#Black white and blood
m0on-boys · 23 days
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lil hearts spidey my beloved <33
dickhead moony my beloved <3333
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keira-draws · 10 months
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i just think he's neat
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moondoposting · 2 years
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erica schultz and david lopez giving me EVERYTHING I WANT
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comixnmoviefan17 · 5 months
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What’s your opinion on the Black, White and Blood stories for Moon Knight?
You ask a difficult question and that is okay. I'm here for it.
So I'm not going to do reviews on anything that came out this year for at least another year. At least not reviews where I break them down and post pictures and things. I may give some commentary or rant a little. I want to avoid anything current for several reasons, but the main reasons are:
Spoilers - Maybe someone has had a heck of a year and I want to give them plenty of time to discover the new thing, find time to enjoy the new thing, and then most importantly: Form their own opinions. It's very important that people have their own thoughts and opinions before they seek out what someone else thinks. It helps to open up discussion and also to open up the possibility of new opinions and well thought out arguments. At least this is my opinion on the matter.
The authors are listening. When it's brand new, the author is likely lurking somewhere looking for discourse or reviews or opinions. And CERTAIN authors have proven to be lurking around Tumblr and causing problems for negative reviews (one of them is an author in this series! I won't name names.)
I don't want to risk posting pictures on something new enough to still possibly have legal percussion. Marvel is owned by the mouse. #1 rule of the internet is don't mess with the mouse. I'm also not going to post any reviews on runs that are still going on, like for MacKay. I don't judge till their run is finished. I love what I've seen so far, but there's a chance he could take a huge shit at the finish line. (Please no. I hope he continues to do well and keeps going for a long time).
SO. Back to your question!
Issue 1:
Anubis Rex - Not a fan. Just wasn't my type of story. Nothing specific about it.
So White. Yet, so Dark - I love when Spider-man gets to be around the other lesser known heroes and I love it more when he's just chatty. This one was fun and I enjoyed it.
The End - This one was interesting. I appreciate a story told backwards once I get what's going on. He'll be fine. He's walked off worse.
Issue 2:
The Empty Tomb - Nope.
A hard day's knight - I wanted to like this one. The art was adorable. It had a good premis. But it fell flat for me. It felt like a jab at something that didn't need a jab. They could have done better.
Blood red glider - I'm a sucker for a well done story about Marc's past. This one was not bad. Didn't know what to think the first time. Gave it time. Now I'm alright with it. It has a certain feel to it that I appreciate.
Issue 3: Wrong turn - Jake Jake Jake Jake! This I love.
No Empty Sky- Not a fan.
Astronuts - Nothing personal. Just not my type of story. I'm sure it was fine.
Issue 4:
Good Morning - Alright. Very Marc.
The Scent of Blood - Why were there so many cult ones in this? I blame Bemis.
Born to be - Moon Knight vs. animal is a long time classic. Especially cats. ….also more cult things.
Over all! Why were there so many cult problems and blood sacrifices and just over all weirdness? I think two or three of them I genuinely enjoyed. The rest were either Meh or just upsetting to me. It was an interesting thing to see Moon Knight get treated a little extra special with many writers getting to try their hand at writing for this special little guy... Perhaps even a sort of Marvel Try out to see if any of them had the chops to actually do a full special or run later on.
But I also feel like some of them didn't know who Moon Knight was and just sort of threw in their own story that could have easily fit in with ANY character and didn't have to necessarily be Moon Knight. In that case, they are missing the point of writing for Moon Knight. Others I felt actually tried and missed the mark by just a tiny bit. And others got it. So not bad for a series of shorts.
What did you guys think of it? Which ones did you like and which ones did you hate?
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Hey guys! I’m working on a Batman fancomic in my “messy noir” style, and I’m about halfway through it! Go me! 
Here’s the cover and a few sample panels from what I’ve done that gives nothing away! 
Y’all ready for some Riddler art? 
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zarthhearth · 11 months
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I have never related to a panel as much as this one.
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jonostarsmore · 2 years
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every time jake is drawn without a mustache i lose 10 years of my life
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thescribblekid · 2 years
tbh it's kinda neat the way the second story assigned the outfits, like yea Marc and Jake use the Mr Knight fit bc they're the guys on the ground who do the investigative work and get into scraps. Steven has the Shalvey suit and the drone bc he's the one who funded all the fancy gadgets. And then there's wildcard Khonshu who only comes out when there's supernatural threats so he gets the bone armour
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juhbebbie · 2 years
wow new moon knight black white and blood! I sure can't wait to read- oh my god that lady just birthed a cat
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stxleslyds · 2 years
I really enjoyed Moon Knight: Black, White and Blood #2!
They were all very angsty stories but the all felt very Marc Spector-y. The first one was incredibly sad, in a way I can see those fears expressed by that Marc in current Marc/Mr. Knight... If it weren't for the Midnight Mission and Greer, after the events of "Age of Khonshu" I don't think Marc would have been able to cope.
It just shows a possibility, a consequence of Khonshu's manipulation and that is scary and I think that's why it works. I don't imagine Benjamin Percy thought anyone would see the ending of his story as a good thing, but as the cruel reality of what could happen, the realization of one of Marc's biggest fears, of being nothing without Khonshu and Moon Knight.
Very sad, but a good story nonetheless.
The second one started out and got me feeling like we would have some MK system shenanigans, and we did, but at the very end, Marc Spector made sure to make clear the real tone of the story.
His injuries came from a battle, yes, but it was also a battle with himself and with the thoughts he cannot shake off. His pain over the loss (in all senses of the word) of his closest friends is something that has been big on Marc's mind for a very long time so it felt very cohesive with the character that Marc is (or I understand to be).
The third and last one was a look into events of the past, events in which Marc was not a "good guy" a past which current Marc deeply regrets and rejects. In this case at least Marlene was by his side but that still didn't help him see himself or his past as something that he could move forward from. Once again, it felt very Marc Spector in the saddest kind of ways.
So, all in all, three very good stories! I just hope we get some other more light-hearted stories although that's probably not going to happen because the name of this book is Black, White and Blood.
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geekcavepodcast · 5 months
Marvel Comics Announces "Star Wars: Darth Maul - Black, White & Red"
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The latest character to get a "Black, White & Blood" series is Darth Maul! The four-part Star Wars: Darth Maul - Black, White & Red will be different from previous "Black, White & Blood" installments in that each issue is its own standalone story and each issue will feature a new creative team. The first issue hails from writer Benjamin Percy and artist Stefano Raffaele.
Star Wars: Darth Maul - Black, White & Red #1 (of 4), featuring a cover by Alex Maleev, goes on sale on April 25, 2024.
(Image via Marvel Comics - Alex Maleev's Cover of Star Wars: Darth Maul - Black, White & Red #1)
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moondoposting · 2 years
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brutalgamer · 8 months
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Marvel's Alien universe gets even darker with Alien: Black, White & Blood
Strap in, because Marvel looks to be dealing “four issues of unbridled violence” with 2024’s Alien: Black, White & Blood.
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zegalba · 10 months
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An X-ray image of the blood vessels of the hand made using mercury injection (1896)
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A quick messy noir pic of everyone’s favourite vamp-boi from Netflix!
Pose referenced from Las-T on deviantArt! 
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