#{i took the quiz twice and got this each time}
unbrcakablc-hcart · 7 months
what horror trope/metaphor are you? heaven as oblivion
there is absolutely nothing for you now. you are dead but not gone, you've passed on to the next realm and hit an infinitely extending wall. your fingers dissolve before your eyes, your eyes melt out of your head, your head does not exist. you are not present anywhere, and you cannot hear anything. you've dodged hell, but at what cost? this is all there is now.
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nichoswag · 11 months
Are you taking requests? If so can I please get an Euijoo one where he tries teaching you Japanese? He's so gentle and kind and patient. Every time you make a mistake he rubs your hand and shows you again. And when you get it right he rewards you with a kiss. I live for soft Euijoo
incentive . byun euijoo
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pairing: bf!ej x gn reader
warnings: coma-inducing fluff, sweet and patient bf ej (i have to include that as a warning), kissing, petnames (baby, like twice)
synopsis: in which euijoo teaches you japanese but you're easily distracted, so he gives you an incentive.
song rec: stuck with u - ariana grande + justin bieber
a/n: i don't think you understand, i literally audibly gasped when i read this request. the idea is way too cute for my brain to handle... also sorry this took a few days, the requests have been piling in! anywaysss, i hope you enjoy!! ♡
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"there are a few ways to say 'thank you' in japanese," your boyfriend explains.
this is your third japanese lesson. a few days ago, you had asked euijoo to teach you japanese, so he's been giving you a lesson a day. now, you both sit on the couch, him teaching you and you taking notes.
"the difference in each phrase is how polite they are." he adjusts his glasses on his nose, and you look away from him and at your notes to focus on the lesson rather than his face. "for example, you would say 'arigato' to a friend or someone your age. however, to someone you don't know well or an elder, you should say 'arigato gozaimasu.' did you get that in your notes?"
you remain spaced out, staring at his features for a moment before shaking yourself out of it and nodding. "yeah, i got it."
he grins at you. "it feels like you're paying more attention to me than the words I'm saying."
you smile. "you're very distracting."
he chuckles. "just try to pay attention baby."
you think for a moment. "why not give me some motivation?"
he stares at you, puzzled. "what do you mean?"
"hmm... how about for every question i get right, you give me a kiss? like an incentive."
he chuckles. "you sly fox. you just wanna kiss me." you nod, giggling. he ruffles your hair, continuing on with the lesson.
he launches into the other ways to say "thank you," such as past and present. you remain attentive and continue taking notes. when it comes time for him to quiz you on what you've learned, you are able to answer correctly by looking at your notes. that earns you a few kisses, to your enjoyment.
"you're doing so good, baby," he exclaims, proud. "now, let's try without your notes. let's say your grandmother does something kind for you. how would you thank her?"
"uhh- arigato~?"
"not quite," he says, rubbing your hand he's been holding through the lesson. "that's how you would thank someone your age. to be polite to an elder, you would say 'arigato gozaimasu.'"
"arigato gozaimase," you repeat after him.
"good. the 'z' is more of a soft 's' sound," he explains.
you slump in your chair. "japanese is so hard!"
he smiles at you. "it'll get easier the more you practice. do you want to stop for now and pick up more in a bit?"
you nod. "i wan a hug..."
he chuckles softly. "of course." he places your notebook and pen on the coffee table and pulls you close to him, wrapping his arms around you.
"thank you for being so patient with me," you say quietly. "i know it's not easy to teach me."
"everyone learns at their own pace," he says. he presses a kiss to your forehead. you lean in to kiss him on the mouth, but he backs away. "ah-ah, that's only for if you get a question right."
you groan loudly.
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©nichoswag | do not copy my work or repost onto any other platform.
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ros3ybabe · 8 months
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Daily Check-in: October 11th, 2023 🎀
So I was wat more productive then I had thought i would be given the exhaustion I felt from jet lag. I am proud of what I got done! However, I only slept about 2 hours, and it was broken sleep at that so I am not exactly feeling top of my game at the moment. We'll see what my energy allows me to complete today.
🩷 What I Ate, Oct 11th -
Brunch/Lunch - Spaghetti with meat sauce and ground turkey, topped with grated parmesean
Dinner - Turkey & Roast Beef bagel sandwich with avocado, 1 slice muenster cheese, 1 slice cheddar cheese, and a small side of potato chips.
Snack - a half bowl of spaghetti with ground turkey and meat sauce
Extra - 4 cups of coffee, each with one sweet n low and a splash of French vanilla creamer
I actually cooked which is odd for me as I typically don't have energy. My goal for today is to cook a batch of ground beef for taco bowls!
🩷 Personal Achivements, Oct 11th -
Washed bed sheets + pillowcases
Did the dishes
Maintained Duolingo streak (1 lesson)
Maintained Busuu streak (3 lessons)
Video called with my boyfriend twice
Made a shopping list for langaueh tracker/bullet journal (purchased at 1am because Amazon prime big deals were ending and I wanted to save some money)
Made a schedule/routine for working out next week
Cooked myself a real meal
Swept kitchen and disinfected/wiped down counters in kitchen
showered + morning skincare
🩷 Academic Achievements, Oct 11th -
Completed and submitted lifecycle nutrition chart
submitted and passed lab 7 anatomy pre lab
submitted discussion post + replies for nutr discussion 3
I feel quite proud of yesterday! Let's hope today I can tackle some more stuff on my todo list!
🩷 Personal ToDo, Oct 12th -
cook ground beef for taco bowls (leftovers!!)
wash dirty laundry
put away all clean laundry
therapy appointment
video call boyfriend
morning + night skincare
morning + night journal (?)
do 2 duolingo lessons
do 2 busuu lessons
complete/continue genki I lesson one
type up draft for upcoming blog post(s?)
🩷 Academic ToDo, Oct 12th -
Chapter 9 Notes Psyc
Quiz Chapter 9 Psyc
Culinary chapter 10 Quiz
Consumer Debt Inventiry assignment
Using Credit personal finance assignment
I've put a lot on my to-do list for today, but if I can even get a third of each list done, I will still be very proud of myself. Productivity should not come at the cost of my own well-being. Maybe I'll take a nap today? My boyfriend thinks it's a good idea, but I'm not a big fan of naps regardless of the situation. We shall see.
I took complete advantage of the prime big deals on Amazon and ordered some new workout clothes, some hair accessories, a set of silk pillowcases, and supplies for my bullet journal language tracker/planner. I even bought this cute little journal that's made specifically for fitness and health tracking, as a little side thing of mine to help keep me going! It comes with stickers and already set up pages, so hopefully, it proves to be useful!
I may or may not have made an Ulta order for some makeup using my afterpay account as well, because as it gets colder outside I'm starting to want to wear makeup for fun again. I'm not typically drawn to full beat looks but in the winter I love going all out with my makeup looks, whether I'm doing a more grunge goth emo look or a soft coquette girly look and everything in between. I love makeup as a form of self expression!
May or may not buy some more skincare as well, I'm just trying to decrease the amount of stuff in my skincare cart on the shopping app but it's so hard choosing what to get now and what to wait on!! I'm super indecisive too so that intensified the struggle.
Thats all for today! I'll make sure to update you lovelies tonight/tomorrow!
til next time, lovelies 🩷
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fuck-hes-dead · 2 years
Can't Ignore You
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summary | You're supposed to be studying, but it isn't easy to focus when Tate's there. pairing | Tate Langdon x GN!Reader word count | 0.9k warnings/tags | Crushing, confession
Studying wasn't your ideal way to spend your weekend, but you really needed to get a good grade on the history test you had on Monday. You were already mostly done, but all that was left were the things you struggled with most. Some days, especially when you were forced to study on the weekend, you wished that you didn't have to deal with school. It all seemed fairly useless anyway, in the grand scheme of things at least.
You stared down at your notes as Tate kept moving from sitting to lying down, to laying on his side facing you, to laying on his other side. As if the task of studying wasn't already hard enough without your friend there. You sighed and leaned against the headboard, closing your eyes for a second.
"Could you just sit still for a second?" You asked, hearing the sound of your sheets ruffling stop suddenly.
Though you can't see him, and he's rather silent, you still think that you were a little harsh. Really you didn't mind his company, without him the whole house felt rather lonely. You just wished that you could do something other than think about him for even a minute.
You'd had a crush on him since you moved into the house. He introduced himself and ever since then you had spent most of your time either hanging out with him or thinking about him. You knew that he would be a distraction whether or not he was actually with you, that was the only reason that you hadn't kicked him out yet.
He still hadn't said anything, and that was strange for him, so you opened your eyes and sat back up. "Sorry... I really need to study but I just can't... it's annoying, is all." You did your best to explain yourself. From the time you two had spent together, you had figured that he didn't take to being rejected very well, even if it was only him who saw it as a rejection.
Tate smiled a little at that. He understood struggling with school, even if he hadn't actually gone in quite a while. He grabbed your notebook out of your hands and held it tightly, skimming through the page you were on before you could grab it back.
"Why don't I help you? We could make flash cards and then I could quiz you or whatever." He shrugged, "I dunno about you, but staring at the same page gets kinda boring after a while. For me, obviously." He said, hoping that you didn't notice how awkward he thought he sounded.
"Yeah um-" you get off of your bed and walk over to your backpack that you had leaning against your desk. It barely takes a minute for you to come back with a pack of notecards, a blue highlighter, yellow highlighter, two pens, and a pencil. You toss everything onto the middle of your queen sized bed and grab another notebook to write against.
Sitting back on your bed, you smile over at him and grab a pen and highlighter. "How are we gonna do this?" You ask. It's much easier to enjoy his presence when you aren't trying your hardest to forget that he's there in the first place.
Tate made a face that almost made you laugh and leaned against your headboard as if he was thinking. "Hmm... how about we each do half of a page? I'll do the top and you'll do the bottom, that way we won't make doubles and it'll get done faster." He suggested, leaning forward to grab a pen and a small stack of cards.
He then put your notebook in between the two of you and you started making your flashcards. Thankfully, since there wasn't too much left  for you to study and you were both working on it together, you got it finished rather quickly.
It took half an hour at most for you to finish. You made sure that you got all of the answers right three times in a row, to prevent any flukes. The test was worth a lot and you had barely been paying attention in class, so you had wanted to make sure you wouldn't forget anything, even if Tate complained once or twice (that was being nice, really he had complained the entire time).
Once you two were finally done you laid down on your bed and closed your eyes, sighing softly. He cleared off your bed a little haphazardly, placing most of your stuff on one of the bedside tables without even looking. After the bed was cleared, he laid down on his side, closer to you than he had been.
You laughed softly as you noticed and turned on your side to face him, "what?"
"I'm really glad you moved here, you're the coolest person I've met" Tate said with a small smile on his face. He was acting a bit strange but you decided that you wouldn't mention it. It wasn't really any of your business anyway.
"You're pretty cool too."
"You think so?" He asked.
You nodded, "of course I do. I'd be stupid not to."
He sighed, his voice quieter than it had been, "I really like you..."
Your heart fluttered, but you didn't think that he meant it like that. You were too unsure to get your hopes up. "I like you too, Tate."
"No." He sighed, shaking his head.
"What?" You asked, but before you could do anything else his lips were on yours.
The kiss was over quickly and the look on his face along with the way he avoided eye contact didn't help you figure out whether he regretted it or was just nervous. You wanted to reassure him but you weren't too sure what had happened yourself.
Then, his eyes met yours again. "I like you." He repeated himself, but this time the meaning was much different.
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Callout Post: Be Wary of the Following User
I've tried everything before. I've remained quiet, I've tried going my separate ways as peacefully as possible, I've made mistakes in impulsive arguements, and I even tried quietly moving accounts. But I'm tired of remaining quiet. There's someone who's been stalking me since the friendship break-up back in August of 2022. Originally fluffy935, now known as edwards-kronorium115, has been harrassing me in subtle ways non-stop.
We had been great friends at first in 2021, only for things to fall apart when we were making too many mistakes to upset each other within a short timespan. I made a few mistakes in accidentally reposting their screenshots due to them not having a watermark and not being able to tell which was “gifted to me” or which was completely theirs as there was no indication to tell the difference. They hadn’t added watermarks until just recently when I had checked on them.
At first, we had disagreements due to sharing the same f/o. I already do with a very close friend of mine. Unlike that close friend, Eddie would go back and forth from being supportive to lashing out at me. My old first blog here (staminuptosuccess) is deleted but there I was spammed in DMs over a friend supporting me with Edward at the time. I was called a homewrecker, spammed vomit emojis, and further insulted. It was getting so bad that I went to Twitter and left everything behind around 2022. We made up and became friends again. Only for it to get worse. It got so bad she looked me up on FACEBOOK AND SOMEHOW FOUND MY PRIVATE NAME. I cannot show the contact to avoid doxxing. But her full name is there. I was isolated. She constantly told me how “I am your only true friend.” I was manipulated often into being away from my friends. She constantly tried putting everyone down, me included. I would be built up only to be put down again. I couldn’t handle her taking out her emotions on me. No matter how hard I tried, I always did something to make her angry or sad. So, I left Twitter in the midst of her rage. I uncensored the names of friends who consent to me posting the thread.
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I couldn’t take it anymore. I didn’t want to upset her anymore and frankly? I didn’t want to be abused anymore either. Every time I was starting to thrive, she’d explode. She would pepper me in drawing gifts only to slam me down that I didn’t care enough or that I ruined everything for her. So I ended it. The Facebook thing freaked me out especially bc how did she find my name?
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We had a short talk of what seemed like closure and wishing each other the best in life… until it wasn’t.
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She took my quiz and made her presence known twice. I’d have my post liked until I was blocked. It happened to my friend too. After a while, I was able to find a way to block her back so she’d stop the discreet spying. She would reblog the same things I did. And ever so slowly plagiarize my work.
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My Kalimba video: December 31st, 2022
(To be continued. Check below)
Part 2
Part 3
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mongoose-bite · 5 months
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I have found the best NPC. I love kobolds. Look at this stylish little guy! He's still got the weird dog nose they gave them for 5th edition but I am still delighted with him. I miss my kobold sorcerer. This is like seeing him for reals. Also, while I try to remain vague, there are spoilers unavoidable below. Shulkie don't read this.
So we finally get some answers regarding the prism. Now I know why it was confusing; there were multiple things inside. The only mystery now is why the Sharrans were after it. I tried very hard to kill the Emperor twice. Faye feels like eating the tadpole was the worst decision of her life, but eventually I took the hint and we still remain on its side.
Faye hates that manipulative thing, but I on the other hand am now pretty curious about a squid run. Ngl I always thought illithids were kind of hot, but my inner lorebeard was always 'no it would never make sense for them to fuck.' Thank you, Larian, for suggesting a way to reconcile these things. They're in that sweet spot between 'humans with a coat of paint' and 'what would even count as sex with a sentient rock half a mile across' where it's an interesting challenge, but you've got some places to start.
I, and Faye, still don't really believe its story, but there's no point accusing it of lying. So she humours it, but burned inspiration to keep herself from tadpoling further, and did not offer to hold its hand.
We arrive in Riverton and immediately I feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of NPCs chattering. I often don't like city areas in games. Too much going on. I got used to it after half an hour of mindlessly running around and eavesdropping.
Once we arrived in the city Faye started spending money like it was water; to be fair, I needed to gear up Jahira a bit, but a lot of it went on fucking around, metaphorically and literally, because while Faye would never have the nerve to take up the twins' offer by herself, Halsin had invited her out to the woods the night before, and he makes her adventurous, as long as he's with her. That did escalate quickly though, and then again when we went to the circus and aced the dryad quiz. Quicksave unnecessary. She has zero fashion sense and he doesn't see the need for clothes at all; they're fucking perfect for each other. They both project noble gravitas in public and are horny dorks in private. I am pleased with my pick.
What I think is interesting is the story Halsin tells you about his previous experiences with drow. Faye was just 'oh that's awful,' but Dyce would know the feeling. He's enthusiastically consented to things because his other options weren't that great. He'd get it, and probably reevaluate some things himself, which is frankly an impressive feat, because he doesn't do introspection much; these characters are so well-written. That experience might have been formative for Halsin, and feeds into how he approaches relationships, as much as he doesn't like the word. His 'feel free to make other people happy too,' would have Dyce all 'same hat!' as well, which was not something I expected from this character. Sluts with layers.
Speaking of bad options, I spent a good five minutes back and forthing on Raphael's offer before realising he'd told me where he kept Grabthar's Hammer, and luckily Faye was on the same wavelength. Have I also mentioned how much I love Laz'ael? Her 'why you make this difficult? But I think that's admirable' is adorable. Exchanging a queen for a prince feels like a sideways step rather than a forward one, but it proves she can move.
At the time it didn't occur to me that Raphael was talking about somewhere in the Hells, cause I am dumb, but I'm guessing one of his neighbours will sell him out, although who knows what she'll want in exchange.
Next stop, lower city.
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sugaaaaaaaar · 1 year
Affogato and Caramel Arrow Hogwarts AU ramble because why not?
• Caramel was a hatstall and I cannot be convinced otherwise. You bet her little 10-11 year old self was anxiously sitting in that tiny old stool in front 500 people while the sorting hat had a mental breakdown on whether she was Gryffindor or Hufflepuff for a solid 6 minutes
• Affogato didn't even get to the stool when the sorting hat yelled 'slytherin'
• Caramel Arrow is a Half-blood with both her parents being wizards and her father being an auror (joining the 'Second Watcher is Cara's dad' bandwagon for this one)
• Affogato is muggleborn who was disowned once his family found out about his magical side (aka the Dursleys walked so his parents could run). He convinced almost the whole school, teachers included, for a solid 6 years through various schemes from forging parental signatures to somehow convincing Caramel and Crunchy to brew a polyjuice to shift into his parents for teacher-parent meeting
• He also convinced a lot of people that he was a pure blood, although some thought he was secretly a half-blood, nobody knew he was a muggle born
•Caramel Arrow finds out about his heritage and id imagine they'd have nice moment until they wack each other with their wands the next morning
• Dark Cacao is the defense against of dark arts teacher in this universe and they are both *really* good at the subject and see him as parental figure (but Affo would never admit that)
• *cue two 13 year olds practicing their patronuses at 2am because they really want to impress DC and who ever gets it first is clearly the superior student and therefore his favorite*
• Caramel Arrow gained the nickname 'First Watcher' by catching the Golden Snitch within the first minute of a Quidditch game (Affogato and many others believe the snitch was charmed despite the multiple thorough inspections done to the snitch saying otherwise)
• Side note: In this AU, snitches are worth only 60 points and it has nothing to do with either of them, I'm just petty about that rule and wanted to have something a bit more balanced than 250 points
•I took a couple of quizzes plus some surface level research and have deducted that Cara's wand has a unicorn hair core and Affo's wand has dragon heartstring core and I'm willing to do more research (I also did two really long patronus quiz and got black stallion for Cara and Eagle for Affo but I may double check those)
• Affogato sometimes narrates Quidditch games but he isn't allowed to do so often due to his snarky and sometimes very biased opinions,
• Affogato excels at potions. He has gained some perks out of this like easily gaming permission to enter the forbidden library for 'research purposes', being allowed to brew interesting potions such as polyjuice because he is 'practicing his skills' and carrying a bottle of amortentia 'for extra credit'
• Speaking of Amortentia, Caramel Arrow smells campfire smoke, brown sugar, caramel and wet dog/wolves and Affogato smells coffee, galleons/coins, ice cream, lavender and chocolate
• Affogato keeps his hair in a bun and sticks his wand sideways for safe keeping (and to resemble his og design)
• Caramel has really good Alohomora and Revelio charm
• They have gone to detention for randomly dueling in the halls way too many times
• Caramel is terrified of Howlers because she never knows whether it's her dad scolding for getting into detention or Affogato making dirty jokes and loudly moaning (where does he even get all those howlers-)
• Affogato had a snake and he once tried to scare Caramel but she ended up taking a liking to it so now they have to 'share the custody'
• Affogato kind of joins the Cookies of Darkness/Death Eaters in his later years but he isn't very into their beliefs. He's just there because Dark Enchantress offered him a place to stay and to put his potions and curses to good use if he served her.
• He tried to leave but he realized she would not think twice to kill him if needed so now he's just panicking
• Affogato is basically Draco Malfoy but it's StarKids' 'Very Potter Musical' Draco Malfoy aka the one that is played by the short, iconic legend that is Lauren Lopez
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eunique · 2 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 5 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)❤️❤️❤️
To be honest I don't have the best of self esteem. Self esteem is something I really lack and it has been lacking since forever ago ; w;)b
But since this is non-negotiable, I'll be nice to myself so here we go
1) My Art
I'm still my own worst critic but I'm proud of myself in how far I've come. Recently went through all my old art and it really put into perspective in where I am now compared to 2012 me. But every now and then I look at some of the stuff I did in like 2020 and am still proud of some of the stuff I did. I definitely think I can still improve and learn more but I think child me would've been fucking hyped to see my art now.
2) My boba tastes
Sounds really weird but I've had a few friends ask me for reccomendations when we go to Gongcha and they've all enjoyed my recs. Even my Chinese asf mum approves of it so yeah. I may have shit taste in maybe everything else but I still got superior taste in boba tea 😤
3) Being Bilingual
My Chinese still sucks ass but I'm glad I can speak enough Chinese to hold a conversation and help people. Plus, it's also a really good way to talk shit about someone who is in the exact same room as you. Still anxious asf to use it in public tho but that's a different story.
4) My ability to learn (most) things quickly
I generally can learn most things relatively quickly whether I'm learning it myself or I'm being taught how to do whatever I'm learning. I've been a pretty fast learner in a lot of things (aside from maths, chemistry and DAWs to name a few). Taught myself a few things like how to cast off a knitting via YouTube. Taught myself to draw and still teaching myself new things to name a few. Still predominantly self taught in art to this day :)
5) My brain
Gonna get this out the way. I'm not the traditional "booksmart". Never liked academics. Sucked at academics and certainly didn't help that my primary school essentially set me up for failure. Not even smart in the slightest tbh. I'm very much dumbass to the max and I'm absolutely fine with that. I literally joke about being so head empty.
But I do like my brain for the amount of bullshit it consumes and my brain can literally visualise anything as well as visualise a sound. If you told me to imagine an apple and then told me to imagine someone taking a bite out of that apple, I can visualise the object and visualise the sound of someone taking a bite of that apple. I think it sorta stems from my artsy background.
But it is also a double edged sword bc I can then visualise and hear the most cursed videos in my head if it's cursed enough to stick to my brain. That or if someone told me to imagine polystyrene rubbing against each other and squeaking, I can mentally see the exact action and hear that exact sound ringing in my ear and it makes me want to shrivel up like a prune :')
This took me all day to think about because again, idk who self esteem is. But this really made me think about what I like about myself. I think I care too much about what others have thought of me in the past that it has really warped my self perception. Even the 75 question genshin impact kin quiz which I took twice gave me scarily accurate results both times. That along with almost every uquiz I've taken during 2021.
I still struggle to not let how people see me get in the way but it's still really hard to not overthink that every time. But it does help that I have amazing friends online and irl that I can be myself 100% unapologetically and this hellsite where I'm not forced to keep up a certain facade :)
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Days 55 to 57 - En Route to NZ
Day 55, Thursday, 9 February 2023
We are now really just filling in time until we get to New Zealand and head for home.  Life on board is pretty routine, punctuated by set times for meals and a couple of lectures each day.
It is actually quite comfortable just sailing along, occasionally rolling a little, but often quite smooth.  It is surprising how quickly the sea conditions change. Within ten or fifteen minutes, it can go from quite choppy to a millpond – or the reverse – but I have not needed any mal-de-mer medications for the whole trip. I took a Quells twice early in the trip just in case I got sick, but never needed them even when the sea was most excited – and exciting.  I really revelled in the rougher weather and we had quite a bit.  It has been surprisingly sunny day after day when the expectation was wet and gloomy, but we also had a few wonderful storms and a great deal of snow from time to time – much more than I have seen before.  And the temperatures are now consistently above zero, although the ‘feels like’ rating is still in the low minuses – 3 to 5 mainly.
We had another general knowledge quiz in which Heather came second and pipped me by one point, but George beat her by three.  He is a very smart cookie.  That was followed by the Captain spending 70-odd minutes of his allocated 55 explaining why this ship is the best ever built and that it includes a dozen or more first-in-the-world innovations.  Sounded very impressive even if I only understood half of it.
They have been running daily dance classes and craft workshops in the past week or so but we are not really interested – but Heather enjoys the cooking classes although most things are a bit elaborate and often too rich for our palate.  W have not used either pool, the spa, sauna or Snow Room and we have avoided the gym quite assiduously. There have also been a couple of cocktail-making sessions and we have participated in them – and their product. There are always a couple of other food and drink opportunities during the afternoon as well as the three bars and one Detox bar (that doesn’t get a lot of patronage!).
There was a second caviar-tasting session during the afternoon and a lecture about the French Dumont d’Urville Station and its first overwintering.
After dinner there was a Cabaret – very slick and professional with amazing lighting and effects. There are a few musicians a singer and a couple of other ‘gymnast/acrobats’ on the ship (under contract) and they put on a great show for us.  We hadn’t intended going, but did so at the last minute – so glad we did.  It was a great performance, particularly the musician and the athletic dancing.
Day 56, Friday, 10 February 2023
Mum’s birthday today – she would be 108 if she was still with us.  Sadly……. But I still think of her most days.
Another day at sea and it held the promise of the best birding day as we approached Campbell Island. The Captain had promised to call us early so we could see the Island (although for some reason, he said we could not approach closer than two-and-a-half-miles – we landed and walked across the island three years ago!) but he failed to keep his promise.  He later said it was a bit foggy so he decided that we wouldn’t want to see it or its birds!
I went out on deck for an hour or so and explored numerous observation points, but it was pretty cold and drizzling so I eventually retreated indoors – and then they locked us in completely because it was a bit rough outside.  They really are ultra-cautious and seem to think that zero risk is more important than client experience – but at least this time, we could get out on our balcony for a while until they came around and locked them too.  As it happened, there were very few birds anyway in what was the bird-richest area on our last trip down here.
I was out on deck while Heather went to a session about the results of the science undertaken on board this trip.  We toured the laboratories a couple of weeks ago and they were quite impressive – as were the scientists and the projects they are working on.
Heather went to another cooking class while I tried to identify some of the birds I had photographed before they locked us in.
After lunch, there was a lecture about a French Explorer that few Aussies have heard about despite a French Station being named for him almost due south from Australia.  He is Jules Dumont d’Urville and he put France on the Antarctic map – a very impressive leader and explorer.
Late in the afternoon, we had a presentation by the helicopter pilot about NZ Flight 901 that crashed on Mt Erebus in 1979.  He gave us a lot of information about the plane, the flight, the ground support, and the Government Enquiries in the aftermath.  He had obviously done quite a bit of research, but equally obviously, he believes he knows better than the enquiries and sheets the blame on everyone except the pilots.  As outsiders, we don’t have an opinion, but 237 people died as a result of numerous human errors – we are just not quite sure which humans were most to blame.
Day 57, Saturday, 11 February 2023
It was another day at sea with just one lecture in the morning.  It was about Mawson and it was possibly something the Aussies were waiting for.  It was a good lecture and although we knew the story, there were lots of snippets we didn’t know and it put more of it into perspective for us.
During the afternoon, there was a briefing about tomorrow’s land tours and final disembarkation early on Monday.  It seems they just want us off the ship and left to our own devices as soon as possible with no assistance in getting to the airport.  There were a couple of options where they would help if we topped up their coffers – about $AU600 per person for a private ride, but a combined maximum of three items of luggage (we have six) or a group transfer for about $AU400 per person with the same luggage restrictions – and neither options load your baggage for you.  You have to do it yourself.  We have opted for a shuttle into the city where we can get a cab to the airport – there are apparently no cabs at the port!
Then they drew a raffle to which we had not contributed – a good job we saved our money because we didn’t win anyway!  That was followed by the announcement of the winners of the Photo Competition.  There were four categories – Blue, Wildlife, the Ship and Landscape.  There were some great photos but none of mine got anywhere.  One guy won in two categories – but I wasn’t particularly rapt in his Wildlife pic – I reckon several others were better than his.  He was just lucky that he hit the shutter while a penguin was still in the air hopping onto an icefloe.
There was then a long final recap – over two hours – but it was quite brilliant. Most of the Expedition Team gave a little summary of their aspect of the trip, often adding a bit more, including several video clips.  One was from WIFFA 2022 – the Winter International Film Festival of Antarctica – an annual film festival of films made entirely during the dark months by people overwintering in Antarctica.  It is open to all Antarctic Stations and is a really big event with some absolutely brilliant films – look them up and watch on the web.  There was also an amazingly creative short video made by one of our on-board naturalists.  It is hard to describe but it traced a strange wriggly line around the screen, that eventually transformed into the outline of a photo she had taken during the voyage.  All the images were then linked into a powerful conservation message – strong and creative.  No idea how it was done but quite brilliant.
And after dinner, the crew put on an absolutely inspiring show that they had created together during the voyage.  There was some very energetic dancing, several instrumental and vocal musical performances and some funny skits. The one that really got to me was a superb rendition of Ave Maria by one of the male scientist – in the most fantastic high falsetto.  He could put Ivan Rebroff, maybe even Kiri, to shame.  I reckon he could go professional tomorrow – absolutely beautiful.
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taperwolf · 2 years
I've been listening to a podcast that does a periodic quiz and draws from the correct answers to give away a prize. It's a tech-oriented show, so the host uses a bunch of different random number generators, from dice and spinners to cryptographic and image hashing algorithms.
A few weeks ago, there were 14 correct submissions, and the host said, "Well, since there's no d14..." before coming up with a different method of choosing numbers. Except there are d14s out there. I've got a couple. They're in a box somewhere, but I found a photo someone else took:
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These guys are from GameScience. The shape is the same sort of dual pyramid that a standard d10 uses, just with seven faces towards each point instead of five. They're marked 1-14 and also, helpfully, with the days Sunday through Saturday twice each, so you'll often see them sold as days-of-the-week dice. These ones are, I think, older than the ones I have, since they're uninked and mine have paint filling in the numbers and letters.
(Unrelatedly, I also have a set of d16s labeled in hexadecimal, 0-F. Very useful if you need to generate a random IPV6 address, or, slightly more realistically, if you want to generate a lot of random bits but don't want to flip a coin for each one, you can use the hex dice to get four bits at a time.)
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daggerzine · 2 years
Ten Belated Observations on Belle & Sebastian at the Egyptian Room, Indianapolis IN, May 25, 2022 (by Ken Katkin)
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 1. I have previously seen Belle & Sebastian perform in Washington DC, Louisville (twice), Columbus OH, Chicago, Cincinnati, Atlanta, and Las Vegas. But I never previously saw them perform in Indiana, in part because until tonight’s show, Belle & Sebastian logged 26 years as a touring rock band without ever once setting foot in an Indiana venue.
 2. From 2017-2019, Belle & Sebastian briefly toured the USA each summer, playing to large audiences at summer venues and to very large audiences at major US music festivals. Tonight’s show was only the band’s second US performance since before the pandemic. (The first took place one night earlier, in North Carolina). Apparently a lot of fans drifted off during Belle & Sebastian’s enforced absence from these shores. Though the band was booked into the same type of venues they’d successfully been playing for a decade, on this tour many gigs (including this one) were moved to smaller venues for lack of ticket sales.
 3. Compounding this tour’s star-crossed fate, Belle & Sebastian’s violinist (and sometime trumpet player) Sarah Martin caught COVID just before the tour began, and could not enter the United States. Ms. Martin was temporarily replaced by two Nashville cats: a young woman (with Hoosier roots and Louisville family ties!) who played violin, and a heavyset but indefatigable middle-aged trumpet player. These subs performed gamely, and were well-received by the audience. I don’t know how they both managed to learn all the songs without having any time to rehearse with the band!
 4. After it was downsized, the gig was moved to an ornate ballroom erected in 1909 by the Murat Shriners of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, with support from Cincinnati freemasons. The ballroom is housed inside the largest Shrine Center in North America: a multipurpose building themed after a Moorish mosque, with stained-glass windows, terra cotta trim, minarets, and a 208-foot tall tower. Although the complex was not a ziggurat in the authentic Mesopotamian sense, in the colloquial sense it felt like a ziggurat from a forgotten time. I got a kick out of its over-the-top “old weird America” vibe.
 5. A foray into Indiana often requires willingness to grapple with “Hoosier Logic.” Tonight, we ran across some exemplars of the form. Upon entering the venue, we discovered that ordinary women’s handbags are contraband in Hoosierville. This pop-quiz prohibition affected half the members of my party, and sent us careening back to our parked cars before we could enter the venue. More puzzlingly, COVID vaccine cards were checked for patrons who otherwise were frisked for one reason or another, but not for the roughly 50% of patrons who were waved through without a patdown. Although the show was general-admission and mostly standing room, there were some chairs and tables here-and-there. But anytime anyone sat down in one, they were soon approached by an officious venue employee with an iPad, demanding a $20 chair fee. And though the multi-purpose complex had many restrooms in areas of the building that were otherwise open, all were off-limits except the ones nearest to the ballroom with the gig.
 6. Stuart Murdoch seemed apologetic about the fact that Belle & Sebastian have no songs that mention Indiana. He compared the band’s surplus of songs that mention NYC with its dearth of songs that mention Indianapolis, and attributed the disparity to the notion that the words “New York” fit the meter of many songs, while “Indianapolis” poses more of a metric challenge. He theorized that this rhythmic difference explains why so many authors and composers have written about New York but not Indianapolis. He hypothesized that this might be the reason New York has grown so much more than Indianapolis over the years, in population and fame.
 7. Belle & Sebastian have a new album out called “A Bit Of Previous.” They performed four songs from it, including their first-ever live performance of the album’s final track, “Working Boy in New York City.” They also played one song from 2010’s “Write About Love,” but otherwise focused entirely on songs from their first decade, 1996-2006.
 8. Stuart attempted to engage the audience in a conversation about great Indiana bands. But this colloquy was hindered once again by Hoosier logic. Although Stevie Jackson (a band member) was able to name R Dean Taylor, none of the Hoosiers in the audience could name The Vulgar Boatmen, The Panics, The Gizmos, MX-80 Sound, or even The Jackson Five. Stuart was forced to retreat to the platitude that Indiana is known besty for James Dean, agriculture, and beauty. (It was kind of him not to mention that Indiana is also known for moronic Vice Presidents, including Dan Quayle and Mike Pence).
 9. Almost every Belle & Sebastian song was composed by Stuart Murdoch. But at this gig, Stevie Jackson was allowed to perform his standout composition “The Wrong Girl.” He rewarded the opportunity with a set of revamped lyrics that customized the song to take place in Indiana. This was a highlight of the evening.
 10. Belle & Sebastian have never been a band of road warriors, and have only ever toured the USA in brief forays. Over their 26 years, they have also left increasingly long gaps between the release of each new studio album. I have no inside information, but at this gig I felt as though this might be their final US tour. I’m not predicting that Belle & Sebastian will cease recording, or playing the occasional large festival or European gig. But I got the sense that Stuart Murdoch will not want to tour with anything smaller than the eleven-piece band (with high production values, including audiovisual presentations) to which he has become accustomed. And though he did his best to maintain his game-face during the performance, I stood close to the stage and during much of the performance I thought I detected a valedictory expression in his eyes.
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coldascrystal · 3 years
This is just a summary of Sombra’s role in The Beginning of the End
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sasorikigai · 4 years
What color is your Soul Mark?
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The color you fit most is Blue!
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Seen as the most popular favorite color, and for a good reason, the blue soul color is admired by many, even if they aren’t conscious of it. Friendly, loyal, and always there when you need them, the blue soul color is a people pleaser with a heart of gold.
People with this soul color are charismatic in a small way, choosing to speak as much as they listen, and take a genuine interest in people. They look past beauty and see the hidden soul under the skin. Loyal to a fault, they often downplay others’ negative traits as “quirks” and choose to see the best in everyone. They often miss social cues and overstay their welcome without meaning to.
While they might not seem the type to some, the blue soul color is likely to fall into fits of depression and self loathing. This is because they have high expectations and hold themselves to strong moral conduct, and failing that moral conduct means failing other people. Even if it’s not their fault, they will choose to take the blame.
When gathering a group of friends, this color likes stability and harmony. They hold onto friendships from their childhood, even if their interests shift, and have a hard time letting people go. Changes in relationships scare them. They will be the first friend to show up at your house when you need them, whether they live a short distance or not.
Tagged by: stole it from @replicantdeviancy​ 
Tagging: @paindealt​, @desxderium​, @akanenxmai​, @sonxflight​, @edxnian​ and LE DASH. 
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sluttywonwoo · 3 years
study buddies || k.mg x reader
Pairing: frat!mingyu x fem reader 
Summary: studying for midterms with the guy you’re hooking up with goes exactly how you’d expect
Warnings: swearing, light smut (18+)
Word Count: 1.6k
a/n: reworked this old blurb originally posted on my tom holland fic account ( @wazzupmrstark ) for my gf’s birthday :)) happy birthday @hotgirlmingyu
You woke up to banging on your apartment door. Groaning, you rolled over to check your phone and saw that it was six am. You pushed yourself up and out of bed and padded into the kitchen to answer the door. You were surprised the relentless knocking hadn’t woken up your roommate, but she was a pretty heavy sleeper.
You yanked the door open to see Mingyu with a handful of textbooks. You squinted at him in confusion, wondering if you were seeing things. Mingyu had never been to your place before, you didn’t even know he knew where you lived.
His appearance startled you a bit. His hair was messy where it was usually slicked back or styled and he was wearing gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt. You didn’t think you’d ever seen him in anything other than khakis and a douchey printed shirt.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, rubbing your eyes.
He frowned. “You said we should study for midterms together.”
You thought back to the last time you’d seen Mingyu. You couldn’t remember saying anything like that.
“Was I drunk?”
“So why are you here?”
“To study. You agreed that we could help each other out.”
“Mingyu, I don’t even remember agreeing to that.”
“Well I’m already here,” he said and pushed past you into your apartment.
“Seriously? It’s Saturday.”
“Yeah, and midterms are next week.”
“Couldn’t you have waited until the sun was up?” you grumbled, mostly to yourself and shut the door behind him.
“We’ve got a lot of material to cover.”
You cursed under your breath as you watched him set up at your kitchen table, knowing you should probably study even though you desperately wanted to go back to bed.
You and Mingyu had met at a party at his fraternity and woke up the next morning tangled in the sheets of his bed. To say it was awkward would have been an understatement. You didn’t think you’d ever see him again, but to your horror, you saw him in your stats lecture on Monday and your mythology class on Thursday. This was a pretty big university. Why did the same asshole have to be in two of your classes?
As much as it annoyed you, you couldn’t stop thinking about Mingyu, and apparently, he was having a similar dilemma because every time you went out he seemed to be there, and every time you hooked up.
That was the extent of your relationship, though. You didn’t even speak to each other in class or at parties. The only time you talked was behind closed doors when one or both of you was naked. Even then you kept your guard up because you refused to let yourself fall for a frat boy with commitment issues who never wanted to be seen with the same girl twice. A boy who wouldn’t even talk to you in public.
But you couldn’t ignore the way your heart fluttered when he said your name as he was about to cum, or the way his lips felt against yours. He could be a total dick, but you’d also seen a softer side of him that he didn’t show many people. You forced yourself to forget about that side. It was easier that way.
“Okay, what are we starting with?” you asked with a sigh.
“We have the stats exam first, we should work on that.”
You made a face. Statistics was the harder out of the two for you. In fact, it was the hardest class you were taking this semester.
“I can’t believe I’m doing math before seven am.”
“You won’t be complaining when you ace the midterm,” he quipped, already working on a practice worksheet.
You watched him solve problems like he was checking items off a list. You knew he was good at statistics, but you didn’t know he was that good. Figures, a guy like him was good at pretty much everything. Everything except mythology apparently, because once you’d switched to that he was flustered and frustrated. You would quiz him on myths only for him to get every single question wrong.
“Mingyu, did you even read any of these?” you asked, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“Yes, y/n, I read every one. How do you think I passed all the reading quizzes?”
“Cheating?” it slipped out before you could stop it and Mingyu gave you a hard glare. You held up your hands defensively. “Just a joke.”
“I don’t think it was.” He licked his lips. “But for what it’s worth I read them all. I just can’t keep them straight.”
You sighed. You felt bad, but you were getting frustrated too. And not just because Mingyu wasn’t grasping the myths. This was the longest you’d ever spent together (at least while you were awake) and you hadn’t even had sex. He just smelled so nice and looked so cute when he was concentrating that you couldn’t help feeling a little impatient. You had been at it for hours, you thought you would’ve done it at least once by now. But Mingyu was more serious about studying than you thought. It was kind of admirable and kind of annoying.
“Okay well reread through the Egyptian myths and I’ll quiz you again.”
He pulled out his reading packet and flipped to the section you took out your phone and scrolled through social media mindlessly as he read, but it quickly got boring. You wished Mingyu would take a break so he could rail you. He was still reading intently, but you figured a little distraction couldn’t hurt.
You started by taking your hair down from your bun and shaking it out so that it fell around your shoulders. You knew your shampoo drove Mingyu crazy and hoped it would have an effect on him today. He shifted his seat, but didn’t look up from the packet. Next, you leaned over and rested your head on his shoulder. You’d never done something so domestic like this with Mingyu, but it seemed to work because he cleared his throat and adjusted his sweatpants.
“You know you could be working on math.”
You shrugged. “We already did stats for hours today. I think I’ll jump off a bridge if I look at one more differential equation.”
He fell silent and tried focusing back onto the reading, but you moved your hand to his thigh and kept it there as you continued to through twitter, not even reading what was on your screen.
“Stop that,” Mingyu muttered, making you jump a little.
“Fuck, because you’re distracting me. You look too hot right now.”
“I’m wearing pajamas.”
“I really don’t care. You still look hot and I’m trying not to fuck you senseless right now.”
“Well what’s stopping you?” you asked lowly and nipped at his ear.
“Need to finish this,” he replied through gritted teeth.
“I can’t convince you to take a break?” You moved the hand on his leg up so that you were cupping him over his pants.
He shook his head. “After.”
You leaned over and kissed his neck, then his jaw, and felt him get hard under your hand. “If I have to stop what I’m doing you won’t be able to walk for the next week.”
“That sounds like more of a motivator than a deterrent,” you admitted. “I’ll suck you off,” you offered and hooked your thumb in the waistband of his sweats, trying to bribe him.
“If you let me finish I’ll eat you out,” he countered.
You straightened up. It sounded like a pretty good deal.
A few minutes passed in silence and you were waiting patiently, typing up a rough draft of an essay you had due for another class when Mingyu groaned.
“What?” you asked, wondering if he needed help.
“Can you please stop that?”
“Stop what? I’m literally doing nothing.” You were genuinely confused now.
“Just- I don’t know you’re making it so hard to concentrate.”
“Am I making it hard?” You smirked.
“Very funny.”
“Would it help if I put a paper bag over my head?”
“Come on, keep reading about Osiris.”
“I don’t want to read about Osiris anymore, he’s a dick.”
“The faster you finish the faster you can get off.”
“I thought you didn’t want to wait,” Mingyu pointed out, trying to deflect.
“I think I recall something about you going down on me if I let you finish reading.”
“Fine,” he grumbled, but didn’t turn back to the book. Instead, he continued to gaze at you with those big brown eyes. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking.
“What?” You felt your cheeks get warm.
“I just really want to kiss you right now.”
You smiled and raised your chin, challenging him. “Then do it.”
He leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours. You closed your eyes and kissed him back, savoring the moment.
When you pulled away, Mingyu’s eyes were dark with want and you could see that he was now fully hard in his sweatpants.
“How about I eat you out now anyway?” He suggested, leaning forward to kiss your neck.
You moaned and brought your hands to his hair.
“You trying to bribe me?”
“Is it working?”
“Fuck yeah.”
Mingyu stood and picked you up from your chair. You wrapped your legs around his waist again. He pulled on your bottom lip with his teeth and smirked.
“Promise you’ll finish studying after?” you asked.
He considered it. “Does what we’re about to do count as studying mythology? Because it’s going to be legendary.”
You scrunched up your face in distaste. “No, I take it back. Put me down.”
Mingyu grinned. “Hey! You know no ones gives it to you as good as I do.”
“That confident are you?”
His grin turned into a smirk. “Is that a challenge?”
lmk what you think i always appreciated feedback!!
forever tags: @haven-cove
shoot me an ask to be added/removed from my taglist
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devildomimagines · 3 years
Could you do the brothers (Lucifer especially) reacting to an MC who jokes all the time, seems carefree and stupid but eventually they find out that MC is actually a very deeply caring, responsible and intelligent person. They act like an idiot likely as a response to some adversity in their own past. Sorry if its complicated, i just like the idea of the brothers almost discounting MC only to realise they weren't looking deeply enough
Hi Anon! Thanks for the request! Sorry it took me so long to get to, it's been busy in my personal life. The older brothers are under the cut so this post isn’t a mile long lol. I hope this is worth the wait!
King of rolling his eyes at your antics.
Belphie is maybe the most knowledgeable about humans so, of anyone, he might be able to see a little deeper than the surface.
On one of the rare occasions you got Belphie out of the house, you two came across a Little D that was clearly lost.
He didn’t pay it any mind since he figured the Little D would just teleport to their master but you insisted on helping.
As you knelt down to the creature Belphie stood back and watched as you quickly soothed the Little D’s worries and it hopped into your arms. 
You brushed past Belphie to carry the spirit across the street and start talking to the shop owner. The two of you laughed and Little D hopped over to the shop owner’s hands.
“The shop keeper knows that Little D’s master and will give them a call,” you explained as you wrapped your arm around his and began leading him down the road.
“You’re amazing MC,” Belphie murmured, such a small act really changed his view of you.
Where he thought you were foolish in trusting him after what happened in the attic, he realized that he wasn’t a special case of forgiveness, you were just a truly caring person. 
“Hm, what was that Belphie?” You asked but he wasn’t sure if you actually didn’t hear him or if you were teasing.
He wasn’t too proud to admit his feelings but his face did heat up a bit, “I said you’re amazing.”
He’s pretty caring for a demon so he could see you were too, although maybe he didn’t know the depth until today.
The two of you were enjoying a meal in Hell’s Kitchen. Beel was absorbed in the food that he didn’t at first notice you were distracted.
When you asked for a moment and got up to grab the attention of a waiter. Beel watched on curiously, he was hoping you were asking for more food.
The waiter nodded along and ducked into the kitchen. You waited in that spot and you caught Beel’s stare. You waved at him with a smile.
He waved back with a fried shadow bat in hand.
You laughed and then the waiter was back. They handed you a to-go container, you talked for a second, probably thanking them and then made your way across the restaurant, walking right past your table.
Beel thought to call out to you as if you had somehow accidentally overshot the table but you made your way right out the door.
He started to get up to go after you, he shoveled a few things in his mouth not totally satisfied but more confused why you were leaving.
Then he saw you through the window. He stopped moving as you approached a small demon looking into the restaurant through the window. Beel sat and watched the scene unfold.
It jumped back away from you, probably not having seen a human before, and was clearly defensive as you talked. You then offered the to-go container, popping it open so the demon could see the food contained.
The little demon inched closer, clearly hungry and tempted by the food you offered. You nodded and the demon took the container and ran. You watched for a second and then came back into the restaurant to join Beel.
You sat down like nothing had happened and went back to your meal. When Beel didn’t start eating you asked,  “What is it? Do I have something on my face!?”
He shook his head no, “You’re incredible.” He picked back up eating but he would not forget this moment.
You watched on as Asmo was applying his make-up. He always enjoys your company when preparing for the day but he noted you were reading the ingredients pretty seriously.
“What’s got you frowning MC?” 
“This is from the human realm, right?” you held up the bottle so he could see the label in the mirror.
He hummed, “That’s right, I get products from all over so that one is definitely from the human realm. Have you used it before?”
“Um, no I tended to stay away from their brand.” You put the bottle back where you found it.
“Why’s that? It is kind of expensive in Grimm, was it the same in your currency?”
“Not really, it’s just that…” you paused trying to think of the most sensitive way to put it, “there are make-up brands in the human realm that test their products on animals before marketing it to humans.”
“How cute!” Asmo giggled at the thought of bunnies in blush.
“No Asmo, it’s more like they are testing if their products are safe for humans by using animals as a proxy. It can be brutal and even unnecessary and could result in the animal’s death.”
Asmo had stopped and turned to look at you as you explained. His face was slightly troubled.
“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable! I just tried to use products that didn’t use that as a part of their process in manufacturing so as to not cause any unnecessary distress.”
He nodded understanding your thought process. The Devildom didn’t have such markers since suffering was the norm.
The fact that you were thinking about what products you used and their impact on others, even just some animals, had him reassessing you.
It was more thoughtful than he originally credited you. When you and him were joking around and gossiping, he figured your interests were more superficial.
It was refreshing that not only could you keep up with the most recent hot news around town but you truly cared and respected your impact on others.
“Asmo?” You asked, he had been quiet for a while lost in thought.
“It’s nothing!” He recovered but he kept peeking back at you with a mysterious smile.
The two of you were studying in the RAD library.
There was a particularly tough exam coming up, notorious for dropping the GPA of 75% off the class.
Satan was confident in his abilities but he agreed to come study for your sake. He didn’t have access to know your grade like Lucifer did but he assumed you were struggling by your pleas for his help and deprecating jokes about failing.
He watched as you diligently took out your books and notebook. You flipped through a few of your notes and then shifted your focus to your textbook. Satan shrugged as he opened his own books, you seemed to be off to a fine start.
After about an hour you asked, “Can we quiz each other?”
He agreed and flipped to the end of the chapter he was on for the review questions. Satan took a question and asked it in a slightly different way so you couldn’t rely on memorized answers. 
To his surprise you answered correctly and made up a question for him that he thought was actually pretty difficult. 
Of course he got it right but shrugged it off as a fluke that you didn’t mean to ask such a hard question. The next one he asked you was harder, not from the textbook in any way, it was something that the teacher had mentioned offhand in class.
You got it correct again. With your turn next, you asked another complex question.
Satan answered properly but was now on the edge of his seat, surely twice in a row was not a coincidence.
His next question, he matched your difficulty. You thought for a few minutes and dived into explanation with examples and even a source that you quoted off the top of your head. Your answer was insightful and succinct.
You were waiting for Satan’s assessment of your answer but he sat unmoving.
“Was I mistaken?” You asked, and started frantically looking through your notes.
While you reviewed your materials, Satan was seeing you in a new light. He figured you got along so well with Mammon because the two of you could joke and slack off with the best of them. He thought that you and Asmo got along more as a pair of airheads. But here you were, in this moment your intelligence came off as easy and effortless.
“No, you were right.”
“Really?” you looked up surprised but happy.
He smiled back, but wondered, “What is your current grade in this class, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Last I checked, like 96?”
Satan laughed and shook his head, unbelievable that he thought otherwise.
He already thought of himself as a charity case. The fact that you would be willing to sacrifice your time to be with him was a miracle in his eyes.
No matter how many times you told him you wanted to hang out with him, it wasn’t a sacrifice, he still didn’t believe you.
When he gets more comfortable around you, he let’s you see his uglier sides when the envy consumes him.
You were a safe space he could vent to and you took that responsibility seriously. You listened and he felt the things he shared never left his room when you left.
It was after one of those vent/gaming sessions that you had to excuse yourself.
You had never gotten up in the middle like that and it scared Levi, had he gone too far? Did you actually hate him?
He watched silently as you left the room. Once the door closed, he was on his feet, what was so important? He decided to follow you.
Levi followed about a hallway behind you, as you turned a corner he would sprint to the corner to watch where you go next.
He followed all the way to the kitchen? He didn’t want to peek in fear of being caught but he listened as you greeted Beel.
Beel asked what’s up and you answered you were getting snacks for an intense gaming night with Levi. Beel must have perked up with the snacks you grabbed and you shooed him off, “If Levi’s up for it, you can join us but you can’t have that snack, I made it for a special occasion.”
Special… special? Levi couldn’t wrap his head around it when he thought of himself but the silence in the kitchen meant you must be leaving… meaning you were heading right for the door he was cupping!
He turned around and found a hiding spot on the other side of the hall behind a vase.
The door swung open as he held his breath. You started the way you came. You were heading for his room and he wasn’t there!
Cue montage of Levi comically running through the halls of HOL to get to his room before. He jumps into his gaming chair seconds before you open his door quietly.
He was panting and sweaty when he turned towards you with a smile, totally failing to act natural.
“Sorry I got up so abruptly but I just remembered I made you this!” You presented a cupcake exactly replicated from the anime the two of you watched last week.
Levi’s heart melted, he felt bad that he had second guessed you. He reached out for the cupcake with one hand and with the other he took your hand to pull you to the bean bags. He was blushing but still said, “Let’s put on that anime while I eat it.”
The level of detail that you had gotten correct showed how dedicated you had been to paying attention to his interests and how much you cared for him in turn. He was also impressed with your baking knowledge, it takes a decent level of skill to be able to replicate something just from seeing it.
The scene was coming up where the protag was going to give the cupcake and Levi was struck with the most embarrassing thought. But if anyone would indulge him, it was you.
As the protag took the cupcake, Levi copied their posture. Then he copied their words in unison they both said, “Thank you, no one has ever made me anything like this before.” The two of them ripped the cupcake in half in the same spot and he extended the half to you as he protag did, “Will you share it with me?”
“Of course!” You and the character answered together then giggled as Levi blushed and hid behind the half cupcake as the two of you returned to sitting on the beanbags.
There was no way he was ever going to forget this moment, his eyes opened to how much you did care for him. Even if he was doubtful of others by nature, he would never doubt you again.
People always write Mammon off as dumb and because you have a pact with him, you’re often included in that assumption. The two of you get along like peas in a pod. You’re here for a good time and Mammon can definitely provide that. 
His schemes to make money keep things interesting so you usually go along unless you have other commitments. Today’s work was clean-up in the local park. Not because it was lucrative, but because this was a punishment from a prank that backfired.
You had pleaded with Diavolo for a lighter sentence on Mammon’s behalf as his pact partner and Diavolo indulged you.
Mammon was brooding on your way to the park but you were looking forward to being outside in nature for the day so you chattered aloud to fill the silence.
Barbatos was waiting for you two with the materials you would need. He gave you a look of pity when you turned but Mammon caught it and knew Barbatos was probably feeling sorry you had to be punished when you didn’t do anything. Mammon ripped the rake out of Barbatos’ hand and sulked off after you.
You each set to different tasks, Mammon raking leaves and you weeding the flowerbeds. 
Demons and spirits passed with a few snickers, definitely not the first time Mammon had been sent to do community service but he hated that you were now a laughing stock with him. You didn’t seem phased by it though, even flashing him a bright smile when you two made eye contact. 
Halfway through the day, the two of you were taking a break for a snack and fluids, you shared a bench and admired the work so far. “We might even finish early!” You shared your optimism.
Mammon nodded but still kept quiet. It was so unlike him and you were hitting your limits of how to try to get him out of his own head, you figured he would be back to normal tomorrow but missed hearing his voice.
You two split the last of the duties, you were now cleaning equipment and decorations while he was trimming bushes and trees.
While Mammon was trimming a nearby bush, he heard your voice, then heard his name. He peeked through the bush to watch you talking with a crow.
“I thought it would make the day more fun if I was here with him because he always makes me have fun but it’s like I’ve made his mood worse…” You looked down at the bird bath you had been polishing and knelt down. The crow watched your movements from it’s perch on the top. “Maybe he hates that I intervened with Diavolo, I probably overstepped. I don’t know what I can do to get Mammon out of this funk. What do you think?”
The crow outstretched it’s wings and took off. You pouted, but continued polishing. Mammon was about to push through the bushes to comfort you, his mood wasn’t your fault and he felt even worse that you thought that but then the crow returned.
It swooped onto your shoulder and dropped something into your hand. You jumped with surprise and it scared the crow off your shoulder, it resettled on the bird bath. “This is perfect! Thank you!” The crow let you give it a few scritches and took off once more. You looked around for Mammon.
He nonchalantly rounded the bush so you would notice him, “Mammon! Look!” You rushed over and handed him the object.
It was a golden grimm coin. You explained, “A crow gave it to me, that has to be good luck! Take it and your luck will change, you won’t be punished forever!”
He wrapped you in a tight hug. What did he do to deserve you? Why did you care about him so deeply that you’d give him your treasure and good luck?
You laughed into his hug and he pulled back, “Alright, let’s finish this up and go home, I’ll treat ya to some ice cream on the way back.” He ruffled your hair but your shining eyes and too big smile made him blush and turn away.
He questioned if putting you under Mammon’s care at first was a mistake.
It’s not that you didn’t get along, in fact you two got along too well. Was Mammon’s stupid tendencies to slack off rubbing off on you?
You had been coming back late without being accompanied by one of his brothers and he was determined to find out what you were up to.
For the morning, he watched as you and Mammon walked to school. Lucifer stayed far enough away so he couldn’t be sensed so he couldn’t hear what you two were saying but it was clear you were having a good time. Mammon was snickering as you animatedly gestured and walked backwards. Lucifer’s heart warmed that his brother was genuinely happy then realized he was getting distracted.
You sat through your first class diligently taking notes and participating. The same for most of the classes that day. Lucifer started to acknowledge your responsibility to learning but it made him all the more curious as to why you skipped your last class. 
He watched you look around for any onlookers and dipped into the library. He was both surprised and amused that you were meeting with Simeon. The angel was leading you astray? 
Simeon didn’t look happy about it either, probably scolding you for missing class, but he was a pushover and your pathetic look won him over. The two of you sat as Simeon talked. You were taking notes on whatever Simeon was lecturing on. 
You left the interaction and Lucifer took the chance to talk with Simeon himself. He learned that you were asking about stories from the Celestial Realm. Simeon offered that it was just human nature to be curious what lays beyond life. Lucifer, the ever-skeptic, didn’t believe that was it.
He had lost your trail by talking to Simeon so he went home to wait for your return.
Lucifer intercepted you as you tried to sneak in. “MC, this way please,” he led you to his office, “How was today?”
“Good?” you answered but was unsure why he looked so serious.
“How was class?” 
You got nervous but answered, “Fine, same old same old.”
“Ah,” Lucifer smirked, “And how was Simeon?”
Your attempt to play dumb failed spectacularly when you stammered, “W-who’s Simeon?”
“Lying to me won’t do you well,” Lucifer reminded.
“Sorry, it’s just it wasn’t an approved activity so I didn’t want anyone in your family to be implicated…” you scratched the back of your head and looked away.
“And what activity is that?”
“Oh I thought you knew since you caught me,” you laughed, “Solomon and I were going to play with young demons at an orphanage in town. We were telling them stories from the Human Realm but I thought it would be nice to incorporate stories from the Celestial Realm too.”
Lucifer sighed.
You took that as a sign he was disappointed so you continued, “Let me explain, I know I should have asked permission first and for that I’m sorry. Solomon and I just stumbled on the place one day and the kids bombarded us with questions, never having seen humans before and before I knew it we were going almost everyday. I guess I thought it wouldn’t be bad because exposing the next generation of demons to humans would help Diavolo’s mission to strengthen relations between the realms. And I asked Simeon for stories so we could share Celestial Realm things too without getting Simeon in trouble or putting him in an uncomfortable position.”
Well that was definitely an eye opener for Lucifer. What you said made sense that changing minds starts with the youth. His original assumptions that you were just shirking responsibilities was way off base. He didn’t want to but admitted to himself he was wrong. Not only had you been doing something charitable but you were furthering Lord Diavolo’s message in a different way.
“You’re correct, you should have asked permission,” he started and you sank in your seat, “but I don’t see any harm in what you’re doing except for missing classes.” You sank further in your seat. “For skipping class, you’ll need to do extra studies,” he paused to make sure you knew this was a punishment, “I think a fitting topic would be interracial communication with a focus on the youth of Devildom.”
You perked up with a smile, “So I can keep going to the orphanage?”
Lucifer fought back a smile himself, trying to continue to be stern, “Yes, but that’s only if you don’t skip class and you have one of my brothers accompany you. As competent as Solomon is, he is also human and I would feel better if you had a demon escort.”
You were absolutely beaming now. “I’d like that but I don’t think you brothers would be interested.”
“They’ll do what they’re told but I think the twins would enjoy it the most,” Lucifer offered.
“Thanks! I would like if you could join us sometime too,” you suggested shyly.
He did smile at that, “If my schedule allows,” He didn’t finish before you were hugging him. He stiffened, not used to being hugged after doling out a punishment but softened and returned your hug, “I’ll make time to join you.”
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wh0re-4-techno · 3 years
11. Blood Red Suit ((PROFESSOR TECHNO))
A/N: I keep getting messages from you kinky vixens about a daddy kink. So here you go, let me know if this is something you want me to put in further chapters.
Description: Yet another Monday and back in his class. With a slight twist, there's a surprise pop quiz about the video you watched during class and of course you didn't pay much attention to it. Is there any other way to get an 100% on this test?
Warning(s): Things just go very quick. Blowjob (basically face fucking), oral (m.), penetration, (no condom! Wrap it before you tap it, practice safe sex!) Choking kink, Slapping, slight Daddy kink.
Words: 7169
Last part :: Next part
"Oh shit!" Your eyes widened as you look at your clock, reading in bright red numbers "8:50 am". Already 20 minutes late to your class, plus adding the time to get there which is about 15 minutes or close to 10 minutes if you really ran for your life. Which was seeming to be the ladder for showing up to class.
Minx sits on the edge of the bed, "What?" Arching an eyebrow at you. Questioning as to why you started to worry. "I'm going to be late to class!" You stand, rushing out the words as you make your way to your closet. Cursing continuously under your breath as you open it and search through the rack of clothes. "Not going to be, you already are." She snickers to herself, you huff out a heavy breath, you didn't have the time or effort to think of a come back.
You, and your quick decision choose a warm outfit. It was becoming too cold for anything else. Grabbing Techno's sweater you basically stole and jumping into a straight tailored khaki pants to match with them. You didn't have the time to do your makeup either.
Minx lays back down on her bed, looking off to the ceiling. As her class didn't start for a while from now. "Do you want to get coffee later?" She asks nicely, while grabbing your essentials. Your bookbag, keys, phone.
Without thinking straight as you mind was all over as you didn't like to be off schedule. It just messed with your brain.
"I'll text you if I could go." Hand on the door as you pull it open. Without giving Minx an opportunity to answer you, you were already shutting the door and running from your dorm hall to the stairwell and out the doors.
The wind blows quietly as the early morning sets in for a new bright and sunny day, the trees are midway shedded with the dried leaves laying hopefully on the grass or sidewalk. Calm and peaceful.
Comparison to you.
Your feet could barely catch up with your body, taking two steps at a time.
Your bookbag still half opened, you didn't even zip it up while running out of your dorm. Worried that papers from classes would fly out carelessly and how embarrassing it must be to pick them up in front of the other students making their way to their own classes. The last thing you need this morning was to be that person other than being late to his class.
Hands gripping onto your bag for dear life, running past your way through campus and running through the hall.
Reaching the wooden door you'd become so familiar with. It was already over thirty minutes late, this was just perfect. Opening it with a swift pull, causing it to make a loud band as it hit the wall. Crap. You need to control your strength at the same time you are in a rush.
Techno stood in front of his desk, half sitting on it with a book in one hand. He wore a dark blood red suit top with black slacks, along with black shiny loafers. As you look at him. He seems lost in the novel, with his other hand flat on his desk. The only noise was from you slamming the door open and the other was a video playing on the projector.
His eyes dropped from the book, closing it with a huff of annoyance. Biting down at his teeth. Looking up through his brows, seeing the perpetrator whom so rudely interrupted his class and his own personal time and enjoyment. Once he saw it was your pretty face who interrupted, the annoyance subsided rather fast. A flash of calmness washing over himself.
You stand there out of breath. Your hand still holds your bag in front of you. Quickly, you zip in up and put it on your back, making your way up to the class.
As you walk further in, Techno watches you, spotting that you were wearing his sweater. Seeing you in his sweater took him out, just how you wore it so casually. Like it wasn't his that you took after fucking like a bunch of horny teens the other night. And how it hung loosely on your body, just made it almost ideal. What made it flawless was that you were wearing it.
And hanging loosely, he could see a few hickeys on your neck that you didn't cover up this morning, Techno thought you might have done this as a way to get to him in class. Knowing that he put those hickeys on you and no one else. What he didn't know was that you didn't cover up because you forgot about class hour.
His eyes drifting to about 4 bruises he could spot right off the bat as you stand in front of him, wondering what you missed. He quickly blinks off the thoughts of you and him.
Turning to his side to pick up a piece of paper on his desk, handing it to you. "You've missed around 30 minutes worth of video time, after that we have a small quiz about the video. Then we are going over types of Archaeology." You nod your head to him, but inside you were freaking out. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
"It's open notes Y/l/n." He says as you start walking. Sitting in the same chair and desk as you would always sit in his class. Opening your backpack, pulling out your notes for the class. Knowing that there wasn't much of any notes you have written. All because of your damn Professor.
As you sit and start watching the video you glance down to Techno, who is back into his novel. He looked so calm and relaxed, happy almost. Just because a book of literature.
Then your phone lights up with a notification, of course it's from "THE BOYS" group chat. Why were they even texting you? They sit right behind you, and so you turn back towards them with a questionable face. "What?" You said simply in a low whisper as the video plays over.
"Can we sit with you?" Toby asks rather politely with a smile, waiting for you to respond. You nod with a little head shift, gesturing for them to join you. "How are you guys doing?" You watch them grab their bags. Tomm throwing it down a seat in the row you sat in, luckily it didn't make too much noise. But some other students look over to see what in the hell you all were doing. Which drew Techno's attention. Along with Wilbur and Toby scolded Tommy for doing that. You softly giggle at the bickering.
As the boys came to the side and slid into to chair next to you. Toby and Wilbur sat between you and Tommy off to the side of Toby.
They did a quick greetings, "I've been good, but this video is so boring." Tommy confesses to the group, you chuckle at him, it was true. "Yeah, this sucks that we have to do a quiz after. On the paper he gave us on the first day didn't say we had a quiz today." Toby says with slight annoyance, which is called for. Techno never did tell you about this test. It would have been a good heads up so you made sure you were late.
"I would have been nice to know." You added on. Wilbur turns to you, "And why are you late?" He pressed on, Tommy and Toby glanced over. "Oh I was just running a bit too late." You tell him, and basically the two other boys whom listen to your conversation.
But as to turn back to the video to write down some pointers that seemed important to know, your neck was freely open, which you wouldn't question twice about. But once Toby spoke, "Why do you have all those bruises on your neck Y/n?" You drop the pencil you held, eyes shooting open to what you just heard. And by the looks of it, Toby has also released what he said and knew what they weren't bruises instead they were hickeys. He quickly raised his hand to cover his mouth, like it would have stopped him from saying that in the first place.
Tommy looked over to you, also spotting the hickeys on your neck, if you weren't late you could have covered them. He starts giggling like a school boy.
Wilbur looked over you and stared down at the boys who were laughing like a bunch of idiots, Tommy laughing even harder. Now he was making everyone start to look over, causing Techno to stand from his desk. Looking right at you, seeing you had become fluster and scrunched up from embarrassment.
By Wilbur's and Techno's harsh stare at the boys to shut their mouths they did so quickly. Sitting back into their chairs and looking back at the video.
It was obvious now that they where giggling to your hickeys, Techno thought. He could see them from where he even stands.
A small ring from the Professor's phone went off, he turns it off. "Okay, I need everyone to move 2 seats or more apart from each other so we don't get to cheat. C'mon get up." He says loudly, getting everyone to stand, including you. You already got passed the test paper from your fellow classmates.
But as you glance around, you see that you were the second seat off to the side, that means Wilbur had to move to the next aisle of seating and Toby and Tommy could just move themselves across the aisle. Perfect for you.
Sitting back down, you look at the paper with notes, not much was written.
"There is a time limit, everyone gets 50 minutes. Once your done bring them to my desk and go back to your seat. No you don't get to leave early." He explains, looking around his classroom to see if everyone did in fact move at least two seats away from each other. Everyone seems to have followed his instructions, which he seemed to be glad about.
He glimpses over to you, putting a small smile on his face. "You can begin the test now." He sits back down at his desk, scanning the room to see everyone's head down at the paper.
Luckily there weren't that many questions involved with this surprised quiz and that you knew a lot of the questions off of your head. But there were a few you were getting stuck up on.
As you try to think of the correct answers, Techno starts walking around. Coming around to students with their hands up in the air for a question.
After a few minutes as you were stuck on the first few questions, as you were late in the beginning of class and didn't get to take notes on that part of the video. You had already finished the rest of the test.
Tapping your pencil down on the desk, thinking of what the video was exactly saying but your mind kept drifting off to Techno.
Then it popped in your head, there must've been another way to pass this test, or at least get the first few questions answered. And you have the brilliant thought as to how...
You glance around to see where Techno was, seeing him talk to Wilbur a few rows a head of you, unable to hear about what they were saying. But that wasn't what you needed, you just need Techno.
You raise your hand in the air, a few moments pass without Techno realizing. Every now and again he looked up from the student he was helping to see if any other student needed help. And now he saw you, drawing his attention away from Wilbur. He quickly tried to help your friend, with writing something with his red pen. Stepping away from Wilbur to see if he understands, which he simply nods to him. Techno starts to walk to you. Fast in pace with a stern look. "Sir?" You politely ask once he reaches you. He slightly bends down, "Can you help me with this question?" You point down with the same hand that was raised. He stares at you for a moment, you just looked so beautiful to him.
"Of course I can help you, what exactly do you need?" He asks, before his eyes slowly shifted down to your paper, still seeing you in his sweater made him adore you. He looked down to see that you were pointing to a written message at the top of the paper. He reads it slow, "BJ in the your office?" Written with small letters and just dark enough so you could erase it after. His eyes widen, lips parting, taken aback of what you just wrote. You could see that he swallowed hard, pretending to read the rest of your paper like he did with other students. But nothing was making him think right in the moment. His head filling, overflowing, with the picture of you with your soft lips wrapped around his dick. As his hands are placed on your face and the back of your head. Him pushing you further down his cock. Closing his eyes as he pushed you until you gag...
He has to break himself out of his mind before he gets a boner in front of his class, but how you looked up at him with the most innocent eyes that made you seem like a perfect girl, but only him, he knew that you weren't but he liked the most about you.
Something in your mind was telling you to write that little perverted note on the paper for him to read and imagine. But it was all working out for you, no one has found out and even that was adding to the excitement to your scandal. It was cliché for a teacher and a student, but you loved it, every single bit of it. How he treated you in and out of bed. How he just excuseds sex when he walks by, how much you craved it.
He stuck out his hand, with a finger he gestures to you to hand him something to write with. You hand him your pencil, he quickly grabbed it and wrote something on it.
Wilbur watched as you passed him your pencil, which was strange to him. After all he did have a red pen that he used for everyone else. Why would he use a pencil for you? He thought for another second as he gave you your pencil back. He went back to focusing on his own paper, almost forgetting about the whole thing in general and the two of you.
He handed your paper back to you, watching as you erased your filthy message. But under it he wrote, "Later". Your lips curve into smirk, but quickly stopped as you didn't want any of your classmates looking or suspecting.
Techno stood completely, straight his button shirt and let out a strangled breath.
You step out of your chair and make you way down the stairs to his desk where he watched every step you made. Feeling like prey, just like he wants. Handing the paper to your teacher. A small smirk along your lips as you turn back and walk to your seat once again.
You still couldn't figure out the few questions, but you can always ask him after class for help. Well after what you promised him before.
Yet, you still had to sit and listen to a lecture for another hour or so before you could fulfill your promise.
"Actually class I'm going to end class early, we'll start with Archaeology next class." He speaks coughing not his shoulder, maybe he was ending class early so you and him could have plenty of time in his offer before his next class would show up. "Everyone have a wonderful rest of your day." He says while looking out to the crowd of students starting to leave.
You didn't hesitate to stand up and walk to him, pulling out a blank sheet of paper, pretending to have a question out of it. Everyone didn't seem to notice or even care that you were talking to the Professor as they went on their way out. The only person who did seem to take in mind was Wilbur, he watches as you always stayed behind in class. Maybe you didn't understand the lesson in class, he thought. But again he could always help you as well. But he continues to walk with Tommy and Toby out the door. Waving off to you as they did so.
Leaving him and you in the empty classroom.
A quick scan of the room, making sure no one was still here. His hands pull you by your waist. He leans back onto his desk, slightly sitting on it.
He lowers himself to kiss you, your lips connected with ease, almost like it was a second nature. You swing your hands to the back of his neck, pulling him down to you. Moving your head slightly to the side to deepen the kiss. Within seconds it becomes more heated, after the weekend from not seeing him was enough for you to get needy whenever he was near. How easily you became putty in his hands as they wandered down your side to your hips. His fingers dancing in the hem of your sweater, which was his, starting to lift it so his hands could touch your skin.
His fingertips were cold to your body, gasping lightly enough for him to slip his tongue, which you didn't have an issue with either.
His hands snake up your body, reaching to the edge of your bra. He breaks off the kiss with a little chuckle. Kissing your cheek sweetly as you stare up at him with innocence. His hands going to the back to your bra, unclamping it from you.
"I thought you might not show up to class, I was about to message you." He speaks honestly, looking over you. Drinking up your form, you looked so pretty right now. Lips slightly red and puffy from making out and face flushed.
He removed the bra from your sweater, placing it on his desk, "Let's get to my office." He kisses you once again on your lips swiftly, you were about to question as to why you left your bra, but he took your hand and started to walk out of the class. Your reasons are out the window.
He pulled open the door, seeing as no one else was walking in the hallway. "You know, you never told me we had a test today." You tell him as he opens his office doors, turning ever so much to look down at you. Practically saying "Really?" to you, but not really.
Opening the door for you he answers you, "It's called a "surprise quiz" darling, if I told you there wouldn't be a surprise in it." He pushes you back to the doors, he bites down on the small spots of hickeys on your neck, sucking harshly. You pull on his hair, followed with a small whimper as it was sensitive already from the previous hickeys before.
His hands going back under your sweater, this time not stopping and cupping your breast. Grasping at his hand full, doing the same with the other. His finger tip is still somewhat cold. Using the advantage, be pinches your nipple, twisting slightly as the rest of his hand continuously feels you up.
You sign in bliss at his play. He stops sucking at your remaining hickeys and goes back to your lips.
He pushes himself closer to you, flat against each other. "Next time I would suggest putting a little concealer on them before show up to my class Y/l/n." He mumbles in a deep tone in-between kisses, his eyes still looking down at the hickeys that were scattered across your neck down to your chest.
You giggle at him, "You're the one who did this to me." Truthfully speaking, running your fingers down from his hair down to his chest. "And I thought you liked seeing them." Your fingers pull on his collar, unbuttoning the first one.
"I do." He whispers, pulling away from your kissing and taking a step back. He was already towering over you. "But I also like that mouth of yours, so maybe put that mouth of yours to use." He smirks down at you, how he could easily make you go down on your knees was shameful, but you did what he says. Your pants-ed knees touch the ground.
Your hands go down slowly, teasing him while doing so.
Once your finger comes in contact with the buckle of his belt, you notice that he wears the same black belt every day. You shouldn't be thinking about that at this moment but it came to your mind. Nonetheless you get back into it.
Your fingers unclasping the metal with a slight clink sound. He waits so patiently that it was painful, watching you on your knees with you stare up at him was the nail in the coffin for the older man. This image permanently getting in-graved in his brain.
And by the ever growing boner that was peaking through his pants.
You unbutton his pants along with unzipping them. Shuffling them down with a few tugs, leaving them at his ankles. While you were busy you didn't even seem to notice that he pulled off your sweater, leaving you bare chested. Yet another lovely sight to him.
All he was left with was his boxer, his prominent hardened cock right forward. Your fingertips running up his thighs along toward his waist band that hugged his hips. Your fingers playing with the elastic as a form of teasing him. Pulling them slowly, his dick springing out freely. He hisses through his teeth as his cock meets the cold air, cursing under his breath.
Gradually your eyes drift down, seeing his dick, his multiple veins pulsing at his erection. His tip slightly red and swollen.
Your fingertips slowly go towards him, leaving his thighs. Very soft and gently you touch him. A deep tone groans as he breathes in sharply. As your delicate finger nails skim from his base towards his tip. Noticing as your fingers pass or touch one of his veins he bites down on his lip, trying his hardest to stay quiet, but it is inevitable.
Reaching his tip, you lightly twirl your fingers in a circle continuously. Feeling while doing so, his pre-cum spilling out. You do a few more swirls around him, spreading it down his cock. Pumping his in the meanwhile. He un-voluntarily bucks his hip at how you wrap your hands around his cock.
You glance back up at him, finding that he was still staring down at you. Taking your advantage you inch closer to him, little to no room left as your lips were almost touching his tip.
Leaning less than an inch, placing a light kiss on him. He groans through his teeth while closing his eyes.
His hands placed on the back of your head, petting down your hair in the meanwhile. Placing another kiss on his tip was enough teasing on your end, knowing that he was going to do the same to you later on.
Taking his cock in was mouth, the rest that you couldn't swallow was taken in your hand. Stroking back and forth, matching your pace from your lips as you do the same.
It was slow, taking him was definitely going to make you have a sore throat the next few hours, so start to ease into it without a rush. Techno realized maybe you were going slow to continue to tease him nor pleasure him. But that damn note kept pressing against his brain, constantly telling him about each and exact word you wrote down. To was sure to get to him as his fingers started to bunch in your hair. Pulling you down at his own pace, which was still slow but it was him controlling you now.
Pushing you furthermore than you thought you could, his tip lightly tapping the back of your throat. Getting to that edge where you were just about the gag.
Hearing you swallow the drool already dripping out the corners of your mouth. Hearing that made me moan deeply.
His hands letting you go down once again, this time keeping you there for a few moments. Slightly shaking your head as you struggle, trying not to gag, even though that's what he wanted to draw out of you. He does this couple of times, each one pulling you more down and getting harder for you to focus.
Let's you up for another breath, he continues to move your head in a pace which seems to quick rather fast then expected. "You look so pretty with my cock down your throat." He groan out while shifting his head up and cursing as well. You could also sense as he starts to thrust too, it was too noticeable at first but as he keeps at his fast pace you also sense that he was doing that.
Which is why it seems he was going faster than he actually was, well before he actually started to go fast.
He was breathing heavily, watching was like this was enough for him to start loosening and relaxing for him to cum but he wasn't going to do that before he could make you do that first.
That's when you gag and slightly lift up your shoulders while doing so. Which was enough to pull you off of him before he went crazy.
Standing you up, as you reach you feet he can see that you make up was already smudged and lips puffy with a string of spit on your chin, hair messy from his grip.
Grabbing your face in a swift pull kisses you, it was hot and messy. Not caring that much over then it was pure instinct. "Fucken hell." He breaks it off, still in kind of a daze.
He kisses you again, slowly going back into his office, knowing that he was going to his desk. Deciding to start taking off the remaining clothes that were left on your hot body.
He kicks off his trousers that were on his ankles still along with his shoes and socks.
Thinking back to Saturday when you were with Minx and Schlatt with the whole "Daddy". How you didn't even know if he even liked to be called such a name is bed. Would it hurt to ask him now? The both of you were already hot and bothered. "I don't know how to ask you, but do you like... Umm." You twiddle with your fingers on the button of your pants as you struggle to take them off. Your mind was too occupied and clouded by him. As you semi ask him the question he's taking off his shirt.
Why were you even going to ask him this? What if he reacts poorly and thinks it's strange. Or uncomfortable.
Lost in your own thoughts, Techno stops the kissing and the movement, but you two already reached his desk. Hands your arms slightly rubbing them to ease you, seeing as you were hyper focused on a certain question. "What is it?" Breaking you out of mind, you look up at him. His eyes soft with a reassuring smile. "Do you like being called names during sex?" You already hate asking him that question.
He hands go down while you ask, but sooner than later he reaches down at your pants and your trouble you were having with them. He gets the job done and your pants slide down your leg and you also kick off your shoes with your sock too. Taking your panties In hand and leaving you naked.
He tilts his head, processing what you have just said. And when it clicked his smile swiftly turned into a smirk. "Why are you asking this now darling?" You swallow down with a gulp as he lowered his voice. His hands coming back to your sides.
"Did any thoughts come to mind when you were in my bed on Friday?" He watched as you couldn't even look him in the eyes. "Not particularly no." You shake your head, "What names do you want to call me?" He started to come closer so you were eye level and you had to look at him. In the meanwhile you wanted him to just grab you and tell him to call him "Daddy" for you to admit it already and stop playing around the idea.
Biting the inside of your cheek, he speaks with his arms slowly lowering down to your waist. "I already have an idea of what you might want to call me during sex. But I would love to hear it from you." You final lock eyes with him, his pupils dark and himself waiting for your response. Think, he really wants you to say it out loud. He turns you so you were pressed back against his desk.
"Do you like to be called Daddy in bed?" Your upfront, there wasn't any other option to back away from saying it or changing the subject. He wasn't going to let you off these easily.
"Only if you want darling." He gently kisses your cheek, you let out a breath shakily as your nerves start to calm themselves down. But as your doing so, he inches up to you ear, "I have to admit, hearing you say it was enough pleasure for me." He tells you as he pushes you down on the hard, yet cold desk.
Your chest firmly pinned down, your cheek flushed compared to the dark oak.
Moaning at his strength, he pushes away any clutter that filled his desk that wasn't you. Loud crashes as whatever meets the floor, unwanted or uncared for. The only thing left was you and his computer of course.
He stares down at you with dark eyes, hungry for his next meal which was you.
The palm of his hand keeping you down on the desk, his other, more preoccupied hand is groping one of your ass cheeks. Softly grabbing at it. Then leaving for a quick second, slightly amused at what he was going to do next but your question was answered quick with a harsh slap. You could already tell you cheek had a hand print laying quite nicely on your ass.
Knowing that he was going to do the same treatment to your other cheek, which he does proudly. Slapping more harder as he does that around six times. Leaving your ass weak and raw. But after  each slap he would gently smooth over with his palm.
Licking his fingers and slowly going down to your slit to your clit, you groan with frustration as you not so patiently waited for him and it was clear that you wanted him already. But this was his way to get back at you from all the teasing that happened to him today, but he wasn't going to keep you there laying for forever.
You push yourself back into him, giving him a clear sign that you wanted him right there and then. No more waiting.
Whimpering as he kisses your cheek, "Please." You quietly moan for him. He backs up to look at you, "You're so pretty when you beg baby."
He pumps himself a few times right before lining his cock to your cunt, giving you exactly what you wanted. He pushed himself in at a carefully slow pace as to not to hurt you.
Both of you moan at each other contact as his hips meet your ass. You feel for full with him in, letting out a shuttered moans and you reach for an wand point at his desk. It still stretched you out with a slight sting that follows soon behind.
He pulls back almost fully and slamming back into you fast, causing you to moan loudly, almost a yelp.
Your hand finds the edge of the desk and holds it as he pulls back once again, knowing that he was going to do the same slam as before, which he does. His hands gripping on your hips, his fingertips digging into your sink, for sure bruises will be left for you to find tomorrow.
His pace is steady as continues. Moaning as he thrust into you. The front of your thighs getting pressed roughly against the desk. They were also going to be bruised for you to find the next day.
You curse as he starts to pick it up a notch. Groaning as starts fucking you faster.
Feeling that warmth that haunts you in the lower bottom of your stomach rising ever so much by the second and each time Techno pushes back into you.
Your knuckles become lighter in color as you grasp desperately for the edge. Cursing out profanity that would embarrass you of you weren't in this lil situation you found yourself in. Techno smirks at how your legs start to flare out as it was hard to keep it all together. And how much noise he could draw out of you just by him.
Moaning louder as he positions himself in the right angle, you tell him just that with a whimper following it, begging him to continue.
Opening your mouth as it was becoming harder to compose yourself and not make any muffled noise. Your tongue lolling out as drools run down your chin meeting the hard wood desk. Pounding into relentlessly.
Yet as you try to hold off from that warm pit growing, building. Inevitably to be put down and crumble.
Feeling it rise through your body, your climax becoming rather difficult to hold off as he doesn't stop. He knows you were close to cum, hearing how noisy you'd become, how you started to squirm under him, and how you cunt started to squeeze around his cock. Tighter and tighter by the seconds, right as you gave in and came. Your legs slightly shake but Techno still holding you down on the desk was limiting for you.
Cursing out his name as he gradually slows down, letting you ride out your high, but he didn't stop just yet.
Pulling you up from the hard desk, a film of sweat covers your naked body. Panting as you try to catch your breath. Your eyes half lidded as you looked tired enough or worn out. Techno watched in silence as you, deciding to flip you over, so now that your back was flat on the desk.
As he did slow down, he began to go faster as before. It was soon enough for you to start moaning once again, getting the overstimulated feeling which felt like slight fever. You felt hot and weak, squeezing your legs around him as he didn't stop. His hands caresses their way up your stomach, in-between your breast, and rests on your neck. Roughly grabbing onto your throat to steady himself. Making you pep with your moan and causing you to stop moaning quite loudly. But the sound of you moaning out his name was loud enough for him to praise you. "I love how you say my name." He grunts while throwing down his head. Just by his voice it made it difficult to hold yourself off for another climax, but he's so hard to resist.
He keeps at the same tempo, feeling that same hotspot growing rather faster then before as overstimulated was enough to make you come twice as he didn't give you the break that you desperately need as he thumb reaches your clit. Rubbing gentle circles, playing with how you react to his actions. Still in his grip by his hand it was hard for you to moan out in response because he got the general idea of how he was making you feel.
That when it slipped out, not having a second thought about it. You moan out, "Daddy." In a small and pitiful voice.
He loses his finger, letting you breath out. Not slowing down the pace, bending over your body so he's face to face with you. "Say that again." He speaks in a calm tone but demanding, authoritatively. Which was turning you on even more than before. Whimpering out as he grips your throat once again. "Say that again." Rather this time he says it slower, waiting for your voice which he loved to hear say that delicious word you choose.
Telling he was close to cum as his dick started to twitch. It was almost the perfect timing for you to start calling him that, "Daddy, please don't stop." You place your fingers around his arm that had you by the throat. You looked so small under him and with the added new name was too much for him at this and no one else's.
He shuts his eyes. Cursing while moaning out your name. Which you were in love with, hearing him say your name and no one else's.
He bucked his hips a handful of times before staying in place. Coming inside you, coating your walls. His hand squeezing your throat for a few seconds before fully letting go, you lightly gasp for air, heavy breathes.
You could already feel his cum leaking out of your cunt as he pulls out.
Sitting up on the desk as lazily rests his head on your shoulder, lifting him up as well. He moves his head to yours, both of you catching your breath, hearing his heart race inside of his chest.
"Next time Mr. Blade you should tell me if there's a pop quiz so I can wear something for sexier when I fuck you for an A." You say softly as you were getting tired, still chuckling at your own joke. "What thinks you're getting an A?" He chuckles too, "Well I just fucked you for one." You playfully hit back at him. He lifts himself up from your head, looking you in the eyes as he places his fingers around your chin. Pulling you up so you have to stare up at him. "I don't play that type of game Y/l/n. I just really like you." He slowly leans closer to come kiss you, your lips practically touching. "And fucking you." He kisses you gently, not rough as before or needy, just to embrace each other.
"A man like that is hard to find, but I can't get him off my mind." You confess, head in your hand as you sit in the seat of the coffee shop.
After getting somewhat clean from what happened in Techno's office you message Minx that you'll meet up with her at the coffee shop.
Sighing at the thoughts about him. You replay the first time the two of you met, to last Friday, and to now. He will always be on your mind, even if it sounds pathetic, which it was slightly. He will never leave your mind.
Minx on the other side of the table smiles at your statement, she thought it was good that you finally found someone who puts you through so much torment from being away from. Even though it's only been a few weeks of meeting him. "Understandable, from what I've heard about him. He sounds pretty good to you." She tilts her head where you can see her, but what she didn't know was why he put you through so much turmoil. It was eating at you, that you couldn't show him off to your friends.
"It's depressing really Minx." You drop your hands to face her, she stifles out a chuckle. "It's not." You bite the inside of your cheek, frustrated really. "But it is..." It took her by surprise, she didn't know if you were lying or not, you would never lie to her. But in this situation you had to, there was no way you could tell her you where fucking your Professor. All she would do was make fun of you for the cliché for getting an A, but there was something about him that made you have butterflies in your tummy each time he looked at you.
In that moment, you knew. You just knew. You'd never be able to get over this man.
You looked across the table at Minx, she's looking off to the side. You didn't know that she was thinking about why you were so threatened to tell her who he was. But you could tell she had something on her mind, you need to lighten up the mood. Deciding it was the perfect time to tell her about the new name you called him during sex.
"I did it." You plainly speak, which pulled her from her own thoughts. Confused on what you meant. "I called him what you said, remember Saturday?" You tell her, waiting for her reaction which didn't happen right away. She was thinking of what you were talking about, until you mouthed out the word "Daddy". That when she lets go of her coffee onto the table. Coving her mouth with her hand. "No you didn't!" She still in disbelief, shocked that you would actually do that.
You laugh at her, "Yes I did." You sound a little proud, which you kind of were. It did make him go a little crazy. "What did he think about it? Did he like it?" She questions, no you kind of wished you didn't tell her because now she wants all the details. "I can say in confidence he most definitely likes it" You wink at her. She started to laugh at that.
You two sit at the café for the next hour just talking, wishing that you could bring Techno here one of these day and he could meet Minx but that wouldn't work. But maybe one day.
@roygbivvie @alexandrium @aplainart @sadassflatass @sugarcoated44 @taylorsmakingfuckingmacandcheese @sammyxn @bbnoloves @l-O-ser @elly-isabelle @fudrudy 
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