
You were the captain of the sixth division of the Tokyo Manji Gang, and your unit’s function was a fusion of the first, the attack unit, and the third, the brutal force unit, making your unit the most powerful one.
Even though your personality matches a lot with Mucho, you carry yourself with such confidence that makes everybody look your way twice, how can he even be worth your time? You were a fucking goddess in his eyes and he can’t even talk to you as a friend.
Every time he is in your presence he gets nervous, his eyes watching your every move, the way your lips move, the way you bite your lips with a mischievous smile every time you talk about your winnings. He can’t help but to admire you, and if you notice this you don’t mention it.
And you do notice.
Every stare, when his eyes linger more than a couple seconds on your clavicle when you're wearing tops, the way you can almost see him drooling when you wear shorts to hang out with the gang. You see it all. But you don’t say anything because you know about his shyness around girls, you don’t want to make a fuss about it and embarrass him.
“Man, how the fuck she’s gonna know about your feelings if you can’t even give her a cup of coffee when I send you to do it?” Mitsuya says one day, and Hakkai groans.
“I don’t know Taka-chan, I don’t fucking know,” He sighs with defeat. “I’m not worth love at all, what makes you think I’m in the same league as her?”
“Stop that, Hakkai, I already told you to not hate the situation you’re born into,” Mitsuya patted his back. “She likes you”
“Come again?” Hakkai almost feels his legs give up. Mitsuya laughs.
“You’re so fucking scared of her catching you drooling over her thighs that you don’t even see her looking at you like you are a full course meal,” Mitsuya rolls his eyes with a smile. “On the meeting of today just stand beside her, just that”
And he did, after almost slapping himself to get his nerves in check, he stood beside you and you told your vice-captain to go stand besides Mitsuya. Hakkai’s feeling on cloud nine already.
“This meeting of the Tokyo Manji Gang will now begin!” Draken shouts, initiating the meeting. “Today we are here to talk about the sudden compromise with the Yotsuya Gang.”
Just as the vice-president says this a bunch of guys and girls walk and get into formation just by the side of the sixth division, you don’t spare them a glance, eyes focus on your superiors.
“This is not a permanent compromise but rather one that we need for the sake of tomorrow’s fight, the gang that challenged us is not just big but also ruthless and uses girls in their favor to stop us from fighting at our full potential” Mikey says this time.
“Are they gonna have their own acting unit or they would be acting under us?” Baji asked and you nod, agreeing with the question.
“I’m putting them under Y/N’s unit since she’s the one that can tame the ruthless and most aggressives individuals in our gang,”
You nod, not putting that much attention on Mikey, instead playing with the band in your wrists. Hakkai has never seen you going against your leader.
Until today.
When Mikey gave a space so everybody could warm up with the new members, some of the girls started getting too close to Hakkai, trying to get him to talk to them, and even touching his arms. Unconsciously, he gets closer to you, being more comfortable around you than new faces, even if he doesn’t say it.
“Back off please, he doesn’t like that,” You say in a bored tone but still being heard over almost two whole units.
The captains and vice-captains that were near look at Hakkai surprised, not because of you stepping up for a fellow member, but because everybody knows about his crush.
“Who says he doesn’t li—” The one that looks like is in an upper rank starts asking but is interrupted by you.
“His body language says it,” You sigh. “I don’t talk more than twice, do. Not. Fucking. Touch. Him.”
Like it was an order, the girl pulled Hakkai by his arms and he gasped and tried to take a step back, eyes nervously going from Mitsuya to you.
You walk to her slowly and before she could give you a smart remark your fist flies directly to her nose, making everybody in the place gasp. From the impulse she lets go of Hakkai and he takes several steps back.
When the girl straightens her posture her eyes start to water a lot. She spits blood to the side. When she starts walking to you, you don’t give her time and punch her in the diaphragm, making her fall to her knees gasping for air desperately. You look at the girls from her gang that start to walk to you.
“If you want to fight, you need to come at me all at once, otherwise next time I’m not gonna go for your lungs, but instead your kidneys,” You mumble.
You turn around and look at Mikey. Not a single trace of regret in your face.
“I’ll accept the punishment for this, later,” You say and bow. When you hear the girl standing up you lift your head to face Mikey from your position, you give him a dangerous smile and he knows. “But first I’ll teach her some manners”
You face the girl and without a lot of fuss you punch her in the cheek, making her fall to the ground hissing in pain.
“I have zero tolerance for motherfuckers who don’t respect boundaries, but I’m not mad enough to knock you out just yet, so take this as a warning to not fucking touch a person if they don’t want you to do it,” You give her a mocking smile. “You touched him without permission and got him anxious, I touched you without permission and made you pulp, see?”
“Go get her, or she's gonna keep going,” Mitsuya says to Hakkai, who now snaps from his shock.
He jogs to where you are, and before thinking about it he takes you over his shoulder and starts walking to the parking lot, straight to his bike, he sets you down on top of it. You are looking at him with curiosity.
“I wasn’t out of control, Hakkai, why did you bring me here?” You ask in a low voice.
He sighs and turns around, giving you his back, you smile because his shyness is back.
“I didn’t want Mikey to forbid you from coming to meetings like he did to Baji-kun that time,” He mumbles looking at the others' bikes.
“He knows I don’t fight without a purpose and she was making you uncomfortable, don’t worry about it,” You murmur, he nods.
“Thank you, and I’m sorry you have to go to that extent for a mere vice-captain” He says looking at his feet now. He hears you giggle and closes his eyes, wanting to see you smile.
“Can I touch you, Hakkai?”
He flinches in excitement and nods, feeling your little hands pull him till he’s between your legs, you hug him from behind. He trembles with emotion.
“You’re not just a simple vice-captain, you’re also the guy I’m in love with, silly,” He gasps and your giggles turn into a full laugh. “Is not a secret,”
“I think I—”
“I want you to look at me while you say that,” He gulps. “Take your time”
Goddamn it, his hands were sweating. He turns around and looks down at you, resting your chin on his abdomen, giving him the sweet smile he wanted to see earlier. He gulps again.
“I think I love you,” He whispers, and your smile grows.
“Is that so?” He nods and you hummed satisfied.
Slowly he lifts his hands and cups your face, liking the intimacy of being like this with you even though he wasn’t able to ever express how much he likes you before, he’s thankful that he couldn’t hide his crush that well after all. He brushes his thumb slightly on your bottom lip, admiring and memorizing every single detail in your face now that he's able to be this close.
“Not shy anymore?” You whisper and chuckle when he nods, his eyes still focus on your lips. “Kiss them, Hakkai”
After gulping again he leans slowly, stopping centimeters away, you wet your lips and smile, softly crushing your lips with his, his breath hitch.
Your hands slide through his chest, making him grunt in your mouth and tremble a little bit. He’s kissing you like he’s gonna die at any moment, with passion, messy. And you like it like that.
“H-Hakkai, wait,” You whisper leaning back but he follows you, crushing your lips again. You whimper. “B-baby—”
“Please, please, don’t stop, I don’t want this to stop, please,” He says desperately with his eyes closed.
“We can’t keep on giving the whole gang a show, baby,” You chuckle in his lips and he froze, you raise your eyebrow. “Look behind your shoulder”
His face is all shades of red when he sees that everybody is looking at you, but he relaxes when he feels your hands gripping his shirt softly.
“Take me home so you can keep kissing me without an audience, Hakkai,” He nods.
He’s gonna kiss you till he can’t feel his lips.
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🔖: @saturnmitsuya @milliumizoomi @melaninnntae @haitanigigi @welkinmoongrab @yunho-leeknow @keimisan @dai-tsukki-desu @baji-san
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ickymichi · 2 years
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-by a stoner
warnings: drug use obvs.
things to know: all of age to do this blah blah no illegal shit, well. be quiet. 1 suggestive sentence in hakkai’s. this is all 4 fun
note: first thing i post in ages and it’s this lol. i thought of this in depth while smoking so i had to let it be known cause it’s all true.
mymattsun 2022. don’t repost or modify on this or any other platform. reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated.
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DRAKEN. he’s that calm and collected while dealing with mikey 24/7? and you think he’s sober doing it. no chance. he probably smokes every other day. like 3 times a week. but would probably smoke 2 or 3 on a good day. he prefers blunts just bc, he’s unfairly good at rolling. like if he rolls for u, it’s gonna go down like heaven. is already more calm then he normally is and gets really giddy. like kinda just sits with a smile and lidded eyes the whole time.
BAJI he has allll that energy and attitude and listens to “baji-san! baji-san! baji- san!! all day, but doesn’t smoke? yeah okay bozo. mf does it literally every day, like shit lemme join. also would light up while in public walking around like it isn’t illegal. he sets cars on fire mf doesn’t care. definitely another blunt r joint guy. did a bong with chifuyu and got sent straight to sleep. convinced fuyu he now has asthma after that time. we got ourselves a muncher here ppl. will eat anything in sight. also gets sleepy sometimes. also questions everything. including how tf draken survived getting stabbed. also laughs too much. like calm down.
MITSUYA takes care of two ankle biters and hakkai for a living. and you gonna try?- just shhh. doesn’t like to do it alone tho, he gets paranoid asf. draken is his favourite smoke bud. he got sewing fingers so he’s ofc gonna be good at rolling, but prefers bongs or pipes. weirdo. gets a burst of energy most times and gets the giggles. he’s the complete opposite of sober him. doesn’t do it too often maybe 2 times a week 3 max. one of those that doesn’t eat all that much just gets cotton mouth.
HAKKAI does it cause taka-chan does. he did at the start now probably does it more than him. but he also only does it with people, unless he wants a late night one then will do it himself. probably like 4 times a week. prefers joints but can’t roll for the sake of his life so gets someone else to for him. loves doing it with baji r fuyu jc they’re so funny to be around. eats his whole body weight in chocolate or ramen. HE TURNS INTO A WHORE!!!! thinks about all that shit sm when he’s high.
MIKEY found shinichiro’s stash and proceeds to investigate it with draken. that’s how they got introduced to it. doesn’t do it that often but only does it with kenchin. blunt r bong kinda guy. questions life then cries laughing in the same minute. feasts on snacks only. FEASTS!!!!
NAHOYA you.. you’re going to tell me. HE. HIMMM. isn’t a fucking POTHEAD??!!! will light it up before a fight or meeting. another daily inhaler. also does it inside if he’s too lazy to go outside?? pisses off souya smmm. another fucking animal who will order a whole apocalypse worth of food. either sits around and play loud ass music or movies or gets up and runs the world. no in between. does it with draken if he wants to chill, baji if he wants to laugh and hakkai if he wants to fuck with someone(hakkai gets so fcking paranoid)
HANMA. he’s a crazy mf and probably does coke too c’mon.
CHIFUYU baji-san does it. fuyu follows.
HAITANI BROS they from ropongi ain’t that like party city ?
YUZUHA she deals with hakkai. c’mon now
SANZU hate this mf but he a purple pilly popper
OG BLACK DRAGONS seem like a chill group of guys so they definitely did in some abandoned building. grandpa sano deffo found shins shit but didn’t care.
1. DRAKEN. always. he will always start.
2. MITSUYA. a good second. puff puff and pass religiously
3. NAHOYA. would be lower but look at the lineup.. tends to ramble and tell bullshit stories n forgets it’s his turn.
4. BAJI. inhales half the fucking joint like calm down it’s not going any where bro..
5. HAKKAI purely cause he coughs till he red n is a wet smoker.
6. MIKEY. you thot he gonna be up there? mf SATURATES THE TIP!!!
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