#And a LOT of complaining
thepixelatedcactus · 7 months
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flying the original character artist flag with pride
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wawataka · 2 years
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they fucking did it again they baby-fied mob bones give me the middle schooler id be terrified to run into at the store back
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sleepwalkersqueen · 10 months
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mroddmod · 2 months
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little scrapped comic bc it felt a bit ooc to me in hindsight
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morganbritton132 · 4 months
Eddie is doing a zoom interview from the comfort of his bed because reward for being eaten by demobats is a chronic pain. He trails off mid-answer when his eyes flicker to something beyond the camera and then he says, “I’m filming right now.”
You can hear Steve off-camera ask, “Filming me?”
“Then I don’t care.”
Eddie looks back at the camera and says, “Can you repeat the question? My husband walked into the room stark ass naked and it distracted me.”
“I’m getting dressed!”
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threi · 5 months
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vaxxman · 4 months
whats so fun about the vaccinator (vacc slander)?
You come to my blog and disrespect me like that.
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Have some vaccinator propaganda.
Some textless panels that I enjoyed drawing and rambling about the vaccinator medigun under the cut.
Surprise, it's only medic.
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I am not saying the vaccinator is not absolutely broken, I 100% feel dirty using it against a badly coordinated team, hence I wouldn't mind if it received a nerf in the future.
A lot of people analyse the vaccinator as only useful against a badly coordinated enemy team, but I think it's much better as a weapon for when your own team sucks ass has bad synergy, since any form of uber is pretty much wasted on everyone (if you can even build enough charge). To compensate for everyone's mistakes, just make sure they stay alive long enough to capture points and push the cart. Everyone will automatically stay with you, and soon you'll have a nice meat shield of 4 people swarming around you. You know it's working, when there's suddenly 3 demoknights and a spy after you.
I love micromanaging my resistance bubbles, and I love micromanaging my team without them noticing that I'm doing it. Pressing the R-button to rotate through resistances feels like such a much more engaging contribution to the battles your patients are fighting.
Vaccinator is busted, but absolutely not boring.
And to close this rambling, here's my fav video about the vaccinator:
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seryotonin · 17 days
MIGHT finish this idk!!
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Bonus stupid doodle bc I liked their fuzzy designs.
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genderkoolaid · 7 months
i dont know the most about statistics and shit but like. surely we can figure out a way of collecting demographic data that doesn't force multiracial, multigender, and multi-sexuality people to either choose between their identities or be placed into an "other" category that removes them from all identities at once. like surely there's something we can do here.
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podcastenthusiast · 7 months
Controversial? opinion but I actually really like Astarion's chaste little kiss, because it isn't a performance. It isn't at all the way he would've kissed you in Act 1. And yeah it doesn't have lingering touches like Karlach's kiss animation or extreme passion like Halsin's, but it feels true for him. It feels real.
It's quick and sweet, maybe a little uncomfortable or uncertain. He approaches Tav and takes the lead, which I love, but he's still figuring this all out. It's so new. He's in the process of defining his boundaries, what he wants and needs physically+emotionally in a relationship. The kiss is intimate but there's space too, and that's okay.
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taylortruther · 3 months
unrelated to anything going on right now but i'm glad i like taylor's music so much because it's just... nice to know that i'll enjoy whatever she puts out? i can't think of any other interest in my life that i consistently enjoy this much. idk. it's just comforting to know that on april 19 i'll be listening and loving it.
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havanillas · 2 months
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it's crazy how much love the merman au has received in the past week, i wanted to take a moment to thank you guys
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rynliadon · 10 months
the scene in the rwrb movie where alex is on the phone with henry which manifests itself AS henry in the flesh on his bed, but his voice switches from sounding like it’s coming from a human in the room to sounding like a phone speaker as he says “i’m hanging up now” … immersing you in the conversation as alex is immersed in the conversation and the reminder pulls you out of that by changing his voice …. exemplifying the distance between them and how henry feels like he could be both right next to alex and an ocean away ….. that was so fucking cool.
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lgbtlunaverse · 1 month
Most annoying NMJ or JC take is when someone that dislikes them is like "oh you're a fan of him? *scoff* Well obviously you've only seen cql, where he was super watered down. In the novel he's a dislikable asshole and that's the objectively superior canon I'm working from instead of your woobified fanfic." Meanwhile your main canon is novel canon and you genuinely find novel Jiang Cheng and Nie Mingjue complex sympathetic characters.
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omaano · 2 months
K2 for echorexfives? 👀
Rex would like a refund on his ARCs. Or a nap. Either is fine.
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Just imagine for the second one that Rex is on an official holo call or something XD
Help me get back into sketching through some of these polyam/platonic pose prompts :3 (I'm still slowly doing these, they help powering through this little artistic crisis I'm suffering rn)
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
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and it's the chaggie ladyhawke AU with the steel chair!!!!!
A knight by day and beast by knight, a hawk who's lady only in moonlight: two lovers cursed to be always parted even when when they're never apart-
-and the quest to undo this curse before it, and their separation, becomes permanent >:)
Extra twists I'd add to the original film canon:
Ironic Curses - Charlie, who never wanted to hurt anyone and used her noble title to speak up for the downtrodden, turns into a monstrous wolf creature filled with bloodlust that goes on the rampage every night (except for the hour directly after sunset and before sunrise, when she is tame around Vaggie) - Vaggie, ex-guard who was more loyal to Charlie than to the corrupt officials who paid her enforce their cruel laws, each day turns into a wild hawk desperate to escape (except for the hour right after sunrise and before sunset, when she is fiercely protective of Charlie and refuses to fly out of sight from her)
Extra Suffering - Hawk!Vaggie won't take food from people, or leave long enough to hunt when she's more herself at dawn and dusk, so Charlie has to repeatedly risk losing her forever by taking off her hood and setting her loose- then desperately chasing after her- trying keep track of her long enough for the sun to start setting again ---- Sometimes Charlie can't find her before nightfall and Vaggie wakes up alone in the woods to the sound of a distant inhuman howl of despair (not fun, but, it makes it easier to get back to Beast! Charlie) - Beast!Charlie spends most of the night trying to kill everyone and everything around her- so if she wasn't able to lock herself away before sundown, Vaggie has to grab her spear and do her best to keep Charlie from doing murder- by fighting her, leading her on long chases until sunrise, or trapping her ---- Sometimes Charlie wakes up at dawn to find Hawk!Vaggie crumpled next to her in a nest of bloody rag bandages, and the first thing she does before anything else is try her best to at least rebandage the wounds she gave her
They Go Around Rescuing People (against the law) - Vaggie mainly does this by not letting Beast!Charlie eat people as midnight snacks - During the day, a guilt wracked Charlie goes out of her way to free imprisoned people, save them from punishments, and fight Vaggie's former fellow guards every chance she gets ---- she gets this chance A Lot, since the reason they have to keep traveling is there's a warrant out for her head and the dead body of her hawk
The Other Roles Go To - Evil Bishop Guy: split between Adam and Lute, with Adam pissed that one of HIS guards got with the daughter of the woman who turned him down, and Lute wanting Vaggie to suffer and die for leaving the exorcist guards - Nice Monk: Emily is the one who accidently let slip about chaggie to Sera, who told Adam, who did the curse thing on them. After that all happened, Emily left her comfy position and locked herself up with all the old texts she could find, searching for a cure to the curse. She finds one, yay! - Loveable Rouge Who Helps: All the hotel crew. Charlie rescues / helps them each in turn, and they tag along with her for protection (meaning Vaggie then has to protect THEM from HER)
after the gang is assemble, the film plot plays out as expected
blah blah blah, holy shit the bird just got hit by an arrow, what the fuck the knight lady is REALLY freaking out about that, oh no it's almost sunset- uhhh lady knight says leave her here take her horse and the hawk and ride to the nearby abandoned tower where someone named Emily should be, because Emily can help the hawk.
AHHH the bird turned into a woman!!! A woman with the same injury as the hawk?
AAAAH that monster thing from before is outside howling and screaming, kill it-! Nope, never mind, the injured lady says she'll stab us if we hurt the big scary monster thing, and Emily says to leave it alone it'll be gone by sunrise.
blah blah blah, during the next eclipse, if chaggie can make Adam and Lute look at them standing together as themselves during the few moments they'll both be human at the same time, the curse will be broken! If this fails, they both stay in their cursed forms forever! Great!
.... how are we getting inside the castle for that? Oh right. Chaggie has been adopted by a rag tag band of criminals. This should be fun.
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