#AND it’s a cute combination methinks
peach-pot · 1 year
as a result of most of my clothes being second hand in some way or another, a small portion of my closet actually fits me the way it’s intended to which makes layering a nightmare. which is the saddest thing that could ever happen to me, a guy who loves layering above all else. so you can imagine my absolute joy at discovering my current favorite sweater fits comfortably above AND below my current favorite t-shirt.
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lisarpgheadcanons · 3 months
GRRRR GIVE ME THE ART GIMME also hmmm maybe the ship name could like combine their lastnames... hollydyke sounds neat methinks
HOLLYDYKE😢😢😢….ohhhhh that’s so cute theyre so cute OK HERES MY ART here you go
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also a bonus buff fanart because i’m his biggest fan actually and he deserves to have more content
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threadsun · 10 months
Hmm, how about combining murrsuiting (fursuit sex), breeding and pup/bondage for Joseph? Something about him getting on top of his partner, being reduced to nothing but a pedigree stud makes for an interesting concept, methinks.
That or drooling/licking all over, your choice
Y'know for someone who regularly does furry erotica commissions I don't feel like I know enough about murrsuiting to write it well. BUT I know plenty about pupplay and pup bondage so... >:3c
Content: Pet play, bondage, breeding kink, service topping, praise kink
For the ask game
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"C'mere, boy!" You give a whistle and pat your thigh.
Joseph bounds his way over to you as well as he can with his hands strapped snugly into the leather fist mitts and his ankles attached firmly to his thighs. His pup hood can only do so much to hide his eagerness, ass shaking to wag his cute little tail. He makes the cutest puppy~
"Good boy. My perfect pup!" You coo praise at him as you take up your position, ready for him to mount you. "Come on, my pedigree stud. I need you to breed me."
He's so eager, so clumsy as he mounts you. Without the use of his hands, it's hard for him to slip into you. He slides against your hole a few times before the head finally catches. He thrusts into you with a sharp snap of his hips, panting and whining at how good you feel.
It's rough and sloppy and animalistic, the way he fucks you. It's like he's filled with a desperate need to breed you, going completely on instincts. Your perfect pup trying to fuck a litter into you like the breeding stud he is~
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blackjack-15 · 5 months
finishing up ep 4 --
return of the love scene lighting while marcus is making the cake. they're really not subtle with how any shot is framed, which as a lighting/set direction geek i appreciate
i keep calling pete paul gosh dangit this is what i get for pirating without subs...the feds were right
pete's very slurred speech about him following carmy's career and how sugar did too? so cute. carmy has no idea how to handle praise that's directly tied to him rather than tied to his cooking directly and it's a little heartbreaking. it's not just that he doesn't have the language to express himself, he doesn't have the ability to receive it from others -- we're hitting another repression and abuse flag right there
"we spilled a whole bottle of xanax in it?" "...are they dead?" "no, just sleepin" "keep up the good work" hilarious outcome, i'm giggling like a schoolgirl carmy's relief is Palpable
"i can't be in [the Beef] five minutes before i start thinking about dark shit" "that's prolly why i like it so much" carmy i love you baby you have Got to not self-flagellate, the world does it enough to you
cicero's dream about carmy's father is another great example of the bear's ability to have a stripped down, simple scene full of dialogue with a present, dark undertone. carmy's "what happened to the kid" is so sweet and soft -- i wonder if, like a lot of youngest children, carmy has a soft spot for/always wanted a little sibling. his sadness at hearing the kid in the dream sat there waving as his father is palpable
syd learning that being rougher, not more hesitant, with tina being the way forward is wonderful, and a hugely important lesson for bother her and the viewers. people are like ingredients -- they each need to be treated in individual ways in order to bring out the best in them
"thank you jeff. chef." THERE WE GO TINA YES GIRL
"love you, bear" "love you" WE GOT AN I LOVE YOU FROM CARMY HUZZAH not quite an un-asked for i love you but close enough. he's like a skittish deer combined with a raging asshole (deer with boxing gloves for antlers?) -- you gotta let him come to you or you're gonna regret it
carmy trying to hide his laughter at pete being zonked is really cute
"sorry, pete" i'm calling it now end of S3 pete/carmy bromance bring it in
syd watching carmy in the restaurant before marcus comes in with cake....the crumbs are Delicious thank you
super solid episode all the way around -- i think ep3 had higher highs? but way lower lows, while ep4 is good all the way through
let's keep truckin halfway through s1, so the Problems are gonna start cascading p soon, methinks...
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bigbellybenni · 1 year
At the risk of seeming dorky as heck, I just ❤️ the tonal contrast between your adorably chubby, bouncy, bubbly, sweet, soft, Velma-esqe nerd-girl aesthetic - coupled with your dark, gothic, edgy, spooky, skeletal, serpentine, lovecaftian tentacle tattoos! I Especially enjoy the irony of the slim, skinny, malnourished-lookin' cow skull emblazoning your belly! Methinks your new goal-weight should be to grow so prodigiously plump that even she starts to put some meat back on her bones, hon! 🍕🐮🧁
You’re way too sweet!! I kind of see the combination too! I love to crochet, watch cartoons, and read old 80s sci-fi books, but I also am a huge rage against the machine fan, used to go to punk/goth clubs all the time, and look hella cute in black 😎
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echowilds · 2 months
tagged by @bluebudgie <3
last song I listened to: the olmakhan - maklaine diemer
favourite colour: soft green, especially in combination with brown & muted orange (yes, predictably this is the echovald colour scheme. i've even started dressing in those colours. sigh)
currently watching: started rewatching atla (the animated series obviously aka the only & correct choice)
sweet/savoury/spicy? depends on the day but spicy-savoury
relationship status: single
last thing you googled: etsy methinks. i need a cute fairy pendant for a gift for a friend
current obsession: currently stuck in 'everything is so boring i'm going to scratch out my brain'-mode so. eh? but i've been reading dc/batfamily fanfics to hopefully get over it
tagging: @twilightdomain @thiefseeker @cindermetalheadgw2 @sunsrefuge @praise-joko @commander-gloryforge @heyitsmejona @senterya @goodtime5withscar (as always no pressure <3)
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royalrebelpropaganda · 11 months
❤️ top 3 royals? -> apple, briar, duchess!!!!! <33 this one is hard for me because I love so many of the royals I am definitely a team royals girlie.
💜 top 3 rebels? -> uhh I do not have strong opinions here! probably core rebels (raven, cedar, maddie, cerise), though I do also like sparrow quite a bit. I know that's not three but there's so many good characters ajfkdl
🃏 top 3 wonderlandians? -> gotta be generic here and say kitty, lizzie, maddie!! I tend to enjoy characters because they're in specific groups and that is the case with these three. the other wonderlandians are cute but don't really catch my interest a whole lot
🪞 which character is most like you and why? -> not really sure!! I'd say I probably relate to apple the most, due to her general neurotic tendencies and obsession with control, whoopsies. I also just like her the most, she's definitely my favorite character
👩‍👩‍👧 favourite trio? -> augughghgh hmmm. I do really like duchess, faybelle, and sparrow. sparrow and duchess interact a lot in the show and next top villain and faybelle and duchess are canonically besties and I think they would have the worst and funniest friend group ever
🫶 otp? -> right now it's brapple/applebeauty for SURE. like. they are so awful and horrible for each other they hurt each other without meaning to apple is so repressed and they spent their entire childhood in love with each other with no ability to say anything about it at all and AURGHGGGHHHH I have so many feelings. but bonus points for justess (justine/duchess) because they're cute
👎 notp? -> clondie (cupid/blondie) and popchess (poppy/duchess) are big no nos for me. not for any particular reason they just don't click in my head and I find both blondie and poppy to be annoying characters
🤝 brotp? -> I don't really know hmm I'd say any combination of my favorite trio (faybelle duchess sparrow) works as a really solid brotp though I DO ship sparchess. oh also methinks hunter and cerise would be really solid as friends
thank you for the ask!!!!
[link to original ask list]
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reynie-muldoons · 2 years
"Blank Expression" liveblog!
This episode title scares the shit out of me. Let's crack in.
0:17 so Dr. Garrison is in the recap 👀 methinks she will be in the episode
0:57 they got *off*??? WHY WOULD THEY GOT OFF WITHOUT HER
1:19 angy Kate is angy
2:29 "actually.. there might be someone" I know they cut to tetherball so its 100% Martina but my heart was asking for Moocho 😂 it's so cool they're bringing her back, she deserves it
2:37 THERE'S OUR GIRL!!!! She looks so fucking good!!
2:52 oh my gosh the tearaway pants hahaha
2:58 i had a thought that I will not elaborate on- she's the athletic version of Dipper Pines
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3:19 okay the music was creepy but Constance still looks cute as a button in that coat
3:31 daaaayum! There she is!!!
4:27 I'll never skip this intro. Never
4:52 I love that the bucket is their identifier
5:24 "I dont think Curtain is the only armchair neuroscientist in the game" something about that sentence scratches the back of my brain 😂
5:33 Milligan's chemist background is peaking through
5:54 I would say that I would kill for her, but Rhonda can handle her damn self. You go bbg
6:28 ooooh is it time for vigilante Garrison??
6:32 "I invented it." there it is 🙃
6:44 alright, a little more respect for her here. She wasnt willing to test this shit on people without further testing, knowing there could be some crazy side effects
7:01 shit, did she rebuild the whisperer?
7:03 shit she did rebuild the whisperer
7:17 I cant tell if Garrison is about to try to make Constance a lab rat, try to team up, or try to make her disappear
7:47 okay so like a mixture of lab rat and team-up, got it
7:54 "I'm not your dancing bear. I eat bears." What does that mean 😂😂
8:00 shit. fuck. Okay, so it's a combination of lab rat, team-up, and making her disappear. Shit.
8:27 I dont like this. I really dont like this.
8:37 two things:
1. What the fuck is that weird-ass jumper suit outfit 🥴 get a sense of style
2. What is it with this guy and tableside meal preparation
9:03 "the constant grip of existential angst" that describes my day to day LOL
9:16 "you are going to completely reverse whatever it is you did to him" that's the thing, I dont think Curtain even can. He didnt let Garrison run the necessary testing
9:37 he's eating a crepe at her 🥴
9:54 "I'm not hungry" I'm bitter they left that part of her book characterization out of the show, it would have been so easy to adatlpte
10:04 "I'm not falling for it" okay but what if it's not something you fall for, it kind of seems like something that can happen passively if you're focused on him enough
10:37 she fucking chose that name, fuck off and stop trying to recruit her as your new Dr. Garrison
11:02 "you know how I know? Pure joy triggers his narcolepsy." Oooooh. Mic drop.
11:34 as she should. Eat your fucking crepe babe
11:46 awwwwww
12:04 oh wait wait that's not a pie truck that's their team's truck 😂😂😂
12:18 "how hell-bent on vengeance do you have to be to go after a tiny child?" I love that Martina is the voice of reason. Scratch that, I just love Martina
12:37 "I bought in, I excelled, and no on cares." Spoken like a true ex-cult member
13:09 I don't know about a leader
13:16 "doesnt your team need this gear?" "Yeahh, probably" dude 😂😂😂
13:34 "maybe if they dont appreciate what I bring... maybe they dont get a van." Impeccable logic!
13:46 what the fuck is happening
14:02 this poor child wtf
14:43 "no one will be left out of our loving, loving family." See, this is why the whole fake happiness thing is fucked up. Curtain's like yeah hey come love in our compound, it's really nice :) but you cant leave. You'll be really fucking happy! But literally nothing else, only happy. There are no strings attached! Except everyone owes me for making them not be miserable anymore. It's similar to the Institute, where they stated there were no rules but there absolutely were. That's not to mention the mental unhealthiness and unsustainability of it all, and the manipulation that comes with this.
14:53 another one 🙃
15:29 "you are sanguine." "I am undercover!" Their dynamic right now reminds me of a drunk person trying to convince a sober person they're not drunk
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15:39 this is real weird
15:49 oh lord now mr b has to play both sides
15:58 fucking christ
16:16 aoon enough the storeroom wont be big enough to hold them
16:21 Roll credits!
16:32 allergic reactions dont do that bud
16:38 alright, stiff necks. Noted. Can't wait to see mr b rubbing his neck like sebastian was in like 2 episodes
16:57 gotta love medical malpractice
17:10 so the polo team's with Garrison. I didnt put that together earlier lolol
17:38 I bet she doesnt give dental
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17:48 "any financial stress-of which there is none-is worth the freedom I have now" methinks the lady doth protest too much
17:51 "being out from under that man's oppressive thumb is priceless" HA that's one sure thing she's being truthful about
18:23 awwwww. Reynie was about to take the blame, but Sticky made it clear they all agreed and went out together :')
18:55 yeah no I dont like that she called Constance an asset either, but now's not the time
19:13 them 30 seconds ago: "we havent covered the whole area" them, walking 2 feet across the tracks: "OH LOOK PRINTS"
19:37 I find it funny that they put a translation of the train sign in that 1 second between dialogue
20:39 a chemist who just had a baby, its Milligan all over again 🥺 Rhonda will defend the chemist, surely
20:52 smart move
21:52 you cant just tell someone to get that angry on command 🥴
22:05 well, she did break it
24:05 "I see a broken person who's angry." therapist!Constance is not wrong
24:33 she sounds like how Curtain did in the season 1 finale right before he had an narcoleptic episode- in denial
25:55 I love how Kate doesn't use bobbie pins in her hair but she sure does have them in the bucket
26:12 they made it burggrub, but the kids got off the train before it could ever stop there. Fun little game of tag that the adults are marvelously failing at
26:17 I know I've said this every single episode but I love Milligan and Miss Perumal's dynamic SO MUCH
26:20 DIPIKA????? The show strikes again with coming up with first names names for characters that we were never canonically told
26:24 ohhhh no no no no
26:24 alternatively, does this mean the two of them will be taken to the compund? With Mr B and Number Two?
26:44 noooo not the hippie clothes
27:16 I dont know how much this faux happiness thing is messing with his thought patterns. Like is he actually trying to use his position as leverage, or is he just saying that to try and stay longer?
27:25 there's a plan hatching and I'm worried about it lol, she's been murderous all season
27:33 "we're gonna kidnap him." "What?" LMAO SHE'S SO FRANK ABOUT IT
27:49 *graphically describing the death of a proverbial animal* remember how I said she's been murderous all season? Yeah 😂
28:05 llama!
28:14 shit. I didnt think he had been a recipient of the technique thing?? But apparently so
28:27 oh my gosh the sobbing in the distance. What did therapist!Constance do to this poor woman
28:39 this is about what I expected HAHA
28:55 "did she hurt you?" "She's the one who's hurting." Therapist!Constance strikes again
29:12 man, I thought we were getting somewhere with her 🥴
I'm excited to see where this goes! The kids have had a startling reunion, and the adults are about to have one themselves.
29:18 man. They just had to end it there. This season's had some great cliffhangers
Bingo for the next episode is coming tonight :)) what did you guys think?
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andro-dino · 2 years
I know you love Shishiya a lot (his first name is a nightmare for a dyslexic person like me so I have to go with his surname) so why not talk about him, I'm especially curious about what songs you associate with him :D
these are going to be hyperspecific because the projection is strong here
For one, he definitely 100% unironically enjoys hyper pop. It makes him happy. He’s the kind of person who listened to ringtone by 100 gecs and thought it was a cute romance song and then REALLY listened to the lyrics and was like “NOW WAIT A GODDAMN MINUTE-”. He would like glitchgum too methinks. Sakyo once asked him what he was listening to only to be met with the glory that is xXXi_wud_nvrstøp_ÜXXx and then severely regretted his decision. He doesn’t understand why Takanosuke likes it but it makes him happy so he doesn’t question it.
He definitely also has a playlist of cute romance songs. He’s played Honeypie on loop more times than he can count.
He has like 4 anime rhythm games on his phone. He’s not very good at them but he likes them a lot. Does not do good things for his wrists though. His favorite pjsk character is emu.
He’s tried a lot of abhorrent food combinations and most of them he actually really enjoyed. He never brings it up to people because they always get grossed out by it but he insists that if they just stopped being cowards they would understand how wrong they are.
If he gets too excited he loses all ability to form words and just kinda just makes noises while making very big gestures and expressions. He stims A LOT and is not afraid to show it. He flaps his hands and pumps his arms very intensely, bounces and jumps a lot, and definitely has a lot of vocal stims. He also has a habit of mirroring people’s mannerisms and has accidentally picked up a lot of speech patterns from his friends.
He’s very affectionate. Some may say clingy. He likes to hold onto people a lot and nuzzles and hugs them a lot. Sakyo is obviously the biggest target of this. At first he was apprehensive but just got used to it over time. He wouldn’t initiate it but he doesn’t mind it anymore.
Sakyo gives him gender envy. Sakyo does not know what that means and is frankly a little scared to ask, but he’s pretty sure it’s a compliment so he guesses it’s alright.
He likes animals a lot. Dogs usually like him a lot. Cats usually do not. It makes him sad. He likes rodents and reptiles a lot too.
He usually hums and bounces a lot when he walks. He’s been told he acts like a cartoon character. He doesn’t understand what that means but he takes it with pride.
He likes cozy games. He has the most abhorrent animal crossing island you’ve ever seen but he worked hard on it and he’s proud of it goddammit. He cries when he chooses the wrong dialogue option or gives a character a gift they don’t like in stardew. His favorite romanceable characters are Sebastian and Sam.
Whenever Takanosuke mentions how much he admires Zyro, Sakyo definitely does NOT get jealous nope not him. He is completely fine about it and definitely does not feel the need to show off how much cooler he is than Zyro nope absolutely not. Takanosuke does not notice this in the slightest.
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asimmingpunsquared · 2 years
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she may not be the brightest bulb in the bunch, but she sure is cute. the sunken summ eyes + virginia’s mother, ruby’s, nose is going to be a winning combination, methinks.
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tsumune · 3 years
more than enough
pairing: gn!reader x suna rintarou
synopsis: suna feels insecure about what he offers in your relationship, and after seeing how excited you get listening to your friend talk about the extravagant things her boyfriend does for her, he decides to try something himself.
tags: angst?? to fluff (just slight angst)
suna comes home from practice to find the house silent. that’s odd, he thinks to himself as he looks for you. his muscles hurt, he’s sore, and a small part of him is irritated that dinner isn’t ready, but all those thoughts are wiped from his head when he turns on the lights in the bedroom and finds you fast asleep, your eyebrows creased together and your nose slightly red as if you had just cried.
“y/n? what’s wrong, are you okay?” suna softly shakes you awake.
“mm.. rin? ah, what time is it?” your first thought when you wake is to look at the clock, and to your horror it’s already 8PM. “oh no, rin i’m so sorry i didn’t make dinner yet. i’ll go make some now-”
“hey no, it’s okay. tell me what’s wrong first, were you crying?”
“it’s not a big deal rin. don’t worry about me, but you need to eat.”
suna’s own eyebrows crease at this. “why are you so intent on getting me to eat?”
you look at him with confusion, as if the answer was obvious. “because your game is coming up soon, rin. you have to keep your body healthy and not worry about other things.”
suna frowns at this. he knows he’s not the most expressive boyfriend, but he cares about you so much and wants you to know you’re not second to the other things in his life, no matter how busy he gets. “just because i have a game coming up doesn’t mean i’ll ignore you. tell me.”
he’s taken aback by the sudden tears filling your eyes, and in a panic his hands quickly wrap around your figure. “i got yelled at by my boss... i don’t want to lose this job, rin.”
“shh, you won’t baby. you’re doing so well, one mistake doesn’t define you.” you calm down as suna continues holding you in his arms and smoothing your hair, and the both of you enjoy some takeout and your favourite movie after you relax. but suna can’t shake the heavy feeling in his chest that you were bottling up your feelings in an effort to not worry him, and the guilt that his first thought when he came home was that you didn’t make dinner. it worries him even more.
days have passed since the night you broke down, but suna still feels a bit tense. he won his game, and in celebration you asked if he wanted to go out with your friends. in truth, he just wanted to make you feel better, but you hadn’t brought up the topic since that night, so he decides going out and forgetting about everything might be a good thing. as the night goes on though, his heart only feels heavier.
“and then, he opened the trunk and there were bouquets of flowers and balloons in there!”
suna watches your eyes light up as your friend talks about the latest dramatic gesture her boyfriend did for her. he used to internally roll his eyes at this and think he was being over the top, but looking at how happy your friend was talking about him and how excited it seemed to make you feel, he wonders if you ever smile that brightly when you tell your friends about him. actually, do you talk to your friends about him at all? does he do anything that warrants a story like this? suna isn’t sure if he can remember. sure, you go out for anniversary dinners, but everyone does that, don’t they? if you don’t go to him for comfort, and he doesn’t plan big surprises for you... what does he do for you?
“rin. rinnie. rintarou!” suna snaps back to attention at your voice combined with the flick to his forehead.
“ow!” you laugh, and that was enough to ease a bit of suna’s worries. he decides he’ll take some (albeit dramatic) inspiration from your friend’s boyfriend, and step up his antics so that he can hear that laugh more often.
“can i open my eyes now?”
“no wait, not yet,” suna drags you a bit farther. “okay, now you can.”
you open your eyes, and to your surprise, your bed is decorated with flowers in the shape of a heart. you can’t stop the laugh that bursts out of you.
“rin, what is this,” you wipe your eyes as you laugh. “since when were you so corny?”
suna feels his heart drop at your comment. he worked hard on this. he thought you would like it, thought it would be something he could do for you. thought it would put him up there on the good boyfriend list next to your friend’s boyfriend.
“rin, why did you use whole flowers with the stems still on? don’t people usually just use the petals? silly guy.” you say cheekily, thinking to tease your boyfriend for his random cute act a bit. you admit it’s a bit odd coming from suna, but it’s endearing in a clumsy way, and you appreciated it. but when you turn around to face him, suna’s head is turned to the ground and he looks unexpectedly serious.
“sorry if you don’t like it. just thought i’d do something different for a change,” he says through gritted teeth before leaving to the living room.
“hey rin, wait!” you try to catch his arm as he goes, but he just shakes you off. “rin? i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to dismiss your work like that. i was just kidding.” instead of responding, suna plants himself facedown on the couch.
you start to worry. “rin? are you okay? can you talk to me about it.” silence. “rin... i talked to you last time. can you talk to me too, please?”
at this, suna turns his head. this time, it’s your turn to be surprised at the uncommon sight of his glossy eyes. “i just wanted to be a good boyfriend... you didn’t come to me last time you were hurt, and then i saw how excited you were when your friend talked about her boyfriend’s stupid surprises... i thought you would be happy if i did more of those things too.”
“oh rin.” you sigh and climb onto the sofa, softly squishing him. your hands cup his face and you stare into his eyes, neither of you moving until suna gives in. “what?”
“you’re more than enough for me, rin.” suna has heard these words countless times before. you’ve said them to him often, and in his heart he knows you’ve always felt this way, but with the recent events and mix of emotions he’s experiencing, he feels like he’s been knocked off his feet and swept away by the undeniable love in them. “you don’t have to do the things you see others do, i love you just the way you are. you don’t have to change yourself for me, rin, you’re already everything i could wish for as is. you’re sweet and attentive and always put me first, i’m aware of that, and you show me you care in the little things, like what you just tried.” suna’s eyes shift to the side in embarrassment at the thought of the flowers still sitting on your shared bed. “i wouldn’t mind if you never did that again, but i also wouldn’t mind if you wanted to try again. and i promise i’ll take you seriously. just use only petals next time,” you playfully pinch your boyfriend on the nose, and this time he laughs with you.
the two of you head back to the room to pick up the flowers and put them in a vase (suna was beet red the whole time), and then lay down on the bed to cuddle. after a while, suna turns to you.
“promise me you’ll talk to me if you ever feel upset again,” you open your mouth and suna already knows what you’re about to say, “i know. i know i’m not the best at it either, but i’ll try harder too. you just really had me worried.”
“i didn’t want to worry you before your game.”
“yeah, and i was worried what it meant that you didn’t want to talk to me. so your plan backfired,” he pouted.
“okay okay,” you laugh with a defeated sigh. “from now on, better communication. pinky promise.”
“what are you, five?” suna scoffs, before connecting your pinkies together. “pinky promise.”
a/n: methinks this could’ve been executed better but i just wanted to write something lol might rewrite/reuse the premise of this idea sometime
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kalims · 3 years
I FORGOT TO SPECIFY THE CHILDE X DEVIL HUNTER but yes relationship hcs!! he would be pretty protective methinks
✉ ⋮ this has been on my drafts for like a month and I'm so sorry 😭 also during that time I literally finished chainsaw man and in the middle of reading I was like... wtf they actually died...
fluff, death.
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actually very balanced, if you're either quiet and composed or easy going and talkative nothing's really gonna change, childe's gonna end up balancing your personality with his. eventually being able to let you become comfortable enough in his presence because I'd personally think that he's quite the gentleman, an airhead but he's thoughtful.
he's obsessed with the thought of protecting you, nothing creepy or something like that but there's this thrill that he finds exhilarating about keeping you protected in his arms while he fights the impeccable danger.
In a way he views it as a little fairytail, a strong warrior protecting his cute spouse.
speaking of, both of you somehow exclude the aura of literal power. It's quite terrifying to experience it first hand, with his reputation along with the chilling rumors. There's no doubt that some people are terrified of childe, now combined with him oozing out authority? scary.
now now, childe isn't against the idea of two sparring lovers. with him constantly seeking out strong fighters to challenge his power it's only in due time before he asks you to fight him. to him, it's quite romantic for a couple to engage in a friendly spar.
since he's a harbinger, he's a formidable opponent. quick on his feat but reckless, the trait would be an opening but his brute force and concentration is something to reckon with.
but since practically no one in tevyat has seen humans/devil hunters with contracts or even know of them at all, he's bound to be taken off guard by the large being that suddenly appeared out of seemingly nowhere. staring at him with intimidating eyes.
his first instict was to assume that this bigass snake was trying to consume you whole so he starts shouting in alarm, he's confused when you calm him down with a deadpan.
NOW, he's more willing to fight you seriously knowing that you're perfectly able to fend out for yourself and even defeat him but he hasn't thought of that because he's in denial. 👻
upset by the fact that you merely fight him with no vision nor powers whatsoever. tartaglia constantly pesters you to use or, summon the weird snake again but you always wave him off with a grim look. though and peeved by the fast denial, he knows that secrets are trifling matters. so he knows where you draw a line.
you'd think that he'll be the one protecting you but it's actually the other way around, protective devil hunter reader?? ☺️😚
basically, both of y'all are willing to do things that are way out of your comfort zones to prevent the other from harm's way and thus this is the pillar that holds the relationship as a somewhat healthy one.
thinks very hard 💡
since both of your occupations(?) are dangerous ones that require a lot of time, it's probably a rare occurrence to stay together for more than two or three hours. this challenges the relationship, will both of you stay together with minimum contact or leave? that's basically up to you and your character!
honestly just depends, you're already with him. you know the consequences but you still stayed with him so you're stuck with him bitch.
oh well, as a harbinger the constant demands of the tsaritsa are no matter to ignore. as much as you dislike it, he's pledged himself to her. the only way you'll be someone that he puts above the tsaritsa is when he's absolutely sure that he wants to spend the rest of his (depressing) life with.
and you, you're a devil hunter that's also occupied with the matters of your mysterious job. with the people of tevyat knowing not a lot of stuff about devils, it's completely also up to you to let them be or exterminate the devils yourself. swallows some random devil with ur huge snake
while we're on that topic, he's albeit worried and a little curious when you come home, deep in the night with bandages wrapped around your hand, sometimes even random body parts.
^ he doesn't know how to react when you admit the details of the 'contract'. when you brought up contracts, he assumed you were some kind of merchant from liyue but the fact that you're wearing a suit doesn't add up. once he questioned you and the only reply he got was "dress code."
unfortunately, there will be a time where the tsaritsa eventually hears word about a mysterious traveler with the power to summon a 'monster entity' as they put it. so if you were unable to make yourself special to him. he will spill out everything needed, he'd leave out a few details but it's pretty much the origins and stuff.
butttt otherwise, he'll try to cover up for you as much as he can. to him it'll always be 'family over duty'.
oh boy, when he finally gets to see you in action? hoo boy, you gained his respect! childe finds it attractive that you can defeat a hoard of treasure hoarders from combat experience alone, according to you. a small percentage of the public safety don't have contracts, some being contracts useless in combat.
plus, the price was really painful. you didn't want your literal finger nails being taken away again. but you're a little weirded out about it having some kind of favoritism to nails. oh well, you're used to it already. devils were unpredictable.
pda doesn't really matter, you're fine with anything since if someone wanted to call you out or something, a sharp glance to their way already has them silenced. tartaglia however is quite... shameless, as a harbinger he's got high authority. a smart person wouldn't really dare to try and criticize anything about the two of you. it's yours and his business alone.
he surprisingly gets used to the snake, with my limited knowledge of contracts let's say summoning them technically doesn't count as using their power so there's no price needed. most of the time you just summon the snake to intimidate the opposing party.
mf be so friendly with the devil while it just ignores him 😭
idk man, I already forgot a few details 🧍🏾‍♀️
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elijahs-wife · 3 years
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🌙 hey y'all! february is almost over, so this is just a little recommendation list of all the fics i read and thoroughly enjoyed this month, to show some appreciation to all the incredible writers on this site. seriously, you're all absolute angels!
🌙 remember to show your support too and reblog and leave comments on the fics that you love!
☁️ the vampire diaries/the originals
↠ don't draw suspicion by @mikaelson-emma 
[kol mikaelson x reader, series] a mob au where the criminal is dating the detective? what could possibly go wrong?? haha i love this series already, its definitely worth checking out!!💖💗
↠ all in the family by @dumble-daddy 
[kai parker, one shot, angst] al you already know that i adore your writing, you are insanely talented and i teared up reading this the first time, you always know just how to break me 💔💔
↠ come over by @dizzydancingdreamer 
[elijah mikaelson x reader, one shot, angst with happy ending/smut] oh my gOD dizzy the first half of this made me wanna die but you gave me the ending i wanted and i love you for that!! i’ve always admired your writing, you’re incredible!!💘💓
↠ tale as old as time @hellotvshowtrash 
[bonnie bennett x enzo st. john, one shot, fluff] ugh my bonenzo heartttt i love this!! the pining at the start, *chef’s kiss* and the ending just had me smiling all wistfully :,) love love love💗💗
↠ i like when tales end with a kiss by @alwaysfangirlingish 
[kol mikaelson x reader, one shot, angst] okay who gave you the right to break my heart like that 😭😭 such a sad ending and ugh it just broke me 💔💔
↠ so close by @xxwritemeastoryxx 
[jackson kenner x reader, one shot, angst] LISTEN DOM i forbid you from writing any more angst for jackson bc he’s the sweetest and just doesn’t deserve it 😭😭 #letjacksonbehappy2021 
↠ game of chance by @raemikaelson 
[katherine pierce x elijah mikaelson, series] i have the immense pleasure of being the beta for this series and let me tell you, it is so good, the plot is so original and cool, everyone needs to read this and leave all the kudos rn!!!!💝
↠ unnamed smutty one-shot by @idkhaylijah 
[elijah mikaelson x reader, one shot, smut] miss heather, i’ve said it once and i’ll say it again, the way you write elijah is unparalleled, and i love this piece to death!! everything about it is just perfect!!!💖💖
↠ reminiscing by @iliveiloveiwrite 
[elijah mikaelson x reader, one shot, fluff] i absolutely adored this, it’s so sweet and i love your writing style!! absolute must-read (ps—we’re all just fools for elijah tbh)💘
↠ flightless bird by @auroracalisto 
[elijah mikaelson x reader, one shot] okay this is an au where the reader is an angel and let me tell you, i adore aus like this and no one does them better than aurora, you absolutely have to read this!! it’s beautiful💓
↠ wedding bells by @xxwritemeastoryxx 
[elijah mikaelson x reader, one shot, fluff] THIS WAS SO GOSH DARN CUTE. it genuinely made me smile so much and just really put me in my feels :’) 💗💗
↠ pk outtakes #1 by @klarolineagainnaturally​
[caroline forbes x klaus mikaelson, one shot, smut] LISTEN i will never stop screaming about how much i loved psychedelic kicks!! and the fact that you’re doing these outtakes makes me so happy!! this first one was so incredible, and ugh you’re just an expert at writing both of these characters!!❤
↠ payback by @mayans-sauce​ 
[elijah mikaelson x reader, one shot, smut] omg hanna this was so insanely spicy!! everything about this was top-tier and ugh reading it just makes me want elijah to rail me even more😩😩💗
↠ as long as it's with you by @mrs-jackson-kenner 
[enzo st. john x reader, one shot, fluff] now this was such a sweet little thing to read!! y’all know that enzo is my fav (besides elijah ofc) and this made me smile so hard!! absolutely adorable💘💘
↠ the original original by @seraphictrash 
[klaus mikaelson x reader, one shot] a very very interesting read that everyone should check out rn!! 💗 its always nice to read about klaus meeting someone who can match up to him lol 
☁️ marvel cinematic universe
↠ dead girl by @hellotvshowtrash​ 
[bucky barnes x reader, one shot, angst] GOD ASHLEE i’ve read this like four times now and it still doesn’t hurt any less, i will never be the same 😭😭 i’m just only going to read the first part (my girl) from now on for the wholesome smutty goodness and forget that this one exists😫💔
↠ old man by @holacia2 
[steve rogers x reader, one shot, smut] omg what a treat this was to read, i just know that i would have made the same joke if i was stevie’s girlfriend and if he proved me wrong like that... i would absolutely not complain👀
↠ knives by @everyhowlmarksthedead​ 
[bucky barnes x reader, one shot, smut] THIS was so hot oh my god, grey sweatpants and bucky’s knives are a lethal combination and should be illegal!!🥴🥴
↠ need by @cloudystevie 
[bucky barnes x reader, headcanon, smut] i keep coming back to this one bc its so hot omg, all the dirty talk is so on point and ugh bucky destroying my 🐱 against the wall is just everything i need in life, y’know?
↠ cupid draw back your bow and let your arrow go by @chrisevansgoodgirl 
[steve rogers x reader, one shot, smut] ugh i love my idiot stevie, he might have the communication skills of an armchair but he did make up for it in the end 😌💓
↠ naturally by @nakedrogers 
[bucky barnes x reader, one shot, fluff] this was absolutely beautiful, your writing style is gorgeous and this made me so so soft and happy 🥺🥺💗
↠ that's not what i meant and you know it by @idkhaylijah 
[steve rogers x reader, one shot, angst with a happy ending] steve being an idiot again, we love that 😂 i’m absolutely in love with this, everything you write is just incredible!!❤
↠ rumour me this by @auroracalisto 
[bucky barnes x reader, one shot, fluff] sugar daddy au with actor!bucky? methinks YES. this was actually so so sweet and dreamy i adored it!! 💖💖
↠ birthday headcanon by @buckycuddlebuddy 
[bucky barnes x reader, headcanon, fluff] okay this one, i’ll be treasuring forever since it was written for me 🥺 but also bc its just so stinkin’ cute!! bucky would be such a cute and caring boyfriend and ugh i’m so in love with him😭💘
↠ my best girl by @constantwriter85​ 
[bucky barnes x reader, one shot, fluff] y’alll shy cat dad bucky has my entire heart and this just put a giant smile on my face!! so fluffy and cute i die!! 🥺🥺💖
↠ canvas to skin by @kleohoneyao3 
[steve rogers x reader, one shot, smut] absolutely beautiful, and so intimate it almost felt like i shouldn't be reading it 😂 loved it though!!💗
↠ dating peter parker by @belladonnabarnes 
[peter parker x reader, headcanon, fluff] i already thought that peter was adorable and this just made me fall in love with him a little more, he’s so cute and dorky i can’ttt🥺💘
☁️ chris evans & his characters
↠ soft andy by @worksby-d 
[andy barber x reader, headcanon, fluff] omg i thought i could burst reading this bc it's so soft and late nights with andy is just an absolute dream 🥺🥺
↠ rule breaker by @nony-bear 
[andy barber x reader, headcanon, smut] daddy andy is so hot and everything about this was absolutely delicious!! you're so talented!!! 💗💗
↠ red, white, blue’s in the sky, summer’s in the air, baby heaven’s in your eyes by @cloudystevie 
[chris evans x reader, one shot, smut] LISTEN lol i read a lot of smut but this?? this was on another level entirely, i think i actually whimpered out loud 😂 all i want is a mean dom chris and you delivered so hard!!💗
lastly, thank you to everyone here for sharing your stories! the world is so much better with wonderful fanfiction authors like yourselves in it 💖 i am immensely grateful to all of you! xx tay
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safekeeperscosm · 3 years
You know, I had a bit of a thought experiment: what if we combined the age swap component of the Age Swamp AU with the core premise of the canon show about three friends being sent to another world but flipped according to the worlds involved and the color coordination?
Kind of like how BLUE Anne was with a RED frog, RED Sasha GREEN toad, and GREEN Marcy BLUE newt in canon, how about we go BLUE newt RED Waybright, (orange) RED frog GREEN Wu, and Green toad BLUE Boonchuy and call it the Age Inverted Colors AU as a double word play.
Just imagine a headstrong Grime having to learn how to deal with the fast pace of a small but thriving local Thai food chain as continued by an adult Anne Boonchuy from her parents, or an out of his depth Hopediah Plantar with his head spinning from staying with aspiring game developer Marcy Wu, or Andrias Leviathan butting heads with famed rock star Sasha Waybright.
Of course, the girls here haven’t met or become friends as kids since that didn’t happen in canon with Hop Pop, King Andrias and Grime, so it’d be interesting to consider the kinds of paths the girls might have taken on their lonesome and without the friends they canonically had growing up, with my suggestion just being one set of potential directions their lives may have gone. Perhaps Anne somehow stumbled her way into like the pro fencing championship title, or Marcy became a eccentric scientific genius that struggles even harder with social cues, or Sasha became a successful business woman and maybe even CEO or such of a major corporation.
Either way, methinks it sure would be interesting to think of the different ways Amphibia’s core premise could be flipped on its head this way. What do you think?
I think it's great! but we need to back up for a bit because at first glance this is a lot to take in
to summarize; Welcome To Earth AU but mix up the locations
Grime with Granne, Andri with Sasha, Hop with Marcy
Andri with Granne, Hop with Sasha, Grime with Marcy
now this should actually be the true nature of Age Swamp AU since the girls ending up in Amphibia but not having calamity power's in the first place is a bit difficult, though not impossible now that we have S3, which as I've said before will make things easier I hope
I adore Granne and Grime together, it would mean the two of them clashing cultures while Anne thinks he's just a rowdy edgy teen but really he's also a sensitive & soft sweetheart deep down
Marcy I can see putting Hop through VR for some reason, and she should know about the Calamity Box in this AU, which means her game development empire isn't just an escape from reality, oh no, she wants to leave this world completely
Sasha and Andri makes such a cute duo (ignoring "the whole giant lizard thing" "amphibian" "whatever")
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mysterystarz · 3 years
ship your moots with each other? ;)
i’ll do the moots who come off the top of my head because it’s fun ;)
any moots i didn’t include, feel free to tell me if you want to do this because id be more than glad to !!
@pockydays + @maipxilia >> these two would have a very nice dynamic methinks
@spiritingawaytoanime / @just-a-nekoma-stan + @shoyotime + me >> we’re all married and we’re amazing so i think this is the superior ship 😌/ lh
@sunamayo + @animated-moon + @haikyuutothetop >> these three have best vibes combined they work amazingly
@lia-miya + @crimsonchxins >> quite the unlikely pairing but i firmly believe you two would have super nice conversations (but then you’d gang up on me 🧍‍♀️)
@astroqphillic + @keijee >> THESE TWO WOULD HAVE SUCH A CUTE DYNAMIC
@cant-think-of-a-username + @shirari >> i feel the vibes here i don’t even have to explain,, does that even make sense ?!
@mnzu + @hitokas-angel >> both of you are so sweet and i firmly believe you would have cute convos
@moonless-abyss + @atsunjali >> chaos + more chaos and it just works out yk
@atsuvu + @kirishimas-manly-eyeliner >> look here ELLIE has amazing energy and so does jack and it would just be so vibrant
@dollops-of-delusion + @kitacharm >> delusion is eloquent and thought out and natalia is chaos and itd be fun :> also both of you are tendou kinnies so it works
@xybi + @koushisbutterfly >> THIS WOULD WORK you’re both so sweet and it’d be awesome
uhhhhhhhh i cannot think of anyone else atm but please comment if you want me to ship you ;)
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Do you think the polycule has any holiday traditions?
that's actually a pretty interesting question because the polycule is very culturally diverse. like of course we have simon who's jewish, but the rest is kind of in a weird place. i'm pretty sure shadowhunters don't have holidays at all, and since clary was raised by a shadowhunter and a former shadowhunter, i'm pretty sure she would have been raised without any either? like maybe she'd celebrate the gregorian new year because you know, they have to pretend to be mundane after all, but i think that and birthdays were probably pretty much it for her. oh and halloween i guess which is also not religious-affiliated, are there any other holidays in the states? i guess there's the 4th of july and thanksgiving but both celebrate imperialism/colonialism and i don't want to write about that so i'm gonna pretend there aren't. plus i doubt shadowhunters celebrated those either
so ok we have izzy and clary with no holidays, we don't know whether or not maia is culturally christian and i don't wanna just say "yes" by default... and then there's meliorn whose holidays and traditions will be typical to seelie culture, which are gonna be... unique to them obviously. we don't know how they are celebrated, how long they last, what is the milestone, how or even IF they count time - like maybe they go by when a specific flower blooms and that only happens every 10 gregorian years or some shit. so that's a question mark i guess
and there's also the fact that the seelie realm is very politically closed which. i like to think changes once they get rid of the old queen! but it's still a slow process to just allow other people there. then again izzy was a shadowhunter and she used to hop by so it's probably not a huge deal for meliorn to bring their partners and metamours to seelie celebrations? or at least to the ones that aren't Super Sacred or anything. so like parties and dances and stuff like that? yeah. which i guess brings me back to the other "meta" i wrote about seelie dances (link) and what it would be like for the rest of the polycule to participate in those and shit
then... well obviously there's the gregorian new year which we have obviously just gone through (well, we had when i started answering this ask. it's march now so rip. update it's april now. i'm so sorry anon) so like! i think it was always kind of hell for both raphael and maia, autistic icons, because of all the explosion sounds that just made them feel really upset and feel really stupid for it. with raphael i think it was more bearable when he had rosa because she would spend the day with him and hug him and let him squeeze the stress out you know dauhdasuihda also she was always the one he felt the most comfortable stimming in front of. and then after he lost her it only got worse because on top of the fireworks there was the clear absence of rosa that he just FELT everywhere. you know?
and with maia there's the added trouble of her being AMAB and what with being raised to "black men" standarts of masculinity (to be clear, as in: due to racism black men are expected to be even more macho than white men, ESPECIALLY by nonblack ppl; not as in wow black ppl are so backwards or whatever. white ppl invented gender norms anyway so lmao), she was definitely shamed a lot for being so distressed by the fireworks when she was little methinks. we love that combination of transphobia, racism and ableism! so it was just hard and filled with bad memories. and then once she ran away from home it got marginally better without the constant telling her to "man up" and shit like that, but it still came with the added memories you know
and also with them (plus simon) being vampires/werewolves the hearing gets even more sensitive so that's... fun. meliorn realizes it stresses them out and makes up a special kind of spell that muffles their hearing of background noise, so they can feel more comfortable and for the first time there is not that added stress that comes with the new years and it feels so nice?? they even try watching the fireworks but it's kinda like eh, not that great, especially because even looking at them brings out memories you know doahdsaoh so instead meliorn shows them some magic and it's so much prettier with all the glowing lights and stuff, you know?
maybe after that the polycule starts spending the new years in the seelie realm instead, that'd be cute, just like. enjoying that pretty place with all the lights and shit. i think they would all prepare some kind of light show some way or another like using magic and witchlights and whatnot. that'd be cute
as for other holidays! i think their holiday traditions would start with simon's first yom kippur after he was able to eat solid foods again (shut up a potion WILL be created and i don't accept any other option). before that, with simon being unable to eat, he was also obviously unable to fast. he wouldn't feed during yom kippur but it's not like vampires need to drink blood every day so it's not really the same thing. and it felt particularly lonely that, besides being away from his family and community, he also couldn't fast
i mean obviously simon isn't the only jewish vampire in the world, or jewish downworlder for that matter, so i'm sure he makes jewish friends he would at least get together and pray with for yom kippur, and that's what matters the most, really, but being unable to fast when he wants to and also not being able to participate in the break-fast meal just. sucks djdnudhsus
and then he's able to eat and he can do all that again! but it's also kind of emotionally charged for all of the vampires to fast for the first time when for so long they associated not eating with feeling unhuman, you feel? so like it kind of hits all of them hard
so the polycule decides to make him a little surprise and cooks the break-fast meal for them. clary probably knows what simon and his family used to eat after yom kippur so they try to recreate that for him? and maia and raphael are lowkey nervous about it because they had never made stuff like noodle kugel before and while they could at least try it (yay potion!) they have no idea if it's tasting like it should, ya know what i mean? and it's kind of sweet that they are so worried about making this the best possible experience for simon and the closest to home it can get. and simon is super emotional about getting to eat that stuff for the first time, as well as the other vampires, so you know. it's very emotional all around. but in a good way? and i think after that it kind of becomes a tradition that they make him the break-fast meal after yom kippur too
and then the next years they lowkey fuss over him for the last meal before the fast too, which i'm not sure is something simon would do with other people so they would go ham, dude, particularly raphael because he is a worrier first and foremost. so catch his ass all lovingly planning a meal he can make with zero (0) salt whatsoever so simon doesn't get too thirsty during the fast for MONTHS, planning so he gets the most amount of sustenance, lots of fiber, etc., and simon is like "you know i don't even have to eat, right?" but rapha is just all "you know food still matters" and simon doesn't say anything because it does. it matters a lot
and raphael is all sweetly nervous because like... it is a simple meal, that is the point, but he still wants simon to enjoy it and simon can't stop smiling through the whole thing. raphael and the others also eat it with him too in solidarity before simon goes to the synagogue with his community and it's like a sweet send off you know?
also this is not exactly a celebration or a tradition for that matter but since YK is the day of forgiveness i like to think that eventually simon asks for raphael's forgiveness on YK for the whole rosa thing, and although that isn't religious for raphael, raphael asking for his forgiveness for how everything went down, too. and it's just a sweet moment where they leave this whole story behind and look for a better future - i imagine this happening before they get together, so again, it doesn't really count as an answer to your question, but i just thought i'd include it because i find it sweet
then after that there is sukkot and i just really loove the idea of them helping him build the sukkah (for those who don't know, the sukkah is a hut covered with vegetation under the open sky, where jewish ppl live in for the duration of the sukkot). i know that they could just buy a certified one but where is the fun in that when we could have shenanigans? also i think that that would have been part of simon's personal/family traditions because i bet him and becca loved to build the sukkah for their family. so like on that spirit it is a little sad that they can't help each other with that anymore since simon can't be seen by the rest of his family, but of course as soon as he mentions it and how fun it used to be the whole polycule is Immediately On Board. let's help simon build his sukkah!
first of all other than simon none of them have ever built a sukkah before and simon usually followed becca's lead tbh, also he's just not great to Lead And Control people in general, and the polycule is already messy as all fuck. so it's a disaster, especially with raphael and simon's superspeed and strength thrown into the mix, and meliorn's almost impossible to hold back mischievous nature. izzy is lowkey responsible for keeping them in check and okay now that i think about it clary might have helped simon's family build it before, especially when she was a kid because kids just love that shit, but i don't know if she would remember the steps tbh (read: she wouldn't remember the steps) so yeah all in all the sukkah falls down more often than not and they might have to replace a few materials when simon and raphael accidentally snap their bamboo poles in half. rip
meliorn is probably all like "you are all weak and pathetic, i am a seelie, i can literally control living things. simon needs a vegetable covering? watch me get all the nearby trees to form a beautiful roof" and simon is like "actually the sechach cannot be alive" and meliorn slowly dies because they have no power over dead nature. also simon forbids magic usage in general because this needs to be an authentic building experience for him, so meliorn is left as the most useless one since they only have experience building these things using magic and the help of the trees or whatever
also i bet they would love to go EXTREMELY hard on the lights and decorations. i know that hassidic and to my understanding general orthodox jewish communities don't decorate the sukkah but i don't hc simon as part of those communities so i think he would want to decorate the sukkah. like even if it isn't fully covered in decorations, he would want what few he has to be well done, you know what i mean? like he would want to make the holiday posters himself (i dont know if it would be appropriate for clary to help make these but if it would, she totally would and i like the idea of simon giving her a very specific prompt to make the posters and clary doing it for him, you know? and maybe them all helping paint it with colorful themes), making decorations, and okay, at the very least fairy lightning? please? come on. it's another whole ass dramatic experience to get electricity in there so that's fun for sure, but i think meliorn and maia in particular would be all over the idea of making a pretty lightning system, and simon is definitely not gonna complain because he loves pretty things and the idea sounds rad. raphael smiles fondly through it all and basically saves the day by being the only one with organizational skills who is actually able to help them make a working plan for the sukkah
(catch these idiots making a blueprint. TRY and tell me they wouldn't)
(every year they make a new blueprint and the sukkah has different designs and proportions - always following the requirements like having four at least 32 inches tall walls, of course - and they start completely anew. the sechach must always be new but not the general structure, but they redo the structure anyway because again, it's fun)
and then of course they have meals together in the sukkah for the duration of sukkot and just idk i really dig the idea of the lot of them holding trays of food wearing oven mitts as they get inside and turn on the lights and it feels really nice and sweet you know? and then of course promptly turns kind of messy because it's their way but that's what they want. also, at least once a year they manage to sneak becca in for a meal with simon in the sukkah and they are just both so happy and aaaaa :')
and that's how "kidnapping" becca so she can see simon and his sukkah becomes another tradition lmao. they do it in the most dramatic full of flair way they possibly can while still not being found out and then promptly tell simon all about it in the most dramatic and exaggerated retelling during the meal, which always makes both simon and becca laugh (reality: becca just told her parents she would be off for a few hours to do some school thing or something and then they picked her up and she got a superspeed piggyback ride so she and simon wouldn't miss a minute. their story: "it all began with a carefully planted lie,")
there's also pesach which many (reform) jewish friends of mine have told me they like to do with goyim because the whole point of that holiday is to welcome strangers and share jewish history, so i think simon would like to do that as well. so yeah i think simon would enjoy having them with him during the Pesach Seder - again i think simon would want to be with his other jewish friends but it would be fun because they all could bring their pet goyim that they know would be respectful and nice to have around, run the Seder, and celebrate with them. also for their first one i think simon would have gotten excited about explaining the order/15 steps to them, so like cue lots of fond looks as simon tells them everything about it, how this is the first time he'll be able to have the feast, the four cups of wine, and how he's excited even to have the bitter herbs again. and then over the years they all become pretty much used to the 15 steps, they come naturally, they know what to expect, they already know the story of the Exodus after retelling it every year, and it's nice both when it's new and he gets to share and when it starts to be something in their element because it became their tradition and they want to be there with simon for the holidays, you know what i mean?
then there's purim!!!!!!!! god they would sure have so much fun on purim it gets me really excited to think about. purim might be the one that they get to participate the most in from what i've seen, and i have lots of thoughts about it, like:
first of all, making hamantaschen!! they each make a batch with a different stuffing and it's lowkey a competition and lowkey a surprise and as always with cooking together it is very fun and homey. and also kind of silly as they usually are, but purim is a holiday that is kind of supposed to be silly and for ppl to let go so it matches that mood, you know what i mean? like they're all covered in flour and "stop trying to LOOK at what i'm making!" and blind testing and stuff
then, food gifts! so from what i've seen it is preferable that the food gifts jewish ppl send each other on purim are sent by a third party, which is usually a kid, but they don't know many kids and i really like the idea of the polycule serving as simon's messengers for the day lmao. going everywhere round the shadow world and beyond ("hey mel since you can portal i have this friend in argentina-") and then bringing him the other gifts people send simon in return :)
dressing up in costumes! there is absolutely no way simon doesn't dress up for purim and the whole polycule is absolutely dragged into it, including an absolutely reluctant raphael. it quickly becomes a tradition tho that they change costumes every year and try to make them funnier and more outrageous (as you do) as time goes by. trust the polycule to turn pretty much everything into a competition. and simon always laughs with so much glee and joy when he gets to see what everyone dresses up as so really, how could they say no?
(maia "wins", like, every year. she is totally huge on costumes and her and simon are very attuned in that sense, so, you know. catch her dressing up as memes and just generally making the most creative costumes. she may or may not think them months and months ahead of time)
maybe they hold purim meals with particularly themed costumes every once in a while when they want to spice it up, but i think generally it's more of a freestyle thing
simon also loves reading the purim torah tbh, it's just fun. and then of course there's the megillah and booing when haman's name is mentioned. they are all banned from using graggers because half of them have superstrength and the other half doesn't technically have superstrength but is still super strong and they destroyed the poor thing on accident after the first ten seconds when they tried
food yay! and the very long meal. they usually get pretty drunk, tbh, at least the ones that can. and just generally i think it's one of their favorite celebrations to do together and more often than not ends in them all curled up together in the couch so u know, that's sweet uwu
and then of course rosh hashanah, which is the holiest joyous day in jewish tradition, so of course it's a huge deal for them all. and i just think they would all be super excited about making the evening (especially the meal ofc) the most incredible for simon it could possibly be. again i think simon would want to spend it with his downworlder jewish friends and community, and they probably have their own synagogue they go to together and everything, so obviously they are all involved in making preparations for rosh hashanah, but i like to think the polcyule and simon's friends' pet goyim would help with what they can as well (provided it's not something that should be done by a jewish person like baking the challah; but if not with cooking, they would at least want to help with stuff like decorations and the like. honestly i imagine all of simon's partners sitting together very seriously with a paper in front of them writing down all the stuff they can do to help with rosh hashanah preparations and everything. especially once they learn that like being happy/joyous is a mitzvah so they're just like "we want to make u as happy as possible then :)" and it's sweet and simon may or may not tear up a little)
and then we have other holidays that aren't associated with religion like halloween, which was kind of implied to be the official downworld holiday, so i'm pretty sure they go big on that too. not dressing up because again, one day where they can all afford to be themselves, but definitely meeting up at the hunter's moon, getting spectacularly drunk, roasting the mundane's costumes, and then once they get back to whichever of them's homes, watching some shitty movies and throwing stuff at the screen together
i'm on the fence about día de muertos. i know it's not exactly a sad holiday but i feel like it is for raphael because it kind of represents everything he's lost - his culture and his family, and he can't even go to the parade during the day, you know, although i'm not sure that would have been his thing, but i do think he would have loved to watch the arrival of the monarchs when he was a kid but he'd have to be in méxico for that. and particularly after he lost rosa i just feel like it would have been so emotionally charged for him, you know? he would definitely make her an altar every year and it would be just... big and well thought-out and something really emotional and important for him, welcoming his little sister back the best he can. and i feel like that's something he'd want to do alone because my boy loves to punish himself
but there are little things i think they would have wanted to do with him, and that they might push a little to be able to, like being with him while he eats by the altar and hearing him tell stories about rosita. and i think they would help him "undo" (?) the altar once día de muertos is over, which is always extra emotional for him and aaa. and then the next day they kind of just get to be with him and cuddle a little bit as he recovers emotionally, you know?
also it has just occured to me that raphael is christian shit fuck fart bitch cock. so okay i guess that puts xmas and easter somewhat on the map? again mostly for food. us latinos celebrate xmas on the eve, not on xmas day, and raphael is totally the insufferable xmas meal obsessed bitch who's on the kitchen all day and refuses to let anyone help (he can't pull that particular stunt for the meals they have for simon's holidays obviously but he can on xmas soo). but it's worth it because it is always a great one. and he also gives a lot of thought into getting everyone presents so that is sweet and it earns him lots of kisses on the cheek and stuff. and that's pretty much it for latino xmas, we don't really do stuff i'm still not convinced gringos haven't made up like the socks and the eggnog and xmas music (????) so it's more lowkey. and i think raphael would keep the more religious aspects of it to the stuff he does at church (again, there are downworlder religious communities idk what to tell u) and for the nursery home. which is not to say that like... oh wow xmas is totally not a xtian holiday! or whatever, just that the version the polycule does is more lowkey on the religious aspects and the things they do together on that day are more about being together with raphael on a day that matters to him, you know, especially since again, he is the only xtian and that's gonna be a sensitive thing for simon especially
and i think for easter it is mostly something they do to shower maia in sweets lmao. again she misses chocolate and i'm sure they spend a lot of their time trying to figure out how to get around that, either be by like trying to make special chocolate that doesn't make her sick or sweets that really really resemble chocolate or that are so good she doesn't even mind that she can't eat chocolate anymore. so that's their tradition for easter (and raphael goes to church ofc)
oh yeah and i forgot valentine's day! i have this funny little idea just for the shits where they have this little thing where they setup one-on-one dates for all the parts that are actually together and each of them lasts, like, 10 minutes (poor maia who dates everyone is just running around town) and it's more about the fun of running around from one day to the other like this is a bad romcom where some bastard is trying to juggle having two (monog) girlfriends at once. but then they actually get all together at the end of the day and trade presents and funny cards both among their dates and metamours ("roses are red, violets are blue, you're my girlfriend's girlfriend, and i love you platonically"). usually ending up with them drunk and debating how exactly they got to this overly complicated arrangement and trying to figure out the best way to explain this to an outsider and trying to make, like, fluxograms that explain all of their different relationships visually and they all look so messy it just leaves them more confused lmao. so yeah it's fun
and i think that's all i've got? i say, as if this answer isn't longer than anyone will have the time to read and took me over 4 months to write. but anyway
a special thanks to "a group where non-jews can ask questions about judaism and jews can answer" on facebook and all my jewish friends for helping me write about the jewish holidays and customs. i also used the following sources: Rosh Hashanah (link), how to build the sukkah (link), more on the sukkah (link), how to celebrate purim (link), more on purim (link), how to celebrate passover (link), what is a passover seder like (link), laws of yom tov (link), yom kippur (link), what to eat before and after yom kippur (link), a classic yom kippur breakfast menu (link), menus for the pre yom kippur meal (link). if there's anything inaccurate or disrespectful, however, please let me know, and feel free to add more ideas as well if you're jewish :)
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