#“okay but did you know that this ec-”
deathbxnny · 1 day
hello! aventurine, blade and sunday with a teen!reader like margarita blankenheim?
dont know if youre into ec, but its shocking that margarita is canonically 16💀
anyways, reader is very skilled at making poisons, are often in denial about the reality they live in and pretending that theyre happy despite not being happy at all and mostly pretending that their problems dont exit at all, often comparing themselves to a “doll” due to the prolonged explotation and neglect,and much like sunday, they believe that sleep and dreams will make other people and themselves happy
Despite my deep obsession with Vocaloid and Hatsune Miku in general, I have to admit that I never really got into the EC lore, despite still knowing the lyrics to all songs by heart lol. (If you play "Madness of Duke Venomania" at my funeral and I DON'T wake up... then you'll know that I've truly left you guys-)
After post edit: I misread this request and accidentally made it into a romantic relationship with an Aged up reader!! I'm sorry for that Anon but hope this is okay anyways!! :((
Content: Reader is kind of delusional/crazy?, vague mentions of non-descriptive neglect, mostly bitter sweet, romantic relationship, kind of suicidal descriptions in Blades part?, vague brain washing in Sunday's part, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not proofread))
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Blade didn't get along with you at first. Mainly because he thought that your insistence on escaping reality was rather futile and pathetic. He saw dreams as a waste of time, always seeking the comfort of the dark reality he was forced to live through to find his way on the dark path he treaded.
And yet, over time and through the many missions you were sent on together, he learned of your own cruel fate and past, one filled with a loveless, neglected existence, akin to a broken, thrown away doll you often compared yourself with. He felt his emotions develop in odd ways for you, a mutual understanding despite your stark differences leading you into an aimless relationship only the two of you could comprehend.
Despite your lack of belief in yourself, that you often hid in utopian daydreams, he still found your talent for poisons rather interesting and even impressive. He had requested a vial of the worst poison you could make once, drinking it all in one go after a warm thank you. It didn't kill him, ofcourse, yet the pain of momentary death by your own hands was enough to drive him into another, much deeper level of appreciation and love for you.
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Aventurine understood you from day one, even if he didn't agree with all of your views. He knew the yearning for freedom all too well. He, too, attempted to escape all his troubles behind the mask of a sly gambler, the illusion, however, often shattered by the branding on his neck. You two bond over this silent feeling of helplessness as you try and find your way out of the hell that life created for you. This is what made you become an unlikely couple over time.
He enjoys spoiling you with all he has, perhaps as a way to compensate for the many trips and travels he has to take. It's also a way for him to show his deepest appreciation for your existence in his life, one he doesn't take for granted. He definitely funds your love for poison making, even if he doesn't fully understand why you enjoy it. He, however, views it as his own love for gambling, simply a coping mechanism, which makes him not question it any further than that.
With that said, he views himself as a doll as well, in a way, one especially crafted to be at your side. And yet... if the world eventually teared your strings in different directions, whether it be through the actions of other or even his own, he hoped this momentary solitude you two attained was enough to prove that you are more than your broken past.
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Oh, how Sunday adored you from day one. You matched his ideals and understood him perfectly. You didn't put him down for his opinions, nor did you judge him for them. Your views were the same, after all. Dreams are an escape from the harsh reality that the "weak" couldn't handle. So where was the harm in coddling and keeping them safe in a realm far from it all? He saw himself as your savior through his plans, one's he eventually crafted to fit your perfect world. He wanted to make you happy, finally repaying you for the love and kindness you showed him.
He doesn't let you view yourself as a doll and often gently lectures you into seeing yourself as his "angel" instead. Every God needed a messenger, after all. Sunday also tries healing you from your broken past, attempting to undo years on years of heartache and pain all on his own. And he KNOWS he can do it one way or another, even going as far as using his tuning ability on you to help. He doesn't see anything wrong with it anyway, since it helps you feel much better, doesn't it?
Your love for poison making confuses him at first... but over time, he sees it as rather useful for the "elimination" of people who cross you both. Don't worry about some of your vials going missing. Just dream on and be happy, just like he always tells you to.
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Alrightttt, I hope this was okay, Anon, and thank you again for the request!! (Sorry again for messing up the request, I haven't slept in a while😭😭😭)
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ghostpebble · 2 months
reminder that danny would be losing his shit at the total eclipse rn
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lilbitdepressed27 · 5 months
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Tara Carpenter/Fem!Reader
Summary:blind reader in this one Gale didn't write bad about Sam.
WC: 5.7k
Author’s Note: happy new year y’all. Hope everyone had a good year. Also apologizes in advance for this one. Hope y’all enjoy:D
After high school you had known that the college life was also going to be hard. It took you forever to know the halls, turns and where your classes were at. It helped that you had your service dog, Scooby. According to your adoptive mom, he was a brown Chesapeake Bay Retriever. Now you had no idea what they looked like but you are positive he was cute. People always tended to gush about him where ever you took him. He had been a great help for you as you adjusted in this new city.
Your mom had been skeptical at first but she knew she had to let you go. She was very protective of you especially after your father was killed. You had been away on a school trip with your class when it had happened. You had only found out about it two days after when your mom personally came to get you from the trip. The trip had been in Alaska, it was supposed to be a two month trip but due to the attacks it was cut short.
The news had devastated you. Especially since you didn't know about it right away, cause of the no cell reception. So it was harder for your mom to reach you. You and your mother had cried for days.
She didn't know how she'd be able to let you move to New York by yourself with Scooby. She wouldn't be able to move on if she lost you or Scooby. She loved that dog, he was such a good boy. They had trained him on some simple commands to help you.
Dewey had helped you teach Scooby the commands.
So with that fear in mind, not only did she move to the city herself, she didn't have it in her to let you leave and live by yourself. But she also had called someone she hasn't spoken to as much as she wanted.
"Gale? Hey it's been awhile."
"Hello Sam, how's it going?"
"Uh pretty good we're settled in and you know Tara's worried about starting school again, she says she's not nervous but I can tell she is. How are you holding up, since you know..."
"Oh you know I'm hanging in there. I was actually calling to ask you for a favor. I completely understand if you can't. I know trust goes a long way for you."
"Gale relax, if it wasn't for you, people would still be dragging my name through the mud. What can I help you with?"
Gale leaned back in her desk chair. She tried so hard to make sure you had stayed out of her life as a reporter. Keeping you a secret from the world was surprisingly easy. Especially if there was crazy psycho trying remake a movie. Dewey and herself had agreed to keeping you a secret. Adopting you was one of her greatest things she could have done.  She remembers the day she first saw you, it was a couple months after she found out that she couldn't have kids. Dewey had tried to tell her that it was okay, that they didn't need a kid to be a happy family. But she knew better, they both had wanted a baby in the family.
So they went to a foster home. And that's where they found you, a tiny little girl. You were only baby, a year old to be exact when they saw you walking around crashing into things, walking into walls. They had watched how the other older kids would ignore you. You would babble to get anyone's attention but you'd be ignored. After crashing into a wall once again, they watched how you stood back up with a smile on your face. You had a small ball in your hands but no one to play with. They didn't understand why, until you got closer. Stumbling here and there.
Your soft y/ec eyes had clear white spots in them. Even though they were warned about you, they had fallen in love with you the moment they saw you.
"I have a daughter."
"Oh what? Wow uh congratulations?"
"No I've had her for a while, she's 19." She knew Sam probably didn't believe her.
"Really? Why are you telling me this?"
Gale heard the confusion, but she couldn't follow you every where. So she needed someone to keep an eye on you. Just a safety precaution. Something that could help her keep calm. Making friends was something that didn't come easy for you. Even though you're a bright and happy kid, other people weren't. It never affected you though. Your smile always stayed. 'Life is too short for me to be butt hurt that people don't want to be my friend, I'll be fine mom.' Was something you always said.
"She has this, thing. And I was just hoping you'd kinda just be there for her. She doesn't make friends easily and I know I'm asking a lot but—Gale relax. What's her name?"
The day had come. You had recently moved into the studio room with the help of your mom. She had helped remind you where everything was at. Making sure you knew every corner, step, counter in the apartment. It took a while but you got it. Now you could do somethings by yourself. Like bathe (obviously), get yourself dressed (your wardrobe was filled with mostly black clothing), colored clothing was in a different drawer, cook (pb&j's, cup noddle soup, wash dishes) You weren't completely helpless. A life without vision was something you were used to.
"Okay Scooby, how do I lo-" Your phone rang, cutting you off. You turned to the direction of the phone, hearing the nails scrapes of your dog. The phone ring getting closer. You felt the nudge on your knee. Reaching down feeling the cold nose of your dog, taking the phone from him. Siri had been notifying you of who was calling. "Thanks buddy."
"Hi mom."
"Hey honey, listen I called a friend of mine her name is Sam and she's on her way to take you to class-Moom-I know I know but please just give your lady a piece of mind. I swear I'm getting more grey hair. Just please do it for me."
You sighed and nodded. "Okay mom. When is she co-" The sound of the door bell rang throughout the studio. "I thinks she's here."
"Wait since when does Gale have a daughter?" Tara asked confused. She had over heard Sam's call with Gale and had wanted to help Gale's daughter. Especially since they'd be going to the same college.
"I don't know, she has a daughter that's your age, lives alone with a dog, apparently doesn't know anyone here cause she just moved here and her name is Y/n. We are going to go pick her up tomorrow."
"Damn. Gale weathers kept her daughter a secret?" The younger carpenter sibling said amazed. She would have never guessed that Gale had a daughter. She had started to wonder what the girl looked like.
Now that she was kept waiting, she was left feeling just a tad bit excited to meet the girl. She wondered if she was like more like Gale or Dewey. Probably a mix of both.
"Who's there." Your hand felt around for the button next to the door. It was intercom that your mom had paid to get installed. It was the best tech that your mom could possibly find.
"Hi Y/n it's Sam, Gale sent me."
"Mom I thinks she's here, uh how do I know I can trus-You can honey, trust me. Sam is a good one."
"Okay. I love you." Your mom returned the term of endearment before hanging up. Your hands felt around for the locks on the door. Unlocking all ten of them. Once finished you opened the door.
Sam stood on the other side, her eyes widening just a bit at the sight of your eyes. Now she understood why Gale wanted someone to watch over you. Tara stood behind her sister, jaw slack as she took you in as well. She had never seen someone so beautiful. She took in your smile as you let Sam in offering your hand that Sam shook. She walked close behind her sister as she watched one of cutest dogs she's ever seen close the door behind her. Her eyes looked into yours. Most of your eye color was covered with a cloudy white color. There was still some color in there but not as much. They were still the most beautiful pair of eyes she has ever seen.
"And you are?" The question was directed to her. It was what snapped her out of her thoughts. Her face felt flushed and warm as you looked in her direction.
You had heard the other set of footsteps when you let Sam in. You could smell the different perfume the person used. It was a smell you liked, never had you smelled something so, beautiful? The person stopped in front of you. You offered a smile and held a hand out.
"T-Tara. I'm Tara Sam's sister." Tara ignored the raised eyebrow directed towards her by her sister. Her face felling hot as she shook your hand. Your hand was much bigger than hers but it was so soft and warm. She wanted to hold on to it forever.
Your ears felt blessed as you took in her voice. It was the most beautiful voice you had ever heard.
"Nice to meet you Tara. This is Scooby. I'm sorry if my mom made you guys co-Hey now we wanted to, now are you ready?" Tara reassured. She didn't want you feeling like they didn't have a choice in the matter. Tara had never been so grateful that Gale trusted them in meeting her daughter. Cause you had to be one of the most beautiful woman she's ever seen.
"Uh yea. I just need my walking stick and my backpack."
At the mention of the backpack the two sisters watched as the dog scurried away towards the living room. Retrieving your backpack from the small coffee table. He had already had his service vest on and he was ready to go. With a smile on your face you took the backpack that had your walking stick. You moved to take it out but a warm hand stopped you.
"I got you, you can hold my elbow." Tara with a blush on as you took her elbow with a smile. She ignored the pointed look from her sister once again. She felt warm all over at the feeling of your soft hand touching her skin. She lead you out the apartment while Sam locked up.
Sam watched how Tara directed where each step was at. Telling you where exactly was the button to call the elevator. Although Sam felt like you already knew where it was at. She watched as you smiled and followed Tara nevertheless. Right before leaving the apartment you had reached for your sunglasses. Covering your eyes, she saw the disappointment in her sister's eyes the second it happened.
Sam couldn't help the small smile, Tara had been different since last year's attacks. But seeing that smile on her face while she spoke to you was something she hoped to see more.
"Okay here's your music class." Tara directed you into the class, there were already some students in the class waiting for the professor to arrive. "Do you wanna sit in the front?" She touched your hand that was still holding the inside of her elbow. She looked up at you, your soft smile on display as you looked down in her direction. Seeing her reflection on your sunglasses. She wished she could see your eyes again.
"Yes please, thank you Tara. I really appreciate you helping me."
The smile she got in return felt like a reward, seeing such a beautiful smile directed her way had Tara feeing like she could just melt to the floor.
"I wanted to. Now here's your recorder, your mom said you like to go back and listen to the lessons. Here, it's the professors textbook she's using this year." Before getting to the class, they had stopped by the library. When she saw the classes you were taking, they took a little detour. Grabbing the textbooks she knew would benefit you more.
"Thank you Tara but I can't exactly see." You said with a teasing smile. Feeling her cheeks warming up, she couldn't help the chuckle that left her lips.
"I know that, but this one you'll like better. I'll see you two after class. Bye." She smiled down at Scooby who had sat on the seat right next to yours, laying his head down on the arm rest.
"We'll see you later, thanks again Tara." You smiled up towards the direction you knew she was standing at. Your heart skipping at beat when you felt her warm hand on top of yours.
"You're welcome. Now I really have to go or else I'll be late to my class."
She left the room soon after. You smiled to yourself. Remembering to call your mom to thank her. Tara sounded so...beautiful. You may be blind but just by her voice you knew she was beautiful. Tara will be a great friend to have around.
Hearing the professor walk in and announce the beginning of his lecture you hit record on your recorder. Taking the book that Tara had gotten for you. Your breath hitching in your throat when your fingers felt over the cover. It was a braille version of the textbook. Your mom had told you that they didn't have braille books for the music course you were taking. But here it was. Noted that it did feel old but nevertheless it was a book you could read. Feeling your eyes watering a bit, no one had been this nice to you, that wasn't family. To go out of their way to do something so kind. Yet Tara did.
Scooby laid his head on your arm. You smiled down at him petting his head. Maybe making friends here wouldn't be so hard.
The weeks that followed had been great for Tara. She had spent most of her days with you. Or you with her at her apartment with the rest of the gang. You and Scooby have become such a great addition to the group. Having you around the apartment had been something that she loved to see.
Since you had been her friend the amount of frat parties she had gone to have been minimum. Choosing to rather be with you and Scooby either at your apartment or hers.
Something that Sam had liked.
Sam had seen the bond between her sister and you grow. The way you with out trying brought out the girl Sam had left behind five years ago. The way Tara was around you was of someone that had no worries. Someone that hadn't gone through almost getting killed. Someone who hadn't been betrayed by someone she loved. Someone who had to kill the one she considered a lover.
Sam could also see how you were around her sister. Tara hadn't been the only one to grow attached. Seeing the way you were around Tara was almost comical. Seeing you both dance around each others feelings was funny. Sam had taken to talking to Gale more often. Telling her about how you were doing. But also about how they were doing as well. The bond between Sam and Gale had grown.
"Hey Sam, how was work?"
She had just gotten back from work to find you and Scooby sitting on the floor of the living room. The way you could just tell who the person was, just by their footsteps was something that Sam had found impressive. She had seen how Chad had tried to sneak up on you but you would always greet him before he had the chance.
"Hey Y/n, it was good what are you guys doing? Where's Tara?"
"Well I'm helping Tara with her homework, well the best I can anyway. And she's in the bathroom." You smiled in the direction of where Sam stood.
"That's good. Any one at school giving you trouble?" Sam had been told by not only the twins but also her sister how they had found a group of frat boys picking on you. Scooby had tried his best to comfort you, not only was he there to help you but he was also there to protect you. Sam had been told by Tara how they had arrived in time to see Scooby biting one of the frat boys. The one that had taken your mobility cane.
"No Scooby scares them away. That or Tara does." You joked earning a laugh from the older Carpenter.
"Good, you know if anyone is bothering you, you can tell me." Sam had been told by your mom how you used to get bullied in high school. You were a sweet kid that didn't deserve to be mistreated. It wouldn't be the first time she had scared someone just for looking at you wrong.
"I know. Thanks Sam."
"You're welcome, now I'm making dinner. Spaghetti and meatballs sound good."
"Sounds great."
You were laid on Tara's bed watching a movie you had never heard of. It was one of Tara's favorite movies. The Babadook. You weren't really into scary movies. You had loved hearing the movies your dad watched. The Marvel movies. Daredevil had always been your favorite. For obvious reasons of course. To be blind and still be able to kick ass. Now that was awesome.
But nevertheless Tara had wanted to see the movie, so now you were here. Tara laying her head on your chest as she watched her movie. You were listening in as well. Jumping a bit when a suspenseful scene happened. You didn't see it but from the music and sound effects, not to mention the tv was a bit loud.
But the more you laid there. The more you got lost. The warmth of Tara's body pressing on to you. The feeling of her head laying right above your heart. The way her hand was on your stomach, her fingers softly creasing your stomach. It was sending the butterflies in your stomach to go crazy. Her legs were intertwined with yours. Your arm was also wrapped around her back holding her into place.
You weren't sure what this meant. Seeing as you never really had friends. Or cuddled with anyone. This was something you've never done before. You didn't want to over think anything. Make things weird. So you just laid there. Hoping Tara could feel what you felt. You'd ask but you didn't want to lose this friendship. You didn't want to jeopardize losing Tara.
"I can feel you thinking. What's on your mind?" Tara paused the movie to look up at you. Her chin still on your chest as you looked at you. Your glasses were off, the fairly lights, and the lights coming from the tv made your eyes shine. The small patched of y/ec were noticeable. Your eyes were something she loved to look at. They were like clouds with a bit of color in them. Her fingers came up to your cheek on their own accord. Softly creasing the smooth skin of your cheek. Her smile widening when you leaned into her palm.
"Nothi-Liar. I don't know if you know this but, when something is bothering you or you're thinking too hard. You get this cute little crinkle right here." With a finger she touched in between your eyebrows. Laughing when you were quick to make said crinkle go away. "Now come on tell me."
"Uh I like someone."
Tara felt herself tense, her smile quickly falling from her face. She sat up away from your warmth. Her heart breaking at the thought of you with someone else. Someone getting to lay with you like she had been doing. Someone else being able to get to kiss you. Or seeing you vulnerable like how she's seen you.
"That's-That's..who? Do I know them?" She had hoped her voice didn't come off like she wanted to cry. Cause she could feel the tears building up.
"Yea. You do. It's Sam."
The way her jaw dropped, part of her not believing what she was hearing. You liked Sam?! Samantha!! Her sister?! The ache in her heart grew ten fold. The tears escaped her eyes and she was quick to wipe them away.
"I'm just kidding. It's not Sam. It's you. I like you."
Tara didn't know whether to punch you or kiss you. So she punched your arm. "You asshole." The punch was quickly followed with a kiss. The feeling of her lips on yours was everything she had dreamed of.
"Were you crying?" You reluctantly pulled away when you felt her wet cheeks.
"Duh! I thought you confessing your love to my, sister! You're an asshole for that and I'll never forgive you." Even though the scare was still there. Your teasing smile had her smiling as well.
"I'm sorry. What can I do for you to forgive me." You brought your hands up, cupping her cheeks. You could feel her smile, the dimples that had been your favorite to feel. Her soft skin was so warm.
"Mmh, go on date with me."
"Aw man. I wanted to be the one to ask."
Tara smiled at the sight of your pout. She chuckled, she no longer felt the heart ache. No. She felt like she could kiss you again. And again. And again. The love she felt in her chest felt so strong. Something she never felt before. Not even with...Amber. Amber had made feel something. There was doubt in that. But nothing like this.
"So is that a yes?"
"Of course it's a yes."
You sat in one of tables in the quad. Scooby sat by your side. It wouldn't be long till Tara and Mindy came out of their last class of the day. It had been a month since your date with Tara. A month since you started dating Tara. Just the thought of your girlfriend was enough to have you smiling.
At hearing the familiar footsteps you straighten up. By the way they slowed down you knew she was trying to sneak up on you, so you let her. You felt her soft lips on your cheek.
"Hey baby." Tara had missed you(although she had seen you two hours ago when she walked you to your class) she couldn't help it. To be able to kiss you when ever she wanted, it was something she loved to do. Having you blush every time she kissed you. It was a sight she aimed to see every single hour of the day. Pecking your lips before greeting Scooby (who was happy to see her). "Hello there buddy, are you protecting our girl huh. Anyone bother her?"
"No one bothered me. Where's Mindy?" Feeling her warmth as she sat next to you. You wrapped your arm around her shoulder bringing her closer. You felt her get closer kissing what you thought was her temple but ended up being the corner of her eyes. "Oops sorry." Hearing her giggle was like a blessing to your ears. She cupped your cheeks guiding your lips to hers into a gentle kiss.
"Mmh it's okay. And she's with Anika. Chad's with Ethan doing who knows what. It's just you and me babe-*BARK*-And Scooby of course." Tara chuckled at the interruption.
"Maybe we could have a date ni-Guys! There's a party going down today and we have been invited." Quinn had said with excitement, you Tara had loved to party. It wasn't anything new. Yes, most times she blew off a party to be with you. You had loved every moment you had with Tara. But the thought of her holding back on having fun was something that began to make you feel, guilty?
"Uh I'm not sure-Oh come on Tara. Y/n tell Tara to have some fun."
With those thoughts in mind. You  looked in the direction of your girlfriend. "Yea go have fun babe."
"But what-It's okay. I'm going to be on the phone with my mom most of the night. Go. Have fun. You can call me after."
"Fine, ugh okay. But I'll be in your apartment right after. Okay?" A part of Tara didn't even want to go. She had wanted to go back to your apartment and just relax.
She'd only stay at the party for an hour or two and then she'll go to yours.
You had just finished making yourself a cup noddle soup. Moving in the kitchen had been relatively easy for you. You had gotten used to everything in your apartment. Making the soup was easy. Especially when you did it the lazy way. (Water in the cup and then in the microwave). You weren't supposed to but it was much faster that way.
At sound of Scooby barking had you turning to face the noise. "Scooby?" Your hand held on to the counter. Using it to guide you to the noise.
"Here boy."
You heard him growl, you with your hand moving from the kitchen counter to the wall leading to the supply closet. Then you felt Scooby biting your pants leg. Trying lead you away from the door.
"What's wrong-" The force of a being tackled had your sentence cut short. With the sudden weight, weighing you down. The sudden pain of what you assumed was a knife coming down on your shoulder had you screaming. The scream of pain was followed by the yelp of the person.
Scooby had beaten into the arm of the attacker. But a dog wasn't going to stop the attacker. No. He had came prepared. Wearing a material that can withstand a bite from a dog. Killing you was going to be easy. Gutting the dog was something he had been looking forward to. Stabbing the dog, the yelp of pain the dog let out.
"No!" You sobbed out. You couldn't lose him. You felt around for something, anything you could use to help Scooby. Your fingers connected with something solid, it was Chad's baseball bat. You gripped and swung it as hard as you could. You felt the moment the hard bat connected to the attacker. You heard the moment they dropped Scooby. More sobs escaping your lips as you failed to hear any noise coming from Scooby.
"Oh Y/n, you've missed out quite a bit. But let me catch you up to speed."
You're breathing was heavy, feeling like you couldn't catch your breath with how much you were crying. The pain you felt as the knife was brought down into your chest, the pain was too much. You tried to fight back. Your hand holding the knife, you ears finally picked up the faint whimpering of Scooby. He was dying and you couldn't do anything to help him.
"Alexa call Tara."
"Calling Tara."
"No-" A hand covered your mouth as you tried to fight him off. But you could feel your energy fading. You had lost count on how many times you had been stabbed. You didn't want Tara to hear you dying. You didn't-
"Hey baby-Would you relax Sam it's Y/n." Hearing her voice sounded so relieved. Your felt your tears escaping at a rapid pace. Your tears rolling down the side of your face into your ears.
"Hello Tara."
"Hello Tara."
The voice had her freezing in her steps. The dread overwhelmed her in waves. No it couldn't. He couldn't be back. With you. You were vulnerable. Scooby could only do so much. Feeling Sam behind her as she bolted. Sam close behind her.
"Tara wait! What's wrong?"
"Don't worry Tara. She won't go alone."
Nothing could have prepared her for when she opened your door. There was no noise. Not the tv playing your favorite show, not the scabbing of nails coming to greet her. Not your voice calling out to her with a beaming smile.
What greeted her was the sight of Scooby laying in pool a blood. He was unmoving. His eyes wide with no life in them. Her hand shook as she raised it to her mouth. The sob escaped her lips when she saw who was laying unconscious not too far from Scooby.
“No. No. No. Please god no.” Her vision became a tunnel vision. The only thing she could see was your stiff body. “Y/n?” Your eyes were open but unblinking. The same as your dog. No life in them. Her chest stuttered to get some air in. The sobs that racked her body as she pulled you closer. Your body was no longer warm. It had turned cold.
“No. Come on Y/n. Please. Please don’t leave me. You can’t. You can’t.” The ache in her chest had also started in her lungs. She couldn’t breathe. The pain she felt at seeing no life in your eyes. Your beautiful cloudy y/ec eyes held no life.
“Sam help me! Help me please! Scooby needs help to Y/n-she needs him. She can’t lose him. Please. Pl-please.” She held your limp body closer to her. Wishing that this was just a horrible nightmare. Wishing that she’d wake up and that you’d be right next to her.
But you stayed still. Your body stayed cold.
Tara gasped awake, her eyes frantically looking around the room. She was in her own room. But you weren’t there. The panic grew. The dread growing when she didn’t find you. She reached for her phone calling you. But the more she went without hearing your voice. The more the fear grew. She was out of her bed in no time. In a rush to find you.
It couldn’t be true.
But it felt so real.
When you weren’t in the kitchen, she had to find you. Your apartment is where she’d find you. You had to be there. You just had to.
The force of knocking into someone had been so sudden that she had almost knocked the person over. Had the person not been prepared.
“Wow Tara trying to tackle a blind person are ya?”
The sound of your voice had her already blood shut eyes widening before she let out a relieved sob as she fell into your arms. As she buried her face into your chest holding you tight. The nightmare had felt so real. The pain of losing you had felt so real. Your de- your body she had felt it.
“Talk to me Tara? What’s wrong?” You were worried. Never had you heard Tara crying like this. You had texted her last night but Anika had responded saying Tara drank a bit too much and was taken home late into the night. So you had gone to bed with the plan of going to Tara’s in the morning hoping you could make her hangover a bit better.
“Tara breath for me baby.” The concern grew as you felt her breathing become more erratic. You tried your best to lead her inside without tripping shutting the door behind you. Locking as many locks as you could. Scooby followed close behind. Also worried for the shorter girl.
When your fingers finally touched the couch you sat her down but she refused to let you go. You wanted to know what had caused her to act like this.
You dug into your bag, fingers grazing items you did not need. Once you found what you needed you took it out. “Come on Tar, use your inhaler. Breath for me baby. I’m right here.”
Once she had her breathing under control. You leaned back into the couch. Pulling Tara on your lap and holding her close to you. You weren’t sure what was wrong but it was clear that she needed comforting. Scooby also jumping on to the couch. His head laying into the space of the couch and you and Tara. Trying his best to comfort the girl.
“I had a bad dream. It felt so real. So fucking real. Everything. From the way you act, talk. Even when you use the microwave to heat up your cup noddle soups. Even when I tell you not to do that. Ghostface attacked you and Scooby. You both didn’t make it. Fuck it felt so real. And when I woke up I felt so confused and-when I didn’t see you, the fear grew. I couldn’t tell if the dream was real or not. I can’t lose you Y/n. I just can’t. I don’t think I’ll be able to live without you.” Tara felt herself wanting to cry again.
“I’m right here. I know I can’t necessarily promise you that nothing will happen to me. But I sure as hell can promise you that I’ll try my very best to always return to you.” You kissed the side of her face. What ended being her ear.
“I know, I’m sorry I freaked out on you.” She mumbled into your neck. Her grip on you never loosened up. Not that you were complaining.
“Don’t be. Plus I’m not that helpless. Daredevil isn’t my favorite marvel character for no reason.” You joked hoping you could get a laugh or smile from her. From the sound of her chuckle you knew you had succeeded.
“Get some rest. I’ll be here when you wake up. I promise.”
With a kiss on your lips, you could still feel her lips trembling just a bit. You wanted her to feel safe. To feel sure.
“I love you Y/n.” To have you laying here with her. It was enough for to calm down just a bit. To have Scooby also here was just enough for her to finally accept that it was just a nightmare.
“I love you to Tara.”
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amirasainz · 1 month
can you do more of baby!sainz crushing on lando and lando really likes it and flirt with her any time ++ carlos’s reaction
Of coure I can. This is a Part 2 story, so I would recommend reading the first part. My stories are usually seperate stories, however it was quiet fitting in this case. Btw, Carlos ec gf is mentioned, Isa I love writing requests for you guys and hope you enjoy reading my work. Let me know if you have any whishes! -XoXo
Three times when....Part 2
4. The Quadrant video
Ah, the delicate dance of family dynamics and romantic getaways—the kind that unfolds against the backdrop of sun-kissed beaches and whispered secrets. Carlos Sainz, the Ferrari sensation, had planned a romantic vacation with his girlfriend, seeking moments of stolen kisses and moonlit walks. And what better place than Bali to weave their love story?
But life, ever the mischievous storyteller, had other plans. A new Quadrant video emerged, casting its spotlight on the youngest Sainz sister. There stood Amira, flanked by Lando’s friends, Max and Keegan, her eyes fixed on Lando as he explained the rules of their karting challenge. Karting—a miniature ballet of speed and precision—would be their canvas.
Lando, the showman, draped his arm over Amira’s shoulder. His friend Keegan would take the wheel, aiming to beat Lando’s time. But first, Lando had to set the benchmark. As he zipped around the track, Amira’s gaze never wavered. Her words flowed like a river of admiration: “He is an amazing driver. It won’t take long before he takes his first win. Look how easy he makes it look.” Her grin was infectious, like a sunbeam breaking through the clouds.
And then, in a hushed whisper, she added, “Como un profesional.” Keegan and Max exchanged puzzled glances, their linguistic compass spinning in confusion. But Amira knew. She’d witnessed her friends’s journey—the sweat, the sacrifice, the hunger for victory. In that quiet moment, she held a secret: Lando Norris, the boy who’d captured her heart, was destined for greatness.
When Lando finally finished his run, he sprinted toward her. “And, what do you think, darling?" he teased. “Maybe I’ll be able to take you on a ride one day.” His flirtatious tone hung in the air, and apparently, it was working—because Amira was giggling.
Throughout the video, Lando would sweetly explain things to her while she had her whole attention on him. At the end, Max had to do the outro, because Lando was sitting in a kart with Amira on his lap. He clearly showed her things on the wheel, so he moved her hair aside and rested his chin on her shoulder.
"What the fuck did I just watch" thought Carlos to himself
5. The Spa crash
Carlos Sainz found himself in the midst of an interview when his eyes caught sight of his friend sliding across the treacherous Spa track. The Belgian circuit had claimed its share of lives over the years, and the rain only intensified its danger.
In that heart-stopping moment, Carlos’s mind painted worst-case scenarios. But then, relief flooded through him as Lando Norris responded to Sebastian Vettel’s thumbs-up signal and was soon escorted back to the safety of the team garages. Carlos wasted no time, ending the interview abruptly to ensure Lando’s well-being.
Yet, what awaited him upon his arrival was unexpected—a scene that tugged at his heartstrings. Lando stood in the rain, his little sister, Amira, by his side. Tears streamed down her face, and Carlos heard Lando’s soothing words: “I’m fine, darling. Nothing happened. It was just a little jump-scare. I promise, I’ll always come back to you.”
But Amira’s worry persisted. “How can you be so sure about that, Lando? What if—” she began, her voice trembling. Lando cut her off, determination in his eyes. “Hey, none of that, okay? It will take a thousand armies to keep me away from you, okay?” He waited for her nod, their bond unbreakable.
Carlos watched the scene unfold, touched by the depth of their friendship. He approached them, pulling them into a group hug, seeking solace in their shared connection. Together, they retreated into the warmth of the Ferrari garage, a sanctuary against the rain-soaked night.
Later, as Carlos settled into bed with his girlfriend, Isa, he recounted the events. “I didn’t know the two of them were such good friends,”he mused. Isa sighed, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. “You truly know nothing, Carlos Sainz.”
6. DJ Lando
Ah, the nightlife—the pulsing heartbeat of music, neon lights, and secrets whispered in the dark. Lando Norris, the McLaren sensation, was no stranger to the DJ booth, spinning beats that made the crowd sway and lose themselves. Clubs welcomed him like an old friend, and this weekend was no exception.
But amidst the thumping bass and swirling lights, something shifted. A new presence graced the scene: Amira, Carlos little sister. Her usual decline to join club outings had become a predictable pattern, making Carlos’s job as the protective older brother straightforward. Yet this time, she stood there, defying expectations.
And what a sight she was—dressed in a short dress, high heels elongating her legs. Lando kept her close, his arm around her waist or fingers tucked under her hairtie. Carlos’s attention zeroed in on them—the way Lando leaned in, whispering things in Amira’s ear. Her cheeks flushed crimson, embarrassment or amusement dancing across her face. What secrets did they share? Carlos couldn’t fathom, and it gnawed at him.
Lando’s proximity to his sister grated on Carlos’s nerves. Why was he so close? What did he want from Amira? The frustration simmered, and Carlos’s annoyance grew. Why hadn’t anyone clued him in? The club’s rhythm pulsed around them, but Carlos’s mind spun with questions. Perhaps it was time to confront Lando, to unravel the mystery that danced between them.
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lani-heart · 3 months
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|| series masterlist || next // previously
parings -> ( eventually ) enhypen x reader genre -> soulmate au, fantasy au, angst warnings -> angst word count -> 2.2k
abstract -> reader having to help home-ec was not something you expected to connect with jay... nor even befriend him.
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y/n's perspective
“Can you please come through the home-ec club today? I wanted to ask you about my plan for the club fair we’ll have soon!” Haechan asked me and I nodded. “Sure, did you ask Sangyeon, Heeseung, and EJ yet?” I asked as he shook his head. 
“My vice-president is gonna handle Heeseung and Sangyeon… also the Decelis and Riverfield council are very intimidating” he confessed and I chuckled. 
Haechan was a witch who had started his home-ec class… a lot of the witches found the different councils intimidating. 
“I’ll pass down the message to EJ, they’re nice so don’t worry too much,” I said and he smiled and left. “y/n can you handle that?” Wonyoung asked and I nodded. 
“I’ll go see them in a minute,” I said, getting ready for my classes. Wonyoung is currently very stressed… She was planning a lot and I took most of the paperwork as president. However, she did most of the communication work, and working with the other councils was stressful, especially with Decelis recently…
I walked to the home-ec room where I entered and saw Haechan being the busy senior he was… “You’re here for the plans aren’t you?” I heard as I saw Jay…
I felt my eyes widen and I hated how badly I still reacted to vampires… he must’ve noticed since I saw his face soften.
“Yeah… Haechan asked me to come by” I said, not knowing how to act around Jay. “He’s a little busy but he should be done soon… I'll have him handle it. I don't want to make you uncomfortable” he said and I felt a bit guilty…
He seemed to stop as he turned around though almost contemplating something. “Uhm… is it bad if I ask you for a favor?” he asked and I felt dread.
It also must’ve been obvious… “It's nothing related to magic! It's just… I'm worried about everyone. Usually, we all eat together in our dorm but Jungwon, Sunoo, and Niki have been avoiding us. I know that they often skip lunch–” “What?” I didn’t mean to interrupt him but I didn’t notice what he explained… they were skipping meals?
“Yeah… you didn’t notice?” he asked and I shook my head. “Jungwon always told me they ate lunch before coming to the council room… or when they’d come to my dorm he said they’d eat with you,” I said and he shook his head. 
“I’m the cook in the dorms… so they’ve been avoiding me too,” he said and I sighed. “I’ll talk to them– Wait, has Sunghoon been skipping meals?! It’s bad for his health, especially being…” I trailed off not wanting to say anything out loud and exposing my soulmate.
“He’s eating a lot better since you’ve accepted him so thank you for that… I wanted to ask if it was too much trouble that you’d give the boys a packed lunch? They don’t eat with us anymore so if you could?” he asked and I noticed how caring he was. 
I smiled softly and nodded. 
“Would it be fine if you came after the fourth period? I’ll have lunch for them… I think you’re the only one who can knock some sense into them” he said and I chuckled. 
“I will… if I knew this before I would’ve made sure they weren’t skipping meals”
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After my classes, I made sure to tell Sunoo that I'd be in the cafeteria even though I had to go work on council assignments. 
“Thank you again,” he said as he handed me the packed bento boxes and I was gonna grab them when… “Are you okay?”
“Uhm… I just don’t want to accidentally touch you” I said and he seemed to understand what I was saying…. He looked shocked but put the wrapped boxes down on a counter and moved away so I could pick them up. 
“I didn’t think of it…” he muttered softly. 
“It’s okay… enjoy your lunch,” I said and he nodded as I left. I went to the cafeteria where I saw Sunoo, Jungwon, Niki, and Sunghoon already waiting.
“A little birdie told me you were skipping meals,” I said and they turned around to see me carrying a rather heavy delivery. Sunghoon took it and put it down for me. 
“What are you–” “I’m mad at you” I interrupted Jungwon who’s eyes widened. 
“You guys make sure I'm not skipping meals but you guys lied about eating. It’ll weaken you and you’ll need to consume more blood than the school will offer you "I said and they sighed. 
“This is Jay’s doing,” Niki said and they all looked at me for an explanation. “He cares about you guys… he’s worried that you guys aren’t eating so he asked me for delivery service,” I said and they sighed.
“At least Sunghoon isn’t skipping meals' ' I said and he smiled proudly while the others glared at the hybrid. “Come eat with me and my roommates' ' I said and their eyes widened. 
“I know you avoid your dorm like the plague so join me and my roommates for dinner… but eat Jay's lunches please?” I asked and they complied. 
“I gotta go then,” I said and they complained. “Have you ever eaten lunch?” Sunoo said, trying to put the blame on me now. “Wonyoung has lunch in the council room–” “Why couldn't we eat that–'' Jungwon interrupted the boy by smacking him with chopsticks.
“Don’t argue with her,” he said and I smiled. “Make sure to eat too,” Sunoo said and I nodded. 
“No more skipping meals!” 
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I ended up not eating lunch…
I was so hungry by the time it was dinner but I didn’t want to make it obvious in front of the boys so I didn't eat as much. 
Now I was starving this early in the morning. I couldn’t concentrate in my classes and it wasn’t until my fourth period when I had my free period that I almost bumped into Jay. 
“Sorry!” we both said and we laughed it off. “Are you okay? You look a little tired?” he said and I whined. “It's just council work catching up to me,” I said and he nodded. 
“Heeseung has been the same way…” he said and I felt guilty that they no longer had an event planner or a president because of me. 
“It isn’t your fault though… the whole soulmate situation has been messy,” he said and I agreed. “Have you eaten?” he asked and I shook my head. 
“You’re the same as them” he muttered and he offered me a smile. “Do you have a free period right now?” he asked and I nodded as he told me to follow him. 
The minute I walked into the home-ec room I was weak to the smell of food…
“y/n!” I heard it when I saw Haechan. “Haechan, how’s it going?” I asked and he smiled. “Good but training newcomers and my replacement for next year is a mess," he said and I nodded. “You’re welcome anytime– Hey!! I TOLD YOU A HUNDRED TIMES ALREADY–” I laughed off the sudden rage the senior showed at the mistakes of the younger students. 
“He always has so much energy,” Jay said and I agreed. 
“Here,” he said as he showed me a croissant and poured me out some coffee. “Thank you!! I need this” I said and he chuckled. He placed everything in front of me making sure not to touch me.
“You’re welcome to do work here,” he said and I was confused. “Well… I always see you at the library setting up before coming here so I assumed this was when you were the most productive” he said and I was shocked… he noticed that?
“I need to help Haechan with a recipe but you can stay. I’ll make the boys their lunches– by the way, thank you for actually making them eat it” he said and I smiled. 
“It’s no problem” 
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By the time it was lunch period, I was able to finish my notes and start on some homework I needed to complete. “Here you go,” he said as he placed the boxes of food. 
“Actually make time for yourself… I’m trying to make Heeseung do the same. We can’t have two council presidents sick” he said and I nodded as I packed up. 
“I will… thank you for the snack and for letting me stay here,” I said and he nodded. 
I was now at the cafeteria where I placed down the food. “So is this gonna be an everyday occurrence?” Jungwon asked and I shrugged. 
“I liked being in the council room during lunch” Sunoo pouted and I chuckled. “Well you did quit,” I said and he rolled his eyes. 
“There’s an extra portion?” Jungwon said and I was confused. “Hmm? Maybe it was Sunghoon’s?” Niki said as he started eating. “He said he was gonna be in the council room today though?” Sunoo said and I realized it was for me.
“You wanna eat with us, Miss President? Or are you too busy for even your soulmates?” Jungwon teased me and I smiled. 
“Maybe just for today”
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Jay’s cooking was amazing. I ate it all and even craved more.
I even found it to be a routine to study in the home-ec room with Jay around… I know I shouldn’t have but I felt comfort in it.
“Isn't that stuco president work?” I asked, seeing Jay rushing to finish the piece of paper he had in front of him while looking at what he had in the oven.
“Huh? Oh yeah… I wanted to help Heeseung out a bit so I volunteered to do all this” he said clearly stressed and I was already finished with my work. 
“I’ll do it,” I said and he looked shocked. “Will you?” he said, confused and I nodded. “You shouldn’t be scattered everywhere besides that gives me one less paper to revise later on,” I said and he nodded while rushing to his food. 
I finished all the work and fixed his jumbled writing. 
“Jay! Where… Oh! y/n!” I heard it when I saw Sooha. I hate to admit it but I avoided her in hopes K would deal with his own issues.
“Hello,” I said as I got back to Heeseung’s paperwork. “I’ve been needing to talk to you,” she said and I guess she took her chance. 
“K likes–” “No he doesn't, he just doesn't want to compete with Heeseung, Jake, and Jay,” I said and he scoffed. “That's stupid… it can’t be that he literally rejected me for you y/n. That's not fair” she said and I laughed at the irony. 
“Sooha he’s known you were his soulmate before me. If he liked me he would constantly be around me like how they are with you. Heeseung and Jake rejected me for being a bitch. I said I did not want to be around her and took my leave or tried…
I was gonna open the door to leave when Jake beat me to it… I must've frozen since I couldn’t move. I was still a little scared of him. “What are you doing here?” he asked disgustedly. 
“Sooha? Where did– Jake!” I heard from behind me. “Well… are you just gonna stupidly stand there?” he asked and I hated how I was calling for Wonyoung in my head to just yell and save me. 
“She was picking up Heeseung’s paperwork,” he said, wanting to keep our friendship? a secret… “y/n can you try talking to K for me at least. I guess I am being a hypocrite towards this but I still have a chance with K–” I stopped listening… Why did this feel offensive? 
She still had a chance… was she implying that I never had a chance?
“Hey–” Jake suddenly grabbed my shoulders causing me to flinch and crouch down. 
“y/n!” I suddenly felt the soft tingles and I hated how weak they made me. Jay now had to officially reject me. 
“What’s going on?” I heard and I felt gentle arms lift me up. “This is not a good look for our stuco president,” Haechan said as he led me away. 
“I thought it was rumored that Jake attacked you but the way you shrunk up I’m guessing they’re true,” he said as he led me into a room and handed me tea.
“Wipe the tears,” he said, handing me a tissue box. I laughed softly. “Do you always keep a tissue box in here?” I asked and he laughed. 
“The freshmen need it after I scold them sometimes,” he said, making me laugh. 
“In Bright Sun you’re the best academically and magically. It doesn't help that you're a blood witch. Vampires are really your kryptonite” he said and I sighed. 
“I doubt after this year i’ll be on the top anymore” I confessed and he smiled. “I doubt it… it's just an obstacle but I doubt that’s what made you cry” he said and I sighed. 
“I have seven soulmates… it's been a long ride. I feel so drained. '' I confessed and he sighed. “Jake attacked you and rejected you didn’t he?” he said putting the pieces of the puzzle together. I nodded. 
“He’ll regret it. He’ll realize what he could have had” 
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rottenpumpkin13 · 2 months
What if Zack Fair met EC Mini Sephiroth? (Zack no please don't be a bad influence on him)
*Zack hands Sephiroth a "KICK ME" sign*
Zack: Here, put this on Glenn.
Sephiroth: Why?
Zack: Because it'll be funny and he'll laugh too!
Sephiroth: Hm...okay!
*Sephiroth goes up to Glenn and starts kicking him*
Zack: Did you know that you can have fun with a plastic straw and spit balls?
Sephiroth: Really?
Zack: Yup! Just spit them at your target through the straw.
Sephiroth: That sounds mean....
Zack: Nonsense! Everyone laughs afterward.
*2 minutes later, running from Glenn*
Zack: Here, take this fake cockroach and throw it at someone to scare them!
Sephiroth: Okay!
*Sephiroth throws it at Glenn. The cockroach is real. Glenn screams and starts swatting the air with his sword. It hits Matt, who trips and falls onto Lucia, who was building a fire, which quickly catches to their tent*
Zack: Oh....my bad. That's the real cockroach I trained to play dead.
*Zack takes out the real fake cockroach*
Zack: This is the fake one.
*Zack throws it at Sephiroth*
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kittycatsheros9 · 11 months
Ethan Landry x fem!reader
Word count: 845
Warnings: just fingering
Notes: okay I posted a work yesterday and literally took it down within a minute. I’m so picky 😂
You and Ethan had gone to a party. Venturing out instead of being cuddled up in a dorm. The two of you weren’t good with social settings. So your friends took it upon themselves to take the two of you to a party. Wanting you and Ethan to dance and get drunk. But that didn’t happen.
You had took Ethan to the bathroom with you. Claiming you “didn’t feel so good”. Which was a total lie. Once the both of you were in the bathroom, you kissed him. Then that led to a make out session. Which led you here.
“Can I do something?” Ethan whispered, too nervous if you said no. But you didn’t. You nodded. Letting him continue with his actions.
He allowed one hand to find your thigh. Spreading your legs wider. His eyes followed his hand. Seeing it as he reached higher up your thigh. Looking at the goosebumps arrive on your skin. He grinned, liking how he was the one making you feel good.
His hand palmed your clothed cunt. He looked up at you when you whined. Your whine urged him to keep on going. So he did. He let his middle and pointer finger skim over your covered cunt. Fingers moving from your hole to your clit. You leaned your body back. Back of your head touching the mirror. And moving your lower half closer to him. Needing him to do more than lightly touch you.
Ethan got the message and continued on. He circled your clit. Earning himself a whimper from you. He started off lightly rubbing your clit. Soon changing his speed. Going faster. And harder. So many moans escaped your mouth. But he halted his movements. And you pushed your upper body off the mirror. Your eyebrows furrowed. Not liking what he did. But you just saw him smirking.
“E what was that for?” You whispered to him, out of breath from his actions.
“You’re so needy, but I wanted to ask if I could finger you?” He asked you. Just wanting to make sure you wanted to do what he wanted to do. And you bobbed your head.
His hands found your skin again. One hand squeezing the plush skin on your thigh. The other moving back to your covered cunt. He pushed your panties down and off to the floor. Wanting to see you bare. He immediately looked down to your cunt. A breathy “fuck” left his mouth. You were already wet from his earlier actions.
He looked back up to your face. Seeing how you would react when he touched you bare. Letting on finger find your clit again. He rubbed it lightly. Your mouth ajar and breathy whines escaping. Letting his finger move down your slit to find your whole. You looked up at him with eyes heavy. Barley open. Just ready for him to stop teasing. He saw your face. Smirking at your state.
He slowly pushed his finger in. And started to pump in and out of you, slowly. He slightly bended down to capture your lips. Lips moving in sync. You bit his bottom lip. Earning a groan. He somewhat opened his mouth. So you slipped your tongue in his mouth. Feeling the warmth of him. Your tongues clashed against each other. Fighting for dominance. He moved his hand to wrap around your neck and squeezed. Making you back down from the sexual fight. Seconds later, you pushed at his stomach, letting him know you needed to breathe. He let go and slightly pulled back. Then giving your lips two soft pecks.
He pulled his finger out of you. But soon entering with two fingers. You moaned at the stretch. Already feeling a heat in your lower abdomen. You reached your arms around Ethan’s neck. Pulling his body closer. And tugging on his curly hair.
“E please please” You whimpered in his ear.
Your pleads made his thumb go to your clit. Still pumping his two fingers in and out of your cunt. You were so close. He put more pressure on your clit. Making your eyes shut. You reached your hands to enclose on his wrist.
You moaned loudly. Grinding onto his fingers. You felt yourself cumming. You leaned your head back in ecstasy. Soon seeing stars behind your closed eyes. Seconds later reopening your eyes. Your chest heaved up and down from your orgasm. You blushed when you realized Ethan had been staring at your face.
He slowly pulled his fingers out of you. You whimpered at the loss of him. Feeling empty without him. He took his fingers into his mouth. Looking you in the eyes while he sucked your juices off. You turned your head away from him. He made you feel all giddy doing that. But he reached his hand to the side of your face. Making you look at him. You looked up at him, while he looked down at you. Softly kissing your lips one last time. And of course he had to praise you.
“You did so good baby”.
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justlarkin · 2 months
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T- Tokyo After School Summoners. I'm the one who sent away my brother, who is a disgrace to our family. But you know, your sister has been worried about you. I've been... so worried about you... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...
G- I am Amaterasu, the "World Representative" of Takamagahara.... Oh, don't look at me like that, don't show your violent appearance to your sister. Why do you always annoy me like that?
EO- Welcome to.... Oh, it's you. Have you come to beg your sister again? I'm going to secretly give you some pocket money, so get out of here before you get scolded.
EC- Thank you for your hardwork. Now that you're a little tired, would you be able to relax a little? No... your physical strength is inexhaustible... [sigh]...
W- You've... become stronger. You're okay without your sister now.
C1- I was perfect without a single blemish, and I had only one sorrow. That was my brother who was a disgrace to our family. And I chose not to have that boy in my home... and yet I always think of the old days.
C3- I can't believe I got called away.... What did you do? Did you act up again? Why?.... Why won't you say anything? Your sister is really angry with you.... [there's something after this, but I don't know what it is. maybe something about her being busy or just being done with the nonsense]
C4- I have always lived up to expectations and shined a light on the world. The only time I've been loud is when I was dealing with my little brother.... Ever since he left, my palace has become quiet
E- Even though you were hurting someone else, it looks like you got hurt again too, helpless child.... But still no matter what happens, I'll always be your sister.
T- Ah, stop it, what are you doing?! Are you planning to do something embarrassing again like you did that time? If that's the case, your sister will be fully armed, got it?
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stick-ball · 7 months
Serious question, but how do you think Andrew being taller-tall would affect plot and in what way. I always have hard time seeing him as this steady image of safety mainly because of his size.
I am an Andrew lover first and foremost so I accept him in every shape and size he may come in xd
Okay, but seriously now. I think him being taller would've definitely altered some points of the plot. The first thing that comes to mind is his relationship with Neil. Neil from the get-go makes us aware that due to his father's abuse, he is scared of not only older but taller men. They read as a threat. If Andrew was a big guy and had not the puppy dog personality of Matt, Neil would probably have a much harder time trusting him or opening up to him. Their relationship might've gone differently. All of Andrew's actions would've been interpreted with distrust, as they are anyway at the start, but the root would be in a much deeper fear.
I also think that's crucial for Andrews character. He is, as you said, seen by us as the image of safety - but that's Neil's opinion. that's how he sees him. Most people look down on him, only those who are keenly aware danger is not always about brute strenght don't make fun of the red flag he comes waving around in every situation. Neil or Riko aren't tall either, so they know what kind of things he can still be capable of without the proper moral limitations. Kevin, Jean and Renee will know that to, due to their experiences.
Still, most people don't see him as a threat, or as strong, the size is a point of ridicule but also a point of tactical advantage for him. If they don't take you seriously they don't see you coming for them, do they? Add the label of "psychotic" which is also thrown around in contempt, on the edge if being a slur by some characters and there you go. He's not seen as strong, he's seen as a train running of the tracks, about to crash in a nearby town.
There are only a few that know better, as it usually is in life, which, proper advantage. I would say the only reason Andrew was on parole with the requirement for medication after he almost killed those 4 guys who attacked Nicky before the first book happens - instead of being locked up for it instead - was due to his size. If he was a big guy he would be treated much more harshly, especially with his previous criminal record.
Another thing this point brings up is how I read a couple posts in the past, where people thought it improbable that Drake managed to get Andrew concussed and at his mercy so easily in the Thangsgiving scene, since Andrew is supposed to be so strong. (This isn't criticism, im just giving my own outview)
Be that as it may, size does matter. Andrew is strong and dangerous for many, and he could best probably most of the people reading this in a fight no sweat. But you know what's the reason for that? He's prepared. He actually knows how to fight. There are scenes in canon and ec If im not mistaken, that bring it up. I've been trained in martial arts since I was 4 years old (on G-d no cap) and I can, and did, manage to take down many guys twice my size and strenght because of that - but that's because I was smarter, or quicker, or my technique and endurance was better. Andrew spars, Andrew has training while most people don't. Just because a guy is twice his size doesn't mean he actually knows how to use his body weight to land a solid punch, doesn't mean he has the instinct and proper form to block a fist coming at his side thats gonna push all air out of his lungs. So yeah, against people less trained than him, he has a chance.
Tw: discussion of the thanksgiving scene, psychological trauma, ambush situations.
But Drake is a marine. He has extensive training, worse - he has the tactical advantage of surprising him, and worst of all - the force of trauma that comes with being suddenly attacked by one of your worst fkn horrors. It's a ambush and he has every single ace up his sleeve. I've been in a situation like that once, so I can imagine the complete and utter short-circuit Andrew's brain must have gone in in those precious seconds that would give him an even chance against Drake. But then, Drake is as much a physical as psychological horror, and it's no wonder the fear that brings make Andrew spiral into dissociation as a coping mechanism.
End of the triggering stuff!
In the end, though, safety in my opinion is about more than physical strenght. Sometimes it's just having someone by your side even if there's no chance of making it to the other side. That type of support can make anyone keep going. And I think that more than anything else is what Neil sees him as. He is, to make it cliché, the lighthouse bringing him to the safety of shore in a midnight storm. (I will shut up now bcs the fever must be getting worse if im saying shit like this).
thank you for this ask, I live to talk about andrew minyard ❤️❤️❤️
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manicplank · 3 months
OMG what were they like as teenagers ??????
(sorry I had to)
Peppino: Oddly enough, he was very cocky. He had all the confidence in the world. He and Maurice would argue a LOT. They almost got into fist fights a couple times. He was very willing to fight people. He was a bit of an angry teenager.
Gustavo: He was always a good kid. He got along well with everyone. He had very good grades. He was especially interested in his culinary class (at my school, it was called Home Ec). He was a good scholar.
Mr. Stick: He was a bit angsty. He didn't really know how to handle the hormonal emotions that come with being a teenager. He had a few friends. He had good grades in math classes. People would pay him to do their homework.
Pepperman: ANGSTY. "You don't understand, mom!" type of teenager. Was really into his art at the time. He had a handful of friends that he would discuss art with. He was definitely a little emo.
The Vigilante: He was homeschooled. He worked on the farm a lot and helped out his parents. He was a good kid, but he could get a little hot-headed at times. Despite that, he was pretty happy. He was a tad bit lonely as he didn't have many friends.
The Noise: ANGSTY, EDGY, NASTY, MEAN. He and his mom argued a TON. He acted out constantly and got into a lot of trouble. He got into a few fights. He spent a lot of time at the skate park. He was arrested once but was let off with a warning. He never did his homework causing him to do poorly in school.
Noisette: She was a little sassy. She didn't take shit from anyone. She was still sweet, but at the time, her temper was short. She got in trouble for beating up someone who was bullying her. She had trouble paying attention in school as she had ADHD.
Fake Peppino: He was pretty froggy. He had some behavioral issues and threw quite a few tantrums. He ate Gerome once but threw him up. (Gerome didn't mind. He was fine.) He was very moody as all teenagers are.
Pizzahead: He was very fussy. Queen tantrum. He had a little trouble regulating his emotions. He was VERY GOOD in school and graduated a few years early. He went to college shortly after.
Pillar John: He was a good kid, always. He got along well with everyone. He wasn't too keen on doing his homework, though. He got yelled at a few times for it.
Gerome: Emo. Angsty. He was very quiet and stoic. He was a little depressed. He struggled with his emotions and dealing with them. He was okay in school. He was kind of a mediocre student in general.
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kit-williams · 4 months
Hello its Cuckoo.
Totally fine with waiting and I appreciate the update.
I will admit my last ask did slant a bit more romantic.
So I've brought full fluff with this. How I perceive legions react to receiving unconditional love and care from human(s) in the husbandry altered earth.
Disclaimer: I don't know all the successor chapters so I'm going broad strokes.
Baseline: All marines Chaos, Renegade or Loyal, Do feel displaced. They're all just some level between coping and thriving.
Blood Angels - Honestly not too bad. They were a decently kind legion before and they still are. There is worry about their previous location but also!! There's so much time for art now, and these humans don't venerate them as untouchable so they can actually be More social. Not to mention their humans are willing to aid in their dietary needs.
Rating: Doing crayon drawings with your bonded's youngling while dinner cooks. Life is good.
Imperial Fist - Coping to okay. The most important part of a fortress are the ones who built and man it. And they can't man their fortresses if they're not in the same bloody timeline as them! Still though, so much in need of fortification Here too.
Rating: Coming home to find your Imperial Fist turned your home into a seige proof fortress cause they got separation anxiety while you were at work. Hugs inside their panic room storm cellar are mandatory for the rest of the night.
Thousand Sons - What do you Mean no human here has magic!?!? Utterly baffled by the absence of Psychers. Humans here are even more fragile than back home! Also one of the most aware that the warp is doing something fucky to make this happen. Unbonded TSs are studying this phenomena as much as they can. Bonded ones are studying their humans for latent magic. They are enjoying the many mythological/occult books and paraphernalia available.
Rating: Being coerced into always picking magic themed movies for movie night but not really minding as the way your Thousand Son takes intense focused notes and gets you in on the pantomime is endearing.
Night Lords - What is Wrong!? With!? These!? Humans!? Utterly Baffled that humans here are brave enough to approach them. Did their silhouettes not strike FEAR in the hearts of entire militaries!? Did the mere whisper of their name not bring entire planets into compliance!? Did they not- Wait what are you doing? What is this!?
...I did not tell you to stop.
Rating: Spooky Scary Tsunderes
Salamanders: Best Day EEEEEEEEVER!!! They are SO happy. There's so much GOOD they can do here. Help the elderly cross the streets, aid lost children, torch human killer warbands into ash...finger painting.And the forging, The Forging! Showing these humans a proper 40th millenia forge (or as close as possible) and there are so many who want to learn! They have a whole new interconnected family to look after and only occasional minor life and death situations.
Rating: Finger painting with the daycare children while your bonded who works there buzzes around giving out snacks and compliments, before the group switches to forge practice. Vulcan Would be Proud.
Emperors Children/Noise Marines: Putting these in the same blurb because they're cut from the same cloth. They both love art of all kinds. Its just the type of art in question. Emperors Children are drawn to classic mediums, while Noise Marines skew more modern. Both groups also partake in much Much primping. Beauticians to special effects make up artists find themselves the muses of EC/NM. EC's are more concerned by the current situation, but they can't deny this Terra has many experiences to offer. And so many cute humans who adore their attention and beauty treatments. It's really quite gratifying. The Noise Marines are much more go with the flow. This world is ripe with new sensations and they're eager to indulge, especially in the music scene. Even if these settlements pale in comparison to those of their universe they still have excellent entertainments like bars, dance clubs and Skating Rinks.
Rating: Having a back and forth home spa day/makeup session with your EC/NM while listening to ya'lls favorite playlist. Then tearing up the dance floor when you go out that night.
Iron Warriors: What is this?
... ... what's the catch?
None, you already fixed and improved every appliance in my house. I never even knew things could run so efficiently you did an amazing job!
... ...
You okay?
... fine (literally bursting with joy but has No idea how to handle it and will Not show it.)
Whats that, Appreciation? Legitimate thank yous? Downright basic human decency. Every Iron Warrior is waiting to be pinched, cause this Must be a dream.
So many millenia of doing all the empire's Worst Jobs. So many times they were derided for their brutality, yet they were leaned on for it. They could be nothing else.
But here, Here! In this bizarre Terra, they can be...anything! Forgemasters, engineers, artists, architects, anything! Anything and everything! After so long of getting the imperium's short stick, and then falling into the rot of chaos, Finally they are given what they've always desired. And they will Not allow Anything to take this happiness away be it Chaos or Loyalist.
Rating: (thinking about everybody in their old universe while holding their bonded human for cuddle time) Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, hate you slightly less, fuck you...
Thank you for understanding I really like what you wrote but yeah it leans heavily into the "non canon" canon of Husbandry (GOD DAMN IT I MIGHT JUST HAVE TO MAKE A LEWD HUSBANDRY AU TAG)
SO I love this. And I kinda agree! Though some of these are a bit memey/community fueled slants but honestly legion stereotypes kinda have a curl of truth to them.
EC in my headcanon also make a lot of the clothes as everybody came in just their armor so they make the clothes.
Night Lords are very on point. They never said to stop. And when they bond they bond HARD sure they might act tsundere but they crave that bond.
Iron Warriors are completely on point. Continue to praise them they will siege and burn down everything for their humans.
I love your depiction of these. Do you have more ideas?
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usaigi · 9 months
Modern Blue Lions headcanons
Has difficulties with fine motor skills following the car accident that killed his family and Glenn. Has to use accommodating tools like specific silverware and a laptop to take notes in class. Kids used to be jealous that he got use a laptop in class but he just wanted to be normal
Regular member of his school GSA but everyone assume he's just a straight ally because look at him. Look at his hair. He's straight. His classmates don't discover he's actually bi until a week before graduation when they see him kiss Felix
Also a regular member of the BIPOC solidarity club. Dimitri, Dorothea, Ashe and Constance are the token white allies.
(mental health spiraling) "haha puberty/hormones :) No need to discuss these new symptoms with anyone, it's just normal teenager things" (it is not normal teenage things)
banned from home ec after starting a fire while making a salad... She's was trying to make homemade croutons...
girl ADHD :)
she got a B on a chem test one and cried about it for 2 days straight
"Maybe if I get all A and get this many awards and get this many scholarships, my dad will love me :)" (girl.. :( )
Frenemies with Lysithea. They're buddies until it's time for exams. Then it's war. There can only be one valedictorian. (death note's "I'll take a potato chip and eat it" songs plays in the background)
Olivia Rodrigo stan
Hasn't said "okay i'm sorry that I looked at Mrs Riley and lightly grazed her left tit" but has said that exact same thing
friend with a car. "yeah we can all fit into my Audi; Annette and Ashe are tiny, just squeeze in and pretend you like each other. We can stick Felix in the trunk" "I'll kill you."
He's in Lacross AND theatre. Ice hockey AND Ice dancing and figure skating. He can do both, he's bisexual
Has to pick between a major sport game and his theatre show. His dad wants him to follow his dream and do the game but Sylvain is getting ready to tell him "no dad i'm giving up your dream." He backs out. He goes to the game.
"You got a perfect score on the college entrance exams?" "Why is it hard?" (he studied so much)
"Gay people are real??? They don't just exist in San Francisco and on Glee???" /gen confusion. Not in a homophobic way, she's just raised in a conservative environment and instead of going on the internet, she hangs out with her horses (Just wait till she finds out about trans people)
When her family was going through a particularly hard financial time, her friends started packing extra lunch. They all know she doesn't accept handouts but Ingrid will never say no to leftovers.
So chronically offline. Who's Billie Eilish? What's Succession? What is Rizz?? They're making another Spider-Man movie!?
Vice-president of the BIPOC solidarity club. The school gives them club money and he uses it to make food for the members.
"..." "Go on" "Down with... gringo?" *Claude, Petra, Felix, Cyril, Hapi, Constance, Dimitri, Ashe and Dorothea all clap*
Football/Basketball/Hockey couches keep trying to recruit him. He just wants to garden.
(Tw racism and ref to violence to poc men) "I don't want to antagonist white people. As a large brown man, I'm already perceived as a threat." "That's ok! Your safety comes first. I got this," Dorothea says as she throws eggs at someone's car with a confederate flag.
"I'm joining the war on liberation theology on the side of liberation theology."
"Mercedes! Can you explain your tardiness?" "Forgive me, professor, I was at morning mass." (She was. But she's late because she stop to smoke a blunt.)
In her most angelic, big sister voice, "fuck TradCaths 😊"
Somehow still failing her religious studies class
(tw cults and implied anti semitic conspiracy) Raised in a religious cult where her step dad was the leader until she and her mom escaped. Because of this, did not know Jewish people were real. "I knew they were people in the bible but all I knew was [redact]" (Don't worry, she knows better now that she's not in a literal cult)
"I fucking hate my dad" "why? Is it cause he didn't accept you being queer/trans?" "No, he was cool with that. He's just fucking annoying."
"Ingrid, what the hell, I'm literally trans. You know this. We've been friends since we were in diapers." "Oh. I forgot." "YOU FORGOT!?"
Wasian. (tw sui joke) @ Dimitri and Sylvain "stop joking about killing yourself--you're appropriating my culture, assholes."
Secret Olivia Rodrigo fan. He only listens to her music on youtube + incognito mode. Only Annette knows. Annette manages to get them concert tickets were they run into Lysithea.
Spider-Man stan on main. Somehow he convinces Dedue to be his Ned Leeds to his Peter Parker for Halloween
He knows Ingrid would like the MCU if she watched it, but she's scared of needing to watch 10000 movies
*slaps Ashe's back* You can pack so much anxiety in this guy
Started school in the middle of the year because he's a foster kid. Rumors started spread about him being a harden criminal because he went to juvie. He keeps tries to correct them and say he's never been but Caspar keeps fueling the rumors
"Caspar! Stop telling people I went to juvie! That never happened!" "...You... lied to me? :(" "You made it up!" "Oooh. Right."
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lilbitdepressed27 · 9 months
weird request but if you feel like writing it then please do.
tara and y/n r dating.
but when they’re at the museum ig, tara tells y/n to get out of there so she won’t get hurt, so when y/n had gone out of their way, Sam and Tara are fighting the ghostfaces and watches them reveal themselves.
after the ghostfaces has been revealed, Sam is fighting quinn and Tara Ethan, but out of the blue when Tara turns around, he isn’t there.
So when Tara hears something behind her grunting, she wastes no time turning around and stab the person in the mouth (like she did to ethan in the movie) bc ofc she automatically thinks the person behind her is ethan.
But when she turns around, the person she has stabbed is Y/n who was trying to come back and help them.
Tara panics and tries to tell herself it’s all okay and that y/n could be saved. but she couldn’t, so we die😀
Please write this bc I’m obsessed w the angst that you write. This is all just angst angst angst and angst, but I love it.
so I’m begging you to write it.
Tara Carpenter/Fem!Reader
Summary: you get Ethan’ed :(
Warnings: Death, angst
WC: 1.1k
Authors note: it’s kinda short but I hope you like it and it’s up to your expectations anon :) sorry for any mistakes in advance.
“You can’t stay here, you have to go.” Tara looked up at you. The fear she felt in her body was so immense. The fear of losing you to the hands of a ghostface. She almost had, the year prior to someone she considered a friend. A close friend. Amber had been her best friend and she almost killed you. You had gotten lucky. But the fear the moment you had fallen when the gun shot rang out. The feeling she felt when you didn’t move had been so overwhelming. Gut wrenching.
“What? I’m not-No Y/n listen to me. He is not going after you. He’s after Sam. And I won’t leave her-And I won’t leave you.” Tara knew better. You would never leave her willingly. But she had to find a way to make you leave.
“Y/n please. I won’t be able to live with myself or focus enough for me to do what I need to do. If I’m too worried about you. I could get Sam or even myself killed. Please baby. Please I’m begging you. Just go get help. Find Mindy. I need you safe.” She had reached forward, cupping your cheeks in her hands. The softness of your cheeks had always soothed her. Your voice was also something she loved to listen to. Even when you were speaking nonsense. Also sounding so soothing.
“Baby, Tar I can’t just leave you. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself either if something happened to you.”
The feeling of your arms wrapping around her body, pulling her closer you your chest. Tara moved her arms to wrap around your neck. She held you close. Loving the feeling of safety you have always brought her.
“You have to, let me go. Trust that I’ll be fine. And I can hold my own.” She looked up to your eyes. She would always get lost in your soft y/ec eyes. She could see the fight in your eyes, the way you were battling with your self to argue with her. She knew you so well. Which was why she knew she was asking a lot of you to leave.
“I’ll be back as soon as I get help. I promise ghostface won’t even know what hit him. Please be okay. Don’t let your guard down okay. No matter what happens. Okay?”
“I promise.” Tara felt a small sense of relief wash over her. Knowing that you’d be safe. Knowing that you’d be out of harms way. It was all she could ask for. The way you looked down at her, it was a way only she had the fortune to be looked at. The way your eyes always show cased your emotions for her. The love she’d see, every time she looked at them. It was something she could never get over. The way your eyes always spoke to her in way that only she could understand. You were her rock. Her anchor.
Ghostface will never hurt you. She’ll make sure of it. That bitch would have to get through her.
“Good, I’ll see you soon okay. I love you.”
“I love you to.” And she does. It was why she was sending you away. She loves you too much for you to be in this. Pulling you down for a kiss, a kiss that had been filled with so much emotions. Fear, a sense of hopefulness that everything would turn out okay. And most of all, love.
Tara had been fighting Ethan. He had been a lot stronger than she had thought. He had thrown her through one of the show cases. She had felt the glass piercing different parts of her body. But the fear and the adrenaline had moving faster than ever. She clutched Billy’s knife in her hand. Turning around to the direction Ethan had once stood. But he was gone.
He was no longer standing where he once stood. Tara could feel the hairs on the back her neck standing at how quiet the theater got. The distant voices of Sam and Quinn talking. She held the knife up as she took a few steps forward, the glass under her shoes cracking and snapping from the pressure. The noise ringing in her ears.
At the sound of foot steps coming from behind her. She clutched the knife. Her grip tightening around the knife.
Don’t let your guard down.
The words rang through her mind. Your voice in her mind repeating the words over and over again.
Her arms moved before she could process what she was doing. Turning around at such a speed, the feeling of the knife going through who she thought was the mouth of Ethan. It was the mouth of
Tara gasped her favorite pair of eyes were looking back at her. Wide filled with shock.
“No. No. No no.” The feeling of your weight falling into her arms was enough for her to drop to her knees. The sound of you chocking on your blood as you fell on your back.
“It’s okay. It’s okay. Fuck. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” She cried, she didn’t understand. You weren’t supposed to be here. Taking in the cut on the side of your temple. Making her believe you never made it out of the theater. Her ears refused to hear anything else other that sound of you chocking on your blood. The sight of you was becoming blurry.
She had stabbed you.
“It’s gonna be okay.” Her voice coming out shaky, blinking away the tears as she looked into your eyes. At the sight tears blurred her vision again, her breathing becoming more erratic.
The gurgling that you made as you tried to say something. She could only watch as you’re eyes squeezed shut from the pain. The pain she had caused. Your eyes opening again she they looked up towards her. The unspoken words. They held no hate towards her. No betrayal towards her. The love in your eyes still shinning towards her.
“Stay with me.” She begged. Sobs escaping her lips as she took in the way your chest kept faltering. More sobs escaped her, completely unaware of the shots that rang throughout the theater.
The guilt growing more and more. The disbelief of what was happening was growing. The denial was growing. You were dying and it was because of her. Not ghostface.
The way your eyes faltered, your eyes losing the light that she loved. She began to shake her head violently.
“P-Please. No. P-Please baby. Stay with me.”
She had kept her guard up. But at what cost. Cause at the end it wasn’t ghostface that hurt you. It was her.
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can i ask you to elaborate on matt's mom finding aaron as her favorite fox? it's been a while since i read the books
YES i can. i got so excited to answer this because it's such a scrumptious concept to me
in the books there isn't much between them, besides the fact that Matt's mother (Randy) pays Aaron's bail and Aaron spends Christmas with her in New York (which happens off screen so there could've been loads that happened then).
but there is this scene in the EC where Aaron chalks up the strength to go up to Randy and thank her when she comes to Palmetto to watch a game. (this is from a draft where Aaron and co don't spend Christmas break with Matt, so this is the first time Aaron actually meets her. this scene could have easily still happened though, just in NY, and i consider it canon.) and there's this. fucking wholesome as fuck moment where she hugs him until he sinks into it and tells him that she's proud of him and calls him family and i think, EC or not, it's genuinely one of my favorite scenes in the entire series:
It took Aaron most of Thursday afternoon to work up the courage, but he finally approached Randy at the end of practice to thank her for paying his bail. Neil was in charge of the stick rack and ball buckets today, but he deliberately slowed down his work to eavesdrop. Aaron's gratitude was the stilted mess of a man not used to admitting when he was wrong.
    Randy looked a bit baffled, then recovered enough to stress, "You gave me back my son. Do you understand? There is nothing I can do to make that up to you."
    Aaron was honest enough to say, "That wasn't my decision."
    Randy reached for him, but Aaron flinched at the first brush of her fingers against his shoulders. Aaron recovered quickly, but the damage was already done. Randy's smile vanished and the look she gave Aaron was heavy enough to make Neil uncomfortable ten feet away.
    Last summer Neil had recoiled from Wymack much the same way, so certain of being hurt for his transgressions and stupidity. For months his stomach had knotted a bit every time Wymack raised his voice at practice. Even as recently as January Neil willfully told himself Wymack's concern was anger because fear of older men was a powerful enough motivator to get Neil through his second thoughts and nightmares.
Only now did Neil understand that a person could fear an older woman the same way. Neil's mother had hit him and screamed at him, but she'd always been on his side. She'd always been his mother first. He'd known Aaron's mother was abusive, had heard it from Nicky and had it affirmed by Andrew back in November. He'd thrown it in Aaron's face knowing it would hurt, but somehow he'd still always thought it a different matter. Neil couldn't imagine a world where mothers weren't actually mothers.
Neil finally understood, though he didn't know if it was stupidity or prejudice that had blinded him this long. Cass Spear could have been Andrew's mother once. These days Andrew leaned on Betsy Dobson. Aaron, on the other hand, never had anyone to fill that role.  Aaron wouldn't let the Foxes in because of Andrew, but he couldn't let Nicky in because he didn't know how. He'd gotten this far in life on his own, surviving on willpower and sheer desperation.
    For a moment Neil thought Randy would take offense at Aaron's reaction and walk away. Instead she slowly raised her hands to Aaron's face and cradled his cheeks in her hands.
    "Hey," she said, more subdued than she'd sounded all day but somehow still hard with conviction. "I'm so proud of you. Do you hear me? I'm so proud of you. You did what you had to do to defend your family, and tomorrow you're going to do whatever it takes to defend our family. Okay? It's going to be okay."
    Aaron stared back at her, silent and frozen. Randy nodded at whatever she saw on his face and made a slow attempt at hugging him. Aaron didn't fight her off, and Randy held on until Aaron finally relaxed.
for a second i was going to take out some of Neil's commentary but i actually think it's good in showing how much this actually fucking means. his perception alone implies that Randy could be so much more to Aaron
anyway. that's as far as canon takes you but i believe that their relationship grows over the years, one way or another. grows into something that is very good for Aaron, something he needs. i also believe that Matt and Aaron get closer (I've got a wholeee post on that i think tho) and that either helps or is helped by Aaron and Randy's relationship. given the logistics they probably don't interact face to face often (maybe NY Christmases become a thing though) but that doesn't matter. Aaron has someone in his corner, not Nicky or Coach or Katelyn but someone just far enough outside the vortex of PSU to maybe take on a little bit of the weight he's always had to carry, maybe ease the solo war against the world that he's been fighting every day of his life.
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toh-tagteam-au · 1 year
Tag Team Au Synopsis – Sense and Insensitivity + Adventures in the Elements + The First Day
Synopsis Masterpost Link
Previous Part [Something Ventured + Escape of the Palisman]
Next Part [Really Small Problems + Understanding Willow]
SURPRISE y'all get THREE episodes today. These aren't really filler, exactly, but they're pretty quick to get through.
Sense and Insensitivity
Eda asks Hunter to watch King for the weekend while she looks for the Bloom of Eternal Youth. Hunter says he can’t, since he’s completely swamped with work (he needs to be seen with Luz all weekend due to the utter failure of the palisman mission). 
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(it's the Golden Guard Urge to help parental figures who are suffering)
Hunter then suggests that the Golden Guard could watch King, and Eda IMMEDIATELY disagrees.
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Hunter then says that he’ll cancel his plans and watch King – he really wants Eda to find the Bloom of eternal youth, his worry for Belos bleeding into his worry for Eda. Eda tentatively agrees. 
Then Hunter privately asks King if he’d be okay being watched by him and his sister when they’re on-duty (remember that King knows Hunter and Luz are the GGs), and King has his doubts since Eda made it pretty clear she wasn’t okay with it. Hunter sees it as a win-win, though, and convinces King to go along with it.
So, Hunter picks up King, gets into his GG uniform, and they meet up with Luz. Who is EXCITED. 
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Luz's eyebags are becoming more and more permanent, just as a side note. She's been working harder to cover for Hunter and make sure Belos doesn't notice they haven't actually been together 24/7.
Anyway, they go around doing Golden Guard stuff with King, who gets a little scout mask and a cape for the day. King gets to see them do their job, and this is mainly a montage of seeing Luz do her Good Cop thing.
Didn’t have this section written out, but at some point during shenanigans they run into Eda. Eda sees King with the GGs, and immediately goes on the attack against Hunter, who cannot speak due to the fact Eda will recognize his voice.
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At some point Luz shows her compassion for King:
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And Eda softens up slightly.
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(This reveals that Eda and King have privately talked about worrying over what to tell Hunter in terms of Wild Magic, since he works for the EC.)
Luz tells Eda that they think the Emperor is cursed, like her. 
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So Eda is now in the know (in terms of Belos being “cursed.” She still doesn’t know Hunter is a GG [although she has suspicions]). She agrees to help Hunter learn more wild magic, not because she wants to help the emperor, but because she wants to help Hunter. She also wants to help the Golden Guards, who seem like they’re in a rough situation.
Adventures in the Elements
Eda takes Hunter to the knee to officially start learning wild magic stuff, now that she knows what exactly he needs it for, when flapjack appears. 
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Eda turns it into a palisman training session. Eventually, Hunter starts to have fun, doing small missions that Eda tells him to do. At some point, though, flapjack stops working – mainly because Hunter is overworking himself. Hunter gets upset and lashes out.
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Eda pops up and asks where the rascal went, and Hunter is frustrated, saying that he went to go be with some other witch. He explains what happened, and Eda connects the dots.
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(Hint: this is Belos-Learned behavior. This is the first time Hunter is being told that you can just leave)
Hunter expresses that he regrets what he did, and he’ll try to be better, when Eda points out that Flapjack is right behind him. Hunter apologizes profusely, and asks if they can try again, and Flapjack agrees. 
Timeskip to Luz and Hunter in their room, where they’re both lying awake. 
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(It's supposed to highlight how Luz hasn't been getting the same development Hunter has been getting.)
The First Day
WOOOOO Luz episode. Alrighty.
Luz arrives at Hexside to tutor Amity, like usual, when she finds out that Amity is doing an abomination presentation for the coven inspector. Luz finds this fishy, because she doesn’t remember a coven inspector being approved. She tells Amity to act as normal, but be wary.
When the coven inspector turns into a Basilisk, Luz protects Amity and tells her to run. She says she’s going to try talking to it, and then jumps in.
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When the basilisk is defeated, Luz thanks Viney, Jerbo, and Barkus. She finds out they’re in the detention track, and she becomes upset at that – it’s coven guidelines, but it doesn’t feel right.
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Cut to Amity, who is in the auditorium still. She picks up a light glyph that Luz dropped and activates it, realizing that she didn't use any actual magic that whole fight. Luz runs in and checks if Amity is okay. Amity asks if Luz does dangerous stuff like fight basilisks all the time, to which Luz says “kind of”. In the light of the light glyph, Amity asks Luz to be careful, and Luz blushes and agrees.
Previous Part [Something Ventured + Escape of the Palisman]
Next Part [Really Small Problems + Understanding Willow]
Synopsis Masterpost Link
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heichou-dancho · 3 months
FFVII Rebirth thoughts (Spoilers for everything)
I reemerge having finished Rebirth after four weeks and 92 hours in-game playtime. That’s an incredibly short but also massive amount of playtime for me, Yakuza 0 took me a year with pauses. I’m still reeling after finishing chapter 13, and since all my FF buddies from the old days are long gone, I’ll just vent here. I enjoy reading the reactions and thoughts of other players, so maybe someone else does too?
This post is full of spoilers and Shinra fangirling, but it’s about the whole game:
First, somebody on the team that wrote material for the Turks and Rufus must be some Shinra fandom veteran grown up with 20 years of fanon. Just Elena as a whole, Rude getting her that ice cream, Rufus in the Gold Saucer harassing fighting Cloud for fun, Dark Star not only obeying Rufus but also Tseng. Rufus complaining that Tseng is being overprotective… (faints) So much crack and shippy moments, I was grinning like an idiot.
(Is crack fic even a thing anymore? It feels like they’ve gotten rarer)
I expected maybe three or four scenes with the Turks, maybe less for Rufus. AND THEN SQUARE SHOVED THEM IN WHEREVER THEY COULD WITHOUT DERAILING THE PLOT. Elena was given so much room to breathe. Same for Rufus. Those little moments with Darkstar. I’m over the moon.
Okay, Rufus, so your father got stabbed, and the first thing you did after that was recording some motion-capturing and dialogue for a Turk recruitment hologram-video-thingy in an abandoned facility? It makes zero sense, but it’s my favourite protorelic mission and I’ll happily add it to my headcanon as a sign that Rufus gave Tseng his okay to recruit more Turks.
(The real answer would probably be automatically generated AI shenanigans, but that’s not very exciting.)
Viceroy Saruf. Just … Rufus, you’re such a cheeky idiot and I love you. Is there any faction in this world you’re not manipulating from the background? I can’t shake the feeling that being the man in the shadows suits you more than actually openly running the company.
Tseng and Reeve were great, I would love more little moments like that, where the Shinra folks just interact outside of action scenes and dramatic moments. The talk Tseng had with Reno and Rufus in Remake after the Sector 7 collapse hit the same note for me. I want more Reeve in part 3.
The scene between Tseng and Aerith at the temple made my eyes misty, but I wish it had been longer. Tseng keeping it short and abruptly leaving to "make a report" was perfect, and I know Cloud being so cold and cutting Aerith off fits his behaviour, but something about the timing just felt off.
I was surprised that Heidegger would take a bullet for Rufus. For President Shinra, absolutely, but Rufus? Hmm… This makes great fanfic material. I’ve read a fanfic before that tried to reimagine the Shinra executives (even Palmer) as more realistic people, and I found it to be really interesting, but then I’m a weirdo with plot bunnies in my head that involve a younger President Shinra, his wife, Veld, Vincent and the older Shinra execs.
I’ve never been a fan of Hojo but his R re-imagining is one of the few that doesn’t work at all for me. OG Hojo was far more unsettling. R!Hojo is just your typical mad scientist, I just can’t care about him, which is a shame, because him taunting Aerith in Remake with how he dissected Ifalna hit me hard.
I still haven’t quite grasped why Rufus is so obsessed with the Promised Land. It probably all comes down to wanting to be more successful than his father, right? I’m probably forgetting or mixing up details from Remake, Rebirth or the OG here, but I assumed that Rufus would outright dismiss it as a fairy tale.
Apparently there is a Midgar DLC for Power Wash Simulator. Square Enix, where is Hitman: Tseng and a version of Yakuza where I can play the Turks dealing with dumb crap doing missions in Midgar? Give us Shinra fans something, I'm still waiting for the EC version of Before Crisis. And I don't even like gacha mobile games. >:(
General game thoughts:
The open world is fantastic, I want to live in Gongaga or Kalm. So pretty. People online seem to hate the Gongaga map, but the soundtrack and the jungle theme made it work for me. I found the gliding parts in Cosmo Canyon far harder to navigate.
Shinra Manor is terrible with Vincent being it’s only redeeming part. The actual mansion looked great (the portrait of President Shinra was a nice touch) but the upper levels being inaccessible and turning it into another lab dungeon was boring. Same for the box throwing mini-game.
Dio the archaeologist turned body-builder is great, but Shinra knowing about the keystone and just not bothering to use it when President Shinra was looking for the Promised Land is a weird plot hole. It would have been a lot easier than trying to convince Aerith to come to them. There were some other little details like that, that bothered me but it’s a blur now.
Remake Barett made me into a Barret fan, Rebirth Nanaki into a Nanaki fan. The writers are genius when it comes to rewriting these characters from the OG. I’m not really bothered by Cid not being grumpy and swearing all the time. Him reminiscing about Ifalna was cute. Vincent using his old Turk skills (and having some lingering loyalty to the job?) was cool. Really looking forward to seeing how they’ll handle Lucrecia, the one character in FFVII I'm so conflicted about.
I’m still confused about Aerith’s death scene, especially the cuts where she’s lying in her own blood and then isn’t. I understand that she’s dead in her current reality, but is the scene without blood (and Aerith "waking up" in Cloud’s arms) Cloud’s hallucination or just a different reality? I’m also utterly confused by how many Aeriths we’re dealing with. The Aerith and Cloud we’re playing with and the sleeping Aerith (and Cloud) from the dimension where Zack lives are one and the same? It’s tying my brain into knots, and not in a good way. That’s why I usually can’t stand stories involving elaborate time travel loops or parallel universes.
(Man, why doesn't Tumblr allow spaces between paragraphs? I hope your eyes aren't bleeding)
I first played the OG as a young teen. Cloud’s mind being fractured and hallucinating was a neat bit of storytelling back then that I hadn’t encountered in video games before. Twenty years later, I’ve dealt with loved ones who are ill but refuse help, and known plenty of people who have some form of psychosis or schizophrenia. Whilst I would never seriously compare Cloud’s problems with rl mental illnesses, I found the scenes where he sees Sephiroth and no one else, or is completely out of it hard to stomach. Interacting with somebody who has hallucinations (even "harmless" ones) or paranoid thoughts is unsettling at best, nightmarish at worst. The group trying to passively bear it and keep things together rings very true (especially Tifa) but I’m surprised that even Barett or Yuffie aren’t trying to confront Cloud about his behaviour at least once.
(I tried to format in html, but it somehow looked worse. I'm old. This is how Vincent must feel like every day.)
Dyne, Myrna and Tseng talking to Aerith at the temple had me tearing up, and I lost it at Aerith’s "date" with Cloud in Ch. 14. Hoo boy, I know Aerith stalling off the inevitable just for a little time, was the game having a very direct conversation with the player about what’s going to come, death and how we deal with it. But to me personally, it was more about how one gets caught up in trauma and repeat it over and over in your head, mulling about the point of where things went wrong and what you could have done to prevent it. I know it doesn’t fit, but that’s what my weird brain made out of it. Also Dyne’s and Aerith’s (at the temple) speeches about how they deal (or didn’t) with grief and trauma hit me hard.
Damn you, silly anime action game, you really shouldn’t affect me this deeply, but then a lot of fiction hits me harder than it used to.
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