#'your body just yeets all nutrients out of it!'
tj-crochets · 2 months
Went to the doctor just for a check up and he basically just told me "your body just processes sugar very well! :) :) :) It's a good thing! :) :) :) It can't possibly be the source of your symptoms even though eating fixes it :) :) :)" But there was also a moment when talking about my iron deficiency that is possibly one of the funniest things a doctor has ever said to me, up with the cardiologist who said "you're a medical mystery": He was going over my blood test results, and said "Your iron levels haven't gone up at all, they are still extremely low, but you're not anemic anymore" And I was like how am I not anemic anymore??? And he said "Your hemoglobin levels have gone up...somehow..." while frowning at the blood test results on his computer. It was very "somehow, palpatine has returned" lol
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ghostlyyraccoon · 3 years
tw ed mention
i am trying to do my best to be good and recover (i am out of therapy at the moment so i gotta do this alone), but my mum keeps making comments about my weight and what i eat and it's just so triggering. i tell her to stop and then i am the bad one because "i can't take a joke"
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aceofspadegrass · 3 years
I’m curious about bedbears
What do you know about them?
Any lore?
Stories of close encounters?
Mysterious happenings?
Death? Disappearance?
I’m sorry for yelling. I got over excited. I am terribly curious
Oh, don't fret about yelling, excitement is good in this environment! >:D
Now bedbears. Unlike regular bears, they're intended solely for bedtime. Not just any bed, oh no. Open beds. Spacious little fucks.
Bedbugs like the taste of tight, cramped spaces. Little dark nooks and crannies and near their fresh supply of blood. Bedbears like the outdoors. They like moving around and feeling the wind in their outer shell fur. Oh, they have an exoskeleton and fur by the way. Imagine a bear wearing a cockroach suit, it's kind of like that.
Also unlike bedbugs, bedbears don't suck up your liquid nutrients like a bedbug, that's too simple. Packed with a fine set of miniature bear teeth, they instead consume their daily intake in the more rational route: Your delicious, succulent ankle meat.
Now, how does one bugbear consume a person's ankle? How does it fit in them? Well, it's simple. Bears are solitary by nature, and bedbears are, well, not. Bedbears tend to hunt in a pack of three to four, maybe five if they're feeling especially saucy. That way more bedbears can consume, and your ankles are as good as gone.
Bedbears (thankfully) do hibernate like real bears, so in the winter the ankle population is pretty much safe until they warm up and are ready for the fresh, juicy meat.
The size of an adult bedbear is about the size of a moderately sized caterpillar. So perhaps 5 centimetres at best. I know, that's pretty big. Another reason they're not much for a bedbug life (which are the size of an apple seed.) Baby bugbears are more aptly a bedbug size. Teensy!
They prefer to live near their food source (AKA you) but any mammal is fine as long as they have ankles. For some reason it's only the ankle they are after. They know by instinct whether a mammal or not has an ankle.
Now, your ankle is kind of important, because the joints in that pretty much hold up the rest of you (Woo!). When the bedbears get you, you're pretty much as good as amputated. Those things can be thorough (and the infection! Yuck!). Plus, your Achilles tendon is kind of there, so..... have fun trying to walk. They're gonna gobble that up like McDonalds.
Now lore. Not everyone knows of the elusive bedbear, and many usually go for the closely named bedbug or chalk up their sudden ankles being yeeted as a freak accident. After all, who is going to believe a five centimetre living, breathing bear exists? Definitely not the average human, that's for sure. But some who dig in real closely into old traditions and word of mouths hark the tale of a literal miniature ankle biter.
" But!" I hear, " Isn't that just a nickname for children and small dogs?"
Why yes, thank you for asking. People have heard that name for centuries, and they're right. Those children and puppers of the tree flesh can inherit the title of an ankle biter. Heck, it can even be a mosquito, it doesn't matter.
But bedbears? Oh, they really do hold that title true. They don't poke and nibble, they crunch. They're there for a good time and a long time (Those bastards.....)
So only a few know of these creatures, and instead of the teensy little bugs of woe, they bid their sweet and tender pals and mates good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbears bite.
Then, as the next generation in their tiny circle comes to light, they pass on that knowledge in hopes for many more years to come where the descendants of Earth know of these feral bastards.
Now, not everyone has died from a nighttime encounter with these fiendish beings. A few live to tell the tale, about how they woke up in a fright to hear something smick-smacking away at their heels, how they right themselves and find a source of human illumination, only to find a sleuth of bedbears scattering like dandelion fluffs in the wind into the abyss. They may have a decent amount still available, perhaps its far too late. Either way they required a rush to the hospital for treatment, and fate can only decide the ankle.
Rarely, a few find them crawling up to the free course meal before their ankle's fates are sealed, and those are the lucky ones. Real lucky.
Have a few disappeared? Not yet, or that we know of here. Every body has been safely recovered and given the title of 'Mysterious Circumstance', and nobody has disappeared.
..... That we know of. For all we know, someone might be King/Queen/Leader of the bedbears. Perhaps they have an ulterior motive. Perhaps they're just wielding seventeen cans of bear repellant and even the bedbears don't want to fuck with that beast of a being.
Oh wells.
Now, hehe, here's a funny anecdote. So apparently one person, in a curious attempt to find out what these bedbears especially like, decided to set up a scientific experiment.
First, they obtained ankles. Live and dead, of as many ethnicities and species as physically possible. How? Pfft, that doesn't matter, just know they obtained these ankles. After properly securing the tests with a control where it was just random ankle meats (A ton of it) on a deflated air mattress, they start the experiment. Don't worry, they set up cameras.
Well, turns out leaving a fuck ton of meat attracts more creatures than just bedbears. Bigger creatures than the little bedbears. So they had to do this several times to gain a semblance of a result that they can measure.
The results turned out to be: Congrats, they like living flesh the most, and now you have an infestation of ankle hungry bugbears who have now figured out there's a hearty supply of ankles ripe for the picking. The person who started this was also eaten by a real bear shortly after concluding this experiment, so Rest in Bedbearoni.
Now, how do we fend of these little creatures of the night? Well bug spray doesn't work, even though it should. Bear spray however does. Any chemical also works perfectly fine. Just be careful not to poison any precious creatures that are supposed to live, hurting them is mean.
Another method is by sending a bedbears worse enemy against them: Pines. Yeah, pines. Those trees that look sexy no matter the season. Now slap that into a scent, do some magic, and maybe come out with a fresh, tasty bottle of Pine-Sol (Warning: Do Not Drink Pine-Sol. That's bad for your tum tum.) to politely spray around the house (Get a good cleaning in the meantime) and ward away those furry skeletal fucks.
Congratulations! You have completed one(1) course of "Totally Real Biology I Swear! " Here's a sticker for your problems.
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alkalineleak · 3 years
fuck it potion headcanons bc i love potion mechanics mwah mwah
potion headcanons so lets talk potions: - potions cannot be used extensively due to how much danger and stress that puts the body under - this is because of one thing: blaze rods! The power that blaze's store inside of themselves, which is then used to extract and burn materials to make ~drugs~ - So blaze rods again, how they work inside potions inside a person or monster (totally not confusing wording) is that it burns and finds fuel inside the body! It literally burns and goes through body fat, energy, stored food, muscle and basically any tissue inside the body. If you used more than one or two potions without break or resuppling nutrients and energy into your body it will slowly eat you from the inside out. - because of this normal "drink me :]" potions are far more dangerous than splash of lingering potions because they go directly into the body and immediately into burning the tissue as well as being far more potent due to it going directly inside the body. - splashing potions are overall more safe due to the fact they are less potent and the affects aren't as long, but why? It's mostly because the potions themselves are actually more like a cream and evaporate super quickly so they are also like inhalents. Lingering potions are basically just straight up inhalents and they evaporate SUPER quickly. They are the most safe but less potent option of the tree, even though they take a while to make. ALTHOUGH they do evaporate and dissapear super quickly the base affects actually can have some short term illnesses bc y'know, YOUR FUCKING LUNGS HSJKJDK - potions most of the time (mainly with healing, strength, slowness and potions that generally affect a persons performance) do not really add magic, but instead work on what is already inside to do whatever task is desired either more strongly, or weakly. - strength (and also any physical enhancement potions like speed, jumping, etc.): does not actually make you stronger but instead sort of turns off the part of your brain that purposefully limits how much power it uses so the body doesn't destroy itself and absolutely fills your brain with a fuck ton of adrenaline so you don't feel it as bad! Think of the thing where people pick up cars to save someone! :]]] - Healing (regen, healing, etc.): this just fucking cranks up your cells to heal TO THE MAX WH- this also burns away at energy, tissue and food WAY QUICKER than normal enhancers bc this is your body going fucking sicko mode holy shi- - the weird ones (water breathing, invis, etc.): OKAY THESE ONES ARE ACTUAL MAGIC MORE OR LESS DJSJSJ they usually come in adding and then slowly fading away some body parts that allow you to do this so for example the reflective layer called tapetum (sits behind the retina) that allows animals to see in the dark or slowly generating gills and the organs that come with it on the neck and sides (around the ribs) to be able to breathe the oxygen that's dissolved inside the water - on the topic of water breathing: you need to add certain ingrediants to the potion so itll be able to breathe in certain types of water aka water with different amounts of saline - health yeet potions (HOW THE FUCK DO THOSE WORK??? poison, wither, weakness, etc.): Okay so back to the blaze rod thing of burning through your cells but these fucks? THEY DO IT QUICKER LIKE SO FAST IT SUCKS AT YOUR TISSUE AND ENERGY YOU ARE FUCKED FBDHJKSLDKJFK Even with potions that don't take away HP they just weaken and take away so much tissue BUT! Here's the thing, this loss is TEMPORARY so it also has regenative properties bc this damage is not permanant...mostly. Okay so here's the thing with that, if these potions are used too much (more than 3+ times with no breaks inbetween) then something that happens and that something is called long lasting damage and ailments - harming potions basically go straight into your nerves and make it feel as if you got all your nerves balled and then were doused in lemon juice
10 - seconds - 12 minutes in minecraft takes about 20 secs irl :]]]]] to 26 minutes in minecraft time for one potion
are these scientific in the slightest? no are they fun to think about? absolutely
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m4delin · 4 years
22 with Yancy? 👀
22. Place a cup of water just out of reach of the character’s reach
Title: Not Giving In, Not Yet Rating: M (mostly for the implied stuff and some swears) Characters: Yancy, Actor Mark Tags: Implied starvation, implied torture
Important: This is a follow-up to “Told You So”
@thomothy @juju-on-that-yeet
“You know Yancy, if you had just done as you’ve been told, we wouldn’t be here right now.” Mark’s voice sounded through the room and lifted some of the haze surrounding Yancy’s mind. But it wasn’t enough to make him open his eyes. He really didn’t want to anyway.
“Sweetheart, please, I don’t want you to get hurt even more.” It was Illinois’ voice this time. If Yancy would’ve had any food in his stomach, he was sure he would’ve puked in the mouth. But as it was now, his body wouldn’t let go of any nutrients or fluid that he still had in him. His mouth were dry and the air was heavy and judging by the increasing heat, Yancy was sure the sun was blazing outside the room.
A hand, cold and so nice in this increasing heat, carefully cupped his cheek and he had to fight himself to not lean into it. “Yancy. Open your eyes,” said Illinois voice again and he couldn’t fight it anymore. He was so tired.
When he opened his eyes, Illinois’ face with a charming smile, soft and comforting, met him.
“There we go. I bet you’re real tired, aren’t you?”
Illinois- no, Mark- had moved around the table and leaned against it. Just close enough to the chair Yancy was chained to to be able to touch him.
“Just relax hun, and everything will be okay. I promised that I would take care of you, no?”
Flashes of  memories from times spent together and small smiles shared between the two of them appeared in Yancy’s mind and he felt sick. He missed the other egos. He wanted to go home.
“Fuck you,” Yancy said, voice raspy and throat hurting but he can’t give in. That would mean he would give everyone up.
The soft smile on Illinois’ face dropped and the eyes turned empty. Good, this wasn’t his Illinois. And the beige shirt got replaced by a red bathrobe.
“It seems you need more time. I will come and collect you soon,” Mark said as he rose up and took some steps away before pausing. “But then again, I don’t want you to die. So here,” he continued as he tapped the table.
A glass and a jug of water appeared on it.
Yancy’s mouth felt even more dry.
“Be careful not to spill anything, this is all I got for the moment.” With that Mark left the room.
The chains clinked against as Yancy shifted in his seat. He couldn’t move an inch.
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Beep beep good boi alert!
(Mun) Name + URL: You can call me wormy! @ask-hetaaca-nyoukraine.com
Mun age: 18-
Muse/Character: Dmitri Chernenko (Nyo! Ukraine)
Role: 2-B homeroom/dance teacher
Quirk: Can produce flowers of the helianthus genus out of his skin. Its strength, type, size, and shape can be altered, with shape being the least versatile out of the three. For example, in combat, he can produce a giant petal dagger covering his arm – although he prefers to use it as a shield.
However, his quirk shines the brightest in defense. He can puff up huge petal wings in the blink of an eye, which yeets him to the sky for an instant dip. This costs him extra energy, and since his nerves are still connected to the wings, it hurts like hell when it’s damaged (not to mention he will have quite a fall). If he’s REALLY in a pinch, he can poof his entire body into small petals, which scatters and behaves like normal petals, immune to all physical combat. However, if he doesn’t collect himself for a long time, the petals will dry out, and so will his vitals. This makes him especially vulnerable to capture-type quirks and nature quirks who can harm the petals.
However, these flimsy wings provide him an extra balance when dancing, so he likes to keep them out during the day. Besides, it also trains his stamina!
Although he is relatively detached to his quirk, his extremities are very important as they act as ‘roots’, so he always wears gloves with special water pouches around his fingers. If there’s absolutely no humidity around his fighting ground, he can use his abnormally nutrient-rich blood as an emergency reserve. This, of course, physically costs him.
Hero Name: May King/ король травня
A little bit about your muse: The May King is famously known for his ice-skating, and (later) his ballet career. He is somewhat of a media sensation – he receives fan letters by the hundreds, has a fanbase that rivals some kpop bands, and has multiple agencies reaching out to him for just one photoshoot, please? I guess you can picture Victor from Yuri! On Ice
Dmitri, while appreciating all the love and attention he receives, wished for a more personal connection; perhaps a gaggle of young heroes he can absolutely spoil.
What the media didn’t know was that there is a student attending World Academy W that the May King coaches privately. Being a former graduate, Dmitri felt compelled to go back and teach, and with the little push from his student he took the nearest flight to Perpetuum, where some of his relatives were already at (might delete this part depending on rps!).
Now he feels very content as a homeroom/dance teacher, and he finally has a chance to showcase his abilities in the training area as well. Although he has some hard time keeping decorum in the class (being an idol with no real teaching experience, after all), he’s working very hard to become a good teacher.
(P.s. if anyone wants to fill in the ‘student/s receiving private coaching’ role, hit me up in the dms! I’m not the best at English or rps but I’ll try my best :D)
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lowspoonsgourmet · 5 years
nominalbore replied to your post “Like, I know people say nutrients are lost by microwaving vegetables,...”
Also, cooked vegetables are easier to digest than raw ones so you're actually able to absorb more nutrients from them. If i eat raw carrots they basically come back out looking exactly the same as they went in lmao
Another good point.
Theres a reason why we cook our food yall and we have adapted to having it cooked.
Its ok to microwave things. Its ok to take the fast route to eat. Its ok to do whatever it is you need to do to get food into your food hole.
If all the spoons you have is enough to microwave a burrito and throw some salsa on it then thats fine. (a little cheese and sour cream on it too doesnt hurt the flavor)
There was a time for like a year i lived on nothing but ramen cups and a jar of smoked paprika for flavor. 
If you dont have the spoons to say make a sandwich you can just totally yeet the ingredients into your mouth without turning it into a sandwich. Your body doesnt care.
We are extremely adaptive omnivores and will basically adapt to almost any kind of diet with time. We also have one of the highest levels of endurance in the animal kingdom. Its ok to live on microwaved dinosaur chicken nuggets for a while.
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heyhyunjiin · 5 years
(4/9) Stray Kids as Apple Employees AU
okay, ik what you’re gonna say.
“wtf mari, why apple employees?”
honestly, i don’t have a good reason.
i literally came out of my shower and was like, “pffft, they’d make funny apple employees,” then this AU was born.
i might continue this, i might not. depends on my itty bitty brain when it comes up with content.
i also sort of wanna do a stray kids as baristas at starbucks but idk
anYWAYS let’s do it.
aaaaah our beloved leader is the technical support advisor who basically helps people with troubleshooting.
he’s the dude you contact when your stupid device isn’t doing what you want it to but you’re….calling from home.
he always has his headset on him. (fyi, it’s a headphone thingy with a mic attached to it.)
Like alWAYS
woojin asked him once why he literally wore it like his life depended on it.
probably because it did
his response was simple, “so i can take calls and help customers while making sure jeongin doesn’t burn the store down at the same time.”  (︶︿︶)
woojin didn’t ask any further questions bc he understood all too well.       ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)
(don’t worry, i’ll explain later.)
chan was super good at his job lmao.
he effortlessly engaged with people, explaining step by step solutions with patience and had an approach tailored to each individual customer.
papa steve jobs would be v proud indeed
he had difficult responsibilities too bro
imagine getting yelled at for a whole day by people you didn’t even know, because they were angry at a device you didn’t even mAKE-
when they say, ‘patience is a virtue,’ they rlly mean:
ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ bc most people would probably grow annoyed after the other person in the phone line keep shouting & blaming.
but not chan. no. no.
he’d be tolerant with the customer, and continue to provide the best customer service possible. ╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭
… i mean… unless the person was getting too aggressive for his liking, then he’d just remove the headpiece, scroll through the company website, and wait till the person has cooled down before proceeding to help them with a positive attitude. (꒪ཀ꒪)
his job title is literally, ‘Genius,’
i kid you not. i looked this shit up.
jeongin thought it was a legit at first
like they all joined the company at different times but jeongin was the last to hop on the apple train.
hyunjin’s name on the schedule board would be beside the word, ‘genius,’ and for like… two whole months, jeongin thought hyunjin was the mastermind behind the whole apple operation
i cannot tell you how many times hyunjin was approached by jeongin with a problem that he didn’t have the knowledge to help with
luckily, seungmin was feeling nice and explained that, ‘genius,’ was just the name of hyunjin’s job.
seungmin didn’t know either
okay  baCK TO HYUNJIN!! his job is to quickly diagnose product issues on the spot, explain what’s wrong with the device to the customer. after determining whether repairs can be done or a replacement is needed, he’d offer solutions to help get users up and running again.
now don’t get me wrong, hyunjin loved his job bc he liked helping people and fixing devices bUT!!!!
after working in the same store for almost a year, these group of girls would literally be there every w e e k e n d to get “help,” from him.
he was flattered and all about the female audience but it was getting stale.
some girls would breAK their devices on purpose just to have an excuse to talk to him.
the convo’s they’d try to initiate wasn’t even about the faulty device anymore.
this rlly bothered him bc it took his time away from helping ACTUAL customers.
eventually, chan banned them from coming in to disrupt the peace of the store and to protect hyunjin from their beady eyes and weirdness.
jeongin mostly came to hyunjin for help with something (bc he knew the older dude wouldn’t tell chan)
& these two doods would try to fix the problem together!! hopefully before chan finds out about the problem bc
then mr. advisor would be streSSED AF and
they’d get a scolding from mother!woojin
our bby boy is the technical specialist who helps people get started with using their devices.
gets excited with you when you get your new phone or computer.
knows all the tips and tricks on getting the most out of your device
is especially patient with the elderly and first-time users.
he knows!! that technology is difficult to understand and work around when you’re barely starting out so he’ll take as long as necessary to help someone understand how the phone or laptop works.
don’t let this boi anywhere a fire hazard area
i mean, he doesn’t mean to start fires
they just...happen???
like, they have this small employee mini kitchen in the upstairs breakroom (literally the whole 2nd floor could be a one bedroom apartment)
and of course when there’s a kitchen, there has to be SNACKS!!!
and jeongin was hungry during his shift.
so he goes up during the non-busy hours of the day to get himself some fud
(✿◠‿◠) a growing boi needs his nutrients!!
chan had left briefly for a coffee run, woojin was downstairs trying to fix a malfunctioning monitor. the other boys were either sick, out for lunch, or hadn’t clocked in yet.
jeongin put in a bag of popcorn in the microwave, and checked the box for instructions
it said, “for 5,000 watt microwave = 2 min. for 500 watt microwave = 4 min.”
he checked the microwave and it was 1,000 watt :-)
uhhh he didn’t really know at what time to put it in as so…
he typed in 3 min.
he didn’t mind having some burnt popcorn bc hey!! he just wanted to eat something.
he took a seat in front of felix’s computers and started scrolling through the security tapes in hopes of finding one funny footage of a customer.
:-) it started smelling like smoke for some odd reason.
mmm yep that was the smell of smoke for sure.
wonder where that’s coming from?
he thought.
he turned around to look for the source, and
the panic in his body went from 0% to 100% real quick.
jeongin couldn’t just turn off the damned heating machine bc it was in flames, but he just couldn’t let it continue to get bigger and bigger.
he grabbed the pitcher of lemonade at the table and yEET that juice all over the microwave.
it did like minimal help.
he could hear chan entering the store, calling for woojin to help him bring the cups upstairs to the break room
oh no
he was in the break room.
he grabbed a wash cloth from the sink and began smACKIN at the flames
cue the parents walking in.
chan: (.•̵̑⌓•̵̑)
woojin: ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽
without wasting another second, woojin yanked jeongin away from the fire bc it was starting to get really big and he could have gotten hurt ( ˘︹˘)
while chan got the fire extinguisher from beside the fridge
was that always there? jeongin asked himself
and chan used it to stop the fire.
poor bby jeongin got a massive scolding from both parents and told him to be more cautious next time.
then they all cleaned up the mess before the rush of people came in the shop!!
the next day, the other boys walked in to woojin spraying the SHIT outta this air freshener all over the break room bc it reaked of burnt popcorn & metal.
windows were all open to the smell out and the beloved microwave was nowhere to be seen.
chan was sipping on his morning cup of coffee when minho asked what happened.
“jeongin nearly burned the store down so there’s no more microwave.”
“oh. okay.”
ahhh okay so his job isn’t anything tech related really, except for when he watches people through his cams
he was the security guard of the store uwu
he has so far prevented 7 fights from happening and 6 of those 7 were between minho and seungmin lmao.
he was the perfect man for this job bc on the outside, his face is like:  (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
but when he’s upset or angry, mr. security guard mode is activated  (ง’̀-‘́)ง so he has to remove people from the premises.
he uses his SCARY voice when dealing with overly aggressive people and it usually does the trick when he asks them to leave
but when lil kids are just so excited and curious about the devices, he uses his soft uwu voice to converse with them about their day or what they’re doing in school
overall the cutest & dependable guard ever!!! 11/10
once changbin kept trying to fiddle with felix’s computer and he was like, “bro.. you’ve been trying to guess my password for like 2 hours. it’s not yngbok01.”
and changbin was soooo frustrated with this and he looked at felix like   (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻ “PLS JUST SIGN IN!!”
a smirk was on the guard’s face as he asked why he should.
changbin looked defeated and finally said, “i was locking up the store last thursday and was doing my own version of karaoke and i… tripped on the cords, and my jeans ripped open as i fell. If that blackmailer minho gets his hands on that footage, i’m dONE FOR—”
felix nearly toppled over from laughing so much as he watched the clip of what happened while changbin was visibly on edge, looking for any sign that minho was in the room
he still deleted the clip tho bc he’s a good friend  
( 。・_・。)人(。・_・。 )
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mckittyarts · 5 years
(1)aaaaa your twi is an absolute bae ♡♡♡ but anyways, I'm back! and I'm going to stop using dots in my asks from now;; anything perceived as links in the asks gets the ask yeeted into the void apparently and I'm too scatterbrained to keep track of the space but I digress okay so is there a language barrier? they're all from different timelines right so language's probably changed a lot, if so, did they have trouble understanding each other at first and how did they work around it? like,,,
aAA thank you anon!! from this point on i’m gonna keep my headcanons under the cut to keep ask clutter to a minimum, so take a look at that for the answers! there are a doodle down there too so ;)
Language Barrier/Cultural Differences:
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 - honestly haven’t thought much about a language barrier other than Warrior using sign language asdfghjk,, realistically they probably would but as much as it makes the most sense we’ve decided to just pretend like that’s not a thing just for better RP flow and general shenanigans– that’s a really really good question though!
 - there are however cultural differences, Twi would be very confused if Wind mentioned something about the Great Flood since that never happened in his timeline. there are especially differences when it comes to legends! A good example is Sky who, as the first hero(not counting the prequel manga shush), has a lot of different interpretations that differ from what really happened - later Links (like Twi and Wind) think that people already inhabited the surface and a hero was sent from the heavens when hell broke loose. in the adult timeline it’s especially potent because the flood washed away so many details of the ancient legends that they’re much more like fairy tales at this point. Wind seems to believe that Sky was a Rito since he flew around and Minish was literally born an inch tall. needless to say, he was very disappointed when he found out they were just grumpy little Hylians.
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- ABSOLUTELY they share stories about their adventures and the most outgoing ones love to share stories about their scars too! most of the later Links absolutely love hearing stories about their childhood heroes its so very sweet
My Talented Little Music Boys:
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- AAA i love talking about their musical skill tbh– okay so yes! most of them play have an instrument and they do play them with various degrees of success,, BUT here’s the list; - Twi sings really really well and does so often(he also has his Horse Call)- Sky plays harp but he isn’t really that good at it- Time, Minish and Alti all have ocarinas, Time’s fantastic at it because he grew up as a Kokiri, Minish couldn’t play a good note to save his life and we’ll get to Alti later- Wind has the Wind Waker which looks cool when he swooshes it around but it doesn’t really do anything other than mess with the wind- Engi has the Spirit Flute and is pretty decent after Zelda’s many lessons on how to properly play it- Classic has a recorder,,, it can go TOOT TOOT but doesnt really sound good- Albi only has a little bell which is just a bit useless- the only instrument Warrior and Wild have is the sound of their suffering- ALTI. PLAYS. EVERY. SINGLE. INSTRUMENT. I AM NOT KIDDING. HE HAS LIKE EVERY INSTRUMENT MENTIONED ABOVE AND MORE. HE IS A ONE MAN BAND
Gender Headcanons and Etc:
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 - no I don’t have any gender headcanons, all mine identify as cis boys,, sorry if that disappoints anyone :( i have nothing against people who headcanon them as trans/nb/whatever though, it’s always so nice to see everyone’s interpretation of them all! and i will also add that a vast majority of my versions of the Links are either bi, gay or ace!
 - hhh i did actually get your other ask and i’m really sorry i didn’t reply to it earlier– i was a bit busy over the weekend and i was a little confused by the question! Honestly still am still a bit confused but,, out of my versions, Wild is actually one of the more laid back and docile Links despite being so reckless and rowdy,, i don’t think i’ve ever seen other people draw him with a temper either though, but i dont really spend so much time browsing tumblr so i might be very wrong asdfghjk,, but yes Time will absolutely eat anything he does not care all he knows is that he needs nutrients for his Big Dumb Body
i think that is all?? again, if you(or anyone else) has any more questions, feel free to shoot me an ask!! it’s honestly so fun to answer and i love doodling small dumb things for these asdfghj,,
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domjaehyun · 6 years
One of my coworkers says I should make a doctors appointment. He asked me if I think I have depression and I said I think I do. It’s been a bad few weeks - ruined anon
okay so im gonna answer this in the like casual meme-y way that i operate when i talk abt mental illness and all things not positive sooo yeeT but this is actually quite serious okay
so like,,, mood lol i too am depressed darling and it has also been a couple of rough weeks so like !!! retweet!!! honestly i think self diagnosis is a very tight line to walk but it’s a big step towards getting help!!!! i think even if you didn’t have depression, it would absolutely help to schedule an appt with your doctor and maybe get referred to a therapist so they can help you out!!!!!! i think, and this is gonna sound disgustingly cheesy bc i’m a fuckin hypocrite, it’s also important to make sure your body gets the nutrients it needs to try and make you happy n healthy!!! some physical things that can cause depression symptoms are:
low blood sugar
lack of sleep / irregular sleep patterns
lack of sunlight / vitamin d deficiency (i wanted to make a dirty joke so so badly but like,,,, this is Serious)
among many other things!!! so it’s important to try and eat as healthy as you can (again, no pressure bc i’m a fuckin hypocrite who has the audacity to say this when all she’s eaten over the past like 2 days has been cookie dough balls) and get yourself on a regular sleep pattern and i’m not talking “i sleep from 2pm to 10pm, that’s 8 hours!!” bc studies have shown that when your sleep schedule is disjointed from the rest of society / the circadian rhythm, it fucks you up emotionally yüte~ also DRINK WATER sometimes idk why but it is very very comforting to me to drink water out of a straw and if i just sit on my bed and hold a cup w a straw in it i’ve finished the water in no time!!!!!!
also, try not to put yourself under too much stress!!!! if your friends are being annoying, literally just be like “i don’t have the energy to deal with this” and put them on mute!! if your parents are giving you a hard time, try telling them “i hear what you’re saying and i know this is important to you, but i am really not in the right mind space to give you the attention you deserve, so can we please talk about this when i’m in a better place emotionally?”
also, if you’re like me, you get very “help”-y when you’re in a funk, so you try to help people as much as possible so you can feel useful / better (not entirely unlike what i’m doing right now) !! that’s all well and good, but it’s also super important not to try and over extend yourself because you’re gonna burn yourself out trying to light someone else’s candle :(
this was really really long but i hope this helped even a little bit!!! i love you lots and i hope things get better for you!!
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